/*************************************************************************** * _S_A_N_E - Scanner Access Now Easy. dc240.c 03/12/01 - Peter Fales Based on the dc210 driver, (C) 1998 Brian J. Murrell (which is based on dc25 driver (C) 1998 by Peter Fales) This file (C) 2001 by Peter Fales This file is part of the SANE package. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE. The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the SANE library code into it. This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that those changes may be distributed with this exception intact. If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. *************************************************************************** This file implements a SANE backend for the Kodak DC-240 digital camera. THIS IS EXTREMELY ALPHA CODE! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! (feedback to: dc240-devel@fales-lorenz.net) This backend is based somewhat on the dc25 backend included in this package by Peter Fales, and the dc210 backend by Brian J. Murrell ***************************************************************************/ #include "../include/sane/config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <limits.h> #include "../include/sane/sanei_jpeg.h" #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include "../include/sane/sane.h" #include "../include/sane/sanei.h" #include "../include/sane/saneopts.h" #define BACKEND_NAME dc240 #include "../include/sane/sanei_backend.h" #include "dc240.h" #ifndef PATH_MAX # define PATH_MAX 1024 #endif #define MAGIC (void *)0xab730324 #define DC240_CONFIG_FILE "dc240.conf" #define THUMBSIZE 20736 #ifdef B115200 # define DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE B115200 #else # define DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE B38400 #endif #if defined (__sgi) # define DEFAULT_TTY "/dev/ttyd1" /* Irix */ #elif defined (__sun) # define DEFAULT_TTY "/dev/term/a" /* Solaris */ #elif defined (hpux) # define DEFAULT_TTY "/dev/tty1d0" /* HP-UX */ #elif defined (__osf__) # define DEFAULT_TTY "/dev/tty00" /* Digital UNIX */ #else # define DEFAULT_TTY "/dev/ttyS0" /* Linux */ #endif static SANE_Bool is_open = 0; static SANE_Bool dc240_opt_thumbnails; static SANE_Bool dc240_opt_snap; static SANE_Bool dc240_opt_lowres; static SANE_Bool dc240_opt_erase; static SANE_Bool dc240_opt_autoinc; static SANE_Bool dumpinquiry; static struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; static djpeg_dest_ptr dest_mgr = NULL; static unsigned long cmdrespause = 250000UL; /* pause after sending cmd */ static unsigned long breakpause = 1000000UL; /* pause after sending break */ static DC240 Camera; static SANE_Range image_range = { 0, 0, 0 }; static SANE_String **folder_list; static SANE_Int current_folder = 0; static SANE_Option_Descriptor sod[] = { { SANE_NAME_NUM_OPTIONS, SANE_TITLE_NUM_OPTIONS, SANE_DESC_NUM_OPTIONS, SANE_TYPE_INT, SANE_UNIT_NONE, sizeof (SANE_Word), SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT, SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE, {NULL} } , #define DC240_OPT_IMAGE_SELECTION 1 { "", "Image Selection", "Selection of the image to load.", SANE_TYPE_GROUP, SANE_UNIT_NONE, 0, 0, SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE, {NULL} } , #define DC240_OPT_FOLDER 2 { "folder", "Folder", "Select folder within camera", SANE_TYPE_STRING, SANE_UNIT_NONE, 256, SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT | SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT, SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST, {NULL} } , #define DC240_OPT_IMAGE_NUMBER 3 { "image", "Image Number", "Select Image Number to load from camera", SANE_TYPE_INT, SANE_UNIT_NONE, 4, SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT | SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT, SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE, {(SANE_String_Const *) & image_range} /* this is ANSI conformant! */ } , #define DC240_OPT_THUMBS 4 { "thumbs", "Load Thumbnail", "Load the image as thumbnail.", SANE_TYPE_BOOL, SANE_UNIT_NONE, sizeof (SANE_Word), SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT | SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT, SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE, {NULL} } , #define DC240_OPT_SNAP 5 { "snap", "Snap new picture", "Take new picture and download it", SANE_TYPE_BOOL, SANE_UNIT_NONE, sizeof (SANE_Word), SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT | SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT /* | SANE_CAP_ADVANCED */ , SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE, {NULL} } , #define DC240_OPT_LOWRES 6 { "lowres", "Low Resolution", "Resolution of new pictures", SANE_TYPE_BOOL, SANE_UNIT_NONE, sizeof (SANE_Word), SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT | SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT | SANE_CAP_INACTIVE /* | SANE_CAP_ADVANCED */ , SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE, {NULL} } , #define DC240_OPT_ERASE 7 { "erase", "Erase", "Erase the picture after downloading", SANE_TYPE_BOOL, SANE_UNIT_NONE, sizeof (SANE_Word), SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT | SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT, SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE, {NULL} } , #define DC240_OPT_DEFAULT 8 { "default-enhancements", "Defaults", "Set default values for enhancement controls.", SANE_TYPE_BUTTON, SANE_UNIT_NONE, 0, SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT | SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT, SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE, {NULL} } , #define DC240_OPT_INIT_DC240 9 { "camera-init", "Re-establish Communications", "Re-establish communications with camera (in case of timeout, etc.)", SANE_TYPE_BUTTON, SANE_UNIT_NONE, 0, SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT | SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT, SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE, {NULL} } , #define DC240_OPT_AUTOINC 10 { "autoinc", "Auto Increment", "Increment image number after each scan", SANE_TYPE_BOOL, SANE_UNIT_NONE, sizeof (SANE_Word), SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT | SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT | SANE_CAP_ADVANCED, SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE, {NULL} } , }; static SANE_Parameters parms = { SANE_FRAME_RGB, 0, 0, /* Number of bytes returned per scan line: */ 0, /* Number of pixels per scan line. */ 0, /* Number of lines for the current scan. */ 8, /* Number of bits per sample. */ }; static SANE_Byte shoot_pck[] = SHOOT_PCK; static SANE_Byte init_pck[] = INIT_PCK; static SANE_Byte thumb_pck[] = THUMBS_PCK; static SANE_Byte pic_pck[] = PICS_PCK; static SANE_Byte pic_info_pck[] = PICS_INFO_PCK; static SANE_Byte info_pck[] = INFO_PCK; static SANE_Byte erase_pck[] = ERASE_PCK; static SANE_Byte res_pck[] = RES_PCK; static SANE_Byte open_card_pck[] = OPEN_CARD_PCK; static SANE_Byte read_dir_pck[] = READ_DIR_PCK; static struct pkt_speed speeds[] = SPEEDS; static struct termios tty_orig; SANE_Byte dir_buf2[2 + CAMDIRENTRYSIZE * DIRENTRIES]; static struct cam_dirlist *dir_head = NULL; static SANE_Byte info_buf[256]; static SANE_Byte name_buf[60]; #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> static SANE_Int send_pck (SANE_Int fd, SANE_Byte * pck) { SANE_Int n; SANE_Byte r = 0xf0; /* prime the loop with a "camera busy" */ DBG (127, "send_pck<%x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x>\n", pck[0], pck[1], pck[2], pck[3], pck[4], pck[5], pck[6], pck[7]); /* keep trying if camera says it's busy */ while (r == 0xf0) { if (write (fd, (char *) pck, 8) != 8) { DBG (1, "send_pck: error: write returned -1\n"); return -1; } /* need to wait before we read command result */ usleep (cmdrespause); if ((n = read (fd, (char *) &r, 1)) != 1) { DBG (1, "send_pck: error: read returned -1\n"); return -1; } } DBG (127, "send_pck: read one byte result from camera = %x\n", r); return (r == 0xd1) ? 0 : -1; } static SANE_Int init_dc240 (DC240 * camera) { struct termios tty_new; SANE_Int speed_index; SANE_Char buf[5], n; DBG (1, "DC-240 Backend 05/16/01\n"); for (speed_index = 0; speed_index < NELEMS (speeds); speed_index++) { if (speeds[speed_index].baud == camera->baud) { init_pck[2] = speeds[speed_index].pkt_code[0]; init_pck[3] = speeds[speed_index].pkt_code[1]; break; } } if (init_pck[2] == 0) { DBG (1, "unsupported baud rate.\n"); return -1; } /* Open device file. */ if ((camera->fd = open (camera->tty_name, O_RDWR)) == -1) { DBG (1, "init_dc240: error: could not open %s for read/write\n", camera->tty_name); return -1; } /* Save old device information to restore when we are done. */ if (tcgetattr (camera->fd, &tty_orig) == -1) { DBG (1, "init_dc240: error: could not get attributes\n"); return -1; } memcpy ((char *) &tty_new, (char *) &tty_orig, sizeof (struct termios)); /* We need the device to be raw. 8 bits even parity on 9600 baud to start. */ #ifdef HAVE_CFMAKERAW cfmakeraw (&tty_new); #else /* Modified to set the port REALLY as required (9600, 8b, 1sb, NO parity). Code inspired by the gPhoto2 serial port setup */ /* input control settings */ tty_new.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | IGNCR | INLCR | ICRNL | IUCLC | IXANY | IXON | IXOFF | INPCK | ISTRIP); tty_new.c_iflag |= (BRKINT | IGNPAR); /* output control settings */ tty_new.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; /* hardware control settings */ tty_new.c_cflag = (tty_new.c_cflag & ~CSIZE) | CS8; tty_new.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | PARODD | CSTOPB); # if defined(__sgi) tty_new.c_cflag &= ~CNEW_RTSCTS; # else /* OS/2 doesn't have CRTSCTS - will this work for them? */ # ifdef CRTSCTS tty_new.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; # endif # endif tty_new.c_cflag |= CLOCAL | CREAD; #endif /* line discipline settings */ tty_new.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ISIG | ECHO | ECHONL | ECHOE | ECHOK | IEXTEN); tty_new.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; tty_new.c_cc[VTIME] = 5; cfsetospeed (&tty_new, B9600); cfsetispeed (&tty_new, B9600); if (tcsetattr (camera->fd, TCSANOW, &tty_new) == -1) { DBG (1, "init_dc240: error: could not set attributes\n"); return -1; } /* send a break to get it back to a known state */ /* Used to supply a non-zero argument to tcsendbreak(), TCSBRK, * and TCSBRKP, but that is system dependent. e.g. on irix a non-zero * value does a drain instead of a break. A zero value is universally * used to send a break. */ #ifdef HAVE_TCSENDBREAK tcsendbreak (camera->fd, 0); # if defined(__sgi) tcdrain (camera->fd); # endif # elif defined(TCSBRKP) ioctl (camera->fd, TCSBRKP, 0); # elif defined(TCSBRK) ioctl (camera->fd, TCSBRK, 0); #endif /* and wait for it to recover from the break */ #ifdef HAVE_USLEEP usleep (breakpause); #else sleep (1); #endif /* We seem to get some garbage following the break, so * read anything pending */ n = read (camera->fd, buf, 5); DBG (127, "init_dc240 flushed %d bytes: %x %x %x %x %x\n", n, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4]); if (send_pck (camera->fd, init_pck) == -1) { /* * The camera always powers up at 9600, so we try * that first. However, it may be already set to * a different speed. Try the entries in the table: */ tcsetattr (camera->fd, TCSANOW, &tty_orig); DBG (1, "init_dc240: error: no response from camera\n"); return -1; } n = read (camera->fd, buf, 5); DBG (127, "init_dc240 flushed %d bytes: %x %x %x %x %x\n", n, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4]); /* Set speed to requested speed. */ cfsetospeed (&tty_new, Camera.baud); cfsetispeed (&tty_new, Camera.baud); if (tcsetattr (camera->fd, TCSANOW, &tty_new) == -1) { DBG (1, "init_dc240: error: could not set attributes\n"); return -1; } if (send_pck (camera->fd, open_card_pck) == -1) { DBG (1, "init_dc240: error: send_pck returned -1\n"); return -1; } if (end_of_data (camera->fd) == -1) { DBG (1, "init_dc240: error: end_of_data returned -1\n"); return -1; } return camera->fd; } static void close_dc240 (SANE_Int fd) { /* * Put the camera back to 9600 baud */ if (close (fd) == -1) { DBG (1, "close_dc240: error: could not close device\n"); } } int get_info (DC240 * camera) { SANE_Char f[] = "get_info"; SANE_Byte buf[256]; SANE_Int n; struct cam_dirlist *e; if (send_pck (camera->fd, info_pck) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: send_pck returned -1\n", f); return -1; } DBG (9, "%s: read info packet\n", f); if (read_data (camera->fd, buf, 256) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: read_data returned -1\n", f); return -1; } if (end_of_data (camera->fd) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: end_of_data returned -1\n", f); return -1; } camera->model = buf[1]; if (camera->model != 0x5) { DBG (0, "Camera model (%d) is not DC-240 (5). " "Only the DC-240 is supported by this driver.\n", camera->model); } camera->ver_major = buf[2]; camera->ver_minor = buf[3]; camera->pic_taken = buf[14] << 8 | buf[15]; DBG (4, "pic_taken=%d\n", camera->pic_taken); camera->pic_left = buf[64] << 8 | buf[65]; DBG (4, "pictures left (at current res)=%d\n", camera->pic_left); camera->flags.low_batt = buf[8]; DBG (4, "battery=%d (0=OK, 1=weak, 2=empty)\n", camera->flags.low_batt); DBG (4, "AC adapter status=%d\n", buf[9]); dc240_opt_lowres = !buf[79]; if (Camera.pic_taken == 0) { sod[DC240_OPT_IMAGE_NUMBER].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; image_range.min = 0; image_range.max = 0; } else { sod[DC240_OPT_IMAGE_NUMBER].cap &= ~SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; image_range.min = 1; image_range.max = Camera.pic_taken; } n = read_dir ("\\PCCARD\\DCIM\\*.*"); /* If we've already got a folder_list, free it up before starting * the new one */ if (folder_list != NULL) { int tmp; for (tmp = 0; folder_list[tmp]; tmp++) { free (folder_list[tmp]); } free (folder_list); } folder_list = (SANE_String * *)malloc ((n + 1) * sizeof (SANE_String *)); for (e = dir_head, n = 0; e; e = e->next, n++) { folder_list[n] = (SANE_String *) strdup (e->name); if (strchr ((char *) folder_list[n], ' ')) { *strchr ((char *) folder_list[n], ' ') = '\0'; } } folder_list[n] = NULL; sod[DC240_OPT_FOLDER].constraint.string_list = (SANE_String_Const *) folder_list; return 0; } /* NEW */ static SANE_Int read_data (SANE_Int fd, SANE_Byte * buf, SANE_Int sz) { SANE_Byte ccsum; SANE_Byte rcsum; SANE_Byte c; SANE_Int retries = 0; SANE_Int n; SANE_Int r = 0; SANE_Int i; while (retries++ < 5) { /* * If this is not the first time through, then it must be * a retry - signal the camera that we didn't like what * we got. In either case, start filling the packet */ if (retries != 1) { DBG (2, "Attempt retry %d\n", retries); c = 0xe3; if (write (fd, (char *) &c, 1) != 1) { DBG (1, "read_data: error: write ack\n"); return -1; } } /* read the control byte */ if (read (fd, &c, 1) != 1) { DBG (3, "read_data: error: " "read for packet control byte returned bad stat!us\n"); return -1; } if (c != 1 && c != 0) { DBG (1, "read_data: error: incorrect packet control byte: %02x\n", c); return -1; } for (n = 0; n < sz && (r = read (fd, (char *) &buf[n], sz - n)) > 0; n += r); if (r <= 0) { DBG (2, "read_data: warning: read returned -1\n"); continue; } if (n < sz || read (fd, &rcsum, 1) != 1) { DBG (2, "read_data: warning: buffer underrun or no checksum\n"); continue; } for (i = 0, ccsum = 0; i < n; i++) ccsum ^= buf[i]; if (ccsum != rcsum) { DBG (2, "read_data: warning: " "bad checksum (got %02x != expected %02x)\n", rcsum, ccsum); continue; } /* If we got this far, then the packet is OK */ break; } c = 0xd2; if (write (fd, (char *) &c, 1) != 1) { DBG (1, "read_data: error: write ack\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static SANE_Int end_of_data (SANE_Int fd) { SANE_Int n; SANE_Byte c; do { /* loop until the camera isn't busy */ if ((n = read (fd, &c, 1)) == -1) { DBG (1, "end_of_data: error: read returned -1\n"); return -1; } if (n == 1 && c == 0) /* got successful end of data */ return 0; /* return success */ if (n == 1) { DBG (127, "end_of_data: got %x while waiting\n", c); } else { DBG (127, "end_of_data: waiting...\n"); } sleep (1); /* not too fast */ } /* It's not documented, but we see a d1 after snapping a picture */ while (c == 0xf0 || c == 0xd1); /* Accck! Not busy, but not a good end of data either */ if (c != 0) { DBG (1, "end_of_data: error: bad EOD from camera (%02x)\n", (unsigned) c); return -1; } return 0; /* should never get here but shut gcc -Wall up */ } static SANE_Int erase (SANE_Int fd) { if (send_pck (fd, erase_pck) == -1) { DBG (1, "erase: error: send_pck returned -1\n"); return -1; } if (send_data (name_buf) == -1) { DBG (1, "erase: error: send_data returned -1\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } if (end_of_data (fd) == -1) { DBG (1, "erase: error: end_of_data returned -1\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static SANE_Int change_res (SANE_Int fd, SANE_Byte res) { SANE_Char f[] = "change_res"; DBG (127, "%s called, low_res=%d\n", f, res); if (res != 0 && res != 1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: unsupported resolution\n", f); return -1; } /* cameras resolution semantics are opposite of ours */ res = !res; DBG (127, "%s: setting res to %d\n", f, res); res_pck[2] = res; if (send_pck (fd, res_pck) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: send_pck returned -1\n", f); } if (end_of_data (fd) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: end_of_data returned -1\n", f); } return 0; } SANE_Status sane_init (SANE_Int * version_code, SANE_Auth_Callback __sane_unused__ authorize) { SANE_Char f[] = "sane_init"; SANE_Char dev_name[PATH_MAX], *p; size_t len; FILE *fp; SANE_Int baud; DBG_INIT (); if (version_code) *version_code = SANE_VERSION_CODE (SANE_CURRENT_MAJOR, V_MINOR, 0); fp = sanei_config_open (DC240_CONFIG_FILE); /* defaults */ Camera.baud = DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE; Camera.tty_name = DEFAULT_TTY; if (!fp) { /* default to /dev/whatever instead of insisting on config file */ DBG (1, "%s: missing config file '%s'\n", f, DC240_CONFIG_FILE); } else { while (sanei_config_read (dev_name, sizeof (dev_name), fp)) { dev_name[sizeof (dev_name) - 1] = '\0'; DBG (20, "%s: config- %s\n", f, dev_name); if (dev_name[0] == '#') continue; /* ignore line comments */ len = strlen (dev_name); if (!len) continue; /* ignore empty lines */ if (strncmp (dev_name, "port=", 5) == 0) { p = strchr (dev_name, '/'); if (p) Camera.tty_name = strdup (p); DBG (20, "Config file port=%s\n", Camera.tty_name); } else if (strncmp (dev_name, "baud=", 5) == 0) { baud = atoi (&dev_name[5]); switch (baud) { case 9600: Camera.baud = B9600; break; case 19200: Camera.baud = B19200; break; case 38400: Camera.baud = B38400; break; #ifdef B57600 case 57600: Camera.baud = B57600; break; #endif #ifdef B115200 case 115200: Camera.baud = B115200; break; #endif } DBG (20, "Config file baud=%d\n", Camera.baud); } else if (strcmp (dev_name, "dumpinquiry") == 0) { dumpinquiry = SANE_TRUE; } else if (strncmp (dev_name, "cmdrespause=", 12) == 0) { cmdrespause = atoi (&dev_name[12]); DBG (20, "Config file cmdrespause=%lu\n", cmdrespause); } else if (strncmp (dev_name, "breakpause=", 11) == 0) { breakpause = atoi (&dev_name[11]); DBG (20, "Config file breakpause=%lu\n", breakpause); } } fclose (fp); } if (init_dc240 (&Camera) == -1) return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; if (get_info (&Camera) == -1) { DBG (1, "error: could not get info\n"); close_dc240 (Camera.fd); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } /* load the current images array */ get_pictures_info (); if (Camera.pic_taken == 0) { Camera.current_picture_number = 0; parms.bytes_per_line = 0; parms.pixels_per_line = 0; parms.lines = 0; } else { Camera.current_picture_number = 1; set_res (Camera.Pictures[Camera.current_picture_number - 1].low_res); } if (dumpinquiry) { DBG (0, "\nCamera information:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n"); DBG (0, "Model...........: DC%s\n", "240"); DBG (0, "Firmware version: %d.%d\n", Camera.ver_major, Camera.ver_minor); DBG (0, "Pictures........: %d/%d\n", Camera.pic_taken, Camera.pic_taken + Camera.pic_left); DBG (0, "Battery state...: %s\n", Camera.flags.low_batt == 0 ? "good" : (Camera.flags.low_batt == 1 ? "weak" : "empty")); } return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } void sane_exit (void) { } /* Device select/open/close */ static const SANE_Device dev[] = { { "0", "Kodak", "DC-240", "still camera"}, }; static const SANE_Device *devlist[] = { dev + 0, 0 }; SANE_Status sane_get_devices (const SANE_Device *** device_list, SANE_Bool __sane_unused__ local_only) { DBG (127, "sane_get_devices called\n"); *device_list = devlist; return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } SANE_Status sane_open (SANE_String_Const devicename, SANE_Handle * handle) { SANE_Int i; DBG (127, "sane_open for device %s\n", devicename); if (!devicename[0]) { i = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < NELEMS (dev); ++i) { if (strcmp (devicename, dev[i].name) == 0) { break; } } } if (i >= NELEMS (dev)) { return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } if (is_open) { return SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY; } is_open = 1; *handle = MAGIC; DBG (4, "sane_open: pictures taken=%d\n", Camera.pic_taken); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } void sane_close (SANE_Handle handle) { DBG (127, "sane_close called\n"); if (handle == MAGIC) is_open = 0; DBG (127, "sane_close returning\n"); } const SANE_Option_Descriptor * sane_get_option_descriptor (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option) { if (handle != MAGIC || !is_open) return NULL; /* wrong device */ if (option < 0 || option >= NELEMS (sod)) return NULL; return &sod[option]; } static SANE_Int myinfo = 0; SANE_Status sane_control_option (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option, SANE_Action action, void *value, SANE_Int * info) { SANE_Status status; if (option < 0 || option >= NELEMS (sod)) return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; /* Unknown option ... */ /* Need to put this DBG line after the range check on option */ DBG (127, "control_option(handle=%p,opt=%s,act=%s,val=%p,info=%p)\n", handle, sod[option].title, (action == SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE ? "SET" : (action == SANE_ACTION_GET_VALUE ? "GET" : "SETAUTO")), value, (void *) info); if (handle != MAGIC || !is_open) return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; /* Unknown handle ... */ switch (action) { case SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE: /* Can't set disabled options */ if (!SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE (sod[option].cap)) { return (SANE_STATUS_INVAL); } /* initialize info to zero - we'll OR in various values later */ if (info) *info = 0; status = sanei_constrain_value (sod + option, value, &myinfo); if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { DBG (2, "Constraint error in control_option\n"); return status; } switch (option) { case DC240_OPT_IMAGE_NUMBER: if (*(SANE_Word *) value <= Camera.pic_taken) Camera.current_picture_number = *(SANE_Word *) value; else Camera.current_picture_number = Camera.pic_taken; myinfo |= SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS; /* get the image's resolution, unless the camera has no * pictures yet */ if (Camera.pic_taken != 0) { set_res (Camera. Pictures[Camera.current_picture_number - 1].low_res); } break; case DC240_OPT_THUMBS: dc240_opt_thumbnails = !!*(SANE_Word *) value; /* Thumbnail forces an image size change: */ myinfo |= SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS; if (Camera.pic_taken != 0) { set_res (Camera. Pictures[Camera.current_picture_number - 1].low_res); } break; case DC240_OPT_SNAP: switch (*(SANE_Bool *) value) { case SANE_TRUE: dc240_opt_snap = SANE_TRUE; break; case SANE_FALSE: dc240_opt_snap = SANE_FALSE; break; default: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } /* Snap forces new image size and changes image range */ myinfo |= SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS | SANE_INFO_RELOAD_OPTIONS; /* if we are snapping a new one */ if (dc240_opt_snap) { /* activate the resolution setting */ sod[DC240_OPT_LOWRES].cap &= ~SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; /* and de-activate the image number selector */ sod[DC240_OPT_IMAGE_NUMBER].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; } else { /* deactivate the resolution setting */ sod[DC240_OPT_LOWRES].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; /* and activate the image number selector */ sod[DC240_OPT_IMAGE_NUMBER].cap &= ~SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; } /* set params according to resolution settings */ set_res (dc240_opt_lowres); break; case DC240_OPT_LOWRES: dc240_opt_lowres = !!*(SANE_Word *) value; myinfo |= SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS; /* XXX - change the number of pictures left depending on resolution perhaps just call get_info again? */ set_res (dc240_opt_lowres); break; case DC240_OPT_ERASE: dc240_opt_erase = !!*(SANE_Word *) value; break; case DC240_OPT_AUTOINC: dc240_opt_autoinc = !!*(SANE_Word *) value; break; case DC240_OPT_FOLDER: DBG (1, "FIXME set folder not implemented yet\n"); break; case DC240_OPT_DEFAULT: dc240_opt_thumbnails = 0; dc240_opt_snap = 0; /* deactivate the resolution setting */ sod[DC240_OPT_LOWRES].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; /* and activate the image number selector */ sod[DC240_OPT_IMAGE_NUMBER].cap &= ~SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; myinfo |= SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS | SANE_INFO_RELOAD_OPTIONS; DBG (1, "Fixme: Set all defaults here!\n"); break; case DC240_OPT_INIT_DC240: if ((Camera.fd = init_dc240 (&Camera)) == -1) { return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } if (get_info (&Camera) == -1) { DBG (1, "error: could not get info\n"); close_dc240 (Camera.fd); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } /* load the current images array */ get_pictures_info (); myinfo |= SANE_INFO_RELOAD_OPTIONS | SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS; break; default: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } break; case SANE_ACTION_GET_VALUE: /* Can't return status for disabled options */ if (!SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE (sod[option].cap)) { return (SANE_STATUS_INVAL); } switch (option) { case 0: *(SANE_Word *) value = NELEMS (sod); break; case DC240_OPT_IMAGE_NUMBER: *(SANE_Word *) value = Camera.current_picture_number; break; case DC240_OPT_THUMBS: *(SANE_Word *) value = dc240_opt_thumbnails; break; case DC240_OPT_SNAP: *(SANE_Word *) value = dc240_opt_snap; break; case DC240_OPT_LOWRES: *(SANE_Word *) value = dc240_opt_lowres; break; case DC240_OPT_ERASE: *(SANE_Word *) value = dc240_opt_erase; break; case DC240_OPT_AUTOINC: *(SANE_Word *) value = dc240_opt_autoinc; break; case DC240_OPT_FOLDER: strcpy ((char *) value, (char *) folder_list[current_folder]); break; default: return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } break; case SANE_ACTION_SET_AUTO: switch (option) { default: return SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; /* We are DUMB */ } } if (info && action == SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE) { *info = myinfo; myinfo = 0; } return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } SANE_Status sane_get_parameters (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Parameters * params) { SANE_Int rc = SANE_STATUS_GOOD; DBG (127, "sane_get_params called, wid=%d,height=%d\n", parms.pixels_per_line, parms.lines); if (handle != MAGIC || !is_open) rc = SANE_STATUS_INVAL; /* Unknown handle ... */ parms.last_frame = SANE_TRUE; /* Have no idea what this does */ *params = parms; DBG (127, "sane_get_params return %d\n", rc); return rc; } typedef struct { struct jpeg_source_mgr pub; JOCTET *buffer; } my_source_mgr; typedef my_source_mgr *my_src_ptr; METHODDEF (void) jpeg_init_source (j_decompress_ptr __sane_unused__ cinfo) { /* nothing to do */ } METHODDEF (boolean) jpeg_fill_input_buffer (j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { my_src_ptr src = (my_src_ptr) cinfo->src; if (read_data (Camera.fd, src->buffer, 512) == -1) { DBG (5, "sane_start: read_data failed\n"); src->buffer[0] = (JOCTET) 0xFF; src->buffer[1] = (JOCTET) JPEG_EOI; return FALSE; } src->pub.next_input_byte = src->buffer; src->pub.bytes_in_buffer = 512; return TRUE; } METHODDEF (void) jpeg_skip_input_data (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes) { my_src_ptr src = (my_src_ptr) cinfo->src; if (num_bytes > 0) { while (num_bytes > (long) src->pub.bytes_in_buffer) { num_bytes -= (long) src->pub.bytes_in_buffer; (void) jpeg_fill_input_buffer (cinfo); } } src->pub.next_input_byte += (size_t) num_bytes; src->pub.bytes_in_buffer -= (size_t) num_bytes; } static SANE_Byte linebuffer[HIGHRES_WIDTH * 3]; static SANE_Int linebuffer_size = 0; static SANE_Int linebuffer_index = 0; METHODDEF (void) jpeg_term_source (j_decompress_ptr __sane_unused__ cinfo) { /* no work necessary here */ } SANE_Status sane_start (SANE_Handle handle) { SANE_Int i; DBG (127, "sane_start called\n"); if (handle != MAGIC || !is_open || (Camera.current_picture_number == 0 && dc240_opt_snap == SANE_FALSE)) return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; /* Unknown handle ... */ if (Camera.scanning) return SANE_STATUS_EOF; /* * This shouldn't normally happen, but we allow it as a special case * when batch/autoinc are in effect. The first illegal picture number * terminates the scan */ if (Camera.current_picture_number > Camera.pic_taken) { return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } if (dc240_opt_snap) { /* * Don't allow picture unless there is room in the * camera. */ if (Camera.pic_left == 0) { DBG (3, "No room to store new picture\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } if (snap_pic (Camera.fd) == SANE_STATUS_INVAL) { DBG (1, "Failed to snap new picture\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } } if (dc240_opt_thumbnails) { if (send_pck (Camera.fd, thumb_pck) == -1) { DBG (1, "sane_start: error: send_pck returned -1\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } /* Picture size should have been set when thumbnails were * selected. But, check just in case */ if (parms.pixels_per_line != 160 || parms.bytes_per_line != 160 * 3 || parms.lines != 120) { DBG (1, "sane_start: fixme! thumbnail image size is wrong\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } } else { if (send_pck (Camera.fd, pic_pck) == -1) { DBG (1, "sane_start: error: send_pck returned -1\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } } { my_src_ptr src; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; SANE_Int n; SANE_Char f[] = "sane_start"; SANE_Char path[256]; struct cam_dirlist *e; name_buf[0] = 0x80; for (n = 1, e = dir_head; e; n++, e = e->next) { if (n == Camera.current_picture_number) break; } strcpy (path, "\\PCCARD\\DCIM\\"); strcat (path, (char *) folder_list[current_folder]); strcat (path, "\\"); strcat (path, e->name); path[strlen (path) - 3] = '\0'; strcat (path, ".JPG"); DBG (9, "%s: pic to read is %d name is %s\n", f, n, path); strcpy ((char *) &name_buf[1], path); for (i = 49; i <= 56; i++) { name_buf[i] = 0xff; } if (send_data (name_buf) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: send_data returned -1\n", f); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&jerr); jpeg_create_decompress (&cinfo); cinfo.src = (struct jpeg_source_mgr *) (*cinfo.mem-> alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) & cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT, sizeof (my_source_mgr)); src = (my_src_ptr) cinfo.src; src->buffer = (JOCTET *) (*cinfo.mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) & cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT, 1024 * sizeof (JOCTET)); src->pub.init_source = jpeg_init_source; src->pub.fill_input_buffer = jpeg_fill_input_buffer; src->pub.skip_input_data = jpeg_skip_input_data; src->pub.resync_to_restart = jpeg_resync_to_restart; /* default */ src->pub.term_source = jpeg_term_source; src->pub.bytes_in_buffer = 0; src->pub.next_input_byte = NULL; (void) jpeg_read_header (&cinfo, TRUE); dest_mgr = sanei_jpeg_jinit_write_ppm (&cinfo); (void) jpeg_start_decompress (&cinfo); linebuffer_size = 0; linebuffer_index = 0; } Camera.scanning = SANE_TRUE; /* don't overlap scan requests */ return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } SANE_Status sane_read (SANE_Handle __sane_unused__ handle, SANE_Byte * data, SANE_Int max_length, SANE_Int * length) { SANE_Int lines = 0; SANE_Char filename_buf[256]; if (Camera.scanning == SANE_FALSE) { return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } /* If there is anything in the buffer, satisfy the read from there */ if (linebuffer_size && linebuffer_index < linebuffer_size) { *length = linebuffer_size - linebuffer_index; if (*length > max_length) { *length = max_length; } memcpy (data, linebuffer + linebuffer_index, *length); linebuffer_index += *length; return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } if (cinfo.output_scanline >= cinfo.output_height) { *length = 0; /* clean up comms with the camera */ if (end_of_data (Camera.fd) == -1) { DBG (1, "sane_read: error: end_of_data returned -1\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } if (dc240_opt_erase) { DBG (127, "sane_read bp%d, erase image\n", __LINE__); if (erase (Camera.fd) == -1) { DBG (1, "Failed to erase memory\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } Camera.pic_taken--; Camera.pic_left++; Camera.current_picture_number = Camera.pic_taken; image_range.max--; myinfo |= SANE_INFO_RELOAD_OPTIONS | SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS; strcpy ((char *) filename_buf, strrchr ((char *) name_buf + 1, '\\') + 1); strcpy (strrchr ((char *) filename_buf, '.'), "JPG"); dir_delete ((SANE_String) filename_buf); } if (dc240_opt_autoinc) { if (Camera.current_picture_number <= Camera.pic_taken) { Camera.current_picture_number++; myinfo |= SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS; /* get the image's resolution */ set_res (Camera.Pictures[Camera.current_picture_number - 1]. low_res); } DBG (4, "Increment count to %d (total %d)\n", Camera.current_picture_number, Camera.pic_taken); } return SANE_STATUS_EOF; } /* XXX - we should read more than 1 line at a time here */ lines = 1; (void) jpeg_read_scanlines (&cinfo, dest_mgr->buffer, lines); (*dest_mgr->put_pixel_rows) (&cinfo, dest_mgr, lines, (char *) linebuffer); *length = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components * lines; linebuffer_size = *length; linebuffer_index = 0; if (*length > max_length) { *length = max_length; } memcpy (data, linebuffer + linebuffer_index, *length); linebuffer_index += *length; return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } void sane_cancel (SANE_Handle __sane_unused__ handle) { unsigned char cancel_byte[] = { 0xe4 }; if (Camera.scanning) { /* Flush any pending data from the camera before continuing */ { SANE_Int n; SANE_Char flush[1024]; do { sleep (1); n = read (Camera.fd, flush, 1024); if (n > 0) { DBG (127, "%s: flushed %d bytes\n", "sane_cancel", n); } else { DBG (127, "%s: nothing to flush\n", "sane_cancel"); } } while (n > 0); } if (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) { write (Camera.fd, cancel_byte, 1); } Camera.scanning = SANE_FALSE; /* done with scan */ } else DBG (4, "sane_cancel: not scanning - nothing to do\n"); } SANE_Status sane_set_io_mode (SANE_Handle __sane_unused__ handle, SANE_Bool __sane_unused__ non_blocking) { /* sane_set_io_mode() is only valid during a scan */ if (Camera.scanning) { if (non_blocking == SANE_FALSE) { return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } else { return SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } } else { /* We aren't currently scanning */ return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } } SANE_Status sane_get_select_fd (SANE_Handle __sane_unused__ handle, SANE_Int __sane_unused__ * fd) { return SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } /* * get_pictures_info - load information about all pictures currently in * camera: Mainly the mapping of picture number * to picture name, and the resolution of each picture. */ static PictureInfo * get_pictures_info (void) { SANE_Char f[] = "get_pictures_info"; SANE_Char path[256]; SANE_Int num_pictures; SANE_Int p; PictureInfo *pics; if (Camera.Pictures) { free (Camera.Pictures); Camera.Pictures = NULL; } strcpy (path, "\\PCCARD\\DCIM\\"); strcat (path, (char *) folder_list[current_folder]); strcat (path, "\\*.*"); num_pictures = read_dir (path); if (num_pictures != Camera.pic_taken) { DBG (2, "%s: warning: Number of pictures in directory (%d) doesn't match camera status table (%d). Using directory count\n", f, num_pictures, Camera.pic_taken); Camera.pic_taken = num_pictures; image_range.max = num_pictures; } if ((pics = (PictureInfo *) malloc (Camera.pic_taken * sizeof (PictureInfo))) == NULL) { DBG (1, "%s: error: allocate memory for pictures array\n", f); return NULL; } for (p = 0; p < Camera.pic_taken; p++) { if (get_picture_info (pics + p, p) == -1) { free (pics); return NULL; } } Camera.Pictures = pics; return pics; } static SANE_Int get_picture_info (PictureInfo * pic, SANE_Int p) { SANE_Char f[] = "get_picture_info"; SANE_Int n; struct cam_dirlist *e; DBG (4, "%s: info for pic #%d\n", f, p); for (n = 0, e = dir_head; e && n < p; n++, e = e->next) ; DBG (4, "Name is %s\n", e->name); read_info (e->name); /* Validate picture info * byte 0 - 1 == picture info * byte 1 - 5 == DC240 Camera * byte 2 - 3 == JFIF file * byte 6 - 0 == Image is complete */ if (info_buf[0] != 1 || info_buf[1] != 5 || info_buf[2] != 3 || info_buf[6] != 0) { DBG (1, "%s: error: Image %s does not come from a DC-240.\n", f, e->name); return -1; } pic->low_res = info_buf[3] == 0 ? SANE_TRUE : SANE_FALSE; /* * byte 12 - Year MSB * byte 13 - Year LSB * byte 14 - Month * byte 15 - Day * byte 16 - Hour * byte 17 - Minute * byte 18 - Second */ DBG (1, "Picture %d taken %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", p, info_buf[14], info_buf[15], (info_buf[12] << 8) + info_buf[13], info_buf[16], info_buf[17], info_buf[18]); return 0; } /* * snap_pic - take a picture (and call get_pictures_info to re-create * the directory related data structures) */ static SANE_Status snap_pic (SANE_Int fd) { SANE_Char f[] = "snap_pic"; #if 0 /* Just checking... It looks like after snapping the picture, we * get two "d1" ACK responses back, even though the documentation seems * to say that there should only be one. I thought the first one could * have been an unread response from an earlier command, so I * I tried flushing any data here. Still seeing the multiple * d1 bytes, however... */ { SANE_Int n; SANE_Char flush[10]; n = read (Camera.fd, flush, 10); if (n > 0) { DBG (127, "%s: flushed %d bytes\n", f, n); } else { DBG (127, "%s: nothing to flush\n", f); } } #endif /* make sure camera is set to our settings state */ if (change_res (Camera.fd, dc240_opt_lowres) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: Failed to set resolution\n", f); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } /* take the picture */ if (send_pck (fd, shoot_pck) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: send_pck returned -1\n", f); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } else { if (end_of_data (Camera.fd) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: end_of_data returned -1\n", f); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } } Camera.pic_taken++; Camera.pic_left--; Camera.current_picture_number = Camera.pic_taken; image_range.max++; sod[DC240_OPT_IMAGE_NUMBER].cap &= ~SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; /* add this one to the Pictures array */ if (get_pictures_info () == NULL) { DBG (1, "%s: Failed to get new picture info\n", f); /* XXX - I guess we should try to erase the image here */ return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } /* * read_dir - read a list of file names from the specified directory * and create a linked list of file name entries in * alphabetical order. The first entry in the list will * be "picture #1", etc. */ static SANE_Int read_dir (SANE_String dir) { SANE_Int retval = 0; SANE_Byte buf[256]; SANE_Byte *next_buf; SANE_Int i, entries; SANE_Byte r = 0xf0; /* prime the loop with a "camera busy" */ SANE_Char f[] = "read_dir"; struct cam_dirlist *e, *next; /* Free up current list */ for (e = dir_head; e; e = next) { DBG (127, "%s: free entry %s\n", f, e->name); next = e->next; free (e); } dir_head = NULL; if (send_pck (Camera.fd, read_dir_pck) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: send_pck returned -1\n", f); return -1; } buf[0] = 0x80; strcpy ((char *) &buf[1], dir); for (i = 49; i <= 56; i++) { buf[i] = 0xff; } if (send_data (buf) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: send_data returned -1\n", f); return -1; } if (read_data (Camera.fd, (SANE_Byte *) & dir_buf2, 256) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: read_data returned -1\n", f); return -1; } entries = (dir_buf2[0] << 8) + dir_buf2[1]; DBG (127, "%s: result of dir read is %x, number of entries=%d\n", f, r, entries); if (entries > 1001) { DBG (1, "%s: error: more than 999 pictures not supported yet\n", f); return -1; } /* Determine if it's time to read another 256 byte buffer from the camera */ next_buf = ((SANE_Byte *) & dir_buf2) + 256; while (dir_buf2 + 2 + CAMDIRENTRYSIZE * entries >= (SANE_Byte *) next_buf) { DBG (127, "%s: reading additional directory buffer\n", f); if (read_data (Camera.fd, next_buf, 256) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: read_data returned -1\n", f); return -1; } next_buf += 256; } for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) { /* Hack: I don't know what attr is used for, so setting it * to zero is a convenient way to put in the null terminator */ get_attr (i) = 0; DBG (127, "%s: entry=%s\n", f, get_name (i)); if ((get_name (i))[0] == '.') { continue; } if (dir_insert ((struct cam_dirent *) &dir_buf2[2 + CAMDIRENTRYSIZE * i]) != 0) { DBG (1, "%s: error: failed to insert dir entry\n", f); return -1; } retval++; } if (end_of_data (Camera.fd) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: end_of_data returned -1\n", f); return -1; } return retval; } /* * read_info - read the info block from camera for the specified file */ static SANE_Int read_info (SANE_String fname) { SANE_Byte buf[256]; SANE_Int i; SANE_Char f[] = "read_info"; SANE_Char path[256]; strcpy (path, "\\PCCARD\\DCIM\\"); strcat (path, (char *) folder_list[current_folder]); strcat (path, "\\"); strcat (path, fname); path[strlen (path) - 3] = '\0'; strcat (path, ".JPG"); if (send_pck (Camera.fd, pic_info_pck) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: send_pck returned -1\n", f); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } buf[0] = 0x80; strcpy ((char *) &buf[1], path); for (i = 49; i <= 56; i++) { buf[i] = 0xff; } if (send_data (buf) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: send_data returned -1\n", f); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } if (read_data (Camera.fd, info_buf, 256) != 0) { DBG (1, "%s: error: Failed in read_data\n", f); return -1; } DBG (9, "%s: data type=%d, cam type=%d, file type=%d\n", f, info_buf[0], info_buf[1], info_buf[2]); if (end_of_data (Camera.fd) == -1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: end_of_data returned -1\n", f); return -1; } return 0; } /* * send_data - Send a data block - assumes all data blocks to camera * are 60 bytes long */ static SANE_Int send_data (SANE_Byte * buf) { SANE_Byte r = 0xf0; /* prime the loop with a "camera busy" */ SANE_Int i, n; SANE_Byte csum; SANE_Char f[] = "send_data"; for (i = 1, csum = 0; i < 59; i++) { csum ^= buf[i]; } buf[59] = csum; DBG (127, "%s: about to send data block\n", f); /* keep trying if camera says it's busy */ while (r == 0xf0) { if (write (Camera.fd, (char *) buf, 60) != 60) { DBG (1, "%s: error: write returned -1\n", f); return -1; } /* need to wait before we read command result */ #ifdef HAVE_USLEEP usleep (cmdrespause); #else sleep (1); #endif if ((n = read (Camera.fd, (char *) &r, 1)) != 1) { DBG (1, "%s: error: read returned -1\n", f); return -1; } } if (r != 0xd2) { DBG (1, "%s: error: bad response to send_data (%d)\n", f, r); return -1; } return 0; } /* * dir_insert - Add (in alphabetical order) a directory entry to the * current list of entries. */ static SANE_Int dir_insert (struct cam_dirent *entry) { struct cam_dirlist *cur, *e; cur = (struct cam_dirlist *) malloc (sizeof (struct cam_dirlist)); if (cur == NULL) { DBG (1, "dir_insert: error: could not malloc entry\n"); return -1; } strcpy (cur->name, entry->name); DBG (127, "dir_insert: name is %s\n", cur->name); cur->next = NULL; if (dir_head == NULL) { dir_head = cur; } else if (strcmp (cur->name, dir_head->name) < 0) { cur->next = dir_head; dir_head = cur; return 0; } else { for (e = dir_head; e->next; e = e->next) { if (strcmp (e->next->name, cur->name) > 0) { cur->next = e->next; e->next = cur; return 0; } } e->next = cur; } return 0; } /* * dir_delete - Delete a directory entry from the linked list of file * names */ static SANE_Int dir_delete (SANE_String fname) { struct cam_dirlist *cur, *e; DBG (127, "dir_delete: %s\n", fname); if (strcmp (fname, dir_head->name) == 0) { cur = dir_head; dir_head = dir_head->next; free (cur); return 0; } for (e = dir_head; e->next; e = e->next) { if (strcmp (fname, e->next->name) == 0) { cur = e->next; e->next = e->next->next; free (cur); return (0); } } DBG (1, "dir_delete: Couldn't find entry %s in dir list\n", fname); return -1; } /* * set_res - set picture size depending on resolution settings */ static void set_res (SANE_Int lowres) { if (dc240_opt_thumbnails) { parms.bytes_per_line = 160 * 3; parms.pixels_per_line = 160; parms.lines = 120; } else if (lowres) { parms.bytes_per_line = LOWRES_WIDTH * 3; parms.pixels_per_line = LOWRES_WIDTH; parms.lines = LOWRES_HEIGHT; } else { parms.bytes_per_line = HIGHRES_WIDTH * 3; parms.pixels_per_line = HIGHRES_WIDTH; parms.lines = HIGHRES_HEIGHT; } }