/* sane - Scanner Access Now Easy. This file (C) 1997 Ingo Schneider (C) 1998 Karl Anders Øygard This file is part of the SANE package. SANE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SANE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with sane; see the file COPYING. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef agfafocus_h #define agfafocus_h enum AgfaFocus_Scanner_Type { AGFAGRAY64, AGFALINEART, AGFAGRAY256, AGFACOLOR }; typedef enum { LINEART, GRAY6BIT, GRAY8BIT, COLOR18BIT, COLOR24BIT } AgfaFocus_Scanner_Mode; enum AgfaFocus_Option { OPT_NUM_OPTS = 0, OPT_MODE_GROUP, OPT_MODE, OPT_HALFTONE_PATTERN, /* halftone matrix */ OPT_RESOLUTION, OPT_SOURCE, OPT_QUALITY, /* quality calibration */ OPT_GEOMETRY_GROUP, OPT_TL_X, /* top-left x */ OPT_TL_Y, /* top-left y */ OPT_BR_X, /* bottom-right x */ OPT_BR_Y, /* bottom-right y */ OPT_ENHANCEMENT_GROUP, OPT_EXPOSURE, OPT_BRIGHTNESS, OPT_CONTRAST, OPT_AUTO_BRIGHTNESS, OPT_AUTO_CONTRAST, OPT_ATTENUATION_RED, OPT_ATTENUATION_BLUE, OPT_ATTENUATION_GREEN, OPT_SHARPEN, /* sharpening */ /* must come last: */ NUM_OPTIONS }; typedef struct AgfaFocus_Device { struct AgfaFocus_Device *next; SANE_Device sane; SANE_Handle handle; SANE_Word type; SANE_Bool transparent; SANE_Bool analoglog; SANE_Bool tos5; SANE_Bool quality; SANE_Bool disconnect; SANE_Bool upload_user_defines; } AgfaFocus_Device; typedef struct AgfaFocus_Scanner { /* all the state needed to define a scan request: */ SANE_Option_Descriptor opt[NUM_OPTIONS]; Option_Value val[NUM_OPTIONS]; /* Parsed option values and variables that are valid only during actual scanning: */ SANE_Bool scanning; SANE_Int pass; SANE_Parameters params; AgfaFocus_Scanner_Mode mode; SANE_Int image_composition; SANE_Int bpp; SANE_Int halftone; SANE_Int original; SANE_Int exposure; SANE_Int r_att; SANE_Int g_att; SANE_Int b_att; SANE_Int tonecurve; SANE_Int quality; SANE_Bool edge; SANE_Bool lin_log; int lines_available; /* Lines in scanner memory */ int fd; /* SCSI filedescriptor */ SANE_Pid reader_pid; /* process id of reader */ int pipe; /* pipe to reader process */ int reader_pipe; /* pipe from reader process */ /* scanner dependent/low-level state: */ AgfaFocus_Device *hw; } AgfaFocus_Scanner; #endif /* agfafocus_h */