/* DO NOT EDIT! GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! */ /* Unicode scripts. */ /* Generated automatically by gen-uni-tables.c for Unicode 15.1.0. */ /* Copyright (C) 2000-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ struct named_script { int name; unsigned int index; }; %struct-type %language=ANSI-C %define hash-function-name scripts_hash %define lookup-function-name uc_script_lookup %readonly-tables %global-table %define word-array-name script_names %pic %define string-pool-name script_stringpool %% Common, 0 Latin, 1 Greek, 2 Cyrillic, 3 Armenian, 4 Hebrew, 5 Arabic, 6 Syriac, 7 Thaana, 8 Devanagari, 9 Bengali, 10 Gurmukhi, 11 Gujarati, 12 Oriya, 13 Tamil, 14 Telugu, 15 Kannada, 16 Malayalam, 17 Sinhala, 18 Thai, 19 Lao, 20 Tibetan, 21 Myanmar, 22 Georgian, 23 Hangul, 24 Ethiopic, 25 Cherokee, 26 Canadian_Aboriginal, 27 Ogham, 28 Runic, 29 Khmer, 30 Mongolian, 31 Hiragana, 32 Katakana, 33 Bopomofo, 34 Han, 35 Yi, 36 Old_Italic, 37 Gothic, 38 Deseret, 39 Inherited, 40 Tagalog, 41 Hanunoo, 42 Buhid, 43 Tagbanwa, 44 Limbu, 45 Tai_Le, 46 Linear_B, 47 Ugaritic, 48 Shavian, 49 Osmanya, 50 Cypriot, 51 Braille, 52 Buginese, 53 Coptic, 54 New_Tai_Lue, 55 Glagolitic, 56 Tifinagh, 57 Syloti_Nagri, 58 Old_Persian, 59 Kharoshthi, 60 Balinese, 61 Cuneiform, 62 Phoenician, 63 Phags_Pa, 64 Nko, 65 Sundanese, 66 Lepcha, 67 Ol_Chiki, 68 Vai, 69 Saurashtra, 70 Kayah_Li, 71 Rejang, 72 Lycian, 73 Carian, 74 Lydian, 75 Cham, 76 Tai_Tham, 77 Tai_Viet, 78 Avestan, 79 Egyptian_Hieroglyphs, 80 Samaritan, 81 Lisu, 82 Bamum, 83 Javanese, 84 Meetei_Mayek, 85 Imperial_Aramaic, 86 Old_South_Arabian, 87 Inscriptional_Parthian, 88 Inscriptional_Pahlavi, 89 Old_Turkic, 90 Kaithi, 91 Batak, 92 Brahmi, 93 Mandaic, 94 Chakma, 95 Meroitic_Cursive, 96 Meroitic_Hieroglyphs, 97 Miao, 98 Sharada, 99 Sora_Sompeng, 100 Takri, 101 Caucasian_Albanian, 102 Bassa_Vah, 103 Duployan, 104 Elbasan, 105 Grantha, 106 Pahawh_Hmong, 107 Khojki, 108 Linear_A, 109 Mahajani, 110 Manichaean, 111 Mende_Kikakui, 112 Modi, 113 Mro, 114 Old_North_Arabian, 115 Nabataean, 116 Palmyrene, 117 Pau_Cin_Hau, 118 Old_Permic, 119 Psalter_Pahlavi, 120 Siddham, 121 Khudawadi, 122 Tirhuta, 123 Warang_Citi, 124 Ahom, 125 Anatolian_Hieroglyphs, 126 Hatran, 127 Multani, 128 Old_Hungarian, 129 SignWriting, 130 Adlam, 131 Bhaiksuki, 132 Marchen, 133 Newa, 134 Osage, 135 Tangut, 136 Masaram_Gondi, 137 Nushu, 138 Soyombo, 139 Zanabazar_Square, 140 Dogra, 141 Gunjala_Gondi, 142 Makasar, 143 Medefaidrin, 144 Hanifi_Rohingya, 145 Sogdian, 146 Old_Sogdian, 147 Elymaic, 148 Nandinagari, 149 Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong, 150 Wancho, 151 Chorasmian, 152 Dives_Akuru, 153 Khitan_Small_Script, 154 Yezidi, 155 Cypro_Minoan, 156 Old_Uyghur, 157 Tangsa, 158 Toto, 159 Vithkuqi, 160 Kawi, 161 Nag_Mundari, 162