/* sane - Scanner Access Now Easy. Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Stéphane Voltz <stef.dev@free.fr> This file is part of the SANE package. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE. The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the SANE library code into it. This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that those changes may be distributed with this exception intact. If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ #include "genesys.h" /* Individual bits */ #define REG01 0x01 #define REG01_CISSET 0x80 #define REG01_DOGENB 0x40 #define REG01_DVDSET 0x20 #define REG01_M16DRAM 0x08 #define REG01_DRAMSEL 0x04 #define REG01_SHDAREA 0x02 #define REG01_SCAN 0x01 #define REG02 0x02 #define REG02_NOTHOME 0x80 #define REG02_ACDCDIS 0x40 #define REG02_AGOHOME 0x20 #define REG02_MTRPWR 0x10 #define REG02_FASTFED 0x08 #define REG02_MTRREV 0x04 #define REG02_HOMENEG 0x02 #define REG02_LONGCURV 0x01 #define REG03_LAMPDOG 0x80 #define REG03_AVEENB 0x40 #define REG03_XPASEL 0x20 #define REG03_LAMPPWR 0x10 #define REG03_LAMPTIM 0x0f #define REG04_LINEART 0x80 #define REG04_BITSET 0x40 #define REG04_AFEMOD 0x30 #define REG04_FILTER 0x0c #define REG04_FESET 0x03 #define REG04S_AFEMOD 4 #define REG05_DPIHW 0xc0 #define REG05_DPIHW_600 0x00 #define REG05_DPIHW_1200 0x40 #define REG05_DPIHW_2400 0x80 #define REG05_MTLLAMP 0x30 #define REG05_GMMENB 0x08 #define REG05_MTLBASE 0x03 #define REG06_SCANMOD 0xe0 #define REG06S_SCANMOD 5 #define REG06_PWRBIT 0x10 #define REG06_GAIN4 0x08 #define REG06_OPTEST 0x07 #define REG07_SRAMSEL 0x08 #define REG07_FASTDMA 0x04 #define REG07_DMASEL 0x02 #define REG07_DMARDWR 0x01 #define REG08_DECFLAG 0x40 #define REG08_GMMFFR 0x20 #define REG08_GMMFFG 0x10 #define REG08_GMMFFB 0x08 #define REG08_GMMZR 0x04 #define REG08_GMMZG 0x02 #define REG08_GMMZB 0x01 #define REG09_MCNTSET 0xc0 #define REG09_CLKSET 0x30 #define REG09_BACKSCAN 0x08 #define REG09_ENHANCE 0x04 #define REG09_SHORTTG 0x02 #define REG09_NWAIT 0x01 #define REG09S_MCNTSET 6 #define REG09S_CLKSET 4 #define REG0A_SRAMBUF 0x01 #define REG0D 0x0d #define REG0D_CLRLNCNT 0x01 #define REG16_CTRLHI 0x80 #define REG16_TOSHIBA 0x40 #define REG16_TGINV 0x20 #define REG16_CK1INV 0x10 #define REG16_CK2INV 0x08 #define REG16_CTRLINV 0x04 #define REG16_CKDIS 0x02 #define REG16_CTRLDIS 0x01 #define REG17_TGMODE 0xc0 #define REG17_TGMODE_NO_DUMMY 0x00 #define REG17_TGMODE_REF 0x40 #define REG17_TGMODE_XPA 0x80 #define REG17_TGW 0x3f #define REG17S_TGW 0 #define REG18_CNSET 0x80 #define REG18_DCKSEL 0x60 #define REG18_CKTOGGLE 0x10 #define REG18_CKDELAY 0x0c #define REG18_CKSEL 0x03 #define REG1A_MANUAL3 0x02 #define REG1A_MANUAL1 0x01 #define REG1A_CK4INV 0x08 #define REG1A_CK3INV 0x04 #define REG1A_LINECLP 0x02 #define REG1C_TGTIME 0x07 #define REG1D_CK4LOW 0x80 #define REG1D_CK3LOW 0x40 #define REG1D_CK1LOW 0x20 #define REG1D_TGSHLD 0x1f #define REG1DS_TGSHLD 0 #define REG1E 0x1e #define REG1E_WDTIME 0xf0 #define REG1ES_WDTIME 4 #define REG1E_LINESEL 0x0f #define REG1ES_LINESEL 0 #define REG_EXPR 0x10 #define REG_EXPG 0x12 #define REG_EXPB 0x14 #define REG_STEPNO 0x21 #define REG_FWDSTEP 0x22 #define REG_BWDSTEP 0x23 #define REG_FASTNO 0x24 #define REG_LINCNT 0x25 #define REG_DPISET 0x2c #define REG_STRPIXEL 0x30 #define REG_ENDPIXEL 0x32 #define REG_LPERIOD 0x38 #define REG40_HISPDFLG 0x04 #define REG40_MOTMFLG 0x02 #define REG40_DATAENB 0x01 #define REG41_PWRBIT 0x80 #define REG41_BUFEMPTY 0x40 #define REG41_FEEDFSH 0x20 #define REG41_SCANFSH 0x10 #define REG41_HOMESNR 0x08 #define REG41_LAMPSTS 0x04 #define REG41_FEBUSY 0x02 #define REG41_MOTORENB 0x01 #define REG58_VSMP 0xf8 #define REG58S_VSMP 3 #define REG58_VSMPW 0x07 #define REG58S_VSMPW 0 #define REG59_BSMP 0xf8 #define REG59S_BSMP 3 #define REG59_BSMPW 0x07 #define REG59S_BSMPW 0 #define REG5A_ADCLKINV 0x80 #define REG5A_RLCSEL 0x40 #define REG5A_CDSREF 0x30 #define REG5AS_CDSREF 4 #define REG5A_RLC 0x0f #define REG5AS_RLC 0 #define REG5E_DECSEL 0xe0 #define REG5ES_DECSEL 5 #define REG5E_STOPTIM 0x1f #define REG5ES_STOPTIM 0 #define REG60_ZIMOD 0x1f #define REG61_Z1MOD 0xff #define REG62_Z1MOD 0xff #define REG63_Z2MOD 0x1f #define REG64_Z2MOD 0xff #define REG65_Z2MOD 0xff #define REG67_STEPSEL 0xc0 #define REG67_FULLSTEP 0x00 #define REG67_HALFSTEP 0x40 #define REG67_QUATERSTEP 0x80 #define REG67_MTRPWM 0x3f #define REG68_FSTPSEL 0xc0 #define REG68_FULLSTEP 0x00 #define REG68_HALFSTEP 0x40 #define REG68_QUATERSTEP 0x80 #define REG68_FASTPWM 0x3f #define REG6B_MULTFILM 0x80 #define REG6B_GPOM13 0x40 #define REG6B_GPOM12 0x20 #define REG6B_GPOM11 0x10 #define REG6B_GPO18 0x02 #define REG6B_GPO17 0x01 #define REG6B 0x6b #define REG6C 0x6c #define REG6C_GPIOH 0xff #define REG6C_GPIOL 0xff #define REG6D 0x6d #define REG6E 0x6e #define REG6F 0x6f #define REG87_LEDADD 0x04 #define INITREG(adr,val) {dev->reg.init_reg(adr, val); } /** * prototypes declaration in case of unit testing */ static int gl841_exposure_time(Genesys_Device *dev, const Genesys_Sensor& sensor, float slope_dpi, int scan_step_type, int start, int used_pixels, int *scan_power_mode);