TECO VM3564 (1)
000: 06 00 02 02 43 00 00 10 52 45 4c 49 53 59 53 20    ....C...RELISYS
016: 41 56 45 43 20 49 49 20 53 33 20 20 20 20 20 20    AVEC II S3
032: 31 2e 30 37 31 2e 30 37 00 01 54 45 43 4f 20 56    1.071.07..TECO V
048: 4d 33 35 36 34 20 00 01 01 2c 00 01 02 58 09 f6    M3564 ...,...X..
064: 0d af 01 2c 00 08 01 00                            ...,....

TECO VM3564 (2)
000: 06 00 02 02 43 00 00 10 52 45 4c 49 53 59 53 20    ....C...RELISYS
016: 41 56 45 43 20 49 49 20 53 33 20 20 20 20 20 20    AVEC II S3
032: 31 2e 30 39 31 2e 30 39 00 01 54 45 43 4f 20 56    1.091.09..TECO V
048: 4d 33 35 36 34 20 00 01 01 2c 00 01 02 58 09 f6    M3564 ...,...X..
064: 0d af 01 2c 00 08 01 00                            ...,....

TECO VM356A (1)
000: 06 00 02 02 43 00 00 00 52 45 4c 49 53 59 53 20    ....C...RELISYS
016: 41 50 4f 4c 4c 4f 20 45 78 70 72 65 73 73 20 33    APOLLO Express 3
032: 31 2e 30 33 31 2e 30 33 00 01 54 45 43 4f 20 56    1.031.03..TECO V
048: 4d 33 35 36 41 20 00 01 01 2c 00 01 02 58 09 f6    M356A ...,...X..
064: 0d af 01 2c 00 08 01 00                            ...,....

TECO VM356A (2)
000: 06 00 02 02 43 00 00 10 50 72 69 6d 61 78 20 20    ....C...Primax
016: 4a 65 77 65 6c 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20    Jewel
032: 31 2e 30 31 31 2e 30 31 00 01 54 45 43 4f 20 56    1.011.01..TECO V
048: 4d 33 35 36 41 20 00 01 01 2c 00 01 02 58 09 f6    M356A ...,...X..
064: 0d af 01 2c 00 08 01 00                            ...,....

000: 06 00 02 02 43 00 00 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20    ....C...
016: 46 6c 61 74 62 65 64 20 53 63 61 6e 6e 65 72 20    Flatbed Scanner
032: 31 2e 30 33 31 2e 30 33 00 01 54 45 43 4f 20 56    1.031.03..TECO V
048: 4d 33 35 37 35 20 00 01 01 2c 00 01 02 58 09 f6    M3575 ...,...X..
064: 0d af 01 2c 00 08 01 00                            ...,....

000: 06 00 02 02 43 00 00 00 52 45 4c 49 53 59 53 20    ....C...RELISYS
016: 41 50 4f 4c 4c 4f 20 45 78 70 72 65 73 73 20 36    APOLLO Express 6
032: 31 2e 30 33 31 2e 30 33 00 01 54 45 43 4f 20 56    1.031.03..TECO V
048: 4d 36 35 36 41 00 01 01 2c 00 01 02 58 09 f6 0d    M656A...,...X...
064: af 01 2c 00 08 01 00 00                            ..,.....

000: 06 00 02 02 43 00 00 10 52 45 4c 49 53 59 53 20    ....C...RELISYS
016: 53 43 4f 52 50 49 4f 20 50 72 6f 20 20 20 20 20    SCORPIO Pro
032: 31 2e 30 31 31 2e 30 31 00 01 54 45 43 4f 20 56    1.011.01..TECO V
048: 4d 36 35 37 35 20 00 01 01 2c 00 01 02 58 09 f6    M6575 ...,...X..
064: 0d af 01 2c 00 08 01 00                            ...,....

000: 06 00 02 02 43 00 00 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20    ....C...
016: 46 6c 61 74 62 65 64 20 53 63 61 6e 6e 65 72 20    Flatbed Scanner
032: 33 2e 30 31 33 2e 30 31 00 01 54 45 43 4f 20 56    3.013.01..TECO V
048: 4d 36 35 38 36 20 00 01 01 2c 00 01 02 58 09 f6    M6586 ...,...X..
064: 0d af 01 2c 00 08 01 00                            ...,....


SCSI Commands supported by the TECO VM3575:

03 00 00 00 12 00

Receives 4 bytes of data

Get calibration lines - 12 lines
  2 = ?
     0x00 color scan
     0x01 grayscal scan
     0x02 b&w scan
  Returns 6 bytes per pixel, probably 2 bytes per color in little endian order.    (2550 * 6 = 15300)

??? Unsupported?

Set calibration. Apparently the line is computed from the calibration lines. It is not an average though.

12 00 00 00 48 00
  standard inquiry
    72 bytes
    32-39: firmware version
    42-52: real scanner name
	54-55: min X resolution
    56-57: max X resolution
    58-59: min Y resolution
    60-61: max Y resolution
    62-63: scan area length
    64-65: scan area width
    66-67: unit for scan area (eg 300th of inch)

    eg if 62-63 = 2550 and 66-67 = 300, the length is 2550/300=8.5 inches.

1B 00 00 00 00 00

1c 00 00 00 00 00
  sends 4 bytes of data.

24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 35 00 (VM3575)
24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 00 (VM6586)

Total length is
  07 = length
       VM3575 53-8 = 45
	   VM6586 56-8 = 48
	   VM3552 69-8 = 61
  10-11 = X Resolution
  12-13 = Y resolution
  14-17 = X top left corner
  18-21 = Y top left corner
  22-25 = width  (size in inches * 300)
  26-29 = length (size in inches * 300)
  31 = 0x80 ?
  33 = scan mode
        0x00 = black & white
        0x02 = grayscale
		0x05 = color
  34 = bit depth? - invariant, always 8
  36 = (vm6586 only ?) halftone pattern ?
         1 = type 1 dithering
  37 =
     0x80 = RIF?
  48 = color channel to use
     if scan mode is 0 or 2:
       0x00 = red
       0x01 = green
       0x02 = blue
     if scan mode is 05 -> ignored
       TWAIN leaves 0x02
  50 = ?

  VM6585 only:
    52-53 = size of a line expected?
    54-55 = number of lines expected?

28 00 00 00 00 19 00 1f 0e 00
  5 = number of lines to read
  7-8 = buffer size.
       Always number of lines to read * size of a line.
       0x2000 appears to be the upper limit

2A 00 03 00 00 04 00 0C 00 00
  2 = data type code
       0x03 = gamma
  4-5 = data type qualifier (?)
  6-8 = length (0xc00 = 3276 = 3*2^10)
  5-6: length of each gamma
  7-8: length of all gamma

31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Park the CCD.

34 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00

  1   = bit 1 is wait
  7-8 = allocation length

  returned buffer is 0x12 bytes long.
  00 00 0f 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 80 1b 6c 09 f6 05 05
    0-2 = additional length (0x12-3 = 0x0F)
      7 = ? always 0x14
     11 = bit 7 - (maybe) scanner is ready to send data
  12-13 = number of lines (constant during a scan)
  14-15 = bytes per line (constant during a scan)
  16-17 = garbage (the command only returns 0x10 bytes)


Scan sequence

Get some info:

Setup the scan:
  VENDOR-09 (read calibration)
  VENDOR-0E (send new calibration)
  SET WINDOWS (same as the first one)

loop until all data read:

park the CCD:



TECO VM3575 reads 12 lines of calibration
TECO VM656A reads 8 lines of calibration
TECO VM6586 ??

Algorithms used (text from Alex Wulms):
The old algorithm was based on the assumption that the calibration value needs
to be an offset, to go from the value obtained during input to the average
value (0x800).

E.g., if the input value is 0x800, the calibration value must be 0x800 (0x1000
- 0x800).
Likewise, if the input value is 0x700, the calibration value must be 0x900
(0x1000 - 0x700)
And if the input value is 0x600, the calibration value must be 0xA00

The new algorithm is based on the assumption that the calibration needs to be
a multiplication factor, to compensate for the too strong or too weak pixel
in the sensor. Again, we want to obtain the average value (approximately
0x800) for every pixel read during calibration.

E.g., if the input value is 0x800, the calibration value must be 0x800
(0x800*0x800 / 0x800).
Likewise, if the input value is 0x700, the calibration value must be 0x924
(0x800*0x800 / 0x700).
And if the input value is 0x600, the calibration value must 0xAAA (0x800*0x800
/ 0x600)

Though, careful comparison with scans done under windows has shown that the
factor is slightly different from 0x800*0x800(=0x400000) but in stead it
seems to be approximately 0x40302f (which would mean that the average value
is approximately 0x803 in stead of 0x800).

Hope this is clarifies the new algorithm.