/* * AnsiTerm.h * Windows ANSI Terminal Emulation * * Author: Robert Nelson robertnelson at users.sourceforge.net * Copyright (c) 2009 Robert Nelson * * 10/07/09 Robert Nelson - Created * See ChangeLog for further changes */ /* Copyright (c) 2009, Robert Nelson All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: a.. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. b.. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once class CAnsiTerm { public: struct KeyCode { unsigned char bKeyDown:1; unsigned char bEnhanced:1; unsigned char bCapsLock:1; unsigned char bScrollLock:1; unsigned char bNumLock:1; unsigned char bShift:1; unsigned char bControl:1; unsigned char bAlt:1; unsigned char RepeatCount; unsigned char VirtualKeyCode; unsigned char AsciiChar; }; private: enum ControlCharacters { CH_NUL = 0x00, // Ignored on input CH_ENQ = 0x05, // Transmit answerback CH_BEL = 0x07, // Ring Bell CH_BS = 0x08, // Move left one character, no effect in column 0 CH_HT = 0x09, // Tab CH_LF = 0x0A, // Line feed or new line depending on line mode CH_VT = 0x0B, // Vertical tab, same as line feed CH_FF = 0x0C, // Form feed, same as line feed CH_CR = 0x0D, // Carriage return, return to column 0 CH_SO = 0x0E, // Shift Out, Invoke G1 charset CH_SI = 0x0F, // Shift In, Invoke G0 charset CH_XON = 0x11, // Resume transmission CH_XOF = 0x13, // Suspend transmission CH_CAN = 0x18, // Cancel, aborts the current control sequence CH_SUB = 0x1A, // Same as Cancel CH_ESC = 0x1B, // Escape, start of control sequence CH_DEL = 0x7F // Delete, ignored }; enum DECModes { DECCKM = 1, // Cursor Key Mode (set = application codes) DECANM = 2, // Ansi Mode (set = ansi) DECCOLM = 3, // 80/132 Column Mode (set = 132) DECSCLM = 4, // Scroll Mode (set = smooth) DECSCNM = 5, // Screen Mode (set = black on white) DECOM = 6, // Origin Mode (set = origin relative to top margin) DECAWM = 7, // Autowrap Mode (set = wrap) DECARM = 8, // Autorepeat Mode (set = repeat) DECINLM = 9, // Interlace Mode (set = interlace) DECTCEM = 25 // Text Cursor Enable Mode }; enum DisplayState { DS_None, DS_Normal, DS_UTF8, DS_Escape, DS_CSIParam, DS_DECPrivate, DS_SelectG0, DS_SelectG1 }; enum SelectedCharset { CharsetG0, CharsetG1 }; enum CharacterSet { AsciiCharset = 0, SpecialGraphicsCharset = 1, UKCharset = 2 }; enum EraseType { EraseCursorToEnd = 0, EraseBeginningToCursor = 1, EraseAll = 2 }; static const int kMaxParameterCount = 16; static const int kOutputBufferSize = 256; static const int kMinGraphicsChar = 0x5F; static const int kMaxGraphicsChar = 0x7E; static const int kColorTableSize = 16; static const WORD kDefaultAttribute = FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE; struct CSICode { char chCode; DisplayState dsNextState; bool (CAnsiTerm::*pfnProcess)(void); }; struct CSIFunction { char chCode; bool (CAnsiTerm::*pfnProcess)(void); }; protected: typedef struct _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX { ULONG cbSize; COORD dwSize; COORD dwCursorPosition; WORD wAttributes; SMALL_RECT srWindow; COORD dwMaximumWindowSize; WORD wPopupAttributes; BOOL bFullscreenSupported; COLORREF ColorTable[16]; } CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX, *PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFN_GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx)( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX lpConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFN_SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx)( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX lpConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx); static PFN_GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx s_pfnGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx; static PFN_SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx s_pfnSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx; private: static CSICode s_CSITable[]; static CSIFunction s_DECFunction[]; static CSIFunction s_CSIFunction[]; static wchar_t s_GraphicChars[kMaxGraphicsChar - kMinGraphicsChar + 1]; static wchar_t s_OemToUnicode[256]; static COLORREF s_ColorTable[kColorTableSize]; public: CAnsiTerm(void); virtual ~CAnsiTerm(void); void WindowSizeChanged(bool bInitial); int ProcessInput(KeyCode keyCode, unsigned char *pOutput, int iOutputLen); bool ProcessOutput(const unsigned char *szData, int iLength); protected: virtual bool ResetTerm(void); virtual bool GetCursorPosition(void); virtual bool SetCursorPosition(void); virtual bool DisplayCursor(void); virtual bool ScrollDisplay(int nLines, bool bWindowOnly); virtual bool EraseLine(EraseType eType); virtual bool EraseDisplay(EraseType eType); virtual bool UpdateTextAttribute(void); virtual DWORD OutputText(void); private: bool ProcessBackspace(void); bool ProcessTab(void); bool ProcessLinefeed(bool bNewLine); bool ProcessReverseLinefeed(void); bool ProcessReturn(void); void AddOutputData(wchar_t wchData) { m_OutputBuffer[m_dwOutputCount++] = wchData; if (m_dwOutputCount >= kOutputBufferSize) { OutputText(); } } void DisplayCSI(char ch); bool ProcessSCSG0(char ch); bool ProcessSCSG1(char ch); bool ProcessDECALN(void); bool ProcessDECDHLB(void); bool ProcessDECDHLT(void); bool ProcessDECDWL(void); bool ProcessDECID(void); bool ProcessDECKPAM(void); bool ProcessDECKPNM(void); bool ProcessDECLL(void); bool ProcessDECRC(void); bool ProcessDECREQTPARM(void); bool ProcessDECSC(void); bool ProcessDECSTBM(void); bool ProcessDECSWL(void); bool ProcessDECTST(void); bool ProcessCUB(void); bool ProcessCUD(void); bool ProcessCUF(void); bool ProcessCUP(void); bool ProcessCUU(void); bool ProcessDA(void); bool ProcessDSR(void); bool ProcessED(void); bool ProcessEL(void); bool ProcessHTS(void); bool ProcessHVP(void); bool ProcessIND(void); bool ProcessNEL(void); bool ProcessRCP(void); bool ProcessRI(void); bool ProcessRIS(void); bool ProcessRM(void); bool ProcessSCP(void); bool ProcessSGR(void); bool ProcessSM(void); bool ProcessTBC(void); private: HANDLE m_hConsole; DWORD m_dwOrigConsoleMode; WORD m_wOrigConsoleAttribute; DWORD m_dwOrigCursorSize; COLORREF m_OrigColorTable[kColorTableSize]; bool m_bResetColorTable; DisplayState m_State; SelectedCharset m_SelectedCharset; CharacterSet m_G0Charset; CharacterSet m_G1Charset; COORD m_BufferSize; COORD m_WindowSize; COORD m_WindowOrigin; COORD m_Cursor; COORD m_SavedCursor; SHORT m_sTopMargin; SHORT m_sBottomMargin; WORD m_Attribute; wchar_t m_OutputBuffer[kOutputBufferSize]; DWORD m_dwOutputCount; unsigned char m_UTF8Buffer[3]; int m_UTF8Count; int m_UTF8Size; int m_Parameters[kMaxParameterCount]; int m_ParameterCount; bool m_bParametersStart; bool m_bPrivateParameters; // Modes bool m_bLineFeedNewLineMode; // LNM bool m_bCursorKeyMode; // DECCKM // Always set - VT52 not supported bool m_bAnsiMode; // DECANM // Not used - column width is based on width of console window bool m_bColumnMode; // DECCOLM // Not used - always reset bool m_bScrollingMode; // DECSCLM // Not implemented - always reset bool m_bScreenMode; // DECSCNM bool m_bOriginMode; // DECOM bool m_bAutoWrapMode; // DECAWM // Not implemented - always set bool m_bAutoRepeatingMode; // DECARM // Not implemented - always reset bool m_bInterlaceMode; // DECINLM bool m_bDisplayCursor; // DECTCEM };