/* sane - Scanner Access Now Easy. Copyright (C) 2019 Povilas Kanapickas <povilas@radix.lt> This file is part of the SANE package. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE. The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the SANE library code into it. This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that those changes may be distributed with this exception intact. If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ #ifndef BACKEND_GENESYS_DEVICE_H #define BACKEND_GENESYS_DEVICE_H #include "calibration.h" #include "command_set.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "enums.h" #include "image_pipeline.h" #include "motor.h" #include "settings.h" #include "sensor.h" #include "register.h" #include "usb_device.h" #include "scanner_interface.h" #include <vector> namespace genesys { struct Genesys_Gpo { Genesys_Gpo() = default; // Genesys_Gpo GpioId id = GpioId::UNKNOWN; /* GL646 and possibly others: - have the value registers at 0x66 and 0x67 - have the enable registers at 0x68 and 0x69 GL841, GL842, GL843, GL846, GL848 and possibly others: - have the value registers at 0x6c and 0x6d. - have the enable registers at 0x6e and 0x6f. */ GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs; }; /// Stores a SANE_Fixed value which is automatically converted from and to floating-point values class FixedFloat { public: FixedFloat() = default; FixedFloat(const FixedFloat&) = default; FixedFloat(double number) : value_{SANE_FIX(number)} {} FixedFloat& operator=(const FixedFloat&) = default; FixedFloat& operator=(double number) { value_ = SANE_FIX(number); return *this; } operator double() const { return value(); } double value() const { return SANE_UNFIX(value_); } private: SANE_Fixed value_ = 0; }; struct MethodResolutions { std::vector<ScanMethod> methods; std::vector<unsigned> resolutions_x; std::vector<unsigned> resolutions_y; unsigned get_min_resolution_x() const { return *std::min_element(resolutions_x.begin(), resolutions_x.end()); } unsigned get_min_resolution_y() const { return *std::min_element(resolutions_y.begin(), resolutions_y.end()); } std::vector<unsigned> get_resolutions() const; }; /** @brief structure to describe a scanner model * This structure describes a model. It is composed of information on the * sensor, the motor, scanner geometry and flags to drive operation. */ struct Genesys_Model { Genesys_Model() = default; const char* name = nullptr; const char* vendor = nullptr; const char* model = nullptr; ModelId model_id = ModelId::UNKNOWN; AsicType asic_type = AsicType::UNKNOWN; // possible x and y resolutions for each method supported by the scanner std::vector<MethodResolutions> resolutions; // possible depths in gray mode std::vector<unsigned> bpp_gray_values; // possible depths in color mode std::vector<unsigned> bpp_color_values; // the default scanning method. This is used when moving the head for example ScanMethod default_method = ScanMethod::FLATBED; // All offsets below are with respect to the sensor home position // Start of scan area in mm FixedFloat x_offset = 0; // Start of scan area in mm (Amount of feeding needed to get to the medium) FixedFloat y_offset = 0; // Size of scan area in mm FixedFloat x_size = 0; // Size of scan area in mm FixedFloat y_size = 0; // Start of white strip in mm FixedFloat y_offset_calib_white = 0; // Start of black mark in mm FixedFloat x_offset_calib_black = 0; // Start of scan area in transparency mode in mm FixedFloat x_offset_ta = 0; // Start of scan area in transparency mode in mm FixedFloat y_offset_ta = 0; // Size of scan area in transparency mode in mm FixedFloat x_size_ta = 0; // Size of scan area in transparency mode in mm FixedFloat y_size_ta = 0; // The position of the sensor when it's aligned with the lamp for transparency scanning FixedFloat y_offset_sensor_to_ta = 0; // Start of white strip in transparency mode in mm FixedFloat y_offset_calib_white_ta = 0; // Start of black strip in transparency mode in mm FixedFloat y_offset_calib_black_ta = 0; // Size of scan area after paper sensor stop sensing document in mm FixedFloat post_scan = 0; // Amount of feeding needed to eject document after finishing scanning in mm FixedFloat eject_feed = 0; // Line-distance correction (in pixel at optical_ydpi) for CCD scanners SANE_Int ld_shift_r = 0; SANE_Int ld_shift_g = 0; SANE_Int ld_shift_b = 0; // Order of the CCD/CIS colors ColorOrder line_mode_color_order = ColorOrder::RGB; // Is this a CIS or CCD scanner? bool is_cis = false; // Is this sheetfed scanner? bool is_sheetfed = false; // sensor type SensorId sensor_id = SensorId::UNKNOWN; // Analog-Digital converter type AdcId adc_id = AdcId::UNKNOWN; // General purpose output type GpioId gpio_id = GpioId::UNKNOWN; // stepper motor type MotorId motor_id = MotorId::UNKNOWN; // Which hacks are needed for this scanner? SANE_Word flags = 0; // Button flags, described existing buttons for the model SANE_Word buttons = 0; // how many lines are used for shading calibration SANE_Int shading_lines = 0; // how many lines are used for shading calibration in TA mode SANE_Int shading_ta_lines = 0; // how many lines are used to search start position SANE_Int search_lines = 0; const MethodResolutions& get_resolution_settings(ScanMethod method) const; std::vector<unsigned> get_resolutions(ScanMethod method) const; }; /** * Describes the current device status for the backend * session. This should be more accurately called * Genesys_Session . */ struct Genesys_Device { Genesys_Device() = default; ~Genesys_Device(); using Calibration = std::vector<Genesys_Calibration_Cache>; // frees commonly used data void clear(); SANE_Word vendorId = 0; /**< USB vendor identifier */ SANE_Word productId = 0; /**< USB product identifier */ // USB mode: // 0: not set // 1: USB 1.1 // 2: USB 2.0 SANE_Int usb_mode = 0; std::string file_name; std::string calib_file; // if enabled, no calibration data will be loaded or saved to files SANE_Int force_calibration = 0; // if enabled, will ignore the scan offsets and start scanning at true origin. This allows // acquiring the positions of the black and white strips and the actual scan area bool ignore_offsets = false; Genesys_Model *model = nullptr; // pointers to low level functions std::unique_ptr<CommandSet> cmd_set; Genesys_Register_Set reg; Genesys_Register_Set calib_reg; Genesys_Settings settings; Genesys_Frontend frontend, frontend_initial; // whether the frontend is initialized. This is currently used just to preserve historical // behavior bool frontend_is_init = false; Genesys_Gpo gpo; Genesys_Motor motor; std::uint8_t control[6] = {}; size_t average_size = 0; // number of pixels used during shading calibration size_t calib_pixels = 0; // number of lines used during shading calibration size_t calib_lines = 0; size_t calib_channels = 0; size_t calib_resolution = 0; // bytes to read from USB when calibrating. If 0, this is not set size_t calib_total_bytes_to_read = 0; // the session that was configured for calibration ScanSession calib_session; // certain scanners support much higher resolution when scanning transparency, but we can't // read whole width of the scanner as a single line at that resolution. Thus for stuff like // calibration we want to read only the possible calibration area. size_t calib_pixels_offset = 0; // gamma overrides. If a respective array is not empty then it means that the gamma for that // color is overridden. std::vector<std::uint16_t> gamma_override_tables[3]; std::vector<std::uint16_t> white_average_data; std::vector<std::uint16_t> dark_average_data; bool already_initialized = false; bool read_active = false; // signal wether the park command has been issued bool parking = false; // for sheetfed scanner's, is TRUE when there is a document in the scanner bool document = false; Genesys_Buffer read_buffer; // buffer for digital lineart from gray data Genesys_Buffer binarize_buffer; // local buffer for gray data during dynamix lineart Genesys_Buffer local_buffer; // total bytes read sent to frontend size_t total_bytes_read = 0; // total bytes read to be sent to frontend size_t total_bytes_to_read = 0; // contains computed data for the current setup ScanSession session; // look up table used in dynamic rasterization unsigned char lineart_lut[256] = {}; Calibration calibration_cache; // number of scan lines used during scan int line_count = 0; // array describing the order of the sub-segments of the sensor std::vector<unsigned> segment_order; // buffer to handle even/odd data Genesys_Buffer oe_buffer = {}; // stores information about how the input image should be processed ImagePipelineStack pipeline; // an buffer that allows reading from `pipeline` in chunks of any size ImageBuffer pipeline_buffer; // when true the scanned picture is first buffered to allow software image enhancements bool buffer_image = false; // image buffer where the scanned picture is stored std::vector<std::uint8_t> img_buffer; ImagePipelineNodeBytesSource& get_pipeline_source(); std::unique_ptr<ScannerInterface> interface; bool is_head_pos_known(ScanHeadId scan_head) const; unsigned head_pos(ScanHeadId scan_head) const; void set_head_pos_unknown(); void set_head_pos_zero(ScanHeadId scan_head); void advance_head_pos_by_session(ScanHeadId scan_head); void advance_head_pos_by_steps(ScanHeadId scan_head, Direction direction, unsigned steps); private: // the position of the primary scan head in motor->base_dpi units unsigned head_pos_primary_ = 0; bool is_head_pos_primary_known_ = true; // the position of the secondary scan head in motor->base_dpi units. Only certain scanners // have a secondary scan head. unsigned head_pos_secondary_ = 0; bool is_head_pos_secondary_known_ = true; friend class ScannerInterfaceUsb; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Genesys_Device& dev); void apply_reg_settings_to_device(Genesys_Device& dev, const GenesysRegisterSettingSet& regs); } // namespace genesys #endif