path: root/doc/plustek/Makefile.kernel24
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/plustek/Makefile.kernel24')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/plustek/Makefile.kernel24 b/doc/plustek/Makefile.kernel24
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..207ef39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/plustek/Makefile.kernel24
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# Makefile for the plustek scanner driver (kernel-module)
+# define the directories
+HOME_DIR := .
+OBJ_DIR := $(HOME_DIR)/obj
+DOC_DIR := $(HOME_DIR)/doc
+# define the used tools
+MD = mkdir -p
+CC = gcc
+TAR = tar
+REF = cxref
+# Comment/uncomment the following line to disable/enable debugging
+# can also be set by commandline parameter: make all DEBUG=y
+#DEBUG = y
+# common compiler options
+OPT = -fomit-frame-pointer -D_PTDRV_VERSTR=\"$(VERSIONSTR)\"
+# cxref options
+REFOPT = -xref-all -index-all -html32
+# Comment out if you are not running SMP. Someone take this out of here
+# when the SMP stuff gets moved out of the kernel Makefile.
+# SMP = 1
+# SMP_PROF = 1
+# add the following to get assembly listing
+# -Wa,-alh,-L -g
+# get some version numbers
+ifeq ($(LINUXVERSION),)
+ LINUXVERSION = $(shell uname -r)
+VERSIONSTR = $(shell grep "define BACKEND_VERSION" $(SRC_DIR)/plustek_pp.c | cut -b25-50 )
+# Change it here or specify it on the "make" commandline
+ifeq ($(HEADER_PATH),)
+MACHTYPE = $(shell env | grep debian-linux | wc -l | sed 's/ //g')
+ifeq ($(MACHTYPE),1)
+# debian
+ HEADER_PATH = /usr/src/kernel-headers-$(LINUXVERSION)/include
+# redhat, slackware
+ HEADER_PATH = /usr/src/linux/include
+# HEADER_PATH = /usr/include
+ifeq ($(DEBUG),y)
+ DEBFLAGS = -O -g -DDEBUG # "-O" is needed to expand inlines
+# the new style reference
+K24_HEADER_PATH = /lib/modules/$(LINUXVERSION)/build/include
+# try to autodetect if we can use the new style header include references
+KERNEL_HEADERS = $(shell if test -d $(K24_HEADER_PATH); then \
+ echo $(K24_HEADER_PATH); \
+ else \
+ echo $(HEADER_PATH); \
+ fi; )
+# seems to be necessary for kernels 2.4.x
+MODVERFILE = $(shell if [ -e $(KERNEL_HEADERS)/linux/modversions.h ]; then \
+ echo $(KERNEL_HEADERS)/linux/modversions.h ; \
+ else \
+ echo $(KERNEL_HEADERS)/linux/modsetver.h ; \
+ fi )
+# set MODVERSIONS if the kernel uses it
+VERSUSED = $(shell grep 'define CONFIG_MODVERSIONS' \
+ $(KERNEL_HEADERS)/linux/autoconf.h | wc -l | sed 's/ //g')
+ifeq ($(VERSUSED),1)
+WARNFLAGS = -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
+MODLIB = /lib/modules/$(LINUXVERSION)
+ifdef SMP
+CFLAGS += -D__SMP__
+ifdef SMP_PROF
+TARGET = pt_drv
+OBJ = $(TARGET).o
+NAMES := dac detect genericio image map misc models io procfs
+NAMES := $(NAMES) motor p9636 ptdrv scale tpa p48xx p12 p12ccd
+NAMES := $(addprefix plustek-pp_, $(NAMES))
+SRCS := $(addprefix $(SRC_DIR)/, $(NAMES))
+SRCS := $(addsuffix .c, $(SRCS))
+OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/, $(NAMES))
+OBJS := $(addsuffix .o, $(OBJS))
+INCS := scan dbg types scandata procs hwdefs sysdep
+INCS := $(addsuffix .h, $(INCS))
+HDRS = $(addprefix $(INC_DIR)/plustek-pp_, $(INCS))
+# the header files we need from the backend
+BACKINCS := plustek-pp.h
+BACKINCS := $(addprefix $(BACKEND)/, $(BACKINCS))
+group = "root"
+mode = "644"
+INST_DIR = /lib/modules/$(LINUXVERSION)/kernel/drivers/char
+ @clear
+ @echo "Makefile to create the Plustek-Scanner kernel-module:"
+ @echo "all ... builds the module"
+ @echo "all DEBUG=y ... builds the module with debug-messages enabled"
+ @echo "clean ... cleans up the show"
+ @echo "install ... installs the module to the library path"
+ @echo "uninstall ... removes the module from the library path"
+ @echo "load ... tries to load the module and creates device nodes"
+ @echo "unload ... unloads the module"
+all: .depend chkdir $(OBJ)
+# create object directory
+.PHONY : chkdir
+ @-$(MD) $(OBJ_DIR)
+ @-$(MD) $(DOC_DIR)
+$(OBJ): $(OBJS)
+ $(LD) -r $^ -o $@
+$(OBJS): Makefile $(HDRS) $(BACKINCS)
+$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o : $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+# copy the driver to the modules directory
+ mkdir -p $(INST_DIR)
+ install -c -m $(mode) $(OBJ) $(INST_DIR)
+ /sbin/depmod -a
+# remove it
+ rm -f $(INST_DIR)/$(OBJ)
+# use modprobe to load the driver, remember to set the
+# parameter in /etc/modules.conf (see for more details)
+load: $(INST_DIR)/$(OBJ)
+# invoke modprobe with all arguments we got
+ /sbin/modprobe $(TARGET) || exit 1
+# Remove stale nodes and replace them, then give gid and perms
+ rm -f /dev/$(TARGET)*
+# when using the devfs support, we check the /dev/scanner entries
+# and only create links to the devfs nodes
+# at least we create one link
+ @if [ -e /dev/scanner/$(TARGET)* ]; then \
+ ln -s /dev/scanner/$(TARGET)0 /dev/$(TARGET); \
+ for name in `ls /dev/scanner | grep $(TARGET)`; do \
+ ln -s /dev/scanner/$$name /dev/$$name ; \
+ done \
+ else \
+ mknod /dev/$(TARGET) c `cat /proc/devices | sed -ne "s/\([0-9]*\) pt_drv/\1/p"` 0; \
+ mknod /dev/$(TARGET)0 c `cat /proc/devices | sed -ne "s/\([0-9]*\) pt_drv/\1/p"` 0; \
+ mknod /dev/$(TARGET)1 c `cat /proc/devices | sed -ne "s/\([0-9]*\) pt_drv/\1/p"` 1; \
+ mknod /dev/$(TARGET)2 c `cat /proc/devices | sed -ne "s/\([0-9]*\) pt_drv/\1/p"` 2; \
+ mknod /dev/$(TARGET)3 c `cat /proc/devices | sed -ne "s/\([0-9]*\) pt_drv/\1/p"` 3; \
+ \
+ chgrp $(group) /dev/$(TARGET)*; \
+ chmod $(mode) /dev/$(TARGET)*; \
+ fi
+# unload the driver
+ /sbin/modprobe -r $(TARGET) || exit 1
+# Remove stale nodes
+ rm -f /dev/$(TARGET)*
+# create reference docu
+doc: chkdir
+ $(REF) $(REFOPT) $(INC_DIR)/*.h $(SRC_DIR)/*.c $(BACKEND)/plustek-share.h \
+ @-rm -f $(OBJ_DIR)/*.o .depend depend dep $(REF).* *.html $(TARGET).o
+ @-rm -rf $(OBJ_DIR)
+ @-rm -rf $(DOC_DIR)
+depend .depend dep:
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -M $(SRCS) > $@
+ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend))
+#include .depend