/* sane - Scanner Access Now Easy. Copyright (C) 2005 Mustek. Originally maintained by Mustek Author:Jack Roy 2005.5.24 This file is part of the SANE package. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE. The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the SANE library code into it. This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that those changes may be distributed with this exception intact. If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. This file implements a SANE backend for the Mustek BearPaw 2448 TA Pro and similar USB2 scanners. */ #ifndef MUSTEK_USB2_HIGH_H #define MUSTEK_USB2_HIGH_H /* const use in structures*/ /*scan mode*/ typedef unsigned short SCANMODE, *LPSCANMODE; #define SM_TEXT 0x00 #define SM_GRAY 0x01 #define SM_RGB24 0x02 #define SM_GRAY10 0x03 #define SM_RGB30 0x04 #define SM_GRAY12 0x05 #define SM_RGB36 0x06 #define SM_GRAY14 0x07 #define SM_RGB42 0x08 #define SM_GRAY16 0x09 #define SM_RGB48 0x0a /*pixel flavor*/ typedef SANE_Byte PIXELFLAVOR, *LPPIXELFLAVOR; #define PF_BlackIs0 0x00 #define PF_WhiteIs0 0x01 /*scan source*/ typedef SANE_Byte SCANSOURCE, *LPSCANSOURCE; #define SS_Reflective 0x00 #define SS_Positive 0x01 #define SS_Negative 0x02 #define SS_ADF 0x03 /*RGB order*/ typedef unsigned short RGBORDER, *LPRGBORDER; #define RO_RGB 0x00 #define RO_BGR 0x01 /* structures use in parameters of export function*/ typedef struct tagGAMMAINFO { SCANMODE smScanMode; unsigned short wInputGammaBits; unsigned short wOutputGammaBits; } GAMMAINFO, *LPGAMMAINFO; typedef struct tagGETPARAMETERS { unsigned short wSourceXDPI; unsigned short wSourceYDPI; unsigned int dwLineByteWidth; unsigned int dwLength; } GETPARAMETERS, *LPGETPARAMETERS; typedef struct tagFRAME { unsigned short x1; unsigned short y1; unsigned short x2; unsigned short y2; } FRAME, *LPFRAME; typedef struct tagSETPARAMETERS { FRAME fmArea; unsigned short wTargetDPI; SCANMODE smScanMode; unsigned short wLinearThreshold; /*threshold for Line art mode */ PIXELFLAVOR pfPixelFlavor; SCANSOURCE ssScanSource; unsigned short * pGammaTable; } SETPARAMETERS, *LPSETPARAMETERS; typedef struct tagIMAGEROWS { RGBORDER roRgbOrder; unsigned short wWantedLineNum; unsigned short wXferedLineNum; SANE_Byte * pBuffer; } IMAGEROWS, *LPIMAGEROWS; /*Macro define*/ #define R_GAIN 0 #define G_GAIN 0 #define B_GAIN 0 #define R_OFFSET 0 #define G_OFFSET 0 #define B_OFFSET 0 #define R_DIRECTION 0 #define G_DIRECTION 0 #define B_DIRECTION 0 /* use for adjust AD's offset*/ /* for Reflective*/ #define REFL_DARK_MAX_LEVEL 20 #define REFL_DARK_MIN_LEVEL 10 #define REFL_WHITE_MAX_LEVEL 220 #define REFL_WHITE_MIN_LEVEL 210 #define REFL_MAX_LEVEL_RANGE 210 #define REFL_MIN_LEVEL_RANGE 190 /*for Transparent*/ #define TRAN_DARK_MAX_LEVEL 20 #define TRAN_DARK_MIN_LEVEL 10 #define TRAN_WHITE_MAX_LEVEL 220 #define TRAN_WHITE_MIN_LEVEL 210 #define TRAN_MAX_LEVEL_RANGE 210 #define TRAN_MIN_LEVEL_RANGE 190 /* in 600 dpi*/ #define FIND_LEFT_TOP_WIDTH_IN_DIP 512 #define FIND_LEFT_TOP_HEIGHT_IN_DIP 180 #define FIND_LEFT_TOP_CALIBRATE_RESOLUTION 600 #define TA_FIND_LEFT_TOP_WIDTH_IN_DIP 2668 #define TA_FIND_LEFT_TOP_HEIGHT_IN_DIP 300 #define TA_MOTOR_BACK_STEP_AFTER_FIND_BOUNDARY 150 #define TA_MOTOR_FORWARD_STEP_AFTER_READ_WHITE_DATA 1100 /*must be 8x*/ #define LINE_CALIBRATION__16BITS_HEIGHT 40 /* the length from block bar to start Calibration position*/ #define BEFORE_SCANNING_MOTOR_FORWARD_PIXEL 40 #define PRE_MOVE_MOTOR_LENGTH_IN_DPI 1450 /* if the motor is 1/8 step, setup MOTOR_STEP_MULTI as 8 if the motor is 1/4 step, setup MOTOR_STEP_MULTI as 4 if the motor is full step, setup MOTOR_STEP_MULTI as 1 #define MOTOR_EIGHTH_STEP*/ #ifdef MOTOR_EIGHTH_STEP #define MOTOR_STEP_MULTI 8 #define GPIO_95_Config 0x68 #else #define MOTOR_STEP_MULTI 4 #define GPIO_95_Config 0x60 #endif #define TRAN_START_POS 4550 /* in 300dpi*/ #define MAX_SCANNING_WIDTH 2550 /*just for A4 */ #define MAX_SCANNING_HEIGHT 3540 /*just for A4 */ #define INIFILENAME "./msam.ini" /*enable gamma*/ #define ENABLE_GAMMA /*save debug image*/ /*#define DEBUG_SAVE_IMAGE*/ /*type define*/ typedef unsigned char SCANTYPE; #define ST_Reflective 0x00 #define ST_Transparent 0x01 typedef enum tagCOLORMODE { CM_RGB48 = 0, CM_RGB42 = 1, CM_RGB36 = 2, CM_RGB30 = 3, CM_RGB24 = 4, CM_GRAY16 = 5, CM_GRAY14 = 6, CM_GRAY12 = 7, CM_GRAY10 = 8, CM_GRAY8 = 9, CM_TEXT = 10, CM_RGB48ext = 11, CM_RGB42ext = 12, CM_RGB36ext = 13, CM_RGB30ext = 14, CM_RGB24ext = 15, CM_GRAY16ext = 16, CM_GRAY14ext = 17, CM_GRAY12ext = 18, CM_GRAY10ext = 19, CM_GRAY8ext = 20, CM_TEXText = 21 } COLORMODE, *PCOLORMODE; typedef struct tagTARGETIMAGE { SANE_Bool isOptimalSpeed; COLORMODE cmColorMode; unsigned short wDpi; unsigned short wX; unsigned short wY; unsigned short wWidth; unsigned short wHeight; SANE_Byte bScanSource; } TARGETIMAGE, *PTARGETIMAGE; typedef struct tagSUGGESTSETTING { COLORMODE cmScanMode; unsigned short wXDpi; unsigned short wYDpi; unsigned short wX; unsigned short wY; unsigned short wWidth; unsigned short wHeight; unsigned int dwBytesPerRow; } SUGGESTSETTING, *PSUGGESTSETTING; #endif