Copyright (c) 2011 by Simon Schneegans

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

namespace GnomePie {

/// The settings menu of Gnome-Pie, with options for theme switching and
/// some general options.

public class SettingsWindow : GLib.Object {

    /// Some widgets.

    private Gtk.Dialog? window = null;
    private ThemeList? theme_list = null;
    private Gtk.ToggleButton? indicator = null;
    private Gtk.ToggleButton? autostart = null;
    private Gtk.ToggleButton? captions = null;

    /// C'tor creates, the dialog.

    public SettingsWindow() {
        try {

            Gtk.Builder builder = new Gtk.Builder();

            builder.add_from_file (Paths.ui_files + "/settings.ui");

            this.window = builder.get_object("window") as Gtk.Dialog;

            this.theme_list = new ThemeList();
            this.theme_list.on_select_new.connect(() => {
                this.captions.active = Config.global.show_captions;
                if (Config.global.theme.has_slice_captions) {
                    this.captions.sensitive = true;
                } else {
                    this.captions.sensitive = false;

            var scroll_area = builder.get_object("theme-scrolledwindow") as Gtk.ScrolledWindow;

            (builder.get_object("close-button") as Gtk.Button).clicked.connect(on_close_button_clicked);

            this.autostart = (builder.get_object("autostart-checkbox") as Gtk.ToggleButton);

            this.indicator = (builder.get_object("indicator-checkbox") as Gtk.ToggleButton);

            this.captions = (builder.get_object("captions-checkbox") as Gtk.ToggleButton);

            var scale_slider = (builder.get_object("scale-hscale") as Gtk.Scale);
                scale_slider.set_range(0.5, 2.0);
                scale_slider.set_increments(0.05, 0.25);

                bool changing = false;
                bool changed_again = false;

                scale_slider.value_changed.connect(() => {
                    if (!changing) {
                        changing = true;
                        Timeout.add(300, () => {
                            if (changed_again) {
                                changed_again = false;
                                return true;

                            Config.global.global_scale = scale_slider.get_value();
                            changing = false;
                            return false;
                    } else {
                        changed_again = true;

            var range_slider = (builder.get_object("range-hscale") as Gtk.Scale);
                range_slider.set_range(100, 2000);
                range_slider.set_increments(10, 100);
                range_slider.value_changed.connect(() => {
                    Config.global.activation_range = (int)range_slider.get_value();


        } catch (GLib.Error e) {
            error("Could not load UI: %s\n", e.message);

    /// Sets the parent window, in order to make this window stay in
    /// front.

    public void set_parent(Gtk.Window parent) {

    /// Displays the window on the screen.

    public void show() {
        this.indicator.active = Config.global.show_indicator;
        this.autostart.active = Config.global.auto_start;
        this.captions.active = Config.global.show_captions;

        if (Config.global.theme.has_slice_captions) {
            this.captions.sensitive = true;
        } else {
            this.captions.sensitive = false;


    /// Called when the close button is clicked.

    private void on_close_button_clicked() {

    /// Creates or deletes the autostart file. This code is inspired
    /// by project synapse as well.

    private void on_autostart_toggled(Gtk.ToggleButton check_box) {

        bool active = check_box.active;
        if (!active && FileUtils.test(Paths.autostart, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
            Config.global.auto_start = false;
            // delete the autostart file
            FileUtils.remove (Paths.autostart);
        else if (active && !FileUtils.test(Paths.autostart, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
            Config.global.auto_start = true;

            string autostart_entry =
                "#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open\n" +
                "[Desktop Entry]\n" +
                "Name=Gnome-Pie\n" +
                "Exec=" + Paths.executable + "\n" +
                "Encoding=UTF-8\n" +
                "Type=Application\n" +
                "X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true\n" +

            // create the autostart file
            string autostart_dir = GLib.Path.get_dirname(Paths.autostart);
            if (!FileUtils.test(autostart_dir, FileTest.EXISTS | FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
                DirUtils.create_with_parents(autostart_dir, 0755);

            try {
                FileUtils.set_contents(Paths.autostart, autostart_entry);
                FileUtils.chmod(Paths.autostart, 0755);
            } catch (Error e) {
                var d = new Gtk.MessageDialog (this.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE,
                                           "%s", e.message);
                d.run ();
                d.destroy ();

    /// Shows or hides the indicator.

    private void on_indicator_toggled(Gtk.ToggleButton check_box) {
        var check = check_box as Gtk.CheckButton;
        Config.global.show_indicator = check.active;

    /// Shows or hides the captions of Slices.

    private void on_captions_toggled(Gtk.ToggleButton check_box) {
        var check = check_box as Gtk.CheckButton;
        Config.global.show_captions = check.active;
