   epson.c - SANE library for Epson flatbed scanners.

   Based on Kazuhiro Sasayama previous
   Work on epson.[ch] file from the SANE package.

   Original code taken from sane-0.71
   Copyright (C) 1997 Hypercore Software Design, Ltd.

   Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Christian Bucher <bucher@vernetzt.at>
   Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Kling & Hautzinger GmbH
   Copyright (C) 1999 Norihiko Sawa <sawa@yb3.so-net.ne.jp>
   Copyright (C) 2000 Mike Porter <mike@udel.edu> (mjp)
   Copyright (C) 2003 EPSON KOWA Corporation
   Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Karl Heinz Kremer <khk@khk.net>
   Copyright (C) 2006 Claus Boje <claus@egehuset.dk>

#define SANE_EPSON_VERSION      "SANE Epson Backend v0.2.47 - 2006-08-21"
#define SANE_EPSON_BUILD        247

   This file is part of the SANE package.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

   As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for
   additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE.

   The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files
   to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
   resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
   License.  Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on
   account of linking the SANE library code into it.

   This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why
   the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public

   If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in
   a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that
   those changes may be distributed with this exception intact.

   If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice
   whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
   If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.  */

         2006-08-21   Fix buffer overflow error (submitted by Johannes Meixner)
   2006-06-11   Applied patch from Henning. Fixed a number of compiler warnings
   2006-03-12   Added support for perfetion 4990 photo 4800 dpi
   2005-01-09   "flaming hack to get USB scanners working without timeouts under linux"
                submitted by "Steve" (in comment to bug #300830)
   2004-12-18   Added USB IDs for CX-4600 and CX-3650
   2004-10-16   Added USB ID for Expression 10000XL
   2004-05-08   Disable feed() for Perfection1640
   2004-02-08   Reformat all source code with "indent -bli0"
   2004-02-01   Added D7 function level as copy of D1 for CX-6400
                Added IDs for CX-6400 and Perfection 4870
   2003-10-27   Replaced DBG(0, ... with DBG(1, ...
   2003-09-12   Increment only once in loop to find USB scanners
                Fix rounding problem when determining number of lines to scan
   2003-08-21   Removed '//' comments - again ...
                Added EPSON Kowa copyright message
   2003-08-15   Added support for GT-30000, with support for the ADF in simplex mode
                Borrowed some code from the EPSON Kowa IScan version of the backend
                Use sanei_scsi_cmd2() to send commands. This makes this backend
                useable for SBP-2 under FreeBSD
   2003-05-11   Initialize OPT_LIMIT_RESOLUTION before first call to filter_resolution_list()
                Fix memory problem in get_identity_information(). Both problems were
                reported to the Debian bug database.
   2003-03-26   Fixed two warnings reported by der Mouse
   2003-02-16   Code cleanup, use more descriptive variable names.
   2003-02-15   Move sanei_usb_init() to sane_init(). Thanks to Ron Cemer
                                for providing the patch.
   2003-02-15   Fix problem with "usb <vendor> <product> syntax in config file
   2002-12-28   Added advanced option to display only short resolution list for
                displays that can not show the complete list.
   2002-11-23   Fixed problem with dropout color.
   2002-11-03   Full libusb support.
   2002-10-05   Fixed problem with incorrect response to sane_get_parameters()
                in certain situations.
   2002-09-01   USB scanners are now using libsane-usb functions
   2002-08-17   Fixed typo in variable name.
                Fixed IEEE-1394 problem with Perfection-2450.
                Fixed problem with older B3 level SCSI scanners that do
                not support the extended status request.
   2002-04-22   Declare close_scanner() and open_scanner() before they
                are used.
   2002-04-13   Check if scanner needs to be opened for the reset call.
                (Thanks to Thomas Wenrich for pointing this out)
                Added product IDs for Perfection 1650 and 2450
   2002-01-18   Recognize GT-xxxx type scanners also when using the SCSI
                or IEEE-1394 interface
   2002-01-06   Disable TEST_IOCTL again, which was enabled by accident. Also
                protect the ioctl portion with an #ifdef __linux__
   2002-01-05   Version 0.2.17
                Check for and set s->fd to -1 when device is closed.
                Removed black gamma table - only use RGB even for grayscale
   2002-01-01   Do not call access() for OS/2 systems
   2001-11-13   Version 0.2.16
                Do not call access() for parallel port scanners.
   2001-11-11   Version 0.2.15
                Fixed "wait-for-button" functionality, accidentally merged back wrong
                version after code freeze.
                Corrected "need-strange-reorder" recognition.
                Added IOCTL support to header file.
   2001-11-10   Version 0.2.14
                Added "wait-for-button" functionality
   2001-10-30   I18N patches (Stefan Roellin)
   2001-10-28   Fixed bug with 1650 recognition
   2001-06-09   Version 0.2.09
                Changed debug level for sense handler from 0 to 2
   2001-05-25   Version 0.2.07
                Allow more than 8 bit color depth even for preview mode
                since Xsane can handle this. Some code cleanup.
   2001-05-24   Removed ancient code that was used to determine the resolution
                back when the backend still had a slider for the resolution
   2001-05-22   Version 0.2.06
                Added sense_handler to support the GT-8000 scanner. Thanks to Matthias Trute
                for figuring out the details.
                Also added experimental code to use USB scanner probing. Need kernel patch
                for this.
   2001-05-19   Version 0.2.05
                fixed the year in the recent change log entries - I now that it's
                Finally fixed the TPU problem with B4 level scanners
   2001-05-13   Version 0.2.04
                Removed check for '\n' before end of line
                Free memory malloced in sane_get_devices() in sane_exit() again
   2001-04-22   Version 0.2.03
                Check first if the scanner does support the set film type
                and set focus position before the GUI elements are displayed.
                This caused problems with older (B4 level) scanners when a TPU
                was connected.
   2001-03-31   Version 0.2.02
   2001-03-17   Next attempt to get the reported number of lines correct
                for the "color shuffling" part.
                Added more comments.
   2000-12-25   Version 0.2.01
                Fixed problem with bilevel scanning with Perfection610: The
                line count has to be an even number with this scanner.
                Several initialization fixes regarding bit depth selection.
                This version goes back into the CVS repository, the 1.0.4
                release is out and therefore the code freeze is over.
                Some general cleanup, added more comments.
   2000-12-09   Version 0.2.00
                Cleaned up printing of gamma table data. 16 elements
                are now printed in one line without the [epson] in
                between the values. Values are only printed for
                Debug levels >= 10.
   2000-12-04   We've introduced the concept of inverting images
                when scanning from a TPU.  This is fine, but
                the user supplied gamma tables no longer work.
                This is because the data a frontend is going
                to compute a gamma table for is not what the
                scanner actually sent.  So, we have to back into
                the proper gamma table.  I think this works.  See
                set_gamma_table.  (mjp)
   2000-12-03   added the 12/14/16 bit support again.
   2000-12-03   Version 0.1.38
                removed changes regarding 12/14 bit support because
                of SANE feature freeze for 1.0.4. The D1 fix for
                reading the values from the scanner instead of using
                hardcoded values and the fix for the off-by-one error
                in the reorder routine are still in the code base.
                Also force reload after change of scan mode.
                The full backend can be downloaded from my web site at
   2000-12-03   Fixed off-by-one error in color reordering function.
   2000-12-02   Read information about optical resolution and line
                distance from scanner instead of hardcoded values.
                Add support for color depth > 8 bits per channel.
   2000-11-23   Display "Set Focus" control only for scanners that
                can actually handle the command.
   2000-11-19   Added support for the "set focus position" command,
                this is necessary for the Expression1600.
   2000-07-28   Changed #include <...> to #include "..." for the
                sane/... include files.
   2000-07-26   Fixed problem with Perfection610: The variable
                s->color_shuffle_line was never correctly initialized
   2000-06-28   When closing the scanner device the data that's
                still in the scanner, waiting to be transferred
                is flushed. This fixes the problem with scanimage -T
   2000-06-13   Invert image when scanning negative with TPU,
                Show film type only when TPU is selected
   2000-06-13   Initialize optical_res to 0 (Dave Hill)
   2000-06-07   Fix in sane_close() - found by Henning Meier-Geinitz
   2000-06-01   Threshold should only be active when scan depth
                is 1 and halftoning is off.  (mjp)
   2000-05-28   Turned on scanner based color correction.
                Dependencies between many options are now
                being enforced.  For instance, auto area seg
                (AAS) should only be on when scan depth == 1.
                Added some routines to active and deactivate
                options.  Routines report if option changed.
                Help prevent extraneous option reloads.  Split
                sane_control_option in getvalue and setvalue.
                Further split up setvalue into several different
                routines. (mjp)
   2000-05-21   In sane_close use close_scanner instead of just the
                SCSI close function.
   2000-05-20   ... finally fixed the problem with the 610
                Added resolution_list to Epson_Device structure in
                epson.h - this fixes a bug that caused problems when
                more than one EPSON scanner was connected.
   2000-05-13   Fixed the color problem with the Perfection 610. The few
                lines with "garbage" at the beginning of the scan are not
                yet removed.
   2000-05-06   Added support for multiple EPSON scanners. At this time
                this may not be bug free, but it's a start and it seems
                to work well with just one scanner.
   2000-04-06   Did some cleanup on the gamma correction part. The user
                defined table is now initialized to gamma=1, the gamma
                handling is also no longer depending on platform specific
                tables (handled instead by pointers to the actual tables)
   2000-03-27   Disable request for push button status
   2000-03-22   Removed free() calls to static strings to remove
                compile warnings. These were introduced to apparently
                fix an OS/2 bug. It now turned out that they are not
                necessary. The real fix was in the repository for a
                long time (2000-01-25).
   2000-03-19   Fixed problem with A4 level devices - they use the
                line mode instead of the block mode. The routine to
                handle this was screwed up pretty bad. Now I have
                a solid version that handles all variations of line
                mode (automatically deals with the order the color
                lines are sent).
   2000-03-06   Fixed occasional crash after warm up when the "in warmup
                state" went away in between doing ESC G and getting the
                extended status message.
   2000-03-02   Code cleanup, disabled ZOOM until I have time to
                deal with all the side effects.
   2000-03-01   More D1 fixes. In the future I have to come up with
                a more elegant solution to distinguish between different
                function levels. The level > n does not work anymore with
                Added support for "set threshold" and "set zoom".
   2000-02-23   First stab at level D1 support, also added a test
                for valid "set halftone" command to enable OPT_HALFTONE
   2000-02-21   Check for "warming up" in after sane_start. This is
                IMHO a horrible hack, but that's the only way without
                a major redesign that will work. (KHK)
   2000-02-20   Added some cleanup on error conditions in attach()
                Use new sanei_config_read() instead of fgets() for
                compatibility with OS/2 (Yuri Dario)
   2000-02-19   Changed some "int" to "size_t" types
                Removed "Preview Resolution"
                Implemented resolution list as WORD_LIST instead of
                a RANGE (KHK)
   2000-02-11   Default scan source is always "Flatbed", regardless
                of installed options. Corrected some typos. (KHK)
   2000-02-03   Gamma curves now coupled with gamma correction menu.
                Only when "User defined" is selected are the curves
                selected. (Dave Hill)
                Renamed "Contrast" to "Gamma Correction" (KHK)
   2000-02-02   "Brown Paper Bag Release" Put the USB fix finally
                into the CVS repository.
   2000-02-01   Fixed problem with USB scanner not being recognized
                because of the changes to attach a few days ago. (KHK)
   2000-01-29   fixed core dump with xscanimage by moving the gamma
                curves to the standard interface (no longer advanced)
                Removed pragma pack() from source code to make it
                easier to compile on non-gcc compilers (KHK)
   2000-01-26   fixed problem with resolution selection when using the
                resolution list in xsane (KHK)
   2000-01-25   moved the section where the device name is assigned
                in attach. This avoids the core dump of frontend
                applications when no scanner is found (Dave Hill)
   2000-01-24   reorganization of SCSI related "helper" functions
                started support for user defined color correction -
                this is not yet available via the UI (Christian Bucher)
   2000-01-24   Removed C++ style comments '//' (KHK)

/* #define TEST_IOCTL */


#ifdef  _AIX
#include  <lalloca.h>           /* MUST come first for AIX! */

/* --------------------- SANE INTERNATIONALISATION ------------------ */

#ifndef SANE_I18N
#define SANE_I18N(text) (text)

#include "../include/sane/config.h"

#include  <lalloca.h>

#include  <limits.h>
#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <string.h>
#include  <stdlib.h>
#include  <ctype.h>
#include  <fcntl.h>
#include  <unistd.h>
#include  <errno.h>

#include "../include/sane/sane.h"
#include "../include/sane/saneopts.h"
#include "../include/sane/sanei_scsi.h"

#include "../include/sane/sanei_usb.h"

#include "../include/sane/sanei_pio.h"

#define  BACKEND_NAME epson
#include "../include/sane/sanei_backend.h"

#include "../include/sane/sanei_config.h"

#include  "epson.h"
#include  "epson_scsi.h"
#include  "epson_usb.h"

#define  EPSON_CONFIG_FILE      "epson.conf"

#ifndef  PATH_MAX
#define  PATH_MAX       (1024)

#define  walloc(x)      (x *)malloc(sizeof(x))
#define  walloca(x)     (x *)alloca(sizeof(x))

#ifndef  XtNumber
#define  XtNumber(x)  ( sizeof(x)/ sizeof(x[0]) )
#define  XtOffset(p_type,field)  ((size_t)&(((p_type)NULL)->field))
#define  XtOffsetOf(s_type,field)  XtOffset(s_type*,field)

#define NUM_OF_HEX_ELEMENTS (16)        /* number of hex numbers per line for data dump */
#define DEVICE_NAME_LEN (16)    /* length of device name in extended status */

/* NOTE: you can find these codes with "man ascii". */
#define  STX    0x02
#define  ACK    0x06
#define  NAK    0x15
#define  CAN    0x18
#define  ESC    0x1B
#define  PF     0x19

#define  S_ACK  "\006"
#define  S_CAN  "\030"

#define  STATUS_FER             0x80    /* fatal error */
#define  STATUS_AREA_END        0x20    /* area end */
#define  STATUS_OPTION          0x10    /* option installed */

#define  EXT_STATUS_FER         0x80    /* fatal error */
#define  EXT_STATUS_FBF         0x40    /* flat bed scanner */
#define  EXT_STATUS_WU          0x02    /* warming up */
#define  EXT_STATUS_PB          0x01    /* scanner has a push button */

#define  EXT_STATUS_IST         0x80    /* option detected */
#define  EXT_STATUS_EN          0x40    /* option enabled */
#define  EXT_STATUS_ERR         0x20    /* other error */
#define  EXT_STATUS_PE          0x08    /* no paper */
#define  EXT_STATUS_PJ          0x04    /* paper jam */
#define  EXT_STATUS_OPN         0x02    /* cover open */

#define  EPSON_LEVEL_A1          0
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_A2          1
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_B1          2
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_B2          3
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_B3          4
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_B4          5
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_B5          6
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_B6          7
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_B7          8
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_B8          9
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_F5         10
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_D1         11
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_D7         12
#define  EPSON_LEVEL_D8         13

/* there is also a function level "A5", which I'm ignoring here until somebody can
   convince me that this is still needed. The A5 level was for the GT-300, which
   was (is) a monochrome only scanner. So if somebody really wants to use this
   scanner with SANE get in touch with me and we can work something out - khk */


static EpsonCmdRec epson_cmd[] = {
 *        request identity
 *        |   request identity2
 *        |   |   request status
 *        |   |   |   request condition
 *        |   |   |   |   set color mode
 *        |   |   |   |   |   start scanning
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   set data format
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   set resolution
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   set zoom
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   set scan area
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   set brightness
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             set gamma
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   set halftoning
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   set color correction
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   initialize scanner
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   set speed
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   set lcount
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   mirror image
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   set gamma table
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   set outline emphasis
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   set dither
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   set color correction coefficients
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   request extension status
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   control an extension
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    forward feed / eject
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   feed
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |     request push button status
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |     |   control auto area segmentation
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |     |   |   set film type
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |     |   |   |   set exposure time
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |     |   |   |   |   set bay
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |     |   |   |   |   |   set threshold
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |     |   |   |   |   |   |   set focus position
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |     |   |   |   |   |   |   |   request focus position
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |     |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 *        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |     |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  {"A1", 'I', 0, 'F','S', 0, 'G', 0, 'R', 0, 'A', 0, {0,0,0},   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   0,  0,    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
  {"A2", 'I', 0, 'F','S', 0, 'G','D','R','H','A','L',{-3,3,0}, 'Z','B', 0, '@', 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   0,  0,    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
  {"B1", 'I', 0, 'F','S','C','G','D','R', 0, 'A', 0, {0,0,0},   0, 'B', 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   0,  0,    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
  {"B2", 'I', 0, 'F','S','C','G','D','R','H','A','L',{-3,3,0}, 'Z','B', 0, '@', 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   0,  0,    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
  {"B3", 'I', 0, 'F','S','C','G','D','R','H','A','L',{-3,3,0}, 'Z','B','M','@', 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 'm','f','e',  0,  0,    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
  {"B4", 'I', 0, 'F','S','C','G','D','R','H','A','L',{-3,3,0}, 'Z','B','M','@','g','d', 0, 'z','Q','b','m','f','e',  0,  0,    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
  {"B5", 'I', 0, 'F','S','C','G','D','R','H','A','L',{-3,3,0}, 'Z','B','M','@','g','d','K','z','Q','b','m','f','e',  0,  0,    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
  {"B6", 'I', 0, 'F','S','C','G','D','R','H','A','L',{-3,3,0}, 'Z','B','M','@','g','d','K','z','Q','b','m','f','e',  0,  0,    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
  {"B7", 'I', 0, 'F','S','C','G','D','R','H','A','L',{-4,3,0}, 'Z','B','M','@','g','d','K','z','Q','b','m','f','e','\f', 0,   '!','s','N', 0,  0, 't', 0,  0},
  {"B8", 'I', 0, 'F','S','C','G','D','R','H','A','L',{-4,3,0}, 'Z','B','M','@','g','d','K','z','Q','b','m','f','e','\f', 0x19,'!','s','N', 0,  0,  0, 'p','q'},
  {"F5", 'I', 0, 'F','S','C','G','D','R','H','A','L',{-3,3,0}, 'Z', 0, 'M','@','g','d','K','z','Q', 0, 'm','f','e','\f', 0,    0,  0, 'N','T','P', 0,  0,  0},
  {"D1", 'I','i','F', 0, 'C','G','D','R', 0, 'A', 0, {0,0,0},  'Z', 0,  0, '@','g','d', 0, 'z', 0,  0,  0, 'f', 0,   0,  0,   '!', 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
  {"D7", 'I', 0, 'F', 0, 'C','G','D','R', 0, 'A', 0, {0,0,0},  'Z', 0,  0, '@','g','d', 0, 'z', 0,  0,  0, 'f', 0,   0,  0,   '!', 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
  {"D8", 'I','i','F', 0, 'C','G','D','R', 0, 'A', 0, {0,0,0},  'Z', 0,  0, '@','g','d', 0, 'z', 0,  0,  0, 'f','e',  0,  0,   '!', 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},

 * Definition of the mode_param struct, that is used to
 * specify the valid parameters for the different scan modes.
 * The depth variable gets updated when the bit depth is modified.

struct mode_param
  int color;
  int mode_flags;
  int dropout_mask;
  int depth;

static struct mode_param mode_params[] = {
  {0, 0x00, 0x30, 1},
  {0, 0x00, 0x30, 8},
  {1, 0x02, 0x00, 8}

static const SANE_String_Const mode_list[] = {

static const SANE_String_Const adf_mode_list[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("Simplex"),
  SANE_I18N ("Duplex"),

 * Define the different scan sources:

#define  FBF_STR        SANE_I18N("Flatbed")
#define  TPU_STR        SANE_I18N("Transparency Unit")
#define  ADF_STR        SANE_I18N("Automatic Document Feeder")

 * source list need one dummy entry (save device settings is crashing).
 * NOTE: no const - this list gets created while exploring the capabilities
 * of the scanner.

static SANE_String_Const source_list[] = {

/* some defines to make handling the TPU easier: */
#define FILM_TYPE_POSITIVE      (0)
#define FILM_TYPE_NEGATIVE      (1)

static const SANE_String_Const film_list[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("Positive Film"),
  SANE_I18N ("Negative Film"),

static const SANE_String_Const focus_list[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("Focus on glass"),
  SANE_I18N ("Focus 2.5mm above glass"),

 * TODO: add some missing const.

#define HALFTONE_NONE 0x01
#define HALFTONE_TET 0x03

static int halftone_params[] = {

static const SANE_String_Const halftone_list[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("None"),
  SANE_I18N ("Halftone A (Hard Tone)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Halftone B (Soft Tone)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Halftone C (Net Screen)"),

static const SANE_String_Const halftone_list_4[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("None"),
  SANE_I18N ("Halftone A (Hard Tone)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Halftone B (Soft Tone)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Halftone C (Net Screen)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Dither A (4x4 Bayer)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Dither B (4x4 Spiral)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Dither C (4x4 Net Screen)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Dither D (8x4 Net Screen)"),

static const SANE_String_Const halftone_list_7[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("None"),
  SANE_I18N ("Halftone A (Hard Tone)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Halftone B (Soft Tone)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Halftone C (Net Screen)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Dither A (4x4 Bayer)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Dither B (4x4 Spiral)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Dither C (4x4 Net Screen)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Dither D (8x4 Net Screen)"),
  SANE_I18N ("Text Enhanced Technology"),
  SANE_I18N ("Download pattern A"),
  SANE_I18N ("Download pattern B"),

static int dropout_params[] = {
  0x00, /* none */
  0x10, /* red */
  0x20, /* green */
  0x30  /* blue */

static const SANE_String_Const dropout_list[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("None"),
  SANE_I18N ("Red"),
  SANE_I18N ("Green"),
  SANE_I18N ("Blue"),

 * Color correction:
 * One array for the actual parameters that get sent to the scanner (color_params[]),
 * one array for the strings that get displayed in the user interface (color_list[])
 * and one array to mark the user defined color correction (dolor_userdefined[]).

static int color_params[] = {

static SANE_Bool color_userdefined[] = {

static const SANE_String_Const color_list[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("No Correction"),
  SANE_I18N ("User defined"),
  SANE_I18N ("Impact-dot printers"),
  SANE_I18N ("Thermal printers"),
  SANE_I18N ("Ink-jet printers"),
  SANE_I18N ("CRT monitors"),

 * Gamma correction:
 * The A and B level scanners work differently than the D level scanners, therefore
 * I define two different sets of arrays, plus one set of variables that get set to
 * the actually used params and list arrays at runtime.

static int gamma_params_ab[] = {

static const SANE_String_Const gamma_list_ab[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("Default"),
  SANE_I18N ("User defined"),
  SANE_I18N ("High density printing"),
  SANE_I18N ("Low density printing"),
  SANE_I18N ("High contrast printing"),

static SANE_Bool gamma_userdefined_ab[] = {

static int gamma_params_d[] = {

static const SANE_String_Const gamma_list_d[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("User defined (Gamma=1.0)"),
  SANE_I18N ("User defined (Gamma=1.8)"),

static SANE_Bool gamma_userdefined_d[] = {

static SANE_Bool *gamma_userdefined;
static int *gamma_params;

/* flaming hack to get USB scanners
   working without timeouts under linux */
/* (cribbed from fujitsu.c) */
static unsigned int r_cmd_count = 0;
static unsigned int w_cmd_count = 0;

/* Bay list:
 * this is used for the FilmScan

static const SANE_String_Const bay_list[] = {
  " 1 ",
  " 2 ",
  " 3 ",
  " 4 ",
  " 5 ",
  " 6 ",

 *  minimum, maximum, quantization.

static const SANE_Range u8_range = { 0, 255, 0 };
static const SANE_Range s8_range = { -127, 127, 0 };
static const SANE_Range zoom_range = { 50, 200, 0 };

 * The "switch_params" are used for several boolean choices
static int switch_params[] = {

#define  mirror_params  switch_params
#define  speed_params   switch_params
#define  film_params    switch_params

static const SANE_Range outline_emphasis_range = { -2, 2, 0 };

/* static const SANE_Range gamma_range = { -2, 2, 0 }; */

struct qf_param
  SANE_Word tl_x;
  SANE_Word tl_y;
  SANE_Word br_x;
  SANE_Word br_y;

/* gcc don't like to overwrite const field */
static /*const */ struct qf_param qf_params[] = {
  {0, 0, SANE_FIX (120.0), SANE_FIX (120.0)},
  {0, 0, SANE_FIX (148.5), SANE_FIX (210.0)},
  {0, 0, SANE_FIX (210.0), SANE_FIX (148.5)},
  {0, 0, SANE_FIX (215.9), SANE_FIX (279.4)},   /* 8.5" x 11" */
  {0, 0, SANE_FIX (210.0), SANE_FIX (297.0)},
  {0, 0, 0, 0}

static const SANE_String_Const qf_list[] = {
  SANE_I18N ("CD"),
  SANE_I18N ("A5 portrait"),
  SANE_I18N ("A5 landscape"),
  SANE_I18N ("Letter"),
  SANE_I18N ("A4"),
  SANE_I18N ("Max"),

static SANE_Word *bitDepthList = NULL;

 * List of pointers to devices - will be dynamically allocated depending
 * on the number of devices found.
static const SANE_Device **devlist = 0;

 * Some utility functions

static size_t
max_string_size (const SANE_String_Const strings[])
  size_t size, max_size = 0;
  int i;

  for (i = 0; strings[i]; i++)
    size = strlen (strings[i]) + 1;
    if (size > max_size)
      max_size = size;
  return max_size;

typedef struct
  u_char code;
  u_char status;
  u_char count1;
  u_char count2;
  u_char buf[1];

} EpsonHdrRec, *EpsonHdr;

typedef struct
  u_char code;
  u_char status;
  u_char count1;
  u_char count2;

  u_char type;
  u_char level;

  u_char buf[1];

} EpsonIdentRec, *EpsonIdent;

typedef union
  EpsonHdrRec hdr;
  EpsonIdentRec ident;
} EpsonHdrUnionRec, *EpsonHdrUnion;

typedef struct
  u_char code;
  u_char status;
  u_short count;

  u_char buf[1];

} EpsonParameterRec, *EpsonParameter;

typedef struct
  u_char code;
  u_char status;

  u_char buf[4];

} EpsonDataRec, *EpsonData;


static EpsonHdrUnion command (Epson_Scanner * s, u_char * cmd, size_t cmd_size,
                         SANE_Status * status);
static SANE_Status get_identity_information (SANE_Handle handle);
static SANE_Status get_identity2_information (SANE_Handle handle);
static int send (Epson_Scanner * s, void *buf, size_t buf_size,
                 SANE_Status * status);
static ssize_t receive (Epson_Scanner * s, void *buf, ssize_t buf_size,
                        SANE_Status * status);
static SANE_Status color_shuffle (SANE_Handle handle, int *new_length);
static SANE_Status request_focus_position (SANE_Handle handle,
                                           u_char * position);
static SANE_Bool request_push_button_status (SANE_Handle handle,
                                             SANE_Bool * theButtonStatus);
static void activateOption (Epson_Scanner * s, SANE_Int option,
                            SANE_Bool * change);
static void deactivateOption (Epson_Scanner * s, SANE_Int option,
                              SANE_Bool * change);
static void setOptionState (Epson_Scanner * s, SANE_Bool state,
                            SANE_Int option, SANE_Bool * change);
static void close_scanner (Epson_Scanner * s);
static SANE_Status open_scanner (Epson_Scanner * s);
SANE_Status sane_auto_eject (Epson_Scanner * s);
static SANE_Status attach_one_usb (SANE_String_Const devname);
static void filter_resolution_list (Epson_Scanner * s);
static void get_size (char c1, char c2, double *w, double *h);
static void scan_finish (Epson_Scanner * s);


static int
send (Epson_Scanner * s, void *buf, size_t buf_size, SANE_Status * status)
  DBG (3, "send buf, size = %lu\n", (u_long) buf_size);

#if 1
    unsigned int k;
    const u_char *s = buf;

    for (k = 0; k < buf_size; k++)
      DBG (125, "buf[%d] %02x %c\n", k, s[k], isprint (s[k]) ? s[k] : '.');

  if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_SCSI)
    return sanei_epson_scsi_write (s->fd, buf, buf_size, status);
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_PIO)
    size_t n;

    if (buf_size == (n = sanei_pio_write (s->fd, buf, buf_size)))
      *status = SANE_STATUS_GOOD;
      *status = SANE_STATUS_INVAL;

    return n;
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_USB)
    size_t n;
    n = buf_size;
    *status = sanei_usb_write_bulk (s->fd, buf, &n);
    DBG (5, "w_cmd_count = %d\n",w_cmd_count);
    DBG (5, "r_cmd_count = %d\n",r_cmd_count);

    return n;

  /* never reached */


static ssize_t
receive (Epson_Scanner * s, void *buf, ssize_t buf_size, SANE_Status * status)
  ssize_t n = 0;

  if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_SCSI)
    n = sanei_epson_scsi_read (s->fd, buf, buf_size, status);
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_PIO)
    if (buf_size == (n = sanei_pio_read (s->fd, buf, (size_t) buf_size)))
      *status = SANE_STATUS_GOOD;
      *status = SANE_STATUS_INVAL;
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_USB)
    /* !!! only report an error if we don't read anything */
    n = buf_size;               /* buf_size gets overwritten */
    *status = sanei_usb_read_bulk (s->fd, (SANE_Byte *) buf, (size_t *) & n);
    r_cmd_count += (n+63)/64; /* add # of packets, rounding up */
    DBG (5, "w_cmd_count = %d\n",w_cmd_count);
    DBG (5, "r_cmd_count = %d\n",r_cmd_count);

    if (n > 0)
      *status = SANE_STATUS_GOOD;

  DBG (7, "receive buf, expected = %lu, got = %ld\n", (u_long) buf_size, (long) n);

#if 1
  if (n > 0)
    int k;
    const u_char *s = buf;

    for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
      DBG (127, "buf[%d] %02x %c\n", k, s[k], isprint (s[k]) ? s[k] : '.');
    int i;
    ssize_t k;
    ssize_t hex_start = 0;
    const u_char *s = buf;
    char hex_str[NUM_OF_HEX_ELEMENTS * 3 + 1];
    char tmp_str[NUM_OF_HEX_ELEMENTS * 3 + 1];
    char ascii_str[NUM_OF_HEX_ELEMENTS * 2 + 1];

    hex_str[0] = '\0';
    ascii_str[0] = '\0';

    for (k = 0; k < buf_size; k++)
      /* write out the data in lines of 16 bytes */
      /* add the next hex value to the hex string */
      sprintf (tmp_str, "%s %02x", hex_str, s[k]);
      strcpy (hex_str, tmp_str);

      /* add the character to the ascii string */
      sprintf (tmp_str, "%s %c", ascii_str, isprint (s[k]) ? s[k] : '.');
      strcpy (ascii_str, tmp_str);

      if ((k % (NUM_OF_HEX_ELEMENTS)) == 0)
        if (k != 0)             /* don't do this the first time */
          for (i = strlen (hex_str); i < (NUM_OF_HEX_ELEMENTS * 3); i++)
            hex_str[i] = ' ';
          hex_str[NUM_OF_HEX_ELEMENTS + 1] = '\0';

          DBG (125, "recv buf[%05d]: %s   %s\n", hex_start, hex_str,
          hex_start = k;
          hex_str[0] = '\0';
          ascii_str[0] = '\0';

    for (i = strlen (hex_str); i < NUM_OF_HEX_ELEMENTS * 3; i++)
      hex_str[i] = ' ';
    hex_str[NUM_OF_HEX_ELEMENTS + 1] = '\0';

    DBG (125, "recv buf[%05d]: %s   %s\n", hex_start, hex_str, ascii_str);

  return n;


static SANE_Status
expect_ack (Epson_Scanner * s)
  u_char result[1];
  size_t len;
  SANE_Status status;

  len = sizeof (result);

  receive (s, result, len, &status);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    return status;

  if (ACK != result[0])



static SANE_Status
set_cmd (Epson_Scanner * s, u_char cmd, int val)
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char params[2];

  if (!cmd)

  params[0] = ESC;
  params[1] = cmd;

  send (s, params, 2, &status);
  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = expect_ack (s)))
    return status;

  params[0] = val;
  send (s, params, 1, &status);
  status = expect_ack (s);

  return status;

/* A little helper function to correct the extended status reply
      gotten from scanners with known buggy firmware.
static void
fix_up_extended_status_reply (const char *model, u_char * buf)

  if (0 == strncmp (model, "ES-9000H", strlen ("ES-9000H"))
      || 0 == strncmp (model, "GT-30000", strlen ("GT-30000")))
    DBG (1, "Fixing up buggy ADF max scan dimensions.\n");
    buf[2] = 0xB0;
    buf[3] = 0x6D;
    buf[4] = 0x60;
    buf[5] = 0x9F;

static void
print_params (const SANE_Parameters params)
  DBG (5, "params.format = %d\n", params.format);
  DBG (5, "params.last_frame = %d\n", params.last_frame);
  DBG (5, "params.bytes_per_line = %d\n", params.bytes_per_line);
  DBG (5, "params.pixels_per_line = %d\n", params.pixels_per_line);
  DBG (5, "params.lines = %d\n", params.lines);
  DBG (5, "params.depth = %d\n", params.depth);


#define  set_focus_position(s,v)        set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_focus_position,v)
#define  set_color_mode(s,v)            set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_color_mode,v)
#define  set_data_format(s,v)           set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_data_format, v)
#define  set_halftoning(s,v)            set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_halftoning, v)
#define  set_gamma(s,v)                 set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_gamma, v)
#define  set_color_correction(s,v)      set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_color_correction, v)
#define  set_lcount(s,v)                set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_lcount, v)
#define  set_bright(s,v)                set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_bright, v)
#define  mirror_image(s,v)              set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->mirror_image, v)
#define  set_speed(s,v)                 set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_speed, v)
#define  set_outline_emphasis(s,v)      set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_outline_emphasis, v)
#define  control_auto_area_segmentation(s,v)    set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->control_auto_area_segmentation, v)
#define  set_film_type(s,v)             set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_film_type, v)
#define  set_exposure_time(s,v)         set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_exposure_time, v)
#define  set_bay(s,v)                   set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_bay, v)
#define  set_threshold(s,v)             set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->set_threshold, v)
#define  control_extension(s,v)         set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->control_an_extension, v)

/*#define  (s,v)                set_cmd( s,(s)->hw->cmd->, v) */

static SANE_Status
set_zoom (Epson_Scanner * s, int x_zoom, int y_zoom)
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char cmd[2];
  u_char params[2];

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_zoom)
    return SANE_STATUS_GOOD;

  cmd[0] = ESC;
  cmd[1] = s->hw->cmd->set_zoom;

  send (s, cmd, 2, &status);
  status = expect_ack (s);

  if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
    return status;

  params[0] = x_zoom;
  params[1] = y_zoom;

  send (s, params, 2, &status);
  status = expect_ack (s);

  return status;

static SANE_Status
set_resolution (Epson_Scanner * s, int xres, int yres)
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char params[4];

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_resolution)
    return SANE_STATUS_GOOD;

  params[0] = ESC;
  params[1] = s->hw->cmd->set_resolution;

  send (s, params, 2, &status);
  status = expect_ack (s);

  if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
    return status;

  params[0] = xres;
  params[1] = xres >> 8;
  params[2] = yres;
  params[3] = yres >> 8;

  send (s, params, 4, &status);
  status = expect_ack (s);

  return status;

 * set_scan_area()
 * Sends the "set scan area" command to the scanner with the currently selected
 * scan area. This scan area is already corrected for "color shuffling" if
 * necessary.
static SANE_Status
set_scan_area (Epson_Scanner * s, int x, int y, int width, int height)
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char params[8];

  DBG (1, "set_scan_area: %p %d %d %d %d\n", (void *) s, x, y, width, height);

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_scan_area)
    DBG (1, "set_scan_area not supported\n");
    return SANE_STATUS_GOOD;

  /* verify the scan area */
  if (x < 0 || y < 0 || width <= 0 || height <= 0)

  params[0] = ESC;
  params[1] = s->hw->cmd->set_scan_area;

  send (s, params, 2, &status);
  status = expect_ack (s);
  if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
    return status;

  params[0] = x;
  params[1] = x >> 8;
  params[2] = y;
  params[3] = y >> 8;
  params[4] = width;
  params[5] = width >> 8;
  params[6] = height;
  params[7] = height >> 8;

  send (s, params, 8, &status);
  status = expect_ack (s);

  return status;

 * set_color_correction_coefficients()
 * Sends the "set color correction coefficients" command with the currently selected
 * parameters to the scanner.

static SANE_Status
set_color_correction_coefficients (Epson_Scanner * s)
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char cmd = s->hw->cmd->set_color_correction_coefficients;
  u_char params[2];
  const int length = 9;
  signed char cct[9];

  DBG (1, "set_color_correction_coefficients: starting.\n");
  if (!cmd)

  params[0] = ESC;
  params[1] = cmd;

  send (s, params, 2, &status);
  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = expect_ack (s)))
    return status;

  cct[0] = s->val[OPT_CCT_1].w;
  cct[1] = s->val[OPT_CCT_2].w;
  cct[2] = s->val[OPT_CCT_3].w;
  cct[3] = s->val[OPT_CCT_4].w;
  cct[4] = s->val[OPT_CCT_5].w;
  cct[5] = s->val[OPT_CCT_6].w;
  cct[6] = s->val[OPT_CCT_7].w;
  cct[7] = s->val[OPT_CCT_8].w;
  cct[8] = s->val[OPT_CCT_9].w;

  DBG (1, "set_color_correction_coefficients: %d,%d,%d %d,%d,%d %d,%d,%d.\n",
       cct[0], cct[1], cct[2], cct[3],
       cct[4], cct[5], cct[6], cct[7], cct[8]);

  send (s, cct, length, &status);
  status = expect_ack (s);
  DBG (1, "set_color_correction_coefficients: ending=%d.\n", status);

  return status;


static SANE_Status
set_gamma_table (Epson_Scanner * s)

  SANE_Status status;
  u_char cmd = s->hw->cmd->set_gamma_table;
  u_char params[2];
  const int length = 257;
  u_char gamma[257];
  int n;
  int table;
/*      static const char gamma_cmds[] = { 'M', 'R', 'G', 'B' }; */
  static const char gamma_cmds[] = { 'R', 'G', 'B' };

  DBG (1, "set_gamma_table: starting.\n");
  if (!cmd)

  params[0] = ESC;
  params[1] = cmd;

 *      Print the gamma tables before sending them to the scanner.

  if (DBG_LEVEL > 0)
    int c, i, j;

    DBG (1, "set_gamma_table()\n");
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++)
      for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 16)
        char gammaValues[16 * 3 + 1], newValue[4];

        gammaValues[0] = '\0';

        for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
          sprintf (newValue, " %02x", s->gamma_table[c][i + j]);
          strcat (gammaValues, newValue);

        DBG (10, "Gamma Table[%d][%d] %s\n", c, i, gammaValues);

 * TODO: &status in send makes no sense like that.

 *  When handling inverted images, we must also invert the user
 *  supplied gamma function.  This is *not* just 255-gamma -
 *  this gives a negative image.

  for (table = 0; table < 3; table++)
    gamma[0] = gamma_cmds[table];
    if (s->invert_image)
      for (n = 0; n < 256; ++n)
        gamma[n + 1] = 255 - s->gamma_table[table][255 - n];
      for (n = 0; n < 256; ++n)
        gamma[n + 1] = s->gamma_table[table][n];

    send (s, params, 2, &status);
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = expect_ack (s)))
      return status;

    send (s, gamma, length, &status);
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = expect_ack (s)))
      return status;


  DBG (1, "set_gamma_table: complete = %d.\n", status);

  return status;

get_size (char c1, char c2, double *w, double *h)
  int ind;
  unsigned char flag;

  double wsizetbl[] = {
    11.60,                      /* A3V */
    11.00,                      /* WLT */
    10.12,                      /* B4V */
    8.50,                       /* LGV */
    8.27,                       /* A4V */
    11.69,                      /* A4H */
    8.50,                       /* LTV */
    11.00,                      /* LTH */
    7.17,                       /* B5V */
    10.12,                      /* B5H */
    5.83,                       /* A5V */
    8.27,                       /* A5H */
    7.25,                       /* EXV */
    10.50,                      /* EXH */
    11.69,                      /* unknown */
    11.69,                      /* unknown */
    11.69,                      /* unknown */
  double hsizetbl[] = {
    16.54,                      /* A3V */
    17.00,                      /* WLT */
    14.33,                      /* B4V */
    14.00,                      /* LGV */
    11.69,                      /* A4V */
    8.27,                       /* A4H */
    11.00,                      /* LTV */
    8.50,                       /* LTH */
    10.12,                      /* B5V */
    7.17,                       /* B5H */
    8.27,                       /* A5V */
    5.83,                       /* A5H */
    10.50,                      /* EXV */
    7.25,                       /* EXH */
    17.00,                      /* unknown */
    17.00,                      /* unknown */
    17.00,                      /* unknown */

  flag = c1;
  for (ind = 0; ind < 8; ind++)
    if (flag & 0x80)
      goto DetectSize;
    flag = flag << 1;
  flag = c2;
  for (; ind < 16; ind++)
    if (flag & 0x80)
      goto DetectSize;
    flag = flag << 1;


  *w = wsizetbl[ind];
  *h = hsizetbl[ind];

  DBG (10, "detected width: %f\n", *w);
  DBG (10, "detected height: %f\n", *h);

 * check_ext_status()
 * Requests the extended status flag from the scanner. The "warming up" condition
 * is reported as a warning (only visible if debug level is set to 10 or greater) -
 * every other condition is reported as an error.
 * This function only gets called when we are dealing with a scanner that supports the
 * "warming up" code, so it's not a problem for B3 level scanners, that don't handle
 * request extended status commands.

static SANE_Status
check_ext_status (Epson_Scanner * s, int *max_x, int *max_y)
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char cmd = s->hw->cmd->request_extended_status;
  u_char params[2];
  u_char *buf;
  EpsonHdr head;

  *max_x = 0;
  *max_y = 0;

  if (cmd == 0)

  params[0] = ESC;
  params[1] = cmd;

  head = (EpsonHdr) command (s, params, 2, &status);
  if (NULL == head)
    DBG (1, "Extended status flag request failed\n");
    return status;

  buf = &head->buf[0];

  if (buf[0] & EXT_STATUS_WU)
    DBG (10, "option: warming up\n");

  if (buf[0] & EXT_STATUS_FER)
    DBG (1, "option: fatal error\n");
    status = SANE_STATUS_INVAL;

  if (s->hw->ADF && s->hw->use_extension && s->hw->cmd->feed)
    fix_up_extended_status_reply (s->hw->sane.model, buf);

    *max_x = buf[3] << 8 | buf[2];
    *max_y = buf[5] << 8 | buf[4];

    if (0 == strcmp ("ES-9000H", s->hw->sane.model)
        || 0 == strcmp ("GT-30000", s->hw->sane.model))
      /* set size of current sheet, but don't clobber zoom
         settings (which should always be smaller than the
         detected sheet size) */
      double w, h;
      get_size (buf[16], buf[17], &w, &h);
      w = SANE_FIX (w * MM_PER_INCH);
      h = SANE_FIX (h * MM_PER_INCH);
      if (w < s->val[OPT_BR_X].w)
        s->val[OPT_BR_X].w = w;
      if (h < s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w)
        s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w = h;

  if (buf[1] & EXT_STATUS_ERR)
    DBG (1, "ADF: other error\n");
    status = SANE_STATUS_INVAL;

  if (buf[1] & EXT_STATUS_PE)
    DBG (1, "ADF: no paper\n");
    status = SANE_STATUS_NO_DOCS;
    return status;

  if (buf[1] & EXT_STATUS_PJ)
    DBG (1, "ADF: paper jam\n");
    status = SANE_STATUS_JAMMED;

  if (buf[1] & EXT_STATUS_OPN)
    DBG (1, "ADF: cover open\n");

  if (buf[6] & EXT_STATUS_ERR)
    DBG (1, "TPU: other error\n");
    status = SANE_STATUS_INVAL;

  /* return the max. scan area for the ADF */
  if (buf[6] & EXT_STATUS_IST)
    *max_x = buf[8] << 8 | buf[7];
    *max_y = buf[10] << 8 | buf[9];

  /* return the max. scan area for the flatbed */
  if (s->hw->devtype == 3 && s->hw->use_extension == 0)
    double w, h;
    get_size (buf[18], buf[19], &w, &h);
    *max_x = (int) (w * s->hw->dpi_range.max);
    *max_y = (int) (h * s->hw->dpi_range.max);

  free (head);

  return status;

 * reset()
 * Send the "initialize scanner" command to the device and reset it.

static SANE_Status
reset (Epson_Scanner * s)
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char param[2];
  SANE_Bool needToClose = SANE_FALSE;

  DBG (5, "reset()\n");

  if (!s->hw->cmd->initialize_scanner)
    return SANE_STATUS_GOOD;

  param[0] = ESC;
  param[1] = s->hw->cmd->initialize_scanner;

  if (s->fd == -1)
    needToClose = SANE_TRUE;
    DBG (5, "reset calling open_scanner\n");
    if ((status = open_scanner (s)) != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
      return status;

  send (s, param, 2, &status);
  status = expect_ack (s);

  if (needToClose)
    close_scanner (s);

  return status;

 * close_scanner()
 * Close the open scanner. Depending on the connection method, a different
 * close function is called.

static void
close_scanner (Epson_Scanner * s)
  DBG (5, "close_scanner(fd = %d)\n", s->fd);

  if (s->fd == -1)

  if (r_cmd_count % 2)
    /* send a request_status. This toggles w_cmd_count and r_cmd_count */
    u_char param[3];
    u_char result[5];
    SANE_Status status;

    param[0] = ESC;
    param[1] = s->hw->cmd->request_status;

  DBG (5, "w_cmd_count = %d\n",w_cmd_count);
  DBG (5, "r_cmd_count = %d\n",r_cmd_count);

  if (w_cmd_count % 2)
    int junk1,junk2;

    /* check extended status. This toggles w_cmd_count%2 only */
    check_ext_status (s,&junk1,&junk2);

  DBG (5, "w_cmd_count = %d\n",w_cmd_count);
  DBG (5, "r_cmd_count = %d\n",r_cmd_count);

  if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_SCSI)
    sanei_scsi_close (s->fd);
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_PIO)
    sanei_pio_close (s->fd);
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_USB)
    sanei_usb_close (s->fd);

  s->fd = -1;

 * open_scanner()
 * Open the scanner device. Depending on the connection method,
 * different open functions are called.

static SANE_Status
open_scanner (Epson_Scanner * s)
  SANE_Status status = 0;

  DBG (5, "open_scanner()\n");

  if (s->fd != -1)
    DBG (5, "scanner is already open: fd = %d\n", s->fd);
    return SANE_STATUS_GOOD;    /* no need to open the scanner */

  /* don't do this for OS2: */
#ifndef HAVE_OS2_H
#if 0
  /* test the device name */
  if ((s->hw->connection != SANE_EPSON_PIO)
      && (access (s->hw->sane.name, R_OK | W_OK) != 0))
    DBG (1, "sane_start: access(%s, R_OK | W_OK) failed\n", s->hw->sane.name);

  if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_SCSI)
    status = sanei_scsi_open (s->hw->sane.name, &s->fd,
                              sanei_epson_scsi_sense_handler, NULL);
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: %s open failed: %s\n", s->hw->sane.name,
           sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_PIO)
    status = sanei_pio_open (s->hw->sane.name, &s->fd);
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: %s open failed: %s\n", s->hw->sane.name,
           sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_USB)
    status = sanei_usb_open (s->hw->sane.name, &s->fd);

    return status;


 * feed ( )

static SANE_Status
feed (Epson_Scanner * s)
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char params[2];
  u_char cmd = s->hw->cmd->feed;

  DBG (5, "feed()\n");

  if (!cmd)
    DBG (5, "feed() is not supported\n");

  params[0] = cmd;

  send (s, params, 1, &status);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = expect_ack (s)))
    close_scanner (s);
    return status;

  return status;

 * eject()
 * Eject the current page from the ADF. The scanner is opened prior to
 * sending the command and closed afterwards.

static SANE_Status
eject (Epson_Scanner * s)
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char params[2];
  u_char cmd = s->hw->cmd->eject;
  SANE_Bool needToClose = SANE_FALSE;

  DBG (5, "eject()\n");

  if (!cmd)

  if (s->fd == -1)
    needToClose = SANE_TRUE;
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = open_scanner (s)))
      return status;

  params[0] = cmd;

  send (s, params, 1, &status);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = expect_ack (s)))
    close_scanner (s);
    return status;

  if (needToClose)
    close_scanner (s);

  return status;


static int num_devices = 0;     /* number of EPSON scanners attached to backend */
static Epson_Device *first_dev = NULL;  /* first EPSON scanner in list */
static Epson_Scanner *first_handle = NULL;

static EpsonHdrUnion
command (Epson_Scanner * s, u_char * cmd, size_t cmd_size,
         SANE_Status * status)
  EpsonHdrUnion hdrunion, hdrunion_bak;
  EpsonHdr head;
  u_char *buf;
  int count;

  if (NULL == (hdrunion = walloc (EpsonHdrUnionRec)))
    DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
    *status = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;
    return (EpsonHdrUnion) 0;

  head = &(hdrunion->hdr);

  send (s, cmd, cmd_size, status);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != *status)
    /* this is necessary for the GT-8000. I don't know why, but
       it seems to fix the problem. It should not have any
       ill effects on other scanners.  */
    *status = SANE_STATUS_GOOD;
    send (s, cmd, cmd_size, status);
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != *status)
      return (EpsonHdrUnion) 0;

  buf = (u_char *) head;

  if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_SCSI)
    receive (s, buf, 4, status);
    buf += 4;
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_USB)
    int bytes_read;
    bytes_read = receive (s, buf, 4, status);
    buf += bytes_read;
    receive (s, buf, 1, status);
    buf += 1;

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != *status)
    return (EpsonHdrUnion) 0;

  DBG (4, "code   %02x\n", (int) head->code);

  switch (head->code)

  case NAK:
    /* fall through */
    /* !!! is this really sufficient to report an error ? */
  case ACK:
    break;                      /* no need to read any more data after ACK or NAK */

  case STX:
    if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_SCSI)
      /* nope */
    else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_USB)
      /* we've already read the complete data */
      receive (s, buf, 3, status);
      /*              buf += 3; */

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != *status)
      return (EpsonHdrUnion) 0;

    DBG (4, "status %02x\n", (int) head->status);

    count = head->count2 * 255 + head->count1;
    DBG (4, "count  %d\n", count);

    hdrunion_bak = hdrunion;
    if (NULL == (hdrunion = realloc (hdrunion,
            sizeof (EpsonHdrUnionRec) + count)))
      DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
      *status = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;
      return (EpsonHdrUnion) 0;

    head = &(hdrunion->hdr);

    buf = head->buf;
    receive (s, buf, count, status);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != *status)
      return (EpsonHdrUnion) 0;


    if (0 == head->code)
      DBG (1, "Incompatible printer port (probably bi/directional)\n");
    else if (cmd[cmd_size - 1] == head->code)
      DBG (1, "Incompatible printer port (probably not bi/directional)\n");

    DBG (2, "Illegal response of scanner for command: %02x\n", head->code);

  return hdrunion;

 * static SANE_Status attach()
 * Attach one device with name *dev_name to the backend.

static SANE_Status
attach (const char *dev_name, Epson_Device * *devp, int type)
  SANE_Status status;
  Epson_Scanner *s = walloca (Epson_Scanner);
  char *str;
  struct Epson_Device *dev;
  SANE_String_Const *source_list_add = source_list;
  int port;

  DBG (1, "%s\n", SANE_EPSON_VERSION);

  DBG (5, "attach(%s, %d)\n", dev_name, type);

  for (dev = first_dev; dev; dev = dev->next)
    if (strcmp (dev->sane.name, dev_name) == 0)
      if (devp)
        *devp = dev;
      return SANE_STATUS_GOOD;

  dev = malloc (sizeof (*dev));
  if (!dev)
    DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
    return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;

  /* check for PIO devices */
  /* can we convert the device name to an integer? This is only possible
     with PIO devices */
  port = atoi (dev_name);
  if (port != 0)
    type = SANE_EPSON_PIO;

  if (strncmp
      (dev_name, SANE_EPSON_CONFIG_PIO, strlen (SANE_EPSON_CONFIG_PIO)) == 0)
    /* we have a match for the PIO string and adjust the device name */
    dev_name += strlen (SANE_EPSON_CONFIG_PIO);
    dev_name = sanei_config_skip_whitespace (dev_name);
    type = SANE_EPSON_PIO;

   *  set dummy values.

  s->hw = dev;
  s->hw->sane.name = NULL;
  s->hw->sane.type = "flatbed scanner";
  s->hw->sane.vendor = "Epson";
  s->hw->sane.model = NULL;
  s->hw->optical_res = 0;       /* just to have it initialized */
  s->hw->color_shuffle = SANE_FALSE;
  s->hw->extension = SANE_FALSE;
  s->hw->use_extension = SANE_FALSE;

  s->hw->need_color_reorder = SANE_FALSE;
  s->hw->need_double_vertical = SANE_FALSE;

  s->hw->cmd = &epson_cmd[EPSON_LEVEL_DEFAULT]; /* default function level */
  s->hw->connection = type;

  DBG (3, "attach: opening %s\n", dev_name);

  s->hw->last_res = 0;
  s->hw->last_res_preview = 0;  /* set resolution to safe values */

   *  decide if interface is USB, SCSI or parallel.

   *  if interface is SCSI do an inquiry.

  if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_SCSI)
    u_char buf[INQUIRY_BUF_SIZE + 1];
    size_t buf_size = INQUIRY_BUF_SIZE;

    status =
      sanei_scsi_open (dev_name, &s->fd, sanei_epson_scsi_sense_handler,
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "attach: open failed: %s\n", sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;
    DBG (3, "attach: sending INQUIRY\n");

    status = sanei_epson_scsi_inquiry (s->fd, 0, buf, &buf_size);
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "attach: inquiry failed: %s\n", sane_strstatus (status));
      close_scanner (s);
      return status;

    buf[INQUIRY_BUF_SIZE] = 0;
    DBG (1, ">%s<\n", buf + 8);

     * For USB and PIO scanners this will be done later, once
     * we have communication established with the device.

    if (buf[0] != TYPE_PROCESSOR
        || strncmp ((char *) (buf + 8), "EPSON", 5) != 0
        || (strncmp ((char *) buf + 16, "SCANNER ", 8) != 0
            && strncmp ((char *) buf + 14, "SCANNER ", 8) != 0
            && strncmp ((char *) buf + 14, "Perfection", 10) != 0
            && strncmp ((char *) buf + 16, "Perfection", 10) != 0
            && strncmp ((char *) buf + 16, "Expression", 10) != 0
            && strncmp ((char *) buf + 16, "GT", 2) != 0))
      DBG (1, "attach: device doesn't look like an EPSON  scanner\n");
      close_scanner (s);
      return SANE_STATUS_INVAL;
  /* use the SANEI functions to handle a PIO device */
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_PIO)
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = sanei_pio_open (dev_name, &s->fd)))
      DBG (1, "Cannot open %s as a parallel-port device: %s\n",
           dev_name, sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;
  /* use the SANEI functions to handle a USB device */
  else if (s->hw->connection == SANE_EPSON_USB)
    SANE_Word vendor;
    SANE_Word product;
    SANE_Bool isLibUSB;

    isLibUSB = (strncmp (dev_name, "libusb:", strlen ("libusb:")) == 0);

    if ((!isLibUSB) && (strlen (dev_name) == 0))
      int i;
      int numIds;

      numIds = sanei_epson_getNumberOfUSBProductIds ();

      for (i = 0; i < numIds; i++)
        product = sanei_epson_usb_product_ids[i];
        vendor = 0x4b8;

        status = sanei_usb_find_devices (vendor, product, attach_one_usb);
      return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; /* return - the attach_one_usb()
                                   will take care of this */

    status = sanei_usb_open (dev_name, &s->fd);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      return status;

    /* if the sanei_usb_get_vendor_product call is not supported,
       then we just ignore this and rely on the user to config
       the correct device.

    if (sanei_usb_get_vendor_product (s->fd, &vendor, &product) ==
      int i;                    /* loop variable */
      int numIds;
      SANE_Bool is_valid;

      /* check the vendor ID to see if we are dealing with an EPSON device */
      if (vendor != SANE_EPSON_VENDOR_ID)
        /* this is not a supported vendor ID */
        DBG (1,
             "The device at %s is not manufactured by EPSON (vendor id=0x%x)\n",
             dev_name, vendor);
        sanei_usb_close (s->fd);
        s->fd = -1;
        return SANE_STATUS_INVAL;

      numIds = sanei_epson_getNumberOfUSBProductIds ();
      is_valid = SANE_FALSE;
      i = 0;

      /* check all known product IDs to verify that we know
         about the device */
      while (i != numIds && !is_valid)
        if (product == sanei_epson_usb_product_ids[i])
          is_valid = SANE_TRUE;


      if (is_valid == SANE_FALSE)
        DBG (1,
             "The device at %s is not a supported EPSON scanner (product id=0x%x)\n",
             dev_name, product);
        sanei_usb_close (s->fd);
        s->fd = -1;
        return SANE_STATUS_INVAL;
      DBG (1, "Found valid EPSON scanner: 0x%x/0x%x (vendorID/productID)\n",
           vendor, product);
      DBG (1,
           "Cannot use IOCTL interface to verify that device is a scanner - will continue\n");

   * Initialize the scanner (ESC @).
  reset (s);

   *  Identification Request (ESC I).
  if (s->hw->cmd->request_identity != 0)
    status = get_identity_information (s);
    if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
      return status;
  }                             /* request identity */

   * Check for "Request Identity 2" command. If this command is available
   * get the information from the scanner and store it in dev

  if (s->hw->cmd->request_identity2 != 0)
    status = get_identity2_information (s);
    if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
      return status;
  }                             /* request identity 2 */

   * Check for the max. supported color depth and assign
   * the values to the bitDepthList.

  bitDepthList = malloc (sizeof (SANE_Word) * 4);
  if (bitDepthList == NULL)
    DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
    return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;

  bitDepthList[0] = 1;          /* we start with one element in the list */
  bitDepthList[1] = 8;          /* 8bit is the default */

  if (set_data_format (s, 16) == SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
    s->hw->maxDepth = 16;

    bitDepthList[bitDepthList[0]] = 16;

  else if (set_data_format (s, 14) == SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
    s->hw->maxDepth = 14;

    bitDepthList[bitDepthList[0]] = 14;
  else if (set_data_format (s, 12) == SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
    s->hw->maxDepth = 12;

    bitDepthList[bitDepthList[0]] = 12;
    s->hw->maxDepth = 8;

    /* the default depth is already in the list */

  DBG (1, "Max. supported color depth = %d\n", s->hw->maxDepth);

   * Check for "request focus position" command. If this command is
   * supported, then the scanner does also support the "set focus
   * position" command.

  if (request_focus_position (s, &s->currentFocusPosition) ==
    DBG (1, "Enabling 'Set Focus' support\n");
    s->hw->focusSupport = SANE_TRUE;
    s->opt[OPT_FOCUS].cap &= ~SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;

    /* reflect the current focus position in the GUI */
    if (s->currentFocusPosition < 0x4C)
      /* focus on glass */
      s->val[OPT_FOCUS].w = 0;
      /* focus 2.5mm above glass */
      s->val[OPT_FOCUS].w = 1;

    DBG (1, "Disabling 'Set Focus' support\n");
    s->hw->focusSupport = SANE_FALSE;
    s->opt[OPT_FOCUS].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    s->val[OPT_FOCUS].w = 0;    /* on glass - just in case */

 *  Set defaults for no extension.

  dev->x_range = &dev->fbf_x_range;
  dev->y_range = &dev->fbf_y_range;

 * Correct for a firmware bug in some Perfection 1650 scanners:
 * Firmware version 1.08 reports only half the vertical scan area, we have
 * to double the number. To find out if we have to do this, we just compare
 * is the vertical range is smaller than the horizontal range.

  if ((dev->x_range->max - dev->x_range->min) >
      (dev->y_range->max - dev->y_range->min))
    dev->y_range->max += (dev->y_range->max - dev->y_range->min);
    dev->need_double_vertical = SANE_TRUE;
    dev->need_color_reorder = SANE_TRUE;

 *  Extended status flag request (ESC f).
 *    this also requests the scanner device name from the scanner
   * because we are also using the device name from this command,
   * we have to run this block even if the scanner does not report
   * an extension. The extensions are only reported if the ADF or
   * the TPU are actually detected.
  if (s->hw->cmd->request_extended_status != 0)
    u_char *buf;
    u_char params[2];
    EpsonHdr head;

    params[0] = ESC;
    params[1] = s->hw->cmd->request_extended_status;

    if (NULL == (head = (EpsonHdr) command (s, params, 2, &status)))
      DBG (1, "Extended status flag request failed\n");
      dev->sane.model = strdup ("Unknown model");
      *source_list_add++ = FBF_STR;
      buf = &head->buf[0];

 *  Add the flatbed option to the source list

      *source_list_add++ = FBF_STR;

      s->hw->devtype = buf[11] >> 6;

 *      Get the device name and copy it to dev->sane.model.
 *      The device name starts at buf[0x1A] and is up to 16 bytes long
 *      We are overwriting whatever was set previously!
        char device_name[DEVICE_NAME_LEN + 1];
        char *end_ptr;
        int len;

        /* make sure that the end of string is marked */
        device_name[DEVICE_NAME_LEN] = '\0';

        /* copy the string to an area where we can work with it */
        memcpy (device_name, buf + 0x1A, DEVICE_NAME_LEN);
        end_ptr = strchr (device_name, ' ');
        if (end_ptr != NULL)
          *end_ptr = '\0';

        len = strlen (device_name);

        str = malloc (len + 1);
        str[len] = '\0';

        dev->sane.model = (char *) memcpy (str, device_name, len);
 *  ADF

      if (dev->extension && (buf[1] & EXT_STATUS_IST))
        DBG (1, "ADF detected\n");

        /* the GT-30000 does not report the ADF scan area */
        if ((strcmp (dev->sane.model, "GT-30000") == 0) ||
            (strcmp (dev->sane.model, "ES-9000H") == 0))
          fix_up_extended_status_reply ((const char *) buf + 26, buf);

          dev->duplexSupport = (buf[0] & 0x10) != 0;
          if (dev->duplexSupport)
            DBG (1, "Found DUPLEX ADF\n");


        if (buf[1] & EXT_STATUS_EN)
          DBG (1, "ADF is enabled\n");
          dev->x_range = &dev->adf_x_range;
          dev->y_range = &dev->adf_y_range;

        dev->adf_x_range.min = 0;
        dev->adf_x_range.max =
          SANE_FIX ((buf[3] << 8 | buf[2]) * 25.4 / dev->dpi_range.max);
        dev->adf_x_range.quant = 0;

        dev->adf_max_x = buf[3] << 8 | buf[2];

        dev->adf_y_range.min = 0;
        dev->adf_y_range.max =
          SANE_FIX ((buf[5] << 8 | buf[4]) * 25.4 / dev->dpi_range.max);
        dev->adf_y_range.quant = 0;

        dev->adf_max_y = buf[5] << 8 | buf[4];

        DBG (5, "adf tlx %f tly %f brx %f bry %f [mm]\n",
             SANE_UNFIX (dev->adf_x_range.min),
             SANE_UNFIX (dev->adf_y_range.min),
             SANE_UNFIX (dev->adf_x_range.max),
             SANE_UNFIX (dev->adf_y_range.max));

        *source_list_add++ = ADF_STR;

        dev->ADF = SANE_TRUE;

 *  TPU

      if (dev->extension && (buf[6] & EXT_STATUS_IST))
        DBG (1, "TPU detected\n");

        if (buf[6] & EXT_STATUS_EN)
          DBG (1, "TPU is enabled\n");
          dev->x_range = &dev->tpu_x_range;
          dev->y_range = &dev->tpu_y_range;

        dev->tpu_x_range.min = 0;
        dev->tpu_x_range.max =
          SANE_FIX ((buf[8] << 8 | buf[7]) * 25.4 / dev->dpi_range.max);
        dev->tpu_x_range.quant = 0;

        dev->tpu_y_range.min = 0;
        dev->tpu_y_range.max =
          SANE_FIX ((buf[10] << 8 | buf[9]) * 25.4 / dev->dpi_range.max);
        dev->tpu_y_range.quant = 0;

         * Check for Perfection 4990 photo/GT-X800 scanner.
         * This scanner only report 3200 dpi back.
         * The scanner physically supports 4800 dpi.
         * This is simulated here...
         * Further details read:
         * EPSON Programming guide for EPSON Color Image Scanner Perfection 4990
        if (strncmp((char *) buf + 0x1A,"GT-X800",7) == 0)
          dev->tpu_x_range.max = (dev->tpu_x_range.max/32)*48;
          dev->tpu_y_range.max = (dev->tpu_y_range.max/32)*48;
          DBG (5, "dpi_range.max %x \n",  dev->dpi_range.max);

        DBG (5, "tpu tlx %f tly %f brx %f bry %f [mm]\n",
             SANE_UNFIX (dev->tpu_x_range.min),
             SANE_UNFIX (dev->tpu_y_range.min),
             SANE_UNFIX (dev->tpu_x_range.max),
             SANE_UNFIX (dev->tpu_y_range.max));

        *source_list_add++ = TPU_STR;

        dev->TPU = SANE_TRUE;

 *      Get the device name and copy it to dev->sane.model.
 *      The device name starts at buf[0x1A] and is up to 16 bytes long
 *      We are overwriting whatever was set previously!
        char device_name[DEVICE_NAME_LEN + 1];
        char *end_ptr;
        int len;

        /* make sure that the end of string is marked */
        device_name[DEVICE_NAME_LEN] = '\0';

        /* copy the string to an area where we can work with it */
        memcpy (device_name, buf + 0x1A, DEVICE_NAME_LEN);
        end_ptr = strchr (device_name, ' ');
        if (end_ptr != NULL)
          *end_ptr = '\0';

        len = strlen (device_name);

        str = malloc (len + 1);
        str[len] = '\0';

        /* finally copy the device name to the structure */
        dev->sane.model = (char *) memcpy (str, device_name, len);
  else                          /* command is not known */
    dev->sane.model = strdup ("EPSON Scanner");

  *source_list_add = NULL;      /* add end marker to source list */

  DBG (1, "scanner model: %s\n", dev->sane.model);

  /* establish defaults */
  s->hw->need_reset_on_source_change = SANE_FALSE;

  if (strcmp ("ES-9000H", dev->sane.model) == 0 ||
      strcmp ("GT-30000", dev->sane.model) == 0)
    s->hw->cmd->set_focus_position = 0;
    s->hw->cmd->feed = 0x19;
  else if (strcmp ("GT-8200", dev->sane.model) == 0 ||
           strcmp ("Perfection1650", dev->sane.model) == 0 ||
                 strcmp ("Perfection1640", dev->sane.model) == 0 ||
                 strcmp ("GT-8700", dev->sane.model) == 0)
    s->hw->cmd->feed = 0;
    s->hw->cmd->set_focus_position = 0;
    s->hw->need_reset_on_source_change = SANE_TRUE;

 *  Set values for quick format "max" entry.

  qf_params[XtNumber (qf_params) - 1].tl_x = dev->x_range->min;
  qf_params[XtNumber (qf_params) - 1].tl_y = dev->y_range->min;
  qf_params[XtNumber (qf_params) - 1].br_x = dev->x_range->max;
  qf_params[XtNumber (qf_params) - 1].br_y = dev->y_range->max;

 *      Now we can finally set the device name:
  str = malloc (strlen (dev_name) + 1);
  dev->sane.name = strcpy (str, dev_name);

  close_scanner (s);

   * we are done with this one, prepare for the next scanner:

  dev->next = first_dev;
  first_dev = dev;

  if (devp)
    *devp = dev;


 * attach_one()
 * Part of the SANE API: Attaches the scanner with the device name in *dev.

static SANE_Status
attach_one (const char *dev)
  DBG (5, "attach_one(%s)\n", dev);

  return attach (dev, 0, SANE_EPSON_SCSI);

attach_one_usb (SANE_String_Const devname)
  int len = strlen (devname);
  char *attach_string;

  DBG (5, "attach_one_usb(%s)\n", devname);

  attach_string = alloca (len + 5);
  if (attach_string == NULL)
    return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;

  return attach (devname, 0, SANE_EPSON_USB);

 * sane_init()
sane_init (SANE_Int * version_code, SANE_Auth_Callback authorize)
  size_t len;
  FILE *fp;

  (void) authorize;             /* get rid of compiler warning */

  /* sanei_authorization(devicename, STRINGIFY(BACKEND_NAME), auth_callback); */

  DBG_INIT ();
#if defined PACKAGE && defined VERSION
  DBG (2, "sane_init: " PACKAGE " " VERSION "\n");

  if (version_code != NULL)

  sanei_usb_init ();

  /* default to /dev/scanner instead of insisting on config file */
  if ((fp = sanei_config_open (EPSON_CONFIG_FILE)))
    char line[PATH_MAX];

    while (sanei_config_read (line, sizeof (line), fp))
      int vendor, product;

      DBG (4, "sane_init, >%s<\n", line);
      if (line[0] == '#')       /* ignore line comments */
      len = strlen (line);
      if (!len)
        continue;               /* ignore empty lines */

      if (sscanf (line, "usb %i %i", &vendor, &product) == 2)
        int numIds;

        /* add the vendor and product IDs to the list of
           known devices before we call the attach function */
        numIds = sanei_epson_getNumberOfUSBProductIds ();
        if (vendor != 0x4b8)
          continue;             /* this is not an EPSON device */

        sanei_epson_usb_product_ids[numIds - 1] = product;
        sanei_usb_attach_matching_devices (line, attach_one_usb);
      else if (strncmp (line, "usb", 3) == 0)
        const char *dev_name;
        /* remove the "usb" sub string */
        dev_name = sanei_config_skip_whitespace (line + 3);
        attach_one_usb (dev_name);
        sanei_config_attach_matching_devices (line, attach_one);
    fclose (fp);

  /* read the option section and assign the connection type to the
     scanner structure - which we don't have at this time. So I have
     to come up with something :-) */


 * void sane_exit(void)
 * Clean up the list of attached scanners.

sane_exit (void)
  Epson_Device *dev, *next;

  for (dev = first_dev; dev; dev = next)
    next = dev->next;
    free ((void *) dev->sane.name);
    free ((void *) dev->sane.model);
    free (dev);

  free (devlist);


sane_get_devices (const SANE_Device * **device_list, SANE_Bool local_only)
  Epson_Device *dev;
  int i;

  DBG (5, "sane_get_devices()\n");

  (void) local_only;            /* just to get rid of the compiler warning */

  if (devlist)
    free (devlist);

  devlist = malloc ((num_devices + 1) * sizeof (devlist[0]));
  if (!devlist)
    DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
    return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;

  i = 0;

  for (dev = first_dev; i < num_devices; dev = dev->next)
    devlist[i++] = &dev->sane;

  devlist[i++] = 0;

  *device_list = devlist;



static SANE_Status
init_options (Epson_Scanner * s)
  int i;
  SANE_Bool dummy;

  DBG (5, "init_options()\n");

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_OPTIONS; ++i)
    s->opt[i].size = sizeof (SANE_Word);

  s->opt[OPT_NUM_OPTS].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;

  /* "Scan Mode" group: */

  s->opt[OPT_MODE_GROUP].title = SANE_I18N ("Scan Mode");
  s->opt[OPT_MODE_GROUP].desc = "";
  s->opt[OPT_MODE_GROUP].cap = 0;

  /* scan mode */
  s->opt[OPT_MODE].name = SANE_NAME_SCAN_MODE;
  s->opt[OPT_MODE].title = SANE_TITLE_SCAN_MODE;
  s->opt[OPT_MODE].desc = SANE_DESC_SCAN_MODE;
  s->opt[OPT_MODE].type = SANE_TYPE_STRING;
  s->opt[OPT_MODE].size = max_string_size (mode_list);
  s->opt[OPT_MODE].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST;
  s->opt[OPT_MODE].constraint.string_list = mode_list;
  s->val[OPT_MODE].w = 0;       /* Binary */

  /* bit depth */
  s->opt[OPT_BIT_DEPTH].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
  s->opt[OPT_BIT_DEPTH].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_BIT_DEPTH].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_WORD_LIST;
  s->opt[OPT_BIT_DEPTH].constraint.word_list = bitDepthList;
  s->val[OPT_BIT_DEPTH].w = bitDepthList[1];    /* the first "real" element is the default */

  if (bitDepthList[0] == 1)     /* only one element in the list -> hide the option */

  /* halftone */
  s->opt[OPT_HALFTONE].desc = SANE_I18N ("Selects the halftone.");

  s->opt[OPT_HALFTONE].size = max_string_size (halftone_list_7);

  if (s->hw->level >= 7)
    s->opt[OPT_HALFTONE].constraint.string_list = halftone_list_7;
  else if (s->hw->level >= 4)
    s->opt[OPT_HALFTONE].constraint.string_list = halftone_list_4;
    s->opt[OPT_HALFTONE].constraint.string_list = halftone_list;

  s->val[OPT_HALFTONE].w = 1;   /* Halftone A */

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_halftoning)

  /* dropout */
  s->opt[OPT_DROPOUT].name = "dropout";
  s->opt[OPT_DROPOUT].title = SANE_I18N ("Dropout");
  s->opt[OPT_DROPOUT].desc = SANE_I18N ("Selects the dropout.");

  s->opt[OPT_DROPOUT].size = max_string_size (dropout_list);
  s->opt[OPT_DROPOUT].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST;
  s->opt[OPT_DROPOUT].constraint.string_list = dropout_list;
  s->val[OPT_DROPOUT].w = 0;    /* None */

  /* brightness */
  s->opt[OPT_BRIGHTNESS].desc = SANE_I18N ("Selects the brightness.");

  s->opt[OPT_BRIGHTNESS].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_BRIGHTNESS].constraint.range = &s->hw->cmd->bright_range;
  s->val[OPT_BRIGHTNESS].w = 0; /* Normal */

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_bright)

  /* sharpness */
  s->opt[OPT_SHARPNESS].name = "sharpness";
  s->opt[OPT_SHARPNESS].title = SANE_I18N ("Sharpness");
  s->opt[OPT_SHARPNESS].desc = "";

  s->opt[OPT_SHARPNESS].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_SHARPNESS].constraint.range = &outline_emphasis_range;
  s->val[OPT_SHARPNESS].w = 0;  /* Normal */

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_outline_emphasis)

  /* gamma */

   * special handling for D1 function level - at this time I'm not
   * testing for D1, I'm just assuming that all D level scanners will
   * behave the same way. This has to be confirmed with the next D-level
   * scanner
  if (s->hw->cmd->level[0] == 'D')
    s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].size = max_string_size (gamma_list_d);
    s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].constraint.string_list = gamma_list_d;
    s->val[OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].w = 1; /* Default */
    gamma_userdefined = gamma_userdefined_d;
    gamma_params = gamma_params_d;
    s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].size = max_string_size (gamma_list_ab);
    s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].constraint.string_list = gamma_list_ab;
    s->val[OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].w = 0; /* Default */
    gamma_userdefined = gamma_userdefined_ab;
    gamma_params = gamma_params_ab;

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_gamma)

  /* gamma vector */
                s->opt[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].name  = SANE_NAME_GAMMA_VECTOR;
                s->opt[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].title = SANE_TITLE_GAMMA_VECTOR;
                s->opt[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].desc  = SANE_DESC_GAMMA_VECTOR;

                s->opt[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
                s->opt[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
                s->opt[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].size = 256 * sizeof (SANE_Word);
                s->opt[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
                s->opt[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].constraint.range = &u8_range;
                s->val[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].wa = &s->gamma_table [ 0] [ 0];

  /* red gamma vector */

  s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_R].size = 256 * sizeof (SANE_Word);
  s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_R].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_R].constraint.range = &u8_range;
  s->val[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_R].wa = &s->gamma_table[0][0];

  /* green gamma vector */

  s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_G].size = 256 * sizeof (SANE_Word);
  s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_G].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_G].constraint.range = &u8_range;
  s->val[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_G].wa = &s->gamma_table[1][0];

  /* red gamma vector */

  s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_B].size = 256 * sizeof (SANE_Word);
  s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_B].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_B].constraint.range = &u8_range;
  s->val[OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_B].wa = &s->gamma_table[2][0];

  if (s->hw->cmd->set_gamma_table &&
      gamma_userdefined[s->val[OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].w] == SANE_TRUE)
/*                      s->opt[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].cap &= ~SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; */
/*                      s->opt[ OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE; */

  /* initialize the Gamma tables */
  memset (&s->gamma_table[0], 0, 256 * sizeof (SANE_Word));
  memset (&s->gamma_table[1], 0, 256 * sizeof (SANE_Word));
  memset (&s->gamma_table[2], 0, 256 * sizeof (SANE_Word));
/*              memset(&s->gamma_table[3], 0, 256 * sizeof(SANE_Word)); */
  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    s->gamma_table[0][i] = i;
    s->gamma_table[1][i] = i;
    s->gamma_table[2][i] = i;
/*                      s->gamma_table[3][i] = i; */

  /* color correction */
  s->opt[OPT_COLOR_CORRECTION].name = "color-correction";
  s->opt[OPT_COLOR_CORRECTION].title = SANE_I18N ("Color correction");
  s->opt[OPT_COLOR_CORRECTION].desc =
    ("Sets the color correction table for the selected output device.");

  s->opt[OPT_COLOR_CORRECTION].size = 32;
  s->opt[OPT_COLOR_CORRECTION].constraint.string_list = color_list;
  s->val[OPT_COLOR_CORRECTION].w = 5;   /* scanner default: CRT monitors */

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_color_correction)

  /* resolution */

  s->opt[OPT_RESOLUTION].constraint.word_list = s->hw->resolution_list;
  s->val[OPT_RESOLUTION].w = s->hw->dpi_range.min;

  /* threshold */

  s->opt[OPT_THRESHOLD].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_THRESHOLD].constraint.range = &u8_range;
  s->val[OPT_THRESHOLD].w = 0x80;

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_threshold)

  s->opt[OPT_CCT_GROUP].title = SANE_I18N ("Color correction coefficients");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_GROUP].desc = SANE_I18N ("Matrix multiplication of RGB");

  /* color correction coefficients */
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_1].name = "cct-1";
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_2].name = "cct-2";
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_3].name = "cct-3";
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_4].name = "cct-4";
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_5].name = "cct-5";
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_6].name = "cct-6";
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_7].name = "cct-7";
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_8].name = "cct-8";
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_9].name = "cct-9";

  s->opt[OPT_CCT_1].title = SANE_I18N ("Green");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_2].title = SANE_I18N ("Shift green to red");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_3].title = SANE_I18N ("Shift green to blue");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_4].title = SANE_I18N ("Shift red to green");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_5].title = SANE_I18N ("Red");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_6].title = SANE_I18N ("Shift red to blue");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_7].title = SANE_I18N ("Shift blue to green");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_8].title = SANE_I18N ("Shift blue to red");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_9].title = SANE_I18N ("Blue");

  s->opt[OPT_CCT_1].desc = SANE_I18N ("Controls green level");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_2].desc = SANE_I18N ("Adds to red based on green level");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_3].desc = SANE_I18N ("Adds to blue based on green level");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_4].desc = SANE_I18N ("Adds to green based on red level");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_5].desc = SANE_I18N ("Controls red level");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_6].desc = SANE_I18N ("Adds to blue based on red level");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_7].desc = SANE_I18N ("Adds to green based on blue level");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_8].desc = SANE_I18N ("Adds to red based on blue level");
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_9].desc = SANE_I18N ("Controls blue level");

  s->opt[OPT_CCT_1].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_2].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_3].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_4].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_5].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_6].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_7].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_8].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_9].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;

  s->opt[OPT_CCT_1].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_2].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_3].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_4].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_5].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_6].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_7].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_8].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_9].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;

  s->opt[OPT_CCT_1].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_2].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_3].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_4].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_5].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_6].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_7].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_8].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_9].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;

  s->opt[OPT_CCT_1].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_2].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_3].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_4].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_5].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_6].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_7].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_8].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_9].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;

  s->opt[OPT_CCT_1].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_2].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_3].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_4].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_5].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_6].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_7].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_8].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_9].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;

  s->opt[OPT_CCT_1].constraint.range = &s8_range;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_2].constraint.range = &s8_range;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_3].constraint.range = &s8_range;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_4].constraint.range = &s8_range;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_5].constraint.range = &s8_range;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_6].constraint.range = &s8_range;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_7].constraint.range = &s8_range;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_8].constraint.range = &s8_range;
  s->opt[OPT_CCT_9].constraint.range = &s8_range;

  s->val[OPT_CCT_1].w = 32;
  s->val[OPT_CCT_2].w = 0;
  s->val[OPT_CCT_3].w = 0;
  s->val[OPT_CCT_4].w = 0;
  s->val[OPT_CCT_5].w = 32;
  s->val[OPT_CCT_6].w = 0;
  s->val[OPT_CCT_7].w = 0;
  s->val[OPT_CCT_8].w = 0;
  s->val[OPT_CCT_9].w = 32;

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_color_correction_coefficients)
    s->opt[OPT_CCT_1].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    s->opt[OPT_CCT_2].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    s->opt[OPT_CCT_3].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    s->opt[OPT_CCT_4].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    s->opt[OPT_CCT_5].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    s->opt[OPT_CCT_6].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    s->opt[OPT_CCT_7].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    s->opt[OPT_CCT_8].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    s->opt[OPT_CCT_9].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;

  /* "Advanced" group: */
  s->opt[OPT_ADVANCED_GROUP].title = SANE_I18N ("Advanced");
  s->opt[OPT_ADVANCED_GROUP].desc = "";

  /* mirror */
  s->opt[OPT_MIRROR].name = "mirror";
  s->opt[OPT_MIRROR].title = SANE_I18N ("Mirror image");
  s->opt[OPT_MIRROR].desc = SANE_I18N ("Mirror the image.");

  s->opt[OPT_MIRROR].type = SANE_TYPE_BOOL;
  s->val[OPT_MIRROR].w = SANE_FALSE;

  if (!s->hw->cmd->mirror_image)
    s->opt[OPT_MIRROR].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;

  /* speed */

  s->opt[OPT_SPEED].type = SANE_TYPE_BOOL;
  s->val[OPT_SPEED].w = SANE_FALSE;

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_speed)
    s->opt[OPT_SPEED].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;

  /* preview speed */
  s->opt[OPT_PREVIEW_SPEED].name = "preview-speed";
  s->opt[OPT_PREVIEW_SPEED].title = SANE_I18N ("Fast preview");
  s->opt[OPT_PREVIEW_SPEED].desc = "";


  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_speed)

  /* auto area segmentation */
  s->opt[OPT_AAS].name = "auto-area-segmentation";
  s->opt[OPT_AAS].title = SANE_I18N ("Auto area segmentation");
  s->opt[OPT_AAS].desc = "";

  s->opt[OPT_AAS].type = SANE_TYPE_BOOL;
  s->val[OPT_AAS].w = SANE_TRUE;

  if (!s->hw->cmd->control_auto_area_segmentation)
    s->opt[OPT_AAS].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;

  /* limit resolution list */
  s->opt[OPT_LIMIT_RESOLUTION].name = "short-resolution";
  s->opt[OPT_LIMIT_RESOLUTION].title = SANE_I18N ("Short resolution list");
  s->opt[OPT_LIMIT_RESOLUTION].desc =
    SANE_I18N ("Display short resolution list");

  /* zoom */
  s->opt[OPT_ZOOM].name = "zoom";
  s->opt[OPT_ZOOM].title = SANE_I18N ("Zoom");
  s->opt[OPT_ZOOM].desc =
    SANE_I18N ("Defines the zoom factor the scanner will use");

  s->opt[OPT_ZOOM].type = SANE_TYPE_INT;
  s->opt[OPT_ZOOM].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_ZOOM].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_ZOOM].constraint.range = &zoom_range;
  s->val[OPT_ZOOM].w = 100;

/*              if( ! s->hw->cmd->set_zoom) */
    s->opt[OPT_ZOOM].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;

  /* "Preview settings" group: */
  s->opt[OPT_PREVIEW_GROUP].desc = "";

  /* preview */

  s->opt[OPT_PREVIEW].type = SANE_TYPE_BOOL;

  /* "Geometry" group: */
  s->opt[OPT_GEOMETRY_GROUP].title = SANE_I18N ("Geometry");
  s->opt[OPT_GEOMETRY_GROUP].desc = "";

  /* top-left x */
  s->opt[OPT_TL_X].name = SANE_NAME_SCAN_TL_X;
  s->opt[OPT_TL_X].title = SANE_TITLE_SCAN_TL_X;
  s->opt[OPT_TL_X].desc = SANE_DESC_SCAN_TL_X;

  s->opt[OPT_TL_X].type = SANE_TYPE_FIXED;
  s->opt[OPT_TL_X].unit = SANE_UNIT_MM;
  s->opt[OPT_TL_X].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_TL_X].constraint.range = s->hw->x_range;
  s->val[OPT_TL_X].w = 0;

  /* top-left y */
  s->opt[OPT_TL_Y].name = SANE_NAME_SCAN_TL_Y;
  s->opt[OPT_TL_Y].title = SANE_TITLE_SCAN_TL_Y;
  s->opt[OPT_TL_Y].desc = SANE_DESC_SCAN_TL_Y;

  s->opt[OPT_TL_Y].type = SANE_TYPE_FIXED;
  s->opt[OPT_TL_Y].unit = SANE_UNIT_MM;
  s->opt[OPT_TL_Y].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_TL_Y].constraint.range = s->hw->y_range;
  s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w = 0;

  /* bottom-right x */
  s->opt[OPT_BR_X].name = SANE_NAME_SCAN_BR_X;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_X].title = SANE_TITLE_SCAN_BR_X;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_X].desc = SANE_DESC_SCAN_BR_X;

  s->opt[OPT_BR_X].type = SANE_TYPE_FIXED;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_X].unit = SANE_UNIT_MM;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_X].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_X].constraint.range = s->hw->x_range;
  s->val[OPT_BR_X].w = s->hw->x_range->max;

  /* bottom-right y */
  s->opt[OPT_BR_Y].name = SANE_NAME_SCAN_BR_Y;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_Y].title = SANE_TITLE_SCAN_BR_Y;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_Y].desc = SANE_DESC_SCAN_BR_Y;

  s->opt[OPT_BR_Y].type = SANE_TYPE_FIXED;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_Y].unit = SANE_UNIT_MM;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_Y].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_Y].constraint.range = s->hw->y_range;
  s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w = s->hw->y_range->max;

  /* Quick format */
  s->opt[OPT_QUICK_FORMAT].name = "quick-format";
  s->opt[OPT_QUICK_FORMAT].title = SANE_I18N ("Quick format");
  s->opt[OPT_QUICK_FORMAT].desc = "";

  s->opt[OPT_QUICK_FORMAT].size = max_string_size (qf_list);
  s->opt[OPT_QUICK_FORMAT].constraint.string_list = qf_list;
  s->val[OPT_QUICK_FORMAT].w = XtNumber (qf_params) - 1;        /* max */

  /* "Optional equipment" group: */
  s->opt[OPT_EQU_GROUP].title = SANE_I18N ("Optional equipment");
  s->opt[OPT_EQU_GROUP].desc = "";

  /* source */

  s->opt[OPT_SOURCE].size = max_string_size (source_list);

  s->opt[OPT_SOURCE].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST;
  s->opt[OPT_SOURCE].constraint.string_list = source_list;

  if (!s->hw->extension)
    s->opt[OPT_SOURCE].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
  s->val[OPT_SOURCE].w = 0;     /* always use Flatbed as default */

  /* film type */
  s->opt[OPT_FILM_TYPE].name = "film-type";
  s->opt[OPT_FILM_TYPE].title = SANE_I18N ("Film type");
  s->opt[OPT_FILM_TYPE].desc = "";

  s->opt[OPT_FILM_TYPE].size = max_string_size (film_list);

  s->opt[OPT_FILM_TYPE].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST;
  s->opt[OPT_FILM_TYPE].constraint.string_list = film_list;

  s->val[OPT_FILM_TYPE].w = 0;

  deactivateOption (s, OPT_FILM_TYPE, &dummy);  /* default is inactive */

  /* focus position */
  s->opt[OPT_FOCUS].type = SANE_TYPE_STRING;
  s->opt[OPT_FOCUS].size = max_string_size (focus_list);
  s->opt[OPT_FOCUS].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST;
  s->opt[OPT_FOCUS].constraint.string_list = focus_list;
  s->val[OPT_FOCUS].w = 0;

  if (s->hw->focusSupport == SANE_TRUE)
    s->opt[OPT_FOCUS].cap &= ~SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    s->opt[OPT_FOCUS].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;

#if 0
  if ((!s->hw->TPU) && (!s->hw->cmd->set_bay))
  {                             /* Hack: Using set_bay to indicate. */
    SANE_Bool dummy;
    deactivateOption (s, OPT_FILM_TYPE, &dummy);


  /* forward feed / eject */
  s->opt[OPT_EJECT].name = "eject";
  s->opt[OPT_EJECT].title = SANE_I18N ("Eject");
  s->opt[OPT_EJECT].desc = SANE_I18N ("Eject the sheet in the ADF");

  s->opt[OPT_EJECT].type = SANE_TYPE_BUTTON;

  if ((!s->hw->ADF) && (!s->hw->cmd->set_bay))
  {                             /* Hack: Using set_bay to indicate. */
    s->opt[OPT_EJECT].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;

  /* auto forward feed / eject */
  s->opt[OPT_AUTO_EJECT].name = "auto-eject";
  s->opt[OPT_AUTO_EJECT].title = SANE_I18N ("Auto eject");
  s->opt[OPT_AUTO_EJECT].desc = SANE_I18N ("Eject document after scanning");


  if (!s->hw->ADF)

  s->opt[OPT_ADF_MODE].name = "adf_mode";
  s->opt[OPT_ADF_MODE].title = SANE_I18N ("ADF Mode");
  s->opt[OPT_ADF_MODE].desc =
    SANE_I18N ("Selects the ADF mode (simplex/duplex)");
  s->opt[OPT_ADF_MODE].size = max_string_size (adf_mode_list);
  s->opt[OPT_ADF_MODE].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST;
  s->opt[OPT_ADF_MODE].constraint.string_list = adf_mode_list;
  s->val[OPT_ADF_MODE].w = 0;   /* simplex */

  if ((!s->hw->ADF) || (s->hw->duplexSupport == SANE_FALSE))
    s->opt[OPT_ADF_MODE].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;

  /* select bay */
  s->opt[OPT_BAY].name = "bay";
  s->opt[OPT_BAY].title = SANE_I18N ("Bay");
  s->opt[OPT_BAY].desc = SANE_I18N ("Select bay to scan");

  s->opt[OPT_BAY].type = SANE_TYPE_STRING;
  s->opt[OPT_BAY].size = max_string_size (bay_list);
  s->opt[OPT_BAY].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST;
  s->opt[OPT_BAY].constraint.string_list = bay_list;
  s->val[OPT_BAY].w = 0;        /* Bay 1 */

  if (!s->hw->cmd->set_bay)
    s->opt[OPT_BAY].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;


  s->opt[OPT_WAIT_FOR_BUTTON].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE;
  s->opt[OPT_WAIT_FOR_BUTTON].constraint.range = NULL;

  if (!s->hw->cmd->request_push_button_status)



sane_open (SANE_String_Const devicename, SANE_Handle * handle)
  Epson_Device *dev;
  Epson_Scanner *s;

  DBG (5, "sane_open(%s)\n", devicename);

  /* search for device */
  if (devicename[0])
    for (dev = first_dev; dev; dev = dev->next)
      if (strcmp (dev->sane.name, devicename) == 0)

    if (!dev)
#if 0
      status = attach (devicename, &dev, SANE_EPSON_);
      if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
        return status;
      DBG (1, "Error opening the device");
      return SANE_STATUS_INVAL;
    dev = first_dev;

  if (!dev)

  s = calloc (sizeof (Epson_Scanner), 1);
  if (!s)
    DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
    return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;

  s->fd = -1;
  s->hw = dev;

  init_options (s);

  /* insert newly opened handle into list of open handles */
  s->next = first_handle;
  first_handle = s;

  *handle = (SANE_Handle) s;

  open_scanner (s);



sane_close (SANE_Handle handle)
  Epson_Scanner *s, *prev;

   * Test if there is still data pending from
   * the scanner. If so, then do a cancel

  s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;

  /* remove handle from list of open handles */
  prev = 0;
  for (s = first_handle; s; s = s->next)
    if (s == handle)
    prev = s;

  if (!s)
    DBG (1, "close: invalid handle (0x%p)\n", handle);

  if (prev)
    prev->next = s->next;
    first_handle = s->next;

  if (s->fd != -1)
    close_scanner (s);

  free (s);


const SANE_Option_Descriptor *
sane_get_option_descriptor (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;

  if (option < 0 || option >= NUM_OPTIONS)
    return NULL;

  return (s->opt + option);


static const SANE_String_Const *
search_string_list (const SANE_String_Const * list, SANE_String value)
  while (*list != NULL && strcmp (value, *list) != 0)

  return ((*list == NULL) ? NULL : list);


    Activate, deactivate an option.  Subroutines so we can add
    debugging info if we want.  The change flag is set to TRUE
    if we changed an option.  If we did not change an option,
    then the value of the changed flag is not modified.

static void
activateOption (Epson_Scanner * s, SANE_Int option, SANE_Bool * change)
  if (!SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE (s->opt[option].cap))
    s->opt[option].cap &= ~SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    *change = SANE_TRUE;

static void
deactivateOption (Epson_Scanner * s, SANE_Int option, SANE_Bool * change)
  if (SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE (s->opt[option].cap))
    s->opt[option].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
    *change = SANE_TRUE;

static void
setOptionState (Epson_Scanner * s, SANE_Bool state,
                SANE_Int option, SANE_Bool * change)
  if (state)
    activateOption (s, option, change);
    deactivateOption (s, option, change);

    End of activateOption, deactivateOption, setOptionState.

static SANE_Status
getvalue (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option, void *value)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;
  SANE_Option_Descriptor *sopt = &(s->opt[option]);
  Option_Value *sval = &(s->val[option]);

  switch (option)
/*      case OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR: */
    memcpy (value, sval->wa, sopt->size);

  case OPT_NUM_OPTS:
  case OPT_TL_X:
  case OPT_TL_Y:
  case OPT_BR_X:
  case OPT_BR_Y:
  case OPT_MIRROR:
  case OPT_SPEED:
  case OPT_AAS:
  case OPT_CCT_1:
  case OPT_CCT_2:
  case OPT_CCT_3:
  case OPT_CCT_4:
  case OPT_CCT_5:
  case OPT_CCT_6:
  case OPT_CCT_7:
  case OPT_CCT_8:
  case OPT_CCT_9:
  case OPT_ZOOM:
    *((SANE_Word *) value) = sval->w;
  case OPT_MODE:
  case OPT_ADF_MODE:
  case OPT_SOURCE:
  case OPT_BAY:
  case OPT_FOCUS:
    strcpy ((char *) value, sopt->constraint.string_list[sval->w]);
#if 0
  case OPT_MODEL:
    strcpy (value, sval->s);




    End of getvalue.

static void
handle_depth_halftone (Epson_Scanner * s, SANE_Bool * reload)
    This routine handles common options between OPT_MODE and
    OPT_HALFTONE.  These options are TET (a HALFTONE mode), AAS
    - auto area segmentation, and threshold.  Apparently AAS
    is some method to differentiate between text and photos.
    Or something like that.

    AAS is available when the scan color depth is 1 and the
    halftone method is not TET.

    Threshold is available when halftone is NONE, and depth is 1.
  int hti = s->val[OPT_HALFTONE].w;
  int mdi = s->val[OPT_MODE].w;
  SANE_Bool aas = SANE_FALSE;
  SANE_Bool thresh = SANE_FALSE;

  if (!s->hw->cmd->control_auto_area_segmentation)

  if (mode_params[mdi].depth == 1)
    if (halftone_params[hti] != HALFTONE_TET)
      aas = SANE_TRUE;
    if (halftone_params[hti] == HALFTONE_NONE)
      thresh = SANE_TRUE;
  setOptionState (s, aas, OPT_AAS, reload);
  setOptionState (s, thresh, OPT_THRESHOLD, reload);

    End of handle_depth_halftone.

static void
handle_source (Epson_Scanner * s, SANE_Int optindex, char *value)
    Handles setting the source (flatbed, transparency adapter (TPU),
    or auto document feeder (ADF)).

    For newer scanners it also sets the focus according to the
    glass / TPU settings.
  int force_max = SANE_FALSE;
  SANE_Bool dummy;

  /* reset the scanner when we are changing the source setting -
     this is necessary for the Perfection 1650 */
  if (s->hw->need_reset_on_source_change)
    reset (s);

  s->focusOnGlass = SANE_TRUE;  /* this is the default */

  if (s->val[OPT_SOURCE].w == optindex)

  s->val[OPT_SOURCE].w = optindex;

  if (s->val[OPT_TL_X].w == s->hw->x_range->min
      && s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w == s->hw->y_range->min
      && s->val[OPT_BR_X].w == s->hw->x_range->max
      && s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w == s->hw->y_range->max)
    force_max = SANE_TRUE;
  if (strcmp (ADF_STR, value) == 0)
    s->hw->x_range = &s->hw->adf_x_range;
    s->hw->y_range = &s->hw->adf_y_range;
    s->hw->use_extension = SANE_TRUE;
    /* disable film type option */
    deactivateOption (s, OPT_FILM_TYPE, &dummy);
    s->val[OPT_FOCUS].w = 0;
    if (s->hw->duplexSupport)
      activateOption (s, OPT_ADF_MODE, &dummy);
      deactivateOption (s, OPT_ADF_MODE, &dummy);
      s->val[OPT_ADF_MODE].w = 0;
  else if (strcmp (TPU_STR, value) == 0)
    s->hw->x_range = &s->hw->tpu_x_range;
    s->hw->y_range = &s->hw->tpu_y_range;
    s->hw->use_extension = SANE_TRUE;
    /* enable film type option only if the scanner supports it */
    if (s->hw->cmd->set_film_type != 0)
      activateOption (s, OPT_FILM_TYPE, &dummy);
      deactivateOption (s, OPT_FILM_TYPE, &dummy);
    /* enable focus position if the scanner supports it */
    if (s->hw->cmd->set_focus_position != 0)
      s->val[OPT_FOCUS].w = 1;
      s->focusOnGlass = SANE_FALSE;
    deactivateOption (s, OPT_ADF_MODE, &dummy);
    deactivateOption (s, OPT_EJECT, &dummy);
    deactivateOption (s, OPT_AUTO_EJECT, &dummy);
  else                          /* neither ADF nor TPU active */
    s->hw->x_range = &s->hw->fbf_x_range;
    s->hw->y_range = &s->hw->fbf_y_range;
    s->hw->use_extension = SANE_FALSE;
    /* disable film type option */
    deactivateOption (s, OPT_FILM_TYPE, &dummy);
    s->val[OPT_FOCUS].w = 0;
    deactivateOption (s, OPT_ADF_MODE, &dummy);

  qf_params[XtNumber (qf_params) - 1].tl_x = s->hw->x_range->min;
  qf_params[XtNumber (qf_params) - 1].tl_y = s->hw->y_range->min;
  qf_params[XtNumber (qf_params) - 1].br_x = s->hw->x_range->max;
  qf_params[XtNumber (qf_params) - 1].br_y = s->hw->y_range->max;

  s->opt[OPT_BR_X].constraint.range = s->hw->x_range;
  s->opt[OPT_BR_Y].constraint.range = s->hw->y_range;

  if (s->val[OPT_TL_X].w < s->hw->x_range->min || force_max)
    s->val[OPT_TL_X].w = s->hw->x_range->min;

  if (s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w < s->hw->y_range->min || force_max)
    s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w = s->hw->y_range->min;

  if (s->val[OPT_BR_X].w > s->hw->x_range->max || force_max)
    s->val[OPT_BR_X].w = s->hw->x_range->max;

  if (s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w > s->hw->y_range->max || force_max)
    s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w = s->hw->y_range->max;

  setOptionState (s, s->hw->ADF && s->hw->use_extension,
                  OPT_AUTO_EJECT, &dummy);
  setOptionState (s, s->hw->ADF && s->hw->use_extension, OPT_EJECT, &dummy);

#if 0
  BAY is part of the filmscan device.We are not sure
    if we are really going to support this device in this
    code.Is there an online manual for it ?
    setOptionState (s, s->hw->ADF && s->hw->use_extension, OPT_BAY, &reload);

    End of handle_source.

static SANE_Status
setvalue (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option, void *value, SANE_Int * info)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;
  SANE_Option_Descriptor *sopt = &(s->opt[option]);
  Option_Value *sval = &(s->val[option]);

  SANE_Status status;
  const SANE_String_Const *optval;
  int optindex;
  SANE_Bool reload = SANE_FALSE;

  DBG (5, "setvalue(option = %d, value = %p)\n", option, value);

  status = sanei_constrain_value (sopt, value, info);

  if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
    return status;

  s->option_has_changed = SANE_TRUE;

  optval = NULL;
  optindex = 0;

  if (sopt->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST)
    optval = search_string_list (sopt->constraint.string_list,
                                 (char *) value);

    if (optval == NULL)
      return SANE_STATUS_INVAL;
    optindex = optval - sopt->constraint.string_list;

  switch (option)
/*      case OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR: */
    memcpy (sval->wa, value, sopt->size);       /* Word arrays */

  case OPT_CCT_1:
  case OPT_CCT_2:
  case OPT_CCT_3:
  case OPT_CCT_4:
  case OPT_CCT_5:
  case OPT_CCT_6:
  case OPT_CCT_7:
  case OPT_CCT_8:
  case OPT_CCT_9:
    sval->w = *((SANE_Word *) value);   /* Simple values */

  case OPT_BAY:
  case OPT_FOCUS:
    sval->w = optindex;         /* Simple lists */

  case OPT_EJECT:
/*              return eject( s ); */
    eject (s);

    sval->w = *((SANE_Word *) value);
    reload = SANE_TRUE;

  case OPT_TL_X:
  case OPT_TL_Y:
  case OPT_BR_X:
  case OPT_BR_Y:
    sval->w = *((SANE_Word *) value);
    DBG (1, "set = %f\n", SANE_UNFIX (sval->w));
    if (NULL != info)

  case OPT_SOURCE:
    handle_source (s, optindex, (char *) value);
    reload = SANE_TRUE;

  case OPT_MODE:
      SANE_Bool isColor = mode_params[optindex].color;
      SANE_Bool userDefined =

      sval->w = optindex;

      if (s->hw->cmd->set_halftoning != 0)
        setOptionState (s, mode_params[optindex].depth == 1,
                        OPT_HALFTONE, &reload);

      setOptionState (s, !isColor, OPT_DROPOUT, &reload);
      if (s->hw->cmd->set_color_correction)
        setOptionState (s, isColor, OPT_COLOR_CORRECTION, &reload);
      if (s->hw->cmd->set_color_correction_coefficients)
        setOptionState (s, isColor && userDefined, OPT_CCT_1, &reload);
        setOptionState (s, isColor && userDefined, OPT_CCT_2, &reload);
        setOptionState (s, isColor && userDefined, OPT_CCT_3, &reload);
        setOptionState (s, isColor && userDefined, OPT_CCT_4, &reload);
        setOptionState (s, isColor && userDefined, OPT_CCT_5, &reload);
        setOptionState (s, isColor && userDefined, OPT_CCT_6, &reload);
        setOptionState (s, isColor && userDefined, OPT_CCT_7, &reload);
        setOptionState (s, isColor && userDefined, OPT_CCT_8, &reload);
        setOptionState (s, isColor && userDefined, OPT_CCT_9, &reload);

      /* if binary, then disable the bit depth selection */
      if (optindex == 0)
        s->opt[OPT_BIT_DEPTH].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
        if (bitDepthList[0] == 1)
          s->opt[OPT_BIT_DEPTH].cap |= SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
          s->opt[OPT_BIT_DEPTH].cap &= ~SANE_CAP_INACTIVE;
          s->val[OPT_BIT_DEPTH].w = mode_params[optindex].depth;

      handle_depth_halftone (s, &reload);
      reload = SANE_TRUE;


  case OPT_ADF_MODE:
    sval->w = optindex;

    sval->w = *((SANE_Word *) value);
    mode_params[s->val[OPT_MODE].w].depth = sval->w;
    reload = SANE_TRUE;

    sval->w = optindex;
    handle_depth_halftone (s, &reload);

      SANE_Bool f = color_userdefined[optindex];

      sval->w = optindex;
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_CCT_1, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_CCT_2, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_CCT_3, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_CCT_4, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_CCT_5, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_CCT_6, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_CCT_7, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_CCT_8, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_CCT_9, &reload);


      SANE_Bool f = gamma_userdefined[optindex];

      sval->w = optindex;
/*              setOptionState(s, f, OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR, &reload ); */
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_R, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_G, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, f, OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_B, &reload);
      setOptionState (s, !f, OPT_BRIGHTNESS, &reload);  /* Note... */


  case OPT_MIRROR:
  case OPT_SPEED:
  case OPT_AAS:
  case OPT_PREVIEW:             /* needed? */
  case OPT_ZOOM:
    sval->w = *((SANE_Word *) value);

    sval->w = *((SANE_Word *) value);
    filter_resolution_list (s);
    reload = SANE_TRUE;

    sval->w = optindex;

    s->val[OPT_TL_X].w = qf_params[sval->w].tl_x;
    s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w = qf_params[sval->w].tl_y;
    s->val[OPT_BR_X].w = qf_params[sval->w].br_x;
    s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w = qf_params[sval->w].br_y;

    if (s->val[OPT_TL_X].w < s->hw->x_range->min)
      s->val[OPT_TL_X].w = s->hw->x_range->min;

    if (s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w < s->hw->y_range->min)
      s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w = s->hw->y_range->min;

    if (s->val[OPT_BR_X].w > s->hw->x_range->max)
      s->val[OPT_BR_X].w = s->hw->x_range->max;

    if (s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w > s->hw->y_range->max)
      s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w = s->hw->y_range->max;

    reload = SANE_TRUE;


  if (reload && info != NULL)


    End of setvalue.

sane_control_option (SANE_Handle handle,
                     SANE_Int option,
                     SANE_Action action, void *value, SANE_Int * info)
  if (option < 0 || option >= NUM_OPTIONS)

  if (info != NULL)
    *info = 0;

  switch (action)
    return (getvalue (handle, option, value));

    return (setvalue (handle, option, value, info));


 * sane_get_parameters()
 * This function is part of the SANE API and gets called when the front end
 * requests information aobut the scan configuration (e.g. color depth, mode,
 * bytes and pixels per line, number of lines. This information is returned
 * in the SANE_Parameters structure.
 * Once a scan was started, this routine has to report the correct values, if
 * it is called before the scan is actually started, the values are based on
 * the current settings.
sane_get_parameters (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Parameters * params)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;
  int ndpi;
  int bytes_per_pixel;

  DBG (5, "sane_get_parameters()\n");

   * If sane_start was already called, then just retrieve the parameters
   * from the scanner data structure

  if (!s->eof && s->ptr != NULL)
    DBG (5, "Returning saved params structure\n");
    if (params != NULL)
                        DBG(1, "Restoring parameters from saved parameters\n");
                        *params = s->params;

    DBG (3, "Preview = %d\n", s->val[OPT_PREVIEW].w);
    DBG (3, "Resolution = %d\n", s->val[OPT_RESOLUTION].w);

    DBG (1, "get para %p %p tlx %f tly %f brx %f bry %f [mm]\n", (void *) s,
         (void *) s->val, SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_TL_X].w),
         SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w), SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_BR_X].w),
         SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w));

    print_params (s->params);

    return SANE_STATUS_GOOD;

  /* otherwise initialize the params structure and gather the data */

  memset (&s->params, 0, sizeof (SANE_Parameters));

  ndpi = s->val[OPT_RESOLUTION].w;

  s->params.pixels_per_line =
    SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_BR_X].w - s->val[OPT_TL_X].w) / 25.4 * ndpi + 0.5;
  s->params.lines =
    SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w - s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w) / 25.4 * ndpi + 0.5;

   * Make sure that the number of lines is correct for color shuffling:
   * The shuffling algorithm produces 2xline_distance lines at the
   * beginning and the same amount at the end of the scan that are not
   * useable. If s->params.lines gets negative, 0 lines are reported
   * back to the frontend.
  if (s->hw->color_shuffle)
    s->params.lines -= 4 * s->line_distance;
    if (s->params.lines < 0)
      s->params.lines = 0;
    DBG (1, "Adjusted params.lines for color_shuffle by %d to %d\n",
         4 * s->line_distance, s->params.lines);

  DBG (3, "Preview = %d\n", s->val[OPT_PREVIEW].w);
  DBG (3, "Resolution = %d\n", s->val[OPT_RESOLUTION].w);

  DBG (1, "get para %p %p tlx %f tly %f brx %f bry %f [mm]\n", (void *) s,
       (void *) s->val, SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_TL_X].w),
       SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w), SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_BR_X].w),
       SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w));

   * Calculate bytes_per_pixel and bytes_per_line for
   * any color depths.
   * The default color depth is stored in mode_params.depth:

  if (mode_params[s->val[OPT_MODE].w].depth == 1)
    s->params.depth = 1;
    s->params.depth = s->val[OPT_BIT_DEPTH].w;

  if (s->params.depth > 8)
    s->params.depth = 16;       /*
                                 * The frontends can only handle 8 or 16 bits
                                 * for gray or color - so if it's more than 8,
                                 * it gets automatically set to 16. This works
                                 * as long as EPSON does not come out with a
                                 * scanner that can handle more than 16 bits
                                 * per color channel.


  bytes_per_pixel = s->params.depth / 8;        /* this works because it can only be set to 1, 8 or 16 */
  if (s->params.depth % 8)      /* just in case ... */

  /* pixels_per_line is rounded to the next 8bit boundary */
  s->params.pixels_per_line = s->params.pixels_per_line & ~7;

  s->params.last_frame = SANE_TRUE;

  if (mode_params[s->val[OPT_MODE].w].color)
    s->params.format = SANE_FRAME_RGB;
    s->params.bytes_per_line =
      3 * s->params.pixels_per_line * bytes_per_pixel;
    s->params.format = SANE_FRAME_GRAY;
    s->params.bytes_per_line =
      s->params.pixels_per_line * s->params.depth / 8;

  if (NULL != params)
    *params = s->params;

  print_params (s->params);


 * sane_start()
 * This function is part of the SANE API and gets called from the front end to
 * start the scan process.

sane_start (SANE_Handle handle)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;
  SANE_Status status;
  SANE_Bool button_status;
  const struct mode_param *mparam;
  u_char params[4];
  int ndpi;
  int left, top;
  int lcount;
  int i, j;                     /* loop counter */

  DBG (5, "sane_start()\n");

  open_scanner (s);

 *  There is some undocumented special behavior with the TPU enable/disable.
 *      TPU power       ESC e           status
 *      on              0               NAK
 *      on              1               ACK
 *      off             0               ACK
 *      off             1               NAK
 * It makes no sense to scan with TPU powered on and source flatbed, because
 * light will come from both sides.

  if (s->hw->extension)
    int max_x, max_y;

    int extensionCtrl;
    extensionCtrl = (s->hw->use_extension ? 1 : 0);
    if (s->hw->use_extension && (s->val[OPT_ADF_MODE].w == 1))
      extensionCtrl = 2;

    status = control_extension (s, extensionCtrl);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "You may have to power %s your TPU\n",
           s->hw->use_extension ? "on" : "off");

      DBG (1, "Also you may have to restart the Sane frontend.\n");
      close_scanner (s);
      return status;

    if (s->hw->cmd->request_extended_status != 0)
      status = check_ext_status (s, &max_x, &max_y);

      if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status && SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY != status)
        close_scanner (s);
        return status;

    if (s->hw->ADF && s->hw->use_extension && s->hw->cmd->feed)
      status = feed (s);
      if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
        close_scanner (s);
        return status;

      check_ext_status (s, &max_x, &max_y);
      s->hw->adf_max_x = max_x;
      s->hw->adf_max_y = max_y;

     * set the focus position according to the extension used:
     * if the TPU is selected, then focus 2.5mm above the glass,
     * otherwise focus on the glass. Scanners that don't support
     * this feature, will just ignore these calls.

    if (s->hw->focusSupport == SANE_TRUE)
      if (s->val[OPT_FOCUS].w == 0)
        DBG (1, "Setting focus to glass surface\n");
        set_focus_position (s, 0x40);
        DBG (1, "Setting focus to 2.5mm above glass\n");
        set_focus_position (s, 0x59);

  /* use the flatbed size for the max. scansize for the GT-30000
     and similar scanners if the ADF is not enabled */
  if (s->hw->devtype == 3 && s->hw->use_extension == 0)
    int max_x, max_y;

    status = check_ext_status (s, &max_x, &max_y);
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status && SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY != status)
      close_scanner (s);
      return status;

    s->hw->fbf_max_x = max_x;
    s->hw->fbf_max_y = max_y;

  mparam = mode_params + s->val[OPT_MODE].w;
  DBG (1, "sane_start: Setting data format to %d bits\n", mparam->depth);
  status = set_data_format (s, mparam->depth);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    DBG (1, "sane_start: set_data_format failed: %s\n",
         sane_strstatus (status));
    return status;

   * The byte sequence mode was introduced in B5, for B[34] we need line sequence mode

  if ((s->hw->cmd->level[0] == 'D' ||
       (s->hw->cmd->level[0] == 'B' && s->hw->level >= 5)) &&
      mparam->mode_flags == 0x02)
    status = set_color_mode (s, 0x13);
    status = set_color_mode (s, mparam->mode_flags | (mparam->dropout_mask
                                                      & dropout_params[s->

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    DBG (1, "sane_start: set_color_mode failed: %s\n",
         sane_strstatus (status));
    return status;

  if (s->hw->cmd->set_halftoning &&
    status = set_halftoning (s, halftone_params[s->val[OPT_HALFTONE].w]);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_halftoning failed: %s\n",
           sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

    status = set_bright (s, s->val[OPT_BRIGHTNESS].w);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_bright failed: %s\n", sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

    status = mirror_image (s, mirror_params[s->val[OPT_MIRROR].w]);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: mirror_image failed: %s\n",
           sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;


  if (SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE (s->opt[OPT_SPEED].cap))

    if (s->val[OPT_PREVIEW].w)
      status = set_speed (s, speed_params[s->val[OPT_PREVIEW_SPEED].w]);
      status = set_speed (s, speed_params[s->val[OPT_SPEED].w]);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_speed failed: %s\n", sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;


 *  use of speed_params is ok here since they are false and true.
 *  NOTE: I think I should throw that "params" stuff as long w is already the value.

  if (SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE (s->opt[OPT_AAS].cap))
    status = control_auto_area_segmentation (s,

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: control_auto_area_segmentation failed: %s\n",
           sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

  s->invert_image = SANE_FALSE; /* default: to not inverting the image */

    s->invert_image = (s->val[OPT_FILM_TYPE].w == FILM_TYPE_NEGATIVE);
    status = set_film_type (s, film_params[s->val[OPT_FILM_TYPE].w]);
    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_film_type failed: %s\n",
           sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

  if (SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE (s->opt[OPT_BAY].cap))
    status = set_bay (s, s->val[OPT_BAY].w);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_bay: %s\n", sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;


    status = set_outline_emphasis (s, s->val[OPT_SHARPNESS].w);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_outline_emphasis failed: %s\n",
           sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

  if (s->hw->cmd->set_gamma &&
    int val;
    if (s->hw->cmd->level[0] == 'D')
       * The D1 level has only the two user defined gamma
       * settings.
      val = gamma_params[s->val[OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].w];
      val = gamma_params[s->val[OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].w];

       * If "Default" is selected then determine the actual value
       * to send to the scanner: If bilevel mode, just send the
       * value from the table (0x01), for grayscale or color mode
       * add one and send 0x02.
/*                      if( s->val[ OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].w <= 1) { */
      if (s->val[OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION].w == 0)
        val += mparam->depth == 1 ? 0 : 1;

    DBG (1, "sane_start: set_gamma( s, 0x%x ).\n", val);
    status = set_gamma (s, val);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_gamma failed: %s\n", sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

  if (s->hw->cmd->set_gamma_table &&
  {                             /* user defined. */
    status = set_gamma_table (s);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_gamma_table failed: %s\n",
           sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

 * TODO: think about if SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE is a good criteria to send commands.

    int val = color_params[s->val[OPT_COLOR_CORRECTION].w];

    DBG (1, "sane_start: set_color_correction( s, 0x%x )\n", val);
    status = set_color_correction (s, val);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_color_correction failed: %s\n",
           sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;
  if (1 == s->val[OPT_COLOR_CORRECTION].w)
  {                             /* user defined. */
    status = set_color_correction_coefficients (s);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_color_correction_coefficients failed: %s\n",
           sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

  if (s->hw->cmd->set_threshold != 0
    status = set_threshold (s, s->val[OPT_THRESHOLD].w);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_threshold(%d) failed: %s\n",
           s->val[OPT_THRESHOLD].w, sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

  ndpi = s->val[OPT_RESOLUTION].w;

  status = set_resolution (s, ndpi, ndpi);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    DBG (1, "sane_start: set_resolution(%d, %d) failed: %s\n",
         ndpi, ndpi, sane_strstatus (status));
    return status;

  status = sane_get_parameters (handle, NULL);

  if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
    return status;

  /* set the zoom */
  if (s->hw->cmd->set_zoom != 0
      && SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE (s->opt[OPT_ZOOM].cap))
    status = set_zoom (s, s->val[OPT_ZOOM].w, s->val[OPT_ZOOM].w);
    if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_zoom(%d) failed: %s\n",
           s->val[OPT_ZOOM].w, sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

 *  Now s->params is initialized.

 * If WAIT_FOR_BUTTON is active, then do just that: Wait until the button is
 * pressed. If the button was already pressed, then we will get the button
 * Pressed event right away.

  if (s->val[OPT_WAIT_FOR_BUTTON].w == SANE_TRUE)
    s->hw->wait_for_button = SANE_TRUE;

    while (s->hw->wait_for_button == SANE_TRUE)
      if (s->canceling == SANE_TRUE)
        s->hw->wait_for_button = SANE_FALSE;
      /* get the button status from the scanner */
      else if (request_push_button_status (s, &button_status) ==
        if (button_status == SANE_TRUE)
          s->hw->wait_for_button = SANE_FALSE;
          sleep (1);
        /* we ran into an error condition, just continue */
        s->hw->wait_for_button = SANE_FALSE;

 *  in file:frontend/preview.c
 *  The preview strategy is as follows:
 *   1) A preview always acquires an image that covers the entire
 *      scan surface.  This is necessary so the user can see not
 *      only what is, but also what isn't selected.

  left = SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_TL_X].w) / 25.4 * ndpi + 0.5;
  top = SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_TL_Y].w) / 25.4 * ndpi + 0.5;

   * Calculate correction for line_distance in D1 scanner:
   * Start line_distance lines earlier and add line_distance lines at the end
   * Because the actual line_distance is not yet calculated we have to do this
   * first.

  s->hw->color_shuffle = SANE_FALSE;
  s->current_output_line = 0;
  s->lines_written = 0;
  s->color_shuffle_line = 0;

  if ((s->hw->optical_res != 0) && (mparam->depth == 8)
      && (mparam->mode_flags != 0))
    s->line_distance = s->hw->max_line_distance * ndpi / s->hw->optical_res;
    if (s->line_distance != 0)
      s->hw->color_shuffle = SANE_TRUE;
      s->hw->color_shuffle = SANE_FALSE;

 * for debugging purposes:
  DBG (1, "Test mode: FORCE_COLOR_SHUFFLE = TRUE\n");
  s->hw->color_shuffle = SANE_TRUE;

   * Modify the scan area: If the scanner requires color shuffling, then we try to
   * scan more lines to compensate for the lines that will be removed from the scan
   * due to the color shuffling algorithm.
   * At this time we add two times the line distance to the number of scan lines if
   * this is possible - if not, then we try to calculate the number of additional
   * lines according to the selected scan area.
  if (s->hw->color_shuffle == SANE_TRUE)

    /* start the scan 2*line_distance earlier */
    top -= 2 * s->line_distance;
    if (top < 0)
      top = 0;

    /* scan 4*line_distance lines more */
    s->params.lines += 4 * s->line_distance;

   * If (top + s->params.lines) is larger than the max scan area, reset
   * the number of scan lines:
  if (SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w) / 25.4 * ndpi < (s->params.lines + top))
    s->params.lines = ((int) SANE_UNFIX (s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w) /
                       25.4 * ndpi + 0.5) - top;

  status =
    set_scan_area (s, left, top, s->params.pixels_per_line, s->params.lines);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    DBG (1, "sane_start: set_scan_area failed: %s\n",
         sane_strstatus (status));
    return status;

  s->block = SANE_FALSE;
  lcount = 1;

   * The set line count commands needs to be sent for certain scanners in
   * color mode. The D1 level requires it, we are however only testing for
   * 'D' and not for the actual numeric level.

  if (((s->hw->cmd->level[0] == 'B') &&
       ((s->hw->level >= 5) || ((s->hw->level >= 4) &&
      || (s->hw->cmd->level[0] == 'D'))
    s->block = SANE_TRUE;
    lcount = sanei_scsi_max_request_size / s->params.bytes_per_line;

    if (lcount >= 255)
      lcount = 255;

    if (s->hw->TPU && s->hw->use_extension && lcount > 32)
      lcount = 32;

     * The D1 series of scanners only allow an even line number
     * for bi-level scanning. If a bit depth of 1 is selected, then
     * make sure the next lower even number is selected.
    if (s->hw->cmd->level[0] == 'D')
      if (lcount % 2)
        lcount -= 1;

    if (lcount == 0)
      DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
      return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;

    status = set_lcount (s, lcount);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      DBG (1, "sane_start: set_lcount(%d) failed: %s\n",
           lcount, sane_strstatus (status));
      return status;

  if (s->hw->cmd->request_extended_status != 0
      && SANE_TRUE == s->hw->extension)
    u_char result[4];
    u_char *buf;
    size_t len;

    params[0] = ESC;
    params[1] = s->hw->cmd->request_extended_status;

    send (s, params, 2, &status);       /* send ESC f (request extended status) */

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD == status)
      len = 4;                  /* receive header */

      receive (s, result, len, &status);
      if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
        return status;

      len = result[3] << 8 | result[2];
      buf = alloca (len);

      receive (s, buf, len, &status);   /* receive actual status data */

      if (buf[0] & 0x80)
        close_scanner (s);
        return SANE_STATUS_INVAL;
      DBG (1, "Extended status flag request failed\n");

 *  for debug purpose
 *  check scanner conditions
#if 1
  if (s->hw->cmd->request_condition != 0)
    u_char result[4];
    u_char *buf;
    size_t len;

    params[0] = ESC;
    params[1] = s->hw->cmd->request_condition;

    send (s, params, 2, &status);       /* send request condition */

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      return status;

    len = 4;
    receive (s, result, len, &status);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      return status;

    len = result[3] << 8 | result[2];
    buf = alloca (len);
    receive (s, buf, len, &status);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
      return status;

#if 0
    DBG (10, "SANE_START: length=%d\n", len);
    for (i = 1; i <= len; i++)
      DBG (10, "SANE_START: %d: %c\n", i, buf[i - 1]);

    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Color: %d\n", (int) buf[1]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Resolution (x, y): (%d, %d)\n",
         (int) (buf[4] << 8 | buf[3]), (int) (buf[6] << 8 | buf[5]));
    DBG (5,
         "SANE_START: Scan area(pixels) (x0, y0), (x1, y1): (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n",
         (int) (buf[9] << 8 | buf[8]), (int) (buf[11] << 8 | buf[10]),
         (int) (buf[13] << 8 | buf[12]), (int) (buf[15] << 8 | buf[14]));
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Data format: %d\n", (int) buf[17]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Halftone: %d\n", (int) buf[19]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Brightness: %d\n", (int) buf[21]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Gamma: %d\n", (int) buf[23]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Zoom (x, y): (%d, %d)\n", (int) buf[26],
         (int) buf[25]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Color correction: %d\n", (int) buf[28]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Sharpness control: %d\n", (int) buf[30]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Scanning mode: %d\n", (int) buf[32]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Mirroring: %d\n", (int) buf[34]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Auto area segmentation: %d\n", (int) buf[36]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Threshold: %d\n", (int) buf[38]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Line counter: %d\n", (int) buf[40]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Option unit control: %d\n", (int) buf[42]);
    DBG (5, "SANE_START: Film type: %d\n", (int) buf[44]);

  /* set the retry count to 0 */
  s->retry_count = 0;

  if (s->hw->color_shuffle == SANE_TRUE)

    /* initialize the line buffers */
    for (i = 0; i < s->line_distance * 2 + 1; i++)
      if (s->line_buffer[i] != NULL)
        free (s->line_buffer[i]);

      s->line_buffer[i] = malloc (s->params.bytes_per_line);
      if (s->line_buffer[i] == NULL)
        /* free the memory we've malloced so far */
        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
          free (s->line_buffer[j]);
          s->line_buffer[j] = NULL;
        DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
        return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;

  params[0] = ESC;
  params[1] = s->hw->cmd->start_scanning;

  send (s, params, 2, &status);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    DBG (1, "sane_start: start failed: %s\n", sane_strstatus (status));
    return status;

  s->eof = SANE_FALSE;
  s->buf = realloc (s->buf, lcount * s->params.bytes_per_line);
  s->ptr = s->end = s->buf;
  s->canceling = SANE_FALSE;

}                               /* sane_start */

 * TODO: clean up the eject and direct cmd mess.

sane_auto_eject (Epson_Scanner * s)

  DBG (5, "sane_auto_eject()\n");

  if (s->hw->ADF && s->hw->use_extension && s->val[OPT_AUTO_EJECT].w)
  {                             /* sequence! */
    SANE_Status status;

    u_char params[1];
    u_char cmd = s->hw->cmd->eject;

    if (!cmd)

    params[0] = cmd;

    send (s, params, 1, &status);

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = expect_ack (s)))
      return status;



static SANE_Status
read_data_block (Epson_Scanner * s, EpsonDataRec * result)
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char param[3];

  receive (s, result, s->block ? 6 : 4, &status);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    return status;

  if (STX != result->code)
    DBG (1, "code   %02x\n", (int) result->code);
    DBG (1, "error, expected STX\n");


  if (result->status & STATUS_FER)
    int dummy_x, dummy_y;

    DBG (1, "fatal error - Status = %02x\n", result->status);

    status = check_ext_status (s, &dummy_x, &dummy_y);

     * Hack Alert!!!
     * If the status is SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY then we need to
     * re-issue the command again. We can assume that the command that
     * caused this problem was ESC G, so in a loop with a sleep 1 we
     * are testing this over and over and over again, until the lamp
     * "thinks" it is ready.
     * TODO: Store the last command and execute what was actually used
     *       as the last command. For all situations this error may occur
     *       ESC G is very very likely to be the command in question, but
     *       we better make sure that this is the case.

     * let's safe some stack space: If this is not the first go around,
     * then just return the status and let the loop handle this - otherwise
     * we would run this function recursively.

    if ((status == SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY && s->retry_count > 0) ||
        (status == SANE_STATUS_GOOD && s->retry_count > 0))
      return SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY;   /* return busy even if we just read OK
                                           so that the following loop can end
                                           gracefully */

    while (status == SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY)
      if (s->retry_count > SANE_EPSON_MAX_RETRIES)
        DBG (1, "Max retry count exceeded (%d)\n", s->retry_count);
        return SANE_STATUS_INVAL;

      sleep (1);                /* wait one second for the next attempt */

      DBG (1, "retrying ESC G - %d\n", ++(s->retry_count));

      param[0] = ESC;
      param[1] = s->hw->cmd->start_scanning;

      send (s, param, 2, &status);

      if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
        DBG (1, "read_data_block: start failed: %s\n",
             sane_strstatus (status));
        return status;

      status = read_data_block (s, result);


  return status;


scan_finish (Epson_Scanner * s)
  SANE_Status status;
  int i, x, y;

  DBG (5, "scan_finish()\n");

  free (s->buf);
  s->buf = NULL;

  status = check_ext_status (s, &x, &y);

  if (SANE_STATUS_NO_DOCS == status && s->hw->ADF && s->hw->use_extension)
    sane_auto_eject (s);

  for (i = 0; i < s->line_distance; i++)
    if (s->line_buffer[i] != NULL)
      free (s->line_buffer[i]);
      s->line_buffer[i] = NULL;

#define GET_COLOR(x)    ((x.status>>2) & 0x03)

sane_read (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Byte * data, SANE_Int max_length,
           SANE_Int * length)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;
  SANE_Status status;
  int index = 0;
  SANE_Bool reorder = SANE_FALSE;
  SANE_Bool needStrangeReorder = SANE_FALSE;

  DBG (5, "sane_read: begin\n");

  if (s->ptr == s->end)
    EpsonDataRec result;
    size_t buf_len;

    if ((s->fd != -1) && s->eof)
      if (s->hw->color_shuffle)
        DBG (1, "Written %d lines after color shuffle\n", s->lines_written);
        DBG (1, "Lines requested: %d\n", s->params.lines);

      *length = 0;
      scan_finish (s);

      return SANE_STATUS_EOF;

    DBG (5, "sane_read: begin scan1\n");

    if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = read_data_block (s, &result)))
      *length = 0;
      scan_finish (s);
      return status;

    buf_len = result.buf[1] << 8 | result.buf[0];

    DBG (5, "sane_read: buf len = %lu\n", (u_long) buf_len);

    if (s->block)
      buf_len *= (result.buf[3] << 8 | result.buf[2]);
      DBG (5, "sane_read: buf len (adjusted) = %lu\n", (u_long) buf_len);

    if (!s->block && SANE_FRAME_RGB == s->params.format)
       * Read color data in line mode

       * read the first color line - the number of bytes to read
       * is already known (from last call to read_data_block()
       * We determine where to write the line from the color information
       * in the data block. At the end we want the order RGB, but the
       * way the data is delivered does not guarantee this - actually it's
       * most likely that the order is GRB if it's not RGB!
      switch (GET_COLOR (result))
      case 1:
        index = 1;
      case 2:
        index = 0;
      case 3:
        index = 2;

      receive (s, s->buf + index * s->params.pixels_per_line, buf_len,

      if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
        return status;
       * send the ACK signal to the scanner in order to make
       * it ready for the next data block.
      send (s, S_ACK, 1, &status);

       * ... and request the next data block
      if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = read_data_block (s, &result)))
        return status;

      buf_len = result.buf[1] << 8 | result.buf[0];
       * this should never happen, because we are already in
       * line mode, but it does not hurt to check ...
      if (s->block)
        buf_len *= (result.buf[3] << 8 | result.buf[2]);

      DBG (5, "sane_read: buf len2 = %lu\n", (u_long) buf_len);

      switch (GET_COLOR (result))
      case 1:
        index = 1;
      case 2:
        index = 0;
      case 3:
        index = 2;

      receive (s, s->buf + index * s->params.pixels_per_line, buf_len,

      if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
        scan_finish (s);
        *length = 0;
        return status;

      send (s, S_ACK, 1, &status);

       * ... and the last data block
      if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != (status = read_data_block (s, &result)))
        *length = 0;
        scan_finish (s);
        return status;

      buf_len = result.buf[1] << 8 | result.buf[0];

      if (s->block)
        buf_len *= (result.buf[3] << 8 | result.buf[2]);

      DBG (5, "sane_read: buf len3 = %lu\n", (u_long) buf_len);

      switch (GET_COLOR (result))
      case 1:
        index = 1;
      case 2:
        index = 0;
      case 3:
        index = 2;

      receive (s, s->buf + index * s->params.pixels_per_line, buf_len,

      if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
        *length = 0;
        scan_finish (s);
        return status;
       * Read data in block mode

      /* do we have to reorder the data ? */
      if (GET_COLOR (result) == 0x01)
        reorder = SANE_TRUE;

      receive (s, s->buf, buf_len, &status);

      if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
        *length = 0;
        scan_finish (s);
        return status;

    if (result.status & STATUS_AREA_END)
      s->eof = SANE_TRUE;
      if (s->canceling)
        send (s, S_CAN, 1, &status);
        expect_ack (s);

        *length = 0;

        scan_finish (s);

        send (s, S_ACK, 1, &status);

    s->end = s->buf + buf_len;
    s->ptr = s->buf;

     * if we have to re-order the color components (GRB->RGB) we
     * are doing this here:

     * Some scaners (e.g. the Perfection 1640 and GT-2200) seem
     * to have the R and G channels swapped.
     * The GT-8700 is the Asian version of the Perfection1640.
     * If the scanner name is one of these, and the scan mode is
     * RGB then swap the colors.

    needStrangeReorder =
      (strstr (s->hw->sane.model, "GT-2200") ||
       ((strstr (s->hw->sane.model, "1640") &&
         strstr (s->hw->sane.model, "Perfection")) ||
        strstr (s->hw->sane.model, "GT-8700"))) &&
      s->params.format == SANE_FRAME_RGB;

     * Certain Perfection 1650 also need this re-ordering of the two
     * color channels. These scanners are identified by the problem
     * with the half vertical scanning area. When we corrected this,
     * we also set the variable s->hw->need_color_reorder
    if (s->hw->need_color_reorder)
      needStrangeReorder = SANE_TRUE;

    if (needStrangeReorder)
      reorder = SANE_FALSE;     /* reordering once is enough */

    if (s->params.format != SANE_FRAME_RGB)
      reorder = SANE_FALSE;     /* don't reorder for BW or gray */

    if (reorder)
      SANE_Byte *ptr;

      ptr = s->buf;
      while (ptr < s->end)
        if (s->params.depth > 8)
          SANE_Byte tmp;

          /* R->G G->R */
          tmp = ptr[0];
          ptr[0] = ptr[2];      /* first Byte G */
          ptr[2] = tmp;         /* first Byte R */

          tmp = ptr[1];
          ptr[1] = ptr[3];      /* second Byte G */
          ptr[3] = tmp;         /* second Byte R */

          ptr += 6;             /* go to next pixel */
          /* R->G G->R */
          SANE_Byte tmp;

          tmp = ptr[0];
          ptr[0] = ptr[1];      /* G */
          ptr[1] = tmp;         /* R */
          /* B stays the same */
          ptr += 3;             /* go to next pixel */

     * Do the color_shuffle if everything else is correct - at this time
     * most of the stuff is hardcoded for the Perfection 610

    if (s->hw->color_shuffle)
      int new_length = 0;

      status = color_shuffle (s, &new_length);

       * If no bytes are returned, check if the scanner is already done, if so,
       * we'll probably just return, but if there is more data to process get
       * the next batch.

      if (new_length == 0 && s->end != s->ptr)
        goto START_READ;

      s->end = s->buf + new_length;
      s->ptr = s->buf;


    DBG (5, "sane_read: begin scan2\n");

   * copy the image data to the data memory area

  if (!s->block && SANE_FRAME_RGB == s->params.format)

    max_length /= 3;

    if (max_length > s->end - s->ptr)
      max_length = s->end - s->ptr;

    *length = 3 * max_length;

    if (s->invert_image == SANE_TRUE)
      while (max_length-- != 0)
        /* invert the three values */
        *data++ = (u_char) ~ (s->ptr[0]);
        *data++ = (u_char) ~ (s->ptr[s->params.pixels_per_line]);
        *data++ = (u_char) ~ (s->ptr[2 * s->params.pixels_per_line]);
      while (max_length-- != 0)
        *data++ = s->ptr[0];
        *data++ = s->ptr[s->params.pixels_per_line];
        *data++ = s->ptr[2 * s->params.pixels_per_line];
    if (max_length > s->end - s->ptr)
      max_length = s->end - s->ptr;

    *length = max_length;

    if (1 == s->params.depth)
      if (s->invert_image == SANE_TRUE)
        while (max_length-- != 0)
          *data++ = *s->ptr++;
        while (max_length-- != 0)
          *data++ = ~*s->ptr++;

      if (s->invert_image == SANE_TRUE)
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < max_length; i++)
          data[i] = (u_char) ~ (s->ptr[i]);
        memcpy (data, s->ptr, max_length);
      s->ptr += max_length;

  DBG (5, "sane_read: end\n");


static SANE_Status
color_shuffle (SANE_Handle handle, int *new_length)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;
  SANE_Byte *buf = s->buf;
  int length = s->end - s->buf;

  if (s->hw->color_shuffle == SANE_TRUE)
    SANE_Byte *data_ptr;        /* ptr to data to process */
    SANE_Byte *data_end;        /* ptr to end of processed data */
    SANE_Byte *out_data_ptr;    /* ptr to memory when writing data */
    int i;                      /* loop counter */

     * It looks like we are dealing with a scanner that has an odd way
     * of dealing with colors... The red and blue scan lines are shifted
     * up or down by a certain number of lines relative to the green line.
    DBG (5, "sane_read: color_shuffle\n");

     * Initialize the variables we are going to use for the
     * copying of the data. data_ptr is the pointer to
     * the currently worked on scan line. data_end is the
     * end of the data area as calculated from adding *length
     * to the start of data.
     * out_data_ptr is used when writing out the processed data
     * and always points to the beginning of the next line to
     * write.

    data_ptr = out_data_ptr = buf;
    data_end = data_ptr + length;

     * The image data is in *buf, we know that the buffer contains s->end - s->buf ( = length)
     * bytes of data. The width of one line is in s->params.bytes_per_line

     * The buffer area is supposed to have a number of full scan
     * lines, let's test if this is the case.

    if (length % s->params.bytes_per_line != 0)
      DBG (1, "ERROR in size of buffer: %d / %d\n",
           length, s->params.bytes_per_line);
      return SANE_STATUS_INVAL;

    while (data_ptr < data_end)
      SANE_Byte *source_ptr, *dest_ptr;
      int loop;

      /* copy the green information into the current line */

      source_ptr = data_ptr + 1;
      dest_ptr = s->line_buffer[s->color_shuffle_line] + 1;

      for (i = 0; i < s->params.bytes_per_line / 3; i++)
        *dest_ptr = *source_ptr;
        dest_ptr += 3;
        source_ptr += 3;

      /* copy the red information n lines back */

      if (s->color_shuffle_line >= s->line_distance)
        source_ptr = data_ptr + 2;
        dest_ptr =
          s->line_buffer[s->color_shuffle_line - s->line_distance] + 2;

/*                              while (source_ptr < s->line_buffer[s->color_shuffle_line] + s->params.bytes_per_line) */
        for (loop = 0; loop < s->params.bytes_per_line / 3; loop++)

          *dest_ptr = *source_ptr;
          dest_ptr += 3;
          source_ptr += 3;

      /* copy the blue information n lines forward */

      source_ptr = data_ptr;
      dest_ptr = s->line_buffer[s->color_shuffle_line + s->line_distance];

/*                      while (source_ptr < s->line_buffer[s->color_shuffle_line] + s->params.bytes_per_line) */
      for (loop = 0; loop < s->params.bytes_per_line / 3; loop++)
        *dest_ptr = *source_ptr;
        dest_ptr += 3;
        source_ptr += 3;

      data_ptr += s->params.bytes_per_line;

      if (s->color_shuffle_line == s->line_distance)
         * we just finished the line in line_buffer[0] - write it to the
         * output buffer and continue.

         * The output buffer is still "buf", but because we are
         * only overwriting from the beginning of the memory area
         * we are not interfering with the "still to shuffle" data
         * in the same area.

         * Strip the first and last n lines and limit to
        if ((s->current_output_line >= s->line_distance) &&
            (s->current_output_line < s->params.lines + s->line_distance))
          memcpy (out_data_ptr, s->line_buffer[0], s->params.bytes_per_line);
          out_data_ptr += s->params.bytes_per_line;



         * Now remove the 0-entry and move all other
         * lines up by one. There are 2*line_distance + 1
         * buffers, * therefore the loop has to run from 0
         * to * 2*line_distance, and because we want to
         * copy every n+1st entry to n the loop runs
         * from - to 2*line_distance-1!

        free (s->line_buffer[0]);

        for (i = 0; i < s->line_distance * 2; i++)
          s->line_buffer[i] = s->line_buffer[i + 1];

         * and create one new buffer at the end

        s->line_buffer[s->line_distance * 2] =
          malloc (s->params.bytes_per_line);
        if (s->line_buffer[s->line_distance * 2] == NULL)
          int i;
          for (i = 0; i < s->line_distance * 2; i++)
            free (s->line_buffer[i]);
            s->line_buffer[i] = NULL;
          DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
          return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;
        s->color_shuffle_line++;        /* increase the buffer number */

     * At this time we've used up all the new data from the scanner, some of
     * it is still in the line_buffers, but we are ready to return some of it
     * to the front end software. To do so we have to adjust the size of the
     * data area and the *new_length variable.

    *new_length = out_data_ptr - buf;



 * static SANE_Status get_identity_information ( SANE_Handle handle)
 * Request Identity information from scanner and fill in information
 * into dev and/or scanner structures.
static SANE_Status
get_identity_information (SANE_Handle handle)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;
  Epson_Device *dev = s->hw;
  EpsonIdent ident;
  u_char param[3];
  SANE_Status status;
  u_char *buf;

  DBG (5, "get_identity_information()\n");

  if (!s->hw->cmd->request_identity)

  param[0] = ESC;
  param[1] = s->hw->cmd->request_identity;
  param[2] = '\0';

  if (NULL == (ident = (EpsonIdent) command (s, param, 2, &status)))
    DBG (1, "ident failed\n");

  DBG (1, "type  %3c 0x%02x\n", ident->type, ident->type);
  DBG (1, "level %3c 0x%02x\n", ident->level, ident->level);

    char *force = getenv ("SANE_EPSON_CMD_LVL");

    if (force)
      ident->type = force[0];
      ident->level = force[1];

      DBG (1, "type  %3c 0x%02x\n", ident->type, ident->type);
      DBG (1, "level %3c 0x%02x\n", ident->level, ident->level);

      DBG (1, "forced\n");

 *  check if option equipment is installed.

  if (ident->status & STATUS_OPTION)
    DBG (1, "option equipment is installed\n");
    dev->extension = SANE_TRUE;
    DBG (1, "no option equipment installed\n");
    dev->extension = SANE_FALSE;

  dev->TPU = SANE_FALSE;
  dev->ADF = SANE_FALSE;

 *  set command type and level.

    int n;

    for (n = 0; n < NELEMS (epson_cmd); n++)
      char type_level[3];
      sprintf(type_level, "%c%c", ident->type, ident->level);
      if (!strncmp (type_level, epson_cmd[n].level, 2))

    if (n < NELEMS (epson_cmd))
      dev->cmd = &epson_cmd[n];
      dev->cmd = &epson_cmd[EPSON_LEVEL_DEFAULT];
      DBG (1, "Unknown type %c or level %c, using %s\n",
           ident->type, ident->level, dev->cmd->level);

    s->hw->level = dev->cmd->level[1] - '0';
  }                             /* set command type and level */

 *  Setting available resolutions and xy ranges for sane frontend.

  s->hw->res_list_size = 0;
  s->hw->res_list =
    (SANE_Int *) calloc (s->hw->res_list_size, sizeof (SANE_Int));

  if (NULL == s->hw->res_list)
    DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
    return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;

    int n, k;
    int x = 0, y = 0;
    int count = ident->count2 * 255 + ident->count1;

    /* we need to correct for the difference in size between
       the EpsonIdentRec and the EpsonHdrRec */
    int correction = sizeof (EpsonIdentRec) - sizeof (EpsonHdrRec);
    for (n = (count - correction), buf = ident->buf; n; n -= k, buf += k)
      switch (*buf)
      case 'R':
          int val = buf[2] << 8 | buf[1];

          s->hw->res_list =
            (SANE_Int *) realloc (s->hw->res_list,
                                  s->hw->res_list_size * sizeof (SANE_Int));

          if (NULL == s->hw->res_list)
            DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
            return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;

          s->hw->res_list[s->hw->res_list_size - 1] = (SANE_Int) val;

          DBG (1, "resolution (dpi): %d\n", val);
          k = 3;
      case 'A':
          x = buf[2] << 8 | buf[1];
          y = buf[4] << 8 | buf[3];

          DBG (1, "maximum scan area: x %d y %d\n", x, y);
          k = 5;

           * Check for Perfection 4990 photo/GT-X800 scanner.
           * This scanner only report 3200 dpi back.
           * The scanner physically supports 4800 dpi.
           * This is simulated here...
           * Further details read:
           * EPSON Programming guide for EPSON Color Image Scanner Perfection 4990
          if (s->hw->cmd->request_extended_status != 0)
            u_char *buf;
            u_char params[2];
            EpsonHdr head;

            params[0] = ESC;
            params[1] = s->hw->cmd->request_extended_status;

            if (NULL != (head = (EpsonHdr) command (s, params, 2, &status)))
              buf = &head->buf[0x1A];
              DBG (1, "product name %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x \n", buf[0], buf[1],buf[2],buf[3],buf[4], buf[5],buf[6], buf[7] );
              if (strncmp((char *) buf,"GT-X800",7) == 0)
                int val = 0x12 << 8 | 0xC0;

                s->hw->res_list =
                 (SANE_Int *) realloc (s->hw->res_list,
                                          s->hw->res_list_size * sizeof (SANE_Int));

                if (NULL == s->hw->res_list)
                  DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
                  return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;

                s->hw->res_list[s->hw->res_list_size - 1] = (SANE_Int) val;
                x = (x/32)*48;
                y = (y/32)*48;

                DBG (1, "resolution (dpi): %d\n", val);
                DBG (1, "maximum scan area GT-X800: x %d y %d\n", x, y);

      }                         /* case */

    }                           /* for */

    dev->dpi_range.min = s->hw->res_list[0];
    dev->dpi_range.max = s->hw->res_list[s->hw->res_list_size - 1];
    dev->dpi_range.quant = 0;

    dev->fbf_x_range.min = 0;
    dev->fbf_x_range.max = SANE_FIX (x * 25.4 / dev->dpi_range.max);
    dev->fbf_x_range.quant = 0;

    dev->fbf_y_range.min = 0;
    dev->fbf_y_range.max = SANE_FIX (y * 25.4 / dev->dpi_range.max);
    dev->fbf_y_range.quant = 0;

    DBG (5, "fbf tlx %f tly %f brx %f bry %f [mm]\n",
         SANE_UNFIX (dev->fbf_x_range.min), SANE_UNFIX (dev->fbf_y_range.min),
         SANE_UNFIX (dev->fbf_x_range.max),
         SANE_UNFIX (dev->fbf_y_range.max));


   * Copy the resolution list to the resolution_list array so that the frontend can
   * display the correct values

  s->hw->resolution_list =
    malloc ((s->hw->res_list_size + 1) * sizeof (SANE_Word));

  if (s->hw->resolution_list == NULL)
    DBG (1, "out of memory (line %d)\n", __LINE__);
    return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM;
  *(s->hw->resolution_list) = s->hw->res_list_size;
  memcpy (&(s->hw->resolution_list[1]), s->hw->res_list,
          s->hw->res_list_size * sizeof (SANE_Word));

  /* filter the resolution list */
  /* the option is not yet initialized, for now just set it to false */
  filter_resolution_list (s);


}                               /* request identity */

 * static SANE_Status get_identity2_information ( SANE_Handle handle)
 * Request Identity2 information from scanner and fill in information
 * into dev and/or scanner structures.
static SANE_Status
get_identity2_information (SANE_Handle handle)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;
  SANE_Status status;
  int len;
  u_char param[3];
  u_char result[4];
  u_char *buf;

  DBG (5, "get_identity2_information()\n");

  if (s->hw->cmd->request_identity2 == 0)

  param[0] = ESC;
  param[1] = s->hw->cmd->request_identity2;
  param[2] = '\0';

  send (s, param, 2, &status);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    return status;

  len = 4;                      /* receive header */

  receive (s, result, len, &status);
  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    return status;

  len = result[3] << 8 | result[2];
  buf = alloca (len);

  receive (s, buf, len, &status);       /* receive actual status data */

  /* the first two bytes of the buffer contain the optical resolution */
  s->hw->optical_res = buf[1] << 8 | buf[0];

   * the 4th and 5th byte contain the line distance. Both values have to
   * be identical, otherwise this software can not handle this scanner.
  if (buf[4] != buf[5])
    close_scanner (s);
  s->hw->max_line_distance = buf[4];


 * void sane_cancel(SANE_Handle handle)
 * Set the cancel flag to true. The next time the backend requests data
 * from the scanner the CAN message will be sent.

sane_cancel (SANE_Handle handle)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;

   * If the s->ptr pointer is not NULL, then a scan operation
   * was started and if s->eof is FALSE, it was not finished.

  if (s->buf != NULL)
    u_char *dummy;
    int len;

    /* malloc one line */
    dummy = malloc (s->params.bytes_per_line);
    if (dummy == NULL)
      DBG (1, "Out of memory\n");

      /* there is still data to read from the scanner */

      s->canceling = SANE_TRUE;

      while (!s->eof &&
             SANE_STATUS_CANCELLED != sane_read (s, dummy,
        /* empty body, the while condition does the processing */
      free (dummy);


static SANE_Status
request_focus_position (SANE_Handle handle, u_char * position)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;
  SANE_Status status;
  int len;
  u_char param[3];
  u_char result[4];
  u_char *buf;

  DBG (5, "request_focus_position()\n");

  if (s->hw->cmd->request_focus_position == 0)

  param[0] = ESC;
  param[1] = s->hw->cmd->request_focus_position;
  param[2] = '\0';

  send (s, param, 2, &status);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    return status;

  len = 4;                      /* receive header */

  receive (s, result, len, &status);
  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    return status;

  len = result[3] << 8 | result[2];
  buf = alloca (len);

  receive (s, buf, len, &status);       /* receive actual status data */

  *position = buf[1];
  DBG (1, "Focus position = 0x%x\n", buf[1]);


 * Request the push button status
 * returns SANE_TRUE if the button was pressed
 * and SANE_FALSE if the button was not pressed
 * it also returns SANE_TRUE in case of an error.
 * This is necessary so that a process that waits for
 * the button does not block indefinitely.
static SANE_Bool
request_push_button_status (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Bool * theButtonStatus)
  Epson_Scanner *s = (Epson_Scanner *) handle;
  SANE_Status status;
  int len;
  u_char param[3];
  u_char result[4];
  u_char *buf;

  DBG (5, "request_push_button_status()\n");

  if (s->hw->cmd->request_push_button_status == 0)
    DBG (1, "push button status unsupported\n");

  param[0] = ESC;
  param[1] = s->hw->cmd->request_push_button_status;
  param[2] = '\0';

  send (s, param, 2, &status);

  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    DBG (1, "error sending command\n");
    return status;

  len = 4;                      /* receive header */

  receive (s, result, len, &status);
  if (SANE_STATUS_GOOD != status)
    return status;

  len = result[3] << 8 | result[2];     /* this should be 1 for scanners with one button */
  buf = alloca (len);

  receive (s, buf, len, &status);       /* receive actual status data */

  DBG (1, "Push button status = %d\n", buf[0] & 0x01);
  *theButtonStatus = ((buf[0] & 0x01) != 0);

  return (SANE_STATUS_GOOD);

static void
filter_resolution_list (Epson_Scanner * s)
  /* re-create the list */

    /* copy the short list */

    /* filter out all values that are not 300 or 400 dpi based */
    int i;

    int new_size = 0;
    SANE_Bool is_correct_resolution = SANE_FALSE;

    for (i = 1; i <= s->hw->res_list_size; i++)
      SANE_Word res;
      res = s->hw->res_list[i];
      if ((res < 100) || (0 == (res % 300)) || (0 == (res % 400)))
        /* add the value */

        s->hw->resolution_list[new_size] = s->hw->res_list[i];

        /* check for a valid current resolution */
        if (res == s->val[OPT_RESOLUTION].w)
          is_correct_resolution = SANE_TRUE;
    s->hw->resolution_list[0] = new_size;

    if (is_correct_resolution == SANE_FALSE)
      for (i = 1; i <= new_size; i++)
        if (s->val[OPT_RESOLUTION].w < s->hw->resolution_list[i])
          s->val[OPT_RESOLUTION].w = s->hw->resolution_list[i];
          i = new_size + 1;

    /* copy the full list */
    s->hw->resolution_list[0] = s->hw->res_list_size;
    memcpy (&(s->hw->resolution_list[1]), s->hw->res_list,
            s->hw->res_list_size * sizeof (SANE_Word));


 * SANE_Status sane_set_io_mode()
 * not supported - for asynchronous I/O

sane_set_io_mode (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Bool non_blocking)
  /* get rid of compiler warning */
  (void) handle;
  (void) non_blocking;


 * SANE_Status sane_get_select_fd()
 * not supported - for asynchronous I/O

sane_get_select_fd (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int * fd)
  /* get rid of compiler warnings */
  (void) handle;
  (void) fd;

