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INFO-DIR-SECTION Software development
* GNU libunistring: (libunistring).     Unicode string library.

   This manual is for GNU libunistring.

File:,  Node: Top,  Next: Introduction,  Up: (dir)

GNU libunistring

* Menu:

* Introduction::                Who may need Unicode strings?
* Conventions::                 Conventions used in this manual
* unitypes.h::                  Elementary types
* unistr.h::                    Elementary Unicode string functions
* uniconv.h::                   Conversions between Unicode and encodings
* unistdio.h::                  Output with Unicode strings
* uniname.h::                   Names of Unicode characters
* unictype.h::                  Unicode character classification and properties
* uniwidth.h::                  Display width
* uniwbrk.h::                   Word breaks in strings
* unilbrk.h::                   Line breaking
* uninorm.h::                   Normalization forms
* unicase.h::                   Case mappings
* uniregex.h::                  Regular expressions
* Using the library::           How to link with the library and use it?
* More functionality::          More advanced functionality
* Licenses::                    Licenses

* Index::                       General Index

 --- The Detailed Node Listing ---


* Unicode::                     What is Unicode?
* Unicode and i18n::            Unicode and internationalization
* Locale encodings::            What is a locale encoding?
* In-memory representation::    How to represent strings in memory?
* char * strings::              What to keep in mind with `char *' strings
* The wchar_t mess::            Why `wchar_t *' strings are useless
* Unicode strings::             How are Unicode strings represented?


* Elementary string checks::
* Elementary string conversions::
* Elementary string functions::
* Elementary string functions with memory allocation::
* Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings::


* General category::
* Canonical combining class::
* Bidirectional category::
* Decimal digit value::
* Digit value::
* Numeric value::
* Mirrored character::
* Properties::
* Scripts::
* Blocks::
* ISO C and Java syntax::
* Classifications like in ISO C::

General category

* Object oriented API::
* Bit mask API::


* Properties as objects::
* Properties as functions::


* Word breaks in a string::
* Word break property::


* Decomposition of characters::
* Composition of characters::
* Normalization of strings::
* Normalizing comparisons::
* Normalization of streams::


* Case mappings of characters::
* Case mappings of strings::
* Case mappings of substrings::
* Case insensitive comparison::
* Case detection::

Using the library

* Installation::
* Compiler options::
* Include files::
* Autoconf macro::
* Reporting problems::


* GNU GPL::                     GNU General Public License
* GNU LGPL::                    GNU Lesser General Public License
* GNU FDL::                     GNU Free Documentation License

File:,  Node: Introduction,  Next: Conventions,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top

1 Introduction

   This library provides functions for manipulating Unicode strings and
for manipulating C strings according to the Unicode standard.

   It consists of the following parts:

     elementary string functions

     conversion from/to legacy encodings

     formatted output to strings

     character names

     character classification and properties

     string width when using nonproportional fonts

     word breaks

     line breaking algorithm

     normalization (composition and decomposition)

     case folding

     regular expressions (not yet implemented)

   libunistring is for you if your application involves non-trivial text
processing, such as upper/lower case conversions, line breaking,
operations on words, or more advanced analysis of text.  Text provided
by the user can, in general, contain characters of all kinds of
scripts.  The text processing functions provided by this library handle
all scripts and all languages.

   libunistring is for you if your application already uses the ISO C /
POSIX `<ctype.h>', `<wctype.h>' functions and the text it operates on is
provided by the user and can be in any language.

   libunistring is also for you if your application uses Unicode
strings as internal in-memory representation.

* Menu:

* Unicode::                     What is Unicode?
* Unicode and i18n::            Unicode and internationalization
* Locale encodings::            What is a locale encoding?
* In-memory representation::    How to represent strings in memory?
* char * strings::              What to keep in mind with `char *' strings
* The wchar_t mess::            Why `wchar_t *' strings are useless
* Unicode strings::             How are Unicode strings represented?

File:,  Node: Unicode,  Next: Unicode and i18n,  Up: Introduction

1.1 Unicode

   Unicode is a standardized repertoire of characters that contains
characters from all scripts of the world, from Latin letters to Chinese
ideographs and Babylonian cuneiform glyphs.  It also specifies how
these characters are to be rendered on a screen or on paper, and how
common text processing (word selection, line breaking, uppercasing of
page titles etc.) is supposed to behave on Unicode text.

   Unicode also specifies three ways of storing sequences of Unicode
characters in a computer whose basic unit of data is an 8-bit byte: 
     Every character is represented as 1 to 4 bytes.

     Every character is represented as 1 to 2 units of 16 bits.

UTF-32, a.k.a. UCS-4
     Every character is represented as 1 unit of 32 bits.

   For encoding Unicode text in a file, UTF-8 is usually used.  For
encoding Unicode strings in memory for a program, either of the three
encoding forms can be reasonably used.

   Unicode is widely used on the web.  Prior to the use of Unicode, web
pages were in many different encodings (ISO-8859-1 for English, French,
Spanish, ISO-8859-2 for Polish, ISO-8859-7 for Greek, KOI8-R for
Russian, GB2312 or BIG5 for Chinese, ISO-2022-JP-2 or EUC-JP or
Shift_JIS for Japanese, and many many others).  It was next to
impossible to create a document that contained Chinese and Polish text
in the same document.  Due to the many encodings for Japanese, even the
processing of pure Japanese text was error prone.

   * The Unicode standard: `'

   * Definition of UTF-8: `'

   * Definition of UTF-16: `'

   * Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ:

File:,  Node: Unicode and i18n,  Next: Locale encodings,  Prev: Unicode,  Up: Introduction

1.2 Unicode and Internationalization

   Internationalization is the process of changing the source code of a
program so that it can meet the expectations of users in any culture,
if culture specific data (translations, images etc.) are provided.

   Use of Unicode is not strictly required for internationalization,
but it makes internationalization much easier, because operations that
need to look at specific characters (like hyphenation, spell checking,
or the automatic conversion of double-quotes to opening and closing
double-quote characters) don't need to consider multiple possible
encodings of the text.

   Use of Unicode also enables multilingualization: the ability of
having text in multiple languages present in the same document or even
in the same line of text.

   But use of Unicode is not everything.  Internationalization usually
consists of three features:
   * Use of Unicode where needed for text processing.  This is what
     this library is for.

   * Use of message catalogs for messages shown to the user, This is
     what GNU gettext is about.

   * Use of locale specific conventions for date and time formats, for
     numeric formatting, or for sorting of text.  This can be done
     adequately with the POSIX APIs and the implementation of locales
     in the GNU C library.

File:,  Node: Locale encodings,  Next: In-memory representation,  Prev: Unicode and i18n,  Up: Introduction

1.3 Locale encodings

   A locale is a set of cultural conventions.  According to POSIX, for
a program, at any moment, there is one locale being designated as the
"current locale".  (Actually, POSIX supports also one locale per
thread, but this feature is not yet universally implemented and not
widely used.)  The locale is partitioned into several aspects, called
the "categories" of the locale.  The main various aspects are:
   * The character encoding and the character properties.  This is the
     `LC_CTYPE' category.

   * The sorting rules for text.  This is the `LC_COLLATE' category.

   * The language specific translations of messages.  This is the
     `LC_MESSAGES' category.

   * The formatting rules for numbers, such as the decimal separator.
     This is the `LC_NUMERIC' category.

   * The formatting rules for amounts of money.  This is the
     `LC_MONETARY' category.

   * The formatting of date and time.  This is the `LC_TIME' category.

   In particular, the `LC_CTYPE' category of the current locale
determines the character encoding.  This is the encoding of `char *'
strings.  We also call it the "locale encoding".  GNU libunistring has
a function, `locale_charset', that returns a standardized (platform
independent) name for this encoding.

   All locale encodings used on glibc systems are essentially ASCII
compatible: Most graphic ASCII characters have the same representation,
as a single byte, in that encoding as in ASCII.

   Among the possible locale encodings are UTF-8 and GB18030.  Both
allow to represent any Unicode character as a sequence of bytes.  UTF-8
is used in most of the world, whereas GB18030 is used in the People's
Republic of China, because it is backward compatible with the GB2312
encoding that was used in this country earlier.

   The legacy locale encodings, ISO-8859-15 (which supplanted
ISO-8859-1 in most of Europe), ISO-8859-2, KOI8-R, EUC-JP, etc., are
still in use in many places, though.

   UTF-16 and UTF-32 are not used as locale encodings, because they are
not ASCII compatible.

File:,  Node: In-memory representation,  Next: char * strings,  Prev: Locale encodings,  Up: Introduction

1.4 Choice of in-memory representation of strings

   There are three ways of representing strings in memory of a running
   * As `char *' strings.  Such strings are represented in locale
     encoding.  This approach is employed when not much text processing
     is done by the program.  When some Unicode aware processing is to
     be done, a string is converted to Unicode on the fly and back to
     locale encoding afterwards.

   * As UTF-8 or UTF-16 or UTF-32 strings.  This implies that
     conversion from locale encoding to Unicode is performed on input,
     and in the opposite direction on output.  This approach is
     employed when the program does a significant amount of text
     processing, or when the program has multiple threads operating on
     the same data but in different locales.

   * As `wchar_t *', a.k.a. "wide strings".  This approach is misguided,
     see *note The wchar_t mess::.

File:,  Node: char * strings,  Next: The wchar_t mess,  Prev: In-memory representation,  Up: Introduction

1.5 `char *' strings

   The classical C strings, with its C library support standardized by
ISO C and POSIX, can be used in internationalized programs with some
precautions.  The problem with this API is that many of the C library
functions for strings don't work correctly on strings in locale
encodings, leading to bugs that only people in some cultures of the
world will experience.

   The first problem with the C library API is the support of multibyte
locales.  According to the locale encoding, in general, every character
is represented by one or more bytes (up to 4 bytes in practice -- but
use `MB_LEN_MAX' instead of the number 4 in the code).  When every
character is represented by only 1 byte, we speak of an "unibyte
locale", otherwise of a "multibyte locale".  It is important to realize
that the majority of Unix installations nowadays use UTF-8 or GB18030
as locale encoding; therefore, the majority of users are using
multibyte locales.

   The important fact to remember is: _A `char' is a byte, not a

   As a consequence:
   * The `<ctype.h>' API is useless in this context; it does not work in
     multibyte locales.

   * The `strlen' function does not return the number of characters in
     a string.  Nor does it return the number of screen columns occupied
     by a string after it is output.  It merely returns the number of
     _bytes_ occupied by a string.

   * Truncating a string, for example, with `strncpy', can have the
     effect of truncating it in the middle of a multibyte character.
     Such a string will, when output, have a garbled character at its
     end, often represented by a hollow box.

   * `strchr' and `strrchr' do not work with multibyte strings if the
     locale encoding is GB18030 and the character to be searched is a

   * `strstr' does not work with multibyte strings if the locale
     encoding is different from UTF-8.

   * `strcspn', `strpbrk', `strspn' cannot work correctly in multibyte
     locales: they assume the second argument is a list of single-byte
     characters.  Even in this simple case, they do not work with
     multibyte strings if the locale encoding is GB18030 and one of the
     characters to be searched is a digit.

   * `strsep' and `strtok_r' do not work with multibyte strings unless
     all of the delimiter characters are ASCII characters < 0x30.

   * The `strcasecmp', `strncasecmp', and `strcasestr' functions do not
     work with multibyte strings.

   The workarounds can be found in GNU gnulib
   * gnulib has modules `mbchar', `mbiter', `mbuiter' that represent
     multibyte characters and allow to iterate across a multibyte
     string with the same ease as through a unibyte string.

   * gnulib has functions `mbslen' and `mbswidth' that can be used
     instead of `strlen' when the number of characters or the number of
     screen columns of a string is requested.

   * gnulib has functions `mbschr' and `mbsrrchr' that are like
     `strchr' and `strrchr', but work in multibyte locales.

   * gnulib has a function `mbsstr', like `strstr', but works in
     multibyte locales.

   * gnulib has functions `mbscspn', `mbspbrk', `mbsspn' that are like
     `strcspn', `strpbrk', `strspn', but work in multibyte locales.

   * gnulib has functions `mbssep' and `mbstok_r' that are like
     `strsep' and `strtok_r' but work in multibyte locales.

   * gnulib has functions `mbscasecmp', `mbsncasecmp', `mbspcasecmp',
     and `mbscasestr' that are like `strcasecmp', `strncasecmp', and
     `strcasestr', but work in multibyte locales.  Still, the function
     `ulc_casecmp' is preferable to these functions; see below.

   The second problem with the C library API is that it has some
assumptions built-in that are not valid in some languages:
   * It assumes that there are only two forms of every character:
     uppercase and lowercase.  This is not true for Croatian, where the
     character LETTER DZ WITH CARON comes in three forms: LATIN CAPITAL

   * It assumes that uppercasing of 1 character leads to 1 character.
     This is not true for German, where the LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S,
     when uppercased, becomes `SS'.

   * It assumes that there is 1:1 mapping between uppercase and
     lowercase forms.  This is not true for the Greek sigma: GREEK
     CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA is the uppercase of both GREEK SMALL LETTER

   * It assumes that the upper/lowercase mappings are position
     independent.  This is not true for the Greek sigma and the
     Lithuanian i.

   The correct way to deal with this problem is
  1. to provide functions for titlecasing, as well as for upper- and

  2. to view case transformations as functions that operates on strings,
     rather than on characters.

   This is implemented in this library, through the functions declared
in `<unicase.h>', see *note unicase.h::.

File:,  Node: The wchar_t mess,  Next: Unicode strings,  Prev: char * strings,  Up: Introduction

1.6 The `wchar_t' mess

   The ISO C and POSIX standard creators made an attempt to fix the
first problem mentioned in the previous section.  They introduced
   * a type `wchar_t', designed to encapsulate an entire character,

   * a "wide string" type `wchar_t *', and

   * functions declared in `<wctype.h>' that were meant to supplant the
     ones in `<ctype.h>'.

   Unfortunately, this API and its implementation has numerous problems:

   * On AIX and Windows platforms, `wchar_t' is a 16-bit type.  This
     means that it can never accommodate an entire Unicode character.
     Either the `wchar_t *' strings are limited to characters in UCS-2
     (the "Basic Multilingual Plane" of Unicode), or -- if `wchar_t *'
     strings are encoded in UTF-16 -- a `wchar_t' represents only half
     of a character in the worst case, making the `<wctype.h>' functions

   * On Solaris and FreeBSD, the `wchar_t' encoding is locale dependent
     and undocumented.  This means, if you want to know any property of
     a `wchar_t' character, other than the properties defined by
     `<wctype.h>' -- such as whether it's a dash, currency symbol,
     paragraph separator, or similar --, you have to convert it to
     `char *' encoding first, by use of the function `wctomb'.

   * When you read a stream of wide characters, through the functions
     `fgetwc' and `fgetws', and when the input stream/file is not in
     the expected encoding, you have no way to determine the invalid
     byte sequence and do some corrective action.  If you use these
     functions, your program becomes "garbage in - more garbage out" or
     "garbage in - abort".

   As a consequence, it is better to use multibyte strings, as
explained in the previous section.  Such multibyte strings can bypass
limitations of the `wchar_t' type, if you use functions defined in
gnulib and libunistring for text processing.  They can also faithfully
transport malformed characters that were present in the input, without
requiring the program to produce garbage or abort.

File:,  Node: Unicode strings,  Prev: The wchar_t mess,  Up: Introduction

1.7 Unicode strings

   libunistring supports Unicode strings in three representations: 
   * UTF-8 strings, through the type `uint8_t *'.  The units are bytes

   * UTF-16 strings, through the type `uint16_t *',  The units are
     16-bit memory words (`uint16_t').

   * UTF-32 strings, through the type `uint32_t *'.  The units are
     32-bit memory words (`uint32_t').

   As with C strings, there are two variants:
   * Unicode strings with a terminating NUL character are represented as
     a pointer to the first unit of the string.  There is a unit
     containing a 0 value at the end.  It is considered part of the
     string for all memory allocation purposes, but is not considered
     part of the string for all other logical purposes.

   * Unicode strings where embedded NUL characters are allowed.  These
     are represented by a pointer to the first unit and the number of
     units (not bytes!) of the string.  In this setting, there is no
     trailing zero-valued unit used as "end marker".

File:,  Node: Conventions,  Next: unitypes.h,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Top

2 Conventions

   This chapter explains conventions valid throughout the libunistring

   Variables of type `char *' denote C strings in locale encoding.  See
*note Locale encodings::.

   Variables of type `uint8_t *' denote UTF-8 strings.  Their units are

   Variables of type `uint16_t *' denote UTF-16 strings, without byte
order mark.  Their units are 2-byte words.

   Variables of type `uint32_t *' denote UTF-32 strings, without byte
order mark.  Their units are 4-byte words.

   Argument pairs `(S, N)' denote a string `S[0..N-1]' with exactly N

   All functions with prefix `ulc_' operate on C strings in locale

   All functions with prefix `u8_' operate on UTF-8 strings.

   All functions with prefix `u16_' operate on UTF-16 strings.

   All functions with prefix `u32_' operate on UTF-32 strings.

   For every function with prefix `u8_', operating on UTF-8 strings,
there is also a corresponding function with prefix `u16_', operating on
UTF-16 strings, and a corresponding function with prefix `u32_',
operating on UTF-32 strings.  Their description is analogous; in this
documentation we describe only the function that operates on UTF-8
strings, for brevity.

   A declaration with a variable N denotes the three concrete
declarations with N = 8, N = 16, N = 32.

   All parameters starting with `str' and the parameters of functions
starting with `u8_str'/`u16_str'/`u32_str' denote a NUL terminated

   Error values are always returned through the `errno' variable,
usually with a return value that indicates the presence of an error
(NULL for functions that return an pointer, or -1 for functions that
return an `int').

   Functions returning a string result take a `(RESULTBUF, LENGTHP)'
argument pair.  If RESULTBUF is not NULL and the result fits into
`*LENGTHP' units, it is put in RESULTBUF, and RESULTBUF is returned.
Otherwise, a freshly allocated string is returned.  In both cases,
`*LENGTHP' is set to the length (number of units) of the returned
string.  In case of error, NULL is returned and `errno' is set.

File:,  Node: unitypes.h,  Next: unistr.h,  Prev: Conventions,  Up: Top

3 Elementary types `<unitypes.h>'

   The include file `<unitypes.h>' provides the following basic types.

 -- Type: uint8_t
 -- Type: uint16_t
 -- Type: uint32_t
     These are the storage units of UTF-8/16/32 strings, respectively.
     The definitions are taken from `<stdint.h>', on platforms where
     this include file is present.

 -- Type: ucs4_t
     This type represents a single Unicode character, outside of an
     UTF-32 string.

File:,  Node: unistr.h,  Next: uniconv.h,  Prev: unitypes.h,  Up: Top

4 Elementary Unicode string functions `<unistr.h>'

   This include file declares elementary functions for Unicode strings.
It is essentially the equivalent of what `<string.h>' is for C strings.

* Menu:

* Elementary string checks::
* Elementary string conversions::
* Elementary string functions::
* Elementary string functions with memory allocation::
* Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings::

File:,  Node: Elementary string checks,  Next: Elementary string conversions,  Up: unistr.h

4.1 Elementary string checks

   The following function is available to verify the integrity of a
Unicode string.

 -- Function: const uint8_t * u8_check (const uint8_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: const uint16_t * u16_check (const uint16_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: const uint32_t * u32_check (const uint32_t *S, size_t N)
     This function checks whether a Unicode string is well-formed.  It
     returns NULL if valid, or a pointer to the first invalid unit

File:,  Node: Elementary string conversions,  Next: Elementary string functions,  Prev: Elementary string checks,  Up: unistr.h

4.2 Elementary string conversions

   The following functions perform conversions between the different
forms of Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint16_t * u8_to_u16 (const uint8_t *S, size_t N,
          uint16_t *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Converts an UTF-8 string to an UTF-16 string.

 -- Function: uint32_t * u8_to_u32 (const uint8_t *S, size_t N,
          uint32_t *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Converts an UTF-8 string to an UTF-32 string.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u16_to_u8 (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, uint8_t
          *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Converts an UTF-16 string to an UTF-8 string.

 -- Function: uint32_t * u16_to_u32 (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          uint32_t *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Converts an UTF-16 string to an UTF-32 string.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u32_to_u8 (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, uint8_t
          *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Converts an UTF-32 string to an UTF-8 string.

 -- Function: uint16_t * u32_to_u16 (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          uint16_t *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Converts an UTF-32 string to an UTF-16 string.

File:,  Node: Elementary string functions,  Next: Elementary string functions with memory allocation,  Prev: Elementary string conversions,  Up: unistr.h

4.3 Elementary string functions

   The following functions inspect and return details about the first
character in a Unicode string.

 -- Function: int u8_mblen (const uint8_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: int u16_mblen (const uint16_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: int u32_mblen (const uint32_t *S, size_t N)
     Returns the length (number of units) of the first character in S,
     which is no longer than N.  Returns 0 if it is the NUL character.
     Returns -1 upon failure.

     This function is similar to `mblen', except that it operates on a
     Unicode string and that S must not be NULL.

 -- Function: int u8_mbtouc_unsafe (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint8_t *S,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: int u16_mbtouc_unsafe (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint16_t *S,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: int u32_mbtouc_unsafe (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint32_t *S,
          size_t N)
     Returns the length (number of units) of the first character in S,
     putting its `ucs4_t' representation in `*PUC'.  Upon failure,
     `*PUC' is set to `0xfffd', and an appropriate number of units is

     The number of available units, N, must be > 0.

     This function is similar to `mbtowc', except that it operates on a
     Unicode string, PUC and S must not be NULL, N must be > 0, and the
     NUL character is not treated specially.

 -- Function: int u8_mbtouc (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint8_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: int u16_mbtouc (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint16_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: int u32_mbtouc (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint32_t *S, size_t N)
     This function is like `u8_mbtouc_unsafe', except that it will
     detect an invalid UTF-8 character, even if the library is compiled
     without `--enable-safety'.

 -- Function: int u8_mbtoucr (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint8_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: int u16_mbtoucr (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint16_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: int u32_mbtoucr (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint32_t *S, size_t N)
     Returns the length (number of units) of the first character in S,
     putting its `ucs4_t' representation in `*PUC'.  Upon failure,
     `*PUC' is set to `0xfffd', and -1 is returned for an invalid
     sequence of units, -2 is returned for an incomplete sequence of

     The number of available units, N, must be > 0.

     This function is similar to `u8_mbtouc', except that the return
     value gives more details about the failure, similar to `mbrtowc'.

   The following function stores a Unicode character as a Unicode
string in memory.

 -- Function: int u8_uctomb (uint8_t *S, ucs4_t UC, int N)
 -- Function: int u16_uctomb (uint16_t *S, ucs4_t UC, int N)
 -- Function: int u32_uctomb (uint32_t *S, ucs4_t UC, int N)
     Puts the multibyte character represented by UC in S, returning its
     length.  Returns -1 upon failure, -2 if the number of available
     units, N, is too small.  The latter case cannot occur if N >=
     6/2/1, respectively.

     This function is similar to `wctomb', except that it operates on a
     Unicode strings, S must not be NULL, and the argument N must be

   The following functions copy Unicode strings in memory.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_cpy (uint8_t *DEST, const uint8_t *SRC,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_cpy (uint16_t *DEST, const uint16_t *SRC,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_cpy (uint32_t *DEST, const uint32_t *SRC,
          size_t N)
     Copies N units from SRC to DEST.

     This function is similar to `memcpy', except that it operates on
     Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_move (uint8_t *DEST, const uint8_t *SRC,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_move (uint16_t *DEST, const uint16_t *SRC,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_move (uint32_t *DEST, const uint32_t *SRC,
          size_t N)
     Copies N units from SRC to DEST, guaranteeing correct behavior for
     overlapping memory areas.

     This function is similar to `memmove', except that it operates on
     Unicode strings.

   The following function fills a Unicode string.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_set (uint8_t *S, ucs4_t UC, size_t N)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_set (uint16_t *S, ucs4_t UC, size_t N)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_set (uint32_t *S, ucs4_t UC, size_t N)
     Sets the first N characters of S to UC.  UC should be a character
     that occupies only 1 unit.

     This function is similar to `memset', except that it operates on
     Unicode strings.

   The following function compares two Unicode strings of the same

 -- Function: int u8_cmp (const uint8_t *S1, const uint8_t *S2, size_t
 -- Function: int u16_cmp (const uint16_t *S1, const uint16_t *S2,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: int u32_cmp (const uint32_t *S1, const uint32_t *S2,
          size_t N)
     Compares S1 and S2, each of length N, lexicographically.  Returns
     a negative value if S1 compares smaller than S2, a positive value
     if S1 compares larger than S2, or 0 if they compare equal.

     This function is similar to `memcmp', except that it operates on
     Unicode strings.

   The following function compares two Unicode strings of possibly
different lengths.

 -- Function: int u8_cmp2 (const uint8_t *S1, size_t N1, const uint8_t
          *S2, size_t N2)
 -- Function: int u16_cmp2 (const uint16_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint16_t *S2, size_t N2)
 -- Function: int u32_cmp2 (const uint32_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint32_t *S2, size_t N2)
     Compares S1 and S2, lexicographically.  Returns a negative value
     if S1 compares smaller than S2, a positive value if S1 compares
     larger than S2, or 0 if they compare equal.

     This function is similar to the gnulib function `memcmp2', except
     that it operates on Unicode strings.

   The following function searches for a given Unicode character.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_chr (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_chr (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, ucs4_t
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_chr (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, ucs4_t
     Searches the string at S for UC.  Returns a pointer to the first
     occurrence of UC in S, or NULL if UC does not occur in S.

     This function is similar to `memchr', except that it operates on
     Unicode strings.

   The following function counts the number of Unicode characters.

 -- Function: size_t u8_mbsnlen (const uint8_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: size_t u16_mbsnlen (const uint16_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: size_t u32_mbsnlen (const uint32_t *S, size_t N)
     Counts and returns the number of Unicode characters in the N units
     from S.

     This function is similar to the gnulib function `mbsnlen', except
     that it operates on Unicode strings.

File:,  Node: Elementary string functions with memory allocation,  Next: Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings,  Prev: Elementary string functions,  Up: unistr.h

4.4 Elementary string functions with memory allocation

   The following function copies a Unicode string.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_cpy_alloc (const uint8_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_cpy_alloc (const uint16_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_cpy_alloc (const uint32_t *S, size_t N)
     Makes a freshly allocated copy of S, of length N.

File:,  Node: Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings,  Prev: Elementary string functions with memory allocation,  Up: unistr.h

4.5 Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings

   The following functions inspect and return details about the first
character in a Unicode string.

 -- Function: int u8_strmblen (const uint8_t *S)
 -- Function: int u16_strmblen (const uint16_t *S)
 -- Function: int u32_strmblen (const uint32_t *S)
     Returns the length (number of units) of the first character in S.
     Returns 0 if it is the NUL character.  Returns -1 upon failure.

 -- Function: int u8_strmbtouc (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint8_t *S)
 -- Function: int u16_strmbtouc (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint16_t *S)
 -- Function: int u32_strmbtouc (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint32_t *S)
     Returns the length (number of units) of the first character in S,
     putting its `ucs4_t' representation in `*PUC'.  Returns 0 if it is
     the NUL character.  Returns -1 upon failure.

 -- Function: const uint8_t * u8_next (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint8_t *S)
 -- Function: const uint16_t * u16_next (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint16_t *S)
 -- Function: const uint32_t * u32_next (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint32_t *S)
     Forward iteration step.  Advances the pointer past the next
     character, or returns NULL if the end of the string has been
     reached.  Puts the character's `ucs4_t' representation in `*PUC'.

   The following function inspects and returns details about the
previous character in a Unicode string.

 -- Function: const uint8_t * u8_prev (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint8_t *S,
          const uint8_t *START)
 -- Function: const uint16_t * u16_prev (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint16_t
          *S, const uint16_t *START)
 -- Function: const uint32_t * u32_prev (ucs4_t *PUC, const uint32_t
          *S, const uint32_t *START)
     Backward iteration step.  Advances the pointer to point to the
     previous character, or returns NULL if the beginning of the string
     had been reached.  Puts the character's `ucs4_t' representation in

   The following functions determine the length of a Unicode string.

 -- Function: size_t u8_strlen (const uint8_t *S)
 -- Function: size_t u16_strlen (const uint16_t *S)
 -- Function: size_t u32_strlen (const uint32_t *S)
     Returns the number of units in S.

     This function is similar to `strlen' and `wcslen', except that it
     operates on Unicode strings.

 -- Function: size_t u8_strnlen (const uint8_t *S, size_t MAXLEN)
 -- Function: size_t u16_strnlen (const uint16_t *S, size_t MAXLEN)
 -- Function: size_t u32_strnlen (const uint32_t *S, size_t MAXLEN)
     Returns the number of units in S, but at most MAXLEN.

     This function is similar to `strnlen' and `wcsnlen', except that
     it operates on Unicode strings.

   The following functions copy portions of Unicode strings in memory.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strcpy (uint8_t *DEST, const uint8_t *SRC)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strcpy (uint16_t *DEST, const uint16_t
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strcpy (uint32_t *DEST, const uint32_t
     Copies SRC to DEST.

     This function is similar to `strcpy' and `wcscpy', except that it
     operates on Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_stpcpy (uint8_t *DEST, const uint8_t *SRC)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_stpcpy (uint16_t *DEST, const uint16_t
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_stpcpy (uint32_t *DEST, const uint32_t
     Copies SRC to DEST, returning the address of the terminating NUL
     in DEST.

     This function is similar to `stpcpy', except that it operates on
     Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strncpy (uint8_t *DEST, const uint8_t *SRC,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strncpy (uint16_t *DEST, const uint16_t
          *SRC, size_t N)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strncpy (uint32_t *DEST, const uint32_t
          *SRC, size_t N)
     Copies no more than N units of SRC to DEST.

     This function is similar to `strncpy' and `wcsncpy', except that
     it operates on Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_stpncpy (uint8_t *DEST, const uint8_t *SRC,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_stpncpy (uint16_t *DEST, const uint16_t
          *SRC, size_t N)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_stpncpy (uint32_t *DEST, const uint32_t
          *SRC, size_t N)
     Copies no more than N units of SRC to DEST, returning the address
     of the last unit written into DEST.

     This function is similar to `stpncpy', except that it operates on
     Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strcat (uint8_t *DEST, const uint8_t *SRC)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strcat (uint16_t *DEST, const uint16_t
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strcat (uint32_t *DEST, const uint32_t
     Appends SRC onto DEST.

     This function is similar to `strcat' and `wcscat', except that it
     operates on Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strncat (uint8_t *DEST, const uint8_t *SRC,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strncat (uint16_t *DEST, const uint16_t
          *SRC, size_t N)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strncat (uint32_t *DEST, const uint32_t
          *SRC, size_t N)
     Appends no more than N units of SRC onto DEST.

     This function is similar to `strncat' and `wcsncat', except that
     it operates on Unicode strings.

   The following functions compare two Unicode strings.

 -- Function: int u8_strcmp (const uint8_t *S1, const uint8_t *S2)
 -- Function: int u16_strcmp (const uint16_t *S1, const uint16_t *S2)
 -- Function: int u32_strcmp (const uint32_t *S1, const uint32_t *S2)
     Compares S1 and S2, lexicographically.  Returns a negative value
     if S1 compares smaller than S2, a positive value if S1 compares
     larger than S2, or 0 if they compare equal.

     This function is similar to `strcmp' and `wcscmp', except that it
     operates on Unicode strings.

 -- Function: int u8_strcoll (const uint8_t *S1, const uint8_t *S2)
 -- Function: int u16_strcoll (const uint16_t *S1, const uint16_t *S2)
 -- Function: int u32_strcoll (const uint32_t *S1, const uint32_t *S2)
     Compares S1 and S2 using the collation rules of the current locale.
     Returns -1 if S1 < S2, 0 if S1 = S2, 1 if S1 > S2.  Upon failure,
     sets `errno' and returns any value.

     This function is similar to `strcoll' and `wcscoll', except that
     it operates on Unicode strings.

     Note that this function may consider different canonical
     normalizations of the same string as having a large distance.  It
     is therefore better to use the function `u8_normcoll' instead of
     this one; see *note uninorm.h::.

 -- Function: int u8_strncmp (const uint8_t *S1, const uint8_t *S2,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: int u16_strncmp (const uint16_t *S1, const uint16_t *S2,
          size_t N)
 -- Function: int u32_strncmp (const uint32_t *S1, const uint32_t *S2,
          size_t N)
     Compares no more than N units of S1 and S2.

     This function is similar to `strncmp' and `wcsncmp', except that
     it operates on Unicode strings.

   The following function allocates a duplicate of a Unicode string.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strdup (const uint8_t *S)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strdup (const uint16_t *S)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strdup (const uint32_t *S)
     Duplicates S, returning an identical malloc'd string.

     This function is similar to `strdup' and `wcsdup', except that it
     operates on Unicode strings.

   The following functions search for a given Unicode character.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strchr (const uint8_t *STR, ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strchr (const uint16_t *STR, ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strchr (const uint32_t *STR, ucs4_t UC)
     Finds the first occurrence of UC in STR.

     This function is similar to `strchr' and `wcschr', except that it
     operates on Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strrchr (const uint8_t *STR, ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strrchr (const uint16_t *STR, ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strrchr (const uint32_t *STR, ucs4_t UC)
     Finds the last occurrence of UC in STR.

     This function is similar to `strrchr' and `wcsrchr', except that
     it operates on Unicode strings.

   The following functions search for the first occurrence of some
Unicode character in or outside a given set of Unicode characters.

 -- Function: size_t u8_strcspn (const uint8_t *STR, const uint8_t
 -- Function: size_t u16_strcspn (const uint16_t *STR, const uint16_t
 -- Function: size_t u32_strcspn (const uint32_t *STR, const uint32_t
     Returns the length of the initial segment of STR which consists
     entirely of Unicode characters not in REJECT.

     This function is similar to `strcspn' and `wcscspn', except that
     it operates on Unicode strings.

 -- Function: size_t u8_strspn (const uint8_t *STR, const uint8_t
 -- Function: size_t u16_strspn (const uint16_t *STR, const uint16_t
 -- Function: size_t u32_strspn (const uint32_t *STR, const uint32_t
     Returns the length of the initial segment of STR which consists
     entirely of Unicode characters in ACCEPT.

     This function is similar to `strspn' and `wcsspn', except that it
     operates on Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strpbrk (const uint8_t *STR, const uint8_t
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strpbrk (const uint16_t *STR, const
          uint16_t *ACCEPT)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strpbrk (const uint32_t *STR, const
          uint32_t *ACCEPT)
     Finds the first occurrence in STR of any character in ACCEPT.

     This function is similar to `strpbrk' and `wcspbrk', except that
     it operates on Unicode strings.

   The following functions search whether a given Unicode string is a
substring of another Unicode string.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strstr (const uint8_t *HAYSTACK, const
          uint8_t *NEEDLE)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strstr (const uint16_t *HAYSTACK, const
          uint16_t *NEEDLE)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strstr (const uint32_t *HAYSTACK, const
          uint32_t *NEEDLE)
     Finds the first occurrence of NEEDLE in HAYSTACK.

     This function is similar to `strstr' and `wcsstr', except that it
     operates on Unicode strings.

 -- Function: bool u8_startswith (const uint8_t *STR, const uint8_t
 -- Function: bool u16_startswith (const uint16_t *STR, const uint16_t
 -- Function: bool u32_startswith (const uint32_t *STR, const uint32_t
     Tests whether STR starts with PREFIX.

 -- Function: bool u8_endswith (const uint8_t *STR, const uint8_t
 -- Function: bool u16_endswith (const uint16_t *STR, const uint16_t
 -- Function: bool u32_endswith (const uint32_t *STR, const uint32_t
     Tests whether STR ends with SUFFIX.

   The following function does one step in tokenizing a Unicode string.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strtok (uint8_t *STR, const uint8_t *DELIM,
          uint8_t **PTR)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strtok (uint16_t *STR, const uint16_t
          *DELIM, uint16_t **PTR)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strtok (uint32_t *STR, const uint32_t
          *DELIM, uint32_t **PTR)
     Divides STR into tokens separated by characters in DELIM.

     This function is similar to `strtok_r' and `wcstok', except that
     it operates on Unicode strings.  Its interface is actually more
     similar to `wcstok' than to `strtok'.

File:,  Node: uniconv.h,  Next: unistdio.h,  Prev: unistr.h,  Up: Top

5 Conversions between Unicode and encodings `<uniconv.h>'

   This include file declares functions for converting between Unicode
strings and `char *' strings in locale encoding or in other specified

   The following function returns the locale encoding.

 -- Function: const char * locale_charset ()
     Determines the current locale's character encoding, and
     canonicalizes it into one of the canonical names listed in
     `config.charset'.  If the canonical name cannot be determined, the
     result is a non-canonical name.

     The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated.

     The result of this function can be used as an argument to the
     `iconv_open' function in GNU libc, in GNU libiconv, or in the
     gnulib provided wrapper around the native `iconv_open' function.
     It may not work as an argument to the native `iconv_open' function

   The handling of unconvertible characters during the conversions can
be parametrized through the following enumeration type:

 -- Type: enum iconv_ilseq_handler
     This type specifies how unconvertible characters in the input are

 -- Constant: enum iconv_ilseq_handler iconveh_error
     This handler causes the function to return with `errno' set to

 -- Constant: enum iconv_ilseq_handler iconveh_question_mark
     This handler produces one question mark `?' per unconvertible

 -- Constant: enum iconv_ilseq_handler iconveh_escape_sequence
     This handler produces an escape sequence `\uXXXX' or `\UXXXXXXXX'
     for each unconvertible character.

   The following functions convert between strings in a specified
encoding and Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_conv_from_encoding (const char *FROMCODE,
          enum iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER, const char *SRC, size_t
          SRCLEN, size_t *OFFSETS, uint8_t *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_conv_from_encoding (const char *FROMCODE,
          enum iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER, const char *SRC, size_t
          SRCLEN, size_t *OFFSETS, uint16_t *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_conv_from_encoding (const char *FROMCODE,
          enum iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER, const char *SRC, size_t
          SRCLEN, size_t *OFFSETS, uint32_t *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Converts an entire string, possibly including NUL bytes, from one
     encoding to UTF-8 encoding.

     Converts a memory region given in encoding FROMCODE.  FROMCODE is
     as for the `iconv_open' function.

     The input is in the memory region between SRC (inclusive) and `SRC
     + SRCLEN' (exclusive).

     If OFFSETS is not NULL, it should point to an array of SRCLEN
     integers; this array is filled with offsets into the result, i.e.
     the character starting at `SRC[i]' corresponds to the character
     starting at `RESULT[OFFSETS[i]]', and other offsets are set to

     `RESULTBUF' and `*LENGTHP' should be a scratch buffer and its
     size, or `RESULTBUF' can be NULL.

     May erase the contents of the memory at `RESULTBUF'.

     If successful: The resulting Unicode string (non-NULL) is returned
     and its length stored in `*LENGTHP'.  The resulting string is
     `RESULTBUF' if no dynamic memory allocation was necessary, or a
     freshly allocated memory block otherwise.

     In case of error: NULL is returned and `errno' is set.  Particular
     `errno' values: `EINVAL', `EILSEQ', `ENOMEM'.

 -- Function: char * u8_conv_to_encoding (const char *TOCODE, enum
          iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER, const uint8_t *SRC, size_t
          SRCLEN, size_t *OFFSETS, char *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: char * u16_conv_to_encoding (const char *TOCODE, enum
          iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER, const uint16_t *SRC, size_t
          SRCLEN, size_t *OFFSETS, char *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: char * u32_conv_to_encoding (const char *TOCODE, enum
          iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER, const uint32_t *SRC, size_t
          SRCLEN, size_t *OFFSETS, char *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Converts an entire Unicode string, possibly including NUL units,
     from UTF-8 encoding to a given encoding.

     Converts a memory region to encoding TOCODE.  TOCODE is as for the
     `iconv_open' function.

     The input is in the memory region between SRC (inclusive) and `SRC
     + SRCLEN' (exclusive).

     If OFFSETS is not NULL, it should point to an array of SRCLEN
     integers; this array is filled with offsets into the result, i.e.
     the character starting at `SRC[i]' corresponds to the character
     starting at `RESULT[OFFSETS[i]]', and other offsets are set to

     `RESULTBUF' and `*LENGTHP' should be a scratch buffer and its
     size, or `RESULTBUF' can be NULL.

     May erase the contents of the memory at `RESULTBUF'.

     If successful: The resulting Unicode string (non-NULL) is returned
     and its length stored in `*LENGTHP'.  The resulting string is
     `RESULTBUF' if no dynamic memory allocation was necessary, or a
     freshly allocated memory block otherwise.

     In case of error: NULL is returned and `errno' is set.  Particular
     `errno' values: `EINVAL', `EILSEQ', `ENOMEM'.

   The following functions convert between NUL terminated strings in a
specified encoding and NUL terminated Unicode strings.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strconv_from_encoding (const char *STRING,
          const char *FROMCODE, enum iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strconv_from_encoding (const char *STRING,
          const char *FROMCODE, enum iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strconv_from_encoding (const char *STRING,
          const char *FROMCODE, enum iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER)
     Converts a NUL terminated string from a given encoding.

     The result is `malloc' allocated, or NULL (with ERRNO set) in case
     of error.

     Particular `errno' values: `EILSEQ', `ENOMEM'.

 -- Function: char * u8_strconv_to_encoding (const uint8_t *STRING,
          const char *TOCODE, enum iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER)
 -- Function: char * u16_strconv_to_encoding (const uint16_t *STRING,
          const char *TOCODE, enum iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER)
 -- Function: char * u32_strconv_to_encoding (const uint32_t *STRING,
          const char *TOCODE, enum iconv_ilseq_handler HANDLER)
     Converts a NUL terminated string to a given encoding.

     The result is `malloc' allocated, or NULL (with `errno' set) in
     case of error.

     Particular `errno' values: `EILSEQ', `ENOMEM'.

   The following functions are shorthands that convert between NUL
terminated strings in locale encoding and NUL terminated Unicode

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_strconv_from_locale (const char *STRING)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_strconv_from_locale (const char *STRING)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_strconv_from_locale (const char *STRING)
     Converts a NUL terminated string from the locale encoding.

     The result is `malloc' allocated, or NULL (with `errno' set) in
     case of error.

     Particular `errno' values: `ENOMEM'.

 -- Function: char * u8_strconv_to_locale (const uint8_t *STRING)
 -- Function: char * u16_strconv_to_locale (const uint16_t *STRING)
 -- Function: char * u32_strconv_to_locale (const uint32_t *STRING)
     Converts a NUL terminated string to the locale encoding.

     The result is `malloc' allocated, or NULL (with `errno' set) in
     case of error.

     Particular `errno' values: `ENOMEM'.

File:,  Node: unistdio.h,  Next: uniname.h,  Prev: uniconv.h,  Up: Top

6 Output with Unicode strings `<unistdio.h>'

   This include file declares functions for doing formatted output with
Unicode strings.  It defines a set of functions similar to `fprintf' and
`sprintf', which are declared in `<stdio.h>'.

   These functions work like the `printf' function family.  In the
format string:
   * The format directive `U' takes an UTF-8 string (`const uint8_t *').

   * The format directive `lU' takes an UTF-16 string (`const uint16_t

   * The format directive `llU' takes an UTF-32 string (`const uint32_t

   A function name with an infix `v' indicates that a `va_list' is
passed instead of multiple arguments.

   The functions `*sprintf' have a BUF argument that is assumed to be
large enough.  (_DANGEROUS!  Overflowing the buffer will crash the

   The functions `*snprintf' have a BUF argument that is assumed to be
SIZE units large.  (_DANGEROUS!  The resulting string might be
truncated in the middle of a multibyte character._)

   The functions `*asprintf' have a RESULTP argument.  The result will
be freshly allocated and stored in `*resultp'.

   The functions `*asnprintf' have a (RESULTBUF, LENGTHP) argument
pair.  If RESULTBUF is not NULL and the result fits into `*LENGTHP'
units, it is put in RESULTBUF, and RESULTBUF is returned.  Otherwise, a
freshly allocated string is returned.  In both cases, `*LENGTHP' is set
to the length (number of units) of the returned string.  In case of
error, NULL is returned and `errno' is set.

   The following functions take an ASCII format string and return a
result that is a `char *' string in locale encoding.

 -- Function: int ulc_sprintf (char *BUF, const char *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int ulc_snprintf (char *BUF, size_t size, const char
          *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int ulc_asprintf (char **RESULTP, const char *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: char * ulc_asnprintf (char *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP,
          const char *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int ulc_vsprintf (char *BUF, const char *FORMAT, va_list

 -- Function: int ulc_vsnprintf (char *BUF, size_t size, const char
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: int ulc_vasprintf (char **RESULTP, const char *FORMAT,
          va_list AP)

 -- Function: char * ulc_vasnprintf (char *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP,
          const char *FORMAT, va_list AP)

   The following functions take an ASCII format string and return a
result in UTF-8 format.

 -- Function: int u8_sprintf (uint8_t *BUF, const char *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u8_snprintf (uint8_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const char
          *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u8_asprintf (uint8_t **RESULTP, const char *FORMAT,

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_asnprintf (uint8_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
          *LENGTHP, const char *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u8_vsprintf (uint8_t *BUF, const char *FORMAT,
          va_list ap)

 -- Function: int u8_vsnprintf (uint8_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const char
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: int u8_vasprintf (uint8_t **RESULTP, const char *FORMAT,
          va_list AP)

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_vasnprintf (uint8_t *resultbuf, size_t
          *LENGTHP, const char *FORMAT, va_list AP)

   The following functions take an UTF-8 format string and return a
result in UTF-8 format.

 -- Function: int u8_u8_sprintf (uint8_t *BUF, const uint8_t *FORMAT,

 -- Function: int u8_u8_snprintf (uint8_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const
          uint8_t *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u8_u8_asprintf (uint8_t **RESULTP, const uint8_t
          *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_u8_asnprintf (uint8_t *resultbuf, size_t
          *LENGTHP, const uint8_t *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u8_u8_vsprintf (uint8_t *BUF, const uint8_t *FORMAT,
          va_list AP)

 -- Function: int u8_u8_vsnprintf (uint8_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const
          uint8_t *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: int u8_u8_vasprintf (uint8_t **RESULTP, const uint8_t
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_u8_vasnprintf (uint8_t *resultbuf, size_t
          *LENGTHP, const uint8_t *FORMAT, va_list AP)

   The following functions take an ASCII format string and return a
result in UTF-16 format.

 -- Function: int u16_sprintf (uint16_t *BUF, const char *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u16_snprintf (uint16_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const char
          *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u16_asprintf (uint16_t **RESULTP, const char *FORMAT,

 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_asnprintf (uint16_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
          *LENGTHP, const char *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u16_vsprintf (uint16_t *BUF, const char *FORMAT,
          va_list ap)

 -- Function: int u16_vsnprintf (uint16_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const char
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: int u16_vasprintf (uint16_t **RESULTP, const char
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_vasnprintf (uint16_t *resultbuf, size_t
          *LENGTHP, const char *FORMAT, va_list AP)

   The following functions take an UTF-16 format string and return a
result in UTF-16 format.

 -- Function: int u16_u16_sprintf (uint16_t *BUF, const uint16_t
          *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u16_u16_snprintf (uint16_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const
          uint16_t *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u16_u16_asprintf (uint16_t **RESULTP, const uint16_t
          *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_u16_asnprintf (uint16_t *resultbuf, size_t
          *LENGTHP, const uint16_t *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u16_u16_vsprintf (uint16_t *BUF, const uint16_t
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: int u16_u16_vsnprintf (uint16_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const
          uint16_t *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: int u16_u16_vasprintf (uint16_t **RESULTP, const uint16_t
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_u16_vasnprintf (uint16_t *resultbuf,
          size_t *LENGTHP, const uint16_t *FORMAT, va_list AP)

   The following functions take an ASCII format string and return a
result in UTF-32 format.

 -- Function: int u32_sprintf (uint32_t *BUF, const char *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u32_snprintf (uint32_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const char
          *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u32_asprintf (uint32_t **RESULTP, const char *FORMAT,

 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_asnprintf (uint32_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
          *LENGTHP, const char *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u32_vsprintf (uint32_t *BUF, const char *FORMAT,
          va_list ap)

 -- Function: int u32_vsnprintf (uint32_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const char
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: int u32_vasprintf (uint32_t **RESULTP, const char
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_vasnprintf (uint32_t *resultbuf, size_t
          *LENGTHP, const char *FORMAT, va_list AP)

   The following functions take an UTF-32 format string and return a
result in UTF-32 format.

 -- Function: int u32_u32_sprintf (uint32_t *BUF, const uint32_t
          *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u32_u32_snprintf (uint32_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const
          uint32_t *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u32_u32_asprintf (uint32_t **RESULTP, const uint32_t
          *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_u32_asnprintf (uint32_t *resultbuf, size_t
          *LENGTHP, const uint32_t *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int u32_u32_vsprintf (uint32_t *BUF, const uint32_t
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: int u32_u32_vsnprintf (uint32_t *BUF, size_t SIZE, const
          uint32_t *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: int u32_u32_vasprintf (uint32_t **RESULTP, const uint32_t
          *FORMAT, va_list AP)

 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_u32_vasnprintf (uint32_t *resultbuf,
          size_t *LENGTHP, const uint32_t *FORMAT, va_list AP)

   The following functions take an ASCII format string and produce
output in locale encoding to a `FILE' stream.

 -- Function: int ulc_fprintf (FILE *STREAM, const char *FORMAT, ...)

 -- Function: int ulc_vfprintf (FILE *STREAM, const char *FORMAT,
          va_list AP)

File:,  Node: uniname.h,  Next: unictype.h,  Prev: unistdio.h,  Up: Top

7 Names of Unicode characters `<uniname.h>'

   This include file implements the association between a Unicode
character and its name.

   The name of a Unicode character allows to distinguish it from other,
similar looking characters.  For example, the character `x' has the name
`"LATIN SMALL LETTER X"' and is therefore different from the character

 -- Macro: unsigned int UNINAME_MAX
     This macro expands to a constant that is the required size of
     buffer for a Unicode character name.

 -- Function: char * unicode_character_name (ucs4_t UC, char *BUF)
     Looks up the name of a Unicode character, in uppercase ASCII.  BUF
     must point to a buffer, at least `UNINAME_MAX' bytes in size.
     Returns the filled BUF, or NULL if the character does not have a

 -- Function: ucs4_t unicode_name_character (const char *NAME)
     Looks up the Unicode character with a given name, in upper- or
     lowercase ASCII.  Returns the character if found, or
     `UNINAME_INVALID' if not found.

 -- Macro: ucs4_t UNINAME_INVALID
     This macro expands to a constant that is a special return value of
     the `unicode_name_character' function.

File:,  Node: unictype.h,  Next: uniwidth.h,  Prev: uniname.h,  Up: Top

8 Unicode character classification and properties `<unictype.h>'

   This include file declares functions that classify Unicode characters
and that test whether Unicode characters have specific properties.

   The classification assigns a "general category" to every Unicode
character.  This is similar to the classification provided by ISO C in

   Properties are the data that guides various text processing
algorithms in the presence of specific Unicode characters.

* Menu:

* General category::
* Canonical combining class::
* Bidirectional category::
* Decimal digit value::
* Digit value::
* Numeric value::
* Mirrored character::
* Properties::
* Scripts::
* Blocks::
* ISO C and Java syntax::
* Classifications like in ISO C::

File:,  Node: General category,  Next: Canonical combining class,  Up: unictype.h

8.1 General category

   Every Unicode character or code point has a _general category_
assigned to it.  This classification is important for most algorithms
that work on Unicode text.

   The GNU libunistring library provides two kinds of API for working
with general categories.  The object oriented API uses a variable to
denote every predefined general category value or combinations thereof.
The low-level API uses a bit mask instead.  The advantage of the object
oriented API is that if only a few predefined general category values
are used, the data tables are relatively small.  When you combine
general category values (using `uc_general_category_or',
`uc_general_category_and', or `uc_general_category_and_not'), or when
you use the low level bit masks, a big table is used thats holds the
complete general category information for all Unicode characters.

* Menu:

* Object oriented API::
* Bit mask API::

File:,  Node: Object oriented API,  Next: Bit mask API,  Up: General category

8.1.1 The object oriented API for general category

 -- Type: uc_general_category_t
     This data type denotes a general category value.  It is an
     immediate type that can be copied by simple assignment, without
     involving memory allocation.  It is not an array type.

   The following are the predefined general category value.  Additional
general categories may be added in the future.

 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_L
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Lu
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Ll
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Lt
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Lm
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Lo
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_M
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Mn
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Mc
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Me
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_N
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Nd
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Nl
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_No
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_P
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Pc
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Pd
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Ps
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Pe
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Pi
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Pf
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Po
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_S
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Sm
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Sc
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Sk
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_So
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Z
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Zs
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Zl
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Zp
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_C
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Cc
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Cf
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Cs
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Co
 -- Constant: uc_general_category_t UC_CATEGORY_Cn

   The following are alias names for predefined General category values.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_LETTER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_L'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_UPPERCASE_LETTER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Lu'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_LOWERCASE_LETTER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Ll'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_TITLECASE_LETTER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Lt'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_MODIFIER_LETTER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Lm'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_OTHER_LETTER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Lo'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_MARK
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_M'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_NON_SPACING_MARK
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Mn'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_COMBINING_SPACING_MARK
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Mc'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_ENCLOSING_MARK
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Me'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_NUMBER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_N'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Nd'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_LETTER_NUMBER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Nl'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_OTHER_NUMBER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_No'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_PUNCTUATION
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_P'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Pc'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_DASH_PUNCTUATION
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Pd'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_OPEN_PUNCTUATION
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Ps' ("start punctuation").

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_CLOSE_PUNCTUATION
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Pe' ("end punctuation").

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_INITIAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Pi'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_FINAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Pf'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_OTHER_PUNCTUATION
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Po'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_SYMBOL
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_S'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_MATH_SYMBOL
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Sm'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_CURRENCY_SYMBOL
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Sc'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_MODIFIER_SYMBOL
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Sk'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_OTHER_SYMBOL
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_So'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_SEPARATOR
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Z'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_SPACE_SEPARATOR
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Zs'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_LINE_SEPARATOR
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Zl'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Zp'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_OTHER
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_C'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_CONTROL
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Cc'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_FORMAT
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Cf'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_SURROGATE
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Cs'.  All code points in this
     category are invalid characters.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_PRIVATE_USE
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Co'.

 -- Macro: uc_general_category_t UC_UNASSIGNED
     This is another name for `UC_CATEGORY_Cn'.  Some code points in
     this category are invalid characters.

   The following functions combine general categories, like in a
boolean algebra, except that there is no `not' operation.

 -- Function: uc_general_category_t uc_general_category_or
          (uc_general_category_t CATEGORY1, uc_general_category_t
     Returns the union of two general categories.  This corresponds to
     the unions of the two sets of characters.

 -- Function: uc_general_category_t uc_general_category_and
          (uc_general_category_t CATEGORY1, uc_general_category_t
     Returns the intersection of two general categories as bit masks.
     This _does not_ correspond to the intersection of the two sets of

 -- Function: uc_general_category_t uc_general_category_and_not
          (uc_general_category_t CATEGORY1, uc_general_category_t
     Returns the intersection of a general category with the complement
     of a second general category, as bit masks.  This _does not_
     correspond to the intersection with complement, when viewing the
     categories as sets of characters.

   The following functions associate general categories with their name.

 -- Function: const char * uc_general_category_name
          (uc_general_category_t CATEGORY)
     Returns the name of a general category.  Returns NULL if the
     general category corresponds to a bit mask that does not have a

 -- Function: uc_general_category_t uc_general_category_byname (const
          char *CATEGORY_NAME)
     Returns the general category given by name, e.g. `"Lu"'.

   The following functions view general categories as sets of Unicode

 -- Function: uc_general_category_t uc_general_category (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the general category of a Unicode character.

     This function uses a big table.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_general_category (ucs4_t UC,
          uc_general_category_t CATEGORY)
     Tests whether a Unicode character belongs to a given category.
     The CATEGORY argument can be a predefined general category or the
     combination of several predefined general categories.

File:,  Node: Bit mask API,  Prev: Object oriented API,  Up: General category

8.1.2 The bit mask API for general category

   The following are the predefined general category value as bit masks.
Additional general categories may be added in the future.

 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_L
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Lu
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Ll
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Lt
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Lm
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Lo
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_M
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Mn
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Mc
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Me
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_N
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Nd
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Nl
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_No
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_P
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Pc
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Pd
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Ps
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Pe
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Pi
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Pf
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Po
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_S
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Sm
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Sc
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Sk
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_So
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Z
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Zs
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Zl
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Zp
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_C
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Cc
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Cf
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Cs
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Co
 -- Macro: uint32_t UC_CATEGORY_MASK_Cn

   The following function views general categories as sets of Unicode

 -- Function: bool uc_is_general_category_withtable (ucs4_t UC,
          uint32_t BITMASK)
     Tests whether a Unicode character belongs to a given category.
     The BITMASK argument can be a predefined general category bitmask
     or the combination of several predefined general category bitmasks.

     This function uses a big table comprising all general categories.

File:,  Node: Canonical combining class,  Next: Bidirectional category,  Prev: General category,  Up: unictype.h

8.2 Canonical combining class

   Every Unicode character or code point has a _canonical combining
class_ assigned to it.

   What is the meaning of the canonical combining class?  Essentially,
it indicates the priority with which a combining character is attached
to its base character.  The characters for which the canonical
combining class is 0 are the base characters, and the characters for
which it is greater than 0 are the combining characters.  Combining
characters are rendered near/attached/around their base character, and
combining characters with small combining classes are attached "first"
or "closer" to the base character.

   The canonical combining class of a character is a number in the range
0..255.  The possible values are described in the Unicode Character
Database `'.  The list
here is not definitive; more values can be added in future versions.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_NR
     The canonical combining class value for "Not Reordered" characters.
     The value is 0.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_OV
     The canonical combining class value for "Overlay" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_NK
     The canonical combining class value for "Nukta" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_KV
     The canonical combining class value for "Kana Voicing" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_VR
     The canonical combining class value for "Virama" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_ATBL
     The canonical combining class value for "Attached Below Left"

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_ATB
     The canonical combining class value for "Attached Below"

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_ATAR
     The canonical combining class value for "Attached Above Right"

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_BL
     The canonical combining class value for "Below Left" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_B
     The canonical combining class value for "Below" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_BR
     The canonical combining class value for "Below Right" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_L
     The canonical combining class value for "Left" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_R
     The canonical combining class value for "Right" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_AL
     The canonical combining class value for "Above Left" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_A
     The canonical combining class value for "Above" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_AR
     The canonical combining class value for "Above Right" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_DB
     The canonical combining class value for "Double Below" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_DA
     The canonical combining class value for "Double Above" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_CCC_IS
     The canonical combining class value for "Iota Subscript"

   The following function looks up the canonical combining class of a

 -- Function: int uc_combining_class (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the canonical combining class of a Unicode character.

File:,  Node: Bidirectional category,  Next: Decimal digit value,  Prev: Canonical combining class,  Up: unictype.h

8.3 Bidirectional category

   Every Unicode character or code point has a _bidirectional category_
assigned to it.

   The bidirectional category guides the bidirectional algorithm
(`').  The possible values are the

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_L
     The bidirectional category for `Left-to-Right`" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_LRE
     The bidirectional category for "Left-to-Right Embedding"

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_LRO
     The bidirectional category for "Left-to-Right Override" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_R
     The bidirectional category for "Right-to-Left" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_AL
     The bidirectional category for "Right-to-Left Arabic" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_RLE
     The bidirectional category for "Right-to-Left Embedding"

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_RLO
     The bidirectional category for "Right-to-Left Override" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_PDF
     The bidirectional category for "Pop Directional Format" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_EN
     The bidirectional category for "European Number" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_ES
     The bidirectional category for "European Number Separator"

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_ET
     The bidirectional category for "European Number Terminator"

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_AN
     The bidirectional category for "Arabic Number" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_CS
     The bidirectional category for "Common Number Separator"

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_NSM
     The bidirectional category for "Non-Spacing Mark" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_BN
     The bidirectional category for "Boundary Neutral" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_B
     The bidirectional category for "Paragraph Separator" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_S
     The bidirectional category for "Segment Separator" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_WS
     The bidirectional category for "Whitespace" characters.

 -- Constant: int UC_BIDI_ON
     The bidirectional category for "Other Neutral" characters.

   The following functions implement the association between a
bidirectional category and its name.

 -- Function: const char * uc_bidi_category_name (int CATEGORY)
     Returns the name of a bidirectional category.

 -- Function: int uc_bidi_category_byname (const char *CATEGORY_NAME)
     Returns the bidirectional category given by name, e.g. `"LRE"'.

   The following functions view bidirectional categories as sets of
Unicode characters.

 -- Function: int uc_bidi_category (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the bidirectional category of a Unicode character.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_bidi_category (ucs4_t UC, int CATEGORY)
     Tests whether a Unicode character belongs to a given bidirectional

File:,  Node: Decimal digit value,  Next: Digit value,  Prev: Bidirectional category,  Up: unictype.h

8.4 Decimal digit value

   Decimal digits (like the digits from `0' to `9') exist in many
scripts.  The following function converts a decimal digit character to
its numerical value.

 -- Function: int uc_decimal_value (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the decimal digit value of a Unicode character.  The
     return value is an integer in the range 0..9, or -1 for characters
     that do not represent a decimal digit.

File:,  Node: Digit value,  Next: Numeric value,  Prev: Decimal digit value,  Up: unictype.h

8.5 Digit value

   Digit characters are like decimal digit characters, possibly in
special forms, like as superscript, subscript, or circled.  The
following function converts a digit character to its numerical value.

 -- Function: int uc_digit_value (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the digit value of a Unicode character.  The return value
     is an integer in the range 0..9, or -1 for characters that do not
     represent a digit.

File:,  Node: Numeric value,  Next: Mirrored character,  Prev: Digit value,  Up: unictype.h

8.6 Numeric value

   There are also characters that represent numbers without a digit
system, like the Roman numerals, and fractional numbers, like 1/4 or

   The following type represents the numeric value of a Unicode

 -- Type: uc_fraction_t
     This is a structure type with the following fields:
          int numerator;
          int denominator;
     An integer N is represented by `numerator = N', `denominator = 1'.

   The following function converts a number character to its numerical

 -- Function: uc_fraction_t uc_numeric_value (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the numeric value of a Unicode character.  The return
     value is a fraction, or the pseudo-fraction `{ 0, 0 }' for
     characters that do not represent a number.

File:,  Node: Mirrored character,  Next: Properties,  Prev: Numeric value,  Up: unictype.h

8.7 Mirrored character

   Character mirroring is used to associate the closing parenthesis
character to the opening parenthesis character, the closing brace
character with the opening brace character, and so on.

   The following function looks up the mirrored character of a Unicode

 -- Function: bool uc_mirror_char (ucs4_t UC, ucs4_t *PUC)
     Stores the mirrored character of a Unicode character UC in `*PUC'
     and returns `true', if it exists.  Otherwise it stores UC
     unmodified in `*PUC' and returns `false'.

File:,  Node: Properties,  Next: Scripts,  Prev: Mirrored character,  Up: unictype.h

8.8 Properties

   This section defines boolean properties of Unicode characters.  This
means, a character either has the given property or does not have it.
In other words, the property can be viewed as a subset of the set of
Unicode characters.

   The GNU libunistring library provides two kinds of API for working
with properties.  The object oriented API uses a type `uc_property_t'
to designate a property.  In the function-based API, which is a bit more
low level, a property is merely a function.

* Menu:

* Properties as objects::
* Properties as functions::

File:,  Node: Properties as objects,  Next: Properties as functions,  Up: Properties

8.8.1 Properties as objects - the object oriented API

   The following type designates a property on Unicode characters.

 -- Type: uc_property_t
     This data type denotes a boolean property on Unicode characters.
     It is an immediate type that can be copied by simple assignment,
     without involving memory allocation.  It is not an array type.

   Many Unicode properties are predefined.

   The following are general properties.

 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_WHITE_SPACE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_ALPHABETIC
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_OTHER_ALPHABETIC
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_NOT_A_CHARACTER
 -- Constant: uc_property_t
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_DEPRECATED
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_VARIATION_SELECTOR
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_PRIVATE_USE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_UNASSIGNED_CODE_VALUE

   The following properties are related to case folding.

 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_UPPERCASE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_OTHER_UPPERCASE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_LOWERCASE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_OTHER_LOWERCASE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_TITLECASE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_SOFT_DOTTED

   The following properties are related to identifiers.

 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_ID_START
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_OTHER_ID_START
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_ID_CONTINUE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_OTHER_ID_CONTINUE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_XID_START
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_XID_CONTINUE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_PATTERN_WHITE_SPACE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_PATTERN_SYNTAX

   The following properties have an influence on shaping and rendering.

 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_JOIN_CONTROL
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_GRAPHEME_BASE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_GRAPHEME_EXTEND
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_OTHER_GRAPHEME_EXTEND
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_GRAPHEME_LINK

   The following properties relate to bidirectional reordering.

 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_CONTROL
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_LEFT_TO_RIGHT
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_HEBREW_RIGHT_TO_LEFT
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_ARABIC_RIGHT_TO_LEFT
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_EUROPEAN_DIGIT
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_EUR_NUM_SEPARATOR
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_EUR_NUM_TERMINATOR
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_ARABIC_DIGIT
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_COMMON_SEPARATOR
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_BLOCK_SEPARATOR
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_WHITESPACE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_NON_SPACING_MARK
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_BOUNDARY_NEUTRAL
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_PDF
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_BIDI_OTHER_NEUTRAL

   The following properties deal with number representations.

 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_HEX_DIGIT
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_ASCII_HEX_DIGIT

   The following properties deal with CJK.

 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_IDEOGRAPHIC
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPH
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_RADICAL
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_IDS_BINARY_OPERATOR
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_IDS_TRINARY_OPERATOR

   Other miscellaneous properties are:

 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_ZERO_WIDTH
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_SPACE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_NON_BREAK
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_ISO_CONTROL
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_FORMAT_CONTROL
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_DASH
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_HYPHEN
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_PUNCTUATION
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_LINE_SEPARATOR
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_QUOTATION_MARK
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_SENTENCE_TERMINAL
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_CURRENCY_SYMBOL
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_MATH
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_OTHER_MATH
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_PAIRED_PUNCTUATION
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_LEFT_OF_PAIR
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_COMBINING
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_COMPOSITE
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_DECIMAL_DIGIT
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_NUMERIC
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_DIACRITIC
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_EXTENDER
 -- Constant: uc_property_t UC_PROPERTY_IGNORABLE_CONTROL

   The following function looks up a property by its name.

 -- Function: uc_property_t uc_property_byname (const char
     Returns the property given by name, e.g. `"White space"'.  If a
     property with the given name exists, the result will satisfy the
     `uc_property_is_valid' predicate.  Otherwise the result will not
     satisfy this predicate and must not be passed to functions that
     expect an `uc_property_t' argument.

     This function references a big table of all predefined properties.
     Its use can significantly increase the size of your application.

 -- Function: bool uc_property_is_valid (uc_property_t property)
     Returns `true' when the given property is valid, or `false'

   The following function views a property as a set of Unicode

 -- Function: bool uc_is_property (ucs4_t UC, uc_property_t PROPERTY)
     Tests whether the Unicode character UC has the given property.

File:,  Node: Properties as functions,  Prev: Properties as objects,  Up: Properties

8.8.2 Properties as functions - the functional API

   The following are general properties.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_white_space (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_alphabetic (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_other_alphabetic (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_not_a_character (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_default_ignorable_code_point (ucs4_t
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_other_default_ignorable_code_point
          (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_deprecated (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_logical_order_exception (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_variation_selector (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_private_use (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_unassigned_code_value (ucs4_t UC)

   The following properties are related to case folding.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_uppercase (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_other_uppercase (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_lowercase (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_other_lowercase (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_titlecase (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_soft_dotted (ucs4_t UC)

   The following properties are related to identifiers.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_id_start (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_other_id_start (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_id_continue (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_other_id_continue (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_xid_start (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_xid_continue (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_pattern_white_space (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_pattern_syntax (ucs4_t UC)

   The following properties have an influence on shaping and rendering.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_join_control (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_grapheme_base (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_grapheme_extend (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_other_grapheme_extend (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_grapheme_link (ucs4_t UC)

   The following properties relate to bidirectional reordering.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_control (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_left_to_right (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_hebrew_right_to_left (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_arabic_right_to_left (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_european_digit (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_eur_num_separator (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_eur_num_terminator (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_arabic_digit (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_common_separator (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_block_separator (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_segment_separator (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_whitespace (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_non_spacing_mark (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_boundary_neutral (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_pdf (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_embedding_or_override (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_bidi_other_neutral (ucs4_t UC)

   The following properties deal with number representations.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_hex_digit (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_ascii_hex_digit (ucs4_t UC)

   The following properties deal with CJK.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_ideographic (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_unified_ideograph (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_radical (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_ids_binary_operator (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_ids_trinary_operator (ucs4_t UC)

   Other miscellaneous properties are:

 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_zero_width (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_space (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_non_break (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_iso_control (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_format_control (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_dash (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_hyphen (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_punctuation (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_line_separator (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_paragraph_separator (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_quotation_mark (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_sentence_terminal (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_terminal_punctuation (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_currency_symbol (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_math (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_other_math (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_paired_punctuation (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_left_of_pair (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_combining (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_composite (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_decimal_digit (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_numeric (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_diacritic (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_extender (ucs4_t UC)
 -- Function: bool uc_is_property_ignorable_control (ucs4_t UC)

File:,  Node: Scripts,  Next: Blocks,  Prev: Properties,  Up: unictype.h

8.9 Scripts

   The Unicode characters are subdivided into scripts.

   The following type is used to represent a script:

 -- Type: uc_script_t
     This data type is a structure type that refers to statically
     allocated read-only data.  It contains the following fields:
          const char *name;

     The `name' field contains the name of the script.

   The following functions look up a script.

 -- Function: const uc_script_t * uc_script (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the script of a Unicode character.  Returns NULL if UC
     does not belong to any script.

 -- Function: const uc_script_t * uc_script_byname (const char
     Returns the script given by its name, e.g. `"HAN"'.  Returns NULL
     if a script with the given name does not exist.

   The following function views a script as a set of Unicode characters.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_script (ucs4_t UC, const uc_script_t *SCRIPT)
     Tests whether a Unicode character belongs to a given script.

   The following gives a global picture of all scripts.

 -- Function: void uc_all_scripts (const uc_script_t **SCRIPTS, size_t
     Get the list of all scripts.  Stores a pointer to an array of all
     scripts in `*SCRIPTS' and the length of this array in `*COUNT'.

File:,  Node: Blocks,  Next: ISO C and Java syntax,  Prev: Scripts,  Up: unictype.h

8.10 Blocks

   The Unicode characters are subdivided into blocks.  A block is an
interval of Unicode code points.

   The following type is used to represent a block.

 -- Type: uc_block_t
     This data type is a structure type that refers to statically
     allocated data.  It contains the following fields:
          ucs4_t start;
          ucs4_t end;
          const char *name;

     The `start' field is the first Unicode code point in the block.

     The `end' field is the last Unicode code point in the block.

     The `name' field is the name of the block.

   The following function looks up a block.

 -- Function: const uc_block_t * uc_block (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the block a character belongs to.

   The following function views a block as a set of Unicode characters.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_block (ucs4_t UC, const uc_block_t *BLOCK)
     Tests whether a Unicode character belongs to a given block.

   The following gives a global picture of all block.

 -- Function: void uc_all_blocks (const uc_block_t **BLOCKS, size_t
     Get the list of all blocks.  Stores a pointer to an array of all
     blocks in `*BLOCKS' and the length of this array in `*COUNT'.

File:,  Node: ISO C and Java syntax,  Next: Classifications like in ISO C,  Prev: Blocks,  Up: unictype.h

8.11 ISO C and Java syntax

   The following properties are taken from language standards.  The
supported language standards are ISO C 99 and Java.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_c_whitespace (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests whether a Unicode character is considered whitespace in ISO
     C 99.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_java_whitespace (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests whether a Unicode character is considered whitespace in Java.

   The following enumerated values are the possible return values of
the functions `uc_c_ident_category' and `uc_java_ident_category'.

 -- Constant: int UC_IDENTIFIER_START
     This return value means that the given character is valid as first
     or subsequent character in an identifier.

 -- Constant: int UC_IDENTIFIER_VALID
     This return value means that the given character is valid as
     subsequent character only.

     This return value means that the given character is not valid in
     an identifier.

     This return value (only for Java) means that the given character
     is ignorable.

   The following function determine whether a given character can be a
constituent of an identifier in the given programming language.

 -- Function: int uc_c_ident_category (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the categorization of a Unicode character with respect to
     the ISO C 99 identifier syntax.

 -- Function: int uc_java_ident_category (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the categorization of a Unicode character with respect to
     the Java identifier syntax.

File:,  Node: Classifications like in ISO C,  Prev: ISO C and Java syntax,  Up: unictype.h

8.12 Classifications like in ISO C

   The following character classifications mimic those declared in the
ISO C header files `<ctype.h>' and `<wctype.h>'.  These functions are
deprecated, because this set of functions was designed with ASCII in
mind and cannot reflect the more diverse reality of the Unicode
character set.  But they can be a quick-and-dirty porting aid when
migrating from `wchar_t' APIs to Unicode strings.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_alnum (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any character for which `uc_is_alpha' or `uc_is_digit' is

 -- Function: bool uc_is_alpha (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any character for which `uc_is_upper' or `uc_is_lower' is
     true, or any character that is one of a locale-specific set of
     characters for which none of `uc_is_cntrl', `uc_is_digit',
     `uc_is_punct', or `uc_is_space' is true.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_cntrl (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any control character.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_digit (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any character that corresponds to a decimal-digit

 -- Function: bool uc_is_graph (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any character for which `uc_is_print' is true and
     `uc_is_space' is false.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_lower (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any character that corresponds to a lowercase letter or
     is one of a locale-specific set of characters for which none of
     `uc_is_cntrl', `uc_is_digit', `uc_is_punct', or `uc_is_space' is

 -- Function: bool uc_is_print (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any printing character.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_punct (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any printing character that is one of a locale-specific
     set of characters for which neither `uc_is_space' nor
     `uc_is_alnum' is true.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_space (ucs4_t UC)
     Test for any character that corresponds to a locale-specific set
     of characters for which none of `uc_is_alnum', `uc_is_graph', or
     `uc_is_punct' is true.

 -- Function: bool uc_is_upper (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any character that corresponds to an uppercase letter or
     is one of a locale-specific set of characters for which none of
     `uc_is_cntrl', `uc_is_digit', `uc_is_punct', or `uc_is_space' is

 -- Function: bool uc_is_xdigit (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any character that corresponds to a hexadecimal-digit

 -- Function: bool uc_is_blank (ucs4_t UC)
     Tests for any character that corresponds to a standard blank
     character or a locale-specific set of characters for which
     `uc_is_alnum' is false.

File:,  Node: uniwidth.h,  Next: uniwbrk.h,  Prev: unictype.h,  Up: Top

9 Display width `<uniwidth.h>'

   This include file declares functions that return the display width,
measured in columns, of characters or strings, when output to a device
that uses non-proportional fonts.

   Note that for some rarely used characters the actual fonts or
terminal emulators can use a different width.  There is no mechanism
for communicating the display width of characters across a Unix
pseudo-terminal (tty).  Also, there are scripts with complex rendering,
like the Indic scripts.  For these scripts, there is no such concept as
non-proportional fonts.  Therefore the results of these functions
usually work fine on most scripts and on most characters but can fail
to represent the actual display width.

   These functions are locale dependent.  The ENCODING argument
identifies the encoding (e.g. `"ISO-8859-2"' for Polish).

 -- Function: int uc_width (ucs4_t UC, const char *ENCODING)
     Determines and returns the number of column positions required for
     UC.  Returns -1 if UC is a control character that has an influence
     on the column position when output.

 -- Function: int u8_width (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const char
 -- Function: int u16_width (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, const char
 -- Function: int u32_width (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, const char
     Determines and returns the number of column positions required for
     first N units (or fewer if S ends before this) in S.  This
     function ignores control characters in the string.

 -- Function: int u8_strwidth (const uint8_t *S, const char *ENCODING)
 -- Function: int u16_strwidth (const uint16_t *S, const char *ENCODING)
 -- Function: int u32_strwidth (const uint32_t *S, const char *ENCODING)
     Determines and returns the number of column positions required for
     S.  This function ignores control characters in the string.

File:,  Node: uniwbrk.h,  Next: unilbrk.h,  Prev: uniwidth.h,  Up: Top

10 Word breaks in strings `<uniwbrk.h>'

   This include file declares functions for determining where in a
string "words" start and end.  Here "words" are not necessarily the
same as entities that can be looked up in dictionaries, but rather
groups of consecutive characters that should not be split by text
processing operations.

* Menu:

* Word breaks in a string::
* Word break property::

File:,  Node: Word breaks in a string,  Next: Word break property,  Up: uniwbrk.h

10.1 Word breaks in a string

   The following functions determine the word breaks in a string.

 -- Function: void u8_wordbreaks (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, char *P)
 -- Function: void u16_wordbreaks (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, char *P)
 -- Function: void u32_wordbreaks (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, char *P)
 -- Function: void ulc_wordbreaks (const char *S, size_t N, char *P)
     Determines the word break points in S, an array of N units, and
     stores the result at `P[0..N-1]'.
    `P[i] = 1'
          means that there is a word boundary between `S[i-1]' and

    `P[i] = 0'
          means that `S[i-1]' and `S[i]' must not be separated.
     `P[0]' is always set to 0.  If an application wants to consider a
     word break to be present at the beginning of the string (before
     `S[0]') or at the end of the string (after `S[0..N-1]'), it has to
     treat these cases explicitly.

File:,  Node: Word break property,  Prev: Word breaks in a string,  Up: uniwbrk.h

10.2 Word break property

   This is a more low-level API.  The word break property is a property
defined in Unicode Standard Annex #29, section "Word Boundaries", see
`'.  It is used for
determining the word breaks in a string.

   The following are the possible values of the word break property.
More values may be added in the future.

 -- Constant: int WBP_OTHER
 -- Constant: int WBP_CR
 -- Constant: int WBP_LF
 -- Constant: int WBP_NEWLINE
 -- Constant: int WBP_EXTEND
 -- Constant: int WBP_FORMAT
 -- Constant: int WBP_KATAKANA
 -- Constant: int WBP_ALETTER
 -- Constant: int WBP_MIDNUMLET
 -- Constant: int WBP_MIDLETTER
 -- Constant: int WBP_MIDNUM
 -- Constant: int WBP_NUMERIC
 -- Constant: int WBP_EXTENDNUMLET

   The following function looks up the word break property of a

 -- Function: int uc_wordbreak_property (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the Word_Break property of a Unicode character.

File:,  Node: unilbrk.h,  Next: uninorm.h,  Prev: uniwbrk.h,  Up: Top

11 Line breaking `<unilbrk.h>'

   This include file declares functions for determining where in a
string line breaks could or should be introduced, in order to make the
displayed string fit into a column of given width.

   These functions are locale dependent.  The ENCODING argument
identifies the encoding (e.g. `"ISO-8859-2"' for Polish).

   The following enumerated values indicate whether, at a given
position, a line break is possible or not.  Given an string S as an
array `S[0..N-1]' and a position I, the values have the following

 -- Constant: int UC_BREAK_MANDATORY
     This value indicates that `S[I]' is a line break character.

 -- Constant: int UC_BREAK_POSSIBLE
     This value indicates that a line break may be inserted between
     `S[I-1]' and `S[I]'.

 -- Constant: int UC_BREAK_HYPHENATION
     This value indicates that a hyphen and a line break may be
     inserted between `S[I-1]' and `S[I]'.  But beware of language
     dependent hyphenation rules.

 -- Constant: int UC_BREAK_PROHIBITED
     This value indicates that `S[I-1]' and `S[I]' must not be

 -- Constant: int UC_BREAK_UNDEFINED
     This value is not used as a return value; rather, in the
     overriding argument of the `u*_width_linebreaks' functions, it
     indicates the absence of an override.

   The following functions determine the positions at which line breaks
are possible.

 -- Function: void u8_possible_linebreaks (const uint8_t *S, size_t N,
          const char *ENCODING, char *P)
 -- Function: void u16_possible_linebreaks (const uint16_t *S, size_t
          N, const char *ENCODING, char *P)
 -- Function: void u32_possible_linebreaks (const uint32_t *S, size_t
          N, const char *ENCODING, char *P)
 -- Function: void ulc_possible_linebreaks (const char *S, size_t N,
          const char *ENCODING, char *P)
     Determines the line break points in S, and stores the result at
     `P[0..N-1]'.  Every `P[I]' is assigned one of the values

   The following functions determine where line breaks should be
inserted so that each line fits in a given width, when output to a
device that uses non-proportional fonts.

 -- Function: int u8_width_linebreaks (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, int
          WIDTH, int START_COLUMN, int AT_END_COLUMNS, const char
          *OVERRIDE, const char *ENCODING, char *P)
 -- Function: int u16_width_linebreaks (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          int WIDTH, int START_COLUMN, int AT_END_COLUMNS, const char
          *OVERRIDE, const char *ENCODING, char *P)
 -- Function: int u32_width_linebreaks (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          int WIDTH, int START_COLUMN, int AT_END_COLUMNS, const char
          *OVERRIDE, const char *ENCODING, char *P)
 -- Function: int ulc_width_linebreaks (const char *S, size_t N, int
          WIDTH, int START_COLUMN, int AT_END_COLUMNS, const char
          *OVERRIDE, const char *ENCODING, char *P)
     Chooses the best line breaks, assuming that every character
     occupies a width given by the `uc_width' function (see *note

     The string is `S[0..N-1]'.

     The maximum number of columns per line is given as WIDTH.  The
     starting column of the string is given as START_COLUMN.  If the
     algorithm shall keep room after the last piece, this amount of
     room can be given as AT_END_COLUMNS.

     OVERRIDE is an optional override; if `OVERRIDE[I] !=
     UC_BREAK_UNDEFINED', `OVERRIDE[I]' takes precedence over `P[I]' as
     returned by the `u*_possible_linebreaks' function.

     The given ENCODING is used for disambiguating widths in `uc_width'.

     Returns the column after the end of the string, and stores the
     result at `P[0..N-1]'.  Every `P[I]' is assigned one of the values
     indicates that a line break _should_ be inserted.

File:,  Node: uninorm.h,  Next: unicase.h,  Prev: unilbrk.h,  Up: Top

12 Normalization forms (composition and decomposition) `<uninorm.h>'

   This include file defines functions for transforming Unicode strings
to one of the four normal forms, known as NFC, NFD, NKFC, NFKD.  These
transformations involve decomposition and -- for NFC and NFKC --
composition of Unicode characters.

* Menu:

* Decomposition of characters::
* Composition of characters::
* Normalization of strings::
* Normalizing comparisons::
* Normalization of streams::

File:,  Node: Decomposition of characters,  Next: Composition of characters,  Up: uninorm.h

12.1 Decomposition of Unicode characters

   The following enumerated values are the possible types of
decomposition of a Unicode character.

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_CANONICAL
     Denotes canonical decomposition.

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_FONT
     UCD marker: `<font>'.  Denotes a font variant (e.g. a blackletter

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_NOBREAK
     UCD marker: `<noBreak>'.  Denotes a no-break version of a space or

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_INITIAL
     UCD marker: `<initial>'.  Denotes an initial presentation form

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_MEDIAL
     UCD marker: `<medial>'.  Denotes a medial presentation form

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_FINAL
     UCD marker: `<final>'.  Denotes a final presentation form (Arabic).

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_ISOLATED
     UCD marker: `<isolated>'.  Denotes an isolated presentation form

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_CIRCLE
     UCD marker: `<circle>'.  Denotes an encircled form.

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_SUPER
     UCD marker: `<super>'.  Denotes a superscript form.

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_SUB
     UCD marker: `<sub>'.  Denotes a subscript form.

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_VERTICAL
     UCD marker: `<vertical>'.  Denotes a vertical layout presentation

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_WIDE
     UCD marker: `<wide>'.  Denotes a wide (or zenkaku) compatibility

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_NARROW
     UCD marker: `<narrow>'.  Denotes a narrow (or hankaku)
     compatibility character.

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_SMALL
     UCD marker: `<small>'.  Denotes a small variant form (CNS

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_SQUARE
     UCD marker: `<square>'.  Denotes a CJK squared font variant.

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_FRACTION
     UCD marker: `<fraction>'.  Denotes a vulgar fraction form.

 -- Constant: int UC_DECOMP_COMPAT
     UCD marker: `<compat>'.  Denotes an otherwise unspecified
     compatibility character.

   The following constant denotes the maximum size of decomposition of
a single Unicode character.

 -- Macro: unsigned int UC_DECOMPOSITION_MAX_LENGTH
     This macro expands to a constant that is the required size of
     buffer passed to the `uc_decomposition' and
     `uc_canonical_decomposition' functions.

   The following functions decompose a Unicode character.

 -- Function: int uc_decomposition (ucs4_t UC, int *DECOMP_TAG, ucs4_t
     Returns the character decomposition mapping of the Unicode
     character UC.  DECOMPOSITION must point to an array of at least
     `UC_DECOMPOSITION_MAX_LENGTH' `ucs_t' elements.

     When a decomposition exists, `DECOMPOSITION[0..N-1]' and
     `*DECOMP_TAG' are filled and N is returned.  Otherwise -1 is

 -- Function: int uc_canonical_decomposition (ucs4_t UC, ucs4_t
     Returns the canonical character decomposition mapping of the
     Unicode character UC.  DECOMPOSITION must point to an array of at
     least `UC_DECOMPOSITION_MAX_LENGTH' `ucs_t' elements.

     When a decomposition exists, `DECOMPOSITION[0..N-1]' is filled and
     N is returned.  Otherwise -1 is returned.

File:,  Node: Composition of characters,  Next: Normalization of strings,  Prev: Decomposition of characters,  Up: uninorm.h

12.2 Composition of Unicode characters

   The following function composes a Unicode character from two Unicode

 -- Function: ucs4_t uc_composition (ucs4_t UC1, ucs4_t UC2)
     Attempts to combine the Unicode characters UC1, UC2.  UC1 is known
     to have canonical combining class 0.

     Returns the combination of UC1 and UC2, if it exists.  Returns 0

     Not all decompositions can be recombined using this function.  See
     the Unicode file `CompositionExclusions.txt' for details.

File:,  Node: Normalization of strings,  Next: Normalizing comparisons,  Prev: Composition of characters,  Up: uninorm.h

12.3 Normalization of strings

   The Unicode standard defines four normalization forms for Unicode
strings.  The following type is used to denote a normalization form.

 -- Type: uninorm_t
     An object of type `uninorm_t' denotes a Unicode normalization form.
     This is a scalar type; its values can be compared with `=='.

   The following constants denote the four normalization forms.

 -- Macro: uninorm_t UNINORM_NFD
     Denotes Normalization form D: canonical decomposition.

 -- Macro: uninorm_t UNINORM_NFC
     Normalization form C: canonical decomposition, then canonical

 -- Macro: uninorm_t UNINORM_NFKD
     Normalization form KD: compatibility decomposition.

 -- Macro: uninorm_t UNINORM_NFKC
     Normalization form KC: compatibility decomposition, then canonical

   The following functions operate on `uninorm_t' objects.

 -- Function: bool uninorm_is_compat_decomposing (uninorm_t NF)
     Tests whether the normalization form NF does compatibility

 -- Function: bool uninorm_is_composing (uninorm_t NF)
     Tests whether the normalization form NF includes canonical

 -- Function: uninorm_t uninorm_decomposing_form (uninorm_t NF)
     Returns the decomposing variant of the normalization form NF.
     This maps NFC,NFD -> NFD and NFKC,NFKD -> NFKD.

   The following functions apply a Unicode normalization form to a
Unicode string.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_normalize (uninorm_t NF, const uint8_t *S,
          size_t N, uint8_t *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_normalize (uninorm_t NF, const uint16_t
          *S, size_t N, uint16_t *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_normalize (uninorm_t NF, const uint32_t
          *S, size_t N, uint32_t *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Returns the specified normalization form of a string.

File:,  Node: Normalizing comparisons,  Next: Normalization of streams,  Prev: Normalization of strings,  Up: uninorm.h

12.4 Normalizing comparisons

   The following functions compare Unicode string, ignoring differences
in normalization.

 -- Function: int u8_normcmp (const uint8_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint8_t *S2, size_t N2, uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u16_normcmp (const uint16_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint16_t *S2, size_t N2, uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u32_normcmp (const uint32_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint32_t *S2, size_t N2, uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
     Compares S1 and S2, ignoring differences in normalization.

     NF must be either `UNINORM_NFD' or `UNINORM_NFKD'.

     If successful, sets `*RESULTP' to -1 if S1 < S2, 0 if S1 = S2, 1
     if S1 > S2, and returns 0.  Upon failure, returns -1 with `errno'

 -- Function: char * u8_normxfrm (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, uninorm_t
          NF, char *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: char * u16_normxfrm (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          uninorm_t NF, char *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: char * u32_normxfrm (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          uninorm_t NF, char *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Converts the string S of length N to a NUL-terminated byte
     sequence, in such a way that comparing `u8_normxfrm (S1)' and
     `u8_normxfrm (S2)' with the `u8_cmp2' function is equivalent to
     comparing S1 and S2 with the `u8_normcoll' function.

     NF must be either `UNINORM_NFC' or `UNINORM_NFKC'.

 -- Function: int u8_normcoll (const uint8_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint8_t *S2, size_t N2, uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u16_normcoll (const uint16_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint16_t *S2, size_t N2, uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u32_normcoll (const uint32_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint32_t *S2, size_t N2, uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
     Compares S1 and S2, ignoring differences in normalization, using
     the collation rules of the current locale.

     NF must be either `UNINORM_NFC' or `UNINORM_NFKC'.

     If successful, sets `*RESULTP' to -1 if S1 < S2, 0 if S1 = S2, 1
     if S1 > S2, and returns 0.  Upon failure, returns -1 with `errno'

File:,  Node: Normalization of streams,  Prev: Normalizing comparisons,  Up: uninorm.h

12.5 Normalization of streams of Unicode characters

   A "stream of Unicode characters" is essentially a function that
accepts an `ucs4_t' argument repeatedly, optionally combined with a
function that "flushes" the stream.

 -- Type: struct uninorm_filter
     This is the data type of a stream of Unicode characters that
     normalizes its input according to a given normalization form and
     passes the normalized character sequence to the encapsulated
     stream of Unicode characters.

 -- Function: struct uninorm_filter * uninorm_filter_create (uninorm_t
          NF, int (*STREAM_FUNC) (void *STREAM_DATA, ucs4_t UC), void
     Creates and returns a normalization filter for Unicode characters.

     The pair (STREAM_FUNC, STREAM_DATA) is the encapsulated stream.
     `STREAM_FUNC (STREAM_DATA, UC)' receives the Unicode character UC
     and returns 0 if successful, or -1 with `errno' set upon failure.

     Returns the new filter, or NULL with `errno' set upon failure.

 -- Function: int uninorm_filter_write (struct uninorm_filter *FILTER,
          ucs4_t UC)
     Stuffs a Unicode character into a normalizing filter.  Returns 0
     if successful, or -1 with `errno' set upon failure.

 -- Function: int uninorm_filter_flush (struct uninorm_filter *FILTER)
     Brings data buffered in the filter to its destination, the
     encapsulated stream.

     Returns 0 if successful, or -1 with `errno' set upon failure.

     Note! If after calling this function, additional characters are
     written into the filter, the resulting character sequence in the
     encapsulated stream will not necessarily be normalized.

 -- Function: int uninorm_filter_free (struct uninorm_filter *FILTER)
     Brings data buffered in the filter to its destination, the
     encapsulated stream, then closes and frees the filter.

     Returns 0 if successful, or -1 with `errno' set upon failure.

File:,  Node: unicase.h,  Next: uniregex.h,  Prev: uninorm.h,  Up: Top

13 Case mappings `<unicase.h>'

   This include file defines functions for case mapping for Unicode
strings and case insensitive comparison of Unicode strings and C

   These string functions fix the problems that were mentioned in *note
char * strings::, namely, they handle the Croatian LETTER DZ WITH
CARON, the German LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S, the Greek sigma and the
Lithuanian i correctly.

* Menu:

* Case mappings of characters::
* Case mappings of strings::
* Case mappings of substrings::
* Case insensitive comparison::
* Case detection::

File:,  Node: Case mappings of characters,  Next: Case mappings of strings,  Up: unicase.h

13.1 Case mappings of characters

   The following functions implement case mappings on Unicode
characters -- for those cases only where the result of the mapping is a
again a single Unicode character.

   These mappings are locale and context independent.

   *WARNING!* These functions are not sufficient for languages such as
German, Greek and Lithuanian.  Better use the functions below that
treat an entire string at once and are language aware.

 -- Function: ucs4_t uc_toupper (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the uppercase mapping of the Unicode character UC.

 -- Function: ucs4_t uc_tolower (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the lowercase mapping of the Unicode character UC.

 -- Function: ucs4_t uc_totitle (ucs4_t UC)
     Returns the titlecase mapping of the Unicode character UC.

     The titlecase mapping of a character is to be used when the
     character should look like upper case and the following characters
     are lower cased.

     For most characters, this is the same as the uppercase mapping.
     There are only few characters where the title case variant and the
     uuper case variant are different.  These characters occur in the
     Latin writing of the Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbian languages.

     Lower case            Title case            Upper case
                           L WITH SMALL LETTER J LJ
                           N WITH SMALL LETTER J NJ
                           D WITH SMALL LETTER Z DZ
                           Z WITH CARON          

File:,  Node: Case mappings of strings,  Next: Case mappings of substrings,  Prev: Case mappings of characters,  Up: unicase.h

13.2 Case mappings of strings

   Case mapping should always be performed on entire strings, not on
individual characters.  The functions in this sections do so.

   These functions allow to apply a normalization after the case
mapping.  The reason is that if you want to treat `ä' and `Ä' the
same, you most often also want to treat the composed and decomposed
forms of such a character, U+00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
The NF argument designates the normalization.

   These functions are locale dependent.  The ISO639_LANGUAGE argument
identifies the language (e.g. `"tr"' for Turkish).  NULL means to use
locale independent case mappings.

 -- Function: const char * uc_locale_language ()
     Returns the ISO 639 language code of the current locale.  Returns
     `""' if it is unknown, or in the "C" locale.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_toupper (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint8_t *RESULTBUF,
          size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_toupper (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint16_t
          *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_toupper (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint32_t
          *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Returns the uppercase mapping of a string.

     The NF argument identifies the normalization form to apply after
     the case-mapping.  It can also be NULL, for no normalization.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_tolower (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint8_t *RESULTBUF,
          size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_tolower (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint16_t
          *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_tolower (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint32_t
          *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Returns the lowercase mapping of a string.

     The NF argument identifies the normalization form to apply after
     the case-mapping.  It can also be NULL, for no normalization.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_totitle (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint8_t *RESULTBUF,
          size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_totitle (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint16_t
          *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_totitle (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint32_t
          *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Returns the titlecase mapping of a string.

     Mapping to title case means that, in each word, the first cased
     character is being mapped to title case and the remaining
     characters of the word are being mapped to lower case.

     The NF argument identifies the normalization form to apply after
     the case-mapping.  It can also be NULL, for no normalization.

File:,  Node: Case mappings of substrings,  Next: Case insensitive comparison,  Prev: Case mappings of strings,  Up: unicase.h

13.3 Case mappings of substrings

   Case mapping of a substring cannot simply be performed by extracting
the substring and then applying the case mapping function to it.  This
does not work because case mapping requires some information about the
surrounding characters.  The following functions allow to apply case
mappings to substrings of a given string, while taking into account the
characters that precede it (the "prefix") and the characters that
follow it (the "suffix").

 -- Type: casing_prefix_context_t
     This data type denotes the case-mapping context that is given by a
     prefix string.  It is an immediate type that can be copied by
     simple assignment, without involving memory allocation.  It is not
     an array type.

 -- Constant: casing_prefix_context_t unicase_empty_prefix_context
     This constant is the case-mapping context that corresponds to an
     empty prefix string.

   The following functions return `casing_prefix_context_t' objects:

 -- Function: casing_prefix_context_t u8_casing_prefix_context (const
          uint8_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: casing_prefix_context_t u16_casing_prefix_context (const
          uint16_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: casing_prefix_context_t u32_casing_prefix_context (const
          uint32_t *S, size_t N)
     Returns the case-mapping context of a given prefix string.

 -- Function: casing_prefix_context_t u8_casing_prefixes_context (const
          uint8_t *S, size_t N, casing_prefix_context_t A_CONTEXT)
 -- Function: casing_prefix_context_t u16_casing_prefixes_context
          (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, casing_prefix_context_t
 -- Function: casing_prefix_context_t u32_casing_prefixes_context
          (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, casing_prefix_context_t
     Returns the case-mapping context of the prefix concat(A, S), given
     the case-mapping context of the prefix A.

 -- Type: casing_suffix_context_t
     This data type denotes the case-mapping context that is given by a
     suffix string.  It is an immediate type that can be copied by
     simple assignment, without involving memory allocation.  It is not
     an array type.

 -- Constant: casing_suffix_context_t unicase_empty_suffix_context
     This constant is the case-mapping context that corresponds to an
     empty suffix string.

   The following functions return `casing_suffix_context_t' objects:

 -- Function: casing_suffix_context_t u8_casing_suffix_context (const
          uint8_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: casing_suffix_context_t u16_casing_suffix_context (const
          uint16_t *S, size_t N)
 -- Function: casing_suffix_context_t u32_casing_suffix_context (const
          uint32_t *S, size_t N)
     Returns the case-mapping context of a given suffix string.

 -- Function: casing_suffix_context_t u8_casing_suffixes_context (const
          uint8_t *S, size_t N, casing_suffix_context_t A_CONTEXT)
 -- Function: casing_suffix_context_t u16_casing_suffixes_context
          (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, casing_suffix_context_t
 -- Function: casing_suffix_context_t u32_casing_suffixes_context
          (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, casing_suffix_context_t
     Returns the case-mapping context of the suffix concat(S, A), given
     the case-mapping context of the suffix A.

   The following functions perform a case mapping, considering the
prefix context and the suffix context.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_ct_toupper (const uint8_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint8_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_ct_toupper (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint16_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_ct_toupper (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint32_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
     Returns the uppercase mapping of a string that is surrounded by a
     prefix and a suffix.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_ct_tolower (const uint8_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint8_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_ct_tolower (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint16_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_ct_tolower (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint32_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
     Returns the lowercase mapping of a string that is surrounded by a
     prefix and a suffix.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_ct_totitle (const uint8_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint8_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_ct_totitle (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint16_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_ct_totitle (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint32_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
     Returns the titlecase mapping of a string that is surrounded by a
     prefix and a suffix.

   For example, to uppercase the UTF-8 substring between `s +
start_index' and `s + end_index' of a string that extends from `s' to
`s + u8_strlen (s)', you can use the statements

     size_t result_length;
     uint8_t result =
       u8_ct_toupper (s + start_index, end_index - start_index,
                      u8_casing_prefix_context (s, start_index),
                      u8_casing_suffix_context (s + end_index,
                                                u8_strlen (s) - end_index),
                      iso639_language, NULL, NULL, &result_length);

File:,  Node: Case insensitive comparison,  Next: Case detection,  Prev: Case mappings of substrings,  Up: unicase.h

13.4 Case insensitive comparison

   The following functions implement comparison that ignores
differences in case and normalization.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_casefold (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint8_t *RESULTBUF,
          size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_casefold (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint16_t
          *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_casefold (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint32_t
          *RESULTBUF, size_t *LENGTHP)
     Returns the case folded string.

     Comparing `u8_casefold (S1)' and `u8_casefold (S2)' with the
     `u8_cmp2' function is equivalent to comparing S1 and S2 with

     The NF argument identifies the normalization form to apply after
     the case-mapping.  It can also be NULL, for no normalization.

 -- Function: uint8_t * u8_ct_casefold (const uint8_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint8_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: uint16_t * u16_ct_casefold (const uint16_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint16_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: uint32_t * u32_ct_casefold (const uint32_t *S, size_t N,
          casing_prefix_context_t PREFIX_CONTEXT,
          casing_suffix_context_t SUFFIX_CONTEXT, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, uint32_t *RESULTBUF, size_t
     Returns the case folded string.  The case folding takes into
     account the case mapping contexts of the prefix and suffix strings.

 -- Function: int u8_casecmp (const uint8_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint8_t *S2, size_t N2, const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE,
          uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u16_casecmp (const uint16_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint16_t *S2, size_t N2, const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE,
          uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u32_casecmp (const uint32_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint32_t *S2, size_t N2, const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE,
          uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int ulc_casecmp (const char *S1, size_t N1, const char
          *S2, size_t N2, const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF,
          int *RESULTP)
     Compares S1 and S2, ignoring differences in case and normalization.

     The NF argument identifies the normalization form to apply after
     the case-mapping.  It can also be NULL, for no normalization.

     If successful, sets `*RESULTP' to -1 if S1 < S2, 0 if S1 = S2, 1
     if S1 > S2, and returns 0.  Upon failure, returns -1 with `errno'

   The following functions additionally take into account the sorting
rules of the current locale.

 -- Function: char * u8_casexfrm (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, char *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: char * u16_casexfrm (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, char *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: char * u32_casexfrm (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, char *RESULTBUF, size_t
 -- Function: char * ulc_casexfrm (const char *S, size_t N, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF, char *RESULTBUF, size_t
     Converts the string S of length N to a NUL-terminated byte
     sequence, in such a way that comparing `u8_casexfrm (S1)' and
     `u8_casexfrm (S2)' with the gnulib function `memcmp2' is
     equivalent to comparing S1 and S2 with `u8_casecoll'.

     NF must be either `UNINORM_NFC', `UNINORM_NFKC', or NULL for no

 -- Function: int u8_casecoll (const uint8_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint8_t *S2, size_t N2, const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE,
          uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u16_casecoll (const uint16_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint16_t *S2, size_t N2, const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE,
          uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u32_casecoll (const uint32_t *S1, size_t N1, const
          uint32_t *S2, size_t N2, const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE,
          uninorm_t NF, int *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int ulc_casecoll (const char *S1, size_t N1, const char
          *S2, size_t N2, const char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, uninorm_t NF,
          int *RESULTP)
     Compares S1 and S2, ignoring differences in case and normalization,
     using the collation rules of the current locale.

     The NF argument identifies the normalization form to apply after
     the case-mapping.  It must be either `UNINORM_NFC' or
     `UNINORM_NFKC'.  It can also be NULL, for no normalization.

     If successful, sets `*RESULTP' to -1 if S1 < S2, 0 if S1 = S2, 1
     if S1 > S2, and returns 0.  Upon failure, returns -1 with `errno'

File:,  Node: Case detection,  Prev: Case insensitive comparison,  Up: unicase.h

13.5 Case detection

   The following functions determine whether a Unicode string is
entirely in upper case. or entirely in lower case, or entirely in title
case, or already case-folded.

 -- Function: int u8_is_uppercase (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u16_is_uppercase (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u32_is_uppercase (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
     Sets `*RESULTP' to true if mapping NFD(S) to upper case is a
     no-op, or to false otherwise, and returns 0.  Upon failure,
     returns -1 with `errno' set.

 -- Function: int u8_is_lowercase (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u16_is_lowercase (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u32_is_lowercase (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
     Sets `*RESULTP' to true if mapping NFD(S) to lower case is a
     no-op, or to false otherwise, and returns 0.  Upon failure,
     returns -1 with `errno' set.

 -- Function: int u8_is_titlecase (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u16_is_titlecase (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u32_is_titlecase (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
     Sets `*RESULTP' to true if mapping NFD(S) to title case is a
     no-op, or to false otherwise, and returns 0.  Upon failure,
     returns -1 with `errno' set.

 -- Function: int u8_is_casefolded (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u16_is_casefolded (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u32_is_casefolded (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, const
          char *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
     Sets `*RESULTP' to true if applying case folding to NFD(S) is a
     no-op, or to false otherwise, and returns 0.  Upon failure,
     returns -1 with `errno' set.

   The following functions determine whether case mappings have any
effect on a Unicode string.

 -- Function: int u8_is_cased (const uint8_t *S, size_t N, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u16_is_cased (const uint16_t *S, size_t N, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
 -- Function: int u32_is_cased (const uint32_t *S, size_t N, const char
          *ISO639_LANGUAGE, bool *RESULTP)
     Sets `*RESULTP' to true if case matters for S, that is, if mapping
     NFD(S) to either upper case or lower case or title case is not a
     no-op.  Set `*RESULTP' to false if NFD(S) maps to itself under the
     upper case mapping, under the lower case mapping, and under the
     title case mapping; in other words, when NFD(S) consists entirely
     of caseless characters. Upon failure, returns -1 with `errno' set.

File:,  Node: uniregex.h,  Next: Using the library,  Prev: unicase.h,  Up: Top

14 Regular expressions `<uniregex.h>'

   This include file is not yet implemented.

File:,  Node: Using the library,  Next: More functionality,  Prev: uniregex.h,  Up: Top

15 Using the library

   This chapter explains some practical considerations, regarding the
installation and compiler options that are needed in order to use this

* Menu:

* Installation::
* Compiler options::
* Include files::
* Autoconf macro::
* Reporting problems::

File:,  Node: Installation,  Next: Compiler options,  Up: Using the library

15.1 Installation

   Before you can use the library, it must be installed.  First, you
have to make sure all dependencies are installed.  They are listed in
the file `DEPENDENCIES'.

   Then you can proceed to build and install the library, as described
in the file `INSTALL'.  For installation on Windows systems, please
refer to the file `README.woe32'.

File:,  Node: Compiler options,  Next: Include files,  Prev: Installation,  Up: Using the library

15.2 Compiler options

   Let's denote as `LIBUNISTRING_PREFIX' the value of the `--prefix'
option that you passed to `configure' while installing this package.
If you didn't pass any `--prefix' option, then the package is installed
in `/usr/local'.

   Let's denote as `LIBUNISTRING_INCLUDEDIR' the directory where the
include files were installed.  This is usually the same as
`${LIBUNISTRING_PREFIX}/include'.  Except that if you passed an
`--includedir' option to `configure', it is the value of that option.

   Let's further denote as `LIBUNISTRING_LIBDIR' the directory where
the library itself was installed.  This is the value that you passed
with the `--libdir' option to `configure', or otherwise the same as
`${LIBUNISTRING_PREFIX}/lib'.  Recall that when building in 64-bit mode
on a 64-bit GNU/Linux system that supports executables in either 64-bit
mode or 32-bit mode, you should have used the option

   So that the compiler finds the include files, you have to pass it the

   So that the compiler finds the library during its linking pass, you
have to pass it the options `-L${LIBUNISTRING_LIBDIR} -lunistring'.  On
some systems, in some configurations, you also have to pass options
needed for linking with `libiconv'.  The autoconf macro
`gl_LIBUNISTRING' (see *note Autoconf macro::) deals with this

File:,  Node: Include files,  Next: Autoconf macro,  Prev: Compiler options,  Up: Using the library

15.3 Include files

   Most of the include files have been presented in the introduction,
see *note Introduction::, and subsequent detailed chapters.

   Another include file is `<unistring/version.h>'. It contains the
version number of the libunistring library.

     This constant contains the version of libunistring that is being
     used at compile time.  It encodes the major and minor parts of the
     version number only.  These parts are encoded in the form
     `(major<<8) + minor'.

 -- Constant: int _libunistring_version
     This constant contains the version of libunistring that is being
     used at run time.  It encodes the major and minor parts of the
     version number only.  These parts are encoded in the form
     `(major<<8) + minor'.

   It is possible that `_libunistring_version' is greater than
`_LIBUNISTRING_VERSION'.  This can happen when you use `libunistring'
as a shared library, and a newer, binary backward-compatible version
has been installed after your program that uses `libunistring' was

File:,  Node: Autoconf macro,  Next: Reporting problems,  Prev: Include files,  Up: Using the library

15.4 Autoconf macro

   GNU Gnulib provides an autoconf macro that tests for the availability
of `libunistring'.  It is contained in the Gnulib module
`libunistring', see

   The macro is called `gl_LIBUNISTRING'.  It searches for an installed
libunistring.  If found, it sets and AC_SUBSTs `HAVE_LIBUNISTRING=yes'
and the `LIBUNISTRING' and `LTLIBUNISTRING' variables and augments the
`CPPFLAGS' variable, and defines the C macro `HAVE_LIBUNISTRING' to 1.
Otherwise, it sets and AC_SUBSTs `HAVE_LIBUNISTRING=no' and

   The complexities that `gl_LIBUNISTRING' deals with are the following:

   * On some operating systems, in some configurations, libunistring
     depends on `libiconv', and the options for linking with libiconv
     must be mentioned explicitly on the link command line.

   * GNU `libunistring', if installed, is not necessarily already in the
     search path (`CPPFLAGS' for the include file search path,
     `LDFLAGS' for the library search path).

   * GNU `libunistring', if installed, is not necessarily already in the
     run time library search path.  To avoid the need for setting an
     environment variable like `LD_LIBRARY_PATH', the macro adds the
     appropriate run time search path options to the `LIBUNISTRING'
     variable.  This works on most systems.

File:,  Node: Reporting problems,  Prev: Autoconf macro,  Up: Using the library

15.5 Reporting problems

   If you encounter any problem, please don't hesitate to send a
detailed bug report to the `' mailing list.
You can alternatively also use the bug tracker at the project page

   Please always include the version number of this library, and a short
description of your operating system and compilation environment with
corresponding version numbers.

   For problems that appear while building and installing
`libunistring', for which you don't find the remedy in the `INSTALL'
file, please include a description of the options that you passed to
the `configure' script.

File:,  Node: More functionality,  Next: Licenses,  Prev: Using the library,  Up: Top

16 More advanced functionality

   For bidirectional reordering of strings, we recommend the GNU
FriBidi library: `'.

   For the rendering of Unicode strings outside of the context of a
given toolkit (KDE/Qt or GNOME/Gtk), we recommend the Pango library:

File:,  Node: Licenses,  Next: Index,  Prev: More functionality,  Up: Top

Appendix A Licenses

   The files of this package are covered by the licenses indicated in
each particular file or directory.  Here is a summary:

   * The `libunistring' library is covered by the GNU Lesser General
     Public License (LGPL).  A copy of the license is included in *note
     GNU LGPL::.

   * This manual is free documentation.  It is dually licensed under the
     GNU FDL and the GNU GPL.  This means that you can redistribute this
     manual under either of these two licenses, at your choice.
     This manual is covered by the GNU FDL.  Permission is granted to
     copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the
     GNU Free Documentation License (FDL), either version 1.2 of the
     License, or (at your option) any later version published by the
     Free Software Foundation (FSF); with no Invariant Sections, with no
     Front-Cover Text, and with no Back-Cover Texts.  A copy of the
     license is included in *note GNU FDL::.
     This manual is covered by the GNU GPL.  You can redistribute it
     and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     (GPL), either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
     later version published by the Free Software Foundation (FSF).  A
     copy of the license is included in *note GNU GPL::.

* Menu:

* GNU GPL::                     GNU General Public License
* GNU LGPL::                    GNU Lesser General Public License
* GNU FDL::                     GNU Free Documentation License

File:,  Node: GNU GPL,  Next: GNU LGPL,  Up: Licenses


                        Version 3, 29 June 2007

     Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. `'

     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
     license document, but changing it is not allowed.


   The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.

   The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains
free software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use
the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies
also to any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply
it to your programs, too.

   When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

   To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you
have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software,
or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.

   For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights.

   Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.

   For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.

   Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the
manufacturer can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the
aim of protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The
systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for
individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.
Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the
practice for those products.  If such problems arise substantially in
other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains
in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of

   Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.

   The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.


  0. Definitions.

     "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public

     "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other
     kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks.

     "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
     License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
     "recipients" may be individuals or organizations.

     To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the
     work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the
     making of an exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified
     version" of the earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.

     A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work
     based on the Program.

     To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
     permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
     infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it
     on a computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes
     copying, distribution (with or without modification), making
     available to the public, and in some countries other activities as

     To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
     parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user
     through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not

     An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
     to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
     feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
     tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to
     the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may
     convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this
     License.  If the interface presents a list of user commands or
     options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this

  1. Source Code.

     The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
     for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any
     non-source form of a work.

     A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an
     official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in
     the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming
     language, one that is widely used among developers working in that

     The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything,
     other than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal
     form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that
     Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work
     with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface
     for which an implementation is available to the public in source
     code form.  A "Major Component", in this context, means a major
     essential component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the
     specific operating system (if any) on which the executable work
     runs, or a compiler used to produce the work, or an object code
     interpreter used to run it.

     The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
     the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
     work) run the object code and to modify the work, including
     scripts to control those activities.  However, it does not include
     the work's System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally
     available free programs which are used unmodified in performing
     those activities but which are not part of the work.  For example,
     Corresponding Source includes interface definition files
     associated with source files for the work, and the source code for
     shared libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work
     is specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data
     communication or control flow between those subprograms and other
     parts of the work.

     The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can
     regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding

     The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
     same work.

  2. Basic Permissions.

     All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
     copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
     conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
     permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running
     a covered work is covered by this License only if the output,
     given its content, constitutes a covered work.  This License
     acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as
     provided by copyright law.

     You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
     convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise
     remains in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the
     sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for
     you, or provide you with facilities for running those works,
     provided that you comply with the terms of this License in
     conveying all material for which you do not control copyright.
     Those thus making or running the covered works for you must do so
     exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and control, on
     terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your
     copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.

     Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
     the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section
     10 makes it unnecessary.

  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.

     No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
     measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under
     article 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December
     1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of
     such measures.

     When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
     circumvention of technological measures to the extent such
     circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License
     with respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention
     to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of
     enforcing, against the work's users, your or third parties' legal
     rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures.

  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.

     You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
     receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
     appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
     keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
     non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the
     code; keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and
     give all recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.

     You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
     and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.

  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.

     You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
     produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
     terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these

       a. The work must carry prominent notices stating that you
          modified it, and giving a relevant date.

       b. The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
          released under this License and any conditions added under
          section 7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in
          section 4 to "keep intact all notices".

       c. You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
          License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
          License will therefore apply, along with any applicable
          section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all
          its parts, regardless of how they are packaged.  This License
          gives no permission to license the work in any other way, but
          it does not invalidate such permission if you have separately
          received it.

       d. If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
          Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has
          interactive interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal
          Notices, your work need not make them do so.

     A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
     works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered
     work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger
     program, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is
     called an "aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting
     copyright are not used to limit the access or legal rights of the
     compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit.
     Inclusion of a covered work in an aggregate does not cause this
     License to apply to the other parts of the aggregate.

  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.

     You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
     of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
     machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this
     License, in one of these ways:

       a. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
          (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
          Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
          customarily used for software interchange.

       b. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
          (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
          written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for
          as long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that
          product model, to give anyone who possesses the object code
          either (1) a copy of the Corresponding Source for all the
          software in the product that is covered by this License, on a
          durable physical medium customarily used for software
          interchange, for a price no more than your reasonable cost of
          physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access
          to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no

       c. Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of
          the written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
          alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially,
          and only if you received the object code with such an offer,
          in accord with subsection 6b.

       d. Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
          place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access
          to the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same
          place at no further charge.  You need not require recipients
          to copy the Corresponding Source along with the object code.
          If the place to copy the object code is a network server, the
          Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated
          by you or a third party) that supports equivalent copying
          facilities, provided you maintain clear directions next to
          the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source.
          Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you
          remain obligated to ensure that it is available for as long
          as needed to satisfy these requirements.

       e. Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission,
          provided you inform other peers where the object code and
          Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the
          general public at no charge under subsection 6d.

     A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is
     excluded from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need
     not be included in conveying the object code work.

     A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means
     any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal,
     family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for
     incorporation into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product
     is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of
     coverage.  For a particular product received by a particular user,
     "normally used" refers to a typical or common use of that class of
     product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the
     way in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is
     expected to use, the product.  A product is a consumer product
     regardless of whether the product has substantial commercial,
     industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the
     only significant mode of use of the product.

     "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
     procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to
     install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that
     User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source.
     The information must suffice to ensure that the continued
     functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or
     interfered with solely because modification has been made.

     If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with,
     or specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying
     occurs as part of a transaction in which the right of possession
     and use of the User Product is transferred to the recipient in
     perpetuity or for a fixed term (regardless of how the transaction
     is characterized), the Corresponding Source conveyed under this
     section must be accompanied by the Installation Information.  But
     this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party
     retains the ability to install modified object code on the User
     Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM).

     The requirement to provide Installation Information does not
     include a requirement to continue to provide support service,
     warranty, or updates for a work that has been modified or
     installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it
     has been modified or installed.  Access to a network may be denied
     when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the
     operation of the network or violates the rules and protocols for
     communication across the network.

     Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information
     provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is
     publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the
     public in source code form), and must require no special password
     or key for unpacking, reading or copying.

  7. Additional Terms.

     "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of
     this License by making exceptions from one or more of its
     conditions.  Additional permissions that are applicable to the
     entire Program shall be treated as though they were included in
     this License, to the extent that they are valid under applicable
     law.  If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program,
     that part may be used separately under those permissions, but the
     entire Program remains governed by this License without regard to
     the additional permissions.

     When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
     remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part
     of it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
     removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
     additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
     for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.

     Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material
     you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright
     holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License
     with terms:

       a. Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from
          the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or

       b. Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices
          or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate
          Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or

       c. Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material,
          or requiring that modified versions of such material be
          marked in reasonable ways as different from the original
          version; or

       d. Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors
          or authors of the material; or

       e. Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
          trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or

       f. Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
          material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified
          versions of it) with contractual assumptions of liability to
          the recipient, for any liability that these contractual
          assumptions directly impose on those licensors and authors.

     All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
     restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as
     you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that
     it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further
     restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document
     contains a further restriction but permits relicensing or
     conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work
     material governed by the terms of that license document, provided
     that the further restriction does not survive such relicensing or

     If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
     must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
     additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
     where to find the applicable terms.

     Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in
     the form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
     the above requirements apply either way.

  8. Termination.

     You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
     provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
     modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights
     under this License (including any patent licenses granted under
     the third paragraph of section 11).

     However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
     license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
     provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly
     and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the
     copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some
     reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

     Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
     reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
     violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
     received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from
     that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days
     after your receipt of the notice.

     Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate
     the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from
     you under this License.  If your rights have been terminated and
     not permanently reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new
     licenses for the same material under section 10.

  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.

     You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
     run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
     occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer
     transmission to receive a copy likewise does not require
     acceptance.  However, nothing other than this License grants you
     permission to propagate or modify any covered work.  These actions
     infringe copyright if you do not accept this License.  Therefore,
     by modifying or propagating a covered work, you indicate your
     acceptance of this License to do so.

 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.

     Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
     receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
     propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not
     responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this

     An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
     organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
     organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a
     covered work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
     transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
     licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or
     could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to
     possession of the Corresponding Source of the work from the
     predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has it or can get it
     with reasonable efforts.

     You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
     rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you
     may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for
     exercise of rights granted under this License, and you may not
     initiate litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a
     lawsuit) alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making,
     using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program or any
     portion of it.

 11. Patents.

     A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
     License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.
     The work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor

     A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
     owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
     hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner,
     permitted by this License, of making, using, or selling its
     contributor version, but do not include claims that would be
     infringed only as a consequence of further modification of the
     contributor version.  For purposes of this definition, "control"
     includes the right to grant patent sublicenses in a manner
     consistent with the requirements of this License.

     Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide,
     royalty-free patent license under the contributor's essential
     patent claims, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and
     otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of its
     contributor version.

     In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any
     express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to
     enforce a patent (such as an express permission to practice a
     patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement).  To
     "grant" such a patent license to a party means to make such an
     agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party.

     If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent
     license, and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available
     for anyone to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this
     License, through a publicly available network server or other
     readily accessible means, then you must either (1) cause the
     Corresponding Source to be so available, or (2) arrange to deprive
     yourself of the benefit of the patent license for this particular
     work, or (3) arrange, in a manner consistent with the requirements
     of this License, to extend the patent license to downstream
     recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have actual knowledge
     that, but for the patent license, your conveying the covered work
     in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work in a
     country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
     country that you have reason to believe are valid.

     If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
     arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
     covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
     receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate,
     modify or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the
     patent license you grant is automatically extended to all
     recipients of the covered work and works based on it.

     A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
     the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
     conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that
     are specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a
     covered work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third
     party that is in the business of distributing software, under
     which you make payment to the third party based on the extent of
     your activity of conveying the work, and under which the third
     party grants, to any of the parties who would receive the covered
     work from you, a discriminatory patent license (a) in connection
     with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made
     from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection with
     specific products or compilations that contain the covered work,
     unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent license
     was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.

     Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
     any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
     otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.

 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.

     If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order,
     agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this
     License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this
     License.  If you cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy
     simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other
     pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it
     at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to
     collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you
     convey the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those
     terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from conveying
     the Program.

 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.

     Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
     permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
     under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a
     single combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms
     of this License will continue to apply to the part which is the
     covered work, but the special requirements of the GNU Affero
     General Public License, section 13, concerning interaction through
     a network will apply to the combination as such.

 14. Revised Versions of this License.

     The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
     versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time.
     Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present
     version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or

     Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
     Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU
     General Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you
     have the option of following the terms and conditions either of
     that numbered version or of any later version published by the
     Free Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a
     version number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose
     any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

     If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
     versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that
     proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version permanently
     authorizes you to choose that version for the Program.

     Later license versions may give you additional or different
     permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
     author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
     later version.

 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.


 16. Limitation of Liability.


 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.

     If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
     above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
     reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely
     approximates an absolute waiver of all civil liability in
     connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of
     liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee.


How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

   If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these

   To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

     Copyright (C) YEAR NAME OF AUTHOR

     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
     your option) any later version.

     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     General Public License for more details.

     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with this program.  If not, see `'.

   Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper

   If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:

     This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

   The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
appropriate parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your
program's commands might be different; for a GUI interface, you would
use an "about box".

   You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary.  For more information on this, and how to apply and follow
the GNU GPL, see `'.

   The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your
program into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine
library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary
applications with the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the
GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License.  But first,
please read `'.

File:,  Node: GNU LGPL,  Next: GNU FDL,  Prev: GNU GPL,  Up: Licenses


                        Version 3, 29 June 2007

     Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. `'

     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
     license document, but changing it is not allowed.

   This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.

  0. Additional Definitions.

     As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU
     Lesser General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version
     3 of the GNU General Public License.

     "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
     other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.

     An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface
     provided by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the
     Library.  Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is
     deemed a mode of using an interface provided by the Library.

     A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
     Application with the Library.  The particular version of the
     Library with which the Combined Work was made is also called the
     "Linked Version".

     The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
     Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source
     code for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in
     isolation, are based on the Application, and not on the Linked

     The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
     object code and/or source code for the Application, including any
     data and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work
     from the Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the
     Combined Work.

  1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.

     You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this
     License without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.

  2. Conveying Modified Versions.

     If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
     facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an
     Application that uses the facility (other than as an argument
     passed when the facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy
     of the modified version:

       a. under this License, provided that you make a good faith
          effort to ensure that, in the event an Application does not
          supply the function or data, the facility still operates, and
          performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or

       b. under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
          this License applicable to that copy.

  3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.

     The object code form of an Application may incorporate material
     from a header file that is part of the Library.  You may convey
     such object code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the
     incorporated material is not limited to numerical parameters, data
     structure layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions
     and templates (ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the

       a. Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that
          the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
          covered by this License.

       b. Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this
          license document.

  4. Combined Works.

     You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
     taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
     portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
     engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each
     of the following:

       a. Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
          the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
          covered by this License.

       b. Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and
          this license document.

       c. For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
          execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
          these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to
          the copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.

       d. Do one of the following:

            0. Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms
               of this License, and the Corresponding Application Code
               in a form suitable for, and under terms that permit, the
               user to recombine or relink the Application with a
               modified version of the Linked Version to produce a
               modified Combined Work, in the manner specified by
               section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding

            1. Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with
               the Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses
               at run time a copy of the Library already present on the
               user's computer system, and (b) will operate properly
               with a modified version of the Library that is
               interface-compatible with the Linked Version.

       e. Provide Installation Information, but only if you would
          otherwise be required to provide such information under
          section 6 of the GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such
          information is necessary to install and execute a modified
          version of the Combined Work produced by recombining or
          relinking the Application with a modified version of the
          Linked Version. (If you use option 4d0, the Installation
          Information must accompany the Minimal Corresponding Source
          and Corresponding Application Code. If you use option 4d1,
          you must provide the Installation Information in the manner
          specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
          Corresponding Source.)

  5. Combined Libraries.

     You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
     Library side by side in a single library together with other
     library facilities that are not Applications and are not covered
     by this License, and convey such a combined library under terms of
     your choice, if you do both of the following:

       a. Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
          based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
          facilities, conveyed under the terms of this License.

       b. Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of
          it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to
          find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.

  6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

     The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
     versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to
     time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present
     version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or

     Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
     Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered
     version of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later
     version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms
     and conditions either of that published version or of any later
     version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library
     as you received it does not specify a version number of the GNU
     Lesser General Public License, you may choose any version of the
     GNU Lesser General Public License ever published by the Free
     Software Foundation.

     If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
     whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License
     shall apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any
     version is permanent authorization for you to choose that version
     for the Library.

File:,  Node: GNU FDL,  Prev: GNU LGPL,  Up: Licenses

A.3 GNU Free Documentation License

                     Version 1.3, 3 November 2008

     Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
     of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


     The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
     functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
     assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
     with or without modifying it, either commercially or
     noncommercially.  Secondarily, this License preserves for the
     author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not
     being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

     This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
     works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.
     It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
     license designed for free software.

     We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
     free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
     free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms
     that the software does.  But this License is not limited to
     software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless
     of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book.
     We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is
     instruction or reference.


     This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium,
     that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it
     can be distributed under the terms of this License.  Such a notice
     grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration,
     to use that work under the conditions stated herein.  The
     "Document", below, refers to any such manual or work.  Any member
     of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you".  You
     accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a
     way requiring permission under copyright law.

     A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
     Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
     modifications and/or translated into another language.

     A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section
     of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
     publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall
     subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could
     fall directly within that overall subject.  (Thus, if the Document
     is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not
     explain any mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of
     historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or
     of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position
     regarding them.

     The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
     titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in
     the notice that says that the Document is released under this
     License.  If a section does not fit the above definition of
     Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant.
     The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections.  If the Document
     does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.

     The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
     listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice
     that says that the Document is released under this License.  A
     Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may
     be at most 25 words.

     A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
     represented in a format whose specification is available to the
     general public, that is suitable for revising the document
     straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images
     composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some
     widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to
     text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of
     formats suitable for input to text formatters.  A copy made in an
     otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of
     markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent
     modification by readers is not Transparent.  An image format is
     not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text.  A
     copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".

     Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
     ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format,
     SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and
     standard-conforming simple HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for
     human modification.  Examples of transparent image formats include
     PNG, XCF and JPG.  Opaque formats include proprietary formats that
     can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or
     XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally
     available, and the machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF
     produced by some word processors for output purposes only.

     The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
     plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the
     material this License requires to appear in the title page.  For
     works in formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title
     Page" means the text near the most prominent appearance of the
     work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

     The "publisher" means any person or entity that distributes copies
     of the Document to the public.

     A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document
     whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses
     following text that translates XYZ in another language.  (Here XYZ
     stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as
     "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".)
     To "Preserve the Title" of such a section when you modify the
     Document means that it remains a section "Entitled XYZ" according
     to this definition.

     The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice
     which states that this License applies to the Document.  These
     Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in
     this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
     implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and
     has no effect on the meaning of this License.


     You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
     commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
     copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License
     applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you
     add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License.  You
     may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading
     or further copying of the copies you make or distribute.  However,
     you may accept compensation in exchange for copies.  If you
     distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow
     the conditions in section 3.

     You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above,
     and you may publicly display copies.


     If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly
     have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and
     the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must
     enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all
     these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and
     Back-Cover Texts on the back cover.  Both covers must also clearly
     and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies.  The
     front cover must present the full title with all words of the
     title equally prominent and visible.  You may add other material
     on the covers in addition.  Copying with changes limited to the
     covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and
     satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in
     other respects.

     If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
     legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
     reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto
     adjacent pages.

     If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document
     numbering more than 100, you must either include a
     machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or
     state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from
     which the general network-using public has access to download
     using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent
     copy of the Document, free of added material.  If you use the
     latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you
     begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that
     this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
     location until at least one year after the last time you
     distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or
     retailers) of that edition to the public.

     It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of
     the Document well before redistributing any large number of
     copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated
     version of the Document.


     You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document
     under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you
     release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with
     the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus
     licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to
     whoever possesses a copy of it.  In addition, you must do these
     things in the Modified Version:

       A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
          distinct from that of the Document, and from those of
          previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed
          in the History section of the Document).  You may use the
          same title as a previous version if the original publisher of
          that version gives permission.

       B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
          entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in
          the Modified Version, together with at least five of the
          principal authors of the Document (all of its principal
          authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you
          from this requirement.

       C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
          Modified Version, as the publisher.

       D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.

       E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
          adjacent to the other copyright notices.

       F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license
          notice giving the public permission to use the Modified
          Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in
          the Addendum below.

       G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
          Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's
          license notice.

       H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.

       I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title,
          and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new
          authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on
          the Title Page.  If there is no section Entitled "History" in
          the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors,
          and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page,
          then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in
          the previous sentence.

       J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
          for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and
          likewise the network locations given in the Document for
          previous versions it was based on.  These may be placed in
          the "History" section.  You may omit a network location for a
          work that was published at least four years before the
          Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version
          it refers to gives permission.

       K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
          Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the
          section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor
          acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.

       L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
          unaltered in their text and in their titles.  Section numbers
          or the equivalent are not considered part of the section

       M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements".  Such a section
          may not be included in the Modified Version.

       N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled
          "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant

       O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

     If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
     appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no
     material copied from the Document, you may at your option
     designate some or all of these sections as invariant.  To do this,
     add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified
     Version's license notice.  These titles must be distinct from any
     other section titles.

     You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
     nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
     parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text
     has been approved by an organization as the authoritative
     definition of a standard.

     You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text,
     and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end
     of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version.  Only one
     passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be
     added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity.  If the
     Document already includes a cover text for the same cover,
     previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity
     you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may
     replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous
     publisher that added the old one.

     The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
     License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to
     assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


     You may combine the Document with other documents released under
     this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for
     modified versions, provided that you include in the combination
     all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents,
     unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your
     combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all
     their Warranty Disclaimers.

     The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
     multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
     copy.  If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name
     but different contents, make the title of each such section unique
     by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the
     original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a
     unique number.  Make the same adjustment to the section titles in
     the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the
     combined work.

     In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled
     "History" in the various original documents, forming one section
     Entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled
     "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications".  You
     must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements."


     You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
     documents released under this License, and replace the individual
     copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy
     that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the
     rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the
     documents in all other respects.

     You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
     distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert
     a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow
     this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of
     that document.


     A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other
     separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of
     a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the
     copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the
     legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual
     works permit.  When the Document is included in an aggregate, this
     License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which
     are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

     If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
     copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half
     of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed
     on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
     electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic
     form.  Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket
     the whole aggregate.


     Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
     distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section
     4.  Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
     permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
     translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
     original versions of these Invariant Sections.  You may include a
     translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
     Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also
     include the original English version of this License and the
     original versions of those notices and disclaimers.  In case of a
     disagreement between the translation and the original version of
     this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will

     If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements",
     "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to
     Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the
     actual title.


     You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
     except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
     otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void,
     and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.

     However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
     license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
     provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly
     and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the
     copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some
     reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

     Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
     reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
     violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
     received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from
     that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days
     after your receipt of the notice.

     Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate
     the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from
     you under this License.  If your rights have been terminated and
     not permanently reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of
     the same material does not give you any rights to use it.


     The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of
     the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time.  Such new
     versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
     differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.  See

     Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
     number.  If the Document specifies that a particular numbered
     version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you
     have the option of following the terms and conditions either of
     that specified version or of any later version that has been
     published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.  If
     the Document does not specify a version number of this License,
     you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the
     Free Software Foundation.  If the Document specifies that a proxy
     can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that
     proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version permanently
     authorizes you to choose that version for the Document.


     "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site" (or "MMC Site") means any
     World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also
     provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works.  A
     public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server.
     A "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration" (or "MMC") contained in the
     site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC

     "CC-BY-SA" means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
     license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit
     corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco,
     California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license
     published by that same organization.

     "Incorporate" means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or
     in part, as part of another Document.

     An MMC is "eligible for relicensing" if it is licensed under this
     License, and if all works that were first published under this
     License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently
     incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover
     texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior
     to November 1, 2008.

     The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the
     site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1,
     2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

   To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
the License in the document and put the following copyright and license
notices just after the title page:

       Copyright (C)  YEAR  YOUR NAME.
       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
       under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
       or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
       with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
       Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
       Free Documentation License''.

   If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover
Texts, replace the "with...Texts." line with this:

         with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with
         the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts
         being LIST.

   If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the

   If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to
permit their use in free software.

File:,  Node: Index,  Prev: Licenses,  Up: Top


* Menu:

* ambiguous width:                       uniwidth.h.          (line  10)
* argument conventions:                  Conventions.         (line   9)
* autoconf macro:                        Autoconf macro.      (line   6)
* bidirectional category:                Bidirectional category.
                                                              (line   6)
* bidirectional reordering:              More functionality.  (line   6)
* block:                                 Blocks.              (line   6)
* breaks, line:                          unilbrk.h.           (line   6)
* breaks, word:                          uniwbrk.h.           (line   6)
* bug reports:                           Reporting problems.  (line   6)
* bug tracker:                           Reporting problems.  (line   6)
* C string functions:                    char * strings.      (line   6)
* C, programming language:               ISO C and Java syntax.
                                                              (line   6)
* C-like API:                            Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line   6)
* canonical combining class:             Canonical combining class.
                                                              (line   6)
* case detection:                        Case detection.      (line   6)
* case mappings:                         Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line   6)
* casing_prefix_context_t:               Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  15)
* casing_suffix_context_t:               Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  46)
* char, type:                            char * strings.      (line  23)
* combining, Unicode characters:         Composition of characters.
                                                              (line   6)
* comparing <1>:                         Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 128)
* comparing:                             Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 108)
* comparing, ignoring case:              Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line   6)
* comparing, ignoring case, with collation rules: Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  66)
* comparing, ignoring normalization:     Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line   6)
* comparing, ignoring normalization and case: Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line   6)
* comparing, ignoring normalization and case, with collation rules: Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  66)
* comparing, ignoring normalization, with collation rules: Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  23)
* comparing, with collation rules:       Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 140)
* comparing, with collation rules, ignoring case: Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  66)
* comparing, with collation rules, ignoring normalization: Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  23)
* comparing, with collation rules, ignoring normalization and case: Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  66)
* compiler options:                      Compiler options.    (line  24)
* composing, Unicode characters:         Composition of characters.
                                                              (line   6)
* converting <1>:                        uniconv.h.           (line  45)
* converting:                            Elementary string conversions.
                                                              (line   6)
* copying <1>:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  61)
* copying:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  72)
* counting:                              Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 153)
* decomposing:                           Decomposition of characters.
                                                              (line   6)
* dependencies:                          Installation.        (line   6)
* detecting case:                        Case detection.      (line   6)
* duplicating <1>:                       Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 166)
* duplicating:                           Elementary string functions with memory allocation.
                                                              (line   6)
* enum iconv_ilseq_handler:              uniconv.h.           (line  30)
* FDL, GNU Free Documentation License:   GNU FDL.             (line   6)
* formatted output:                      unistdio.h.          (line   6)
* fullwidth:                             uniwidth.h.          (line  22)
* general category:                      General category.    (line   6)
* gl_LIBUNISTRING:                       Autoconf macro.      (line  11)
* GPL, GNU General Public License:       GNU GPL.             (line   6)
* halfwidth:                             uniwidth.h.          (line  22)
* identifiers:                           ISO C and Java syntax.
                                                              (line   6)
* installation:                          Installation.        (line  10)
* internationalization:                  Unicode and i18n.    (line   6)
* iterating <1>:                         Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  15)
* iterating:                             Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line   6)
* Java, programming language:            ISO C and Java syntax.
                                                              (line   6)
* LGPL, GNU Lesser General Public License: GNU LGPL.          (line   6)
* License, GNU FDL:                      GNU FDL.             (line   6)
* License, GNU GPL:                      GNU GPL.             (line   6)
* License, GNU LGPL:                     GNU LGPL.            (line   6)
* Licenses:                              Licenses.            (line   6)
* line breaks:                           unilbrk.h.           (line   6)
* locale:                                Locale encodings.    (line   6)
* locale categories:                     Locale encodings.    (line  10)
* locale encoding <1>:                   uniconv.h.           (line  10)
* locale encoding:                       Locale encodings.    (line  28)
* locale language:                       Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  16)
* locale, multibyte:                     char * strings.      (line  13)
* locale_charset:                        uniconv.h.           (line  13)
* lowercasing:                           Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line   6)
* mailing list:                          Reporting problems.  (line   6)
* mirroring, of Unicode character:       Mirrored character.  (line   6)
* normal forms:                          uninorm.h.           (line   6)
* normalizing:                           uninorm.h.           (line   6)
* output, formatted:                     unistdio.h.          (line   6)
* properties, of Unicode character:      Properties.          (line   6)
* regular expression:                    uniregex.h.          (line   6)
* rendering:                             More functionality.  (line   9)
* return value conventions:              Conventions.         (line  47)
* scripts:                               Scripts.             (line   6)
* searching, for a character <1>:        Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 176)
* searching, for a character:            Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 140)
* searching, for a substring:            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 232)
* stream, normalizing a:                 Normalization of streams.
                                                              (line   6)
* struct uninorm_filter:                 Normalization of streams.
                                                              (line  11)
* titlecasing:                           Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line   6)
* u16_asnprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line 132)
* u16_asprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line 129)
* u16_casecmp:                           Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  51)
* u16_casecoll:                          Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  95)
* u16_casefold:                          Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  15)
* u16_casexfrm:                          Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  75)
* u16_casing_prefix_context:             Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  30)
* u16_casing_prefixes_context:           Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  39)
* u16_casing_suffix_context:             Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  61)
* u16_casing_suffixes_context:           Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  70)
* u16_check:                             Elementary string checks.
                                                              (line  11)
* u16_chr:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 145)
* u16_cmp:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 115)
* u16_cmp2:                              Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 131)
* u16_conv_from_encoding:                uniconv.h.           (line  54)
* u16_conv_to_encoding:                  uniconv.h.           (line  91)
* u16_cpy:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  78)
* u16_cpy_alloc:                         Elementary string functions with memory allocation.
                                                              (line  10)
* u16_ct_casefold:                       Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  37)
* u16_ct_tolower:                        Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line 107)
* u16_ct_totitle:                        Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line 125)
* u16_ct_toupper:                        Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  89)
* u16_endswith:                          Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 258)
* u16_is_cased:                          Case detection.      (line  57)
* u16_is_casefolded:                     Case detection.      (line  44)
* u16_is_lowercase:                      Case detection.      (line  24)
* u16_is_titlecase:                      Case detection.      (line  34)
* u16_is_uppercase:                      Case detection.      (line  14)
* u16_mblen:                             Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  11)
* u16_mbsnlen:                           Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 157)
* u16_mbtouc:                            Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  38)
* u16_mbtouc_unsafe:                     Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  23)
* u16_mbtoucr:                           Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  45)
* u16_move:                              Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  89)
* u16_next:                              Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  24)
* u16_normalize:                         Normalization of strings.
                                                              (line  50)
* u16_normcmp:                           Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  13)
* u16_normcoll:                          Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  40)
* u16_normxfrm:                          Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  27)
* u16_possible_linebreaks:               unilbrk.h.           (line  46)
* u16_prev:                              Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  36)
* u16_set:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 101)
* u16_snprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line 126)
* u16_sprintf:                           unistdio.h.          (line 123)
* u16_startswith:                        Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 250)
* u16_stpcpy:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  76)
* u16_stpncpy:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  99)
* u16_strcat:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 110)
* u16_strchr:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 180)
* u16_strcmp:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 132)
* u16_strcoll:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 142)
* u16_strconv_from_encoding:             uniconv.h.           (line 129)
* u16_strconv_from_locale:               uniconv.h.           (line 157)
* u16_strconv_to_encoding:               uniconv.h.           (line 142)
* u16_strconv_to_locale:                 uniconv.h.           (line 167)
* u16_strcpy:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  66)
* u16_strcspn:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 201)
* u16_strdup:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 170)
* u16_strlen:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  47)
* u16_strmblen:                          Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  11)
* u16_strmbtouc:                         Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  17)
* u16_strncat:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 121)
* u16_strncmp:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 159)
* u16_strncpy:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  88)
* u16_strnlen:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  55)
* u16_strpbrk:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 225)
* u16_strrchr:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 188)
* u16_strspn:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 213)
* u16_strstr:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 239)
* u16_strtok:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 268)
* u16_strwidth:                          uniwidth.h.          (line  39)
* u16_to_u32:                            Elementary string conversions.
                                                              (line  23)
* u16_to_u8:                             Elementary string conversions.
                                                              (line  19)
* u16_tolower:                           Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  44)
* u16_totitle:                           Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  58)
* u16_toupper:                           Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  30)
* u16_u16_asnprintf:                     unistdio.h.          (line 159)
* u16_u16_asprintf:                      unistdio.h.          (line 156)
* u16_u16_snprintf:                      unistdio.h.          (line 153)
* u16_u16_sprintf:                       unistdio.h.          (line 150)
* u16_u16_vasnprintf:                    unistdio.h.          (line 171)
* u16_u16_vasprintf:                     unistdio.h.          (line 168)
* u16_u16_vsnprintf:                     unistdio.h.          (line 165)
* u16_u16_vsprintf:                      unistdio.h.          (line 162)
* u16_uctomb:                            Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  62)
* u16_vasnprintf:                        unistdio.h.          (line 144)
* u16_vasprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line 141)
* u16_vsnprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line 138)
* u16_vsprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line 135)
* u16_width:                             uniwidth.h.          (line  31)
* u16_width_linebreaks:                  unilbrk.h.           (line  65)
* u16_wordbreaks:                        Word breaks in a string.
                                                              (line  10)
* u32_asnprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line 185)
* u32_asprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line 182)
* u32_casecmp:                           Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  54)
* u32_casecoll:                          Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  98)
* u32_casefold:                          Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  18)
* u32_casexfrm:                          Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  78)
* u32_casing_prefix_context:             Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  32)
* u32_casing_prefixes_context:           Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  42)
* u32_casing_suffix_context:             Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  63)
* u32_casing_suffixes_context:           Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  73)
* u32_check:                             Elementary string checks.
                                                              (line  12)
* u32_chr:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 147)
* u32_cmp:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 117)
* u32_cmp2:                              Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 133)
* u32_conv_from_encoding:                uniconv.h.           (line  57)
* u32_conv_to_encoding:                  uniconv.h.           (line  94)
* u32_cpy:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  80)
* u32_cpy_alloc:                         Elementary string functions with memory allocation.
                                                              (line  11)
* u32_ct_casefold:                       Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  42)
* u32_ct_tolower:                        Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line 112)
* u32_ct_totitle:                        Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line 130)
* u32_ct_toupper:                        Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  94)
* u32_endswith:                          Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 260)
* u32_is_cased:                          Case detection.      (line  59)
* u32_is_casefolded:                     Case detection.      (line  46)
* u32_is_lowercase:                      Case detection.      (line  26)
* u32_is_titlecase:                      Case detection.      (line  36)
* u32_is_uppercase:                      Case detection.      (line  16)
* u32_mblen:                             Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  12)
* u32_mbsnlen:                           Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 158)
* u32_mbtouc:                            Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  39)
* u32_mbtouc_unsafe:                     Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  25)
* u32_mbtoucr:                           Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  46)
* u32_move:                              Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  91)
* u32_next:                              Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  25)
* u32_normalize:                         Normalization of strings.
                                                              (line  52)
* u32_normcmp:                           Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  15)
* u32_normcoll:                          Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  42)
* u32_normxfrm:                          Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  29)
* u32_possible_linebreaks:               unilbrk.h.           (line  48)
* u32_prev:                              Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  38)
* u32_set:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 102)
* u32_snprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line 179)
* u32_sprintf:                           unistdio.h.          (line 176)
* u32_startswith:                        Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 252)
* u32_stpcpy:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  78)
* u32_stpncpy:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 101)
* u32_strcat:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 112)
* u32_strchr:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 181)
* u32_strcmp:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 133)
* u32_strcoll:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 143)
* u32_strconv_from_encoding:             uniconv.h.           (line 131)
* u32_strconv_from_locale:               uniconv.h.           (line 158)
* u32_strconv_to_encoding:               uniconv.h.           (line 144)
* u32_strconv_to_locale:                 uniconv.h.           (line 168)
* u32_strcpy:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  68)
* u32_strcspn:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 203)
* u32_strdup:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 171)
* u32_strlen:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  48)
* u32_strmblen:                          Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  12)
* u32_strmbtouc:                         Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  18)
* u32_strncat:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 123)
* u32_strncmp:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 161)
* u32_strncpy:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  90)
* u32_strnlen:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  56)
* u32_strpbrk:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 227)
* u32_strrchr:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 189)
* u32_strspn:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 215)
* u32_strstr:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 241)
* u32_strtok:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 270)
* u32_strwidth:                          uniwidth.h.          (line  40)
* u32_to_u16:                            Elementary string conversions.
                                                              (line  31)
* u32_to_u8:                             Elementary string conversions.
                                                              (line  27)
* u32_tolower:                           Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  47)
* u32_totitle:                           Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  61)
* u32_toupper:                           Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  33)
* u32_u32_asnprintf:                     unistdio.h.          (line 212)
* u32_u32_asprintf:                      unistdio.h.          (line 209)
* u32_u32_snprintf:                      unistdio.h.          (line 206)
* u32_u32_sprintf:                       unistdio.h.          (line 203)
* u32_u32_vasnprintf:                    unistdio.h.          (line 224)
* u32_u32_vasprintf:                     unistdio.h.          (line 221)
* u32_u32_vsnprintf:                     unistdio.h.          (line 218)
* u32_u32_vsprintf:                      unistdio.h.          (line 215)
* u32_uctomb:                            Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  63)
* u32_vasnprintf:                        unistdio.h.          (line 197)
* u32_vasprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line 194)
* u32_vsnprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line 191)
* u32_vsprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line 188)
* u32_width:                             uniwidth.h.          (line  33)
* u32_width_linebreaks:                  unilbrk.h.           (line  68)
* u32_wordbreaks:                        Word breaks in a string.
                                                              (line  11)
* u8_asnprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line  79)
* u8_asprintf:                           unistdio.h.          (line  76)
* u8_casecmp:                            Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  48)
* u8_casecoll:                           Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  92)
* u8_casefold:                           Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  12)
* u8_casexfrm:                           Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  72)
* u8_casing_prefix_context:              Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  28)
* u8_casing_prefixes_context:            Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  36)
* u8_casing_suffix_context:              Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  59)
* u8_casing_suffixes_context:            Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  67)
* u8_check:                              Elementary string checks.
                                                              (line  10)
* u8_chr:                                Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 143)
* u8_cmp:                                Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 113)
* u8_cmp2:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 129)
* u8_conv_from_encoding:                 uniconv.h.           (line  51)
* u8_conv_to_encoding:                   uniconv.h.           (line  88)
* u8_cpy:                                Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  76)
* u8_cpy_alloc:                          Elementary string functions with memory allocation.
                                                              (line   9)
* u8_ct_casefold:                        Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  32)
* u8_ct_tolower:                         Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line 102)
* u8_ct_totitle:                         Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line 120)
* u8_ct_toupper:                         Case mappings of substrings.
                                                              (line  84)
* u8_endswith:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 256)
* u8_is_cased:                           Case detection.      (line  55)
* u8_is_casefolded:                      Case detection.      (line  42)
* u8_is_lowercase:                       Case detection.      (line  22)
* u8_is_titlecase:                       Case detection.      (line  32)
* u8_is_uppercase:                       Case detection.      (line  12)
* u8_mblen:                              Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  10)
* u8_mbsnlen:                            Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 156)
* u8_mbtouc:                             Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  37)
* u8_mbtouc_unsafe:                      Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  21)
* u8_mbtoucr:                            Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  44)
* u8_move:                               Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  87)
* u8_next:                               Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  23)
* u8_normalize:                          Normalization of strings.
                                                              (line  48)
* u8_normcmp:                            Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  11)
* u8_normcoll:                           Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  38)
* u8_normxfrm:                           Normalizing comparisons.
                                                              (line  25)
* u8_possible_linebreaks:                unilbrk.h.           (line  44)
* u8_prev:                               Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  34)
* u8_set:                                Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line 100)
* u8_snprintf:                           unistdio.h.          (line  73)
* u8_sprintf:                            unistdio.h.          (line  70)
* u8_startswith:                         Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 248)
* u8_stpcpy:                             Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  74)
* u8_stpncpy:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  97)
* u8_strcat:                             Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 108)
* u8_strchr:                             Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 179)
* u8_strcmp:                             Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 131)
* u8_strcoll:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 141)
* u8_strconv_from_encoding:              uniconv.h.           (line 127)
* u8_strconv_from_locale:                uniconv.h.           (line 156)
* u8_strconv_to_encoding:                uniconv.h.           (line 140)
* u8_strconv_to_locale:                  uniconv.h.           (line 166)
* u8_strcpy:                             Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  64)
* u8_strcspn:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 199)
* u8_strdup:                             Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 169)
* u8_strlen:                             Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  46)
* u8_strmblen:                           Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  10)
* u8_strmbtouc:                          Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  16)
* u8_strncat:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 119)
* u8_strncmp:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 157)
* u8_strncpy:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  86)
* u8_strnlen:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line  54)
* u8_strpbrk:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 223)
* u8_strrchr:                            Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 187)
* u8_strspn:                             Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 211)
* u8_strstr:                             Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 237)
* u8_strtok:                             Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings.
                                                              (line 266)
* u8_strwidth:                           uniwidth.h.          (line  38)
* u8_to_u16:                             Elementary string conversions.
                                                              (line  11)
* u8_to_u32:                             Elementary string conversions.
                                                              (line  15)
* u8_tolower:                            Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  41)
* u8_totitle:                            Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  55)
* u8_toupper:                            Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  27)
* u8_u8_asnprintf:                       unistdio.h.          (line 106)
* u8_u8_asprintf:                        unistdio.h.          (line 103)
* u8_u8_snprintf:                        unistdio.h.          (line 100)
* u8_u8_sprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line  97)
* u8_u8_vasnprintf:                      unistdio.h.          (line 118)
* u8_u8_vasprintf:                       unistdio.h.          (line 115)
* u8_u8_vsnprintf:                       unistdio.h.          (line 112)
* u8_u8_vsprintf:                        unistdio.h.          (line 109)
* u8_uctomb:                             Elementary string functions.
                                                              (line  61)
* u8_vasnprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line  91)
* u8_vasprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line  88)
* u8_vsnprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line  85)
* u8_vsprintf:                           unistdio.h.          (line  82)
* u8_width:                              uniwidth.h.          (line  29)
* u8_width_linebreaks:                   unilbrk.h.           (line  62)
* u8_wordbreaks:                         Word breaks in a string.
                                                              (line   9)
* uc_all_blocks:                         Blocks.              (line  38)
* uc_all_scripts:                        Scripts.             (line  37)
* uc_bidi_category:                      Bidirectional category.
                                                              (line  88)
* uc_bidi_category_byname:               Bidirectional category.
                                                              (line  82)
* uc_bidi_category_name:                 Bidirectional category.
                                                              (line  79)
* uc_block:                              Blocks.              (line  27)
* uc_block_t:                            Blocks.              (line  12)
* uc_c_ident_category:                   ISO C and Java syntax.
                                                              (line  39)
* uc_canonical_decomposition:            Decomposition of characters.
                                                              (line  92)
* uc_combining_class:                    Canonical combining class.
                                                              (line  89)
* uc_composition:                        Composition of characters.
                                                              (line  10)
* uc_decimal_value:                      Decimal digit value. (line  11)
* uc_decomposition:                      Decomposition of characters.
                                                              (line  82)
* uc_digit_value:                        Digit value.         (line  11)
* uc_fraction_t:                         Numeric value.       (line  14)
* uc_general_category:                   Object oriented API. (line 207)
* uc_general_category_and:               Object oriented API. (line 179)
* uc_general_category_and_not:           Object oriented API. (line 186)
* uc_general_category_byname:            Object oriented API. (line 201)
* uc_general_category_name:              Object oriented API. (line 195)
* uc_general_category_or:                Object oriented API. (line 173)
* uc_general_category_t:                 Object oriented API. (line   7)
* uc_is_alnum:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  14)
* uc_is_alpha:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  18)
* uc_is_bidi_category:                   Bidirectional category.
                                                              (line  91)
* uc_is_blank:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  64)
* uc_is_block:                           Blocks.              (line  32)
* uc_is_c_whitespace:                    ISO C and Java syntax.
                                                              (line  10)
* uc_is_cntrl:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  24)
* uc_is_digit:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  27)
* uc_is_general_category:                Object oriented API. (line 213)
* uc_is_general_category_withtable:      Bit mask API.        (line  52)
* uc_is_graph:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  31)
* uc_is_java_whitespace:                 ISO C and Java syntax.
                                                              (line  14)
* uc_is_lower:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  35)
* uc_is_print:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  41)
* uc_is_property:                        Properties as objects.
                                                              (line 140)
* uc_is_property_alphabetic:             Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  10)
* uc_is_property_ascii_hex_digit:        Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  74)
* uc_is_property_bidi_arabic_digit:      Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  60)
* uc_is_property_bidi_arabic_right_to_left: Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  56)
* uc_is_property_bidi_block_separator:   Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  62)
* uc_is_property_bidi_boundary_neutral:  Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  66)
* uc_is_property_bidi_common_separator:  Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  61)
* uc_is_property_bidi_control:           Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  53)
* uc_is_property_bidi_embedding_or_override: Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  68)
* uc_is_property_bidi_eur_num_separator: Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  58)
* uc_is_property_bidi_eur_num_terminator: Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  59)
* uc_is_property_bidi_european_digit:    Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  57)
* uc_is_property_bidi_hebrew_right_to_left: Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  55)
* uc_is_property_bidi_left_to_right:     Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  54)
* uc_is_property_bidi_non_spacing_mark:  Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  65)
* uc_is_property_bidi_other_neutral:     Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  69)
* uc_is_property_bidi_pdf:               Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  67)
* uc_is_property_bidi_segment_separator: Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  63)
* uc_is_property_bidi_whitespace:        Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  64)
* uc_is_property_combining:              Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 104)
* uc_is_property_composite:              Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 105)
* uc_is_property_currency_symbol:        Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  99)
* uc_is_property_dash:                   Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  91)
* uc_is_property_decimal_digit:          Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 106)
* uc_is_property_default_ignorable_code_point: Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  14)
* uc_is_property_deprecated:             Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  17)
* uc_is_property_diacritic:              Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 108)
* uc_is_property_extender:               Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 109)
* uc_is_property_format_control:         Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  90)
* uc_is_property_grapheme_base:          Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  46)
* uc_is_property_grapheme_extend:        Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  47)
* uc_is_property_grapheme_link:          Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  49)
* uc_is_property_hex_digit:              Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  73)
* uc_is_property_hyphen:                 Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  92)
* uc_is_property_id_continue:            Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  36)
* uc_is_property_id_start:               Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  34)
* uc_is_property_ideographic:            Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  78)
* uc_is_property_ids_binary_operator:    Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  81)
* uc_is_property_ids_trinary_operator:   Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  82)
* uc_is_property_ignorable_control:      Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 110)
* uc_is_property_iso_control:            Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  89)
* uc_is_property_join_control:           Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  45)
* uc_is_property_left_of_pair:           Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 103)
* uc_is_property_line_separator:         Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  94)
* uc_is_property_logical_order_exception: Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  18)
* uc_is_property_lowercase:              Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  27)
* uc_is_property_math:                   Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 100)
* uc_is_property_non_break:              Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  88)
* uc_is_property_not_a_character:        Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  12)
* uc_is_property_numeric:                Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 107)
* uc_is_property_other_alphabetic:       Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  11)
* uc_is_property_other_default_ignorable_code_point: Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  16)
* uc_is_property_other_grapheme_extend:  Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  48)
* uc_is_property_other_id_continue:      Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  37)
* uc_is_property_other_id_start:         Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  35)
* uc_is_property_other_lowercase:        Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  28)
* uc_is_property_other_math:             Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 101)
* uc_is_property_other_uppercase:        Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  26)
* uc_is_property_paired_punctuation:     Properties as functions.
                                                              (line 102)
* uc_is_property_paragraph_separator:    Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  95)
* uc_is_property_pattern_syntax:         Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  41)
* uc_is_property_pattern_white_space:    Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  40)
* uc_is_property_private_use:            Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  20)
* uc_is_property_punctuation:            Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  93)
* uc_is_property_quotation_mark:         Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  96)
* uc_is_property_radical:                Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  80)
* uc_is_property_sentence_terminal:      Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  97)
* uc_is_property_soft_dotted:            Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  30)
* uc_is_property_space:                  Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  87)
* uc_is_property_terminal_punctuation:   Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  98)
* uc_is_property_titlecase:              Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  29)
* uc_is_property_unassigned_code_value:  Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  21)
* uc_is_property_unified_ideograph:      Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  79)
* uc_is_property_uppercase:              Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  25)
* uc_is_property_variation_selector:     Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  19)
* uc_is_property_white_space:            Properties as functions.
                                                              (line   9)
* uc_is_property_xid_continue:           Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  39)
* uc_is_property_xid_start:              Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  38)
* uc_is_property_zero_width:             Properties as functions.
                                                              (line  86)
* uc_is_punct:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  44)
* uc_is_script:                          Scripts.             (line  31)
* uc_is_space:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  49)
* uc_is_upper:                           Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  54)
* uc_is_xdigit:                          Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line  60)
* uc_java_ident_category:                ISO C and Java syntax.
                                                              (line  43)
* uc_locale_language:                    Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line  21)
* uc_mirror_char:                        Mirrored character.  (line  14)
* uc_numeric_value:                      Numeric value.       (line  23)
* uc_property_byname:                    Properties as objects.
                                                              (line 123)
* uc_property_is_valid:                  Properties as objects.
                                                              (line 133)
* uc_property_t:                         Properties as objects.
                                                              (line   9)
* uc_script:                             Scripts.             (line  20)
* uc_script_byname:                      Scripts.             (line  25)
* uc_script_t:                           Scripts.             (line  11)
* uc_tolower:                            Case mappings of characters.
                                                              (line  20)
* uc_totitle:                            Case mappings of characters.
                                                              (line  23)
* uc_toupper:                            Case mappings of characters.
                                                              (line  17)
* uc_width:                              uniwidth.h.          (line  23)
* uc_wordbreak_property:                 Word break property. (line  32)
* UCS-4:                                 Unicode.             (line  14)
* ucs4_t:                                unitypes.h.          (line  16)
* uint16_t:                              unitypes.h.          (line  10)
* uint32_t:                              unitypes.h.          (line  11)
* uint8_t:                               unitypes.h.          (line   9)
* ulc_asnprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line  53)
* ulc_asprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line  50)
* ulc_casecmp:                           Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  57)
* ulc_casecoll:                          Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line 101)
* ulc_casexfrm:                          Case insensitive comparison.
                                                              (line  81)
* ulc_fprintf:                           unistdio.h.          (line 229)
* ulc_possible_linebreaks:               unilbrk.h.           (line  50)
* ulc_snprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line  48)
* ulc_sprintf:                           unistdio.h.          (line  45)
* ulc_vasnprintf:                        unistdio.h.          (line  65)
* ulc_vasprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line  62)
* ulc_vfprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line 232)
* ulc_vsnprintf:                         unistdio.h.          (line  59)
* ulc_vsprintf:                          unistdio.h.          (line  56)
* ulc_width_linebreaks:                  unilbrk.h.           (line  71)
* ulc_wordbreaks:                        Word breaks in a string.
                                                              (line  12)
* Unicode:                               Unicode.             (line   6)
* Unicode character, bidirectional category: Bidirectional category.
                                                              (line   6)
* Unicode character, block:              Blocks.              (line  24)
* Unicode character, canonical combining class: Canonical combining class.
                                                              (line   6)
* Unicode character, case mappings:      Case mappings of characters.
                                                              (line   6)
* Unicode character, classification:     General category.    (line   6)
* Unicode character, classification like in C: Classifications like in ISO C.
                                                              (line   6)
* Unicode character, general category:   General category.    (line   6)
* Unicode character, mirroring:          Mirrored character.  (line   6)
* Unicode character, name:               uniname.h.           (line   6)
* Unicode character, properties:         Properties.          (line   6)
* Unicode character, script:             Scripts.             (line  17)
* Unicode character, validity in C identifiers: ISO C and Java syntax.
                                                              (line  38)
* Unicode character, validity in Java identifiers: ISO C and Java syntax.
                                                              (line  42)
* Unicode character, value <1>:          Numeric value.       (line   6)
* Unicode character, value <2>:          Digit value.         (line   6)
* Unicode character, value:              Decimal digit value. (line   6)
* Unicode character, width:              uniwidth.h.          (line  22)
* unicode_character_name:                uniname.h.           (line  19)
* unicode_name_character:                uniname.h.           (line  25)
* uninorm_decomposing_form:              Normalization of strings.
                                                              (line  40)
* uninorm_filter_create:                 Normalization of streams.
                                                              (line  19)
* uninorm_filter_flush:                  Normalization of streams.
                                                              (line  33)
* uninorm_filter_free:                   Normalization of streams.
                                                              (line  43)
* uninorm_filter_write:                  Normalization of streams.
                                                              (line  29)
* uninorm_is_compat_decomposing:         Normalization of strings.
                                                              (line  32)
* uninorm_is_composing:                  Normalization of strings.
                                                              (line  36)
* uninorm_t:                             Normalization of strings.
                                                              (line  10)
* uppercasing:                           Case mappings of strings.
                                                              (line   6)
* use cases:                             Introduction.        (line  44)
* UTF-16:                                Unicode.             (line  14)
* UTF-16, strings:                       Unicode strings.     (line   6)
* UTF-32:                                Unicode.             (line  14)
* UTF-32, strings:                       Unicode strings.     (line   6)
* UTF-8:                                 Unicode.             (line  14)
* UTF-8, strings:                        Unicode strings.     (line   6)
* validity:                              Elementary string checks.
                                                              (line   6)
* value, of libunistring:                Introduction.        (line  44)
* value, of Unicode character <1>:       Numeric value.       (line   6)
* value, of Unicode character <2>:       Digit value.         (line   6)
* value, of Unicode character:           Decimal digit value. (line   6)
* verification:                          Elementary string checks.
                                                              (line   6)
* wchar_t, type:                         The wchar_t mess.    (line   6)
* width:                                 uniwidth.h.          (line   6)
* word breaks:                           uniwbrk.h.           (line   6)
* wrapping:                              unilbrk.h.           (line   6)

Tag Table:
Node: Top270
Node: Introduction3239
Node: Unicode5236
Node: Unicode and i18n7116
Node: Locale encodings8579
Node: In-memory representation10787
Node: char * strings11896
Node: The wchar_t mess17153
Node: Unicode strings19357
Node: Conventions20508
Node: unitypes.h22708
Node: unistr.h23280
Node: Elementary string checks23837
Node: Elementary string conversions24459
Node: Elementary string functions25761
Node: Elementary string functions with memory allocation32732
Node: Elementary string functions on NUL terminated strings33354
Node: uniconv.h45090
Node: unistdio.h52801
Node: uniname.h61004
Node: unictype.h62337
Node: General category63246
Node: Object oriented API64289
Node: Bit mask API72751
Node: Canonical combining class75005
Node: Bidirectional category78219
Node: Decimal digit value81276
Node: Digit value81837
Node: Numeric value82398
Node: Mirrored character83289
Node: Properties83962
Node: Properties as objects84653
Node: Properties as functions91031
Node: Scripts96582
Node: Blocks97968
Node: ISO C and Java syntax99291
Node: Classifications like in ISO C101001
Node: uniwidth.h103705
Node: uniwbrk.h105742
Node: Word breaks in a string106269
Node: Word break property107320
Node: unilbrk.h108416
Node: uninorm.h112587
Node: Decomposition of characters113219
Node: Composition of characters116595
Node: Normalization of strings117304
Node: Normalizing comparisons119366
Node: Normalization of streams121722
Node: unicase.h123810
Node: Case mappings of characters124495
Node: Case mappings of strings126542
Node: Case mappings of substrings129875
Node: Case insensitive comparison136805
Node: Case detection142156
Node: uniregex.h145424
Node: Using the library145647
Node: Installation146058
Node: Compiler options146531
Node: Include files148090
Node: Autoconf macro149314
Node: Reporting problems150872
Node: More functionality151669
Node: Licenses152112
Node: GNU GPL153747
Node: GNU LGPL191292
Node: GNU FDL199738
Node: Index224863

End Tag Table

Local Variables:
coding: utf-8