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It allows the +user to bind groups of frequently used applications to a ring that appears +when a hot key / mouse binding is triggered. +.SH OPTIONS +.SS "Help Options:" +.TP +\fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR +Show help options +.TP +\fB\-\-help\-all\fR +Show all help options +.TP +\fB\-\-help\-gtk\fR +Show GTK+ Options +.SS "Application Options:" +.TP +\fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-open\fR=\fIID\fR +Open the Pie with the given ID +.TP +\fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-reset\fR +Reset all options to default values +.TP +\fB\-\-display\fR=\fIDISPLAY\fR +X display to use +.SH AUTHOR +gnome-pie was written by Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de>. +.PP +This manual page was written by Alessandro Ghedini <al3xbio@gmail.com>, +for the Debian project (and may be used by others). diff --git a/resources/gnome-pie.desktop b/resources/gnome-pie.desktop new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e6ea73d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/gnome-pie.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Type=Application +Name=Gnome-Pie +Comment=Cakes don't lie. +Exec=gnome-pie +Icon=gnome-pie +Categories=GNOME;Utility; +Keywords=Utility;Menu; diff --git a/resources/gnome-pie.svg b/resources/gnome-pie.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99573c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/gnome-pie.svg @@ -0,0 +1,2324 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> +<!-- Created with Inkscape (http://www.inkscape.org/) --> + +<svg + xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" + xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" + xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" + xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" + xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" + xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" + xmlns:sodipodi="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd" + xmlns:inkscape="http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape" + version="1.0" + width="64" + height="64" + id="svg2408" + inkscape:version="0.48.4 r9939" + sodipodi:docname="gnome-pie.svg"> + <sodipodi:namedview + pagecolor="#ffffff" + bordercolor="#666666" + 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5.5028447,11.959141 C 6.3223926,12.42765 6.6069654,13.471827 6.1384561,14.291375 5.6699468,15.110923 4.6257703,15.395496 3.8062225,14.926986 2.9866747,14.458477 2.7021019,13.4143 3.1706112,12.594752 3.6391205,11.775205 4.683297,11.490632 5.5028447,11.959141 z" + inkscape:transform-center-y="3.5807564" + inkscape:transform-center-x="2.0673504" + style="fill:url(#radialGradient4356);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /> + <path + sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" + style="opacity:0.3;color:#000000;fill:none;stroke:#2b2200;stroke-width:0.34894246;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;marker:none;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible;enable-background:accumulate" + id="path3871" + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + d="m 4.6436742,11.693036 c -0.9747596,0 -1.7666192,0.791858 -1.7666192,1.766618 0,0.97476 0.7918596,1.766618 1.7666192,1.766618 0.9747595,0 1.7666197,-0.791858 1.7666192,-1.766618 0,-0.97476 -0.7918597,-1.766618 -1.7666192,-1.766618 z" /> + <path + sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" 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5.6699468,15.110923 4.6257703,15.395496 3.8062225,14.926986 2.9866747,14.458477 2.7021019,13.4143 3.1706112,12.594752 3.6391205,11.775205 4.683297,11.490632 5.5028447,11.959141 z" + id="path4298" + inkscape:export-filename="/home/simon/Desktop/gnome-pie-symbolic.png" + inkscape:export-xdpi="1637.5708" + inkscape:export-ydpi="1637.5708" + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> + <path + d="m 4.6436742,11.693036 c -0.9747596,0 -1.7666192,0.791858 -1.7666192,1.766618 0,0.97476 0.7918596,1.766618 1.7666192,1.766618 0.9747595,0 1.7666197,-0.791858 1.7666192,-1.766618 0,-0.97476 -0.7918597,-1.766618 -1.7666192,-1.766618 z" + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + id="path4300" + style="opacity:0.3;color:#000000;fill:none;stroke:#2b2200;stroke-width:0.30135387;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;marker:none;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible;enable-background:accumulate" + sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" /> + <path + d="m 6.0714204,13.448876 c 0,0.788594 -0.639283,1.427875 -1.4278751,1.427875 -0.788591,0 -1.4278833,-0.639281 -1.4278833,-1.427875 0,-0.788595 0.6392923,-1.427876 1.4278833,-1.427876 0.7885921,0 1.4278751,0.639281 1.4278751,1.427876 z" + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + id="path4302" + style="opacity:0.5;color:#000000;fill:none;stroke:url(#linearGradient4306);stroke-width:0.29724404;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;marker:none;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible;enable-background:accumulate" + sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" /> + </g> + <g + transform="matrix(5.4320012,0,0,5.4320012,-7.6106202,-56.058075)" + id="g4308"> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + inkscape:export-ydpi="1637.5708" + inkscape:export-xdpi="1637.5708" + inkscape:export-filename="/home/simon/Desktop/gnome-pie-symbolic.png" + id="path4310" + d="M 5.5028447,11.959141 C 6.3223926,12.42765 6.6069654,13.471827 6.1384561,14.291375 5.6699468,15.110923 4.6257703,15.395496 3.8062225,14.926986 2.9866747,14.458477 2.7021019,13.4143 3.1706112,12.594752 3.6391205,11.775205 4.683297,11.490632 5.5028447,11.959141 z" + inkscape:transform-center-y="-5.3725036" + inkscape:transform-center-x="2.8524709" + style="fill:url(#radialGradient4316);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /> + <path + sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" + style="opacity:0.3;color:#000000;fill:none;stroke:#2b2200;stroke-width:0.24232353;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;marker:none;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible;enable-background:accumulate" + id="path4312" + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + d="m 4.6436742,11.741854 c -0.9478233,0 -1.7178008,0.769976 -1.7178008,1.7178 0,0.947824 0.7699775,1.7178 1.7178008,1.7178 0.9478232,0 1.7178013,-0.769976 1.7178008,-1.7178 0,-0.947824 -0.7699776,-1.7178 -1.7178008,-1.7178 z" /> + <path + sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" + 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0,0.816362 -0.661794,1.478154 -1.4781546,1.478154 -0.8163594,0 -1.4781629,-0.661792 -1.4781629,-1.478154 0,-0.816364 0.6618035,-1.478156 1.4781629,-1.478156 0.8163606,0 1.4781546,0.661792 1.4781546,1.478156 z" + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + id="path4326" + style="opacity:0.5;color:#000000;fill:none;stroke:url(#linearGradient4330);stroke-width:0.18552889;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;marker:none;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible;enable-background:accumulate" + sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" /> + </g> + <g + transform="matrix(5.2373585,0,0,5.2373585,29.237147,-33.311275)" + id="g4332" + inkscape:transform-center-x="-25.532625"> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + inkscape:export-ydpi="1637.5708" + inkscape:export-xdpi="1637.5708" + inkscape:export-filename="/home/simon/Desktop/gnome-pie-symbolic.png" + id="path4334" + d="M 5.5028447,11.959141 C 6.3223926,12.42765 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6.3223926,12.42765 6.6069654,13.471827 6.1384561,14.291375 5.6699468,15.110923 4.6257703,15.395496 3.8062225,14.926986 2.9866747,14.458477 2.7021019,13.4143 3.1706112,12.594752 3.6391205,11.775205 4.683297,11.490632 5.5028447,11.959141 z" + id="path4346" + inkscape:export-filename="/home/simon/Desktop/gnome-pie-symbolic.png" + inkscape:export-xdpi="1637.5708" + inkscape:export-ydpi="1637.5708" + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> + <path + d="m 4.6436742,11.693036 c -0.9747596,0 -1.7666192,0.791858 -1.7666192,1.766618 0,0.97476 0.7918596,1.766618 1.7666192,1.766618 0.9747595,0 1.7666197,-0.791858 1.7666192,-1.766618 0,-0.97476 -0.7918597,-1.766618 -1.7666192,-1.766618 z" + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + id="path4348" + style="opacity:0.3;color:#000000;fill:none;stroke:#2b2200;stroke-width:0.30344108;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;marker:none;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible;enable-background:accumulate" + sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" /> + <path + d="m 6.0714204,13.448876 c 0,0.788594 -0.639283,1.427875 -1.4278751,1.427875 -0.788591,0 -1.4278833,-0.639281 -1.4278833,-1.427875 0,-0.788595 0.6392923,-1.427876 1.4278833,-1.427876 0.7885921,0 1.4278751,0.639281 1.4278751,1.427876 z" + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + id="path4350" + style="opacity:0.5;color:#000000;fill:none;stroke:url(#linearGradient4354);stroke-width:0.29930273;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;marker:none;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible;enable-background:accumulate" + sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" /> + </g> +</svg> diff --git a/resources/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/bg.po b/resources/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/bg.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8042343 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/bg.po @@ -0,0 +1,718 @@ +# English translations for PACKAGE package. +# Copyright (C) 2012 Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de> +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# <martindinov@yahoo.com>, 2012. +# Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>, 2015. #zanata +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnomepie 0.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 18:32+0100\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-02 08:05-0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Martin Dinov <martindinov@yahoo.com>\n" +"Language-Team: Bulgarian\n" +"Language: bg\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.2\n" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:53 +msgid "Activation Settings" +msgstr "Сетинги за активация" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:153 +msgid "Unamed Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:216 +msgid "ID:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:234 +msgid "It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!" +msgstr "Можете и копчетата на мишката да програмирате!" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:274 +msgid "Turbo mode" +msgstr "Турбо модус" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:280 ../ui/pie_options.ui:281 +msgid "If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key." +msgstr "" +"Ако избрано, паят ще се затвори когато изберете избраната от вас клавиятурна " +"комбиназия." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:293 +msgid "Long press for activation" +msgstr "Натиснете дълго за активиране" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:299 ../ui/pie_options.ui:300 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer." +msgstr "" +"Ако избрано, паят ще се отвори само ако задържите клавишната комбинация за " +"по дълго." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:312 +msgid "Open Pie centered on the screen" +msgstr "Отворете пай центриран на екранът" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:318 ../ui/pie_options.ui:319 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop " +"up at your pointer." +msgstr "" +"Ако избрано, паят ще се отвори в средата на екранът. Иначе ще се отвори при " +"пойнтерът на мишката." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:331 +msgid "Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:337 ../ui/pie_options.ui:338 +msgid "" +"If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This " +"allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's " +"boundary." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:356 +msgid "Activation options" +msgstr "Активазия опций" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:547 +msgid "Automatically select the best pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:551 +msgid "" +"If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse " +"travelling." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:571 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:8 +msgid "Slice Options" +msgstr "Опций за парчета" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:140 +msgid "There are no options for this Slice type." +msgstr "Няма опций за този тип парче." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:166 +msgid "Name of the Slice " +msgstr "Име на парчето " + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:204 +msgid "URI to open" +msgstr "URI да се отвори" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:242 +msgid "Command to execute" +msgstr "Команда за стартиране" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:280 +msgid "Hotkey to press" +msgstr "Клавишна комбинация за използване" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:309 +msgid "Pie to open" +msgstr "Пай за отваряне" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:338 +msgid "Is Quick Action" +msgstr "Е бързо действие" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:353 ../ui/slice_select.ui:354 +msgid "This Slice will be executed when you click in the middle of the Pie." +msgstr "Тази част ще се стартира като кликнете върху паят." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:386 +msgid "Slice options" +msgstr "Опций за парчето" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:9 +msgid "Select an icon" +msgstr "Изберете икона" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:103 +msgid "Icon Theme" +msgstr "Иконна тема" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:123 +msgid "Custom Icon" +msgstr "Собствена икона" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:7 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:78 +msgid "Gnome-Pie Settings" +msgstr "Гноум-Пай Сетинги" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:41 +msgid "Start Gnome-Pie on login" +msgstr "Пускане на Гноум-Пай на логин" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:47 ../ui/preferences.ui:48 +msgid "If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in." +msgstr "" +"Ако избрано, Гноум-Пай ще стартира тихо при всяко влизане в системата." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:60 +msgid "Display panel icon " +msgstr "Покажи панеловата икона " + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:66 ../ui/preferences.ui:67 +msgid "" +"If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second " +"time." +msgstr "" +"Ако не е избрано, можете да влезете в тожа меню като стартирате Гноум-Пай " +"втори път." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:79 +msgid "Select Slices by typing their names" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:85 ../ui/preferences.ui:86 +msgid "" +"If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise " +"you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT " +"when a Pie is openened)." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:98 +msgid "Display Slice labels" +msgstr "Покажи найменование на парчето" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:104 ../ui/preferences.ui:105 +msgid "" +"Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by " +"the theme." +msgstr "" +"Показва името на всяко парче до парчето. Само ако се подържа от темата." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:139 +msgid "Activation radius" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:179 +msgid "Global scale" +msgstr "Глобална скала" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:219 +msgid "Maximum slices per pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:302 +msgid "Import a theme from a file." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:323 +msgid "Delete the selected theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:344 +msgid "Export the selected theme for sharing." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:392 +msgid "Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:442 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:109 +msgid "General Settings" +msgstr "Общи Сетинги" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:634 +msgid "" +"<b><big>This Pie is empty!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the " +"plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or " +"folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible...\n" +"\n" +"For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:655 +msgid "" +"<b><big>You have no Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little " +"plus sign in the lower left corner." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>Нямате пайове!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Почнете със създаването на пай! </b> Това може да се направи със кликването " +"на малкият плюс символът в долният ляв край." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:741 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:110 +msgid "Pie Settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:34 +msgid "Press hotkey" +msgstr "Моля натиснете клавишната комбинация" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:36 +msgid "Simulates the activation of a hotkey." +msgstr "Симулира натискането на клавишната комбинациа." + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open URI" +msgstr "Отварете URI" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens a given location. You may use URL's or files paths." +msgstr "Отваря определена локациа. Може да изпозжате URL или файлови пътеки." + +#: ../../src/actions/actionRegistry.vala:119 +msgid "Trash" +msgstr "Боклук" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:34 +msgid "Launch application" +msgstr "Старт на апликациа" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:36 +msgid "Executes the given command." +msgstr "Стартиране на командата" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open Pie" +msgstr "Отворете паят" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens another Pie of Gnome-Pie. You may create sub menus this way." +msgstr "Отваря нов Гноум-Пай пай. Може да направите под-менюта по този начин." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:79 +msgid "bake your pies!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:235 +msgid "Pies can be opened with the terminal command \"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:236 +msgid "Feel free to visit Gnome-Pie's homepage at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:237 +msgid "If you want to give some feedback, please write an e-mail to %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:238 +msgid "You can support the development of Gnome-Pie by donating via %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:239 +msgid "" +"Translating Gnome-Pie to your language is easy. Translations are managed at " +"%s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:240 +msgid "" +"It's easy to create new themes for Gnome-Pie. Read the <a href=" +"'%s'>Tutorial</a> online." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:241 +msgid "It's usually a good practice to have at most twelve slices per pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:242 +msgid "You can export themes you created and share them with the community!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:243 +msgid "The source code of Gnome-Pie is available on %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:244 +msgid "Bugs can be reported at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:245 +msgid "Suggestions can be posted on %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:246 +msgid "" +"An awesome companion of Gnome-Pie is %s. It will make using your computer " +"feel like magic!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:247 +msgid "You can drag'n'drop applications from your main menu to the pie above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:248 +msgid "" +"You may drag'n'drop URLs and bookmarks from your internet browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:249 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop files and folders from your file browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:250 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left into other pies in order " +"to create sub-pies." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:251 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left to your desktop or dock " +"to create a launcher for this pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:401 +msgid "Sucessfully imported new theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:415 +msgid "An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to extract theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:419 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: A theme with this name does " +"already exist!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:423 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Theme archive does not contain a " +"valid theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:427 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to open theme archive!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:451 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected theme from %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:528 +msgid "New Pie" +msgstr "Нов пай" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:543 +msgid "" +"Do you really want to delete the selected Pie with all contained Slices?" +msgstr "" +"Сигурни ли сте че искате да изтриете избраният пай със всички съхранени " +"парчета вътре?" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreview.vala:148 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this Slice?" +msgstr "Сигурни ли сте че искате да изтрийте това парче?" + +#: ../../src/gui/sliceTypeList.vala:60 +msgid "Slice types" +msgstr "Типове парчета" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "Кликнете за да редактирате" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Drag to move" +msgstr "Плъзнете за да преместите" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:422 +msgid "Click to add a new Slice" +msgstr "Кликнете за да добавите ново парче" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:426 +msgid "Drop to add as new Slice" +msgstr "Пуснете за да добавите ново парче" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:429 +msgid "Drop to move Slice" +msgstr "Пуснете за да преместите парчето" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Click to delete" +msgstr "Кликнете за да изтриете" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieList.vala:77 +msgid "Pies" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:182 +msgid "All icons" +msgstr "Всички икони" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:183 +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:36 +msgid "Applications" +msgstr "Приложения" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:184 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Действия" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:185 +msgid "Places" +msgstr "Места" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:186 +msgid "File types" +msgstr "Типове файлове" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:187 +msgid "Emotes" +msgstr "Емоти" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:188 +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "Други" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:261 +msgid "All supported image formats" +msgstr "Всички подъръжани картинни формати" + +#: ../../src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala:292 +msgid "Rename me!" +msgstr "Прейменувай ме!" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieOptionsWindow.vala:274 +msgid "" +"This hotkey is already assigned to the pie \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Please select another one or cancel your selection." +msgstr "" +"Тази клавишна комбинация вече се използва от друг пай \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Моля изберете друга комбиназия или сменете комбиназията." + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:59 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Теми" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:108 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:126 +msgid "_Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:135 +msgid "_About" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:150 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/newsWindow.vala:64 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/triggerSelectButton.vala:64 +msgid "Press a hotkey ..." +msgstr "Натиснете клавиатурната комбинация" + +#: ../../src/utilities/key.vala:65 ../../src/utilities/bindingManager.vala:186 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:195 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:280 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:281 +msgid "Not bound" +msgstr "Не свързано" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:182 +msgid "Button %i" +msgstr "Бутон %i" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:185 +msgid "LeftButton" +msgstr "Ляв Бутон" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:187 +msgid "RightButton" +msgstr "ДесенБутон" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:189 +msgid "MiddleButton" +msgstr "СреденБутон" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:216 +msgid "Turbo" +msgstr "Турбо" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:220 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:222 +msgid "Delayed" +msgstr "Закаснено" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:226 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:228 +msgid "Centered" +msgstr "Зентрирано" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:232 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:234 +msgid "Warp" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:238 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:240 +msgid "Auto-shaped" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:243 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:245 +msgid "Quarter pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:249 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:251 +msgid "Half pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:169 +msgid "Successfully exported the theme \"%s\"!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:176 +msgid "" +"An error occured while exporting the theme \"%s\"! Please check the console " +"output." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:34 +msgid "Group: Window List" +msgstr "Група: Прозорецов лист" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your opened Windows. Almost like Alt-Tab." +msgstr "Показва парче за всеки от отворените прозорци. Почити като Алт-Таб." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:64 +msgid "Group: Clipboard" +msgstr "Група: Клипборд" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Manages your Clipboard." +msgstr "Управлява клипбордът." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Devices" +msgstr "Група: Узтройства" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each plugged in devices, like USB-Sticks." +msgstr "Показва парче за всеки от включените узтройства, като USB-стикове." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:85 +msgid "Root" +msgstr "Рут" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Main menu" +msgstr "Група: Главно меню" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Displays your main menu structure." +msgstr "Показва главаната ви меню структура." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Window List for current workspace" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:37 +msgid "" +"Shows a Slice for each of your opened windows on the current workspace." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Session Control" +msgstr "Група: Контрол на сесията" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernate." +msgstr "Показва парче за Спиране на системата, рестартиране, и зимуване." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:60 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "Спиране" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:63 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Излизане" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Reboot" +msgstr "Рестарт" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Group: Bookmarks" +msgstr "Група: Букмаркери" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:38 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your directory Bookmarks." +msgstr "Показва парче за всеки от директорията Букмарки." + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:29 +msgid "Multimedia" +msgstr "Мултимедия" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:30 +msgid "Next Track" +msgstr "Следвашта песен" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:31 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "Спри" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:32 +msgid "Previous Track" +msgstr "Предишна Песен" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:33 +msgid "Play/Pause" +msgstr "Плей/Пауза" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:45 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "Отметки" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:50 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "Сесия" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:54 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "Главно Меню" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:58 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "Прозорец" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:59 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "Мащаб" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:60 +msgid "Minimize" +msgstr "Минимизирай" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:61 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Затвори" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:62 +msgid "Maximize" +msgstr "Максимизирай" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:63 +msgid "Restore" +msgstr "Въстанови" diff --git a/resources/locale/compile-po.sh b/resources/locale/compile-po.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..80d9411 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/compile-po.sh @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# get directory of script and cd to it +DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )" +cd $DIR + +for d in `ls -d */` +do + echo -n "$d " + msgfmt -c -v $d/LC_MESSAGES/*.po -o $d/LC_MESSAGES/gnomepie.mo +done diff --git a/resources/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/de.po b/resources/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/de.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a51270 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/de.po @@ -0,0 +1,768 @@ +# German translations for gnomepie package. +# Copyright (C) 2011 Simon Schneegans <simon.schneegans@uni-weimar.de> +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnomepie package. +# Simon Schneegans <simon.schneegans@uni-weimar.de>, 2011. +# Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>, 2015. #zanata +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnomepie 0.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 18:32+0100\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-30 01:39-0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>\n" +"Language-Team: German\n" +"Language: de\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.2\n" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:53 +msgid "Activation Settings" +msgstr "Aktivierungsoptionen" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:153 +msgid "Unamed Pie" +msgstr "Neuer Pie" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:216 +msgid "ID:" +msgstr "ID:" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:234 +msgid "It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!" +msgstr "Es ist auch möglich, Maustasten zu binden!" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:274 +msgid "Turbo mode" +msgstr "Turbo-Mode" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:280 ../ui/pie_options.ui:281 +msgid "If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key." +msgstr "" +"Falls aktiviert schließt sich der Pie wieder automatisch, wenn der Hotkey " +"losgelassen wird." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:293 +msgid "Long press for activation" +msgstr "Verzögerte Aktivierung" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:299 ../ui/pie_options.ui:300 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer." +msgstr "" +"Falls aktiviert, wird sich der Pie erst öffnen, wenn der Hotkey länger " +"gedrückt gehalten wird." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:312 +msgid "Open Pie centered on the screen" +msgstr "Zentriert auf dem Bildschirm öffnen" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:318 ../ui/pie_options.ui:319 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop " +"up at your pointer." +msgstr "" +"Falls aktiviert, wird sich der Pie nicht an der Maus, sondern in der Mitte " +"des Bildschirms öffnen." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:331 +msgid "Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie" +msgstr "Bewege den Mauszeiger zur Mitte des Pies" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:337 ../ui/pie_options.ui:338 +msgid "" +"If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This " +"allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's " +"boundary." +msgstr "" +"Falls aktiviert, wird der Mauszeiger nach dem dem Öffenen des Pies zu dessen " +"Mitte bewegt. Dadurch kann auch an den Seiten des Bildschirms schnell " +"selektiert werden." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:356 +msgid "Activation options" +msgstr "Aktivierungsoptionen" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:547 +msgid "Automatically select the best pie shape" +msgstr "Wähle die Anordnung automatisch" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:551 +msgid "" +"If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse " +"travelling." +msgstr "" +"Falls aktiviert, wird je nach Position auf dem Bildschirm eine passende " +"Anordnung gweählt." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:571 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "Anordnung" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:8 +msgid "Slice Options" +msgstr "Slice-Optionen" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:140 +msgid "There are no options for this Slice type." +msgstr "Es gibt keine Otionen für diesen Slice-Typ." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:166 +msgid "Name of the Slice " +msgstr "Name" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:204 +msgid "URI to open" +msgstr "URI" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:242 +msgid "Command to execute" +msgstr "Befehl" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:280 +msgid "Hotkey to press" +msgstr "Tastenkomination" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:309 +msgid "Pie to open" +msgstr "Pie" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:338 +msgid "Is Quick Action" +msgstr "Ist Quick Action" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:353 ../ui/slice_select.ui:354 +msgid "This Slice will be executed when you click in the middle of the Pie." +msgstr "Diese Slice wird aktiviert, falls du in die Mitte des Pies klickst." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:386 +msgid "Slice options" +msgstr "Slice-Optionen" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:9 +msgid "Select an icon" +msgstr "Wähle ein Symbol" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:103 +msgid "Icon Theme" +msgstr "Symbolthema" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:123 +msgid "Custom Icon" +msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes Symbol" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:7 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:78 +msgid "Gnome-Pie Settings" +msgstr "Gnome-Pie - Einstellungen" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:41 +msgid "Start Gnome-Pie on login" +msgstr "Beim Anmelden automatisch ausführen" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:47 ../ui/preferences.ui:48 +msgid "If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in." +msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, startet Gnome-Pie im Hintergrund beim Anmelden." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:60 +msgid "Display panel icon " +msgstr "Zeige ein Symbol im Panel" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:66 ../ui/preferences.ui:67 +msgid "" +"If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second " +"time." +msgstr "" +"Falls nicht aktiviert, kann dieses Menü durch ein nochmaliges starten von " +"Gnome-Pie geöffnet werden." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:79 +msgid "Select Slices by typing their names" +msgstr "Tippe den Namen von Slices um Sie auszuwählen" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:85 ../ui/preferences.ui:86 +msgid "" +"If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise " +"you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT " +"when a Pie is openened)." +msgstr "" +"Wenn aktiviert, kannst du Einträge wählen indem du ihre Namen tippst. " +"Anderenfalls kannst du alle Einträge durch drücken der Zifferntasten " +"auswählen (halte ALT gedrückt um diese Hotkeys anzuzeigen wenn ein Pie " +"geöffnet ist)." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:98 +msgid "Display Slice labels" +msgstr "Zeige Namen der Slices" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:104 ../ui/preferences.ui:105 +msgid "" +"Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by " +"the theme." +msgstr "" +"Zeigt den Name jeder Slice an. Nur möglich, wenn durch das aktuelle Design " +"unterstützt." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:139 +msgid "Activation radius" +msgstr "Aktivierungsentfernung" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:179 +msgid "Global scale" +msgstr "Skalierungsfaktor" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:219 +msgid "Maximum slices per pie" +msgstr "Maximale Zahl von Einträgen pro Pie" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:302 +msgid "Import a theme from a file." +msgstr "Importiert ein Design." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:323 +msgid "Delete the selected theme." +msgstr "Lösche das gewählte Design." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:344 +msgid "Export the selected theme for sharing." +msgstr "Exportiert das gewählte Design um es mit anderen zu teilen." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:392 +msgid "Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie." +msgstr "" +"Zeigt ein Tutorial das erklärt, wie Designs für Gnome-Pie erstellt werden." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:442 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:109 +msgid "General Settings" +msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:634 +msgid "" +"<b><big>This Pie is empty!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the " +"plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or " +"folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible...\n" +"\n" +"For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>Der Pie ist leer!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Füge Slices hinzu!</b> Du kannst viele verschieden Dinge zu dem Pluszeichen " +"ziehen! Zum Beispiel Anwendungsstarter aus deinem Menü, Dateien oder sogar " +"URLs aus dem Browser... \n" +"\n" +"Zur manuellen und fortgeschrittenen Konfiguration klicke auf das Symbol." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:655 +msgid "" +"<b><big>You have no Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little " +"plus sign in the lower left corner." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>Du hast keine Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Erstelle einen neuen! </b> Klicke dazu einfach auf das kleine Pluszeichen " +"unter der leeren Liste auf der linken Seite." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:741 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:110 +msgid "Pie Settings" +msgstr "Pie-Einstellungen" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:34 +msgid "Press hotkey" +msgstr "Tastenkombination" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:36 +msgid "Simulates the activation of a hotkey." +msgstr "Simuliert einen Tastendruck." + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open URI" +msgstr "URI öffnen" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens a given location. You may use URL's or files paths." +msgstr "Öffnet URLs oder Dateipfade." + +#: ../../src/actions/actionRegistry.vala:119 +msgid "Trash" +msgstr "Müll" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:34 +msgid "Launch application" +msgstr "Programm ausführen" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:36 +msgid "Executes the given command." +msgstr "Führt einen gegebenen Befehl aus." + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open Pie" +msgstr "Pie öffnen" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens another Pie of Gnome-Pie. You may create sub menus this way." +msgstr "" +"Öffnet einen anderen Pie. Auf diese Art können Submenüs erstellt werden." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:79 +msgid "bake your pies!" +msgstr "mach schöne Kuchen!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:235 +msgid "Pies can be opened with the terminal command \"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." +msgstr "" +"Pies können mit dem Kommandozeilenbefehl \"gnome-pie --open=ID\" geöffnet " +"werden." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:236 +msgid "Feel free to visit Gnome-Pie's homepage at %s!" +msgstr "Besuch Gnome-Pies Homepage auf %s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:237 +msgid "If you want to give some feedback, please write an e-mail to %s!" +msgstr "" +"Wenn du mir deine Meinung zu Gnome-Pie sagen willst, schick eine E-Mail an " +"%s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:238 +msgid "You can support the development of Gnome-Pie by donating via %s." +msgstr "" +"Du kannst die Entwicklung von Gnome-Pie unterstützen, indem du auf %s " +"spendest." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:239 +msgid "" +"Translating Gnome-Pie to your language is easy. Translations are managed at " +"%s." +msgstr "" +"Das Übersetzen von Gnome-Pie ist einfach. Starte eine Übersetzung in eine " +"andere Sprache auf %s." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:240 +msgid "" +"It's easy to create new themes for Gnome-Pie. Read the <a href=" +"'%s'>Tutorial</a> online." +msgstr "" +"Es ist einfach, neue Designs für Gnome-Pie zu erstellen. Für mehr " +"Informationen lies einfach das <a href='%s'>Tutorial</a>." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:241 +msgid "It's usually a good practice to have at most twelve slices per pie." +msgstr "Es macht sich gut, nicht mehr als zwölf Slices pro Pie zu haben." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:242 +msgid "You can export themes you created and share them with the community!" +msgstr "" +"Du kannst selbsterstellte Designs exportieren und mit der Community teilen!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:243 +msgid "The source code of Gnome-Pie is available on %s." +msgstr "Der Quellcode von Gnome-Pie ist auf %s zugänglich." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:244 +msgid "Bugs can be reported at %s!" +msgstr "Fehler können auf %s gemeldet werden!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:245 +msgid "Suggestions can be posted on %s!" +msgstr "Verbesserungvorschläge können auf %s gemacht werden!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:246 +msgid "" +"An awesome companion of Gnome-Pie is %s. It will make using your computer " +"feel like magic!" +msgstr "" +"Eine wirklich gute Ergänzung zu Gnome-Pie ist %s. Damit fühlt sich der " +"Umgang mit deinem Computer wie Magie an!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:247 +msgid "You can drag'n'drop applications from your main menu to the pie above." +msgstr "Du kannst Anwendungen aus deinem Startmenü per Drag'n'Drop einfügen." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:248 +msgid "" +"You may drag'n'drop URLs and bookmarks from your internet browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" +"Du kannst URLs, Links und Lesezeichen aus deinem Internetbrowser per " +"Drag'n'Drop einfügen." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:249 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop files and folders from your file browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" +"Du kannst Dateien und Ordner aus deinem Dateibrowser per Drag'n'Drop " +"einfügen." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:250 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left into other pies in order " +"to create sub-pies." +msgstr "" +"Du kannst Pies per Drag'n'Drop in andere Pies ziehen, um Untermenüs zu " +"erstellen." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:251 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left to your desktop or dock " +"to create a launcher for this pie." +msgstr "" +"Du kannst die Pies aus der linken Liste per Drag'n'Drop auf deinen Desktop " +"oder in dein Dock ziehen, um einen Starter zu erstellen!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:401 +msgid "Sucessfully imported new theme!" +msgstr "Das neue Design wurde erfolgreich imprtiert!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:415 +msgid "An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to extract theme!" +msgstr "" +"Beim Importieren ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Das Design konnte nicht " +"entpackt werden!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:419 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: A theme with this name does " +"already exist!" +msgstr "" +"Beim Importieren ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Es existiert bereits ein Design " +"mit diesem Namen!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:423 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Theme archive does not contain a " +"valid theme!" +msgstr "" +"Beim Importieren ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Das gwählte Archiv enthält kein " +"valides Gnome-Pie-Design!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:427 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to open theme archive!" +msgstr "" +"Beim Importieren ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Das Archive konnte nicht " +"gelesen werden!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:451 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected theme from %s?" +msgstr "Soll das Design %s wirklich gelöscht werden?" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:528 +msgid "New Pie" +msgstr "Neuer Pie" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:543 +msgid "" +"Do you really want to delete the selected Pie with all contained Slices?" +msgstr "Soll dieser Pie wirklich mit allen Slices gelöscht werden?" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreview.vala:148 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this Slice?" +msgstr "Soll die ausgewählte Slice wirklich gelöscht werden?" + +#: ../../src/gui/sliceTypeList.vala:60 +msgid "Slice types" +msgstr "Slice-Typen" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "Editieren durch klicken" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Drag to move" +msgstr "Verschieben durch ziehen" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:422 +msgid "Click to add a new Slice" +msgstr "Neue Slice durch Klicken hinzufügen" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:426 +msgid "Drop to add as new Slice" +msgstr "Als neue Slice hinzuzufügen" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:429 +msgid "Drop to move Slice" +msgstr "Slice verschieben" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Click to delete" +msgstr "Löschen durch klicken" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieList.vala:77 +msgid "Pies" +msgstr "Pie-Menüs" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:182 +msgid "All icons" +msgstr "Alle Symbole" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:183 +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:36 +msgid "Applications" +msgstr "Anwendungen" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:184 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Aktionen" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:185 +msgid "Places" +msgstr "Orte" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:186 +msgid "File types" +msgstr "Dateitypen" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:187 +msgid "Emotes" +msgstr "Smilies" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:188 +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "Sonstige" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:261 +msgid "All supported image formats" +msgstr "Alle unterstützten Bildformate" + +#: ../../src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala:292 +msgid "Rename me!" +msgstr "Benenne mich!" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieOptionsWindow.vala:274 +msgid "" +"This hotkey is already assigned to the pie \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Please select another one or cancel your selection." +msgstr "" +"Dieser Hotkey ist schon dem Pie \"%s\" zugeordnet!\n" +"\n" +" Bitte wähle einen anderen!" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:59 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Designs" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:108 +msgid "by" +msgstr "von" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:126 +msgid "_Preferences" +msgstr "Einstellungen" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:135 +msgid "_About" +msgstr "Über" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:150 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "Beenden" + +#: ../../src/gui/newsWindow.vala:64 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "Schließen" + +#: ../../src/gui/triggerSelectButton.vala:64 +msgid "Press a hotkey ..." +msgstr "Wählen..." + +#: ../../src/utilities/key.vala:65 ../../src/utilities/bindingManager.vala:186 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:195 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:280 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:281 +msgid "Not bound" +msgstr "Nicht zugewiesen" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:182 +msgid "Button %i" +msgstr "Taste %i" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:185 +msgid "LeftButton" +msgstr "MausLinks" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:187 +msgid "RightButton" +msgstr "MausRechts" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:189 +msgid "MiddleButton" +msgstr "Mausrad" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:216 +msgid "Turbo" +msgstr "Turbo" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:220 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:222 +msgid "Delayed" +msgstr "Verzögert" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:226 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:228 +msgid "Centered" +msgstr "Zentriert" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:232 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:234 +msgid "Warp" +msgstr "Warp" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:238 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:240 +msgid "Auto-shaped" +msgstr "Dynamische" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:243 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:245 +msgid "Quarter pie" +msgstr "Viertel-Pie" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:249 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:251 +msgid "Half pie" +msgstr "Halb-Pie" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:169 +msgid "Successfully exported the theme \"%s\"!" +msgstr "Das Design \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich importiert!" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:176 +msgid "" +"An error occured while exporting the theme \"%s\"! Please check the console " +"output." +msgstr "" +"Beim Exportieren des Designs \"%s\" ist ein Fehler aufgetreten! Weitere " +"Informationen findest du in der Kommandozeilenausgabe." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:34 +msgid "Group: Window List" +msgstr "Gruppe: Fensterliste" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your opened Windows. Almost like Alt-Tab." +msgstr "Zeigt eine Slice für jedes geöffnete Fenster an." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:64 +msgid "Group: Clipboard" +msgstr "Gruppe: Zwischenablage" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Manages your Clipboard." +msgstr "Verwaltet die Zwischenablage." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Devices" +msgstr "Gruppe: Laufwerke" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each plugged in devices, like USB-Sticks." +msgstr "" +"Zeigt eine Slice für jedes angeschlossene Gerät, wie z. B. USB Sticks, an. " + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:85 +msgid "Root" +msgstr "Dateisystem" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Main menu" +msgstr "Gruppe: Hauptmenü" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Displays your main menu structure." +msgstr "Zeigt das Hauptmenü an." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Window List for current workspace" +msgstr "Gruppe: Fensterliste für aktive Arbeitsfläche" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:37 +msgid "" +"Shows a Slice for each of your opened windows on the current workspace." +msgstr "" +"Zeigt eine Slice für jedes geöffnete Fenster der aktiven Arbeitsfläche an." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Session Control" +msgstr "Gruppe: Sitzung" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernate." +msgstr "" +"Zeigt eine Slice für Herunterfahren, Neustarten und den Ruhezustand an." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:60 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "Herunterfahren" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:63 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Ausloggen" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Reboot" +msgstr "Neustarten" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Group: Bookmarks" +msgstr "Gruppe: Lesezeichen" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:38 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your directory Bookmarks." +msgstr "Zeigt eine Slice für jedes Ordner-Lesezeichen an." + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:29 +msgid "Multimedia" +msgstr "Multimedia" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:30 +msgid "Next Track" +msgstr "Nächster Titel" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:31 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "Stopp" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:32 +msgid "Previous Track" +msgstr "Vorheriger Titel" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:33 +msgid "Play/Pause" +msgstr "Play/Pause" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:45 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "Lesezeichen" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:50 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "Sitzung" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:54 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "Hauptmenü" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:58 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "Fenster" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:59 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "Skalieren" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:60 +msgid "Minimize" +msgstr "Minimieren" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:61 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Schließen" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:62 +msgid "Maximize" +msgstr "Maximieren" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:63 +msgid "Restore" +msgstr "Wiederherstellen" diff --git a/resources/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/es.po b/resources/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/es.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e55fbe --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/es.po @@ -0,0 +1,762 @@ +# Spanish translations for gnomepie package. +# Copyright (C) 2012 Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de> +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnomepie package. +# Eduardo Anabalon <lalo1412@gmail.com>, 2012. +# Gabriel Dubatti <gdubatti@gmail.com>, 2015. +# Gabriel Dubatti <gdubatti@gmail.com>, 2015. #zanata +# Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>, 2015. #zanata +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnomepie 0.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 18:32+0100\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-30 01:36-0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>\n" +"Language-Team: Spanish\n" +"Language: es\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.2\n" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:53 +msgid "Activation Settings" +msgstr "Configuración de activación" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:153 +msgid "Unamed Pie" +msgstr "Renombrar un Pastel" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:216 +msgid "ID:" +msgstr "ID:" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:234 +msgid "It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!" +msgstr "También es posible enlazar los botones del ratón!" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:274 +msgid "Turbo mode" +msgstr "Modo Turbo" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:280 ../ui/pie_options.ui:281 +msgid "If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key." +msgstr "El Pastel cerrará cuando sueltes el atajo seleccionado." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:293 +msgid "Long press for activation" +msgstr "Pulsación larga para activar" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:299 ../ui/pie_options.ui:300 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer." +msgstr "El Pastel sólo se abrirá si presionas el atajo un poco más." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:312 +msgid "Open Pie centered on the screen" +msgstr "Abrir el Pastel en el centro de la pantalla" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:318 ../ui/pie_options.ui:319 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop " +"up at your pointer." +msgstr "" +"El Pastel abrirá en el centro de la pantalla. De lo contrario abrirá encima " +"del puntero." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:331 +msgid "Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie" +msgstr "Teletransportar el mouse al centro del Pastel" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:337 ../ui/pie_options.ui:338 +msgid "" +"If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This " +"allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's " +"boundary." +msgstr "" +"El puntero será teletransportado al centro del Pastel. Esto permite acelerar " +"la selección cuando el pastel es abierto cerca de un borde o en el centro de " +"la pantalla." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:356 +msgid "Activation options" +msgstr "Opciones de activación" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:547 +msgid "Automatically select the best pie shape" +msgstr "Seleccionar automáticamente la mejor forma de Pastel" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:551 +msgid "" +"If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse " +"travelling." +msgstr "" +"La forma del Pastel se ajustará según la posición del puntero para minimizar " +"la distancia al centro" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:571 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "Forma del Pastel" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:8 +msgid "Slice Options" +msgstr "Opciones de Rebanadas" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:140 +msgid "There are no options for this Slice type." +msgstr "No hay opciones para este tipo de Rebanada." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:166 +msgid "Name of the Slice " +msgstr "Nombre de la Rebanada " + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:204 +msgid "URI to open" +msgstr "URI a abrir" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:242 +msgid "Command to execute" +msgstr "Comando a ejecutar" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:280 +msgid "Hotkey to press" +msgstr "Atajo a presionar" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:309 +msgid "Pie to open" +msgstr "Pastel a abrir" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:338 +msgid "Is Quick Action" +msgstr "Es una Acción Rápida" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:353 ../ui/slice_select.ui:354 +msgid "This Slice will be executed when you click in the middle of the Pie." +msgstr "" +"Esta Rebanada se ejecutará cuando hagas click en el centro del Pastel." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:386 +msgid "Slice options" +msgstr "Opciones de Rebanadas" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:9 +msgid "Select an icon" +msgstr "Selecciona un icono" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:103 +msgid "Icon Theme" +msgstr "Tema de iconos" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:123 +msgid "Custom Icon" +msgstr "Icono personalizado" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:7 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:78 +msgid "Gnome-Pie Settings" +msgstr "Preferencias de Gnome-Pie" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:41 +msgid "Start Gnome-Pie on login" +msgstr "Arrancar Gnome-Pie al inicio" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:47 ../ui/preferences.ui:48 +msgid "If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in." +msgstr "Gnome-Pie se iniciará en silencio cada vez que inicies sesión." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:60 +msgid "Display panel icon " +msgstr "Mostrar panel de íconos " + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:66 ../ui/preferences.ui:67 +msgid "" +"If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second " +"time." +msgstr "" +"Si no esta activado, puedes acceder a este menú lanzando Gnome-Pie por " +"segunda vez." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:79 +msgid "Select Slices by typing their names" +msgstr "Seleccionar Rebanadas tipeando su nombre" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:85 ../ui/preferences.ui:86 +msgid "" +"If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise " +"you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT " +"when a Pie is openened)." +msgstr "" +"Esta opción permite seleccionar una Rebanada tipeando parte de su nombre. Si " +"no está activada, puedes utilizar aceleradores (presiona ALT cuando el " +"Pastel este abierto para visualizarlos)" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:98 +msgid "Display Slice labels" +msgstr "Mostrar etiquetas en las Rebanadas" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:104 ../ui/preferences.ui:105 +msgid "" +"Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by " +"the theme." +msgstr "Mostrar el nombre de cada Rebanada. Sólo si es soportado por el Tema." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:139 +msgid "Activation radius" +msgstr "Radio máximo de activación" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:179 +msgid "Global scale" +msgstr "Escala global" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:219 +msgid "Maximum slices per pie" +msgstr "Máximo de Rebanadas por Pastel" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:302 +msgid "Import a theme from a file." +msgstr "Importar un tema desde un archivo." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:323 +msgid "Delete the selected theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:344 +msgid "Export the selected theme for sharing." +msgstr "Exportar el tema elegido para compartirlo." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:392 +msgid "Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie." +msgstr "Abrir el tutorial acerca de como crear nuevos temas para Gnome-Pie." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:442 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:109 +msgid "General Settings" +msgstr "Preferencias generales" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:634 +msgid "" +"<b><big>This Pie is empty!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the " +"plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or " +"folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible...\n" +"\n" +"For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>Un Pastel vacío!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Empieza añadiendo Rebanadas!</b> Puedes hacerlo arrastrando cosas al signo " +"más. Puedes intentar muchas cosas! Por ejemplo lanzadores de aplicaciones o " +"directorios. Incluso puedes añadir URLs desde tu navegador...\n" +"\n" +"Para configuración manual y avanzada, click en el signo más." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:655 +msgid "" +"<b><big>You have no Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little " +"plus sign in the lower left corner." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>No tienes Pasteles!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Empieza por crear uno! </b> Puedes hacerlo haciendo click en el pequeño " +"signo más en la esquina inferior izquierda." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:741 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:110 +msgid "Pie Settings" +msgstr "Preferencias del Pastel" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:34 +msgid "Press hotkey" +msgstr "Presiona un atajo" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:36 +msgid "Simulates the activation of a hotkey." +msgstr "Simula la activación de un atajo." + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open URI" +msgstr "Abrir URI" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens a given location. You may use URL's or files paths." +msgstr "Abre un lugar determinado. Puedes usar URI's o ruta de archivos." + +#: ../../src/actions/actionRegistry.vala:119 +msgid "Trash" +msgstr "Papelera" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:34 +msgid "Launch application" +msgstr "Lanzar una aplicación" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:36 +msgid "Executes the given command." +msgstr "Ejecuta un comando dado." + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open Pie" +msgstr "Abrir Pastel" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens another Pie of Gnome-Pie. You may create sub menus this way." +msgstr "Abre otro Pastel de Gnome-Pie. De esta manera puedes crear submenús." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:79 +msgid "bake your pies!" +msgstr "cocina tus pasteles!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:235 +msgid "Pies can be opened with the terminal command \"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." +msgstr "" +"Los Pasteles pueden ser abiertos desde la terminal utilizando el comando " +"\"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:236 +msgid "Feel free to visit Gnome-Pie's homepage at %s!" +msgstr "Visite el sitio web de Gnome-Pie en %s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:237 +msgid "If you want to give some feedback, please write an e-mail to %s!" +msgstr "Si quiere darnos su opinión, escríba un e-mail a %s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:238 +msgid "You can support the development of Gnome-Pie by donating via %s." +msgstr "Puede ayudar al desarrollo de Gnome-Pie donando vía %s." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:239 +msgid "" +"Translating Gnome-Pie to your language is easy. Translations are managed at " +"%s." +msgstr "" +"Es fácil traducir Gnome-Pie a su idioma. Las traducciones se realizan desde " +"%s." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:240 +msgid "" +"It's easy to create new themes for Gnome-Pie. Read the <a href=" +"'%s'>Tutorial</a> online." +msgstr "" +"Es fácil crear nuevos temas para Gnome-Pie. Leer el <a href='%s'>Tutorial</" +"a> en línea." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:241 +msgid "It's usually a good practice to have at most twelve slices per pie." +msgstr "" +"En general es una buena práctica no utilizar más de 12 Rebanadas por Pastel." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:242 +msgid "You can export themes you created and share them with the community!" +msgstr "" +"Puede exportar los temas que haya creado y compartirlos con la comunidad!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:243 +msgid "The source code of Gnome-Pie is available on %s." +msgstr "El código fuente de Gnome-Pie se encuentra disponible en %s." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:244 +msgid "Bugs can be reported at %s!" +msgstr "Los errores de software pueden reportarse en %s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:245 +msgid "Suggestions can be posted on %s!" +msgstr "Puede enviarnos sus sugerencias utilizando %s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:246 +msgid "" +"An awesome companion of Gnome-Pie is %s. It will make using your computer " +"feel like magic!" +msgstr "" +"Utilice %s junto con Gnome-Pie. Hará que usar su computadora sea una " +"experiencia mágica!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:247 +msgid "You can drag'n'drop applications from your main menu to the pie above." +msgstr "" +"Puede arrastrar y soltar aplicaciones desde su menú principal sobre este " +"Pastel." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:248 +msgid "" +"You may drag'n'drop URLs and bookmarks from your internet browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" +"Puede arrastrar y soltar direcciones URL y marcadores desde su navegador de " +"Internet sobre este Pastel." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:249 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop files and folders from your file browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" +"Puede arrastrar y soltar archivos y carpetas desde su navegador de archivos " +"sobre este Pastel." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:250 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left into other pies in order " +"to create sub-pies." +msgstr "" +"Puede arrastrar y soltar Pasteles de la lista de la izquierda para crear sub-" +"pasteles." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:251 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left to your desktop or dock " +"to create a launcher for this pie." +msgstr "" +"Puede arrastrar y soltar Pasteles de la lista de la izquierda en su " +"escritorio o en su lanzador de aplicaciones para crear un lanzador del " +"Pastel." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:401 +msgid "Sucessfully imported new theme!" +msgstr "El nuevo tema fue correctamente importado!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:415 +msgid "An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to extract theme!" +msgstr "Ocurrió un error al importar el tema: Falló la extracción del tema!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:419 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: A theme with this name does " +"already exist!" +msgstr "" +"Ocurrió un error al importar el tema: Ya existe un tema con ese nombre!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:423 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Theme archive does not contain a " +"valid theme!" +msgstr "" +"Ocurrió un error al importar el tema: El archivo no contiene un tema " +"válido!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:427 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to open theme archive!" +msgstr "" +"Ocurrió un error al importar el tema: El archivo del tema no pudo ser " +"abierto!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:451 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected theme from %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:528 +msgid "New Pie" +msgstr "Nuevo Pastel" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:543 +msgid "" +"Do you really want to delete the selected Pie with all contained Slices?" +msgstr "" +"¿Realmente quieres borrar el Pastel seleccionado incluyendo todas sus " +"Rebanadas?" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreview.vala:148 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this Slice?" +msgstr "¿Realmente quieres borrar esta Rebanada?" + +#: ../../src/gui/sliceTypeList.vala:60 +msgid "Slice types" +msgstr "Tipos de Rebanada" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "Click para editar" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Drag to move" +msgstr "Arrastra para mover" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:422 +msgid "Click to add a new Slice" +msgstr "Click para añadir una nueva Rebanada" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:426 +msgid "Drop to add as new Slice" +msgstr "Suelta para añadir una nueva Rebanada" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:429 +msgid "Drop to move Slice" +msgstr "Suelta para mover la Rebanada" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Click to delete" +msgstr "Click para borrar" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieList.vala:77 +msgid "Pies" +msgstr "Pasteles" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:182 +msgid "All icons" +msgstr "Todos los iconos" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:183 +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:36 +msgid "Applications" +msgstr "Aplicaciones" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:184 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Acciones" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:185 +msgid "Places" +msgstr "Lugares" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:186 +msgid "File types" +msgstr "Tipos de archivo" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:187 +msgid "Emotes" +msgstr "Emoticones" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:188 +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "Misceláneos" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:261 +msgid "All supported image formats" +msgstr "Todos los formatos de imágenes soportados" + +#: ../../src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala:292 +msgid "Rename me!" +msgstr "Renómbrame!" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieOptionsWindow.vala:274 +msgid "" +"This hotkey is already assigned to the pie \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Please select another one or cancel your selection." +msgstr "" +"Este atajo ya está asignado al Pastel \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Por favor selecciona otro atajo o cancela tu selección." + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:59 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Temas" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:108 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:126 +msgid "_Preferences" +msgstr "_Preferencias" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:135 +msgid "_About" +msgstr "_Acerca de" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:150 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "_Salir" + +#: ../../src/gui/newsWindow.vala:64 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Cerrar" + +#: ../../src/gui/triggerSelectButton.vala:64 +msgid "Press a hotkey ..." +msgstr "Presiona un atajo ..." + +#: ../../src/utilities/key.vala:65 ../../src/utilities/bindingManager.vala:186 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:195 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:280 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:281 +msgid "Not bound" +msgstr "Sin atajo" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:182 +msgid "Button %i" +msgstr "Botón %i" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:185 +msgid "LeftButton" +msgstr "BotónIzquierdo" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:187 +msgid "RightButton" +msgstr "BotónDerecho" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:189 +msgid "MiddleButton" +msgstr "BotónCentral" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:216 +msgid "Turbo" +msgstr "Turbo" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:220 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:222 +msgid "Delayed" +msgstr "Retrasado" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:226 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:228 +msgid "Centered" +msgstr "Centrado" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:232 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:234 +msgid "Warp" +msgstr "Teletransportar" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:238 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:240 +msgid "Auto-shaped" +msgstr "Auto-forma" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:243 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:245 +msgid "Quarter pie" +msgstr "Cuarto de Pastel" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:249 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:251 +msgid "Half pie" +msgstr "Medio Pastel" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:169 +msgid "Successfully exported the theme \"%s\"!" +msgstr "El tema %s fue exportado correctamente!" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:176 +msgid "" +"An error occured while exporting the theme \"%s\"! Please check the console " +"output." +msgstr "" +"Ocurrió un error al exportar el tema %s! Por favor verifique la consola." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:34 +msgid "Group: Window List" +msgstr "Grupo: Lista de Ventanas" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your opened Windows. Almost like Alt-Tab." +msgstr "" +"Muestra una Rebanada para cada una de tus Ventanas abiertas. Casi como Alt-" +"Tab." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:64 +msgid "Group: Clipboard" +msgstr "Grupo: Portapapeles" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Manages your Clipboard." +msgstr "Gestiona tus Portapapeles." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Devices" +msgstr "Grupo: Dispositivos" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each plugged in devices, like USB-Sticks." +msgstr "Muestra una Rebanada por cada dispositivo conectado, como USB-Sticks." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:85 +msgid "Root" +msgstr "Root" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Main menu" +msgstr "Grupo: Menú Principal" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Displays your main menu structure." +msgstr "Muestra la estructura de tu Menú Principal." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Window List for current workspace" +msgstr "Grupo: Lista de Ventanas" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:37 +msgid "" +"Shows a Slice for each of your opened windows on the current workspace." +msgstr "" +"Muestra una Rebanada para cada una de tus Ventanas abiertas. Casi como Alt-" +"Tab." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Session Control" +msgstr "Grupo: Control de Sesión" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernate." +msgstr "Muestra una Rebanada para Apagar, Reiniciar e Hibernar." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:60 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "Apagar" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:63 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Cerrar Sesión" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Reboot" +msgstr "Reiniciar" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Group: Bookmarks" +msgstr "Grupo: Marcadores" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:38 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your directory Bookmarks." +msgstr "" +"Muestra una Rebanada por cada uno de los directorios en los Marcadores." + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:29 +msgid "Multimedia" +msgstr "Multimedia" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:30 +msgid "Next Track" +msgstr "Pista Siguiente" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:31 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "Parar" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:32 +msgid "Previous Track" +msgstr "Pista Anterior" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:33 +msgid "Play/Pause" +msgstr "Reproducir/Pausa" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:45 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "Marcadores" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:50 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "Sesión" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:54 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "Menú Principal" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:58 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "Ventana" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:59 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "Escalar" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:60 +msgid "Minimize" +msgstr "Minimizar" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:61 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Cerrar" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:62 +msgid "Maximize" +msgstr "Maximizar" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:63 +msgid "Restore" +msgstr "Restaurar" diff --git a/resources/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/fr.po b/resources/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/fr.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11bd79e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/fr.po @@ -0,0 +1,773 @@ +# French translations for gnomepie package +# Traductions françaises du paquet gnomepie. +# Copyright (C) 2012 Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de> +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnomepie package. +# Grégoire BELLON-GERVAIS <greggbg@gmail.com>, 2012. +# Alex Maxime <cad.maxime@gmail.com>, 2012. +# Mathilde Simeon <titi@positon.org> 2012. +# Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>, 2015. #zanata +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnomepie 0.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 18:32+0100\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-30 01:35-0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>\n" +"Language-Team: French\n" +"Language: fr\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.2\n" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:53 +msgid "Activation Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres d'activation" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:153 +msgid "Unamed Pie" +msgstr "Tarte sans nom" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:216 +msgid "ID:" +msgstr "ID:" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:234 +msgid "It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!" +msgstr "Il est également possible d'assigner des boutons de souris !" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:274 +msgid "Turbo mode" +msgstr "Mode Turbo" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:280 ../ui/pie_options.ui:281 +msgid "If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key." +msgstr "Si coché, la Tarte se ferme quand vous relâchez le raccourci clavier" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:293 +msgid "Long press for activation" +msgstr "Appui prolongé pour activer" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:299 ../ui/pie_options.ui:300 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer." +msgstr "" +"Si coché, la Tarte s'ouvrira seulement si vous maintenez le raccourci " +"clavier" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:312 +msgid "Open Pie centered on the screen" +msgstr "Ouvrir la Tarte au centre de l'écran" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:318 ../ui/pie_options.ui:319 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop " +"up at your pointer." +msgstr "" +"Si coché, la Tarte s'ouvrira au centre de l'écran. Sinon elle apparaîtra " +"sous la souris" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:331 +msgid "Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie" +msgstr "Déplacer la souris au centre de la Tarte" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:337 ../ui/pie_options.ui:338 +msgid "" +"If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This " +"allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's " +"boundary." +msgstr "" +"Si coché, le pointeur de la souris sera déplacé au centre de la Tarte. Cela " +"permet une sélection rapide même si la Tarte est ouverte au bord de l'écran." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:356 +msgid "Activation options" +msgstr "Options d'activation" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:547 +msgid "Automatically select the best pie shape" +msgstr "Sélectionner automatiquement la meilleure forme" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:551 +msgid "" +"If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse " +"travelling." +msgstr "" +"Si coché, la forme sera choisie automatiquement pour minimiser les " +"déplacement de souris." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:571 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "Forme de la tarte" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:8 +msgid "Slice Options" +msgstr "Options de la Part" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:140 +msgid "There are no options for this Slice type." +msgstr "Il n'y a pas d'options pour ce type de Part" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:166 +msgid "Name of the Slice " +msgstr "Nom de la Part" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:204 +msgid "URI to open" +msgstr "Liens web à ouvrir" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:242 +msgid "Command to execute" +msgstr "Commande à exécuter" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:280 +msgid "Hotkey to press" +msgstr "Raccourci clavier à effectuer" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:309 +msgid "Pie to open" +msgstr "Tarte à ouvrir" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:338 +msgid "Is Quick Action" +msgstr "Action rapide" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:353 ../ui/slice_select.ui:354 +msgid "This Slice will be executed when you click in the middle of the Pie." +msgstr "Cette Part sera exécutée quand vous cliquerez au milieu de la Tarte." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:386 +msgid "Slice options" +msgstr "Options de la Part" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:9 +msgid "Select an icon" +msgstr "Choisir une icône" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:103 +msgid "Icon Theme" +msgstr "Thème d'icônes" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:123 +msgid "Custom Icon" +msgstr "Icône personnalisée" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:7 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:78 +msgid "Gnome-Pie Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres de Gnome-Pie" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:41 +msgid "Start Gnome-Pie on login" +msgstr "Lancer Gnome-Pie au démarrage" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:47 ../ui/preferences.ui:48 +msgid "If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in." +msgstr "Si coché, Gnome-Pie se lancera à chaque connexion" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:60 +msgid "Display panel icon " +msgstr "Affiche l'icône dans la zone de notification " + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:66 ../ui/preferences.ui:67 +msgid "" +"If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second " +"time." +msgstr "" +"Si non coché, vous pouvez accéder à ce menu en lançant Gnome-Pie une seconde " +"fois " + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:79 +msgid "Select Slices by typing their names" +msgstr "Sélectionner les Parts en tapant leur noms" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:85 ../ui/preferences.ui:86 +msgid "" +"If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise " +"you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT " +"when a Pie is openened)." +msgstr "" +"Si coché, vous pouvez sélectionner les éléments d'une Tarte en tapant leur " +"noms. Sinon, vous pouvez les activer avec un raccourci clavier (qui peut " +"être affiché en maintenant ALT quand une Tarte est ouverte)." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:98 +msgid "Display Slice labels" +msgstr "Afficher le nom des Parts" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:104 ../ui/preferences.ui:105 +msgid "" +"Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by " +"the theme." +msgstr "" +"Afficher le nom à côté de chaque Part.\n" +"(disponbile uniquement pour les thèmes compatibles)" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:139 +msgid "Activation radius" +msgstr "Rayon d'activation" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:179 +msgid "Global scale" +msgstr "Échelle globale" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:219 +msgid "Maximum slices per pie" +msgstr "Nombre max de parts par tarte" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:302 +msgid "Import a theme from a file." +msgstr "Importer un thème depuis un fichier." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:323 +msgid "Delete the selected theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:344 +msgid "Export the selected theme for sharing." +msgstr "Exporter le thème pour le partager." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:392 +msgid "Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie." +msgstr "" +"Ouvrir un didacticiel expliquant la création de nouveaux thèmes pour Gnome-" +"Pie." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:442 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:109 +msgid "General Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres généraux" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:634 +msgid "" +"<b><big>This Pie is empty!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the " +"plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or " +"folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible...\n" +"\n" +"For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>Cette Tarte est vide !</big>\n" +"\n" +"Commencez par lui ajouter des Parts !</b>\n" +"Pour cela, vous pouvez déplacer des éléments sur le signe plus. Vous pouvez " +"essayer plein de choses ! Par exemple, des lanceurs d'application ou des " +"dossiers. Même les liens de votre navigateur sont supportés...\n" +"\n" +"Pour un ajout manuel ou avancé, cliquez sur le signe plus." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:655 +msgid "" +"<b><big>You have no Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little " +"plus sign in the lower left corner." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>Vous n'avez aucune Tarte !</big>\n" +"\n" +"Commencez par en créer une !</b> Vous pouvez le faire en cliquant sur le " +"petit signe plus dans le coin en bas à gauche." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:741 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:110 +msgid "Pie Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres de la tarte" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:34 +msgid "Press hotkey" +msgstr "Appuyez sur le raccourci clavier" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:36 +msgid "Simulates the activation of a hotkey." +msgstr "Simule l'activation d'un raccourci clavier" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open URI" +msgstr "Ouvrir une URL" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens a given location. You may use URL's or files paths." +msgstr "" +"Ouvre un emplacement défini. Vous pouvez utiliser une URL ou un " +"emplacementde fichier" + +#: ../../src/actions/actionRegistry.vala:119 +msgid "Trash" +msgstr "Poubelle" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:34 +msgid "Launch application" +msgstr "Lancer l'application" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:36 +msgid "Executes the given command." +msgstr "Exécute la commande définie" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open Pie" +msgstr "Ouvrir une Tarte" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens another Pie of Gnome-Pie. You may create sub menus this way." +msgstr "" +"Ouvre une autre Part de Tarte. Vous pouvez ainsi créer des sous-menus." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:79 +msgid "bake your pies!" +msgstr "Préparez vos tartes !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:235 +msgid "Pies can be opened with the terminal command \"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." +msgstr "" +"Les Tartes peuvent être ouvertes avec la ligne de commande \"gnome-pie --" +"open=ID\"." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:236 +msgid "Feel free to visit Gnome-Pie's homepage at %s!" +msgstr "N'hésitez pas à visiter le site de Gnome-Pie sur %s !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:237 +msgid "If you want to give some feedback, please write an e-mail to %s!" +msgstr "Si vous avez des retours, merci d'écrire un courriel à %s !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:238 +msgid "You can support the development of Gnome-Pie by donating via %s." +msgstr "Vous pouvez aider au développement de Gnome-Pie en donnant via %s." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:239 +msgid "" +"Translating Gnome-Pie to your language is easy. Translations are managed at " +"%s." +msgstr "" +"Traduire Gnome-Pie dans votre langue est facile. Les traductions sont gérées " +"par %s." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:240 +msgid "" +"It's easy to create new themes for Gnome-Pie. Read the <a href=" +"'%s'>Tutorial</a> online." +msgstr "" +"Il est facile de créer de nouveaux thèmes pour Gnome-Pie. Lisez le <a href=" +"'%s'>Didacticiel</a> en ligne." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:241 +msgid "It's usually a good practice to have at most twelve slices per pie." +msgstr "Un maximum de douze Parts par Tarte est considéré comme idéal." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:242 +msgid "You can export themes you created and share them with the community!" +msgstr "Vous pouvez exporter vos thèmes et les partager avec la communauté !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:243 +msgid "The source code of Gnome-Pie is available on %s." +msgstr "Le code source de Gnome-Pie est disponible sur %s." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:244 +msgid "Bugs can be reported at %s!" +msgstr "Les bugs peuvent être signalés à %s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:245 +msgid "Suggestions can be posted on %s!" +msgstr "Les suggestions peuvent être faites sur %s !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:246 +msgid "" +"An awesome companion of Gnome-Pie is %s. It will make using your computer " +"feel like magic!" +msgstr "" +"Un excellent compagnon pour Gnome-Pie est %s. Vous aurez l'impression " +"d'ajouter de la magie à votre ordinateur !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:247 +msgid "You can drag'n'drop applications from your main menu to the pie above." +msgstr "" +"Vous pouvez glisser-déposer des applications depuis votre menu principal " +"vers la Tarte ci-dessus." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:248 +msgid "" +"You may drag'n'drop URLs and bookmarks from your internet browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" +"Vous pouvez glisser-déposer des URL et des favoris depuis votre navigateur " +"internet vers la Tarte ci-dessus." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:249 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop files and folders from your file browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" +"Vous pouvez glisser-déposer des fichiers et dossiers depuis votre " +"explorateur vers la Tarte ci-dessus." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:250 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left into other pies in order " +"to create sub-pies." +msgstr "" +"Vous pouvez glisser-déposer des Tartes depuis la liste à gauche dans " +"d'autres Tartes pour créer des sous-Tartes." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:251 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left to your desktop or dock " +"to create a launcher for this pie." +msgstr "" +"Vous pouvez glisser-déposer des Tartes depuis la liste à gauche vers votre " +"bureau ou votre dock pour créer un lanceur." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:401 +msgid "Sucessfully imported new theme!" +msgstr "Nouveau thème importé avec succès !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:415 +msgid "An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to extract theme!" +msgstr "" +"Une erreur est survenue pendant l'importation du thème : impossible " +"d'extraire le thème !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:419 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: A theme with this name does " +"already exist!" +msgstr "" +"Une erreur est survenue pendant l'importation du thème : Un thème avec ce " +"nom existe déjà !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:423 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Theme archive does not contain a " +"valid theme!" +msgstr "" +"Une erreur est survenue pendant l'importation du thème : L'archive ne " +"contient pas de thème valide !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:427 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to open theme archive!" +msgstr "" +"Une erreur est survenue pendant l'importation du thème : Impossible d'ouvrir " +"l'archive !" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:451 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected theme from %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:528 +msgid "New Pie" +msgstr "Nouvelle Tarte" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:543 +msgid "" +"Do you really want to delete the selected Pie with all contained Slices?" +msgstr "Voulez-vous supprimer la Tarte sélectionnée et son contenu ?" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreview.vala:148 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this Slice?" +msgstr "Voulez-vous supprimer cette Part ?" + +#: ../../src/gui/sliceTypeList.vala:60 +msgid "Slice types" +msgstr "Types de Part" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "Cliquez pour éditer" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Drag to move" +msgstr "Faites glisser pour déplacer" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:422 +msgid "Click to add a new Slice" +msgstr "Cliquez pour ajouter \n" +" une nouvelle Part" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:426 +msgid "Drop to add as new Slice" +msgstr "Déposez pour ajouter \n" +" une nouvelle Part" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:429 +msgid "Drop to move Slice" +msgstr "Déposez pour \n" +" déplacer la Part" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Click to delete" +msgstr "Cliquez pour supprimer" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieList.vala:77 +msgid "Pies" +msgstr "Tartes" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:182 +msgid "All icons" +msgstr "Toutes les icônes" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:183 +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:36 +msgid "Applications" +msgstr "Applications" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:184 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Actions" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:185 +msgid "Places" +msgstr "Dossiers" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:186 +msgid "File types" +msgstr "Types de fichiers" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:187 +msgid "Emotes" +msgstr "Émoticones" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:188 +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "Divers" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:261 +msgid "All supported image formats" +msgstr "Tous les formats d'images supportés" + +#: ../../src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala:292 +msgid "Rename me!" +msgstr "Renommez-moi!" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieOptionsWindow.vala:274 +msgid "" +"This hotkey is already assigned to the pie \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Please select another one or cancel your selection." +msgstr "" +"Ce raccourci clavier est déja défini pour la Tarte \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Merci d'en choisir un autre ou d'annuler votre choix." + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:59 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Thèmes" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:108 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:126 +msgid "_Preferences" +msgstr "_Préférences" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:135 +msgid "_About" +msgstr "_A propos" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:150 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "_Quitter" + +#: ../../src/gui/newsWindow.vala:64 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Fermer" + +#: ../../src/gui/triggerSelectButton.vala:64 +msgid "Press a hotkey ..." +msgstr "Faites un raccourci clavier ..." + +#: ../../src/utilities/key.vala:65 ../../src/utilities/bindingManager.vala:186 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:195 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:280 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:281 +msgid "Not bound" +msgstr "Aucun raccourci" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:182 +msgid "Button %i" +msgstr "Bouton %i" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:185 +msgid "LeftButton" +msgstr "Bouton Gauche" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:187 +msgid "RightButton" +msgstr "Bouton Droit" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:189 +msgid "MiddleButton" +msgstr "Bouton Central" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:216 +msgid "Turbo" +msgstr "Turbo" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:220 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:222 +msgid "Delayed" +msgstr "Différé" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:226 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:228 +msgid "Centered" +msgstr "Centré" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:232 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:234 +msgid "Warp" +msgstr "Centrer" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:238 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:240 +msgid "Auto-shaped" +msgstr "Forme auto" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:243 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:245 +msgid "Quarter pie" +msgstr "Quart de tarte" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:249 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:251 +msgid "Half pie" +msgstr "Demie tarte" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:169 +msgid "Successfully exported the theme \"%s\"!" +msgstr "Thème \"%s\" exporté avec succès !" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:176 +msgid "" +"An error occured while exporting the theme \"%s\"! Please check the console " +"output." +msgstr "" +"Une erreur est survenue pendant l'importation du thème \"%s\" : Plus " +"d'informations sur la sortie console." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:34 +msgid "Group: Window List" +msgstr "Groupe : Liste de fenêtres" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your opened Windows. Almost like Alt-Tab." +msgstr "" +"Affiche une Part pour chacune des fenêtres ouvertes. Fonctionne comme Alt-" +"Tab." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:64 +msgid "Group: Clipboard" +msgstr "Groupe : Presse-papier" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Manages your Clipboard." +msgstr "Gère votre Presse-papier." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Devices" +msgstr "Groupe : Périphériques" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each plugged in devices, like USB-Sticks." +msgstr "" +"Affiche une Part pour chaque périphérique branché, par exemple une clé USB" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:85 +msgid "Root" +msgstr "Racine" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Main menu" +msgstr "Groupe : Menu principal" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Displays your main menu structure." +msgstr "Affiche la structure du menu principal" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Window List for current workspace" +msgstr "Groupe : Liste des fenêtres de l'espace de travail" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:37 +msgid "" +"Shows a Slice for each of your opened windows on the current workspace." +msgstr "" +"Affiche une Part pour chacune des fenêtres ouvertes. Fonctionne comme Alt-" +"Tab." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Session Control" +msgstr "Groupe : Gestion de la Session" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernate." +msgstr "Affiche une Part pour Éteindre, Redémarrer, et Hiberner" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:60 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "Éteindre" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:63 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Déconnexion" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Reboot" +msgstr "Redémarrer" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Group: Bookmarks" +msgstr "Groupe : Favoris" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:38 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your directory Bookmarks." +msgstr "Affiche une Part pour chacun des répertoires en Favoris" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:29 +msgid "Multimedia" +msgstr "Multimédia" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:30 +msgid "Next Track" +msgstr "Piste suivante" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:31 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "Stop" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:32 +msgid "Previous Track" +msgstr "Piste précédente" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:33 +msgid "Play/Pause" +msgstr "Lecture/Pause" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:45 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "Favoris" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:50 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "Session" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:54 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "Menu Principal" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:58 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "Fenêtre" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:59 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "Échelle" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:60 +msgid "Minimize" +msgstr "Minimiser" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:61 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Fermer" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:62 +msgid "Maximize" +msgstr "Agrandir" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:63 +msgid "Restore" +msgstr "Restaurer" diff --git a/resources/locale/gen-po.sh b/resources/locale/gen-po.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..3de72bd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/gen-po.sh @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# get directory of script and cd to it +DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )" +cd $DIR + +echo "Insert your locale:"; +read locale; + +if [ "$locale" == "" ] +then + echo "No locale inserted! Aborting..."; + exit 1 +fi + +mkdir -p $locale/LC_MESSAGES +msginit --locale=$locale --input=gnomepie.pot --output=$locale/LC_MESSAGES/$locale.po diff --git a/resources/locale/gen-pot.sh b/resources/locale/gen-pot.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..22d3067 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/gen-pot.sh @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# get directory of script and cd to it +DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )" +cd $DIR + +# Searches trough all vala files of Gnome-Pie and generates +# a gnomepie.pot for strings which need to be translated. + +domain="gnomepie" +version="0.4" +copyright="Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de>" + +rm $domain.pot + +filelist=$( find ../ui/ -name '*.ui' -printf "%h/%f " ) +xgettext --package-name $domain \ + --package-version $version \ + --default-domain $domain \ + --output $domain.pot \ + --copyright-holder="$copyright" \ + --from-code utf-8 \ + -k_ \ + -L Glade \ + $filelist + +filelist=$( find ../../src/ -name '*.vala' -printf "%h/%f " ) +xgettext --package-name $domain \ + --package-version $version \ + --default-domain $domain \ + --output $domain.pot \ + --copyright-holder="$copyright" \ + --from-code utf-8 \ + --join-existing \ + -k_ \ + -L C# \ + $filelist + +sed --in-place $domain.pot --expression='s/CHARSET/UTF-8/' diff --git a/resources/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/it.po b/resources/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/it.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24963ec --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/it.po @@ -0,0 +1,729 @@ +# Italian translations for gnomepie package. +# Copyright (C) 2011 Simon Schneegans <simon.schneegans@uni-weimar.de> +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnomepie package. +# Riccardo Traverso <gr3yfox.fw@gmail.com>, 2011. +# Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>, 2015. #zanata +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnomepie 0.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 18:32+0100\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-08 06:52-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Riccardo Traverso <gr3yfox.fw@gmail.com>\n" +"Language-Team: Italian\n" +"Language: it\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Poedit-Language: Italian\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.2\n" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:53 +msgid "Activation Settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:153 +msgid "Unamed Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:216 +msgid "ID:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:234 +msgid "It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:274 +msgid "Turbo mode" +msgstr "Modalità turbo" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:280 ../ui/pie_options.ui:281 +msgid "If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key." +msgstr "" +"Se selezionato, la Torta si chiuderà al rilascio della combinazione di tasti " +"assegnata." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:293 +msgid "Long press for activation" +msgstr "Pressione prolungata per l'attivazione" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:299 ../ui/pie_options.ui:300 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer." +msgstr "" +"Se selezionato, la Torta si aprirà soltanto se si preme la combinazione di " +"tasti un po' più a lungo." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:312 +msgid "Open Pie centered on the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:318 ../ui/pie_options.ui:319 +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop " +"up at your pointer." +msgstr "" +"Se selezionato, la Torta si aprirà soltanto se si preme la combinazione di " +"tasti un po' più a lungo." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:331 +msgid "Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:337 ../ui/pie_options.ui:338 +msgid "" +"If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This " +"allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's " +"boundary." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:356 +msgid "Activation options" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:547 +msgid "Automatically select the best pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:551 +msgid "" +"If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse " +"travelling." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:571 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:8 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Slice Options" +msgstr "Applicazioni" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:140 +msgid "There are no options for this Slice type." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:166 +msgid "Name of the Slice " +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:204 +msgid "URI to open" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:242 +msgid "Command to execute" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:280 +msgid "Hotkey to press" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:309 +msgid "Pie to open" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:338 +msgid "Is Quick Action" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:353 ../ui/slice_select.ui:354 +msgid "This Slice will be executed when you click in the middle of the Pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:386 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Slice options" +msgstr "Applicazioni" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:9 +msgid "Select an icon" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:103 +msgid "Icon Theme" +msgstr "Tema di icone" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:123 +msgid "Custom Icon" +msgstr "Icona personalizzata" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:7 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:78 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Gnome-Pie Settings" +msgstr "Gnome-Pie - Impostazioni" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:41 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Start Gnome-Pie on login" +msgstr "Avvia al Login" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:47 ../ui/preferences.ui:48 +#, fuzzy +msgid "If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in." +msgstr "Se selezionato, Gnome-Pie si avvierà all'accesso." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:60 +msgid "Display panel icon " +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:66 ../ui/preferences.ui:67 +msgid "" +"If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second " +"time." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:79 +msgid "Select Slices by typing their names" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:85 ../ui/preferences.ui:86 +msgid "" +"If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise " +"you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT " +"when a Pie is openened)." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:98 +msgid "Display Slice labels" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:104 ../ui/preferences.ui:105 +msgid "" +"Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by " +"the theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:139 +msgid "Activation radius" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:179 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Global scale" +msgstr "Scala globale" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:219 +msgid "Maximum slices per pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:302 +msgid "Import a theme from a file." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:323 +msgid "Delete the selected theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:344 +msgid "Export the selected theme for sharing." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:392 +msgid "Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:442 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:109 +#, fuzzy +msgid "General Settings" +msgstr "Gnome-Pie - Impostazioni" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:634 +msgid "" +"<b><big>This Pie is empty!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the " +"plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or " +"folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible...\n" +"\n" +"For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:655 +msgid "" +"<b><big>You have no Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little " +"plus sign in the lower left corner." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:741 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:110 +msgid "Pie Settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:34 +msgid "Press hotkey" +msgstr "Pressione di tasti" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:36 +msgid "Simulates the activation of a hotkey." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open URI" +msgstr "Apri URI" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens a given location. You may use URL's or files paths." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actions/actionRegistry.vala:119 +msgid "Trash" +msgstr "Cestino" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:34 +msgid "Launch application" +msgstr "Lancia applicazione" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:36 +msgid "Executes the given command." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open Pie" +msgstr "Apri una Torta" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens another Pie of Gnome-Pie. You may create sub menus this way." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:79 +msgid "bake your pies!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:235 +msgid "Pies can be opened with the terminal command \"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:236 +msgid "Feel free to visit Gnome-Pie's homepage at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:237 +msgid "If you want to give some feedback, please write an e-mail to %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:238 +msgid "You can support the development of Gnome-Pie by donating via %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:239 +msgid "" +"Translating Gnome-Pie to your language is easy. Translations are managed at " +"%s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:240 +msgid "" +"It's easy to create new themes for Gnome-Pie. Read the <a href=" +"'%s'>Tutorial</a> online." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:241 +msgid "It's usually a good practice to have at most twelve slices per pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:242 +msgid "You can export themes you created and share them with the community!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:243 +msgid "The source code of Gnome-Pie is available on %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:244 +msgid "Bugs can be reported at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:245 +msgid "Suggestions can be posted on %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:246 +msgid "" +"An awesome companion of Gnome-Pie is %s. It will make using your computer " +"feel like magic!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:247 +msgid "You can drag'n'drop applications from your main menu to the pie above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:248 +msgid "" +"You may drag'n'drop URLs and bookmarks from your internet browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:249 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop files and folders from your file browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:250 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left into other pies in order " +"to create sub-pies." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:251 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left to your desktop or dock " +"to create a launcher for this pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:401 +msgid "Sucessfully imported new theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:415 +msgid "An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to extract theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:419 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: A theme with this name does " +"already exist!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:423 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Theme archive does not contain a " +"valid theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:427 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to open theme archive!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:451 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected theme from %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:528 +msgid "New Pie" +msgstr "Nuova Torta" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:543 +msgid "" +"Do you really want to delete the selected Pie with all contained Slices?" +msgstr "" +"Vuoi davvero eliminare la Torta selezionata e tutte le Fette che contiene?" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreview.vala:148 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to delete this Slice?" +msgstr "Vuoi davvero eliminare la Fetta selezionata?" + +#: ../../src/gui/sliceTypeList.vala:60 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Slice types" +msgstr "Tipi di file" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Drag to move" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:422 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Click to add a new Slice" +msgstr "Aggiungi nuova Fetta" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:426 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Drop to add as new Slice" +msgstr "Aggiungi nuova Fetta" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:429 +msgid "Drop to move Slice" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Click to delete" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieList.vala:77 +msgid "Pies" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:182 +msgid "All icons" +msgstr "Tutte le icone" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:183 +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:36 +msgid "Applications" +msgstr "Applicazioni" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:184 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Azioni" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:185 +msgid "Places" +msgstr "Luoghi" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:186 +msgid "File types" +msgstr "Tipi di file" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:187 +msgid "Emotes" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:188 +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "Varie" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:261 +msgid "All supported image formats" +msgstr "Tutti i formati immagine supportati" + +#: ../../src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala:292 +msgid "Rename me!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieOptionsWindow.vala:274 +msgid "" +"This hotkey is already assigned to the pie \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Please select another one or cancel your selection." +msgstr "" +"Questa combinazione di tasti è stata già assegnata alla Torta \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Selezionane un'altra oppure annulla la tua selezione per favore." + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:59 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Temi" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:108 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:126 +msgid "_Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:135 +msgid "_About" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:150 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/newsWindow.vala:64 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/triggerSelectButton.vala:64 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Press a hotkey ..." +msgstr "Pressione di tasti" + +#: ../../src/utilities/key.vala:65 ../../src/utilities/bindingManager.vala:186 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:195 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:280 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:281 +msgid "Not bound" +msgstr "Non assegnato" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:182 +msgid "Button %i" +msgstr "Tasto %i" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:185 +msgid "LeftButton" +msgstr "Tasto sinistro" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:187 +msgid "RightButton" +msgstr "Tasto destro" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:189 +msgid "MiddleButton" +msgstr "Tasto centrale" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:216 +msgid "Turbo" +msgstr "Turbo" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:220 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:222 +msgid "Delayed" +msgstr "Ritardato" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:226 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:228 +msgid "Centered" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:232 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:234 +msgid "Warp" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:238 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:240 +msgid "Auto-shaped" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:243 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:245 +msgid "Quarter pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:249 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:251 +msgid "Half pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:169 +msgid "Successfully exported the theme \"%s\"!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:176 +msgid "" +"An error occured while exporting the theme \"%s\"! Please check the console " +"output." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:34 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Window List" +msgstr "Elenco delle finestre" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your opened Windows. Almost like Alt-Tab." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:64 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Clipboard" +msgstr "Appunti" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Manages your Clipboard." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:35 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Devices" +msgstr "Dispositivi" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each plugged in devices, like USB-Sticks." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:85 +msgid "Root" +msgstr "Root" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:35 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Main menu" +msgstr "Menu principale" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Displays your main menu structure." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Window List for current workspace" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:37 +msgid "" +"Shows a Slice for each of your opened windows on the current workspace." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:35 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Session Control" +msgstr "Controllo della sessione" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernate." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:60 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "Spegnimento" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:63 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Chiudi sessione" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Reboot" +msgstr "Riavvio" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:36 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Bookmarks" +msgstr "Segnalibri" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:38 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your directory Bookmarks." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:29 +msgid "Multimedia" +msgstr "Multimedia" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:30 +msgid "Next Track" +msgstr "Traccia Successiva" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:31 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "Ferma" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:32 +msgid "Previous Track" +msgstr "Traccia Precedente" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:33 +msgid "Play/Pause" +msgstr "Riproduci/Pausa" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:45 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "Segnalibri" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:50 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "Sessione" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:54 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "Menu principale" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:58 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "Finestra" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:59 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "Scala" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:60 +msgid "Minimize" +msgstr "Minimizza" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:61 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Chiudi" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:62 +msgid "Maximize" +msgstr "Massimizza" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:63 +msgid "Restore" +msgstr "Ripristina" diff --git a/resources/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ko.po b/resources/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ko.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e04f1d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ko.po @@ -0,0 +1,705 @@ +# Korean translations for gnomepie package. +# Copyright (C) 2011 Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de> +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnomepie package. +# 김보람 <boramism@gmail.com>, 2011. +# Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>, 2015. #zanata +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnomepie 0.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 18:32+0100\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-22 10:08-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Kim Boram <Boramism@gmail.com>\n" +"Language-Team: Korean\n" +"Language: ko\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.2\n" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:53 +msgid "Activation Settings" +msgstr "활성화 설정" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:153 +msgid "Unamed Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:216 +msgid "ID:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:234 +msgid "It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!" +msgstr "마우스 단추를 함께 묶을 수 없습니다!" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:274 +msgid "Turbo mode" +msgstr "터보 모드" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:280 ../ui/pie_options.ui:281 +msgid "If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key." +msgstr "선택하면 누른 키보드 바로가기를 떼면 파이를 닫습니다." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:293 +msgid "Long press for activation" +msgstr "활성화 하려면 길게 누르세요" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:299 ../ui/pie_options.ui:300 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer." +msgstr "선택하면 파이를 단축키를 길게 누를 때만 엽니다." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:312 +msgid "Open Pie centered on the screen" +msgstr "파이를 화면의 가운데에서 엽니다" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:318 ../ui/pie_options.ui:319 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop " +"up at your pointer." +msgstr "선택하면 파이를 화면의 한 가운데에서 실행합니다. 선택하지 않으면 마우스 포인터에 나타납니다." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:331 +msgid "Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:337 ../ui/pie_options.ui:338 +msgid "" +"If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This " +"allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's " +"boundary." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:356 +msgid "Activation options" +msgstr "활성화 옵션" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:547 +msgid "Automatically select the best pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:551 +msgid "" +"If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse " +"travelling." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:571 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:8 +msgid "Slice Options" +msgstr "조각 옵션" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:140 +msgid "There are no options for this Slice type." +msgstr "이 형식의 조각은 옵션이 없습니다." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:166 +msgid "Name of the Slice " +msgstr "조각 이름" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:204 +msgid "URI to open" +msgstr "열 주소" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:242 +msgid "Command to execute" +msgstr "실행할 명령" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:280 +msgid "Hotkey to press" +msgstr "누를 바로 가기 키" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:309 +msgid "Pie to open" +msgstr "열 파이" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:338 +msgid "Is Quick Action" +msgstr "빠른 동작입니다" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:353 ../ui/slice_select.ui:354 +msgid "This Slice will be executed when you click in the middle of the Pie." +msgstr "파이의 가운데를 클릭해야 조각을 실행합니다." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:386 +msgid "Slice options" +msgstr "조각 옵션" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:9 +msgid "Select an icon" +msgstr "아이콘 선택" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:103 +msgid "Icon Theme" +msgstr "아이콘 테마" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:123 +msgid "Custom Icon" +msgstr "사용자 설정 아이콘" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:7 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:78 +msgid "Gnome-Pie Settings" +msgstr "그놈 파이 설정" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:41 +msgid "Start Gnome-Pie on login" +msgstr "그놈 파이 로그인할 때 시작" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:47 ../ui/preferences.ui:48 +msgid "If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in." +msgstr "선택하면 그놈 파이가 로그인할 때 조용하게 시작합니다." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:60 +msgid "Display panel icon " +msgstr "패널 아이콘 표시" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:66 ../ui/preferences.ui:67 +msgid "" +"If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second " +"time." +msgstr "선택하지 않으면 그놈 파이를 두 번째 실행했을 때 이 메뉴에 접근할 수 있습니다." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:79 +msgid "Select Slices by typing their names" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:85 ../ui/preferences.ui:86 +msgid "" +"If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise " +"you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT " +"when a Pie is openened)." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:98 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Display Slice labels" +msgstr "패널 아이콘 표시" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:104 ../ui/preferences.ui:105 +msgid "" +"Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by " +"the theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:139 +msgid "Activation radius" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:179 +msgid "Global scale" +msgstr "전체 크기 조정" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:219 +msgid "Maximum slices per pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:302 +msgid "Import a theme from a file." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:323 +msgid "Delete the selected theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:344 +msgid "Export the selected theme for sharing." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:392 +msgid "Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:442 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:109 +msgid "General Settings" +msgstr "일반 설정" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:634 +msgid "" +"<b><big>This Pie is empty!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the " +"plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or " +"folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible...\n" +"\n" +"For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:655 +msgid "" +"<b><big>You have no Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little " +"plus sign in the lower left corner." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>파이가 없습니다!</big>\n" +"\n" +"하나 만드는 것부터 시작하십시오! </b> 왼쪽 하단 모서리의 작은 더하기 기호를 누르면 만들 수 있습니다." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:741 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:110 +msgid "Pie Settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:34 +msgid "Press hotkey" +msgstr "단축키를 누르세요" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:36 +msgid "Simulates the activation of a hotkey." +msgstr "키보드 바로 가기로 활성화를 시뮬레이트합니다." + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open URI" +msgstr "주소 열기" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens a given location. You may use URL's or files paths." +msgstr "주어진 위치를 엽니다. 인터넷 주소나 파일 주소를 이용할 수 있습니다." + +#: ../../src/actions/actionRegistry.vala:119 +msgid "Trash" +msgstr "휴지통" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:34 +msgid "Launch application" +msgstr "프로그램 실행" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:36 +msgid "Executes the given command." +msgstr "주어진 명령을 실행합니다." + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open Pie" +msgstr "파이 열기" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens another Pie of Gnome-Pie. You may create sub menus this way." +msgstr "그놈 파이를 하나 더 엽니다. 이 방법으로 하위 메뉴를 만들 수 있습니다." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:79 +msgid "bake your pies!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:235 +msgid "Pies can be opened with the terminal command \"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:236 +msgid "Feel free to visit Gnome-Pie's homepage at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:237 +msgid "If you want to give some feedback, please write an e-mail to %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:238 +msgid "You can support the development of Gnome-Pie by donating via %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:239 +msgid "" +"Translating Gnome-Pie to your language is easy. Translations are managed at " +"%s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:240 +msgid "" +"It's easy to create new themes for Gnome-Pie. Read the <a href=" +"'%s'>Tutorial</a> online." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:241 +msgid "It's usually a good practice to have at most twelve slices per pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:242 +msgid "You can export themes you created and share them with the community!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:243 +msgid "The source code of Gnome-Pie is available on %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:244 +msgid "Bugs can be reported at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:245 +msgid "Suggestions can be posted on %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:246 +msgid "" +"An awesome companion of Gnome-Pie is %s. It will make using your computer " +"feel like magic!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:247 +msgid "You can drag'n'drop applications from your main menu to the pie above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:248 +msgid "" +"You may drag'n'drop URLs and bookmarks from your internet browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:249 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop files and folders from your file browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:250 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left into other pies in order " +"to create sub-pies." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:251 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left to your desktop or dock " +"to create a launcher for this pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:401 +msgid "Sucessfully imported new theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:415 +msgid "An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to extract theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:419 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: A theme with this name does " +"already exist!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:423 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Theme archive does not contain a " +"valid theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:427 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to open theme archive!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:451 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected theme from %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:528 +msgid "New Pie" +msgstr "새 파이" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:543 +msgid "" +"Do you really want to delete the selected Pie with all contained Slices?" +msgstr "선택한 파이와 파이 안의 모든 조각을 삭제하시겠습니까?" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreview.vala:148 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this Slice?" +msgstr "정말 이 조각을 삭제하시겠습니까?" + +#: ../../src/gui/sliceTypeList.vala:60 +msgid "Slice types" +msgstr "조각 형식" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "클릭하여 편집" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Drag to move" +msgstr "이동하려면 끌기" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:422 +msgid "Click to add a new Slice" +msgstr "새 조각을 추가하려면 클릭" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:426 +msgid "Drop to add as new Slice" +msgstr "새 조각을 추가하려면 떨어트리기" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:429 +msgid "Drop to move Slice" +msgstr "조각을 이동하려면 떨어트리기" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Click to delete" +msgstr "삭제하려면 클릭하세요" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieList.vala:77 +msgid "Pies" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:182 +msgid "All icons" +msgstr "모든 아이콘" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:183 +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:36 +msgid "Applications" +msgstr "프로그램" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:184 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "동작" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:185 +msgid "Places" +msgstr "위치" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:186 +msgid "File types" +msgstr "파일 형식" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:187 +msgid "Emotes" +msgstr "감정" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:188 +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "기타" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:261 +msgid "All supported image formats" +msgstr "지원하는 모든 이미지 형식" + +#: ../../src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala:292 +msgid "Rename me!" +msgstr "이름을 바꿔주세요!" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieOptionsWindow.vala:274 +msgid "" +"This hotkey is already assigned to the pie \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Please select another one or cancel your selection." +msgstr "이 단축키는 이미 \"%s\" 파이에 할당했습니다!\n" +"\n" +"다른 것을 선택하거나 선택을 취소하십시오." + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:59 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "테마" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:108 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:126 +msgid "_Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:135 +msgid "_About" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:150 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/newsWindow.vala:64 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/triggerSelectButton.vala:64 +msgid "Press a hotkey ..." +msgstr "바로 가기 키를 누르세요..." + +#: ../../src/utilities/key.vala:65 ../../src/utilities/bindingManager.vala:186 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:195 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:280 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:281 +msgid "Not bound" +msgstr "연결하지 않음" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:182 +msgid "Button %i" +msgstr "%i 단추" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:185 +msgid "LeftButton" +msgstr "왼쪽 단추" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:187 +msgid "RightButton" +msgstr "오른쪽 단추" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:189 +msgid "MiddleButton" +msgstr "가운데 단추" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:216 +msgid "Turbo" +msgstr "터보" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:220 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:222 +msgid "Delayed" +msgstr "시간 지연" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:226 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:228 +msgid "Centered" +msgstr "가운데" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:232 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:234 +msgid "Warp" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:238 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:240 +msgid "Auto-shaped" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:243 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:245 +msgid "Quarter pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:249 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:251 +msgid "Half pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:169 +msgid "Successfully exported the theme \"%s\"!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:176 +msgid "" +"An error occured while exporting the theme \"%s\"! Please check the console " +"output." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:34 +msgid "Group: Window List" +msgstr "그룹: 창 목록" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your opened Windows. Almost like Alt-Tab." +msgstr "열린 각 창의 조각을 표시합니다. 알트 키와 탭 키를 누르는 것과 거의 같습니다." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:64 +msgid "Group: Clipboard" +msgstr "그룹: 클립보드" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Manages your Clipboard." +msgstr "클립보드를 관리합니다." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Devices" +msgstr "그룹: 장치" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each plugged in devices, like USB-Sticks." +msgstr "연결한 USB 메모리와 같은 각 장치의 조각을 표시합니다." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:85 +msgid "Root" +msgstr "루트" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Main menu" +msgstr "그룹: 주 메뉴" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Displays your main menu structure." +msgstr "주 메뉴 구조를 표시합니다." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Window List for current workspace" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:37 +msgid "" +"Shows a Slice for each of your opened windows on the current workspace." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Session Control" +msgstr "그룹: 세션 조정" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernate." +msgstr "시스템 끝내기, 다시 시작, 최대 절전 조각을 표시합니다." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:60 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "시스템 끄기" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:63 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "로그아웃" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Reboot" +msgstr "다시 시작" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Group: Bookmarks" +msgstr "그룹: 책갈피" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:38 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your directory Bookmarks." +msgstr "각 디렉터리 책갈피의 조각을 표시합니다." + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:29 +msgid "Multimedia" +msgstr "멀티미디어" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:30 +msgid "Next Track" +msgstr "다음 트랙" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:31 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "정지" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:32 +msgid "Previous Track" +msgstr "이전 트랙" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:33 +msgid "Play/Pause" +msgstr "재생/일시 정지" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:45 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "책갈피" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:50 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "세션" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:54 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "주 메뉴" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:58 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "창" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:59 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "크기 조정" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:60 +msgid "Minimize" +msgstr "최소화" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:61 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "닫기" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:62 +msgid "Maximize" +msgstr "최대화" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:63 +msgid "Restore" +msgstr "복구" diff --git a/resources/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/lt.po b/resources/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/lt.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad1cf73 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/lt.po @@ -0,0 +1,760 @@ +# Lithuanian translations for gnomepie package. +# Copyright (C) 2015 Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de> +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnomepie package. +# Moo <hazap@hotmail.com>, 2015. +# Moo <hazap@hotmail.com>, 2015. #zanata +# Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>, 2015. #zanata +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnomepie 0.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 18:32+0100\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-30 01:36-0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>\n" +"Language-Team: Lithuanian\n" +"Language: lt\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && " +"(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.2\n" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:53 +msgid "Activation Settings" +msgstr "Aktyvinimo Nustatymai" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:153 +msgid "Unamed Pie" +msgstr "Bevardis Pyragas" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:216 +msgid "ID:" +msgstr "ID:" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:234 +msgid "It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!" +msgstr "Be to, galima susieti ir pelės mygtukus!" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:274 +msgid "Turbo mode" +msgstr "Turbo veiksena" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:280 ../ui/pie_options.ui:281 +msgid "If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key." +msgstr "" +"Jei pažymėta, Pyragas bus užvertas, kai atleisite pasirinktą spartųjį " +"klavišą." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:293 +msgid "Long press for activation" +msgstr "Aktyvinimas ilgu nuspaudimu" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:299 ../ui/pie_options.ui:300 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer." +msgstr "" +"Jei pažymėta, Pyragas bus atvertas tik tuomet, jei palaikysite šį spartųjį " +"klavišą šiek tiek ilgiau." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:312 +msgid "Open Pie centered on the screen" +msgstr "Atverti Pyragą ekrano centre" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:318 ../ui/pie_options.ui:319 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop " +"up at your pointer." +msgstr "" +"Jei pažymėta, Pyragas bus atveriamas ekrano viduryje. Kitu atveju, jis " +"iškils iš jūsų rodyklės." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:331 +msgid "Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie" +msgstr "Permesti pelės rodyklę į Pyrago vidurį" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:337 ../ui/pie_options.ui:338 +msgid "" +"If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This " +"allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's " +"boundary." +msgstr "" +"Jei pažymėta, pelės rodyklė bus permesta į Pyrago vidurį. Tai leidžia " +"greitai pasirinkti netgi tais atvejais, kai Pyragas atveriamas ekrano krašte." +"" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:356 +msgid "Activation options" +msgstr "Aktyvinimo parinktys" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:547 +msgid "Automatically select the best pie shape" +msgstr "Automatiškai parinkti pyragui tinkamiausią formą" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:551 +msgid "" +"If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse " +"travelling." +msgstr "" +"Jei pažymėta, automatiškai bus parenkama forma, siekiant sumažinti pelės " +"kelią." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:571 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "Pyrago forma" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:8 +msgid "Slice Options" +msgstr "Gabaliuko Parinktys" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:140 +msgid "There are no options for this Slice type." +msgstr "Šiam Gabaliuko tipui parinkčių nėra." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:166 +msgid "Name of the Slice " +msgstr "Gabaliuko Pavadinimas" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:204 +msgid "URI to open" +msgstr "Atveriamas URI" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:242 +msgid "Command to execute" +msgstr "Vykdoma komanda" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:280 +msgid "Hotkey to press" +msgstr "Nuspaudžiamas spartusis klavišas" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:309 +msgid "Pie to open" +msgstr "Pyragas, kurį atverti" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:338 +msgid "Is Quick Action" +msgstr "Yra Greitas Veiksmas" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:353 ../ui/slice_select.ui:354 +msgid "This Slice will be executed when you click in the middle of the Pie." +msgstr "Šis Gabaliukas bus vykdomas, kai nuspausite Pyrago viduryje." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:386 +msgid "Slice options" +msgstr "Gabaliuko parinktys" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:9 +msgid "Select an icon" +msgstr "Pasirinkite piktogramą" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:103 +msgid "Icon Theme" +msgstr "Piktogramų Tema" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:123 +msgid "Custom Icon" +msgstr "Pasirinktina Piktograma" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:7 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:78 +msgid "Gnome-Pie Settings" +msgstr "Gnome-Pie Nustatymai" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:41 +msgid "Start Gnome-Pie on login" +msgstr "Paleisti Gnome-Pie, įjungus kompiuterį" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:47 ../ui/preferences.ui:48 +msgid "If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in." +msgstr "" +"Jei pažymėta, Gnome-Pie bus tyliai paleidžiama, kaskart jums prisijungus." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:60 +msgid "Display panel icon " +msgstr "Rodyti skydelio piktogramą" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:66 ../ui/preferences.ui:67 +msgid "" +"If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second " +"time." +msgstr "" +"Jei nepažymėta, galite pasiekti šį meniu, paleidę Gnome-Pie antrą kartą." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:79 +msgid "Select Slices by typing their names" +msgstr "Pasirinkti Gabaliukus, rašant jų pavadinimus" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:85 ../ui/preferences.ui:86 +msgid "" +"If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise " +"you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT " +"when a Pie is openened)." +msgstr "" +"Jei pažymėta, galite pasirinkti Pyrago elementus, rinkdami klaviatūroje jų " +"pavadinimus. Kitu atveju, galite juos aktyvuoti klavišų derinio (kuris, kai " +"Pyragas yra atvertas, gali būti rodomas, nuspaudus ALT klavišą) pagalba." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:98 +msgid "Display Slice labels" +msgstr "Rodyti Gabaliukų pavadinimus" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:104 ../ui/preferences.ui:105 +msgid "" +"Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by " +"the theme." +msgstr "" +"Šalia kiekvieno Gabaliuko rodo jo pavadinimą. Prieinama tik tada, jeigu tai " +"palaiko tema." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:139 +msgid "Activation radius" +msgstr "Aktyvinimo spindulys" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:179 +msgid "Global scale" +msgstr "Visuotinė skalė" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:219 +msgid "Maximum slices per pie" +msgstr "Daugiausia gabaliukų pyrage" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:302 +msgid "Import a theme from a file." +msgstr "Importuoti temą iš failo." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:323 +msgid "Delete the selected theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:344 +msgid "Export the selected theme for sharing." +msgstr "Eksportuoti pasirinktą temą dalinimuisi." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:392 +msgid "Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie." +msgstr "" +"Atverti vadovėlį apie tai, kaip kurti naujas temas programai Gnome-Pie." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:442 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:109 +msgid "General Settings" +msgstr "Bendri Nustatymai" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:634 +msgid "" +"<b><big>This Pie is empty!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the " +"plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or " +"folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible...\n" +"\n" +"For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>Šis Pyragas yra tuščias!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Pridėkite jam Gabaliukus!</b> Tai gali būti atlikta, velkant į žemiau esantį " +"pliuso ženklą įvairią medžiagą. Galite išbandyti daugelį dalykų! Pavyzdžiui, " +"programų leistukus ar aplankus. Galima netgi (URL) nuorodas iš jūsų " +"naršyklės...\n" +"\n" +"Rankinei ar išplėstinei konfigūracijai, spauskite pliuso ženklą." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:655 +msgid "" +"<b><big>You have no Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little " +"plus sign in the lower left corner." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>Jūs neturite Pyragų!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Pradėkite, kurdami pirmą pyragą! </b> Tai galite atlikti nuspaudę, " +"apatiniame kairiajame kampe esantį, mažytį pliuso ženklą." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:741 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:110 +msgid "Pie Settings" +msgstr "Pyrago Nustatymai" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:34 +msgid "Press hotkey" +msgstr "Spausti spartųjį klavišą" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:36 +msgid "Simulates the activation of a hotkey." +msgstr "Imituoja sparčiojo klavišo aktyvinimą." + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open URI" +msgstr "Atverti URI" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens a given location. You may use URL's or files paths." +msgstr "Atveria nurodytą vietą. Galite naudoti URL ar failų kelius." + +#: ../../src/actions/actionRegistry.vala:119 +msgid "Trash" +msgstr "Šiukšlinė" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:34 +msgid "Launch application" +msgstr "Vykdyti programą" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:36 +msgid "Executes the given command." +msgstr "Vykdo nurodytą komandą." + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open Pie" +msgstr "Atverti Pyragą" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens another Pie of Gnome-Pie. You may create sub menus this way." +msgstr "" +"Atveria kitą Gnome-Pie Pyragą. Tokiu būdu galite kurti kelis submeniu." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:79 +msgid "bake your pies!" +msgstr "kepkite savo pyragus!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:235 +msgid "Pies can be opened with the terminal command \"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." +msgstr "" +"Pyragai gali būti atverti, naudojant terminalo komandą \"gnome-pie --open=" +"ID\"." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:236 +msgid "Feel free to visit Gnome-Pie's homepage at %s!" +msgstr "" +"Nesivaržykite apsilankyti Gnome-Pie internetinėje svetainėje, adresu %s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:237 +msgid "If you want to give some feedback, please write an e-mail to %s!" +msgstr "Jeigu turite kažkokių atsiliepimų, prašome rašyti el. laišką į %s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:238 +msgid "You can support the development of Gnome-Pie by donating via %s." +msgstr "Jūs galite palaikyti Gnome-Pie kūrimą, aukodami per %s." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:239 +msgid "" +"Translating Gnome-Pie to your language is easy. Translations are managed at " +"%s." +msgstr "" +"Išversti Gnome-Pie į savo kalbą yra lengva. Vertimai yra tvarkomi %s " +"sistemoje." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:240 +msgid "" +"It's easy to create new themes for Gnome-Pie. Read the <a href=" +"'%s'>Tutorial</a> online." +msgstr "" +"Kurti naujas temas programai Gnome-Pie yra lengva. Skaitykite <a href=" +"'%s'>Vadovėlį</a> internete." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:241 +msgid "It's usually a good practice to have at most twelve slices per pie." +msgstr "" +"Dažniausiai, yra gera praktika viename pyrage turėti, daugiausia, dvylika " +"gabaliukų." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:242 +msgid "You can export themes you created and share them with the community!" +msgstr "" +"Jūs galite eksportuoti savo sukurtas temas ir dalintis jomis su bendruomene!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:243 +msgid "The source code of Gnome-Pie is available on %s." +msgstr "Gnome-Pie pirminis kodas yra prieinamas sistemoje %s." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:244 +msgid "Bugs can be reported at %s!" +msgstr "Apie klaidas galima pranešti sistemoje %s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:245 +msgid "Suggestions can be posted on %s!" +msgstr "Pasiūlymus galima išsiųsti sistemoje %s!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:246 +msgid "" +"An awesome companion of Gnome-Pie is %s. It will make using your computer " +"feel like magic!" +msgstr "" +"Nuostabus Gnome-Pie draugas yra programa %s. Ji padarys jūsų naudojimąsi " +"kompiuteriu kaip pasaką!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:247 +msgid "You can drag'n'drop applications from your main menu to the pie above." +msgstr "Galite tempti programas iš savo meniu į aukščiau esantį pyragą." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:248 +msgid "" +"You may drag'n'drop URLs and bookmarks from your internet browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" +"Galite tempti URL ir adresyno įrašus iš savo naršyklės į aukščiau esantį " +"pyragą." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:249 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop files and folders from your file browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" +"Galite tempti failus ir aplankus iš savo failų tvarkytuvės į aukščiau esantį " +"pyragą." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:250 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left into other pies in order " +"to create sub-pies." +msgstr "" +"Galite tempti pyragus iš sąrašo kairėje į kitus pyragus, kad sukurtumėte " +"popyragius." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:251 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left to your desktop or dock " +"to create a launcher for this pie." +msgstr "" +"Galite tempti pyragus iš sąrašo kairėje į savo darbalaukį ar skydelį, kad " +"sukurtumėte šio pyrago leistuką." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:401 +msgid "Sucessfully imported new theme!" +msgstr "Nauja tema buvo sėkmingai importuota!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:415 +msgid "An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to extract theme!" +msgstr "Importuojant temą, įvyko klaida: Nepavyko išskleisti temos!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:419 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: A theme with this name does " +"already exist!" +msgstr "Importuojant temą, įvyko klaida: Tema tokiu pavadinimu jau yra!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:423 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Theme archive does not contain a " +"valid theme!" +msgstr "" +"Importuojant temą, įvyko klaida: Temos archyve nėra taisyklingos temos!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:427 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to open theme archive!" +msgstr "Importuojant temą, įvyko klaida: Nepavyko atverti temos archyvo!" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:451 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected theme from %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:528 +msgid "New Pie" +msgstr "Naujas Pyragas" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:543 +msgid "" +"Do you really want to delete the selected Pie with all contained Slices?" +msgstr "" +"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti pasirinktą Pyragą kartu su visais jo Gabaliukais?" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreview.vala:148 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this Slice?" +msgstr "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį Gabaliuką?" + +#: ../../src/gui/sliceTypeList.vala:60 +msgid "Slice types" +msgstr "Gabaliukų tipai" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "Spustelėkite, norėdami redaguoti" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Drag to move" +msgstr "Vilkite, norėdami perkelti" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:422 +msgid "Click to add a new Slice" +msgstr "Spustelėkite, norėdami pridėti" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:426 +msgid "Drop to add as new Slice" +msgstr "Numeskite, norėdami pridėti" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:429 +msgid "Drop to move Slice" +msgstr "Numeskite, norėdami perkelti" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Click to delete" +msgstr "Spustelėkite, norėdami ištrinti" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieList.vala:77 +msgid "Pies" +msgstr "Pyragai" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:182 +msgid "All icons" +msgstr "Visos piktogramos" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:183 +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:36 +msgid "Applications" +msgstr "Programos" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:184 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Veiksmai" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:185 +msgid "Places" +msgstr "Vietos" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:186 +msgid "File types" +msgstr "Failų tipai" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:187 +msgid "Emotes" +msgstr "Jaustukai" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:188 +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "Įvairios" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:261 +msgid "All supported image formats" +msgstr "Visi palaikomi paveikslų formatai" + +#: ../../src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala:292 +msgid "Rename me!" +msgstr "Pervadinkite mane!" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieOptionsWindow.vala:274 +msgid "" +"This hotkey is already assigned to the pie \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Please select another one or cancel your selection." +msgstr "" +"Šis spartusis klavišas jau yra susietas su pyragu \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Prašome pasirinkti kitą arba atsisakyti savo pasirinkimo." + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:59 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Temos" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:108 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:126 +msgid "_Preferences" +msgstr "_Nuostatos" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:135 +msgid "_About" +msgstr "_Apie" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:150 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "_Baigti" + +#: ../../src/gui/newsWindow.vala:64 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Užverti" + +#: ../../src/gui/triggerSelectButton.vala:64 +msgid "Press a hotkey ..." +msgstr "Spauskite spartųjį klavišą ..." + +#: ../../src/utilities/key.vala:65 ../../src/utilities/bindingManager.vala:186 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:195 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:280 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:281 +msgid "Not bound" +msgstr "Nesusieta" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:182 +msgid "Button %i" +msgstr "Mygtukas %i" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:185 +msgid "LeftButton" +msgstr "KairysisMygtukas" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:187 +msgid "RightButton" +msgstr "DešinysisMygtukas" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:189 +msgid "MiddleButton" +msgstr "VidurinisMygtukas" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:216 +msgid "Turbo" +msgstr "Turbo" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:220 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:222 +msgid "Delayed" +msgstr "Uždelstas" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:226 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:228 +msgid "Centered" +msgstr "Centruotas" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:232 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:234 +msgid "Warp" +msgstr "Permesti" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:238 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:240 +msgid "Auto-shaped" +msgstr "Auto-forma" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:243 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:245 +msgid "Quarter pie" +msgstr "Ketvirtis pyrago" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:249 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:251 +msgid "Half pie" +msgstr "Pusė pyrago" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:169 +msgid "Successfully exported the theme \"%s\"!" +msgstr "\"%s\" tema buvo sėkmingai eksportuota!" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:176 +msgid "" +"An error occured while exporting the theme \"%s\"! Please check the console " +"output." +msgstr "Eksportuojant \"%s\" temą, įvyko klaida! Prašome žiūrėti pulto išvestį." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:34 +msgid "Group: Window List" +msgstr "Grupė: Langų Sąrašas" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your opened Windows. Almost like Alt-Tab." +msgstr "Rodo Gabaliuką kiekvienam jūsų atvertam Langui. Beveik kaip Alt-Tab." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:64 +msgid "Group: Clipboard" +msgstr "Grupė: Iškarpinė" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Manages your Clipboard." +msgstr "Tvarko jūsų Iškarpinę." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Devices" +msgstr "Grupė: Įrenginiai" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each plugged in devices, like USB-Sticks." +msgstr "" +"Rodo Gabaliuką kiekvienam, tokiam kaip USB atmintinė, prijungtam įrenginiui." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:85 +msgid "Root" +msgstr "Šaknis" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Main menu" +msgstr "Grupė: Pagrindinis meniu" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Displays your main menu structure." +msgstr "Rodo jūsų pagrindinio meniu struktūrą" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Window List for current workspace" +msgstr "Grupė: Esamo darbalaukio Langų Sąrašas" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:37 +msgid "" +"Shows a Slice for each of your opened windows on the current workspace." +msgstr "" +"Rodo Gabaliuką kiekvienam, jūsų esamame darbalaukyje, atvertam langui." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Session Control" +msgstr "Grupė: Seanso Valdymas" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernate." +msgstr "Rodo Gabaliuką Išjungimui, Paleidimui iš naujo ir Užmigdymui." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:60 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "Išjungti" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:63 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Atsijungti" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Reboot" +msgstr "Paleisti iš naujo" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Group: Bookmarks" +msgstr "Grupė: Žymės" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:38 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your directory Bookmarks." +msgstr "Rodo Gabaliuką kiekvienai jūsų katalogo Žymei." + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:29 +msgid "Multimedia" +msgstr "Multimedija" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:30 +msgid "Next Track" +msgstr "Kitas Takelis" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:31 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "Stabdyti" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:32 +msgid "Previous Track" +msgstr "Ankstesnis Takelis" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:33 +msgid "Play/Pause" +msgstr "Groti/Pristabdyti" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:45 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "Žymės" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:50 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "Seansas" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:54 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "Pagrindinis Meniu" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:58 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "Langas" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:59 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "Mastelis" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:60 +msgid "Minimize" +msgstr "Sumažinti" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:61 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Užverti" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:62 +msgid "Maximize" +msgstr "Išdidinti" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:63 +msgid "Restore" +msgstr "Grąžinti iš išdidinimo" diff --git a/resources/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/pt_BR.po b/resources/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/pt_BR.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d8a3e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/pt_BR.po @@ -0,0 +1,718 @@ +# Portuguese translations for gnomepie package. +# Copyright (C) 2012 Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de> +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnomepie package. +# Magnun Leno <magnun@codecommunity.org>, 2012. +# Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>, 2015. #zanata +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnomepie 0.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 18:32+0100\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-29 01:41-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Magnun Leno <magnun@codecommunity.org>\n" +"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese\n" +"Language: pt-BR\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.2\n" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:53 +msgid "Activation Settings" +msgstr "Configurações de Ativação" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:153 +msgid "Unamed Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:216 +msgid "ID:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:234 +msgid "It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!" +msgstr "Também é possível vincular os botões do mouse!" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:274 +msgid "Turbo mode" +msgstr "Modo Turbo" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:280 ../ui/pie_options.ui:281 +msgid "If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key." +msgstr "Se marcado, o Menu irá fechar quando o atalho for liberado." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:293 +msgid "Long press for activation" +msgstr "Clique longo para ativação" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:299 ../ui/pie_options.ui:300 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer." +msgstr "" +"Se marcador, o Menu irá abrir somente se você pressionar este atalho por " +"mais um tempo." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:312 +msgid "Open Pie centered on the screen" +msgstr "Abre o Menu no centro da tela" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:318 ../ui/pie_options.ui:319 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop " +"up at your pointer." +msgstr "" +"Se marcador, o Menu irá abrir no meio da sua tela. Caso contrário aparecerá " +"sobre o cursor." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:331 +msgid "Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:337 ../ui/pie_options.ui:338 +msgid "" +"If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This " +"allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's " +"boundary." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:356 +msgid "Activation options" +msgstr "Opções de ativação" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:547 +msgid "Automatically select the best pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:551 +msgid "" +"If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse " +"travelling." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:571 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:8 +msgid "Slice Options" +msgstr "Opções da Fatia" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:140 +msgid "There are no options for this Slice type." +msgstr "Não há opções para este tipo de Fatia." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:166 +msgid "Name of the Slice " +msgstr "Nome da Fatia " + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:204 +msgid "URI to open" +msgstr "URI a ser aberta" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:242 +msgid "Command to execute" +msgstr "Comando a ser executado" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:280 +msgid "Hotkey to press" +msgstr "Tecla de Atalho a ser pressionada" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:309 +msgid "Pie to open" +msgstr "Menu a ser aberto" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:338 +msgid "Is Quick Action" +msgstr "É uma ação rápida" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:353 ../ui/slice_select.ui:354 +msgid "This Slice will be executed when you click in the middle of the Pie." +msgstr "Esta fatia será executada quando você clicar no meio do Menu." + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:386 +msgid "Slice options" +msgstr "Opções da Fatia" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:9 +msgid "Select an icon" +msgstr "Seleciona um icone" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:103 +msgid "Icon Theme" +msgstr "Tema de Ícones" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:123 +msgid "Custom Icon" +msgstr "Outros Ícones" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:7 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:78 +msgid "Gnome-Pie Settings" +msgstr "Configurações do Gnome-Pie" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:41 +msgid "Start Gnome-Pie on login" +msgstr "Iniciar o Gnome-Pie ao logar" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:47 ../ui/preferences.ui:48 +msgid "If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in." +msgstr "" +"Se marcado, o Gnome-Pie irá iniciar silenciosamente sempre que você logar." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:60 +msgid "Display panel icon " +msgstr "Mostrar painel de ícone " + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:66 ../ui/preferences.ui:67 +msgid "" +"If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second " +"time." +msgstr "" +"Se desmarcado, você pode acessar este menu ao lançar o Gnome-Pie pela " +"segunda vez." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:79 +msgid "Select Slices by typing their names" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:85 ../ui/preferences.ui:86 +msgid "" +"If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise " +"you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT " +"when a Pie is openened)." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:98 +msgid "Display Slice labels" +msgstr "Mostrar rótulos da Fatia." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:104 ../ui/preferences.ui:105 +msgid "" +"Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by " +"the theme." +msgstr "" +"Mostra ao lado de cada Fatia o seu nome. Disponível apenas se o tema " +"suportar." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:139 +msgid "Activation radius" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:179 +msgid "Global scale" +msgstr "Escala global" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:219 +msgid "Maximum slices per pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:302 +msgid "Import a theme from a file." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:323 +msgid "Delete the selected theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:344 +msgid "Export the selected theme for sharing." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:392 +msgid "Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:442 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:109 +msgid "General Settings" +msgstr "Configurações Gerais" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:634 +msgid "" +"<b><big>This Pie is empty!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the " +"plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or " +"folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible...\n" +"\n" +"For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:655 +msgid "" +"<b><big>You have no Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little " +"plus sign in the lower left corner." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>Você não tem Menus!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Comece criando um! </b> Isto pode ser feito ao clicar no pequeno sinal de " +"mais no canto inferior esquerdo." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:741 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:110 +msgid "Pie Settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:34 +msgid "Press hotkey" +msgstr "Pressione a tecla de atalho" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:36 +msgid "Simulates the activation of a hotkey." +msgstr "Simula a ativação de uma atalho de teclado." + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open URI" +msgstr "Abrir URL" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens a given location. You may use URL's or files paths." +msgstr "Abre um local escolhido. Você pode usar URLs ou caminhos de arquivos." + +#: ../../src/actions/actionRegistry.vala:119 +msgid "Trash" +msgstr "Lixeira" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:34 +msgid "Launch application" +msgstr "Lançar aplicação" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:36 +msgid "Executes the given command." +msgstr "Executa um dado comando." + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open Pie" +msgstr "Abrir Menu" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens another Pie of Gnome-Pie. You may create sub menus this way." +msgstr "Abre outro Menu do Gnome-Pie. Desta forma você pode criar submenus." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:79 +msgid "bake your pies!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:235 +msgid "Pies can be opened with the terminal command \"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:236 +msgid "Feel free to visit Gnome-Pie's homepage at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:237 +msgid "If you want to give some feedback, please write an e-mail to %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:238 +msgid "You can support the development of Gnome-Pie by donating via %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:239 +msgid "" +"Translating Gnome-Pie to your language is easy. Translations are managed at " +"%s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:240 +msgid "" +"It's easy to create new themes for Gnome-Pie. Read the <a href=" +"'%s'>Tutorial</a> online." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:241 +msgid "It's usually a good practice to have at most twelve slices per pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:242 +msgid "You can export themes you created and share them with the community!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:243 +msgid "The source code of Gnome-Pie is available on %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:244 +msgid "Bugs can be reported at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:245 +msgid "Suggestions can be posted on %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:246 +msgid "" +"An awesome companion of Gnome-Pie is %s. It will make using your computer " +"feel like magic!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:247 +msgid "You can drag'n'drop applications from your main menu to the pie above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:248 +msgid "" +"You may drag'n'drop URLs and bookmarks from your internet browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:249 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop files and folders from your file browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:250 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left into other pies in order " +"to create sub-pies." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:251 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left to your desktop or dock " +"to create a launcher for this pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:401 +msgid "Sucessfully imported new theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:415 +msgid "An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to extract theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:419 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: A theme with this name does " +"already exist!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:423 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Theme archive does not contain a " +"valid theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:427 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to open theme archive!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:451 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected theme from %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:528 +msgid "New Pie" +msgstr "Novo Menu" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:543 +msgid "" +"Do you really want to delete the selected Pie with all contained Slices?" +msgstr "" +"Você realmente deseja excluir o Menu selecionado e todas as suas Opções?" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreview.vala:148 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this Slice?" +msgstr "Você realmente deseja excluir esta Fatia?" + +#: ../../src/gui/sliceTypeList.vala:60 +msgid "Slice types" +msgstr "Tipos de Fatias" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "Clique para editar" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Drag to move" +msgstr "Arraste para mover" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:422 +msgid "Click to add a new Slice" +msgstr "Clique para adicionar uma nova Fatia" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:426 +msgid "Drop to add as new Slice" +msgstr "Solte para adicionar uma nova Fatia" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:429 +msgid "Drop to move Slice" +msgstr "Solte para mover a Fatia" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Click to delete" +msgstr "Clique para deletar" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieList.vala:77 +msgid "Pies" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:182 +msgid "All icons" +msgstr "Todos os ícones" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:183 +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:36 +msgid "Applications" +msgstr "Aplicações" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:184 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Ações" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:185 +msgid "Places" +msgstr "Lugares" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:186 +msgid "File types" +msgstr "Tipos de arquivos" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:187 +msgid "Emotes" +msgstr "Emotes" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:188 +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "Diversos" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:261 +msgid "All supported image formats" +msgstr "Todos os tipos de imagem suportados" + +#: ../../src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala:292 +msgid "Rename me!" +msgstr "Renomeie-me!" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieOptionsWindow.vala:274 +msgid "" +"This hotkey is already assigned to the pie \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Please select another one or cancel your selection." +msgstr "" +"Este atalho já está vinculado no menu \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Por favor escolha outro ou cancele sua seleção." + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:59 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Temas" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:108 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:126 +msgid "_Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:135 +msgid "_About" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:150 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/newsWindow.vala:64 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/triggerSelectButton.vala:64 +msgid "Press a hotkey ..." +msgstr "Pressione uma tecla de atalho ..." + +#: ../../src/utilities/key.vala:65 ../../src/utilities/bindingManager.vala:186 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:195 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:280 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:281 +msgid "Not bound" +msgstr "Sem vinculações" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:182 +msgid "Button %i" +msgstr "Botão %i" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:185 +msgid "LeftButton" +msgstr "Botão Esquerdo" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:187 +msgid "RightButton" +msgstr "Botão Direito" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:189 +msgid "MiddleButton" +msgstr "Botão do Meio" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:216 +msgid "Turbo" +msgstr "Turbo" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:220 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:222 +msgid "Delayed" +msgstr "Atrasado" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:226 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:228 +msgid "Centered" +msgstr "Centralizado" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:232 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:234 +msgid "Warp" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:238 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:240 +msgid "Auto-shaped" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:243 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:245 +msgid "Quarter pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:249 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:251 +msgid "Half pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:169 +msgid "Successfully exported the theme \"%s\"!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:176 +msgid "" +"An error occured while exporting the theme \"%s\"! Please check the console " +"output." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:34 +msgid "Group: Window List" +msgstr "Grupo: Lista de Janelas" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your opened Windows. Almost like Alt-Tab." +msgstr "" +"Mostra uma Fatia para cada uma de suas janelas abertas. Praticamente igual a " +"o Alt-Tab." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:64 +msgid "Group: Clipboard" +msgstr "Grupo: Clipboard" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Manages your Clipboard." +msgstr "Gerencia seu Clipboard." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Devices" +msgstr "Grupo: Dispositivos" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each plugged in devices, like USB-Sticks." +msgstr "Mostra uma Fatia para cada dispositivo conectado, como pen-drives." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:85 +msgid "Root" +msgstr "Raiz" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Main menu" +msgstr "Grupo: Menu Principal" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Displays your main menu structure." +msgstr "Mostra a estrutura do seu Menu Principal." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Window List for current workspace" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:37 +msgid "" +"Shows a Slice for each of your opened windows on the current workspace." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Session Control" +msgstr "Grupo: Controle de Sessão" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernate." +msgstr "Mostra uma Fatia para Desligar, Reiniciar, e Hibernar." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:60 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "Desligar" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:63 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Logout" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Reboot" +msgstr "Reboot" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Group: Bookmarks" +msgstr "Grupo: Favoritos" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:38 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your directory Bookmarks." +msgstr "Mostra uma Fatia para cada um de seus diretórios favoritos." + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:29 +msgid "Multimedia" +msgstr "Multimídia" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:30 +msgid "Next Track" +msgstr "Próxima Faixa" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:31 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "Stop" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:32 +msgid "Previous Track" +msgstr "Faixa Anterior" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:33 +msgid "Play/Pause" +msgstr "Play/Pausa" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:45 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "Favoritos" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:50 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "Sessão" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:54 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "Menu Principal" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:58 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "Janela" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:59 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "Redimensionar" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:60 +msgid "Minimize" +msgstr "Minimizar" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:61 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Fechar" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:62 +msgid "Maximize" +msgstr "Maximizar" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:63 +msgid "Restore" +msgstr "Restaurar" diff --git a/resources/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ru.po b/resources/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ru.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78b9fd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ru.po @@ -0,0 +1,746 @@ +# Russian translations for gnomepie package +# Русские переводы для пакета gnomepie. +# Copyright (C) 2012 Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de> +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnomepie package. +# Roskin <pams@imail.ru>, 2012. +# Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>, 2015. #zanata +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnomepie 0.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 18:32+0100\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-14 08:15-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Eugene Roskin <pams@imail.ru>\n" +"Language-Team: Russian\n" +"Language: ru\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && " +"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.2\n" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:53 +msgid "Activation Settings" +msgstr "Настройки активации" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:153 +msgid "Unamed Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:216 +msgid "ID:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:234 +msgid "It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!" +msgstr "Также возможно назначать кнопки мыши!" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:274 +msgid "Turbo mode" +msgstr "Турбо-режим" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:280 ../ui/pie_options.ui:281 +msgid "If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key." +msgstr "" +"Если выбрана эта возможность, пай закроется после того, как вы отпустите " +"клавиши быстрого доступа" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:293 +msgid "Long press for activation" +msgstr "Продолжительное нажатие для активации" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:299 ../ui/pie_options.ui:300 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer." +msgstr "" +"Если выбрана эта возможность, пай откроется только, если вы продолжительно " +"зажмёте эту клавишу быстрого доступа." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:312 +msgid "Open Pie centered on the screen" +msgstr "Открыть пай по центру экрана" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:318 ../ui/pie_options.ui:319 +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop " +"up at your pointer." +msgstr "" +"Если выбрана эта возможность, пай откроется в центре вашего экрана.А также " +"может открываться чуть выше вашего курсора." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:331 +msgid "Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:337 ../ui/pie_options.ui:338 +msgid "" +"If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This " +"allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's " +"boundary." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:356 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Activation options" +msgstr "<b>Параметры активации</b>" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:547 +msgid "Automatically select the best pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:551 +msgid "" +"If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse " +"travelling." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:571 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:8 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Slice Options" +msgstr "Параметры порции" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:140 +msgid "There are no options for this Slice type." +msgstr "Отсутствуют параметры для этого типа порции" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:166 +msgid "Name of the Slice " +msgstr "Название порции" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:204 +msgid "URI to open" +msgstr "URI для открытия" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:242 +msgid "Command to execute" +msgstr "Командая для выполнения" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:280 +msgid "Hotkey to press" +msgstr "Клавиша быстрого доступа для нажатия" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:309 +msgid "Pie to open" +msgstr "Пай для открытия" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:338 +msgid "Is Quick Action" +msgstr "Это быстрое действие" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:353 ../ui/slice_select.ui:354 +msgid "This Slice will be executed when you click in the middle of the Pie." +msgstr "Эта порция будет выполнена, после нажатия в центре пая" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:386 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Slice options" +msgstr "Параметры порции" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:9 +msgid "Select an icon" +msgstr "Выберите значок" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:103 +msgid "Icon Theme" +msgstr "Тема значков" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:123 +msgid "Custom Icon" +msgstr "Настроить значок" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:7 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:78 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Gnome-Pie Settings" +msgstr "Настройки Gnome-Pie" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:41 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Start Gnome-Pie on login" +msgstr "Запускать Gnome-Pie при загрузке системы" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:47 ../ui/preferences.ui:48 +#, fuzzy +msgid "If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in." +msgstr "" +"Если выбрана эта возможность, Gnome-Pie будет фоново запускаться после входа " +"в систему." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:60 +msgid "Display panel icon " +msgstr "Показывать значок на панели " + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:66 ../ui/preferences.ui:67 +msgid "" +"If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second " +"time." +msgstr "" +"Если эта возможность не выбрана, вы можете получить доступ к этому меню " +"запустив Gnome-Pie второй раз." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:79 +msgid "Select Slices by typing their names" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:85 ../ui/preferences.ui:86 +msgid "" +"If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise " +"you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT " +"when a Pie is openened)." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:98 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Display Slice labels" +msgstr "Показывать значок на панели " + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:104 ../ui/preferences.ui:105 +msgid "" +"Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by " +"the theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:139 +msgid "Activation radius" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:179 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Global scale" +msgstr "Общий масштаб" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:219 +msgid "Maximum slices per pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:302 +msgid "Import a theme from a file." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:323 +msgid "Delete the selected theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:344 +msgid "Export the selected theme for sharing." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:392 +msgid "Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:442 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:109 +#, fuzzy +msgid "General Settings" +msgstr "Основные настройки" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:634 +msgid "" +"<b><big>This Pie is empty!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the " +"plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or " +"folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible...\n" +"\n" +"For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:655 +msgid "" +"<b><big>You have no Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little " +"plus sign in the lower left corner." +msgstr "" +"<b><big>Отсутствуют паи!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Начните с создания пая! </b> Выполните это щёлкнув на небольшом значке " +"плюсав нижнем левом углу." + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:741 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:110 +msgid "Pie Settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:34 +msgid "Press hotkey" +msgstr "Нажмите сочетание клавиш быстрого доступа" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:36 +msgid "Simulates the activation of a hotkey." +msgstr "Имитирует активацию сочетания клавиш быстрого доступа." + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open URI" +msgstr "Открытие URI" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens a given location. You may use URL's or files paths." +msgstr "" +"Открывает заданный адрес. Вы можете использовать адресные ссылки или адреса " +"файлов." + +#: ../../src/actions/actionRegistry.vala:119 +msgid "Trash" +msgstr "Корзина" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:34 +msgid "Launch application" +msgstr "Запустить приложение" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:36 +msgid "Executes the given command." +msgstr "Выполняет заданную команду." + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open Pie" +msgstr "Открытие пая" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens another Pie of Gnome-Pie. You may create sub menus this way." +msgstr "" +"Oткрывает ещё один пай Gnome-Pie. Таким образом вы можете создавать подменю." + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:79 +msgid "bake your pies!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:235 +msgid "Pies can be opened with the terminal command \"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:236 +msgid "Feel free to visit Gnome-Pie's homepage at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:237 +msgid "If you want to give some feedback, please write an e-mail to %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:238 +msgid "You can support the development of Gnome-Pie by donating via %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:239 +msgid "" +"Translating Gnome-Pie to your language is easy. Translations are managed at " +"%s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:240 +msgid "" +"It's easy to create new themes for Gnome-Pie. Read the <a href=" +"'%s'>Tutorial</a> online." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:241 +msgid "It's usually a good practice to have at most twelve slices per pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:242 +msgid "You can export themes you created and share them with the community!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:243 +msgid "The source code of Gnome-Pie is available on %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:244 +msgid "Bugs can be reported at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:245 +msgid "Suggestions can be posted on %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:246 +msgid "" +"An awesome companion of Gnome-Pie is %s. It will make using your computer " +"feel like magic!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:247 +msgid "You can drag'n'drop applications from your main menu to the pie above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:248 +msgid "" +"You may drag'n'drop URLs and bookmarks from your internet browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:249 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop files and folders from your file browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:250 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left into other pies in order " +"to create sub-pies." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:251 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left to your desktop or dock " +"to create a launcher for this pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:401 +msgid "Sucessfully imported new theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:415 +msgid "An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to extract theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:419 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: A theme with this name does " +"already exist!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:423 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Theme archive does not contain a " +"valid theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:427 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to open theme archive!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:451 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected theme from %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:528 +msgid "New Pie" +msgstr "Новый пай" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:543 +msgid "" +"Do you really want to delete the selected Pie with all contained Slices?" +msgstr "" +"Вы действительно хотите удалить выделенный пай, со всеми содержащимися в нём " +"порциями?" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreview.vala:148 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to delete this Slice?" +msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить эту порцию?" + +#: ../../src/gui/sliceTypeList.vala:60 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Slice types" +msgstr "Типы порций" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "Щёлкните для выполнения изменений" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Drag to move" +msgstr "Перетаскивайте для выполнения перемещения" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:422 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Click to add a new Slice" +msgstr "Щёлкните для добавления новой порции" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:426 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Drop to add as new Slice" +msgstr "Перетаскивайте для выполнения добавления в качастве новой порции" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:429 +msgid "Drop to move Slice" +msgstr "Перетаскивайте для выполнения перемещения порции" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Click to delete" +msgstr "Щёлкните для выполнения удаления" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieList.vala:77 +msgid "Pies" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:182 +msgid "All icons" +msgstr "Все значки" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:183 +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:36 +msgid "Applications" +msgstr "Приложения" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:184 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Действия" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:185 +msgid "Places" +msgstr "Переходы" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:186 +msgid "File types" +msgstr "Типы файлов" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:187 +msgid "Emotes" +msgstr "Эмоции" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:188 +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "Дополнительно" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:261 +msgid "All supported image formats" +msgstr "Все поддерживаемые форматы изображений" + +#: ../../src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala:292 +msgid "Rename me!" +msgstr "Переименуйте меня!" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieOptionsWindow.vala:274 +msgid "" +"This hotkey is already assigned to the pie \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Please select another one or cancel your selection." +msgstr "" +"Эта клавиша быстрого доступа уже назначена паю \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Пожалуйста, выберите другую или выполните отмену выбора." + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:59 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Темы" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:108 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:126 +msgid "_Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:135 +msgid "_About" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:150 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/newsWindow.vala:64 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/triggerSelectButton.vala:64 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Press a hotkey ..." +msgstr "Нажмите сочетание клавиш быстрого доступа" + +#: ../../src/utilities/key.vala:65 ../../src/utilities/bindingManager.vala:186 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:195 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:280 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:281 +msgid "Not bound" +msgstr "Нет привязки" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:182 +msgid "Button %i" +msgstr "Кнопка %i" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:185 +msgid "LeftButton" +msgstr "ЛеваяКнопка" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:187 +msgid "RightButton" +msgstr "ПраваяКнопка" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:189 +msgid "MiddleButton" +msgstr "СредняяКнопка" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:216 +msgid "Turbo" +msgstr "Турбо" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:220 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:222 +msgid "Delayed" +msgstr "Задержка" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:226 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:228 +msgid "Centered" +msgstr "По центру" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:232 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:234 +msgid "Warp" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:238 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:240 +msgid "Auto-shaped" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:243 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:245 +msgid "Quarter pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:249 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:251 +msgid "Half pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:169 +msgid "Successfully exported the theme \"%s\"!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:176 +msgid "" +"An error occured while exporting the theme \"%s\"! Please check the console " +"output." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:34 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Window List" +msgstr "Группа: Список окон" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your opened Windows. Almost like Alt-Tab." +msgstr "" +"Показывает порцию для каждого из открытых окон. Как это делает Alt-Tab." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:64 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Clipboard" +msgstr "Группа: Буфер обмена" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Manages your Clipboard." +msgstr "Управляет вашим буфером обмена." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:35 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Devices" +msgstr "Группа: Устройства" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each plugged in devices, like USB-Sticks." +msgstr "Показывает порцию подключённых устройств, например USB-накопителя." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:85 +msgid "Root" +msgstr "Файловая система" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:35 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Main menu" +msgstr "Группа: Основное меню" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Displays your main menu structure." +msgstr "Отображает структуру вашего основного меню." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Window List for current workspace" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:37 +msgid "" +"Shows a Slice for each of your opened windows on the current workspace." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:35 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Session Control" +msgstr "Группа: Управление сеансом" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernate." +msgstr "" +"Показывает порцию для операций выключения, перезагрузки и спящего режима." + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:60 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "Выключить" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:63 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Завершить сеанс" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Reboot" +msgstr "Перезагрузить" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:36 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Group: Bookmarks" +msgstr "Группа: Закладки" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:38 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your directory Bookmarks." +msgstr "Показывает порцию содержащую закладки папок." + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:29 +msgid "Multimedia" +msgstr "Мультимедиа" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:30 +msgid "Next Track" +msgstr "Следующая композиция" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:31 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "Остановить" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:32 +msgid "Previous Track" +msgstr "Предыдущая композиция" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:33 +msgid "Play/Pause" +msgstr "Воспроизвести или приостановить" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:45 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "Закладки" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:50 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "Сеанс" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:54 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "Основное меню" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:58 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "Окно" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:59 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "Масштаб" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:60 +msgid "Minimize" +msgstr "Свернуть" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:61 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Закрыть" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:62 +msgid "Maximize" +msgstr "Развернуть" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:63 +msgid "Restore" +msgstr "Восстановить" diff --git a/resources/locale/update-po.sh b/resources/locale/update-po.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4692d60 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/update-po.sh @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# get directory of script and cd to it +DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )" +cd $DIR + +echo "Insert the locale which you want to update:"; +read locale; + +if [ "$locale" == "" ] +then + echo "No locale inserted! Aborting..."; + exit 1 +fi + +msgmerge -U $locale/LC_MESSAGES/$locale.po gnomepie.pot diff --git a/resources/locale/zanata.xml b/resources/locale/zanata.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..353cdf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/zanata.xml @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> +<config xmlns="http://zanata.org/namespace/config/"> + <url>https://translate.zanata.org/zanata/</url> + <project>gnome-pie</project> + <project-version>develop</project-version> + <project-type>gettext</project-type> + + <src-dir>.</src-dir> + <trans-dir>.</trans-dir> + + <rules> + <rule>{path}/{locale_with_underscore}/LC_MESSAGES/{locale_with_underscore}.po</rule> + </rules> + + <locales> + <locale>af</locale> + <locale>am</locale> + <locale>anp</locale> + <locale>ar</locale> + <locale>as</locale> + <locale>ast</locale> + <locale>az</locale> + <locale>bg</locale> + <locale>bn-BD</locale> + <locale>bn-IN</locale> + <locale>br</locale> + <locale>brx</locale> + <locale>bs</locale> + <locale>ca</locale> + <locale>cs</locale> + <locale>cy</locale> + <locale>da</locale> + <locale>de</locale> + <locale>de-CH</locale> + <locale>de-DE</locale> + <locale>el</locale> + <locale>en-GB</locale> + <locale>eo</locale> + <locale>es-AR</locale> + <locale>es</locale> + <locale>es-ES</locale> + <locale>es-MX</locale> + <locale>et</locale> + <locale>eu</locale> + <locale>fa</locale> + <locale>fi</locale> + <locale>fr</locale> + <locale>ga</locale> + <locale>gl</locale> + <locale>gu</locale> + <locale>he</locale> + <locale>hi</locale> + <locale>hr</locale> + <locale>hu</locale> + <locale>id</locale> + <locale>is</locale> + <locale>it</locale> + <locale>ja</locale> + <locale>ka</locale> + <locale>kk</locale> + <locale>kn</locale> + <locale>ko</locale> + <locale>ky</locale> + <locale>la</locale> + <locale>lt</locale> + <locale>lv</locale> + <locale>mai</locale> + <locale>me-ME</locale> + <locale>mk</locale> + <locale>ml</locale> + <locale>mn</locale> + <locale>mr</locale> + <locale>ms</locale> + <locale>nb</locale> + <locale>nds</locale> + <locale>nl</locale> + <locale>nn</locale> + <locale>or</locale> + <locale>pa</locale> + <locale>pl</locale> + <locale>pt-BR</locale> + <locale>pt-PT</locale> + <locale>ro</locale> + <locale>ru</locale> + <locale>si</locale> + <locale>sk</locale> + <locale>sl</locale> + <locale>sq</locale> + <locale>sr-Cyrl</locale> + <locale>sr-Latn</locale> + <locale>srd</locale> + <locale>sv</locale> + <locale>ta-IN</locale> + <locale>ta</locale> + <locale>te</locale> + <locale>th</locale> + <locale>tl</locale> + <locale>tr</locale> + <locale>uk</locale> + <locale>vi</locale> + <locale>xh</locale> + <locale>zh-CN</locale> + <locale>zh-Hans-CN</locale> + <locale>zh-Hant-TW</locale> + <locale>zh-TW</locale> + </locales> + +</config> diff --git a/resources/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/zh_CN.po b/resources/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/zh_CN.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6d7c27 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/zh_CN.po @@ -0,0 +1,705 @@ +# Chinese translations for gnomepie package. +# Copyright (C) 2012 Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de> +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnomepie package. +# Administrator <tzhou@haverford.edu>, 2012. +# Simon <code@simonschneegans.de>, 2015. #zanata +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnomepie 0.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 18:32+0100\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 03:05-0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Administrator <tzhou@haverford.edu>\n" +"Language-Team: Chinese (simplified)\n" +"Language: zh-CN\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.2\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:53 +msgid "Activation Settings" +msgstr "激活设置" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:153 +msgid "Unamed Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:216 +msgid "ID:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:234 +msgid "It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!" +msgstr "您也可以绑定鼠标按键!" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:274 +msgid "Turbo mode" +msgstr "极速模式" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:280 ../ui/pie_options.ui:281 +msgid "If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key." +msgstr "如果选中,当您释放快捷键时就会关闭当前的派。" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:293 +msgid "Long press for activation" +msgstr "长按启动" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:299 ../ui/pie_options.ui:300 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer." +msgstr "如果选中,则派只会在按键一定时间后打开。" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:312 +msgid "Open Pie centered on the screen" +msgstr "居中打开" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:318 ../ui/pie_options.ui:319 +msgid "" +"If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop " +"up at your pointer." +msgstr "如果选中,派将会在屏幕的中央出现。\n" +"否则将出现在指针位置." + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:331 +msgid "Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:337 ../ui/pie_options.ui:338 +msgid "" +"If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This " +"allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's " +"boundary." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:356 +msgid "Activation options" +msgstr "激活设置" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:547 +msgid "Automatically select the best pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:551 +msgid "" +"If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse " +"travelling." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/pie_options.ui:571 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:8 +msgid "Slice Options" +msgstr "切片选项" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:140 +msgid "There are no options for this Slice type." +msgstr "当前切片类型没有可用的选项。" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:166 +msgid "Name of the Slice " +msgstr "切片名称" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:204 +msgid "URI to open" +msgstr "打开的URI" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:242 +msgid "Command to execute" +msgstr "执行的脚本" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:280 +msgid "Hotkey to press" +msgstr "按下热键" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:309 +msgid "Pie to open" +msgstr "打开派" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:338 +msgid "Is Quick Action" +msgstr "默认动作" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:353 ../ui/slice_select.ui:354 +msgid "This Slice will be executed when you click in the middle of the Pie." +msgstr "当您点击派的中央时会执行该切片。" + +#: ../ui/slice_select.ui:386 +msgid "Slice options" +msgstr "切片选项" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:9 +msgid "Select an icon" +msgstr "选择图标" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:103 +msgid "Icon Theme" +msgstr "图标主题" + +#: ../ui/icon_select.ui:123 +msgid "Custom Icon" +msgstr "自定义图标" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:7 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:78 +msgid "Gnome-Pie Settings" +msgstr "Gnome派设置" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:41 +msgid "Start Gnome-Pie on login" +msgstr "登录时启动Gnome派" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:47 ../ui/preferences.ui:48 +msgid "If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in." +msgstr "如果选中,Gnome派将会在您每次登录后安静启动。" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:60 +msgid "Display panel icon " +msgstr "显示状态栏图标" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:66 ../ui/preferences.ui:67 +msgid "" +"If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second " +"time." +msgstr "如果未选中,您可以通过再次打开Gnome派来访问本菜单。" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:79 +msgid "Select Slices by typing their names" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:85 ../ui/preferences.ui:86 +msgid "" +"If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise " +"you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT " +"when a Pie is openened)." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:98 +msgid "Display Slice labels" +msgstr "显示切片名称" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:104 ../ui/preferences.ui:105 +msgid "" +"Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by " +"the theme." +msgstr "在切片旁显示每一切片的名称。\n" +"当且仅当主题支持时有效。" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:139 +msgid "Activation radius" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:179 +msgid "Global scale" +msgstr "全局尺寸" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:219 +msgid "Maximum slices per pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:302 +msgid "Import a theme from a file." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:323 +msgid "Delete the selected theme." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:344 +msgid "Export the selected theme for sharing." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:392 +msgid "Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:442 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:109 +msgid "General Settings" +msgstr "常规设置" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:634 +msgid "" +"<b><big>This Pie is empty!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the " +"plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or " +"folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible...\n" +"\n" +"For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign." +msgstr "" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:655 +msgid "" +"<b><big>You have no Pies!</big>\n" +"\n" +"Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little " +"plus sign in the lower left corner." +msgstr "<b><big>您没有新的派!</big>\n" +"\n" +"开始创建您自己的派吧!</b>您可以通过点击窗口左下角的小“+”号创建新的派。" + +#: ../ui/preferences.ui:741 ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:110 +msgid "Pie Settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:34 +msgid "Press hotkey" +msgstr "按下热键" + +#: ../../src/actions/keyAction.vala:36 +msgid "Simulates the activation of a hotkey." +msgstr "模拟按下一组热键的效果。" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open URI" +msgstr "打开URI" + +#: ../../src/actions/uriAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens a given location. You may use URL's or files paths." +msgstr "打开一个指定的位置。您可以使用URL或者文件路径。" + +#: ../../src/actions/actionRegistry.vala:119 +msgid "Trash" +msgstr "垃圾桶" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:34 +msgid "Launch application" +msgstr "启动程序" + +#: ../../src/actions/appAction.vala:36 +msgid "Executes the given command." +msgstr "执行您所给出的脚本指令。" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:34 +msgid "Open Pie" +msgstr "打开新派" + +#: ../../src/actions/pieAction.vala:36 +msgid "Opens another Pie of Gnome-Pie. You may create sub menus this way." +msgstr "打开另一张派。您可以通过这种方式来创建菜单和子菜单。" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:79 +msgid "bake your pies!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:235 +msgid "Pies can be opened with the terminal command \"gnome-pie --open=ID\"." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:236 +msgid "Feel free to visit Gnome-Pie's homepage at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:237 +msgid "If you want to give some feedback, please write an e-mail to %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:238 +msgid "You can support the development of Gnome-Pie by donating via %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:239 +msgid "" +"Translating Gnome-Pie to your language is easy. Translations are managed at " +"%s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:240 +msgid "" +"It's easy to create new themes for Gnome-Pie. Read the <a href=" +"'%s'>Tutorial</a> online." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:241 +msgid "It's usually a good practice to have at most twelve slices per pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:242 +msgid "You can export themes you created and share them with the community!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:243 +msgid "The source code of Gnome-Pie is available on %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:244 +msgid "Bugs can be reported at %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:245 +msgid "Suggestions can be posted on %s!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:246 +msgid "" +"An awesome companion of Gnome-Pie is %s. It will make using your computer " +"feel like magic!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:247 +msgid "You can drag'n'drop applications from your main menu to the pie above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:248 +msgid "" +"You may drag'n'drop URLs and bookmarks from your internet browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:249 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop files and folders from your file browser to the pie " +"above." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:250 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left into other pies in order " +"to create sub-pies." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:251 +msgid "" +"You can drag'n'drop pies from the list on the left to your desktop or dock " +"to create a launcher for this pie." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:401 +msgid "Sucessfully imported new theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:415 +msgid "An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to extract theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:419 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: A theme with this name does " +"already exist!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:423 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Theme archive does not contain a " +"valid theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:427 +msgid "" +"An error occured while importing the theme: Failed to open theme archive!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:451 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected theme from %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:528 +msgid "New Pie" +msgstr "新派" + +#: ../../src/gui/preferencesWindow.vala:543 +msgid "" +"Do you really want to delete the selected Pie with all contained Slices?" +msgstr "您真的希望删除选中的派和它所包含的所有切片吗?" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreview.vala:148 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this Slice?" +msgstr "您真的希望删除这片切片吗?" + +#: ../../src/gui/sliceTypeList.vala:60 +msgid "Slice types" +msgstr "切片类型" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "点击以编辑" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:419 +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Drag to move" +msgstr "拖动以重新排布" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:422 +msgid "Click to add a new Slice" +msgstr "点击添加新切片" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:426 +msgid "Drop to add as new Slice" +msgstr "拖放以添加作新切片" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:429 +msgid "Drop to move Slice" +msgstr "拖放来移动切片" + +#: ../../src/gui/piePreviewRenderer.vala:434 +msgid "Click to delete" +msgstr "点击删除" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieList.vala:77 +msgid "Pies" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:182 +msgid "All icons" +msgstr "所有图标" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:183 +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:36 +msgid "Applications" +msgstr "应用程序" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:184 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "行为" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:185 +msgid "Places" +msgstr "位置" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:186 +msgid "File types" +msgstr "文件类型" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:187 +msgid "Emotes" +msgstr "表情图标" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:188 +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "杂项" + +#: ../../src/gui/iconSelectWindow.vala:261 +msgid "All supported image formats" +msgstr "所有支持的图片类型" + +#: ../../src/gui/newSliceWindow.vala:292 +msgid "Rename me!" +msgstr "给我重命名!" + +#: ../../src/gui/pieOptionsWindow.vala:274 +msgid "" +"This hotkey is already assigned to the pie \"%s\"! \n" +"\n" +"Please select another one or cancel your selection." +msgstr "该热键已经被指派给 \"%s\"了! \n" +"\n" +"请另作选择或者放弃选择。" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:59 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "主题" + +#: ../../src/gui/themeList.vala:108 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:126 +msgid "_Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:135 +msgid "_About" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/indicator.vala:150 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/newsWindow.vala:64 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/gui/triggerSelectButton.vala:64 +msgid "Press a hotkey ..." +msgstr "按下热键……" + +#: ../../src/utilities/key.vala:65 ../../src/utilities/bindingManager.vala:186 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:195 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:280 +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:281 +msgid "Not bound" +msgstr "未定义" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:182 +msgid "Button %i" +msgstr "按键 %i" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:185 +msgid "LeftButton" +msgstr "鼠标左键" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:187 +msgid "RightButton" +msgstr "鼠标右键" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:189 +msgid "MiddleButton" +msgstr "鼠标中键" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:216 +msgid "Turbo" +msgstr "极速" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:220 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:222 +msgid "Delayed" +msgstr "延迟" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:226 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:228 +msgid "Centered" +msgstr "居中" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:232 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:234 +msgid "Warp" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:238 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:240 +msgid "Auto-shaped" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:243 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:245 +msgid "Quarter pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:249 ../../src/utilities/trigger.vala:251 +msgid "Half pie" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:169 +msgid "Successfully exported the theme \"%s\"!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/themes/theme.vala:176 +msgid "" +"An error occured while exporting the theme \"%s\"! Please check the console " +"output." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:34 +msgid "Group: Window List" +msgstr "群组:窗口列表" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/windowListGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your opened Windows. Almost like Alt-Tab." +msgstr "为您每个打开的窗开显示一片切片,效果就像Alt-Tab组合键一样。" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:64 +msgid "Group: Clipboard" +msgstr "群组:剪贴板" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/clipboardGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Manages your Clipboard." +msgstr "管理您的剪贴板。" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Devices" +msgstr "群组:设备" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each plugged in devices, like USB-Sticks." +msgstr "为每一部插入的设备展示一片切片,比如U盘等。" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/devicesGroup.vala:85 +msgid "Root" +msgstr "根目录" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Main menu" +msgstr "群组:主菜单" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/menuGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Displays your main menu structure." +msgstr "显示您的主菜单" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Window List for current workspace" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/workspaceWindowListGroup.vala:37 +msgid "" +"Shows a Slice for each of your opened windows on the current workspace." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:35 +msgid "Group: Session Control" +msgstr "群组:会话控制" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:37 +msgid "Shows a Slice for Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernate." +msgstr "为关机,重新启动和休眠各显示一片切片。" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:60 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "关机" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:63 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "注销" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/sessionGroup.vala:66 +msgid "Reboot" +msgstr "重新启动" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:36 +msgid "Group: Bookmarks" +msgstr "群组:书签" + +#: ../../src/actionGroups/bookmarkGroup.vala:38 +msgid "Shows a Slice for each of your directory Bookmarks." +msgstr "显示您所有的文件夹书签" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:29 +msgid "Multimedia" +msgstr "多媒体" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:30 +msgid "Next Track" +msgstr "下一曲目" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:31 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "停止" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:32 +msgid "Previous Track" +msgstr "上一曲目" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:33 +msgid "Play/Pause" +msgstr "播放/暂停" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:45 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "书签" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:50 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "会话" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:54 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "主菜单" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:58 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "窗口" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:59 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "收起/张开" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:60 +msgid "Minimize" +msgstr "最小化" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:61 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "关闭" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:62 +msgid "Maximize" +msgstr "最大化" + +#: ../../src/pies/defaultConfig.vala:63 +msgid "Restore" +msgstr "恢复" diff --git a/resources/themes/adwaita/caption_mask.svg b/resources/themes/adwaita/caption_mask.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59d4801 --- /dev/null +++ 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name="border_width">6</property> + <property name="title" translatable="yes">Activation Settings</property> + <property name="modal">True</property> + <property name="window_position">center-on-parent</property> + <property name="destroy_with_parent">True</property> + <property name="type_hint">dialog</property> + <child internal-child="vbox"> + <object class="GtkBox" id="dialog-vbox1"> + <property name="width_request">350</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <property name="spacing">6</property> + <child internal-child="action_area"> + <object class="GtkButtonBox" id="dialog-action_area1"> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="hexpand">True</property> + <property name="homogeneous">True</property> + <property name="layout_style">end</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="cancel-button"> + <property name="label">gtk-cancel</property> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">True</property> + <property name="hexpand">True</property> + <property name="use_stock">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">False</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="ok-button"> + <property name="label">gtk-ok</property> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">True</property> + <property name="use_stock">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">False</property> + <property name="position">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="pack_type">end</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="vbox2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <property name="spacing">6</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="hbox2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="icon-button"> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">True</property> + <property name="focus_on_click">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkImage" id="icon"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="pixel_size">48</property> + <property name="icon_name">preferences-desktop-wallpaper</property> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="pie-box"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="margin_left">6</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <property name="spacing">6</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkEntry" id="name-entry"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="has_focus">True</property> + <property name="text" translatable="yes">Unamed Pie</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="trigger-box"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <child> + <placeholder/> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="id-label"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="sensitive">False</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="yalign">0.11999999731779099</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">False</property> + <property name="position">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="box1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="margin_bottom">6</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="pie-id"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="sensitive">False</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="hexpand">True</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">ID:</property> + <property name="ellipsize">middle</property> + <attributes> + <attribute name="weight" value="light"/> + <attribute name="scale" value="0.80000000000000004"/> + </attributes> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="label1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="xalign">1</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">It's possible to bind mouse buttons as well!</property> + <attributes> + <attribute name="weight" value="light"/> + <attribute name="scale" value="0.80000000000000004"/> + </attributes> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">False</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkFrame" id="frame1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="label_xalign">0</property> + <property name="shadow_type">in</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkAlignment" id="alignment1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="top_padding">6</property> + <property name="bottom_padding">6</property> + <property name="left_padding">6</property> + <property name="right_padding">6</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="vbox"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="turbo-check"> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Turbo mode</property> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="has_tooltip">True</property> + <property name="tooltip_markup" translatable="yes">If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key.</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">If checked, the Pie will close when you release the chosen hot key.</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="delay-check"> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Long press for activation</property> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="has_tooltip">True</property> + <property name="tooltip_markup" translatable="yes">If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer.</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">If checked, the Pie will only open if you press this hot key a bit longer.</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="center-check"> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Open Pie centered on the screen</property> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="has_tooltip">True</property> + <property name="tooltip_markup" translatable="yes">If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop up at your pointer.</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">If checked, the Pie will open in the middle of your screen. Else it will pop up at your pointer.</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="warp-check"> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Warp mouse pointer to center of Pie</property> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="has_tooltip">True</property> + <property name="tooltip_markup" translatable="yes">If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's boundary.</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">If checked, the mouse pointer will be warped to the center of the Pie. This allows for quick selections even if the Pie is opened at the screen's boundary.</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">3</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + </object> + </child> + <child type="label"> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="label2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Activation options</property> + <attributes> + <attribute name="weight" value="bold"/> + </attributes> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkFrame" id="frame2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="label_xalign">0</property> + <property name="shadow_type">in</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkAlignment" id="alignment2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="top_padding">6</property> + <property name="bottom_padding">6</property> + <property name="left_padding">6</property> + <property name="right_padding">6</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="shape"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkGrid" id="grid1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="halign">center</property> + <property name="row_spacing">5</property> + <property name="column_spacing">20</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="rshape1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="image">shape1</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="always_show_image">True</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="left_attach">0</property> + <property name="top_attach">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="rshape2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="image">shape2</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="always_show_image">True</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + <property name="group">rshape1</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="left_attach">0</property> + <property name="top_attach">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="rshape3"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="image">shape3</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="always_show_image">True</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + <property name="group">rshape1</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="left_attach">0</property> + <property name="top_attach">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="rshape4"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="image">shape4</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="always_show_image">True</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + <property name="group">rshape1</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="left_attach">1</property> + <property name="top_attach">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="rshape5"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="image">shape5</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="always_show_image">True</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + <property name="group">rshape1</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="left_attach">1</property> + <property name="top_attach">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="rshape6"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="image">shape6</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="always_show_image">True</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + <property name="group">rshape1</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="left_attach">1</property> + <property name="top_attach">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="rshape7"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="image">shape7</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="always_show_image">True</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + <property name="group">rshape1</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="left_attach">2</property> + <property name="top_attach">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="rshape8"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="image">shape8</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="always_show_image">True</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + <property name="group">rshape1</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="left_attach">2</property> + <property name="top_attach">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="rshape9"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="image">shape9</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="always_show_image">True</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + <property name="group">rshape1</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="left_attach">2</property> + <property name="top_attach">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="rshape0"> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Automatically select the best pie shape</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">If checked, the shape will be automatically selected to minimize mouse travelling.</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="active">True</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + <property name="group">rshape1</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + </object> + </child> + <child type="label"> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="label3"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Pie shape</property> + <attributes> + <attribute name="weight" value="bold"/> + </attributes> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">3</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + <action-widgets> + <action-widget response="0">cancel-button</action-widget> + <action-widget response="0">ok-button</action-widget> + </action-widgets> + </object> +</interface> diff --git a/resources/ui/preferences.ui b/resources/ui/preferences.ui new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f9eebc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/ui/preferences.ui @@ -0,0 +1,866 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<!-- Generated with glade 3.18.3 --> +<interface> + <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.8"/> + <object class="GtkWindow" id="window"> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="title" translatable="yes">Gnome-Pie Settings</property> + <property name="window_position">center</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="main-box"> + <property name="width_request">650</property> + <property name="height_request">500</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkNotebook" id="notebook"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="show_border">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="general-settings"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="border_width">14</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <property name="spacing">16</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="box3"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">True</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="vbox5"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <property name="spacing">6</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="autostart-checkbox"> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Start Gnome-Pie on login</property> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="has_tooltip">True</property> + <property name="tooltip_markup" translatable="yes">If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in.</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">If checked, Gnome-Pie will start silently everytime you log in.</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="indicator-checkbox"> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Display panel icon </property> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="has_tooltip">True</property> + <property name="tooltip_markup" translatable="yes">If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second time.</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">If not checked, you can access this menu by launching Gnome-Pie a second time.</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="select-by-string-checkbox"> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Select Slices by typing their names</property> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="has_tooltip">True</property> + <property name="tooltip_markup" translatable="yes">If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT when a Pie is openened).</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">If checked, you can select items in a Pie by typing their names. Otherwise you can activate them with a hotkey (which can be displayed by pressing ALT when a Pie is openened).</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="captions-checkbox"> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Display Slice labels</property> + <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="has_tooltip">True</property> + <property name="tooltip_markup" translatable="yes">Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by the theme.</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Displays the name of each Slice next to it. Only available if supported by the theme.</property> + <property name="xalign">0</property> + <property name="draw_indicator">True</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">3</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="vbox1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <property name="spacing">6</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="hbox4"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">True</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="label4"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="halign">start</property> + <property name="valign">end</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Activation radius</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkScale" id="range-hscale"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="fill_level">2000</property> + <property name="round_digits">0</property> + <property name="digits">0</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="hbox2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">True</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="label6"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="halign">start</property> + <property name="valign">end</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Global scale</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkScale" id="scale-hscale"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="fill_level">2</property> + <property name="round_digits">2</property> + <property name="digits">2</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="hbox3"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">True</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="label7"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="halign">start</property> + <property name="valign">end</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Maximum slices per pie</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkScale" id="range-slices"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="fill_level">2000</property> + <property name="round_digits">0</property> + <property name="digits">0</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">3</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="box1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="theme-scrolledwindow"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="hscrollbar_policy">never</property> + <property name="shadow_type">in</property> + <child> + <placeholder/> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkToolbar" id="pies-toolbar1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="toolbar_style">icons</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkToolItem" id="add-remove-item1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="add-remove-box1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="theme-import-button"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Import a theme from a file.</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkImage" id="import_image"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="icon_name">list-add-symbolic</property> + <property name="use_fallback">True</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="theme-reload-button"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Reload all themes.</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkImage" id="export_image4"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="icon_name">view-refresh-symbolic</property> + <property name="use_fallback">True</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkSeparatorToolItem" id="sep2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="draw">False</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkToolItem" id="add-remove-item2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="add-remove-box2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="theme-delete-button"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Delete the selected theme.</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkImage" id="delete_image"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="icon_name">list-remove-symbolic</property> + <property name="use_fallback">True</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="theme-export-button"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Export the selected theme for sharing.</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkImage" id="export_image3"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="icon_name">document-save-as-symbolic</property> + <property name="use_fallback">True</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkSeparatorToolItem" id="sep4"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="draw">False</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkToolItem" id="add-remove-item4"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="add-remove-box4"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="theme-open-button"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Open the theme's files in your file browser.</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkImage" id="export_image5"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="icon_name">document-open-symbolic</property> + <property name="use_fallback">True</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkSeparatorToolItem" id="sep3"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="draw">False</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="homogeneous">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkToolItem" id="edit-item1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="edit-box1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="theme-help-button"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Open a tutorial on how to create new themes for Gnome-Pie.</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkImage" id="help_image"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="icon_name">help-info-symbolic</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <style> + <class name="inline-toolbar"/> + </style> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">False</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="tab_expand">True</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child type="tab"> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="label1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">General Settings</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="tab_expand">True</property> + <property name="tab_fill">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="pie-settings"> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="border_width">14</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <property name="spacing">10</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="hbox1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="spacing">6</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="pie-list-box"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="pies-scrolledwindow"> + <property name="width_request">170</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="hscrollbar_policy">never</property> + <property name="shadow_type">in</property> + <child> + <placeholder/> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkToolbar" id="pies-toolbar"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="toolbar_style">icons</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkToolItem" id="add-remove-item"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="add-remove-box"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="add-pie-button"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkImage" id="up_image"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="icon_name">list-add-symbolic</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="remove-pie-button"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkImage" id="down_image"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="icon_name">list-remove-symbolic</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkSeparatorToolItem" id="sep1"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="draw">False</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="homogeneous">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkToolItem" id="edit-item"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="edit-box"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkButton" id="edit-pie-button"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">True</property> + <property name="receives_default">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkImage" id="settings_image"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="icon_name">emblem-system-symbolic</property> + <property name="icon_size">1</property> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="homogeneous">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <style> + <class name="inline-toolbar"/> + </style> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">False</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="pie-box"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <property name="spacing">6</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkFrame" id="preview-frame"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="label_xalign">0</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkEventBox" id="preview-background"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="pie-edit-box"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="border_width">2</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <child> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="no-slice-label"> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="xpad">6</property> + <property name="ypad">6</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes"><b><big>This Pie is empty!</big> + +Start adding Slices to it!</b> This can be done by dragging stuff to the plus sign below. You can try a lot! For example application launchers or folders. Even URLs from your browser are possible... + +For manual and advanced configuration click on the plus sign.</property> + <property name="use_markup">True</property> + <property name="justify">fill</property> + <property name="wrap">True</property> + <property name="max_width_chars">0</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="no-pie-label"> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="xpad">6</property> + <property name="ypad">6</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes"><b><big>You have no Pies!</big> + +Start by creating one! </b> This can be done by clicking on the tiny little plus sign in the lower left corner.</property> + <property name="use_markup">True</property> + <property name="justify">fill</property> + <property name="wrap">True</property> + <property name="max_width_chars">0</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="preview-box"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="orientation">vertical</property> + <child> + <placeholder/> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">2</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <object class="GtkBox" id="info-box"> + <property name="height_request">26</property> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="margin_left">6</property> + <property name="margin_right">6</property> + <property name="margin_bottom">6</property> + <property name="spacing">6</property> + <child> + <placeholder/> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">False</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">3</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + </object> + </child> + <child type="label_item"> + <placeholder/> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">0</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="position">1</property> + <property name="tab_expand">True</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child type="tab"> + <object class="GtkLabel" id="label2"> + <property name="visible">True</property> + <property name="can_focus">False</property> + <property name="label" translatable="yes">Pie Settings</property> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="position">1</property> + <property name="tab_expand">True</property> + <property name="tab_fill">False</property> + </packing> + </child> + <child> + <placeholder/> + </child> + <child type="tab"> + <placeholder/> + </child> + </object> + <packing> + <property name="expand">True</property> + <property name="fill">True</property> + <property name="position">1</property> + </packing> + </child> + </object> + </child> + </object> +</interface> diff --git a/resources/ui/shapes/shape1.svg b/resources/ui/shapes/shape1.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84ccfc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/ui/shapes/shape1.svg @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> +<svg + xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" + xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" + 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