/* Grapheme cluster break function. Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Ben Pfaff <blp@cs.stanford.edu>, 2010. This file is free software. It is dual-licensed under "the GNU LGPLv3+ or the GNU GPLv2+". You can redistribute it and/or modify it under either - the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at your option) any later version, or - the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version, or - the same dual license "the GNU LGPLv3+ or the GNU GPLv2+". This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License and the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License and of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* This file implements section 3 "Grapheme Cluster Boundaries" of Unicode Standard Annex #29 <https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/>. */ void FUNC (const UNIT *s, size_t n, char *p) { if (n > 0) { const UNIT *s_end = s + n; /* Grapheme Cluster break property of the last character. -1 at the very beginning of the string. */ int last_char_prop = -1; /* True if the last character ends a sequence of Indic_Conjunct_Break values: consonant {extend|linker}* */ bool incb_consonant_extended = false; /* True if the last character ends a sequence of Indic_Conjunct_Break values: consonant {extend|linker}* linker */ bool incb_consonant_extended_linker = false; /* True if the last character ends a sequence of Indic_Conjunct_Break values: consonant {extend|linker}* linker {extend|linker}* */ bool incb_consonant_extended_linker_extended = false; /* True if the last character ends an emoji modifier sequence \p{Extended_Pictographic} Extend*. */ bool emoji_modifier_sequence = false; /* True if the last character was immediately preceded by an emoji modifier sequence \p{Extended_Pictographic} Extend*. */ bool emoji_modifier_sequence_before_last_char = false; /* Number of consecutive regional indicator (RI) characters seen immediately before the current point. */ size_t ri_count = 0; /* Don't break inside multibyte characters. */ memset (p, 0, n); while (s < s_end) { ucs4_t uc; int count = U_MBTOUC (&uc, s, s_end - s); int prop = uc_graphemeclusterbreak_property (uc); int incb = uc_indic_conjunct_break (uc); /* Break at the start of the string (GB1). */ if (last_char_prop < 0) *p = 1; else { /* No break between CR and LF (GB3). */ if (last_char_prop == GBP_CR && prop == GBP_LF) /* *p = 0 */; /* Break before and after newlines (GB4, GB5). */ else if ((last_char_prop == GBP_CR || last_char_prop == GBP_LF || last_char_prop == GBP_CONTROL) || (prop == GBP_CR || prop == GBP_LF || prop == GBP_CONTROL)) *p = 1; /* No break between Hangul syllable sequences (GB6, GB7, GB8). */ else if ((last_char_prop == GBP_L && (prop == GBP_L || prop == GBP_V || prop == GBP_LV || prop == GBP_LVT)) || ((last_char_prop == GBP_LV || last_char_prop == GBP_V) && (prop == GBP_V || prop == GBP_T)) || ((last_char_prop == GBP_LVT || last_char_prop == GBP_T) && prop == GBP_T)) /* *p = 0 */; /* No break before extending characters or ZWJ (GB9). */ else if (prop == GBP_EXTEND || prop == GBP_ZWJ) /* *p = 0 */; /* No break before SpacingMarks (GB9a). */ else if (prop == GBP_SPACINGMARK) /* *p = 0 */; /* No break after Prepend characters (GB9b). */ else if (last_char_prop == GBP_PREPEND) /* *p = 0 */; /* No break within certain combinations of Indic_Conjunct_Break values: Between consonant {extend|linker}* linker {extend|linker}* and consonant (GB9c). */ else if (incb_consonant_extended_linker_extended && incb == UC_INDIC_CONJUNCT_BREAK_CONSONANT) /* *p = 0 */; /* No break within emoji modifier sequences or emoji zwj sequences (GB11). */ else if (last_char_prop == GBP_ZWJ && emoji_modifier_sequence_before_last_char && uc_is_property_extended_pictographic (uc)) /* *p = 0 */; /* No break between RI if there is an odd number of RI characters before (GB12, GB13). */ else if (prop == GBP_RI && (ri_count % 2) != 0) /* *p = 0 */; /* Break everywhere (GB999). */ else *p = 1; } incb_consonant_extended_linker = incb_consonant_extended && incb == UC_INDIC_CONJUNCT_BREAK_LINKER; incb_consonant_extended_linker_extended = (incb_consonant_extended_linker || (incb_consonant_extended_linker_extended && incb >= UC_INDIC_CONJUNCT_BREAK_LINKER)); incb_consonant_extended = (incb == UC_INDIC_CONJUNCT_BREAK_CONSONANT || (incb_consonant_extended && incb >= UC_INDIC_CONJUNCT_BREAK_LINKER)); emoji_modifier_sequence_before_last_char = emoji_modifier_sequence; emoji_modifier_sequence = (emoji_modifier_sequence && prop == GBP_EXTEND) || uc_is_property_extended_pictographic (uc); last_char_prop = prop; if (prop == GBP_RI) ri_count++; else ri_count = 0; s += count; p += count; } } }