CALLOUTS.BUILTIN 2024/07/04 * FAIL (progress) (*FAIL) Always fail. * MISMATCH (progress) (*MISMATCH) Terminates Match process. Continues Search process. * ERROR (progress) (*ERROR{n::LONG}) Terminates Search/Match process. Return value is the argument 'n'. (The value must be less than -1) 'n' is an optional argument. (default value is ONIG_ABORT) * MAX (progress/retraction) (*MAX{n::LONG/TAG, c::CHAR}) Restricts the maximum count of success(default), progress or retraction. If 'n' type is tag, slot 0 value of the tag are used. Depends on 'c' argument, the slot 0 value changes. 'c' is an optional argument, default value is 'X'. (* success count = progress count - retraction count) ex. "(?:(*COUNT[T]{X})a)*(?:(*MAX{T})c)*" [callout data] slot 0: '>': progress count, '<': retraction count, 'X': success count (default) * COUNT (progress/retraction) (*COUNT{c::CHAR}) Counter. Depends on 'c' argument, the slot 0 value changes. 'c' is an optional argument, default value is '>'. [callout data] slot 0: '>': progress count (default), '<': retraction count, 'X': success count slot 1: progress count slot 2: retraction count ** If option ONIG_OPTION_FIND_LONGEST or ONIG_OPTION_FIND_NOT_EMPTY is used, counts are not accurate. * TOTAL_COUNT (progress/retraction) (*TOTAL_COUNT{c::CHAR}) It's the almost same as COUNT. But the counts are integrated in a search process. 'c' is an optional argument, default value is '>'. [callout data] slot 0: '>': progress count (default), '<': retraction count, 'X': success count slot 1: progress count slot 2: retraction count ** If option ONIG_OPTION_FIND_LONGEST or ONIG_OPTION_FIND_NOT_EMPTY is used, counts are not accurate. * CMP (progress) (*CMP{x::TAG/LONG, op::STRING, y::TAG/LONG}) Compares x value and y value with op operator. If x and y types are tag, slot 0 value of the tag are used. op: '==', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=' ex. "(?:(*MAX[TA]{7})a|(*MAX[TB]{5})b)*(*CMP{TA,>=,4})" [callout data] slot 0: op value (enum OP_CMP in src/regexec.c) * SKIP (progress) (*SKIP) Advance the position where the current matching fails and the next search begins to the current position. It has no effect on the current matching. //END