///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2011-2016 by Simon Schneegans // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at // your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace GnomePie { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This Group keeps a history of the last used Clipboard entries. /// Experimental. Not enabled. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class ClipboardGroup : ActionGroup { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class ClipboardItem : GLib.Object { public string name { get; protected set; } public string icon { get; protected set; } protected Gtk.Clipboard clipboard { get; set; } protected static Key paste_key = new Key.from_string("<Control>v"); public virtual void paste() {} } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class TextClipboardItem : ClipboardItem { public TextClipboardItem(Gtk.Clipboard clipboard) { GLib.Object(clipboard : clipboard, name : clipboard.wait_for_text(), icon : "edit-paste"); // check whether a file has been copied and search for a cool icon var first_line = this.name.substring(0, this.name.index_of("\n")); var file = GLib.File.new_for_path(first_line); if (file.query_exists()) { try { var info = file.query_info("standard::icon", 0); this.icon = Icon.get_icon_name(info.get_icon()); } catch (Error e) { warning("Failed to generate icon for ClipboardGroupItem."); } } } public override void paste() { clipboard.set_text(name, name.length); paste_key.press(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class ImageClipboardItem : ClipboardItem { private Gdk.Pixbuf image { get; set; } public ImageClipboardItem(Gtk.Clipboard clipboard) { GLib.Object(clipboard : clipboard, name : _("Image data"), icon : "image-viewer"); this.image = clipboard.wait_for_image(); } public override void paste() { clipboard.set_image(image); paste_key.press(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The maximum remembered items of the clipboard. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int max_items {get; set; default=8; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public ClipboardGroup(string parent_id) { GLib.Object(parent_id : parent_id); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Used to register this type of ActionGroup. It sets the display /// name for this ActionGroup, it's icon name and the string used in /// the pies.conf file for this kind of ActionGroups. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static GroupRegistry.TypeDescription register() { var description = new GroupRegistry.TypeDescription(); description.name = _("Group: Clipboard"); description.icon = "edit-paste"; description.description = _("Manages your Clipboard."); description.id = "clipboard"; return description; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The clipboard to be monitored. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Gtk.Clipboard clipboard; private bool ignore_next_change = false; private Gee.ArrayList<ClipboardItem?> items; construct { this.items = new Gee.ArrayList<ClipboardItem?>(); this.clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); this.clipboard.owner_change.connect(this.on_change); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This one is called, when the ActionGroup is saved. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override void on_save(Xml.TextWriter writer) { base.on_save(writer); writer.write_attribute("max_items", this.max_items.to_string()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This one is called, when the ActionGroup is loaded. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override void on_load(Xml.Node* data) { for (Xml.Attr* attribute = data->properties; attribute != null; attribute = attribute->next) { string attr_name = attribute->name.down(); string attr_content = attribute->children->content; if (attr_name == "max_items") { this.max_items = int.parse(attr_content); } } } private void on_change() { if (ignore_next_change) { ignore_next_change = false; return; } if (this.clipboard.wait_is_text_available()) { if (clipboard.wait_for_text() != null) { add_item(new TextClipboardItem(this.clipboard)); } } else if (this.clipboard.wait_is_image_available()) { add_item(new ImageClipboardItem(this.clipboard)); } } private void add_item(ClipboardItem item) { // remove one item if there are too many if (this.items.size == this.max_items) { this.items.remove_at(0); } this.items.add(item); // update slices this.delete_all(); for (int i=this.items.size-1; i>=0; --i) { var action = new SigAction(items[i].name, items[i].icon, i.to_string()); action.activated.connect(() => { ignore_next_change = true; this.items[int.parse(action.real_command)].paste(); }); this.add_action(action); } } } }