 INSTALL for ipmiutil source
The ipmiutil source package provides IPMI-based utilities and kernel 
patches for managing various servers in Linux or Windows.

The same source files can be built in both Linux and Windows as shown 
  Build instructions for Linux 

To build with some GPL code:  
If you are building ipmiutil for open-source, then the MD2 hash 
for IPMI LAN and the valinux driver interface (/dev/ipmikcs) can 
be supported.  If so, you should specify the following during 
   "./configure --enable-gpl"
The default is to build with only BSD-licensed code and not to 
include the MD2 and valinux features.  The md2.h and ipmi_ioctl.h
files with GPL code can be removed if this option is not enabled.

To build a standalone binary without IPMI LAN 2.0 (lanplus plugin),
which may be desirable for use on bootable media (USB/CDROM), to 
decrease the size or to avoid using libcrypto, you can specify the 
following during configure:
   "./configure --disable-lanplus"
   "./configure --enable-standalone"
builds it without lanplus libs and without GPL code.

To add LanDesk IPMI support:
Support for the LanDesk IPMI driver requires a library supplied by 
LanDesk (libipmiapi.a).  After obtaining this library, place it in
lib/libipmiapi.a.  Then you can link ipmiutil to support it by 
specifying the following during configure:
   "./configure --enable-landesk=yes"

Steps to build for Linux:
# ./beforeconf.sh
  Which automates these functions:
   * copying libtool files
   * aclocal   (may be needed if automake versions are different)
   * autoconf  (may be needed if automake versions are different)
   * automake  
# ./configure
      --enable-landesk       adds landesk library support [default=no]
      --disable-lanplus      disable lanplus library support
      --enable-standalone    build standalone, with no GPL or LanPlus libs.
      --enable-gpl           build with some GPL code [default=no]
# make

To add the ifruset utility, which allows setting any FRU Product fields:
# cd util; make ifruset
# ifruset -?

To build and install an rpm package, use one of the following:
#  make install
#  make rpm
The make rpm produces a binary rpm, and a source rpm, which can be 
installed with "rpm -i *.rpm".

To build and install a Debian package, do this:
#  dpkg-buildpackage
then install it with "dpkg -i *.deb".

  Build instructions for Windows 

The ipmiutil Windows binaries for each release are pre-built and posted
at http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net, but here is how to build the ipmiutil 
EXEs for Windows from source.

Note that the WIN32 compile flag is used.  

The ipmiutil buildwin.cmd shows how to compile and link the lib and exe 
files, although many people prefer instead to do builds with the 
Microsoft VisualStudio project GUI.  

See also ipmiutil UserGuide section 5.2 for more details if needed.

1)  Install Visual Studio
The build environment assumes that VisualStudio 6.0 VC98 or

later is installed. 

2)  Download contrib files
Before running buildwin.cmd, first download the contributed

files for Windows (includes getopt.c and openssl).

A copy of these files is available from 


3)  Copy initial contrib files into ipmiutil
Below are sample directories where ipmiutil*.tar.gz was unpacked, 

and where the openssl*.tar.gz was unpacked.

> set ipmiutil_dir=c:\dev\ipmiutil

> set openssl_dir=c:\dev\openssl

First, copy the getopt.c & getopt.h into the util directory.  

From the directory where ipmiutil-contrib.zip was unpacked, 

> copy getopt.*      %ipmiutil_dir%\util

The iphlpapi.lib comes from VS 2003 .Net or Win2003 DDK.

> copy iphlpapi.lib  %ipmiutil_dir%\lib

> copy iphlpapi.h    %ipmiutil_dir%\util  

4)  Build the openssl libraries
To build from original source you would then want to build a copy of openssl 
for Windows, and copy the built openssl files to lib & inc.
Follow the openssl build instructions from INSTALL.W32 for VC++ to build 
these binaries.  Note that perl must also be installed first.

5)  Copy the resulting LIB and DLL binaries to ipmiutil
> copy %openssl_dir%\out32dll\libeay32.lib  %ipmiutil_dir%\lib

> copy %openssl_dir%\out32dll\ssleay32.lib  %ipmiutil_dir%\lib

> copy %openssl_dir%\out32dll\libeay32.dll  %ipmiutil_dir%\util

> copy %openssl_dir%\out32dll\ssleay32.dll  %ipmiutil_dir%\util

> mkdir %ipmiutil_dir%\lib\lanplus\openssl

> copy %openssl_dir%\include\openssl\*.h %ipmiutil_dir%\lib\lanplus\openssl

6)  Set the Visual Studio variables with vcvars*.bat
For your installation of Microsoft Visual Studio, it has batch files to
set the Visual C variables. Run the appropriate architecture version of
these batch files to set the VC variables.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\amd64\vcvarsamd64.bat

7)  Run buildwin.cmd
buildwin.cmd will build all of the Windows EXE and DLL files.

If you are using ipmiutil for a bootable WinPE environment, and do not need
Serial-Over-LAN functionality, the buildwin2.cmd will build the Windows EXE 
files without using the openssl libraries, to simplify the process.  The 
openssl libraries are required for the IPMI LAN 2.0 crypto functions that
Serial-Over-LAN requires.  

  Build instructions for Solaris
# iver=2.7.9
# uname -a
SunOS unknown 5.10 Generic_127128-11 i86pc i386 i86pc
# gunzip ipmiutil-${iver}.tar.gz
# tar xvf ipmiutil-${iver}.tar
# cd ipmiutil-${iver}
# PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/openwin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sfw/bin
# ./configure
# make
# make tarsol
This produces /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-solaris.tar with the binaries.
# gzip /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-solaris.tar

Solaris Release Notes:
- Built with support for bmc, lan, and lanplus interfaces.
  Supports the Solaris 10 /dev/bmc driver via putmsg method.
- Requests to slave addresses other than BMC are not supported by
  the Solaris bmc driver (e.g. to HSC at 0xc0), and are sent to 
  the BMC sa instead.
- Memory mapping logic returns an error (e.g. BIOS version).
- idiscover -a broadcast ioctl works now in ipmiutil-2.3.1

To Install on Solaris:
  gunzip /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-solaris.tar.gz
  tar xvf /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-solaris.tar

  Build instructions for FreeBSD
# iver=2.7.9
# gunzip ipmiutil-${iver}.tar.gz
# tar xvf ipmiutil-${iver}.tar
# cd ipmiutil-${iver}
# ./configure
# make
# make tarbsd
This produces /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-bsd.tar with the binaries.
# gzip /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-bsd.tar

FreeBSD Release Notes:
  - ipmiutil-2.3.5 supports FreeBSD with direct driverless KCS
  - ipmiutil-2.5.2 adds support for FreeBSD 7.x ipmi driver port

To Install on FreeBSD:
  gunzip /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-bsd.tar.gz
  tar xvf /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-bsd.tar

  Build instructions for MAC OSX
# iver=2.9.1
# tar -xvxf ipmiutil-${iver}.tar.gz
# cd ipmiutil-${iver}
# ./beforeconf.sh    
There are some warnings shown, but this does the aclocal/autoconf/automake.
# ./configure
# make
# make tarbsd
This produces /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-bsd.tar with the binaries.
# mv /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-bsd.tar /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-macos.tar
# gzip /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-macos.tar

To Install on MacOS from a Terminal:
  gunzip /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-macos.tar.gz
  tar xvf /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-macos.tar

Release Notes for MAC OSX:
  - ipmiutil-2.9.1 supports MacOSX client builds
  - Does not yet support AppleBMC.kext, pending documentation

  Build instructions for ARM (Android)
# tar -xzvf ipmiutil-${iver}.tar.gz
# cd ipmiutil-${iver}
# ./configure --enable-standalone --host=arm
# make