/* Copyright (c) 2011 by Simon Schneegans This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ namespace GnomePie { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// A window which allows selection of an Icon of the user's current icon /// theme. Loading of Icons happens in an extra thread and a spinner is /// displayed while loading. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class IconSelectWindow : Gtk.Dialog { private static Gtk.ListStore icon_list = null; private static bool loading {get; set; default = false;} private static bool need_reload {get; set; default = true;} private const string disabled_contexts = "Animations, FileSystems, MimeTypes"; private Gtk.TreeModelFilter icon_list_filtered = null; private Gtk.IconView icon_view = null; private Gtk.Spinner spinner = null; private Gtk.FileChooserWidget file_chooser = null; private Gtk.Notebook tabs = null; private class ListEntry { public string name; public IconContext context; public Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf; } private GLib.AsyncQueue<ListEntry?> load_queue; private enum IconContext { ALL, APPS, ACTIONS, PLACES, FILES, EMOTES, OTHER } public string _active_icon = "application-default-icon"; public string active_icon { get { return _active_icon; } set { if (value.contains("/")) { this.file_chooser.set_filename(value); this.tabs.set_current_page(1); } else { this.icon_list_filtered.foreach((model, path, iter) => { string name = ""; model.get(iter, 0, out name); if (name == value) { this.icon_view.select_path(path); this.icon_view.scroll_to_path(path, true, 0.5f, 0.0f); this.icon_view.set_cursor(path, null, false); } return (name == value); }); this.tabs.set_current_page(0); } } } public signal void on_select(string icon_name); public IconSelectWindow() { this.title = _("Choose an Icon"); this.set_size_request(520, 520); this.delete_event.connect(hide_on_delete); this.load_queue = new GLib.AsyncQueue<ListEntry?>(); if (this.icon_list == null) { this.icon_list = new Gtk.ListStore(3, typeof(string), typeof(IconContext), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf)); this.icon_list.set_default_sort_func(() => {return 0;}); Gtk.IconTheme.get_default().changed.connect(() => { if (this.visible) load_icons(); else need_reload = true; }); } this.icon_list_filtered = new Gtk.TreeModelFilter(this.icon_list, null); var container = new Gtk.VBox(false, 12); container.set_border_width(12); // tab container this.tabs = new Gtk.Notebook(); var theme_tab = new Gtk.VBox(false, 12); theme_tab.set_border_width(12); var context_combo = new Gtk.ComboBox.text(); context_combo.append_text(_("All icons")); context_combo.append_text(_("Applications")); context_combo.append_text(_("Actions")); context_combo.append_text(_("Places")); context_combo.append_text(_("File types")); context_combo.append_text(_("Emotes")); context_combo.append_text(_("Miscellaneous")); context_combo.set_active(0); context_combo.changed.connect(() => { this.icon_list_filtered.refilter(); }); theme_tab.pack_start(context_combo, false, false); var filter = new Gtk.Entry(); filter.primary_icon_stock = Gtk.Stock.FIND; filter.primary_icon_activatable = false; filter.secondary_icon_stock = Gtk.Stock.CLEAR; theme_tab.pack_start(filter, false, false); this.icon_list_filtered.set_visible_func((model, iter) => { string name = ""; IconContext context = IconContext.ALL; model.get(iter, 0, out name); model.get(iter, 1, out context); if (name == null) return false; return (context_combo.get_active() == context || context_combo.get_active() == IconContext.ALL) && name.down().contains(filter.text.down()); }); filter.icon_release.connect((pos, event) => { if (pos == Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY) filter.text = ""; }); filter.notify["text"].connect(() => { this.icon_list_filtered.refilter(); }); var scroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null); scroll.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC); scroll.set_shadow_type (Gtk.ShadowType.IN); this.icon_view = new Gtk.IconView.with_model(this.icon_list_filtered); this.icon_view.item_width = 32; this.icon_view.item_padding = 3; this.icon_view.pixbuf_column = 2; this.icon_view.tooltip_column = 0; this.icon_view.selection_changed.connect(() => { foreach (var path in this.icon_view.get_selected_items()) { Gtk.TreeIter iter; this.icon_list_filtered.get_iter(out iter, path); icon_list_filtered.get(iter, 0, out this._active_icon); } }); this.icon_view.item_activated.connect((path) => { Gtk.TreeIter iter; this.icon_list_filtered.get_iter(out iter, path); this.icon_list_filtered.get(iter, 0, out this._active_icon); this.on_select(this._active_icon); this.hide(); }); scroll.add(this.icon_view); theme_tab.pack_start(scroll, true, true); tabs.append_page(theme_tab, new Gtk.Label(_("Icon Theme"))); var custom_tab = new Gtk.VBox(false, 6); custom_tab.border_width = 12; this.file_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserWidget(Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN); var file_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter(); file_filter.add_pixbuf_formats(); file_filter.set_name(_("All supported image formats")); file_chooser.add_filter(file_filter); file_chooser.selection_changed.connect(() => { if (file_chooser.get_filename() != null && GLib.FileUtils.test(file_chooser.get_filename(), GLib.FileTest.IS_REGULAR)) this._active_icon = file_chooser.get_filename(); }); file_chooser.file_activated.connect(() => { this._active_icon = file_chooser.get_filename(); this.on_select(this._active_icon); this.hide(); }); custom_tab.pack_start(file_chooser, true, true); tabs.append_page(custom_tab, new Gtk.Label(_("Custom Icon"))); container.pack_start(tabs, true, true); // button box var bottom_box = new Gtk.HBox(false, 0); var bbox = new Gtk.HButtonBox(); bbox.set_spacing(6); bbox.set_layout(Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.END); var cancel_button = new Gtk.Button.from_stock(Gtk.Stock.CANCEL); cancel_button.clicked.connect(() => { this.hide(); }); bbox.pack_start(cancel_button); var ok_button = new Gtk.Button.from_stock(Gtk.Stock.OK); ok_button.clicked.connect(() => { this.on_select(this._active_icon); this.hide(); }); bbox.pack_start(ok_button); bottom_box.pack_end(bbox, false); this.spinner = new Gtk.Spinner(); this.spinner.set_size_request(16, 16); this.spinner.start(); bottom_box.pack_start(this.spinner, false, false); container.pack_start(bottom_box, false, false); this.vbox.pack_start(container, true, true); this.vbox.show_all(); this.set_focus(this.icon_view); } public override void show() { base.show(); this.action_area.hide(); if (this.need_reload) { this.need_reload = false; this.load_icons(); } } private void load_icons() { if (!this.loading) { this.loading = true; this.icon_list.clear(); if (spinner != null) this.spinner.visible = true; this.icon_list.set_sort_column_id(-1, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING); try { unowned Thread loader = Thread.create<void*>(load_thread, false); loader.set_priority(ThreadPriority.LOW); } catch (GLib.ThreadError e) { error("Failed to create icon loader thread!"); } Timeout.add(200, () => { while (this.load_queue.length() > 0) { var new_entry = this.load_queue.pop(); Gtk.TreeIter current; this.icon_list.append(out current); this.icon_list.set(current, 0, new_entry.name, 1, new_entry.context, 2, new_entry.pixbuf); } if (!this.loading) this.icon_list.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING); return loading; }); } } private void* load_thread() { var icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default(); foreach (var context in icon_theme.list_contexts()) { if (!disabled_contexts.contains(context)) { foreach (var icon in icon_theme.list_icons(context)) { IconContext icon_context = IconContext.OTHER; switch(context) { case "Apps": case "Applications": icon_context = IconContext.APPS; break; case "Emotes": icon_context = IconContext.EMOTES; break; case "Places": case "Devices": icon_context = IconContext.PLACES; break; case "Mimetypes": icon_context = IconContext.FILES; break; case "Actions": icon_context = IconContext.ACTIONS; break; default: break; } try { var new_entry = new ListEntry(); new_entry.name = icon; new_entry.context = icon_context; new_entry.pixbuf = icon_theme.load_icon(icon, 32, 0); // some icons have only weird sizes... do not include them if (new_entry.pixbuf.width == 32) this.load_queue.push(new_entry); } catch (GLib.Error e) { warning("Failed to load image " + icon); } } } } this.loading = false; if (spinner != null) spinner.visible = this.loading; return null; } } }