#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # make_unicode_fold_data.py # Copyright (c) 2016-2024 K.Kosako import sys import re SOURCE_FILE = 'CaseFolding.txt' GPERF_UNFOLD_KEY_FILE = 'unicode_unfold_key.gperf' GPERF_FOLD_KEY_FILES = ['unicode_fold1_key.gperf', 'unicode_fold2_key.gperf', 'unicode_fold3_key.gperf'] DataName = 'OnigUnicodeFolds' ENCODING = 'utf-8' LINE_REG = re.compile("([0-9A-F]{1,6}); (.); ([0-9A-F]{1,6})(?: ([0-9A-F]{1,6}))?(?: ([0-9A-F]{1,6}))?;(?:\s*#\s*)(.*)") VERSION_REG = re.compile("#.*-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.txt") VERSION_INFO = [-1, -1, -1] FOLDS = {} TURKISH_FOLDS = {} LOCALE_FOLDS = {} UNFOLDS = {} TURKISH_UNFOLDS = {} LOCALE_UNFOLDS = {} COPYRIGHT = ''' /*- * Copyright (c) 2017-2024 K.Kosako * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ '''.strip() class Entry: def __init__(self, fold): self.fold = fold self.unfolds = [] self.fold_len = len(fold) self.index = -1 self.comment = None def fold_key(fold): sfold = map(lambda i: "%06x" % i, fold) return ':'.join(sfold) def form16(x, size): form = "0x%06x" if x > 0xffff else "0x%04x" s = form % x rem = size - len(s) if rem > 0: s = ' ' * rem + s return s def form3bytes(x): x0 = x & 0xff x1 = (x>>8) & 0xff x2 = (x>>16) & 0xff return "\\x%02x\\x%02x\\x%02x" % (x2, x1, x0) def enc_len(code, encode): u = unichr(code) s = u.encode(encode) return len(s) def check_version_info(s): m = VERSION_REG.match(s) if m is not None: VERSION_INFO[0] = int(m.group(1)) VERSION_INFO[1] = int(m.group(2)) VERSION_INFO[2] = int(m.group(3)) def parse_line(s): if len(s) == 0: return False if s[0] == '#': if VERSION_INFO[0] < 0: check_version_info(s) return False m = LINE_REG.match(s) if m is None: print >> sys.stderr, s.encode(ENCODING) sys.exit(-1) s_unfold = m.group(1) s_type = m.group(2) s_fold = m.group(3) comment = m.group(6) if s_type == 'S': return False; unfold = int(s_unfold, 16) f1 = int(s_fold, 16) fold = [f1] if m.group(4) is not None: f2 = int(m.group(4), 16) fold.append(f2) if m.group(5) is not None: f3 = int(m.group(5), 16) fold.append(f3) if s_type == 'T': dic = TURKISH_FOLDS undic = TURKISH_UNFOLDS else: dic = FOLDS undic = UNFOLDS key = fold_key(fold) e = dic.get(key, None) if e is None: e = Entry(fold) e.comment = comment dic[key] = e e.unfolds.append(unfold) if undic.get(unfold, None) is not None: print >> sys.stderr, ("unfold dup: 0x%04x %s\n" % (unfold, s_type)) undic[unfold] = e return True def parse_file(f): line = f.readline() while line: s = line.strip() parse_line(s) line = f.readline() def make_locale(): for unfold, te in TURKISH_UNFOLDS.items(): e = UNFOLDS.get(unfold, None) if e is None: continue fkey = fold_key(e.fold) if len(e.unfolds) == 1: del FOLDS[fkey] else: e.unfolds.remove(unfold) e = Entry(e.fold) e.unfolds.append(unfold) LOCALE_FOLDS[fkey] = e LOCALE_UNFOLDS[unfold] = e del UNFOLDS[unfold] def output_typedef(f): s = """\ typedef unsigned long OnigCodePoint; """ print >> f, s def divide_by_fold_len(d): l = d.items() l1 = filter(lambda x:x[1].fold_len == 1, l) l2 = filter(lambda x:x[1].fold_len == 2, l) l3 = filter(lambda x:x[1].fold_len == 3, l) sl1 = sorted(l1, key=lambda x:x[0]) sl2 = sorted(l2, key=lambda x:x[0]) sl3 = sorted(l3, key=lambda x:x[0]) return (sl1, sl2, sl3) def output_comment(f, s): f.write(" /* %s */" % s) def output_data_n1(f, n, fn, c, out_comment): for k, e in fn: e.index = c if out_comment and n > 1 and e.comment is not None: output_comment(f, e.comment) print('', file=f) f.write(' ') f.write("/*%4d*/ " % c) for i in range(0, n): s = form16(e.fold[i], 8) f.write(" %s," % s) usize = len(e.unfolds) f.write(" %d," % usize) for u in e.unfolds: s = form16(u, 8) f.write(" %s," % s) if out_comment and n == 1 and e.comment is not None: if len(e.comment) < 35: s = e.comment else: s = e.comment[0:33] + '..' output_comment(f, s) f.write("\n") c += n + 1 + usize return c def output_data_n(f, name, n, fn, lfn, out_comment): print("OnigCodePoint %s%d[] = {" % (name, n), file=f) c = 0 c = output_data_n1(f, n, fn, c, out_comment) print("#define FOLDS%d_NORMAL_END_INDEX %d" % (n, c), file=f) print(" /* ----- LOCALE ----- */", file=f) c = output_data_n1(f, n, lfn, c, out_comment) print("#define FOLDS%d_END_INDEX %d" % (n, c), file=f) print("};", file=f) def output_fold_data(f, name, out_comment): f1, f2, f3 = divide_by_fold_len(FOLDS) lf1, lf2, lf3 = divide_by_fold_len(LOCALE_FOLDS) output_data_n(f, name, 1, f1, lf1, out_comment) print('', file=f) output_data_n(f, name, 2, f2, lf2, out_comment) print('', file=f) output_data_n(f, name, 3, f3, lf3, out_comment) print('', file=f) def output_macros(f, name): print >> f, "#define FOLDS1_FOLD(i) (%s1 + (i))" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS2_FOLD(i) (%s2 + (i))" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS3_FOLD(i) (%s3 + (i))" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS1_UNFOLDS_NUM(i) %s1[(i)+1]" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS2_UNFOLDS_NUM(i) %s2[(i)+2]" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS3_UNFOLDS_NUM(i) %s3[(i)+3]" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS1_UNFOLDS(i) (%s1 + (i) + 2)" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS2_UNFOLDS(i) (%s2 + (i) + 3)" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS3_UNFOLDS(i) (%s3 + (i) + 4)" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS1_NEXT_INDEX(i) ((i) + 2 + %s1[(i)+1])" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS2_NEXT_INDEX(i) ((i) + 3 + %s1[(i)+2])" % name print >> f, "#define FOLDS3_NEXT_INDEX(i) ((i) + 4 + %s1[(i)+3])" % name def output_fold_source(f, out_comment): print("/* This file was generated by make_unicode_fold_data.py. */", file=f) print(COPYRIGHT, file=f) print("\n", file=f) print('#include "regenc.h"', file=f) print('', file=f) if VERSION_INFO[0] < 0: raise RuntimeError("Version is not found") print("#define UNICODE_CASEFOLD_VERSION %02d%02d%02d" % (VERSION_INFO[0], VERSION_INFO[1], VERSION_INFO[2])) print('') #output_macros(f, DataName) print('', file=f) #output_typedef(f) output_fold_data(f, DataName, out_comment) def output_gperf_unfold_key(f): head = "%{\n/* This gperf source file was generated by make_unicode_fold_data.py */\n\n" + COPYRIGHT + """\ #include "regint.h" %} struct ByUnfoldKey { OnigCodePoint code; short int index; short int fold_len; }; %% """ f.write(head) UNFOLDS.update(LOCALE_UNFOLDS) l = UNFOLDS.items() sl = sorted(l, key=lambda x:(x[1].fold_len, x[1].index)) for k, e in sl: f.write('"%s", /*0x%04x*/ %4d, %d\n' % (form3bytes(k), k, e.index, e.fold_len)) print('%%', file=f) def output_gperf_fold_key(f, key_len): head = "%{\n/* This gperf source file was generated by make_unicode_fold_data.py */\n\n" + COPYRIGHT + """\ #include "regint.h" %} short int %% """ f.write(head) l = FOLDS.items() l = filter(lambda x:x[1].fold_len == key_len, l) sl = sorted(l, key=lambda x:x[1].index) for k, e in sl: skey = ''.join(map(lambda i: form3bytes(i), e.fold)) f.write('"%s", %4d\n' % (skey, e.index)) print('%%', file=f) def output_gperf_source(): with open(GPERF_UNFOLD_KEY_FILE, 'w') as f: output_gperf_unfold_key(f) FOLDS.update(LOCALE_FOLDS) for i in range(1, 4): with open(GPERF_FOLD_KEY_FILES[i-1], 'w') as f: output_gperf_fold_key(f, i) def unfolds_byte_length_check(encode): l = UNFOLDS.items() sl = sorted(l, key=lambda x:(x[1].fold_len, x[1].index)) for unfold, e in sl: key_len = enc_len(unfold, encode) fold_len = sum(map(lambda c: enc_len(c, encode), e.fold)) if key_len > fold_len: sfolds = ' '.join(map(lambda c: "0x%06x" % c, e.fold)) s = "%s byte length: %d > %d: 0x%06x => %s" % (encode, key_len, fold_len, unfold, sfolds) print >> sys.stderr, s def double_fold_check(): l = UNFOLDS.items() sl = sorted(l, key=lambda x:(x[1].fold_len, x[1].index)) for unfold, e in sl: for f in e.fold: #print >> sys.stderr, ("check 0x%06x" % f) e2 = UNFOLDS.get(f) if e2 is not None: s = "double folds: 0x%06x => %s, 0x%06x => %s" % (unfold, e.fold, f, e2.fold) print >> sys.stderr, s def unfold_is_multi_code_folds_head_check(): l = UNFOLDS.items() l2 = filter(lambda x:x[1].fold_len == 2, l) l3 = filter(lambda x:x[1].fold_len == 3, l) sl = sorted(l, key=lambda x:(x[1].fold_len, x[1].index)) for unfold, _ in sl: for k, e in l2: if e.fold[0] == unfold: s = "unfold 0x%06x is multi-code fold head in %s" % (unfold, e.fold) print >> sys.stderr, s for k, e in l3: if e.fold[0] == unfold: s = "unfold 0x%06x is multi-code fold head in %s" % (unfold, e.fold) print >> sys.stderr, s def make_one_folds(l): h = {} for unfold, e in l: if e.fold_len != 1: continue fold = e.fold[0] unfolds = h.get(fold) if unfolds is None: unfolds = [unfold] h[fold] = unfolds else: unfolds.append(unfold) return h def make_foldn_heads(l, fold_len, one_folds): h = {} for unfold, e in l: if e.fold_len != fold_len: continue unfolds = one_folds.get(e.fold[0]) h[e.fold[0]] = (e, unfolds) return h def fold2_expansion_num(e, one_folds): n = len(e.unfolds) n0 = 1 u0 = one_folds.get(e.fold[0]) if u0 is not None: n0 += len(u0) n1 = 1 u1 = one_folds.get(e.fold[1]) if u1 is not None: n1 += len(u1) n += (n0 * n1) return n def fold3_expansion_num(e, one_folds): n = len(e.unfolds) n0 = 1 u0 = one_folds.get(e.fold[0]) if u0 is not None: n0 += len(u0) n1 = 1 u1 = one_folds.get(e.fold[1]) if u1 is not None: n1 += len(u1) n2 = 1 u2 = one_folds.get(e.fold[2]) if u2 is not None: n2 += len(u2) n += (n0 * n1 * n2) return n def get_all_folds_expansion_num(x, one_folds, fold2_heads, fold3_heads): e = UNFOLDS[x] n = 0 if e.fold_len == 1: n1 = len(e.unfolds) + 1 # +1: fold fx = e.fold[0] r = fold2_heads.get(fx) n2 = n3 = 0 if r is not None: e2, _ = r n2 = fold2_expansion_num(e2, one_folds) r = fold3_heads.get(fx) if r is not None: e3, _ = r n3 = fold3_expansion_num(e3, one_folds) n = max(n1, n2, n3) elif e.fold_len == 2: n = fold2_expansion_num(e, one_folds) elif e.fold_len == 3: n = fold3_expansion_num(e, one_folds) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid fold_len %d" % (e.fold_len)) return n def get_all_folds_expansion_max_num(): l = UNFOLDS.items() one_folds = make_one_folds(l) fold2_heads = make_foldn_heads(l, 2, one_folds) fold3_heads = make_foldn_heads(l, 3, one_folds) sl = sorted(l, key=lambda x:(x[1].fold_len, x[1].index)) nmax = 0 max_unfold = None for unfold, e in sl: n = get_all_folds_expansion_num(unfold, one_folds, fold2_heads, fold3_heads) if nmax < n: nmax = n max_unfold = unfold return (nmax, max_unfold) ## main ## with open(SOURCE_FILE, 'r') as f: parse_file(f) make_locale() out_comment = True output_fold_source(sys.stdout, out_comment) output_gperf_source() #unfolds_byte_length_check('utf-8') #unfolds_byte_length_check('utf-16') double_fold_check() unfold_is_multi_code_folds_head_check() #max_num, max_code = get_all_folds_expansion_max_num() #max_num -= 1 # remove self #print >> sys.stderr, "max expansion: 0x%06x: %d" % (max_code, max_num)