///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright 2011-2018 Simon Schneegans // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE // SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using GLib.Math; namespace GnomePie { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// An invisible window. Used to draw Pies onto. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class PieWindow : Gtk.Window { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Signal which gets emitted when the PieWindow is about to close. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public signal void on_closing(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Signal which gets emitted when the PieWindow is closed. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public signal void on_closed(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The background image used for fake transparency if /// has_compositing is false. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Image background { get; private set; default=null; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The background image position and size. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int back_x; private int back_y; private int back_sz_x; private int back_sz_y; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Some panels moves the window after it was realized. /// This value set the maximum allowed panel height or width. /// (how many pixels the window could be moved in every direction /// from the screen borders towards the center) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int panel_sz = 64; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This value set the maximum allowed mouse movement in pixels /// from the capture to the show point in every direction. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int mouse_move = 30; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The owned renderer. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private PieRenderer renderer; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// True, if the Pie is currently fading out. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private bool closing = false; private bool closed = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// A timer used for calculating the frame time. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private GLib.Timer timer; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// True, if the screen supports compositing. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private bool has_compositing = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// When a Pie is opened, pressed buttons are accumulated and /// matches are searched in all slices. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private string search_string = ""; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Used to identify wayland sessions. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private bool wayland = GLib.Environment.get_variable("XDG_SESSION_TYPE") == "wayland"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// C'tor, sets up the window. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public PieWindow() { this.renderer = new PieRenderer(); this.set_title("Gnome-Pie"); this.set_skip_taskbar_hint(true); this.set_skip_pager_hint(true); this.set_keep_above(true); this.set_type_hint(Gdk.WindowTypeHint.DOCK); this.set_decorated(false); this.set_resizable(false); this.icon_name = "gnome-pie"; this.set_accept_focus(false); this.app_paintable = true; // check for compositing if (this.screen.is_composited()) { this.set_visual(this.screen.get_rgba_visual()); this.has_compositing = true; } // activate on left click this.button_release_event.connect ((e) => { if (e.button == 1 || PieManager.get_is_turbo(this.renderer.id)) this.activate_slice(e.time); return true; }); // cancel on right click this.button_press_event.connect ((e) => { if (e.button == 3) this.cancel(); return true; }); // remember last pressed key in order to disable key repeat uint last_key = 0; uint32 last_time_stamp = 0; this.key_press_event.connect((e) => { if (e.keyval != last_key) { this.handle_key_press(e.keyval, e.time, last_time_stamp, e.str); last_key = e.keyval; last_time_stamp = e.time; } return true; }); // activate on key release if turbo_mode is enabled this.key_release_event.connect((e) => { last_key = 0; if (PieManager.get_is_turbo(this.renderer.id)) this.activate_slice(e.time); else this.handle_key_release(e.keyval); return true; }); ulong connection_id = PieManager.bindings.on_release.connect((time_stamp) => { if (PieManager.get_is_turbo(this.renderer.id)) { this.activate_slice(time_stamp); } }); this.on_closing.connect(() => { PieManager.bindings.disconnect(connection_id); }); this.focus_out_event.connect((w, e) => { this.cancel(); return true; }); // notify the renderer of mouse move events this.motion_notify_event.connect((e) => { this.renderer.on_mouse_move(); return true; }); this.show.connect_after(() => { FocusGrabber.grab(this.get_window()); }); this.scroll_event.connect((e) => { if (e.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP) this.renderer.select_prevpage(); else if (e.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.DOWN) this.renderer.select_nextpage(); return true; }); // draw the pie on expose this.draw.connect(this.draw_window); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Loads a Pie to be rendered. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void load_pie(Pie pie) { this.renderer.load_pie(pie); if (wayland) { // wayland does not support client side window placement // therefore we will make a fullscreen window #if HAVE_GTK_3_22 var monitor = Gdk.Display.get_default().get_monitor_at_point(this.back_x, this.back_y).get_geometry(); int monitor_x = monitor.width; int monitor_y = monitor.height; #else var screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default().get_root_window(); int monitor_x = screen.get_width(); int monitor_y = screen.get_height(); #endif this.set_size_request(monitor_x, monitor_y); } else { this.set_window_position(pie); this.set_size_request(renderer.size_w, renderer.size_h); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Opens the window. load_pie should have been called before. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void open() { this.realize(); // capture the background image if there is no compositing if (!this.has_compositing) { this.get_position(out this.back_x, out this.back_y); this.get_size(out this.back_sz_x, out this.back_sz_y); this.back_sz_x++; this.back_sz_y++; #if HAVE_GTK_3_22 var monitor = Gdk.Display.get_default().get_monitor_at_point(this.back_x, this.back_y).get_geometry(); int monitor_x = monitor.width; int monitor_y = monitor.height; #else var screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default().get_root_window(); int monitor_x = screen.get_width(); int monitor_y = screen.get_height(); #endif // allow some window movement from the screen borders // (some panels moves the window after it was realized) int dx = this.panel_sz - this.back_x; if (dx > 0) this.back_sz_x += dx; dx = this.panel_sz - (monitor_x - this.back_x - this.back_sz_x +1); if (dx > 0) { this.back_sz_x += dx; this.back_x -= dx; } int dy = this.panel_sz - this.back_y; if (dy > 0) this.back_sz_y += dy; dy = this.panel_sz - (monitor_y - this.back_y - this.back_sz_y +1); if (dy > 0) { this.back_sz_y += dy; this.back_y -= dy; } // also tolerate some mouse movement this.back_x -= this.mouse_move; this.back_sz_x += this.mouse_move*2; this.back_y -= this.mouse_move; this.back_sz_y += this.mouse_move*2; // make sure we don't go outside the screen if (this.back_x < 0) { this.back_sz_x += this.back_x; this.back_x = 0; } if (this.back_y < 0) { this.back_sz_y += this.back_y; this.back_y = 0; } if (this.back_x + this.back_sz_x > monitor_x) this.back_sz_x = monitor_x - this.back_x; if (this.back_y + this.back_sz_y > monitor_y) this.back_sz_y = monitor_y - this.back_y; this.background = new Image.capture_screen(this.back_x, this.back_y, this.back_sz_x, this.back_sz_y); } // capture the input focus this.show(); // start the timer this.timer = new GLib.Timer(); this.timer.start(); this.queue_draw(); bool warp_pointer = PieManager.get_is_warp(this.renderer.id); // the main draw loop GLib.Timeout.add((uint)(1000.0/Config.global.refresh_rate), () => { if (this.closed) return false; if (warp_pointer) { warp_pointer = false; int x, y; this.get_center_pos(out x, out y); this.set_mouse_position(x, y); } this.queue_draw(); return this.visible; }); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Gets the center position of the window. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void get_center_pos(out int out_x, out int out_y) { int x = 0, y = 0; this.get_position(out x, out y); out_x = x + renderer.center_x; out_y = y + renderer.center_y; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Gets the absolute position of the mouse pointer. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void get_mouse_position(out int mx, out int my) { #if HAVE_GTK_3_20 var seat = Gdk.Display.get_default().get_default_seat(); seat.get_pointer().get_position(null, out mx, out my); #else double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; var display = Gdk.Display.get_default(); var manager = display.get_device_manager(); GLib.List<weak Gdk.Device?> list = manager.list_devices(Gdk.DeviceType.MASTER); foreach(var device in list) { if (device.input_source != Gdk.InputSource.KEYBOARD) { Gdk.Screen screen; device.get_position( out screen, out x, out y ); } } mx = (int) x; my = (int) y; #endif } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sets the absolute position of the mouse pointer. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void set_mouse_position(int mx, int my) { #if HAVE_GTK_3_20 var seat = Gdk.Display.get_default().get_default_seat(); seat.get_pointer().warp(this.screen, mx, my); #else var display = Gdk.Display.get_default(); var manager = display.get_device_manager(); GLib.List<weak Gdk.Device?> list = manager.list_devices(Gdk.DeviceType.MASTER); foreach(var device in list) { if (device.input_source != Gdk.InputSource.KEYBOARD) { device.warp(Gdk.Screen.get_default(), mx, my); } } #endif } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw the Pie. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private bool draw_window(Cairo.Context ctx) { int x, y; this.get_position(out x, out y); // paint the background image if there is no compositing if (this.has_compositing) { ctx.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.CLEAR); ctx.paint(); ctx.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.OVER); } else { //correct the background position if the window was moved //since the background image was captured int dx = this.back_x - x; int dy = this.back_y - y; ctx.save(); ctx.translate(dx, dy); ctx.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.OVER); ctx.set_source_surface(background.surface, -1, -1); ctx.paint(); ctx.restore(); } // get the mouse position int mouse_x, mouse_y; get_mouse_position( out mouse_x, out mouse_y ); // store the frame time double frame_time = this.timer.elapsed(); this.timer.reset(); int center_x = this.renderer.center_x; int center_y = this.renderer.center_y; // on wayland we have a fullscreen window and since we // do not get the pointer location until the mouse moved // we can only display the pie centered... if (this.wayland) { #if HAVE_GTK_3_22 var monitor = Gdk.Display.get_default().get_monitor_at_point(mouse_x, mouse_y).get_geometry(); center_x = monitor.width / 2; center_y = monitor.height / 2; #else var screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default().get_root_window(); center_x = screen.get_width() / 2; center_y = screen.get_height() / 2; #endif } // align the context to the center of the PieWindow x += center_x; y += center_y; ctx.translate(center_x, center_y); // render the Pie this.renderer.draw(frame_time, ctx, mouse_x - x, mouse_y - y); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Activates the currently activate slice. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void activate_slice(uint32 time_stamp) { if (!this.closing) { bool should_close = true; // do not close when ctrl or shift is held down if ((Key.get_modifiers() & (Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK)) > 0 && !PieManager.get_is_turbo(this.renderer.id)) { should_close = false; } GLib.Timeout.add(10, () => { this.renderer.activate(time_stamp, should_close); return false; }); if (should_close) { this.closing = true; this.on_closing(); FocusGrabber.ungrab(); GLib.Timeout.add((uint)(Config.global.theme.fade_out_time*1000), () => { this.closed = true; this.on_closed(); this.destroy(); return false; }); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Activates no slice and closes the PieWindow. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void cancel() { if (!this.closing) { this.closing = true; this.on_closing(); FocusGrabber.ungrab(); this.renderer.cancel(); GLib.Timeout.add((uint)(Config.global.theme.fade_out_time*1000), () => { this.closed = true; this.on_closed(); this.destroy(); return false; }); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sets the position of the window to the center of the screen or to /// the mouse. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void set_window_position(Pie pie) { if(PieManager.get_is_centered(pie.id)) this.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER); else this.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.MOUSE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Do some useful stuff when keys are pressed. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void handle_key_press(uint key, uint32 time_stamp, uint32 last_time_stamp, string text) { if (last_time_stamp + 1000 < time_stamp) { this.search_string = ""; } if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Escape") this.cancel(); else if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Return") this.activate_slice(time_stamp); else if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "KP_Enter") this.activate_slice(time_stamp); else if (!PieManager.get_is_turbo(this.renderer.id)) { if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Up") this.renderer.select_up(); else if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Down") this.renderer.select_down(); else if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Left") this.renderer.select_left(); else if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Right") this.renderer.select_right(); else if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Page_Down") this.renderer.select_nextpage(); else if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Page_Up") this.renderer.select_prevpage(); else if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Tab") this.renderer.select_nextpage(); else if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "ISO_Left_Tab") this.renderer.select_prevpage(); else if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Alt_L" && !Config.global.search_by_string) this.renderer.show_hotkeys = true; else { if (Config.global.search_by_string) { this.search_string += text; this.renderer.select_by_string(search_string.down()); } else { int index = -1; if (key >= 48 && key <= 57) index = ((int)key - 39)%10; else if (key >= 97 && key <= 122) index = (int)key - 87; else if (key >= 65 && key <= 90) index = (int)key - 55; if (index >= 0 && index < this.renderer.slice_count()) { this.renderer.key_board_control = true; this.renderer.select_by_index(index); if (this.renderer.active_slice == index) { GLib.Timeout.add((uint)(Config.global.theme.transition_time*1000.0), ()=> { this.activate_slice(time_stamp); return false; }); } } } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Do some useful stuff when keys are released. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void handle_key_release(uint key) { if (!PieManager.get_is_turbo(this.renderer.id)) { if (Gdk.keyval_name(key) == "Alt_L") this.renderer.show_hotkeys = false; } } } }