/* sane - Scanner Access Now Easy. Copyright (C) 2019 Povilas Kanapickas <povilas@radix.lt> This file is part of the SANE package. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE. The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the SANE library code into it. This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that those changes may be distributed with this exception intact. If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ #define DEBUG_DECLARE_ONLY #include "low.h" #include <map> namespace genesys { StaticInit<std::vector<Genesys_Sensor>> s_sensors; void genesys_init_sensor_tables() { s_sensors.init(); Genesys_Sensor sensor; sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_UMAX; // gl646 sensor.full_resolution = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 48; sensor.dummy_pixel = 64; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x08, 0x01 }, { 0x09, 0x03 }, { 0x0a, 0x05 }, { 0x0b, 0x07 }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x05 }, { 0x18, 0x31 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x13 }, { 0x53, 0x17 }, { 0x54, 0x03 }, { 0x55, 0x07 }, { 0x56, 0x0b }, { 0x57, 0x0f }, { 0x58, 0x23 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 150, 4 }, { { 150 }, 300, 8 }, { { 300 }, 600, 16 }, { { 600 }, 1200, 32 }, { { 1200 }, 2400, 64 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_ST12; // gl646 sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.black_pixels = 48; sensor.dummy_pixel = 85; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x08, 0x02 }, { 0x09, 0x00 }, { 0x0a, 0x06 }, { 0x0b, 0x04 }, { 0x16, 0x2b }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x20 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x0c }, { 0x1d, 0x03 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 10 }, { { 150 }, 21 }, { { 300 }, 42 }, { { 600 }, 85 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.resolutions.values()[0]; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_ST24; // gl646 sensor.full_resolution = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 48; sensor.dummy_pixel = 64; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x08, 0x0e }, { 0x09, 0x0c }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x0b, 0x0c }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x31 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x17 }, { 0x53, 0x03 }, { 0x54, 0x07 }, { 0x55, 0x0b }, { 0x56, 0x0f }, { 0x57, 0x13 }, { 0x58, 0x03 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 150, 4 }, { { 150 }, 300, 8 }, { { 300 }, 600, 16 }, { { 600 }, 1200, 32 }, { { 1200 }, 2400, 64 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_5345; // gl646 sensor.full_resolution = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 48; sensor.dummy_pixel = 16; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 190; sensor.gain_white_ref = 190; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.gamma = { 2.38f, 2.35f, 2.34f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned exposure_lperiod; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; // FIXME: may be incorrect GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 50 }, 600, 100, 12000, Ratio{1, 2}, 0, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x05 }, { 0x0a, 0x06 }, { 0x0b, 0x08 }, { 0x16, 0x0b }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x28 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x03 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 75 }, 600, 150, 11000, Ratio{1, 2}, 1, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x05 }, { 0x0a, 0x06 }, { 0x0b, 0x08 }, { 0x16, 0x0b }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x28 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x03 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 100 }, 600, 200, 11000, Ratio{1, 2}, 1, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x05 }, { 0x0a, 0x06 }, { 0x0b, 0x08 }, { 0x16, 0x0b }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x28 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x03 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 150 }, 600, 300, 11000, Ratio{1, 2}, 2, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x05 }, { 0x0a, 0x06 }, { 0x0b, 0x08 }, { 0x16, 0x0b }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x28 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x03 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 200 }, 600, 400, 11000, Ratio{1, 2}, 2, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x05 }, { 0x0a, 0x06 }, { 0x0b, 0x08 }, { 0x16, 0x0b }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x28 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x03 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 300 }, 600, 600, 11000, Ratio{1, 2}, 4, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x05 }, { 0x0a, 0x06 }, { 0x0b, 0x08 }, { 0x16, 0x0b }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x28 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x03 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 400 }, 600, 800, 11000, Ratio{1, 2}, 5, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x05 }, { 0x0a, 0x06 }, { 0x0b, 0x08 }, { 0x16, 0x0b }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x28 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x03 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 600 }, 600, 1200, 11000, Ratio{1, 2}, 8, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x05 }, { 0x0a, 0x06 }, { 0x0b, 0x08 }, { 0x16, 0x0b }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x28 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x03 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 1200, 11000, Ratio{1, 1}, 16, StaggerConfig{4, 0}, { { 0x08, 0x0d }, { 0x09, 0x0f }, { 0x0a, 0x11 }, { 0x0b, 0x13 }, { 0x16, 0x0b }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x30 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x03 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x0b }, { 0x55, 0x0f }, { 0x56, 0x13 }, { 0x57, 0x17 }, { 0x58, 0x23 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_HP2400; // gl646 sensor.full_resolution = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 48; sensor.dummy_pixel = 15; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.gamma = { 2.1f, 2.1f, 2.1f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned exposure_lperiod; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 50 }, 200, 7211, Ratio{1, 4}, 0, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x14 }, { 0x09, 0x15 }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x0b, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0xbf }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x3f }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x13 }, { 0x55, 0x17 }, { 0x56, 0x03 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 100 }, 400, 7211, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x14 }, { 0x09, 0x15 }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x0b, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0xbf }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x3f }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x13 }, { 0x55, 0x17 }, { 0x56, 0x03 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 150 }, 600, 7211, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x14 }, { 0x09, 0x15 }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x0b, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0xbf }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x3f }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x13 }, { 0x55, 0x17 }, { 0x56, 0x03 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 300 }, 1200, 8751, Ratio{1, 4}, 3, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x14 }, { 0x09, 0x15 }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x0b, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0xbf }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x3f }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x13 }, { 0x55, 0x17 }, { 0x56, 0x03 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 600 }, 1200, 18760, Ratio{1, 2}, 7, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x0e }, { 0x09, 0x0f }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x0b, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0xbf }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x31 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x0b }, { 0x55, 0x0f }, { 0x56, 0x13 }, { 0x57, 0x17 }, { 0x58, 0x23 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 21749, Ratio{1, 1}, 15, StaggerConfig{4, 0}, { { 0x08, 0x02 }, { 0x09, 0x04 }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x0b, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0xbf }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x30 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0xc0 }, { 0x1d, 0x42 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x13 }, { 0x55, 0x17 }, { 0x56, 0x03 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x0e }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_HP2300; // gl646 sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.black_pixels = 48; sensor.dummy_pixel = 20; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 180; sensor.gain_white_ref = 180; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.gamma = { 2.1f, 2.1f, 2.1f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned exposure_lperiod; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 300, 150, 4480, Ratio{1, 2}, 2, { { 0x08, 0x16 }, { 0x09, 0x00 }, { 0x0a, 0x01 }, { 0x0b, 0x03 }, { 0x16, 0xb7 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x20 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x6a }, { 0x1b, 0x8a }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x85 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x06 }, { 0x5c, 0x0b }, { 0x5d, 0x10 }, { 0x5e, 0x16 } } }, { { 150 }, 300, 300, 4350, Ratio{1, 2}, 5, { { 0x08, 0x16 }, { 0x09, 0x00 }, { 0x0a, 0x01 }, { 0x0b, 0x03 }, { 0x16, 0xb7 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x20 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x6a }, { 0x1b, 0x8a }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x85 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x06 }, { 0x5c, 0x0b }, { 0x5d, 0x10 }, { 0x5e, 0x16 } } }, { { 300 }, 300, 600, 4350, Ratio{1, 2}, 10, { { 0x08, 0x16 }, { 0x09, 0x00 }, { 0x0a, 0x01 }, { 0x0b, 0x03 }, { 0x16, 0xb7 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x20 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x6a }, { 0x1b, 0x8a }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x85 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x06 }, { 0x5c, 0x0b }, { 0x5d, 0x10 }, { 0x5e, 0x16 } } }, { { 600 }, 600, 600, 8700, Ratio{1, 1}, 20, { { 0x08, 0x01 }, { 0x09, 0x03 }, { 0x0a, 0x04 }, { 0x0b, 0x06 }, { 0x16, 0xb7 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x20 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x6a }, { 0x1b, 0x8a }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x05 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x06 }, { 0x5c, 0x0b }, { 0x5d, 0x10 }, { 0x5e, 0x16 } } }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_35; // gl841 sensor.full_resolution = 1200; sensor.register_dpihw = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 87; sensor.dummy_pixel = 87; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 0; sensor.gain_white_ref = 0; sensor.exposure = { 0x0400, 0x0400, 0x0400 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x02 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x50 }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x05 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x3a }, { 0x59, 0x03 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x00 }, { 0x72, 0x00 }, { 0x73, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned shading_resolution; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 600, 150, 600, 11 }, { { 100 }, 600, 200, 600, 14 }, { { 150 }, 600, 300, 600, 22 }, { { 200 }, 600, 400, 600, 29 }, { { 300 }, 600, 600, 600, 44 }, { { 600 }, 600, 1200, 600, 88 }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 1200, 1200, 88 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_60; // gl841 sensor.full_resolution = 1200; sensor.register_dpihw = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 87; sensor.dummy_pixel = 87; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 0; sensor.gain_white_ref = 0; sensor.exposure = { 0x0400, 0x0400, 0x0400 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x01 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x50 }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x05 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x03 }, { 0x55, 0x05 }, { 0x56, 0x02 }, { 0x57, 0x05 }, { 0x58, 0x3a }, { 0x59, 0x03 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x00 }, { 0x72, 0x00 }, { 0x73, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned shading_resolution; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 600, 150, 600, 11 }, { { 100 }, 600, 200, 600, 14 }, { { 150 }, 600, 300, 600, 22 }, { { 200 }, 600, 400, 600, 29 }, { { 300 }, 600, 600, 600, 44 }, { { 600 }, 600, 1200, 600, 88 }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 1200, 1200, 88 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_90; // gl842 sensor.full_resolution = 2400; sensor.black_pixels = 20; sensor.dummy_pixel = 253; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 150; sensor.gain_white_ref = 150; sensor.use_host_side_calib = true; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x20 }, { 0x17, 0x06 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x24 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x04 }, { 0x54, 0x02 }, { 0x55, 0x04 }, { 0x56, 0x02 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x0a }, { 0x59, 0x71 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x05 }, { 0x72, 0x07 }, { 0x73, 0x09 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x01 }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x3f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x1e }, { 0x7d, 0x11 }, { 0x7f, 0x50 } }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpihw; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned shading_resolution; unsigned shading_factor; int output_pixel_offset; SensorExposure exposure; unsigned exposure_lperiod; unsigned segment_size; std::vector<unsigned> segment_order; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 300 }, 300, 600, 600, 300, 2, 280, { 955, 1235, 675 }, 6500, 5152, std::vector<unsigned>{} }, { { 600 }, 600, 600, 600, 600, 1, 250, { 1655, 2075, 1095 }, 6536, 5152, std::vector<unsigned>{} }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 1200, 1200, 1200, 1, 500, { 3055, 4175, 1935 }, 12688, 5152, {0, 1} }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 2400, 2400, 2400, 1, 1000, { 5855, 7535, 3615 }, 21500, 5152, {0, 1, 2, 3} }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.exposure = setting.exposure; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.segment_size = setting.segment_size; sensor.segment_order = setting.segment_order; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_XP200; // gl646 sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.black_pixels = 5; sensor.dummy_pixel = 38; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x1450, 0x0c80, 0x0a28 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x08, 0x06 }, { 0x09, 0x07 }, { 0x0a, 0x0a }, { 0x0b, 0x04 }, { 0x16, 0x24 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x0a }, { 0x1b, 0x0a }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x11 }, { 0x52, 0x08 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x1a }, { 0x59, 0x51 }, { 0x5a, 0x00 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } }; sensor.gamma = { 2.1f, 2.1f, 2.1f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; std::vector<unsigned> channels; unsigned exposure_lperiod; SensorExposure exposure; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, { 3 }, 5700, { 0x1644, 0x0c80, 0x092e }, 4 }, { { 100 }, { 3 }, 5700, { 0x1644, 0x0c80, 0x092e }, 6 }, { { 200 }, { 3 }, 5700, { 0x1644, 0x0c80, 0x092e }, 12 }, { { 300 }, { 3 }, 9000, { 0x1644, 0x0c80, 0x092e }, 19 }, { { 600 }, { 3 }, 16000, { 0x1644, 0x0c80, 0x092e }, 38 }, { { 75 }, { 1 }, 16000, { 0x050a, 0x0fa0, 0x1010 }, 4 }, { { 100 }, { 1 }, 7800, { 0x050a, 0x0fa0, 0x1010 }, 6 }, { { 200 }, { 1 }, 11000, { 0x050a, 0x0fa0, 0x1010 }, 12 }, { { 300 }, { 1 }, 13000, { 0x050a, 0x0fa0, 0x1010 }, 19 }, { { 600 }, { 1 }, 24000, { 0x050a, 0x0fa0, 0x1010 }, 38 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.channels = setting.channels; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.resolutions.values()[0]; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.exposure = setting.exposure; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_HP3670; // gl646 sensor.full_resolution = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 48; sensor.dummy_pixel = 16; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0, 0, 0 }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned exposure_lperiod; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 50 }, 200, 5758, Ratio{1, 4}, 0, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x0a }, { 0x0a, 0x0b }, { 0x0b, 0x0d }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x07 }, { 0x18, 0x33 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x02 }, { 0x1b, 0x13 }, { 0x1c, 0xc0 }, { 0x1d, 0x43 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x15 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x05 }, { 0x5c, 0x0a }, { 0x5d, 0x0f }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 75 }, 300, 4879, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x0a }, { 0x0a, 0x0b }, { 0x0b, 0x0d }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x07 }, { 0x18, 0x33 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x02 }, { 0x1b, 0x13 }, { 0x1c, 0xc0 }, { 0x1d, 0x43 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x15 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x05 }, { 0x5c, 0x0a }, { 0x5d, 0x0f }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 100 }, 400, 4487, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x0a }, { 0x0a, 0x0b }, { 0x0b, 0x0d }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x07 }, { 0x18, 0x33 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x02 }, { 0x1b, 0x13 }, { 0x1c, 0xc0 }, { 0x1d, 0x43 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x15 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x05 }, { 0x5c, 0x0a }, { 0x5d, 0x0f }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 150 }, 600, 4879, Ratio{1, 4}, 2, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x0a }, { 0x0a, 0x0b }, { 0x0b, 0x0d }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x07 }, { 0x18, 0x33 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x02 }, { 0x1b, 0x13 }, { 0x1c, 0xc0 }, { 0x1d, 0x43 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x15 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x05 }, { 0x5c, 0x0a }, { 0x5d, 0x0f }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 300 }, 1200, 4503, Ratio{1, 4}, 4, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x0a }, { 0x0a, 0x0b }, { 0x0b, 0x0d }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x07 }, { 0x18, 0x33 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x02 }, { 0x1b, 0x13 }, { 0x1c, 0xc0 }, { 0x1d, 0x43 }, { 0x52, 0x0f }, { 0x53, 0x13 }, { 0x54, 0x17 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x83 }, { 0x59, 0x15 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x05 }, { 0x5c, 0x0a }, { 0x5d, 0x0f }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 600 }, 1200, 10251, Ratio{1, 2}, 8, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x05 }, { 0x0a, 0x06 }, { 0x0b, 0x08 }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x07 }, { 0x18, 0x31 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x02 }, { 0x1b, 0x0e }, { 0x1c, 0xc0 }, { 0x1d, 0x43 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x13 }, { 0x55, 0x17 }, { 0x56, 0x03 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x02 }, { 0x5c, 0x0e }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 12750, Ratio{1, 1}, 16, StaggerConfig{4, 0}, { { 0x08, 0x0d }, { 0x09, 0x0f }, { 0x0a, 0x11 }, { 0x0b, 0x13 }, { 0x16, 0x2b }, { 0x17, 0x07 }, { 0x18, 0x30 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0xc0 }, { 0x1d, 0x43 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x0b }, { 0x55, 0x0f }, { 0x56, 0x13 }, { 0x57, 0x17 }, { 0x58, 0x23 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc1 }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x5d, 0x00 }, { 0x5e, 0x00 } } }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_DP665; // gl841 sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.register_dpihw = 600; sensor.shading_resolution = 600; sensor.black_pixels = 27; sensor.dummy_pixel = 27; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x1100, 0x1100, 0x1100 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x02 }, { 0x18, 0x04 }, { 0x19, 0x50 }, { 0x1a, 0x10 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x54 }, { 0x59, 0x03 }, { 0x5a, 0x00 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x00 }, { 0x72, 0x00 }, { 0x73, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 75, 1 }, { { 150 }, 150, 3 }, { { 300 }, 300, 7 }, { { 600 }, 600, 14 }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 28 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_ROADWARRIOR; // gl841 sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.register_dpihw = 600; sensor.shading_resolution = 600; sensor.black_pixels = 27; sensor.dummy_pixel = 27; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x1100, 0x1100, 0x1100 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x02 }, { 0x18, 0x04 }, { 0x19, 0x50 }, { 0x1a, 0x10 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x54 }, { 0x59, 0x03 }, { 0x5a, 0x00 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x00 }, { 0x72, 0x00 }, { 0x73, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 75, 1 }, { { 150 }, 150, 3 }, { { 300 }, 300, 7 }, { { 600 }, 600, 14 }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 28 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_DSMOBILE600; // gl841 sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.register_dpihw = 600; sensor.shading_resolution = 600; sensor.black_pixels = 28; sensor.dummy_pixel = 28; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x1544, 0x1544, 0x1544 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x02 }, { 0x18, 0x04 }, { 0x19, 0x50 }, { 0x1a, 0x10 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x54 }, { 0x59, 0x03 }, { 0x5a, 0x00 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x00 }, { 0x72, 0x00 }, { 0x73, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 75, 3 }, { { 150 }, 150, 7 }, { { 300 }, 300, 14 }, { { 600 }, 600, 29 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_XP300; // gl841 sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.register_dpihw = 1200; // FIXME: could be incorrect, but previous code used this value sensor.shading_resolution = 600; sensor.black_pixels = 27; sensor.dummy_pixel = 27; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x1100, 0x1100, 0x1100 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x02 }, { 0x18, 0x04 }, { 0x19, 0x50 }, { 0x1a, 0x10 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x54 }, { 0x59, 0x03 }, { 0x5a, 0x00 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x00 }, { 0x72, 0x00 }, { 0x73, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 150, 3 }, { { 150 }, 300, 7 }, { { 300 }, 600, 14 }, { { 600 }, 1200, 28 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_DOCKETPORT_487; // gl841 sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.register_dpihw = 600; sensor.shading_resolution = 600; sensor.black_pixels = 27; sensor.dummy_pixel = 27; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x1100, 0x1100, 0x1100 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x02 }, { 0x18, 0x04 }, { 0x19, 0x50 }, { 0x1a, 0x10 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x54 }, { 0x59, 0x03 }, { 0x5a, 0x00 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x00 }, { 0x72, 0x00 }, { 0x73, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 150, 3 }, { { 150 }, 300, 7 }, { { 300 }, 600, 14 }, { { 600 }, 600, 28 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_DP685; // gl841 sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.register_dpihw = 600; sensor.shading_resolution = 600; sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.black_pixels = 27; sensor.dummy_pixel = 27; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x1100, 0x1100, 0x1100 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x02 }, { 0x18, 0x04 }, { 0x19, 0x50 }, { 0x1a, 0x10 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x54 }, { 0x59, 0x03 }, { 0x5a, 0x00 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x00 }, { 0x72, 0x00 }, { 0x73, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 75, 3 }, { { 150 }, 150, 6 }, { { 300 }, 300, 13 }, { { 600 }, 600, 27 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_200; // gl847 sensor.full_resolution = 4800; sensor.black_pixels = 87*4; sensor.dummy_pixel = 16*4; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.gamma = { 2.2f, 2.2f, 2.2f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpihw; int exposure_lperiod; SensorExposure exposure; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; unsigned shading_factor; int output_pixel_offset; unsigned segment_size; std::vector<unsigned> segment_order; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { // Note: Windows driver uses 1424 lperiod and enables dummy line (0x17) { { 75 }, 600, 2848, { 304, 203, 180 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 8, 40, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, // Note: Windows driver uses 1424 lperiod and enables dummy line (0x17) { { 100 }, 600, 2848, { 304, 203, 180 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 6, 53, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, // Note: Windows driver uses 1424 lperiod and enables dummy line (0x17) { { 150 }, 600, 2848, { 304, 203, 180 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 4, 80, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, // Note: Windows driver uses 1424 lperiod and enables dummy line (0x17) { { 200 }, 600, 2848, { 304, 203, 180 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 3, 106, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, // Note: Windows driver uses 788 lperiod and enables dummy line (0x17) { { 300 }, 600, 1424, { 304, 203, 180 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 2, 160, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, // Note: Windows driver uses 788 lperiod and enables dummy line (0x17) { { 400 }, 600, 1424, { 304, 203, 180 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 213, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 600 }, 600, 1432, { 492, 326, 296 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 320, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 2712, { 935, 592, 538 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 640, 5136, { 0, 1 }, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 5280, { 1777, 1125, 979 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 1280, 5136, { 0, 2, 1, 3 }, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x06 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 4800 }, 4800, 10416, { 3377, 2138, 1780 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 2560, 5136, { 0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7 }, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } } }; for (const auto& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.resolutions.values()[0]; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.exposure = setting.exposure; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.segment_size = setting.segment_size; sensor.segment_order = setting.segment_order; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_700F; // gl847 sensor.full_resolution = 4800; sensor.black_pixels = 73*8; // black pixels 73 at 600 dpi sensor.dummy_pixel = 16*8; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpihw; int exposure_lperiod; SensorExposure exposure; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; unsigned shading_factor; int output_pixel_offset; unsigned segment_size; std::vector<unsigned> segment_order; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 600, 2848, { 465, 310, 239 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 8, 48, 5187, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x07 }, { 0x53, 0x03 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x87 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0xf9 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 100 }, 600, 2848, { 465, 310, 239 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 6, 64, 5187, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x07 }, { 0x53, 0x03 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x87 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0xf9 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 150 }, 600, 2848, { 465, 310, 239 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 4, 96, 5187, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x07 }, { 0x53, 0x03 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x87 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0xf9 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 200 }, 600, 2848, { 465, 310, 239 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 3, 128, 5187, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x07 }, { 0x53, 0x03 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x87 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0xf9 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 300 }, 600, 1424, { 465, 310, 239 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 2, 192, 5187, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x07 }, { 0x53, 0x03 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x87 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0xf9 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 600 }, 600, 1504, { 465, 310, 239 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 384, 5187, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x07 }, { 0x53, 0x03 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x87 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0xf9 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 2696, { 1464, 844, 555 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 768, 5187, { 0, 1 }, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x07 }, { 0x53, 0x03 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x87 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0xf9 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 10576, { 2798, 1558, 972 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 1536, 5187, { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x07 }, { 0x53, 0x03 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x87 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0xf9 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 4800 }, 4800, 10576, { 2798, 1558, 972 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 3072, 5187, { 0, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 7 }, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x06 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x07 }, { 0x53, 0x03 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x87 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0xf9 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } } }; for (const auto& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.resolutions.values()[0]; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.exposure = setting.exposure; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.segment_size = setting.segment_size; sensor.segment_order = setting.segment_order; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_100; // gl847 sensor.full_resolution = 2400; sensor.black_pixels = 87*4; sensor.dummy_pixel = 16*4; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x01c1, 0x0126, 0x00e5 }; sensor.gamma = { 2.2f, 2.2f, 2.2f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpihw; int exposure_lperiod; SensorExposure exposure; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; unsigned shading_factor; int output_pixel_offset; unsigned segment_size; std::vector<unsigned> segment_order; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 600, 2304, { 423, 294, 242 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 8, 40, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 100 }, 600, 2304, { 423, 294, 242 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 6, 53, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 150 }, 600, 2304, { 423, 294, 242 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 4, 80, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 200 }, 600, 2304, { 423, 294, 242 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 3, 106, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 300 }, 600, 1728, { 423, 294, 242 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 2, 160, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 600 }, 600, 1432, { 423, 294, 242 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, 320, 5136, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, }, }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 2712, { 791, 542, 403 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, 640, 5136, {0, 1}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x08 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 5280, { 1504, 1030, 766 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, 1280, 5136, {0, 2, 1, 3}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x06 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x2a }, { 0x59, 0xe1 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, } } }; for (const auto& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.resolutions.values()[0]; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.exposure = setting.exposure; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.segment_size = setting.segment_size; sensor.segment_order = setting.segment_order; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_KVSS080; // gl843 sensor.full_resolution = 600; sensor.register_dpihw = 600; sensor.shading_resolution = 600; sensor.black_pixels = 38; sensor.dummy_pixel = 38; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.exposure_lperiod = 8000; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0xff }, { 0x79, 0xff }, { 0x7a, 0x03 }, { 0x7b, 0xff }, { 0x7c, 0xff }, { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x70, 0x01 }, { 0x71, 0x03 }, { 0x9e, 0x00 }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x1c }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x2c }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x0c }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x09 }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc0 }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 75, Ratio{1, 1}, 4 }, { { 100 }, 100, Ratio{1, 1}, 6 }, { { 150 }, 150, Ratio{1, 1}, 9 }, { { 200 }, 200, Ratio{1, 1}, 12 }, { { 300 }, 300, Ratio{1, 1}, 19 }, { { 600 }, 600, Ratio{1, 1}, 38 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_G4050; // gl843 sensor.full_resolution = 4800; sensor.black_pixels = 50*8; // 31 at 600 dpi dummy_pixels 58 at 1200 sensor.dummy_pixel = 58; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.exposure = { 0x2c09, 0x22b8, 0x10f0 }; sensor.custom_regs = {}; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpihw; unsigned register_dpiset; int exposure_lperiod; ScanMethod method; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; // FIXME: may be incorrect GenesysRegisterSettingSet extra_custom_regs; }; GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs_100_to_600 = { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0e }, { 0x54, 0x11 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x05 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x01 }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xff }, { 0x79, 0xff }, { 0x7a, 0x03 }, { 0x7b, 0xff }, { 0x7c, 0xff }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, { 0x9e, 0x00 }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }; GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs_1200 = { { 0x0c, 0x20 }, { 0x16, 0x3b }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x38 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x08 }, { 0x55, 0x0b }, { 0x56, 0x0e }, { 0x57, 0x11 }, { 0x58, 0x1b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x08 }, { 0x71, 0x0c }, { 0x74, 0x0f }, { 0x75, 0xff }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x01 }, { 0x79, 0xff }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x01 }, { 0x7c, 0xff }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, { 0x9e, 0xc0 }, { 0xaa, 0x05 }, }; GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs_2400 = { { 0x0c, 0x20 }, { 0x16, 0x3b }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x38 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0xc0 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x08 }, { 0x55, 0x0b }, { 0x56, 0x0e }, { 0x57, 0x11 }, { 0x58, 0x1b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x08 }, { 0x71, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x0f }, { 0x75, 0xff }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x00 }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, { 0x9e, 0xc0 }, { 0xaa, 0x05 }, }; GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs_4800 = { { 0x0c, 0x21 }, { 0x16, 0x3b }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x38 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0xc1 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x08 }, { 0x55, 0x0b }, { 0x56, 0x0e }, { 0x57, 0x11 }, { 0x58, 0x1b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x08 }, { 0x71, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x0f }, { 0x75, 0xff }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x00 }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, { 0x9e, 0xc0 }, { 0xaa, 0x07 }, }; GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs_ta_any = { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x4c }, { 0x18, 0x01 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x0e }, { 0x53, 0x11 }, { 0x54, 0x02 }, { 0x55, 0x05 }, { 0x56, 0x08 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc0 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x1c }, { 0x76, 0x7f }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xff }, { 0x79, 0xff }, { 0x7a, 0x03 }, { 0x7b, 0xff }, { 0x7c, 0xff }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, { 0x9e, 0x00 }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 100 }, 600, 100, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 150 }, 600, 150, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 200 }, 600, 200, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 2, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 300 }, 600, 300, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 3, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 400 }, 600, 400, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 4, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 600 }, 600, 600, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 7, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 1200, 56064, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 4}, 14, StaggerConfig{}, regs_1200 }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 2400, 56064, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 2}, 29, StaggerConfig{4, 0}, regs_2400 }, { { 4800 }, 4800, 4800, 42752, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 1}, 58, StaggerConfig{8, 0}, regs_4800 }, { { 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, 1200 }, 600, 600, 15624, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, Ratio{1, 1}, 58, StaggerConfig{}, regs_ta_any }, // FIXME: may be incorrect { { 2400 }, 600, 600, 15624, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, Ratio{1, 1}, 58, StaggerConfig{4, 0}, regs_ta_any }, // FIXME: may be incorrect { { 4800 }, 600, 600, 15624, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, Ratio{1, 1}, 58, StaggerConfig{8, 0}, regs_ta_any }, // FIXME: may be incorrect }; auto base_custom_regs = sensor.custom_regs; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.method = setting.method; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; sensor.custom_regs = base_custom_regs; sensor.custom_regs.merge(setting.extra_custom_regs); s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_HP_4850C; // gl843 sensor.full_resolution = 4800; sensor.black_pixels = 100; sensor.dummy_pixel = 58; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.exposure = { 0x2c09, 0x22b8, 0x10f0 }; sensor.custom_regs = {}; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpihw; unsigned register_dpiset; int exposure_lperiod; ScanMethod method; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; int shading_pixel_offset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; // FIXME: review, may be incorrect GenesysRegisterSettingSet extra_custom_regs; }; GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs_100_to_600 = { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0e }, { 0x54, 0x11 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x05 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x01 }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xff }, { 0x79, 0xff }, { 0x7a, 0x03 }, { 0x7b, 0xff }, { 0x7c, 0xff }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, { 0x9e, 0x00 }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }; GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs_1200 = { { 0x0c, 0x20 }, { 0x16, 0x3b }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x38 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x08 }, { 0x55, 0x0b }, { 0x56, 0x0e }, { 0x57, 0x11 }, { 0x58, 0x1b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x08 }, { 0x71, 0x0c }, { 0x74, 0x0f }, { 0x75, 0xff }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x01 }, { 0x79, 0xff }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x01 }, { 0x7c, 0xff }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, { 0x9e, 0xc0 }, { 0xaa, 0x05 }, }; GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs_2400 = { { 0x0c, 0x20 }, { 0x16, 0x3b }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x38 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0xc0 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x08 }, { 0x55, 0x0b }, { 0x56, 0x0e }, { 0x57, 0x11 }, { 0x58, 0x1b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x08 }, { 0x71, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x0f }, { 0x75, 0xff }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x00 }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, { 0x9e, 0xc0 }, { 0xaa, 0x05 }, }; GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs_4800 = { { 0x0c, 0x21 }, { 0x16, 0x3b }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x38 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0xc1 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x08 }, { 0x55, 0x0b }, { 0x56, 0x0e }, { 0x57, 0x11 }, { 0x58, 0x1b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x08 }, { 0x71, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x0f }, { 0x75, 0xff }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x00 }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, { 0x9e, 0xc0 }, { 0xaa, 0x07 }, }; GenesysRegisterSettingSet regs_ta_any = { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x4c }, { 0x18, 0x01 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x0e }, { 0x53, 0x11 }, { 0x54, 0x02 }, { 0x55, 0x05 }, { 0x56, 0x08 }, { 0x57, 0x0b }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0xc0 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x1c }, { 0x76, 0x7f }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xff }, { 0x79, 0xff }, { 0x7a, 0x03 }, { 0x7b, 0xff }, { 0x7c, 0xff }, { 0x7d, 0x90 }, { 0x9e, 0x00 }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 100 }, 600, 100, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 50, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 150 }, 600, 150, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, 50, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 200 }, 600, 200, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 2, 50, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 300 }, 600, 300, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 3, 50, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 400 }, 600, 400, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 4, 50, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 600 }, 600, 600, 8016, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 8}, 7, 50, StaggerConfig{}, regs_100_to_600 }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 1200, 56064, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 4}, 14, 0, StaggerConfig{}, regs_1200 }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 2400, 56064, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 2}, 29, 0, StaggerConfig{0, 4}, regs_2400 }, { { 4800 }, 4800, 4800, 42752, ScanMethod::FLATBED, Ratio{1, 1}, 58, 0, StaggerConfig{0, 8}, regs_4800 }, { { 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, 1200}, 600, 600, 15624, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, Ratio{1, 1}, 58, 0, StaggerConfig{}, regs_ta_any }, // FIXME: review { { 2400 }, 600, 600, 15624, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, Ratio{1, 1}, 58, 0, StaggerConfig{0, 4}, regs_ta_any }, // FIXME: review { { 4800 }, 600, 600, 15624, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, Ratio{1, 1}, 58, 0, StaggerConfig{0, 8}, regs_ta_any }, // FIXME: review }; auto base_custom_regs = sensor.custom_regs; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.method = setting.method; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.shading_pixel_offset = setting.shading_pixel_offset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; sensor.custom_regs = base_custom_regs; sensor.custom_regs.merge(setting.extra_custom_regs); s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_CANON_4400F; // gl843 sensor.full_resolution = 4800; sensor.register_dpihw = 4800; sensor.black_pixels = 50*8; // 31 at 600 dpi, 58 at 1200 dpi sensor.dummy_pixel = 20; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.exposure = { 0x9c40, 0x9c40, 0x9c40 }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpiset; int exposure_lperiod; bool use_host_side_calib; int output_pixel_offset; std::vector<ScanMethod> methods; StaggerConfig stagger_y; GenesysRegisterSettingSet extra_custom_regs; GenesysRegisterSettingSet extra_custom_fe_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 300 }, 1200, 1200, 11640, false, 197, { ScanMethod::FLATBED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x6b }, { 0x52, 0x0a }, { 0x53, 0x0d }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x5b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x01 }, { 0x73, 0x03 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0xf8 }, { 0x76, 0x38 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0xfc }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0xa4 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, }, {} }, { { 600 }, 1200, 2400, 11640, false, 392, { ScanMethod::FLATBED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x6b }, { 0x52, 0x0a }, { 0x53, 0x0d }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x5b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x01 }, { 0x73, 0x03 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0xf8 }, { 0x76, 0x38 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0xfc }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0xa4 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, }, {} }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 4800, 11640, false, 794, { ScanMethod::FLATBED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x6b }, { 0x52, 0x0a }, { 0x53, 0x0d }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x5b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x01 }, { 0x73, 0x03 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0xf8 }, { 0x76, 0x38 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0xfc }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0xa4 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, }, {} }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 4800, 33300, true, 5, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x6b }, { 0x52, 0x0a }, { 0x53, 0x0d }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x5b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x00 }, { 0x73, 0x02 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0xf8 }, { 0x76, 0x38 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0xfc }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0xa4 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, }, {} }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 4800, 33300, true, 10, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x15 }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x01 }, { 0x1d, 0x75 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0d }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x09 }, { 0x58, 0x53 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0xff }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0xff }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x54 }, { 0x7c, 0x92 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, }, { { 0x03, 0x1f }, } }, { { 4800 }, 4800, 4800, 33300, true, -2063, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY }, StaggerConfig{0, 8}, { { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x15 }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x61 }, { 0x1d, 0x75 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x08 }, { 0x55, 0x0b }, { 0x56, 0x0d }, { 0x57, 0x0f }, { 0x58, 0x1b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x08 }, { 0x71, 0x0a }, { 0x72, 0x0a }, { 0x73, 0x0c }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0xff }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0xff }, { 0x79, 0xff }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x54 }, { 0x7c, 0x92 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, }, {} } }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { for (auto method : setting.methods) { for (auto resolution : setting.resolutions.values()) { sensor.resolutions = { resolution }; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = resolution; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.use_host_side_calib = setting.use_host_side_calib; sensor.method = method; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; sensor.custom_regs = setting.extra_custom_regs; sensor.custom_fe_regs = setting.extra_custom_fe_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_CANON_5600F; // gl847 sensor.full_resolution = 4800; sensor.register_dpihw = 4800; sensor.black_pixels = 50*8; sensor.dummy_pixel = 10; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.exposure = { 0x9c40, 0x9c40, 0x9c40 }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; sensor.use_host_side_calib = true; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpihw; unsigned register_dpiset; int exposure_lperiod; SensorExposure exposure; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; unsigned segment_size; std::vector<unsigned> segment_order; StaggerConfig stagger_x; StaggerConfig stagger_y; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 150 }, 2400, 600, 300, 4288, { 3983/2, 3983/2, 3983/2 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 10, 5418, std::vector<unsigned>{}, StaggerConfig{}, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x06 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0x08 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x0e }, { 0x53, 0x00 }, { 0x54, 0x02 }, { 0x55, 0x04 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x52 }, { 0x59, 0x3a }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x33 }, { 0x76, 0x33 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x87, 0x00 }, } }, { { 300 }, 2400, 600, 600, 5472, { 4558/2, 4558/2, 4558/2 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 110, 5418, std::vector<unsigned>{}, StaggerConfig{}, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x06 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0x08 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x0e }, { 0x53, 0x00 }, { 0x54, 0x02 }, { 0x55, 0x04 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x52 }, { 0x59, 0x3a }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x33 }, { 0x76, 0x33 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x87, 0x00 }, } }, { { 600 }, 2400, 600, 600, 10944, { 8701/2, 8701/2, 8701/2 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 155, 5418, std::vector<unsigned>{}, StaggerConfig{}, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x06 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0x08 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x04 }, { 0x54, 0x06 }, { 0x55, 0x08 }, { 0x56, 0x0a }, { 0x57, 0x0c }, { 0x58, 0x72 }, { 0x59, 0x5a }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x33 }, { 0x76, 0x33 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x87, 0x00 }, } }, { { 1200 }, 2400, 1200, 1200, 29120, { 17120/2, 17120/2, 17120/2 }, Ratio{1, 2}, 295, 5418, { 1, 0 }, StaggerConfig{}, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x06 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0x08 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x04 }, { 0x54, 0x06 }, { 0x55, 0x08 }, { 0x56, 0x0a }, { 0x57, 0x0c }, { 0x58, 0x72 }, { 0x59, 0x5a }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x33 }, { 0x76, 0x33 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x87, 0x00 }, } }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 2400, 2400, 43776, { 36725/2, 36725/2, 36725/2 }, Ratio{1, 1}, 600, 5418, { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, StaggerConfig{10, 15, 4, 9, 14, 19, 8, 13}, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x06 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0x08 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x04 }, { 0x54, 0x06 }, { 0x55, 0x08 }, { 0x56, 0x0a }, { 0x57, 0x0c }, { 0x58, 0x72 }, { 0x59, 0x5a }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x33 }, { 0x76, 0x33 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x87, 0x00 }, } }, { { 4800 }, 4800, 4800, 4800, 43776, { 36725/2, 36725/2, 36725/2 }, Ratio{1, 1}, 1000, 10784, { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, StaggerConfig{5, 9, 6, 10, 3, 7, 16, 20, 13, 17, 14, 18, 11, 15, 24, 28}, StaggerConfig{6, 0}, { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x06 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x10 }, { 0x1c, 0x08 }, { 0x1d, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x0a }, { 0x53, 0x0c }, { 0x54, 0x0e }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x02 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x32 }, { 0x59, 0x1a }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x33 }, { 0x76, 0x33 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x87, 0x00 }, } } }; for (const auto& setting : custom_settings) { for (auto method : { ScanMethod::FLATBED, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY }) { sensor.method = method; sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.resolutions.values().front(); sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.exposure = setting.exposure; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.segment_size = setting.segment_size; sensor.segment_order = setting.segment_order; sensor.stagger_x = setting.stagger_x; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_CANON_8400F; // gl843 sensor.full_resolution = 3200; sensor.register_dpihw = 4800; sensor.black_pixels = 50*8; // 31 at 600 dpi, 58 at 1200 dpi sensor.dummy_pixel = 20; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.exposure = { 0x9c40, 0x9c40, 0x9c40 }; sensor.custom_regs = {}; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int exposure_lperiod; int output_pixel_offset; int shading_pixel_offset; std::vector<ScanMethod> methods; StaggerConfig stagger_y; GenesysRegisterSettingSet extra_custom_regs; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_fe_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 400 }, 2400, Ratio{1, 4}, 7200, 2, 0, { ScanMethod::FLATBED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x13 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x1e, 0xa0 }, { 0x52, 0x0d }, { 0x53, 0x10 }, { 0x54, 0x01 }, { 0x55, 0x04 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0a }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x01 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x03 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x0e }, { 0x76, 0x3f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x01 }, { 0x7b, 0xb6 }, { 0x7c, 0xdb }, { 0x80, 0x2a }, }, {} }, { { 800 }, 4800, Ratio{1, 4}, 7200, 5, 13, { ScanMethod::FLATBED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x13 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x1e, 0xa0 }, { 0x52, 0x0d }, { 0x53, 0x10 }, { 0x54, 0x01 }, { 0x55, 0x04 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0a }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x01 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x03 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x0e }, { 0x76, 0x3f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x01 }, { 0x7b, 0xb6 }, { 0x7c, 0xdb }, { 0x80, 0x20 }, }, {} }, { { 1600 }, 4800, Ratio{1, 2}, 14400, 10, 8, { ScanMethod::FLATBED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x11 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x1e, 0xa1 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0e }, { 0x54, 0x11 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x05 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x01 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x03 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x01 }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x02 }, { 0x7b, 0x49 }, { 0x7c, 0x24 }, { 0x80, 0x28 }, }, { { 0x03, 0x1f }, } }, { { 3200 }, 4800, Ratio{1, 1}, 28800, 20, -2, { ScanMethod::FLATBED }, StaggerConfig{0, 6}, { { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x1e, 0xa1 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x08 }, { 0x55, 0x0b }, { 0x56, 0x0e }, { 0x57, 0x11 }, { 0x58, 0x1b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x09 }, { 0x71, 0x0a }, { 0x72, 0x0b }, { 0x73, 0x0c }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x02 }, { 0x7b, 0x49 }, { 0x7c, 0x24 }, { 0x80, 0x2b }, }, { { 0x03, 0x1f }, }, }, { { 400 }, 2400, Ratio{1, 4}, 14400, 2, 0, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x13 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x1e, 0xa0 }, { 0x52, 0x0d }, { 0x53, 0x10 }, { 0x54, 0x01 }, { 0x55, 0x04 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0a }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x01 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x03 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x0e }, { 0x76, 0x3f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x01 }, { 0x7b, 0xb6 }, { 0x7c, 0xdb }, { 0x80, 0x20 }, }, {} }, { { 800 }, 4800, Ratio{1, 4}, 14400, 5, 13, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x13 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x1e, 0xa0 }, { 0x52, 0x0d }, { 0x53, 0x10 }, { 0x54, 0x01 }, { 0x55, 0x04 }, { 0x56, 0x07 }, { 0x57, 0x0a }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x01 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x03 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x0e }, { 0x76, 0x3f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x01 }, { 0x7b, 0xb6 }, { 0x7c, 0xdb }, { 0x80, 0x20 }, }, {} }, { { 1600 }, 4800, Ratio{1, 2}, 28800, 10, 8, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x11 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x1e, 0xa0 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0e }, { 0x54, 0x11 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x05 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x01 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x03 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x01 }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x02 }, { 0x7b, 0x49 }, { 0x7c, 0x24 }, { 0x80, 0x29 }, }, { { 0x03, 0x1f }, }, }, { { 3200 }, 4800, Ratio{1, 1}, 28800, 20, 10, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED }, StaggerConfig{0, 6}, { { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x1e, 0xa0 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x05 }, { 0x54, 0x08 }, { 0x55, 0x0b }, { 0x56, 0x0e }, { 0x57, 0x11 }, { 0x58, 0x1b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x09 }, { 0x71, 0x0a }, { 0x72, 0x0b }, { 0x73, 0x0c }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x02 }, { 0x7b, 0x49 }, { 0x7c, 0x24 }, { 0x80, 0x2b }, }, { { 0x03, 0x1f }, }, }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { for (auto method : setting.methods) {for (auto resolution : setting.resolutions.values()) { sensor.resolutions = { resolution }; sensor.shading_resolution = resolution; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.shading_pixel_offset = setting.shading_pixel_offset; sensor.method = method; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; sensor.custom_regs = setting.extra_custom_regs; sensor.custom_fe_regs = setting.custom_fe_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_CANON_8600F; // gl843 sensor.full_resolution = 4800; sensor.register_dpihw = 4800; sensor.black_pixels = 31; sensor.dummy_pixel = 20; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.gain_white_ref = 160; sensor.exposure = { 0x9c40, 0x9c40, 0x9c40 }; sensor.custom_regs = {}; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpiset; int exposure_lperiod; int output_pixel_offset; std::vector<ScanMethod> methods; StaggerConfig stagger_y; GenesysRegisterSettingSet extra_custom_regs; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_fe_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 300 }, 1200, 1200, 24000, 1, { ScanMethod::FLATBED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x6b }, { 0x52, 0x0c }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x09 }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x74, 0x03 }, { 0x75, 0xf0 }, { 0x76, 0xf0 }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xfe }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0x49 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }, {}, }, { { 600 }, 1200, 2400, 24000, 2, { ScanMethod::FLATBED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x6b }, { 0x52, 0x0c }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x09 }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x74, 0x03 }, { 0x75, 0xf0 }, { 0x76, 0xf0 }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xfe }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0x49 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }, {}, }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 4800, 24000, 5, { ScanMethod::FLATBED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x6b }, { 0x52, 0x0c }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x09 }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x74, 0x03 }, { 0x75, 0xf0 }, { 0x76, 0xf0 }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xfe }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0x49 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }, {}, }, { { 300 }, 1200, 1200, 45000, 6, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x6b }, { 0x52, 0x0c }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x09 }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x74, 0x03 }, { 0x75, 0xf0 }, { 0x76, 0xf0 }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xfe }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0x49 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }, {}, }, { { 600 }, 1200, 2400, 45000, 11, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x6b }, { 0x52, 0x0c }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x09 }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x74, 0x03 }, { 0x75, 0xf0 }, { 0x76, 0xf0 }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xfe }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0x49 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }, {}, }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 4800, 45000, 23, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x0a }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x6b }, { 0x52, 0x0c }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x09 }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x74, 0x03 }, { 0x75, 0xf0 }, { 0x76, 0xf0 }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xfe }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0x49 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }, {}, }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 4800, 45000, 10, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED }, StaggerConfig{}, { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x15 }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x01 }, { 0x1d, 0x75 }, { 0x52, 0x0c }, { 0x53, 0x0f }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x03 }, { 0x56, 0x06 }, { 0x57, 0x09 }, { 0x58, 0x6b }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x02 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x04 }, { 0x74, 0x03 }, { 0x75, 0xfe }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xfe }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0x49 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }, {}, }, { { 4800 }, 4800, 4800, 45000, -1982, { ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED }, StaggerConfig{8, 0}, { { 0x0c, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x13 }, { 0x17, 0x15 }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x61 }, { 0x1d, 0x75 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x06 }, { 0x54, 0x09 }, { 0x55, 0x0c }, { 0x56, 0x0f }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x23 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x0a }, { 0x71, 0x0c }, { 0x72, 0x0c }, { 0x73, 0x0e }, { 0x74, 0x03 }, { 0x75, 0xff }, { 0x76, 0xff }, { 0x77, 0x03 }, { 0x78, 0xff }, { 0x79, 0xff }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x92 }, { 0x7c, 0x49 }, { 0x9e, 0x2d }, { 0xaa, 0x00 }, }, { { 0x03, 0x1f }, }, }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { for (auto method : setting.methods) { for (auto resolution : setting.resolutions.values()) { sensor.resolutions = { resolution }; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = resolution; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.method = method; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; sensor.custom_regs = setting.extra_custom_regs; sensor.custom_fe_regs = setting.custom_fe_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_HP_N6310; // gl847 sensor.full_resolution = 2400; sensor.black_pixels = 96; sensor.dummy_pixel = 26; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = Ratio{1, 4}; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x02 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x0b }, { 0x53, 0x0e }, { 0x54, 0x11 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x05 }, { 0x57, 0x08 }, { 0x58, 0x63 }, { 0x59, 0x00 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpihw; unsigned shading_factor; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 600, 8, 4 }, { { 100 }, 600, 6, 5 }, { { 150 }, 600, 4, 8 }, { { 200 }, 600, 3, 10 }, { { 300 }, 600, 2, 16 }, { { 600 }, 600, 1, 32 }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 1, 64 }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 1, 128 }, }; auto base_custom_regs = sensor.custom_regs; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.resolutions.values()[0]; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_110; // gl124 sensor.full_resolution = 2400; sensor.black_pixels = 87; sensor.dummy_pixel = 16; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.gamma = { 2.2f, 2.2f, 2.2f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpihw; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned shading_resolution; int exposure_lperiod; SensorExposure exposure; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; unsigned shading_factor; std::vector<unsigned> segment_order; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 1200, 600, 150, 300, 4608, { 462, 609, 453 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 4, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x06 }, { 0x71, 0x08 }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 100 }, 1200, 600, 200, 300, 4608, { 462, 609, 453 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 3, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x06 }, { 0x71, 0x08 }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 150 }, 1200, 600, 300, 300, 4608, { 462, 609, 453 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 2, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x06 }, { 0x71, 0x08 }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 300 }, 1200, 600, 600, 300, 4608, { 462, 609, 453 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x06 }, { 0x71, 0x08 }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 600 }, 2400, 600, 600, 600, 5360, { 823, 1117, 805 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0x0a }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x06 }, { 0x71, 0x08 }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa3 }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, }, }, { { 1200 }, 2400, 1200, 1200, 1200, 10528, { 6071, 6670, 6042 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, { 0, 1 }, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 },{ 0x20, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x06 }, { 0x71, 0x08 }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x12 }, { 0x89, 0x47 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa3 }, { 0x98, 0x22 }, } }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 2400, 2400, 2400, 20864, { 7451, 8661, 7405 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, { 0, 2, 1, 3 }, { { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0x06 }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x06 }, { 0x71, 0x08 }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x12 }, { 0x89, 0x47 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa3 }, { 0x98, 0x24 }, } } }; for (const auto& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.exposure = setting.exposure; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.segment_order = setting.segment_order; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_120; // gl124 sensor.full_resolution = 2400; sensor.black_pixels = 87; sensor.dummy_pixel = 16; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.gamma = { 2.2f, 2.2f, 2.2f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpihw; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned shading_resolution; int exposure_lperiod; SensorExposure exposure; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; unsigned shading_factor; std::vector<unsigned> segment_order; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 1200, 600, 150, 300, 4608, { 1244, 1294, 1144 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 4, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x15 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x06 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x3a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x1f }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x5e }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x09 }, { 0x95, 0xf8 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x70 }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, }, }, { { 100 }, 1200, 600, 200, 300, 4608, { 1244, 1294, 1144 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 3, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x15 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x06 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x3a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x1f }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x5e }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x09 }, { 0x95, 0xf8 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x70 }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, }, }, { { 150 }, 1200, 600, 300, 300, 4608, { 1244, 1294, 1144 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 2, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x15 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x06 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x3a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x1f }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x5e }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x09 }, { 0x95, 0xf8 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x70 }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, }, }, { { 300 }, 1200, 600, 600, 300, 4608, { 1244, 1294, 1144 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x15 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x06 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x3a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x1f }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x5e }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x09 }, { 0x95, 0xf8 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x70 }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, }, }, { { 600 }, 2400, 600, 600, 600, 5360, { 2394, 2444, 2144 }, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x11 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x06 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x3a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x1f }, { 0x71, 0x1f }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x5e }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x13 }, { 0x95, 0xf0 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x8b }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, }, }, { { 1200 }, 2400, 1200, 1200, 1200, 10528, { 4694, 4644, 4094 }, Ratio{1, 2}, 1, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x15 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x06 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x3a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x1f }, { 0x71, 0x1f }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x5e }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x27 }, { 0x95, 0xe0 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xc0 }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, }, }, { { 2400 }, 2400, 2400, 2400, 2400, 20864, { 8944, 8144, 7994 }, Ratio{1, 1}, 1, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { { 0x16, 0x11 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0x02 }, { 0x52, 0x04 }, { 0x53, 0x06 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x3a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0x00 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x1f }, { 0x72, 0x08 }, { 0x73, 0x0a }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x5e }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x4f }, { 0x95, 0xc0 }, { 0x96, 0x01 }, { 0x97, 0x2a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, }; for (const auto& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.exposure = setting.exposure; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.segment_order = setting.segment_order; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_210; // gl124 sensor.full_resolution = 4800; sensor.black_pixels = 87; sensor.dummy_pixel = 16; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.gamma = { 2.2f, 2.2f, 2.2f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpihw; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned shading_resolution; int exposure_lperiod; SensorExposure exposure; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; unsigned shading_factor; std::vector<unsigned> segment_order; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 2400, 600, 150, 300, 2768, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 4, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 100 }, 2400, 600, 200, 300, 2768, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 3, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 150 }, 2400, 600, 300, 300, 2768, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 2, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 300 }, 2400, 600, 600, 300, 2768, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 600 }, 4800, 600, 600, 600, 5360, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0a }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa3 }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 1200 }, 4800, 1200, 1200, 1200, 10528, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, {0, 1}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa3 }, { 0x98, 0x22 }, }, }, { { 2400 }, 4800, 2400, 2400, 2400, 20864, { 6839, 8401, 6859 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, {0, 2, 1, 3}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x06 }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x12 }, { 0x89, 0x47 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa3 }, { 0x98, 0x24 }, }, }, { { 4800 }, 4800, 4800, 4800, 4800, 41536, { 9735, 14661, 11345 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, { 0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7 }, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x1e }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x12 }, { 0x89, 0x47 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa5 }, { 0x98, 0x28 }, }, } }; for (const auto& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.exposure = setting.exposure; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.segment_order = setting.segment_order; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_220; // gl124 sensor.full_resolution = 4800; sensor.black_pixels = 87; sensor.dummy_pixel = 16; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.gamma = { 2.2f, 2.2f, 2.2f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpihw; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned shading_resolution; int exposure_lperiod; SensorExposure exposure; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; unsigned shading_factor; std::vector<unsigned> segment_order; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 2400, 600, 150, 300, 2768, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 4, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 100 }, 2400, 600, 200, 300, 2768, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 3, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 150 }, 2400, 600, 300, 300, 2768, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 2, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 300 }, 2400, 600, 600, 300, 2768, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0c }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x0a }, { 0x95, 0x18 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0x9a }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 600 }, 4800, 600, 600, 600, 5360, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, std::vector<unsigned>{}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x0a }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa3 }, { 0x98, 0x21 }, } }, { { 1200 }, 4800, 1200, 1200, 1200, 10528, { 388, 574, 393 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, {0, 1}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x08 }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x00 }, { 0x89, 0x65 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa3 }, { 0x98, 0x22 }, } }, { { 2400 }, 4800, 2400, 2400, 2400, 20864, { 6839, 8401, 6859 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, {0, 2, 1, 3}, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x06 }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x12 }, { 0x89, 0x47 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa3 }, { 0x98, 0x24 }, }, }, { { 4800 }, 4800, 4800, 4800, 4800, 41536, { 9735, 14661, 11345 }, Ratio{1, 8}, 1, { 0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7 }, { // { 0x16, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x16, 0x10 }, { 0x17, 0x04 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x01 }, { 0x1a, 0x30 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x02 }, { 0x1d, 0x01 }, { 0x20, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x00 }, { 0x53, 0x02 }, { 0x54, 0x04 }, { 0x55, 0x06 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x04 }, { 0x58, 0x04 }, { 0x59, 0x04 }, { 0x5a, 0x1a }, { 0x5b, 0x00 }, { 0x5c, 0xc0 }, { 0x61, 0x20 }, // { 0x70, 0x00 }, // FIXME: check if default value is different { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x0f }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x88, 0x12 }, { 0x89, 0x47 }, { 0x93, 0x00 }, { 0x94, 0x14 }, { 0x95, 0x30 }, { 0x96, 0x00 }, { 0x97, 0xa5 }, { 0x98, 0x28 }, }, } }; for (const auto& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.exposure = setting.exposure; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.segment_order = setting.segment_order; sensor.custom_regs = setting.custom_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_PLUSTEK_OPTICPRO_3600; // gl841 sensor.full_resolution = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 87; sensor.dummy_pixel = 87; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x33 }, { 0x17, 0x0b }, { 0x18, 0x11 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0xc4 }, { 0x52, 0x07 }, { 0x53, 0x0a }, { 0x54, 0x0c }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x02 }, { 0x57, 0x06 }, { 0x58, 0x22 }, { 0x59, 0x69 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x00 }, { 0x72, 0x00 }, { 0x73, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpihw; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 600, 600, 150, 11 }, { { 100 }, 600, 600, 200, 14 }, { { 150 }, 600, 600, 300, 22 }, { { 200 }, 600, 600, 400, 29 }, { { 300 }, 600, 600, 600, 44 }, { { 600 }, 600, 600, 1200, 88 }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 1200, 1200, 88 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_PLUSTEK_OPTICFILM_7200; // gl842 sensor.full_resolution = 7200; sensor.register_dpihw = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 88; // TODO sensor.dummy_pixel = 19; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x2b00, 0x2b00, 0x2b00 }; sensor.exposure_lperiod = 0x694e; sensor.use_host_side_calib = true; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x3b }, { 0x17, 0x4b }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x00 }, { 0x1a, 0x24 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x40 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x52, 0x09 }, { 0x53, 0x0c }, { 0x54, 0x0e }, { 0x55, 0x02 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x22 }, { 0x59, 0x69 }, { 0x5a, 0xc0 }, { 0x70, 0x08 }, { 0x71, 0x09 }, { 0x72, 0x0b }, { 0x73, 0x0c }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x7f }, { 0x79, 0xff }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x00 }, { 0x7d, 0x00 }, { 0x7f, 0x01 } }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; ScanMethod method; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; unsigned register_dpiset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 900 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, Ratio{8, 8}, 2, 150, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 1800 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, Ratio{4, 4}, 10, 300, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 3600 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, Ratio{2, 2}, 10, 600, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 7200 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, Ratio{1, 1}, 20, 1200, StaggerConfig{0, 4} }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.method = setting.method; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.resolutions.values().front(); sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_PLUSTEK_OPTICFILM_7200I; // gl843 sensor.full_resolution = 7200; sensor.register_dpihw = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 88; // TODO sensor.dummy_pixel = 20; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.use_host_side_calib = true; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x00 }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x23 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x21 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x52, 0x0a }, { 0x53, 0x0d }, { 0x54, 0x10 }, { 0x55, 0x01 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x3a }, { 0x59, 0x81 }, { 0x5a, 0xc0 }, { 0x70, 0x0a }, { 0x71, 0x0b }, { 0x72, 0x0c }, { 0x73, 0x0d }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; ScanMethod method; unsigned shading_resolution; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; unsigned exposure_lperiod; unsigned register_dpiset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; GenesysRegisterSettingSet custom_fe_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 900 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 900, Ratio{8, 8}, 2, 0x2538, 150, StaggerConfig{}, {} }, { { 1800 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 1800, Ratio{4, 4}, 5, 0x2538, 300, StaggerConfig{}, {} }, { { 3600 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 3600, Ratio{2, 2}, 10, 0x2538, 600, StaggerConfig{}, {} }, { { 7200 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 7200, Ratio{1, 1}, 20, 0x19c8, 1200, StaggerConfig{4, 0}, { { 0x02, 0x1b }, { 0x03, 0x14 }, { 0x04, 0x20 }, } }, { { 900 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 900, Ratio{8, 8}, 2, 0x1f54, 150, StaggerConfig{}, {} }, { { 1800 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 1800, Ratio{4, 4}, 5, 0x1f54, 300, StaggerConfig{}, {} }, { { 3600 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 3600, Ratio{2, 2}, 10, 0x1f54, 600, StaggerConfig{}, {}}, { { 7200 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 7200, Ratio{1, 1}, 20, 0x1f54, 1200, StaggerConfig{4, 0}, {} }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.method = setting.method; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; sensor.custom_fe_regs = setting.custom_fe_regs; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_PLUSTEK_OPTICFILM_7300; // gl843 sensor.full_resolution = 7200; sensor.method = ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY; sensor.register_dpihw = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 88; // TODO sensor.dummy_pixel = 20; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.exposure_lperiod = 0x2f44; sensor.use_host_side_calib = true; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x00 }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x27 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x52, 0x0a }, { 0x53, 0x0d }, { 0x54, 0x0f }, { 0x55, 0x01 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x31 }, { 0x59, 0x79 }, { 0x5a, 0xc0 }, { 0x70, 0x0c }, { 0x71, 0x0d }, { 0x72, 0x0e }, { 0x73, 0x0f }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned shading_resolution; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; unsigned register_dpiset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 900 }, 900, Ratio{8, 8}, 2, 150, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 1800 }, 1800, Ratio{4, 4}, 5, 300, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 3600 }, 3600, Ratio{2, 2}, 10, 600, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 7200 }, 7200, Ratio{1, 1}, 20, 1200, StaggerConfig{4, 0} }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_PLUSTEK_OPTICFILM_7400; // gl845 sensor.full_resolution = 7200; sensor.method = ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY; sensor.register_dpihw = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 88; // TODO sensor.dummy_pixel = 20; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.exposure_lperiod = 14000; sensor.use_host_side_calib = true; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x00 }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x27 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x52, 0x09 }, { 0x53, 0x0d }, { 0x54, 0x0f }, { 0x55, 0x01 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x31 }, { 0x59, 0x79 }, { 0x5a, 0xc0 }, { 0x70, 0x0a }, { 0x71, 0x0b }, { 0x72, 0x0c }, { 0x73, 0x0d }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x00 }, { 0x7d, 0x00 }, { 0x87, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 600 }, 100, 10, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 1200 }, 200, 20, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 2400 }, 400, 40, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 3600 }, 600, 60, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 7200 }, 1200, 120, StaggerConfig{4, 0} }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.resolutions.values()[0]; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_PLUSTEK_OPTICFILM_7500I; // gl843 sensor.full_resolution = 7200; sensor.register_dpihw = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 88; // TODO sensor.dummy_pixel = 20; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.use_host_side_calib = true; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x00 }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x27 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x52, 0x0a }, { 0x53, 0x0d }, { 0x54, 0x0f }, { 0x55, 0x01 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x31 }, { 0x59, 0x79 }, { 0x5a, 0xc0 }, { 0x70, 0x0c }, { 0x71, 0x0d }, { 0x72, 0x0e }, { 0x73, 0x0f }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; ScanMethod method; unsigned shading_resolution; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; int output_pixel_offset; unsigned exposure_lperiod; unsigned register_dpiset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 900 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 900, Ratio{8, 8}, 2, 0x2f44, 150, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 1800 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 1800, Ratio{4, 4}, 5, 0x2f44, 300, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 3600 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 3600, Ratio{2, 2}, 10, 0x2f44, 600, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 7200 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 7200, Ratio{1, 1}, 20, 0x2f44, 1200, StaggerConfig{4, 0} }, { { 900 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 900, Ratio{8, 8}, 2, 0x2af8, 150, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 1800 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 1800, Ratio{4, 4}, 5, 0x2af8, 300, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 3600 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 3600, Ratio{2, 2}, 10, 0x2af8, 600, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 7200 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 7200, Ratio{1, 1}, 20, 0x2af8, 1200, StaggerConfig{4, 0} }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.method = setting.method; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.exposure_lperiod = setting.exposure_lperiod; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_PLUSTEK_OPTICFILM_8200I; // gl845 sensor.full_resolution = 7200; sensor.method = ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY; sensor.register_dpihw = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 88; // TODO sensor.dummy_pixel = 20; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 230; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.exposure_lperiod = 14000; sensor.use_host_side_calib = true; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x08, 0x00 }, { 0x09, 0x00 }, { 0x0a, 0x00 }, { 0x16, 0x27 }, { 0x17, 0x0c }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0x2a }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x84 }, { 0x52, 0x09 }, { 0x53, 0x0d }, { 0x54, 0x0f }, { 0x55, 0x01 }, { 0x56, 0x04 }, { 0x57, 0x07 }, { 0x58, 0x31 }, { 0x59, 0x79 }, { 0x5a, 0xc0 }, { 0x70, 0x0a }, { 0x71, 0x0b }, { 0x72, 0x0c }, { 0x73, 0x0d }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x00 }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x00 }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x00 }, { 0x7d, 0x00 }, { 0x87, 0x00 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; ScanMethod method; unsigned register_dpiset; int output_pixel_offset; StaggerConfig stagger_y; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 900 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 150, 15, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 1800 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 300, 30, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 3600 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 600, 60, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 7200 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY, 1200, 120, StaggerConfig{4, 0} }, { { 900 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 150, 15, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 1800 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 300, 30, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 3600 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 600, 60, StaggerConfig{} }, { { 7200 }, ScanMethod::TRANSPARENCY_INFRARED, 1200, 120, StaggerConfig{4, 0} }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.method = setting.method; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.resolutions.values()[0]; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; sensor.stagger_y = setting.stagger_y; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_IMG101; // gl846 sensor.resolutions = { 75, 100, 150, 300, 600, 1200 }; sensor.exposure_lperiod = 11000; sensor.segment_size = 5136; sensor.segment_order = {0, 1}; sensor.full_resolution = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 31; sensor.dummy_pixel = 31; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0xbb }, { 0x17, 0x13 }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x06 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x04 }, { 0x54, 0x06 }, { 0x55, 0x08 }, { 0x56, 0x0a }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x59 }, { 0x59, 0x31 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.7f, 1.7f, 1.7f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpihw; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; unsigned shading_factor; GenesysRegisterSettingSet extra_custom_regs; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 600, Ratio{1, 4}, 8, { { 0x7e, 0x00 } } }, { { 100 }, 600, Ratio{1, 4}, 6, { { 0x7e, 0x00 } } }, { { 150 }, 600, Ratio{1, 4}, 4, { { 0x7e, 0x00 } } }, { { 300 }, 600, Ratio{1, 4}, 2, { { 0x7e, 0x00 } } }, { { 600 }, 600, Ratio{1, 4}, 1, { { 0x7e, 0x01 } } }, { { 1200 }, 1200, Ratio{1, 2}, 1, { { 0x7e, 0x01 } } }, }; auto base_custom_regs = sensor.custom_regs; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.resolutions.values()[0]; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.custom_regs = base_custom_regs; sensor.custom_regs.merge(setting.extra_custom_regs); s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CCD_PLUSTEK_OPTICBOOK_3800; // gl845 sensor.resolutions = { 75, 100, 150, 300, 600, 1200 }; sensor.exposure_lperiod = 11000; sensor.full_resolution = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 31; sensor.dummy_pixel = 31; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 210; sensor.gain_white_ref = 200; sensor.exposure = { 0, 0, 0 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0xbb }, { 0x17, 0x13 }, { 0x18, 0x10 }, { 0x19, 0xff }, { 0x1a, 0x34 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x20 }, { 0x1d, 0x06 }, { 0x52, 0x02 }, { 0x53, 0x04 }, { 0x54, 0x06 }, { 0x55, 0x08 }, { 0x56, 0x0a }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x59 }, { 0x59, 0x31 }, { 0x5a, 0x40 }, { 0x70, 0x01 }, { 0x71, 0x00 }, { 0x72, 0x02 }, { 0x73, 0x01 }, { 0x74, 0x00 }, { 0x75, 0x00 }, { 0x76, 0x3c }, { 0x77, 0x00 }, { 0x78, 0x00 }, { 0x79, 0x9f }, { 0x7a, 0x00 }, { 0x7b, 0x00 }, { 0x7c, 0x55 }, { 0x7d, 0x20 }, { 0x87, 0x02 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.7f, 1.7f, 1.7f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned register_dpihw; Ratio pixel_count_ratio; unsigned shading_factor; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 600, Ratio{1, 2}, 8 }, { { 100 }, 600, Ratio{1, 2}, 6 }, { { 150 }, 600, Ratio{1, 2}, 4 }, { { 300 }, 600, Ratio{1, 2}, 2 }, { { 600 }, 600, Ratio{1, 2}, 1 }, { { 1200 }, 1200, Ratio{1, 1}, 1 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.register_dpihw = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.resolutions.values()[0]; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.register_dpihw; sensor.pixel_count_ratio = setting.pixel_count_ratio; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } sensor = Genesys_Sensor(); sensor.sensor_id = SensorId::CIS_CANON_LIDE_80; // gl841 sensor.full_resolution = 1200; // real hardware limit is 2400 sensor.register_dpihw = 1200; sensor.black_pixels = 20; sensor.dummy_pixel = 6; sensor.fau_gain_white_ref = 150; sensor.gain_white_ref = 150; // maps to 0x70-0x73 for GL841 sensor.exposure = { 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0500 }; sensor.custom_regs = { { 0x16, 0x00 }, { 0x17, 0x01 }, { 0x18, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0x06 }, { 0x1a, 0x00 }, { 0x1b, 0x00 }, { 0x1c, 0x00 }, { 0x1d, 0x04 }, { 0x52, 0x03 }, { 0x53, 0x07 }, { 0x54, 0x00 }, { 0x55, 0x00 }, { 0x56, 0x00 }, { 0x57, 0x00 }, { 0x58, 0x29 }, { 0x59, 0x69 }, { 0x5a, 0x55 }, { 0x70, 0x00 }, { 0x71, 0x05 }, { 0x72, 0x07 }, { 0x73, 0x09 }, }; sensor.gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; { struct CustomSensorSettings { ValueFilterAny<unsigned> resolutions; unsigned optical_resolution; unsigned register_dpiset; unsigned shading_resolution; unsigned shading_factor; int output_pixel_offset; }; CustomSensorSettings custom_settings[] = { { { 75 }, 600, 150, 600, 8, 2 }, { { 100 }, 600, 200, 600, 6, 3 }, { { 150 }, 600, 300, 600, 4, 4 }, { { 200 }, 600, 400, 600, 3, 6 }, { { 300 }, 600, 600, 600, 2, 9 }, { { 600 }, 600, 1200, 600, 1, 17 }, { { 1200 }, 1200, 1200, 1200, 1, 35 }, }; for (const CustomSensorSettings& setting : custom_settings) { sensor.resolutions = setting.resolutions; sensor.optical_resolution = setting.optical_resolution; sensor.register_dpiset = setting.register_dpiset; sensor.shading_resolution = setting.shading_resolution; sensor.shading_factor = setting.shading_factor; sensor.output_pixel_offset = setting.output_pixel_offset; s_sensors->push_back(sensor); } } } void verify_sensor_tables() { std::map<SensorId, AsicType> sensor_to_asic; for (const auto& device : *s_usb_devices) { sensor_to_asic[device.model().sensor_id] = device.model().asic_type; } for (const auto& sensor : *s_sensors) { if (sensor_to_asic.count(sensor.sensor_id) == 0) { throw SaneException("Unknown asic for sensor"); } auto asic_type = sensor_to_asic[sensor.sensor_id]; if (sensor.full_resolution == 0) { throw SaneException("full_resolution is not defined"); } if (sensor.register_dpiset == 0) { throw SaneException("register_dpiset is not defined"); } if (asic_type != AsicType::GL646) { if (sensor.register_dpihw == 0) { throw SaneException("register_dpihw is not defined"); } if (sensor.shading_resolution == 0) { throw SaneException("shading_resolution is not defined"); } } if (asic_type == AsicType::GL841) { auto required_registers = { 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, }; for (auto address : required_registers) { if (!sensor.custom_regs.has_reg(address)) { throw SaneException("Required register is not present"); } } } if (asic_type == AsicType::GL842) { auto required_registers = { 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7f }; for (auto address : required_registers) { if (!sensor.custom_regs.has_reg(address)) { throw SaneException("Required register is not present"); } } } } } } // namespace genesys