' This VBScript should run after all files have been copied onto the system. Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim installer : Set installer = Nothing Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") Dim sOutFile, outs ' Find out where our files were installed If(IsEmpty(Session)) Then 'Not running from within installer. Source path is current directory. InstallLoc = sh.CurrentDirectory Else 'Running inside the installer, use CustomActionData "[TARGETDIR]". ' InstallLoc = installer.ProductInfo(productCode, "InstallLocation") InstallLoc = Session.Property("CustomActionData") If(IsEmpty(InstallLoc)) Then InstallLoc = "C:\Program Files\Intel\IPMIrasTools" End If End If ' wscript.echo "InstallLoc=" & InstallLoc ' Find System Folder (usually c:\windows\system32). key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRoot" SysLoc = sh.RegRead(key) & "\system32" sOutFile = SysLoc & "\autoexnt.bat" Set outs = fso.OpenTextFile(sOutFile, 2, True, 0) outs.WriteLine "REM autoexnt.bat for sdiskmon " & vbCrlf outs.WriteLine "cd " & InstallLoc & vbCrlf outs.WriteLine "sdiskmon -b " & vbCrlf outs.Close ' Set up the showsel EventLog source ' showselmsg.dll is copied by the installer already keybase = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\showsel\" key1 = keybase & "EventMessageFile" key2 = keybase & "TypesSupported" sh.RegWrite key1, "%SystemRoot%\system32\showselmsg.dll", "REG_EXPAND_SZ" sh.RegWrite key2, 7, "REG_DWORD" 'val1 = sh.RegRead(key1) 'val2 = sh.RegRead(key2) 'wscript.echo "showsel: msgfile " & val1 & " types " & val2 ' Set up the sdiskmon service ' instexnt.exe, autoexnt.exe, and autoexnt.bat are copied to SysLoc already. sh.Run "instexnt install", 0, True sh.Run "net start autoexnt", 0, True