; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "samsung"                 ; name of backend
;:version "(external)"             ; version of backend
:url "http://product.samsung.com/cgi-bin/nabc/support/b2c_support_product_results.jsp"     ; backend's web page
:comment "External binary-only backend for Linux i386 (and x86_64?). See the website for the latest release."

:devicetype :scanner               ; start of a list of devices....
                                   ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                   ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Samsung"                     ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.samsung.com/"
:comment "Multi Function Peripheral. External backend made by Samsung."

; name models for above-specified mfg.
:model "SCX-4016"
:interface "Parport USB"
:status :untested
:comment "Please contact us if you use this device."

:model "SCX-4100"
:interface "Parport USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3413"
:status :good
:comment "Is reported to work. "

:model "SCX-4200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x341b"
:status :good
:comment "Is reported to work. The configuration applet must be run as root."

:model "SCX-4216F"
:interface "Parport USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3409"
:status :untested
:comment "Please contact us if you use this device."

:model "SCX-4521F"
:interface "Parport USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3419"
:status :basic
:comment "See bug report #304052"

:model "SCX-4720F"
:interface "Parport USB"
:status :untested
:comment "Please contact us if you use this device."

:model "SCX-6220"
:interface "Parport USB"
:status :untested
:comment "Please contact us if you use this device."

:model "SCX-6320F"
:interface "Parport USB"
:status :untested
:comment "Please contact us if you use this device."

:model "SF-565P"
:interface "Parport USB"
:status :untested
:comment "Please contact us if you use this device."

:model "SF-755P"
:interface "Parport USB"
:status :untested
:comment "Please contact us if you use this device."

:model "For models not mentioned here, check Samsung website"
:interface "USB"
:status :untested
:comment "Please contact us if you have a Samsung device not mentioned here.""

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.