/* * sanei_magic - Image processing functions for despeckle, deskew, and autocrop Copyright (C) 2009 m. allan noah This file is part of the SANE package. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE. The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the SANE library code into it. This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that those changes may be distributed with this exception intact. If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ #include "../include/sane/config.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <math.h> #define BACKEND_NAME sanei_magic /* name of this module for debugging */ #include "../include/sane/sane.h" #include "../include/sane/sanei_debug.h" #include "../include/sane/sanei_magic.h" /* prototypes for utility functions defined at bottom of file */ int * sanei_magic_getTransY ( SANE_Parameters * params, int dpi, SANE_Byte * buffer, int top); int * sanei_magic_getTransX ( SANE_Parameters * params, int dpi, SANE_Byte * buffer, int left); static SANE_Status getTopEdge (int width, int height, int resolution, int * buff, double * finSlope, int * finXInter, int * finYInter); static SANE_Status getLeftEdge (int width, int height, int * top, int * bot, double slope, int * finXInter, int * finYInter); static SANE_Status getLine (int height, int width, int * buff, int slopes, double minSlope, double maxSlope, int offsets, int minOffset, int maxOffset, double * finSlope, int * finOffset, int * finDensity); void sanei_magic_init( void ) { DBG_INIT(); } /* find small spots and replace them with image background color */ SANE_Status sanei_magic_despeck (SANE_Parameters * params, SANE_Byte * buffer, SANE_Int diam) { SANE_Status ret = SANE_STATUS_GOOD; int pw = params->pixels_per_line; int bw = params->bytes_per_line; int h = params->lines; int bt = bw*h; int i,j,k,l,n; DBG (10, "sanei_magic_despeck: start\n"); if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB){ for(i=bw; i<bt-bw-(bw*diam); i+=bw){ for(j=1; j<pw-1-diam; j++){ int thresh = 255*3; int outer[] = {0,0,0}; int hits = 0; /* loop over rows and columns in window */ /* find darkest pixel */ for(k=0; k<diam; k++){ for(l=0; l<diam; l++){ int tmp = 0; for(n=0; n<3; n++){ tmp += buffer[i + j*3 + k*bw + l*3 + n]; } if(tmp < thresh) thresh = tmp; } } /* convert darkest pixel into a brighter threshold */ thresh = (thresh + 255*3 + 255*3)/3; /*loop over rows and columns around window */ for(k=-1; k<diam+1; k++){ for(l=-1; l<diam+1; l++){ int tmp[3]; /* don't count pixels in the window */ if(k != -1 && k != diam && l != -1 && l != diam) continue; for(n=0; n<3; n++){ tmp[n] = buffer[i + j*3 + k*bw + l*3 + n]; outer[n] += tmp[n]; } if(tmp[0]+tmp[1]+tmp[2] < thresh){ hits++; break; } } } /*no hits, overwrite with avg surrounding color*/ if(!hits){ /* per channel replacement color */ for(n=0; n<3; n++){ outer[n] /= (4*diam + 4); } for(k=0; k<diam; k++){ for(l=0; l<diam; l++){ for(n=0; n<3; n++){ buffer[i + j*3 + k*bw + l*3 + n] = outer[n]; } } } } } } } else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 8){ for(i=bw; i<bt-bw-(bw*diam); i+=bw){ for(j=1; j<pw-1-diam; j++){ int thresh = 255; int outer = 0; int hits = 0; for(k=0; k<diam; k++){ for(l=0; l<diam; l++){ if(buffer[i + j + k*bw + l] < thresh) thresh = buffer[i + j + k*bw + l]; } } /* convert darkest pixel into a brighter threshold */ thresh = (thresh + 255 + 255)/3; /*loop over rows and columns around window */ for(k=-1; k<diam+1; k++){ for(l=-1; l<diam+1; l++){ int tmp = 0; /* don't count pixels in the window */ if(k != -1 && k != diam && l != -1 && l != diam) continue; tmp = buffer[i + j + k*bw + l]; if(tmp < thresh){ hits++; break; } outer += tmp; } } /*no hits, overwrite with avg surrounding color*/ if(!hits){ /* replacement color */ outer /= (4*diam + 4); for(k=0; k<diam; k++){ for(l=0; l<diam; l++){ buffer[i + j + k*bw + l] = outer; } } } } } } else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 1){ for(i=bw; i<bt-bw-(bw*diam); i+=bw){ for(j=1; j<pw-1-diam; j++){ int curr = 0; int hits = 0; for(k=0; k<diam; k++){ for(l=0; l<diam; l++){ curr += buffer[i + k*bw + (j+l)/8] >> (7-(j+l)%8) & 1; } } if(!curr) continue; /*loop over rows and columns around window */ for(k=-1; k<diam+1; k++){ for(l=-1; l<diam+1; l++){ /* don't count pixels in the window */ if(k != -1 && k != diam && l != -1 && l != diam) continue; hits += buffer[i + k*bw + (j+l)/8] >> (7-(j+l)%8) & 1; if(hits) break; } } /*no hits, overwrite with white*/ if(!hits){ for(k=0; k<diam; k++){ for(l=0; l<diam; l++){ buffer[i + k*bw + (j+l)/8] &= ~(1 << (7-(j+l)%8)); } } } } } } else{ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_despeck: unsupported format/depth\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } DBG (10, "sanei_magic_despeck: finish\n"); return ret; } /* find likely edges of media inside image background color */ SANE_Status sanei_magic_findEdges(SANE_Parameters * params, SANE_Byte * buffer, int dpiX, int dpiY, int * top, int * bot, int * left, int * right) { SANE_Status ret = SANE_STATUS_GOOD; int width = params->pixels_per_line; int height = params->lines; int * topBuf = NULL, * botBuf = NULL; int * leftBuf = NULL, * rightBuf = NULL; int topCount = 0, botCount = 0; int leftCount = 0, rightCount = 0; int i; DBG (10, "sanei_magic_findEdges: start\n"); /* get buffers to find sides and bottom */ topBuf = sanei_magic_getTransY(params,dpiY,buffer,1); if(!topBuf){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_findEdges: no topBuf\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } botBuf = sanei_magic_getTransY(params,dpiY,buffer,0); if(!botBuf){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_findEdges: no botBuf\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } leftBuf = sanei_magic_getTransX(params,dpiX,buffer,1); if(!leftBuf){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_findEdges: no leftBuf\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } rightBuf = sanei_magic_getTransX(params,dpiX,buffer,0); if(!rightBuf){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_findEdges: no rightBuf\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } /* loop thru left and right lists, look for top and bottom extremes */ *top = height; for(i=0; i<height; i++){ if(rightBuf[i] > leftBuf[i]){ if(*top > i){ *top = i; } topCount++; if(topCount > 3){ break; } } else{ topCount = 0; *top = height; } } *bot = -1; for(i=height-1; i>=0; i--){ if(rightBuf[i] > leftBuf[i]){ if(*bot < i){ *bot = i; } botCount++; if(botCount > 3){ break; } } else{ botCount = 0; *bot = -1; } } /* could not find top/bot edges */ if(*top > *bot){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_findEdges: bad t/b edges\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; goto cleanup; } /* loop thru top and bottom lists, look for l and r extremes * NOTE: We don't look above the top or below the bottom found previously. * This prevents issues with adf scanners that pad the image after the * paper runs out (usually with white) */ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_findEdges: bb0:%d tb0:%d b:%d t:%d\n", botBuf[0], topBuf[0], *bot, *top); *left = width; for(i=0; i<width; i++){ if(botBuf[i] > topBuf[i] && (botBuf[i]-10 < *bot || topBuf[i]+10 > *top)){ if(*left > i){ *left = i; } leftCount++; if(leftCount > 3){ break; } } else{ leftCount = 0; *left = width; } } *right = -1; for(i=width-1; i>=0; i--){ if(botBuf[i] > topBuf[i] && (botBuf[i]-10 < *bot || topBuf[i]+10 > *top)){ if(*right < i){ *right = i; } rightCount++; if(rightCount > 3){ break; } } else{ rightCount = 0; *right = -1; } } /* could not find left/right edges */ if(*left > *right){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_findEdges: bad l/r edges\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; goto cleanup; } DBG (15, "sanei_magic_findEdges: t:%d b:%d l:%d r:%d\n", *top,*bot,*left,*right); cleanup: if(topBuf) free(topBuf); if(botBuf) free(botBuf); if(leftBuf) free(leftBuf); if(rightBuf) free(rightBuf); DBG (10, "sanei_magic_findEdges: finish\n"); return ret; } /* crop image to given size. updates params with new dimensions */ SANE_Status sanei_magic_crop(SANE_Parameters * params, SANE_Byte * buffer, int top, int bot, int left, int right) { SANE_Status ret = SANE_STATUS_GOOD; int bwidth = params->bytes_per_line; int pixels = 0; int bytes = 0; unsigned char * line = NULL; int pos = 0, i; DBG (10, "sanei_magic_crop: start\n"); /*convert left and right to bytes, figure new byte and pixel width */ if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB){ pixels = right-left; bytes = pixels * 3; left *= 3; right *= 3; } else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 8){ pixels = right-left; bytes = right-left; } else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 1){ left /= 8; right = (right+7)/8; bytes = right-left; pixels = bytes * 8; } else{ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_crop: unsupported format/depth\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_INVAL; goto cleanup; } DBG (15, "sanei_magic_crop: l:%d r:%d p:%d b:%d\n",left,right,pixels,bytes); line = malloc(bytes); if(!line){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_crop: no line\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } for(i=top; i<bot; i++){ memcpy(line, buffer + i*bwidth + left, bytes); memcpy(buffer + pos, line, bytes); pos += bytes; } /* update the params struct with the new image size */ params->lines = bot-top; params->pixels_per_line = pixels; params->bytes_per_line = bytes; cleanup: if(line) free(line); DBG (10, "sanei_magic_crop: finish\n"); return ret; } /* find angle of media rotation against image background */ SANE_Status sanei_magic_findSkew(SANE_Parameters * params, SANE_Byte * buffer, int dpiX, int dpiY, int * centerX, int * centerY, double * finSlope) { SANE_Status ret = SANE_STATUS_GOOD; int pwidth = params->pixels_per_line; int height = params->lines; double TSlope = 0; int TXInter = 0; int TYInter = 0; double TSlopeHalf = 0; int TOffsetHalf = 0; double LSlope = 0; int LXInter = 0; int LYInter = 0; double LSlopeHalf = 0; int LOffsetHalf = 0; int rotateX = 0; int rotateY = 0; int * topBuf = NULL, * botBuf = NULL; DBG (10, "sanei_magic_findSkew: start\n"); dpiX=dpiX; /* get buffers for edge detection */ topBuf = sanei_magic_getTransY(params,dpiY,buffer,1); if(!topBuf){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_findSkew: can't gTY\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } botBuf = sanei_magic_getTransY(params,dpiY,buffer,0); if(!botBuf){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_findSkew: can't gTY\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } /* find best top line */ ret = getTopEdge (pwidth, height, dpiY, topBuf, &TSlope, &TXInter, &TYInter); if(ret){ DBG(5,"sanei_magic_findSkew: gTE error: %d",ret); goto cleanup; } DBG(15,"top: %04.04f %d %d\n",TSlope,TXInter,TYInter); /* slope is too shallow, don't want to divide by 0 */ if(fabs(TSlope) < 0.0001){ DBG(15,"sanei_magic_findSkew: slope too shallow: %0.08f\n",TSlope); ret = SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; goto cleanup; } /* find best left line, perpendicular to top line */ LSlope = (double)-1/TSlope; ret = getLeftEdge (pwidth, height, topBuf, botBuf, LSlope, &LXInter, &LYInter); if(ret){ DBG(5,"sanei_magic_findSkew: gLE error: %d",ret); goto cleanup; } DBG(15,"sanei_magic_findSkew: left: %04.04f %d %d\n",LSlope,LXInter,LYInter); /* find point about which to rotate */ TSlopeHalf = tan(atan(TSlope)/2); TOffsetHalf = LYInter; DBG(15,"sanei_magic_findSkew: top half: %04.04f %d\n",TSlopeHalf,TOffsetHalf); LSlopeHalf = tan((atan(LSlope) + ((LSlope < 0)?-M_PI_2:M_PI_2))/2); LOffsetHalf = - LSlopeHalf * TXInter; DBG(15,"sanei_magic_findSkew: left half: %04.04f %d\n",LSlopeHalf,LOffsetHalf); rotateX = (LOffsetHalf-TOffsetHalf) / (TSlopeHalf-LSlopeHalf); rotateY = TSlopeHalf * rotateX + TOffsetHalf; DBG(15,"sanei_magic_findSkew: rotate: %d %d\n",rotateX,rotateY); *centerX = rotateX; *centerY = rotateY; *finSlope = TSlope; cleanup: if(topBuf) free(topBuf); if(botBuf) free(botBuf); DBG (10, "sanei_magic_findSkew: finish\n"); return ret; } /* function to do a simple rotation by a given slope, around * a given point. The point can be outside of image to get * proper edge alignment. Unused areas filled with bg color * FIXME: Do in-place rotation to save memory */ SANE_Status sanei_magic_rotate (SANE_Parameters * params, SANE_Byte * buffer, int centerX, int centerY, double slope, int bg_color) { SANE_Status ret = SANE_STATUS_GOOD; double slopeRad = -atan(slope); double slopeSin = sin(slopeRad); double slopeCos = cos(slopeRad); int pwidth = params->pixels_per_line; int bwidth = params->bytes_per_line; int height = params->lines; int depth = 1; unsigned char * outbuf; int i, j, k; DBG(10,"sanei_magic_rotate: start: %d %d\n",centerX,centerY); outbuf = malloc(bwidth*height); if(!outbuf){ DBG(15,"sanei_magic_rotate: no outbuf\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB || (params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 8) ){ if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB) depth = 3; memset(outbuf,bg_color,bwidth*height); for (i=0; i<height; i++) { int shiftY = centerY - i; for (j=0; j<pwidth; j++) { int shiftX = centerX - j; int sourceX, sourceY; sourceX = centerX - (int)(shiftX * slopeCos + shiftY * slopeSin); if (sourceX < 0 || sourceX >= pwidth) continue; sourceY = centerY + (int)(-shiftY * slopeCos + shiftX * slopeSin); if (sourceY < 0 || sourceY >= height) continue; for (k=0; k<depth; k++) { outbuf[i*bwidth+j*depth+k] = buffer[sourceY*bwidth+sourceX*depth+k]; } } } } else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 1){ if(bg_color) bg_color = 0xff; memset(outbuf,bg_color,bwidth*height); for (i=0; i<height; i++) { int shiftY = centerY - i; for (j=0; j<pwidth; j++) { int shiftX = centerX - j; int sourceX, sourceY; sourceX = centerX - (int)(shiftX * slopeCos + shiftY * slopeSin); if (sourceX < 0 || sourceX >= pwidth) continue; sourceY = centerY + (int)(-shiftY * slopeCos + shiftX * slopeSin); if (sourceY < 0 || sourceY >= height) continue; /* wipe out old bit */ outbuf[i*bwidth + j/8] &= ~(1 << (7-(j%8))); /* fill in new bit */ outbuf[i*bwidth + j/8] |= ((buffer[sourceY*bwidth + sourceX/8] >> (7-(sourceX%8))) & 1) << (7-(j%8)); } } } else{ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_rotate: unsupported format/depth\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_INVAL; goto cleanup; } memcpy(buffer,outbuf,bwidth*height); cleanup: if(outbuf) free(outbuf); DBG(10,"sanei_magic_rotate: finish\n"); return ret; } SANE_Status sanei_magic_isBlank (SANE_Parameters * params, SANE_Byte * buffer, double thresh) { SANE_Status ret = SANE_STATUS_GOOD; double imagesum = 0; int i, j; DBG(10,"sanei_magic_isBlank: start: %f\n",thresh); /*convert thresh from percent (0-100) to 0-1 range*/ thresh /= 100; if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB || (params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 8) ){ /* loop over all rows, find density of each */ for(i=0; i<params->lines; i++){ int rowsum = 0; SANE_Byte * ptr = buffer + params->bytes_per_line*i; /* loop over all columns, sum the 'darkness' of the pixels */ for(j=0; j<params->bytes_per_line; j++){ rowsum += 255 - ptr[j]; } imagesum += (double)rowsum/params->bytes_per_line/255; } } else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 1){ /* loop over all rows, find density of each */ for(i=0; i<params->lines; i++){ int rowsum = 0; SANE_Byte * ptr = buffer + params->bytes_per_line*i; /* loop over all columns, sum the pixels */ for(j=0; j<params->pixels_per_line; j++){ rowsum += ptr[j/8] >> (7-(j%8)) & 1; } imagesum += (double)rowsum/params->pixels_per_line; } } else{ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_isBlank: unsupported format/depth\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_INVAL; goto cleanup; } DBG (5, "sanei_magic_isBlank: sum:%f lines:%d thresh:%f density:%f\n", imagesum,params->lines,thresh,imagesum/params->lines); if(imagesum/params->lines <= thresh){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_isBlank: blank!\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_DOCS; } cleanup: DBG(10,"sanei_magic_isBlank: finish\n"); return ret; } /* Divide the image into 1/2 inch squares, skipping a 1/4 inch * margin on all sides. If all squares are under the user's density, * signal our caller to skip the image entirely, by returning * SANE_STATUS_NO_DOCS */ SANE_Status sanei_magic_isBlank2 (SANE_Parameters * params, SANE_Byte * buffer, int dpiX, int dpiY, double thresh) { int xb,yb,x,y; /* .25 inch, rounded down to 8 pixel */ int xquarter = dpiX/4/8*8; int yquarter = dpiY/4/8*8; int xhalf = xquarter*2; int yhalf = yquarter*2; int blockpix = xhalf*yhalf; int xblocks = (params->pixels_per_line-xhalf)/xhalf; int yblocks = (params->lines-yhalf)/yhalf; /*convert thresh from percent (0-100) to 0-1 range*/ thresh /= 100; DBG (10, "sanei_magic_isBlank2: start %d %d %f %d\n",xhalf,yhalf,thresh,blockpix); if(params->depth == 8 && (params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB || params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY) ){ int Bpp = params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB ? 3 : 1; for(yb=0; yb<yblocks; yb++){ for(xb=0; xb<xblocks; xb++){ /*count dark pix in this block*/ double blocksum = 0; for(y=0; y<yhalf; y++){ /* skip the top and left 1/4 inch */ int offset = (yquarter + yb*yhalf + y) * params->bytes_per_line + (xquarter + xb*xhalf) * Bpp; SANE_Byte * ptr = buffer + offset; /*count darkness of pix in this row*/ int rowsum = 0; for(x=0; x<xhalf*Bpp; x++){ rowsum += 255 - ptr[x]; } blocksum += (double)rowsum/(xhalf*Bpp)/255; } /* block was darker than thresh, keep image */ if(blocksum/yhalf > thresh){ DBG (15, "sanei_magic_isBlank2: not blank %f %d %d\n", blocksum/yhalf, yb, xb); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } DBG (20, "sanei_magic_isBlank2: block blank %f %d %d\n", blocksum/yhalf, yb, xb); } } } else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 1){ for(yb=0; yb<yblocks; yb++){ for(xb=0; xb<xblocks; xb++){ /*count dark pix in this block*/ double blocksum = 0; for(y=0; y<yhalf; y++){ /* skip the top and left 1/4 inch */ int offset = (yquarter + yb*yhalf + y) * params->bytes_per_line + (xquarter + xb*xhalf) / 8; SANE_Byte * ptr = buffer + offset; /*count darkness of pix in this row*/ int rowsum = 0; for(x=0; x<xhalf; x++){ rowsum += ptr[x/8] >> (7-(x%8)) & 1; } blocksum += (double)rowsum/xhalf; } /* block was darker than thresh, keep image */ if(blocksum/yhalf > thresh){ DBG (15, "sanei_magic_isBlank2: not blank %f %d %d\n", blocksum/yhalf, yb, xb); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } DBG (20, "sanei_magic_isBlank2: block blank %f %d %d\n", blocksum/yhalf, yb, xb); } } } else{ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_isBlank2: unsupported format/depth\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } DBG (10, "sanei_magic_isBlank2: returning blank\n"); return SANE_STATUS_NO_DOCS; } SANE_Status sanei_magic_findTurn(SANE_Parameters * params, SANE_Byte * buffer, int dpiX, int dpiY, int * angle) { SANE_Status ret = SANE_STATUS_GOOD; int i, j, k; int depth = 1; int htrans=0, vtrans=0; int htot=0, vtot=0; DBG(10,"sanei_magic_findTurn: start\n"); if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB || (params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 8) ){ if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB) depth = 3; /* loop over some rows, count segment lengths */ for(i=0; i<params->lines; i+=dpiY/20){ SANE_Byte * ptr = buffer + params->bytes_per_line*i; int color = 0; int len = 0; int sum = 0; /* loop over all columns */ for(j=0; j<params->pixels_per_line; j++){ int curr = 0; /*convert color to gray*/ for (k=0; k<depth; k++) { curr += ptr[j*depth+k]; } curr /= depth; /*convert gray to binary (with hysteresis) */ curr = (curr < 100)?1: (curr > 156)?0:color; /*count segment length*/ if(curr != color || j==params->pixels_per_line-1){ sum += len * len/5; len = 0; color = curr; } else{ len++; } } htot++; htrans += (double)sum/params->pixels_per_line; } /* loop over some cols, count dark vs light transitions */ for(i=0; i<params->pixels_per_line; i+=dpiX/20){ SANE_Byte * ptr = buffer + i*depth; int color = 0; int len = 0; int sum = 0; /* loop over all rows */ for(j=0; j<params->lines; j++){ int curr = 0; /*convert color to gray*/ for (k=0; k<depth; k++) { curr += ptr[j*params->bytes_per_line+k]; } curr /= depth; /*convert gray to binary (with hysteresis) */ curr = (curr < 100)?1: (curr > 156)?0:color; /*count segment length*/ if(curr != color || j==params->lines-1){ sum += len * len/5; len = 0; color = curr; } else{ len++; } } vtot++; vtrans += (double)sum/params->lines; } } else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 1){ /* loop over some rows, count segment lengths */ for(i=0; i<params->lines; i+=dpiY/30){ SANE_Byte * ptr = buffer + params->bytes_per_line*i; int color = 0; int len = 0; int sum = 0; /* loop over all columns */ for(j=0; j<params->pixels_per_line; j++){ int curr = ptr[j/8] >> (7-(j%8)) & 1; /*count segment length*/ if(curr != color || j==params->pixels_per_line-1){ sum += len * len/5; len = 0; color = curr; } else{ len++; } } htot++; htrans += (double)sum/params->pixels_per_line; } /* loop over some cols, count dark vs light transitions */ for(i=0; i<params->pixels_per_line; i+=dpiX/30){ SANE_Byte * ptr = buffer; int color = 0; int len = 0; int sum = 0; /* loop over all rows */ for(j=0; j<params->lines; j++){ int curr = ptr[j*params->bytes_per_line + i/8] >> (7-(i%8)) & 1; /*count segment length*/ if(curr != color || j==params->lines-1){ sum += len * len/5; len = 0; color = curr; } else{ len++; } } vtot++; vtrans += (double)sum/params->lines; } } else{ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_findTurn: unsupported format/depth\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_INVAL; goto cleanup; } DBG (10, "sanei_magic_findTurn: vtrans=%d vtot=%d vfrac=%f htrans=%d htot=%d hfrac=%f\n", vtrans, vtot, (double)vtrans/vtot, htrans, htot, (double)htrans/htot ); if((double)vtrans/vtot > (double)htrans/htot){ DBG (10, "sanei_magic_findTurn: suggest turning 90\n"); *angle = 90; } cleanup: DBG(10,"sanei_magic_findTurn: finish\n"); return ret; } /* FIXME: Do in-place rotation to save memory */ SANE_Status sanei_magic_turn(SANE_Parameters * params, SANE_Byte * buffer, int angle) { SANE_Status ret = SANE_STATUS_GOOD; int opwidth, ipwidth = params->pixels_per_line; int obwidth, ibwidth = params->bytes_per_line; int oheight, iheight = params->lines; int depth = 1; unsigned char * outbuf = NULL; int i, j, k; DBG(10,"sanei_magic_turn: start %d\n",angle); if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB) depth = 3; /*clean angle and convert to 0-3*/ angle = (angle % 360) / 90; /*figure size of output image*/ switch(angle){ case 1: case 3: opwidth = iheight; oheight = ipwidth; /*gray and color, 1 or 3 bytes per pixel*/ if ( params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB || (params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 8) ){ obwidth = opwidth*depth; } /*clamp binary to byte width. must be <= input image*/ else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 1){ obwidth = opwidth/8; opwidth = obwidth*8; } else{ DBG(10,"sanei_magic_turn: bad params\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_INVAL; goto cleanup; } break; case 2: opwidth = ipwidth; obwidth = ibwidth; oheight = iheight; break; default: DBG(10,"sanei_magic_turn: no turn\n"); goto cleanup; } /*get output image buffer*/ outbuf = malloc(obwidth*oheight); if(!outbuf){ DBG(15,"sanei_magic_turn: no outbuf\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } /*turn color & gray image*/ if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB || (params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 8) ){ switch (angle) { /*rotate 90 clockwise*/ case 1: for (i=0; i<oheight; i++) { for (j=0; j<opwidth; j++) { for (k=0; k<depth; k++) { outbuf[i*obwidth + j*depth + k] = buffer[(iheight-j-1)*ibwidth + i*depth + k]; } } } break; /*rotate 180 clockwise*/ case 2: for (i=0; i<oheight; i++) { for (j=0; j<opwidth; j++) { for (k=0; k<depth; k++) { outbuf[i*obwidth + j*depth + k] = buffer[(iheight-i-1)*ibwidth + (ipwidth-j-1)*depth + k]; } } } break; /*rotate 270 clockwise*/ case 3: for (i=0; i<oheight; i++) { for (j=0; j<opwidth; j++) { for (k=0; k<depth; k++) { outbuf[i*obwidth + j*depth + k] = buffer[j*ibwidth + (ipwidth-i-1)*depth + k]; } } } break; } /*end switch*/ } /*turn binary image*/ else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 1){ switch (angle) { /*rotate 90 clockwise*/ case 1: for (i=0; i<oheight; i++) { for (j=0; j<opwidth; j++) { unsigned char curr = buffer[(iheight-j-1)*ibwidth + i/8] >> (7-(i%8)) & 1; unsigned char mask = 1 << (7-(j%8)); if(curr){ outbuf[i*obwidth + j/8] |= mask; } else{ outbuf[i*obwidth + j/8] &= (~mask); } } } break; /*rotate 180 clockwise*/ case 2: for (i=0; i<oheight; i++) { for (j=0; j<opwidth; j++) { unsigned char curr = buffer[(iheight-i-1)*ibwidth + (ipwidth-j-1)/8] >> (j%8) & 1; unsigned char mask = 1 << (7-(j%8)); if(curr){ outbuf[i*obwidth + j/8] |= mask; } else{ outbuf[i*obwidth + j/8] &= (~mask); } } } break; /*rotate 270 clockwise*/ case 3: for (i=0; i<oheight; i++) { for (j=0; j<opwidth; j++) { unsigned char curr = buffer[j*ibwidth + (ipwidth-i-1)/8] >> (i%8) & 1; unsigned char mask = 1 << (7-(j%8)); if(curr){ outbuf[i*obwidth + j/8] |= mask; } else{ outbuf[i*obwidth + j/8] &= (~mask); } } } break; } /*end switch*/ } else{ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_turn: unsupported format/depth\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_INVAL; goto cleanup; } /*copy output back into input buffer*/ memcpy(buffer,outbuf,obwidth*oheight); /*update input params*/ params->pixels_per_line = opwidth; params->bytes_per_line = obwidth; params->lines = oheight; cleanup: if(outbuf) free(outbuf); DBG(10,"sanei_magic_turn: finish\n"); return ret; } /* Utility functions, not used outside this file */ /* Repeatedly call getLine to find the best range of slope and offset. * Shift the ranges thru 4 different positions to avoid splitting data * across multiple bins (false positive). Home-in on the most likely upper * line of the paper inside the image. Return the 'best' edge. */ static SANE_Status getTopEdge(int width, int height, int resolution, int * buff, double * finSlope, int * finXInter, int * finYInter) { SANE_Status ret = SANE_STATUS_GOOD; int slopes = 31; int offsets = 31; double maxSlope = 1; double minSlope = -1; int maxOffset = resolution; int minOffset = -resolution; double topSlope = 0; int topOffset = 0; int topDensity = 0; int i,j; int pass = 0; DBG(10,"getTopEdge: start\n"); while(pass++ < 7){ double sStep = (maxSlope-minSlope)/slopes; int oStep = (maxOffset-minOffset)/offsets; double slope = 0; int offset = 0; int density = 0; int go = 0; topSlope = 0; topOffset = 0; topDensity = 0; /* find lines 4 times with slightly moved params, * to bypass binning errors, highest density wins */ for(i=0;i<2;i++){ double sStep2 = sStep*i/2; for(j=0;j<2;j++){ int oStep2 = oStep*j/2; ret = getLine(height,width,buff,slopes,minSlope+sStep2,maxSlope+sStep2,offsets,minOffset+oStep2,maxOffset+oStep2,&slope,&offset,&density); if(ret){ DBG(5,"getTopEdge: getLine error %d\n",ret); return ret; } DBG(15,"getTopEdge: %d %d %+0.4f %d %d\n",i,j,slope,offset,density); if(density > topDensity){ topSlope = slope; topOffset = offset; topDensity = density; } } } DBG(15,"getTopEdge: ok %+0.4f %d %d\n",topSlope,topOffset,topDensity); /* did not find anything promising on first pass, * give up instead of fixating on some small, pointless feature */ if(pass == 1 && topDensity < width/5){ DBG(5,"getTopEdge: density too small %d %d\n",topDensity,width); topOffset = 0; topSlope = 0; break; } /* if slope can zoom in some more, do so. */ if(sStep >= 0.0001){ minSlope = topSlope - sStep; maxSlope = topSlope + sStep; go = 1; } /* if offset can zoom in some more, do so. */ if(oStep){ minOffset = topOffset - oStep; maxOffset = topOffset + oStep; go = 1; } /* cannot zoom in more, bail out */ if(!go){ break; } DBG(15,"getTopEdge: zoom: %+0.4f %+0.4f %d %d\n", minSlope,maxSlope,minOffset,maxOffset); } /* topOffset is in the center of the image, * convert to x and y intercept */ if(topSlope != 0){ *finYInter = topOffset - topSlope * width/2; *finXInter = *finYInter / -topSlope; *finSlope = topSlope; } else{ *finYInter = 0; *finXInter = 0; *finSlope = 0; } DBG(10,"getTopEdge: finish\n"); return 0; } /* Loop thru a transition array, and use a simplified Hough transform * to divide likely edges into a 2-d array of bins. Then weight each * bin based on its angle and offset. Return the 'best' bin. */ static SANE_Status getLine (int height, int width, int * buff, int slopes, double minSlope, double maxSlope, int offsets, int minOffset, int maxOffset, double * finSlope, int * finOffset, int * finDensity) { SANE_Status ret = 0; int ** lines = NULL; int i, j; int rise, run; double slope; int offset; int sIndex, oIndex; int hWidth = width/2; double * slopeCenter = NULL; int * slopeScale = NULL; double * offsetCenter = NULL; int * offsetScale = NULL; int maxDensity = 1; double absMaxSlope = fabs(maxSlope); double absMinSlope = fabs(minSlope); int absMaxOffset = abs(maxOffset); int absMinOffset = abs(minOffset); DBG(10,"getLine: start %+0.4f %+0.4f %d %d\n", minSlope,maxSlope,minOffset,maxOffset); /*silence compiler*/ height = height; if(absMaxSlope < absMinSlope) absMaxSlope = absMinSlope; if(absMaxOffset < absMinOffset) absMaxOffset = absMinOffset; /* build an array of pretty-print values for slope */ slopeCenter = calloc(slopes,sizeof(double)); if(!slopeCenter){ DBG(5,"getLine: can't load slopeCenter\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } /* build an array of scaling factors for slope */ slopeScale = calloc(slopes,sizeof(int)); if(!slopeScale){ DBG(5,"getLine: can't load slopeScale\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } for(j=0;j<slopes;j++){ /* find central value of this 'bucket' */ slopeCenter[j] = ( (double)j*(maxSlope-minSlope)/slopes+minSlope + (double)(j+1)*(maxSlope-minSlope)/slopes+minSlope )/2; /* scale value from the requested range into an inverted 100-1 range * input close to 0 makes output close to 100 */ slopeScale[j] = 101 - fabs(slopeCenter[j])*100/absMaxSlope; } /* build an array of pretty-print values for offset */ offsetCenter = calloc(offsets,sizeof(double)); if(!offsetCenter){ DBG(5,"getLine: can't load offsetCenter\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } /* build an array of scaling factors for offset */ offsetScale = calloc(offsets,sizeof(int)); if(!offsetScale){ DBG(5,"getLine: can't load offsetScale\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } for(j=0;j<offsets;j++){ /* find central value of this 'bucket'*/ offsetCenter[j] = ( (double)j/offsets*(maxOffset-minOffset)+minOffset + (double)(j+1)/offsets*(maxOffset-minOffset)+minOffset )/2; /* scale value from the requested range into an inverted 100-1 range * input close to 0 makes output close to 100 */ offsetScale[j] = 101 - fabs(offsetCenter[j])*100/absMaxOffset; } /* build 2-d array of 'density', divided into slope and offset ranges */ lines = calloc(slopes, sizeof(int *)); if(!lines){ DBG(5,"getLine: can't load lines\n"); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } for(i=0;i<slopes;i++){ if(!(lines[i] = calloc(offsets, sizeof(int)))){ DBG(5,"getLine: can't load lines %d\n",i); ret = SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; goto cleanup; } } for(i=0;i<width;i++){ for(j=i+1;j<width && j<i+width/3;j++){ /*FIXME: check for invalid (min/max) values?*/ rise = buff[j] - buff[i]; run = j-i; slope = (double)rise/run; if(slope >= maxSlope || slope < minSlope) continue; /* offset in center of width, not y intercept! */ offset = slope * hWidth + buff[i] - slope * i; if(offset >= maxOffset || offset < minOffset) continue; sIndex = (slope - minSlope) * slopes/(maxSlope-minSlope); if(sIndex >= slopes) continue; oIndex = (offset - minOffset) * offsets/(maxOffset-minOffset); if(oIndex >= offsets) continue; lines[sIndex][oIndex]++; } } /* go thru array, and find most dense line (highest number) */ for(i=0;i<slopes;i++){ for(j=0;j<offsets;j++){ if(lines[i][j] > maxDensity) maxDensity = lines[i][j]; } } DBG(15,"getLine: maxDensity %d\n",maxDensity); *finSlope = 0; *finOffset = 0; *finDensity = 0; /* go thru array, and scale densities to % of maximum, plus adjust for * preferred (smaller absolute value) slope and offset */ for(i=0;i<slopes;i++){ for(j=0;j<offsets;j++){ lines[i][j] = (float)lines[i][j] / maxDensity * slopeScale[i] * offsetScale[j]; if(lines[i][j] > *finDensity){ *finDensity = lines[i][j]; *finSlope = slopeCenter[i]; *finOffset = offsetCenter[j]; } } } if(0){ fprintf(stderr,"offsetCenter: "); for(j=0;j<offsets;j++){ fprintf(stderr," %+04.0f",offsetCenter[j]); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"offsetScale: "); for(j=0;j<offsets;j++){ fprintf(stderr," %04d",offsetScale[j]); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); for(i=0;i<slopes;i++){ fprintf(stderr,"slope: %02d %+02.2f %03d:",i,slopeCenter[i],slopeScale[i]); for(j=0;j<offsets;j++){ fprintf(stderr,"% 5d",lines[i][j]); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } } /* don't forget to cleanup */ cleanup: for(i=0;i<slopes;i++){ if(lines[i]) free(lines[i]); } if(lines) free(lines); if(slopeCenter) free(slopeCenter); if(slopeScale) free(slopeScale); if(offsetCenter) free(offsetCenter); if(offsetScale) free(offsetScale); DBG(10,"getLine: finish\n"); return ret; } /* find the left side of paper by moving a line * perpendicular to top slope across the image * the 'left-most' point on the paper is the * one with the smallest X intercept * return x and y intercepts */ static SANE_Status getLeftEdge (int width, int height, int * top, int * bot, double slope, int * finXInter, int * finYInter) { int i; int topXInter, topYInter; int botXInter, botYInter; int leftCount; DBG(10,"getEdgeSlope: start\n"); topXInter = width; topYInter = 0; leftCount = 0; for(i=0;i<width;i++){ if(top[i] < height){ int tyi = top[i] - (slope * i); int txi = tyi/-slope; if(topXInter > txi){ topXInter = txi; topYInter = tyi; } leftCount++; if(leftCount > 5){ break; } } else{ topXInter = width; topYInter = 0; leftCount = 0; } } botXInter = width; botYInter = 0; leftCount = 0; for(i=0;i<width;i++){ if(bot[i] > -1){ int byi = bot[i] - (slope * i); int bxi = byi/-slope; if(botXInter > bxi){ botXInter = bxi; botYInter = byi; } leftCount++; if(leftCount > 5){ break; } } else{ botXInter = width; botYInter = 0; leftCount = 0; } } if(botXInter < topXInter){ *finXInter = botXInter; *finYInter = botYInter; } else{ *finXInter = topXInter; *finYInter = topYInter; } DBG(10,"getEdgeSlope: finish\n"); return 0; } /* Loop thru the image and look for first color change in each column. * Return a malloc'd array. Caller is responsible for freeing. */ int * sanei_magic_getTransY ( SANE_Parameters * params, int dpi, SANE_Byte * buffer, int top) { int * buff; int i, j, k; int winLen = 9; int width = params->pixels_per_line; int height = params->lines; int depth = 1; /* defaults for bottom-up */ int firstLine = height-1; int lastLine = -1; int direction = -1; DBG (10, "sanei_magic_getTransY: start\n"); /* override for top-down */ if(top){ firstLine = 0; lastLine = height; direction = 1; } /* build output and preload with impossible value */ buff = calloc(width,sizeof(int)); if(!buff){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_getTransY: no buff\n"); return NULL; } for(i=0; i<width; i++) buff[i] = lastLine; /* load the buff array with y value for first color change from edge * gray/color uses a different algo from binary/halftone */ if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB || (params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 8) ){ if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB) depth = 3; /* loop over all columns, find first transition */ for(i=0; i<width; i++){ int near = 0; int far = 0; /* load the near and far windows with repeated copy of first pixel */ for(k=0; k<depth; k++){ near += buffer[(firstLine*width+i) * depth + k]; } near *= winLen; far = near; /* move windows, check delta */ for(j=firstLine+direction; j!=lastLine; j+=direction){ int farLine = j-winLen*2*direction; int nearLine = j-winLen*direction; if(farLine < 0 || farLine >= height){ farLine = firstLine; } if(nearLine < 0 || nearLine >= height){ nearLine = firstLine; } for(k=0; k<depth; k++){ far -= buffer[(farLine*width+i)*depth+k]; far += buffer[(nearLine*width+i)*depth+k]; near -= buffer[(nearLine*width+i)*depth+k]; near += buffer[(j*width+i)*depth+k]; } /* significant transition */ if(abs(near - far) > 50*winLen*depth - near*40/255){ buff[i] = j; break; } } } } else if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 1){ int near = 0; for(i=0; i<width; i++){ /* load the near window with first pixel */ near = buffer[(firstLine*width+i)/8] >> (7-(i%8)) & 1; /* move */ for(j=firstLine+direction; j!=lastLine; j+=direction){ if((buffer[(j*width+i)/8] >> (7-(i%8)) & 1) != near){ buff[i] = j; break; } } } } /* some other format? */ else{ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_getTransY: unsupported format/depth\n"); free(buff); return NULL; } /* ignore transitions with few neighbors within .5 inch */ for(i=0;i<width-7;i++){ int sum = 0; for(j=1;j<=7;j++){ if(abs(buff[i+j] - buff[i]) < dpi/2) sum++; } if(sum < 2) buff[i] = lastLine; } DBG (10, "sanei_magic_getTransY: finish\n"); return buff; } /* Loop thru the image height and look for first color change in each row. * Return a malloc'd array. Caller is responsible for freeing. */ int * sanei_magic_getTransX ( SANE_Parameters * params, int dpi, SANE_Byte * buffer, int left) { int * buff; int i, j, k; int winLen = 9; int bwidth = params->bytes_per_line; int width = params->pixels_per_line; int height = params->lines; int depth = 1; /* defaults for right-first */ int firstCol = width-1; int lastCol = -1; int direction = -1; DBG (10, "sanei_magic_getTransX: start\n"); /* override for left-first*/ if(left){ firstCol = 0; lastCol = width; direction = 1; } /* build output and preload with impossible value */ buff = calloc(height,sizeof(int)); if(!buff){ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_getTransX: no buff\n"); return NULL; } for(i=0; i<height; i++) buff[i] = lastCol; /* load the buff array with x value for first color change from edge * gray/color uses a different algo from binary/halftone */ if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB || (params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 8) ){ if(params->format == SANE_FRAME_RGB) depth = 3; /* loop over all columns, find first transition */ for(i=0; i<height; i++){ int near = 0; int far = 0; /* load the near and far windows with repeated copy of first pixel */ for(k=0; k<depth; k++){ near += buffer[i*bwidth + k]; } near *= winLen; far = near; /* move windows, check delta */ for(j=firstCol+direction; j!=lastCol; j+=direction){ int farCol = j-winLen*2*direction; int nearCol = j-winLen*direction; if(farCol < 0 || farCol >= width){ farCol = firstCol; } if(nearCol < 0 || nearCol >= width){ nearCol = firstCol; } for(k=0; k<depth; k++){ far -= buffer[i*bwidth + farCol*depth + k]; far += buffer[i*bwidth + nearCol*depth + k]; near -= buffer[i*bwidth + nearCol*depth + k]; near += buffer[i*bwidth + j*depth + k]; } if(abs(near - far) > 50*winLen*depth - near*40/255){ buff[i] = j; break; } } } } else if (params->format == SANE_FRAME_GRAY && params->depth == 1){ int near = 0; for(i=0; i<height; i++){ /* load the near window with first pixel */ near = buffer[i*bwidth + firstCol/8] >> (7-(firstCol%8)) & 1; /* move */ for(j=firstCol+direction; j!=lastCol; j+=direction){ if((buffer[i*bwidth + j/8] >> (7-(j%8)) & 1) != near){ buff[i] = j; break; } } } } /* some other format? */ else{ DBG (5, "sanei_magic_getTransX: unsupported format/depth\n"); free(buff); return NULL; } /* ignore transitions with few neighbors within .5 inch */ for(i=0;i<height-7;i++){ int sum = 0; for(j=1;j<=7;j++){ if(abs(buff[i+j] - buff[i]) < dpi/2) sum++; } if(sum < 2) buff[i] = lastCol; } DBG (10, "sanei_magic_getTransX: finish\n"); return buff; }