VERSION 3.2.1
         An easy-to-use IPMI server management utility

1.0  Overview
   1.1  Features
2.0  Dependencies
   2.1  Configuration
   2.2  References
3.0  Utility Man Pages
   3.1  IPMIUTIL  (ipmiutil)
   3.2  IALARMS   (ipmiutil alarms) 
   3.3  ICMD      (ipmiutil cmd)
   3.4  ICONFIG   (ipmiutil config)
   3.5  IDISCOVER (ipmiutil discover)
   3.6  IEVENTS   (ipmiutil events)
   3.7  IFRU      (ipmiutil fru)
   3.8  IGETEVENT (ipmiutil getevt)
   3.9  IHEALTH   (ipmiutil health) 
   3.10 ILAN      (ipmiutil lan)
   3.11 IRESET    (ipmiutil reset)
   3.12 ISEL      (ipmiutil sel)
   3.13 ISENSOR   (ipmiutil sensor)
   3.14 ISERIAL   (ipmiutil serial)
   3.15 ISOL      (ipmiutil sol)
   3.16 IWDT      (ipmiutil wdt)
   3.17 IFRUSET   (ifruset)
   3.18 IPMI_PORT (ipmi_port)
   3.19 IPICMG    (ipmiutil picmg)
   3.20 IFIREWALL (ipmiutil ifirewall)
   3.21 IFWUM     (ipmiutil fwum)
   3.22 IHPM      (ipmiutil hpm)
   3.23 ISUNOEM   (ipmiutil sunoem)
   3.24 IEKANALYZER (ipmiutil ekanalyzer, deprecated)
   3.25 ITSOL     (ipmiutil tsol)
   3.26 IDELLOEM  (ipmiutil delloem)
   3.27 IDCMI     (ipmiutil dcmi)
   3.28 ISMCOEM   (ipmiutil smcoem)
   3.29 ISELTIME  (iseltime)
   3.30 IUSER     (ipmiutil user)
4.0  Use Cases
   4.1  Usage of IPMI utilities for sensor thresholds
   4.2  Usage to configure a system for IPMI LAN
   4.3  Usage of IPMI utilities for Automated IPMI LAN configuration 
   4.4  Usage of IPMI utilities to Set Watchdog timer
   4.5  Usage of kernel panic handler code 
   4.6  Interpreting BMC LAN SNMP Traps from Platform Events 
   4.7  Interpreting newer PECI sensors for CPU Thermal Margin
   4.8  How to configure a system for IPMI Serial-Over-LAN Console
   4.9  Using ipmiutil Library APIs for custom programs
   4.10 How to configure a system for SNMP Traps via IPMI PEF rules
5.0  IPMI Utilities on Windows
   5.1  Windows Install Instructions
   5.2  Windows Build Instructions
   5.3  Windows Command Usage
6.0  Sample output 
7.0  Problems
   7.1  Error Return Codes
   7.2  IPMI Completion Codes
8.0  Building IPMI Utilities
   8.1  Building ipmiutil on Linux
   8.2  Building ipmiutil on Windows
   8.3  Building ipmiutil on Solaris
   8.4  Building ipmiutil on FreeBSD
   8.5  Building ipmiutil on ARM (Android)
9.0  IPMIUtil Library APIs 
10.0 Related Information
   9.1  History
   9.2  Links


The IPMI Specification provides a standard way to do both simple and complex 
server management functions. Everything from remote reset/power-off to sending
an SNMP alert from a sensor event even if the OS is down. Being able to 
perform  these tasks in Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) firmware allows 
OS-independent management. What many integrators need, however, is a set of 
utilities and/or sample code to perform these functions within their 
enterprise management subsystem without a learning curve. 

The IPMI Management Utilities project provides a series of utilities that 
perform common IPMI server management functions, such as viewing the firmware 
log, or configuring the BMC LAN & PEF features. 
The utilities are designed for end-users, so that they should not require 
intimate knowledge of how to build IPMI commands. Each of the utilities detects or reasonably assigns default values so that a working configuration can be 
easily obtained. More detailed options allow changes to these default values.
These utilities can be used separately, or merged with a larger server 
management subsystem.  The source license is BSD and ipmiutil compiles under 
Linux (Makefile) and Windows (buildwin.cmd). There are also corresponding 
SA Forum HPI standard utilities that run with two different HPI 
implementations, including OpenHPI. These were the basis of the current 

This project includes both IPMI utilities and a kernel patch for 
panic handler enhancements.  See the project web site for binaries
and documentation at http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net.

The ipmiutil IPMI utilities below allow the user to access the firmware 
System Event Log and configure the Platform Event Filter table for the new 
'OS Critical Stop' records, as well as other common IPMI system management

ipmiutil       - a meta-command to invoke all of the below as sub-commands
ievents        - a standalone utility to interpret IPMI and PET event data
isel           - show/set the firmware System Event Log records
isensor        - show Sensor Data Records, sensor readings, and thresholds
ireset         - cause the BMC to hard reset or power down the system    
ilan           - show and configure the BMC LAN port and Platform Event Filter
                 table to allow BMC LAN alerts from firmware events and 
                 OS Critical Stop messages,
iserial        - show and configure the BMC Serial port for various modes, 
                 such as Terminal Mode.  
ifru           - show the FRU chassis, board, and product inventory data, 
                 and optionally write a FRU asset tag.
ialarms	       - show and set front panel alarms (LEDs and relays)
iwdt	       - show and set watchdog timer parameters
igetevent      - receive any IPMI events and display them
ihealth        - check and report the basic health of the IPMI BMC
iconfig        - list/save/restore the BMC configuration parameters
icmd           - send specific IPMI commands to the BMC,
                 mainly for testing and debug purposes.
idiscover      - discover the available IPMI LAN nodes on a subnet
isol           - start/stop an IPMI Serial-Over-LAN Console session
ipicmg         - show/set the IPMI PICMG parameters
ifirewall      - show/set the IPMI firmware firewall configuration
iekanalyzer    - run FRU-EKeying analyzer on FRU files
ifwum          - OEM firmware update manager extensions
ihpm           - HPM firmware update manager extensions
isunoem        - Sun OEM functions
idelloem       - Dell OEM functions
itsol          - Tyan SOL console start/stop session
idcmi          - get/set DCMI parameters, if supporting the DCMI spec

Other supporting files:
checksel       = cron script using ipmiutil sel to check the SEL, write new 
		 events to the OS system log, and clear the SEL if nearly full.
ipmi_port      = daemon to bind the RMCP port and sleep to prevent 
                 Linux portmap from stealing the RMCP port
ipmi_port.sh   = init script to reserve the RMCP port from portmap, 
		 this also restores saved sensor thresholds, if any.
ipmiutil_wdt   = init script to restart watchdog timer every 60 sec via cron
ipmiutil_asy   = init script runs 'ipmiutil getevt -a' for remote shutdown
ipmiutil_evt   = init script runs 'ipmiutil getevt -s' for monitoring events
evt.sh         = sample script which can be invoked by ipmiutil_evt
ipmi_if.sh     = script using dmidecode to determine the IPMI Interface Type
bmclanpet.mib  = SNMP MIB for BMC LAN Platform Event Traps
test/*         = scripts and utilities used in testing ipmiutil/panicsel
kern/*         = kernel patches for panic handling

The kernel panic handler patch (kern/bmcpanic.patch) adds additional 
features to the Linux Panic Handler so that more information can be 
saved and passed along if a Linux panic condition occurs.  
bmc_panic features:

 1. Write an OS Critical Stop event to firmware System Event Log (SEL)
    This is in bmcpanic.patch, in OpenIPMI and in Intel IMB.
 2. Send SNMP trap via BMC LAN Alerting mechanism
    Accomplished by configuring the BMC with 'ipmiutil lan'.
 3. Turn on the Critical Alarm LED on the Telco Alarms Panel
    This is in bmcpanic.patch, but not in OpenIPMI due to 
    platform-specific issues with the alarms panel.

The kernel portion of this, except item 3, is now included in the OpenIPMI
project with the CONFIG_IPMI_PANIC_EVENT option, and the OpenIPMI
driver has merged into Linux kernel 2.4.21 and beyond.  
The latest version of the OpenIPMI driver can be obtained from
This patch is also included in the Intel IMB IPMI driver v28 and greater, 
for any Linux kernel.  This Intel IMB IPMI driver can be obtained from
http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Product_Search.aspx?Prod_nm=imbsrc or
a copy is cached on http://ipmiutil.sf.net also.


These are the key strengths, user features and functions that are 
supported by ipmiutil.

Key Strengths = supports any IPMI server platforms, 
                top-down user-friendly IPMI functions, 
                only IPMI project to support Windows natively,
                detection, portability,
                incorporates fixes and new features quickly
Target Market = Administrators, Developers, and OEMs
License       = BSD   (supports open or proprietary use)
OS Support    = Linux, Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD, and MacOSX
                (supports Windows natively for local or remote interface)
Drivers       = For Linux: openipmi, imb, valinux ipmikcs, lan, lanplus,
                      landesk, and driverless direct KCS or SSIF 
                For Windows: Intel IMB and Microsoft IPMI drivers
                For Solaris: bmc 
                For FreeBSD: openipmi, driverless KCS or SSIF 
                For MacOSX:  remote only
Discrete sensors = Show interpreted meaning or raw value instead of 'na'
LEDs          = Show/set ATCA LEDs, set identify LED, Intel Telco Alarm LEDs
health        = show overall health and product information
discovery     = find all IPMI LAN servers on a given subnet
fru           = Display all FRU and SPD inventory data, also
                Set some FRU product fields (asset tag, serial number)
sensor        = Show SDRs and sensor readings, also set sensor thresholds
getevent      = Receive any IPMI events and decode them,
                The IPMI event monitoring service is automated in Linux via 
                the ipmiutil_evt init script.
reset         = IPMI local and remote reset/power-control,
                IPMI boot device selection.
remote soft-boot = Perform a remote OS shutdown/restart request, soft-shutdown
                using ipmiutil getevt -a and invoking ipmiutil reset -o.
                This async bridge service is automated in Linux via the
                ipmiutil_asy init script, without requiring acpid.
cmd           = Execute raw IPMI commands locally or remotely
lan           = Show/set IPMI LAN and PEF configuration parameters,
                adds more PEF rules, or can add a custom PEF rule
serial        = Show/set IPMI serial configuration parameters
sel           = Show decoded System Event Log records, clear SEL,
                see the checksel cron script to automate SEL management.
sol console   = Start/stop an SOL console session
watchdog      = Show, set, and reset the IPMI watchdog timer and its actions,
                The watchdog timer service can be automated in Linux via the
                ipmiutil_wdt init script.
save/restore  = save and restore all BMC configuration parameters
ievents       = Standalone app to decode IPMI or PET event data,
                especially useful at the management station for interpreting
                IPMI PET SNMP traps.  See also SNMP PET MIB (bmclanpet.mib).
picmg         = Support IPMI PICMG functions
firewall      = Support IPMI firmware firewall functions

Through various services, ipmiutil allows automatic management of common
IPMI tasks:
ipmi_port     = Automatically prevent Linux port mapper from stealing 
                the RMCP port 623 used by IPMI LAN firmware.
checksel      = a cron script to daily write new SEL records to syslog, and
                clear the SEL if nearly full.
ipmiutil_asy  = A Linux init script using the ipmiutil getevt -a service to
                enable receiving soft-shutdown requests from ipmiutil reset -o
ipmiutil_wdt  = A Linux init script to reset the watchdog timer every 60 sec.
ipmiutil_evt  = A Linux init script using the ipmiutil getevt -s service to
                monitor IPMI events, log them, and optionally run a script.


The IPMI Utilities will run on Linux, Windows Solaris, or FreeBSD, and should
be portable to other OSs, if an IPMI driver for that OS can be obtained.

The IPMI Utilities and Panic Handler Enhancements currently work with 
platforms that support the IPMI standard.  If the platform does not 
support IPMI, these changes are inert.  The Service Availability Forum 
has developed a Hardware Platform Interface (HPI) specification that 
can be used to group IPMI and other system management interfaces 
together.  A set of comparable HPI utilities is included in the 
ipmiutil project source as hpiutil/*.

The Panic Handler kernel enhancements (via kern/bmcpanic.patch) are now 
included in the Intel IMB driver v28 and later, and in the OpenIPMI driver 
the kernel config file (/usr/src/linux/.config) with kernels 2.4.21 or greater. 

If run locally, the ipmiutil utilities must be run as 
superuser/Administrator and an IPMI driver must be used.

For Linux, these IPMI drivers are supported:
 . the MontaVista OpenIPMI driver (/dev/ipmi0),
 . the Intel IMB IPMI driver (/dev/imb, via 'ipmidrvr' or 'ipmi_imb'),
 . the valinux IPMI Driver (/dev/ipmikcs), 
 . the LANDesk ldipmi daemon,
 . or direct user-space I/Os to the IPMI KCS or SSIF/SMBus interfaces,
   if no other driver is detected.

For Windows, these drivers are supported:
 . the Intel IMB IPMI driver (imbdrv.sys) for any Windows Server OS,
 . the Microsoft IPMI driver (ipmidrv.sys) for Win2003R2 or Win2008.

For Solaris, these drivers are supported:
 . the Sun bmc driver (/dev/bmc) for Solaris 10 and greater

For FreeBSD, these drivers are supported:
 . the FreeBSD 7.x OpenIPMI driver port (kldload ipmi, /dev/ipmi0)
 . direct user-space I/Os to the IPMI KCS or SSIF/SMBus interfaces

Each of the IPMI management utilities will detect which IPMI driver 
is present, and in Linux, if none are found, it will attempt to use direct 
KCS or SSIF I/Os to communicate with the IPMI BMC. 

If using the IPMI LAN interface, neither the local or remote system requires
any IPMI driver, but the remote target system must have had IPMI LAN enabled,
(e.g. via ipmiutil lan) which is done locally on the target system.
Note that the IPMI LAN session password is sent with either MD5 or MD2 
encryption by default.

See http://openipmi.sourceforge.net for the OpenIPMI driver.
See http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Product_Search.aspx?Prod_nm=imbsrc for Intel IMB driver
See http://cvs.sf.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/ipmitools/ipmitools/kernel/kcs/patches/2.4.x/ for the valinux driver.
See http://www.landesk.com/ or the CD supplied with your server for LANDesk.

List of companies that have adopted IPMI (over 198):

Example IPMI Server Platforms tested with ipmiutil, by BMC manufacturer:
  Intel RackMount Servers (various, both 32-bit and 64-bit)
  Intel ATCA (MPCMM0001 and MPBL00xx)
  Kontron CRMS servers and KTC5520
  Dell PowerEdge 18xx, 19xx, 2800
  SuperMicro with AOC-IPMI20 (by LMC)
  SuperMicro with AOC-SIMSO (by Peppercon)
  Sun   (product id 0x4701)
  Tyan  (product id 0x14e9)
  NSC   (product id 0x4311, National SemiConductor)
  NEC   (product id 0x024b) 
  Tatung TS-2552 (product id 0x09f8)


To find the base address of the IPMI KCS interface, or to find the IPMI
SSIF/SMBus slave address, you can use the 'dmidecode' utility provided 
with most Linux distributions.  See also http://www.nongnu.org/dmidecode.
The ipmi_if.sh script can determine the IPMI Interface Type, and the 
resulting /usr/share/ipmiutil/ipmi_if.txt file can be edited if needed. 
The ipmiutil binary uses the same mechanism to detect the IPMI KCS or 
SSIF interface parameters by default if no driver is loaded. 

For some IPMI systems, a minimum firmware version may be needed to
support the BMC LAN/PEF feature.  On an Intel TSRLT2 system, for instance, 
these are the minimum levels:
  BMC Firmware ver 54 or greater
Systems with IPMI versions prior to 1.5 do not support BMC LAN or PEF features

By default, the ipmiutil IPMI utilities rpm does not set the panic timeout.
If a different kernel panic timeout is desired, add the kernel parameter
"panic=10" in grub.conf/lilo.conf, or do "echo 10 >/proc/sys/kernel/panic" 
in one of the /etc/init.d scripts to set it to 10 seconds, for instance.  

The ipmiutil lan (ilan) utility can be used to configure the BMC LAN 
Alerting while the OS is running.  It has additional PEF rules and LAN
parameter detection logic beyond what most other utilities provide.
The ipmiutil serial (iserial) utility is intended to configure the EMP 
serial port on the server for shared access between BMC/IPMI functions 
and BIOS Console Redirection.  Some older platforms only support only Basic 
Mode for BMC/IPMI functions.  Basic Mode requires a remote client application 
to utilize it (Windows ISC Console/DPC applet, or a special modified Linux 
telnet).  There are many platforms which implement Terminal Mode via IPMI v1.5 
Appendix E to make remote management with character commands available
on the serial port without a special remote client application.

Notes about BMC Users:
Most IPMI 1.5 systems support at least 3 users, numbered 1,2,3, where 
user 1 is the default and has a null username.  Users 2 and 3 are 
alternate users whose usernames can be set.  For ipmiutil, these are
currently implemented by default as follows:
user 1: used by default for BMC LAN and Serial (ilan & iserial)
user 2: set for BMC LAN if ipmiutil lan -u is specified
user 3: set for BMC Serial/EMP if ipmiutil serial -u is specified
Also note that the -q option can be used to set different users by number.

Note that the checksel script will be copied to /etc/cron.daily when 
the Linux ipmiutil rpm is installed, so that ipmiutil sel will automatically 
save SEL records to syslog and clear the SEL if it gets nearly full.  
If you do not want this to happen automatically, remove the checksel 
script from the /etc/cron.daily directory.

In order for the ipmiutil sel -w function to work cleanly on a Windows system,
the showselmsg.dll should be copied to %SystemRoot%\system32, and the 
showsel.reg should be run to set up the corresponding EventLog service 
registry values.  See install.cmd to perform these functions.

The BSD License in the COPYING file applies to all source files
herein, except for
  * util/md5.c (Aladdin unrestricted license, compatible with BSD)
  * util/md2.h (GPL)
  * util/ipmi_ioctls.h (GPL)
While the BSD License allows code reuse in both open and non-open
applications, the md2.h and ipmi_ioctls.h files would have to be removed
if used in a non-open application.  The default ipmiutil build omits GPL code.  
There is a ALLOW_GPL compile flag for this that is disabled by default, but 
can be enabled for open-source by running "./configure --enable-gpl".  

See the INSTALL file for build instructions for various configurations.  


The IPMI 1.5 spec, Table 36-3 defines the sensor types for SEL records,
as used by ipmiutil sel.
The IPMI 1.5 spec, Table 15-2 defines the Platform Event Filter table
entries, as used by ipmiutil lan.
The IPMI 1.5 spec, Table 19-4 defines the LAN Configuration Parameters,
as used by ipmiutil lan.  
The IPMI 2.0 spec, Section 15 defines the Serial-Over-LAN functionality.

The enterprises.3183 SNMP traps come from the BMC firmware, and are defined in
bmclan*.mib files in the ipmiutil project.  Details about the format of these
Platform Event Traps are available in section 12.2 through 12.5 of the ISM 
(Intel Server Management) 5.x Technical Product Specification at 

The enterprises.343 SNMP traps come from ISM or SNMPSA and are defined in 
basebrd*.mib or mapbase*.mib files on the platform CD.
The enterprises.412 SNMP traps come from ISM/DMTF, defined in dmtf*.mib files 
on the platform CD.


3.1     IPMIUTIL  (ipmiutil)

IPMIUTIL(8)							   IPMIUTIL(8)

       ipmiutil - a meta-command to invoke various IPMI functions.

       ipmiutil <command> [-x -NUPREFJTVY] [other command options]

       This  utility performs various IPMI functions.	Each of the individual
       commands in the ipmiutil project can be invoked via this	 meta-command.
       The <command> is one of the following:
	  alarms   show/set the front panel alarm LEDs and relays
	  leds	   show/set the front panel alarm LEDs and relays
	  cmd	   send a specified raw IPMI command to the BMC
	  config   list/save/restore BMC configuration parameters
	  dcmi	   get/set DCMI parameters
	  discover    discover all IPMI servers on this LAN
	  ekanalyzer run FRU-EKeying analyzer on FRU files (deprecated, see fru)
	  events   decode IPMI events and display them
	  firewall show/set firmware firewall functions
	  fru	   show decoded FRU inventory data, write asset tag
	  fwum	   OEM firmware update manager extensions
	  getevt   get IPMI events and display them, event daemon
	  getevent get IPMI events and display them, event daemon
	  health   check and show the basic health of the IPMI BMC
	  hpm	   HPM firmware update manager extensions
	  lan	   show/set IPMI LAN parameters and PEF table
	  picmg	   show/set picmg extended functions
	  reset	   cause the BMC to reset or power down the system
	  sel	   show/clear firmware System Event Log records
	  sensor   show Sensor Data Records, readings, thresholds
	  serial   show/set IPMI Serial & Terminal Mode parameters
	  sol	   start/stop an SOL console session
	  smcoem   SuperMicro OEM functions
	  sunoem   Sun OEM functions
	  delloem  Dell OEM functions
	  tsol	   Tyan SOL console start/stop session
	  wdt	   show/set/reset the watchdog timer
       For help on each command (e.g. ’sel’), enter:
	  ipmiutil sel -?
       For man pages on each command, its man page is named  "i<command>",  or
       refer to SEE ALSO below.

       This  utility  can  use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver from OpenIPMI, the
       /dev/imb driver from  Intel,  the  /dev/ipmikcs	driver	from  valinux,
       direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N is used.

       Command	options are described in the man page for each command.	 Below
       are a few of the common options.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename or IP address of the remote target system.  If a	 node-
	      name  is	specified,  IPMI LAN interface is used.	 Otherwise the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force  the  driver  type	to one of the followng: imb, va, open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2  with  intelplus.   The  default is to detect any available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use  the	specified  LanPlus   cipher   suite   (0   thru	  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	      1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use a specified IPMI  LAN	 privilege  level.  1=Callback	level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes, do prompt the  user	for  the  IPMI	LAN  remote  password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil sel
       Shows the IPMI System Event Log entries.

       ipmiutil wdt
       Shows the watchdog timer values.

       ialarms(8)  iconfig(8)  icmd(8)	idiscover(8)  ievents(8)  ifirewall(8)
       ifru(8) ifruset(8) ifwum(8)  igetevent(8)  ihealth(8)  ihpm(8)  ilan(8)
       ipicmg(8)  ireset(8)  isel(8)  isensor(8) iserial(8) isol(8) isunoem(8)
       iwdt(8) ipmiutil(8) ipmi_port(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.2     IALARMS   (ipmiutil alarms) 

IALARMS(8)							    IALARMS(8)

       ipmiutil_alarms - display and set alarm indicators

       ipmiutil alarms [-abcdimnoprx -N node -U user -P/-R pswd -EFJTVY]

       ipmiutil alarms is a program that uses IPMI commands to display and set
       alarm indicators, which are usually LEDs on the	system	chassis	 front
       panel.	This  utility  can  use	 either	 the  /dev/ipmi0  driver  from
       OpenIPMI, the /dev/imb driver from Intel, the /dev/ipmikcs driver  from
       valinux,	 direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.  Note
       that a LAN user must have Administrative privileges to  read  or	 write
       the alarm LEDs.

       Note  that this utility may not be the only logic setting alarm states.
       The BMC firmware, system management software, or cluster fault  manager
       may  also want to set alarm states.  Intel provides a Telco Alarms Man-
       ager API which presents a consolidated interface for all alarm  manage-
       ment applications.

       Command line options are described below.

       -r     Read-only.   Show	 the alarms status, but do not set any states.
	      This is also the default mode if no parameters are specified.

       -iN    Sets the Chassis Identify feature, which can be an LED  or  some
	      other  alarm.   If  N=0, turn off the Chassis ID, otherwise turn
	      the ID on for N seconds.	N=255 will  turn  on  the  ID  indefi-
	      nitely, if it is IPMI 2.0.

       -aN    Sets  Disk  A  Fault LED.	 If N=0, turn it off.  If N=1, turn it
	      on.  Used only for TIGPT1U platform.

       -bN    Sets Disk B Fault LED.  If N=0, turn it off.  If	N=1,  turn  it
	      on.  Used only for TIGPT1U platform.

       -dXN   Sets  Disk  X  Fault LED, where X=0-6.  If N=0, turn it off.  If
	      N=1, turn it on.	Used only for NSC2U platform.

       -cN    Sets the Critical Alarm.	If N=0, turn it off.  If N=1, turn  it

       -mN    Sets the Major Alarm.  If N=0, turn it off.  If N=1, turn it on.

       -nN    Sets the Minor Alarm.  If N=0, turn it off.  If N=1, turn it on.

       -pN    Sets the Power Alarm.  If N=0, turn it off.  If N=1, turn it on.
	      Note that the Power LED is also wired to the System Fault LED in
	      the  back of the system, so this state may be off for Power, but
	      the LED could be lit for a System Fault reason  instead.	 Refer
	      to the system Technical Product Specification for System Faults.

       -o     Sets all alarms off, including the Chassis ID.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename or IP address of the remote target system.  If a	 node-
	      name  is	specified,  IPMI LAN interface is used.	 Otherwise the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force  the  driver  type	to one of the followng: imb, va, open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2  with  intelplus.   The  default is to detect any available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use  the	specified  LanPlus   cipher   suite   (0   thru	  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	      1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use  this	 IPMI  LAN  Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2, 2=MD5,
	      4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use this IPMI LAN	 privilege  level.  1=Callback	level,	2=User
	      level,  3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default), 5=OEM

       -Y     Yes, do prompt the  user	for  the  IPMI	LAN  remote  password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil(8)   iconfig(8)	  icmd(8)   idiscover(8)   ievents(8)  ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.3     ICMD      (ipmiutil cmd)

ICMD(8)								       ICMD(8)

       ipmiutil_cmd  -	a  tool to send specific IPMI commands via the command

       ipmiutil cmd [-qsx -NUPREFJTVY] bus rsSa netFn/lun cmd [data bytes]

       This ipmiutil cmd tool sends specific IPMI commands  to	the  firmware.
       The commands are composed as hex values on the command line.  This tool
       was written to allow in-band use to match the DOS CMDTOOL.EXE or	 IPMI-
       TOOL.EXE program which is distributed with many Intel servers.  Certain
       scripts or pre-written commands may have been supplied for the DOS tool
       that can now be used while the system is running Linux or Windows.

       This  utility  can  use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver from OpenIPMI, the
       /dev/imb driver from  Intel,  the  /dev/ipmikcs	driver	from  valinux,
       direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       This  tool  should  only	 be used if you are familiar with the IPMI 1.5
       specification, or you have specific pre-written commands to send.

       Command line options are described below.

       -q     Quiet mode.  Show only minimal header information.

       -s     Skips the GetDeviceID command

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename or IP address of the remote target system.  If a	 node-
	      name  is	specified,  IPMI LAN interface is used.	 Otherwise the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force  the  driver  type	to one of the followng: imb, va, open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2  with  intelplus.   The  default is to detect any available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use  the	specified  LanPlus   cipher   suite   (0   thru	  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	      1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use a specified IPMI  LAN	 privilege  level.  1=Callback	level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes, do prompt the  user	for  the  IPMI	LAN  remote  password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       The  following  parameters  are used by icmd.  Each is represented as a
       two-digit hex byte.  The parameters have no default values.

       bus    This byte contains the bus number for this command, usually  00.

       rsSa   This is the resource slave address, usually 0x20 for the BMC.

	      This  byte  combines  the net Function and Lun.  The 2 low-order
	      bits are the Lun and the 6 high-order bits are the net Function.
	      This representation is consistent with the DOS CMDTOOL/IPMITOOL.

       cmd    This byte contains the IPMI command.

       [data bytes]
	      This is a sequence of zero to 16 bytes that represent data bytes
	      specific to this command.

       icmd 00 20 18 01
       Sends the GetDevice ID command to the BMC.

       icmd 00 20 28 43 00 00 ff ff 00 ff
       Sends a Get SEL entry command for the last entry in the firmware log.

       ipmiutil(8)   ialarms(8)	 iconfig(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)  ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.4     ICONFIG   (ipmiutil config)

ICONFIG(8)							    ICONFIG(8)

       ipmiutil_config - list, save, and restore BMC configuration parameters

       ipmiutil config [-lpxLNUPREFJTVY] [-r file] [-s file]

       ipmiutil config is a program that uses an IPMI driver to send IPMI com-
       mands which list, save and restore  BMC	configuration  parameters  for
       LAN,  Serial, PEF, SOL, User, Channel.  This combines the functionality
       of ipmiutil lan (ilan) and ipmiutil serial (iserial).  Note  that  some
       of  the	LAN  parameters cannot be restored remotely over the IPMI LAN,
       changing the configuration that is in use.  This utility can use either
       the  /dev/ipmi0	driver	from OpenIPMI, the /dev/imb driver from Intel,
       the /dev/ipmikcs driver from valinux, direct  user-space	 IOs,  or  the
       IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -l     Lists  BMC  configuration	 parameters with a keyword, index, and
	      its hex values.  This is the default behavior if no options  are

       -r config_file
	      Restores	BMC configuration from config_file, which was produced
	      with -s below.

       -s config_file
	      Saves BMC configuration to  config_file.	 This  file  could  be
	      edited,  in  certain  cases,  such as to vary the BMC IP address
	      (LanParam 3), or to use the  UserPassword	 records.   Note  that
	      lines  beginning	with  ’#’  are	comments and are ignored.  For
	      editing UserPassword records, convert your  text	value  to  hex
	      format; for example "echo ’mypassword’ |od -t x1", and leave off
	      the trailing 0a.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -p password_to_set
	      This specifies the firmware password to set for BMC  LAN	access
	      for  all	users during the restore.  If not specified, the pass-
	      word configuration will not be changed, unless a valid UserPass-
	      word  record  is	present in the file to be restored.  Note that
	      user passwords are write-only via standard IPMI commands.

       -L lan_ch_num
	      This specifies the IPMI LAN channel number  used	for  BMC  LAN.
	      This  varies by platform, and can be found in the platform tech-
	      nical specifications.  By	 default,  bmcconfig  scans  all  IPMI
	      channels to find a LAN channel for BMC LAN.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	 icmd(8)   idiscover(8)	  ievents(8)   ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.5     IDISCOVER (ipmiutil discover)


       ipmiutil_discover - discover IPMI LAN-enabled nodes

       idiscover [-abegisx]

       idiscover  is  a	 program  that	uses IPMI LAN commands to discover any
       nodes on the LAN that are available, by probing the  RMCP  port	(623.)
       on  those  nodes.   This	 utility uses IPMI LAN, so no IPMI drivers are
       needed.	There are three methods that can be used:
       -a   = broadcast RMCP ping method (default)
       -g   = GetChannelAuthCap command method
       else = specific RMCP ping method

       A beginning IP address can be specified with -b for broadcast and  spe-
       cific methods. An ending IP can be specified for non-broadcast methods.

       Command line options are described below.

       -a     All nodes, use the broadcast ping method.	 This is  the  default
	      if no options are specified.  This will detect the first enabled
	      ethernet	interface,  and	 defaults  to  the  broadcast  address
	      x.x.x.255	 (where	 x.x.x.x  is  IP address) unless -b is used to
	      specify otherwise.

       -b <ip>
	      Beginning IP address,  required,	unless	using  broadcast  with
	      defaults.	  This	could be a specific IP address, or a broadcast
	      address, ending in 255, if the broadcast method (-a) is used.

       -e <ip>
	      Endign IP address of the range.  Not used for broadcast  method.
	      If this is not specified, a range of one IP address matching the
	      beginning IP is assumed.

       -g     Use the GetChannelAuthenticationCapabilities command method over
	      IPMI  LAN	 instead of the RMCP ping.  Not compatible with broad-
	      cast.  This may be useful if the vendor  BMC  does  not  support
	      RMCP ping for some reason.

       -i eth0
	      The  interface name to use when sending the probes.  The default
	      is to detect the first enabled ethernet interface (e.g. eth0).

       -m     shows MAC address.  Uses the broadcast ping method, but  uses  a
	      raw  socket  so  that  the  MAC  address	can be displayed. This
	      detects the first enabled ethernet interface,  and  defaults  to
	      the  broadcast  address like -a.	 Using -m with
	      raw sockets requires root privilege.

       -r N   Repeat the ping N times to each node.  Default is to send 1 ping
	      per node.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

	   idiscover -a -b
       Sends a broadcast RMCP ping to discover IPMI LAN nodes on the specified

	   idiscover -b -e
       Sends RMCP pings to a range of IP addresses.

	   idiscover -g -b -e
       Sends GetChannelAuthCap commands to a range of IP addresses.

       ipmiutil(8)   ialarms(8)	  iconfig(8)   icmd(8)	 ievents(8)    ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.6     IEVENTS   (ipmiutil events)

IEVENTS(8)							    IEVENTS(8)

       ievents - decode IPMI and PET event data

       ievents [-bfhnprsx] 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10

       ievents is a standalone utility delivered with ipmiutil, used to inter-
       pret raw hex data from IPMI events or from IPMI PET SNMP	 trap  varbind
       data.   This  utility  uses the same interpretation logic as is used by
       "ipmiutil sel" (showsel) and "ipmiutil getevt" (getevents).

       The data bytes in the input are always assumed to be in hex form.

       This could be useful if a utility other than "ipmiutil sel"  were  used
       to obtain IPMI SEL records or events and interpretation is needed.

       This would also be needed at an enterprise management station to inter-
       pret the PET SNMP trap hex data into human-readable  form,  see	option

       -b bin_file
	      Interpret	 a  file  containing raw binary/hex SEL data dumped in
	      binary form, such as that produced  by  "ipmitool	 sel  writeraw
	      bin_file".  Each set of 16 bytes in the file will be interpreted
	      as an IPMI event.	 (same as -h)

       -f sel_file
	      Interpret a file containing raw ascii  text  SEL	data  captured
	      with  ipmiutil sel -r, or some other similar utility.  Each line
	      in the file should be in this form, with no leading spaces:
	      04 00 02 76 a9 4a 47 20 00 04 10 09 6f 42 0f ff
	      If this option is not specified, the default is to  use  the  16
	      bytes taken from the command-line arguments.  (same as -r)

       -h bin_file
	      Interpret	 a  file  containing raw binary/hex SEL data dumped in
	      binary form, such as that produced  by  "ipmitool	 sel  writeraw
	      bin_file".  Each set of 16 bytes in the file will be interpreted
	      as an IPMI event.	 (same as -b)

       -n     This option generates a New IPMI platform event, using  9	 bytes
	      of  input.   The input bytes are the same as the last 9 bytes of
	      an IPMI event.

       -p     Decode as PET event bytes, where the input is 34	PET  hex  data
	      bytes,  skipping	the  first  8  of  the	47-byte PET data.  The
	      default without -p assumes that the  input  is  a	 16-byte  IPMI

       -r sel_file
	      Interpret	 a  file  containing  raw ascii text SEL data captured
	      with ipmiutil sel -r, or some other similar utility.   (same  as

       -s sensor_file
	      Sensor  file  with  the output of "ipmiutil sensor", used to get
	      the  PET	sensor_type  from  the	sensor_num.   The  default  is
	      /usr/share/ipmiutil/sensor_out.txt   as	generated  during  the
	      ipmiutil package installation.  This is  only  needed  with  PET
	      interpretation (-p).

       -x     show eXtra debug messages

       ipmiutil(8)   ialarms(8)	  iconfig(8)   icmd(8)	 idiscover(8)  ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.7     IFRU      (ipmiutil fru)

IFRU(8)								       IFRU(8)

       ipmiutil_fru - show Field Replacable Unit configuration data

       ipmiutil fru [-abcdeikmsvx -N node -U user -P/-R pswd -EFJTVY]

       ipmiutil	 fru is a program that uses IPMI commands to show FRU configu-
       ration data and optionally write an asset tag string into the FRU data.
       Setting	the asset tag is a function that can be used to uniquely iden-
       tify the unit, even if the storage  devices  are	 removed  or  changed.
       This  utility  can  use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver from OpenIPMI, the
       /dev/imb driver from  Intel,  the  /dev/ipmikcs	driver	from  valinux,
       direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -a asset_string
	      This  option  specifies an asset tag string to be written to the
	      baseboard FRU Product area.  The asset tag length is limited  by
	      the  existing  FRU Product data, but is usually allowed up to 16
	      characters.  The default is to not modify this FRU field.

       -b     Only show the Baseboard FRU data.	 The default  behavior	is  to
	      also  scan  for  any SDR FRU data or DIMM SPD data referenced by
	      the SDRs.

       -c     Show FRU output in a canonical format, with a default  delimiter
	      of '|'.

       -d file
	      Dump binary FRU data to the specified file.

       -e     Show Every FRU output in a bladed chassis, including those under
	      child MCs.  The default is to show FRUs referred to by just  the
	      target MC.

       -i 00  This  option  specifies  a  specific  FRU ID to show.  The input
	      value should be in hex (0b, 1a, etc.), as shown from the	sensor
	      SDR  output.   By default, all FRU IDs that are specified in the
	      FRU locator SDRs are shown.

       -k <setsn | setmfgdate | nextboot>
	      These Kontron OEM functions set FRU data based on existing  data
	      stored elsewhere.	 The setsn option sets the FRU Board and Prod-
	      uct serial number, and the setmfgdate option sets the FRU	 Board
	      Mfg DateTime.  The nextboot option specifies the boot device for
	      the next boot: BIOS, FDD, HDD, CDROM, or network.	 These options
	      are  only supported on Kontron ATCA boards which have this func-

       -m 002000
	      Show FRU for a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun  00).	  This
	      could  be	 used  for  PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing
	      character, if present, indicates SMI addressing if ’s’, or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -s serial_num
	      This  option  specifies  a serial number string to be written to
	      the baseboard FRU Product area.  The serial number  can  be  any
	      string  up  to 16 characters.  The default is to not modify this
	      FRU field.

       -v prod_ver
	      This option specifies a product  version	number	string	to  be
	      written  to  the baseboard FRU Product area.  The version number
	      can be any string up to 16 characters.  The default  is  to  not
	      modify this FRU field.

       -x     Causes eXtra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)   ievents(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.8     IGETEVENT (ipmiutil getevt)


       ipmiutil_getevt - wait for IPMI events

       ipmiutil getevt [-abosx -t secs -N node -U user -P/-R pswd -EFJTVY]

       ipmiutil	 getevt	 is a program that uses IPMI commands to wait for IPMI
       events sent from the BMC firmware.  These events are also sent  to  the
       IPMI  System  Event  Log	 (SEL).	  This	utility	 can  use  either  the
       /dev/ipmi0 driver from OpenIPMI, the /dev/imb driver  from  Intel,  the
       /dev/ipmikcs  driver  from  valinux, direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI
       LAN interface if -N.

       Some server management functions want  to  trigger  custom  actions  or
       alerts  when  IPMI  hardware-related  events  occur, but do not want to
       track all events, just newly occurring events.  This  utility  waits  a
       specified timeout period for any events, and returns interpreted output
       for each event.	It is designed as a scriptable	command-line  utility,
       but if the timeout is infinite (-t 0), then this code could be used for
       a sample service as well.

       There are several methods to do this which are implemented here.

       The SEL method:
       This method polls the SEL once a second, keeps track of	the  last  SEL
       event  read, and only new events are processed.	This ensures that in a
       series of rapid events, all events are received in order, however, some
       transition-to-OK	 events	 may  not be configured to write to the SEL on
       certain platforms.  This method is used if getevent  -s	is  specified.
       This is the only method supported over IPMI LAN, i.e. with -N.

       The ReadEventMessageBuffer method:
       This  uses  an IPMI Message Buffer in the BMC firmware to read each new
       event.  This receives any event, but if two events occur nearly	simul-
       taneously,  only	 the most recent of the two will be returned with this
       method.	 An  example  of  simultaneous	events	might  be,  if	a  fan
       stops/fails,  both  the	non-critical and critical fan threshold events
       would occur at that time.  This is the default method for getevent.

       The OpenIPMI custom method:
       Different IPMI drivers may have varying behavior.   For	instance,  the
       OpenIPMI	 driver	 uses the IPMI GetMessage commands internally and does
       not allow client programs to use those commands.	 It has its own custom
       mechanism,  see	getevent_mv().	 This  method  is used if the OpenIPMI
       driver is detected, and no other method is specified.

       The Async Event method:
       This only gets certain Asynchronous requests from the BMC to an SMS  OS
       service,	 like  a remote OS shutdown, and get_software_id.  This method
       is disabled by default and only turned on if the getevent -a option  is
       specified.   This  method  is  only  supported  via  the	 Intel IMB and
       OpenIPMI driver interfaces.  There is  an  init	script	provided  with
       ipmiutil to automate the task of starting this async event daemon.
       # chkconfig --add ipmiutil_asy	  (skip this if no chkconfig)
       # /etc/init.d/ipmiutil_asy start
       This listens for IPMI LAN requests for soft-shutdown, and logs the out-
       put to /var/log/ipmiutil_asy.log

       Command line options are described below.

       -a     Use the Async request method, which  receives  SMS  OS  requests
	      from  the	 BMC using the IMB or OpenIPMI driver interface.  This
	      services remote SMS bridge agent requests, like remote OS	 shut-
	      down and get software_id.

       -b     Run  in  Background  as  a daemon.  If this option is specified,
	      normal   output	will   be   redirected	 to    /var/log/ipmiu-
	      til_getevt.log.  The default is to run in foreground.

       -c     Show output in a canonical format, with a delimiter of '|'.

       -e N   Wait  for	 a specific event sensor type N.  The parameter can be
	      in hex (0x23) or decimal (35).  The default is 0xFF which	 means
	      wait for any event.

       -r F   Run  script  file	 F  when  an  event  occurs.  The filename can
	      include a full path.   The  script  will	be  passed  the	 event
	      description  as a parameter.  A sample evt.sh script is included
	      with the ipmiutil package.

       -o     Only run one pass to wait for the first event.   Default	is  to
	      loop for multiple events for the timeout period.

       -s     Use  the	SEL  method  to get events.  This polls the SEL once a
	      second for new events.  The last SEL record  read	 is  saved  in
	      /usr/share/ipmiutil/evt.idx.   Otherwise,	 the default is to use
	      the ReadEventMessageBuffer method to get new events.

       -t N   Set the timeout period to N seconds.  Default is 120 seconds.  A
	      timeout of 0 means an infinite period.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)   ievents(8)
       ifru(8)	ihealth(8)  ilan(8)  ireset(8)	isel(8)	 isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.9     IHEALTH   (ipmiutil health) 

IHEALTH(8)							    IHEALTH(8)

       ipmiutil_health- show IPMI health

       ipmiutil health [-ifhglmnopqsx -N node -U user -P/-R pswd -EFJTVY]

       ipmiutil health is a program that uses IPMI commands to show the health
       of the BMC.  This utility can use either	 the  /dev/ipmi0  driver  from
       OpenIPMI,  the /dev/imb driver from Intel, the /dev/ipmikcs driver from
       valinux, direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -c     Show canonical, delimited output.

       -f     Show the FRUSDR version also.

       -g     Show the IPMI GUID of this system.   The	GUID  is  a  read-only
	      unique identifier.

       -h     Check the health of the HotSwap Controller also.

       -l     Show the IPMI LAN channel statistics also.

       -m 002000
	      Target  a	 specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun 00).  This could
	      be used for PICMG or ATCA blade systems.	The  trailing  charac-
	      ter,  if	present,  indicates  SMI  addressing  if  ’s’, or IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -n string
	      Set the System Name to this string in the IPMI  System  Informa-

       -o string
	      Set the Primary Operating System to this string in the IPMI Sys-
	      tem Information.

       -p 1   Set the chassis Power  restore  policy,  governing  the  desired
	      behavior	when power was lost and is restored.  Values: 0 = stay
	      off, 1 = last state, 2 = always on.

       -q string
	      Set the Secondary Operating System to this string	 in  the  IPMI
	      System Information.

       -s     Show the IPMI Session information also.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)   ievents(8)
       ifru(8)	igetevent(8)  ilan(8)  ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.10    ILAN      (ipmiutil lan)

ILAN(8)								       ILAN(8)

       ipmiutil_lan  -	show and configure BMC LAN parameters and set up a PEF
       entry to send BMC LAN Alerts for OS Critical Stop log events

       ipmiutil lan [-abcdefghijklmnopq#rstuvwxyzBDQK -i eth1 ]
		[-I ipadr -M macadr -S subnet -B baud_sol ]
		[-G gwyip -H gwymac -L lan_channel_num ]
		[-A alertip -X alertmac -C community ]
		[-u user_to_set -p password_to_set ]
		[-N nodename  -U username -Fimb ]
		[-P/-R rmt_node_pswd -EFJTVY ]

       ipmiutil lan shows or sets all of the IPMI  LAN	Parameters  to	enable
       remote  LAN sessions or BMC LAN Alerts.	The IP address and MAC address
       of the local system, the default gateway, and the alert destination can
       be  defaulted to those specified in Linux, or can be overridden by user
       parameters.  It also creates a new Platform Event  Filter  table	 entry
       for  an OS Critical Stop (0x20) SEL firmware log event, so that it will
       be enabled to send a BMC LAN Alert.  This utility  will	skip  the  PEF
       records if the system does not support IPMI 1.5 or greater.  This util-
       ity can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver from  OpenIPMI,	 the  /dev/imb
       driver  from  Intel, the /dev/ipmikcs driver from valinux, direct user-
       space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.  Note that  without  options,
       ipmiutil	 lan behaves as if option -r were used.	 To configure IPMI LAN
       & PEF, use option -e.

       -a alertnum
	      Specify which PEF alert number is to be  used.   Default	is  1.
	      This would only be used if extra PEF alert destinations had been

       -b authmask
	      Specify a certain authtype mask in hex to use  when  configuring
	      this  channel.  The default mask is 0x16, so to include authtype
	      None (bit 0), it would require entering ’-b 17’.

       -c     Show Canonical output, which shows  only	interpreted  text  and
	      streamlines the parameters shown, using a common delimiter.

       -d     This  option disables the IPMI LAN and PEF parameters, so as not
	      to allow BMC LAN connections or alerts.  This option  also  sets
	      the IP address to zeros.

       -e     This  option  enables  the  BMC  LAN configuration and PEF event
	      alerts.  The utility will attempt to obtain the default BMC  LAN
	      parameters  from	the OS automatically, or they can be specified
	      with command options below.

       -f     Set the ARP control parameter to 1 = gratuituous ARPs, 2	=  ARP
	      responses,  or 3 = both grat ARP and ARP responses.  The default
	      is 1.

       -g     This specifies the secondary gateway IP address to use  for  the
	      BMC LAN.	The default is to omit this parameter and only use the
	      default gateway.	See also -G.

       -h     Set the IPMI VLAN ID to this value.  Setting to a	 value	>=4096
	      disables	the  VLAN ID.  The default behavior is not to set this

       -i ethif
	      By default, the eth0 interface  is  used	to  find  IP  and  MAC
	      addresses.   Sometimes,  however, the first ethernet port on the
	      baseboard may be represented by Linux as eth1 or	eth2  instead.
	      If  so,  use this option to indicate the correct ethernet inter-
	      face to use.  By default, ipmiutil lan will scan up  to  32  eth
	      interfaces for the onboard one that BMC LAN uses.

       -j     This sets a custom PEF rule as the last PEF entry.  The input is
	      a series of 10 hex bytes, forming the PEF entry.	 For  example,
	      this  sample  PEF entry would perform a power down action if the
	      Baseboard Temp reached its threshold.
		"ipmiutil lan -e -j020110ffff013001950a"

       -k     This causes ipmiutil lan to also insert two rules to send alerts
	      for  transition-to-OK  events, including Power Redundancy OK and
	      Temperature OK.

       -l     This option enables the  BMC  LAN	 configuration,	 but  not  PEF
	      events.	The utility will attempt to obtain the default BMC LAN
	      parameters from the OS automatically, or they can	 be  specified
	      with command options below.

       -n num By  default,  the new PEF entry for OS Critical Stop is inserted
	      at offset 12 into the table.  This can be changed to  insert  it
	      at  an offset > 12 if another entry already exists at offset 12.

       -o     Disable Only SOL.	 This could be used after  the	IPMI  LAN  was
	      configured,  to disable Serial-Over-LAN console access but still
	      allow other IPMI LAN access.

       -p password_to_set
	      This specifies the firmware password to set for BMC LAN  access.
	      If  not  specified, the user and password configuration will not
	      be changed.

       -q     Specify an alternate user number for the LAN username  from  the
	      -u  option.  This is normally user number 2, 3, or 4, where 2 is
	      the default.  The maximum number of users	 is  15.  Same	as  -#

       -#     Specify  an  alternate user number for the LAN username from the
	      -u option.  Same as -q above.

       -r     This option just reads the configuration without writing any BMC
	      LAN parameters or writing any new entries to the PEF table.

       -s     This option will also display some of the Serial parameters.

       -t     Test  if	the BMC LAN has already been configured.  Returns 0 if

       -u username_to_set
	      This specifies the firmware username to set for BMC LAN  access.
	      If  a  username is specified, user 3 will be set.	 If not speci-
	      fied, the default user 1 will be used.

       -v priv
	      Set a specific access priVilege for this user,  where  priv  can
	      be:  1=Callback, 2=User, 3=Operator, 4=Admin, 5=OEM, 15=NoAccess
	      The default if not specified or specified in error,  is  to  use

       -w N   Set  the	Gratuitous  ARP	 Interval  to  N seconds.  This has no
	      effect if the firmware does not support Grat-ARP,	 as  shown  in
	      Lan  Param 10.  If not set, the interval remains at the firmware

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -y N   Set the OEM LAN Failover parameter to  N.	  Values  for  N  with
	      Intel  Romley/S2600 baseboards:  1 = enable, 0 = disable.	  Val-
	      ues for N with SuperMicro baseboards: 2 = failover, 1 = lan1 , 0
	      = dedicated.

       -z     Also show the IPMI LAN Statistics

       -A alert_ip_addr
	      This  specifies the SNMP Alert Destination IP address to use for
	      the BMC LAN.  By default, this utility will  attempt  to	obtain
	      this from the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file, via the trapsink param-
	      eter.  The alert destination will see the BMC LAN traps with the
	      enterprises.3183.1.1  OID.   If no alert IP address is specified
	      in either snmpd.conf or this parameter, or if  that  IP  address
	      does  not respond, the other SNMP parameters for BMC LAN will be

       -B baud_sol
	      This specifies the Baud rate for	SerialOverLan.	 The  possible
	      values  are: 9600, 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, and 115.2k.  The default
	      is 19.2k.

       -C snmp_community
	      This specifies the SNMP  Community  name	to  use	 for  BMC  LAN
	      Alerts.  The default community string is "public".  This parame-
	      ter is ignored if there is no Alert IP address.

       -D     This causes the local  IP	 address  to  be  determined  by  DHCP
	      instead of a static IP address.

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -G gwy_ip_addr
	      This specifies the default gateway IP address to use for the BMC
	      LAN.  The default is to automatically obtain this from the Linux
	      route table.

       -H gwy_mac_addr
	      This  specifies  the  default gateway MAC address to use for the
	      BMC  LAN.	  The  format  can  be	either	11:22:33:44:55:66   or
	      11-22-33-44-55-66.   The	default	 is  to	 try  to automatically
	      obtain this by sending an arp request from an OS LAN eth	inter-
	      face: the default one, or as specified by -i.

       -K hostname
	      This  specifies  the  IPMI  hostname to set, for Kontron servers
	      only.  This enables the firmware to properly map the IP  address
	      to  a  hostname, especially with the web interface.  The default
	      is not to set this parameter, and use IP address only.

       -I ip_addr
	      This specifies the local IP address to use for the  BMC  LAN  on
	      eth0.   The  default  is	to  automatically obtain this from the
	      Linux ifconfig.

       -J     Use  the	specified  LanPlus   cipher   suite   (0   thru	  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	      1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -L lan_ch_num
	      This  specifies  the  IPMI  LAN channel number used for BMC LAN.
	      This varies by platform, and can be found in the platform	 tech-
	      nical specifications.  For instance, Intel platforms usually use
	      channels 1 & 2 for onboard NICs, and channel 3 for optional  RMM
	      NICs.   By default, ipmiutil lan scans all IPMI channels to find
	      the first LAN channel for BMC LAN.  To just list all IPMI	 chan-
	      nels  to see what is available, use the string ’list’ instead of
	      a LAN channel number.  This will list the channels and exit.

       -M mac_addr
	      This specifies the local MAC address to use for the BMC  LAN  on
	      eth0.    The   format   can   be	 either	 11:22:33:44:55:66  or
	      11-22-33-44-55-66.  The default is to automatically obtain  this
	      from the Linux ifconfig.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null
	      password.	 Same as -R below.

       -Q     Set the IPMI VLAN Priority.  The default priority is 0.

       -R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null
	      password.	 Same as -P above.

       -S subnet
	      This  specifies  the local subnet mask to use for the BMC LAN on
	      eth0.  The default is to	automatically  obtain  this  from  the
	      Linux ifconfig.

       -T     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -X alert_mac_addr
	      This  specifies the SNMP Alert Destinations’s MAC address to use
	      for the BMC LAN.	The format can be either 11:22:33:44:55:66  or
	      11-22-33-44-55-66.   The	default	 is  to attempt to obtain this
	      from the Linux arp cache.	 This parameter is ignored if there is
	      no Alert IP address.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       To read existing settings:
       ipmiutil lan -r

       To enable IPMI LAN with	default	 settings  detected,  assuming	shared
       ipmiutil lan -e

       To set up IPMI LAN for a unique IP address and set PEF SNMP Alerts:
       ipmiutil lan -e -I -A

       To set the IPMI LAN password for the default user:
       ipmiutil lan -e -p mypassword

       To disable access to the IPMI LAN channel:
       ipmiutil lan -d

       These  11 PEF table entries are configured from the factory for various
       Intel Sahalee BMC systems, and will be applied as the  defaults	for  a
       system with an empty PEF table:
       PEF(01): 01 Temperature Sensor event - enabled for alert
       01 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 01 ff 01 95 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       PEF(02): 02 Voltage Sensor event - enabled for alert
       02 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 02 ff 01 95 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       PEF(03): 04 Fan Failure event - enabled for alert
       03 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 04 ff 01 95 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       PEF(04): 05 Chassis Intrusion event - enabled for alert
       04 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 05 05 6f 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       PEF(05): 08 Power Supply Fault event - enabled for alert
       05 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 08 ff 6f 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       PEF(06): 0c Memory ECC Error event - enabled for alert
       06 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 0c 08 6f 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       PEF(07): 0f FRB Failure event - enabled for alert
       07 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 0f 06 6f 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       PEF(08): 07 BIOS POST Error event - enabled for alert
       08 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 07 ff 6f 1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       PEF(09): 13 Fatal NMI event - enabled for alert
       09 c0 01 01 00 ff ff 13 ff 6f 3e 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       PEF(10): 23 Watchdog Timer Reset event - enabled for alert
       0a c0 01 01 00 ff ff 23 03 6f 0e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       PEF(11): 12 System Restart event - enabled for alert
       0b c0 01 01 00 ff ff 12 ff 6f 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

       ipmiutil(8)   ialarms(8)	 iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)
       ifru(8) igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.11    IRESET    (ipmiutil reset)

IRESET(8)							     IRESET(8)

       ipmiutil_reset - perform a hardware reset on the system

       ipmiutil	 reset	[-bcdDefhijmnoprsuwxy  -N  node	 -U  user  -P/-R  pswd

       ipmiutil reset is a program that uses IPMI commands to perform a	 hard-
       ware  reset of the chassis, or boot to a specific device.  This utility
       can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver from OpenIPMI, the /dev/imb driver
       from  Intel,  the  /dev/ipmikcs	driver from valinux, direct user-space
       IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -c     Power Cycle the system chassis

       -d     Power Down the system chassis

       -n     Send NMI to the system

       -u     Power Up the system chassis

       -r     Hard Reset the system chassis

       -D     Do a soft shutdown of the OS, and then power  down.   Note  that
	      remote  soft shutdown (-D -N) for Intel S5000 baseboard requires
	      ipmiutil getevt -a running on the target server.

       -o     Do a soft shutdown of the OS, and then reset.  Note that	remote
	      soft  shutdown (-o -N) for Intel S5000 baseboard requires ipmiu-
	      til getevt -a running on the target server.

       -k     Do a cold reset to restart the BMC firmware.

       -m 002000s
	      Perform these function for a specific MC (e.g. bus  00,  sa  20,
	      lun  00).	  The  trailing	 character,  if present, indicates SMI
	      addressing if ’s’, or IPMB addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -b     Do a hard reset and reboot to the	 BIOS  Setup  menu,  for  this
	      reboot only.

       -e     Do  a  hard  reset to EFI, if IPMI EFI boot is enabled, for this
	      reboot only.

       -f     Do a hard reset to Floppy/Removable, for this reboot only.

       -h     Do a hard reset to a Hard Disk, for this reboot only.

       -i     Set the boot Initiator mailbox string, usually for PXE use.  The
	      string must be less than 78 characters.

       -j     Set  the IANA number used for the boot Initiator mailbox string.

       -p     Do a hard reset and network boot to PXE server, for this	reboot

       -s     Do  a hard reset and reboot to the Service/Diagnostic Partition,
	      for this reboot only.  Reboots to the default if no service par-
	      tition is configured.

       -v     Do a hard reset to DVD/CDROM Media, for this reboot only.

       -w     Wait for BMC ready after a reset before exiting the utility.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -y     Yes,  try	 to  persist  any boot options used [-befhprsv].  This
	      requires the IPMI firmware to ask the BIOS to change boot	 order
	      settings,	 so  it	 may not be supported by all BMC firmware ven-

       -N nodename
	      Nodename or IP address of the remote target system.  If a	 node-
	      name  is	specified,  IPMI LAN interface is used.	 Otherwise the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force  the  driver  type	to one of the followng: imb, va, open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2  with  intelplus.   The  default is to detect any available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use  the	specified  LanPlus   cipher   suite   (0   thru	  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	      1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use a specified IPMI  LAN	 privilege  level.  1=Callback	level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes, do prompt the  user	for  the  IPMI	LAN  remote  password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil(8)   ialarms(8)	 iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)
       ifru(8) igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) isel(8)	isensor(8)  iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.12    ISEL      (ipmiutil sel)

ISEL(8)								       ISEL(8)

       ipmiutil_sel - show firmware System Event Log records

       ipmiutil sel [-abcflswvx -N node -P/-R pswd -U user -EFJTVY]

       ipmiutil	 sel  is a program that uses IPMI commands to to read and dis-
       play the System Event Log (SEL) which is stored by  the	BMC  firmware.
       IPMI commands are issued to read each record, and, if specified, incre-
       mentally write records that have not  previously	 been  read  into  the
       Linux  syslog  (/var/log/messages).   This  utility  can use either the
       /dev/ipmi0 driver from OpenIPMI, the /dev/imb driver  from  Intel,  the
       /dev/ipmikcs  driver  from  valinux, direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI
       LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -a string
	      Add a SEL record with a string of up to 13  characters.	Longer
	      strings  will be truncated.  Note that this should be used spar-
	      ingly, but would be useful for changes made to the  hardware  or
	      firmware environment, like "Fan replaced" or "flash FW2.1".

       -b bin_file
	      Interpret	 a  file  containing raw binary/hex SEL data dumped in
	      binary form, such as that produced  by  "ipmitool	 sel  writeraw
	      bin_file".  Each set of 16 bytes in the file will be interpreted
	      as an IPMI event.

       -c     Show output in a canonical format, with a default	 delimiter  of
	      '|'.  (same as -n).

       -d     Deletes/Clears  the SEL of all records.  If the SEL becomes full
	      (free space = 0), it no longer accepts new records, so  the  SEL
	      should be cleared periodically (use checksel cron script).

       -e     Show  Extended  sensor  descriptions  for events if run locally.
	      This option will attempt to get the full sensor description from
	      /var/lib/ipmiutil/sensor_out.txt, and also use its SDR to decode
	      any raw threshold values in the event, if present.

       -f sel_file
	      Interpret a file containing raw ascii  text  SEL	data  captured
	      with  ipmiutil sel -r, or some other similar utility.  Each line
	      in the file should be in this form, with no leading spaces:
	      04 00 02 76 a9 4a 47 20 00 04 10 09 6f 42 0f ff
	      Lines not in this format will be ignored.

       -l N   Show last N SEL records, in reverse order (newest	 first).   For
	      some BMC implementations, this may not show all N records speci-

       -n     Show output in a nominal/canonical format, with a default delim-
	      iter of '|'.  (same as -c).

       -r     Show the 16 raw hex bytes for each SEL entry.  The default is to
	      display interpreted entries,  and	 include  relevant  hex	 event

       -p     By  default,  all SEL records are displayed.  This option causes
	      only the Panic events with sensor_type = 0x20 (OS Critical Stop)
	      to be displayed.

       -s N   Show  only  SEL  events  with  severity  N or greater.  Severity
	      0=INF, 1=MIN, 2=MAJ, 3=CRT.  The default	is  to	show  all  SEL

       -u     Show the SEL time as UTC and also get the SEL Time UTC offset if
	      that command is supported.  The default is to  convert  the  SEL
	      Time to local time.

       -v     Only  show  the  version information.  This shows:  the ipmiutil
	      sel utility version, the BMC version, the IPMI version, the  SEL
	      version, and the amount of free space in the SEL.

       -w     This    option   writes	SEL   records	to  the	 Linux	syslog
	      (/var/log/messages) or Windows Application Log.  It only	writes
	      SEL  records  that  have	timestamps  newer than the last record
	      written to syslog.  It saves the last timestamp in an index file
	      named /usr/share/ipmiutil/sel.idx (.\sel.idx in Windows).

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)   ievents(8)
       ifru(8) igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.13    ISENSOR   (ipmiutil sensor)

ISENSOR(8)							    ISENSOR(8)

       ipmiutil_sensor - show Sensor Data Records

       ipmiutil	 sensor	 [-abcdefgjkmpqrstuvwxL -i id  -n snum -h tval -l tval

       ipmiutil sensor is a program that uses IPMI commands to show and decode
       Sensor  Data Records and current sensor readings for all sensors in the
       system.	This  utility  can  use	 either	 the  /dev/ipmi0  driver  from
       OpenIPMI,  the /dev/imb driver from Intel, the /dev/ipmikcs driver from
       valinux, direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Note that this utility by default only  displays	 Sensor	 Data  Records
       reported	 by from the Baseboard Management Controller.  To show sensors
       for other controllers, see options -b and -m below.

       Command line options are described below.

       -a snum
	      ReArms the sensor number for events

       -b     Shows SDRs for Bladed (PICMG or ATCA) systems by traversing  the
	      child MCs (same as -e).

       -c     Show  sensor list in a simpler/Canonical format without uninter-
	      preted binary values.  Only the user-friendly interpreted sensor
	      information is shown.  (same as -s).

       -d <file>
	      Dump the SDRs to a specified binary file.	 This file can be used
	      with -j to jumpstart getting the sensor readings.

       -e     Show Every SDR in a bladed system by traversing  the  child  MCs
	      (same as -b).

       -f <file>
	      Restore  the  SDRs from the specified binary File.  This is nor-
	      mally only done with the initial factory provisioning.

       -g sens_type
	      Shows only those SDRs matching the given sensor type group.  The
	      sens_type	 string can be "fan", "temp", "voltage", or any string
	      or substring matching those in the IPMI 2.0 Table 42-3 for  Sen-
	      sor  Types.   Multiple types can be listed, separated by a comma
	      (,) but no spaces.

       -h tval
	      Highest threshold value to set for the specified	sensor.	  This
	      tval  can	 be  in decimal, or of the form 0x1a, to match the raw
	      reading value shown by sensor following the " =  ".   The	 value
	      passed is set as the non-critical threshold value, with the more
	      critical ones set by the utility as incrementally	 lower.	  This
	      simplifies  the  interface and ensures that the threshold values
	      do not get out of order.	This requires  specifying  the	sensor
	      number via -n.

       -i ID  Show  or set only the sensor Index corresponding to ID, where ID
	      is the hex ID of the SDR as shown in  the	 sensor	 output	 under
	      "_ID_".	The  ID	 argument  can be one hex number (e.g. 0x0e or
	      0e), or  a  range	 of  hex  numbers  (e.g.  0e-1a	 or  1a,2a  or
	      0x0e-0x2a).  This is useful to repeatedly view just a few sensor
	      readings for changes, or to set just one sensor quickly  without
	      reading all of the SDRs.

       -j file
	      Jump-start  by  caching  the SDRs from a file.  This uses an SDR
	      binary file to read the SDRs, so that only the  sensor  readings
	      need  to be read from the firmware.  This avoids getting the SDR
	      reservation and reading each SDR, so it makes getting the sensor
	      readings	more  efficient.   The	SDR binary file can be created
	      using the -d option to dump the SDRs to a file,  or -j will  try 
	      to create the file if not there.

       -k K   
		  When looping with -L, wait K seconds between loops.  Default  is
	      1 second.

       -l tval
	      Lowest  threshold	 value	to set for the specified sensor.  This
	      tval can be in decimal, or of the form 0x1a, to  match  the  raw
	      reading  value  shown  by sensor following the " = ".  The value
	      passed is set as the non-critical threshold value, with the more
	      critical	ones set by the utility as incrementally higher.  This
	      simplifies the interface and ensures that the  threshold	values
	      do  not  get  out of order.  This requires specifying the sensor
	      number via -n.

       -m 002000s
	      Show SDRs for a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun 00).	  This
	      could  be	 used  for  PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing
	      character, if present, indicates SMI addressing if ’s’, or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -n snum
	      Number  of the sensor to set.  This num can be in decimal, or of
	      the form 0x1a, to match the value shown by sensor following  the
	      "snum"  tag.   This  is required if setting hi/lo thresholds via

       -o     Output the memory DIMM information from SMBIOS, including	 size.
	      Not available if using IPMI LAN via -N.  Sample output:
	      Memory Device (0,0): DIMM_A1 : size=2048MB
	      Memory Device (0,1): DIMM_A2 : not present

       -p     Persist  the  threshold  being  set (as specified via -l or -h).
	      This  writes  a  "sensor	 -i"   script	line   to   the	  file
	      /usr/share/ipmiutil/thresholds.sh, which can then be executed at
	      each reboot by starting the  /etc/init.d/ipmi_port  service  for
	      the  desired  runlevels.	 For  Windows, the filename is thresh-

       -q     Show threshold values in d:d:d format.  Thresholds are shown for
	      each sensor in short format with ’:’ delimiters, which is useful
	      as an example for setting thresholds with ’-u’.

       -r     Show Raw SDR bytes also.

       -s     Show sensor list in a simpler/canonical format without  uninter-
	      preted binary values.  Only the user-friendly interpreted sensor
	      information is shown.  (same as -c).

       -t     Show any Thresholds for each sensor also, in text format.

       -u     Set unique threshold values.  The	 values	 are  specified	 in  a
	      string  of threshold values.  It can be in raw hex characters or
	      in float values.	All 6 possible thresholds must	be  specified,
	      but  only	 the  ones  that  are  valid  for  this sensor will be
	      applied. These values are validated for ordering.	 For example:
		-u 6:5:4:60:65:69 (float) or
		-u 0x0605043c4145 (raw hex)
	       would  mean  0x06=noncrit_lo,   0x05=crit_lo,   0x04=nonrec_lo,
	      0x3c=noncrit_hi, 0x41=crit_hi, 0x45=nonrec_hi.

       -v     Show  Verbose output, including volatile thresholds, SDR thresh-
	      olds, max/min, hysteresis, and BMC_TAM decoding.

       -w     Wrap the threshold data onto the same line as the sensor.	  This
	      may be convenient for scripting.

       -x     Causes eXtra debug messages to be displayed.

       -L n   Loop n times every K seconds. Default is one loop and K defaults
	      to 1 second.  See option -k to  change  K	 seconds  if  desired.
	      This  is useful along with -i or -g to read some sensors as they
	      change.  Using -j with this option makes run it quicker.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename or IP address of the remote target system.  If a	 node-
	      name  is	specified,  IPMI LAN interface is used.	 Otherwise the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force  the  driver  type	to one of the followng: imb, va, open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2  with  intelplus.   The  default is to detect any available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use  the	specified  LanPlus   cipher   suite   (0   thru	  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	      1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use a specified IPMI  LAN	 privilege  level.  1=Callback	level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes, do prompt the  user	for  the  IPMI	LAN  remote  password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil sensor sample output is below.
       ipmiutil ver 2.21
       sensor: version 2.21
       -- BMC version 0.17, IPMI version 2.0
       _ID_ SDR_Type_xx ET Own Typ S_Num Sens_Description   Hex & Interp Read-
       000b SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 30 Baseboard Temp   =  2e  OK	 46.00
       degrees C
       000e  SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 50 Fan 1A	     = 6f OK   7659.00
       0042 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 21 snum e0 DIMM 1A	     =	00  c0	04  00
       004e SDR FRU  11 1b dev: 20 03 80 00 0a 01 Pwr Supply 1 FRU
       0050 SDR IPMB 12 1b dev: 20 00 bf 07 01 Basbrd Mgmt Ctlr
       0051 SDR OEM  c0 09 Intel: 02 02 00 01 70 71
       0065 SDR OEM  c0 11 Intel: SDR Package 17

       Output Columns:
       _ID_:  This  is	an SDR ID or index number, in hex.  This may vary from
       chassis to chassis.
       SDR_Type_xx: This shows the SDR Type and its hex representation.	  Some
       SDR types have a custom display.	 The OEM SDRs only show the OEM vendor
       by IANA number and then usually the data is listed in hex.
       ET: For Full or Comp SDRs, this shows the Event Type.  For other	 SDRs,
       this shows the size of the SDR entry in hex (Sz).
       Own: This is the hex slave address of the SDR Owner, usually 20 if BMC.
       a/m: This indicates whether this sensor is either automatically or man-
       ually rearmed, respectively.
       Typ:  This  is the Sensor Type as defined in Table 42-3 of the IPMI 2.0
       spec.  (01 = Temperature, 02 = Voltage, 03 = Current, 04 = Fan, etc.)
       S_Num: This is the sensor  number  in  hex.   This  remains  consistent
       across  baseboards of the same type.  The output can be parsed with the
       "snum" delimiter to extract this value.
       Sens_Description: This is the text description of this  SDR,  which  is
       stored within the SDR on the BMC.
       Hex  & Interp Reading: This is the raw hex value returned by GetSensor-
       Reading, and its interpreted meaning.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)   ievents(8)
       ifru(8)	igetevent(8)  ihealth(8)  ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.14    ISERIAL   (ipmiutil serial)

ISERIAL(8)							    ISERIAL(8)

       ipmiutil_serial	-  configure  a system for Serial/EMP management func-
       tions, such as Terminal Mode, and optionally share the  port  with  the
       Serial Console.

       ipmiutil	 serial	 [-bcdeflq#rsvxB -m0 -m1 -n ser_chan -u user -p passwd

       ipmiutil serial is a program that uses an IPMI driver to send IPMI com-
       mands  which configure a system to enable EMP/serial Terminal Mode man-
       agement functions within the firmware, so that an administrator can use
       command-line  character commands via the serial port to power cycle the
       system and perform other functions, even if the system is  not  running
       an  OS.	This level of access needs to be protected by a username/pass-
       word login, which can be specified with this utility.  This utility can
       use  either  the	 /dev/ipmi0  driver from OpenIPMI, the /dev/imb driver
       from Intel, the /dev/ipmikcs driver  from  valinux,  direct  user-space
       IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -b     Set  up and enable the Serial Port EMP parameters for Basic Mode
	      management functions.  This does not set a username or password.

       -c     Configure and enable the Serial Port EMP parameters for Terminal
	      Mode management functions, shared with BIOS Console Redirection.
	      Setting a new username and password for serial access via -u and
	      -p is recommended for security.

       -d     Disable the serial port access for IPMI  commands.   The	serial
	      port  is	then only available for BIOS console and OS functions.
	      A side-effect of this option is that it sets  the	 default  user
	      (1) back to admin access.

       -e     Enable  EMP  Terminal  Mode  without  shared  BIOS console.  The
	      serial port is then only available for EMP Terminal  Mode	 func-

       -f     Specifies	 the Flow Control for the Serial EMP.  0 means no flow
	      control, and 1 means RTS/CTS flow control (default).  This  must
	      match the BIOS Serial Console setting.

       -l     Show  LAN	 Parameters.  This  option  reads and displays the LAN
	      Parameter configuration also.

       -m0    Switch the Serial Port MUX to Baseboard/BIOS Console  operation.
	      Set no other configuration parameters.

       -m1    Switch  the Serial Port MUX to Terminal Mode management.	Set no
	      other configuration parameters.

       -n ser_chan
	      Sets the IPMI channel number to use for the EMP  serial  channel
	      (often  4).   Note  that the IPMI channels for LAN, Serial, etc.
	      are numbered differently on each platform type.  The default  is
	      to detect the first available IPMI serial channel.

       -#     Same as -q below.

       -q     Specify  an  alternate user number for the EMP Username from the
	      -u option.  This is normally user number 2, 3, or 4, where 3  is
	      the default.  The maximum number of users is 15.

       -r     Read Only.  This option just reads the Serial Parameter configu-
	      ration without writing any values.

       -s     Set up and enable the Serial  Port  EMP  parameters  for	Shared
	      operation	 between Basic Mode management functions and Baseboard
	      (BIOS) Remote Console.  This option switches the Serial Port MUX
	      to Baseboard Console operation.

       -t     Configure and enable the Serial Port EMP parameters for Terminal
	      Mode management functions, shared with BIOS Console Redirection.
	      Same as -c, but easier to remember.

       -u username
	      This  specifies  a username for the EMP Terminal Mode login.  It
	      can be any string, up to 15 characters.  If -u is not used,  the
	      default  user 1 (null) will be assumed.  The username, if speci-
	      fied, will be set for user 3, unless option -q is specified.

       -p password
	      This specifies a password for the EMP Terminal Mode  login.   It
	      can be any string, up to 15 characters.  A null password is used
	      if none is specified.  This password applies to user 3 if -u  is
	      used, to user 1 otherwise.

       -v priv
	      Set  a  specific	access priVilege for this user, where priv can
	      be: 1=Callback, 2=User, 3=Operator, 4=Admin, 5=OEM,  15=NoAccess
	      The  default  if	not specified or specified in error, is to use

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -B     Set the Baud rate of the serial port to one  of  the  following:
	      9600, 19,2K, 38.4K, 57.6K, or 115.2K.  The default is 19.2K bps.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename or IP address of the remote target system.  If a	 node-
	      name  is	specified,  IPMI LAN interface is used.	 Otherwise the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force  the  driver  type	to one of the followng: imb, va, open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2  with  intelplus.   The  default is to detect any available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use  the	specified  LanPlus   cipher   suite   (0   thru	  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	      1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use a specified IPMI  LAN	 privilege  level.  1=Callback	level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes, do prompt the  user	for  the  IPMI	LAN  remote  password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil serial -t (or -c)
	      Enables  Terminal	 Mode  management  functions, shared with BIOS
	      Serial Console redirection.  The user can switch between	serial
	      console operations and IPMI Terminal Mode commands by typing ESC
	      ’)’ and ESC ’Q’.

       ipmiutil serial -s
	      Enables Basic Mode management functions shared with BIOS	Serial
	      Console redirection.  The user can switch between serial console
	      operations and IPMI Basic Mode management programs on  the  same
	      serial port.

       ipmiutil serial -d
	      Disables	the  serial  port management functions.	 This would be
	      used if only the BIOS Serial Console were used and no BMC serial
	      management functions.

       How to login to a Terminal Mode console:
       ESC (		       (switch to Terminal mode)
       [SYS PWD -N ]	       (login for default user, null psw)
       [SYS PWD -U ROOT -N PASSWORD]  (syntax example for user 3)
       [SYS 000157 ACTIVATE]   (activate advanced commands)
       [SYS HELP]
       [SYS PWD]	       (logoff)
       ESC Q		       (switch to BIOS console)
       See  IPMI 1.5 Spec, Appendix E, and Intel TIGPR2U TPS for more informa-

       The ipmiutil serial utility is intended to  configure  the  EMP	serial
       port  on	 the  server  for shared access between BMC/IPMI functions and
       BIOS Console Redirection.  Some platforms only support only Basic  Mode
       for  BMC/IPMI  functions.  Basic Mode requires a remote client applica-
       tion to utilize it (Windows ISC	Console/DPC,  or  a  special  modified
       Linux  telnet).	There are some platforms which implement Terminal Mode
       via IPMI v1.5 Appendix E to make remote management with character  com-
       mands  available	 on  the  serial  port without a special remote client

       For example, Intel TSRLT2 systems would use "ipmiutil  serial  -s"  for
       Basic  Mode  shared  functions,	but  Intel  TIGPR2U  systems could use
       "ipmiutil serial -c" to configure Terminal  Mode	 functions.   On  your
       system,	run  "ipmiutil	serial	-r" to check whether Serial Param(29):
       "Terminal Mode Config" is supported.  If not, configure Basic Mode  via
       "ipmiutil serial -s".

       First,  enter  BIOS  Setup  for	Serial Console Redirection parameters:
       (these vary by platform)
	 Console Redirection = Serial Port B
	 ACPI Redirection = Disabled
	 Baud Rate = 115.2K
	 Flow Control = CTS/RTS
	 Terminal Type = VT100
	 Legacy Redirection = Enabled
       Note that the Baud Rate can vary, but it must match  in	all  locations
       where it is used (BIOS, IPMI, and Linux).
       For  some non-Intel platforms, the serial console would be COM1 instead
       of COM2, but should be enabled in BIOS.
       From Linux, run "ipmiutil serial -c" for Terminal Mode shared  configu-
       Or,  on	older Intel TSRLT2 platforms: From Linux, run "ipmiutil serial
       -s" for Basic Mode Shared configuration.

       If using lilo, in /etc/lilo.conf, add
	 append="console=ttyS1,19200n8 console=tty0"
       (and comment out the "message=" line because it includes graphics)
       Note that the append line can be	 placed	 in  the  global  section  and
       removed from each kernel section if there are no other differences.

       Or, if using grub, edit /boot/grub/grub.conf as follows:
	 #Omit the splashimage or gfxmenu
	 # splashimage=(hd0,0)/grub/splash.xpm.gz
	 #The serial and terminal lines are not usually needed
	 # serial --unit=1 --speed=19200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
	 # terminal --timeout=10 serial console
	 #Add the console=ttyS* parameter to the kernel line
	   kernel (hd0,0) /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda2 console=ttyS1,19200n8

       Add this line to /etc/initab, if ttyS1 is not already there:
	 co:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty ttyS1 19200 vt100

       Add this line to /etc/securetty, if ttyS1 is not already there:

       ipmiutil(8)   ialarms(8)	 iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)
       ifru(8) igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8)	ireset(8)  isel(8)  isensor(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.15    ISOL      (ipmiutil sol)

ISOL(8)								       ISOL(8)

       ipmiutil_sol - an IPMI Serial-Over-LAN Console application

       ipmiutil sol [-acdeilorsvwxz -NUPREFJTVY]

       This utility starts an IPMI Serial-Over-LAN console session.  A Serial-
       over-LAN console allows the client to see and modify  functions	before
       the  OS boots, such as BIOS setup, grub, etc.  This utility uses either
       the IPMI LAN 1.5 or 2.0 SOL interface.  The 1.5 SOL interface  is  spe-
       cific  to  Intel	 BMCs,	while any IPMI 2.0 BMC should support 2.0 SOL.
       The target system/node must  first  have	 these	parameters  configured
       before SOL sessions can be started:
       - [BIOS] serial console redirection parameters,
       - [IPMI] lan and SOL parameters (see ipmiutil lan or ilan), and
       - [OS] For Linux, edit grub.conf, inittab, and securetty parameters.
       Be sure that the baud rate matches in all of the above places.  See the
       ipmiutil UserGuide section 4.8 for details.

       -a     Activate the SOL Console session, and enter console  mode.   Use
	      the escape sequence (’~.’) to exit the session.

       -c ’^’ Set  the	escape	Character  to  ’^’, or another ANSI character.
	      This changes the default two-character escape sequence (’~.’) to
	      the  specified  single  escape character, which will end the SOL

       -d     Deactivate the SOL Console session.  Use this  if	 the  previous
	      session  was aborted abnormally and starting a new session gives
	      an error.

       -e     Turn Encryption off in negotiation when  activating  a  session.
	      By  default,  encryption	is on for Serial-Over-LAN console ses-

       -l     Use Legacy BIOS mapping for Enter key (CR+LF)  instead  of  just
	      LF.   This is needed for BIOS Setup menus and DOS, but causes an
	      extra LF to occur in Linux.  So, only use this option  if	 doing
	      BIOS  or DOS changes.  This should be seldom be needed since now
	      the default is to automatically detect these menus with  colored
	      backgrounds and change the mapping.

       -i input_file
	      Use  this	 file as an input script.  The input_file will be read
	      after the session is established.	 This can be used to  automate
	      certain  tasks.	The input_file is read one line at a time.  If
	      the input_file does not have an escape character (~) to end  the
	      session,	then  the  input  is returned to the keyboard when the
	      file ends.

       -o output_file
	      Use a Trace log.	The output_file is created and all SOL	screen
	      output is written to the file, including VT100 escape sequences.
	      If the output_file exists, the output is appended to  it.	  This
	      can be used to log what the user has done in an SOL session.

       -r     Use Raw terminal I/O instead of custom VT100 to ANSI translation
	      (in Windows).  Use this option if the server  is	configured  in
	      BIOS and BMC for ANSI and the utility is being invoked from Win-

       -s NNN For a slow link with high latency, this  adds  a	delay  of  NNN
	      microseconds  between  sending  and  receiving SOL packets.  The
	      default is 100 microseconds.

       -w     (Windows only) Do not use the Windows Console  buffer,  but  use
	      Windows  stdio instead.  This does not handle cursor positioning
	      correctly in some cases, however.

       -v log_file
	      Causes debug messages to be displayed  to	 the  specified	 debug
	      log_file.	  The  default	log_file is isoldbg.log in the current

       -x     Causes debug messages to be displayed to the debug log file.

       -z     Causes more verbose debug messages to be displayed to the	 debug
	      log file.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  supported
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil sol -a -N nodename -U username -P password
       Starts an SOL console session to the nodename.  Detect the  lan	proto-

       ipmiutil sol -a -N nodename -U username -P password  -Flan2
       Starts  an  SOL console session to the nodename.	 Force lan protocol to

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)   ievents(8)
       ifru(8)	igetevent(8)  ihealth(8)  ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8)
       iserial(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.16    IWDT      (ipmiutil wdt)

IWDT(8)								       IWDT(8)

       ipmiutil_wdt- display and set WatchDog Timer parameters

       ipmiutil wdt [-acdelrtx -N node -P/-R pswd -U user -EFJTVY]

       ipmiutil	 wdt  is  a program that uses IPMI commands to display and set
       WatchDog Timer parameters.

       This utility can use either any available IPMI driver, or direct	 user-
       space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       This  utility  is an example of how to access the IPMI watchdog parame-
       ters directly, which allows changing the timer configuration.

       There is an init script provided with ipmiutil to automate the task  of
       managing the watchdog timer in user-space.
       # chkconfig --add ipmiutil_wdt	   (skip this if no chkconfig)
       # /etc/init.d/ipmiutil_wdt start
       This  sets  the	watchdog  timer	 to reset the system if the wdt is not
       restarted within 90 seconds.  It creates	 an  /etc/cron.d/wdt  file  to
       restart	wdt every 60 seconds.  See also ipmiutil UserGuide section 4.4
       for more information.

       Command line options are described below.

       -a N   Set watchdog event Action to N. Values: 0 = No action, 1 =  Hard
	      Reset(default), 2 = Power down, 3 = Power cycle.

       -c     Show  watchdog  output  in  a  canonical	format, with a default
	      delimiter of '|'.

       -d     Disables the watchdog timer.

       -e     Enables the watchdog timer.  The timer is not actually  started,
	      however,	until  the  timer is reset.  The pre-timeout action is
	      not enabled.

       -l     Set the watchdog dontLog bit to not log watchdog events  in  the

       -p N   Set  watchdog  Pretimeout	 event	action	to  N.	Values: 0 = No
	      action(default), 1 = SMI, 2 = NMI, 3 = Messaging Interrupt.   If
	      this  is set to an action other than 0, the pretimeout will also
	      be set to 90% of the timeout.  However, if the timeout  is  less
	      than 20 seconds, the pretimeout will not be enabled.

       -q S   Set  watchdog  pretimeout value to S seconds, rather than 90% of
	      the timeout as in -p.  The pretimeout value must be >= 5 and  at
	      least 5 seconds less than the timeout value.

       -r     Resets  the watchdog timer.  This should be done every N seconds
	      if the timer is running to prevent the watchdog action  (usually
	      a system reset) from occurring.

       -tN    Set  the watchdog Timeout to N seconds.  The default is 120 sec-
	      onds (2 minutes).

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename or IP address of the remote target system.  If a	 node-
	      name  is	specified,  IPMI LAN interface is used.	 Otherwise the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force  the  driver  type	to one of the followng: imb, va, open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2  with  intelplus.   The  default is to detect any available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use  the	specified  LanPlus   cipher   suite   (0   thru	  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	      1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use a specified IPMI  LAN	 privilege  level.  1=Callback	level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes, do prompt the  user	for  the  IPMI	LAN  remote  password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ialarms(8)  iconfig(8)  icmd(8)	idiscover(8)  ievents(8)  ifirewall(8)
       ifru(8) ifruset(8) ifwum(8)  igetevent(8)  ihealth(8)  ihpm(8)  ilan(8)
       ipicmg(8)  ireset(8)  isel(8)  isensor(8) iserial(8) isol(8) isunoem(8)
       iwdt(8) ipmiutil(8) ipmi_port(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.17    IFRUSET   (ifruset)

IFRUSET(8)							    IFRUSET(8)

       ifruset - show/set Field Replacable Unit configuration data

       ifruset [-bcimx -unpvsafo -N node -U user -P/-R pswd -EFJTVY]

       ifruset	is a program that uses IPMI commands to show FRU configuration
       data and optionally write any Product area fields into  the  FRU	 data.
       Setting the FRU Product area fields is a function that might be done by
       a manufacturer or system integrator.  This utility can use  either  the
       /dev/ipmi0  driver  from	 OpenIPMI, the /dev/imb driver from Intel, the
       /dev/ipmikcs driver from valinux, direct user-space IOs,	 or  the  IPMI
       LAN interface if -N.

       This  program  is  not  built or installed by default.  Integrators who
       wish to use it should build ipmiutil from source,  then	do  ’cd	 util;
       make ifruset’.

       Command line options are described below.

       -u manuf
	      This  option specifies a product manufacturer string to be writ-
	      ten to the baseboard FRU Product area field 0.  This  field  can
	      be any string up to 20 characters.  The default is to not modify
	      this FRU field.

       -n name
	      This option specifies a product name string to be written to the
	      baseboard	 FRU  Product  area  field  1.	 This field can be any
	      string up to 20 characters. The default is to  not  modify  this
	      FRU field.

       -p partnum
	      This option specifies a product part number string to be written
	      to the baseboard FRU Product area field 2.  This	field  can  be
	      any  string  up  to  20 characters. The default is to not modify
	      this FRU field.

       -v prod_ver
	      This option specifies a product  version	number	string	to  be
	      written  to the baseboard FRU Product area field 3.  The version
	      number can be any string up to 20 characters. The default is  to
	      not modify this FRU field.

       -s serial_num
	      This  option  specifies  a serial number string to be written to
	      the baseboard FRU Product area field 4.  The serial  number  can
	      be  any string up to 20 characters. The default is to not modify
	      this FRU field.

       -a asset_string
	      This option specifies an asset tag string to be written  to  the
	      baseboard	 FRU  Product  area  field 5.  The asset tag length is
	      limited by the existing FRU Product data, but is usually allowed
	      up  to  20  characters.	 The default is to not modify this FRU

       -f fruid
	      This option specifies a product FRU file ID string to be written
	      to  the  baseboard  FRU Product area field 6.  This field can be
	      any string up to 20 characters.

       -o oem This option specifies a product OEM field string to  be  written
	      to  the  baseboard  FRU Product area field 7.  This field can be
	      any string up to 20 characters.

       -b     Only show the Baseboard FRU data.	 The default  behavior	is  to
	      also  scan  for  any SDR FRU data or DIMM SPD data referenced by
	      the SDRs.

       -c     Show FRU output in a canonical format, with a default  delimiter
	      of '|'.

       -i 00  This  option  specifies  a  specific  FRU ID to show.  The input
	      value should be in hex (0b, 1a, etc.), as shown from the	sensor
	      SDR  output.   By default, all FRU IDs that are specified in the
	      FRU locator SDRs are shown.

       -m 002000
	      Show FRU for a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun  00).	  This
	      could  be	 used  for  PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing
	      character, if present, indicates SMI addressing if ’s’, or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -x     Causes eXtra debug messages to be displayed.

       -y     Ignore  the check for FRU size overflow, and update the FRU any-

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)   ievents(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.18    IPMI_PORT (ipmi_port)

IPMI_PORT(8)							  IPMI_PORT(8)

       ipmi_port  -  a	daemon	to  bind RMCP port 623 to prevent portmap from
       using it

       ipmi_port [-bx]

       This ipmi_port service starts and binds port 623, then sleeps  forever,
       so  that	 the  portmap service will not try to reuse port 623, which it
       otherwise might try to do.  Since the  IPMI  firmware  snoops  the  NIC
       channel	and grabs any traffic destined for RMCP port 623, any applica-
       tion in the OS which tried to use port 623 would fail.

       Command line options are described below.

       -b     Background mode.	Convert to a daemon  and  run  in  background.
	      Without  specifying  this	 option,  ipmi_port  will run in fore-

       -x     Causes eXtra debug messages to be displayed.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)   ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.19    IPICMG    (ipmiutil picmg) 

IPICMG(8)							     IPICMG(8)

       ipmiutil_picmg - send specific PICMG extended IPMI commands

       ipmiutil picmg [-mixNUPREFJTVY] parameters

       This  ipmiutil picmg subcommand sends specific PICMG/ATCA extended IPMI
       commands to the firmware.

       This utility can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver  from	OpenIPMI,  the
       /dev/imb	 driver	 from  Intel,  the  /dev/ipmikcs  driver from valinux,
       direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -i 00  This option specifies a specific FRU  ID	to  show.   The	 input
	      value  should be in hex (0b, 1a, etc.), as shown from the sensor
	      SDR output.  The default FRU ID is zero (0).

       -m 002000
	      Show FRU for a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun  00).	  This
	      could  be	 used  for  PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing
	      character, if present, indicates SMI addressing if ’s’, or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       picmg parameters

		     Get PICMG properties may be  used	to  obtain  and	 print
		     Extension	major  version	information, PICMG identifier,
		     FRU Device ID and Max FRU Device ID.


		     Get address information.  This command may return	infor-
		     mation  on	 the Hardware address, IPMB-0 Address, FRU ID,
		     Site/Entity ID, and Site/Entity Type.

	      frucontrol fru id options

		     Set various control options:

		     0x00      - Cold Reset

		     0x01      - Warm Reset

		     0x02      - Graceful Reboot

		     0x03      - Issue Diagnostic Interrupt

		     0x04      - Quiesce [AMC only]

		     0x05-0xFF - Cold Reset

	      activate fru id

		     Activate the specified FRU.

	      deactivate fru id

		     Deactivate the specified FRU.

	      policy get fru id

		     Get FRU activation policy.

	      policy set fru id lockmask lock

		     Set FRU activation policy.	 lockmask is 1 or 0  to	 indi-
		     cate  action on the deactivation or activation locked bit
		     respectively.  lock is 1 or 0 to set/clear locked bit.

	      portstate set|getall|getgranted|getdenied parameters

		     Get or set various port states.  See usage for  parameter

       ipmiutil picmg properties
       Gets  PICMG  properties	from the default target address (slave address

       ipmiutil picmg -N -U root -P pswd addrinfo
       Gets PICMG Address Information from the specified IP address.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)   ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.20    IFIREWALL (ipmiutil firewall) 


       ipmiutil_firewall - configure the IPMI firmware firewall functions

       ipmiutil firewall [-mxNUPREFJTVY] parameters

       This  ipmiutil  firewall	 command  supports  the IPMI Firmware Firewall
       capability.  It may be used to add or  remove  security-based  restric-
       tions on certain commands/command sub-functions	or to list the current
       firmware firewall restrictions set on any commands.  For each  firmware
       firewall	 command listed below, parameters may be included to cause the
       command to be executed with increasing granularity on a	specific  LUN,
       for  a  specific	 NetFn, for a specific IPMI Command, and finally for a
       specific command’s sub-function.	 See Appendix H in the IPMI 2.0 Speci-
       fication	 for a listing of any sub-function numbers that may be associ-
       ated with a particular command.

       This utility can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver  from	OpenIPMI,  the
       /dev/imb	 driver	 from  Intel,  the  /dev/ipmikcs  driver from valinux,
       direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -m 002000
	      Show FRU for a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun  00).	  This
	      could  be	 used  for  PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing
	      character, if present, indicates SMI addressing if ’s’, or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       Parameter syntax and dependencies are as follows:

       firewall [channel H] [lun L [ netfn N [command C [subfn S]]]]

       Note that if "netfn N" is specified, then "lun L" must also  be	speci-
       fied;   if "command C" is specified, then "netfn N" (and therefore "lun
       L") must also be specified, and so forth.

       "channel H" is an optional and standalone parameter.  If not specified,
       the requested operation will be performed on the current channel.  Note
       that command support may vary from channel to channel.

       Firmware firewall commands:

	      info [(Parms as described above)]

		     List firmware firewall information for the specified LUN,
		     NetFn, and Command (if supplied) on the current or speci-
		     fied channel.  Listed information includes	 the  support,
		     configurable,  and enabled bits for the specified command
		     or commands.

		     Some usage examples:

		     info [channel H] [lun L]

			     This command will list firmware firewall informa-
			     tion  for	all  NetFns  for  the specified LUN on
			     either the current or the specified channel.

		     info [channel H] [lun L [ netfn N ]

			     This command will print out all command  informa-
			     tion for a single LUN/NetFn pair.

		     info [channel H] [lun L [ netfn N [command C] ]]

			     This prints out detailed, human-readable informa-
			     tion  showing  the	 support,  configurable,   and
			     enabled  bits  for	 the  specified command on the
			     specified LUN/NetFn pair.	 Information  will  be
			     printed about each of the command subfunctions.

		     info [channel H] [lun L [ netfn N [command C [subfn S]]]]

			     Print  out	 information  for a specific sub-func-

	      enable [(Parms as described above)]

		     This command is used  to  enable  commands	 for  a	 given
		     NetFn/LUN combination on the specified channel.

	      disable [(Parms as described above)] [force]

		     This  command  is	used  to  disable commands for a given
		     NetFn/LUN combination on the specified  channel.	 Great
		     care  should  be  taken if using the "force" option so as
		     not to disable the "Set Command Enables" command.

	      reset [(Parms as described above)]

		     This command may be used to reset the  firmware  firewall
		     back  to a state where all commands and command sub-func-
		     tions are enabled.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)   ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.21    IFWUM     (ipmiutil fwum) 

IFWUM(8)							      IFWUM(8)

       ipmiutil_fwum - Update IPMC using Kontron OEM Firmware Update Manager

       ipmiutil fwum [-mixNUPREFJTVY] parameters

       This  ipmiutil  fwum subcommand updates IPMC firmware using Kontron OEM
       Firmware Update Manager.

       This utility can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver  from	OpenIPMI,  the
       /dev/imb	 driver	 from  Intel,  the  /dev/ipmikcs  driver from valinux,
       direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -i 00  This option specifies a specific FRU  ID	to  show.   The	 input
	      value  should be in hex (0b, 1a, etc.), as shown from the sensor
	      SDR output.  The default FRU ID is zero (0).

       -m 002000
	      Show FRU for a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun  00).	  This
	      could  be	 used  for  PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing
	      character, if present, indicates SMI addressing if ’s’, or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       fwum parameters

		     Show information about current firmware.

		     Show status of each firmware bank present	in  the	 hard-

	      download filename
		     Download the specified firmware image.

	      upgrade [filename]
		     Install  firmware upgrade.	 If the filename is specified,
		     the file is downloaded first, otherwise the last firmware
		     downloaded is used.

		     Ask IPMC to rollback to previous version.

		     Show the firmware upgrade log.

       ipmiutil fwum info
       Gets Firmware information

       ipmiutil fwum -N -U root -P pswd download firmware.img
       Downloads the firmware version contained in firmware.img over IPMI LAN.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)   ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.22    IHPM      (ipmiutil hpm) 

IHPM(8)								       IHPM(8)

       ipmiutil_hpm - PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent

       ipmiutil hpm [-mxNUPREFJTVY] parameters

       This  ipmiutil  hpm subcommand updates HPM components using PICMG HPM.1

       This utility can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver  from	OpenIPMI,  the
       /dev/imb	 driver	 from  Intel,  the  /dev/ipmikcs  driver from valinux,
       direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -m 002000
	      Target a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun 00).   This	 could
	      be  used	for PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing charac-
	      ter, if present,	indicates  SMI	addressing  if	’s’,  or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       hpm parameters

		     Check the target information.

	      check filename
		     Display both the existing target version and  image  ver-
		     sion on the screen.

	      download filename
		     Download specified firmware.

	      upgrade filename [all] [component x] [activate]
		     Upgrade  the  firmware using a valid HPM.1 image file. If
		     no option is specified, the firmware versions are checked
		     first  and the firmware is upgraded only if they are dif-

			     Upgrade all components even if the firmware  ver-
			     sions  are	 the  same  (use this only after using
			     "check" command).

		     component x
			     Upgrade only given component from the given file.
			     component 0 - BOOT
			     component 1 - RTK

			     Activate new firmware right away.

		     Activate the newly uploaded firmware.

		     Get the target upgrade capabilities.

	      compprop id opt
		     Get  the  specified component properties. Valid component
		     id: 0-7.  Opt can be one of following:
		     0 - General properties
		     1 - Current firmware version
		     2 - Description string
		     3 - Rollback firmware version
		     4 - Deferred firmware version

		     Abort the on-going firmware upgrade.

		     Show status of the last long duration command.

		     Perform manual rollback on the IPM Controller firmware.

		     Show the rollback status.

		     Query the self test results.

       ipmiutil hpm targetcap
       Gets HPM target capabilities

       ipmiutil hpm -N -U root -P pswd download firmware.img
       Downloads the HPM firmware version contained in firmware.img over  IPMI

       ipmiutil(8)   ialarms(8)	 iconfig(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)  ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.23    ISUNOEM   (ipmiutil sunoem) 

ISUNOEM(8)							    ISUNOEM(8)

       ipmiutil_sunoem - OEM commands for Sun servers

       ipmiutil sunoem [-mx -NPRUEFJTVY] commands

       ipmiutil	 sunoem	 commands is a program that uses Sun OEM IPMI commands
       to perform platform-specific functions.

       -m 002000
	      Show FRU for a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun  00).	  This
	      could  be	 used  for  PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing
	      character, if present, indicates SMI addressing if ’s’, or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.


	      These commands provide a way to get and set the status  of  LEDs
	      on  a  Sun Microsystems server.  Use ’sdr list generic’ to get a
	      list of devices that are controllable LEDs.  The ledtype parame-
	      ter is optional and not necessary to provide on the command line
	      unless it is required by hardware.

	      get sensorid [ledtype]

		     Get status of a particular LED  described	by  a  Generic
		     Device Locator record in the SDR.	A sensorid of all will
		     get the status of all available LEDS.

	      set sensorid ledmode [ledtype]

		     Set status of a particular LED  described	by  a  Generic
		     Device Locator record in the SDR.	A sensorid of all will
		     set the status of all available  LEDS  to	the  specified
		     ledmode and ledtype.

	      LED Mode is required for set operations:
		     OFF	 Off
		     ON		 Steady On
		     STANDBY	 100ms on 2900ms off blink rate
		     SLOW	 1HZ blink rate
		     FAST	 4HZ blink rate

	      LED Type is optional:
		     OK2RM	 Ok to Remove
		     SERVICE	 Service Required
		     ACT	 Activity
		     LOCATE	 Locate

       fan speed 0-100

	      Set system fan speed (PWM duty cycle).


		     set userid keyfile

			     This command will allow you to specify an SSH key
			     to use for a particular user on the Service  Pro-
			     cessor.   This key will be used for CLI logins to
			     the SP and not for IPMI sessions.	View available
			     users and their userids with the ’user list’ com-

		     del userid

			     This command will delete the SSH key for a speci-
			     fied userid.

       ipmiutil(8)   ialarms(8)	 iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)
       ifru(8) igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8)	ireset(8)  isel(8)  isensor(8)
       iserial(8) isol(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.24    IEKANALYZER (ipmiutil ekanalyzer) 


       ipmiutil_ekanalyzer - run FRU-Ekeying analyzer with FRU files

       ipmiutil	 ekanalyzer  [-mx  -NPRUEFJTVY] commands (deprecated, see ifru

       ipmiutil ekanalyzer is a program that analyzes FRU Ekeying  information
       from files saved from PICMG IPMI systems.

       ekanalyzer command xx=filename1 xx=filename2 [rc=filename3]
       NOTE: This command can support a maximum of 8 files per command line

	      binary file that stores FRU data of a Carrier or an AMC module

	      binary file that stores FRU data of an AMC module.  These binary
	      files can be generated from this command:
		   ipmiutil fru -i id -d filename

	      configuration file used for configuring On-Carrier Device ID  or
	      OEM GUID. This file is optional.

       xx     indicates the type of the file. It can take the following value:
		   oc : On-Carrier device
		   a1 : AMC slot A1
		   a2 : AMC slot A2
		   a3 : AMC slot A3
		   a4 : AMC slot A4
		   b1 : AMC slot B1
		   b2 : AMC slot B2
		   b3 : AMC slot B3
		   b4 : AMC slot B4
		   sm : Shelf Manager

       -m 002000
	      Show FRU for a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun  00).	  This
	      could  be	 used  for  PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing
	      character, if present, indicates SMI addressing if ’s’, or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

The available commands for ekanalyzer are:

print [carrier | power | all]

       carrier (default) oc=filename1 oc=filename2 ...

	      Display point to point physical  connectivity  between  carriers
	      and AMC modules.
		 # ipmiutil ekanalyzer print carrier oc=fru oc=carrierfru
		 From Carrier file: fru
		    Number of AMC bays supported by Carrier: 2
		    AMC slot B1 topology:
		       Port 0 =====> On Carrier Device ID 0, Port 16
		       Port 1 =====> On Carrier Device ID 0, Port 12
		       Port 2 =====> AMC slot B2, Port 2
		    AMC slot B2 topology:
		       Port 0 =====> On Carrier Device ID 0, Port 3
		       Port 2 =====> AMC slot B1, Port 2
		 From Carrier file: carrierfru
		    On Carrier Device ID 0 topology:
		       Port 0 =====> AMC slot B1, Port 4
		       Port 1 =====> AMC slot B1, Port 5
		       Port 2 =====> AMC slot B2, Port 6
		       Port 3 =====> AMC slot B2, Port 7
		    AMC slot B1 topology:
		       Port 0 =====> AMC slot B2, Port 0
		    AMC slot B1 topology:
		       Port 1 =====> AMC slot B2, Port 1
		    Number of AMC bays supported by Carrier: 2

       power xx=filename1 xx=filename2 ...

	      Display	power  supply  information  between  carrier  and  AMC

       all xx=filename xx=filename ...

	      Display both physical connectivity and power supply of each car-
	      rier and AMC modules.

frushow xx=filename
       Convert	a  binary  FRU	file  into  human readable text format. Use -v
       option to get more display information.

summary [match | unmatch | all]

       match (default) xx=filename xx=filename ...
	      Display only matched results of Ekeying match between an On-Car-
	      rier device and an AMC module or between 2 AMC modules. Example:
	       # ipmiutil ekanalyzer summary match oc=fru b1=amcB1 a2=amcA2
	       On-Carrier Device vs AMC slot B1
		AMC slot B1 port 0 ==> On-Carrier Device 0 port 16
		 Matching Result
		 - From On-Carrier Device ID 0
		  -Channel ID 11 || Lane 0: enable
		  -Link Type: AMC.2 Ethernet
		  -Link Type extension: 1000BASE-BX (SerDES Gigabit)  Ethernet
		  -Link Group ID: 0 || Link Asym. Match: exact match
		 - To AMC slot B1
		  -Channel ID 0 || Lane 0: enable
		  -Link Type: AMC.2 Ethernet
		  -Link	 Type extension: 1000BASE-BX (SerDES Gigabit) Ethernet
		  -Link Group ID: 0 || Link Asym. Match: exact match
		AMC slot B1 port 1 ==> On-Carrier Device 0 port 12
		 Matching Result
		 - From On-Carrier Device ID 0
		  -Channel ID 6 || Lane 0: enable
		  -Link Type: AMC.2 Ethernet
		  -Link Type extension: 1000BASE-BX (SerDES Gigabit)  Ethernet
		  -Link Group ID: 0 || Link Asym. Match: exact match
		 - To AMC slot B1
		  -Channel ID 1 || Lane 0: enable
		  -Link Type: AMC.2 Ethernet
		  -Link	 Type extension: 1000BASE-BX (SerDES Gigabit) Ethernet
		  -Link Group ID: 0 || Link Asym. Match: exact match
	       On-Carrier Device vs AMC slot A2
		AMC slot A2 port 0 ==> On-Carrier Device 0 port 3
		 Matching Result
		 - From On-Carrier Device ID 0
		  -Channel ID 9 || Lane 0: enable
		  -Link Type: AMC.2 Ethernet
		  -Link Type extension: 1000BASE-BX (SerDES Gigabit)  Ethernet
		  -Link Group ID: 0 || Link Asym. Match: exact match
		 - To AMC slot A2
		  -Channel ID 0 || Lane 0: enable
		  -Link Type: AMC.2 Ethernet
		  -Link	 Type extension: 1000BASE-BX (SerDES Gigabit) Ethernet
		  -Link Group ID: 0 || Link Asym. Match: exact match
	       AMC slot B1 vs AMC slot A2
		AMC slot A2 port 2 ==> AMC slot B1 port 2
		 Matching Result
		 - From AMC slot B1
		  -Channel ID 2 || Lane 0: enable
		  -Link Type: AMC.3 Storage
		  -Link Type extension: Serial Attached SCSI (SAS/SATA)
		  -Link Group ID: 0 || Link Asym. Match: FC or	SAS  interface
	      {exact match}
		 - To AMC slot A2
		  -Channel ID 2 || Lane 0: enable
		  -Link Type: AMC.3 Storage
		  -Link Type extension: Serial Attached SCSI (SAS/SATA)
		  -Link	 Group	ID: 0 || Link Asym. Match: FC or SAS interface
	      {exact match}

       unmatch xx=filename xx=filename ...

	      Display the unmatched results of Ekeying match  between  an  On-
	      Carrier device and an AMC module or between 2 AMC modules

       all xx=filename xx=filename ...

	      Display  both  matched  result  and unmatched results of Ekeying
	      match between two cards or two modules.

       ialarms(8)  iconfig(8)  icmd(8)	idiscover(8)  ievents(8)  ifirewall(8)
       ifru(8)	ifruset(8)  ifwum(8)  igetevent(8)  ihealth(8) ihpm(8) ilan(8)
       ipicmg(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8)  iserial(8)  isol(8)  isunoem(8)
       iwdt(8) ipmiutil(8) ipmi_port(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.25    ITSOL     (ipmiutil tsol) 

ITSOL(8)							      ITSOL(8)

       ipmiutil_tsol - Tyan IPMIv1.5 Serial-Over-LAN Console application

       ipmiutil	 tsol  [recvip] [port=NUM] [ro|rw] [rows=NUM] [cols=NUM] [alt-

       This  command  allows Serial-over-LAN sessions to be  established  with
       Tyan IPMIv1.5 SMDC such as the M3289 or M3290.  The default command run
       with no arguments will establish default SOL session back to  local  IP
       address.	 Optional arguments may be supplied in any order.

       <recv ipaddr>
	      Send   receiver	IP  address  to SMDC which it will use to send
	      serial traffic to.   By  default	this  detects	the  local  IP
	      address  and  establishes	 two-way session.  Format of ipaddr is

       port   Configure UDP port to  receive  serial  traffic  on.  By default
	      this is 6230.

       ro|rw  Confiure	 SOL   session	 as read-only or read-write.  Sessions
	      are read-write by default.

       rows   Set terminal rows [default: rows=24]

       cols   Set terminal columns [default: cols=80]

	      Alternate terminal setup	  [default is off]

       ipmiutil tsol
       Starts a Tyan SOL console session to the IP address.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)   ievents(8)
       ifru(8)	igetevent(8)  ihealth(8)  ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8)
       iserial(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.26    IDELLOEM  (ipmiutil delloem) 

IDELLOEM(8)							   IDELLOEM(8)

       ipmiutil_delloem - OEM commands for Dell servers

       ipmiutil delloem [-mx -NPRUEFJTVY] commands

       ipmiutil delloem commands is a program that uses Dell OEM IPMI commands
       to perform platform-specific functions.

       -m 002000
	      Show FRU for a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun  00).	  This
	      could  be	 used  for  PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing
	      character, if present, indicates SMI addressing if ’s’, or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       mac list
		 Lists the MAC address of LOMs

       mac get <NIC number>
		 Shows the MAC address of specified LOM. 0-7  System  LOM,  8-

       lan set <Mode>
		 Sets the NIC Selection Mode (dedicated, shared,
		     shared  with  failover  lom2,  shared  with  Failover all

       lan get
		 Returns the current NIC Selection Mode (dedicated, shared,
		  shared with failover lom2, shared with Failover all loms).

       lan get	active
		 Returns the current active NIC (dedicated, LOM1, LOM2,	 LOM3,

		 Shows power tracking statistics

       powermonitor clear  cumulativepower
		 Reset cumulative power reading

       powermonitor clear  peakpower
		 Reset peak power reading

       powermonitor powerconsumption
		 Displays power consumption in <watt|btuphr>

       powermonitor powerconsumptionhistory  <watt|btuphr>
		 Displays power consumption history

       powermonitor getpowerbudget
		 Displays power cap in <watt|btuphr>

       powermonitor setpowerbudget  <val> <watt|btuphr|percent>
		 Allows user to set the	 power cap in <watt|BTU/hr|percentage>

       powermonitor enablepowercap
		 To enable set power cap

       powermonitor disablepowercap
		 To disable set power cap

       windbg start
		 Starts the windbg session (Cold Reset & SOL Activation)

       windbg end
		 Ends the windbg session (SOL Deactivation)

       vFlash info Card
		 Shows Extended SD Card information

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)   ievents(8)
       ifru(8)	igetevent(8)  ihealth(8)  ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8)
       iserial(8) isol(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.27    IDCMI     (ipmiutil dcmi) 

IDCMI(8)							      IDCMI(8)

       ipmiutil_dcmi - handle DCMI functions

       ipmiutil dcmi [-admsx -NUPREFTVY] <function>

       This  ipmiutil dcmi subcommand handles DCMI command functions according
       to the DCMI specification.

       This utility can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver  from	OpenIPMI,  the
       /dev/imb	 driver	 from  Intel,  the  /dev/ipmikcs  driver from valinux,
       direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -a string
	      Set the DCMI Asset Tag to this string.

       -d string
	      Set the DCMI MC ID to this string.

       -m 002000
	      Target a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun 00).   This	 could
	      be  used	for PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing charac-
	      ter, if present,	indicates  SMI	addressing  if	’s’,  or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -s     When getting info, also get the DCMI sensor information.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       info   Get DCMI Capabilities, MC ID, and Asset Tag. This is the default
	      function if no function was specified.

       power  Get DCMI Power reading and DCMI Power limit, if supported in the
	      DCMI capabilties.

       power set_limit
	      Set Power limit

       power set_action <action>
	      Set Power limit exception action (where  action  =  no_action  |
	      power_off | log_sel)

       power set_correction
	      Set Power limit correction time (in ms)

       power set_sample
	      Set Power limit sampling period (in sec)

       power activate
	      Activate Power limit

       power deactivate
	      Deactivate Power limit

	      Get/Set  DCMI  Thermal  parameters.  This requires DCMI 1.5 sup-

       config Get/Set DCMI Configuration parameters.  This requires  DCMI  1.5

       help   Show the help (usage) message

       ipmiutil dcmi info -s
       Gets DCMI information, plus DCMI sensor information

       ipmiutil dcmi -N -U root -P pswd
       Gets DCMI information over IPMI LAN.

       ipmiutil(8)   ialarms(8)	 iconfig(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)  ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.28    ISMCOEM   (ipmiutil smcoem) 

ISMCOEM(8)							    ISMCOEM(8)

       ipmiutil_smcoem - OEM commands for SuperMicro servers

       ipmiutil smcoem [-mx -NPRUEFJTVY] commands

       ipmiutil smcoem is a function that uses SuperMicro OEM IPMI commands to
       perform platform-specific functions.

       -m 002000
	      Show FRU for a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun  00).	  This
	      could  be	 used  for  PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing
	      character, if present, indicates SMI addressing if ’s’, or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.


	      This command resets any chassis  intrusion  condition  that  may
	      have occurred.

       bmcstatus [enable|disable]
	      This  command gets or sets the BMC service status.  Alone, with-
	      out arguments, it gets the BMC status as either enabled or  dis-
	      abled.   With  an	 argument of either enable or disable, it will
	      also set the BMC status as specified.


	      This command gets the extra  firmware  version  information,  if

       lanport [dedicated|lan1|failover]
	      This  command  gets or sets the IPMI LAN interface port.	If set
	      to dedicated, only the dedicated IPMI NIC can be configured  for
	      IPMI LAN.	 If set to lan1, only the first onboard NIC (LAN1) can
	      be configured for IPMI LAN.  If set to failover, both the	 dedi-
	      cated  and  onboard  LAN1 port would be configured for IPMI LAN,
	      with the same IP address.

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)   ievents(8)
       ifru(8)	igetevent(8)  ihealth(8)  ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8)
       iserial(8) isol(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.29    ISELTIME  (iseltime) 

ISELTIME(8)							   ISELTIME(8)

       iseltime - synchronize BIOS RTC and firmware SEL time from system time

       iseltime [-sx -N node -U user -P/-R pswd -EFJTVYZ]

       iseltime	 is a program that allows synchronizing the hardware time val-
       ues for RTC (BIOS Real-Time-Clock) and SEL  (IPMI  firmware  SEL	 time)
       with  the  OS system time.  Run without options, iseltime shows each of
       these times to show whether they are the same or not.

       The OS system time should be in sync  with  the	BIOS  Real-Time-Clock.
       The  OS	system	time may also be kept from drifting via an NTP server.
       Normally the BIOS will set the firmware SEL time from  the  RTC	during
       boot,  but  running  this  command may be necessary periodically if the
       system does not reboot for a long time, for instance.  Note  that  some
       applications  may not handle setting the time backward well.  Note that
       this command should not be run too frequently to avoid firmware	timing
       issues. It should not be set more than once per day.

       Command line options are described below.

       -s     Set the RTC and IPMI firmware SEL time to match the system time.
	      This should not be performed more often than once a day.

       -x     Causes eXtra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename or IP address of the remote target system.  If a	 node-
	      name  is	specified,  IPMI LAN interface is used.	 Otherwise the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote  password	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force  the  driver  type	to one of the followng: imb, va, open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2  with  intelplus.   The  default is to detect any available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use  the	specified  LanPlus   cipher   suite   (0   thru	  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	      1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use a specified IPMI  LAN	 privilege  level.  1=Callback	level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes, do prompt the  user	for  the  IPMI	LAN  remote  password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       -Z     Set the slave address for a local MC

       ipmiutil(8)   ialarms(8)	 iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.

3.30    IUSER     (ipmiutil user) 

IUSER(8)							      IUSER(8)

       ipmiutil_user - handle user functions

       ipmiutil user [-cmsx -NUPREFTVY] <function>

       This  ipmiutil  user  subcommand	 handles IPMI LAN user functions sepa-
       These functions can also be handled from ipmiutil lan -q, -u, -p, -v.

       This utility can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver  from	OpenIPMI,  the
       /dev/imb	 driver	 from  Intel,  the  /dev/ipmikcs  driver from valinux,
       direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N.

       Command line options are described below.

       -c     Canonical, delimited output format

       -m 002000
	      Target a specific MC (e.g. bus 00, sa 20, lun 00).   This	 could
	      be  used	for PICMG or ATCA blade systems.  The trailing charac-
	      ter, if present,	indicates  SMI	addressing  if	’s’,  or  IPMB
	      addressing if ’i’ or not present.

       -s     When getting info, also get the DCMI sensor information.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
	      Nodename	or IP address of the remote target system.  If a node-
	      name is specified, IPMI LAN interface is	used.	Otherwise  the
	      local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
	      Remote  username	for the nodename given.	 The default is a null

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
	      Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is  a  null

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
	      Force the driver type to one of the  followng:  imb,  va,	 open,
	      gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb.	 Note that lan2i means
	      lan2 with intelplus.  The default is  to	detect	any  available
	      driver type and use it.

       -J     Use   the	  specified   LanPlus	cipher	 suite	(0  thru  17):
	      0=none/none/none,	     1=sha1/none/none,	     2=sha1/sha1/none,
	      3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,  4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128,  5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40,
	      6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.	Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN	Authentication	Type:  0=None,	1=MD2,
	      2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use  a  specified	 IPMI  LAN  privilege level. 1=Callback level,
	      2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default),
	      5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes,  do	prompt	the  user  for	the  IPMI LAN remote password.
	      Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.

       list [channel]
	      List the IPMI LAN users with enabled  status,  privilege	level,
	      and username.  Optionally specify a channel number.

       enable <user_num> [channel]
	      Enable  the specified user number and optionally specify an IPMI
	      LAN channel number.

       disable <user_num>]
	      Disable the specified user number, so that it has ’No access’.

       set <user_num> name <username>
	      Set the username for a specified user number.

       set <user_num> password <password>
	      Set the password for a specified user number.

       set <user_num> priv <priv_level> [channel]
	      Set the privilege level for a specified user number,  where  the
	      privilege level is 4=Admin, 3=Operator, 2=User.  Also optionally
	      specify a channel number.

       help   Show the help (usage) message

       ipmiutil user set 2 name user2
       Sets the username for user 2 to "user2".

       ipmiutil(8)  ialarms(8)	iconfig(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)   ifru(8)
       igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
       isol(8) iwdt(8)

       See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of ipmiutil
       and any bug fix list.


4.1 Usage of IPMI utilities for sensor thresholds

Get and set the Baseboard Temperature sensor threshold with 
the 'sensor' utility like this:
# ipmiutil sensor -t
000e SDR Full 01 39 20 sensnum 30 Baseboard Temp   = 1d OK   29.00 degrees C
        hi-crit 65.00 hi-noncr 60.00 lo-noncr 10.00 lo-crit  5.00
Using sensor number 30, index 000e, and the hex raw reading (1d) as a 
baseline from above, we can set the lower threshold above the current 
reading, i.e. 0x1e or 30 C.

# ipmiutil sensor -i 0e -t -n 0x30 -l 30
sensor: version 1.39
idx = 0e
-- BMC version 0.48, IPMI version 1.5
_ID_ SDR_Type_xx Sz Own Typ S_Num Sens_Description   Hex & Interp Reading
000e SDR Full 01 39 20 sensnum 30 Baseboard Temp   = 1d OK   29.00 degrees C
        hi-crit 65.00 hi-noncr 60.00 lo-noncr 10.00 lo-crit  5.00
        Setting SDR 000e sensor 30 to lo=1e hi=ff
GetThreshold[30]: 30 1b 0a 05 00 3c 41 00
SetThreshold[30]: 30 03 20 1f 1e 00 00 00
SetSensorThreshold[30] to lo=1e(30.000) hi=ff(0.000), ret = 0
This sets the lower non-crit to 1e (30 C), and lower crit to 1f (31 C), and
would cause a sensor threshold event.  Note that this utility takes the
raw threshold value and increments it sequentially for each of the severities.
Now we should set the lower threshold back to a more normal value of 5 C.
# ipmiutil sensor -i 0e -t -n 0x30 -l 5
sensor: version 1.39
idx = 0e
-- BMC version 0.48, IPMI version 1.5
_ID_ SDR_Type_xx Sz Own Typ S_Num Sens_Description   Hex & Interp Reading
000e SDR Full 01 39 20 a 01 snum 30 Baseboard Temp   = 1b Crit-lo 27.00 degrees
        hi-crit 66.00 hi-noncr 60.00 lo-noncr 10.00 lo-crit  5.00
        Setting SDR 000e sensor 30 to lo=05 hi=ff
GetThreshold[30]: 30 1b 20 1f 00 3c 42 00
SetThreshold[30]: 30 03 07 06 05 00 00 00
SetSensorThreshold[30] to lo=05(5.000) hi=ff(0.000), ret = 0
The threshold events can be displayed via ipmiutil sel.
# ipmiutil sel -l4 
4b18 07/17/06 14:33:14 BMC  01 Temperature 30 LoC thresh OK now act=1b thr=06
4b04 07/17/06 14:33:14 BMC  01 Temperature 30 LoN thresh OK now act=1b thr=07
4af0 07/17/06 14:26:38 BMC  01 Temperature 30 Lo Crit thresh act=1b thr=1f
4adc 07/17/06 14:26:38 BMC  01 Temperature 30 Lo Noncrit thresh act=1b thr=20

4.2  How to configure a system for IPMI LAN

Below is a sample IPMI LAN configuration with IPMI LAN enabled, 
PEF Alerts enabled, and 2 users configured for IPMI LAN.  

The key unique LAN parameters that must be configured for basic
IPMI LAN functionality are: 3,4,5,6,12,13, plus the
Channel Access Mode and User Access.  
Additional parameters for PEF and SOL are shown below also.

Defaults for required parameters are detected by ipmiutil lan, except 
for the username, password, and the BMC LAN IP if it is not shared.  
The detection uses the OS LAN configuration to find the gateway IP,
MAC addresses, mask, etc.  

# ipmiutil lan -e -u user2 -p password2 [-I ] [-L 3]
Running "ipmiutil lan -e -u user2 -p password2" would set up all required
IPMI LAN parameters if the OS and BMC share an IP address.  If not,
the -I parameter should be included to specify the BMC IP.  
You may want to add -G [-H] to specify the gateway IP address [gateway MAC]
if the OS does not have a NIC on the same subnet. 
To configure an RMM NIC for IPMI LAN, the '-L 3' parameter specifies the
RMM NIC as IPMI LAN channel 3.  Otherwise ipmiutil detects the first 
available IPMI LAN channel and configures it (usually channel 1).
Note that this also sets up the PEF table for events, but the channel is 
not enabled for PEF events unless an Alert destination is specified, 
either in snmpd.conf or via -A.  

Note that the IPMI LAN protocol works only from remote systems. 
The IPMI LAN cannot recognize LAN commands from the local system
because those requests never really go onto the physical network.
Use the non-LAN form of a given ipmiutil command (without -N) to run locally.

Below is sample output from a system after being configured for IPMI LAN.

# ipmiutil lan 
ipmiutil ver 2.71
ilan ver 2.71 
-- BMC version 0.66, IPMI version 2.0 
ilan, GetPefEntry ...
PEFilter(01): 01 Temperature Sensor event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(02): 02 Voltage Sensor event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(03): 04 Fan Failure event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(04): 05 Chassis Intrusion event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(05): 08 Power Supply Fault event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(06): 0c Memory ECC Error event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(07): 0f BIOS POST Error event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(08): 07 FRB Failure event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(09): 13 Fatal NMI event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(10): 23 Watchdog Timer Reset event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(11): 12 System Restart event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(12): 20 OS Critical Stop event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(13): 09 Power Redundancy Lost event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(14): 09 Power Unit OK event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(15): 01 Temperature OK event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(16): 02 Voltage OK event - enabled for alert
PEF Control: 01 : PEFenable 
PEF Actions: 2f : Alert PwrDn Reset PwrCyc DiagInt 
PEF Startup Delay: 3c : 60 sec
PEF Alert Startup Delay: 3c: 60 sec
PEF Alert Policy[1]: 01 18 11 00 : Chan[1] Dest[1] Enabled 
PEF Alert Policy[2]: 02 00 00 00 : Disabled 
PEF Alert Policy[3]: 03 00 00 00 : Disabled 
PEF Alert Policy[4]: 04 00 00 00 : Disabled 

ilan, GetLanEntry for channel 1 ...
Lan Param(0) Set in progress: 00 
Lan Param(1) Auth type support: 15 : None MD5 Pswd 
Lan Param(2) Auth type enables: 14 14 14 14 00 : MD5 Pswd 
Lan Param(3) IP address: 192 168 1 192 
Lan Param(4) IP addr src: 01 : Static
Lan Param(5) MAC addr: 00 15 17 8b b4 aa 
Lan Param(6) Subnet mask: 255 255 255 0 
Lan Param(7) IPv4 header: 1e 00 00 
Lan Param(10) BMC grat ARP: 01 : Grat-ARP enabled
Lan Param(11) grat ARP interval: 04 : 2 sec
Lan Param(12) Def gateway IP: 192 168 1 200 
Lan Param(13) Def gateway MAC: 00 15 17 8b b4 71 
Lan Param(14) Sec gateway IP: 0 0 0 0 
Lan Param(15) Sec gateway MAC: 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(16) Community string: public 
Lan Param(17) Num dest: 04 
Lan Param(18) Dest type: 01 00 01 00 00 
Lan Param(18) Dest type: 02 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(18) Dest type: 03 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(18) Dest type: 04 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(19) Dest address: 01 00 00 [192 168 1 161] 00 07 e9 06 15 31 
Lan Param(19) Dest address: 02 00 00 [0 0 0 0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(19) Dest address: 03 00 00 [0 0 0 0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(19) Dest address: 04 00 00 [0 0 0 0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(192) DHCP Server IP: 0 0 0 0 
Lan Param(193) DHCP MAC Address: 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(194) DHCP Enable: 00 
Channel(1=lan) Access Mode: 02 04 : Always Avail, PEF Alerts Enabled
ilan, GetSOL for channel 1 ...
SOL Enable: 01 : enabled
SOL Auth: 82 : User  
SOL Accum Interval: 04 32 : 20 msec
SOL Retry Interval: 06 14 : 200 msec
SOL nvol Baud Rate: 0a : 115.2k
SOL vol Baud Rate: 00 : nobaud
SOL Payload Support(1): 03 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 
SOL Payload Access(1,1): 02 00 00 00 : enabled
SOL Payload Access(1,2): 02 00 00 00 : enabled
SOL Payload Access(1,3): 00 00 00 00 : disabled
SOL Payload Access(1,4): 00 00 00 00 : disabled
Users:  showing 4 of max 15 users (2 enabled)
User Access(chan1,user1): 0f 02 01 14 : IPMI, Admin  ()
User Access(chan1,user2): 0f 02 01 14 : IPMI, Admin  (root)
User Access(chan1,user3): 0f 02 01 0f : No access (admin)
User Access(chan1,user4): 0f 02 01 0f : No access ()
ipmiutil lan, completed successfully

4.3 Usage of IPMI utilities for Automatic IPMI LAN configuration

Suppose there are a number of IPMI servers that need to have their
IPMI LAN interface configured.  Shell access to the servers 
(via ssh or similar) is assumed.  

IPMI LAN, Simple case, password is not changed, default user:
[ssh connection]
# ipmiutil lan -e
[ssh exit]

IPMI LAN, Complex case, assuming that a password needs to be set and
that the session text (or script) must encrypt the password.  
Assumes that we are setting a non-default user named 'admin' below.
So, using the gnupg.org utilities with public/private keys 
would look something like this:
[ Set up list (or db) of encrypted passwords & key by nodename.
  Note that the list and keyfile could reside locally, building
  the ssh script syntax, so that only the encrypted password is 
  exposed remotely. ]
[ssh connection]
# gpg --import mykey.file
# mynode=`uname -n`
# my_enc_psw=`grep $mynode mylist.file |cut -f2`
# ipmiutil lan -e -u admin -p `gpg --decrypt $my_enc_psw`
[ssh exit]

4.4 Usage of IPMI Utilities to Set Watchdog timer

Watchdog timer coverage over the phases of boot and OS operation:
 Power-on to end-of-POST   = BIOS FRB2  
 end-of-POST to OS Running = BIOS OS Boot Timeout  
 OS User-space operation   = SMS Timeout via "ipmiutil wdt"  
Each of these phases uses the same watchdog timer mechanism but initializes
the timer with different values.

For user-space watchdog control, use "ipmiutil wdt" to read, set, and reset the 
IPMI watchdog timer.  There is an init script provided with ipmiutil to 
automate this task.
# chkconfig --add ipmiutil_wdt      (skip this if no chkconfig)
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/ipmiutil_wdt start
This sets the watchdog timer to reset the system if the wdt is not 
restarted within 90 seconds.  It creates an /etc/cron.d/wdt file to 
restart wdt every 60 seconds.
This user-space approach is desirable if you wish the watchdog to expire for 
such conditions as out-of-memory or out-of-processes, since the cron job will 
start a short process for each invocation. Note that this also does not require additional services or modules to be running all the time. 

Note that the device-independent way to start/stop watchdog timers in
Linux is to use the /dev/watchdog interface via the OpenIPMI driver.

For kernel-space watchdog management, you could build a custom kernel with 
embedded watchdog support by changing the CONFIG_IPMI_* driver parameters 
to =y in the Linux .config (including CONFIG_IPMI_WATCHDOG) and building the 
kernel.  Then edit grub.conf to start the watchdog with the kernel parameter 

4.5 Usage of kernel panic handler code (now CONFIG_IPMI_PANIC_EVENT):

If a Linux panic occurs, the bmc_panic module will automatically save 
the date/time of the panic, and minimal information about the panic.
This information will also be sent via SNMP to the remote management console,
and (if bmcpanic.patch) the Alarms panel LED will be turned on.  
If lkcd is also configured, a full crash-dump of the panic will be saved
for later analysis.
After this, the system will automatically reboot.
This provides instant notification to the administrator, and significantly
improved post-mortem diagnosis.

Without these features, the administrator may never have any indication that
the system had crashed, and no way to know how to diagnose and fix the problem.

in the kernel .config file.  

You can also run ipmiutil lan to enable sending an SNMP trap for a kernel 
panic as an "OS Critical Stop" event.

Make sure that the panic timeout is not zero (infinite), by using 
echo "5" > /proc/sys/kernel/panic
or by adding 'append="panic=5"' to the lilo or grub configuration.

After a panic occurs, you can then use ipmiutil sel to view the firmware
SEL for that event.  It should look something like this:
# ipmiutil sel
2d04 07/21/04 07:54:22 SMI  20 OS Critical Stop 46 (Fat) 6f [a1 61 74]
2d18 OEM Event 20 00 Fatal excep
2d2c OEM Event 20 01 tion

4.6 Interpreting BMC LAN SNMP Traps from Platform Events.

There are MIB files provided for BMC LAN SNMP traps with this project.
They are installed into /usr/share/ipmiutil/bmclan*.mib, and sym-linked 
into /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.
The Platform Event Traps (enterprises.3183) are defined in bmclanpet.mib.
The Alert-on-LAN traps (enterprises.3183) are defined in bmclanaol.mib.

Note that Plaform Event Traps also have a 46-byte binary variable bindings 
field included with the trap.  
See Section 12.5 and 12.6 from the Intel ISM 5.x TPS for background.

Actual PET Trap Data from a System Restart Event trap: 

snmputil: trap generic=6 specific=1208065
  from ->
Variable = .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.3183.1.1.1
Value    = String <0xa4><0x12><0x00><0x5f><0x62><0xa1><0xd5><0x11><0x00><0x80><0x60><0xff><0x94><0x47><0x03><0x00><0x21><0x19><0x0c><0x7f><0x3b><0x12><0xff><0xff><0x20><0x20><0x00><0x01><0x83><0x00><0x00><0x01><0xff><0xff><0x00><0x00><0x00><0x00><0x00><0x19><0x00><0x00><0x01><0x57><0x00><0x0c><0xc1>

Byte Mapping 
Bytes of the trap variable binding data are mapped.  
An extra byte of data is at the end (47).

Byte Data    Meaning
1   0xa4    System GUID (16 bytes)
2   0x12    
3   0x00    
4   0x5f    
5   0x62    
6   0xa1    
7   0xd5    
8   0x11    
9   0x00    
10  0x80    
11  0x60    
12  0xff    
13  0x94    
14  0x47    
15  0x03    
16  0x00    
17  0x21    Sequence Number/Cookie (2 bytes)
18  0x19    
19  0x0c    Local Timestamp (4 bytes)
20  0x7f    
21  0x3b    
22  0x12    
23  0xff    UTC Offset (2 bytes)
24  0xff    
25  0x20    Trap Source Type
26  0x20    Event Source Type
27  0x00    Event Severity
28  0x01    Sensor Device
29  0x83    Sensor Number
30  0x00    Entity
31  0x00    Entity Instance
32  0x01    Event Data (8 bytes max, 3 bytes used)
33  0xff    
34  0xff    
35  0x00    
36  0x00    
37  0x00    
38  0x00    
39  0x00    
40  0x19    filler byte
41  0x00    Manufacturer ID (4 bytes, 000157=Intel)
42  0x00    
43  0x01    
44  0x57    
45  0x00    Product ID   (2 bytes)
46  0x0c
47  0xc1    extra byte

Also, there is an optional "Extended Platform Event Trap" format defined
for IPMI which breaks up the 46-byte binary varbind into separate 
varbinds for easier parsing.

See section 4.10 for how to use ipmiutil to perform the configuration and interpretation of IPMI PET traps.  For example, the above trap would be interpreted as follows:
  # events -p 00 80 60 ff 94 47 03 00 21 19 0c 7f 3b 12 ff ff 20 20 00 01 83 00 00 01 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 01 57 00 0c c1
events version 2.34
0019 08/23/04 11:13:06 BMC  12 System Event #83 OEM System Boot 6f [01 ff ff]

4.7  Interpreting newer PECI sensors for CPU Thermal Margin

The newer CPUs do more monitoring internally rather that using absolute 
temperature thresholds from the BMC.  The CPU knows best what its 
thresholds  should be, and the thresholds may be different for different 
CPUs.  So, there are several IPMI sensors that expose the state of the 
CPU temperature via the newer PECI interface. 

1) Thermal Margin - A negative value indicating margin to throttling point.  
   Once margin reaches 0, throttling begins
2) Therm Control % - Reports the percentage of time within a 5.8 second 
   sliding window during which the processor was throttling
3) VRD Hot - Discrete sensor indicating one of the phases of the processor 
   VRD circuit on the baseboard has exceeded it's limit.  This is not 
   indicative of CPU - just the VR circuit on the baseboard.  

Therm Margin is the one to watch if you want max performance without 
throttling.  If it reaches 0, you will start losing performance to throttling.
However, the Therm Margin throttling is well in advance of the temperatures 
that would cause a CPU ThermTrip condition and shut off the system.

4.8  How to configure a system for IPMI Serial-Over-LAN Console

The Serial-Over-LAN (SOL) console configuration requires 
configuring BIOS, BMC/IPMI, and OS parameters.
Intel S5000 motherboards and prior use Serial Port B (ttyS1) for SOL,
but Intel S5500 and most other vendors use Serial Port A (ttyS0).

Enter BIOS Setup for Serial Console Redirection parameters:
(these vary by platform)
  Console Redirection = Serial Port A
  ACPI Redirection = Disabled
  Baud Rate = 19.2K (or 115.2k)
  Flow Control = CTS/RTS
  Terminal Type = VT100
  Legacy Redirection = Enabled or Disabled (optional, for DOS)
Note that the Baud Rate can vary, but it must match in all
locations where it is used (BIOS, IPMI, and Linux).
Some vendors may have OS utilities to change BIOS parameters, for instance, 
Intel BIOS would use 'syscfg /bcs COM1 19200 CTS VT100' to do this.

Run this sample command for IPMI LAN & SOL configuration: 
  ipmiutil lan -e -u user2 -p password2 [-B 115.2k] [-I] 
Use the -I portion if your BMC does not share a MAC address
with the OS.  If not specified, the baud rate defaults to either
19.2k or the baud previously set with "ipmiutil serial", if set.
If there is more than one IPMI LAN channel, the alternate channel 
can be configured by adding "-L 3" for channel 3.
Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf to:
    add "console=ttyS0,19200n8" on the end of the kernel line,
    then comment out the "splashimage=" line
    and optionally add these lines for grub menu display
       serial --unit=0 --speed=19200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1  
 	 (use --unit=1 if ttyS1)
       terminal --timeout=10 serial console  
       (Adding these two lines sometimes does not timeout and continue
        without user interaction using some grub-0.9x versions.)

If using /etc/inittab, edit it to add:
    co:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -h -L 19200 ttyS0 vt100
If using Ubuntu, RHEL6, or Fedora 11, the /etc/inittab has been replaced by
Upstart, with a different procedure.

If using Upstart (Ubuntu, RHEL6), adding the console=ttyS0,19200n8 in grub 
will auto-start everything.  Editing the serial init for getty is not
required.  However, if you want to use hardware flow control, change the
/etc/init/serial.conf last line to:
    exec /sbin/agetty -h -L $SPEED /dev/$DEV vt100-nav

Edit /etc/securetty to add:

Edit $HOME/.bashrc or /etc/bashrc to add:
    stty crtscts
Adding "stty crtscts" in your bashrc turns on RTS/CTS flow control 
once you are logged in.  Otherwise operations with lots of output may 
miss some chunks of data.  Some Linux distributions do not turn this 
on by default.
To configure Windows for Serial (System Admin Console),
these BOOTCFG.EXE commands manipulate the BOOT.INI for SAC:
BOOTCFG /EMS OFF /ID 1              (Disables SAC)

Open the file /etc/ttys with an editor and set up a line like this:
  ttyu0 "/usr/libexec/getty std.19200" vt100 on secure
For more details, see 

# Enable tty1Port for serial console as COM2
esxcli system settings kernel set -s tty1Port -v com2

4.9  Using ipmiutil Library APIs for custom programs

The various driver modules and LAN interfaces are included in
libipmiutil.a which is built by "cd util; make libipmiutil.a".
The library is named ipmiutil.lib in Windows.

The library is built by default along with the ipmi_sample application
to show how to use this library.  Note that ipmi_sample is linked
with libcrypto.so (option -lcrypto) in order to support the lanplus
interface.  Only the SOL console function requires lanplus, all other
functions can use the lan interface, since the IPMI 2.0 firmware is 
required to support both lan and lanplus.  If the custom program does 
not require the lanplus interface, it can be reconfigured without 
lanplus by first running './configure --enable-standalone'. 

This library provides a common interface to use IPMI commands.
See section 9.0 for more information about the common library APIs.
See util/ipmi_sample.c for an example of how these APIs can be used.

4.10 How to configure a system for SNMP Traps via IPMI PEF rules

The IPMI Platform Event Filter (PEF) actions support sending
SNMP v1 traps from the IPMI firmware when IPMI events occur,
regardless of the state of the OS.

1) Configure the server to send IPMI PET traps.
These can be configured using ipmiutil on the target server
with ipmiutil.  This command will enable the PEF rules
for SNMP traps.
  # ipmiutil lan -e -I <bmc_ip> -A <alert_ip> [-k] [-a num]
The -k option enables PEF rules for the "OK" or clearing traps
for certain IPMI events.
Note that several SNMP alert destinations can be specified
by using the -a num option, where num=1,2,3,4 (1 is the default).

This enables the following PEF rules:
  PEFilter(01): 01 Temperature Sensor event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(02): 02 Voltage Sensor event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(03): 04 Fan Failure event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(04): 05 Chassis Intrusion event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(05): 08 Power Supply Fault event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(06): 0c Memory ECC Error event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(07): 0f BIOS POST Error event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(08): 07 FRB Failure event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(09): 13 Fatal NMI event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(10): 23 Watchdog Timer Reset event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(11): 12 System Restart event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(12): 20 OS Critical Stop event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(13): 09 Power Redundancy Lost event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(14): 09 Power Unit OK event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(15): 01 Temperature OK event - enabled for alert
  PEFilter(16): 02 Voltage OK event - enabled for alert
Note that Fan failure events do not have a clearing trap because
a fan failure would usually require removing system power to 
physically replace the fan.

The IPMI Platform Event Traps (PET) can then be tested with these steps:

2) On the trap receiver, start the SNMP services.
   For Linux, this would be:
     Optionally edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf for a broader view, e.g.:
         view    systemview    included   .1
     /etc/init.d/snmpd start
     /etc/init.d/snmptrapd start

3) On the server under test, cause an event by:
   a) removing and reinserting a power supply, or
   b) setting the temperature thresholds out of range:
      ipmiutil sensor -n 20 -t -h 15 
      (sets the Baseboard Temp high threshold to 15 degrees C)
      then setting the temperature thresholds back to normal:
      ipmiutil sensor -n 20 -t -h 61 
      (sets the Baseboard Temp high threshold to 61 degrees C)
   c) you can see the IPMI events generated by doing:
      ipmiutil sel

The IPMI PET traps (enterprises.3183) are defined in 
/usr/share/ipmiutil/bmclanpet.mib, and the alert destination system
(trap receiver) can interpret them with the ipmiutil events utility 
as follows:

4) Get the sensor output from a server of the same type.
Copy /usr/share/ipmiutil/sensor_out.txt to the system where the
traps are received.  This would not be required if the trap receiver
and server are both the same type.

5) Get the hex data bytes from the IPMI PET trap.
This sample was taken from /var/log/messages on a Linux system with snmptrapd:
Sep 26 11:22:17 chapin1 snmptrapd[19859]: 2008-09-26 11:22:17 ac1-tigw1u-bmc [] (via TRAP, SNMP v1, community public        SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3183.1.1 Enterprise Specific Trap (65792) Uptime: 141 days, 11:37:06.13         SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3183.1.1.1 = Hex-STRING: B1 D8 4F 76 1D E2 11 DC B3 E8 00 0E 0C C7 1B A0 11 08 14 31 D3 D4 FF FF 20 20 10 20 30 53 44 50 2B 30 00 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 01 57 08 11 C1

6) Skip the first 8 hex bytes from the hex data above and pass the data to 
the ipmiutil events application.
  # sfil=/usr/share/ipmiutil/sensor_out.txt
  # ipmiutil events -p -s $sfil  B3 E8 00 0E 0C C7 1B A0 11 08 14 31 D3 D4 FF FF 20 20 10 20 30 53 44 50 2B 30 00 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 01 57 08 11 C1
events version 2.34
000b SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 30 Baseboard Temp
0008 09/26/08 04:50:12 BMC  01 Temperature #30 Lo Noncrit thresh act=2b thr=30

This output should match the output from 'ipmiutil sel' on the server. 

See also section 4.6 for the format of the IPMI PET data.


Sample file contents of the ipmiutil win32/64 zip archive:
  README.txt    - Information about the archive, with install instructions
  LICENSE.txt   - the BSD license
  UserGuide.txt - the ipmiutil User Guide
  ChangeLog.txt - change history
  install.cmd   - INSTALL ipmiutil 
  uninstall.cmd - UNINSTALL ipmiutil
  ipmiutil.exe  - meta-command for all of the functions
  ipmiutil_wdt.cmd - automatically resets the watchdog timer
  checksel.cmd     - automatically checks the SEL for nearly full
  ialarms.cmd    - shortcut for ipmiutil alarms
  icmd.cmd       - shortcut for ipmiutil cmd
  iconfig.cmd    - shortcut for ipmiutil config
  idiscover.cmd  - shortcut for ipmiutil discover
  ievents.exe    - shortcut for ipmiutil events
  ifru.cmd       - shortcut for ipmiutil fru
  igetevent.cmd  - shortcut for ipmiutil getevent
  ihealth.cmd    - shortcut for ipmiutil health
  ilan.cmd       - shortcut for ipmiutil lan
  isensor.cmd    - shortcut for ipmiutil sensor
  iserial.cmd    - shortcut for ipmiutil serial
  isel.cmd       - shortcut for ipmiutil sel
  isol.cmd       - shortcut for ipmiutil sol
  ireset.cmd     - shortcut for ipmiutil reset
  iwdt.cmd       - shortcut for ipmiutil wdt
  showsel.reg    - to add showsel DLL to registry
  showselun.reg  - to remove showsel DLL from registry
  showselmsg.dll - DLL for System Log IPMI messages
  libeay32.dll  - from openssl crypto
  ssleay32.dll  - from openssl crypto
  buildsamp.cmd - to build the sample programs
  ipmiutil.dll  - use this with the static library
  ipmiutil.lib  - static library with ipmiutil functions
  ipmiutillib.dll - Use this for dynamic DLL
  ipmiutillib.lib - link this into samples to use dynamic DLL
  ipmiutillib.exp - exported list of ipmiutil functions
  ipmi_sample.exe - sample application
  ipmi_sample_evt.exe - sample application with eventing

The install and build instructions are below, all other information
in the UserGuide.txt is the same for Windows and Linux.


If installing from an MSI file, just double-click to run the install wizard.

If installing from the ZIP file, just run install.cmd.

Otherwise, these are the manual steps to perform.

The showselmsg.dll needs to be copied into the %SystemRoot%\System32
directory and then run showsel.reg, so that the Windows EventLog service
can find information about the showsel events.  

Note that the openssl crypto libraries (libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll) 
should be copied to %SystemRoot%\System32 to provide crypto functions
for the lanplus logic, if they are not already present.
For WinPE 64-bit, or other variants without openssl, see also

Note that for Windows Vista/7 workstation and later, make sure to 
'Run as administrator' when installing.  Windows Server should not 
require this step.

The utilities can be run separately, or an ipmiutil directory can be 
added into the %PATH%.

If using the ipmiutil*.msi, it will automatically install.
If using the ipmiutil*.zip, then run the install.cmd to install it.

The usage of ipmiutil in Windows is the same as in Linux OS, with the 
exception of drivers: 
 * The Intel IPMI driver supported is the Intel IMB driver (imbdrv.sys), 
   which can be obtained from the Intel Resource CD for your system, 
   from the ISM CD, or from http://www.intel.com by searching downloads 
   for IMB driver.
   or cached at http://ipmiutil.sf.net/kern/imbdrv130.zip 
 * The Microsoft IPMI driver (ipmidrv.sys), which comes with Windows 2003 R2
   and later, is also supported.
It should be noted that the two IPMI drivers should not be installed at the
same time, since they will interfere with each other.

Note that there are several outstanding bug reports against the Microsoft ipmidrv.sys driver which may affect its usage:
 * ipmidrv.sys does not support systems with 4-byte register spacing
 * ipmidrv.sys WBEM access memory leak
 * ipmidrv.sys with Windows 2012 does not work on many IPMI systems
   This version is more broken than the Win2008 version. 
If you are affected by any of these issues, you can download and install the imbdrv.sys as described below, but you must also disable the MS ipmidrv.sys.

For some systems or applications, you may need to uninstall the Microsoft
IPMI driver, like this:
 * start Control Panel/System app
 * go to Hardware tab, start Device Manager
 * select View/Show Hidden Devices
 * go to "System Devices",
 * right-click "Microsoft Generic IPMI Compliant Device"
 * select Properties
 * on driver tab, click "Uninstall"
 * then reboot.
If you are running Windows 2012, the Device Manager does not support this,
so use these steps to disable the Microsoft IPMIDRV:
 * Start a command prompt with 'Run as administrator'
 * cd \windows\system32\drivers
 * move ipmidrv.sys ipmidrv.old
 * then reboot

How to install Intel IPMI driver from the cached copy at http://ipmiutil.sf.net/kern/imbdrv130.zip 
  Extract imbdrv130.zip to c:\temp or similar
> cd c:\temp
> cd x86_64     (or 'cd ia32' if 32-bit Windows)
> install.bat   (DeviceSetup.exe install imbdrv.inf *IMBDRV)
> driverquery   (shows the drivers currently installed/running)

How to install the Windows Intel IPMI driver (imbdrv.sys from the Intel CD):
> cd c:\temp
> copy d:\ism\software\win32\pi\common\imb*.*
> copy d:\ism\software\win32\pi\common\win2k*.exe
> ren imbdrv2k.sys imbdrv.sys
> copy imbapi.dll %SystemRoot%\system32
> win2kinstall c:\temp\imbdrv.inf *IMBDRV
> driverquery   (shows the drivers currently installed/running)

Note that when using 32-bit binaries on 64-bit Windows Server installations, 
make sure that the Microsoft VC++ Redistributable package is installed 
See http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=200B2FD9-AE1A-4A14-984D-389C36F85647&displaylang=en
to download this if needed.


The ipmiutil Windows binaries for each release are pre-built and posted
at http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net, but here is how to build the ipmiutil 
EXEs for Windows from source.
Note that the WIN32 compile flag is used.  
The ipmiutil buildwin.cmd shows how to compile and link the lib and exe 
files, although many people prefer instead to do builds with the 
Microsoft VisualStudio project GUI.  

5.2.1  Install Visual Studio
The build environment assumes that VisualStudio 6.0 VC98 or
later is installed. 

5.2.2  Download contrib files
Before running buildwin.cmd, first download the contributed
files for Windows (includes getopt.c and openssl).
A copy of these files is available from 
The above zip contains all of the contributed source used.
Refer to getopt.c from one of these
   BSD getopt.c (used by default in ipmiutil.exe):
   public domain getopt.c:
   GNU LGPL getopt.c:
Refer to openssl from this link (Apache-style license, not gpl)
     http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-0.9.8x.tar.gz (used by default)

5.2.3  Copy initial contrib files into ipmiutil
Below are sample directories where ipmiutil*.tar.gz was unpacked, 
and where the openssl*.tar.gz was unpacked.
> set ipmiutil_dir=c:\dev\ipmiutil
> set openssl_dir=c:\dev\openssl

First, copy the getopt.c & getopt.h into the util directory.  
From the directory where ipmiutil-contrib.zip was unpacked, 
> copy getopt.*      %ipmiutil_dir%\util
The iphlpapi.lib comes from Visual Studio (2003 .Net), Win2003 DDK, or WinSDK.
> copy iphlpapi.lib  %ipmiutil_dir%\lib
> copy iphlpapi.h    %ipmiutil_dir%\util  

5.2.4  Build the openssl libraries
To build from original source you would then want to build a copy of openssl 
for Windows, and copy the built openssl files to lib & inc.
Follow the openssl build instructions from INSTALL.W32 for VC++ to build 
these binaries.

5.2.5  Copy the resulting LIB and DLL binaries to ipmiutil
> copy %openssl_dir%\out32dll\libeay32.lib  %ipmiutil_dir%\lib
> copy %openssl_dir%\out32dll\ssleay32.lib  %ipmiutil_dir%\lib
> copy %openssl_dir%\out32dll\libeay32.dll  %ipmiutil_dir%\util
> copy %openssl_dir%\out32dll\ssleay32.dll  %ipmiutil_dir%\util
> mkdir %ipmiutil_dir%\lib\lanplus\openssl
> copy %openssl_dir%\include\openssl\*.h %ipmiutil_dir%\lib\lanplus\openssl

5.2.6  Set the Visual Studio variables with vcvars*.bat
For your installation of Microsoft Visual Studio, it has batch files to
set the Visual C variables. Run the appropriate architecture version of 
these batch files to set the VC variables.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\amd64\vcvarsamd64.bat

5.2.7  For Windows builds, run buildwin.cmd

buildwin.cmd will build all of the Windows EXE and DLL files. It will detect 
whether the vcvars has been run with 32bit or 64bit.

buildwin32.cmd will build only the 32-bit Windows EXE and DLL files. 

buildwin64.cmd will build only the 64-bit Windows EXE and DLL files. 

5.2.8  For WinPE builds, run buildmin.cmd

If you are using ipmiutil for a bootable WinPE environment, you will not need
Serial-Over-LAN functionality, the buildmin.cmd will build the Windows ipmiutil
EXE files without using the openssl libraries, to simplify the process.  
The openssl libraries are required for the IPMI LANplus 2.0 crypto functions 
that Serial-Over-LAN uses.  

buildmin.cmd will build the ipmiutil.exe in a minimal standalone configuration.

For WinPE 64-bit, if you do want openssl for some reason, see 

Because of the differences in Linux getopt and the BSD getopt.c used by
default in  the Windows build, the order of parameters is more important 
in Windows. 
For example in Linux, the following command usages work, but not in Windows: 
  # ipmiutil cmd 00 20 18 01 -N  
  # ipmiutil cmd 00 20 -N 18 01 

The Windows equivalent would have to put the -N option immediately after 
the subfunction, as shown below: 
  > ipmiutil cmd -N 00 20 18 01 

For Serial-Over-Lan console usage from a Windows client, ipmiutil provides:
- Full ANSI (VT100) Support
- Full Support for PC Keyboard
- Unicode (UTF-8) support
- Full support for Line Drawing Characters 
  (VT100 Special Graphics, Unicode Box Characters and OEM CP Characters)
- Full Screen works for BIOS and Unix (using vt100 terminfo setting)

For proper operation during BIOS setup the Windows console window size must be set to 80x25.  The Windows console buffer size can be set to the desired scroll back size.  For proper operation when logged on to Unix the windows size can be set to anything but the OS must be told of the proper size using "stty rows <height> cols <width>".

Below is sample ipmiutil output from an Intel TIGW1U server.

# ipmiutil alarms
ipmiutil ver 2.13
alarms ver 2.13
-- BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
Alarm LEDs:   critical = off major = off minor = off power = off
Alarm Relays: major = off  minor = off 
disk slot 0 LED:   off
disk slot 1 LED:   off
disk slot 2 LED:   off
disk slot 3 LED:   off
disk slot 4 LED:   off
disk slot 5 LED:   off
alarms, completed successfully

# ipmiutil cmd 00 20 18 01 
ipmiutil ver 2.21
icmd ver 2.21
This is a test tool to compose IPMI commands.
Do not use without knowledge of the IPMI specification.
-- BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
respData[len=15]: 20 01 00 19 02 9f 57 01 00 11 08 00 48 00 16 
send_icmd ret = 0
icmd, completed successfully

# ipmiutil config -s /tmp/bmcconfig.out
ipmiutil ver 2.21
bmcconfig ver 1.1 
-- BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
### bmcconfig, GetPefEntry ...
### bmcconfig, GetLanEntry for channel 1 ...
### bmcconfig, GetSOL for channel 1 ...
### bmcconfig, GetSerEntry for channel 4 ...
bmcconfig, completed successfully

# cat /tmp/bmcconfig.out
PEFParam 6,01: 01 c0 01 01 10 ff ff 01 ff 01 95 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,02: 02 c0 01 01 10 ff ff 02 ff 01 95 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,03: 03 c0 01 01 08 ff ff 04 ff 01 95 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,04: 04 c0 01 01 08 ff ff 05 05 6f 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,05: 05 c0 01 01 08 ff ff 08 ff 6f 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,06: 06 c0 01 01 10 ff ff 0c 08 6f 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,07: 07 c0 01 01 08 ff ff 0f 06 6f 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,08: 08 c0 01 01 10 ff ff 07 ff 6f 1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,09: 09 c0 01 01 02 ff ff 13 ff 6f 3e 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,10: 0a c0 01 01 01 ff ff 23 03 6f 0e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,11: 0b c0 01 01 01 ff ff 12 ff 6f 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,12: 0c 80 01 01 10 ff ff 20 ff 6f ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,13: 0d 80 01 01 08 ff ff 09 ff 0b 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,14: 0e 80 01 01 04 ff ff 09 ff 0b 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,15: 0f 80 01 01 04 ff ff 01 ff 81 95 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,16: 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,17: 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,18: 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,19: 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 6,20: 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PEFParam 1: 01
PEFParam 2: 2f
PEFParam 3: 3c
PEFParam 4: 3c
PEFParam 9,1: 01 18 11 00 
PEFParam 9,2: 02 00 00 00 
PEFParam 9,3: 03 00 00 00 
PEFParam 9,4: 04 00 00 00 
LanParam 0,0:  00
LanParam 1,0:  15
LanParam 2,0:  14 14 14 14 00
LanParam 3,0:  0a f3 2a eb
LanParam 4,0:  01
LanParam 5,0:  00 0e 0c c7 1b a2
LanParam 6,0:  ff ff ff 00
LanParam 7,0:  40 40 10
LanParam 10,0:  01
LanParam 11,0:  04
LanParam 12,0:  0a f3 2a fb
LanParam 13,0:  00 d0 06 21 eb fc
LanParam 14,0:  00 00 00 00
LanParam 15,0:  00 00 00 00 00 00
LanParam 16,0:  70 75 62 6c 69 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
LanParam 17,0:  04
LanParam 18,1:  01 00 01 00 00
LanParam 18,2:  02 00 00 00 00
LanParam 18,3:  03 00 00 00 00
LanParam 18,4:  04 00 00 00 00
LanParam 19,1:  01 00 00 0a f3 2a d8 00 07 e9 06 15 30
LanParam 19,2:  02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
LanParam 19,3:  03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
LanParam 19,4:  04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
LanParam 192,0:  00 00 00 00
LanParam 193,0:  00 00 00 00 00 00
LanParam 194,0:  00
ChannelAccess 1: 02 04 
SOLParam 1,0: 01
SOLParam 2,0: 82
SOLParam 3,0: 04 32
SOLParam 4,0: 06 14
SOLParam 5,0: 0a
SOLParam 6,0: 00
SOLPayloadSupport 1: 00 15 00 00 00 00 00
SOLPayloadAccess 1,1: 02 00 00 00
SOLPayloadAccess 1,2: 02 00 00 00
SOLPayloadAccess 1,3: 00 00 00 00
UserAccess 1,1: 0f 02 01 14 
UserName     1: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# UserPassword 1: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
UserAccess 1,2: 0f 02 01 14 
UserName     2: 75 73 72 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# UserPassword 2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
UserAccess 1,3: 0f 02 01 0f 
UserName     3: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# UserPassword 3: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
UserAccess 1,4: 0f 02 01 0f 
UserName     4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# UserPassword 4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SerialParam 0,0: 00
SerialParam 1,0: 15
SerialParam 2,0: 14 14 14 14 00
SerialParam 3,0: 87
SerialParam 4,0: 00
SerialParam 5,0: 00 00 ff ff ff
SerialParam 6,0: 03
SerialParam 7,0: 20 0a
SerialParam 8,0: 16 08
SerialParam 9,0: 3f 00
SerialParam 10,0: 01 41 54 45 31 51 30 56 31 58 34 26 44 32 26 43 31
SerialParam 11,0: 2b 2b 2b 00 00
SerialParam 12,0: 41 54 48 00 00 00 00 00
SerialParam 13,0: 41 54 44 00 00 00 00 00
SerialParam 14,0: 00
SerialParam 15,0: 70 75 62 6c 69 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SerialParam 16,0: 08
SerialParam 17,1: 01 00 05 03 00
SerialParam 17,2: 02 00 05 03 00
SerialParam 17,3: 03 00 05 03 00
SerialParam 17,4: 04 00 05 03 00
SerialParam 18,0: 3c
SerialParam 19,1: 01 00 07
SerialParam 19,2: 02 00 07
SerialParam 19,3: 03 00 07
SerialParam 19,4: 04 00 07
SerialParam 29,0: 66 11
ChannelAccess 4: 2b 04 
UserAccess 4,1: 0f 02 01 14 
UserName     1: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# UserPassword 1: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
UserAccess 4,2: 0f 02 01 14 
UserName     2: 75 73 72 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# UserPassword 2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
UserAccess 4,3: 0f 02 01 0f 
UserName     3: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# UserPassword 3: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
UserAccess 4,4: 0f 02 01 0f 
UserName     4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# UserPassword 4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

# ipmiutil discover -a -b
ipmiutil ver 2.21
idiscover ver 1.3
Discovering IPMI Devices:
1: response from
2: response from
3: response from
4: response from
5: response from
6: response from
7: response from
8: response from
9: response from
10: response from
11: response from
12: response from
13: response from
14: response from
15: response from
16: response from
17: response from
18: response from
19: response from
20: response from
21: response from
22: response from
23: response from
24: response from
25: response from
26: response from
27: response from
28: response from
29: response from
30: response from
31: response from
32: response from
33: response from
34: response from
idiscover: 1 pings sent, 34 responses

# ipmiutil events 18 00 02 02 00 00 00 20 00 04 09 01 6f 44 0f ff
ipmiutil ver 2.40
ievents version 2.40
RecId Date/Time_______ Source_ Evt_Type SensNum Evt_detail - Trig [Evt_data]
0018 12/31/69 19:00:02 BMC  09 Power Unit #01 AC Lost 6f [44 0f ff]
ievents, completed successfully

# ipmiutil events -p -s sensor-TIGW1U.out B3 E8 00 0E 0C C7 1B A0 11 08 12 7F 10 90 FF FF 20 20 00 20 02 15 01 41 0F FF
ipmiutil ver 2.40
ievents version 2.40
0023 SDR Comp 02 2b 20 a 09 snum 02 Power Redundancy
0008 11/01/07 10:13:20 BMC  09 Power Unit #02 Redundancy Lost 0b [41 0f ff]
ievents, completed successfully

# ipmiutil fru
ipmiutil ver 2.21
fruconfig: version 2.21
-- BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
SDR[004c] FRU  20 00 0c 01 Baseboard FRU
SDR[004d] FRU  20 02 15 01 Power Dist FRU
Component FRU Size  : 256
Product Manufacturer: DELTA
Product Name        : AC-061 B
Product Part Number : D76441-003
Product Version     : 00
Product Serial Num  : DLD0719000969
Product Asset Tag   : 
Product FRU File ID : 
SDR[004e] FRU  20 03 0a 01 Pwr Supply 1 FRU
Component FRU Size  : 256
Product Manufacturer: DELTA
Product Name        : DPS-450KBA
Product Part Number : D40117-007
Product Version     : S6  
Product Serial Num  : DLD0721003047
Product Asset Tag   : 
Product FRU File ID : 
SDR[004f] FRU  20 04 0a 02 Pwr Supply 2 FRU
Component FRU Size  : 256
Product Manufacturer: DELTA
Product Name        : DPS-450KBA
Product Part Number : D40117-003
Product Version     : S2  
Product Serial Num  : DLC0630000244
Product Asset Tag   : 
Product FRU File ID : 
SDR[0050] IPMB 20 00 07 01 Basbrd Mgmt Ctlr

Mainboard FRU Size  : 256
Chassis Type        : Rack-Mount Chassis
Chassis Part Number : TIGW1U
Chassis Serial Num  : 
Chassis OEM Field   : TIGW1U
Board Mfg DateTime  : Sun Jun 17 16:11:00 2007
Board Manufacturer  : Intel
Board Product Name  : S5000PHB  
Board Serial Number : CFTW72400602
Board Part Number   : D40552-601
Board FRU File ID   : FRU Ver 0.05
Board OEM Field     : 
Product Manufacturer: Intel
Product Name        : S5000PHB
Product Part Number : TMWA0201W
Product Version     : 
Product Serial Num  : sernum4wd
Product Asset Tag   : asset4wd
Product FRU File ID : 
Product OEM Field   : 
System GUID         : b1d84f76-1de2-11dc-b3e8-000e0cc71ba0
BIOS Version        : S5000.86B.10.00.D414.081520081354
fruconfig, completed successfully

# ipmiutil getevt
ipmiutil ver 2.21
getevent ver 2.21
-- BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
event receiver sa = 20 lun = 00
bmc enables = 0f
Waiting 120 seconds for an event ...
got event, sensor_type = 01
event data: 3c 22 02 7b e6 bf 48 20 00 04 01 30 01 50 2e 33 
223c 09/04/08 09:45:31 BMC  01 Temperature #30 Lo Noncrit thresh act=2e thr=33
Waiting 120 seconds for an event ...
got event, sensor_type = 01
event data: 64 22 02 7d e6 bf 48 20 00 04 01 30 81 50 2e 07 
2264 09/04/08 09:45:33 BMC  01 Temperature #30 LoN thresh OK now act=2e thr=07
Waiting 120 seconds for an event ...
get_event timeout
getevent, completed successfully

# ipmiutil health
ipmiutil ver 2.21
bmchealth ver 2.21
BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
BMC manufacturer = 000157 (Intel), product = 0811 (TIGW1U)
BIOS Version     = S5000.86B.10.00.D414.081520081354
Chassis Status   = 01   (on, restore_policy=stay_off)
Power State      = 00   (S0: working)
Selftest status  = 0055 (OK)
Channel 15 Auth Types: 
          Status = 00, OEM ID 000000 OEM Aux 00
bmchealth, completed successfully

# ipmiutil lan
ipmiutil ver 2.21
pefconfig ver 2.21 
-- BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
pefconfig, GetPefEntry ...
PEFilter(01): 01 Temperature Sensor event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(02): 02 Voltage Sensor event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(03): 04 Fan Failure event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(04): 05 Chassis Intrusion event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(05): 08 Power Supply Fault event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(06): 0c Memory ECC Error event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(07): 0f FRB Failure event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(08): 07 BIOS POST Error event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(09): 13 Fatal NMI event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(10): 23 Watchdog Timer Reset event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(11): 12 System Restart event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(12): 20 OS Critical Stop event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(13): 09 Power Redundancy Lost event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(14): 09 Power Unit OK event - enabled for alert
PEFilter(15): 01 Temperature OK event - enabled for alert
PEF Control: 01 : PEFenable 
PEF Actions: 2f : Alert PwrDn Reset PwrCyc DiagInt 
PEF Startup Delay: 3c : 60 sec
PEF Alert Startup Delay: 3c: 60 sec
PEF Alert Policy[1]: 01 18 11 00 : Chan[1] Dest[1] Enabled 
PEF Alert Policy[2]: 02 00 00 00 : Disabled 
PEF Alert Policy[3]: 03 00 00 00 : Disabled 
PEF Alert Policy[4]: 04 00 00 00 : Disabled 

pefconfig, GetLanEntry for channel 1 ...
Lan Param(0) Set in progress: 00 
Lan Param(1) Auth type support: 15 : None MD5 Pswd 
Lan Param(2) Auth type enables: 14 14 14 14 00 
Lan Param(3) IP address: 10 243 42 235 
Lan Param(4) IP addr src: 01 : Static
Lan Param(5) MAC addr: 00 0e 0c c7 1b a2 
Lan Param(6) Subnet mask: 255 255 255 0 
Lan Param(7) IPv4 header: 40 40 10 
Lan Param(10) BMC grat ARP: 01 : Grat-ARP enabled
Lan Param(11) grat ARP interval: 04 : 2 sec
Lan Param(12) Def gateway IP: 10 243 42 251 
Lan Param(13) Def gateway MAC: 00 d0 06 21 eb fc 
Lan Param(14) Sec gateway IP: 0 0 0 0 
Lan Param(15) Sec gateway MAC: 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(16) Community string: public 
Lan Param(17) Num dest: 04 
Lan Param(18) Dest type: 01 00 01 00 00 
Lan Param(18) Dest type: 02 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(18) Dest type: 03 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(18) Dest type: 04 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(19) Dest address: 01 00 00 [10 243 42 216] 00 07 e9 06 15 30 
Lan Param(19) Dest address: 02 00 00 [0 0 0 0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(19) Dest address: 03 00 00 [0 0 0 0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(19) Dest address: 04 00 00 [0 0 0 0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(192) DHCP Server IP: 0 0 0 0 
Lan Param(193) DHCP MAC Address: 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Lan Param(194) DHCP Enable: 00 
Channel Access Mode(1=lan): 02 04 : Access = Always Avail, PEF Alerts Enabled
pefconfig, GetSOL for channel 1 ...
SOL Enable: 01 : enabled
SOL Auth: 82 : User  
SOL Accum Interval: 04 32 : 20 msec
SOL Retry Interval: 06 14 : 200 msec
SOL nvol Baud Rate: 0a : 115.2k
SOL vol Baud Rate: 00 : nobaud
SOL Payload Support(1): 03 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 
SOL Payload Access(1,1): 02 00 00 00 : enabled
SOL Payload Access(1,2): 02 00 00 00 : enabled
SOL Payload Access(1,3): 00 00 00 00 : disabled
SOL Payload Access(1,4): 00 00 00 00 : disabled
Get User Access(1): 0f 02 01 14 : IPMI, Admin  ()
Get User Access(2): 0f 02 01 14 : IPMI, Admin  (usr2)
Get User Access(3): 0f 02 01 0f : No access ()
Get User Access(4): 0f 02 01 0f : No access ()
pefconfig, completed successfully

# ipmiutil reset -n
ipmiutil ver 2.21
hwreset ver 2.21
-- BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
Power State      = 00   (S0: working)
hwreset: sending NMI ...
chassis_reset ok
hwreset: IPMI_Reset ok
hwreset, completed successfully

# ipmiutil sel 
ipmiutil ver 2.21
showsel: version 2.21
-- BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
SEL Ver 51 Support f, Size = 3987 records, Free space = 3553 records
RecId Date/Time_______ Source_ Evt_Type SensNum Evt_detail - Trig [Evt_data]
0004 07/16/08 15:17:58 BMC  10 SEL Disabled #09 Log Cleared 6f [42 0f ff]
0018 07/16/08 15:23:08 BIOS 12 System Event #83 Boot: ClockSync_1 6f [05 00 ff]
002c 07/16/08 10:23:08 BIOS 12 System Event #83 Boot: ClockSync_2 6f [05 80 ff]
0040 07/16/08 10:24:37 0033 12 System Event #01 OEM System Booted 6f [01 ff 00]
0054 07/16/08 10:24:49 BMC  22 ACPI Power State #82 S0/G0 Working 6f [40 0f ff]
0068 07/16/08 11:12:55 BMC  08 Power Supply #70 Removed ef [40 0f ff]
007c 07/16/08 11:12:55 BMC  09 Power Unit #02 Redundancy Lost 0b [41 0f ff]
0090 07/16/08 11:12:55 BMC  09 Power Unit #02 Not Redundant 0b [43 0f ff]
00a4 07/16/08 11:13:23 BMC  08 Power Supply #70 Inserted 6f [40 0f ff]
00b8 07/16/08 11:13:23 BMC  09 Power Unit #02 Redundancy OK   0b [40 0f ff]
00cc 07/16/08 11:31:30 BMC  08 Power Supply #70 Removed ef [40 0f ff]
00e0 07/16/08 11:31:31 BMC  09 Power Unit #02 Redundancy Lost 0b [41 0f ff]
00f4 07/16/08 11:31:31 BMC  09 Power Unit #02 Not Redundant 0b [43 0f ff]
0108 07/16/08 11:31:40 BMC  08 Power Supply #70 Inserted 6f [40 0f ff]
011c 07/16/08 11:31:41 BMC  09 Power Unit #02 Redundancy OK   0b [40 0f ff]
0130 07/16/08 11:46:34 BMC  01 Temperature #30 Lo Noncrit thresh act=2f thr=34
0144 07/16/08 11:46:34 BMC  01 Temperature #30 Lo Crit thresh act=2f thr=33
0158 07/16/08 11:46:36 BMC  01 Temperature #30 LoN thresh OK now act=2f thr=07
016c 07/16/08 11:46:36 BMC  01 Temperature #30 LoC thresh OK now act=2f thr=06
0180 07/16/08 12:00:59 BMC  08 Power Supply #70 Removed ef [40 0f ff]
0194 07/16/08 12:01:00 BMC  09 Power Unit #02 Redundancy Lost 0b [41 0f ff]
01a8 07/16/08 12:01:00 BMC  09 Power Unit #02 Not Redundant 0b [43 0f ff]
01bc 07/16/08 12:01:32 BMC  08 Power Supply #70 Inserted 6f [40 0f ff]
1a08 08/12/08 01:57:20 SMI  20 OS Critical Stop #64 panic(dop) 6f [a1 6f 70]
1a1c 08/12/08 01:58:08 BMC  2a Session Audit #0a Deactivated User 1 6f [a1 01 11]
1a30 08/12/08 01:58:18 BMC  2a Session Audit #0a Activated User 1 6f [a0 01 01]
219c 08/27/08 06:29:24 BIOS 12 System Event #83 Boot: ClockSync_1 6f [05 00 ff]
21b0 08/27/08 06:29:25 BIOS 12 System Event #83 Boot: ClockSync_2 6f [05 80 ff]
21c4 08/27/08 06:30:18 0033 12 System Event #01 OEM System Booted 6f [01 ff 00]
21d8 08/27/08 06:30:29 BMC  22 ACPI Power State #82 S0/G0 Working 6f [40 0f ff]
showsel, completed successfully

# ipmiutil sensor
ipmiutil ver 2.21
sensor: version 2.21
-- BMC version 0.20, IPMI version 2.0 
_ID_ SDR_Type_xx ET Own Typ S_Num Sens_Description   Hex & Interp Reading
0001 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 10 BB +1.2V Vtt     = be OK   1.20 Volts
0002 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 12 BB +1.5V AUX     = bd OK   1.47 Volts
0003 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 13 BB +1.5V         = 75 OK   1.52 Volts
0004 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 14 BB +1.8V         = af OK   1.78 Volts
0005 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 15 BB +3.3V         = c1 OK   3.32 Volts
0006 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 16 BB +3.3V STB     = bf OK   3.29 Volts
0007 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 17 BB +1.5V ESB     = be OK   1.48 Volts
0008 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 18 BB +5V           = c3 OK   5.07 Volts
0009 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 1a BB +12V AUX      = c1 OK   11.97 Volts
000a SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 1b BB +0.9V         = ba OK   0.89 Volts
000b SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 30 Baseboard Temp   = 2d OK   45.00 degrees C
000c SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 32 Front Panel Temp = 1a OK   26.00 degrees C
000d SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 48 Mem Therm Margin = 00 Init  0.00 degrees C
000e SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 50 Fan 1A           = 6f OK   7659.00 RPM
000f SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 51 Fan 1B           = 6b OK   5457.00 RPM
0010 SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 52 Fan 2A           = 69 OK   7245.00 RPM
0011 SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 53 Fan 2B           = 6b OK   5457.00 RPM
0012 SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 54 Fan 3A           = 6c OK   7452.00 RPM
0013 SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 55 Fan 3B           = 6b OK   5457.00 RPM
0014 SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 56 Fan 4A           = 6f OK   7659.00 RPM
0015 SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 57 Fan 4B           = 69 OK   5355.00 RPM
0016 SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 58 Fan 5            = 63 OK   6534.00 RPM
0017 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 03 snum 78 PS1 AC Current   = 05 OK   0.31 Amps
0018 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 03 snum 79 PS2 AC Current   = 16 OK   1.39 Amps
0019 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 03 snum 7a PS1 +12V Current = 01 OK   0.50 Amps
001a SDR Full 01 01 20 a 03 snum 7b PS2 +12V Current = 12 OK   9.00 Amps
001b SDR Full 01 01 20 a 0b snum 7c PS1 +12V Power   = 01 OK   4.00 Watts
001c SDR Full 01 01 20 a 0b snum 7d PS2 +12V Power   = 1b OK   108.00 Watts
001d SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 99 P1 Therm Margin  = c7 OK   -57.00 degrees C
001e SDR Full 01 01 20 m 01 snum c0 P1 Therm Ctrl %  = 00 OK   0.00 unspecified
001f SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum d0 Proc 1 Vccp      = b0 OK   1.09 Volts
0020 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 09 snum 01 Power Unit       = 00 c0 00 00 Enabled 
0021 SDR Comp 02 0b 20 a 09 snum 02 Power Redundancy = 00 c0 01 00 Redundant
0022 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 23 snum 03 BMC Watchdog     = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0023 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 06 snum 04 Scrty Violation  = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0024 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum 07 FP Interrupt     = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0025 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 10 snum 09 Event Log Clear  = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0026 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 2a snum 0a Session Audit    = 00 c0 00 00 Activated 
0027 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 12 snum 0b System Event     = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0028 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 29 snum 1e BB Vbat          = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0029 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 08 snum 70 PS1 Status       = 00 c0 01 00 Present
002a SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 08 snum 71 PS2 Status       = 00 c0 01 00 Present
002b SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 22 snum 82 ACPI State       = 00 c0 01 00 Working
002c SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 14 snum 84 Button           = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
002d SDR Comp 02 03 20 a f3 snum 85 SMI Timeout      = 00 c0 01 00 Enabled 
002e SDR Comp 02 03 20 a c0 snum 87 NMI State        = 00 c0 01 00 Enabled 
002f SDR Comp 02 03 20 a c0 snum 88 SMI State        = 00 80 01 00 Enabled 
0030 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 m 07 snum 90 Processor 1 Stat = 00 c0 80 00 ProcPresent
0031 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum a0 PCIe Link0       = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0032 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum a1 PCIe Link1       = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0033 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum a2 PCIe Link2       = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0034 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum a3 PCIe Link3       = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0035 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum a4 PCIe Link4       = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0036 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum a5 PCIe Link5       = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0037 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum a6 PCIe Link6       = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0038 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum a7 PCIe Link7       = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0039 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum a8 PCIe Link8       = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
003a SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum a9 PCIe Link9       = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
003b SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum aa PCIe Link10      = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
003c SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum ab PCIe Link11      = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
003d SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum ac PCIe Link12      = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
003e SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 13 snum ad PCIe Link13      = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
003f SDR Comp 02 05 20 m 01 snum c8 CPU1 VRD Temp    = 00 c0 00 00 OK* 
0040 SDR Comp 02 05 20 a 02 snum d2 CPU1 Vcc OOR     = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0041 SDR Comp 02 03 20 a 07 snum d8 CPU Popul Error  = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0042 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 21 snum e0 DIMM 1A          = 00 c0 04 00 Present
0043 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 21 snum e1 DIMM 2A          = 00 e0 40 00 NotAvailable
0044 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 21 snum e2 DIMM 3A          = 00 e0 40 00 NotAvailable
0045 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 21 snum e3 DIMM 1B          = 00 c0 04 00 Present
0046 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 21 snum e4 DIMM 2B          = 00 e0 40 00 NotAvailable
0047 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 21 snum e5 DIMM 3B          = 00 e0 40 00 NotAvailable
0048 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 0c snum ec Mem A Error      = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
0049 SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 0c snum ed Mem B Error      = 00 c0 00 00 OK  
004a SDR Comp 02 6f 20 a 25 snum f0 DIMM Spare Enb   = 00 e0 40 00 NotAvailable
004b SDR Comp 02 0b 20 a 0c snum f1 DIMM Spare Redu  = 00 e0 40 00 NotAvailable
004c SDR FRU  11 18 dev: 20 00 80 00 0c 01 Baseboard FRU
004d SDR FRU  11 19 dev: 20 02 80 00 15 01 Power Dist FRU
004e SDR FRU  11 1b dev: 20 03 80 00 0a 01 Pwr Supply 1 FRU
004f SDR FRU  11 1b dev: 20 04 80 00 0a 02 Pwr Supply 2 FRU
0050 SDR IPMB 12 1b dev: 20 00 bf 07 01 Basbrd Mgmt Ctlr
0051 SDR OEM  c0 09 Intel: 02 02 00 01 70 71 
0052 SDR OEM  c0 05 Intel: 06 01 
0053 SDR OEM  c0 19 Intel: 0b 01 01 32 14 f0 0a a4 01 96 00 61 00 08 0a 64 00 05 00 00 00 00 
0054 SDR OEM  c0 19 Intel: 0b 02 01 32 14 f0 0a a4 01 ff ff ff ff 10 14 ff ff 06 00 00 00 00 
0055 SDR OEM  c0 19 Intel: 0b 01 02 32 14 f0 0a a4 01 96 00 61 00 08 0a 64 00 05 00 00 00 00 
0056 SDR OEM  c0 19 Intel: 0b 02 02 32 14 f0 0a a4 01 ff ff ff ff 10 14 ff ff 06 00 00 00 00 
0057 SDR OEM  c0 2c Intel: 0c 01 30 64 64 01 02 03 30 20 32 64 01 90 0d 00 2b 20 30 21 35 22 3a 23 3f 24 43 25 47 26 4c 27 51 28 56 29 5b 2a 60 2b 64 
0058 SDR OEM  c0 2c Intel: 0c 02 30 64 64 01 02 03 30 20 32 64 01 90 0d 00 2b 20 30 21 35 22 3a 23 3f 24 43 25 47 26 4c 27 51 28 56 29 5b 2a 60 2b 64 
0059 SDR OEM  c0 2c Intel: 0c 03 30 64 64 01 02 03 30 20 32 64 01 90 0d 00 2b 20 30 21 35 22 3a 23 3f 24 43 25 47 26 4c 27 51 28 56 29 5b 2a 60 2b 64 
005a SDR OEM  c0 15 Intel: 0c 01 30 64 64 01 02 03 00 20 99 64 02 90 01 06 00 11 
005b SDR OEM  c0 15 Intel: 0c 01 30 64 64 01 02 03 00 20 48 00 02 b8 01 02 00 00 
005c SDR OEM  c0 15 Intel: 0c 02 30 64 64 01 02 03 00 20 99 64 02 90 01 06 00 11 
005d SDR OEM  c0 15 Intel: 0c 03 30 64 64 01 02 03 00 20 30 64 02 90 01 02 3c 00 
005e SDR OEM  c0 0e Intel: 08 00 00 45 88 45 88 45 88 45 88 
005f SDR OEM  c0 16 Intel: 09 00 00 90 33 90 33 90 33 90 33 90 33 90 33 68 42 68 42 
0060 SDR OEM  c0 08 Intel: BMC_TAM0 60 01 03 01 20  nrec=4 cfg=01
0061 SDR OEM  c0 31 Intel: BMC_TAM1 60 01 13 00 20 41 01 01 01 23 71 93 41 02 01 02 24 72 94 41 03 01 02 24 72 94 21 04 01 01 23 11 02 05 14 31 29 6f 01 13 23 21 09 0b 14 34 
0062 SDR OEM  c0 31 Intel: BMC_TAM2 60 01 23 00 20 71 07 6f 03 13 23 33 43 55 83 11 08 6f 14 21 09 6f 54 64 20 7c 01 72 94 20 7d 01 72 94 11 21 6f 03 53 23 6f 05 15 25 35 85 
0063 SDR OEM  c0 17 Intel: BMC_TAM3 60 01 33 00 c0 22 02 00 03 51 22 03 00 03 51 22 04 00 03 51 
0064 SDR OEM  c0 0e Intel: SDR File 18
0065 SDR OEM  c0 11 Intel: SDR Package 18
     SDR IPMI       sensor: Power On Hours 	   = 6923 hours
sensor, completed successfully

# ipmiutil serial
ipmiutil ver 2.21
tmconfig ver 2.21 
-- BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
Code 0 SEL Ver 81 Support 15
tmconfig: GetSerEntry for channel 4 ...
Serial Param(0) Set in progress: 00 
Serial Param(1) Auth type support: 15 : None MD5 Pswd 
Serial Param(2) Auth type enables: 14 14 14 14 00 
Serial Param(3) Connection Mode: 87 
Serial Param(4) Sess Inactiv Timeout: 00  : infinite
Serial Param(5) Channel Callback: 00 00 ff ff ff 
Serial Param(6) Session Termination: 03 
Serial Param(7) IPMI Msg Comm: 20 0a : no_flow, DTR, 115.2k
Serial Param(8) Mux Switch: 16 08 
Serial Param(9) Modem Ring Time: 3f 00 
Serial Param(10) Modem Init String: 01 ATE1Q0V1X4&D2&C1
Serial Param(11) Modem Escape Seq: +++
Serial Param(12) Modem Hangup Seq: ATH
Serial Param(13) Modem Dial Command: ATD
Serial Param(14) Page Blackout Interval: 00 
Serial Param(15) Community String: public
Serial Param(16) Num of Alert Dest: 08 
Serial Param(17) Destination Info: 01 00 05 03 00 
Serial Param(17) Destination Info: 02 00 05 03 00 
Serial Param(17) Destination Info: 03 00 05 03 00 
Serial Param(17) Destination Info: 04 00 05 03 00 
Serial Param(17) Destination Info: 05 00 05 03 00 
Serial Param(17) Destination Info: 06 00 05 03 00 
Serial Param(17) Destination Info: 07 00 05 03 00 
Serial Param(17) Destination Info: 08 00 05 03 00 
Serial Param(18) Call Retry Interval: 3c 
Serial Param(19) Destination Comm Settings: 01 00 07 : no_flow, 8N1, 19.2k
Serial Param(19) Destination Comm Settings: 02 00 07 : no_flow, 8N1, 19.2k
Serial Param(19) Destination Comm Settings: 03 00 07 : no_flow, 8N1, 19.2k
Serial Param(19) Destination Comm Settings: 04 00 07 : no_flow, 8N1, 19.2k
Serial Param(19) Destination Comm Settings: 05 00 07 : no_flow, 8N1, 19.2k
Serial Param(19) Destination Comm Settings: 06 00 07 : no_flow, 8N1, 19.2k
Serial Param(19) Destination Comm Settings: 07 00 07 : no_flow, 8N1, 19.2k
Serial Param(19) Destination Comm Settings: 08 00 07 : no_flow, 8N1, 19.2k
Serial Param(20) Number Dial Strings: 06 
Serial Param(21) Dest Dial String: 01 01 
Serial Param(21) Dest Dial String: 02 01 
Serial Param(21) Dest Dial String: 03 01 
Serial Param(21) Dest Dial String: 04 01 
Serial Param(21) Dest Dial String: 05 01 
Serial Param(21) Dest Dial String: 06 01 
Serial Param(22) Number Dest IP Addrs: 04 
Serial Param(23) Dest IP Address: 01 0 0 0 0
Serial Param(23) Dest IP Address: 02 0 0 0 0
Serial Param(23) Dest IP Address: 03 0 0 0 0
Serial Param(23) Dest IP Address: 04 0 0 0 0
Serial Param(29) Terminal Mode Config: 66 11 
Channel Access Mode(4=Ser): 2b 04 : Access = Shared, PEF Alerts Disabled
Get User Access (1): 0f 02 01 14 : IPMI, Admin ()
Get User Access (2): 0f 02 01 14 : IPMI, Admin (usr2)
Get User Access (3): 0f 02 01 0f : No access ()
Get User Access (4): 0f 02 01 0f : No access ()
Get Serial MUX Status: 04 
Get Boot Options(3): 01 03 00 
tmconfig, completed successfully

# ipmiutil sol -a -N
ipmiutil ver 2.21
isolconsole ver 2.21
Opening connection to node ...
Connected to node
-- BMC version 0.17, IPMI version 2.0 
Opening connection to node ...
[SOL session is running, use '~' to end session.]

isolconsole exit via user input 
isolconsole, completed successfully

# ipmiutil wdt
ipmiutil ver 2.21
wdt ver 2.21
-- BMC version 0.19, IPMI version 2.0 
wdt data: 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Watchdog timer is stopped for use with BIOS FRB2. Logging
               pretimeout is 0 seconds, pre-action is None
               timeout is 0 seconds, counter is 0 seconds
               action is Hard Reset

wdt, completed successfully

# ipmi_port
ipmi_port ver 1.1
open_rmcp_port(623) succeeded, sleeping

Note that each utility function has an option for extra debug output (-x), 
which can be used to find out the specific function which returned an 

For best-effort support, email the ipmiutil-developer mailing list:
or enter a bug report at:


Return code = 0 means success, negative numbers indicate failure, and a
positive return code represents an IPMI completion code.
RetCode Description
------  -----------------------------------------
   0    "completed successfully"
  -1    "error -1", a generic error, usually returned by an OS routine
  -2    "send to BMC failed" over IPMI LAN
  -3    "receive from BMC failed" over IPMI LAN
  -4    "cannot connect to BMC" over IPMI LAN
  -5    "abort signal caught", the user pressed Ctl-C 
  -6    "timeout occurred", the timeout for a response expired
  -7    "length greater than max", length supplied was too big
  -8    "invalid lan parameter", invalid parameter for IPMI LAN function
  -9    "request not supported", a requested function is not supported
 -10    "receive too short", did not receive the minimum number of bytes
 -11    "error resolving hostname" neither DNS or hosts could resolve to an IP
 -12    "error during ping" could not perform the RMCP ping function
 -13    "BMC only supports lan v1". LAN 2.0 (lanplus) was attempted, but this 
         BMC firmware only supports IPMI LAN 1.x
 -14    "BMC only supports lan v2". LAN 1.x was attempted, but this BMC 
         supports LAN 2.0 but not LAN 1.x, which violates the IPMI 2.0 spec.
 -15    "other error", an unknown error occurred
 -16    "cannot open IPMI driver".  No IPMI driver could be opened.  Since 
         the driverless mode is also attempted, this usually means that the 
         user does not have root privilege.
 -17    "invalid parameter" a parameter was out of bounds
 -18    "access not allowed" user does not have access to this file or function
 -19    "session dropped by BMC" the BMC firmware aborted the IPMI session
 -20    "cannot open file" cannot open the specified file
 -21    "item not found" requested item was not found 
 -22    "usage or help requested", the user requested usage/help 
 -23    "bad format", the data format is invalid, cannot proceed
-504    "error getting msg from BMC" during driverless I/Os, a command did
         not get a response.


IPMI Completion Codes are defined in IPMI 1.5, Table 5-2, and are also 
included below in both hex and decimal format.  Note that the meaning of 
completion codes 0x80-0x9f may vary depending on the command. 

Code  Dec  Description
----  ---  -----------------------------------------
0x00,   0, "Command completed successfully",
0x80, 128, "Invalid Session Handle or Empty Buffer",
0x81, 129, "Lost Arbitration",
0x82, 130, "Bus Error",
0x83, 131, "NAK on Write - busy",
0x84, 132, "Truncated Read",
0xC0, 192, "Node Busy",
0xC1, 193, "Invalid Command",
0xC2, 194, "Command invalid for given LUN",
0xC3, 195, "Timeout while processing command",
0xC4, 196, "Out of space",
0xC5, 197, "Invalid Reservation ID, or cancelled",
0xC6, 198, "Request data truncated",
0xC7, 199, "Request data length invalid",
0xC8, 200, "Request data field length limit exceeded",
0xC9, 201, "Parameter out of range",
0xCA, 202, "Cannot return requested number of data bytes",
0xCB, 203, "Requested sensor, data, or record not present",
0xCC, 204, "Invalid data field in request",
0xCD, 205, "Command illegal for this sensor/record type",
0xCE, 206, "Command response could not be provided",
0xCF, 207, "Cannot execute duplicated request",
0xD0, 208, "SDR Repository in update mode, no response",
0xD1, 209, "Device in firmware update mode, no response",
0xD2, 210, "BMC initialization in progress, no response",
0xD3, 211, "Destination unavailable",
0xD4, 212, "Cannot execute command. Insufficient privilege level",
0xD5, 213, "Cannot execute command. Request parameters not supported",
0xFF, 255, "Unspecified error"


The ipmiutil source package provides IPMI-based utilities and kernel 
patches for managing various servers in Linux or Windows.

The same source files can be built in both Linux and Windows as shown 

To get the ipmiutil source:

Download the latest released ipmiutil-*.tar.gz from 

Or download a tar.gz of the current subversion trunk with the latest source

Or, if you have subversion installed, you can check out the latest source 
by doing:
# svn co https://ipmiutil.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ipmiutil ipmiutil
See also section 4.9 for information about building custom applications 
using ipmiutil library APIs.  The ipmi_sample.c shows a sample application
using the ipmiutil library.

8.1 Build instructions for Linux 

Prerequisite packages to build the binaries (make):
    autoconf automake libopenssl-devel gcc gcc-c++  libtool
Prerequisite packages to make the rpm (make rpm):
    rpm   rpm-build

To build with some GPL code:  
If you are building ipmiutil for open-source, then the MD2 hash 
for IPMI LAN and the valinux driver interface (/dev/ipmikcs) can 
be supported.  If so, you should specify the following during 
   "./configure --enable-gpl"
The default is to build with only BSD-licensed code and not to 
include the MD2 and valinux features.  The md2.h and ipmi_ioctl.h
files with GPL code can be removed if this option is not enabled.

To build a standalone binary without IPMI LAN 2.0 (lanplus plugin),
which may be desirable for use on bootable media (USB/CDROM), to 
decrease the size or to avoid using libcrypto, you can specify the 
following during configure:
   "./configure --enable-standalone"
builds it without lanplus libs and without GPL code.
Only the SOL console function requires lanplus, all other functions can 
use the lan interface, since the IPMI 2.0 firmware is required to support 
both lan and lanplus.  However, lanplus does have more secure encryption,
as provided by libcrypto.

To add LanDesk IPMI support:
Support for the LanDesk IPMI driver requires a library supplied by 
LanDesk (libipmiapi.a).  After obtaining this library, place it in
lib/libipmiapi.a.  Then you can link ipmiutil to support it by 
specifying the following during configure:
   "./configure --enable-landesk=yes"

Steps to build for Linux:
# ./beforeconf.sh
  Which automates these functions:
   * copying libtool files
   * aclocal   (may be needed if automake versions are different)
   * autoconf  (may be needed if automake versions are different)
   * automake  
# ./configure
      --enable-landesk       adds landesk library support [default=no]
      --disable-lanplus      disable lanplus library support
      --enable-standalone    build standalone, with no GPL or LanPlus libs.
      --enable-gpl           build with some GPL code [default=no]
# make

To add the ifruset utility, which allows setting any FRU Product fields:
# cd util; make ifruset
# ifruset -?

To build and install an rpm package, use one of the following:
#  make install
#  make rpm
The make rpm produces a binary rpm, and a source rpm, which can be 
installed with "rpm -i *.rpm".

To build and install a Debian package, do this:
#  mv debpkg debian
#  dpkg-buildpackage
then install it with "dpkg -i *.deb".

8.2  Build instructions for Windows 

The ipmiutil Windows binaries for each release are pre-built and posted
at http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net, but here is how to build the ipmiutil 
EXEs for Windows from source.
Note that the WIN32 compile flag is used.  
The ipmiutil buildwin.cmd shows how to compile and link the lib and exe 
files, although many people prefer instead to do builds with the 
Microsoft VisualStudio project GUI.  
See also ipmiutil UserGuide section 5.2 for more details.

 1)  Install Visual Studio (e.g. VS 6.0 or VC98)

 2)  Download contrib files from
     and see section 5.2 for getopt.c and openssl.

 3)  Copy initial contrib files into ipmiutil
     See section 5.2.3 for details

 4)  Build the openssl libraries according to its INSTALL.W32

 5)  Copy the resulting openssl LIB and DLL binaries to ipmiutil

 6)  Set the Visual C variables
     Example: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"

 7)  Run buildwin.cmd
     buildwin.cmd will build all of the Windows EXE and DLL files.

8.3  Build instructions for Solaris

# iver=2.7.9
# uname -a
SunOS unknown 5.10 Generic_127128-11 i86pc i386 i86pc
# gunzip ipmiutil-${iver}.tar.gz
# tar xvf ipmiutil-${iver}.tar
# cd ipmiutil-${iver}
# PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/openwin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sfw/bin
# ./configure
# make
# make tarsol
This produces /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-solaris.tar with the binaries.
# gzip /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-solaris.tar

Solaris Release Notes:
- Built with support for bmc, lan, and lanplus interfaces.
  Supports the Solaris 10 /dev/bmc driver via putmsg method.
- Requests to slave addresses other than BMC are not supported by
  the Solaris bmc driver (e.g. to HSC at 0xc0), and are sent to 
  the BMC sa instead.
- Memory mapping logic returns an error (e.g. BIOS version).
- idiscover -a broadcast ioctl works now in ipmiutil-2.3.1

To Install on Solaris:
  gunzip /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-solaris.tar.gz
  tar xvf /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-solaris.tar

8.4  Build instructions for FreeBSD

# iver=2.7.9
# gunzip ipmiutil-${iver}.tar.gz
# tar xvf ipmiutil-${iver}.tar
# cd ipmiutil-${iver}
# ./configure
# make
# make tarbsd
This produces /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-bsd.tar with the binaries.
# gzip /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-bsd.tar

FreeBSD Release Notes:
  - ipmiutil-2.3.5 supports FreeBSD with direct driverless KCS
  - ipmiutil-2.5.2 adds support for FreeBSD 7.x ipmi driver port

To Install on FreeBSD:
  gunzip /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-bsd.tar.gz
  tar xvf /tmp/ipmiutil-${iver}-bsd.tar

8.5  Build instructions for ARM (Android)

# tar -xzvf ipmiutil-${iver}.tar.gz
# cd ipmiutil-${iver}
# ./configure --enable-standalone --host=arm
# make


Below are some common routines available in the ipmiutil library.
Also refer to util/ipmi_sample.c for an example of how these APIs are used.

 * ipmi_cmd
 * ushort cmd    (input): (netfn << 8) + command
 * uchar *pdata  (input): pointer to ipmi data
 * int   sdata   (input): size of ipmi data
 * uchar *presp (output): pointer to response data buffer
 * int *sresp   (input/output): on input, size of response buffer,
 *                              on output, length of response data
 * uchar *cc    (output): completion code
 * char fdebugcmd(input): flag =1 if debug output desired
 * returns 0 if successful, <0 if error
int ipmi_cmd(ushort cmd, uchar *pdata,  int sdata, uchar *presp,
		int *sresp, uchar *pcc, char fdebugcmd);   
 * ipmi_cmdraw
 * uchar cmd     (input): IPMI Command
 * uchar netfn   (input): IPMI NetFunction
 * uchar sa      (input): IPMI Slave Address of the MC
 * uchar bus     (input): BUS  of the MC
 * uchar lun     (input): IPMI LUN
 * uchar *pdata  (input): pointer to ipmi data
 * int   sdata   (input): size of ipmi data
 * uchar *presp (output): pointer to response data buffer
 * int *sresp   (input/output): on input, size of response buffer,
 *                              on output, length of response data
 * uchar *cc    (output): completion code
 * char fdebugcmd(input): flag =1 if debug output desired
 * returns 0 if successful, <0 if error
int ipmi_cmdraw(uchar cmd, uchar netfn, uchar sa, uchar bus, uchar lun,
		uchar *pdata, int sdata, uchar *presp,
		int *sresp, uchar *pcc, char fdebugcmd);
 * ipmi_close_
 * Called to close an IPMI session.
 * returns 0 if successful, <0 if error
int ipmi_close_(void);
int ipmi_close(void);  /*ditto*/
 * These externals are conditionally compiled in ipmicmd.c 
   ipmi_cmdraw_ia()    Intel IMB driver, /dev/imb 
   ipmi_cmdraw_mv()    MontaVista OpenIPMI driver
   ipmi_cmdraw_va()    VALinux driver
   ipmi_cmdraw_ld()    LANDesk driver
   ipmi_cmdraw_direct() Direct/Driverless KCS or SSIF
   ipmi_cmdraw_lan()   IPMI LAN
   ipmi_cmdraw_lan2()  IPMI LANplus (RMCP+ in IPMI 2.0)

 * parse_lan_options
 * Parse the IPMI LAN options from the command-line getopt.
 * int  c        (input): command-line option from getopt, one of:
	  case 'F':  force driver type 
          case 'T':  auth type 
          case 'V':  priv level 
          case 'J':  cipher suite
          case 'N':  nodename 
	  case 'U':  username
	  case 'R':  remote password 
          case 'P':  remote password 
          case 'E':  get password from IPMI_PASSWORD environment var 
          case 'Y':  prompt for remote password 
          case 'Z':  set local MC address 
 * char *optarg  (input): command-line argument from getopt
 * char fdebug   (input): show debug messages if =1, default=0
void parse_lan_options(int c, char *optarg, char fdebug);
 * set_lan_options
 * Use this routine to set the lan options 'gnode','guser','gpswd', etc.
 * This would only be required before opening a new session.
 * char *node    (input): IP address or nodename of remote node's IPMI LAN
 * char *user    (input): IPMI LAN username
 * char *pswd    (input): IPMI LAN password
 * int  auth     (input): IPMI LAN authentication type (1 - 5)
 * 			  IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_MD2       0x01
 * 			  IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_MD5       0x02
 * 			  IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_OEM       0x05
 * int  priv     (input): IPMI LAN privilege level (1 - 5)
 * 			  IPMI_PRIV_LEVEL_USER     0x02
 * 			  IPMI_PRIV_LEVEL_ADMIN    0x04
 * 		          IPMI_PRIV_LEVEL_OEM      0x05
 * int  cipher   (input): IPMI LAN cipher suite (0 thru 17, default is 3)
 * 			  See table 22-19 in the IPMIv2 spec.
 * void *addr    (input): Socket Address to use (SOCKADDR_T *) if not NULL
 *                        This is only used in itsol.c because it has an
 *                        existing socket open.  Default is NULL for this.
 * int  addr_len (input): length of Address buffer (128 if ipv6, 16 if ipv4)
 * returns 0 if successful, <0 if error
int set_lan_options(char *node, char *user, char *pswd, int auth, int priv,
                int cipher, void *addr, int addr_len);
int get_lan_options(char *node, char *user, char *pswd, int *auth, int *priv,
                int *cipher, void *addr, int *addr_len);
void  print_lan_opt_usage(void);
int   ipmi_getdeviceid(uchar *presp, int sresp, char fdebugcmd);
/* int ipmi_open(void);  * embedded in ipmi_cmd() */
int   ipmi_getpicmg(uchar *presp, int sresp, char fdebug);
char *show_driver_type(int idx);
int   set_driver_type(char *tag);  
int   get_driver_type(void);
int   nodeislocal(char *nodename);

/* These *_mc routines are used to manage changing the mc. 
 * The local mc (mymc) may be changed via -Z, and 
 * the remote mc (mc) may be changed with -m. */
void ipmi_set_mc(uchar bus, uchar sa, uchar lun, uchar type);
void ipmi_get_mc(uchar *bus, uchar *sa, uchar *lun, uchar *type);
void ipmi_restore_mc(void);
void ipmi_set_mymc(uchar bus, uchar sa, uchar lun, uchar type);
void ipmi_get_mymc(uchar *bus, uchar *sa, uchar *lun, uchar *type);
/* ipmi_cmdraw_mc and ipmi_cmd_mc are used in cases where the mc may
 * have been changed via ipmi_set_mc.  */
int ipmi_cmdraw_mc(uchar cmd, uchar netfn, 
		uchar *pdata, int sdata, uchar *presp,
		int *sresp, uchar *pcc, char fdebugcmd);
int ipmi_cmd_mc(ushort icmd, uchar *pdata, int sdata, uchar *presp,
                int *sresp, uchar *pcc, char fdebugcmd);

/* ipmi_sendrecv is a wrapper for ipmi_cmdraw which maps to ipmitool syntax */
int ipmi_sendrecv(struct ipmi_rq * req, uchar *rsp, int *rsp_len);

/* other common subroutines */
char * decode_rv(int rv);  /*ipmicmd.c*/
char * decode_cc(ushort icmd, int cc);
void dump_buf(char *tag,uchar *pbuf,int sz, char fshowascii);
int  get_lan_channel(uchar chstart, uchar *chan);
void show_fru_picmg(uchar *pdata, int dlen); /* ifru_picmg.c*/

/* show_outcome outputs the meaning of the return code. */
void show_outcome(char *prog, int ret);

/* these log routines are primarily for the isol debug log */
FILE *open_log(char *mname);
void close_log(void);
void flush_log(void);
void print_log( char *pattn, ... );
void dump_log(FILE *fp,char *tag,uchar *pbuf,int sz, char fshowascii);
void logmsg( char *pname, char *pattn, ... );

#ifdef WIN32
/* Implement the Linux strncasecmp for Windows. */
int strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n);
const char *val2str(ushort val, const struct valstr *vs); /*ipmilanplus.c*/
const char * oemval2str(ushort oem, uchar val, const struct oemvalstr *vs);
void  set_debug(void);  /*used only by oem_sun.c*/
void  set_iana(int iana);  /*ipmicmd.c*/
void  set_mfgid(uchar *devid, int len);
void  get_mfgid(int *pvend, int *pprod);
void  get_devid_ver(uchar *bmaj, uchar *bmin, uchar *iver);

char *get_nodename(void);
char  is_remote(void);
void  show_devid(uchar b1, uchar b2, uchar i1, uchar i2);
int   set_max_kcs_loops(int ms);  /* ipmicmd.c, calls ipmidir.c if ok */

/* These common subroutines are in subs.c */
int    str_icmp(char *s1, char *s2); /*used internally in ipmicmd.c*/
char * strdup_(const char *instr);  /*wrapper for strdup, supports WIN32*/
int   strlen_(const char *s);  /*wrapper for strlen, avoids compile warnings*/
uchar  htoi(char *inhex);
void  os_usleep(int s, int u);  
char *get_iana_str(int mfg);   /*subs.c*/
int   get_errno(void);   /*subs.c*/
const char * buf2str(uchar * buf, int len); /*subs.c*/
int   str2uchar(char *str_in, uchar *uchr_out);
uchar atob(char *str_in);    /* calls str2uchar*/
void  atoip(uchar *array,char *instr);
int   get_system_info(uchar parm, char *pbuf, int *szbuf); /*subs.c*/
int   set_system_info(uchar parm, uchar *pbuf, int szbuf); /*subs.c*/
int   ipmi_reserved_user(int vend, int userid);  /*subs.c*/
/* from mem_if.c */
int get_BiosVersion(char *str);

/* See util/isensor.h for SDR cache routines. */
/* See util/ievents.h for sensor_type_desc, sel_opts, decode_sel routines. */


10.1  History

History of ipmiutil:
This project started in October 2001 as part of the Carrier Grade Linux effort. 
It was then known as 'panicsel' and included a kernel patch to write a Linux 
panic event to the IPMI firmware log, as well as utilities. 
This code was first included in MontaVista CGE Linux 2.1 in July 2002. 
The panicsel functionality was included in OSDL CGL 1.0 and 2.0 requirements. 
The kernel panic functionality was included in the OpenIPMI driver for 2.6 
Linux kernels. Compile flags for Windows 2000 & 2003 support were added in 
Jan 2004. 
In August 2004, the project was moved from panicsel.sf.net to ipmiutil.sf.net. 
The new name more clearly reflects the purpose of the project in its current 
state. In November 2004, support for the FreeIPMI library was added. 
A Linux rpm and a Windows setup package for ipmiutil is included on the 
Resource CD with Intel carrier-grade servers. 
The ipmiutil (or panicsel) rpm is known to be included in the following 
distributions: MontaVista CGE 2.1/3.0/3.1/4.0, SuSE SLES9, Red Flag 5.0 

10.2 Links

Links with information related to the IPMI Management Utilities project.

ipmiutil project, sourceforge http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net (current)
panicsel project, sourceforge http://panicsel.sourceforge.net (old)
IPMI Specification            http://www.intel.com/design/servers/ipmi/index.htm
OSDL Carrier Grade Linux      http://www.osdl.org/lab_activities/carrier_grade_linux/
Intel imb driver source       http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Product_Search.asp?Prod_nm=ipmi*driver*source
Intel imb driver for Windows  http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Product_Search.aspx?Prod_nm=imb+driver
OpenIPMI project              http://sourceforge.net/projects/openipmi/
  by Corey Minyard of MontaVista     (home= http://openipmi.sourceforge.net)
ipmitools project by San Mehat http://sourceforge.net/projects/ipmitools/
   valinux IPMI driver        http://cvs.sf.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/ipmitools/ipmitools/kernel/kcs/patches/2.4.x/ 
GNU FreeIPMI library project  http://www.gnu.org/software/freeipmi/
LANDesk IPMI driver/daemon    http://www.landesk.com/Support/ (or see
                              Intel System Resource CD for Intel servers)
lm-sensors project            http://secure.netroedge.com/~lm78/
dmidecode project             http://www.nongnu.org/dmidecode/
IPMI vendor/mfg IDs           http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers