/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. * ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING * OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL * SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, * OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR * PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ #ifndef IPMI_LANP_H #define IPMI_LANP_H #include <ipmitool/ipmi.h> #define IPMI_LAN_SET_CONFIG 0x01 #define IPMI_LAN_GET_CONFIG 0x02 #define IPMI_LAN_SUSPEND_ARP 0x03 # define IPMI_LAN_SUSPEND_ARP_RESP (2) # define IPMI_LAN_SUSPEND_ARP_GRAT (1) #define IPMI_LAN_GET_STAT 0x04 #define IPMI_CHANNEL_NUMBER_MAX 0xe #define IPMI_LANP_TIMEOUT 3 #define IPMI_LANP_RETRIES 10 #define IPMI_LANP_WRITE_UNLOCK 0 #define IPMI_LANP_WRITE_LOCK 1 #define IPMI_LANP_WRITE_COMMIT 2 enum { IPMI_LANP_SET_IN_PROGRESS, IPMI_LANP_AUTH_TYPE, IPMI_LANP_AUTH_TYPE_ENABLE, IPMI_LANP_IP_ADDR, IPMI_LANP_IP_ADDR_SRC, IPMI_LANP_MAC_ADDR, /* 5 */ IPMI_LANP_SUBNET_MASK, IPMI_LANP_IP_HEADER, IPMI_LANP_PRI_RMCP_PORT, IPMI_LANP_SEC_RMCP_PORT, IPMI_LANP_BMC_ARP, /* 10 */ IPMI_LANP_GRAT_ARP, IPMI_LANP_DEF_GATEWAY_IP, IPMI_LANP_DEF_GATEWAY_MAC, IPMI_LANP_BAK_GATEWAY_IP, IPMI_LANP_BAK_GATEWAY_MAC, /* 15 */ IPMI_LANP_SNMP_STRING, IPMI_LANP_NUM_DEST, IPMI_LANP_DEST_TYPE, IPMI_LANP_DEST_ADDR, IPMI_LANP_VLAN_ID, /* 20 */ IPMI_LANP_VLAN_PRIORITY, IPMI_LANP_RMCP_CIPHER_SUPPORT, IPMI_LANP_RMCP_CIPHERS, IPMI_LANP_RMCP_PRIV_LEVELS, IPMI_LANP_OEM_ALERT_STRING=96, IPMI_LANP_ALERT_RETRY=97, IPMI_LANP_UTC_OFFSET=98, IPMI_LANP_DHCP_SERVER_IP=192, IPMI_LANP_DHCP_SERVER_MAC=193, IPMI_LANP_DHCP_ENABLE=194, IPMI_LANP_CHAN_ACCESS_MODE=201, }; static struct lan_param { int cmd; int size; char desc[24]; uint8_t * data; int data_len; } ipmi_lan_params[] __attribute__((unused)) = { { IPMI_LANP_SET_IN_PROGRESS, 1, "Set in Progress" }, { IPMI_LANP_AUTH_TYPE, 1, "Auth Type Support" }, { IPMI_LANP_AUTH_TYPE_ENABLE, 5, "Auth Type Enable" }, { IPMI_LANP_IP_ADDR, 4, "IP Address" }, { IPMI_LANP_IP_ADDR_SRC, 1, "IP Address Source" }, { IPMI_LANP_MAC_ADDR, 6, "MAC Address" }, /* 5 */ { IPMI_LANP_SUBNET_MASK, 4, "Subnet Mask" }, { IPMI_LANP_IP_HEADER, 3, "IP Header" }, { IPMI_LANP_PRI_RMCP_PORT, 2, "Primary RMCP Port" }, { IPMI_LANP_SEC_RMCP_PORT, 2, "Secondary RMCP Port" }, { IPMI_LANP_BMC_ARP, 1, "BMC ARP Control" }, /* 10 */ { IPMI_LANP_GRAT_ARP, 1, "Gratituous ARP Intrvl" }, { IPMI_LANP_DEF_GATEWAY_IP, 4, "Default Gateway IP" }, { IPMI_LANP_DEF_GATEWAY_MAC, 6, "Default Gateway MAC" }, { IPMI_LANP_BAK_GATEWAY_IP, 4, "Backup Gateway IP" }, { IPMI_LANP_BAK_GATEWAY_MAC, 6, "Backup Gateway MAC" }, /* 15 */ { IPMI_LANP_SNMP_STRING, 18, "SNMP Community String" }, { IPMI_LANP_NUM_DEST, 1, "Number of Destinations"}, { IPMI_LANP_DEST_TYPE, 4, "Destination Type" }, { IPMI_LANP_DEST_ADDR, 13, "Destination Addresses" }, { IPMI_LANP_VLAN_ID, 2, "802.1q VLAN ID" }, /* 20 */ { IPMI_LANP_VLAN_PRIORITY, 1, "802.1q VLAN Priority" }, { IPMI_LANP_RMCP_CIPHER_SUPPORT,1, "RMCP+ Cipher Suite Count" }, { IPMI_LANP_RMCP_CIPHERS, 16, "RMCP+ Cipher Suites" }, { IPMI_LANP_RMCP_PRIV_LEVELS, 9, "Cipher Suite Priv Max" }, { IPMI_LANP_OEM_ALERT_STRING, 28, "OEM Alert String" }, /* 25 */ { IPMI_LANP_ALERT_RETRY, 1, "Alert Retry Algorithm" }, { IPMI_LANP_UTC_OFFSET, 3, "UTC Offset" }, { IPMI_LANP_DHCP_SERVER_IP, 4, "DHCP Server IP" }, { IPMI_LANP_DHCP_SERVER_MAC, 6, "DHDP Server MAC" }, { IPMI_LANP_DHCP_ENABLE, 1, "DHCP Enable" }, /* 30 */ { IPMI_LANP_CHAN_ACCESS_MODE, 2, "Channel Access Mode" }, { -1 } }; int ipmi_lanp_main(struct ipmi_intf *, int, char **); #endif /*IPMI_LANP_H*/