;gphoto2 backend .desc file by Peter S. Fales

:backend "gphoto2"		; name of backend
:version "0.0 (unmaintained)"	; version of backend
:manpage "sane-gphoto2"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "mailto:peter@fales-lorenz.net"   ; backend's web page

:devicetype :api	           ; start of a list of devices....
:desc "Multiple cameras supported by the gphoto2 libraries"
:url "http://www.gphoto.org"
;:interface "USB, serial port"
:comment "The long-term plan is to support all the cameras supported by the gphoto2 libraries (currently over 140 models).  However, at this stage, only a handful of cameras are definitely known to work with SANE.  Other cameras will probably work if the native file format is EXIF or JPEG.  Testers welcome!"