/* sane - Scanner Access Now Easy. Copyright (C) 2019 Povilas Kanapickas <povilas@radix.lt> This file is part of the SANE package. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #define DEBUG_DECLARE_ONLY #include "image_pipeline.h" #include "image.h" #include "low.h" #include <cmath> #include <numeric> namespace genesys { ImagePipelineNode::~ImagePipelineNode() {} bool ImagePipelineNodeCallableSource::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { bool got_data = producer_(get_row_bytes(), out_data); if (!got_data) eof_ = true; return got_data; } ImagePipelineNodeBufferedCallableSource::ImagePipelineNodeBufferedCallableSource( std::size_t width, std::size_t height, PixelFormat format, std::size_t input_batch_size, ProducerCallback producer) : width_{width}, height_{height}, format_{format}, buffer_{input_batch_size, producer} { buffer_.set_remaining_size(height_ * get_row_bytes()); } bool ImagePipelineNodeBufferedCallableSource::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { if (curr_row_ >= get_height()) { DBG(DBG_warn, "%s: reading out of bounds. Row %zu, height: %zu\n", __func__, curr_row_, get_height()); eof_ = true; return false; } bool got_data = true; got_data &= buffer_.get_data(get_row_bytes(), out_data); curr_row_++; if (!got_data) { eof_ = true; } return got_data; } ImagePipelineNodeArraySource::ImagePipelineNodeArraySource(std::size_t width, std::size_t height, PixelFormat format, std::vector<std::uint8_t> data) : width_{width}, height_{height}, format_{format}, data_{std::move(data)}, next_row_{0} { auto size = get_row_bytes() * height_; if (data_.size() < size) { throw SaneException("The given array is too small (%zu bytes). Need at least %zu", data_.size(), size); } } bool ImagePipelineNodeArraySource::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { if (next_row_ >= height_) { eof_ = true; return false; } auto row_bytes = get_row_bytes(); std::memcpy(out_data, data_.data() + row_bytes * next_row_, row_bytes); next_row_++; return true; } ImagePipelineNodeImageSource::ImagePipelineNodeImageSource(const Image& source) : source_{source} {} bool ImagePipelineNodeImageSource::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { if (next_row_ >= get_height()) { return false; } std::memcpy(out_data, source_.get_row_ptr(next_row_), get_row_bytes()); next_row_++; return true; } bool ImagePipelineNodeFormatConvert::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { auto src_format = source_.get_format(); if (src_format == dst_format_) { return source_.get_next_row_data(out_data); } buffer_.clear(); buffer_.resize(source_.get_row_bytes()); bool got_data = source_.get_next_row_data(buffer_.data()); convert_pixel_row_format(buffer_.data(), src_format, out_data, dst_format_, get_width()); return got_data; } ImagePipelineNodeDesegment::ImagePipelineNodeDesegment(ImagePipelineNode& source, std::size_t output_width, const std::vector<unsigned>& segment_order, std::size_t segment_pixels, std::size_t interleaved_lines, std::size_t pixels_per_chunk) : source_(source), output_width_{output_width}, segment_order_{segment_order}, segment_pixels_{segment_pixels}, interleaved_lines_{interleaved_lines}, pixels_per_chunk_{pixels_per_chunk}, buffer_{source_.get_row_bytes()} { DBG_HELPER_ARGS(dbg, "segment_count=%zu, segment_size=%zu, interleaved_lines=%zu, " "pixels_per_shunk=%zu", segment_order.size(), segment_pixels, interleaved_lines, pixels_per_chunk); if (source_.get_height() % interleaved_lines_ > 0) { throw SaneException("Height is not a multiple of the number of lines to interelave %zu/%zu", source_.get_height(), interleaved_lines_); } } ImagePipelineNodeDesegment::ImagePipelineNodeDesegment(ImagePipelineNode& source, std::size_t output_width, std::size_t segment_count, std::size_t segment_pixels, std::size_t interleaved_lines, std::size_t pixels_per_chunk) : source_(source), output_width_{output_width}, segment_pixels_{segment_pixels}, interleaved_lines_{interleaved_lines}, pixels_per_chunk_{pixels_per_chunk}, buffer_{source_.get_row_bytes()} { DBG_HELPER_ARGS(dbg, "segment_count=%zu, segment_size=%zu, interleaved_lines=%zu, " "pixels_per_shunk=%zu", segment_count, segment_pixels, interleaved_lines, pixels_per_chunk); segment_order_.resize(segment_count); std::iota(segment_order_.begin(), segment_order_.end(), 0); } bool ImagePipelineNodeDesegment::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { bool got_data = true; buffer_.clear(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < interleaved_lines_; ++i) { buffer_.push_back(); got_data &= source_.get_next_row_data(buffer_.get_row_ptr(i)); } if (!buffer_.is_linear()) { throw SaneException("Buffer is not linear"); } auto format = get_format(); auto segment_count = segment_order_.size(); const std::uint8_t* in_data = buffer_.get_row_ptr(0); std::size_t groups_count = output_width_ / (segment_order_.size() * pixels_per_chunk_); for (std::size_t igroup = 0; igroup < groups_count; ++igroup) { for (std::size_t isegment = 0; isegment < segment_count; ++isegment) { auto input_offset = igroup * pixels_per_chunk_; input_offset += segment_pixels_ * segment_order_[isegment]; auto output_offset = (igroup * segment_count + isegment) * pixels_per_chunk_; for (std::size_t ipixel = 0; ipixel < pixels_per_chunk_; ++ipixel) { auto pixel = get_raw_pixel_from_row(in_data, input_offset + ipixel, format); set_raw_pixel_to_row(out_data, output_offset + ipixel, pixel, format); } } } return got_data; } ImagePipelineNodeDeinterleaveLines::ImagePipelineNodeDeinterleaveLines( ImagePipelineNode& source, std::size_t interleaved_lines, std::size_t pixels_per_chunk) : ImagePipelineNodeDesegment(source, source.get_width() * interleaved_lines, interleaved_lines, source.get_width(), interleaved_lines, pixels_per_chunk) {} ImagePipelineNodeSwap16BitEndian::ImagePipelineNodeSwap16BitEndian(ImagePipelineNode& source) : source_(source), needs_swapping_{false} { if (get_pixel_format_depth(source_.get_format()) == 16) { needs_swapping_ = true; } else { DBG(DBG_info, "%s: this pipeline node does nothing for non 16-bit formats", __func__); } } bool ImagePipelineNodeSwap16BitEndian::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { bool got_data = source_.get_next_row_data(out_data); if (needs_swapping_) { std::size_t pixels = get_row_bytes() / 2; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pixels; ++i) { std::swap(*out_data, *(out_data + 1)); out_data += 2; } } return got_data; } ImagePipelineNodeInvert::ImagePipelineNodeInvert(ImagePipelineNode& source) : source_(source) { } bool ImagePipelineNodeInvert::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { bool got_data = source_.get_next_row_data(out_data); auto num_values = get_width() * get_pixel_channels(source_.get_format()); auto depth = get_pixel_format_depth(source_.get_format()); switch (depth) { case 16: { auto* data = reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t*>(out_data); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) { *data = 0xffff - *data; data++; } break; } case 8: { auto* data = out_data; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) { *data = 0xff - *data; data++; } break; } case 1: { auto* data = out_data; auto num_bytes = (num_values + 7) / 8; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_bytes; ++i) { *data = ~*data; data++; } break; } default: throw SaneException("Unsupported pixel depth"); } return got_data; } ImagePipelineNodeMergeMonoLinesToColor::ImagePipelineNodeMergeMonoLinesToColor( ImagePipelineNode& source, ColorOrder color_order) : source_(source), buffer_(source_.get_row_bytes()) { DBG_HELPER_ARGS(dbg, "color_order %d", static_cast<unsigned>(color_order)); output_format_ = get_output_format(source_.get_format(), color_order); } bool ImagePipelineNodeMergeMonoLinesToColor::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { bool got_data = true; buffer_.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { buffer_.push_back(); got_data &= source_.get_next_row_data(buffer_.get_row_ptr(i)); } const auto* row0 = buffer_.get_row_ptr(0); const auto* row1 = buffer_.get_row_ptr(1); const auto* row2 = buffer_.get_row_ptr(2); auto format = source_.get_format(); for (std::size_t x = 0, width = get_width(); x < width; ++x) { std::uint16_t ch0 = get_raw_channel_from_row(row0, x, 0, format); std::uint16_t ch1 = get_raw_channel_from_row(row1, x, 0, format); std::uint16_t ch2 = get_raw_channel_from_row(row2, x, 0, format); set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, x, 0, ch0, output_format_); set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, x, 1, ch1, output_format_); set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, x, 2, ch2, output_format_); } return got_data; } PixelFormat ImagePipelineNodeMergeMonoLinesToColor::get_output_format(PixelFormat input_format, ColorOrder order) { switch (input_format) { case PixelFormat::I1: { if (order == ColorOrder::RGB) { return PixelFormat::RGB111; } break; } case PixelFormat::I8: { if (order == ColorOrder::RGB) { return PixelFormat::RGB888; } if (order == ColorOrder::BGR) { return PixelFormat::BGR888; } break; } case PixelFormat::I16: { if (order == ColorOrder::RGB) { return PixelFormat::RGB161616; } if (order == ColorOrder::BGR) { return PixelFormat::BGR161616; } break; } default: break; } throw SaneException("Unsupported format combidation %d %d", static_cast<unsigned>(input_format), static_cast<unsigned>(order)); } ImagePipelineNodeSplitMonoLines::ImagePipelineNodeSplitMonoLines(ImagePipelineNode& source) : source_(source), next_channel_{0} { output_format_ = get_output_format(source_.get_format()); } bool ImagePipelineNodeSplitMonoLines::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { bool got_data = true; if (next_channel_ == 0) { buffer_.resize(source_.get_row_bytes()); got_data &= source_.get_next_row_data(buffer_.data()); } const auto* row = buffer_.data(); auto format = source_.get_format(); for (std::size_t x = 0, width = get_width(); x < width; ++x) { std::uint16_t ch = get_raw_channel_from_row(row, x, next_channel_, format); set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, x, 0, ch, output_format_); } next_channel_ = (next_channel_ + 1) % 3; return got_data; } PixelFormat ImagePipelineNodeSplitMonoLines::get_output_format(PixelFormat input_format) { switch (input_format) { case PixelFormat::RGB111: return PixelFormat::I1; case PixelFormat::RGB888: case PixelFormat::BGR888: return PixelFormat::I8; case PixelFormat::RGB161616: case PixelFormat::BGR161616: return PixelFormat::I16; default: break; } throw SaneException("Unsupported input format %d", static_cast<unsigned>(input_format)); } ImagePipelineNodeMergeColorToGray::ImagePipelineNodeMergeColorToGray(ImagePipelineNode& source) : source_(source) { output_format_ = get_output_format(source_.get_format()); float red_mult = 0.2125f; float green_mult = 0.7154f; float blue_mult = 0.0721f; switch (get_pixel_format_color_order(source_.get_format())) { case ColorOrder::RGB: { ch0_mult_ = red_mult; ch1_mult_ = green_mult; ch2_mult_ = blue_mult; break; } case ColorOrder::BGR: { ch0_mult_ = blue_mult; ch1_mult_ = green_mult; ch2_mult_ = red_mult; break; } case ColorOrder::GBR: { ch0_mult_ = green_mult; ch1_mult_ = blue_mult; ch2_mult_ = red_mult; break; } default: throw SaneException("Unknown color order"); } temp_buffer_.resize(source_.get_row_bytes()); } bool ImagePipelineNodeMergeColorToGray::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { auto* src_data = temp_buffer_.data(); bool got_data = source_.get_next_row_data(src_data); auto src_format = source_.get_format(); for (std::size_t x = 0, width = get_width(); x < width; ++x) { std::uint16_t ch0 = get_raw_channel_from_row(src_data, x, 0, src_format); std::uint16_t ch1 = get_raw_channel_from_row(src_data, x, 1, src_format); std::uint16_t ch2 = get_raw_channel_from_row(src_data, x, 2, src_format); float mono = ch0 * ch0_mult_ + ch1 * ch1_mult_ + ch2 * ch2_mult_; set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, x, 0, static_cast<std::uint16_t>(mono), output_format_); } return got_data; } PixelFormat ImagePipelineNodeMergeColorToGray::get_output_format(PixelFormat input_format) { switch (input_format) { case PixelFormat::RGB111: return PixelFormat::I1; case PixelFormat::RGB888: case PixelFormat::BGR888: return PixelFormat::I8; case PixelFormat::RGB161616: case PixelFormat::BGR161616: return PixelFormat::I16; default: break; } throw SaneException("Unsupported format %d", static_cast<unsigned>(input_format)); } ImagePipelineNodeComponentShiftLines::ImagePipelineNodeComponentShiftLines( ImagePipelineNode& source, unsigned shift_r, unsigned shift_g, unsigned shift_b) : source_(source), buffer_{source.get_row_bytes()} { DBG_HELPER_ARGS(dbg, "shifts={%d, %d, %d}", shift_r, shift_g, shift_b); switch (source.get_format()) { case PixelFormat::RGB111: case PixelFormat::RGB888: case PixelFormat::RGB161616: { channel_shifts_ = { shift_r, shift_g, shift_b }; break; } case PixelFormat::BGR888: case PixelFormat::BGR161616: { channel_shifts_ = { shift_b, shift_g, shift_r }; break; } default: throw SaneException("Unsupported input format %d", static_cast<unsigned>(source.get_format())); } extra_height_ = *std::max_element(channel_shifts_.begin(), channel_shifts_.end()); height_ = source_.get_height(); if (extra_height_ > height_) { height_ = 0; } else { height_ -= extra_height_; } } bool ImagePipelineNodeComponentShiftLines::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { bool got_data = true; if (!buffer_.empty()) { buffer_.pop_front(); } while (buffer_.height() < extra_height_ + 1) { buffer_.push_back(); got_data &= source_.get_next_row_data(buffer_.get_back_row_ptr()); } auto format = get_format(); const auto* row0 = buffer_.get_row_ptr(channel_shifts_[0]); const auto* row1 = buffer_.get_row_ptr(channel_shifts_[1]); const auto* row2 = buffer_.get_row_ptr(channel_shifts_[2]); for (std::size_t x = 0, width = get_width(); x < width; ++x) { std::uint16_t ch0 = get_raw_channel_from_row(row0, x, 0, format); std::uint16_t ch1 = get_raw_channel_from_row(row1, x, 1, format); std::uint16_t ch2 = get_raw_channel_from_row(row2, x, 2, format); set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, x, 0, ch0, format); set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, x, 1, ch1, format); set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, x, 2, ch2, format); } return got_data; } ImagePipelineNodePixelShiftLines::ImagePipelineNodePixelShiftLines( ImagePipelineNode& source, const std::vector<std::size_t>& shifts) : source_(source), pixel_shifts_{shifts}, buffer_{get_row_bytes()} { extra_height_ = *std::max_element(pixel_shifts_.begin(), pixel_shifts_.end()); height_ = source_.get_height(); if (extra_height_ > height_) { height_ = 0; } else { height_ -= extra_height_; } } bool ImagePipelineNodePixelShiftLines::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { bool got_data = true; if (!buffer_.empty()) { buffer_.pop_front(); } while (buffer_.height() < extra_height_ + 1) { buffer_.push_back(); got_data &= source_.get_next_row_data(buffer_.get_back_row_ptr()); } auto format = get_format(); auto shift_count = pixel_shifts_.size(); std::vector<std::uint8_t*> rows; rows.resize(shift_count, nullptr); for (std::size_t irow = 0; irow < shift_count; ++irow) { rows[irow] = buffer_.get_row_ptr(pixel_shifts_[irow]); } for (std::size_t x = 0, width = get_width(); x < width;) { for (std::size_t irow = 0; irow < shift_count && x < width; irow++, x++) { RawPixel pixel = get_raw_pixel_from_row(rows[irow], x, format); set_raw_pixel_to_row(out_data, x, pixel, format); } } return got_data; } ImagePipelineNodePixelShiftColumns::ImagePipelineNodePixelShiftColumns( ImagePipelineNode& source, const std::vector<std::size_t>& shifts) : source_(source), pixel_shifts_{shifts} { width_ = source_.get_width(); extra_width_ = compute_pixel_shift_extra_width(width_, pixel_shifts_); if (extra_width_ > width_) { width_ = 0; } else { width_ -= extra_width_; } temp_buffer_.resize(source_.get_row_bytes()); } bool ImagePipelineNodePixelShiftColumns::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { if (width_ == 0) { throw SaneException("Attempt to read zero-width line"); } bool got_data = source_.get_next_row_data(temp_buffer_.data()); auto format = get_format(); auto shift_count = pixel_shifts_.size(); for (std::size_t x = 0, width = get_width(); x < width; x += shift_count) { for (std::size_t ishift = 0; ishift < shift_count && x + ishift < width; ishift++) { RawPixel pixel = get_raw_pixel_from_row(temp_buffer_.data(), x + pixel_shifts_[ishift], format); set_raw_pixel_to_row(out_data, x + ishift, pixel, format); } } return got_data; } std::size_t compute_pixel_shift_extra_width(std::size_t source_width, const std::vector<std::size_t>& shifts) { // we iterate across pixel shifts and find the pixel that needs the maximum shift according to // source_width. int group_size = shifts.size(); int non_filled_group = source_width % shifts.size(); int extra_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < group_size; ++i) { int shift_groups = shifts[i] / group_size; int shift_rem = shifts[i] % group_size; if (shift_rem < non_filled_group) { shift_groups--; } extra_width = std::max(extra_width, shift_groups * group_size + non_filled_group - i); } return extra_width; } ImagePipelineNodeExtract::ImagePipelineNodeExtract(ImagePipelineNode& source, std::size_t offset_x, std::size_t offset_y, std::size_t width, std::size_t height) : source_(source), offset_x_{offset_x}, offset_y_{offset_y}, width_{width}, height_{height} { cached_line_.resize(source_.get_row_bytes()); } ImagePipelineNodeExtract::~ImagePipelineNodeExtract() {} ImagePipelineNodeScaleRows::ImagePipelineNodeScaleRows(ImagePipelineNode& source, std::size_t width) : source_(source), width_{width} { cached_line_.resize(source_.get_row_bytes()); } bool ImagePipelineNodeScaleRows::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { auto src_width = source_.get_width(); auto dst_width = width_; bool got_data = source_.get_next_row_data(cached_line_.data()); const auto* src_data = cached_line_.data(); auto format = get_format(); auto channels = get_pixel_channels(format); if (src_width > dst_width) { // average std::uint32_t counter = src_width / 2; unsigned src_x = 0; for (unsigned dst_x = 0; dst_x < dst_width; dst_x++) { unsigned avg[3] = {0, 0, 0}; unsigned count = 0; while (counter < src_width && src_x < src_width) { counter += dst_width; for (unsigned c = 0; c < channels; c++) { avg[c] += get_raw_channel_from_row(src_data, src_x, c, format); } src_x++; count++; } counter -= src_width; for (unsigned c = 0; c < channels; c++) { set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, dst_x, c, avg[c] / count, format); } } } else { // interpolate and copy pixels std::uint32_t counter = dst_width / 2; unsigned dst_x = 0; for (unsigned src_x = 0; src_x < src_width; src_x++) { unsigned avg[3] = {0, 0, 0}; for (unsigned c = 0; c < channels; c++) { avg[c] += get_raw_channel_from_row(src_data, src_x, c, format); } while ((counter < dst_width || src_x + 1 == src_width) && dst_x < dst_width) { counter += src_width; for (unsigned c = 0; c < channels; c++) { set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, dst_x, c, avg[c], format); } dst_x++; } counter -= dst_width; } } return got_data; } bool ImagePipelineNodeExtract::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { bool got_data = true; while (current_line_ < offset_y_) { got_data &= source_.get_next_row_data(cached_line_.data()); current_line_++; } if (current_line_ >= offset_y_ + source_.get_height()) { std::fill(out_data, out_data + get_row_bytes(), 0); current_line_++; return got_data; } // now we're sure that the following holds: // offset_y_ <= current_line_ < offset_y_ + source_.get_height()) got_data &= source_.get_next_row_data(cached_line_.data()); auto format = get_format(); auto x_src_width = source_.get_width() > offset_x_ ? source_.get_width() - offset_x_ : 0; x_src_width = std::min(x_src_width, width_); auto x_pad_after = width_ > x_src_width ? width_ - x_src_width : 0; if (get_pixel_format_depth(format) < 8) { // we need to copy pixels one-by-one as there's no per-bit addressing for (std::size_t i = 0; i < x_src_width; ++i) { auto pixel = get_raw_pixel_from_row(cached_line_.data(), i + offset_x_, format); set_raw_pixel_to_row(out_data, i, pixel, format); } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < x_pad_after; ++i) { set_raw_pixel_to_row(out_data, i + x_src_width, RawPixel{}, format); } } else { std::size_t bpp = get_pixel_format_depth(format) / 8; if (x_src_width > 0) { std::memcpy(out_data, cached_line_.data() + offset_x_ * bpp, x_src_width * bpp); } if (x_pad_after > 0) { std::fill(out_data + x_src_width * bpp, out_data + (x_src_width + x_pad_after) * bpp, 0); } } current_line_++; return got_data; } ImagePipelineNodeCalibrate::ImagePipelineNodeCalibrate(ImagePipelineNode& source, const std::vector<std::uint16_t>& bottom, const std::vector<std::uint16_t>& top, std::size_t x_start) : source_(source) { std::size_t size = 0; if (bottom.size() >= x_start && top.size() >= x_start) { size = std::min(bottom.size() - x_start, top.size() - x_start); } offset_.reserve(size); multiplier_.reserve(size); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { offset_.push_back(bottom[i + x_start] / 65535.0f); multiplier_.push_back(65535.0f / (top[i + x_start] - bottom[i + x_start])); } } bool ImagePipelineNodeCalibrate::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { bool ret = source_.get_next_row_data(out_data); auto format = get_format(); auto depth = get_pixel_format_depth(format); std::size_t max_value = 1; switch (depth) { case 8: max_value = 255; break; case 16: max_value = 65535; break; default: throw SaneException("Unsupported depth for calibration %d", depth); } unsigned channels = get_pixel_channels(format); std::size_t max_calib_i = offset_.size(); std::size_t curr_calib_i = 0; for (std::size_t x = 0, width = get_width(); x < width && curr_calib_i < max_calib_i; ++x) { for (unsigned ch = 0; ch < channels && curr_calib_i < max_calib_i; ++ch) { std::int32_t value = get_raw_channel_from_row(out_data, x, ch, format); float value_f = static_cast<float>(value) / max_value; value_f = (value_f - offset_[curr_calib_i]) * multiplier_[curr_calib_i]; value_f = std::round(value_f * max_value); value = clamp<std::int32_t>(static_cast<std::int32_t>(value_f), 0, max_value); set_raw_channel_to_row(out_data, x, ch, value, format); curr_calib_i++; } } return ret; } ImagePipelineNodeDebug::ImagePipelineNodeDebug(ImagePipelineNode& source, const std::string& path) : source_(source), path_{path}, buffer_{source_.get_row_bytes()} {} ImagePipelineNodeDebug::~ImagePipelineNodeDebug() { catch_all_exceptions(__func__, [&]() { if (buffer_.empty()) return; auto format = get_format(); buffer_.linearize(); write_tiff_file(path_, buffer_.get_front_row_ptr(), get_pixel_format_depth(format), get_pixel_channels(format), get_width(), buffer_.height()); }); } bool ImagePipelineNodeDebug::get_next_row_data(std::uint8_t* out_data) { buffer_.push_back(); bool got_data = source_.get_next_row_data(out_data); std::memcpy(buffer_.get_back_row_ptr(), out_data, get_row_bytes()); return got_data; } std::size_t ImagePipelineStack::get_input_width() const { ensure_node_exists(); return nodes_.front()->get_width(); } std::size_t ImagePipelineStack::get_input_height() const { ensure_node_exists(); return nodes_.front()->get_height(); } PixelFormat ImagePipelineStack::get_input_format() const { ensure_node_exists(); return nodes_.front()->get_format(); } std::size_t ImagePipelineStack::get_input_row_bytes() const { ensure_node_exists(); return nodes_.front()->get_row_bytes(); } std::size_t ImagePipelineStack::get_output_width() const { ensure_node_exists(); return nodes_.back()->get_width(); } std::size_t ImagePipelineStack::get_output_height() const { ensure_node_exists(); return nodes_.back()->get_height(); } PixelFormat ImagePipelineStack::get_output_format() const { ensure_node_exists(); return nodes_.back()->get_format(); } std::size_t ImagePipelineStack::get_output_row_bytes() const { ensure_node_exists(); return nodes_.back()->get_row_bytes(); } void ImagePipelineStack::ensure_node_exists() const { if (nodes_.empty()) { throw SaneException("The pipeline does not contain any nodes"); } } void ImagePipelineStack::clear() { // we need to destroy the nodes back to front, so that the destructors still have valid // references to sources for (auto it = nodes_.rbegin(); it != nodes_.rend(); ++it) { it->reset(); } nodes_.clear(); } std::vector<std::uint8_t> ImagePipelineStack::get_all_data() { auto row_bytes = get_output_row_bytes(); auto height = get_output_height(); std::vector<std::uint8_t> ret; ret.resize(row_bytes * height); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < height; ++i) { get_next_row_data(ret.data() + row_bytes * i); } return ret; } Image ImagePipelineStack::get_image() { auto height = get_output_height(); Image ret; ret.resize(get_output_width(), height, get_output_format()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < height; ++i) { get_next_row_data(ret.get_row_ptr(i)); } return ret; } } // namespace genesys