:backend "abaton"
:version "unmaintained"
:manpage "sane-abaton"
;:url "http://aix2.uottawa.ca/~s1204672/sane/"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Abaton"
;:url "http://www.everex.com/"

:model "Scan 300/GS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "All known modes and functions supported"

:model "Scan 300/S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Untested, use with caution"
:backend "agfafocus"
:version "unmaintained"
:manpage "sane-agfafocus"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "AGFA"
:url "http://www.agfa.com/"

:model "Focus GS Scanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "6 bit gray"

:model "Focus Lineart Scanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Lineart only? Untested."

:model "Focus II"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "gray only"

:model "Focus Color"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "3-pass"

:model "Focus Color Plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "3-pass"

:mfg "Siemens"

:model "S9036"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "gray only"
;Apple backend .desc file by Milon Firikis.

:backend "apple"		; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"                  ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-apple"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
;:url "http://no.www.page.yet/" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....

:mfg "Apple"
:url "http://developer.apple.com/"
:model "Apple Scanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good                  ; :alpha, :beta, :stable, :new
:comment "4bit, 16 shades of gray"

:model "OneScanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "8bit, 256 shades of gray. The backend needs work especially in the quantization code but it may work."
:status :basic                  ; :alpha, :beta, :stable, :new

:model "Color OneScanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :minimal                  ; :alpha, :beta, :stable, :new
:comment "truecolor (needs much work) but it scans in non color modes."
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "artec"                  ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"                 ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-artec"             ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www4.infi.net/~cpinkham/sane/sane-artec-doc.html" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Artec/Ultima"               ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.artecusa.com/"
;; name models for above-specified mfg.

:model "AT3"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "all modes working"

:model "A6000C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "all modes working"

:model "A6000C PLUS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "f/w <= v1.92 basic, f/w >= v1.93 OK"

:model "AT6"
:status :good
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "Scan head needs to return home before another scan can be started."

:model "AT12"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "all modes working"

:model "AM12S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "all modes working"

:mfg "BlackWidow"
:url "http://www.blackwidow.co.uk/"

:model "BW4800SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "rebadged Artec AT3"

:mfg "Plustek"
:url "http://www.plustek.com/"

:model "OpticPro 19200S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "rebadged Artec AM12S"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file

:backend "artec_eplus48u"
:version "unmaintained"
:manpage "sane-artec_eplus48u"
;:url "http://www.angelfire.com/linux/crapsite/"
:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Artec/Ultima"
:url "http://www.artecusa.com/"

:model "E+ 48U"
:status :good
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4003"
:comment "CIS scanner based on the GT6816 chip. Apparently all other devices are re-badged Artec scanners."

:model "E+ Pro"
:status :minimal
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4004"
:comment "Works up to 600dpi, but not 1200. Needs better calibration. See bug #310490"

:mfg "Medion/Lifetec/Tevion/Cytron"
:url "http://www.medion.com"
:comment "Sold by Aldi and Tchibo."

:model "MD9693"
:status :good
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4003"

:model "MD9705"
:status :good
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4003"

:model "MD4394"
:status :good
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4003"
:comment "Only scanners with product id 0x4003 will work; try the gt68xx backend, if your scanner has product id 0x4002 "

:mfg "Trust"
:url "http://www.trust-site.com"

:model "Easy Webscan 19200"
:status :good
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4006"

:model "240H Easy Webscan Gold"
:status :basic
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4007"
:comment "Works up to 600 dpi"

:mfg "Memorex"
:url "http://www.artecusa.com/"

:model "MEM 48U"
:status :good
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4005"

:mfg "Microstar"
:url "http://www.microstar.de/"

:model "MR 9791"
:status :good
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4003"

:mfg "UMAX"
:url "http://www.umax.com/"
:url "http://www.umax.com.tw/"
:url "http://www.umax.de/en"
:url "http://www.umax-europe.com"
:url "http://www.umaxjapan.co.jp"
:url "http://www.umax.com.cn"

:model "AstraSlim SE"
:status :good
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4009"

:model "AstraSlim 1200 SE"
:status :good
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4010"

:mfg "Yakumo"
:url "http://www.yakumo.com/"

:model "Scan50"
:status :good
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4011"
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "as6e"			; name of backend
:version "0.5"			; version of backend
:manpage "sane-as6e"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://as6edriver.sourceforge.net/"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Artec/Ultima"			; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.artecusa.com/"

:model "AS6E"
:interface "Parport"
:status :basic
:comment "Requires the program 'as6edriver' to run."

:mfg "Trust"                    ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.trust-site.com"
:comment "Carefully check the model names. Trust uses similar names for completely different hardware."

:model "Easy Scan 9600 Plus"
:interface "Parport"
:status :basic
:comment "Requires the program 'as6edriver' to run."

:mfg "Dexxa"                    ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.dexxa.com"

:model "4800"
:interface "Parport"
:status :basic
:comment "Requires the program 'as6edriver' to run."

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

; name of backend
:backend "avision"

; version of backend
:version "Build: 296"
;status: alpha, beta, stable, new
;:status :stable

; backend's web page
:url "http://skull.piratehaven.org/~mike/sane/avision.html"

; name of manpage (if it exists)
:manpage "sane-avision"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Avision"
:url "http://www.avision.com"

:model "AV100CS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "AV100IIICS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "AV100S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "AV120"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a27"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV121"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a3c"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :good

:model "AV122"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a33"
:comment "sheetfed duplex scanner"
:status :good

:model "AV122 C2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a93"
:comment "sheetfed duplex scanner"
:status :good

:model "AV210"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a24"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV210"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a25"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV210C2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a3a"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV210C2-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a2f"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV210D2+"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x1a35"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV220"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a23"
:comment "duplex! sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV220C2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a2a"
:comment "duplex! sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV220D2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a2b"
:comment "duplex! sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV220+"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a2c"
:comment "duplex! sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV220C2-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a2d"
:comment "duplex! sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV220C2-B"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a2e"
:comment "duplex! sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV220-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a94"
:comment "duplex! sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "AV240SC"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "AV260CS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "AV360CS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "AV363CS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "AV420CS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "AV6120"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "AV610"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a18"
:status :good

:model "AV600U Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a18"
:status :good

:model "AV610C2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a5e"
:status :good

:model "AM3000 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a41"
:comment "MFD"
:status :basic

:model "DS610CU Scancopier"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a16"
:comment "1 pass, 600 dpi, A4"
:status :good

:model "AV620CS"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, 600 dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV620CS Plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV630CS"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV630CSL"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi"
:status :untested

:model "AV6240"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV600U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a13"
:comment "1 pass, 600 dpi"
:status :good

:model "AV660S"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :untested

:model "AV680S"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :untested

:model "AV690U"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, 2400 dpi"
:status :untested

:model "AV800S"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :untested

:model "AV810C"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :untested

:model "AV820"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :untested

:model "AV820C"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV820C Plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV830C"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV830C Plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :untested

:model "AV880"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :untested

:model "AV880C"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :untested

:model "AV3200C"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV3200SU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a4e"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV3730SU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a4f"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV3750SU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a65"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV3800C"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :complete

:model "AV3850SU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a66"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi"
:status :complete

:model "FB6000E"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi, A3 - duplex! - zero edge!"
:status :complete

:model "FB6080E"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a82"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi, A3 - duplex! - zero edge!"
:status :complete

:model "FB2080E"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a84"
:comment "1 pass, 600 dpi, zero-edge" ASIC 7
:status :basic

:model "AV8000S"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi, A3"
:status :complete

:model "AV8050U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a4d"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi, A3 - duplex!"
:status :complete

:model "AV8300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a40"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi, A3 - duplex!"
:status :complete

:model "AV8350"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a68"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi, A3 - duplex!"
:status :complete

:model "IT8300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a61"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi, A3 - duplex!, LCD screen, paper sensors"
:status :good

:model "@V2500"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0aa1"
:status :untested

:model "@V5100"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a45"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi, A3 - duplex!, LCD screen, paper sensors"
:status :good

:model "AVA3"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, 600 dpi, A3"
:status :basic

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"
:url "http://www.hp.com"

:model "ScanJet 5300C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0701"
:comment "1 pass, 2400 dpi - some FW revisions have x-axis image scaling problems over 1200 dpi"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 5370C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0701"
:comment "1 pass, 2400 dpi - some FW revisions have x-axis image scaling problems over 1200 dpi"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 7400c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0801"
:comment "1 pass, 2400 dpi - dual USB/SCSI interface"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 7450c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0801"
:comment "1 pass, 2400 dpi - dual USB/SCSI interface"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 7490c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0801"
:comment "1 pass, 1200 dpi - dual USB/SCSI interface"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 8200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0b01"
:comment "1 pass, 4800 (?) dpi - USB 2.0"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 8250"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0b01"
:comment "1 pass, 4800 (?) dpi - USB 2.0"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 8270"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x3905"
:comment "1 pass, 4800 (?) dpi - USB 2.0"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 8290"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0b01"
:comment "1 pass, 4800 (?) dpi - USB 2.0 and SCSI - only SCSI tested so far"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 8300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x3805"
:comment "1 pass, 4800 (?) dpi - USB 2.0"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 8350"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x3805"
:comment "1 pass, 4800 (?) dpi - USB 2.0"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 8390"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x3805"
:comment "1 pass, 4800 (?) dpi - USB 2.0"
:status :good

:mfg "Minolta"
:url "http://www.minolta.com"

:model "Dimage Scan Dual I"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic

:model "Scan Multi Pro"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "Dimage Scan Dual II"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x026a"
:comment "1 pass, film-scanner"
:status :good

:model "Elite II"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0686" "0x4004"
:comment "1 pass, film-scanner"
:status :untested

:model "Dimage Scan Dual III"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0686" "0x400d"
:comment "1 pass, film-scanner"
:status :good

:model "Dimage Scan Elite 5400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0686" "0x400e"
:comment "1 pass, film-scanner"
:status :good

:mfg "Minolta-QMS"

:model "SC-110"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a15"
:status :untested

:model "SC-215"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a16"
:status :good

:mfg "Mitsubishi"

:model "MCA-ADFC"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "S1200C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "S600C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "SS600"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:mfg "Fujitsu"
:url "http://www.fujitsu.com"

:model "ScanPartner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanPartner 10"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanPartner 10C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanPartner 15C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanPartner 300C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanPartner 600C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanPartner 620C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "ScanPartner Jr"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanStation"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "fi-4010CU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1029"
:status :untested

:model "fi-5015C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10ef"
:status :good

:mfg "Kodak"
:url "http://www.kodak.com"

:model "i30"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x6001"
:status :untested

:model "i40"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x6002"
:status :basic

:model "i50"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x6003"
:status :untested

:model "i55"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x6003"
:status :untested

:model "i60"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x6004"
:status :untested

:model "i65"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x6004"
:status :untested

:model "i80"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x6005"
:status :good

:mfg "iVina"

:model "1200U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0268"
:status :untested

:mfg "Visioneer"

:model "Strobe XP 450"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0424"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "Strobe XP 450-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0491"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "Strobe XP 470"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0479"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "Strobe XP 470-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x048f"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "9320"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0420"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "9450"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0421"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "9450-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x047a"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "9550"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0422"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "9650"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0390"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "9650-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x047b"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "9750"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0423"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "9750-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0493"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "Patriot 430"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0497"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "Patriot 470"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x048f"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "Patriot 680"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0498"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:model "Patriot 780"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0499"
:comment "sheetfed scanner"
:status :complete

:mfg "Xerox"

:model "DocuMate150"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x049c"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate152"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0477"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate162"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x049d"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate250"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0448"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate250-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0490"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate252"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0449"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate252-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x048c"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate232"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0476"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate262"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x044c"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate262-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x048d"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate262i"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x04a7"
:status :good

:model "DocuMate272"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0475"
:status :untested

:model "DocuMate272-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x048e"
:status :untested

:model "DocuMate510"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0446"
:status :untested

:model "DocuMate512"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0495"
:status :untested

:model "DocuMate510-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x047c"
:status :untested

:model "DocuMate520"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0447"
:status :untested

:model "DocuMate520-G"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0492"
:status :untested

:model "DocuMate632"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0498"
:status :untested

:model "DocuMate752"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0478"
:status :untested

:model "DocuMate752"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x049a"
:status :untested

:mfg "OKI"

:model "S700 Scancopier"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a16"
:comment "1 pass, 600 dpi, A4"
:status :good

:mfg "Bell+Howell"

:model "2000F"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi, A4"
:status :basic

:mfg "Kyocera"

:model "FS-1016MFP"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0482" "0x0335"
:comment "1 pass, ??? dpi, A4"
:status :untested

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "bh"                     ; name of backend
:version "1.0-4"                    ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-bh"                ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.martoneconsulting.com/sane-bh.html" ; backend's web page
:comment "Supports Copiscan II scanners with Remote SCSI Controller (RSC) interface"

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Bell and Howell"            ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.bhscanners.com/"

:model "COPISCAN II 6338"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "Duplex Scanner with ACE - development model"

:model "COPISCAN II 2135"
:status :untested
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "Simplex Scanner"

:model "COPISCAN II 2137(A)"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "Simplex Scanner (with ACE) - limited testing"

:model "COPISCAN II 2138A"
:status :untested
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "Simplex Scanner with ACE"

:model "COPISCAN II 3238"
:status :untested
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "Simplex Scanner"

:model "COPISCAN II 3338(A)"
:status :untested
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "Simplex Scanner (with ACE)"
; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "canon630u"                ; name of backend
:manpage "sane-canon630u"
:version "0.1"                  ; version of backend
;:status :beta
:url "http://canon-fb630u.sourceforge.net/" ; backend home page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Canon"                    ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.canon.com/"
:model "CanoScan fb630u"           ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2204"
:comment "OK"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan fb636u"           ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2204"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "canon"		; name of backend
:manpage "sane-canon"
:version "1.12"			; version of backend
;:status :good			; :alpha, :beta, :stable, :new

:url "http://www.rzg.mpg.de/~mpd/sane/" ; backend home page

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Canon"			; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.canon.com/"

:model "CanoScan 300"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass; flatbed scanner"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan 600"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass; flatbed scanner"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan 620S"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass; flatbed scanner"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan 1200S"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass; flatbed scanner"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan 2700F"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass; film scanner"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan 2710S"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass; 36bit film scanner"
:status :good

:model "IX-4015"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "1 pass; flatbed scanner"
:status :good

:mfg "Apple"			; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.apple.com/"

:model "Color OneScanner 600/27"	; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "Rebadged CanoScan 300"
:status :good

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "canon_dr"              ; name of backend
:url "http://www.thebility.com/canon/"
:version "38"                    ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-canon_dr"         ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "Backend updated for SANE release 1.0.23, see sane-canon_dr manpage"
:devicetype :scanner             ; start of a list of devices....
                                 ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                 ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Canon"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.canon.com/"

:model "CR-25"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x161a"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "CR-55"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x160c"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "CR-135i"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x1639"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "CR-180"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1602"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "CR-180II"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1602"
:status :untested
:comment "Same as CR-180? Please test!"

:model "CR-190i"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x162b"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-1210C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2222"
:status :untested
:comment "Older version? Please test!"

:model "DR-1210C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x160f"
:status :untested
:comment "Later version? Please test!"

:model "DR-2010C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x161b"
:status :complete
:comment "Hardware provides: Gray/Color, Simplex/Duplex, Full-width, 300/600dpi horizontal. Driver provides: Binary, Despeckle, Deskew, Cropping, Calibration, other resolutions."

:model "DR-2010M"
:interface "USB"
:status :untested
:comment "Mac version of DR-2010C? Please test!"

:model "DR-2050C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x160a"
:status :complete
:comment "Hardware provides: Gray/Color, Simplex/Duplex, Full-width. Driver provides: Binary, Despeckle, Deskew, Cropping, Calibration."

:model "DR-2050SP"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x160a"
:status :untested
:comment "Same as DR-2050C? Please test!"

:model "DR-2080C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1601"
:status :complete
:comment "Hardware provides: Gray/Color, Simplex/Duplex, Full-width. Driver provides: Binary, Despeckle, Deskew, Cropping, Calibration"

:model "DR-2510C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x1617"
:status :complete
:comment "Hardware provides: Gray/Color, Simplex/Duplex, Full-width, 300/600dpi horizontal. Driver provides: Binary, Despeckle, Deskew, Cropping, Calibration, other resolutions"

:model "DR-2510M"
:interface "USB"
:status :untested
:comment "Mac version of DR-2510C? Please test!"

:model "DR-2580C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1608"
:status :complete
:comment "Hardware provides: Gray/Color, Simplex/Duplex, Full-width. Driver provides: Binary, Despeckle, Deskew, Cropping, Calibration"

:model "DR-3010C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x161d"
:status :good
:comment "Minimal testing, settings copied from DR-2510C"

:model "DR3020"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-3020C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-3060"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-3080C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Almost works, need to investigate traces from windows driver"

:model "DR-3080CII"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1609"
:status :untested
:comment "Almost works, need to investigate traces from windows driver"

:model "DR-4010C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x1614"
:status :good
:comment "Binary/HT/Gray/Color, Simplex/Duplex working. Multistream unsupported."

:model "DR4080U"
:interface "USB"
;:usbid "0x1083" "0x1614"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-4580U"
:interface "USB"
;:usbid "0x1083" "0x1614"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-5010C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1606"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-5020"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "LineArt, Duplex working, cannot read buttons or screen?"

:model "DR-5060F"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic
:comment "Grayscale works, LineArt might"

:model "DR-5080C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-6010C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x1626"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-6030C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x1638"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-6050C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x1624"
:status :good
:comment "Simplex, duplex, all resolutions, binary/ht/gray working.  Can't wake from stand-by mode"

:model "DR-6080"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1607"
:status :good
:comment "Simplex, duplex, all resolutions, binary/ht/gray, async mode, dropout-color, multifeed/staple detection, deskew, buttons and JPEG working. Imprinter, barcode, custom gamma and multistream unsupported"

:model "DR-7080C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1604"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "DR-7090C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x1620"
:status :good
:comment "ADF and flatbed work"

:model "DR-7550C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x1623"
:status :untested
:comment "Assumed compatible with DR-6050C"

:model "DR-7580"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x160b"
:status :good
:comment "Simplex, duplex, all resolutions, binary/ht/gray, async mode, dropout-color, multifeed/staple detection, deskew, buttons and JPEG working. Imprinter, barcode, custom gamma and multistream unsupported"

:model "DR-9050C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x1622"
:status :good
:comment "Simplex, duplex, all resolutions, binary/ht/gray working.  Can't wake from stand-by mode"

:model "DR-9080C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1603"
:status :good
:comment "Simplex, duplex, all resolutions, binary/ht/gray/color, async mode, dropout-color, multifeed/staple detection, deskew, buttons and JPEG working. Imprinter, barcode, custom gamma and multistream unsupported"

:model "DR-X10C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x1618"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "canon_pp"		; name of backend
:manpage "sane-canon_pp"
:version "0.33"			; version of backend

:url "http://canon-fb330p.sourceforge.net" ; backend home page

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Canon"			; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.canon.com/"

:model "CanoScan FB310P"	; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport (ECP)"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Rebadged Avision, different command set"

:model "CanoScan FB610P"	; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport (ECP)"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Rebadged Avision, different command set"

:model "CanoScan FB320P"	; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport (ECP)"
:status :basic
:comment "Newly added support"

:model "CanoScan FB620P"	; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport (ECP)"
:status :basic
:comment "Newly added support"

:model "CanoScan FB330P"	; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport (ECP)"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan FB630P"	; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport (ECP)"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan N340P"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport (ECP)"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan N640P"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport (ECP)"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan N640P ex"	; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport (ECP)"
:status :good
:comment "Just an N640P in a different box?"

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "cardscan"              ; name of backend
:url "http://www.thebility.com/cardscan/"
:version "2"                 ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-cardscan"         ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "Backend updated for SANE release 1.0.21, see sane-cardscan manpage"
:devicetype :scanner             ; start of a list of devices....
                                 ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                 ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Corex"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.cardscan.com/"

:model "800c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x08f0" "0x0005"
:status :good
:comment "4 inch wide 8bit Gray or 24bit Color simplex card/receipt scanner"

:model "600c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x08f0" "0x0002"
:status :basic
:comment "4 inch wide 8bit Gray or 24bit Color simplex card/receipt scanner"

; SANE Backend specification file for coolscan2
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "coolscan2"
:version "0.1.8"
:manpage "sane-coolscan2"
:url "http://coolscan2.sourceforge.net/"

:devicetype :scanner
:mfg "Nikon"
:url "http://www.nikon.com/"

:model "LS 30"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "working -- model available to developer"
:status :complete

:model "LS 2000"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "LS 40 ED"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b0" "0x4000"
:status :complete

:model "LS 4000 ED"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :good
:comment "needs linux kernel 2.4.19 or later"

:model "LS 50 ED"
;:url "unsupported/nikon-ls50-ed.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b0" "0x4001"
:status :minimal

:model "Coolscan V ED"
:url "unsupported/nikon-ls50-ed.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b0" "0x4001"
:status :minimal

:model "Super Coolscan LS-5000 ED"
:url "unsupported/nikon-ls5000-ed.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b0" "0x4002"
:status :untested
:comment "May work, similar to LS 50 ED, but untested. Please tell us if it works."

:model "LS 8000 ED"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :good
:comment "needs linux kernel 2.4.19 or later"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file for coolscan2
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "coolscan3"
:version "1.0.0"
:manpage "sane-coolscan3"

:devicetype :scanner
:mfg "Nikon"
:url "http://www.nikon.com/"

:model "LS 30"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Coolscan III"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "Rebadged LS 30?"

:model "LS 40 ED"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b0" "0x4000"
:status :complete

:model "Coolspan IV"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b0" "0x4000"
:status :complete
:comment "Rebadged LS 40?"

:model "LS 50 ED"
:url "unsupported/nikon-ls50-ed.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b0" "0x4001"
:status :minimal

:model "Coolscan V ED"
:url "unsupported/nikon-ls50-ed.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b0" "0x4001"
:status :minimal
:comment "Rebadged LS 50?"

:model "LS 2000"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "LS 4000 ED"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :good
:comment "needs linux kernel 2.4.19 or later"

:model "Super Coolscan LS-5000 ED"
:url "unsupported/nikon-ls5000-ed.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b0" "0x4002"
:status :untested
:comment "May work, similar to LS 50 ED, but untested. Please tell us if it works."

:model "LS 8000 ED"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :good
:comment "needs linux kernel 2.4.19 or later"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "coolscan"               ; name of backend
:version "0.4.3"                  ; version of backend
:url "http://andreas.rick.free.fr/sane/" ; backend's web page
:manpage "sane-coolscan"
:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Nikon"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.nikon.com/"
:model "LS-20"                 ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "The LS-20 has been replaced by the LS-30"
:status :basic

:model "LS-30"                 ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "alpha: only 24/30 bit RGB + 32/40 bit RGBI"
:status :basic

:model "LS-2000"               ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "alpha: only 24/36 bit + RGB 32/48 bit RGBI"
:status :basic

:model "LS-1000"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "Doesn't support gamma correction"
:status :basic

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
;Kodak DC210 backend .desc file by Brian J. Murrell

:backend "dc210"		; name of backend
:version "0.0"                  ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-dc210"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "mailto:peter@fales-lorenz.net"   ; backend's web page

:devicetype :stillcam           ; start of a list of devices....

:mfg "Kodak"
:url "http://www.kodak.com/global/en/service/digCam/dc210/dc210.shtml"
:model "DC210"
:interface "Serial port"
:status :basic
;Kodak DC240 backend .desc file by Peter S. Fales

:backend "dc240"		; name of backend
:version "0.0"                  ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-dc240"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "mailto:peter@fales-lorenz.net"   ; backend's web page

:devicetype :stillcam           ; start of a list of devices....

:mfg "Kodak"
:url "http://www.kodak.com/global/en/service/products/ekn006568.jhtml"
:model "DC240"
:status :good                 	; minimal, basic, good, complete
:interface "Serial port"
:comment "Use gphoto2 backend to get USB support"
;Kodak DC25 backend .desc file by Peter Fales

:backend "dc25"				; name of backend
:version "1.2"  			; version of backend
:manpage "sane-dc25"			; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "mailto:peter@fales-lorenz.net";
:devicetype :stillcam			; start of a list of devices....
:mfg "Kodak"				; Manufacturer
:url "http://www.kodak.com/global/en/service/digCam/dc25/dc25.shtml";
:model "DC25"				;
:status :complete     			; untested, minimal, basic, complete
:interface "Serial port"
:model "DC20" 				;
:status :basic     			; untested, minimal, basic, complete
:interface "Serial port"
:comment "DC-20 untested by author but reported to work"
; dell1600n_net backend
; Jon Chambers <jon@jon.demon.co.uk>, 2006-05-29
:backend "dell1600n_net"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Dell"
:url "http://www.dell.com/"

:model "1600n"
:interface "Ethernet USB"
:usbid "0x413c" "0x5250"
:status :basic
:comment "Supports colour and monochrome scans over ethernet (USB not supported)"

:backend "dll"               ; name of backend
:version "1.0.13"
:manpage "sane-dll"
:url "mailto:henning@meier-geinitz.de"

:devicetype :meta
:desc "Dynamic loading of shared-library backends."
; $Id$
; SANE Backend specification file (Matto Marjanovic's format)
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "dmc"               ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"                    ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-dmc"          ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:devicetype :stillcam             ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Polaroid"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.polaroid.com/"

:model "DMC"                  ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
;:url "http://digitalimage.polaroid.com/products/digital_imaging/digital_cameras/dmcsuite/dmc/"
:status :good
; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "epjitsu"               ; name of backend
:url "http://www.thebility.com/epjitsu/"
:version "20"                    ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-epjitsu"          ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "Backend updated for SANE release 1.0.21, see sane-epjitsu manpage"
:devicetype :scanner             ; start of a list of devices....
                                 ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                 ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Fujitsu"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.fujitsu.com/"

:model "fi-60F"
:interface "USB"
:status :basic
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10c7"
:comment "A6-size flatbed, 300/600 dpi, color/gray/binary"

:model "ScanSnap S300"
:interface "USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1156"
:comment "Duplex, 150/225/300/600 dpi, color/gray/binary, AC/USB power, buttons/sensors all supported. Scanner always scans in _triplex_ color, fast USB required."

:model "ScanSnap S300M"
:interface "USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x117f"
:comment "Same as S300, with different usb id"

:model "ScanSnap S1100"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1200"
:comment "Beta version of backend source available, which works well, but breaks support for other epjitsu scanners. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1678335"

:model "ScanSnap S1300"
:interface "USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x11ed"
:comment "Same as S300, with different usb id"

; SANE Backend specification file for the epson2 backend
; Copyright (C) 2009-10 Alessandro Zummo
; Released under GPLv2
; This file is derived from epkowa.desc, Copyright (C) Olaf Meeuwissen,
; distributed with "Image Scan!" and released under GPL.
; DO NOT EDIT - It's automatically generated.

:backend "epson2"
:version "1.0.124"
:new :no
:manpage "sane-epson2"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Epson"
:url "http://www.epson.com/"

:model      "Actionscanner II"
:interface  "parallel SCSI"
:status     :good
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-5000"
:url        "http://www.epson.com/"

:model      "AcuLaser CX11"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0815"
:status     :good
:comment    "overseas version of the LP-A500"

:model      "AcuLaser CX11NF"
:interface  "USB Network"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0815"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface supported<br>AcuLaser CX11 with network interface and fax"

:model      "AcuLaser CX21"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0835"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported"

:model      "Artisan 700"
:interface  "USB Network"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0846"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the EP-801A"

:model      "Artisan 710 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0852"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "Artisan 800"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0844"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the EP-901A"

:model      "Artisan 810 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0853"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "CC-500L"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010d"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "CC-550L"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011a"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "CC-570L"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0802"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "CC-600PX"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0801"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "CC-700"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0108"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "EP-702A"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0850"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "EP-801A"
:interface  "USB Network"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0846"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface supported<br>all-in-one"

:model      "EP-802A"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0852"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "EP-901A"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0844"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one"

:model      "EP-901F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0844"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one"

:model      "EP-902A"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0853"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "ES-300C"
:interface  "SCSI parallel"
:status     :good
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-6000"

:model      "ES-300GS"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :good

:model      "ES-600C"
:interface  "parallel"
:status     :good
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-5400"

:model      "ES-800C"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :good
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-8000"

:model      "ES-1000C"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-8500"

:model      "ES-1200C"
:interface  "parallel"
:status     :good
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-9000"

:model      "ES-2000"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0107"
:status     :complete
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "ES-2200"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010e"
:status     :complete
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "ES-6000"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :good

:model      "ES-6000H"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "ES-6000HS"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "ES-7000H"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0126"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface unsupported<br>IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "ES-8000"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :untested

:model      "ES-8500"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0109"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "ES-9000H"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "ES-10000G"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0129"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface unsupported<br>IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "ES-D400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0136"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "ES-H300"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012b"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported"

:model      "ES-H7200"
:interface  "USB Ethernet"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0138"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "Expression 636"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-9500"

:model      "Expression 800"		; command spec
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-9600"

:model      "Expression 836XL"		; command spec
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :untested
:comment    "overseas version of the ES-8000"

:model      "Expression 1600"		; command spec
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0107"
:status     :complete
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the ES-2000"

:model      "Expression 1640XL"		; command spec
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0109"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the ES-8500"

:model      "Expression 1680"		; command spec
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010e"
:status     :complete
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the ES-2200"

:model      "Expression 1680 Pro"
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:status     :untested
:comment    "IEEE1394 option"

:model      "Expression 1680XL Pro"
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:status     :untested

:model      "Expression 10000XL"		; command spec
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0129"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the ES-10000G"

:model      "Expression 10000XL Graphic Arts"
:interface  "USB IEEE1394"
:status     :untested
:comment    "network interface probably supported"

:model      "Expression 10000XL Photo"
:interface  "USB IEEE1394"
:status     :untested
:comment    "network interface probably supported"

:model      "F-3200"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB IEEE1394"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080a"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "Film scanner"

:model      "F-3200 Photo"
:interface  "USB IEEE1394"
:status     :unsupported

:model      "FilmScan 200"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :minimal
:comment    "will be supported"

:model      "GT-1500"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0133"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-2200"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0102"
:status     :unsupported

:model      "GT-2500"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012b"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>overseas version of the ES-H300"

:model      "GT-4000"
:status     :untested

:model      "GT-5000"
:interface  "parallel SCSI"
:status     :good

:model      "GT-5400"
:interface  "parallel"
:status     :good

:model      "GT-5500"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :good

:model      "GT-6000"
:interface  "SCSI Parport"
:status     :good

:model      "GT-6500"
:interface  "parallel"
:status     :good
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-5400"

:model      "GT-6600U"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0103"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-6700U"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010c"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-7000S"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-7000U"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0101"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-7200U"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-7300U"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011d"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-7400U"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0120"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the snapscan backend"

:model      "GT-7600S"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :complete
:comment    "SCSI version of the GT-7600U"

:model      "GT-7600U"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0104"
:status     :complete
:comment    "USB version of the GT-7600S"

:model      "GT-7600UF"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0104"
:status     :complete
:comment    "GT-7600U with TPU option bundled"

:model      "GT-7700U"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010b"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-8000"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :good

:model      "GT-8200U"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0110"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-8200UF"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0110"
:status     :good

:model      "GT-8300UF"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011e"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-8400UF"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011f"
:status     :unsupported

:model      "GT-8500"
:status     :untested

:model      "GT-8700"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010a"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-8700F"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010a"
:status     :good
:comment    "GT-8700U with TPU option bundled"

:model      "GT-9000"
:interface  "parallel"
:status     :good

:model      "GT-9300UF"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011b"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-9400UF"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0116"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-9500"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-9600"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :complete

:model      "GT-9700F"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0112"
:status     :complete
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "GT-9800F"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011c"
:status     :complete
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "GT-10000"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :good
:comment    "overseas version of the ES-6000"

:model      "GT-10000+"			; command spec
:interface  "SCSI"
:scsi       "EPSON" "SCANNER GT-10000" "processor"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the ES-6000H"

:model      "GT-12000"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :untested
:comment    "overseas version of the ES-8000"

:model      "GT-15000"			; command spec
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0126"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the ES-7000H"

:model      "GT-20000"
:interface  "USB Ethernet"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0138"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "GT-30000"			; command spec
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the ES-9000H"

:model      "GT-D1000"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0133"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-F500"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0121"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-F520"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0122"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-F550"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0121"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-F570"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0122"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-F600"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0118"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-F650"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012d"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-F670"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012e"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-F700"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-F720"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0131"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-S50"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0137"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-S80"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0136"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-S600"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012d"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-S620"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0131"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-X700"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0128"
:status     :complete
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "GT-X750"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0119"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-X770"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0130"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-X800"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012a"
:status     :complete
:comment    "film area guide mode not supported<br>IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "GT-X820"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x013a"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "GT-X900"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012c"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "GT-X970"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0135"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested"

:model      "LP-7900CS"
:status     :untested
:comment    "business all-in-one; scanner is a ES-7000H"

:model      "LP-9000CCH"
:status     :untested
:comment    "business all-in-one; scanner is a ES-9000H"

:model      "LP-9000CCS"
:status     :untested
:comment    "business all-in-one; scanner is a ES-7000H"

:model      "LP-9000CFH"
:status     :untested
:comment    "business all-in-one; scanner is a ES-9000H"

:model      "LP-9500CCS"
:status     :untested
:comment    "business all-in-one; scanner is a ES-7000H"

:model      "LP-9500CFH"
:status     :untested
:comment    "business all-in-one; scanner is a ES-9000H"

:model      "LP-9500CH2"
:status     :untested
:comment    "business all-in-one; scanner is a ES-9000H"

:model      "LP-9800CCH"
:status     :untested
:comment    "business all-in-one; scanner is a ES-9000H"

:model      "LP-9800CCS"
:status     :untested
:comment    "business all-in-one; scanner is a ES-7000H"

:model      "LP-9800CFH"
:status     :untested
:comment    "business all-in-one; scanner is a ES-9000H"

:model      "LP-A500"
:interface  "USB Network"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0815"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface supported<br>business all-in-one"

:model      "LP-M5000"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0843"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>business all-in-one"

:model      "LP-M5500"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0817"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>business all-in-one"

:model      "LP-M5500F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0817"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>business all-in-one<br>LP-M5500 with the fax option bundled"

:model      "LP-M5600"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0833"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>business all-in-one"

:model      "LP-M6000"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0834"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>business all-in-one"

:model      "ME 200"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0830"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "ME 300"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0841"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-401A"

:model      "ME OFFICE 510"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "ME Office 600F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0848"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "ME OFFICE 650FN Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0854"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "ME Office 700FW"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0847"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-601F"

:model      "PM-A700"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0814"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A750"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x081a"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A820"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0827"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A840"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083c"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A840S"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083c"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A850"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0806"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A870"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0811"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A890"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x081c"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A900"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0810"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A920"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082a"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A940"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0837"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A950"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x081d"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-A970"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0828"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-T960"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0836"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PM-T990"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0829"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>PM-A970 with network interface"

:model      "PX-401A"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0841"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PX-402A"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084d"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PX-501A"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084a"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one"

:model      "PX-502A"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0856"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PX-601F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0847"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported"

:model      "PX-A550"			; product spec (JP)
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080e"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PX-A620"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PX-A640"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0838"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PX-A650"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0819"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PX-A720"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082e"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PX-A740"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0839"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "PX-FA700"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083a"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Perfection 600"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the umax backend<br>rebadged UMAX Astra 1200S"

:model      "Perfection 610"		; command spec
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0103"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-6600U"

:model      "Perfection 636S"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-7000S"

:model      "Perfection 636U"		; command spec
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0101"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-7000U"

:model      "Perfection 640U"		; command spec
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010c"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-6700U"

:model      "Perfection 660"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0114"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the snapscan backend"

:model      "Perfection 1200S"		; command spec
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-7600S"

:model      "Perfection 1200U"		; command spec
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0104"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-7600U"

:model      "Perfection 1200U PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0104"
:status     :complete
:comment    "Perfection 1200U with TPU option bundled<br>overseas version of the GT-7600UF"

:model      "Perfection 1240U"		; command spec
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010b"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-7700U"

:model      "Perfection 1250"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 1250 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 1260"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011d"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 1260 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011d"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 1270"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0120"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the snapscan backend<br>overseas version of the GT-7400"

:model      "Perfection 1600"
:interface  "SCSI"
:status     :unsupported

:model      "Perfection 1640SU"		; command spec
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010a"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-8700"

:model      "Perfection 1640SU PHOTO"
:interface  "SCSI USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x010a"
:status     :good
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-8700F"

:model      "Perfection 1650"		; command spec
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0110"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-8200U"

:model      "Perfection 1650 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0110"
:status     :good
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-8200UF"

:model      "Perfection 1660 PHOTO"	; command spec
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011e"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-8300UF"

:model      "Perfection 1670"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the snapscan backend"

:model      "Perfection 1670 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the snapscan backend<br>overseas version of the GT-8400UF"

:model      "Perfection 2400 PHOTO"	; command spec
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011b"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-9300UF"

:model      "Perfection 2450 PHOTO"	; command spec
:interface  "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0112"
:scsi       "EPSON" "GT-9700" "processor"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-9700F"

:model      "Perfection 2480 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0121"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 2580 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0121"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 3170 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0116"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 3200 PHOTO"	; command spec
:interface  "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x011c"
:scsi       "EPSON" "GT-9800" "processor"
:status     :complete
:comment    "overseas version of the GT-9800F"

:model      "Perfection 3490 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0122"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 3590 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0122"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 4180 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0118"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 4490 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0119"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection 4870 PHOTO"	; command spec
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0128"
:status     :complete
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the GT-X700"

:model      "Perfection 4990 PHOTO"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012a"
:status     :good
:comment    "film area guide mode not supported<br>IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the GT-X800"

:model      "Perfection 4990 Pro"
:interface  "USB IEEE1394"
:status     :untested
:comment    "seems to be a 4990 PHOTO with additional software"

:model      "Perfection V10"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012d"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection V30"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0131"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection V100 Photo"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012d"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection V200 Photo"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012e"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection V300 Photo"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0131"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection V350 Photo"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection V500 Photo"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0130"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection V600 Photo"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x013a"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/scan/DL1.do"

:model      "Perfection V700 Photo"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012c"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the GT-X900"

:model      "Perfection V750 Photo"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x012c"
:status     :good
:comment    "IEEE1394 untested<br>overseas version of the GT-X900"

:model      "Stylus CX1500"		; Australia
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080c"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the snapscan backend<br>all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX2800"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0830"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX2900"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0830"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX3100"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0802"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the CC-570L"

:model      "Stylus CX3200"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0802"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the CC-570L"

:model      "Stylus CX3500"		; Australia
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080e"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A550"

:model      "Stylus CX3600"		; UK
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080e"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A550"

:model      "Stylus CX3650"		; France
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080e"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX3700"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0818"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX3800"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0818"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX3810"
:interface  "USB"
:status     :untested
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX3900"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A620"

:model      "Stylus CX4100"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0820"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX4200"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0820"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX4300"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/spc/DL1.do"

:model      "Stylus CX4400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/spc/DL1.do"

:model      "Stylus CX4500"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080d"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX4600"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080d"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX4700"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0819"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A650"

:model      "Stylus CX4800"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0819"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A650"

:model      "Stylus CX4900"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082b"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX5000"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082b"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX5100"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0801"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the CC-600PX"

:model      "Stylus CX5200"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0801"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the CC-600PX"

:model      "Stylus CX5300"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0808"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX5400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0808"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX5500"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/spc/DL1.do"

:model      "Stylus CX5600"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/spc/DL1.do"

:model      "Stylus CX5700F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0821"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "may work with the snapscan backend<br>all-in-one with FAX"

:model      "Stylus CX5800F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0821"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "may work with the snapscan backend<br>all-in-one with FAX"

:model      "Stylus CX5900"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082e"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A720"

:model      "Stylus CX6000"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082e"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A720"

:model      "Stylus CX6300"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0805"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>mistakenly thinks its a PX-A650"

:model      "Stylus CX6400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0805"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>mistakenly thinks its a PX-A650"

:model      "Stylus CX6500"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0813"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX6600"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0813"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX6900F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0831"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "may work with the snapscan backend<br>all-in-one with FAX"

:model      "Stylus CX7000F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0831"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "may work with the snapscan backend<br>all-in-one with FAX"

:model      "Stylus CX7300"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0838"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A640"

:model      "Stylus CX7400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0838"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A640"

:model      "Stylus CX7700"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x081f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX7800"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x081f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus CX8300"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0839"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A740"

:model      "Stylus CX8400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0839"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A740"

:model      "Stylus CX9300F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083a"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-FA700"

:model      "Stylus CX9400Fax"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083a"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-FA700"

:model      "Stylus DX3800"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0818"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus DX3850"
:interface  "USB"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus DX4000"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A620"

:model      "Stylus DX4200"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0820"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus DX4400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083f"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"
:url        "http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/spc/DL1.do"

:model      "Stylus DX4800"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0819"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A650"

:model      "Stylus DX4850"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0819"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>DX4800 + card reader"

:model      "Stylus DX5000"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082b"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus DX6000"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x082e"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A720"

:model      "Stylus DX7000F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0831"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "may work with the snapscan backend<br>all-in-one with FAX"

:model      "Stylus DX7400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0838"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A640"

:model      "Stylus DX8400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0839"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-A740"

:model      "Stylus DX9400F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083a"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-FA700"

:model      "Stylus Office BX300F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0848"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus Office BX310FN Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0854"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus Office BX600FW"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0847"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-601F"

:model      "Stylus Office BX610FW Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0855"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "Stylus Office TX300F"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0848"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus Office TX510FN Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0854"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus Office TX600FW"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0847"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-601F"

:model      "Stylus Office TX610FW Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0855"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "Stylus Photo PX650 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0850"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "Stylus Photo PX700W"
:interface  "USB Network"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0846"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the EP-801A"

:model      "Stylus Photo PX710W Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0852"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "Stylus Photo PX800FW"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0844"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the EP-901A"

:model      "Stylus Photo PX810FW Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0853"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX420"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX425"		; France
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX430"		; Australia
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x080f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX500"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0807"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX510"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0807"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX520"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x081a"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A750"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX530"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x081a"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A750"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX560"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0827"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A820"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX585"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083c"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A840"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX580"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0827"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A820"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX595"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083c"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A840"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX590"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0827"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A820"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX600"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0806"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A850"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX610"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x083c"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A840"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX620"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0811"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A870"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX630"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0811"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A870"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX640"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x081c"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A890"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX650"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x081c"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A890"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX680"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0837"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A940"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX685"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0837"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A940"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX690"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0837"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A940"

:model      "Stylus Photo RX700"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0810"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PM-A900"

:model      "Stylus Photo TX650 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0850"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "Stylus Photo TX700W"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0846"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the EP-801A"

:model      "Stylus Photo TX710W Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0852"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "Stylus Photo TX800FW"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0844"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the EP-901A"

:model      "Stylus NX100"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0841"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-401A"

:model      "Stylus NX110 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084d"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-402A"

:model      "Stylus NX200"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0849"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus NX210 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus NX300"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0848"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus NX400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084a"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-501A"

:model      "Stylus NX410 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0851"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus NX510 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0856"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-502A"

:model      "Stylus SX100"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0841"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-401A"

:model      "Stylus SX110 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084d"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-402A"

:model      "Stylus SX125"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x085c"
:status     :untested
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus SX200"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0849"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus SX205"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0849"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus SX210 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus SX400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084a"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-501A"

:model      "Stylus SX405"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084a"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus SX410 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0851"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus SX510W Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0856"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-502A"

:model      "Stylus SX600FW"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0847"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-601F"

:model      "Stylus SX610FW Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0855"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

:model      "Stylus Scan 2000"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0105"
:status     :untested
:comment    "apparently mostly the same as the Stylus Scan 2500"

:model      "Stylus Scan 2500"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0106"
:status     :untested
:comment    "scanner is apparently a GT-7000"

:model      "Stylus TX100"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0841"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-401A"

:model      "Stylus TX110 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084d"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-402A"

:model      "Stylus TX200"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0849"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus TX203"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0849"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus TX209"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0849"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus TX210 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084f"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus TX400"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084a"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-501A"

:model      "Stylus TX410 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0851"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one"

:model      "Stylus TX550W Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0856"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-502A"

:model      "WorkForce 310 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0854"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "WorkForce 500"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x084c"
:status     :good
:comment    "all-in-one"

:model      "WorkForce 600"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0847"
:status     :good
:comment    "network interface probably supported<br>all-in-one<br>overseas version of the PX-601F"

:model      "WorkForce 610 Series"
:interface  "USB"
:usbid      "0x04b8" "0x0855"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "supported by the epkowa backend plus non-free interpreter"

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "epson"                  ; name of backend
;:version "0.2.42"                ; version of backend
:version "unmaintained"           ; version of backend
:new :no
:manpage "sane-epson"             ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.khk.net/sane"    ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Epson"                      ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.epson.com/"

:model "GT-5000"                  ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI Parport"
:status :good

:model "Actionscanner II"
:comment "US version of GT-5000"
:interface "SCSI Parport"
:status :good

:model "GT-6000"
:interface "SCSI Parport"
:status :good

:model "ES-300C"
:comment "US version of GT-6000"
:interface "SCSI Parport"
:status :good

:model "ES-300GS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "GT-5500"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "GT-6500"
:interface "Parport"
:status :good

:model "ES-600C"
:comment "US version of GT-6500"
:interface "Parport"
:status :good

:model "ES-1200C"
:comment "US version of GT-9000"
:interface "Parport"
:status :good

:model "GT-7000"
:interface "SCSI"
:scsi "EPSON" "SCANNER GT-7000" "processor"
:status :good

:model "GT-8000"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "ES-8500"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "Perfection 636S"
:comment "US version of GT-7000"
:interface "SCSI"
:scsi "EPSON" "Perfection1200" "processor"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 636"
:interface "SCSI"
:scsi "EPSON" "Perfection636" "processor"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 636U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0101"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 610"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0103"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 640"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x010c"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 1200S"
:interface "SCSI"
:scsi "EPSON" "Perfection1200" "processor"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 1200U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0104"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 1200Photo"
:comment "with TPU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0104"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 1240"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x010b"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 1640"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x010a"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 1650"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0110"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 1660"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x011e"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 2400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x011b"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 2450"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0112"
:scsi "EPSON" "GT-9700" "processor"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 3200"
:comment "US version of the GT-9800"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x011c"
:scsi "EPSON" "GT-9800" "processor"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 4870"
:comment "US version of the GT-X700"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0128"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 4990"
:comment "US version of the GT-X800"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x012a"
:status :complete

:model "Expression 636"
:comment "US version of GT-9500"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Expression 800"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Expression 1600"
:interface "SCSI USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0107"
:status :complete

:model "Expression 1680"
:interface "SCSI USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x010e"
:status :complete

:model "FilmScan 200"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "A better backend for the FilmScan 200 can be found at <A HREF=\"http://www.vjet.demon.co.uk/scanner/\">http://www.vjet.demon.co.uk/scanner/</A>"
:status :unsupported
:url "http://www.vjet.demon.co.uk/scanner/"

:model "CX-3200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0802"
:status :good

:model "CX-3600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x080e"
:status :good

:model "CX-3650"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x080e"
:status :good

:model "CX-4600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x080d"
:status :good

:model "CX-4800"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0819"
:status :good

:model "CX-5000"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x082b"
:status :good

:model "CX-5200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0801"
:status :good

:model "CX-5400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0801"
:status :good

:model "CX-5400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0808"
:status :good

:model "CX-6300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0805"
:status :good

:model "CX-6400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04b8" "0x0805"
:status :good

:model "CX-6500"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0813"
:status :good

:model "CX-6600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04b8" "0x0813"
:status :good

:model "RX-500"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0807"
:status :good

:model "RX-600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0806"
:status :good

:model "RX-425"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x080f"
:status :good

:model "RX-700"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0810"
:status :good

:model "RX-620"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0811"
:status :good

:model "DX-3850"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0818"
:status :good

:model "CX-3700"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0818"
:status :good

:model "CX-3800"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0818"
:status :good

:model "CX-4200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0820"
:status :good

:model "DX-3800"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0818"
:status :good

:model "DX-5000"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x082b"
:status :good

:model "DX-5050"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x082b"
:status :good

:model "DX-6000"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x082e"
:status :good

:model "DX-7400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0838"
:status :good

:model "DX-4050"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x082f"
:status :good

:model "AcuLaser CX11"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0815"
:status :good

:model "AcuLaser CX11NF"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0815"
:status :good

:model "V700"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x012c"
:status :good

:model "V750"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x012c"
:status :good

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "fujitsu"               ; name of backend
:url "http://www.thebility.com/fujitsu/"
:version "117"                   ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-fujitsu"          ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "Backend updated for SANE release 1.0.23, see sane-fujitsu manpage"
:devicetype :scanner             ; start of a list of devices....
                                 ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                 ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Fujitsu"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.fujitsu.com/"

:model "M3091DC"
:interface "SCSI"
:url "http://www.remote.org/frederik/projects/software/sane/"
:status :complete
:comment "small, old, discontinued"

:model "M3092DC"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "small, old, discontinued"

:model "fi-4120C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1041"
:status :complete
:comment "small, recent, discontinued, usb 1.1"

:model "fi-4120C2"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10ae"
:status :complete
:comment "small, recent, discontinued, usb 2.0"

:model "fi-4220C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1042"
:status :complete
:comment "small, recent, discontinued, usb 1.1"

:model "fi-4220C2"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10af"
:status :complete
:comment "small, recent, discontinued, usb 2.0"

:model "fi-5110C"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1097"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-5110EOX/2"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1096"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-5110EOX3"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10e6"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-5110EOXM"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10f2"
:status :complete
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-5120C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10e0"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-5220C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10e1"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-5000N"
:interface "Ethernet"
:status :untested
:comment "Not a scanner, rather a scanner to ethernet interface"

:model "fi-6000NS"
:interface "Ethernet"
:status :untested
:comment "small, recent, discontinued, integrated touchscreen and keyboard"

:model "ScanSnap S500"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10fe"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "ScanSnap S500M"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1135"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "ScanSnap S510"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1155"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "ScanSnap S510M"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x116f"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-6130"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x114f"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-6230"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1150"
:comment "small, recent, discontinued"

:model "ScanSnap S1500"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x11a2"
:comment "small, discontinued"

:model "ScanSnap S1500M"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x11a2"
:comment "small, discontinued, same as S1500"

:model "ScanSnap N1800"
:interface "Ethernet"
:status :untested
:comment "small, current, integrated touchscreen and keyboard"

:model "ScanSnap fi-6010N"
:interface "Ethernet"
:status :untested
:comment "small, current, integrated touchscreen and keyboard"

:model "fi-6110"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x11fc"
:comment "small, current"

:model "fi-6130Z"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x11f3"
:comment "small, current"

:model "fi-6230Z"
:interface "USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x11f4"
:comment "small, current"

:model "ScanSnap iX500"
:interface "USB WiFi"
:status :good
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x132b"
:comment "small, current, WiFi not supported. Hardware only scans in color. Backend generates binary and grayscale modes."

:model "M3093E"
:interface "RS232C/Video"
:status :unsupported
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "M3093DE"
:interface "RS232C/Video"
:status :unsupported
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "M3093DG"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "M3093EX"
:interface "RS232C/Video"
:status :unsupported
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "M3093GX"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "M3096EX"
:interface "RS232C/Video"
:status :unsupported
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "M3096GX"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "M3097E+"
:interface "RS232C/Video"
:status :unsupported
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "M3097G+"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "M3097DE"
:interface "RS232C/Video"
:status :unsupported
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "M3097DG"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "medium, old, discontinued"

:model "fi-4340C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10cf"
:status :complete
:comment "medium, current"

:model "fi-4530C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1078"
:comment "medium, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-4640S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "medium, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-4750C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "medium, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-5530C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10e2"
:comment "medium, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-6140"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x114d"
:comment "medium, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-6240"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x114e"
:comment "medium, recent, discontinued"


:model "fi-5530C2"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x114a"
:comment "medium, current"

:model "fi-6140Z"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x11f1"
:comment "medium, current"

:model "fi-6240Z"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :complete
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x11f2"
:comment "medium, current"

:model "M3099A"
:interface "RS232C/Video"
:status :unsupported
:comment "big, old, discontinued"

:model "M3099G"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "big, old, discontinued"

:model "M3099EH"
:interface "RS232C/Video"
:status :unsupported
:comment "big, old, discontinued"

:model "M3099GH"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "big, old, discontinued"

:model "M3099EX"
:interface "RS232C/Video"
:status :unsupported
:comment "big, old, discontinued"

:model "M3099GX"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "big, old, discontinued"

:model "M4097D"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "big, old, discontinued"

:model "M4099D"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "big, old, discontinued"

:model "fi-4750L"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "big, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-4860C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "big, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-4860C2"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "big, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-4990C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "big, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-5650C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10ad"
:status :complete
:comment "big, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-5750C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1095"
:status :complete
:comment "big, recent, discontinued"

:model "fi-5900C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x10e7"
:status :good
:comment "big, recent, discontinued. Independent ultrasonic control and multistream unsupported"

:model "fi-6750S"
:interface "USB"
:status :untested
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1178"
:comment "Simplex, USB only version of fi-6770, won't wakeup via software, discontinued"

:model "fi-5950"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1213"
:status :untested
:comment "big, current. Faster version of fi-5900?"

:model "fi-6670"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1176"
:comment "big, current, won't wakeup via software"

:model "fi-6670A"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1177"
:comment "big, current, VRS CGA board unsupported, won't wakeup via software"

:model "fi-6770"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1174"
:comment "big, current, won't wakeup via software"

:model "fi-6770A"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1175"
:comment "big, current, VRS CGA board unsupported, won't wakeup via software"

:model "fi-6800"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :untested
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x119d"
:comment "big, current. Independent ultrasonic control and multistream unsupported"

:model "fi-6800-CGA"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:status :untested
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x119e"
:comment "big, current. VRS CGA board unsupported, Independent ultrasonic control and multistream unsupported"
:backend "genesys"
:version "1.0-63"
:manpage "sane-genesys"
:comment "Only the USB scanners mentioned below are currently supported."
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/genesys-backend/"
:devicetype :scanner

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Plustek"
:url "http://www.plustek.de/"
:url "http://www.plustek.com/"

:model "OpticBook 3600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0900"
:status :basic
:comment "Has a Primax USB ID"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Medion/Lifetec/Tevion/Cytron"
:url "http://www.medion.com/"
:url "http://www.medion.de/"

:model "MD5345"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0377"
:status :good
:comment "Has a Primax USB ID"

:model "MD6228"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0377"
:status :good
:comment "Has a Primax USB ID. Same as MD5345"

:model "MD6471"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0377"
:status :complete
:comment "Has a Primax USB ID. Same as MD5345"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"
:url "http://www.hp.com/"

:model "ScanJet 2300C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0901"
:status :complete
:comment "600x1200 dpi max"

:model "ScanJet 2400C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0a01"
:status :complete
:comment "1200x1200 dpi max"

:model "ScanJet G2410"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0a01"
:status :basic
:comment "clone of the HP 2400C"

:model "ScanJet 3670"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1405"
:status :complete
:comment "1200x1200 dpi max, complete transparency adaptor support"

:model "ScanJet 3690C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1405"
:status :complete
:comment "1200x1200 dpi max, same as HP 3670"

:model "ScanJet 4850C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1b05"
:status :untested
:comment "resolution from 100 to 2400 supported, UTA not supported yet"

:model "ScanJet G4010"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x4505"
:status :good
:comment "resolution from 100 to 2400 supported, UTA not supported yet"

:model "ScanJet G4050"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x4605"
:status :good
:comment "resolution from 100 to 2400 supported, UTA not supported yet"

:model "ScanJet N6310"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x4705"
:status :untested
:comment "Not supported yet"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Canon"
:url "http://www.canon.com/"

:model "CanoScan LiDE 35"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2213"
:status :good
:comment "Same ids as LiDE 50."

:model "CanoScan LiDE 40"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2213"
:status :good
:comment "Same ids as LiDE 50."

:model "CanoScan LiDE 50"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2213"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan LiDE 60"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x221c"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan LiDE 100"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1904"
:status :complete
:comment "GL847 based, resolution from 75 to 2400 dpi"

:model "CanoScan LiDE 110"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1909"
:status :complete
:comment "GL124 based, resolution from 75 to 2400 dpi"

:model "CanoScan LiDE 200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1905"
:status :complete
:comment "GL847 based, resolution from 75 to 4800 dpi"

:model "CanoScan LiDE 210"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x190a"
:status :complete
:comment "GL124 based, resolution from 75 to 2400 dpi"

:model "CanoScan 4400f"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2228"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL843 based, to be added to the genesys backend"

:model "CanoScan 5600F"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1906"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL847 based, to be added to the genesys backend"

:model "CanoScan 700F"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1907"
:status :good
:comment "GL847 based, resolution from 75 to 4800 dpi"

:model "Canon Image Formula 101"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1083" "0x162e"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL846 based, work in progress"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Visioneer"
:url "http://www.visioneer.com/"

:model "Strobe XP 100,r3"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x049b"
:status :good
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available"

:model "Strobe XP 200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0426"
:status :good
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available"

:model "Strobe XP 300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0474"
:status :good
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available, front- and backside side-by-side, with backside mirrored horizontally."

:model "Roadwarrior"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0494"
:status :basic
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available"

:model "Visioneer OneTouch 7100"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0229"
:status :complete
:comment "Same as MD5345"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Pentax"
:url "http://www.pentaxtech.com/"
:url "http://mobilesolutions.brother-usa.com/"

:model "DSmobile 600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x0a17" "0x3210"
:status :good
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available"

:model "DSmobile 600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04f9" "0x2038"
:status :good
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "DCT"
:url "http://www.docucap.com/"
:comment "Successor of Syscan in the USA"

:model "DocketPort 487"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x1dcc" "0x4810"
:status :basic
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available, front- and backside side-by-side, with backside mirrored horizontally."

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Syscan"

:model "DocketPort 485"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x0a82" "0x4810"
:status :basic
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, front- and backside side-by-side, with backside mirrored horizontally."

:model "DocketPort 465"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x0a82" "0x4802"
:status :untested
:comment "All resolution and mode should be supported, but uncorrected scans"

:model "DocketPort 665"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x0a82" "0x4803"
:status :basic
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available"

:model "DocketPort 685/ Ambir DS685"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x0a82" "0x480c"
:status :good
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available, front- and backside side-by-side, with backside mirrored horizontally."

:mfg "Xerox"
:url "http://www.xerox.com/"

:model "Travel Scanner 100"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x04ac"
:status :good
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available"

:model "2400 Onetouch"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x038b"
:status :complete
:comment "GL646 based, resolution from 75 to 2400 dpi"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Panasonic"

:model "KV-SS080"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04da" "0x100f"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolution and mode supported, calibration is available. Support sponsored by cncsolutions (http://www.cncsolutions.com.br)"
;gphoto2 backend .desc file by Peter S. Fales

:backend "gphoto2"		; name of backend
:version "0.0"                  ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-gphoto2"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "mailto:peter@fales-lorenz.net"   ; backend's web page

:devicetype :api	           ; start of a list of devices....

:desc "Multiple cameras supported by the gphoto2 libraries"
:url "http://www.gphoto.org"
;:interface "USB, serial port"
:comment "The long-term plan is to support all the cameras supported by the gphoto2 libraries (currently over 140 models).  However, at this stage, only a handful of cameras are definitely known to work with SANE.  Other cameras will probably work if the native file format is EXIF or JPEG.  Testers welcome!"
:backend "gt68xx"
:version "1.0-84"
:manpage "sane-gt68xx"
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/gt68xx-backend/"
:comment "Only the USB scanners mentioned below are supported. For other Mustek BearPaws, look at the Plustek and the MA-1509 backend."
:devicetype :scanner

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Artec/Ultima"
:url "http://www.artecusa.com/"

:model "Ultima 2000"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Works, only product id 0x4002 is supported"

:model "Ultima 2000 e+"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Works, however 12 bit mode doesn't seem to be supported"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Boeder"
:model "Sm@rtScan Slim Edition"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Similar to Artec Ultima 2000"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Fujitsu"
:url "http://www.fujitsu.com/"

:model "1200CUS"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :basic
:comment "Works, but is slow. Probably a Mustek BearPaw 2400 CU clone."

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Genius"
:url "http://www.genius-kye.com/"

:model "ColorPage Slim 1200"
;:url "unsupported/genius-colorpage-slim-1200.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x201e"
:status :untested
:comment "Untested but should work."

:model "Colorpage SF600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2021"
:status :basic

:model "Colorpage Vivid3x"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458"	"0x2011"
:status :good

:model "Colorpage Vivid3 V2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458"	"0x2011"
:status :good
:comment "Same as Colorpage Vivid3x"

:model "Colorpage Vivid3xe"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458"	"0x2017"
:status :good

:model "Colorpage Vivid4"
:usbid "0x0458"	"0x2014"
:interface "USB"
:status :good

:model "Colorpage Vivid4x"
:usbid "0x0458"	"0x201b"
:interface "USB"
:status :good

:model "Colorpage Vivid4xe"
:usbid "0x0458"	"0x201a"
:interface "USB"
:status :good

:model "Colorpage Vivid 1200 X"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458"	"0x201d"
:status :good

:model "Colorpage Vivid 1200 XE"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458"	"0x201f"
:status :good

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Googlegear"
:model "2000"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Same as Artec Ultima 2000."

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Lexmark"
:url "http://www.lexmark.com/"
:model "X70"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x002d"
:status :good
:comment "Works, some resolutions fail at 16 bit"

:model "X73"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x002d"
:status :good
:comment "Works, some resolutions fail at 16 bit, same as X70"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Medion/Lifetec/Tevion/Cytron"
:url "http://www.medion.com"
:comment "Sold by Aldi and Tchibo."

:model "MD 4394"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Product id 0x4002. If you have 0x4003, use artec_eplus48u backend."

:model "MD/LT 9375"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :untested
:comment "Untested, but is reported to have the same ids as the Artec Ultima 2000. Please test."

:model "MD/LT 9385"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Similar to Artec Ultima 2000"

:model "LT 9452"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Similar to Mustek ScanExpress 1200 UB Plus"

:model "MD 9458"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Similar to Artec Ultima 2000 (e+?)"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Mustek"
:url "http://www.mustek.com/"
:url "http://www.mustek.com.tw/"
:url "http://www.mustek.de/"

:model "BearPaw 1200 CS"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021e"
:status :good

:model "BearPaw 1200 CU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good

:model "BearPaw 1200 CU Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021b"
:status :good

:model "BearPaw 1200 CU Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021c"
:status :good

:model "BearPaw 1200 TA"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021e"
:status :good
:comment "Transparency adapter supported"

:model "BearPaw 1248 CU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021c"
:status :good
:comment "Seems to use the same ids as BearPaw 1200 CU Plus."

:model "BearPaw 2400 CS"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0218"
:status :untested
:comment "Probably works, reports are welcome"

:model "BearPaw 2400 CS Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0219"
:status :good
:comment "Works, problems with 12/16 bit modes?"

:model "BearPaw 2400 CU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :basic
:comment "Works, but is slow"

:model "BearPaw 2400 CU Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021d"
:status :good

:model "BearPaw 2400 TA"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0218"
:status :good
:comment "Transparency adapter supported"

:model "BearPaw 2400 TA Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0219"
:status :good
:comment "Transparency adapter supported"

:model "BearPaw 2448 CS Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021a"
:status :basic
:comment "Slow. Same as 2448 TA Plus, but without TA."

:model "BearPaw 2448 TA Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021a"
:status :basic
:comment "Slow. Transparency adapter supported. Slow. Brightness depends on resolution?"

:model "Plug-n-Scan 2400 MT"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0219"
:status :good
:comment "Works but is slow in high resolutions. Same as BearPaw 2400 TA Plus."

:model "Plug-n-Scan 2400 M"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0219"
:status :good
:comment "Works but is slow in high resolutions. Same as BearPaw 2400 CS Plus."

:model "ScanExpress 1200 UB Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good

:model "ScanExpress 1248 UB"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021f"
:status :complete

:model "ScanExpress 2400 USB"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :minimal
:comment "Should be detected but may need some more work in the code. Testers welcome. Please contact me if you own this scanner."

:model "ScanExpress A3 USB"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0210"
:status :basic
:comment "Still some vertical stripes."

:model "ScanMagic 1200 UB Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Same as ScanExpress 1200 UB Plus"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "NeatReceipts"

:model "Scanalizer Professional 2.5"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0412"
:status :untested
:comment "Similar to Plustek OpticSlim M12. Please tell us if this scanner works."

:model "Mobile Scanner"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0462"
:status :basic
:comment "Similar to Plustek OpticSlim M12."
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Nortek"

:model "MyScan 1200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x040b"
:status :untested
:comment "Untested. Please test. Similar to Plustek OpticPro S12?"
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Packard Bell"

:model "Diamond 1200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Similar to Mustek BearPaw 1200 (Plus)"

:model "Diamond 1200 Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021c"
:status :good
:comment "Similar to Mustek BearPaw 1200 Plus"

:model "Diamond 1200 Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021b"
:status :good
:comment "Similar to Mustek BearPaw 1200 Plus"

:model "Diamond 2450"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0219"
:status :good

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Plustek"
:url "http://www.plustek.de/"
:url "http://www.plustek.com/"

:model "OpticPro 1248U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0400"
:status :good

:model "OpticPro 1248U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0401"
:status :good

:model "OpticPro U16B"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0402"
:status :good

:model "OpticPro U16B+"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0403"
:status :good

:model "OpticPro UT16B"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0403"
:status :untested
:comment "Probably works. Transparency adapter not supported yet. Please contact me if you own such a device. "

:model "OpticPro S12"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x040b"
:status :good
:comment "Product ID 0x040b only."

:model "OpticPro S24"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x040e"
:status :good
:comment "Product ID 0x040e only. Is reported to work."

:model "OpticPro ST12"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x040b"
:status :untested
:comment "Product ID 0x040b only. Needs testing. Transparency adapter completely untested. Please contact me if you own such a scanner."

:model "OpticSlim 1200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0413"
:status :good

:model "OpticSlim 2400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0422"
:status :good
:comment "Works up to 1200 dpi."

:model "OpticSlim 2400 plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0454"
:status :good
:comment "Same as OpticSlim 2400."

:model "Iriscan Express 2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x045f"
:status :complete
:comment "Works up to 1200 dpi. Calibration with external calibration sheet supported"
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:model "OpticSlim M12"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0412"
:status :complete
:comment "Works up to 1200 dpi. Calibration with external calibration sheet supported"
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "RevScan"
;:url ""

:model "19200i"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0400"
:status :good
:comment "Similar to Plustek OpticPro 1248U"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Trust"
:url "http://www.trust-site.com"

:model "240TH Easy Webscan Gold"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0218"
:status :good
:comment "Same as Mustek Bearpaw 2400 TA plus."

:model "Compact Scan USB 19200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Works, if you have vendor id 0x055f and product id 0x0006, use the mustek_usb backend instead, similar to Mustek ScanExpress 1200 UB (Plus)"

:model "Direct WebScan 19200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x021c"
:status :good
:comment "Same as Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU Plus (0x021c)."

:model "Flat Scan USB 19200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4002"
:status :good
:comment "Similar to Artec Ultima 2000"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

:mfg "Visioneer"
:url "http://www.visioneer.com/"

:model "OneTouch 7300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0444"
:status :good
:comment "Works upto 1200 dpi and 12 bits/color."

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "hp3500"		; name of backend
:version "1.1"			; version of backend
:manpage "sane-hp3500"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://projects.troy.rollo.name/rt-scanners/" ; backend's web page
:comment "HP3500 series scanners."

:devicetype :scanner		; start of a list of devices....
				; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
				;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"		; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.hp.com"

:model "ScanJet 3500C"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"		; interface type of the device:
				; "SCSI", "USB", "Parport (EPP)",
				; "Parport (SPP)", "Parport (ECP)",
				; "Serial port" or "Propretiary".
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x2205"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 3530C"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"		; interface type of the device:
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x2005"
:status :good

:model "ScanJet 3570C"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"		; interface type of the device:
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x2005"
:status :good

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
; and at the top-level.

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).
; See doc/descriptions.txt for details.

:backend "hp3900"
:version "0.12"
:manpage "sane-hp3900"
:url "http://sourceforge.net/projects/hp3900-series/"
:comment "Still Beta"
:devicetype :scanner

; -----------------------------------------------------
:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"
:url "http://www.hp.com"

:model "ScanJet 3800"
:interface "USB"
:status :basic
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x2605"
:comment "Works with resolutions equal and less than 600dpi"

:model "ScanJet 3970c"
:interface "USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x2305"

:model "ScanJet 4070 Photosmart"
:interface "USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x2405"

:model "ScanJet 4370"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x4105"
:status :basic
:comment "Works with resolutions lower than 1200dpi"

:model "ScanJet G2710"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x2805"
:status :basic
:comment "Similar to hp scanjet 3800"

:model "ScanJet G3010"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x4205"
:status :basic
:comment "Similar to hp scanjet 4370"

:model "ScanJet G3110"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x4305"
:status :basic
:comment "Similar to hp scanjet 4370"

; -----------------------------------------------------
:mfg "UMAX"
:url "http://www.umax.com"

:model "Astra 4900"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06dc" "0x0020"
:status :minimal
:comment "developing yet"

; -----------------------------------------------------
:mfg "BenQ"
:url "http://www.benq.com/"

:model "5550"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2211"
:status :minimal
:comment "developing yet"

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "hp4200"               ; name of backend
:version "1.0-2"                    ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-hp4200"           ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://hp4200-backend.sourceforge.net" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"                         ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.hp.com/"

:model "ScanJet 4200C"                   ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0105"
:status :basic
:comment "8bpp color, 75/150/300/600 dpi only"

:model "ScanJet 4200Cxi"                   ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0105"
:status :basic
:comment "8bpp color, 75/150/300/600 dpi only"

:model "ScanJet 4200Cse"                   ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0105"
:status :basic
:comment "8bpp color, 75/150/300/600 dpi only"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; Copied from hp3300 testtools - Martijn van Oosterhout 22/02/2003
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "hp5400"		; name of backend
:version "1.0-2"		; version of backend
:manpage "sane-hp5400"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://sourceforge.net/projects/hp5400backend"  ; backend's web page
:comment "HP5400 and HP5470 scanners. Prototype backend available"

:devicetype :scanner		; start of a list of devices....
				; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
				;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"		; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.hp.com"

:model "ScanJet 5400c"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"		; interface type of the device:
				; "SCSI", "USB", "Parport (EPP)",
				; "Parport (SPP)", "Parport (ECP)",
				; "Serial port" or "Propretiary".
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1005""
:status :basic

:model "ScanJet 5470c"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"		; interface type of the device:
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1105"
:status :basic

:model "ScanJet 5490c"		; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"		; interface type of the device:
:status :basic

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
; and at the top-level.

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "hp5590"
:version "1.0.5"
:manpage "sane-hp5590"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"
:url "http://www.hp.com"

:model "ScanJet 4500C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1205"
:status :complete
:comment "Lineart/grayscale/color (24 bit), 100/200/300/600/1200/2400 DPI, flatbed/ADF/ADF duplex/TMA slides/TMA negatives"

:model "ScanJet 4570C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1305"
:status :complete
:comment "Lineart/grayscale/color (24 bit), 100/200/300/600/1200/2400 DPI, flatbed/TMA slides/TMA negatives"

:model "ScanJet 5500C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1305"
:status :untested
:comment "Lineart/grayscale/color (24 bit), 100/200/300/600/1200/2400 DPI, flatbed/TMA slides/TMA negatives"

:model "ScanJet 5550C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1205"
:status :complete
:comment "Lineart/grayscale/color (24 bit), 100/200/300/600/1200/2400 DPI, flatbed/ADF/ADF duplex/TMA slides/TMA negatives"

:model "ScanJet 5590"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1705"
:status :complete
:comment "Lineart/grayscale/color (24 bit), 100/200/300/600/1200/2400 DPI, flatbed/ADF/ADF duplex/TMA slides/TMA negatives"

:model "ScanJet 7650"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1805"
:status :complete
:comment "Lineart/grayscale/color (24 bit), 100/200/300/600/1200/2400 DPI, flatbed/ADF/ADF duplex/TMA slides/TMA negatives"

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "hp"                     ; name of backend
:version "1.06"                   ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-hp"                ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.kirchgessner.net/" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"            ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.hp.com/"

:model "ScanJet Plus"           ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Propietary"
:status :complete
:comment "Driver for HP parallel interface card required"

:model "ScanJet IIc"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:scsi "HP" "C1750A" "processor"

:model "ScanJet IIp"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:scsi "HP" "C1790A" "processor"

:model "ScanJet IIcx"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:scsi "HP" "C2500A" "processor"

:model "ScanJet 3c"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 3p"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 4c"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:scsi "HP" "C2520A" "processor"

:model "ScanJet 4p"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:scsi "HP" "C1130A" "processor"

:model "ScanJet 4100C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0101"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 5p"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:scsi "HP" "C5110A" "processor"

:model "ScanJet 5100C"
:interface "Parport"
:status :complete
:comment "Requires ppscsi driver and epst module"

:model "ScanJet 5200C"
:interface "Parport USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0401"
:status :complete
:comment "Parallel interface requires ppscsi driver and epst module"

:model "ScanJet 6100C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 6200C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:scsi "HP" "C6270A" "processor"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0201"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 6250C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0201"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 6300C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:scsi "HP" "C7670A" "processor"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0601"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 6350C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0601"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 6390C"
:interface "SCSI USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0601"
:status :complete

:model "PhotoSmart PhotoScanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "hpljm1005"
:version "0"
:manpage "sane-hpljm1005"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"
:url "http://www.hp.com"

:model "LaserJet M1005 MFP"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x3b17"
:status :good
:comment "grayscale/color (24 bit), 75/100/150/200/300/600/1200 DPI"

:model "LaserJet M1120 MFP"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x5617"
:status :good
:comment "grayscale/color (24 bit), 75/100/150/200/300/600/1200 DPI"

:model "LaserJet M1120n MFP"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x5717"
:status :good
:comment "grayscale/color (24 bit), 75/100/150/200/300/600/1200 DPI"
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "hpsj5s"                 ; name of backend
:version "0.03"                   ; version of backend
;:status :alpha                     ; :alpha, :beta, :stable, :new
:manpage "sane-hpsj5s"                ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://hpsj5s.sourceforge.net/" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"                         ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.hp.com/"

:model "ScanJet 5s"           ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:comment "Requires libieee1284 library. Only gray mode."
:status :minimal

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "hs2p"                 ; name of backend
:url "http://www.acjlaw.net:8080/~jeremy/Ricoh/"
:version "1.00"          ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-hs2p"            ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "This backend has been tested with the IS450DE (Duplex/Endorser). All major functions necessary for scanning are supported. This backend should work with all Ricoh scanners in the IS450 family as well as the IS420 series, but the IS420 has not yet been tested. Features provided by the optional Image Processing Unit (IPU) are not yet integrated into the backend, as my scanner lacks the IPU."

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Ricoh"                         ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.ricoh.com/"

:model "IS450"                  ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "All major scanning-related features are supported (except for IPU). Certain non-scanning features, such as those related to scanner maintenance, are not supported. Such features would be better implemented in a separate stand-alone tool. For instance, if you replace the ADF Unit, you must recalibrate the scanner optics using a Ricoh Test Sheet and reset the E^2PROM registers. Reports are welcome."

:model "IS-410"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Untested, please report!"

:model "IS-420"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Untested, please report!"

:model "IS-430"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Untested, please report!"
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "ibm"                 ; name of backend
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/ibm-backend/"
:version "1.0-4"          ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-ibm"            ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "This backend has had only limited testing. It needs more work especially for the Ricoh scanners. Patches are welcome."

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "IBM"                         ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.ibm.com/"

:model "2456"                  ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic
:comment "Was reported to work long time ago. Reports are welcome."

:mfg "Ricoh"                         ; name a manufacturer
:model "IS-410"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Untested, please report!"

:model "IS-420"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic
:comment "Works at least in flatbed mode."

:model "IS-430"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Untested, please report!"
:backend "kodakaio"
:url "http://sourceforge.net/projects/cupsdriverkodak/"
:version "2.4.6"
:manpage "sane-kodakaio"
:comment "Backend for Kodak AiO ESP and Hero printers. Also possibly Advent AWL10"
:devicetype :scanner
:new :no

:mfg "Kodak"
:url "http://www.kodak.com/"

; ESP series

:model "ESP 2150"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4059"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 2170"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4066"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 3200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4043"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 3300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4031"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 4100"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4053"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 5000"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4028"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 5100"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4025"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 5200"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4041"
:status :basic
:comment "USB good, Network good"

:model "ESP 5300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4026"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 5500"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4027"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 6100"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4054"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 7200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4056"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 9200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4065"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 5"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4032"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 7"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x403e"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP 9"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x403f"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP C110"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4057"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP C115"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4058"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP C310"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x405d"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "ESP C315"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x405e"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

; Hero series

:model "Hero 3.1"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x406d"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Hero 5.1"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4064"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Hero Office 6.1"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4062"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Hero 7.1"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4063"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Hero 9.1"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4067"
:status :basic
:comment "USB good, Network good"


:mfg "Advent"
:url "http://www.adventcomputers.co.uk"

:model "AW10"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x040a" "0x4060"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:backend "kodak"
:url "http://www.thebility.com/kodak/"
:version "7"
:manpage "sane-kodak"
:comment "New backend for SANE release 1.0.21, see sane-kodak manpage"
:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Kodak"
:url "http://www.kodak.com/"

; workgroup machines, old

:model "Scanner 1500"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

; departmental machines, old

:model "Scanner 2500"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Scanner 3500"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Scanner 3510"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Scanner 3520"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Color Scanner 3590C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Color Scanner 4500"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

; departmental machines, recent

:model "i150 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i160 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i250 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i260 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i280 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

; production machines, old

:model "Scanner 900"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Scanner 923"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Scanner 5500"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Scanner 7500"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Scanner 7520"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Scanner 9500"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "Scanner 9520"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

; production machines, recent

:model "i610 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i620 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i640 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i660 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i730 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i750 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i780 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i810 Scanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i820 Scanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i830 Scanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i840 Scanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i1840 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

:model "i1860 Scanner"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :basic
:comment "Uncompressed B&W, Gray and Color, some automatic features supported"

:model "s1740"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "Please test!"

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "kvs1025"               ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"          ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-kvs1025"          ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "New backend for SANE release 1.0.21, see sane-kvs1025 manpage"
:devicetype :scanner             ; start of a list of devices....

:mfg "Panasonic"                 ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.panasonic.com/"

:model "KV-S1020C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04da" "0x1007"
:status :good

:model "KV-S1025C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04da" "0x1006"
:status :good

:model "KV-S1045C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04da" "0x1010"
:status :good
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "kvs20xx"               ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"          ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-kvs20xx"          ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "New backend for SANE release 1.0.22, see sane-kvs20xx manpage"
:devicetype :scanner             ; start of a list of devices....

:mfg "Panasonic"                 ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.panasonic.com/"

:model "KV-S2025C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "KV-S2026C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04da" "0x1000"
:status :untested

:model "KV-S2028C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04da" "0x100a"
:status :untested

:model "KV-S2045C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "KV-S2046C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04da" "0x1001"
:status :untested

:model "KV-S2048C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04da" "0x1009"
:status :untested

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "kvs40xx"               ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"          ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-kvs40xx"          ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "New backend for SANE release 1.0.23, see sane-kvs40xx manpage"
:devicetype :scanner             ; start of a list of devices....
:new :no

:mfg "Panasonic"                 ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.panasonic.com/"

:model "KV-S4065C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04da" "0x100d"
:status :untested

:model "KV-S4085C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04da" "0x100c"
:status :untested

:model "KV-S7075C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04da" "0x100e"
:status :untested

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "leo"                    ; name of backend
:version "1.0-10"                  ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-leo"               ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.zago.net/sane/#leo" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....

:mfg "LEO"
:model "LEOScan S3"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "FCC ID LUZFS1130"
:status :good

:mfg "Across Technologies"
:model "FS-1130"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "FCC ID LUZFS1130"
:status :good

:mfg "Genius"
:model "FS-1130 Colorpage Scanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "lexmark"                ; name of backend
:version "1.0-0"                  ; version of backend (or "unmaintained")
:manpage "sane-lexmark"           ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://stef.dev.free.fr/sane/lexmark"
				  ; backend's web page

:comment "This backend supports lexmark x1100 series scanners."
                                  ; comment about the backend

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Lexmark"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.lexmark.com/"   ; manufacturer's URL

:model "X1110"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x007c"
:status :untested

:model "X1130"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x007c"
:status :good
:comment "Supports 75, 150, 300, 600 dpi"

:model "X1140"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x007c"
:status :untested

:model "X1150"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x007c"
:status :good
:comment "Supports 75, 150, 300, 600 dpi"

:model "X1170"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x007c"
:status :good
:comment "Supports 75, 150, 300, 600 dpi"

:model "X1180"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x007c"
:status :good

:model "X1185"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x007c"
:status :good
:comment "Tested with xscanimage. Supports 75, 150, 300, 600, 1200(600x1200) dpi resolutions. Does grayscale or colour scans in the following sizes: wallet, 3x5, 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, letter."

:model "X1195"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x007c"
:status :untested

:model "X74"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0060"
:status :good
:comment "Supports 75, 150, 300, 600 dpi"

:model "X12xx"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x007d"
:status :good
:comment "USB1.1 is OK, USB2.0 needs testing"

:mfg "Dell"                   ; name a manufacturer
:model "A920"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x413c" "0x5105"
:status :good
:comment "Relabelled X11xx model"
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "ma1509"		; name of backend
:version "1.0-3"			; version of backend
:manpage "sane-ma1509"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/ma1509-backend/"  ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner		; start of a list of devices....
				; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
				;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Mustek"		; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.mustek.com/"
:url "http://www.mustek.com.tw/"
:url "http://www.mustek.de/"

:model "BearPaw 1200 F"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0010"
:status :good
:comment "Works upto 600 dpi. No support for TA and ADF yet."
:mfg "Fujitsu"		; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.fujitsu.com/"

:model "fi-4110EOX/2/3"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04c5" "0x1040"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Uses ma1509 chip, but very different from other scanners supported by the ma1509 backend"

; SANE Backend specification file for the magicolor backend
; Copyright (C) 2010-11 Reinhold Kainhofer
; Released under GPLv2

:backend "magicolor"
:version "1.0.0"
:manpage "sane-magicolor"
:url "http://wiki.kainhofer.com/hardware/magicolor_scan"

:devicetype :scanner

:url "http://www.konicaminolta.com/"

:model      "magicolor 1690MF"
:interface  "USB Network"
:usbid      "0x132b" "0x2089"
:status     :good
:comment    "Multi-function color laser printer with fax, scanner and network interface"
:url        "http://www.konicaminolta.eu/business-solutions/products/laser-printers/all-in-one/magicolor-1690mf/key-features.html"

:model      "BizHub 162/132"
:interface  "USB Network"
:usbid      "ignore"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "Uses a similar protocol as the magicolor 1690MF, according to Ilia Sotnikov."

:model      "DiMage 1611"
:interface  "USB Network"
:usbid      "ignore"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "Uses a similar protocol as the magicolor 1690MF, according to Ilia Sotnikov."

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "matsushita"             ; name of backend
:version "1.0-7"                  ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-matsushita"        ; name of manpage
:url "http://www.zago.net/sane"    ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....

:mfg "Panasonic"                  ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.panasonic.com/"

:model "KV-SS25"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "KV-SS25D"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "KV-SS50"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "KV-SS55"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "KV-SS50EX"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "KV-SS55EX"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :minimal
:comment "no color, no high resolution, no automatic cropping"

:model "KV-SS850"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "KV-SS855"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "KV-S2025C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :minimal
:comment "no color, no high resolution, no automatic cropping"

:model "KV-S2045C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :minimal
:comment "no color, no high resolution, no automatic cropping"

:model "KV-S2065L"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :minimal
:comment "no color, no high resolution, no automatic cropping"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "microtek2"              ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"                   ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-microtek2"         ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://karstenfestag.gmxhome.de/linux.html"

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....

:mfg "Microtek"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.microtek.com/"

:model "ScanMaker E3plus"
:interface "Parport"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMaker E3plus"         ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMaker X6"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMaker X6EL"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker X6USB"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x0099"
:status :good

:model "ScanMaker V300"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "ScanMaker V300"
:interface "Parport"
:status :good

:model "ScanMaker V310"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker V310"
:interface "Parport"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker V600"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker V600"
:interface "Parport"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker 330"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker 630"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker 636"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMaker 6400XL"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMaker 9600XL"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "only flatbed mode ?"
:status :good

:model "ScanMaker 9800XL"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-9800.html"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :minimal
:comment "IEEE-1394 seems to work. See link. More reports welcome."

:model "Phantom 330CX"
:interface "Parport"
:status :complete

:model "SlimScan C3"
:interface "Parport"
:status :complete

:model "Phantom 636"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Phantom 636CX"
:interface "Parport"
:status :complete

:model "SlimScan C6"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x009a"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMaker V6UPL"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x00b6"
:status :basic
:comment "Sometimes scan speed goes to fast and results look badly smudged."

:model "ScanMaker V6USL"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMaker V6USL"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x00a3"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMaker V6USL"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x80a3"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMaker X12USL"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "only Flatbed mode ?"
:status :good

:mfg "Vobis"
:url "http://www.vobis.de/"

:model "HighScan"                 ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "only E3plus based models"
:status :complete

:mfg "Scanport"
:url "http://www.scanport.com/"
:model "SQ300"
:interface "Parport?"
:status :basic

:model "SQ2030"
:interface "Parport"
:status :basic

:model "SQ4836"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic

:mfg "Genius"
:url "http://www.geniusmouse.co.uk/"
:model "ColorPage-EP"
:interface "Parport"
:status :good

:backend "microtek"
:version "0.13.1"
:manpage "sane-microtek"
:url "http://www.mir.com/mtek/"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Microtek"
:url "http://www.microtek.com/"
  :model "Scanmaker E6"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker E3"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker E2"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :comment "3-pass"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker 35t+"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :comment "slide-scanner"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker 45t"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :comment "slide-scanner"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker 35"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :comment "slide-scanner"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker III"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker IISP"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker IIHR"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :comment "3-pass"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker IIG"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :comment "gray only"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker II"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :comment "3-pass"
    :status :good
  :model "Scanmaker 600Z(S)"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :untested
  :model "Scanmaker 600G(S)"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :comment "gray only (see manpage)"
    :status :basic
  :model "Color PageWiz"
    :interface "SCSI (Parport)"
    :comment "sheet-fed (preliminary, see mapage)"
    :status :basic

:mfg "Agfa"
:url "http://www.agfa.com/"
  :model "Arcus II"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :comment "Arcus *II*, not Arcus!"
    :status :good
  :model "StudioScan"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :good
  :model "StudioScan II"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :good
  :model "StudioScan IIsi"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :good
  :model "Studiostar"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :minimal
    :comment "Is detected but scans are very dark"
  :model "DuoScan"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :basic

:mfg "Vobis"
:url "http://www.vobis.de/"
  :model "Highscreen Realscan"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :status :good

:mfg "Genius"
:url "http://www.genius-kye.com/"
  :model "Colorpage-SP2"
    :interface "SCSI"
    :comment "Same as Microtek Scanmaker E3"
    :status :good
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "mustek"		; name of backend
:version "1.0-138"		; version of backend
:manpage "sane-mustek"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/mustek-backend/"
:comment "Most Mustek SCSI scanners are supported by this backend. For USB scanners, look at the mustek_usb backend."

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Mustek"			; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.mustek.com/"
:url "http://www.mustek.com.tw/"
:url "http://www.mustek.de/"

:model "Paragon MFS-6000CX"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "3-pass"
:status :good

:model "Paragon MFS-12000CX"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "3-pass"
:status :good

:model "Paragon MFC-600S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Paragon 600 II CD"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Paragon 600 II ED"
:interface "Parport"
:status :untested
:comment "Completely untested. If it's the same as the 600 II EP, it may work. Please contact me if you own such a device."

:model "Paragon 600 II EP"
:interface "Parport"
:status :minimal
:comment "Works, however only low resolutions and quality in color mode is bad."

:model "ScanMagic 600 II SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "TwainScan II SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Paragon MFC-800S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Paragon 800 II SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Paragon MFS-6000SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Paragon MFS-8000SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Paragon MFS-1200SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Paragon MFS-12000SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanExpress 6000SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanExpress 12000SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanExpress 1200 FS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "One report that it crashes the computer. SCSI driver issue? Please contact me if you own such a device."

:model "ScanExpress 12000SP Plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Paragon 1200 III SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "Paragon 1200 LS"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMagic 9636S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanMagic 9636S Plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "ScanExpress A3 SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "Please test!"
:status :basic

:model "Paragon 1200 SP Pro"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "Paragon 1200 A3 Pro"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "ADF and TA untested. Please contact me if you own such equipment."

:model "Paragon 600 II N"
:interface "Proprietary"
:status :basic
:comment "Resolutions above 300 dpi may cause trouble."

:mfg "Trust"			; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.trust-site.com"
:comment "Carefully check the model names. Trust uses similar names for completely different hardware."

:model "Imagery 1200"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "3-pass, Mustek Paragon MFS-6000CX compatible"

:model "Imagery 1200 SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "Mustek Paragon MFS-6000SP compatible"

:model "Imagery 4800 SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "Mustek Paragon 600 II CD compatible"

:model "SCSI Connect 19200"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP compatible"

:model "SCSI excellence series 19200"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP compatible"

:mfg "Primax"			; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.primax.nl/"
:model "Compact 4800 SCSI"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete
:comment "Mustek 600 II CD compatible"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "mustek_pp"              ; name of backend
:version "13"                     ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-mustek_pp"         ; name of manpage (if it exists)
                                  ; backend's web page
:url "http://penguin-breeder.org/sane/mustek_pp/"
:comment "Supports CIS and CCD type parallel port scanners from Mustek."

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Mustek"                     ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.mustek.com/"
:url "http://www.mustek.com.tw/"
:url "http://www.mustek.de/"

:model "ScanExpress 6000 P"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300 dpi CCD scanner"

:model "ScanExpress 600 SEP"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300 dpi CCD scanner"

:model "ScanMagic 4800 P"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300 dpi CCD scanner"

:model "600 III EP Plus"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300 dpi CCD scanner"

:model "96 CP"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300x600 dpi CIS scanner"

:model "ScanExpress 600 CP"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300x600 dpi CIS scanner"

:model "ScanMagic 600 CP"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300x600 dpi CIS scanner"

:model "ScanExpress 1200 CP"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "600x1200 dpi CIS scanner"

:model "ScanExpress 1200 CP+"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "600x1200 dpi CIS scanner"

:mfg "Medion/Lifetec/Tevion/Cytron"
:url "http://www.medion.de/"
:comment "Those scanners are also known as \"Aldi Scanner\" or \"Tchibo Scanners\""

:model "MD 9848"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300 dpi CCD scanner"

:model "MD 9806"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300 dpi CCD scanner"

:model "MD/LT 935x"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "600x1200 dpi CIS scanner"

:model "MD/LT 985x"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "600x1200 dpi CIS scanner"

:model "MD/LT 9890"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "600x1200 dpi CIS scanner"

:mfg "Targa"

:model "Funline TS12 EP"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "600x1200 dpi CIS scanner"

:model "Funline TS6 EP"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300x600 dpi CIS scanner"

:mfg "Trust"
:url "http://www.trust-site.com/home/"

:model "Easy Connect 9600+"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300x600 dpi CIS scanner"

:model "Easy Connect 19200+"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300x600 dpi CIS scanner"

:mfg "Viviscan"

:model "Compact II"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300 dpi CCD scanner"

:mfg "Cybercom"

:model "9352"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "CIS scanner"

:mfg "Gallery"

:model "4800"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300 dpi CCD scanner"

:mfg "Network"

:model "Easy Plus 30 Bit"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300 dpi CCD scanner"

:mfg "Micromaxx"

:model "MM-9851"
:interface "Parport (EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "300x600 dpi CIS scanner"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
:backend "mustek_usb2"
:version "1.0-10"
:manpage "sane-mustek_usb2"
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/mustek_usb2-backend/"
:comment "Only BearPaw 2448TA Pro is supported at the moment"
:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Mustek"
:url "http://www.mustek.com/"
:url "http://www.mustek.com.tw/"
:url "http://www.mustek.de/"

:model "BearPaw 2448TA Pro"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0409"
:status :good
:backend "mustek_usb"
:version "1.0-18"
:manpage "sane-mustek_usb"
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/mustek_usb-backend/"
:comment "Only the USB scanners mentioned below are supported. For BearPaws, look at the Plustek, MA-1509, and gt68xx backends."
:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Mustek"
:url "http://www.mustek.com/"
:url "http://www.mustek.com.tw/"
:url "http://www.mustek.de/"

:model "ScanExpress 600 CU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0002"
:status :complete

:model "ScanExpress 1200 CU"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0001"
:status :complete

:model "ScanExpress 1200 CU Plus"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0008"
:status :complete

:model "ScanExpress 1200 UB"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0006"
:status :complete
:comment "For the UB Plus, see gt68xx backend"

:mfg "Trust"
:url "http://www.trust-site.com"

:model "Compact Scan USB 19200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0006"
:status :complete
:comment "Mustek 1200 UB compatible"
:backend "nec"                  ; name of backend
:version "0.12"                 ; version of backend
:url "http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~saetaka/"
				; backend's homepage
:manpage "sane-nec"
:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "NEC"                      ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.nevt.co.jp/"

:model "PC-IN500/4C"            ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "PC-IN500/4C was sold only in JAPAN"
:status :good
:backend "net"               ; name of backend
:version "1.0.14"
:manpage "sane-net"
:url "http://www.penguin-breeder.org/?page=sane-net"

:devicetype :meta
:desc "Network access to saned servers"
:comment "Can be used to access any scanner supported by SANE over the net. Supports IPv4 and IPv6."
; $Id$
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "niash"
:version "0.3"
:manpage "sane-niash"
:url "http://sourceforge.net/projects/hp3300backend"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"
:url "http://www.hp.com"

:model "ScanJet 3300c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0205"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 3400c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0405"
:comment "If you use Linux 2.6, version 2.6.8 or newer is necessary."
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 4300c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0305"
:comment "If you use Linux 2.6, version 2.6.8 or newer is necessary."
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 4300c/Silitek"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x047b" "0x1002"
:comment "If you use Linux 2.6, version 2.6.8 or newer is necessary."
:status :complete

:mfg "Agfa"
:url "http://www.agfa.com"

:model "Snapscan Touch"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x0100"
:status :complete

:mfg "Trust"
:url "http://www.trust.com"

:model "Office Scan USB 19200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x047b" "0x1000"
:status :complete

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "p5"              ; name of backend
:version "1"               ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-p5"         ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "New backend for SANE release 1.0.21, see sane-p5 manpage"
:url "http://www.sane-project.org/" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "PRIMAX"                     ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.primax.com.tw"

:model "PagePartner"
:interface "Parport (EPP/ECP)"
:status :basic
:comment "Sheetfed scanner, work in gray and color, but uncalibrated scans"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "pie"                    ; name of backend
:version "1.0"                    ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-pie"               ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.munton.demon.co.uk/sane"  ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Devcom"
:url "http://www.blackwidow.co.uk/"

:model "9636PRO"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "9636S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "9630S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:mfg "PIE"                        ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.scanace.com/"

:model "ScanAce 1236S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "ScanAce 1230S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "ScanAce II"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanAce III"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "ScanAce Plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanAce II Plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanAce III Plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanAce V"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanAce ScanMedia"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanAce ScanMedia II"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanAce 630S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "ScanAce 636S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:mfg "Adlib"

:model "JetScan630"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "JetScan636PRO"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
:backend "pint"               ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"                    ; version of backend
; :url ""                           ; backend's homepage
:manpage "sane-pint"

:devicetype :api

; name models for above-specified mfg.
:desc "Scanners with the machine-independent PINT interface"
:comment "Haven't been tested for a long time. Handle with care."
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).
; See doc/descriptions.txt for details.

:backend "pixma"                  ; name of backend
:version "0.17.3"                 ; version of backend (or "unmaintained")
:manpage "sane-pixma"             ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://home.arcor.de/wittawat/pixma/" ; 0.13.2 backend's web page
:url "http://mp610.blogspot.com/"            ; the pixma backend blog
;:comment "Devices marked as experimantal are disabled by default. See the manual page for how to enable them."

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Canon"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.canon.com/"

:model "PIXMA E500"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1758"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA E510"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1761"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA E600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x175a"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA E610"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1767"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MG2100 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1751"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MG2200 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1760"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MG3100 Series"
:interface "USB WLAN"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1752"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MG3200 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1762"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MG4100 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1753"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MG4200 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1763"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MG5100 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1748"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MG5200 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1749"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MG5300 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1754"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MG5400 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1764"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MG6100 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x174a"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400 DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MG6200 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1755"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 4800 DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MG6300 Series"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1765"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MG8100 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x174b"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MG8200 Series"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1756"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 4800DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP140"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x172b"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600 DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP150"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1709"
:status :good

:model "PIXMA MP160"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1714"
:status :basic

:model "PIXMA MP170"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x170a"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP180"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1715"
:status :basic

:model "PIXMA MP190"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1734"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP210"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1721"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP220"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1722"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP230"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x175f"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP240"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1732"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP250"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x173a"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP260"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1733"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP270"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x173b"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP280"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1746"
:status :good
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP360"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x263c"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP370"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x263d"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP375R"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x263f"
:status :untested
:comment "Same protocol as Pixma MP360/370/390? Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MP390"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x263e"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP450"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x170b"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP460"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1716"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP470"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1723"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP480"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1731"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP490"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x173c"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP493"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1757"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MP495"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1747"
:status :untested
:comment "Same protocol as Pixma MP280? Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MP500"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x170c"
:status :good

:model "PIXMA MP510"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1717"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP520"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1724"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP530"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1712"
:status :good

:model "PIXMA MP540"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1730"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP550"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x173d"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP560"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x173e"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1718"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP600R"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1719"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP610"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1725"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 4800DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP620"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x172f"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP630"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x172e"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 4800DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP640"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x173f"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 4800DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP700"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2630"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (flatbed color up to 1200DPI, grayscale up to 600DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MP710"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x264d"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MP730"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x262f"
:status :good
:comment "Flatbed color up to 1200DPI, grayscale up to 600DPI. ADF scan to be confirmed."

:model "PIXMA MP740"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x264c"
:status :untested
:comment "Same protocol as Pixma MP710? Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MP750"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1706"
:status :minimal
:comment "No grayscale. Canceling scan in ADF mode doesn't eject the paper!"

:model "PIXMA MP760"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1708"
:status :minimal
:comment "No grayscale. The scanner sometimes hangs!"

:model "PIXMA MP770"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1708"
:status :minimal
:comment "No grayscale. The scanner sometimes hangs!"

:model "PIXMA MP780"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1707"
:status :minimal
:comment "No grayscale. The scanner sometimes hangs!"

:model "PIXMA MP790"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1707"
:status :minimal
:comment "No grayscale. The scanner sometimes hangs!"

:model "PIXMA MP800"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x170d"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported up to 2400DPI. Full TPU support up to 2400DPI."

:model "PIXMA MP800R"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x170e"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported up to 2400DPI. Full TPU support up to 2400DPI."

:model "PIXMA MP810"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x171a"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported up to 4800DPI. Full TPU support (negative and slides) up to 4800DPI."

:model "PIXMA MP830"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1713"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported up to 2400DPI. Flatbed, ADF simplex and Duplex supported."

:model "PIXMA MP960"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x171b"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported up to 4800DPI. Full TPU support (negative and slides) up to 4800DPI."

:model "PIXMA MP970"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1726"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 4800DPI). Full TPU support (negative and slides) at 24 or 48 bits."

:model "PIXMA MP980"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x172d"
:status :complete
:comment "Working fine at all resolutions."

:model "PIXMA MP990"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1740"
:status :complete
:comment "Working fine at all resolutions."

:model "PIXMA MX300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1727"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MX310"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1728"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MX320"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1736"
:status :untested
:comment "Same protocol as Pixma Generation 3? Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MX330"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1737"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MX340"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1741"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MX350"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1742"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MX360"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x174d"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI). ADF empty buggy."

:model "PIXMA MX370 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1759"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "PIXMA MX390 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1766"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MX410"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x174e"
:status :untested
:comment "Same protocol as Pixma MX420? Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MX420"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x174f"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI). ADF empty buggy."

:model "PIXMA MX430 Series"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x175b"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MX450 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1768"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MX510 Series"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x175c"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MX520 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1769"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MX700"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1729"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI)"

:model "PIXMA MX710 Series"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x175d"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MX720 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x176a"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MX850"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x172c"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI). Flatbed, ADF simplex and Duplex supported."

:model "PIXMA MX860"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1735"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI). Flatbed, ADF simplex and Duplex supported."

:model "PIXMA MX870"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1743"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI). Flatbed, ADF simplex and Duplex supported, ADF empty buggy."

:model "PIXMA MX880 Series"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1750"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI). Flatbed, ADF simplex and Duplex supported, ADF empty buggy."

:model "PIXMA MX882"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1750"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI). Flatbed, ADF simplex and Duplex supported, ADF empty buggy."

:model "PIXMA MX885"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1750"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI). Flatbed, ADF simplex and Duplex supported, ADF empty buggy."

:model "PIXMA MX890 Series"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x175e"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 2400DPI). Flatbed, ADF simplex and Duplex supported, ADF empty buggy."

:model "PIXMA MX920 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x176b"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "PIXMA MX7600"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x171c"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 4800DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS D420"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26ef"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI). Flatbed, ADF simplex and Duplex supported."

:model "imageCLASS D480"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26ed"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI). Flatbed, ADF simplex and Duplex supported."

:model "i-SENSYS MF3010"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2759"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF3110"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2660"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)."

:model "imageCLASS MF3240"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2684"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4010"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26b4"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4018"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26b4"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4120"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26a3"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4122"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26a3"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4140"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26a3"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4150"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26a3"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan.  All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4270"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26b5"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan.  All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "I-SENSYS MF4320d"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26ee"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "I-SENSYS MF4330d"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26ee"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4350d"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26ee"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan.  All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4370dn"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26ec"
:status :good
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan.  All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI). Network not supported"

:model "imageCLASS MF4380dn"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26ec"
:status :good
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan.  All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI). Network not supported"

:model "imageCLASS MF4410"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2737"
:status :complete
:comment "All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4430"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2737"
:status :good
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI). ADF empty buggy."

:model "i-SENSYS MF4550d"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2736"
:status :good
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)."

:model "imageCLASS MF4660"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26b0"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan.  All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF4690"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26b0"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan.  All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF5630"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x264e"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "laserBase MF5650"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x264f"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "imageCLASS MF5730"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x265d"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 1200DPI)."

:model "imageCLASS MF5750"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x265e"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "imageCLASS MF5770"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x265f"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan. All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)."

:model "i-SENSYS MF5880dn"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26f9"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "imageCLASS MF6500 series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2686"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan.  All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "imageCLASS MF6550"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2686"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan.  All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "i-SENSYS MF6680dn"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26fa"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "imageCLASS MF8030"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2707"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "imageCLASS MF8170c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2659"
:status :untested
:comment "Testers needed!"

:model "imageRUNNER 1020/1024/1025"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x26e6"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed and ADF scan.  All resolutions supported (up to 600DPI)"

:model "CanoScan 8800F"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1901"
:status :complete
:comment "Flatbed scan. TPU for negatives and slides. All resolutions supported (up to 4800DPI)."

:model "CanoScan 9000F"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1908"
:status :complete
:comment "Full flatbed support up to 4800DPI (Note: flatbed does not have 9600DPI capability). Full TPU support (negatives, slides and infrared) up to 9600DPI."

:model "CanoScan 9000F Mark II"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x190d"
:status :complete
:comment "Full flatbed support up to 4800DPI (Note: flatbed does not have 9600DPI capability). Full TPU support (negatives, slides and infrared) up to 9600DPI."
; SANE Backend description file for Plustek backend (USB only)

:backend "plustek"
:version "0.52"
:manpage "sane-plustek"
; backend's web page
:url "http://www.gjaeger.de/scanner/plustek/"

:devicetype :scanner

;* Plustek **********************************************************************************

:mfg "Plustek"
:url "http://www.plustek.de/"
:url "http://www.plustek.com/"

:model "OpticPro U12"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0010"
:status :complete
:comment "NOTE: Devices with product ID 0x0001 are not supported!"

:model "OpticPro UT12"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0013"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro UT12"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0017"
:status :complete
:comment "Note: Devices with product ID 0x0001 are not supported!"

:model "OpticPro UT16"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0017"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro U24"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0011"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro U24"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0015"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro UT24"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0017"
:status :complete

;* Genius/KYE *******************************************************************************************

:mfg "Genius"
:url "http://www.geniusnet.com.tw/"

:model "Colorpage HR6 V2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2007"
:status :complete

:model "Colorpage HR6 V2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2008"
:status :complete

:model "Colorpage HR7"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2013"
:status :complete

:model "Colorpage HR6A"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2009"
:status :untested

:model "Colorpage HR7LE"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2015"
:status :untested

:model "Colorpage HR6X"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2016"
:status :untested

;* MUSTEK ***********************************************************************************

:mfg "Mustek"
:url "http://www.mustek.com/"

:model "BearPaw 1200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0400" "0x1000"
:status :complete
:comment "both product versions are supported, see backends' man-page"

:model "BearPaw 1200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0400" "0x1001"
:status :complete
:comment "both product versions are supported, see backends' man-page"

:model "BearPaw 2400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0400" "0x1001"
:status :complete

;* Hewlett-Packard **************************************************************************

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"
:url "http://www.hp.com/"

:model "ScanJet 2100C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0505"
:status :complete

:model "ScanJet 2200C"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0605"
:status :complete

;* EPSON *******************************************************************************************

:mfg "Epson"
:url "http://www.epson.com/"

:model "Perfection 1250"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x010f"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 1250Photo"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x010f"
:status :good
:comment "TPA scans not perfect"

:model "Perfection 1260"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x011d"
:status :complete

:model "Perfection 1260Photo"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x011d"
:status :good
:comment "TPA scans not perfect"

;* UMAX *************************************************************************************

:mfg "Umax"
:url "http://www.umax.com/"

:model "UMAX 3400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0050"
:status :complete
:comment "there are some UMAX 3400 outside the U.S. which are not supported, as they use another chipset than the LM983x"

:model "UMAX 3400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0060"
:status :complete
:comment "there are some UMAX 3400 outside the U.S. which are not supported, as they use another chipset than the LM983x"

:model "UMAX Astranet ia101"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0060"
:status :complete
:comment "seems to be a renamed UMAX 3400"

:model "UMAX 3450"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0060"
:status :complete

:model "UMAX 5400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0160"
:status :complete

;* COMPAQ ******************************************************************************************

:mfg "Compaq"
:url "http://www.compaq.com/"

:model "S4-100"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x049f" "0x001a"
:status :complete
:comment "Identical to UMAX 3400"

;* CANON *******************************************************************************************

:mfg "Canon"
:url "http://www.canon.com/"

:model "CanoScan N650U/N656U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2206"
:status :complete

:model "CanoScan N1220U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2207"
:status :complete

:model "CanoScan N670U/N676U/LiDE20"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x220d"
:status :complete

:model "CanoScan N1240U/LiDE30"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x220e"
:status :complete

:model "CanoScan LiDE25"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2220"
:status :good

:model "CanoScan D660U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2208"
:status :good
:comment "TPA scans not perfect"

;* SYSCAN *******************************************************************************************

:mfg "Syscan"
:url "http://www.syscaninc.com/"

:model "TravelScan 460/464"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a82" "0x4600"
:status :complete

:model "TravelScan 662"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a82" "0x6620"
:status :complete

;* SYSCAN *******************************************************************************************

:mfg "Ambir"

:model "Visigo A4"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a82" "0x4600"
:status :complete
:comment "Rebaged Travelscan 464"

;* Portable Peripheral Co., Ltd. ********************************************************************

:mfg "Portable Peripheral Co., Ltd."
:url "http://www.pandp.com.tw/"

:model "Q-Scan USB001 (A4 portable scanner)"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a53" "0x1000"
:status :complete

:model "Q-Scan USB201 (A6 portable scanner)"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a53" "0x2000"
:status :good

;* Visioneer ****************************************************************************************

:mfg "Visioneer"
:url "http://www.visioneer.com/"

:model "Strobe XP 100"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0427"
:status :basic
; SANE Backend description file for Plustek_pp backend

:backend "plustek_pp"
:version "0.43"
:manpage "sane-plustek_pp"
; backend's web page
:url "http://www.gjaeger.de/scanner/plustek_pp/"

:devicetype :scanner

;* Plustek **********************************************************************************

:mfg "Plustek"
:url "http://www.plustek.de/"
:url "http://www.plustek.com/"

;name models for above-specified mfg.
:model "OpticPro 4800P"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro 4830P"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro 600P/6000P"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro 4831P"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro 9630P"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro 9630PL"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "use driver-switch mov=1"

:model "OpticPro 9600P"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro 1236P"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "reported as OpticPro 12000P/96000P"

:model "OpticPro 12000P/96000P"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro 9636P"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "use driver-switch mov=4"

:model "OpticPro 9636P+/Turbo"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "use driver-switch mov=3"

:model "OpticPro 9636T"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro 12000T"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro AI3"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :basic
:comment "use driver-switch mov=5, poor picture quality"

:model "OpticPro P8"
:interface "Parport"
:status :untested

:model "OpticPro P12"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

:model "OpticPro PT12"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete

;* Primax ***********************************************************************************

:mfg "Primax"                  ; name of manufacturer
:url "http://www.primax.nl/"

;name models for above-specified mfg.
:model "Colorado 4800"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :untested
:comment "same as OpticPro 4800P"

:model "Compact 4800 Direct"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "use driver-switch mov=2"

:model "Compact 4800 Direct-30"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "same as OpticPro 4830P, use driver-switch mov=7"

:model "Compact 9600 Direct-30"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "same as OpticPro 9630P"

;* Genius/KYE *******************************************************************************************

:mfg "Genius"
:url "http://www.geniusnet.com.tw/"

:model "Colorpage Vivid III V2"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "Reported as PT12"

:model "Colorpage Vivid Pro II Film"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "Reported as OP9636T/12000T"

:model "Colorpage HR6X EPP"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :good
:comment "Negative scanning does not work correctly"


:mfg "Aries"

:model "Scan-It Pro 4800"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "use driver-switch mov=2"


:mfg "BrightScan"

:model "BrighScan OpticPro"
:interface "Parport (SPP, EPP)"
:status :complete
:comment "Reported as P12"

:backend "pnm"
:version "1.0.8"
:manpage "sane-pnm"
:url "mailto:henning@meier-geinitz.de"

:devicetype :api
:desc "Reads PNM files"
:comment "Used for debugging frontends. Obsolete, use test backend instead."
:backend "qcam"               ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"                    ; version of backend
; :url ""                           ; backend's homepage
:manpage "sane-qcam"

:devicetype :vidcam

:mfg "Connectix"                    ; name a manufacturer
;:url "http://www.connectix.com/"   ; doesn't exist any longer?

:model "Color QuickCam"             ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport"
:status :good
:comment "Requires root privileges."

:model "Greyscale QuickCam"         ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport"
:status :minimal
:comment "Requires root privileges.  Partly working."
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).
:backend "ricoh"               ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"                   ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-ricoh"         ; name of manpage (if it exists)

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Ricoh"                        ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.ricoh.com/"

:model "Ricoh IS50"                ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic
;:comment "?"

:model "Ricoh IS60"                ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic
;:comment "?"

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "rts8891"               ; name of backend
:version "1.0-0"                    ; version of backend (or "unmaintained")
:manpage "sane-rts8891"        ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://stef.dev.free.fr/sane/rts8891/index.html"
				  ; backend's web page

:comment "This backend supports Realtek RTS8891 ASIC bases scanners."
                                  ; comment about the backend

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "UMAX"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.umax.com.tw/"   ; manufacturer's URL

:model "Astra 4400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0070"
:status :good
:comment "Supports 75, 150, 300, 600 and 1200 dpi"

:model "Astra 4450"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0070"
:status :untested

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"			; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.hp.com/"

:model "scanjet 4470c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0805"
:status :good
:comment "re-branded Astra 4400"

:model "scanjet 4400c"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0705"
:status :good
:comment "exists with 2 different sensors of which only one works"
:backend "s9036"               ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"             ; version of backend
; :url ""                      ; backend's homepage
:manpage "sane-s9036"

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Siemens"                 ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.siemens.com/"

:model "9036 Flatbed scanner"  ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic
; :comment ""
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "sceptre"
:version "1.0-10"                  ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-sceptre"           ; name of manpage
:url "http://www.zago.net/sane/"   ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Sceptre"
:url "http://www.sceptre.com/"
:model "Vividscan S1200"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic

:mfg "Komodo"
:url "http://www.komodo.com/"
:model "S1200"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "rebadged Sceptre S1200"
:backend "sharp"                ; name of backend
:version "0.32"                 ; version of backend
;:status :beta                   ; :alpha, :beta, :stable, :new
:url "http://www.satzbau-gmbh.de/staff/abel/sane-sharp.html"
				; backend's homepage
:manpage "sane-sharp"
:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Sharp"                    ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://sharp-world.com/"

:model "JX-610"                 ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment ""

:model "JX-250"                 ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment ""

:model "JX-320"                 ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment ""

:model "JX-325"                 ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment ""

:model "JX-330"                 ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment ""

:model "JX-350"                 ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment ""
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "sm3600"                 ; name of backend
:version "0.1"                    ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-sm3600"            ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://sm3600.sourceforge.net/" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....

:mfg "Microtek"
:url "http://www.microtek.com/"

:model "ScanMaker 3600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x40b3"
:comment "works"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker 3600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x40ca"
:comment "works"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker 3600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x40ff"
:comment "works"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker 3700"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x40b8"
:comment "works"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker 3700"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x40cb"
:comment "works"
:status :basic

:model "ScanMaker 3750"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x40dd"
:comment "works (told)"
:status :basic
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).
; See doc/descriptions.txt for details.

:backend "sm3840"                 ; name of backend
:version "1.1"                    ; version of backend (or "unmaintained")
:manpage "sane-sm3840"          ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.ziplabel.com/sm3840/" ; backend's web page
:comment "This reverse-engineered backend supports the USB ScanMaker 3840 model"
                                  ; comment about the backend

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Microtek"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.microtek.com/"   ; manufacturer's URL
:comment "Microtek makes a wide variety of devices."
                                  ; comment about the manufacturer

:model "ScanMaker 3840"           ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:status :good                     ; :minimal, :basic, :good, :complete
                                  ; :untested, or :unsupported
:interface "USB"                  ; interface type of the device:
                                  ; "SCSI", "USB", "Parport (EPP)",
                                  ; "Parport (SPP)", "Parport (ECP)",
                                  ; "Serial port", "IEEE-1394", "JetDirect",
                                  ; or "Proprietary".
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30d4"
:comment "8 and 16 bit, color and grayscale"  ; comment about the model

:model "ScanMaker 4800"           ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:status :good                     ; :minimal, :basic, :good, :complete
                                  ; :untested, or :unsupported
:interface "USB"                  ; interface type of the device:
                                  ; "SCSI", "USB", "Parport (EPP)",
                                  ; "Parport (SPP)", "Parport (ECP)",
                                  ; "Serial port", "IEEE-1394", "JetDirect",
                                  ; or "Proprietary".
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30cf"
:comment "Same hardware as SM3840, different color box" ; comment

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.

; :status specifier is optional after :model and at the top-level

; $Id$
; SANE Backend specification file (Matto Marjanovic's format)
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "SnapScan"               	; name of backend
:version "1.4"                    	; version of backend
:manpage "sane-snapscan"          	; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://snapscan.sourceforge.net/" ; backend's web page
:comment "Supported  bit depths: 24 bit (color), 48 bit (color, Epson) 8 bit (gray)"

:devicetype :scanner              	; start of a list of devices....
                                  	; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  	;               :meta, :api


:mfg "AGFA"				; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.agfa.com/"

:model "SnapScan"                  	; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan 300"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan 310"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan 600"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "Optional ADF supported."

:model "Arcus 1200"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "Optional transparency unit supported."

:model "SnapScan 1236s"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "Optional ADF and transparency unit supported."

:model "SnapScan 1236u"
:interface "USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x0002"
:comment "Optional ADF and transparency unit supported."

:model "SnapScan 1212U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x0001"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan 1212U_2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x2061"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan e10"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x2093"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan e20"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x2091"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan e25"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x2095"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan e26"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x2097"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan e40"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x208d"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan e42"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x20ff"
:status :good

:model "SnapScan e50"
:interface "USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x208f"
:comment "Optional tranparency unit supported"

:model "SnapScan e52"
:interface "USB"
:status :good
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x20fd"
:comment "Optional tranparency unit supported"

:model "SnapScan e60"
:interface "USB"
:status :untested


:mfg "Acer Peripherals"
:comment "Company was renamed to <a href=\"#BENQ\">Benq</a>."

:mfg "Vuego"
:comment "Company was renamed to <a href=\"#BENQ\">Benq</a>."

:mfg "Benq (Acer)"
:url "http://www.benq.com"
:comment "Formerly Acer Peripherals"

:model "300f"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "310s"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "610s"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "610plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "620s"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "ScanWit 2720s"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "310U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x1a20"
:status :good

:model "320U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2022"
:status :good

:model "340U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2022"
:status :good

:model "620U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x1a2a"
:status :good
:comment "Optional tranparency unit supported"

:model "620UT"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2040"
:status :good
:comment "Optional tranparency unit supported"

:model "640U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2060"
:status :good
:comment "Optional tranparency unit supported"

:model "640bu"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x207e"
:status :good

:model "640BT"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20be"
:status :good
:comment "Optional tranparency unit supported"

:model "1240"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20c0"
:status :good
:comment "Optional tranparency unit supported"

:model "3300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20b0"
:status :good

:model "3300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20de"
:status :good

:model "4300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20b0"
:status :good

:model "4300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20de"
:status :good

:model "5000E"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20fc"
:status :basic
:comment "Same as 5000U, working up to 600 DPI"

:model "5000U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20fc"
:status :basic
:comment "Same as 5000E, working up to 600 DPI"

:model "5000"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20f8"
:status :good
:comment "USB ID 0x04a5,0x20f8: Color / grayscale scans working up to 1200 DPI"

:model "5150"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2137"
:status :basic
:comment "Calibration algorithm unknown"

:model "5250"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2137"
:status :basic
:comment "Same hardware as 5150 (?), Calibration algorithm unknown"

:model "5300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20fe"
:status :basic
:comment "Problems with firmware upload reported"


:mfg "Guillemot / Hercules"
:url "http://www.guillemot.com"

:model "Maxi Scan A4 Deluxe (SCSI)"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "Rebadged SnapScan 310s."

:model "Scan@home Touch 1248 (USB)"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20de"
:status :good
:comment "Rebadged Benq 3300."

:model "Maxi Scan A4 USB 640U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2060"
:status :good
:comment "Rebadged Benq 640U."

:model "Maxi A4 36 bit"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2060"
:status :good
:comment "Rebadged Benq 620U, needs Benq firmware file u96v???.bin"


:mfg "Mitsubishi"
:url "http://www.mitsubishi.com"

:model "Diamondview 648UT"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2022"
:status :good
:comment "Rebadged Benq 320u."

:model "Diamondview 650U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x20b0"
:status :good
:comment "Rebadged Benq 4300."


:mfg "Epson"
:url "http://www.epson.com"

:model "Perfection 660"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0114"
:status :good

:model "Perfection 1270"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0120"
:status :good

:model "Perfection 1670"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x011f"
:status :good

:model "Perfection 2480"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0121"
:status :good

:model "Perfection 2580"
:interface "USB"
:status :basic
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0121"
:comment "Film scanning unit unsupported"

:model "Perfection 3490"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0122"
:status :good

:model "Perfection 3590"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0122"
:status :basic
:comment "Film scanning unit unsupported"

:model "Stylus CX-1500"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x080c"
:status :good

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "sp15c"               ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"                    ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-sp15c"          ; name of manpage (if it exists)
;:url "http://www.aa.net/~bentson/sane.html" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Fujitsu"  ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.fcpa.fujitsu.com/products/scanners/"
:url "http://www.fujitsu.com/"

:model "ScanPartner 15C"                  ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "ScanPartner 600C"                  ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
; ST400 backend .desc by Ingo Wilken

:backend "st400"			; name of backend
:version "1.6"                        ; version number
:manpage "sane-st400"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de/~ingo/sane/" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner		; start of a list of devices

:mfg "Siemens"
:url "http://www.siemens.de/"
:model "ST400"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "6 bit gray"
:status :basic

:model "ST800"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "6 bit gray"
:status :basic
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "stv680"                  ; name of backend
:version "1.0-1"                   ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-stv680"
:url "http://gkall.hobby.nl/stv680-aiptek.html" ; backend's web page
:comment "This vidcam backend is for the stv0680 chipset, See the website for more info."

:devicetype :vidcam               ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Aiptek"                         ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.aiptek.com.tw"

; name models for above-specified mfg.
:model "Aiptek Pencam"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0553" "0x0202"
:status :minimal
:comment "image is OK for CIF and QCIF, VGA and QVGA untested, streaming video is a problem"

:mfg "Konica"                         ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.konicaminolta.com"

; name models for above-specified mfg.
:model "e-mini"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04c8" "0x0722"
:status :untested
:comment "  "

:mfg "Digital Dream"                  ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.digitaldreamco.com/en/index.shtml"

; name models for above-specified mfg.
:model "l' espion XS"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1183" "0x0001"
:status :untested
:comment "  "

:mfg "Creative"                       ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.creative.com/"

; name models for above-specified mfg.
:model "WebCam Go Mini"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x041e" "0x4007"
:status :untested
:comment "  "

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).
:backend "tamarack"               ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"                 ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-tamarack"             ; name of manpage (if it exists)

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Tamarack"                        ; name a manufacturer
;:url "http://www.tamarack.net/"
; doesn't exist anymore?

:model "Artiscan 6000C"                ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "3 pass, 300 DPI"

:model "Artiscan 8000C"                ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "3 pass, 400 DPI"

:model "Artiscan 12000C"               ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "3 pass, 600 DPI"

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "teco1"                  ; name of backend
:version "1.0-10"                 ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-teco1"             ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.zago.net/sane/#teco"    ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Relisys"
:url "http://www.relisys.com/"
:url "http://www.tecoimage.com.tw/"

:model "RELI 2412"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "sub model VM3530+"
:status :complete

:model "AVEC 2400"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "sub model VM3520"
:status :complete

:model "RELI 4830"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "sub model VM4542"
:status :good

:model "AVEC 2412"
:comment "sub model VM3520+"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "AVEC 4800"
:comment "sub model VM4530"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "AVEC 4816"
:comment "sub model VM4530+"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "RELI DS6"
:comment "sub model VM3420"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "RELI DS15"
:comment "sub model VM3440"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "RELI 2400"
:comment "sub model VM3530"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "RELI 4816"
:comment "sub model VM4540"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :complete

:model "RELI 9600"
:comment "sub model VM6530"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "RELI 9612"
:comment "sub model VM6530*"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "RELI 9624"
:comment "sub model VM6530+"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "RELI 9630"
:comment "sub model VM6540"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:mfg "Actown"
:model "ACT Scan I 30"
:comment "sub model VM3520A"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:mfg "Dextra"

:model "DF-600P"
:comment "sub model VM3510"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "DF-1200T+"
:comment "sub model VM3530+"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "DF-4830T"
:comment "sub model VM4542"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:model "DF-9624"
:comment "sub model VM6530+"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "teco2"                  ; name of backend
:version "1.0-9"                  ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-teco2"
:url "http://gkall.hobby.nl/teco2.html"   ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Relisys"
:url "http://www.relisys.com/"

:model "AVEC Super 3"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "sub model VM3575"
:status :untested

:model "AVEC II S3"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "sub model VM3564"
:status :good

:model "SCORPIO Super 3"
:comment "sub model VM3575"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "APOLLO Express 3"
:comment "sub model VM356A"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic

:model "APOLLO Express 6"
:comment "sub model VM6565"       ; aka VM656A
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "SCORPIO Pro"
:comment "sub model VM6575"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "SCORPIO Pro-S"
:comment "sub model VM6586"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:mfg "Primax"
:url "http://www.primax.nl/"

:model "Jewel 4800"
:comment "sub model VM356A"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "Profi 9600"
:comment "sub model VM6575"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :basic

:model "Profi 19200"
:comment "sub model VM6586"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:mfg "Mustek"
:url "http://www.mustek.com/"

:model "ScanMagic 4830S"
:comment "sub model VM3575"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "teco3"                  ; name of backend
:version "1.0-1"                  ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-teco3"             ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.zago.net/sane/#teco3"    ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Relisys"
:url "http://www.tecoimage.com.tw/"
:model "Infinity Scorpio"
:comment "sub model VM3552"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:mfg "Plustek"
:model "OpticPro 2400SP"
:comment "sub model VM3552"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

:mfg "PIOTECH"
:url "http://www.image-land.com/"
:model "Splendeur 3024"
:comment "sub model VM3552"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:mfg "Trust"
:model "Imagery 2400 SP"
:comment "sub model VM3552"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "Imagery 4800 SP+"
:comment "sub model VM3552"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good

:model "Imagery 9600 SP"
:comment "sub model VM3552"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "test"               ; name of backend
:version "1.0-28"                    ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-test"           ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/test-backend/" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :api              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:desc "Frontend-tester"
:comment "Backend for testing frontends. Also serves as example for SANE backend options."

; SANE Backend description file for U12 backend

:backend "u12"
:version "0.02"
:manpage "sane-u12"
:new :no
; backend's web page
:url "http://www.gjaeger.de/scanner/u12/"

:devicetype :scanner

;* Plustek **********************************************************************************

:mfg "Plustek"
:url "http://www.plustek.de/"
:url "http://www.plustek.com/"

:model "OpticPro U12"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0001"
:status :basic
:comment "Note: Only devices with product ID 0x0001 are supported!"

:model "OpticPro UT12"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0001"
:status :basic
:comment "Note: Only devices with product ID 0x0001 are supported!"

:model "OpticPro 1212U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0001"
:status :basic

;* RevScan **********************************************************************************

:mfg "RevScan"

:model "RevScan Orange R48Ti"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0001"
:status :basic
:comment "Rebadged Plustek OpticPro UT12"

;* Genius/KYE *******************************************************************************************

:mfg "Genius"
:url "http://www.geniusnet.com.tw/"

:model "ColorPage HR6 V1"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2004"
:status :basic

:model "ColorPage Vivid III USB"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0001"
:status :untested
:comment "Note: Device has Plustek vendor and product ID (0x07b3/0x0001)"
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "umax1220u"              ; name of backend
:version "unmaintained"                  ; version of backend
;:status :stable                   ; :alpha, :beta, :stable, :new
:manpage "sane-umax1220u"         ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://sourceforge.net/projects/umax1220u-sane" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "UMAX"                       ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.umax.com/"

:model "Astra 1220U"        ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0010"
:status :good

:model "Astra 1600U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0030"
:status :good

:model "Astra 2000U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0030"
:status :good

:model "Astra 2100U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0130"
:status :good

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "umax"                   ; name of backend
:version "1.0-41"                 ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-umax"              ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "http://www.rauch-domain.de/sane-umax/index.html" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "UMAX"                       ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.umax.com/"
:url "http://www.umax.com.tw/"
:url "http://www.umax.de/en"
:url "http://www.umax-europe.com"
:url "http://www.umaxjapan.co.jp"
:url "http://www.umax.com.cn"

:model "Vista S6"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Vista S6E"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "UMAX S-6E"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "UMAX S-6EG"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Vista-S8"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Supervista S-12"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "UMAX S-12"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "UMAX S-12G"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Astra 600S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Astra 610S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Astra 1200S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Astra 1220S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Astra 2100S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Astra 2200 (SU)"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Astra 2200 (SU)"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x0230"
:status :good
:comment "OK, needs USB control messages"

:model "Astra 2400S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Astra 6400"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :unsupported
:comment "will probably work one day"

:model "Astra 6450"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :unsupported
:comment "will probably work one day"

:model "Astra MX3"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Astra MX3"
:interface "USB"
:status :good
:comment "OK, needs USB control messages"

:model "Mirage D-16L"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Mirage II"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Mirage IIse"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "PSD"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "PowerLook"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=PS-2400X"

:model "PL-II"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "PowerLook III"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "PowerLook 270"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "incompatible"

:model "PowerLook 270plus"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "incompatible"

:model "PowerLook 1100"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :unsupported
:comment "will probably work one day"

:model "PowerLook 2000"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "PowerLook 2100XL"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "PowerLook 3000"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "Gemini D-16"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "UMAX VT600"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "may work, please test and give feedback"

:model "Vista-T630"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK for some firmwareversions, on others only lineart OK"

:model "UC 630"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "Version 2.8 OK, others only lineart OK"

:model "UG 630"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "UG 80"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:model "UC 840"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "Version 1.6 OK, others only lineart OK"

:model "UC 1200S"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "may work, please test and give feedback"

:model "UC 1200SE"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "Version 3.0 OK, others unknown"

:model "UC 1260"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "Version 1.6 OK, others unknown"

:mfg "Linotype Hell"              ; another manufacturer...
:url "http://www.heidelberg.com/"

:model "Jade"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=LinoHell Office"

:model "Jade"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=LinoHell JADE"

:model "Jade2"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=LinoHell Office2"

:model "Saphir"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "support disabled until tested - please contact author"

:model "Saphir2"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=LinoHell SAPHIR2"

:model "Saphir3"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=LinoHell SAPHIR3"

:model "Saphir Ultra"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "support disabled until tested - please contact author"

:model "Saphir Ultra II"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=Linotype SAPHIR4"

:model "Saphir HiRes"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "support disabled until tested - please contact author"

:model "Opal"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "support disabled until tested - please contact author"

:model "Opal2"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK; SCSI-ID=LinoHell OPAL2"

:model "Opal Ultra"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "support disabled until tested - please contact author"

:model "Linoscan 1400"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=HDM LS4H1S"

:mfg "Vobis"
:url "http://www.vobis.de/"

:model "Highscreen Scanboostar Premium"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=LinoHell Office2"

:mfg "EDGE"                      ; another manufacturer...
; :url "http://???/"

:model "KTX-9600US"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "no feedback"

:mfg "Epson"                      ; another manufacturer...
:url "http://www.epson.com/"

:model "Perfection 600"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=EPSON Perfection600"

:mfg "Escom"                      ; another manufacturer...

:model "Image Scanner 256"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=UMAX UG 80"

:mfg "Escort"                      ; another manufacturer...

:model "Galleria 600"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "untested, SCSI-ID=ESCORT Galleria 600S"

:mfg "Genius"                  ; another manufacturer...
;:url "http://www.genius.kye.de/"

:model "ColorPage-HR5 (Pro)"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK, SCSI-ID=KYE ColorPage-HR5"

:mfg "Nikon"                      ; another manufacturer...
:url "http://www.nikon.com/"

:model "AX-110 / Scantouch 110"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :untested
:comment "may work, please test and give feedback"

:model "AX-210"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

:mfg "TriGem"                      ; another manufacturer...
:url "http://www.nikon.com/"

:model "PowerScanII"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :good
:comment "OK"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "umax_pp"              ; name of backend
:version "1"                      ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-umax_pp"         ; name of manpage (if it exists)
                                  ; backend's web page
:url "http://umax1220p.sourceforge.net/"

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "UMAX"                     ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.umax.com.tw/"

; These scanners are known to have the same ASIC family.

:model "Astra 1220P"
:interface "Parport (EPP/ECP)"
:status :good

:model "Astra 2000P"
:interface "Parport (EPP/ECP)"
:status :good

:model "Astra 1600P"
:interface "Parport (EPP/ECP)"
:status :good

:model "Astra 600P"
:interface "Parport (SPP/ECP)"
:status :unsupported
:comment "untested, but should be close to 610P"

:model "Astra 610P"
:interface "Parport (SPP/ECP)"
:status :good

:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"

:model "Scanjet 3200C"
:interface "Parport (EPP/ECP)"
:status :good
:comment "works (relabelled 1220P and 2000P)"

:mfg "Genius"

:model "ColorPage-Life Pro"
:interface "Parport (EPP/ECP)"
:status :good
:comment "works (relabelled 1220P and 2000P)"

; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.

; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "unsupported"		; name of backend
:version "2010-06-09"		; version of backend
:url "contrib.html"
;:manpage "sane-mustek"		; name of manpage (if it exists)
:comment "The devices mentioned here are not supported by any SANE backend. However, there may be links to information about them or stand-alone programs."

:devicetype :scanner


:mfg "Agfa"

:model "DuoScan f40"
:url "unsupported/agfa-duoscan-f40.html"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x06bd" "0x02bf"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "DuoScan T2000XL"
:url "unsupported/agfa-duoscan-t2000xl.html"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Same as Microtek ArtixScan 2020?"

:model "DuoScan T2500"
:interface "SCSI IEEE-1384"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Same as Microtek Artixscan 2500f"

:model "SnapScan 310P"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "SnapScan EZ"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "SnapScan 1200P"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "SnapScan 1212P"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."


:mfg "Artec/Ultima"
:url "http://www.artecusa.com/"

:model "1236 USB"
:url "unsupported/artec_1236usb.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4001"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "AM12e+"
:status :unsupported
:interface "Parport"
:comment "Unsupported. Chips found inside: AT015, AD9816JS. Maybe similar to SCSI version or as6e?"

:model "Ultima 2000 (0x4001)"
:url "unsupported/artec-ultima-2000-2.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05d8" "0x4001"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Same name, but different ids: This scanner is not supported. The scanner with product id 0x4002 is supported by the gt68xx backend, however."


:mfg "Avigramm"

:model "Minidoc"
:url "unsupported/trust-combiscan-19200.html"
:interface "USB Parport"
:usbid "0x05cb" "0x1483"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."


:mfg "Avision"
:url "http://www.avision.com/"

:model "DS310F"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Scanner/printer/copier combination."

:model "iVina FB2400"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. No chipset information available. Same as UMAX Astra 6700."

:model "iVina 1600"
:url "unsupported/umax-astra-4500.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a10"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL646 based, to be added to genesys backend. Same as UMAX Astra 4500."

:model "iVina FB1800"
:url "unsupported/umax-astra-4700.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a20"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL646/GL660 based. Same as UMAX Astra 4700."


:mfg "Benq (Acer)"
:url "http://www.benq.com"
:comment "Formerly Acer Peripherals"

:model "310P"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:status :unsupported
:interface "Parport"
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "320P"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:status :unsupported
:interface "Parport"
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "340P"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:status :unsupported
:interface "Parport"
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "610P"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:status :unsupported
:interface "Parport"
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "610PT"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:status :unsupported
:interface "Parport"
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "620P"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:status :unsupported
:interface "Parport"
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "620PT"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:status :unsupported
:interface "Parport"
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "640P"
:url "unsupported/acer-parport.html"
:status :unsupported
:interface "Parport"
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "5450"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x211e"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported."

:model "5550"
:url "unsupported/benq-5550.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2211"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported, see link for details."

:model "5560"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2311"
:status :unsupported
:url "http://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/sane-devel/2009-January/023447.html"

:model "7400UT"
:url "unsupported/benq-7400ut.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a5" "0x2202"
:status :unsupported


:mfg "Boeder"

:model "Sm@rtScan Office"
:url "unsupported/trust-combiscan-19200.html"
:interface "Parport USB"
:usbid "0x05cb" "0x1483"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Brother"
:url "http://www.brother.com/"

:model "MFC 2500"
:url "unsupported/brother-mfc-2500.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04f9" "0x000a"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."

:model "MFC 4600"
:status :unsupported
:url "http://sourceforge.net/projects/brother-mfc"
:interface "Parport"
:comment "The parport 200x400dpi grayscale version of this scanner is unsupported. Dmitri Katchalov did some investigations on this scanner. If you want to write a backend, contact him (see link)."

:model "MFC 7300c"
:url "unsupported/brother-mfc-7300.html"
:interface "Parport USB"
:usbid "0x04f9" "0x0106"
:status :unsupported

:model "MFC 9600"
:url "unsupported/brother-mfc-9600.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04f9" "0x0101"
:status :unsupported


:mfg "C-Channel"
:url "http://www.c-channel.ch/"

:model "MyPen Pro"
:url "unsupported/c-channel-mypen-pro.html"
:interface "USB"
;:usbid "" ""
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "MyPen Light"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a93" "0x0005"
:status :unsupported
:comment "See bug #306792 for details."

:model "MoneyPen II"
;:url "unsupported/c-channel-mypen-pro.html"
:interface "USB"
;:usbid "" ""
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported."


:mfg "Canon"
:url "http://www.canon.com/"

:model "CanoScan 3000"
:url "unsupported/canon-3000.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2215"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL660+GL646 based."

:model "CanoScan 3000ex"
:url "unsupported/canon-3000.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2215"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL660+GL646 based."

:model "CanoScan 3000F"
:url "unsupported/canon-3000.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2215"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL660+GL646 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "CanoScan 4200F"
:url "unsupported/canon-4200f.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x221b"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link."

:model "CanoScan 4400F"
:url "unsupported/canon-4400.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2228"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL843 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "CanoScan 5000F"
:url "unsupported/canon-5000f.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2212"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "CanoScan 5200F"
:url "unsupported/canon-5200f.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2217"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "CanoScan 8000F"
:url "unsupported/canon-8000f.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x220f"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more information. With transparency adapter."

:model "CanoScan 8400F"
:url "unsupported/canon-8400f.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x221e"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "CanoScan 8600F"
:url "unsupported/canon-8600.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2229"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "CanoScan 9900F"
:url "unsupported/canon-9900f.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2210"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported, similar to 8000F. 3200x6400 dpi USB2. With transparency adapter."

:model "CanoScan 9950F"
:url "unsupported/canon-9950f.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2219"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported."

:model "CanoScan D646U"
:url "unsupported/canon-d646u.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x220b"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for more information and test program."

:model "CanoScan D646U ex"
:url "unsupported/canon-d646u.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x220b"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See D646."

:model "CanoScan D1230U"
:url "unsupported/canon-d1230u.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2209"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. "

:model "CanoScan D1250U2"
:url "unsupported/canon-d1250u2.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x220c"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. However, someone started working on this scanner and some information is available (see link)."

:model "CanoScan D2400UF"
:url "unsupported/canon-d2400uf.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x220a"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link."

:model "CanoScan FB320U"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2201"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. No details known."

:model "CanoScan FB620U"
:url "unsupported/canon-fb620u.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2202"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Some information is available."

:model "CanoScan FB1210U"
:url "http://sourceforge.net/projects/canonscanner/"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2205"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. However, a stand-alone program for FreeBSD is available."

:model "CanoScan LiDE 70"
:url "http://www.juergen-ernst.de/info_sane.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2225"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Philips chip. Backend started, see link"

:model "CanoScan LiDE 80"
:url "unsupported/canon-lide-80.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2214"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "CanoScan LiDE 90"
:url "unsupported/canon-lide-90.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1900"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "CanoScan LiDE 500F"
:url "unsupported/canon-canoscan-lide-500f.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x221f"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "CanoScan LiDE 600"
:interface "USB"
:url "http://www.juergen-ernst.de/info_sane.html"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2224"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Philips chip. Backend started, see link"

:model "CanoScan LiDE 600F"
:interface "USB"
:url "http://www.juergen-ernst.de/info_sane.html"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x2224"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Philips chip. Backend started, see link"

:model "FS4000"
:url "unsupported/canon-fs4000.html"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x3042"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."

:model "IS 12"
:url "unsupported/canon-is-12.html"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Scanner cardridge for Canon inkjet printers."

:model "IS 22"
:url "unsupported/canon-is-22.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Scanner cardridge for Canon inkjet printers."

:model "IS 32"
:url "unsupported/canon-is-32.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x105d"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Scanner cardridge for Canon inkjet printers."

:model "IS 52"
:url "unsupported/canon-is-52.html"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Scanner cardridge for Canon inkjet printers."

:model "ImageRunner iR1018"
:url "unsupported/canon-imagerunner.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x269d"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "ImageRunner iR1022"
:url "unsupported/canon-imagerunner.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x269d"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "ImageRunner iR1023"
:url "unsupported/canon-imagerunner.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x269d"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "PIXMA MP110"
:url "unsupported/canon-pixma-mp110.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1700"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "PIXMA MP130"
:url "unsupported/canon-pixma-mp130.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1701"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "DR-2020U"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL84x?"

:mfg "Chinon"

:model "DS-3000"
:url "unsupported/chinon-ds3000.html"
:interface "Parport Serial Port"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported at the moment, but a backend is in preparation. See link."


:mfg "Compaq"
:url "http://www.compaq.com/"

:model "S200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x049f" "0x0021"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. 2400x1200 dpi. One bulk-in, one bulk-out and one interrupt endpoint. Type-number: U0001-HB21, another type nr on the inside: 75100512-00"


:mfg "Compeye"

:model "Simplex 1236C"
:url "unsupported/trust-combiscan-19200.html"
:interface "Parport USB"
:usbid "0x05cb" "0x1483"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Corex"
:url "http://www.cardscan.com/"

:model "Cardscan 500"
:url "unsupported/corex-cardscan-500.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x08f0" "0x0001"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Businesscard reader."

:model "Cardscan 700 C"
:url "unsupported/corex-cardscan-700.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x08f0" "0x0004"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported."


:mfg "Dell"
:url "http://www.dell.com/"

:model "A940"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x413c" "0x5106"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably rebadged Lexmark X5150. May work with sane-lexmark? See bug #312130"

:model "A960"
:url "unsupported/dell-a960.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x413c" "0x5107"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "922"
:url "unsupported/dell-922.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x413c" "0x5109"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."


:mfg "Epson"
:url "http://www.epson.com/"

:model "GT-2200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0102"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "StylusScan 2000"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x0105"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "Stylus DX4450"
:url "unsupported/epson-stylus-dx4450.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04b8" "0x083f"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "Stylus CX-5800"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported at the moment. Not compatible to snapscan backend. It's not known if it may work with epson or epkowa backend."


:mfg "EDT (Electronic Document Technology)"
:url "http://www.bizcardreader.com/"

:model "BizCardReader 900C"
:url "unsupported/edt-900c.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a53" "0x5001"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "E-Lux"
:comment "E-Lux and Enhans seem to have been purchased by dysan, now known as MEMOREX"

:model "j-6121"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Sold 1998. Same as E-Lux j-6121."


:mfg "Enhans"
:comment "E-Lux and Enhans seem to have been purchased by dysan, now known as MEMOREX"

:model "j-6121"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Sold 1998. Same as E-Lux j-6121."

:model "M-3630 A"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. "


:mfg "Genius"
:url "http://www.geniusnet.com.tw/"
:url "http://www.genius-kye.com/"

:model "ColorPage CS"
:url "unsupported/genius-colorpage-cs.html"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported, see link for details."

:model "ColorPage-Slim 1200 USB2"
:url "unsupported/genius-colorpage-slim-1200-usb2.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2020"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend."

:model "ColorPage HR6X Slim"
:url "unsupported/genius-colorpage-hr6x.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2019"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL646 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "ColorPage HR7X"
:url "unsupported/genius-colorpage-hr7x.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x2018"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL646 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "ColorPage HR7XE"
:url "unsupported/genius-colorpage-hr7xe.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06dc" "0x0012"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsuported. See link for details."

:model "ColorPage HR8"
:url "unsupported/genius-colorpage-hr8.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0458" "0x201c"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"


:mfg "Guillemot"			; name a manufacturer

:model "SCAN@HOME 48 USB"
:url "unsupported/teco-vm6509.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x080d" "0x0102"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "Maxi Scan A4 Parallel 36 bit"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Identical to the Benq Prisa 620P."


:mfg "Hercules"			; name a manufacturer

:model "SCAN@HOME 48 USB"
:url "unsupported/teco-vm6509.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x080d" "0x0102"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Hewlett-Packard"			; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.hp.com/"

:model "Photo Scanner 1000"
:url "unsupported/hp-photo-1000.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1001"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported by SANE. However, it's detected as mass storage device so just mounting it is reported to work. See link for device data."

:model "Photosmart 1200 Photo"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported by SANE. No details known. 10x15 cm. Maybe similar to Photo Scanner 1000?"

:model "Photosmart S20 (C5101A)"
:url "unsupported/hp-photosmart-s20xi.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0102"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported yet by SANE. See link for details."

:model "Photosmart S20xi (C7150A)"
:url "unsupported/hp-photosmart-s20xi.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0102"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported yet by SANE. See link for details."

:model "Photosmart C5100 series"
:url "unsupported/hp-photosmart-5100.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x5811"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported yet by SANE. See link for details."

:model "ScanJet 2400c"
:url "unsupported/hp-scanjet-2400c.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x0a01"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL646 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "Photosmart C3180"
:url "unsupported/hp-photosmart-3180.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x5611"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported yet by SANE. See link for details."

:model "ScanJet 3770"
:status :unsupported
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x2505"
:comment "While an external binary-only backend exists, it works only on Linux i386. Therefore the scanner is unsupported on other platforms."

:model "ScanJet 4600"
:url "unsupported/hp-scanjet-4600.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x3005"
:comment "Not supported. See link for details, or http://www.chmil.org/hp4600linux/ for code"
:status :unsupported

:model "ScanJet 4670"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x3005"
:comment "Not supported. See ScanJet 4600 entry."
:status :unsupported

:model "ScanJet 4850C"
:url "unsupported/hp-scanjet-4850.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1b05"
:comment "GL841, maybe can be added to genesys backend "
:status :unsupported

:model "ScanJet 4890C"
:url "unsupported/hp-scanjet-4850.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1b05"
:comment "GL843, maybe can be added to genesys backend "
:status :unsupported

:model "ScanJet 5530C Photosmart"
:url "unsupported/hp-scanjet-5530.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x1605"
:comment "Maybe GL841_HP, but not confirmed, maybe can be added to genesys backend"
:status :unsupported

:model "ScanJet 8390"
:url "unsupported/hp-scanjet-8390.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x3805"
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."
:status :unsupported

:model "ScanJet G4000"
:url "unsupported/hp-g4000.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x03f0" "0x4505"
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."
:status :unsupported


:mfg "IBM"
:url "http://www.ibm.com"

:model "ADF Color Scanner"
:interface "Proprietary"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Uses proprietary ISA card. Maybe the same as the Plustek Spectra ADF?"


:mfg "IOMagic"
:url "http://www.iomagic.com/"

:model "MobileScan USB"
:url "unsupported/trust-combiscan-19200.html"
:interface "USB Parport"
:usbid "0x05cb" "0x1483"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Iris"
:url "http://irislink.com/"

:model "IriScan"
:url "unsupported/iris-iriscan.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a53" "0x1000"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. LM9832/3. See link for details."

:model "IRISPen Translator Executive"
:url "unsupported/iris-irispen-translator.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0f43" "0x015a"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "IRISCard Pro (IBCR II)"
:url "unsupported/iris-business.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a38" "0x0301"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Kodak"
:url "http://www.kodak.com"

:model "Snapshot Photo Scanner 1"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. FCC ID HWF96PHS"


:mfg "Lexmark"
:url "http://www.lexmark.com/"

:model "P6250"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-p6250.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0097"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "Photo 3150"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-3150.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x007d"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "X74"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x75.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0060"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "X75"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x75.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0060"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "X75 PrinTrio"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x75.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0060"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "X83"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x83.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x003d"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. GL640."

:model "X2330"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x2330.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x00bb"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "X3450"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x3450.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x00f6"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "X5130"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x5130.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0065"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported."

:model "X5150"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x5130.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0065"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "X5250"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x5250.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0093"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported."

:model "X6170"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x6170.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0072"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "X7170"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0098"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See bug #310889 for details."

:model "X7350"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x7350.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x00b8"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "X8350"
:url "unsupported/lexmark-x8350.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x00b9"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Logitech"

:model "PageScan Color"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Most probably unsupported."

:model "PageScan USB"
:url "unsupported/logitech-pagescan-usb.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x046d" "0x040f"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Medion/Lifetec/Tevion/Cytron"
:url "http://www.medion.com/"
:url "http://www.medion.de/"

:model "MD 6190"
:url "unsupported/medion-md6190.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0392"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. There seem to exist two different scanners with that name. See link for details."

:model "MD 6190"
:url "unsupported/medion-md6190.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x037b"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. There seem to exist two different scanners with that name. See link for details."

:model "MD 40420"
:url "unsupported/tevion-md40420.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x3008"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "MD 41260"
:url "unsupported/medion-md6190.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x037b"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "MD 41985"
:url "unsupported/medion-md6190.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x037b"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "MD 42666"
:url "unsupported/tevion-md40420.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x3008"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "MD 85264"
:url "http://gkall.hobby.nl/authentec.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x08ff" "0x2580"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Fingerprint sensor. See link for details."

:model "MD 90009"
:url "unsupported/tevion-md90009.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30e5"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "MD 90070"
:url "unsupported/tevion-md90070.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x3022"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "MD 90090"
:url "unsupported/tevion-md90070.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x3022"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Memorex"
:url "http://www.memorex.com/"

:model "6136u"
:url "unsupported/memorex-maxx-6136u.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0346"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported."

:model "6142u"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch4400.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0347"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Same as Visioneer Onetouch 4400. See link for details."

:model "MaxxScan 6122"
:url "unsupported/trust-combiscan-19200.html"
:interface "USB Parport"
:usbid "0x05cb" "0x1483"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "SCF 9612P"
:url "unsupported/memorex-scf-9612p.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:mfg "Microtek"
:url "http://www.microtek.com/"

:model "ArtixScan 2020"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Same as Agfa DuoScan T2000XL?"

:model "ArtixScanDI 2020"
:url "unsupported/microtek-artixscan-2020.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x202e"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "Artixscan 2500f"
:interface "SCSI IEEE-1384"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Same as Agfa DuoScan T2500?"

:model "ArtixScan 4000tf"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Uses ALI M5611B."

:model "FilmScan 35"
:url "unsupported/microtek-filmscan-35.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05e3" "0x0120"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "ScanMaker 336 CX"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Seems to be similar to the Microtek 330 CX and is detected by the microtek2 backend. Scanning doesn't seem to work however."

:model "Scanmaker 1850S"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-1850s.html"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "ScanMaker 3630"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-3630.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0347"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Doesn't seem to be compatible to 3600 series, see link."

:model "ScanMaker 3800"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-3800.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30ce"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 3830"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-3830.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30ce"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 3860"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-3880.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x3023"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details. Appears to be similar to ScanMaker 3880."

:model "ScanMaker 3880"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-3880.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x3021"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. SQ113 chip. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 4600"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-4600.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x40c7"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 4700"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-4700.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x20b4"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 4850"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-4900.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30d9"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "ScanMaker 4850 II"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-4850-2.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x3008"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "ScanMaker 4900"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-4900.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30b9"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 5"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-5600.html"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 5600"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-5600.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x20a7"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 5700"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x20bd"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Uses ALI M5615 like the ScanMaker 4700."

:model "ScanMaker 5800"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-5800.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x3008"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "ScanMaker 5800"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-5800.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30d8"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "ScanMaker 5900"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-5900.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30d8"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 5950"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-5950.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30d8"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 6000"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-6000.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30e5"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 6100"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-6100.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30e5"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "ScanMaker 6700"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-6700.html"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x20c9"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link."

:model "ScanMaker 8700"
:status :unsupported
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-8700.html"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x20b1"
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details. USB vendor and product ids to be checked."

:model "ScanMaker 9600XL"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x20de"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. SCSI seems to work with microtek2 backend."

:model "ScanMaker 9800XL"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-9800.html"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x20de"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Partly unsupported. IEEE-1394 works with microtek2 backend. See link."

:model "ScanMaker i320"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-i320.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x30e6"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link."

:model "ScanMaker s400"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-s400.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x201c"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link."

:model "ScanMaker S400"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanmaker-s400.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05da" "0x300b"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link."

:model "ScanPort 3000"
:url "unsupported/microtek-scanport-3000.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0224"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Vendor/Product ids: 0x04a7/0x0224. Realtek RTS8801B?. See link for details."


:mfg "Konica Minolta"
:url "http://www.konicaminolta.com/"

:model "Dual Scan III"
:url "unsupported/minolta-dual-scan-III.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0686" "0x400d"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. May work with vuescan. See link for details."

:model "Dual Scan IV"
:url "unsupported/minolta-dual-scan-IV.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x132b" "0x000a"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Works with vuescan. See link for details."

:model "DiMAGE Scan Elite 5400"
:url "unsupported/minolta-dse-5400.html"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x0686" "0x400e"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. May work with vuescan. See link for details."

:model "DiMAGE Scan Elite 5400 2"
:url "unsupported/minolta-dse-5400-2.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x132b" "0x0012"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "DiMAGE Scan Multi Pro"
:url "unsupported/minolta-dimage-scan-multi-pro.html"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model      "magicolor 2480MF"
:interface  "USB Network"
:status     :unsupported
:comment    "Uses a different scanning protocol than the magicolor 1690MF"


:mfg "Mustek"			; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.mustek.com/"
:url "http://www.mustek.de/"
:url "http://www.mustek.com.tw/"

:model "1200 III EP"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. quarlewm at jmu dot edu offers to temporarily loan such a scanner to anyone who is interested in writing a driver."

:model "2400 M"
:interface "USB"
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/misc/mustek-scanners.html#UNSUPPORTED"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "BearPaw 2400 TA Pro"
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/misc/mustek-scanners.html#UNSUPPORTED"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0400"
:comment "Not supported. May be supported by mustek_usb2 backend later. See link for some information."
:status :unsupported

:model "BearPaw 2448 CU Pro"
:url "unsupported/mustek-bearpaw-2448-cu-pro.html"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0408"
:interface "USB"
:comment "Not supported. May be supported by mustek_usb2 backend later. See link for some information."
:status :unsupported

:model "BearPaw 4800 TA Pro"
:url "unsupported/mustek-bearpaw-4800ta-pro.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x1000"
:comment "Not supported. See link for some information."
:status :unsupported

:model "BearPaw 4800 TA Pro II"
:url "unsupported/mustek-bearpaw-4800ta-pro-ii.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x040a"
:comment "Not supported.  May be supported by mustek_usb2 backend later. See link for some information."
:status :unsupported

:model "BearPaw 6400 TA Pro"
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/misc/mustek-scanners.html#UNSUPPORTED"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x040b"
:comment "Not supported. May be supported by mustek_usb2 backend later. See link for some information."
:status :unsupported

:model "Paragon 800 II EP"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Maybe similar to 600 II EP (SCSI_over-parport)? In this case it could be supported by the mustek SCSI backend."

:model "ScanExpress 600 USB"
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/misc/mustek-scanners.html#UNSUPPORTED"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0873"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Programming information is available."

:model "ScanExpress 1200 USB"
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/misc/mustek-scanners.html#UNSUPPORTED"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0003"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Programming information is available."

:model "ScanExpress 1200 USB Plus"
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/misc/mustek-scanners.html#UNSUPPORTED"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x055f" "0x0007"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported."

:model "ScanExpress 12000 P"
:url "http://penguin-breeder.org/?page=mustek_pp"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Asic 1505/05."

:model "ScanExpress A3 EP"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Maybe it will be supported by the mustek_pp backend in future."

:model "ScanExpress CardSmart"
:url "http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/misc/mustek-scanners.html#UNSUPPORTED"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. USB business card scanner. Maybe works as USB storage device?"

:model "ScanMagic 9636P"
:url "http://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/sane-devel/2003-May/007682.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Same as Mustek 12000 P?. ASIC 1505."


:mfg "NEC"
:url "http://www.nevt.co.jp/"

:model "Petiscan"
:url "unsupported/nec-petiscan.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0475" "0x0100"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Most probably unsupported. See link for details. Vendor ID is Relisys/Teco. Not known if it is similar to other Relisys/Teco USB scanners."


:mfg "Nikon"
:url "http://www.nikon.com/"

:model "LS-9000 ED"
:url "unsupported/nikon-ls9000-ed.html"
:interface "IEEE-1394"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details. Possibly similar to LS-8000 ED."


:mfg "Olivetti"
:url "http://www.olivetti.com"

:model "Job-Jet M400"
:url "unsupported/olivetti-job-jet-m400.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0b3c" "0xa880"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:mfg "Olympus"
:url "http://www.olympus.com"

:model "ES-10P"
:url "http://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/sane-devel/2008-December/023326.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported

:model "ES-10S"
:url "unsupported/olympus-es10s.html"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."


:mfg "Optoelectronics"

:model "Barcode scanner"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x065a" "0x0001"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported."


:mfg "Optrox"

:model "PhotoMaker 3C"
:url "http://www.df.lth.se/~triad/krad/optrox/"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported

:model "PhotoMaker 3E"
:url "http://www.df.lth.se/~triad/krad/optrox/"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported

:model "PhotoMaker 3F"
:url "http://www.df.lth.se/~triad/krad/optrox/"
:interface "Proprietary"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Special ISA card"

:model "PhotoMaker 3S"
:url "http://www.df.lth.se/~triad/krad/optrox/"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported

:model "PhotoMaker 6E"
:url "http://www.df.lth.se/~triad/krad/optrox/"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported

:model "PhotoMaker 6F"
:url "http://www.df.lth.se/~triad/krad/optrox/"
:interface "Proprietary"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Special ISA card"


:mfg "Panasonic"

:model "KV-SS905C"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend. See http://code.google.com/p/kvss905c/ for a standalone scanning tool."

:model "KV-S2055W"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."

:model "KV-S2055L"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."

:model "KV-S2065W"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."

:model "KV-S3065CW"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."

:model "KV-S3065CL"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."

:model "KV-S3085"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."

:model "KV-S3105C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend. See http://code.google.com/p/kvss905c/ for a standalone scanning tool."

:model "KV-S6040W"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."

:model "KV-S6045W"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."

:model "KV-S6050W"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."

:model "KV-S6055W"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."

:model "KV-S7065C"
:interface "USB SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "might be supported by matsushita backend."


:mfg "Pentax"

:model "DSmobile USB"
:url "unsupported/syscan-travelscan-pro.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a82" "0x2000"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Some information is available."


:mfg "PIE"
:url "http://www.scanace.com/"
:comment "Pacific Image Electronics"

:model "Primefilm 1800u"
:url "unsupported/pie-1800u.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05e3" "0x0120"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."

:model "Primefilm 2700"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:url "http://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/sane-devel/2009-January/023442.html"

:model "Primefilm 3600PRO"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. "

:model "Powerslide 3600"
:url "unsupported/reflecta-digitdia-3600.html"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x05e3" "0x0142"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Film scanner that can scan directly from the magazine."

:model "PF3650 Pro3 Film Scanner"
:url "unsupported/pie-pf3650.html"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x05e3" "0x0143"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."


;:mfg "Packard Bell"


:mfg "Plustek"
:url "http://www.plustek.de/"
:url "http://www.plustek.com/"

:model "OpticFilm 7200"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticfilm-7200.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0807"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL842 based, maybe to be added to genesys backend"

:model "OpticFilm 7200i"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0c04"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL843 based, maybe to be added to genesys backend"

:model "OpticPro A3U"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Uses Plustek ASIC P99002"

:model "OpticPro S6"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Uses RealTek chipset (RTL8801D)"

:model "OpticPro S12"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-st12.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0600"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Product id 0x0600 is unsupported but may be supported by the genesys backend in future. Product id 0x040b is supported by the gt68xx backend."

:model "OpticPro ST12"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-st12.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0600"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Product id 0x0600 is unsupported but may be supported by the genesys backend in future. Product id 0x040b is supported by the gt68xx backend."

:model "OpticPro ST16"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-st16.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0600"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL646 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "OpticPro UA18"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably LM983x based."

:model "OpticPro S24"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-st24.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0601"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Product id 0x0601 is unsupported but may be supported by the genesys backend in future /GL646). Product id 0x040e is supported by the gt68xx backend."

:model "OpticPro ST24"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-st24.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0601"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL646 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "OpticPro S28"
:interface "USB"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-s28.html"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0801"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "OpticPro ST28"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-s28.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0801"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "OpticPro ST28"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-st28.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0802"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "Umax AstraScan 4750"
:url "unsupported/umax-astrscan-4750.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0802"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend, rebadged Plustek ST28"

:model "OpticPro ST48"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-st48.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0800"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "OpticPro ST64"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-st64.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0c00"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL843 based, maybe to be added to genesys backend"

:model "OpticPro ST64+"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-st64plus.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0c03"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL843 based. See link for more details."

:model "PL 806"
:url "unsupported/plustek-pl806.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0c0c"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "SmartOffice PL 812"
:url "unsupported/plustek-pl812.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0c0d"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "OpticSlim 500"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticslim-500.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0458"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more details."

:model "OpticSlim 2420"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticslim-2420.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0806"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "OpticSlim 2420+"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticslim-2420plus.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0914"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "OpticWorks 2000"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Multifunction device. No further information available."

:model "OptiCard 600+"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Business card reader. No further information available."

:model "ScanCopy 115"
:url "unsupported/plustek-scancopy-115.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x081c"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL841 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "Spectra ADF"
:interface "Proprietary"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Uses proprietary ISA card that also provides power and is labelled GPS-1 PAGE-A from Taiwan. Other labels on the scanner include ADF Color Scanner and SF600AS. Maybe the same as the IBM ADF Color Scanner?"

:model "Unknown Plustek Device"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0005"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Scanner name not known yet."

:model "Unknown Plustek Device"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0007"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Scanner name not known yet."

:model "Unknown Plustek Device"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x000f"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Scanner name not known yet."

:model "Unknown Plustek Device"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0012"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Scanner name not known yet."

:model "Unknown Plustek Device"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0014"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Scanner name not known yet."

:model "Unknown Plustek Device"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0016"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. Scanner name not known yet."


:mfg "PLANon"
:url "http://www.planon.com/"

:model "DocuPen RC800"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. No details known."

:model "DocuPen R700"
:url "unsupported/planon-docupen-r700.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x10c4" "0xea60"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "DocuPen (DPEN-BW)"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. No details known."


:mfg "Primax"
:url "http://www.primax.nl/"

:model "Colorado 600U"
:url "unsupported/primax-colorado-600u.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0341"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Some information is available."

:model "Colorado 1200p"
:interface "Parport"
:url "http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-25069/pxscan.html"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported by SANE. But is reported to partly work with pxscan. See link."

:model "Colorado 1200u"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0361"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "Primascan Colorado 2600u"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch4400.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0347"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Same as Visioneer Onetouch 4400. See link for details."

:model "Colorado Direct 600"
:url "http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-25069/pxscan.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. However, a stand-alone program is available."

:model "Colorado Direct 9600"
:url "http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-25069/pxscan.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. However, a stand-alone program is available."

:model "Colorado USB 9600"
:url "unsupported/primax-colorado-usb-9600.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0340"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."

:model "G2-300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0300"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "G2-300 #2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0302"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "G2E-300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0301"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "G2E-300 #2"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0303"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "G2-600"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0380"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "G2-600 #2"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0382"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "G2E-600"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0383"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "OneTouch 5300"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported."

:model "ReadyScan 636i"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0381"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. No details known."

:model "Slim-Line 1200"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Maybe GL646. Maybe similar to Medion MD 6228?"

:model "Onetouch 8920"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch8920.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0371"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Look similar to Visioneer Onetouch 8920 (same USB product id)."


:mfg "Prolink"
:url "http://www.fida.com/"

:model "Winscan Pro 2448U"
:url "unsupported/prolink-2448u.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x06dc" "0x0014"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Some information is available. RealTek RTS8801."

:model "Winscan Pro 2000"
:interface "USB Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. No further information available."


:mfg "Quato"
:url "http://www.quato.de/"

:model "X-Finity"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. No details yet. Originally manufactured by PFU?"

:model "X-Finity Ultra"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. No details yet."


:mfg "Reflecta"

:model "DigitDia 3600"
:url "unsupported/reflecta-digitdia-3600.html"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x05e3" "0x0142"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Film scanner that can scan directly from the magazine."

:model "iScan 1800"
:url "unsupported/reflecta-iscan-1800.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05e3" "0x0120"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "ProScan 4000"
:url "unsupported/reflecta-proscan-4000.html"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:usbid "0x05e3" "0x0143"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Relisys"

:model "Eclipse 1200U"
:url "unsupported/relisys-eclipse-1200u.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0475" "0x0103"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "Scorpio Ultra 3"
:url "unsupported/relisys-scorpio-ultra3.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0475" "0x0210"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "Episode"
:url "unsupported/relisys-episode.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0475" "0x0103"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."

:model "AVEC II E3"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Parport version of AVEC II S3?. See bug #304992 for details"


:mfg "Samsung"

:model "SCX-4725FN"
:url "unsupported/samsung-scx-4725.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x341f"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."


:mfg "Scanshell"

:model "800N"
:url "unsupported/scanshell-800n.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a82" "0x6605"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."


:mfg "Sicos"

:model "DMS 2000"
:url "mailto:ehaase@inf.fu-berlin.de"
:interface "proprietary"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported until now. Work on a backend has started, contact the author for details (see link)"


:mfg "Siemens"                 ; name a manufacturer
:url "http://www.siemens.com/"

:model "ID Mouse Professional"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0681" "0x0005"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported."

:model "Cherry FingerTIP ID Board - Sensor"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0681" "0x0010"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported."


:mfg "SmartDisk"

:model "SmartScan 3600"
:interface "USB IEEE-1394"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Same as PIE Primefilm 2600 PRO."


:mfg "Spot Technology"
:comment "Spot seems have gone out of business."

:model "Maxiscan A4"
:url "http://www.el-profesor.net/spoonset/"
:interface "proprietary"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported until now. Work on a backend has started, see link for more information."

:model "ScanTak 2c"
:url "http://www.el-profesor.net/spoonset"
:interface "proprietary"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Work on a backend has started, see link for more information."

:model "ScanTak 3c"
:url "http://www.el-profesor.net/spoonset"
:interface "proprietary"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Work on a backend has started, see link for more information."


:mfg "Syscan"

:model "TravelScan FS-531"
:url "unsupported/syscan-travelscan-fs531.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a82" "0x0530"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. May work with the Plustek backend in future. See link for details."

:model "TravelScan Pro"
:url "unsupported/syscan-travelscan-pro.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0a82" "0x2000"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Some information is available."


:mfg "Tamarack"

:model "Artiscan 9600"                ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:url "http://www.autistici.org/tamarhack/"
:comment "Unsupported at the moment. See link for a project for that scanner taht may support it in future."

:model "Artiscan 9600 pro 36"                ; name models for above-specified mfg.
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:url "http://www.autistici.org/tamarhack/"
:comment "Unsupported at the moment. See link for a project for that scanner."

:model "Artiscan 2400FS"
:url "unsupported/tamarack-artiscan-2400.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x05e3" "0x0100"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for more information."


:mfg "TCE"
:comment "Brasilian vendor."
:url "http://www.tce.com.br/"

:model "MK600U"
:url "unsupported/memorex-maxx-6136u.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0346"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Some information is available."

:model "S450"
:url "http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-25069/pxscan.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported by SANE but is reported to work with pxscan (see link)."


:mfg "Teco"
:url "http://www.tecoimage.com.tw/"

:model "VM6509F"
:url "unsupported/teco-vm6509.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x080d" "0x0102"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Tiny"

:model "FU661E"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch4400.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0347"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "Trust"
:url "http://www.trust-site.com"

:model "CombiScan 19200"
:url "unsupported/trust-combiscan-19200.html"
:interface "Parport USB"
:usbid "0x05cb" "0x1483"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "EasyScan 19200"
:url "http://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/sane-devel/2008-October/022955.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported

:model "SCSI Scan 19200 -Excellence Series-"
:url "unsupported/trust-scsi-scan-19200.html"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."


:mfg "UMAX"
:url "http://www.umax.com/"

:model "Astra 2500"
:url "unsupported/umax-astra-2500.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0374"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "Astra 2850"
:url "unsupported/plustek-opticpro-st24.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x07b3" "0x0601"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. Same IDs as Plustek OpticPro ST24. See link for details."

:model "Astra 3000"
:url "unsupported/umax-astra-3000.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x038a"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "Astra 3600"
:url "unsupported/umax-astra-3600.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x038a"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "Astra 4000"
:url "unsupported/umax-astra-4000.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x1606" "0x1030"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."

:model "Astra 4100"
:url "unsupported/umax-astra-4100.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x038c"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported, to be added to genesys backend."

:model "Astra 4500"
:url "unsupported/umax-astra-4500.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a10"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL646 based, to be added to genesys backend. Avision iVina FB1600 clone"

:model "Astra 4600"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported, no details known."

:model "Astra 4700"
:url "unsupported/umax-astra-4700.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0638" "0x0a20"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL646/GL660 based. Avision iVina FB1800 clone."

:model "Astra 6700"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. No chipset information available. Same as Avision iVina FB2400."

:model "AstraSlim"
:url "unsupported/umax-astraslim.html"
:usbid "0x080d" "0x0104"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported currently. See link for more details."

:model "AstraSlim 1200"
:url "unsupported/umax-astraslim-1200.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x080d" "0x0110"
:status :unsupported
:comment "See link for more details."

:model "AstraSlim 6000"
:url "unsupported/umax-astraslim-6000.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x080d" "0x0104"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported currently. See link for more details."

:model "Nete3470'"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. No details known.."

:model "Powerlook 180"
:url "unsupported/umax-powerlook-180.html"
:interface "USB"
;:usbid "0x3902" "0xc470" #correct?
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "Powerlook 1000 USB"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. No further information available."


:mfg "Vantas"

:model "3000"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch4800.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0224"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."


:mfg "Visioneer"
:url "http://www.visioneer.com/"

:model "6200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0345"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Is reported to use the E5 chipset. Uses a Primax ID. Looks similar to Primascan Colorado 2600u."

:model "6200 EPP/USB"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0311"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Id is from Primax? Yet another scanner with the same name?"

:model "9420"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-9420.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x03a8"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "9450 USB"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-9450-usb.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0421"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "Onetouch 4400"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch4400.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0461" "0x0347"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. E5 chipset? See link for more details."

:model "OneTouch 4800 USB"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch4800.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0224"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. Seems to use Realtek RTS8801B. Same as Microtek Scanport 3000. See link for details."

:model "OneTouch 5300 USB"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch5300.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0226"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Chipset is RTS8801B(?). See link for output of /proc/bus/usb/devices."

:model "OneTouch 5300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0221"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Yet another scanner with this name?"

:model "OneTouch 5800 USB"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch5800.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0226"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. 48 bit scanner, doesn't work with viceo backend. RTS8801C."

:model "OneTouch 6600"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch6600.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x022a"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "Onetouch 7100"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch7100.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0229"
:status :unsupported
:comment "GL646 based, to be added to genesys backend"

:model "Onetouch 7700"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch7700.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0380"
:status :unsupported
:comment "LM9832/3 based, to be added to plustek backend"

:model "OneTouch 8100"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch8100.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0321"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details."

:model "Onetouch 8700"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch8920.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0371"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."

:model "Onetouch 8900"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch8920.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0371"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Same as 8920 but without TA?"

:model "Onetouch 8920"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch8920.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0371"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. Same as 8700 and 8900 but includes a TA. Uses a Primax ID. Chipset is RTS8801C. See link for output of /proc/bus/usb/devices."

:model "Onetouch 9000"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch9020.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x022c"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."

:model "Onetouch 9020"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch9020.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x022c"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."

:model "Onetouch 9320"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch9320.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0362"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "Onetouch Pro 8800"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch8820.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0410"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "Onetouch Pro 8820"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch8820.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0410"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "PaperPort 3100b"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-paperport-3100b.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Most probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "PaperPort 6100"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Most probably not supported. More details would be appreciated."

:model "PaperPort OneTouch"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-paperport-onetouch.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Most probably not supported. See link for details."

:model "Strobe Pro USB"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-strobe-pro-usb.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid  "0x04a7" "0x0102"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for details."


:model "4800 One Touch"
:url "unsupported/xerox-4800-onetouch.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x03a0"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details. Different id compared to One Touch 4800?"

:model "DocuImage 620S"
:url "unsupported/xerox-docuimage-620s.html"
:interface "SCSI"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."

:model "DocuMate 510"
:url "unsupported/xerox-documate-510.html"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0446"
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."

:model "DocuMate 510"
:url "unsupported/xerox-documate-510.html"
:interface "USB"
:status :unsupported
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x047c"
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details. Yet another USB id."

:model "One Touch 4800"
:url "unsupported/visioneer-onetouch4800.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a7" "0x0224"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Unsupported. See link for details. Different id compared to 4800 One Touch?"

:model "WorkCentre 470cx"
:url "unsupported/xerox-workcentre-470cx.html"
:interface "Parport"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."

:model "WorkCentre M15i"
:url "unsupported/xerox-workcentre-m15i.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0924" "0xffef"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."

:model "WorkCentre XK35c"
:url "unsupported/xerox-workcentre-xk35c.html"
:interface "USB Parport"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x0020"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."

:model "WorkCentre XK50cx"
:url "unsupported/xerox-workcentre-xk50cx.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3903"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."

:model "WorkCentre Pro 412"
:url "unsupported/xerox-workcentre-pro412.html"
:interface "USB Parport"
:usbid "0x043d" "0x4303"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."

:model "WorkCentre PE16"
:url "unsupported/xerox-workcentre-pe16.html"
:interface "USB Parport"
:usbid "0x0924" "0x4220"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."

:model "WorkCentre PE120i"
:url "unsupported/xerox-workcentre-pe120i.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0924" "0x4237"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported. See link for more details."


:devicetype :vidcam

:mfg "Biolux"

:model "654 (micrOcular)"
:url "unsupported/biolux-654.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0923" "0x010f"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not supported yet. See link for more details."


:mfg "Grandtek Scopecam"

:model "8x30 Binocular & Digital Camera"
:url "unsupported/grandtech-scopecam.html"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0797" "0x801c"
:status :unsupported
:comment "Not Supported yet. See link for more details."


; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.

; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).

:backend "v4l"                    ; name of backend
:version "1.0-3"                  ; version of backend
:manpage "sane-v4l"               ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "mailto:henning@meier-geinitz.de" ; backend's web page

:devicetype :api                  ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:desc "Interface to Video For Linux API"      ; describe a non-hardware device
:comment "Supports video cameras and other devices accessed by the v4l kernel API, e.g. bttv devices. Quite a lot of known bugs."
; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
;  and at the top-level.
:backend "xerox_mfp"
:version "1.0-13"
:manpage "sane-xerox_mfp"
:devicetype :scanner

:mfg "Xerox"
:url "http://www.office.xerox.com/"

:model "Phaser 6110MFP"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0924" "0x3d5d"
:status :good

:model "Phaser 3200MFP"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0924" "0x3da4"
:status :complete
:url "http://www.office.xerox.com/multifunction-printer/multifunction-under-30ppm/phaser-3200mfp/spec-enus.html"

:model "WorkCentre 3119 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0924" "0x4265"
:status :good

:model "WorkCentre 4118 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0924" "0x420c"
:status :good

:model "WorkCentre 3210"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0924" "0x4293"
:status :good

:model "WorkCentre 3220"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x0924" "0x4294"
:status :good

:mfg "Dell"
:url "http://www.dell.com/"

:model "Dell MFP Laser Printer 1815dn"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x413c" "0x5124"
:status :good

:mfg "Samsung"
:url "http://www.samsung.com"

:model "SCX-4x16"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3409"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-6x20"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x340d"
:status :untested

:model "MFP-560"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x340e"
:status :untested

:model "MFP-750"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x340f"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-4x20"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3412"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-4100"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3413"
:status :good

:model "SCX-4x21"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3419"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-5x30"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x341a"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-4200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x341b"
:status :good

:model "CLX-3160"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x341c"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-6x22"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x341d"
:status :untested

:model "SCX4725"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x341f"
:status :untested

:model "SCX4725-FN"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x341f"
:status :good

:model "SCX-6x45"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3420"
:status :untested

:model "CLX-8380"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3421"
:status :untested

:model "CLX-2160"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3425"
:status :good

:model "SCX-4500"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3426"
:status :good

:model "CLX-6200"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3427"
:status :untested

:model "CLX-6240"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3428"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-6x55"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3429"
:status :untested

:model "CLX-3170fn (CLX-3170 Series)"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x342a"
:status :good

:model "CLX-3175FW"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x342a"
:status :good

:model "SCX-4500W"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x342b"
:status :basic

:model "SCX-4824 (SCX-4x24 Series)"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x342c"
:status :good

:model "SCX-4828FN (SCX-4x28 Series)"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x342d"
:status :good

:model "SCX-4300"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x342e"
:status :good

:model "SCX-5835_5935"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x342f"
:status :good

:model "SCX-5635"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3430"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-4x26"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3432"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-4600"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3433"
:status :good

:model "SCX-4623"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3434"
:status :good

:model "MFP-65x"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3435"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-6545"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3437"
:status :untested

:model "CLX-8385"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3439"
:status :untested

:model "CLX-6220"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x343a"
:status :good

:model "CLX-6250"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x343b"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-4825FN (SCX-4x25 Series)"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x343c"
:status :good

:model "CLX-3185"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x343d"
:status :good

:model "CLX-8540"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x343f"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-4623FW"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3440"
:status :good

:model "SCX-3205W (SCX-3200 Series)"
:interface "USB Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3441"
:status :good

:model "SCX-6545X"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3442"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-6x55X"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3443"
:status :untested

:model "CLX-8385X"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3444"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-5835_5935X"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3446"
:status :good

:model "SCX-4833FD"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x344b"
:status :good

:model "SCX-4835FD"
:interface "Ethernet"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x344b"
:status :good

:model "SCX-3405W"
:interface "Ethernet"
:status :basic

:model "SCX-3400"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x344f"
:status :untested

:model "SF-760"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3450"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-4729FD"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3453"
:status :basic

:model "CLX-6260"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3455"
:status :minimal

:model "CLX-3300 Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3456"
:status :basic

:model "SCX-470x"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3457"
:status :untested

:model "CLX-4190"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x345a"
:status :minimal

:model "SCX-4650 4x21S Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x345b"
:status :untested

:model "M337x 387x 407x Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3460"
:status :untested

:model "M267x 287x Series"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3461"
:status :untested

:model "SCX-681x"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3466"
:status :untested

:model "C460"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04e8" "0x3468"
:status :untested