/* Copyright (c) 2011 by Simon Schneegans This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ using GLib.Math; namespace GnomePie { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This class renders a Pie. In order to accomplish that, it owns a /// CenterRenderer and some SliceRenderers. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class PieRenderer : GLib.Object { public int quick_action { get; private set; } public int active_slice { get; private set; } public bool show_hotkeys { get; set; } private int size; private Gee.ArrayList<SliceRenderer?> slices; private CenterRenderer center; private bool key_board_control = false; public PieRenderer() { this.slices = new Gee.ArrayList<SliceRenderer?>(); this.center = new CenterRenderer(this); this.quick_action = -1; this.active_slice = -2; this.size = 0; } public void load_pie(Pie pie) { this.slices.clear(); int count = 0; foreach (var group in pie.action_groups) { foreach (var action in group.actions) { var renderer = new SliceRenderer(this); this.slices.add(renderer); renderer.load(action, slices.size-1); if (action.is_quick_action) { this.quick_action = count; } ++count; } } this.set_highlighted_slice(this.quick_action); this.size = (int)fmax(2*Config.global.theme.radius + 2*Config.global.theme.slice_radius*Config.global.theme.max_zoom, 2*Config.global.theme.center_radius); // increase size if there are many slices if (slices.size > 0) { this.size = (int)fmax(this.size, (((Config.global.theme.slice_radius + Config.global.theme.slice_gap)/tan(PI/slices.size)) + Config.global.theme.slice_radius)*2*Config.global.theme.max_zoom); } } public void activate() { if (this.active_slice >= 0 && this.active_slice < this.slices.size) slices[active_slice].activate(); this.cancel(); } public void cancel() { foreach (var slice in this.slices) slice.fade_out(); center.fade_out(); } public void select_up() { int bottom = this.slice_count()/4; int top = this.slice_count()*3/4; if (this.active_slice == -1 || this.active_slice == bottom) this.set_highlighted_slice(top); else if (this.active_slice > bottom && this.active_slice < top) this.set_highlighted_slice(this.active_slice+1); else if (this.active_slice != top) this.set_highlighted_slice((this.active_slice-1+this.slice_count())%this.slice_count()); } public void select_down() { int bottom = this.slice_count()/4; int top = this.slice_count()*3/4; if (this.active_slice == -1 || this.active_slice == top) this.set_highlighted_slice(bottom); else if (this.active_slice > bottom && this.active_slice < top) this.set_highlighted_slice(this.active_slice-1); else if (this.active_slice != bottom) this.set_highlighted_slice((this.active_slice+1)%this.slice_count()); } public void select_left() { int left = this.slice_count()/2; int right = 0; if (this.active_slice == -1 || this.active_slice == right) this.set_highlighted_slice(left); else if (this.active_slice > left) this.set_highlighted_slice(this.active_slice-1); else if (this.active_slice < left) this.set_highlighted_slice(this.active_slice+1); } public void select_right() { int left = this.slice_count()/2; int right = 0; if (this.active_slice == -1 || this.active_slice == left) this.set_highlighted_slice(right); else if (this.active_slice > left) this.set_highlighted_slice((this.active_slice+1)%this.slice_count()); else if (this.active_slice < left && this.active_slice != right) this.set_highlighted_slice((this.active_slice-1+this.slice_count())%this.slice_count()); } public int slice_count() { return slices.size; } public int get_size() { return size; } public void draw(double frame_time, Cairo.Context ctx, int mouse_x, int mouse_y) { double distance = sqrt(mouse_x*mouse_x + mouse_y*mouse_y); double angle = 0.0; if (this.key_board_control) { angle = 2.0*PI*this.active_slice/(double)slice_count(); } else { if (distance > 0) { angle = acos(mouse_x/distance); if (mouse_y < 0) angle = 2*PI - angle; } int next_active_slice = this.active_slice; if (distance < Config.global.theme.active_radius && this.quick_action >= 0 && this.quick_action < this.slices.size) { next_active_slice = this.quick_action; angle = 2.0*PI*quick_action/(double)slice_count(); } else if (distance > Config.global.theme.active_radius && this.slice_count() > 0) { next_active_slice = (int)(angle*slices.size/(2*PI) + 0.5) % this.slice_count(); } else { next_active_slice = -1; } this.set_highlighted_slice(next_active_slice); } center.draw(frame_time, ctx, angle, distance); foreach (var slice in this.slices) slice.draw(frame_time, ctx, angle, distance); } public void on_mouse_move() { this.key_board_control = false; } public void set_highlighted_slice(int index) { if (index != this.active_slice) { if (index >= 0 && index < this.slice_count()) this.active_slice = index; else if (this.quick_action >= 0) this.active_slice = this.quick_action; else this.active_slice = -1; SliceRenderer? active = (this.active_slice >= 0 && this.active_slice < this.slice_count()) ? this.slices[this.active_slice] : null; center.set_active_slice(active); foreach (var slice in this.slices) slice.set_active_slice(active); this.key_board_control = true; } } } }