path: root/doc/ilan.8
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-07-06 18:04:32 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-07-06 18:04:32 +0200
commita7f89980e5b3f4b9a74c70dbc5ffe8aabd28be28 (patch)
tree41c4deec1fdfbafd7821b4ca7a9772ac0abd92f5 /doc/ilan.8
Imported Upstream version 2.9.3upstream/2.9.3
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/ilan.8')
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ilan.8 b/doc/ilan.8
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index 0000000..31b26ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ilan.8
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+.TH ILAN 8 "Version 1.8: 17 Feb 2010"
+ipmiutil_lan \- show and configure BMC LAN parameters and
+set up a PEF entry to send BMC LAN Alerts for OS Critical Stop log events
+.B "ipmiutil lan [-abcdefghijklmnopq#rstuvwxyzBDQK -i eth1 ]"
+ [\-I ipadr \-M macadr \-S subnet \-B baud_sol ]
+ [\-G gwyip \-H gwymac \-L lan_channel_num ]
+ [\-A alertip \-X alertmac \-C community ]
+ [\-u user_to_set \-p password_to_set ]
+ [\-N nodename \-U username \-Fimb ]
+ [\-P/\-R rmt_node_pswd \-EFJTVY ]
+.I ipmiutil lan
+shows or sets all of the IPMI LAN Parameters to enable
+remote LAN sessions or BMC LAN Alerts. The IP address and MAC address of
+the local system, the default gateway, and the alert destination
+can be defaulted to those specified in Linux, or can be overridden
+by user parameters.
+It also creates a new Platform Event Filter table entry for an OS Critical
+Stop (0x20) SEL firmware log event, so that it will be enabled to send a
+BMC LAN Alert. This utility will skip the PEF records if the system does
+not support IPMI 1.5 or greater.
+This utility can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver from OpenIPMI,
+the /dev/imb driver from Intel, the /dev/ipmikcs driver from valinux,
+direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if \-N.
+Command line options are described below.
+Note that without options, ipmiutil lan behaves as if option \-r were used.
+To configure IPMI LAN & PEF, use option \-e.
+.IP "-a alertnum"
+Specify which PEF alert number is to be used. Default is 1. This would only
+be used if extra PEF alert destinations had been set.
+.IP "-b authmask"
+Specify a certain authtype mask in hex to use when configuring this channel.
+The default mask is 0x16, so to include authtype None (bit 0), it would
+require entering '\-b 17'.
+.IP "-c"
+Show Canonical output, which shows only interpreted text and streamlines
+the parameters shown, using a common delimiter.
+.IP "-d"
+This option disables the IPMI LAN and PEF parameters, so as not to allow BMC
+LAN connections or alerts. This option also sets the IP address to zeros.
+.IP "-e"
+This option enables the BMC LAN configuration and PEF event alerts.
+The utility will attempt to obtain the default BMC LAN parameters
+from the OS automatically, or they can be specified with command
+options below.
+.IP "-f"
+Set the ARP control parameter to 1 = gratuituous ARPs, 2 = ARP responses,
+or 3 = both grat ARP and ARP responses. The default is 1.
+.IP "-g"
+This specifies the secondary gateway IP address to use for the BMC LAN.
+The default is to omit this parameter and only use the default gateway.
+See also \-G.
+.IP "-h"
+Set the IPMI VLAN ID to this value. Setting to a value >=4096 disables the
+VLAN ID. The default behavior is not to set this parameter.
+.IP "-i ethif"
+By default, the eth0 interface is used to find IP and MAC addresses.
+Sometimes, however, the first ethernet port on the baseboard may
+be represented by Linux as eth1 or eth2 instead. If so, use this
+option to indicate the correct ethernet interface to use. By default,
+ipmiutil lan will scan up to 32 eth interfaces for the onboard one that
+BMC LAN uses.
+.IP "-j"
+This sets a custom PEF rule as the last PEF entry. The input is
+a series of 10 hex bytes, forming the PEF entry. For example, this
+sample PEF entry would perform a power down action if the Baseboard Temp
+reached its threshold.
+ "ipmiutil lan \-e \-j020110ffff013001950a"
+.IP "-k"
+This causes ipmiutil lan to also insert two rules to send alerts for
+transition-to-OK events, including Power Redundancy OK and Temperature OK.
+.IP "-l"
+This option enables the BMC LAN configuration, but not PEF events.
+The utility will attempt to obtain the default BMC LAN parameters
+from the OS automatically, or they can be specified with command
+options below.
+.IP "-n num"
+By default, the new PEF entry for OS Critical Stop is inserted at
+offset 12 into the table. This can be changed to insert it at an
+offset > 12 if another entry already exists at offset 12.
+.IP "-o"
+Disable Only SOL. This could be used after the IPMI LAN was configured, to
+disable Serial-Over-LAN console access but still allow other IPMI LAN access.
+.IP "-p password_to_set"
+This specifies the firmware password to set for BMC LAN access.
+If not specified, the user and password configuration will not be changed.
+.IP "-q"
+Specify an alternate user number for the LAN username from the \-u option.
+This is normally user number 2, 3, or 4, where 2 is the default.
+The maximum number of users is 15. Same as -# below.
+.IP "-#"
+Specify an alternate user number for the LAN username from the \-u option.
+Same as \-q above.
+.IP "-r"
+This option just reads the configuration without writing any BMC LAN
+parameters or writing any new entries to the PEF table.
+.IP "-s"
+This option will also display some of the Serial parameters.
+.IP "-t"
+Test if the BMC LAN has already been configured. Returns 0 if so.
+.IP "-u username_to_set"
+This specifies the firmware username to set for BMC LAN access.
+If a username is specified, user 3 will be set.
+If not specified, the default user 1 will be used.
+.IP "-v priv"
+Set a specific access priVilege for this user, where priv can be:
+1=Callback, 2=User, 3=Operator, 4=Admin, 5=OEM, 15=NoAccess
+The default if not specified or specified in error, is to use 4=Admin.
+.IP "-w N"
+Set the Gratuitous ARP Interval to N seconds. This has no effect if
+the firmware does not support Grat-ARP, as shown in Lan Param 10.
+If not set, the interval remains at the firmware default.
+.IP "-x"
+Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.
+.IP "-y N"
+Set the OEM LAN Failover parameter to N. Values for N with Intel Romley/S2600 baseboards: 1 = enable, 0 = disable. Values for N with SuperMicro baseboards: 2 = failover, 1 = lan1 , 0 = dedicated.
+.IP "-z"
+Also show the IPMI LAN Statistics
+.IP "-A alert_ip_addr"
+This specifies the SNMP Alert Destination IP address to use for the BMC LAN.
+By default, this utility will attempt to obtain this from the
+/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file, via the trapsink parameter.
+The alert destination will see the BMC LAN traps with the
+enterprises.3183.1.1 OID. If no alert IP address is specified in either
+snmpd.conf or this parameter, or if that IP address does not respond,
+the other SNMP parameters for BMC LAN will be skipped.
+.IP "-B baud_sol"
+This specifies the Baud rate for SerialOverLan. The possible values are:
+9600, 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, and 115.2k. The default is 19.2k.
+.IP "-C snmp_community"
+This specifies the SNMP Community name to use for BMC LAN Alerts.
+The default community string is "public".
+This parameter is ignored if there is no Alert IP address.
+.IP "-D "
+This causes the local IP address to be determined by DHCP instead of a
+static IP address.
+.IP "-E"
+Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.
+.IP "-F drv_t"
+Force the driver type to one of the followng:
+imb, va, open, gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.
+Note that lan2i means lan2 with intelplus.
+The default is to detect any available driver type and use it.
+.IP "-G gwy_ip_addr"
+This specifies the default gateway IP address to use for the BMC LAN.
+The default is to automatically obtain this from the Linux route table.
+.IP "-H gwy_mac_addr"
+This specifies the default gateway MAC address to use for the BMC LAN.
+The format can be either 11:22:33:44:55:66 or 11-22-33-44-55-66.
+The default is to try to automatically obtain this by sending an arp request
+from an OS LAN eth interface: the default one, or as specified by \-i.
+.IP "-K hostname"
+This specifies the IPMI hostname to set, for Kontron servers only.
+This enables the firmware to properly map the IP address to a hostname,
+especially with the web interface.
+The default is not to set this parameter, and use IP address only.
+.IP "-I ip_addr"
+This specifies the local IP address to use for the BMC LAN on eth0.
+The default is to automatically obtain this from the Linux ifconfig.
+.IP "-J"
+Use the specified LanPlus cipher suite (0 thru 17): 0=none/none/none,
+1=sha1/none/none, 2=sha1/sha1/none, 3=sha1/sha1/cbc128, 4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,
+5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40, 6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.
+Default is 3.
+.IP "-L lan_ch_num"
+This specifies the IPMI LAN channel number used for BMC LAN. This varies
+by platform, and can be found in the platform technical specifications.
+For instance, Intel platforms usually use channels 1 & 2 for onboard NICs,
+and channel 3 for optional RMM NICs.
+By default, ipmiutil lan scans all IPMI channels to find the first LAN
+channel for BMC LAN.
+To just list all IPMI channels to see what is available, use the string 'list'
+instead of a LAN channel number. This will list the channels and exit.
+.IP "-M mac_addr"
+This specifies the local MAC address to use for the BMC LAN on eth0.
+The format can be either 11:22:33:44:55:66 or 11-22-33-44-55-66.
+The default is to automatically obtain this from the Linux ifconfig.
+.IP "-N nodename"
+Nodename or IP address of the remote target system. If a nodename is
+specified, IPMI LAN interface is used. Otherwise the local system
+management interface is used.
+.IP "-P rmt_pswd"
+Remote password for the nodename given. The default is a null password.
+Same as \-R below.
+.IP "-Q"
+Set the IPMI VLAN Priority. The default priority is 0.
+.IP "-R rmt_pswd"
+Remote password for the nodename given. The default is a null password.
+Same as \-P above.
+.IP "-S subnet"
+This specifies the local subnet mask to use for the BMC LAN on eth0.
+The default is to automatically obtain this from the Linux ifconfig.
+.IP "-T"
+Use a specified IPMI LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2, 2=MD5,
+4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.
+.IP "-U rmt_user"
+Remote username for the nodename given. The default is a null username.
+.IP "-V"
+Use a specified IPMI LAN privilege level. 1=Callback level, 2=User level,
+3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default), 5=OEM level.
+.IP "-X alert_mac_addr"
+This specifies the SNMP Alert Destinations's MAC address to use for the BMC LAN.
+The format can be either 11:22:33:44:55:66 or 11-22-33-44-55-66.
+The default is to attempt to obtain this from the Linux arp cache.
+This parameter is ignored if there is no Alert IP address.
+.IP "-Y"
+Yes, do prompt the user for the IPMI LAN remote password.
+Alternatives for the password are \-E or \-P.
+To read existing settings:
+ipmiutil lan \-r
+To enable IPMI LAN with default settings detected, assuming shared MAC/IP:
+ipmiutil lan \-e
+To set up IPMI LAN for a unique IP address and set PEF SNMP Alerts:
+ipmiutil lan \-e \-I \-A
+To set the IPMI LAN password for the default user:
+ipmiutil lan \-e \-p mypassword
+To disable access to the IPMI LAN channel:
+ipmiutil lan \-d
+These 11 PEF table entries are configured from the factory for various
+Intel Sahalee BMC systems, and will be applied as the defaults for a
+system with an empty PEF table:
+PEF(01): 01 Temperature Sensor event - enabled for alert
+01 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 01 ff 01 95 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+PEF(02): 02 Voltage Sensor event - enabled for alert
+02 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 02 ff 01 95 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+PEF(03): 04 Fan Failure event - enabled for alert
+03 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 04 ff 01 95 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+PEF(04): 05 Chassis Intrusion event - enabled for alert
+04 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 05 05 6f 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+PEF(05): 08 Power Supply Fault event - enabled for alert
+05 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 08 ff 6f 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+PEF(06): 0c Memory ECC Error event - enabled for alert
+06 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 0c 08 6f 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+PEF(07): 0f FRB Failure event - enabled for alert
+07 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 0f 06 6f 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+PEF(08): 07 BIOS POST Error event - enabled for alert
+08 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 07 ff 6f 1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+PEF(09): 13 Fatal NMI event - enabled for alert
+09 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 13 ff 6f 3e 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+PEF(10): 23 Watchdog Timer Reset event - enabled for alert
+0a c0 01 01 00 ff ff 23 03 6f 0e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+PEF(11): 12 System Restart event - enabled for alert
+0b c0 01 01 00 ff ff 12 ff 6f 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ipmiutil(8) ialarms(8) iconfig(8) icmd(8) idiscover(8) ievents(8) ifru(8) igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8) isol(8) iwdt(8)
+See for the latest version of ipmiutil and any bug fix list.
+Copyright (C) 2009 Kontron America, Inc.
+See the file COPYING in the distribution for more details
+regarding redistribution.
+This utility is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+Andy Cress <arcress at>