path: root/src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala
diff options
authorAlessandro Ghedini <>2012-01-21 19:14:06 +0100
committerAlessandro Ghedini <>2012-01-21 19:19:46 +0100
commitc05883f47c498be4e11893e5178c5bc37ffd9f4a (patch)
treedbd3cd7ad3d7771405ad63af2f1e9d14d4ae5a35 /src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala
parent31539042f11bc210a29e923f45586779c3ad46b2 (diff)
parent60560a030fda3c539ff9dc1563b9926414a193da (diff)
Merge commit 'upstream/0.4.0'
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala b/src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e38376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011 by Simon Schneegans
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program. If not, see <>.
+namespace GnomePie {
+/// A window which allows selection of a new Slice which is about to be
+/// added to a Pie. It can be also used to edit an existing Slice
+public class NewSliceWindow : GLib.Object {
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// This signal gets emitted when the user confirms his selection.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public signal void on_select(ActionGroup action, bool as_new_slice, int at_position);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// The contained list of slice types. It contains both: Groups and
+ /// single actions.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private SliceTypeList slice_type_list = null;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// The IconSelectWindow used for icon selection for a Slice.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private IconSelectWindow? icon_window = null;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Some widgets of this window. Loaded by a ui-builder and stored
+ /// for later access.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private Gtk.Dialog window = null;
+ private Gtk.HBox name_box = null;
+ private Gtk.HBox command_box = null;
+ private Gtk.Button icon_button = null;
+ private Gtk.VBox no_options_box = null;
+ private Gtk.HBox pie_box = null;
+ private Gtk.HBox hotkey_box = null;
+ private Gtk.HBox uri_box = null;
+ private Gtk.HBox quickaction_box = null;
+ private Gtk.Image icon = null;
+ private Gtk.Entry name_entry = null;
+ private Gtk.Entry command_entry = null;
+ private Gtk.Entry uri_entry = null;
+ private Gtk.CheckButton quickaction_checkbutton = null;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Two custom widgets. For Pie and hotkey selection respectively.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private PieComboList pie_select = null;
+ private TriggerSelectButton key_select = null;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// These members store information on the currently selected Slice.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private string current_type = "";
+ private string current_icon = "";
+ private string current_id = "";
+ private string current_custom_icon = "";
+ private string current_hotkey = "";
+ private string current_pie_to_open = "";
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// The position of the edited Slice in its parent Pie.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private int slice_position = 0;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// True, if the Slice i going to be added as a new Slice. Else it
+ /// will edit the Slice at slice_position in its parent Pie.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private bool add_as_new_slice = true;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// C'tor creates a new window.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public NewSliceWindow() {
+ try {
+ Gtk.Builder builder = new Gtk.Builder();
+ builder.add_from_file (Paths.ui_files + "/slice_select.ui");
+ this.slice_type_list = new SliceTypeList();
+ this.slice_type_list.on_select.connect((type, icon) => {
+ this.name_box.hide();
+ this.command_box.hide();
+ this.icon_button.sensitive = false;
+ this.no_options_box.hide();
+ this.pie_box.hide();
+ this.hotkey_box.hide();
+ this.uri_box.hide();
+ this.quickaction_box.hide();
+ this.current_type = type;
+ switch (type) {
+ case "bookmarks": case "clipboard": case "devices":
+ case "menu": case "session": case "window_list":
+ this.set_icon(icon);
+ break;
+ case "app":
+ this.icon_button.sensitive = true;
+ if (this.current_custom_icon == "") this.set_icon(icon);
+ else this.set_icon(this.current_custom_icon);
+ break;
+ case "key":
+ this.icon_button.sensitive = true;
+ if (this.current_custom_icon == "") this.set_icon(icon);
+ else this.set_icon(this.current_custom_icon);
+ break;
+ case "pie":
+ this.set_icon(PieManager.all_pies[this.pie_select.current_id].icon);
+ break;
+ case "uri":
+ this.icon_button.sensitive = true;
+ if (this.current_custom_icon == "") this.set_icon(icon);
+ else this.set_icon(this.current_custom_icon);
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ this.name_box = builder.get_object("name-box") as Gtk.HBox;
+ this.command_box = builder.get_object("command-box") as Gtk.HBox;
+ this.icon_button = builder.get_object("icon-button") as Gtk.Button;
+ this.no_options_box = builder.get_object("no-options-box") as Gtk.VBox;
+ this.pie_box = builder.get_object("pie-box") as Gtk.HBox;
+ this.pie_select = new PieComboList();
+ this.pie_select.on_select.connect((id) => {
+ this.current_pie_to_open = id;
+ this.set_icon(PieManager.all_pies[id].icon);
+ });
+ this.pie_box.pack_start(this.pie_select, true, true);
+ this.hotkey_box = builder.get_object("hotkey-box") as Gtk.HBox;
+ this.key_select = new TriggerSelectButton(false);
+ this.hotkey_box.pack_start(this.key_select, false, true);
+ this.key_select.on_select.connect((trigger) => {
+ this.current_hotkey =;
+ });
+ this.uri_box = builder.get_object("uri-box") as Gtk.HBox;
+ this.name_entry = builder.get_object("name-entry") as Gtk.Entry;
+ this.uri_entry = builder.get_object("uri-entry") as Gtk.Entry;
+ this.command_entry = builder.get_object("command-entry") as Gtk.Entry;
+ this.quickaction_checkbutton = builder.get_object("quick-action-checkbutton") as Gtk.CheckButton;
+ this.quickaction_box = builder.get_object("quickaction-box") as Gtk.HBox;
+ this.icon = builder.get_object("icon") as Gtk.Image;
+ this.icon_button.clicked.connect(on_icon_button_clicked);
+ var scroll_area = builder.get_object("slice-scrolledwindow") as Gtk.ScrolledWindow;
+ scroll_area.add(this.slice_type_list);
+ this.window = builder.get_object("window") as Gtk.Dialog;
+ (builder.get_object("ok-button") as Gtk.Button).clicked.connect(on_ok_button_clicked);
+ (builder.get_object("cancel-button") as Gtk.Button).clicked.connect(on_cancel_button_clicked);
+ this.window.delete_event.connect(this.window.hide_on_delete);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ error("Could not load UI: %s\n", e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Sets the parent window, in order to make this window stay in
+ /// front.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public void set_parent(Gtk.Window parent) {
+ this.window.set_transient_for(parent);
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Sows the window on the screen.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public void show() {
+ this.slice_type_list.select_first();
+ this.pie_select.select_first();
+ this.key_select.set_trigger(new Trigger());
+ this.window.show_all();
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Reloads the window.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public void reload() {
+ this.pie_select.reload();
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Makes all widgets display stuff according to the given action.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public void set_action(ActionGroup group, int position) {
+ this.set_default(group.parent_id, position);
+ this.add_as_new_slice = false;
+ string type = "";
+ if (group.get_type().depth() == 2) {
+ var action = group.actions[0];
+ type = ActionRegistry.descriptions[action.get_type().name()].id;
+ this.select_type(type);
+ this.set_icon(action.icon);
+ = action.is_quickaction;
+ this.name_entry.text =;
+ switch (type) {
+ case "app":
+ this.current_custom_icon = action.icon;
+ this.command_entry.text = action.real_command;
+ break;
+ case "key":
+ this.current_custom_icon = action.icon;
+ this.key_select.set_trigger(new Trigger.from_string(action.real_command));
+ break;
+ case "pie":
+ break;
+ case "uri":
+ this.current_custom_icon = action.icon;
+ this.uri_entry.text = action.real_command;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ type = GroupRegistry.descriptions[group.get_type().name()].id;
+ this.select_type(type);
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Selects a default action.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public void set_default(string pie_id, int position) {
+ this.slice_position = position;
+ this.add_as_new_slice = true;
+ this.current_custom_icon = "";
+ this.select_type("app");
+ this.current_id = pie_id;
+ this.key_select.set_trigger(new Trigger());
+ this.pie_select.select_first();
+ this.name_entry.text = _("Rename me!");
+ this.command_entry.text = "";
+ this.uri_entry.text = "";
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Selects a specific action type.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private void select_type(string type) {
+ this.current_type = type;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Called, when the user presses the ok button.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private void on_ok_button_clicked() {
+ this.window.hide();
+ ActionGroup group = null;
+ switch (this.current_type) {
+ case "bookmarks": group = new BookmarkGroup(this.current_id); break;
+ case "clipboard": group = new ClipboardGroup(this.current_id); break;
+ case "devices": group = new DevicesGroup(this.current_id); break;
+ case "menu": group = new MenuGroup(this.current_id); break;
+ case "session": group = new SessionGroup(this.current_id); break;
+ case "window_list": group = new WindowListGroup(this.current_id); break;
+ case "app":
+ group = new ActionGroup(this.current_id);
+ group.add_action(new AppAction(this.name_entry.text, this.current_icon,
+ this.command_entry.text,
+ break;
+ case "key":
+ group = new ActionGroup(this.current_id);
+ group.add_action(new KeyAction(this.name_entry.text, this.current_icon,
+ this.current_hotkey,
+ break;
+ case "pie":
+ group = new ActionGroup(this.current_id);
+ group.add_action(new PieAction(this.current_pie_to_open,
+ break;
+ case "uri":
+ group = new ActionGroup(this.current_id);
+ group.add_action(new UriAction(this.name_entry.text, this.current_icon,
+ this.uri_entry.text,
+ break;
+ }
+ this.on_select(group, this.add_as_new_slice, this.slice_position);
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Called when the user presses the cancel button.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private void on_cancel_button_clicked() {
+ this.window.hide();
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Called when the user presses the icon select button.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private void on_icon_button_clicked(Gtk.Button button) {
+ if (icon_window == null) {
+ icon_window = new IconSelectWindow(this.window);
+ icon_window.on_ok.connect((icon) => {
+ this.current_custom_icon = icon;
+ this.set_icon(icon);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Helper method which sets the icon of the icon select button.
+ /// It assures that both can be displayed: A customly chosen image
+ /// from or an icon from the current theme.
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private void set_icon(string icon) {
+ if (icon.contains("/"))
+ try {
+ this.icon.pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_scale(icon, this.icon.get_pixel_size(),
+ this.icon.get_pixel_size(), true);
+ } catch (GLib.Error error) {
+ warning(error.message);
+ }
+ else
+ this.icon.icon_name = icon;
+ this.current_icon = icon;
+ }