/* Copyright (c) 2011 by Simon Schneegans This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ namespace GnomePie { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This class runs in the background. It has an Indicator sitting in the /// user's panel. It initializes everything and guarantees that there is /// only one instance of Gnome-Pie running. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class Deamon : GLib.Object { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The current version of Gnome-Pie ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string version; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The beginning of everything. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static int main(string[] args) { version = "0.5.1"; Logger.init(); Gdk.threads_init(); Gtk.init(ref args); Paths.init(); message("Welcome to Gnome-Pie " + version + "!"); // create the Deamon and run it var deamon = new GnomePie.Deamon(); deamon.run(args); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The AppIndicator of Gnome-Pie. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Indicator indicator = null; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Varaibles set by the commend line parser. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static string open_pie = null; private static bool reset = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Available command line options. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private const GLib.OptionEntry[] options = { { "open", 'o', 0, GLib.OptionArg.STRING, out open_pie, "Open the Pie with the given ID", "ID" }, { "reset", 'r', 0, GLib.OptionArg.NONE, out reset, "Reset all options to default values" }, { null } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// C'tor of the Deamon. It checks whether it's the firts running /// instance of Gnome-Pie. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void run(string[] args) { // create command line options var context = new GLib.OptionContext(""); context.set_help_enabled(true); context.add_main_entries(options, null); context.add_group(Gtk.get_option_group (false)); try { context.parse(ref args); } catch(GLib.OptionError error) { warning(error.message); } if (this.reset) { if (GLib.FileUtils.remove(Paths.pie_config) == 0) message("Removed file \"%s\"", Paths.pie_config); if (GLib.FileUtils.remove(Paths.settings) == 0) message("Removed file \"%s\"", Paths.settings); Logger.stats("LAUNCH RESET"); return; } // create unique application var app = new Unique.App("org.gnome.gnomepie", null); #if HAVE_GTK_3 if (app.is_running()) { #else if (app.is_running) { #endif // inform the running instance of the pie to be opened if (open_pie != null) { message("Gnome-Pie is already running. Sending request to open pie " + open_pie + "."); var data = new Unique.MessageData(); data.set_text(open_pie, open_pie.length); app.send_message(Unique.Command.ACTIVATE, data); Logger.stats("LAUNCH PIE " + open_pie); return; } message("Gnome-Pie is already running. Sending request to open config menu."); app.send_message(Unique.Command.ACTIVATE, null); Logger.stats("LAUNCH CONFIG"); return; } // wait for incoming messages app.message_received.connect((cmd, data, event_time) => { if (cmd == Unique.Command.ACTIVATE) { var pie = data.get_text(); if (pie != null && pie != "") PieManager.open_pie(pie); else this.indicator.show_preferences(); return Unique.Response.OK; } return Unique.Response.PASSTHROUGH; }); // init locale support Intl.bindtextdomain ("gnomepie", Paths.locales); Intl.textdomain ("gnomepie"); // init toolkits and static stuff ActionRegistry.init(); GroupRegistry.init(); PieManager.init(); Icon.init(); // launch the indicator this.indicator = new Indicator(); // connect SigHandlers Posix.signal(Posix.SIGINT, sig_handler); Posix.signal(Posix.SIGTERM, sig_handler); // finished loading... so run the prog! message("Started happily..."); Logger.stats("LAUNCH " + version); // open pie if neccessary if (open_pie != null) PieManager.open_pie(open_pie); Gtk.main(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print a nifty message when the prog is killed. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void sig_handler(int sig) { stdout.printf("\n"); message("Caught signal (%d), bye!".printf(sig)); Gtk.main_quit(); } } }