Copyright (c) 2011 by Simon Schneegans

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

namespace GnomePie {

/// A window which allows selection of an Icon of the user's current icon
/// theme. Custom icons/images can be selested as well. Loading of icons
/// happens in an extra thread and a spinner is displayed while loading.

public class IconSelectWindow : GLib.Object {

    /// This signal gets emitted when the user selects a new icon.

    public signal void on_ok(string icon_name);

    /// Stores the currently selected icon.

    private string active_icon = "";

    /// The ListStore storing all theme-icons.

    private static Gtk.ListStore icon_list = null;

    /// True, if the icon theme is currently reloaded.

    private static bool loading = false;

    /// If set to true, the icon list will be reloaded next time the
    /// window opens.

    private static bool need_reload = true;

    /// Icons of these contexts won't appear in the list.

    private const string disabled_contexts = "Animations, FileSystems";

    /// The list of icons, filtered according to the chosen type and
    /// filter string.

    private Gtk.TreeModelFilter icon_list_filtered = null;

    /// The Gtk widget displaying the icons.

    private Gtk.IconView icon_view = null;

    /// This spinner is displayed when the icons are loaded.

    private Gtk.Spinner spinner = null;

    /// A Gtk widget used for custom icon/image selection.

    private Gtk.FileChooserWidget file_chooser = null;

    /// The notebook containing the different icon choice possibilities:
    /// from the theme or custom.

    private Gtk.Notebook tabs = null;

    /// The main window.

    private Gtk.Window window = null;

    /// A little structure containing data for one icon in the icon_view.

    private class ListEntry {
        public string name;
        public IconContext context;
        public Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;

    /// This queue is used for icon loading. A loading thread pushes
    /// icons into it --- the main thread updates the icon_view
    /// accordingly.

    private GLib.AsyncQueue<ListEntry?> load_queue;

    /// Possible icon types.

    private enum IconContext {

    /// C'tor, creates a new IconSelectWindow.

    public IconSelectWindow(Gtk.Window parent) {
        try {
            this.load_queue = new GLib.AsyncQueue<ListEntry?>();

            if (IconSelectWindow.icon_list == null) {
                IconSelectWindow.icon_list = new Gtk.ListStore(3, typeof(string), // icon name
                                                      typeof(IconContext), // icon type
                                                      typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf)); // the icon itself

                // disable sorting until all icons are loaded
                // else loading becomes horribly slow
                IconSelectWindow.icon_list.set_default_sort_func(() => {return 0;});

                // reload if icon theme changes
                Gtk.IconTheme.get_default().changed.connect(() => {
                    if (this.window.visible) load_icons();
                    else IconSelectWindow.need_reload = true;

            // make the icon_view filterable
            this.icon_list_filtered = new Gtk.TreeModelFilter(IconSelectWindow.icon_list, null);

            Gtk.Builder builder = new Gtk.Builder();

            builder.add_from_file (Paths.ui_files + "/icon_select.ui");

            this.window = builder.get_object("window") as Gtk.Window;

            this.tabs = builder.get_object("tabs") as Gtk.Notebook;

            this.spinner = builder.get_object("spinner") as Gtk.Spinner;

            (builder.get_object("ok-button") as Gtk.Button).clicked.connect(on_ok_button_clicked);
            (builder.get_object("cancel-button") as Gtk.Button).clicked.connect(on_cancel_button_clicked);

            var combo_box = builder.get_object("combo-box") as Gtk.Box;

            // context combo
            var context_combo = new Gtk.ComboBoxText();
            context_combo.append_text(_("All icons"));
            context_combo.append_text(_("File types"));


            context_combo.changed.connect(() => {

            combo_box.pack_start(context_combo, false, false);

            // string filter entry
            var filter = builder.get_object("filter-entry") as Gtk.Entry;

                // only display items which have the selected type
                // and whose name contains the text entered in the entry
                this.icon_list_filtered.set_visible_func((model, iter) => {
                    string name = "";
                    IconContext context = IconContext.ALL;
                    model.get(iter, 0, out name);
                    model.get(iter, 1, out context);

                    if (name == null) return false;

                    return (context_combo.get_active() == context ||
                            context_combo.get_active() == IconContext.ALL) &&

                // clear when the users clicks on the "clear" icon
                filter.icon_release.connect((pos, event) => {
                    if (pos == Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY)
                        filter.text = "";

                // refilter on input
                filter.notify["text"].connect(() => {

            // container for the icon_view
            var scroll = builder.get_object("icon-scrolledwindow") as Gtk.ScrolledWindow;

                // displays the filtered icons
                this.icon_view = new Gtk.IconView.with_model(this.icon_list_filtered);
                    this.icon_view.item_width = 32;
                    this.icon_view.item_padding = 2;
                    this.icon_view.pixbuf_column = 2;
                    this.icon_view.tooltip_column = 0;

                    // set active_icon if selection changes
                    this.icon_view.selection_changed.connect(() => {
                        foreach (var path in this.icon_view.get_selected_items()) {
                            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
                            this.icon_list_filtered.get_iter(out iter, path);
                            this.icon_list_filtered.get(iter, 0, out this.active_icon);

                    // hide this window when the user activates an icon
                    this.icon_view.item_activated.connect((path) => {
                        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
                        this.icon_list_filtered.get_iter(out iter, path);
                        this.icon_list_filtered.get(iter, 0, out this.active_icon);


            // file chooser widget
            this.file_chooser = builder.get_object("filechooser") as Gtk.FileChooserWidget;
                var file_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter();
                    file_filter.set_filter_name(_("All supported image formats"));

                // set active_icon if the user selected a file
                file_chooser.selection_changed.connect(() => {
                    if (file_chooser.get_filename() != null &&

                        this.active_icon = file_chooser.get_filename();

                // hide this window when the user activates a file
                file_chooser.file_activated.connect(() => {
                    this.active_icon = file_chooser.get_filename();


        } catch (GLib.Error e) {
            error("Could not load UI: %s\n", e.message);

    /// Displays the window. The icons are reloaded if neccessary.

    public void show() {

        if (IconSelectWindow.need_reload) {
            IconSelectWindow.need_reload = false;

    public static void clear_icons() {
        if (IconSelectWindow.icon_list != null) {
            IconSelectWindow.need_reload = true;

    /// Makes the window select the icon of the given Pie.

    public void set_icon(string icon) {
        this.active_icon = icon;

        if (icon.contains("/")) {
        } else {
            this.icon_list_filtered.foreach((model, path, iter) => {
                string name = "";
                model.get(iter, 0, out name);

                if (name == icon) {
                    this.icon_view.scroll_to_path(path, true, 0.5f, 0.0f);
                    this.icon_view.set_cursor(path, null, false);
                return (name == icon);


    /// Called when the user clicks the ok button.

    private void on_ok_button_clicked() {

    /// Called when the user clicks the cancel button.

    private void on_cancel_button_clicked() {

    /// (Re)load all icons.

    private void load_icons() {
        // only if it's not loading currently
        if (!IconSelectWindow.loading) {
            IconSelectWindow.loading = true;

            // display the spinner
            if (spinner != null)
                this.spinner.visible = true;

            // disable sorting of the icon_view - else it's horribly slow
            IconSelectWindow.icon_list.set_sort_column_id(-1, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);


            // insert loaded icons every 200 ms
            Timeout.add(200, () => {
                while (this.load_queue.length() > 0) {
                    var new_entry = this.load_queue.pop();
                    Gtk.TreeIter current;
                    IconSelectWindow.icon_list.append(out current);
                    IconSelectWindow.icon_list.set(current, 0, new_entry.name,
                                                1, new_entry.context,
                                                2, new_entry.pixbuf);

                // enable sorting of the icon_view if loading finished
                if (!IconSelectWindow.loading) {
                    IconSelectWindow.icon_list.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);

                return loading;

    /// Loads all icons of an icon theme and pushes them into the
    /// load_queue.

    private async void load_all() {
        var icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default();

        foreach (var context in icon_theme.list_contexts()) {
            if (!disabled_contexts.contains(context)) {
                foreach (var icon in icon_theme.list_icons(context)) {

                    IconContext icon_context = IconContext.OTHER;
                    switch(context) {
                        case "Apps": case "Applications":
                            icon_context = IconContext.APPS; break;
                        case "Emotes":
                            icon_context = IconContext.EMOTES; break;
                        case "Places": case "Devices":
                            icon_context = IconContext.PLACES; break;
                        case "Mimetypes":
                            icon_context = IconContext.FILES; break;
                        case "Actions":
                            icon_context = IconContext.ACTIONS; break;
                        default: break;


                    try {
                        // create a new entry for the queue
                        var new_entry = new ListEntry();
                        new_entry.name = icon;
                        new_entry.context = icon_context;
                        new_entry.pixbuf = icon_theme.load_icon(icon, 32, 0);

                        // some icons have only weird sizes... do not include them
                        if (new_entry.pixbuf.width == 32)

                    } catch (GLib.Error e) {
                        warning("Failed to load image " + icon);

        // finished loading
        IconSelectWindow.loading = false;

        // hide the spinner
        if (spinner != null)
            spinner.visible = false;
