diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2021-08-22 09:58:25 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2021-08-22 09:58:25 +0200
commit55d274a13c2524d55e07f2395316aa9d2cae912b (patch)
parentfa96deefd4bc785c2937e40df3eb0742e2353c13 (diff)
parent63876b56fcba61ef061c5f0edd924551bc079354 (diff)
Merge branch 'release/debian/0.30.14-1'debian/0.30.14-1
-rw-r--r--plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo.pngbin3148 -> 0 bytes
32 files changed, 12799 insertions, 6715 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..937e7b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+## Mandatory: Shotwell version the issue was seen with
+> …
+## The expected behaviour
+> …
+## What was actually happening
+> …
+## Steps to reproduce the issue
diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd0aa18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+## Please describe the problem you are trying to solve
+> …
+## Other solutions you have considered
+> …
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 1bedc99..c34e77f 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,64 @@
+Shotwell 0.30.14 (stable) - 18 Aug 2021
+ - Fix import from camera, for real
+Bugs fixed in this release:
+ -
+All contributors to this release:
+ - Jens Georg <>
+Shotwell 0.30.13 (stable) - 17 Aug 2021
+ - Translation updates
+ - Fix import from camera
+ - Fix editing event comment if photo is selected
+ - Fix uploading more than 50 images to Google Photos
+Bugs fixed in this release:
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+All contributors to this release:
+ - Eric <>
+ - Quentin PAGÈS <>
+ - Phred <>
+ - Anders Jonsson <>
+ - Yuri Chornoivan <>
+ - Jens Georg <>
+Added/updated translations:
+ - sv.po, courtesy of Anders Jonsson
+ - uk.po, courtesy of Yuri Chornoivan
+Shotwell 0.30.12 - 24 May 2021
+ - Translation updates
+ - Fix keybinding for image rotation
+ - Fix potential memory leak while importing from
+ camera
+ - Update Piwigo icon
+Bugs fixed in this release:
+ -
+All contributors to this release:
+ - Jens Georg <>
+ - Gun Chleoc <>
+ - Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>
+ - Christian Kirbach <>
+ - Мирослав Николић <>
+ - Anders Jonsson <>
+ - Andika Triwidada <>
+Added/updated translations:
+ - id.po, courtesy of Andika Triwidada
+ - sv.po, courtesy of Anders Jonsson
+ - de.po, courtesy of Philipp Kiemle
+ - eu.po, courtesy of Asier Sarasua Garmendia
+ - gd.po, courtesy of GunChleoc
+ - sr.po, courtesy of Мирослав Николић
Shotwell 0.30.11 - 05 Nov 2020
* Translation updates
* Add missing "Publish..." item in file menu
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 3482c5b..e545ec8 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+shotwell (0.30.14-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release.
+ * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.6.0 (No changes needed).
+ * debian/copyright:
+ - Add year 2021 for debian/* to myself.
+ -- Jörg Frings-Fürst <> Wed, 18 Aug 2021 20:59:02 +0200
shotwell (0.30.11-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 989afd3..bce2814 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Build-Depends:
valac (>= 0.46.0)
-Standards-Version: 4.5.0
+Standards-Version: 4.6.0
Rules-Requires-Root: binary-targets
Vcs-Git: git://
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index a5a3587..4db43e1 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ License: LGPL-2.1
Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2009-2011 Devid Antonio Filoni <>
- 2014-2020 Jörg Frings-Fürst <>
+ 2014-2021 Jörg Frings-Fürst <>
License: GPL-2+
License: LGPL-2.1
diff --git a/help/LINGUAS b/help/LINGUAS
index 725d5b7..8acb98d 100644
--- a/help/LINGUAS
+++ b/help/LINGUAS
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ el
diff --git a/help/id/id.po b/help/id/id.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a29c858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/id/id.po
@@ -0,0 +1,3750 @@
+# Indonesian translation for shotwell.
+# Copyright (C) 2020 shotwell's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the shotwell package.
+# Andika Triwidada <>, 2020.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: shotwell shotwell-0.30\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-22 10:47+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-15 10:19+0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andika Triwidada <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Indonesian <>\n"
+"Language: id\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
+#. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
+msgctxt "_"
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Andika Triwidada <>, 2020"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Change the exposure, saturation, tint, and shadows of a photo."
+msgstr "Mengubah eksposur, saturasi, warna, dan bayangan foto."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Color adjustments"
+msgstr "Penyesuaian warna"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <gui>Adjust</gui> button opens a floating window with a histogram and "
+"sliders to adjust a photo's exposure, saturation, tint, temperature, and "
+"shadows. The histogram also has sliders to reduce the upper and lower "
+"intensity thresholds of the photograph, expanding the contrast of the middle "
+msgstr ""
+"Tombol <gui>Adjust</gui> membuka jendela mengambang dengan histogram dan "
+"slider untuk menyesuaikan eksposur, saturasi, warna, temperatur, dan "
+"bayangan foto. Histogram juga memiliki slider untuk mengurangi ambang batas "
+"intensitas atas dan bawah foto, memperluas kontras rentang tengah."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <gui>Enhance</gui> button adjusts the histogram and shadows sliders to "
+"improve the quality of a photo."
+msgstr ""
+"Tombol <gui>Tingkatkan</gui> menyesuaikan histogram dan slider bayangan "
+"untuk meningkatkan kualitas foto."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When the photo's colors and contrast are to your liking, press <gui>OK</gui> "
+"to save the changes. <gui>Reset</gui> will return the image to its original "
+"state. <gui>Cancel</gui> discards all changes you've made."
+msgstr ""
+"Saat warna dan kontras foto sesuai dengan keinginan Anda, tekan <gui>OK</"
+"gui> untuk menyimpan perubahan. <gui>Reset</gui> akan mengembalikan gambar "
+"ke keadaan semula. <gui>Batalkan</gui> membuang semua perubahan yang Anda "
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "What do the color adjustments do?"
+msgstr "Apa yang dilakukan penyesuaian warna?"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Exposure"
+msgstr "Eksposur"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Changes the brightness to make it look like the photo was exposed for a "
+"longer or shorter time. Use this to correct under- or over-exposed photos."
+msgstr ""
+"Mengubah kecerahan agar terlihat seperti foto terpapar untuk waktu yang "
+"lebih lama atau lebih singkat. Gunakan ini untuk mengoreksi foto di bawah "
+"atau atas yang terpapar."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Contrast"
+msgstr "Kontras"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Changes the contrast of a photo. Use it to correct flat-looking photos or "
+"photos where the difference between bright and dark spots seems to big."
+msgstr ""
+"Mengubah kontras foto. Gunakan untuk mengoreksi foto atau foto yang terlihat "
+"datar di mana perbedaan antara bintik terang dan gelap tampak besar."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saturation"
+msgstr "Saturation"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Changes how vivid colors look. If your photo looks gray and washed out, try "
+"increasing the saturation. If colors look too bold, try decreasing it."
+msgstr ""
+"Perubahan bagaimana warna hidup terlihat. Jika foto Anda terlihat kelabu dan "
+"dicuci, coba Tingkatkan saturasi. Jika warna terlihat terlalu tebal, coba "
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tint"
+msgstr "Warna"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This tints the photo with a color. It's useful for correcting photos taken "
+"with the wrong white balance setting, which typically have an unnatural "
+"color cast. For example, photos taken outdoors with the white balance set to "
+"\"Tungsten\" may have a blue cast."
+msgstr ""
+"Ini tints foto dengan warna. Ini berguna untuk mengoreksi foto yang diambil "
+"dengan pengaturan White Balance yang salah, yang biasanya memiliki cast "
+"warna yang tidak wajar. Misalnya, foto yang diambil di luar ruangan dengan "
+"White Balance yang ditetapkan ke \"tungsten\" mungkin memiliki cast biru."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Suhu"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Changes how \"warm\" or \"cool\" the picture looks. Use this to make cold, "
+"depressing scenes look more lively, for example."
+msgstr ""
+"Perubahan bagaimana \"hangat\" atau \"keren\" gambar terlihat. Gunakan ini "
+"untuk membuat adegan yang dingin dan menyedihkan terlihat lebih hidup, "
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Shadows"
+msgstr "Bayangan"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This makes shadowy areas appear lighter. Use this to make detail more "
+"visible if it's obscured by the darkness of a shadow."
+msgstr ""
+"Hal ini membuat area gelap tampak lebih ringan. Gunakan ini untuk membuat "
+"detail lebih terlihat jika dikaburkan oleh kegelapan bayangan."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Intensity Threshold (sliders on the histogram)"
+msgstr "Ambang batas intensitas (penggeser pada histogram)"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"These sliders change how light the brightest white is and how dark the "
+"darkest black is. Use them to change the contrast of the photo. Photos which "
+"look washed out should particularly benefit from changing these settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Slider ini mengubah bagaimana cahaya putih terang dan betapa gelap hitam "
+"yang paling gelap. Gunakan mereka untuk mengubah kontras foto. Foto yang "
+"terlihat dicuci harus sangat menguntungkan dari mengubah pengaturan ini."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Improve the composition of a photo by cutting out parts of it."
+msgstr "Tingkatkan komposisi foto dengan memotong bagiannya."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Cropping"
+msgstr "Memangkas"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To reduce the area of a photo and concentrate the viewer's attention on a "
+"smaller portion of it, use the Crop tool. The crop tool is only available in "
+"full-window or fullscreen mode."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengurangi area foto dan memusatkan perhatian pemirsa pada porsi yang "
+"lebih kecil, gunakan alat potong. Alat pemotong hanya tersedia dalam mode "
+"Full-Window atau fullscreen."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Double-click on a photo to enter full-window mode, then press the <gui>Crop</"
+"gui> button on the toolbar."
+msgstr ""
+"Klik dua kali pada foto untuk masuk ke mode jendela penuh, lalu tekan tombol "
+"<gui>crop</gui> di toolbar."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A white box, the crop rectangle, will appear over the photo. The lighter "
+"portion of the photo within the crop rectangle represents what the photo "
+"will look like when you crop it."
+msgstr ""
+"Kotak putih, persegi panjang tanaman, akan muncul di atas foto. Bagian yang "
+"lebih ringan dari foto dalam persegi panjang pemotongan mewakili seperti apa "
+"foto akan terlihat saat Anda memotongnya."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you place your cursor in the middle of the box, you can move the box "
+"around. If you drag the edges of the box, you can adjust its size. As you "
+"move and adjust the crop box, you'll see four lines appear inside it, like a "
+"tic-tac-toe grid. These are <em>rule of thirds</em> lines."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda menempatkan kursor di tengah kotak, Anda dapat memindahkan kotak "
+"di sekitar. Jika Anda menyeret tepi kotak, Anda dapat menyesuaikan "
+"ukurannya. Saat Anda memindahkan dan menyesuaikan kotak crop, Anda akan "
+"melihat empat garis muncul di dalamnya, seperti grid Tic-Tac-Toe. Ini adalah "
+"<em>aturan garis tiga</em> ."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You can also constrain the crop box to one of many common sizes. Choose a "
+"size from the drop-down list that suits your needs. If you press the flip "
+"button next to it, the orientation of the constraint will switch (from "
+"landscape to portrait)."
+msgstr ""
+"Anda juga dapat membatasi kotak tanaman ke salah satu dari banyak ukuran "
+"umum. Pilih ukuran dari daftar drop-down yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. "
+"Jika Anda menekan tombol flip sebelahnya, orientasi constraint akan beralih "
+"(dari Landscape ke Portrait)."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When you're happy with your crop outline, apply it by pressing the "
+"<gui>Crop</gui> button. Shotwell will display the cropped photo."
+msgstr ""
+"Bila Anda puas dengan garis besar tanaman Anda, menerapkannya dengan menekan "
+"tombol <gui>crop</gui> . Shotwell akan menampilkan foto yang dipotong."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you change your mind, press the <gui>Crop</gui> button again and fine-"
+"tune the crop."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda berubah pikiran, tekan tombol <gui>crop</gui> lagi dan sempurnakan "
+"hasil panen."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you press <gui>Cancel</gui> rather than <gui>Apply</gui>, Shotwell will "
+"return to the photo's previous crop dimensions."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda menekan <gui>cancel</gui> daripada <gui>melamar</gui>, Shotwell "
+"akan kembali ke dimensi crop foto sebelumnya."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "What is the rule of thirds?"
+msgstr "Apa aturan pertiga?"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <em>rule of thirds</em> helps you to choose a pleasing composition for a "
+msgstr ""
+"<em>Aturan sepertiga</em> membantu Anda memilih komposisi yang menyenangkan "
+"untuk foto."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Imagine that the scene is divided up into a 3x3 grid by two equally-spaced "
+"vertical lines and two equally-spaced horizontal lines. According to the "
+"rule, you're more likely to get a pleasing composition if you align major "
+"features (like the horizon, or a person's body) with one of the lines. "
+"Paying attention to the way features flow from one part of the grid to "
+"another can also help."
+msgstr ""
+"Bayangkan bahwa adegan dibagi menjadi grid 3x3 oleh dua garis yang sama-"
+"spasi dan dua garis horizontal yang sama spasi. Menurut aturan, Anda akan "
+"lebih cenderung mendapatkan komposisi yang menyenangkan jika Anda "
+"menyelaraskan fitur utama (seperti cakrawala, atau tubuh seseorang) dengan "
+"salah satu garis. Memperhatikan cara fitur mengalir dari satu bagian grid "
+"yang lain juga dapat membantu."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Cropping a photo so that it conforms to the rule of thirds often results in "
+"a more visually appealing image."
+msgstr ""
+"Memotong foto sehingga sesuai dengan aturan sepertiga sering menghasilkan "
+"gambar yang lebih menarik secara visual."
+#. (itstool) path: section/media
+#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
+#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
+#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
+#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
+#: C/
+msgctxt "_"
+msgid ""
+"external ref='figures/crop_thirds.jpg' md5='4cf0a026bb812c7eab0c9db8210a9524'"
+msgstr ""
+"external ref='figures/crop_thirds.jpg' md5='4cf0a026bb812c7eab0c9db8210a9524'"
+#. (itstool) path: media/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Cropping a photo, using the \"rule of thirds\" lines to improve the "
+msgstr ""
+"Memotong foto, menggunakan garis \"aturan sepertiga\" untuk menyempurnakan "
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Change the date and time of photos if those details are incorrect."
+msgstr "Mengubah tanggal dan waktu foto jika detail tersebut tidak benar."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Adjust the date and time of photos"
+msgstr "Menyesuaikan tanggal dan waktu foto"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To adjust the date and time of photos, select the photos you would like to "
+"adjust, choose <guiseq><gui>Photos</gui><gui>Adjust Date and Time...</gui></"
+"guiseq> and select a new date and time."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk menyesuaikan tanggal dan waktu foto, pilih foto yang ingin Anda "
+"Sesuaikan, pilih <guiseq> <gui>foto</gui><gui>menyesuaikan tanggal dan "
+"waktu...</gui> </guiseq> dan pilih tanggal dan waktu baru."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you are changing the date and time of multiple photos at once, you can "
+"choose to shift all the photos by the same amount of time or to set all the "
+"photos to the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda mengubah tanggal dan waktu dari beberapa foto sekaligus, Anda "
+"dapat memilih untuk menggeser semua foto dengan jumlah waktu yang sama atau "
+"untuk mengatur semua foto ke waktu yang sama."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"By default, the date and time are only changed inside Shotwell. You can also "
+"choose to modify the date and time in the original file, but this cannot be "
+"undone once you exit Shotwell."
+msgstr ""
+"Secara default, tanggal dan waktu hanya diubah di dalam Shotwell. Anda juga "
+"dapat memilih untuk mengubah tanggal dan waktu di file asli, namun tidak "
+"dapat dibatalkan setelah Anda keluar dari Shotwell."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Let Shotwell improve the brightness and contrast of a photo automatically."
+msgstr ""
+"Biarkan Shotwell meningkatkan kecerahan dan kontras foto secara otomatis."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Auto-enhance"
+msgstr "Meningkatkan otomatis"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Clicking on the <gui>Enhance</gui> button is a quick way to automatically "
+"adjust the brightness and contrast of your photo. It will often give you a "
+"photo that is correctly exposed. You can also use it as a starting point and "
+"then improve the adjustments by clicking on the <gui>Adjust</gui> button."
+msgstr ""
+"Mengklik pada tombol <gui>Enhance</gui> adalah cara cepat untuk secara "
+"otomatis menyesuaikan kecerahan dan kontras foto Anda. Ini akan sering "
+"memberi Anda foto yang benar terkena. Anda juga dapat menggunakannya sebagai "
+"titik awal dan kemudian meningkatkan penyesuaian dengan mengklik tombol "
+"<gui>Adjust</gui> ."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use a different program to edit a photo."
+msgstr "Gunakan program yang berbeda untuk mengedit foto."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Edit photos with an external program"
+msgstr "Mengedit foto dengan program eksternal"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You might want to use an external editor to do additional work on a photo. "
+"If installed, GIMP and UFRaw are the default external editors for photo and "
+"RAW editing, respectively. If these programs are not installed, you must "
+"select your preferred editors by choosing <guiseq><gui>Edit</"
+"gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq> and selecting editors from drop-down "
+"menus of installed applications."
+msgstr ""
+"Anda mungkin ingin menggunakan editor eksternal untuk melakukan pekerjaan "
+"tambahan pada foto. Jika diinstal, GIMP dan UFRaw adalah editor eksternal "
+"default untuk foto dan pengeditan RAW, masing-masing. Jika program ini tidak "
+"diinstal, Anda harus memilih editor pilihan Anda dengan memilih <guiseq> "
+"<gui>Edit</gui><gui>preferensi</gui> </guiseq> dan memilih editor dari menu "
+"drop-down aplikasi yang terinstal."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Once your editors have been set, select a photo and choose "
+"<guiseq><gui>Photos</gui> <gui>Open With External Editor</gui></guiseq> to "
+"open the photo with the external editor. Likewise, if the original photo is "
+"a RAW file, select <guiseq><gui>Photos</gui><gui>Open With RAW Editor</gui></"
+"guiseq> to edit the RAW file directly with the set RAW editor."
+msgstr ""
+"Setelah editor ditetapkan, pilih foto dan pilih foto <guiseq> <gui></gui> "
+"<gui>terbuka dengan editor eksternal</gui> </guiseq> untuk membuka foto "
+"dengan editor eksternal. Demikian juga, jika foto asli adalah file RAW, "
+"pilih <guiseq> <gui>foto</gui><gui>terbuka dengan editor RAW</gui> </guiseq> "
+"untuk MENGEDIT file RAW langsung dengan editor Raw set."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When you complete your edits and save the file, Shotwell will detect the "
+"changes and update the photo. When external edits have been made, press and "
+"hold the <key>Shift</key> key in full-window view to show the original photo "
+"rather than the externally-edited one."
+msgstr ""
+"Setelah Anda menyelesaikan pengeditan dan menyimpan file, Shotwell akan "
+"mendeteksi perubahan dan memperbarui foto. Ketika pengeditan eksternal telah "
+"dibuat, tekan dan tahan tombol <key>Shift</key> dalam tampilan jendela penuh "
+"untuk menampilkan foto asli daripada yang diedit secara eksternal."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Reverting to original will erase any external edits."
+msgstr "Mengembalikan ke sumber asli akan menghapus pengeditan eksternal."
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you externally edit a RAW photo and save the result to another image, "
+"such as a JPEG or PNG, Shotwell cannot automatically determine that the "
+"original RAW and the new image should be paired."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda secara eksternal mengedit foto RAW dan menyimpan hasilnya ke "
+"gambar lain, seperti JPEG atau PNG, Shotwell tidak dapat secara otomatis "
+"menentukan bahwa RAW asli dan gambar baru harus dipasangkan."
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you want to work within the resulting image within Shotwell, you'll need "
+"to import it yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda ingin bekerja dalam gambar yang dihasilkan di dalam Shotwell, Anda "
+"harus mengimpornya sendiri."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell is a non-destructive photo editor - it does not modify your "
+"original photos."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell adalah editor foto non-destruktif-tidak memodifikasi foto asli Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "What happens to the original when I edit a photo?"
+msgstr "Apa yang terjadi dengan yang asli saat saya mengedit foto?"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell is a non-destructive photo editor. It does not modify your original "
+"photographs. That is to say, if you crop a photo or adjust its colors, the "
+"photo file on disc remains untouched. Shotwell stores your edits in a "
+"database and applies them on the fly as necessary. This means you can undo "
+"any alterations you make to a photograph."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell adalah editor foto non-destruktif. Ini tidak memodifikasi foto asli "
+"Anda. Artinya, jika Anda memotong foto atau menyesuaikan warnanya, file foto "
+"pada disk tetap tidak tersentuh. Shotwell menyimpan editan Anda dalam "
+"database dan menerapkannya dengan cepat jika diperlukan. Ini berarti Anda "
+"dapat membatalkan setiap perubahan yang Anda buat pada foto."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/ C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you want to see what a photo looked like before your modifications, press "
+"the <key>Shift</key> key. The original photo will be displayed as long as "
+"you hold the key down."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda ingin melihat apa foto tampak seperti sebelum modifikasi Anda, "
+"tekan tombol <key>Shift</key> . Foto asli akan ditampilkan selama Anda "
+"menahan tombol ke bawah."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Note that Shotwell can optionally write metadata (such as tags and titles) "
+"to photo files. For more information, see the section <link xref=\"other-"
+"files\">Photo files</link>."
+msgstr ""
+"Perhatikan bahwa Shotwell dapat secara opsional menulis metadata (seperti "
+"tag dan judul) ke file foto. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat <link xref="
+"\"other-files\"> file foto bagian."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Correct photos where people have red eyes because of the camera's flash."
+msgstr ""
+"Mengoreksi foto di mana orang memiliki mata merah karena lampu kilat kamera."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Removing red-eye"
+msgstr "Menghapus mata merah"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Red-eye occurs when the camera's flash reflects off the pupil of someone's "
+"eye. To eliminate this in a photo, use the Red-eye tool."
+msgstr ""
+"Mata merah terjadi apabila lampu kilat kamera memantul dari pupil mata "
+"seseorang. Untuk menghilangkannya di foto, gunakan alat mata merah."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Click <gui>Red-eye</gui>. A circle will appear on the photo."
+msgstr "Klik <gui>mata merah</gui>. Lingkaran akan muncul di foto."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Drag the circle over the affected pupil, adjust its size with the slider "
+"control, and press <gui>Apply</gui>. The redness will be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"Seret lingkaran di atas pupil yang terpengaruh, Sesuaikan ukurannya dengan "
+"kontrol slider, dan tekan <gui>Apply</gui>. Kemerahan akan dihilangkan."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Repeat this process for all red pupils in your photo. Press <gui>Close</gui> "
+"when finished."
+msgstr ""
+"Ulangi proses ini untuk semua murid merah di foto Anda. Tekan <gui>Close</"
+"gui> ketika selesai."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Click the <gui>Rotate</gui> button, or choose one of the commands in the "
+"<gui>Photo</gui> menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Klik tombol <gui>Rotate</gui> , atau pilih salah satu perintah di menu "
+"<gui>foto</gui> ."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rotate or flip a photo"
+msgstr "Memutar atau membalik foto"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You can rotate your photos left and right (clockwise and counterclockwise) "
+"with the <gui>Rotate</gui> button on the toolbar of most views. You can also "
+"make a mirror image of any photo."
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat memutar foto Anda ke kiri dan kanan (searah jarum jam dan "
+"berlawanan arah jarum jam) dengan tombol <gui>Rotate</gui> pada bilah alat "
+"yang paling banyak dilihat. Anda juga dapat membuat gambar cermin dari foto "
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To rotate right, click on the <gui>Rotate</gui> button. To rotate left, "
+"press and hold the <key>Ctrl</key> key and then click the button. Both "
+"commands are available in the <gui>Photos</gui> menu too. Alternatively, use "
+"the following keyboard shortcuts:"
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk memutar kanan, klik pada tombol <gui>Rotate</gui> . Untuk memutar ke "
+"kiri, tekan dan tahan tombol <key>Ctrl</key> dan kemudian klik tombol. Kedua "
+"perintah tersedia di menu <gui>foto</gui> juga. Atau, Gunakan pintasan "
+"keyboard berikut:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"rotate left: <keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key></keyseq> or "
+msgstr ""
+"Putar kiri: <keyseq> <key>Shift</key><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key> </keyseq> "
+"atau <key>[</key>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"rotate right: <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key></keyseq> or <key>]</key>"
+msgstr ""
+"Putar kanan: <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key> </keyseq> atau <key>]</key>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To create a mirror image of a photo, use the <gui>Flip Horizontally</gui> "
+"command in the <gui>Photos</gui> menu. To flip an image vertically, use the "
+"<gui>Flip Vertically</gui> command in the same menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk membuat gambar cermin foto, gunakan perintah <gui>flip horizontal</"
+"gui> di menu <gui>foto</gui> . Untuk membalik gambar secara vertikal, "
+"gunakan perintah <gui>flip Vertical</gui> Command pada menu yang sama."
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you select more than one image, you can rotate all of them at the same "
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda memilih lebih dari satu gambar, Anda dapat memutar semuanya pada "
+"waktu yang sama."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Straighten a photo so that its horizon appears level."
+msgstr "Luruskan foto sehingga cakrawala muncul tingkat."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Straighten photos"
+msgstr "Meluruskan foto"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The straighten tools allows photos to be leveled and straightened. The "
+"straighten tool is only available in full-window or fullscreen mode."
+msgstr ""
+"Alat yang meluruskan memungkinkan foto diratakan dan diluruskan. Alat "
+"meluruskan hanya tersedia dalam mode Full-Window atau fullscreen."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Click <gui>Straighten</gui>. The straighten slider will appear. "
+"Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>A</"
+msgstr ""
+"Klik <gui>Luruskan</gui>. Slider Luruskan akan muncul. Atau, Gunakan "
+"pintasan keyboard <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>A</key></keyseq>."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Drag the slider to achieve the desired degree of straightening."
+msgstr "Seret penggeser untuk mencapai tingkat pelurus yang diinginkan."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Press <gui>Straighten</gui> when finished."
+msgstr "Tekan <gui>Luruskan</gui> ketika selesai."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Return a photo to its original, unedited form."
+msgstr "Kembalikan foto ke bentuk aslinya yang belum diedit."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Undoing changes"
+msgstr "Membatalkan perubahan"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Because Shotwell is a non-destructive photo editor, you can undo any "
+"alterations you make to a photograph."
+msgstr ""
+"Karena Shotwell adalah editor foto non-destruktif, Anda dapat mengurungkan "
+"perubahan apa pun yang Anda buat pada foto."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To completely undo all the changes you've made to a photo, click "
+"<guiseq><gui>Photos</gui><gui>Revert to Original</gui></guiseq>. The only "
+"exception is that time and date adjustments will not be reverted."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk sepenuhnya membatalkan semua perubahan yang Anda buat pada foto, klik "
+"<guiseq> <gui>foto</gui><gui>akan dikembalikan ke asli</gui></guiseq>. Satu-"
+"satunya pengecualian adalah penyesuaian waktu dan tanggal tidak akan "
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP and RAW photo files as well as video "
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell mendukung JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP dan RAW file foto serta file video."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Supported photo and video formats"
+msgstr "Format foto dan video yang didukung"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP and <link xref=\"other-raw\">RAW</"
+"link> photo files. Shotwell does not yet support other graphics format such "
+"as GIF."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell mendukung JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP dan <link xref=\"other-raw\"> file "
+"foto RAW. Shotwell tidak belum mendukung format grafis lainnya seperti GIF."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell's RAW format support is currently limited. When you view a RAW "
+"photo, you are actually viewing a JPEG derived from the RAW photo, not the "
+"RAW image itself. Additionally, the RAW editing pipeline is not fully 16-bit "
+"- you can only export edited photos as 8-bit files. All supported formats "
+"can be used for export (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP)."
+msgstr ""
+"Dukungan format RAW Shotwell saat ini terbatas. Ketika Anda melihat foto "
+"RAW, Anda sebenarnya melihat JPEG yang berasal dari foto RAW, bukan gambar "
+"RAW itu sendiri. Selain itu, pipa pengeditan RAW tidak sepenuhnya 16-bit-"
+"Anda hanya dapat mengekspor foto yang diedit sebagai file 8-bit. Semua "
+"format yang didukung dapat digunakan untuk ekspor (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP)."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"For more information about RAW-format photos in Shotwell, please see the "
+"<link xref=\"other-raw\">RAW</link> section."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang foto format RAW di Shotwell, silakan "
+"lihat <link xref=\"other-raw\"> Bagian mentah."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell also supports video files in any format supported by the GStreamer "
+"media library on the system where Shotwell is running. This typically "
+"includes the following formats among others:"
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell juga mendukung file video dalam format apapun yang didukung oleh "
+"Perpustakaan media GStreamer pada sistem di mana Shotwell berjalan. Ini "
+"biasanya mencakup format berikut antara lain:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Container formats: Ogg, QuickTime, MP4, AVI."
+msgstr "Format kontainer: OGG, QuickTime, MP4, AVI."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Codecs: Theora, Quicktime, MPEG-4, Motion JPEG. <em>Note that some operating "
+"systems may not include all codecs listed here due to legal or licensing "
+msgstr ""
+"Codec: Theora, QuickTime, MPEG-4, Motion JPEG. <em>Perhatikan bahwa beberapa "
+"sistem operasi mungkin tidak menyertakan semua codec yang tercantum di sini "
+"karena pembatasan hukum atau lisensi.</em>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell supports both photos and videos, but for simplicity, this "
+"documentation uses just the term \"photos\" in most places. Many operations "
+"in Shotwell apply to both photos and videos, however. In particular, events, "
+"flagging, rating, tagging, and publishing work both for photos and for "
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell mendukung kedua foto dan video, tapi untuk kesederhanaan, "
+"dokumentasi ini hanya menggunakan istilah \"foto\" di sebagian besar tempat. "
+"Banyak operasi di Shotwell berlaku untuk foto dan video, namun. Secara "
+"khusus, peristiwa, penandaan, penilaian, pemberian tag, dan penerbitan "
+"berfungsi baik untuk foto maupun video."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copy photos from a digital camera."
+msgstr "Menyalin foto dari kamera digital."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Importing from a camera"
+msgstr "Mengimpor dari kamera"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "To import photos from a digital camera:"
+msgstr "Untuk mengimpor foto dari kamera digital:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Connect the camera to your computer and switch it on. Shotwell will detect "
+"it and list it in the sidebar."
+msgstr ""
+"Sambungkan kamera ke komputer dan hidupkan. Shotwell akan mendeteksi dan "
+"daftar di sidebar."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Select the camera in the sidebar. Previews of each photo on the camera will "
+"be displayed."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih kamera di sidebar. Preview dari setiap foto pada kamera akan "
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you like, you can choose a set of specific photos to import. To do this, "
+"hold down the <key>Ctrl</key> key and click to select individual photos. You "
+"can hold down <key>Shift</key> and click to select a range of photos too."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda suka, Anda dapat memilih satu set foto tertentu untuk diimpor. "
+"Untuk melakukannya, tekan terus tombol <key>Ctrl</key> dan klik untuk "
+"memilih masing-masing foto. Anda dapat menahan <key>Shift</key> dan klik "
+"untuk memilih berbagai foto juga."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Click either <gui>Import Selected</gui> or <gui>Import All</gui>. The photos "
+"will be copied from the camera and saved on your computer."
+msgstr ""
+"Klik <gui>impor dipilih</gui> atau <gui>impor semua</gui>. Foto akan disalin "
+"dari kamera dan disimpan pada komputer Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Once the import is complete, you can open the <gui>Last Import</gui> view "
+"(in the sidebar) to see all photos that were imported. The Events list (also "
+"in the sidebar) will also show the new photos, organized by date."
+msgstr ""
+"Setelah impor selesai, Anda dapat membuka tampilan <gui>terakhir impor</gui> "
+"(di sidebar) untuk melihat semua foto yang diimpor. The Events daftar (juga "
+"di sidebar) juga akan menampilkan foto baru, yang diselenggarakan oleh "
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Import photos that are already saved on your computer."
+msgstr "Impor foto yang sudah disimpan di komputer Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Importing from your hard disk"
+msgstr "Mengimpor dari hard disk Anda"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To import photo files from your hard disk into Shotwell, just drag them from "
+"your file browser into the Shotwell window."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengimpor file foto dari hard disk ke Shotwell, cukup seret mereka "
+"dari browser file Anda ke jendela Shotwell."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Alternatively, click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Import From Folder...</"
+"gui></guiseq> and select the folder containing the photos you want to "
+"import. If you do not want Shotwell to recurse into subfolders while "
+"importing, you can uncheck the <gui>Recurse Into Subfolders</gui> checkbox "
+"on the bottom of the file dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Atau, klik <guiseq> <gui>file</gui><gui>impor dari folder...</gui> </guiseq> "
+"dan pilih folder yang berisi foto yang ingin Anda impor. Jika Anda tidak "
+"ingin Shotwell untuk rekursif ke subfolder saat mengimpor, Anda dapat Hapus "
+"centang pada <gui>rekursif ke subfolder</gui> checkbox di bagian bawah "
+"dialog file."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell will ask whether you want to copy the photo files to your library "
+"folder (usually this is the <file>Pictures</file> folder in your home "
+"directory) or to import them in place without copying the files."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell akan menanyakan apakah Anda ingin menyalin file foto ke folder "
+"perpustakaan Anda (biasanya ini adalah folder <file>gambar</file> di "
+"direktori Home Anda) atau untuk mengimpor mereka di tempat tanpa menyalin "
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you hold down <key>Ctrl</key> while dragging photos in, Shotwell will "
+"copy the photos into your library folder without prompting. Similarly, if "
+"you hold down <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Shift</key></keyseq> while "
+"dragging photos in, Shotwell will import the photos without copying them."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda menahan <key>Ctrl</key> saat menyeret foto ke dalam, Shotwell akan "
+"menyalin foto ke folder perpustakaan Anda tanpa meminta persetujuan. "
+"Demikian pula, jika Anda menahan tombol <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>Shift</"
+"key> </keyseq> sambil menyeret foto ke dalam, Shotwell akan mengimpor foto "
+"tanpa menyalinnya."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Once the import is complete, you can select <gui>Last Import</gui> in the "
+"sidebar to see all photos successfully imported. The Events list will also "
+"show new entries for the dates corresponding to the imported photos."
+msgstr ""
+"Setelah proses impor selesai, Anda dapat memilih <gui>impor terakhir</gui> "
+"di bar samping untuk melihat semua foto yang berhasil diimpor. Daftar "
+"peristiwa juga akan menampilkan entri baru untuk tanggal yang sesuai dengan "
+"foto yang diimpor."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Import photos from a digital camera's memory card."
+msgstr "Mengimpor foto dari kartu memori kamera digital."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Importing from a memory card"
+msgstr "Mengimpor dari kartu memori"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "To import photos from a camera memory card:"
+msgstr "Untuk mengimpor foto dari kartu memori kamera:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Put the card into your card reader. Make sure the card reader is plugged in "
+"to the computer and switched on."
+msgstr ""
+"Masukkan kartu ke pembaca kartu Anda. Pastikan pembaca kartu dicolokkan ke "
+"komputer dan dihidupkan."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The card reader and card should be detected automatically."
+msgstr "Pembaca kartu dan kartu harus dideteksi secara otomatis."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Follow the instructions for <link xref=\"import-file\">importing photos from "
+"your hard disk</link>. If you click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Import From "
+"Folder...</gui></guiseq>, the memory card should be visible as a folder in "
+"the side bar of the file selection window."
+msgstr ""
+"Ikuti petunjuk untuk <link xref=\"import-file\"> mengimpor foto dari hard "
+"disk Anda. Jika Anda mengklik <guiseq> <gui>file</gui><gui>impor dari "
+"folder...</gui></guiseq>, kartu memori harus terlihat sebagai folder di "
+"bilah sisi jendela pilihan file."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell can import photos from any memory card that is compatible with your "
+"card reader."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell dapat mengimpor foto dari kartu memori yang kompatibel dengan "
+"pembaca kartu Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If the card is not detected automatically, your card reader may not have "
+"been recognized. Try unplugging it and then plugging it in again. If that "
+"doesn't work, you should still be able to import photos by <link xref="
+"\"import-camera\">connecting your camera directly to the computer</link>, "
+msgstr ""
+"Jika kartu tidak terdeteksi secara otomatis, pembaca kartu Anda mungkin "
+"belum dikenali. Cobalah mencabut dan kemudian mencolokkan lagi. Jika itu "
+"tidak berhasil, Anda masih harus dapat mengimpor foto dengan <link xref="
+"\"import-camera\"> menyambungkan kamera langsung ke komputer."
+#. (itstool) path: info/title
+#: C/
+msgctxt "link"
+msgid "Shotwell"
+msgstr "Shotwell"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/
+msgid "Jim Nelson"
+msgstr "Jim Nelson"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Allison Barlow"
+msgstr "Putri berlaras"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/
+msgid "Robert Ancell"
+msgstr "Robert Ancell"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/
+msgid "Peter Smith"
+msgstr "Peter Smith"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/
+msgid "Phil Bull"
+msgstr "Phil Bull"
+#. (itstool) path: title/media
+#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
+#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
+#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
+#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
+#: C/
+msgctxt "_"
+msgid ""
+"external ref='figures/shotwell_logo.png' "
+msgstr ""
+"external ref='figures/shotwell_logo.png' "
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<media type=\"image\" src=\"figures/shotwell_logo.png\"/>Shotwell Photo "
+msgstr ""
+"<media type=\"image\" src=\"figures/shotwell_logo.png\"></media>Manajer foto "
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Importing Photos"
+msgstr "Mengimpor foto"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Viewing Photos"
+msgstr "Melihat foto"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Organizing Photos"
+msgstr "Mengatur foto"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Editing Photos"
+msgstr "Mengedit foto"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sharing Photos"
+msgstr "Berbagi foto"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Other Features"
+msgstr "Fitur lainnya"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Group photos together that were taken at the same time. Learn how to rename, "
+"merge, and sort events."
+msgstr ""
+"Kelompokkan foto bersama yang diambil pada saat yang sama. Pelajari cara "
+"mengganti nama, menggabungkan, dan mengurutkan peristiwa."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Events"
+msgstr "Acara"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"An event is a group of photos that were taken at approximately the same "
+"time. When you import photos, Shotwell checks when each photo was taken. It "
+"then groups the photos into events."
+msgstr ""
+"Sebuah acara adalah sekelompok foto yang diambil pada waktu yang kurang "
+"lebih sama. Ketika Anda mengimpor foto, Shotwell memeriksa Kapan setiap foto "
+"diambil. Kemudian kelompok foto ke dalam peristiwa."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Choose <gui>Events</gui> from the sidebar to see your photos organized by "
+"date. If you select a month or year from the sidebar, a list of events will "
+"be displayed in the main window. Double-click an event to see all the photos "
+"that were taken around that time."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih <gui>acara</gui> dari sidebar untuk melihat foto Anda yang diatur "
+"menurut tanggal. Jika Anda memilih bulan atau tahun dari sidebar, daftar "
+"acara akan ditampilkan di jendela utama. Klik dua kali acara untuk melihat "
+"semua foto yang diambil sekitar waktu itu."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If a photo has no embedded date/time information, then Shotwell can't "
+"automatically place it in any event. In this case the photo will appear in "
+"the <gui>No Event</gui> view accessible from the sidebar. You can still move "
+"the photo to any event you like as described below."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika foto tidak memiliki informasi tanggal/waktu yang disematkan, maka "
+"Shotwell tidak dapat menempatkannya secara otomatis dalam acara apa pun. "
+"Dalam hal ini, foto akan muncul dalam tampilan <gui>tidak ada aktivitas</"
+"gui> yang dapat diakses dari sidebar. Anda masih dapat memindahkan foto ke "
+"acara apa pun yang Anda suka seperti yang dijelaskan di bawah ini."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Renaming events"
+msgstr "Mengganti nama acara"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To give an event a name rather than referring to it by its date, select the "
+"event, click <guiseq><gui>Events</gui><gui>Rename Event...</gui></guiseq> "
+"and enter a new name. Another way of renaming an event is to double-click "
+"its name in the sidebar; type a new name and then press <key>Enter</key>."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk memberikan sebuah nama sebuah acara daripada merujuknya berdasarkan "
+"tanggalnya, pilih acara, klik acara <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>rename event..."
+"</gui> </guiseq> dan masukkan nama baru. Cara lain untuk mengganti nama "
+"acara adalah dengan mengklik dua kali namanya di sidebar; Ketik nama baru "
+"dan kemudian tekan <key>Enter</key>."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Moving photos between events"
+msgstr "Memindahkan foto antaracara"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Even though photos are initially grouped into events by their date, you can "
+"move photos between events. To do this, drag any photo to the sidebar and "
+"drop it on an event."
+msgstr ""
+"Meskipun foto awalnya dikelompokkan ke dalam acara berdasarkan tanggal, Anda "
+"dapat memindahkan foto antaracara. Untuk melakukan ini, seret foto apa pun "
+"ke sidebar dan jatuhkan di acara."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Creating and merging events"
+msgstr "Membuat dan menggabungkan acara"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To create a new event, select the photos you would like in the new event and "
+"click <guiseq><gui>Events</gui><gui>New Event</gui></guiseq>."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk membuat acara baru, pilih foto yang Anda inginkan di acara baru dan "
+"klik acara acara <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>baru</gui></guiseq>."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To merge events, select <guiseq><gui>Events</gui></guiseq> from the sidebar, "
+"then, while holding down <key>Ctrl</key> click on the events you want to "
+"merge in the main window area. Finally, click <guiseq><gui>Events</"
+"gui><gui>Merge Events</gui></guiseq>."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk menggabungkan acara, pilih <guiseq><gui>acara</gui></guiseq> dari "
+"sidebar, kemudian, sambil menekan <key>Ctrl</key> klik pada peristiwa yang "
+"ingin Anda gabungkan di area jendela utama. Akhirnya, klik peristiwa "
+"<guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>penggabungan</gui>acara</guiseq>."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sorting events"
+msgstr "Menyortir peristiwa"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Events are displayed in a tree in the sidebar, organized by the year and "
+"month of the earliest photo in the event. To change the event sort order, "
+"click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Sort Events</gui></guiseq> and select "
+"either ascending or descending."
+msgstr ""
+"Acara ditampilkan di pohon di sidebar, yang diselenggarakan oleh tahun dan "
+"bulan dari foto awal dalam acara. Untuk mengubah urutan peristiwa, klik "
+"<guiseq> <gui>tampilan</gui><gui>Urutkan peristiwa</gui> </guiseq> dan pilih "
+"baik naik atau turun."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Change the photo used to represent each event"
+msgstr "Mengubah foto yang digunakan untuk mewakili setiap acara"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you select the <gui>Events</gui> item in the sidebar, you'll see a single "
+"photo which represents each event. This is called the key photo."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda memilih item <gui>peristiwa</gui> di bar samping, Anda akan "
+"melihat satu foto yang mewakili setiap peristiwa. Ini disebut foto kunci."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"By default, Shotwell uses the first photo in each event as its key photo. To "
+"use a different key photo, select the photo and choose <guiseq><gui>Photos</"
+"gui><gui>Make Key Photo for Event</gui></guiseq>."
+msgstr ""
+"Secara default, Shotwell menggunakan foto pertama di setiap peristiwa "
+"sebagai foto kuncinya. Untuk menggunakan foto utama yang berbeda, pilih foto "
+"dan pilih foto <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>membuat foto utama untuk acara</"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Flag photos to mark them as special or to work with them as a set."
+msgstr ""
+"Tandai foto untuk menandai mereka sebagai khusus atau untuk bekerja dengan "
+"mereka sebagai satu set."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Flagging photos"
+msgstr "Menandai foto"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell lets you <em>flag</em> photos. When a photo is flagged, a small "
+"flag icon appears in its upper right corner. You can select the "
+"<gui>Flagged</gui> item in the sidebar to see all photos which have been "
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell memungkinkan Anda <em>bendera</em> foto. Ketika foto ditandai, ikon "
+"bendera kecil muncul di sudut kanan atas. Anda dapat memilih item "
+"<gui>bertanda</gui> di bar samping untuk melihat semua foto yang telah "
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Flagging a photo marks it as special. You can interpret this in any way you "
+"like. For example, you might flag all photos which need visual adjustment, "
+"or all photos which you want to share with a friend."
+msgstr ""
+"Menandai foto itu sebagai istimewa. Anda dapat menafsirkan ini dengan cara "
+"apapun yang Anda suka. Misalnya, Anda dapat menandai semua foto yang "
+"memerlukan penyesuaian visual, atau semua foto yang ingin Anda bagikan "
+"dengan teman."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Flagging is also useful because you can operate on all flagged photos as a "
+"set. For example, you can select the <gui>Flagged</gui> view and then upload "
+"all flagged photos to a publishing service."
+msgstr ""
+"Penandaan juga berguna karena Anda dapat beroperasi pada semua foto yang "
+"ditandai sebagai satu set. Misalnya, Anda dapat memilih tampilan "
+"<gui>bertanda</gui> dan kemudian mengunggah semua foto yang ditandai ke "
+"layanan penerbitan."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "To flag or unflag a photo"
+msgstr "Menandai atau membatalkan bendera foto"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To flag or unflag a photo, right-click the photo and choose <gui>Flag</gui> "
+"or <gui>Unflag</gui> from the context menu. Or use the <keyseq><key>Ctrl</"
+"key><key>G</key></keyseq> or <key>/</key> shortcut keys."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk menandai atau membatalkan bendera foto, klik kanan foto dan pilih "
+"<gui>Tandai</gui> atau <gui>unflag</gui> dari menu konteks. Atau gunakan "
+"tombol <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>G</key> </keyseq> atau <key>/</key> "
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Give photos a rating between 1 and 5 stars. You can reject bad photos, "
+"hiding them from view."
+msgstr ""
+"Berikan rating foto antara 1 hingga 5 bintang. Anda dapat menolak foto yang "
+"buruk, menyembunyikannya dari tampilan."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Ratings"
+msgstr "Penilaian"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You can assign each photo a rating from 1-5 stars, or may alternatively rate "
+"it as Rejected, in which case Shotwell will hide the photo by default."
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat menetapkan setiap foto peringkat dari 1-5 bintang, atau dapat "
+"menilai sebagai ditolak, dalam hal ini Shotwell akan menyembunyikan foto "
+"secara default."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can rate a photo or a set of photos in any of these ways:"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat menilai foto atau sekumpulan foto dengan salah satu cara berikut:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Select the photo(s), then choose a rating from the top-level "
+"<guiseq><gui>Photos</gui><gui>Set Rating</gui></guiseq> menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih foto, lalu pilih peringkat dari menu <guiseq> <gui></"
+"gui><gui>peringkat</gui> foto</guiseq> tingkat atas."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Right-click on the photo(s), then choose a rating from the Set Rating "
+"context menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Klik kanan pada foto (s), kemudian pilih peringkat dari menu konteks "
+"tetapkan rating."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Select the photo(s), then press any of the shortcut keys <key>1</key>, "
+"<key>2</key>, <key>3</key>, <key>4</key> or <key>5</key> to assign a rating. "
+"Or press <key>9</key> to mark the photo(s) as rejected or <key>0</key> to "
+"clear the rating(s)."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih foto, kemudian tekan salah satu tombol pintas <key>1</key>, <key>2</"
+"key>, <key>3</key>, <key>4</key> atau <key>5</key> untuk menetapkan "
+"peringkat. Atau tekan <key>9</key> untuk menandai foto sebagai ditolak atau "
+"<key>0</key> untuk menghapus peringkat (s)."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Normally Shotwell displays all photos except rejected photos. You can set a "
+"different rating filter using the <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Filter Photos</"
+"gui></guiseq> menu - for example, you can display only photos rated with 3 "
+"stars or higher, or you can display all photos including those marked "
+"rejected. The Shotwell icon on the toolbar displays the current rating "
+"filter and can also be used to set the filter."
+msgstr ""
+"Biasanya Shotwell menampilkan semua foto kecuali foto yang ditolak. Anda "
+"dapat mengatur filter rating yang berbeda menggunakan menu <guiseq> <gui></"
+"gui><gui>foto filter</gui> tampilan</guiseq> -misalnya, Anda hanya dapat "
+"menampilkan foto yang diberi nilai 3 bintang atau lebih tinggi, atau Anda "
+"dapat menampilkan semua foto termasuk yang ditandai ditolak. Ikon Shotwell "
+"pada Toolbar Menampilkan filter peringkat saat ini dan juga dapat digunakan "
+"untuk mengatur filter."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell normally displays each photo's rating in its lower left-hand "
+"corner. You can turn off the display of ratings using the <guiseq><gui>View</"
+"gui><gui>Ratings</gui></guiseq> menu item."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell biasanya menampilkan setiap foto rating di sudut kiri bawah. Anda "
+"dapat menonaktifkan tampilan peringkat menggunakan item menu <guiseq> <gui></"
+"gui><gui>rating</gui> tampilan</guiseq> ."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You can increase or decrease a photo's rating using the <guiseq><gui>Set "
+"Rating</gui><gui>Increase</gui></guiseq> and <guiseq><gui>Set Rating</"
+"gui><gui>Decrease</gui></guiseq> commands, or the keyboard shortcuts "
+"<key>&lt;</key> and <key>&gt;</key>."
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat menambah atau mengurangi peringkat foto menggunakan <guiseq> "
+"<gui>pengaturan peringkat</gui><gui>yang</gui> ditetapkan</guiseq> dan "
+"menetapkan perintah <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>penurunan</gui> peringkat</"
+"guiseq> , atau pintasan keyboard <key>&lt;</key> dan <key>&gt;</key>."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Remove photos from the library, or delete them from your computer entirely."
+msgstr ""
+"Menghapus foto dari Perpustakaan, atau menghapusnya dari komputer Anda "
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Removing and deleting photos"
+msgstr "Menghapus dan menghapus foto"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You may remove photos from your library and you may additionally delete them "
+"entirely from your hard disk."
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat menghapus foto dari perpustakaan Anda dan Anda dapat juga "
+"menghapusnya sepenuhnya dari hard disk Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/media
+#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
+#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
+#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
+#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
+#: C/
+msgctxt "_"
+msgid ""
+"external ref='figures/trash_process.png' "
+msgstr ""
+"external ref='figures/trash_process.png' "
+#. (itstool) path: media/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete process"
+msgstr "Hapus proses"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This diagram shows how a photo, when deleted, is first put into Shotwell's "
+"trash. If you delete it from Shotwell's trash, it is put into your "
+"computer's trash. If you delete it from your computer's trash the photo is "
+"finally and irretrievably deleted from your computer."
+msgstr ""
+"Diagram ini menunjukkan bagaimana foto, ketika dihapus, pertama kali "
+"dimasukkan ke dalam sampah Shotwell. Jika Anda menghapusnya dari sampah "
+"Shotwell, itu dimasukkan ke dalam sampah komputer Anda. Jika Anda "
+"menghapusnya dari sampah komputer, foto akan dihapus dan tidak dapat diambil "
+"lagi dari komputer."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Removing photos from the library"
+msgstr "Menghapus foto dari Perpustakaan"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Select the photos to remove and choose <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Move to "
+"Trash</gui></guiseq>. (You can also press the <key>Delete</key> key.) The "
+"photos will be moved from your library to Shotwell's Trash."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih foto untuk dihapus, lalu pilih <guiseq> <gui>Edit</gui><gui>Pindahkan "
+"ke sampah</gui></guiseq>. (Anda juga dapat menekan tombol <key>Delete</"
+"key> .) Foto akan dipindahkan dari perpustakaan Anda ke tempat sampah "
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you want to remove photos from Shotwell without having them pass through "
+"the trash, simply select the photos to be removed and choose "
+"<guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Remove From Library</gui></guiseq>. The photo "
+"files will be left in place on disk."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda ingin menghapus foto dari Shotwell tanpa harus melewati tempat "
+"sampah, cukup pilih foto yang akan dihapus dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>Edit</"
+"gui><gui>Remove from Library</gui></guiseq>. File foto akan dibiarkan di "
+"tempat pada disk."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Emptying or restoring the trash folder"
+msgstr "Mengosongkan atau memulihkan Folder sampah"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Select the Trash entry in the Sidebar and Shotwell will display all photos "
+"that have been marked for removal or deletion. In the Trash view, the "
+"following commands are available:"
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih entri Trash di sidebar dan Shotwell akan menampilkan semua foto yang "
+"telah ditandai untuk dihapus atau dihapus. Dalam tampilan tong sampah, "
+"perintah berikut tersedia:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Hapus"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete the selected photos from the trash folder."
+msgstr "Menghapus foto yang dipilih dari folder sampah."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Restore"
+msgstr "Kembalikan"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Restore the selected photos into Shotwell."
+msgstr "Kembalikan foto yang dipilih ke Shotwell."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Empty trash"
+msgstr "Kosongkan tong sampah"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete all photos from the trash folder."
+msgstr "Hapus semua foto dari folder sampah."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Deleting or emptying Trash"
+msgstr "Menghapus atau mengosongkan sampah"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When you delete files from the Trash folder or empty the Trash folder, you "
+"will be given the following choices:"
+msgstr ""
+"Bila Anda menghapus file dari Folder Trash atau mengosongkan Folder Trash, "
+"Anda akan diberi pilihan berikut:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Only Remove"
+msgstr "Hanya Hapus"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Remove photos from the library but leave the photos in their location on the "
+msgstr ""
+"Menghapus foto dari perpustakaan tetapi meninggalkan foto di lokasi mereka "
+"di komputer."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Trash file"
+msgstr "Berkas sampah"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Remove photos from the library and delete them from the computer."
+msgstr "Menghapus foto dari perpustakaan dan menghapusnya dari komputer."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Batal"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Do nothing."
+msgstr "Lakukan apa-apa."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Find photos and videos in your collection by a variety of criteria."
+msgstr "Temukan foto dan video dalam koleksi Anda dengan berbagai kriteria."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Searching"
+msgstr "Mencari"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"There are two ways to search in Shotwell: the filter toolbar, and with a "
+"saved search. The search bar allows you to quickly search the current view "
+"for certain criteria. Saved Searches feature more complex search criteria "
+"and persist in the sidebar between sessions."
+msgstr ""
+"Ada dua cara untuk mencari di Shotwell: Toolbar filter, dan dengan pencarian "
+"tersimpan. Bilah pencarian memungkinkan Anda untuk cepat mencari tampilan "
+"saat ini untuk kriteria tertentu. Pencarian tersimpan menampilkan kriteria "
+"pencarian yang lebih kompleks dan bertahan di sidebar antara sesi."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Search bar"
+msgstr "Bilah pencarian"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Search Bar</gui></guiseq> checkbox toggles "
+"the display of the search bar. You can also hit <keyseq><key>Ctrl</"
+"key><key>F</key></keyseq> or <key>F8</key> to bring up the search bar. From "
+"this bar, you can find, show and hide photos and videos based on title, tag, "
+"rating or other options."
+msgstr ""
+"The <guiseq> <gui>View</gui><gui>Search Bar</gui> </guiseq> kotak centang "
+"Matikan Tampilan bilah pencarian. Anda juga dapat menekan <keyseq> "
+"<key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key> </keyseq> atau <key>F8</key> untuk memunculkan "
+"bilah pencarian. Dari bilah ini, Anda dapat menemukan, menampilkan, dan "
+"menyembunyikan foto dan video berdasarkan judul, tag, peringkat, atau opsi "
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To begin searching, simply enter a search keyword in the text box, or click "
+"on <gui>Flagged</gui>, <gui>Rating</gui> or <gui>Type</gui>. The text search "
+"matches your keywords across tag names, photo or video titles and photos' "
+"original filenames. The <gui>Flagged</gui>, <gui>Rating</gui> and <gui>Type</"
+"gui> buttons allow you to filter your collection by whether photos are "
+"flagged, their current number of stars, and whether the items shown are "
+"images, videos, or raw camera files, respectively."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mulai mencari, cukup masukkan kata kunci pencarian di kotak teks, atau "
+"klik pada <gui>ditandai</gui>, <gui>peringkat</gui> atau <gui>jenis</gui>. "
+"Pencarian teks cocok dengan kata kunci Anda di seluruh nama tag, judul foto "
+"atau video, dan nama file asli foto. Tombol <gui>bertanda</gui>, "
+"<gui>rating</gui> , dan <gui>jenis</gui> memungkinkan Anda untuk memfilter "
+"koleksi menurut Apakah foto ditandai, jumlah bintang mereka saat ini, dan "
+"apakah item yang ditampilkan adalah gambar, video, atau file kamera mentah, "
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Disabling the search bar or exiting Shotwell automatically resets the search "
+msgstr ""
+"Menonaktifkan Bar pencarian atau keluar Shotwell secara otomatis me-reset "
+"bilah pencarian."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saved search"
+msgstr "Pencarian tersimpan"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A saved search persists across Shotwell sessions, and is updated as photos "
+"and videos are added and removed from your Shotwell library."
+msgstr ""
+"Penelusuran tersimpan tetap ada di seluruh sesi Shotwell, dan diperbarui "
+"karena foto dan video ditambahkan dan dihapus dari perpustakaan Shotwell "
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Create a new saved search with <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>New Saved "
+"Search...</gui></guiseq> or by hitting <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>S</key></"
+"keyseq>. The dialog box allows you to enter a name for the search and select "
+"whether you want to meet Any, All, or None of the criteria in the following "
+msgstr ""
+"Buat pencarian tersimpan baru dengan <guiseq> <gui>mengedit</"
+"gui><gui>pencarian tersimpan baru...</gui> </guiseq> atau dengan menekan "
+"<keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>S</key></keyseq>. Kotak dialog memungkinkan "
+"Anda untuk memasukkan nama untuk pencarian dan pilih apakah Anda ingin "
+"bertemu apapun, semua, atau tidak ada kriteria di baris berikut."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Each row represents a search criterion. Use the <gui>+</gui> button to add "
+"more rows, and the <gui>-</gui> button to remove a specific row. The combo "
+"box on the left of each row selects the type of criteria. Criteria must be "
+"entered correctly before the <gui>OK</gui> button becomes available."
+msgstr ""
+"Setiap baris mewakili kriteria pencarian. Gunakan tombol <gui>+</gui> untuk "
+"menambahkan lebih banyak baris, dan tombol <gui>-</gui> untuk menghapus "
+"baris tertentu. Kotak kombo di sebelah kiri setiap baris memilih jenis "
+"kriteria. Kriteria harus dimasukkan dengan benar sebelum tombol <gui>OK</"
+"gui> menjadi tersedia."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Organize photos by labelling them."
+msgstr "Mengatur foto dengan label mereka."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tagging photos"
+msgstr "Menandai foto"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You can assign one or more tags to selected photos. A tag can be one or more "
+"words that you want to associate with those photos."
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat menetapkan satu atau beberapa tag ke foto yang dipilih. Tag dapat "
+"berupa satu atau beberapa kata yang ingin dikaitkan dengan foto tersebut."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To add new tags to photos, select the photos you would like to tag, then do "
+"any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk menambahkan tag baru ke foto, pilih foto yang ingin Anda Tandai, lalu "
+"lakukan salah satu hal berikut:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Add Tags...</gui></guiseq>."
+msgstr "Pilih <guiseq> <gui>tag</gui><gui>Add Tags...</gui></guiseq>."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Type <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>T</key></keyseq>."
+msgstr "Ketik <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>T</key></keyseq>."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Drag the selected photos and drop them on the desired tag."
+msgstr "Seret foto yang dipilih dan jatuhkan pada tag yang diinginkan."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When you use <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>T</key></keyseq> or "
+"<guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Add Tags...</gui></guiseq> you can type in the "
+"names of one or more tags, separated by commas. Once you have created a tag, "
+"you can rename it by selecting that tag in the sidebar and choosing "
+"<guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Rename Tag \"[name]\"...</gui></guiseq>, by "
+"rightclicking on it and choose <gui>Rename...</gui> or double-click on the "
+"tag in the sidebar."
+msgstr ""
+"Bila Anda menggunakan <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>T</key> </keyseq> atau "
+"<guiseq> <gui>tag</gui><gui>menambahkan tag..</gui> </guiseq> . Anda dapat "
+"mengetikkan nama satu atau lebih tag, dipisahkan dengan koma. Setelah Anda "
+"membuat tag, Anda dapat mengubah nama itu dengan memilih tag yang di sidebar "
+"dan memilih tag <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>rename tag \"[nama]\"...</gui></"
+"guiseq>, oleh rightdiklik dan pilih <gui>rename...</gui> atau klik dua kali "
+"pada tag di sidebar."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To change which tags are associated with a particular photo, select that "
+"photo, choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Modify Tags...</gui></guiseq> or "
+"right-click on a photo and select <gui>Modify Tags...</gui> and edit the "
+"comma separated list. To remove a tag from one or more photos, first select "
+"that tag in the sidebar, then select the photos you would like to remove, "
+"and choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Remove Tag \"[name]\" from Photos</"
+"gui></guiseq> or right-click on the photos an select <gui>Remove Tag "
+"\"[name]\" from Photos</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengubah Tag mana yang dikaitkan dengan foto tertentu, pilih foto "
+"tersebut, pilih <guiseq> <gui>tag</gui><gui>modifikasi tag...</gui> </"
+"guiseq> atau klik kanan pada foto dan pilih <gui>modifikasi tag...</gui> dan "
+"Edit Daftar dipisahkan koma. Untuk menghapus tanda dari satu atau beberapa "
+"foto, pertama-tama pilih Tag tersebut di bar samping, lalu pilih foto yang "
+"ingin Anda hapus, dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>tag</gui><gui>Hapus tag \"[nama]\" "
+"dari foto</gui> </guiseq> atau klik kanan pada foto pilih <gui>hapus tanda "
+"\"[nama]\" dari foto</gui>."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To delete a tag entirely, select that tag in the sidebar and choose "
+"<guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Delete Tag \"[name]\"</gui></guiseq> or by right-"
+"click and select <gui>Delete Tag \"[name]\"</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk menghapus tag seluruhnya, pilih Tag tersebut di bar samping dan pilih "
+"tag <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>Delete tag \"[nama]\"</gui> </guiseq> atau klik "
+"kanan dan pilih <gui>Hapus tag \"[nama]\"</gui>."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When you create a tag, it will appear in the sidebar under the <gui>Tags</"
+"gui> item, which is hidden if there are no tags. Photos can have multiple "
+"tags attached to them, and when you click on the name of a given tag in the "
+"sidebar, you will see all the photos associated with that tag."
+msgstr ""
+"Ketika Anda membuat sebuah tag, itu akan muncul di sidebar di bawah "
+"<gui>tag</gui> item, yang tersembunyi jika tidak ada tag. Foto dapat "
+"memiliki beberapa tag yang melekat pada mereka, dan ketika Anda mengklik "
+"pada nama tag yang diberikan di sidebar, Anda akan melihat semua foto yang "
+"terkait dengan tag itu."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Hierarchical Tags"
+msgstr "Tag hierarkis"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell supports also hierarchial tags. You can rearrange your tags by drag "
+"and drop a tag onto another. To create a new subtag right-click on a tag and "
+"select <gui>New</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell juga mendukung Tag hirarkhis. Anda dapat mengatur ulang tag Anda "
+"dengan drag dan drop tag ke yang lain. Untuk membuat subtag baru klik kanan "
+"pada tag dan pilih <gui>baru</gui>."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Hierarchial tags can help you to sort your tag list in ways that better "
+"match how you work or think; for example, you can store location tags like "
+"\"Mountains\" or \"Beach\" under a parent tag \"Places\", which itself can "
+"be placed under the tag \"Summer Holidays\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Tag hirarkhis dapat membantu Anda untuk mengurutkan daftar tag Anda dengan "
+"cara yang lebih baik sesuai dengan cara Anda bekerja atau berpikir; "
+"Misalnya, Anda dapat menyimpan Tag lokasi seperti \"pegunungan\" atau "
+"\"Pantai\" di bawah tag induk \"Places\", yang sendiri dapat ditempatkan di "
+"bawah tag \"liburan musim panas\"."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Note that deleting a parent tag will also delete its child tags."
+msgstr "Perhatikan bahwa menghapus tag induk juga akan menghapus tag anaknya."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Give titles to your photos."
+msgstr "Berikan judul pada foto Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Titles"
+msgstr "Judul"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Titles</gui></guiseq> checkbox toggles the "
+"display of titles beneath each photo. By default, a photo's title is its "
+msgstr ""
+"<guiseq> <gui>Tampilan</gui><gui>judul</gui> </guiseq> kotak centang Matikan "
+"tampilan judul di bawah setiap foto. Secara default, judul foto adalah nama "
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To change a photo's title, select the photo and click <guiseq><gui>Photos</"
+"gui><gui>Edit Title...</gui></guiseq>, or press <key>F2</key>."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengubah judul foto, pilih foto dan klik <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>Edit "
+"judul foto...</gui></guiseq>, atau tekan <key>F2</key>."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keep the Shotwell library in sync with photo files on disk."
+msgstr "Jauhkan Perpustakaan Shotwell sinkron dengan file foto pada disk."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Photo files"
+msgstr "File foto"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Every photo in the Shotwell library corresponds to a file stored on your "
+"hard disk. Shotwell has several features which help you keep the Shotwell "
+"library and files on disk in sync."
+msgstr ""
+"Setiap foto di Perpustakaan Shotwell sesuai dengan file yang disimpan pada "
+"hard disk Anda. Shotwell memiliki beberapa fitur yang membantu Anda menjaga "
+"Perpustakaan Shotwell dan file pada disk sinkron."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Using a custom directory pattern"
+msgstr "Menggunakan pola direktori kustom"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell allows you to specify how it names directories in your library. You "
+"can do this by changing the <gui>Directory Structure</gui> and <gui>Pattern</"
+"gui> settings in the <gui>Preferences</gui> dialog. You may use a "
+"preselected pattern, or choose <gui>Custom</gui> and type in your own."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan bagaimana nama direktori di "
+"perpustakaan Anda. Anda dapat melakukannya dengan mengubah <gui>struktur "
+"direktori</gui> dan pengaturan <gui>pola</gui> dalam dialog <gui>preferensi</"
+"gui> . Anda dapat menggunakan pola yang dipilih sebelumnya, atau memilih "
+"<gui>khusus</gui> dan mengetik sendiri."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The available symbols for the directory pattern begin with a % (percent "
+"sign). The values these symbols produce are locale-dependent, so what you "
+"see on your computer may vary from the examples below."
+msgstr ""
+"Simbol yang tersedia untuk pola direktori dimulai dengan% (tanda persen). "
+"Nilai yang dihasilkan simbol ini bergantung pada lokal, jadi apa yang Anda "
+"lihat di komputer mungkin berbeda dari contoh di bawah ini."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<em>Symbol</em>"
+msgstr "<em>Simbol</em>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<em>Meaning</em>"
+msgstr "<em>Makna</em>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<em>Example</em>"
+msgstr "<em>Contoh</em>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%Y"
+msgstr "%Y"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Year: full"
+msgstr "Tahun: penuh"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "2011"
+msgstr "2011"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%y"
+msgstr "%y"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Year: two digit"
+msgstr "Tahun: dua digit"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "11"
+msgstr "11"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Day of the month with leading zero"
+msgstr "Hari dalam sebulan dengan angka nol"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "03"
+msgstr "03"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%A"
+msgstr "%A"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Day name: full"
+msgstr "Nama hari: penuh"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Wednesday"
+msgstr "Rabu"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%a"
+msgstr "%a"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Day name: abbreviated"
+msgstr "Nama hari: disingkat"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Wed"
+msgstr "Rab"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%m"
+msgstr "%m"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Month number with leading zero"
+msgstr "Nomor bulan dengan awalan nol"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "02"
+msgstr "02"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%b"
+msgstr "%b"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Month name: abbreviated"
+msgstr "Nama bulan: disingkat"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "Feb"
+msgstr "Feb"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%B"
+msgstr "%B"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Month name: full"
+msgstr "Nama bulan: penuh"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "February"
+msgstr "Februari"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%I"
+msgstr "%I"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Hour: 12 hour format"
+msgstr "Jam: format 12 jam"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "05"
+msgstr "05"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%H"
+msgstr "%H"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Hour: 24 hour format"
+msgstr "Jam: format 24 jam"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "17"
+msgstr "17"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%M"
+msgstr "%M"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Menit"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "16"
+msgstr "16"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%S"
+msgstr "%S"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "Kedua"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "30"
+msgstr "30"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+msgid "%p"
+msgstr "%p"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "AM or PM"
+msgstr "AM atau PM"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "PM"
+msgstr "Pm"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"There are other symbols available; please check the <link href=\"man:strftime"
+"\">manual for strftime</link> by running the command <cmd>man strftime</cmd> "
+"if you need one that isn't listed here."
+msgstr ""
+"Ada simbol lain yang tersedia; Silakan periksa <link href=\"man:strftime\"> "
+"manual untuk strftime dengan menjalankan perintah <cmd>Man strftime</cmd> "
+"jika Anda memerlukannya yang tidak tercantum di sini."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Automatically importing photos"
+msgstr "Mengimpor foto secara otomatis"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell can automatically import new photos which appear in the library "
+"directory. (The library directory is usually the <file>Pictures</file> "
+"directory in your home directory; you can change its location in in the "
+"<gui>Preferences</gui> window.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell dapat secara otomatis mengimpor foto baru yang muncul di direktori "
+"Perpustakaan. (Direktori Perpustakaan biasanya direktori <file>gambar</file> "
+"di direktori Home Anda; Anda dapat mengubah lokasinya di dalam jendela "
+"<gui>Preferences</gui> .)"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To enable auto-import, check the box <gui>Watch library directory for new "
+"files</gui> in the <gui>Preferences</gui> window."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengaktifkan impor otomatis, centang kotak <gui>Tonton direktori "
+"perpustakaan untuk file baru</gui> di jendela <gui>preferensi</gui> ."
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell can also follow symbolic links inside automatically-imported "
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell juga dapat mengikuti link simbolik dalam direktori yang diimpor "
+"secara otomatis."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Automatically renaming imported photos to lowercase"
+msgstr "Secara otomatis mengubah nama foto diimpor ke huruf kecil"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell can automatically change the filenames of imported photos to "
+"lowercase. To enable this, choose <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Preferences</"
+"gui></guiseq>, and in the <gui>Preferences</gui> window, check the "
+"<gui>Rename imported files to lowercase</gui> box."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell dapat secara otomatis mengubah nama file dari foto yang diimpor ke "
+"huruf kecil. Untuk mengaktifkannya, pilih <guiseq> <gui>Edit</"
+"gui><gui>preferensi</gui></guiseq>, dan di jendela <gui>preferensi</gui> , "
+"periksa <gui>Ubah nama file yang diimpor ke kotak huruf kecil</gui> ."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Writing metadata on the fly"
+msgstr "Menulis metadata dengan cepat"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"By default, Shotwell does not modify photo files, even when you edit photos "
+"or change their tags or titles. Shotwell records these changes in its own "
+"database only."
+msgstr ""
+"Secara default, Shotwell tidak mengubah file foto, bahkan ketika Anda "
+"mengedit foto atau mengubah Tag atau judul mereka. Shotwell mencatat "
+"perubahan ini dalam database sendiri saja."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To change this behavior, you can enable the checkbox <gui>Write tags, titles "
+"and other metadata to photo files</gui> in the <gui>Preferences</gui> "
+"dialog. When this option is enabled, Shotwell will write the following "
+"metadata to most photo files whenever you change it in Shotwell:"
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengubah perilaku ini, Anda dapat mengaktifkan kotak centang "
+"<gui>tulis tag, judul dan metadata lainnya untuk file foto</gui> dalam "
+"dialog <gui>preferensi</gui> . Bila opsi ini diaktifkan, Shotwell akan "
+"menulis metadata berikut untuk sebagian besar file foto setiap kali Anda "
+"mengubahnya di Shotwell:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "titles"
+msgstr "Judul"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "tags"
+msgstr "tag"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "ratings"
+msgstr "peringkat"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "rotation information"
+msgstr "rotasi informasi"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "time/date"
+msgstr "waktu/tanggal"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell stores this information in photo files in EXIF, IPTC and/or XMP "
+"format. Note that Shotwell can write only to photo files in JPEG, PNG and "
+"TIFF format, not to BMP photos, RAW photos or to video files."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell menyimpan informasi ini dalam file foto dalam EXIF, IPTC dan/atau "
+"XMP format. Perhatikan bahwa Shotwell dapat menulis hanya untuk file foto "
+"dalam format JPEG, PNG dan TIFF, tidak untuk foto BMP, foto RAW atau file "
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Runtime monitoring"
+msgstr "Pemantauan Runtime"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"While Shotwell is running, it notices changes made to any photo file "
+"externally. When a photo file changes, Shotwell rereads the file and updates "
+"your view of the photo and metadata."
+msgstr ""
+"Sementara Shotwell berjalan, itu pemberitahuan perubahan yang dibuat untuk "
+"setiap file foto eksternal. Ketika file foto berubah, Shotwell rereads file "
+"dan memperbarui tampilan foto dan metadata."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Note that Shotwell checks all photo files for changes at startup, but only "
+"photo files contained in the library directory are monitored in real time "
+"after startup. We hope to remove this limitation in a further release."
+msgstr ""
+"Perhatikan Shotwell memeriksa semua file foto untuk perubahan pada saat "
+"startup, tetapi hanya file foto yang terkandung dalam direktori Perpustakaan "
+"dipantau secara real time setelah startup. Kami berharap untuk menghapus "
+"pembatasan ini dalam rilis lebih lanjut."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If Shotwell can't find a photo in your library, it marks it as missing."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Shotwell tidak dapat menemukan foto di perpustakaan Anda, itu "
+"menandakannya sebagai hilang."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Missing photos"
+msgstr "Foto yang hilang"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Each time Shotwell starts up, it scans your photo library to verify that all "
+"photo files still exist on your hard drive. If Shotwell finds that any photo "
+"files are missing, it will not display them in the normal Photos, Events and "
+"Tags views, but will instead show them in a separate Missing Files view "
+"which will appear in the sidebar."
+msgstr ""
+"Setiap kali Shotwell dimulai, scan Perpustakaan foto Anda untuk "
+"memverifikasi bahwa semua file foto masih ada pada hard drive Anda. Jika "
+"Shotwell menemukan bahwa setiap file foto yang hilang, itu tidak akan "
+"menampilkannya dalam foto normal, Events dan tag dilihat, tetapi malah akan "
+"menampilkannya dalam tampilan file hilang terpisah yang akan muncul di "
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you no longer want the missing files to be part of your Shotwell "
+"collection (perhaps because you deleted them), go to the Missing Files view, "
+"select the photos and then click <gui>Remove From Library</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda tidak lagi menginginkan file yang hilang menjadi bagian dari "
+"koleksi Shotwell Anda (mungkin karena Anda menghapusnya), pergi ke tampilan "
+"file hilang, pilih foto dan kemudian klik <gui>Hapus dari perpustakaan</gui>."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you have photos on a removable disk, such as a CD or USB flash drive, and "
+"<link xref=\"index#import\">import</link> them into Shotwell <em>without</"
+"em> copying the photos to your computer, they will show up as missing files "
+"if you then disconnect the removable disk. See <link xref=\"import-file\"/> "
+"to learn how to copy files from removable disks onto your computer."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda memiliki foto pada removable disk, seperti CD atau USB flash "
+"drive, dan <link xref=\"index#import\"> impor mereka ke Shotwell <em>tanpa</"
+"em> menyalin foto ke komputer Anda, mereka akan muncul sebagai file yang "
+"hilang jika Anda kemudian mencabut removable disk. Lihat <link xref=\"import-"
+"file\"> untuk mempelajari cara menyalin file dari removable disk ke komputer "
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If any missing photo files become available again, Shotwell will notice this "
+"the next time it starts. The photos will once again appear in the Photos, "
+"Events and Tags views."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika ada file foto yang hilang menjadi tersedia lagi, Shotwell akan melihat "
+"ini waktu berikutnya dimulai. Foto akan muncul kembali di tampilan foto, "
+"peristiwa, dan tag."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You can open Shotwell with a different photo library by using the command "
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat membuka Shotwell dengan perpustakaan foto yang berbeda dengan "
+"menggunakan baris perintah."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Multiple libraries"
+msgstr "Beberapa perpustakaan"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell normally stores its database and photo thumbnails in the directory "
+"<file>~/.shotwell</file> . This directory does not hold photos, but the "
+"database in this directory contains a list of all the photos in the Shotwell "
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell biasanya menyimpan database dan foto thumbnail dalam direktori "
+"<file>~/.Shotwell</file> . Direktori ini tidak memegang foto, tetapi "
+"database dalam direktori ini berisi daftar semua foto di Perpustakaan "
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"As an advanced feature, it's possible for you to have multiple Shotwell "
+"libraries, each of which has its own set of photos. Each library needs its "
+"own database directory. To launch Shotwell with an alternate library, "
+"specify an alternate database directory on the command line as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+"Sebagai fitur lanjutan, Anda dapat memiliki beberapa pustaka Shotwell, "
+"masing-masing memiliki kumpulan foto tersendiri. Setiap Library membutuhkan "
+"direktori database-nya sendiri. Untuk meluncurkan Shotwell dengan "
+"perpustakaan alternatif, menentukan database alternatif direktori pada baris "
+"perintah sebagai berikut:"
+#. (itstool) path: page/screen
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"shotwell -d [library-directory]\n"
+msgstr "Shotwell-d [direktori Perpustakaan]"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Extend Shotwell's functionality dynamically."
+msgstr "Perluas fungsi Shotwell secara dinamis."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell can be used with <em>plugins</em>, which are companion shared "
+"libraries that can add support for new publishing destinations or new "
+"slideshow transitions."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell dapat digunakan dengan <em>plugin</em>, yang merupakan pendamping "
+"bersama perpustakaan yang dapat menambahkan dukungan untuk tujuan penerbitan "
+"baru atau baru slideshow transisi."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To see a list of installed plugins, choose <guiseq><gui>Edit</"
+"gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq>, and in the <gui>Preferences</gui> "
+"window, click on the <gui>Plugins</gui> tab. You'll see a list of currently-"
+"installed plugins, each with a checkbox by it, and you may enable or disable "
+"each by selecting or deselecting the checkbox by its name."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk melihat daftar plugin yang terinstal, pilih <guiseq> <gui>Edit</"
+"gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq>, dan di jendela <gui>Preferences</gui> , "
+"klik pada tab <gui>plugins</gui> . Anda akan melihat daftar plugin yang "
+"sedang terinstal, masing-masing dengan kotak centang oleh itu, dan Anda "
+"dapat mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan masing-masing dengan memilih atau "
+"membatalkan pilihan kotak centang dengan namanya."
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Full documentation on how to develop new plugins is available at <link href="
+msgstr ""
+"Dokumentasi lengkap tentang cara mengembangkan plugin baru tersedia di <link "
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Shotwell's privacy policy for Online Services"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Google"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/ C/
+msgid "Information Shotwell Stores and Transmits About You"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"The Shotwell Connect application and its data store reside locally on your "
+"personal computer."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"During the course of its operation, Shotwell Connect may store an "
+"authentication token that it receives from YouTube and Google Photos on your "
+"computer. This authentication token is simply a session-identifying sequence "
+"of letters and numbers. It contains no password, user name, or other "
+"personal information."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"At no time does Shotwell Connect transmit any information to the GNOME "
+"foundation, the Software Freedom Convervancy or any of the developers of the "
+"Shotwell Connect Application for Google services."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"For Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <link href=\"https://"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "YouTube"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell uses the YouTube API services <link href=\"https://developers."
+"\"></link> for "
+"accessing your YouTube channel and upload the videos."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "YouTube terms and permissions"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"By using Shotwell to access YouTube, you agree to be bound to the YouTube "
+"Terms of Service as available at <link href=\""
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Permissions you grant Shotwell for YouTube"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"By using Shotwell, you grant the Shotwell Connect application permission to "
+"publish videos to your YouTube channel. Other than uploading videos, "
+"Shotwell does not insert, modify or remove any information from your YouTube "
+"account and channel."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Google Photos"
+msgstr "Mengimpor foto"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell uses the Google Photos API services <link href=\"https://developers."
+"\"></link> for all "
+"interaction with your Google Photos data"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Permissions you Grant Shotwell for Google Photos"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"By using Shotwell, you grant the Shotwell Connect application to publish "
+"photos on your Google Photos account. It will download the list of available "
+"albums to allow you to chose an existing album to upload to, it can create "
+"albums on your behalf. Other than creating albums and uploading photos, "
+"Shotwell does no modification whatsoever to the existing data on Google "
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Flickr"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"The Shotwell Connect application and its data store reside locally on your "
+"personal computer. During the course of its operation, Shotwell Connect may "
+"store an authentication token that it receives from Flickr on your computer. "
+"This authentication token is simply a session-identifying sequence of "
+"letters and numbers. It contains no password, user name, or other personal "
+"information. At no time does Shotwell Connect transmit any information to "
+"the GNOME foundation, the Software Freedom Convervancy or any of the "
+"developers of the Shotwell Connect Application for Flickr."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Permissions you grant Shotwell for Flickr"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"By using Shotwell, you grant the Shotwell Connect application acces to "
+"publish photos to your Flickr account. It will download the list of "
+"available albums to allow you to chose an existing album to upload to. It "
+"can also create new albums on your behalf. Other than creating albums and "
+"uploading photos, Shotwell does not modification whatsoever to the existing "
+"data on your Flickr account."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "More about RAW support in Shotwell."
+msgstr "Lebih lanjut tentang dukungan RAW di Shotwell."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "RAW support in Shotwell"
+msgstr "Dukungan RAW di Shotwell"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Some cameras have the ability to store data directly off the sensor and into "
+"a file that contains extra color information; this is commonly referred to "
+"as 'RAW' or 'camera RAW', and Shotwell supports these files as well."
+msgstr ""
+"Beberapa kamera memiliki kemampuan untuk menyimpan data secara langsung dari "
+"sensor dan ke dalam file yang berisi informasi warna tambahan; Hal ini "
+"biasanya disebut sebagai ' RAW ' atau ' Camera RAW ', dan Shotwell juga "
+"mendukung berkas ini."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Since RAW photographs normally cannot be displayed directly, but must be "
+"first developed - that is, have their extra information interpreted and "
+"readied for displaying - most cameras will either embed a JPEG inside a RAW-"
+"format file, or produce a JPEG alongside the RAW file at the time the "
+"snapshot is taken. The latter is referred to throughout this document as RAW"
+"+JPEG. If you import a RAW+JPEG pair, Shotwell will keep them paired and "
+"treat them as one item in your library."
+msgstr ""
+"Sejak RAW foto biasanya tidak dapat ditampilkan secara langsung, tetapi "
+"harus terlebih dahulu dikembangkan-yaitu, memiliki informasi tambahan mereka "
+"ditafsirkan dan disiapkan untuk menampilkan-kebanyakan kamera akan baik "
+"menanamkan JPEG dalam Raw-format file, atau menghasilkan JPEG bersama File "
+"RAW pada saat snapshot diambil. Yang terakhir ini dirujuk ke seluruh dokumen "
+"ini sebagai RAW + JPEG. Jika Anda mengimpor pasangan RAW + JPEG, Shotwell "
+"akan membuat mereka berpasangan dan memperlakukannya sebagai satu item di "
+"perpustakaan Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When you import a RAW file, you can choose to either use the camera's "
+"internally-developed JPEG or Shotwell's by selecting <guiseq><gui>Photos</"
+"gui><gui>Developer</gui></guiseq> in the menus."
+msgstr ""
+"Ketika mengimpor file RAW, Anda dapat memilih untuk menggunakan JPEG atau "
+"Shotwell yang dikembangkan secara internal oleh kamera dengan memilih "
+"<guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>pengembang</gui> foto</guiseq> di menu."
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Changing between developers will cause all edits made to a photograph to be "
+msgstr ""
+"Mengubah antara pengembang akan menyebabkan semua suntingan yang dibuat pada "
+"foto yang akan dibuang."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"In order to publish or use a RAW photograph in most other software, it has "
+"to be exported first. Shotwell can export your RAW photos in JPEG, PNG, TIFF "
+"or BMP format, and, when publishing, will internally export a JPEG version "
+"for you and publish that."
+msgstr ""
+"Dalam rangka untuk mempublikasikan atau menggunakan RAW foto di sebagian "
+"besar perangkat lunak lain, itu harus diekspor terlebih dahulu. Shotwell "
+"dapat mengekspor foto RAW Anda dalam format JPEG, PNG, TIFF atau BMP, dan, "
+"ketika penerbitan, secara internal akan mengekspor versi JPEG untuk Anda dan "
+"mempublikasikan itu."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Find Shotwell in the Applications menu, or have it start automatically when "
+"you plug in a camera."
+msgstr ""
+"Cari Shotwell di menu aplikasi, atau memilikinya mulai secara otomatis "
+"ketika Anda pasang di kamera."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Running Shotwell"
+msgstr "Menjalankan Shotwell"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Once installed, Shotwell is available in your <gui>Applications</gui> menu "
+"under <gui>Graphics</gui> or <gui>Photography</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+"Setelah terinstal, Shotwell tersedia dalam menu <gui>aplikasi</gui> Anda di "
+"bawah <gui>grafis</gui> atau <gui>fotografi</gui>."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell may also be executed automatically when a camera is plugged in to "
+"your computer. To check that your system is set up to run Shotwell when a "
+"camera is detected, go to <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Preferences</gui></"
+"guiseq> in any Nautilus (file browser) window and choose the <gui>Media</"
+"gui> tab.  You'll see a dropdown box entitled <gui>Photos:</gui> which lets "
+"you choose Shotwell as your photo handling application."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell juga dapat dijalankan secara otomatis ketika kamera dicolokkan ke "
+"komputer Anda. Untuk memeriksa apakah sistem Anda telah diatur untuk "
+"menjalankan Shotwell ketika kamera terdeteksi, pergi ke <guiseq> <gui>Edit</"
+"gui><gui>preferensi</gui> </guiseq> dalam setiap Nautilus (file browser) "
+"jendela dan pilih <gui>media</gui> tab.  Anda akan melihat kotak dropdown "
+"berjudul <gui>foto:</gui> yang memungkinkan Anda memilih Shotwell sebagai "
+"aplikasi penanganan foto Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell may also be executed directly from its build directory, although "
+"this is only recommended for testing out Shotwell or for developers."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell juga dapat dieksekusi langsung dari direktori build, meskipun ini "
+"hanya direkomendasikan untuk menguji Shotwell atau untuk pengembang."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Set your desktop background to a single photo or to a slideshow of photos."
+msgstr "Setel latar belakang desktop Anda ke satu foto atau ke slideshow foto."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Set a desktop background or slideshow"
+msgstr "Mengatur latar belakang desktop atau slideshow"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To set a single photo as your desktop background, select the photo and "
+"choose <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Set as Desktop Background</gui></guiseq>."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengatur satu foto sebagai latar belakang desktop Anda, pilih foto dan "
+"pilih <guiseq> <gui>file</gui>yang<gui>ditetapkan sebagai latar belakang "
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You can also set your background to a slideshow of photos. To do this, "
+"select the photos for the slideshow and choose <guiseq><gui>File</"
+"gui><gui>Set as Desktop Slideshow...</gui></guiseq>. Shotwell will prompt "
+"you for a slideshow delay, which can be any interval up to one day in "
+"length. The background slideshow will proceed even when Shotwell is not "
+msgstr ""
+"Anda juga dapat mengatur latar belakang Anda ke slideshow foto. Untuk "
+"melakukan hal ini, pilih foto untuk slideshow dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>file</"
+"gui><gui>set sebagai slideshow desktop...</gui></guiseq>. Shotwell akan "
+"meminta Anda untuk keterlambatan slideshow, yang dapat setiap interval "
+"hingga satu hari panjangnya. Slideshow latar belakang akan dilanjutkan "
+"bahkan ketika Shotwell tidak berjalan."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copy photos out of Shotwell so you can put them somewhere else."
+msgstr ""
+"Salin foto dari Shotwell sehingga Anda dapat menempatkannya di tempat lain."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Exporting photos"
+msgstr "Mengekspor foto"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To export photos from Shotwell via drag and drop, drag the photos from "
+"Shotwell onto a file manager window or your desktop. The new files will be "
+"full-sized copies of the photos in your library."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengekspor foto dari Shotwell melalui drag dan drop, tarik foto dari "
+"Shotwell ke jendela file Manager atau desktop Anda. File baru akan menjadi "
+"salinan foto berukuran penuh di perpustakaan Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Alternatively, select a set of photos and choose the <guiseq><gui>File</"
+"gui><gui>Export...</gui></guiseq> command or press <keyseq><key>Shift</"
+"key><key>Ctrl</key><key>E</key></keyseq>, which exports photos while letting "
+"you fine-tune the size and dimensions of your photo files. A window will "
+"appear allowing you to make several choices:"
+msgstr ""
+"Alternatifnya, pilih satu set foto dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>file</"
+"gui><gui>export...</gui> </guiseq> Command atau tekan <keyseq> <key>Shift</"
+"key><key>Ctrl</key><key>E</key></keyseq>, yang akan mengekspor foto sambil "
+"membiarkan Anda menyempurnakan ukuran dan dimensi file foto Anda. Sebuah "
+"jendela akan muncul memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat beberapa pilihan:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "A format for export."
+msgstr "Format untuk ekspor."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Choose <gui>Unmodified</gui> to export photos in their original format "
+"without any edits made in Shotwell. RAW photos will be exported in their "
+"original RAW format."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih <gui>tidak dimodifikasi</gui> untuk mengekspor foto dalam format "
+"aslinya tanpa pengeditan yang dilakukan di Shotwell. Foto RAW akan diekspor "
+"dalam format RAW aslinya."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Choose <gui>Current</gui> to export photos including edits made in Shotwell. "
+"RAW photos will be exported in JPEG format if you have edited them in "
+"Shotwell, and otherwise in their original RAW format."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih <gui>saat ini</gui> untuk mengekspor foto termasuk pengeditan yang "
+"dilakukan di Shotwell. Foto RAW akan diekspor dalam format JPEG jika Anda "
+"telah mengeditnya di Shotwell, dan sebaliknya dalam format RAW aslinya."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Or you can choose a particular image format (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP) to be "
+"used for exporting. Any edits made in Shotwell will be included, and "
+"Shotwell will convert photos to the destination format."
+msgstr ""
+"Atau Anda dapat memilih format gambar tertentu (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP) yang "
+"akan digunakan untuk mengekspor. Pengeditan apa pun yang dilakukan di "
+"Shotwell akan disertakan, dan Shotwell akan mengonversi foto ke format "
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The image quality for exporting (Low, Medium, High, or Maximum)."
+msgstr ""
+"Kualitas gambar untuk mengekspor (rendah, sedang, tinggi, atau maksimum)."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A scaling constraint (which means how Shotwell will decide to scale the "
+"photos down), and the desired pixel size."
+msgstr ""
+"Sebuah kendala penskalaan (yang berarti bagaimana Shotwell akan memutuskan "
+"untuk mengubah skala foto ke bawah), dan ukuran piksel yang diinginkan."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Original size"
+msgstr "Ukuran asli"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image will be exported without any scaling applied"
+msgstr "Gambar akan diekspor tanpa skala yang diterapkan"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Longest edge"
+msgstr "Tepi terpanjang"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Image will be exported by having its longest edge scaled to <gui>Pixels</"
+"gui> and the other according to the aspect ratio"
+msgstr ""
+"Gambar akan diekspor dengan memiliki tepi terpanjang yang diskalakan menjadi "
+"<gui>pixels</gui> dan yang lainnya sesuai dengan rasio aspek"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Lebar"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The image width will have its width scaled to the given pixel size and its "
+"height according to the aspect ratio. This is equivalent to <gui>Longest "
+"Edge</gui> for landscape pictures."
+msgstr ""
+"Lebar gambar akan memiliki lebar yang disesuaikan dengan ukuran piksel yang "
+"diberikan dan ketinggiannya sesuai dengan rasio aspek. Ini setara dengan "
+"<gui>tepi terpanjang</gui> untuk gambar lanskap."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Tinggi"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The image height will have its height scaled to the given pixel size and its "
+"width according to the aspect ratio. This is equivalent to <gui>Longest "
+"Edge</gui> for portrait pictures."
+msgstr ""
+"Tinggi gambar akan memiliki tinggi yang ditingkatkan ke ukuran piksel yang "
+"diberikan dan lebarnya sesuai dengan rasio aspek. Ini setara dengan "
+"<gui>tepi terpanjang</gui> untuk gambar potret."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The option whether you like to export metadatas such as tags or ratings. "
+"This can help to save your privacy if you have geolocation tags or tags "
+"which shouldn't be seen by anyone."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilihan Apakah Anda ingin mengekspor metadatas seperti Tag atau peringkat. "
+"Ini dapat membantu untuk menyimpan privasi Anda jika Anda memiliki tag "
+"geolokasi atau tag yang tidak boleh dilihat oleh siapa pun."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If selected, Shotwell will write tags, titles, and other metadata to the new "
+msgstr ""
+"Jika dipilih, Shotwell akan menulis tag, judul, dan metadata lainnya ke file "
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print...</gui></guiseq>. For more printing "
+"options, select the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab in the <gui>Print</gui> dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Klik <guiseq> <gui>file</gui><gui>Print...</gui></guiseq>. Untuk opsi "
+"pencetakan lainnya, pilih tab <gui>penyiapan halaman</gui> dalam dialog "
+"<gui>cetak</gui> ."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Printing"
+msgstr "Pencetakan"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To print a photo, select it and choose <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print...</"
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mencetak foto, pilih dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>file</gui><gui>Print...</"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell can also print multiple images in one page; to do this, select "
+"multiple images, choose <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print...</gui></guiseq>, "
+"and in the <gui>Print</gui> dialog, choose the <gui>Image Settings</gui> "
+"tab. In <gui>Image Settings</gui>, choose one of the multiple-image-per-page "
+"options under <gui>Autosize</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell juga dapat mencetak beberapa gambar dalam satu halaman; untuk "
+"melakukannya, pilih beberapa gambar, pilih cetak <guiseq> <gui>berkas</"
+"gui><gui>...</gui></guiseq>, dan di dialog <gui>cetak</gui> , pilih tab "
+"<gui>setelan gambar</gui> . Dalam <gui>pengaturan gambar</gui>, pilih salah "
+"satu pilihan Multiple-Image-per-Page di bawah <gui>autosize</gui>."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you would like to set formatting, paper size, and orientation options, "
+"choose the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab in the <gui>Print</gui> dialog prior to "
+msgstr ""
+"Jika Anda ingin mengatur format, ukuran kertas, dan pilihan orientasi, pilih "
+"tab <gui>pengesetan halaman (Page setup</gui> ) pada dialog <gui>cetak</gui> "
+"sebelum mencetak."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Send photos via email, instant messaging or in other ways."
+msgstr "Kirim foto melalui email, pesan instan atau dengan cara lain."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sending photos"
+msgstr "Mengirim foto"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell can send photos using the GNOME desktop's Send To mechanism, which "
+"lets you send photos via email, instant messaging or in other ways."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell dapat mengirim foto dengan menggunakan desktop GNOME Send to "
+"mekanisme, yang memungkinkan Anda mengirim foto melalui email, pesan instan "
+"atau dengan cara lain."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To send photos, select them in Shotwell and choose <guiseq><gui>File</"
+"gui><gui>Send To...</gui></guiseq>, or right-click the photos and choose "
+"<gui>Send To...</gui> from the context menu. A <gui>Send To</gui> dialog box "
+"will appear which lets you choose a mechanism for sending the files (such as "
+"email or instant messaging) and a destination. You can optionally choose to "
+"send the files in a compressed format."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengirim foto, pilih mereka di Shotwell dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>file</"
+"gui><gui>Send to...</gui></guiseq>, atau klik kanan foto dan pilih "
+"<gui>kirim ke...</gui> dari menu konteks. Kotak dialog <gui>kirim ke</gui> "
+"akan muncul yang memungkinkan Anda memilih mekanisme untuk mengirim file "
+"(seperti email atau pesan instan) dan tujuan. Anda dapat memilih untuk "
+"mengirim file dalam format terkompresi."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Watch a slideshow of your photos."
+msgstr "Tonton tayangan slide foto Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Slideshows"
+msgstr "Tayangan slide"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To see a sideshow of any collection in Shotwell, navigate to that collection "
+"and select <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Slideshow</gui></guiseq> or press "
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk melihat tontonan koleksi apa pun di Shotwell, navigasikan ke koleksi "
+"tersebut dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>Lihat</gui><gui>tayangan slide</gui> </"
+"guiseq> atau tekan <key>F5</key>."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can change some settings in a running slideshow:"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat mengubah beberapa pengaturan dalam tayangan slide yang sedang "
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The duration how long an image should be shown: 1 - 30 seconds"
+msgstr "Durasi berapa lama gambar akan ditampilkan: 1-30 detik"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can select different transition effects."
+msgstr "Anda dapat memilih efek transisi yang berbeda."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The time for each transition effect: 0.1 - 1.0 seconds"
+msgstr "Waktu untuk setiap efek transisi: 0,1-1,0 detik"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Publish photos to Flickr, Google Photos, or other sites."
+msgstr "Publikasikan foto ke Flickr, Google foto, atau situs lainnya."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Publishing to the Web"
+msgstr "Penerbitan ke web"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Through the use of <link xref=\"other-plugins\">plugins</link>, Shotwell can "
+"publish photos and videos to the following services, each of which requires "
+"an account:"
+msgstr ""
+"Melalui penggunaan <link xref=\"other-plugins\"> plugin, Shotwell dapat "
+"mempublikasikan foto dan video ke layanan berikut, yang masing-masing "
+"membutuhkan account:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+msgid "<link href=\"\">Facebook</link>"
+msgstr "<link href=\"\">Facebook</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+msgid "<link href=\"\">Flickr</link>"
+msgstr "<link href=\"\">Flickr</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<link href=\"\">Google Photos</link>"
+msgstr "<link href=\"\">Google foto"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<link href=\"\">YouTube</link> (videos only)"
+msgstr "<link href=\"\">YouTube (hanya video)"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<link href=\"\">Tumblr</link> (videos only)"
+msgstr "<link href=\"\">Tumblr (hanya video)"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Any site running the <link href=\"\">Piwigo</link> photo "
+"gallery software (photos only)"
+msgstr ""
+"Setiap situs yang menjalankan <link href=\"\"> piwigo "
+"Software galeri foto (hanya foto)"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To publish selected photos in a collection, choose <guiseq><gui>Edit</"
+"gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq> and click on the <gui>Plugins</gui> tab "
+"to enable the plugin for the service you want to publish to. Next, choose, "
+"<guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Publish</gui></guiseq>, press the <gui>Publish</"
+"gui> toolbar button or use <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Shift</key><key>P</"
+"key></keyseq>. You will see a dialog that lets you select a publishing "
+"service. You will then need to log in or create an account."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mempublikasikan foto yang dipilih dalam koleksi, pilih <guiseq> "
+"<gui>Edit</gui><gui>preferensi</gui> </guiseq> dan klik pada tab "
+"<gui>plugin</gui> untuk mengaktifkan plugin untuk layanan yang ingin Anda "
+"publikasikan. Selanjutnya, pilih, <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>publikasikan</"
+"gui>file</guiseq>, tekan tombol Toolbar <gui>Publish</gui> atau gunakan "
+"<keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>Shift</key><key>P</key></keyseq>. Anda akan "
+"melihat dialog yang memungkinkan Anda memilih layanan penerbitan. Anda akan "
+"perlu untuk login atau membuat account."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Publishing to Facebook requires you to grant certain permissions to the "
+"Shotwell Facebook application. You only need to grant these permissions "
+"once, when you first associate Shotwell with your Facebook account."
+msgstr ""
+"Mempublikasikan ke Facebook mengharuskan Anda untuk memberikan izin tertentu "
+"ke aplikasi Shotwell Facebook. Anda hanya perlu memberikan izin ini sekali, "
+"saat pertama kali mengaitkan Shotwell dengan akun Facebook Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You will be only able to publish images with at most the permission you "
+"granted to the Shotwell Facebook application"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda akan hanya dapat mempublikasikan gambar dengan paling izin yang Anda "
+"diberikan ke aplikasi Shotwell Facebook"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Similarly, publishing to Flickr, YouTube or Google Photos requires you to "
+"log in and permit Shotwell Connect to access your account."
+msgstr ""
+"Demikian pula, penerbitan ke Flickr, YouTube atau Google Photos mengharuskan "
+"Anda untuk login dan mengizinkan Shotwell terhubung untuk mengakses akun "
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Learn about different ways of viewing your photos: in a grid, filling the "
+"main window, or filling the whole screen."
+msgstr ""
+"Pelajari tentang berbagai cara untuk melihat foto Anda: dalam kotak, mengisi "
+"jendela utama, atau mengisi seluruh layar."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Photo views"
+msgstr "Tampilan foto"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When you select any collection in the sidebar, Shotwell displays all photos "
+"in the collection in the main window area. At the bottom right is a slider "
+"which adjusts the viewing size of the thumbnails. You may also adjust the "
+"thumbnail size using the plus and minus keys (<key>+</key> and <key>-</key>) "
+"or by pressing <key>Ctrl</key> while moving your mouse scroll wheel."
+msgstr ""
+"Saat Anda memilih koleksi apa pun di bar samping, Shotwell menampilkan semua "
+"foto dalam koleksi di area jendela utama. Di kanan bawah adalah penggeser "
+"yang menyesuaikan ukuran tampilan thumbnail. Anda juga dapat menyesuaikan "
+"ukuran thumbnail menggunakan tombol Plus dan minus (<key>+</key> dan <key>-</"
+"key>) atau dengan menekan <key>Ctrl</key> saat menggerakkan roda mouse "
+"scroll Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You can view a photo full-window by double-clicking on it. From there you "
+"may move to other photos in the collection with the Back and Forward "
+"buttons. To return to the collection, double-click on the photo or press "
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat melihat foto penuh jendela dengan mengklik dua kali di atasnya. "
+"Dari sana Anda dapat pindah ke foto lain dalam koleksi dengan tombol kembali "
+"dan maju. Untuk kembali ke koleksi, klik dua kali pada foto atau tekan "
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When viewing a photo in full-window mode, the slider on the toolbar controls "
+"zoom. You can pan around by grabbing and dragging anywhere on the photo. You "
+"can also zoom using your scroll wheel or by pressing the following keyboard "
+"shortcuts: <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>0</keyseq> for the full image, "
+"<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>1</keyseq> for 100% (1 photo pixel = 1 screen pixel), "
+"and <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>2</keyseq> for 200% (1 photo pixel = 2x2 screen "
+msgstr ""
+"Saat melihat foto dalam mode jendela penuh, penggeser pada bilah alat "
+"mengontrol zoom. Anda dapat menggeser sekitar dengan menggenggam dan "
+"menyeret di mana saja pada foto. Anda juga dapat memperbesar menggunakan "
+"roda gulir atau dengan menekan shortcut keyboard berikut: <keyseq> "
+"<key>Ctrl</key>0</keyseq> untuk gambar penuh, <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key>1</"
+"keyseq> untuk 100% (1 pixel foto = 1 piksel layar), dan <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</"
+"key>2</keyseq> untuk 200% (1 foto pixel = 2x2 piksel layar)."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell offers a fullscreen mode to display photos. Choose "
+"<guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Fullscreen</gui></guiseq> or press <key>F11</"
+"key>. To see the fullscreen toolbar, move your mouse to the bottom of the "
+"screen. The toolbar offers buttons to move through the collection, to pin "
+"the toolbar down (so it isn't hidden when you move the mouse away), and to "
+"leave fullscreen view."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell menawarkan mode fullscreen untuk menampilkan foto. Pilih <guiseq> "
+"<gui>Lihat</gui><gui>fullscreen</gui> </guiseq> atau tekan <key>F11</key>. "
+"Untuk melihat Toolbar fullscreen, gerakkan mouse Anda ke bagian bawah layar. "
+"Toolbar menawarkan tombol untuk bergerak melalui koleksi, untuk menyematkan "
+"Toolbar ke bawah (sehingga tidak tersembunyi ketika Anda menggerakkan "
+"mouse), dan untuk meninggalkan tampilan fullscreen."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Viewing videos"
+msgstr "Melihat video"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When you double-click a video, Shotwell will launch an external video player "
+"to play the video. It's not currently possible to display a video in full-"
+"window mode in Shotwell or to play the video within Shotwell itself."
+msgstr ""
+"Saat Anda mengeklik dua kali video, Shotwell akan meluncurkan pemutar video "
+"eksternal untuk memutar video. Saat ini tidak mungkin untuk menampilkan "
+"video dalam mode jendela penuh di Shotwell atau untuk memutar video di dalam "
+"Shotwell itu sendiri."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"View more detailed information about photos, like the exposure mode used by "
+"the camera."
+msgstr ""
+"Lihat informasi lebih rinci tentang foto, seperti mode eksposur yang "
+"digunakan oleh kamera."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic and extended information"
+msgstr "Informasi dasar dan perluasan"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The Basic Information pane appears at the bottom of the sidebar, and "
+"displays a brief summary of the photos you've selected. If no photos are "
+"selected, it displays a summary of the entire collection. You can toggle the "
+"display of this pane using the <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Basic "
+"Information</gui></guiseq> command."
+msgstr ""
+"Panel informasi dasar muncul di bagian bawah sidebar, dan menampilkan "
+"ringkasan singkat tentang foto yang telah Anda pilih. Jika tidak ada foto "
+"yang dipilih, ini akan menampilkan ringkasan seluruh koleksi. Anda dapat "
+"mengaktifkan tampilan panel ini menggunakan perintah <guiseq> <gui>Lihat</"
+"gui><gui>informasi dasar</gui> </guiseq> ."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The floating Extended Information window displays more information about the "
+"selected photo. The <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Extended Information</gui></"
+"guiseq> command or <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Shift</key><key>X</key></"
+"keyseq> toggles the display of this window."
+msgstr ""
+"Jendela informasi perpanjangan mengambang menampilkan informasi lebih lanjut "
+"tentang foto yang dipilih. Perintah <guiseq> <gui>tampilan</"
+"gui><gui>diperpanjang informasi</gui> </guiseq> atau <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</"
+"key><key>Shift</key><key>X</key> </keyseq> Matikan tampilan jendela ini."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The sidebar on the left of the window lists various views of your library."
+msgstr ""
+"Sidebar di sebelah kiri jendela mencantumkan berbagai tampilan perpustakaan "
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The sidebar"
+msgstr "Klik <gui>Pencetak</gui> di panel sisi untuk membuka panel."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The sidebar on the left side of the Shotwell window lists various views of "
+"your library. Although you may see the same photo in multiple views, it's "
+"only stored once on your hard drive."
+msgstr ""
+"Sidebar di sisi kiri jendela Shotwell mencantumkan berbagai tampilan "
+"perpustakaan Anda. Meskipun Anda mungkin melihat foto yang sama dalam "
+"beberapa tampilan, itu hanya disimpan sekali pada hard drive Anda."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <gui>Last Import</gui> view lists your last imported photos no matter if "
+"they are imported from F-Spot, your camera, a memory card or the hard disk."
+msgstr ""
+"Tampilan <gui>impor terakhir</gui> mencantumkan foto yang terakhir diimpor "
+"tidak masalah jika diimpor dari F-spot, kamera, kartu memori, atau hard disk."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The <gui>Flagged</gui> lists all photos you had previous flagged."
+msgstr ""
+"Daftar <gui>bertanda</gui> semua foto yang Anda telah ditandai sebelumnya."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <gui>Saved Search</gui> allows you to sort your library by many criteria."
+msgstr ""
+"<gui>Pencarian disimpan</gui> memungkinkan Anda untuk menyortir perpustakaan "
+"Anda dengan banyak kriteria."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <gui>Events</gui> folder lists all events in your library. An event is a "
+"group of photos that were taken at approximately the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"Folder <gui>peristiwa</gui> mencantumkan semua peristiwa di perpustakaan "
+"Anda. Sebuah acara adalah sekelompok foto yang diambil pada waktu yang "
+"kurang lebih sama."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <gui>Tags</gui> folder lists all tags you've assigned to photos. Photos "
+"can have multiple tags attached to them. When you click on the name of a tag "
+"in the sidebar, you will see all the photos associated with that tag."
+msgstr ""
+"Folder <gui>tag</gui> mencantumkan semua tag yang telah ditetapkan ke foto. "
+"Foto dapat memiliki beberapa tag yang melekat padanya. Ketika Anda mengklik "
+"pada nama tag di sidebar, Anda akan melihat semua foto yang terkait dengan "
+"tag tersebut."
diff --git a/help/sv/sv.po b/help/sv/sv.po
index 995cb0a..310bf59 100644
--- a/help/sv/sv.po
+++ b/help/sv/sv.po
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Swedish translation for shotwell help
-# Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 shotwell's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# Copyright © 2015-2021 shotwell's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
# This file is distributed under the same license as the shotwell package.
# Josef Andersson <>, 2015.
-# Anders Jonsson <>, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
+# Anders Jonsson <>, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: shotwell master\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-01-24 22:31+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-26 15:42+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-06-21 18:17+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-22 01:26+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Anders Jonsson <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
"Language: sv\n"
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n"
#. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
msgctxt "_"
@@ -2452,14 +2452,207 @@ msgstr ""
#: C/
msgid ""
"Full documentation on how to develop new plugins is available at <link href="
msgstr ""
"Fullständig dokumentation om hur du utvecklar nya insticksmoduler finns "
-"tillgänglig på <link href=\""
+"tillgänglig på <link href=\""
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Shotwell's privacy policy for Online Services"
+msgstr "Shotwells sekretesspolicy för nättjänster"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Google"
+msgstr "Google"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/ C/
+msgid "Information Shotwell Stores and Transmits About You"
+msgstr "Information om dig som Shotwell lagrar och överför"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"The Shotwell Connect application and its data store reside locally on your "
+"personal computer."
+msgstr ""
+"Programmet Shotwell Connect och dess datalagring sparas lokalt på din dator."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"During the course of its operation, Shotwell Connect may store an "
+"authentication token that it receives from YouTube and Google Photos on your "
+"computer. This authentication token is simply a session-identifying sequence "
+"of letters and numbers. It contains no password, user name, or other "
+"personal information."
+msgstr ""
+"Under sitt arbete kan Shotwell Connect lagra en autentiseringstoken som det "
+"erhåller från YouTube och Google Foto på din dator. Denna "
+"autentiseringstoken är helt enkelt en sessionsidentifierande rad bokstäver "
+"och siffror. Den innehåller inga lösenord, användarnamn eller annan "
+"personlig information."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"At no time does Shotwell Connect transmit any information to the GNOME "
+"foundation, the Software Freedom Convervancy or any of the developers of the "
+"Shotwell Connect Application for Google services."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell Connect överför aldrig någon information till GNOME-stiftelsen, the "
+"Software Freedom Convervancy eller någon av utvecklarna av programmet "
+"Shotwell Connect för Google-tjänster."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"For Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <link href=\"https://"
+msgstr ""
+"För Googles egen sekretesspolicy, se <link href=\""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "YouTube"
+msgstr "YouTube"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell uses the YouTube API services <link href=\"https://developers."
+"\"></link> for "
+"accessing your YouTube channel and upload the videos."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell använder YouTubes API-tjänster <link href=\"https://developers."
+"\"></link> för att "
+"komma åt din YouTube-kanal och skicka videoklippen."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "YouTube terms and permissions"
+msgstr "Villkor för YouTube"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"By using Shotwell to access YouTube, you agree to be bound to the YouTube "
+"Terms of Service as available at <link href=\""
+msgstr ""
+"Genom att använda Shotwell för att ansluta till YouTube så godkänner du att "
+"följa YouTubes användningsvillkor så som de kan ses på <link href=\"https://"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Permissions you grant Shotwell for YouTube"
+msgstr "Rättigheter som du ger Shotwell för YouTube"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"By using Shotwell, you grant the Shotwell Connect application permission to "
+"publish videos to your YouTube channel. Other than uploading videos, "
+"Shotwell does not insert, modify or remove any information from your YouTube "
+"account and channel."
+msgstr ""
+"Genom att använda Shotwell ger du programmet Shotwell Connect rätt att "
+"publicera videoklipp på din YouTube-kanal. Förutom att Shotwell skickar "
+"videoklipp så varken infogar, ändrar eller tar det bort någon information "
+"från ditt konto och din kanal på YouTube."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Google Photos"
+msgstr "Google Foto"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell uses the Google Photos API services <link href=\"https://developers."
+"\"></link> for all "
+"interaction with your Google Photos data"
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell använder Google Fotos API-tjänster <link href=\"https://developers."
+"\"></link> för all "
+"interaktion med dina Google Foto-data"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Permissions you Grant Shotwell for Google Photos"
+msgstr "Rättigheter som du ger Shotwell för Google Foto"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"By using Shotwell, you grant the Shotwell Connect application to publish "
+"photos on your Google Photos account. It will download the list of available "
+"albums to allow you to chose an existing album to upload to, it can create "
+"albums on your behalf. Other than creating albums and uploading photos, "
+"Shotwell does no modification whatsoever to the existing data on Google "
+msgstr ""
+"Genom att använda Shotwell ger du programmet Shotwell Connect rätt att "
+"publicera foton på ditt Google Foto-konto. Det kommer hämta listan över "
+"tillgängliga album för att låta dig välja ett album att skicka till, det kan "
+"skapa album åt dig. Förutom att skapa album och skicka foton så gör Shotwell "
+"inga ändringar överhuvudtaget till befintliga data på Google Foto"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Flickr"
+msgstr "Flickr"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"The Shotwell Connect application and its data store reside locally on your "
+"personal computer. During the course of its operation, Shotwell Connect may "
+"store an authentication token that it receives from Flickr on your computer. "
+"This authentication token is simply a session-identifying sequence of "
+"letters and numbers. It contains no password, user name, or other personal "
+"information. At no time does Shotwell Connect transmit any information to "
+"the GNOME foundation, the Software Freedom Convervancy or any of the "
+"developers of the Shotwell Connect Application for Flickr."
+msgstr ""
+"Programmet Shotwell Connect och dess datalagring sparas lokalt på din dator. "
+"Under sitt arbete kan Shotwell Connect lagra en autentiseringstoken som det "
+"erhåller från Flickr på din dator. Denna autentiseringstoken är helt enkelt "
+"en sessionsidentifierande rad bokstäver och siffror. Den innehåller inga "
+"lösenord, användarnamn eller annan personlig information. Shotwell Connect "
+"överför aldrig någon information till GNOME-stiftelsen, the Software Freedom "
+"Convervancy eller någon av utvecklarna av programmet Shotwell Connect för "
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/
+msgid "Permissions you grant Shotwell for Flickr"
+msgstr "Rättigheter som du ger Shotwell för Flickr"
+# TODO: choose, access; "does no modification"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/
+msgid ""
+"By using Shotwell, you grant the Shotwell Connect application acces to "
+"publish photos to your Flickr account. It will download the list of "
+"available albums to allow you to chose an existing album to upload to. It "
+"can also create new albums on your behalf. Other than creating albums and "
+"uploading photos, Shotwell does not modification whatsoever to the existing "
+"data on your Flickr account."
+msgstr ""
+"Genom att använda Shotwell ger du programmet Shotwell Connect rätt att "
+"publicera foton på ditt Flickr-konto. Det kommer att hämta listan över "
+"tillgängliga album för att låta dig välja ett befintligt album att skicka "
+"till. Det kan också skapa nya album åt dig. Förutom att skapa album och "
+"skicka foton så gör Shotwell inga ändringar överhuvudtaget till befintliga "
+"data på ditt Flickr-konto."
#. (itstool) path: info/desc
#: C/
@@ -2563,14 +2756,14 @@ msgid ""
"Shotwell may also be executed automatically when a camera is plugged in to "
"your computer. To check that your system is set up to run Shotwell when a "
"camera is detected, go to <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Preferences</gui></"
-"guiseq> in any Nautilus (file browser) window and choose the <gui>Media</"
-"gui> tab.  You'll see a dropdown box entitled <gui>Photos:</gui> which lets "
+"guiseq> in any Nautilus (file browser) window and choose the <gui>Media</"
+"gui> tab. You'll see a dropdown box entitled <gui>Photos:</gui> which lets "
"you choose Shotwell as your photo handling application."
msgstr ""
"Shotwell kan också exekveras automatiskt när en kamera stoppas i din dator. "
"För att kontrollera att ditt system är inställt på att köra Shotwell när en "
"kamera upptäcks, gå till <guiseq><gui>Redigera</gui><gui>Inställningar</"
-"gui></guiseq> i ett Nautilus(filhanterare)-fönster och markera fliken "
+"gui></guiseq> i ett filhanterarfönster (Nautilus) och välj fliken "
"<gui>Media</gui>. Du kommer att se en rullgardinsmeny som heter <gui>Bilder:"
"</gui> vilken låter dig välja Shotwell som ditt program för bildhantering."
@@ -2947,7 +3140,6 @@ msgstr "<link href=\"\">Flickr</link>"
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/
-#| msgid "<link href=\"\">Facebook</link>"
msgid "<link href=\"\">Google Photos</link>"
msgstr "<link href=\"\">Google Foto</link>"
@@ -3292,9 +3484,6 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Facebook"
#~ msgstr "Facebook"
-#~ msgid "Flickr"
-#~ msgstr "Flickr"
#~ msgid "Symbol"
#~ msgstr "Symbol"
diff --git a/help/uk/uk.po b/help/uk/uk.po
index 31394bc..a906850 100644
--- a/help/uk/uk.po
+++ b/help/uk/uk.po
@@ -2,21 +2,20 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020 shotwell's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
# This file is distributed under the same license as the shotwell package.
-# Yuri Chornoivan <>, 2020.
+# Yuri Chornoivan <>, 2020, 2021.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: shotwell master\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-23 16:08+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-26 17:26+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-06-21 17:33+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-21 21:16+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <>\n"
"Language: uk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1 ? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n"
-"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 20.07.70\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1 ? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 20.12.0\n"
#. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
msgctxt "_"
@@ -750,15 +749,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. (itstool) path: info/desc
#: C/
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, WebP and RAW photo files as "
-#| "well as video files."
msgid ""
"Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP and RAW photo files as well as video "
msgstr ""
-"У Shotwell передбачено підтримку файлів фотографій JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP та"
-" цифрових негативів (RAW), а також відеофайлів."
+"У Shotwell передбачено підтримку файлів фотографій JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP та "
+"цифрових негативів (RAW), а також відеофайлів."
#. (itstool) path: page/title
#: C/
@@ -767,26 +763,17 @@ msgstr "Підтримувані формати фотографій та від
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, WebP and <link xref=\"other-"
-#| "raw\">RAW</link> photo files."
msgid ""
"Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP and <link xref=\"other-raw\">RAW</"
"link> photo files. Shotwell does not yet support other graphics format such "
"as GIF."
msgstr ""
-"У Shotwell передбачено підтримку файлів фотографій JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP та <"
-"link xref=\"other-raw\">RAW</link>. У Shotwell ще не передбачено підтримки"
-" інших форматів графічних даних, зокрема GIF."
+"У Shotwell передбачено підтримку файлів фотографій JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP та "
+"<link xref=\"other-raw\">RAW</link>. У Shotwell ще не передбачено підтримки "
+"інших форматів графічних даних, зокрема GIF."
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Shotwell's RAW format support is currently limited. When you view a RAW "
-#| "photo, you are actually viewing a JPEG derived from the RAW photo, not "
-#| "the RAW image itself. Additionally, the RAW editing pipeline is not fully "
-#| "16-bit - you can only export edited photos as 8-bit files. Most supported "
-#| "formats can be used for export (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP)."
msgid ""
"Shotwell's RAW format support is currently limited. When you view a RAW "
"photo, you are actually viewing a JPEG derived from the RAW photo, not the "
@@ -2860,12 +2847,19 @@ msgstr ""
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Shotwell may also be executed automatically when a camera is plugged in "
+#| "to your computer. To check that your system is set up to run Shotwell "
+#| "when a camera is detected, go to <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Preferences</"
+#| "gui></guiseq> in any Nautilus (file browser) window and choose the "
+#| "<gui>Media</gui> tab.  You'll see a dropdown box entitled <gui>Photos:</"
+#| "gui> which lets you choose Shotwell as your photo handling application."
msgid ""
"Shotwell may also be executed automatically when a camera is plugged in to "
"your computer. To check that your system is set up to run Shotwell when a "
"camera is detected, go to <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Preferences</gui></"
-"guiseq> in any Nautilus (file browser) window and choose the <gui>Media</"
-"gui> tab.  You'll see a dropdown box entitled <gui>Photos:</gui> which lets "
+"guiseq> in any Nautilus (file browser) window and choose the <gui>Media</"
+"gui> tab. You'll see a dropdown box entitled <gui>Photos:</gui> which lets "
"you choose Shotwell as your photo handling application."
msgstr ""
"Крім того, можна налаштувати Shotwell на автоматичний запуск, коли з "
@@ -3257,7 +3251,6 @@ msgstr ""
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/
-#| msgid "<link href=\"\">Flickr</link>"
msgid "<link href=\"\">Facebook</link>"
msgstr "<link href=\"\">Facebook</link>"
@@ -3278,7 +3271,6 @@ msgstr "<link href=\"\">YouTube</link> (лише відео)"
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/
-#| msgid "<link href=\"\">Tumblr</link> (Photos only)"
msgid "<link href=\"\">Tumblr</link> (videos only)"
msgstr "<link href=\"\">Tumblr</link> (лише фотографії)"
@@ -3320,9 +3312,9 @@ msgid ""
"Shotwell Facebook application. You only need to grant these permissions "
"once, when you first associate Shotwell with your Facebook account."
msgstr ""
-"Оприлюднення даних на Facebook потребує надання з вашого боку певних прав"
-" доступу для програми Shotwell Facebook. Надати ці права достатньо один раз,"
-" коли ви вперше пов'язуєте Shotwell із вашим обліковим записом Facebook."
+"Оприлюднення даних на Facebook потребує надання з вашого боку певних прав "
+"доступу для програми Shotwell Facebook. Надати ці права достатньо один раз, "
+"коли ви вперше пов'язуєте Shotwell із вашим обліковим записом Facebook."
#. (itstool) path: note/p
#: C/
@@ -3330,8 +3322,8 @@ msgid ""
"You will be only able to publish images with at most the permission you "
"granted to the Shotwell Facebook application"
msgstr ""
-"Ви зможете оприлюднювати зображення лише з тими правами доступу, які ви"
-" надали програмі Shotwell Facebook."
+"Ви зможете оприлюднювати зображення лише з тими правами доступу, які ви "
+"надали програмі Shotwell Facebook."
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/
diff --git a/ b/
index 00a70d1..a2db302 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
project('shotwell', ['vala', 'c'],
- version : '0.30.11',
+ version : '0.30.14',
meson_version : '>= 0.43.0',
default_options : ['buildtype=debugoptimized'])
diff --git a/misc/ b/misc/
index 1c08017..8052f56 100644
--- a/misc/
+++ b/misc/
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@
<url type="bugtracker"></url>
+ <release version="0.30.14" date="2021-08-18" urgency="high" type="stable" />
+ <release version="0.30.13" date="2021-08-17" urgency="low" type="stable" />
+ <release version="0.30.12" date="2021-05-24" urgency="medium" type="stable" />
<release version="0.30.11" date="2020-09-05" urgency="low" type="stable" />
<release version="0.30.10" date="2020-05-22" urgency="high" type="stable" />
<release version="0.30.9" date="2020-05-03" urgency="medium" type="stable" />
diff --git a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublisher.vala b/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublisher.vala
index 5f46470..e1127ac 100644
--- a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublisher.vala
+++ b/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublisher.vala
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
namespace Publishing.GooglePhotos {
internal const string DEFAULT_ALBUM_NAME = N_("Shotwell Connect");
+internal const int MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 50;
internal class Album {
public string name;
@@ -127,28 +128,41 @@ private class MediaCreationTransaction : Publishing.RESTSupport.GooglePublisher.
public override void execute () throws Spit.Publishing.PublishingError {
- var builder = new Json.Builder();
- builder.begin_object();
- builder.set_member_name("albumId");
- builder.add_string_value(this.album_id);
- builder.set_member_name("newMediaItems");
- builder.begin_array();
- for (var i = 0; i < this.upload_tokens.length; i++) {
- builder.begin_object();
- builder.set_member_name("description");
- builder.add_string_value(this.titles[i]);
- builder.set_member_name("simpleMediaItem");
+ for (var h = 0; h * MAX_BATCH_SIZE < this.upload_tokens.length; h++) {
+ var offset = h * MAX_BATCH_SIZE;
+ var difference = this.upload_tokens.length - offset;
+ int end;
+ if (difference > MAX_BATCH_SIZE) {
+ end = offset + MAX_BATCH_SIZE;
+ }
+ else {
+ end = offset + difference;
+ }
+ var builder = new Json.Builder();
- builder.set_member_name("uploadToken");
- builder.add_string_value(this.upload_tokens[i]);
- builder.end_object();
+ builder.set_member_name("albumId");
+ builder.add_string_value(this.album_id);
+ builder.set_member_name("newMediaItems");
+ builder.begin_array();
+ for (var i = offset; i < end; i++) {
+ builder.begin_object();
+ builder.set_member_name("description");
+ builder.add_string_value(this.titles[i]);
+ builder.set_member_name("simpleMediaItem");
+ builder.begin_object();
+ builder.set_member_name("uploadToken");
+ builder.add_string_value(this.upload_tokens[i]);
+ builder.end_object();
+ builder.end_object();
+ }
+ builder.end_array();
- }
- builder.end_array();
- builder.end_object();
- set_custom_payload(Json.to_string (builder.get_root (), false), "application/json");
+ set_custom_payload(Json.to_string (builder.get_root (), false), "application/json");
- base.execute();
+ base.execute();
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala b/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala
index f177789..d311ac5 100644
--- a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala
+++ b/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
public class PiwigoService : Object, Spit.Pluggable, Spit.Publishing.Service {
- private const string ICON_FILENAME = "piwigo.png";
+ private const string ICON_FILENAME = "piwigo.svg";
private static Gdk.Pixbuf[] icon_pixbuf_set = null;
diff --git a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/org.gnome.Shotwell.Publishing.gresource.xml b/plugins/shotwell-publishing/org.gnome.Shotwell.Publishing.gresource.xml
index 436ea9e..e04ab02 100644
--- a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/org.gnome.Shotwell.Publishing.gresource.xml
+++ b/plugins/shotwell-publishing/org.gnome.Shotwell.Publishing.gresource.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<gresource prefix="/org/gnome/Shotwell/Publishing">
- <file>piwigo.png</file>
+ <file>piwigo.svg</file>
diff --git a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo.png b/plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo.png
deleted file mode 100644
index cf9dbc3..0000000
--- a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo.svg b/plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa5933c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
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diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
index 4f204cb..3d57d6d 100644
--- a/po/de.po
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: master\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-25 09:06+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-02 21:57+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Bernd Homuth <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-15 07:03+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-19 16:36+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Philipp Kiemle <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:115
#: src/photos/RawSupport.vala:308 ui/collection.ui:85 ui/event.ui:356
#: ui/event.ui:524 ui/faces.ui:356 ui/media.ui:356 ui/photo_context.ui:91
-#: ui/photo.ui:347 ui/tags.ui:356
+#: ui/photo.ui:349 ui/tags.ui:356
msgid "Shotwell"
msgstr "Shotwell"
@@ -122,11 +122,6 @@ msgstr ""
-#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)!
-#: misc/ misc/
-msgid "shotwell"
-msgstr "shotwell"
#: misc/
msgid "Shotwell Viewer"
msgstr "Shotwell Fotobetrachter"
@@ -1485,19 +1480,19 @@ msgstr ""
"anzumelden. Sie müssen »Shotwell Connect« autorisieren, um sich mit Flickr "
"zu verbinden."
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:126
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:138
msgid "Preparing for login…"
msgstr "Anmeldung wird vorbereitet …"
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:195
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:211
msgid "Flickr authorization failed"
msgstr "Legitimierung für Flickr ist fehlgeschlagen"
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:202
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:218
msgid "Verifying authorization…"
msgstr "Legitimierung wird bestätigt …"
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/GoogleAuthenticator.vala:138
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/GoogleAuthenticator.vala:144
msgid ""
"You have already logged in and out of a Google service during this Shotwell "
@@ -1517,30 +1512,77 @@ msgid ""
"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use "
"with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your browser "
-"to log into the YouTube site at least once."
+"to log into the YouTube site at least once.\n"
+"Shotwell uses the YouTube API services <a href=\""
+"com/youtube\"></a> for accessing your "
+"YouTube channel and upload the videos. By using Shotwell to access YouTube, "
+"you agree to be bound to the YouTube Terms of Service as available at <a "
+"Shotwell's privacy policy regarding the use of data related to your Google "
+"account in general and YouTube in particular can be found in our <a href="
+"\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">online services privacy policy</a>\n"
+"For Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <a href=\"https://policies."
msgstr ""
-"Sie sind gerade nicht bei YouTube angemeldet.\n"
+"Sie sind derzeit nicht bei YouTube angemeldet.\n"
+"Sie müssen bereits ein Google-Konto angelegt und es für einen Einsatz bei "
+"YouTube eingerichtet haben, um fortzufahren. Sie richten die meisten Konten "
+"ein, indem Sie sich mit einem Internet-Browser mindestens einmal bei YouTube "
+"Shotwell verwendet die YouTube API-Dienste <a href=\"https://developers."
+"\"></a>, um auf Ihren "
+"YouTube-Kanal zuzugreifen und die Videos hochzuladen. Wenn Sie Shotwell für "
+"den Zugriff auf YouTube einsetzen, stimmen Sie den Nutzungsbedingungen von "
+"YouTube zu, nachlesbar unter <a href=\""
+"Die Datenschutzrichtlinie von Shotwell hinsichtlich aller in Verbindung mit "
+"Ihrem Google-Konto stehenden Daten und im speziellen YouTube finden Sie in "
+"unseren <a href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">Datenschutzrichtlinien für "
-"Sie müssen bereits ein Google-Konto besitzen und es für YouTube eingerichtet "
-"haben, um fortzufahren. Sie können die meisten Konten anlegen, indem Sie "
-"sich mindestens einmal auf der YouTube-Seite anmelden."
+"Für die Datenschutzrichtlinie von Google verweisen wir Sie auf <a href="
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:36
msgid ""
"You are not currently logged into Google Photos.\n"
"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use "
-"with Google Photos.\n"
+"with Google Photos. Shotwell uses the Google Photos API services <a href="
+"photos/</a> for all interaction with your Google Photos data.You will have "
+"to grant access Shotwell to your Google Photos library.\n"
-"You will have to authorize Shotwell to link to your Google Photos account."
+"Shotwell's privacy policy regarding the use of data related to your Google "
+"account in general and Google Photos in particular can be found in our <a "
+"href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">online services privacy policy</a>For "
+"Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <a href=\"https://policies."
msgstr ""
-"Sie sind nicht bei Google Fotos angemeldet.\n"
+"Sie sind derzeit nicht bei Google Fotos angemeldet.\n"
-"Sie müssen bereits ein Google-Konto besitzen und es für Google Fotos "
-"eingerichtet haben.\n"
+"Sie müssen bereits ein Google-Konto angelegt haben und es für einen Einsatz "
+"bei Google Fotos einrichten, um fortzufahren. Shotwell verwendet die Google "
+"Fotos API-Dienste <a href=\"\">https://"
+"</a>, um auf Google Fotos zuzugreifen. Sie "
+"müssen Shotwell Zugriff auf Ihre Google Fotos-Bibliothek gewähren.\n"
-"Sie müssen Shotwell legitimieren, um Ihr Google Fotos-Konto verknüpfen zu "
+"Die Datenschutzrichtlinie von Shotwell hinsichtlich aller in Verbindung mit "
+"Ihrem Google-Konto stehenden Daten und im speziellen Google Fotos finden Sie "
+"in unseren <a href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">Datenschutzrichtlinien "
+"für Online-Dienste</a>.\n"
+"Für die Datenschutzrichtlinie von Google verweisen wir Sie auf <a href="
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:42
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:42
@@ -1569,13 +1611,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Konto ein."
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:26
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1084
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1088
msgid "Username and/or password invalid. Please try again"
msgstr ""
"Benutzername und/oder Passwort sind ungültig. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut"
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:53
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1120
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1124
msgid "Invalid User Name or Password"
msgstr "Ungültiger Benutzername oder Passwort"
@@ -1720,7 +1762,7 @@ msgstr "Pixel"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:158
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:687
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1309
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1313
#: src/Dimensions.vala:17
msgid "Original size"
msgstr "Ursprüngliche Größe"
@@ -1738,7 +1780,7 @@ msgstr "Längste Seite"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:125
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:181
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:105
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:99
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:85
msgid "_Logout"
msgstr "A_bmelden"
@@ -1750,7 +1792,7 @@ msgstr "A_bmelden"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:141
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:195
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:121
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:115
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:100
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:82 src/PhotoPage.vala:2492
msgid "_Publish"
msgstr "_Veröffentlichen"
@@ -1992,7 +2034,7 @@ msgstr "Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:61
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublisher.vala:9
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1191
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1195
msgid "Shotwell Connect"
msgstr "Shotwell Connect"
@@ -2036,7 +2078,7 @@ msgstr "Nur mich"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:889
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:661
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1293
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1297
msgid "Everyone"
msgstr "Alle"
@@ -2101,24 +2143,24 @@ msgid "Friends only"
msgstr "Nur Freunde"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:683
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1305
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1309
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:103
msgid "500 × 375 pixels"
msgstr "500 × 375 Pixel"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:684
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1306
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1310
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:104
msgid "1024 × 768 pixels"
msgstr "1024 × 768 Pixel"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:685
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1307
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1311
msgid "2048 × 1536 pixels"
msgstr "2048 × 1536 Pixel"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:686
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1308
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1312
msgid "4096 × 3072 pixels"
msgstr "4096 × 3072 Pixel"
@@ -2264,18 +2306,18 @@ msgstr ""
"beeinflussen (zum Beispiel private Nachrichten, Kreditkartendaten oder "
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1051
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1052
#, c-format
msgid "Certificate of %s"
msgstr "Zertifikat von %s"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1054
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1055
#: src/Resources.vala:136 ui/multitextentrydialog.ui:40
#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:52
msgid "_OK"
msgstr "_OK"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1082
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1086
msgid ""
"Enter the URL of your Piwigo photo library as well as the username and "
"password associated with your Piwigo account for that library."
@@ -2283,7 +2325,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Geben Sie die Adresse Ihrer Piwigo-Fotobibliothek sowie Ihren Benutzernamen "
"und Passwort für das mit Ihrer Bibliothek verbundene Piwigo-Benutzerkonto an."
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1083
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1087
msgid ""
"Shotwell cannot contact your Piwigo photo library. Please verify the URL you "
@@ -2291,23 +2333,23 @@ msgstr ""
"Shotwell kann sich nicht mit Ihrer Piwigo-Fotobibliothek verbinden. Bitte "
"überprüfen Sie Ihre angegebene Adresse"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1115
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1119
msgid "Invalid URL"
msgstr "Ungültige Adresse"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1294
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1298
msgid "Admins, Family, Friends, Contacts"
msgstr "Admins, Familie, Freunde, Kontakte"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1295
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1299
msgid "Admins, Family, Friends"
msgstr "Admins, Familie, Freunde"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1296
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1300
msgid "Admins, Family"
msgstr "Admins, Familie"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1297
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1301
msgid "Admins"
msgstr "Admins"
@@ -2355,7 +2397,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Sie als %s bei Tumblr angemeldet.\n"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:55
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:41
msgid "Video privacy _setting:"
msgstr "Privatsphärenein_stellungen für Videos:"
@@ -2595,7 +2637,7 @@ msgstr "Liste aller erkannten Kameras"
#: src/camera/CameraBranch.vala:99 src/camera/ImportPage.vala:711
#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:727 src/photos/RawSupport.vala:311
#: ui/collection.ui:90 ui/event.ui:361 ui/event.ui:529 ui/faces.ui:361
-#: ui/media.ui:361 ui/photo_context.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:352 ui/tags.ui:361
+#: ui/media.ui:361 ui/photo_context.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:354 ui/tags.ui:361
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Kamera"
@@ -2761,7 +2803,7 @@ msgid "_Print"
msgstr "_Drucken"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:83 src/Resources.vala:293 ui/collection.ui:128
-#: ui/direct_context.ui:23 ui/direct.ui:23 ui/event.ui:567 ui/photo.ui:28
+#: ui/direct_context.ui:23 ui/direct.ui:23 ui/event.ui:567 ui/photo.ui:30
msgid "Send _To…"
msgstr "Senden _an …"
@@ -2778,47 +2820,47 @@ msgstr "_Duplizieren"
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Vollbild"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:102 ui/photo.ui:180
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:102 ui/photo.ui:182
msgid "S_lideshow"
msgstr "_Diaschau"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:110 src/Resources.vala:109 ui/direct.ui:111
-#: ui/photo.ui:200
+#: ui/photo.ui:202
msgid "Rotate _Right"
msgstr "Nach _rechts drehen"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:113 src/Resources.vala:114 ui/direct.ui:116
-#: ui/photo.ui:205
+#: ui/photo.ui:207
msgid "Rotate _Left"
msgstr "Nach _links drehen"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:116 src/Resources.vala:119 ui/direct.ui:121
-#: ui/photo.ui:210
+#: ui/photo.ui:212
msgid "Flip Hori_zontally"
msgstr "Hori_zontal spiegeln"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:117 src/Resources.vala:122 ui/direct.ui:125
-#: ui/photo.ui:214
+#: ui/photo.ui:216
msgid "Flip Verti_cally"
msgstr "Verti_kal spiegeln"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:119 src/Resources.vala:156 ui/collection.ui:8
#: ui/direct_context.ui:7 ui/direct.ui:134 ui/event.ui:447
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:6 ui/photo.ui:223
+#: ui/photo_context.ui:6 ui/photo.ui:225
msgid "_Enhance"
msgstr "_Verbessern"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:120 src/Resources.vala:184 ui/collection.ui:13
#: ui/direct_context.ui:12 ui/direct.ui:161 ui/event.ui:452
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:11 ui/photo.ui:250
+#: ui/photo_context.ui:11 ui/photo.ui:252
msgid "Re_vert to Original"
msgstr "_Zurück zum Original"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:122 src/Resources.vala:160 ui/photo.ui:256
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:122 src/Resources.vala:160 ui/photo.ui:258
msgid "_Copy Color Adjustments"
msgstr "Farbanpassungen _kopieren"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:125 src/Resources.vala:164 ui/photo.ui:261
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:125 src/Resources.vala:164 ui/photo.ui:263
msgid "_Paste Color Adjustments"
msgstr "Farbanpassungen _einfügen"
@@ -2827,12 +2869,12 @@ msgid "Adjust Date and Time…"
msgstr "Datum und Zeit anpassen …"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:143 src/Resources.vala:289 ui/collection.ui:108
-#: ui/event.ui:547 ui/photo_context.ui:115 ui/photo.ui:361
+#: ui/event.ui:547 ui/photo_context.ui:115 ui/photo.ui:363
msgid "Open With E_xternal Editor"
msgstr "Mit e_xternem Editor öffnen"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:146 src/Resources.vala:291 ui/collection.ui:113
-#: ui/event.ui:552 ui/photo_context.ui:120 ui/photo.ui:366
+#: ui/event.ui:552 ui/photo_context.ui:120 ui/photo.ui:368
msgid "Open With RA_W Editor"
msgstr "Mit RA_W-Editor öffnen"
@@ -3970,19 +4012,19 @@ msgid_plural "_Modify original files"
msgstr[0] "Originaldatei _bearbeiten"
msgstr[1] "Originaldateien _bearbeiten"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:213
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:219
msgid "Original: "
msgstr "Ursprüngliche Größe: "
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:214
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:220
msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"
msgstr "%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M:%S"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:215
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:221
msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
msgstr "%d.%m.%Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:306
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:312
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Exposure time will be shifted forward by\n"
@@ -3991,7 +4033,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Aufnahmezeit wird um \n"
"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, und %d %s nach vorne verlegt."
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:307
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:313
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Exposure time will be shifted backward by\n"
@@ -4000,25 +4042,25 @@ msgstr ""
"Aufnahmezeit wird um \n"
"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, und %d %s nach hinten verlegt."
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:309
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:315
msgid "day"
msgid_plural "days"
msgstr[0] "Tag"
msgstr[1] "Tage"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:310
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:316
msgid "hour"
msgid_plural "hours"
msgstr[0] "Stunde"
msgstr[1] "Stunden"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:311
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:317
msgid "minute"
msgid_plural "minutes"
msgstr[0] "Minute"
msgstr[1] "Minuten"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:312
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:318
msgid "second"
msgid_plural "seconds"
msgstr[0] "Sekunde"
@@ -4371,7 +4413,7 @@ msgid "Angle:"
msgstr "Winkel:"
#: src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:100 src/Resources.vala:172
-#: ui/direct.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:233
+#: ui/direct.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:235
msgid "_Straighten"
msgstr "Au_srichten"
@@ -4575,7 +4617,7 @@ msgstr "%s importiert"
msgid "Last Import"
msgstr "Letzter Import"
-#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:30 src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:130
+#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:30 src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:127
#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:465
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Bibliothek"
@@ -4847,7 +4889,7 @@ msgstr "RAW"
msgid "TIFF"
msgstr "TIFF"
-#: src/Photo.vala:3770
+#: src/Photo.vala:3767
msgid "modified"
msgstr "verändert"
@@ -5141,7 +5183,7 @@ msgstr "Vertikal spiegeln"
#: src/Resources.vala:125 ui/direct.ui:192 ui/events_directory.ui:168
#: ui/event.ui:438 ui/faces.ui:448 ui/import_queue.ui:83 ui/import.ui:201
-#: ui/manifest_widget.ui:35 ui/media.ui:421 ui/offline.ui:198 ui/photo.ui:405
+#: ui/manifest_widget.ui:35 ui/media.ui:421 ui/offline.ui:198 ui/photo.ui:407
#: ui/tags.ui:440 ui/trash.ui:207
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_Info"
@@ -5152,7 +5194,7 @@ msgstr "_Anwenden"
#: src/Resources.vala:129 ui/direct.ui:44 ui/events_directory.ui:32
#: ui/event.ui:47 ui/faces.ui:47 ui/import.ui:40 ui/media.ui:47
-#: ui/offline.ui:32 ui/photo.ui:55 ui/tags.ui:47 ui/trash.ui:37
+#: ui/offline.ui:32 ui/photo.ui:57 ui/tags.ui:47 ui/trash.ui:37
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Bearbeiten"
@@ -5161,7 +5203,7 @@ msgid "_Forward"
msgstr "_Vor"
#: src/Resources.vala:131 ui/direct.ui:62 ui/events_directory.ui:125
-#: ui/photo.ui:173
+#: ui/photo.ui:175
msgid "Fulls_creen"
msgstr "Bilds_chirmfüllend"
@@ -5169,8 +5211,8 @@ msgstr "Bilds_chirmfüllend"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:150 ui/events_directory.ui:153 ui/event.ui:420
#: ui/event.ui:423 ui/faces.ui:430 ui/faces.ui:433 ui/import_queue.ui:65
#: ui/import_queue.ui:68 ui/import.ui:183 ui/import.ui:186 ui/media.ui:403
-#: ui/media.ui:406 ui/offline.ui:180 ui/offline.ui:183 ui/photo.ui:387
-#: ui/photo.ui:390 ui/tags.ui:422 ui/tags.ui:425 ui/trash.ui:189
+#: ui/media.ui:406 ui/offline.ui:180 ui/offline.ui:183 ui/photo.ui:389
+#: ui/photo.ui:392 ui/tags.ui:422 ui/tags.ui:425 ui/trash.ui:189
#: ui/trash.ui:192
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hilfe"
@@ -5189,7 +5231,7 @@ msgstr "_Nächster"
#: src/Resources.vala:138 src/Resources.vala:287 ui/events_directory.ui:65
#: ui/event.ui:93 ui/faces.ui:93 ui/import.ui:68 ui/media.ui:93
-#: ui/offline.ui:72 ui/photo.ui:89 ui/tags.ui:93 ui/trash.ui:81
+#: ui/offline.ui:72 ui/photo.ui:91 ui/tags.ui:93 ui/trash.ui:81
msgid "_Preferences"
msgstr "_Einstellungen"
@@ -5199,7 +5241,7 @@ msgstr "_Vorheriger"
#: src/Resources.vala:141 ui/direct.ui:37 ui/events_directory.ui:25
#: ui/event.ui:40 ui/faces.ui:40 ui/import_queue.ui:31 ui/import.ui:33
-#: ui/media.ui:40 ui/offline.ui:25 ui/photo.ui:48 ui/tags.ui:40 ui/trash.ui:30
+#: ui/media.ui:40 ui/offline.ui:25 ui/photo.ui:50 ui/tags.ui:40 ui/trash.ui:30
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "_Beenden"
@@ -5240,12 +5282,12 @@ msgid "Best _Fit"
msgstr "_Einpassen"
#: src/Resources.vala:153 ui/direct.ui:69 ui/event.ui:260 ui/faces.ui:260
-#: ui/media.ui:260 ui/photo.ui:144 ui/tags.ui:260
+#: ui/media.ui:260 ui/photo.ui:146 ui/tags.ui:260
msgid "Zoom _In"
msgstr "Ver_größern"
#: src/Resources.vala:154 ui/direct.ui:74 ui/event.ui:265 ui/faces.ui:265
-#: ui/media.ui:265 ui/photo.ui:149 ui/tags.ui:265
+#: ui/media.ui:265 ui/photo.ui:151 ui/tags.ui:265
msgid "Zoom _Out"
msgstr "Ver_kleinern"
@@ -5273,7 +5315,7 @@ msgstr "Farbanpassungen einfügen"
msgid "Apply copied color adjustments to the selected photos"
msgstr "Die kopierten Farbanpassungen auf die gewählten Fotos anwenden"
-#: src/Resources.vala:168 ui/direct.ui:139 ui/photo.ui:228
+#: src/Resources.vala:168 ui/direct.ui:139 ui/photo.ui:230
msgid "_Crop"
msgstr "Zus_chneiden"
@@ -5293,7 +5335,7 @@ msgstr "Ausrichten"
msgid "Straighten the photo"
msgstr "Bild begradigen"
-#: src/Resources.vala:176 ui/direct.ui:149 ui/photo.ui:238
+#: src/Resources.vala:176 ui/direct.ui:149 ui/photo.ui:240
msgid "_Red-eye"
msgstr "_Rote Augen entfernen"
@@ -5305,7 +5347,7 @@ msgstr "Rote-Augen-Effekt"
msgid "Reduce or eliminate any red-eye effects in the photo"
msgstr "Den Rote-Augen-Effekt in diesem Foto vermindern oder beseitigen"
-#: src/Resources.vala:180 ui/direct.ui:154 ui/photo.ui:243
+#: src/Resources.vala:180 ui/direct.ui:154 ui/photo.ui:245
msgid "_Adjust"
msgstr "_Anpassen"
@@ -5339,7 +5381,7 @@ msgstr "Als Hintergrund-Bil_dvorführung setzen …"
#: src/Resources.vala:194 ui/direct.ui:47 ui/events_directory.ui:35
#: ui/event.ui:50 ui/faces.ui:50 ui/import.ui:43 ui/media.ui:50
-#: ui/offline.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:58 ui/tags.ui:50 ui/trash.ui:40
+#: ui/offline.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:60 ui/tags.ui:50 ui/trash.ui:40
msgid "_Undo"
msgstr "_Rückgängig"
@@ -5349,7 +5391,7 @@ msgstr "Rückgängig"
#: src/Resources.vala:197 ui/direct.ui:52 ui/events_directory.ui:40
#: ui/event.ui:55 ui/faces.ui:55 ui/import.ui:48 ui/media.ui:55
-#: ui/offline.ui:40 ui/photo.ui:63 ui/tags.ui:55 ui/trash.ui:45
+#: ui/offline.ui:40 ui/photo.ui:65 ui/tags.ui:55 ui/trash.ui:45
msgid "_Redo"
msgstr "_Wiederholen"
@@ -5400,7 +5442,7 @@ msgid "Combine events into a single event"
msgstr "Mehrere Ereignisse zu einem Einzelereignis zusammenfassen"
#: src/Resources.vala:216 ui/collection.ui:39 ui/event.ui:286 ui/event.ui:478
-#: ui/faces.ui:286 ui/media.ui:286 ui/photo_context.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:273
+#: ui/faces.ui:286 ui/media.ui:286 ui/photo_context.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:275
#: ui/tags.ui:286
msgid "_Set Rating"
msgstr "_Bewerten"
@@ -5414,7 +5456,7 @@ msgid "Change the rating of your photo"
msgstr "Bewertung des Fotos ändern"
#: src/Resources.vala:220 ui/collection.ui:72 ui/event.ui:326 ui/event.ui:511
-#: ui/faces.ui:326 ui/media.ui:326 ui/photo_context.ui:75 ui/photo.ui:313
+#: ui/faces.ui:326 ui/media.ui:326 ui/photo_context.ui:75 ui/photo.ui:315
#: ui/tags.ui:326
msgid "_Increase"
msgstr "_Aufwerten"
@@ -5424,7 +5466,7 @@ msgid "Increase Rating"
msgstr "Bewertung erhöhen"
#: src/Resources.vala:223 ui/collection.ui:76 ui/event.ui:331 ui/event.ui:515
-#: ui/faces.ui:331 ui/media.ui:331 ui/photo_context.ui:80 ui/photo.ui:318
+#: ui/faces.ui:331 ui/media.ui:331 ui/photo_context.ui:80 ui/photo.ui:320
#: ui/tags.ui:331
msgid "_Decrease"
msgstr "A_bwerten"
@@ -5434,7 +5476,7 @@ msgid "Decrease Rating"
msgstr "Bewertung vermindern"
#: src/Resources.vala:226 ui/collection.ui:62 ui/event.ui:314 ui/event.ui:501
-#: ui/faces.ui:314 ui/media.ui:314 ui/photo_context.ui:63 ui/photo.ui:301
+#: ui/faces.ui:314 ui/media.ui:314 ui/photo_context.ui:63 ui/photo.ui:303
#: ui/tags.ui:314
msgid "_Unrated"
msgstr "_Nicht bewertet"
@@ -5456,7 +5498,7 @@ msgid "Remove any ratings"
msgstr "Alle Bewertungen entfernen"
#: src/Resources.vala:232 ui/collection.ui:66 ui/event.ui:319 ui/event.ui:505
-#: ui/faces.ui:319 ui/media.ui:319 ui/photo_context.ui:68 ui/photo.ui:306
+#: ui/faces.ui:319 ui/media.ui:319 ui/photo_context.ui:68 ui/photo.ui:308
#: ui/tags.ui:319
msgid "_Rejected"
msgstr "A_bgelehnt"
@@ -5514,7 +5556,7 @@ msgid "Show all photos"
msgstr "Alle Fotos anzeigen"
#: src/Resources.vala:249 ui/event.ui:144 ui/faces.ui:144 ui/media.ui:144
-#: ui/photo.ui:120 ui/tags.ui:144
+#: ui/photo.ui:122 ui/tags.ui:144
msgid "_Ratings"
msgstr "_Bewertungen"
@@ -5561,7 +5603,7 @@ msgid "Publish to various websites"
msgstr "Das ausgewählte Foto auf verschiedenen Webseiten veröffentlichen"
#: src/Resources.vala:268 ui/collection.ui:98 ui/event.ui:340 ui/event.ui:537
-#: ui/faces.ui:340 ui/media.ui:340 ui/photo_context.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:327
+#: ui/faces.ui:340 ui/media.ui:340 ui/photo_context.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:329
#: ui/tags.ui:340
msgid "Edit _Title…"
msgstr "_Titel bearbeiten …"
@@ -5574,7 +5616,7 @@ msgstr "Titel bearbeiten"
#: src/Resources.vala:272 ui/collection.ui:103 ui/events_directory.ui:144
#: ui/events_directory.ui:186 ui/event.ui:345 ui/event.ui:398 ui/event.ui:542
-#: ui/faces.ui:345 ui/media.ui:345 ui/photo_context.ui:110 ui/photo.ui:332
+#: ui/faces.ui:345 ui/media.ui:345 ui/photo_context.ui:110 ui/photo.ui:334
#: ui/tags.ui:345
msgid "Edit _Comment…"
msgstr "_Kommentar bearbeiten …"
@@ -5588,7 +5630,7 @@ msgstr "Kommentar bearbeiten"
msgid "Edit Event _Comment…"
msgstr "_Kommentar des Ereignisses bearbeiten …"
-#: src/Resources.vala:279 ui/direct.ui:167 ui/photo.ui:337
+#: src/Resources.vala:279 ui/direct.ui:167 ui/photo.ui:339
msgid "_Adjust Date and Time…"
msgstr "Datum und Zeit _anpassen …"
@@ -5597,7 +5639,7 @@ msgid "Adjust Date and Time"
msgstr "Datum und Zeit anpassen"
#: src/Resources.vala:282 ui/collection.ui:19 ui/event.ui:407 ui/event.ui:458
-#: ui/faces.ui:390 ui/media.ui:390 ui/photo.ui:375 ui/tags.ui:390
+#: ui/faces.ui:390 ui/media.ui:390 ui/photo.ui:377 ui/tags.ui:390
msgid "Add _Tags…"
msgstr "Stichwor_te hinzufügen …"
@@ -5702,7 +5744,7 @@ msgid "Rename Tag “%s” to “%s”"
msgstr "Stichwort »%s« zu »%s« umbenennen"
#: src/Resources.vala:354 ui/collection.ui:24 ui/event.ui:412 ui/event.ui:463
-#: ui/faces.ui:395 ui/media.ui:395 ui/photo_context.ui:22 ui/photo.ui:380
+#: ui/faces.ui:395 ui/media.ui:395 ui/photo_context.ui:22 ui/photo.ui:382
#: ui/tags.ui:395
msgid "Modif_y Tags…"
msgstr "Stichworte _ändern …"
@@ -5879,7 +5921,7 @@ msgstr "Die ausgewählten Bilder zurück in die Bibliothek verschieben"
#: src/Resources.vala:768 ui/collection.ui:123 ui/direct_context.ui:18
#: ui/direct.ui:30 ui/event.ui:27 ui/event.ui:562 ui/faces.ui:27 ui/media.ui:27
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:130 ui/photo.ui:35 ui/tags.ui:27 ui/trash.ui:19
+#: ui/photo_context.ui:130 ui/photo.ui:37 ui/tags.ui:27 ui/trash.ui:19
#: ui/trash.ui:227
msgid "Show in File Mana_ger"
msgstr "Mit der Dateiverwaltun_g öffnen"
@@ -5895,13 +5937,13 @@ msgid "Unable to open in file manager: %s"
msgstr "Speicherort konnte nicht in der Dateiverwaltung geöffnet werden: %s"
#: src/Resources.vala:775 ui/event.ui:74 ui/faces.ui:74 ui/media.ui:74
-#: ui/offline.ui:58 ui/offline.ui:207 ui/offline.ui:224 ui/photo.ui:77
+#: ui/offline.ui:58 ui/offline.ui:207 ui/offline.ui:224 ui/photo.ui:79
#: ui/tags.ui:74
msgid "R_emove From Library"
msgstr "Aus Bibliothek _entfernen"
#: src/Resources.vala:777 ui/collection.ui:134 ui/event.ui:79 ui/event.ui:573
-#: ui/faces.ui:79 ui/media.ui:79 ui/photo_context.ui:141 ui/photo.ui:82
+#: ui/faces.ui:79 ui/media.ui:79 ui/photo_context.ui:141 ui/photo.ui:84
#: ui/tags.ui:79
msgid "_Move to Trash"
msgstr "In den _Papierkorb verschieben"
@@ -6264,17 +6306,17 @@ msgid "untitled"
msgstr "unbenannt"
#. multiple videos
-#: src/VideoSupport.vala:521
+#: src/VideoSupport.vala:525
msgid "Export Videos"
msgstr "Videos exportieren"
#: ui/collection.ui:33 ui/event.ui:281 ui/event.ui:472 ui/faces.ui:281
-#: ui/media.ui:281 ui/photo_context.ui:30 ui/photo.ui:268 ui/tags.ui:281
+#: ui/media.ui:281 ui/photo_context.ui:30 ui/photo.ui:270 ui/tags.ui:281
msgid "Toggle _Flag"
msgstr "Markierung _umschalten"
#: ui/collection.ui:82 ui/event.ui:353 ui/event.ui:521 ui/faces.ui:353
-#: ui/media.ui:353 ui/photo_context.ui:88 ui/photo.ui:344 ui/tags.ui:353
+#: ui/media.ui:353 ui/photo_context.ui:88 ui/photo.ui:346 ui/tags.ui:353
msgid "_Developer"
msgstr "_Entwickler"
@@ -6295,47 +6337,47 @@ msgstr "Speichern _unter …"
#: ui/direct.ui:59 ui/events_directory.ui:71 ui/event.ui:99 ui/faces.ui:99
#: ui/import_queue.ui:38 ui/import.ui:74 ui/media.ui:99 ui/offline.ui:78
-#: ui/photo.ui:95 ui/tags.ui:99 ui/trash.ui:87
+#: ui/photo.ui:97 ui/tags.ui:99 ui/trash.ui:87
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ansicht"
-#: ui/direct.ui:81 ui/photo.ui:156
+#: ui/direct.ui:81 ui/photo.ui:158
msgid "Fit to _Page"
msgstr "Auf S_eite einpassen"
-#: ui/direct.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:161
+#: ui/direct.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:163
msgid "Zoom _100%"
msgstr "_100 % Vergrößerung"
-#: ui/direct.ui:91 ui/photo.ui:166
+#: ui/direct.ui:91 ui/photo.ui:168
msgid "Zoom _200%"
msgstr "_200 % Vergrößerung"
-#: ui/direct.ui:98 ui/photo.ui:187
+#: ui/direct.ui:98 ui/photo.ui:189
msgid "_Photo"
msgstr "_Foto"
-#: ui/direct.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:190
+#: ui/direct.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:192
msgid "_Previous Photo"
msgstr "_Voriges Foto"
-#: ui/direct.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:194
+#: ui/direct.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:196
msgid "_Next Photo"
msgstr "_Nächstes Foto"
-#: ui/direct.ui:131 ui/photo.ui:220
+#: ui/direct.ui:131 ui/photo.ui:222
msgid "T_ools"
msgstr "_Werkzeuge"
#: ui/direct.ui:182 ui/events_directory.ui:158 ui/event.ui:428 ui/faces.ui:438
#: ui/import_queue.ui:73 ui/import.ui:191 ui/media.ui:411 ui/offline.ui:188
-#: ui/photo.ui:395 ui/tags.ui:430 ui/trash.ui:197
+#: ui/photo.ui:397 ui/tags.ui:430 ui/trash.ui:197
msgid "_Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Oft gestellte _Fragen"
#: ui/direct.ui:186 ui/events_directory.ui:162 ui/event.ui:432 ui/faces.ui:442
#: ui/import_queue.ui:77 ui/import.ui:195 ui/media.ui:415 ui/offline.ui:192
-#: ui/photo.ui:399 ui/tags.ui:434 ui/trash.ui:201
+#: ui/photo.ui:401 ui/tags.ui:434 ui/trash.ui:201
msgid "_Report a Problem…"
msgstr "_Ein Problem melden …"
@@ -6353,7 +6395,7 @@ msgstr "Importieren von _Anwendung …"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:19 ui/event.ui:34 ui/faces.ui:34
#: ui/import_queue.ui:25 ui/import.ui:27 ui/media.ui:34 ui/offline.ui:19
-#: ui/photo.ui:42 ui/tags.ui:34 ui/trash.ui:24 ui/trash.ui:234 ui/trash.ui:242
+#: ui/photo.ui:44 ui/tags.ui:34 ui/trash.ui:24 ui/trash.ui:234 ui/trash.ui:242
msgid "Empty T_rash"
msgstr "Papierkorb lee_ren"
@@ -6363,19 +6405,19 @@ msgid "_Find"
msgstr "_Suchen"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:51 ui/event.ui:66 ui/faces.ui:66 ui/media.ui:66
-#: ui/offline.ui:51 ui/photo.ui:70 ui/search_sidebar_context.ui:6
+#: ui/offline.ui:51 ui/photo.ui:72 ui/search_sidebar_context.ui:6
#: ui/sidebar_default_context.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:66 ui/trash.ui:56
msgid "Ne_w Saved Search…"
msgstr "Neue _gespeicherte Suche …"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:74 ui/event.ui:102 ui/faces.ui:102
#: ui/import_queue.ui:41 ui/import.ui:77 ui/media.ui:102 ui/offline.ui:81
-#: ui/photo.ui:98 ui/tags.ui:102 ui/trash.ui:90
+#: ui/photo.ui:100 ui/tags.ui:102 ui/trash.ui:90
msgid "_Basic Information"
msgstr "_Grundlegende Informationen"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:79 ui/event.ui:107 ui/faces.ui:107 ui/import.ui:82
-#: ui/media.ui:107 ui/offline.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:103 ui/tags.ui:107
+#: ui/media.ui:107 ui/offline.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:105 ui/tags.ui:107
#: ui/trash.ui:95
msgid "E_xtended Information"
msgstr "Er_weiterte Informationen"
@@ -6386,13 +6428,13 @@ msgid "_Search Bar"
msgstr "_Suchleiste"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:89 ui/event.ui:117 ui/faces.ui:117 ui/import.ui:92
-#: ui/media.ui:117 ui/offline.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:117
+#: ui/media.ui:117 ui/offline.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:110 ui/tags.ui:117
#: ui/trash.ui:105
msgid "S_idebar"
msgstr "S_eitenleiste"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:94 ui/event.ui:122 ui/faces.ui:122 ui/import.ui:97
-#: ui/media.ui:122 ui/offline.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:113 ui/tags.ui:122
+#: ui/media.ui:122 ui/offline.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:115 ui/tags.ui:122
#: ui/trash.ui:110
msgid "T_oolbar"
msgstr "_Werkzeugleiste"
@@ -6404,13 +6446,13 @@ msgstr "_Kommentare"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:108 ui/event.ui:243 ui/faces.ui:243
#: ui/import_queue.ui:48 ui/import.ui:166 ui/media.ui:243 ui/offline.ui:163
-#: ui/photo.ui:127 ui/tags.ui:243 ui/trash.ui:172
+#: ui/photo.ui:129 ui/tags.ui:243 ui/trash.ui:172
msgid "Sort _Events"
msgstr "_Ereignisse sortieren"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:111 ui/event.ui:231 ui/event.ui:246 ui/faces.ui:231
#: ui/faces.ui:246 ui/import_queue.ui:51 ui/import.ui:169 ui/media.ui:231
-#: ui/media.ui:246 ui/offline.ui:166 ui/photo.ui:130 ui/tags.ui:231
+#: ui/media.ui:246 ui/offline.ui:166 ui/photo.ui:132 ui/tags.ui:231
#: ui/tags.ui:246 ui/trash.ui:175
msgid "_Ascending"
msgstr "_Aufsteigend"
@@ -6432,7 +6474,7 @@ msgid "_Titles"
msgstr "_Titel"
#: ui/event.ui:139 ui/event.ui:404 ui/faces.ui:139 ui/faces.ui:387
-#: ui/media.ui:139 ui/media.ui:387 ui/photo.ui:372 ui/tags.ui:139
+#: ui/media.ui:139 ui/media.ui:387 ui/photo.ui:374 ui/tags.ui:139
#: ui/tags.ui:387
msgid "Ta_gs"
msgstr "S_tichworte"
@@ -6458,7 +6500,7 @@ msgid "By _Rating"
msgstr "Nach _Bewertung"
#: ui/event.ui:251 ui/faces.ui:251 ui/import.ui:174 ui/media.ui:251
-#: ui/photo.ui:135 ui/tags.ui:251
+#: ui/photo.ui:137 ui/tags.ui:251
msgid "_Descending"
msgstr "A_bsteigend"
@@ -6716,6 +6758,38 @@ msgstr "Beschriftung"
msgid "Delete all photos in the trash"
msgstr "Alle Fotos im Papierkorb löschen"
+#~ msgid "shotwell"
+#~ msgstr "shotwell"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are not currently logged into YouTube.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for "
+#~ "use with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your "
+#~ "browser to log into the YouTube site at least once."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sie sind gerade nicht bei YouTube angemeldet.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Sie müssen bereits ein Google-Konto besitzen und es für YouTube "
+#~ "eingerichtet haben, um fortzufahren. Sie können die meisten Konten "
+#~ "anlegen, indem Sie sich mindestens einmal auf der YouTube-Seite anmelden."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are not currently logged into Google Photos.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for "
+#~ "use with Google Photos.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You will have to authorize Shotwell to link to your Google Photos account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sie sind nicht bei Google Fotos angemeldet.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Sie müssen bereits ein Google-Konto besitzen und es für Google Fotos "
+#~ "eingerichtet haben.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Sie müssen Shotwell legitimieren, um Ihr Google Fotos-Konto verknüpfen zu "
+#~ "können."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The OAuth token used to refresh the Picasa Web Albums session for the "
#~ "currently logged in user, if any."
diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po
index eead564..ed7b98d 100644
--- a/po/eu.po
+++ b/po/eu.po
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Project-Id-Version: master\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:11+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-01 10:00+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-03-14 11:18+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-03-19 10:00+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ msgstr "Project-Id-Version: master\n"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:115
#: src/photos/RawSupport.vala:308 ui/collection.ui:85 ui/event.ui:356
#: ui/event.ui:524 ui/faces.ui:356 ui/media.ui:356 ui/photo_context.ui:91
-#: ui/photo.ui:347 ui/tags.ui:356
+#: ui/photo.ui:349 ui/tags.ui:356
msgid "Shotwell"
msgstr "Shotwell"
@@ -1293,24 +1293,53 @@ msgid ""
"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use "
"with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your browser "
-"to log into the YouTube site at least once."
-msgstr "YouTube-n saioa hasi gabe zaude.\n"
+"to log into the YouTube site at least once.\n"
-"Google-n kontu bat eduki behar duzu eta hura YouTube-n erabiltzeko konfiguratuta eduki behar duzu jarraitzeko. Kontu gehiago sor ditzakezu zure nabigatzailearekin YouTube-ra gutxienez behin sartuz."
+"Shotwell uses the YouTube API services <a href=\""
+"com/youtube\"></a> for accessing your "
+"YouTube channel and upload the videos. By using Shotwell to access YouTube, "
+"you agree to be bound to the YouTube Terms of Service as available at <a "
+"Shotwell's privacy policy regarding the use of data related to your Google "
+"account in general and YouTube in particular can be found in our <a href="
+"\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">online services privacy policy</a>\n"
+"For Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <a href=\"https://policies."
+msgstr "Ez duzu saioa hasi YouTuben.\n"
+"Google kontu bat eduki behar duzu eta hura YouTuben erabiltzeko konfiguratuta eduki behar duzu jarraitzeko. Kontu gehiago sor ditzakezu zure nabigatzailearekin YouTubera gutxienez behin sartuta.\n"
+"Shotwellek YouTuberen API zerbitzuak <a href=\"\"></a> erabiltzen ditu zure YouTube kanalera sartzeko eta bideoak igotzeko. YouTubera sartzeko Shotwell erabiltzen baduzu, YouTuberen erabilera-baldintzak (<a href=\"\"></a>) onartzen dituzula esan nahi du.\n"
+"Shotwellen pribatutasun-politika, zure Google kontuaren eta oro har YouTuberen datuen erabilerari dagokionez, gure <a href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">lineako zerbitzuen pribatutasun-politikan</a> kontsultatu daiteke.\n"
+"Googlen pribatutasun-politikari dagokionez, begiratu <a href=\"\"></a>."
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:36
msgid ""
"You are not currently logged into Google Photos.\n"
"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use "
-"with Google Photos.\n"
+"with Google Photos. Shotwell uses the Google Photos API services <a href="
+"photos/</a> for all interaction with your Google Photos data.You will have "
+"to grant access Shotwell to your Google Photos library.\n"
-"You will have to authorize Shotwell to link to your Google Photos account."
-msgstr "Google Photos-en saioa hasi gabe zaude.\n"
+"Shotwell's privacy policy regarding the use of data related to your Google "
+"account in general and Google Photos in particular can be found in our <a "
+"href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">online services privacy policy</a>For "
+"Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <a href=\"https://policies."
+msgstr ""
+"Ez duzu saioa hasi Google Photos aplikazioan.\n"
-"Google-n kontu bat eduki behar duzu eta hura zure Google Photos kontua erabiltzeko konfiguratuta eduki behar duzu.\n"
+"Google kontu bat eduki behar duzu eta hura Google Photosen erabiltzeko konfiguratuta eduki behar duzu jarraitzeko. Shotwellek Google Photosen API zerbitzuak <a href=\"\"></a> erabiltzen ditu zure Google Photos datuetara sartzeko. Shotwell aplikazioari zure Google Photos liburutegira sartzeko baimena eman beharko diozu.\n"
-"Shotwell-i baimena eman behar diozu zure Google Photos kontuarekin esteka sor dezan."
+"Shotwellen pribatutasun-politika, zure Google kontuaren eta oro har Google Photos aplikazioari dagokionez, gure <a href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">lineako zerbitzuen pribatutasun-politikan</a> kontsultatu daiteke. Googlen pribatutasun-politikari dagokionez, begiratu <a href=\"\"></a>."
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:42
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:42
@@ -1480,7 +1509,7 @@ msgstr "Ertzik luzeena"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:125
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:181
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:105
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:99
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:85
msgid "_Logout"
msgstr "A_maitu saioa"
@@ -1492,7 +1521,7 @@ msgstr "A_maitu saioa"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:141
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:195
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:121
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:115
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:100
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:82 src/PhotoPage.vala:2492
msgid "_Publish"
msgstr "_Argitaratu"
@@ -2048,7 +2077,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Tumblr-en saioa hasi duzu %s erabiltzailearekin.\n"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:55
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:41
msgid "Video privacy _setting:"
msgstr "Bideoaren _pribatutasun-ezarpena:"
@@ -2281,7 +2310,7 @@ msgstr "Aurkitutako kamera-gailu guztien zerrenda"
#: src/camera/CameraBranch.vala:99 src/camera/ImportPage.vala:711
#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:727 src/photos/RawSupport.vala:311
#: ui/collection.ui:90 ui/event.ui:361 ui/event.ui:529 ui/faces.ui:361
-#: ui/media.ui:361 ui/photo_context.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:352 ui/tags.ui:361
+#: ui/media.ui:361 ui/photo_context.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:354 ui/tags.ui:361
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Kamera"
@@ -2375,53 +2404,53 @@ msgstr "Inportazioa hastera doa, itxaron…"
msgid "Fetching photo information"
msgstr "Argazkien informazioa eskuratzen"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1563
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1562
#, c-format
msgid "Fetching preview for %s"
msgstr "%s-(e)ren aurrebista eskuratzen"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1671
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1670
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to lock camera: %s"
msgstr "Ezin izan da kamera blokeatu: %s"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1756
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1755
#, c-format
msgid "Delete this photo from camera?"
msgid_plural "Delete these %d photos from camera?"
msgstr[0] "Argazki hau kameratik ezabatu nahi duzu?"
msgstr[1] "%d argazki hauek kameratik ezabatu nahi dituzu?"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1759
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1758
#, c-format
msgid "Delete this video from camera?"
msgid_plural "Delete these %d videos from camera?"
msgstr[0] "Bideo hau kameratik ezabatu nahi duzu?"
msgstr[1] "%d bideo hauek kameratik ezabatu nahi dituzu?"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1762
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1761
#, c-format
msgid "Delete this photo/video from camera?"
msgid_plural "Delete these %d photos/videos from camera?"
msgstr[0] "Argazki/bideo hau kameratik ezabatu nahi duzu?"
msgstr[1] "%d argazki/bideo hauek kameratik ezabatu nahi dituzu?"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1765
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1764
#, c-format
msgid "Delete these files from camera?"
msgid_plural "Delete these %d files from camera?"
msgstr[0] "Ezabatu fitxategi hauek kameratik?"
msgstr[1] "Ezabatu %d argazki hauek kameratik?"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1773 src/Dialogs.vala:733
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1772 src/Dialogs.vala:733
msgid "_Keep"
msgstr "_Mantendu"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1792
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1791
msgid "Removing photos/videos from camera"
msgstr "Argazkiak/bideoak kameratik kentzen"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1796
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1795
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to delete %d photo/video from the camera due to errors."
msgid_plural "Unable to delete %d photos/videos from the camera due to errors."
@@ -2434,7 +2463,7 @@ msgid "_Print"
msgstr "I_nprimatu"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:83 src/Resources.vala:293 ui/collection.ui:128
-#: ui/direct_context.ui:23 ui/direct.ui:23 ui/event.ui:567 ui/photo.ui:28
+#: ui/direct_context.ui:23 ui/direct.ui:23 ui/event.ui:567 ui/photo.ui:30
msgid "Send _To…"
msgstr "Bidali _honi…"
@@ -2451,47 +2480,47 @@ msgstr "_Bikoiztu"
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Pantaila osoa"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:102 ui/photo.ui:180
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:102 ui/photo.ui:182
msgid "S_lideshow"
msgstr "_Diapositiba-aurkezpena"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:110 src/Resources.vala:109 ui/direct.ui:111
-#: ui/photo.ui:200
+#: ui/photo.ui:202
msgid "Rotate _Right"
msgstr "Biratu e_skuinera"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:113 src/Resources.vala:114 ui/direct.ui:116
-#: ui/photo.ui:205
+#: ui/photo.ui:207
msgid "Rotate _Left"
msgstr "Biratu e_zkerrera"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:116 src/Resources.vala:119 ui/direct.ui:121
-#: ui/photo.ui:210
+#: ui/photo.ui:212
msgid "Flip Hori_zontally"
msgstr "Irauli _horizontalean"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:117 src/Resources.vala:122 ui/direct.ui:125
-#: ui/photo.ui:214
+#: ui/photo.ui:216
msgid "Flip Verti_cally"
msgstr "Irauli _bertikalean"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:119 src/Resources.vala:156 ui/collection.ui:8
#: ui/direct_context.ui:7 ui/direct.ui:134 ui/event.ui:447
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:6 ui/photo.ui:223
+#: ui/photo_context.ui:6 ui/photo.ui:225
msgid "_Enhance"
msgstr "H_obetu"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:120 src/Resources.vala:184 ui/collection.ui:13
#: ui/direct_context.ui:12 ui/direct.ui:161 ui/event.ui:452
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:11 ui/photo.ui:250
+#: ui/photo_context.ui:11 ui/photo.ui:252
msgid "Re_vert to Original"
msgstr "_Leheneratu jatorrizkora"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:122 src/Resources.vala:160 ui/photo.ui:256
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:122 src/Resources.vala:160 ui/photo.ui:258
msgid "_Copy Color Adjustments"
msgstr "_Kopiatu koloreen doikuntzak"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:125 src/Resources.vala:164 ui/photo.ui:261
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:125 src/Resources.vala:164 ui/photo.ui:263
msgid "_Paste Color Adjustments"
msgstr "_Itsatsi koloreen doikuntzak"
@@ -2500,12 +2529,12 @@ msgid "Adjust Date and Time…"
msgstr "Doitu data eta ordua…"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:143 src/Resources.vala:289 ui/collection.ui:108
-#: ui/event.ui:547 ui/photo_context.ui:115 ui/photo.ui:361
+#: ui/event.ui:547 ui/photo_context.ui:115 ui/photo.ui:363
msgid "Open With E_xternal Editor"
msgstr "Ireki _kanpoko editore batekin"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:146 src/Resources.vala:291 ui/collection.ui:113
-#: ui/event.ui:552 ui/photo_context.ui:120 ui/photo.ui:366
+#: ui/event.ui:552 ui/photo_context.ui:120 ui/photo.ui:368
msgid "Open With RA_W Editor"
msgstr "Ireki RA_W editorearekin"
@@ -3539,19 +3568,19 @@ msgid_plural "_Modify original files"
msgstr[0] "_Aldatu jatorrizko fitxategia"
msgstr[1] "_Aldatu jatorrizko fitxategia"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:213
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:219
msgid "Original: "
msgstr "Jatorrizkoa: "
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:214
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:220
msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"
msgstr "%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M:%S"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:215
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:221
msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
msgstr "%Y/%m/%d, %I:%M:%S %p"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:306
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:312
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Exposure time will be shifted forward by\n"
@@ -3559,7 +3588,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Esposizio-data aurrera mugituko da\n"
"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, eta %d %s."
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:307
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:313
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Exposure time will be shifted backward by\n"
@@ -3567,25 +3596,25 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Esposizio-data atzera mugituko da\n"
"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, eta %d %s."
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:309
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:315
msgid "day"
msgid_plural "days"
msgstr[0] "egun"
msgstr[1] "egunero"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:310
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:316
msgid "hour"
msgid_plural "hours"
msgstr[0] "ordu"
msgstr[1] "ordu"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:311
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:317
msgid "minute"
msgid_plural "minutes"
msgstr[0] "minutu"
msgstr[1] "minutu"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:312
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:318
msgid "second"
msgid_plural "seconds"
msgstr[0] "segundo"
@@ -3936,7 +3965,7 @@ msgid "Angle:"
msgstr "Angelua:"
#: src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:100 src/Resources.vala:172
-#: ui/direct.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:233
+#: ui/direct.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:235
msgid "_Straighten"
msgstr "Jarri _zuzen"
@@ -4672,7 +4701,7 @@ msgstr "Irauli bertikalean"
#: src/Resources.vala:125 ui/direct.ui:192 ui/events_directory.ui:168
#: ui/event.ui:438 ui/faces.ui:448 ui/import_queue.ui:83 ui/import.ui:201
-#: ui/manifest_widget.ui:35 ui/media.ui:421 ui/offline.ui:198 ui/photo.ui:405
+#: ui/manifest_widget.ui:35 ui/media.ui:421 ui/offline.ui:198 ui/photo.ui:407
#: ui/tags.ui:440 ui/trash.ui:207
msgid "_About"
msgstr "Honi _buruz"
@@ -4683,7 +4712,7 @@ msgstr "_Aplikatu"
#: src/Resources.vala:129 ui/direct.ui:44 ui/events_directory.ui:32
#: ui/event.ui:47 ui/faces.ui:47 ui/import.ui:40 ui/media.ui:47
-#: ui/offline.ui:32 ui/photo.ui:55 ui/tags.ui:47 ui/trash.ui:37
+#: ui/offline.ui:32 ui/photo.ui:57 ui/tags.ui:47 ui/trash.ui:37
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editatu"
@@ -4692,7 +4721,7 @@ msgid "_Forward"
msgstr "A_urrera"
#: src/Resources.vala:131 ui/direct.ui:62 ui/events_directory.ui:125
-#: ui/photo.ui:173
+#: ui/photo.ui:175
msgid "Fulls_creen"
msgstr "Pantaila o_soa"
@@ -4700,8 +4729,8 @@ msgstr "Pantaila o_soa"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:150 ui/events_directory.ui:153 ui/event.ui:420
#: ui/event.ui:423 ui/faces.ui:430 ui/faces.ui:433 ui/import_queue.ui:65
#: ui/import_queue.ui:68 ui/import.ui:183 ui/import.ui:186 ui/media.ui:403
-#: ui/media.ui:406 ui/offline.ui:180 ui/offline.ui:183 ui/photo.ui:387
-#: ui/photo.ui:390 ui/tags.ui:422 ui/tags.ui:425 ui/trash.ui:189
+#: ui/media.ui:406 ui/offline.ui:180 ui/offline.ui:183 ui/photo.ui:389
+#: ui/photo.ui:392 ui/tags.ui:422 ui/tags.ui:425 ui/trash.ui:189
#: ui/trash.ui:192
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Laguntza"
@@ -4720,7 +4749,7 @@ msgstr "_Hurrengoa"
#: src/Resources.vala:138 src/Resources.vala:287 ui/events_directory.ui:65
#: ui/event.ui:93 ui/faces.ui:93 ui/import.ui:68 ui/media.ui:93
-#: ui/offline.ui:72 ui/photo.ui:89 ui/tags.ui:93 ui/trash.ui:81
+#: ui/offline.ui:72 ui/photo.ui:91 ui/tags.ui:93 ui/trash.ui:81
msgid "_Preferences"
msgstr "_Hobespenak"
@@ -4730,7 +4759,7 @@ msgstr "_Aurrekoa"
#: src/Resources.vala:141 ui/direct.ui:37 ui/events_directory.ui:25
#: ui/event.ui:40 ui/faces.ui:40 ui/import_queue.ui:31 ui/import.ui:33
-#: ui/media.ui:40 ui/offline.ui:25 ui/photo.ui:48 ui/tags.ui:40 ui/trash.ui:30
+#: ui/media.ui:40 ui/offline.ui:25 ui/photo.ui:50 ui/tags.ui:40 ui/trash.ui:30
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "I_rten"
@@ -4771,12 +4800,12 @@ msgid "Best _Fit"
msgstr "_Egokiena"
#: src/Resources.vala:153 ui/direct.ui:69 ui/event.ui:260 ui/faces.ui:260
-#: ui/media.ui:260 ui/photo.ui:144 ui/tags.ui:260
+#: ui/media.ui:260 ui/photo.ui:146 ui/tags.ui:260
msgid "Zoom _In"
msgstr "_Zooma handiagotu"
#: src/Resources.vala:154 ui/direct.ui:74 ui/event.ui:265 ui/faces.ui:265
-#: ui/media.ui:265 ui/photo.ui:149 ui/tags.ui:265
+#: ui/media.ui:265 ui/photo.ui:151 ui/tags.ui:265
msgid "Zoom _Out"
msgstr "_Txikiagotu"
@@ -4804,7 +4833,7 @@ msgstr "Itsatsi koloreen doikuntzak"
msgid "Apply copied color adjustments to the selected photos"
msgstr "Aplikatu kopiatutako koloreen doikuntzak hautatutako argazkiei"
-#: src/Resources.vala:168 ui/direct.ui:139 ui/photo.ui:228
+#: src/Resources.vala:168 ui/direct.ui:139 ui/photo.ui:230
msgid "_Crop"
msgstr "_Moztu"
@@ -4824,7 +4853,7 @@ msgstr "Jarri zuzen"
msgid "Straighten the photo"
msgstr "Jarri zuzen argazkia"
-#: src/Resources.vala:176 ui/direct.ui:149 ui/photo.ui:238
+#: src/Resources.vala:176 ui/direct.ui:149 ui/photo.ui:240
msgid "_Red-eye"
msgstr "Begi _gorriak"
@@ -4836,7 +4865,7 @@ msgstr "Begi gorriak"
msgid "Reduce or eliminate any red-eye effects in the photo"
msgstr "Murriztu edo ezabatu begi gorrien efektua argazkitik"
-#: src/Resources.vala:180 ui/direct.ui:154 ui/photo.ui:243
+#: src/Resources.vala:180 ui/direct.ui:154 ui/photo.ui:245
msgid "_Adjust"
msgstr "_Doitu"
@@ -4870,7 +4899,7 @@ msgstr "Ezarri mahaigainaren _diapositiba-aurkezpen gisa…"
#: src/Resources.vala:194 ui/direct.ui:47 ui/events_directory.ui:35
#: ui/event.ui:50 ui/faces.ui:50 ui/import.ui:43 ui/media.ui:50
-#: ui/offline.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:58 ui/tags.ui:50 ui/trash.ui:40
+#: ui/offline.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:60 ui/tags.ui:50 ui/trash.ui:40
msgid "_Undo"
msgstr "_Desegin"
@@ -4880,7 +4909,7 @@ msgstr "Desegin"
#: src/Resources.vala:197 ui/direct.ui:52 ui/events_directory.ui:40
#: ui/event.ui:55 ui/faces.ui:55 ui/import.ui:48 ui/media.ui:55
-#: ui/offline.ui:40 ui/photo.ui:63 ui/tags.ui:55 ui/trash.ui:45
+#: ui/offline.ui:40 ui/photo.ui:65 ui/tags.ui:55 ui/trash.ui:45
msgid "_Redo"
msgstr "_Berregin"
@@ -4931,7 +4960,7 @@ msgid "Combine events into a single event"
msgstr "Konbinatu gertaerak gertaera bakarrean"
#: src/Resources.vala:216 ui/collection.ui:39 ui/event.ui:286 ui/event.ui:478
-#: ui/faces.ui:286 ui/media.ui:286 ui/photo_context.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:273
+#: ui/faces.ui:286 ui/media.ui:286 ui/photo_context.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:275
#: ui/tags.ui:286
msgid "_Set Rating"
msgstr "E_zarri balorazioa"
@@ -4945,7 +4974,7 @@ msgid "Change the rating of your photo"
msgstr "Aldatu zure argazkiaren balorazioa"
#: src/Resources.vala:220 ui/collection.ui:72 ui/event.ui:326 ui/event.ui:511
-#: ui/faces.ui:326 ui/media.ui:326 ui/photo_context.ui:75 ui/photo.ui:313
+#: ui/faces.ui:326 ui/media.ui:326 ui/photo_context.ui:75 ui/photo.ui:315
#: ui/tags.ui:326
msgid "_Increase"
msgstr "_Handitu"
@@ -4955,7 +4984,7 @@ msgid "Increase Rating"
msgstr "Handitu balorazioa"
#: src/Resources.vala:223 ui/collection.ui:76 ui/event.ui:331 ui/event.ui:515
-#: ui/faces.ui:331 ui/media.ui:331 ui/photo_context.ui:80 ui/photo.ui:318
+#: ui/faces.ui:331 ui/media.ui:331 ui/photo_context.ui:80 ui/photo.ui:320
#: ui/tags.ui:331
msgid "_Decrease"
msgstr "_Txikitu"
@@ -4965,7 +4994,7 @@ msgid "Decrease Rating"
msgstr "Txikitu balorazioa"
#: src/Resources.vala:226 ui/collection.ui:62 ui/event.ui:314 ui/event.ui:501
-#: ui/faces.ui:314 ui/media.ui:314 ui/photo_context.ui:63 ui/photo.ui:301
+#: ui/faces.ui:314 ui/media.ui:314 ui/photo_context.ui:63 ui/photo.ui:303
#: ui/tags.ui:314
msgid "_Unrated"
msgstr "Ba_loratu gabea"
@@ -4987,7 +5016,7 @@ msgid "Remove any ratings"
msgstr "Kendu balorazio guztiak"
#: src/Resources.vala:232 ui/collection.ui:66 ui/event.ui:319 ui/event.ui:505
-#: ui/faces.ui:319 ui/media.ui:319 ui/photo_context.ui:68 ui/photo.ui:306
+#: ui/faces.ui:319 ui/media.ui:319 ui/photo_context.ui:68 ui/photo.ui:308
#: ui/tags.ui:319
msgid "_Rejected"
msgstr "_Ezetsia"
@@ -5045,7 +5074,7 @@ msgid "Show all photos"
msgstr "Erakutsi argazki guztiak"
#: src/Resources.vala:249 ui/event.ui:144 ui/faces.ui:144 ui/media.ui:144
-#: ui/photo.ui:120 ui/tags.ui:144
+#: ui/photo.ui:122 ui/tags.ui:144
msgid "_Ratings"
msgstr "_Balorazioak"
@@ -5092,7 +5121,7 @@ msgid "Publish to various websites"
msgstr "Argitaratu hainbat webgunetan"
#: src/Resources.vala:268 ui/collection.ui:98 ui/event.ui:340 ui/event.ui:537
-#: ui/faces.ui:340 ui/media.ui:340 ui/photo_context.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:327
+#: ui/faces.ui:340 ui/media.ui:340 ui/photo_context.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:329
#: ui/tags.ui:340
msgid "Edit _Title…"
msgstr "Editatu _titulua…"
@@ -5105,7 +5134,7 @@ msgstr "Editatu titulua"
#: src/Resources.vala:272 ui/collection.ui:103 ui/events_directory.ui:144
#: ui/events_directory.ui:186 ui/event.ui:345 ui/event.ui:398 ui/event.ui:542
-#: ui/faces.ui:345 ui/media.ui:345 ui/photo_context.ui:110 ui/photo.ui:332
+#: ui/faces.ui:345 ui/media.ui:345 ui/photo_context.ui:110 ui/photo.ui:334
#: ui/tags.ui:345
msgid "Edit _Comment…"
msgstr "Editatu i_ruzkina…"
@@ -5119,7 +5148,7 @@ msgstr "Editatu iruzkina"
msgid "Edit Event _Comment…"
msgstr "Editatu _gertaeraren iruzkina…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:279 ui/direct.ui:167 ui/photo.ui:337
+#: src/Resources.vala:279 ui/direct.ui:167 ui/photo.ui:339
msgid "_Adjust Date and Time…"
msgstr "Doitu data eta _ordua…"
@@ -5128,7 +5157,7 @@ msgid "Adjust Date and Time"
msgstr "Doitu data eta ordua"
#: src/Resources.vala:282 ui/collection.ui:19 ui/event.ui:407 ui/event.ui:458
-#: ui/faces.ui:390 ui/media.ui:390 ui/photo.ui:375 ui/tags.ui:390
+#: ui/faces.ui:390 ui/media.ui:390 ui/photo.ui:377 ui/tags.ui:390
msgid "Add _Tags…"
msgstr "Gehitu _etiketak…"
@@ -5231,7 +5260,7 @@ msgid "Rename Tag “%s” to “%s”"
msgstr "Aldatu “%s” etiketaren izena eta ezarri “%s”"
#: src/Resources.vala:354 ui/collection.ui:24 ui/event.ui:412 ui/event.ui:463
-#: ui/faces.ui:395 ui/media.ui:395 ui/photo_context.ui:22 ui/photo.ui:380
+#: ui/faces.ui:395 ui/media.ui:395 ui/photo_context.ui:22 ui/photo.ui:382
#: ui/tags.ui:395
msgid "Modif_y Tags…"
msgstr "Al_datu etiketak…"
@@ -5402,7 +5431,7 @@ msgstr "Mugitu hautatutako argazkiak berriro liburutegira"
#: src/Resources.vala:768 ui/collection.ui:123 ui/direct_context.ui:18
#: ui/direct.ui:30 ui/event.ui:27 ui/event.ui:562 ui/faces.ui:27 ui/media.ui:27
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:130 ui/photo.ui:35 ui/tags.ui:27 ui/trash.ui:19
+#: ui/photo_context.ui:130 ui/photo.ui:37 ui/tags.ui:27 ui/trash.ui:19
#: ui/trash.ui:227
msgid "Show in File Mana_ger"
msgstr "Erakutsi fitxategi-kudeat_zailean"
@@ -5417,13 +5446,13 @@ msgid "Unable to open in file manager: %s"
msgstr "Ezin izan da fitxategi-kudeatzailean ireki: %s"
#: src/Resources.vala:775 ui/event.ui:74 ui/faces.ui:74 ui/media.ui:74
-#: ui/offline.ui:58 ui/offline.ui:207 ui/offline.ui:224 ui/photo.ui:77
+#: ui/offline.ui:58 ui/offline.ui:207 ui/offline.ui:224 ui/photo.ui:79
#: ui/tags.ui:74
msgid "R_emove From Library"
msgstr "Ke_ndu liburutegitik"
#: src/Resources.vala:777 ui/collection.ui:134 ui/event.ui:79 ui/event.ui:573
-#: ui/faces.ui:79 ui/media.ui:79 ui/photo_context.ui:141 ui/photo.ui:82
+#: ui/faces.ui:79 ui/media.ui:79 ui/photo_context.ui:141 ui/photo.ui:84
#: ui/tags.ui:79
msgid "_Move to Trash"
msgstr "_Bota zakarrontzira"
@@ -5789,12 +5818,12 @@ msgid "Export Videos"
msgstr "Esportatu bideoak"
#: ui/collection.ui:33 ui/event.ui:281 ui/event.ui:472 ui/faces.ui:281
-#: ui/media.ui:281 ui/photo_context.ui:30 ui/photo.ui:268 ui/tags.ui:281
+#: ui/media.ui:281 ui/photo_context.ui:30 ui/photo.ui:270 ui/tags.ui:281
msgid "Toggle _Flag"
msgstr "Txandakatu _bandera"
#: ui/collection.ui:82 ui/event.ui:353 ui/event.ui:521 ui/faces.ui:353
-#: ui/media.ui:353 ui/photo_context.ui:88 ui/photo.ui:344 ui/tags.ui:353
+#: ui/media.ui:353 ui/photo_context.ui:88 ui/photo.ui:346 ui/tags.ui:353
msgid "_Developer"
msgstr "_Garatzailea"
@@ -5815,47 +5844,47 @@ msgstr "Gorde _honela…"
#: ui/direct.ui:59 ui/events_directory.ui:71 ui/event.ui:99 ui/faces.ui:99
#: ui/import_queue.ui:38 ui/import.ui:74 ui/media.ui:99 ui/offline.ui:78
-#: ui/photo.ui:95 ui/tags.ui:99 ui/trash.ui:87
+#: ui/photo.ui:97 ui/tags.ui:99 ui/trash.ui:87
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ikusi"
-#: ui/direct.ui:81 ui/photo.ui:156
+#: ui/direct.ui:81 ui/photo.ui:158
msgid "Fit to _Page"
msgstr "Doitu _orrialdera"
-#: ui/direct.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:161
+#: ui/direct.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:163
msgid "Zoom _100%"
msgstr "Zoom %_100"
-#: ui/direct.ui:91 ui/photo.ui:166
+#: ui/direct.ui:91 ui/photo.ui:168
msgid "Zoom _200%"
msgstr "Zoom _%200"
-#: ui/direct.ui:98 ui/photo.ui:187
+#: ui/direct.ui:98 ui/photo.ui:189
msgid "_Photo"
msgstr "_Argazkia"
-#: ui/direct.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:190
+#: ui/direct.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:192
msgid "_Previous Photo"
msgstr "Au_rreko argazkia"
-#: ui/direct.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:194
+#: ui/direct.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:196
msgid "_Next Photo"
msgstr "_Hurrengo argazkia"
-#: ui/direct.ui:131 ui/photo.ui:220
+#: ui/direct.ui:131 ui/photo.ui:222
msgid "T_ools"
msgstr "T_resnak"
#: ui/direct.ui:182 ui/events_directory.ui:158 ui/event.ui:428 ui/faces.ui:438
#: ui/import_queue.ui:73 ui/import.ui:191 ui/media.ui:411 ui/offline.ui:188
-#: ui/photo.ui:395 ui/tags.ui:430 ui/trash.ui:197
+#: ui/photo.ui:397 ui/tags.ui:430 ui/trash.ui:197
msgid "_Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "_Ohiko galderak"
#: ui/direct.ui:186 ui/events_directory.ui:162 ui/event.ui:432 ui/faces.ui:442
#: ui/import_queue.ui:77 ui/import.ui:195 ui/media.ui:415 ui/offline.ui:192
-#: ui/photo.ui:399 ui/tags.ui:434 ui/trash.ui:201
+#: ui/photo.ui:401 ui/tags.ui:434 ui/trash.ui:201
msgid "_Report a Problem…"
msgstr "_Jakinarazi akatsa…"
@@ -5873,7 +5902,7 @@ msgstr "Inportatu _aplikaziotik…"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:19 ui/event.ui:34 ui/faces.ui:34
#: ui/import_queue.ui:25 ui/import.ui:27 ui/media.ui:34 ui/offline.ui:19
-#: ui/photo.ui:42 ui/tags.ui:34 ui/trash.ui:24 ui/trash.ui:234 ui/trash.ui:242
+#: ui/photo.ui:44 ui/tags.ui:34 ui/trash.ui:24 ui/trash.ui:234 ui/trash.ui:242
msgid "Empty T_rash"
msgstr "Hustu _zakarrontzia"
@@ -5883,19 +5912,19 @@ msgid "_Find"
msgstr "A_urkitu"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:51 ui/event.ui:66 ui/faces.ui:66 ui/media.ui:66
-#: ui/offline.ui:51 ui/photo.ui:70 ui/search_sidebar_context.ui:6
+#: ui/offline.ui:51 ui/photo.ui:72 ui/search_sidebar_context.ui:6
#: ui/sidebar_default_context.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:66 ui/trash.ui:56
msgid "Ne_w Saved Search…"
msgstr "Go_rdetako bilaketa berria…"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:74 ui/event.ui:102 ui/faces.ui:102
#: ui/import_queue.ui:41 ui/import.ui:77 ui/media.ui:102 ui/offline.ui:81
-#: ui/photo.ui:98 ui/tags.ui:102 ui/trash.ui:90
+#: ui/photo.ui:100 ui/tags.ui:102 ui/trash.ui:90
msgid "_Basic Information"
msgstr "_Oinarrizko informazioa"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:79 ui/event.ui:107 ui/faces.ui:107 ui/import.ui:82
-#: ui/media.ui:107 ui/offline.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:103 ui/tags.ui:107
+#: ui/media.ui:107 ui/offline.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:105 ui/tags.ui:107
#: ui/trash.ui:95
msgid "E_xtended Information"
msgstr "Informazio _gehigarria"
@@ -5906,13 +5935,13 @@ msgid "_Search Bar"
msgstr "_Bilaketa-barra"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:89 ui/event.ui:117 ui/faces.ui:117 ui/import.ui:92
-#: ui/media.ui:117 ui/offline.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:117
+#: ui/media.ui:117 ui/offline.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:110 ui/tags.ui:117
#: ui/trash.ui:105
msgid "S_idebar"
msgstr "_Alboko barra"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:94 ui/event.ui:122 ui/faces.ui:122 ui/import.ui:97
-#: ui/media.ui:122 ui/offline.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:113 ui/tags.ui:122
+#: ui/media.ui:122 ui/offline.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:115 ui/tags.ui:122
#: ui/trash.ui:110
msgid "T_oolbar"
msgstr "Tresna-_barra"
@@ -5924,13 +5953,13 @@ msgstr "_Iruzkinak"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:108 ui/event.ui:243 ui/faces.ui:243
#: ui/import_queue.ui:48 ui/import.ui:166 ui/media.ui:243 ui/offline.ui:163
-#: ui/photo.ui:127 ui/tags.ui:243 ui/trash.ui:172
+#: ui/photo.ui:129 ui/tags.ui:243 ui/trash.ui:172
msgid "Sort _Events"
msgstr "Ordenatu _gertaerak"
#: ui/events_directory.ui:111 ui/event.ui:231 ui/event.ui:246 ui/faces.ui:231
#: ui/faces.ui:246 ui/import_queue.ui:51 ui/import.ui:169 ui/media.ui:231
-#: ui/media.ui:246 ui/offline.ui:166 ui/photo.ui:130 ui/tags.ui:231
+#: ui/media.ui:246 ui/offline.ui:166 ui/photo.ui:132 ui/tags.ui:231
#: ui/tags.ui:246 ui/trash.ui:175
msgid "_Ascending"
msgstr "Go_rantz"
@@ -5952,7 +5981,7 @@ msgid "_Titles"
msgstr "_Tituluak"
#: ui/event.ui:139 ui/event.ui:404 ui/faces.ui:139 ui/faces.ui:387
-#: ui/media.ui:139 ui/media.ui:387 ui/photo.ui:372 ui/tags.ui:139
+#: ui/media.ui:139 ui/media.ui:387 ui/photo.ui:374 ui/tags.ui:139
#: ui/tags.ui:387
msgid "Ta_gs"
msgstr "_Etiketak"
@@ -5978,7 +6007,7 @@ msgid "By _Rating"
msgstr "_Balorazioaren arabera"
#: ui/event.ui:251 ui/faces.ui:251 ui/import.ui:174 ui/media.ui:251
-#: ui/photo.ui:135 ui/tags.ui:251
+#: ui/photo.ui:137 ui/tags.ui:251
msgid "_Descending"
msgstr "Be_herantz"
@@ -6234,6 +6263,35 @@ msgstr "etiketa"
msgid "Delete all photos in the trash"
msgstr "Ezabatu zakarrontziko argazki guztiak"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are not currently logged into YouTube.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for "
+#~ "use with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your "
+#~ "browser to log into the YouTube site at least once."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "YouTube-n saioa hasi gabe zaude.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Google-n kontu bat eduki behar duzu eta hura YouTube-n erabiltzeko "
+#~ "konfiguratuta eduki behar duzu jarraitzeko. Kontu gehiago sor ditzakezu "
+#~ "zure nabigatzailearekin YouTube-ra gutxienez behin sartuz."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are not currently logged into Google Photos.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for "
+#~ "use with Google Photos.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You will have to authorize Shotwell to link to your Google Photos account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Google Photos-en saioa hasi gabe zaude.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Google-n kontu bat eduki behar duzu eta hura zure Google Photos kontua "
+#~ "erabiltzeko konfiguratuta eduki behar duzu.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Shotwell-i baimena eman behar diozu zure Google Photos kontuarekin esteka "
+#~ "sor dezan."
#~ msgid "Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation"
#~ msgstr "Copyright-a 2009-2013 Yorba Fundazioa"
diff --git a/po/gd.po b/po/gd.po
index 7b6c95b..aa019c2 100644
--- a/po/gd.po
+++ b/po/gd.po
@@ -6,27 +6,21 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: shotwell\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-02 16:28+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-02 12:09+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-28 09:45+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-10 11:07+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: GunChleoc <>\n"
"Language-Team: Fòram na Gàidhlig\n"
"Language: gd\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : "
-"(n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
-"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-04-10 15:01+0000\n"
"X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
-#: misc/ misc/
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:115
-#: src/photos/RawSupport.vala:313 ui/collection.ui:85 ui/event.ui:356
-#: ui/event.ui:524 ui/media.ui:356 ui/photo_context.ui:91 ui/photo.ui:346
-#: ui/tags.ui:356
+#: misc/ misc/ plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:115 src/photos/RawSupport.vala:308 ui/collection.ui:85 ui/event.ui:356 ui/event.ui:524 ui/faces.ui:356 ui/media.ui:356 ui/photo_context.ui:91 ui/photo.ui:347 ui/tags.ui:356
msgid "Shotwell"
msgstr "Shotwell"
@@ -36,89 +30,73 @@ msgstr "Manaidsear dhealbhan mòr-chòrdte"
#: misc/
msgid ""
-"Shotwell is an easy-to-use, fast photo organizer designed for the GNOME "
-"desktop. It allows you to import photos from your camera or disk, organize "
-"them by date and subject matter, even ratings. It also offers basic photo "
-"editing, like crop, red-eye correction, color adjustments, and straighten. "
-"Shotwell’s non-destructive photo editor does not alter your master photos, "
-"making it easy to experiment and correct errors."
+"Shotwell is an easy-to-use, fast photo organizer designed for the GNOME desktop. It allows you to import photos from your camera or disk, organize them by date and subject matter, even ratings. It also offers basic photo editing, like crop, red-eye correction, color adjustments, and straighten. Shotwell’s non-destructive "
+"photo editor does not alter your master photos, making it easy to experiment and correct errors."
msgstr ""
#: misc/
-msgid ""
-"When ready, Shotwell can upload your photos to various web sites, such as "
-"Facebook, Flickr, Picasa (Google Plus), and more."
+msgid "When ready, Shotwell can upload your photos to various web sites, such as Facebook, Flickr, Google Photos, and more."
msgstr ""
#: misc/
msgid "Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and a variety of RAW file formats."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/
+#: misc/
msgid "The Shotwell developers"
msgstr "Luchd-leasachaidh Shotwell"
-#: misc/ src/Resources.vala:17
+#: misc/ src/Resources.vala:17
msgid "Photo Manager"
msgstr "Manaidsear dhealbhan"
-#: misc/
+#: misc/
msgid "Organize your photos"
msgstr "Cuir rian air na dealbhan agad"
#. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localize the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
-#: misc/
-msgid ""
+#: misc/
+msgid "album;camera;cameras;crop;edit;enhance;export;gallery;image;images;import;organize;photo;photographs;photos;picture;pictures;photography;print;publish;rotate;share;tags;video;facebook;flickr;picasa;youtube;piwigo;"
msgstr ""
-#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)!
-#: misc/ misc/
-msgid "shotwell"
-msgstr "shotwell"
-#: misc/
+#: misc/
msgid "Shotwell Viewer"
msgstr "Sealladair Shotwell"
-#: misc/ src/Resources.vala:18
+#: misc/ src/Resources.vala:18
msgid "Photo Viewer"
msgstr "Sealladair dhealbhan"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:6
msgid "authentication token"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tòcan dearbhaidh"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:7
msgid "Yandex-Fotki authentication token, if logged in."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tòcan Yandex-Fotki ma tha thu air do chlàradh a-steach."
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:14
msgid "Token"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tòcan"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:15
msgid "The token to access tumblr"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "An tòcan airson tumblr inntrigeadh"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:20
msgid "Secret token"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tòcan dìomhair"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:21
msgid "The secret token to sign oauth requests"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "An tòcan dìomhair airson iarrtasan OAuth a shoidhneadh"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:26
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:486
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:26 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:498
msgid "default size"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "meud tùsail"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:27
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the default size for photos uploaded to Tumblr"
+msgid "A numeric code representing the default size for photos uploaded to Tumblr"
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:32
@@ -137,10 +115,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "URL of the Rajce server."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:46
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:454
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:512
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:568
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:46 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:466 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:524 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:580
msgid "username"
msgstr "ainm-cleachdaiche"
@@ -156,8 +131,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "user token, if remembered."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:58
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:530
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:58 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:542
msgid "last category"
msgstr "an roinn-seòrsa mu dheireadh"
@@ -165,15 +139,12 @@ msgstr "an roinn-seòrsa mu dheireadh"
msgid "The last selected Rajce category."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:64
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:542
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:64 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:554
msgid "last photo size"
msgstr "meud an deilbh mu dheireadh"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:65
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the last photo size preset used when publishing "
-"to Rajce."
+msgid "A numeric code representing the last photo size preset used when publishing to Rajce."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:70
@@ -197,23 +168,15 @@ msgid "open album in web browser"
msgstr "fosgal an t-albam ann am brabhsair-lìn"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:83
-msgid ""
-"If true, open target album in the web browser just after uploading photos"
+msgid "If true, open target album in the web browser just after uploading photos"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:88
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:434
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:472
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:498
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:548
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:592
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:88 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:446 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:484 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:510 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:560 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:604
msgid "remove sensitive info from uploads"
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:89
-msgid ""
-"Whether images being uploaded to Rajce should have their metadata removed "
+msgid "Whether images being uploaded to Rajce should have their metadata removed first"
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:23
@@ -229,8 +192,7 @@ msgid "display extended properties"
msgstr "seall buadhan leudaichte"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:30
-msgid ""
-"True if the extended properties window is to be displayed, false otherwise."
+msgid "True if the extended properties window is to be displayed, false otherwise."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:35
@@ -262,9 +224,7 @@ msgid "display photo titles"
msgstr "seall tiotalan nan dealbhan"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:54
-msgid ""
-"True if photo titles are to be displayed beneath thumbnails in collection "
-"views, false otherwise."
+msgid "True if photo titles are to be displayed beneath thumbnails in collection views, false otherwise."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:59
@@ -272,9 +232,7 @@ msgid "display photo comments"
msgstr "seall beachdan air dealbhan"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:60
-msgid ""
-"True if photo comments are to be displayed beneath thumbnails in collection "
-"views, false otherwise."
+msgid "True if photo comments are to be displayed beneath thumbnails in collection views, false otherwise."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:65
@@ -282,9 +240,7 @@ msgid "display event comments"
msgstr "seall beachdan air tachartasan"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:66
-msgid ""
-"True if event comments are to be displayed beneath thumbnails in event "
-"views, false otherwise."
+msgid "True if event comments are to be displayed beneath thumbnails in event views, false otherwise."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:71
@@ -292,9 +248,7 @@ msgid "display photo tags"
msgstr "seall tagaichean nan dealbhan"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:72
-msgid ""
-"True if photo tags are to be listed beneath thumbnails in collection views, "
-"false otherwise."
+msgid "True if photo tags are to be listed beneath thumbnails in collection views, false otherwise."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:77
@@ -302,9 +256,7 @@ msgid "display photo ratings"
msgstr "seall rangachaidhean nan dealbhan"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:78
-msgid ""
-"True if a photo’s rating should be displayed as overlaid trinket, false "
+msgid "True if a photo’s rating should be displayed as overlaid trinket, false otherwise."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:83
@@ -312,10 +264,7 @@ msgid "rating filter level"
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:84
-msgid ""
-"Determines how to filter photos based on their ratings. 1: Rejected or "
-"better, 2: Unrated or better, 3: One or better, 4: Two or better, 5: Three "
-"or better, 6: Four or better, 7: Five or better."
+msgid "Determines how to filter photos based on their ratings. 1: Rejected or better, 2: Unrated or better, 3: One or better, 4: Two or better, 5: Three or better, 6: Four or better, 7: Five or better."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:89
@@ -339,8 +288,7 @@ msgid "sort library photos criteria"
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:102
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code that specifies the sort criteria for photos in library views."
+msgid "A numeric code that specifies the sort criteria for photos in library views."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:107
@@ -364,9 +312,7 @@ msgid "use 24 hour time"
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:120
-msgid ""
-"True if should display times with a 24 hour clock, false if times should use "
-"AM/PM notation."
+msgid "True if should display times with a 24 hour clock, false if times should use AM/PM notation."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:125
@@ -374,9 +320,7 @@ msgid "keep relative time between photos"
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:126
-msgid ""
-"True if when adjusting time/date of photos, relative time should be "
-"maintained. False if all photos should be set to the same time."
+msgid "True if when adjusting time/date of photos, relative time should be maintained. False if all photos should be set to the same time."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:131
@@ -384,9 +328,7 @@ msgid "modify original photo files"
msgstr "atharraich faidhlichean tùsail nan dealbhan"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:132
-msgid ""
-"True if when adjusting time/date of photos, the original files should be "
-"modified as well. False if changes are made only in the database."
+msgid "True if when adjusting time/date of photos, the original files should be modified as well. False if changes are made only in the database."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:137
@@ -394,9 +336,7 @@ msgid "show welcome dialog on startup"
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:138
-msgid ""
-"True if, when on startup, a welcome dialog should be shown. False if it "
-"should not be shown."
+msgid "True if, when on startup, a welcome dialog should be shown. False if it should not be shown."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:143
@@ -424,967 +364,860 @@ msgid "Pin toolbar in fullscreen, or not."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:161
-msgid "background color"
-msgstr "dath a’ chùlaibh"
+msgid "prefer GTK+’s dark theme"
+msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:162
-msgid "A grayscale color for use as the background color."
+msgid "Whether to use the dark theme of GTK+ for Shotwell or not."
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:167
-msgid "Selection state of “hide photos” option"
+msgid "background for transparent images"
msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:168
-msgid ""
-"Last used selection state of the “hide photos already imported” option in "
-"the import page."
+msgid "The background to use for transparent images."
+msgstr ""
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:173
+msgid "color for solid transparency background"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:175
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:174
+msgid "Color to use if background for transparent images is set to solid color"
+msgstr ""
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:179
+msgid "Selection state of “hide photos” option"
+msgstr ""
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:180
+msgid "Last used selection state of the “hide photos already imported” option in the import page."
+msgstr ""
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:187
msgid "delay"
msgstr "dàil"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:176
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:188
msgid "Delay (in seconds) between photos in the slideshow."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:181
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:193
msgid "transition delay"
msgstr "dàil an tar-mhùthaidh"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:182
-msgid ""
-"The time (in seconds) that a transition runs between photos in a slideshow"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:194
+msgid "The time (in seconds) that a transition runs between photos in a slideshow"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:187
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:199
msgid "transition effect id"
msgstr "id èifeachd an tar-mhùthaidh"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:188
-msgid ""
-"The name of the transition effect that will be used between photos when "
-"running a slideshow"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:200
+msgid "The name of the transition effect that will be used between photos when running a slideshow"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:193
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:205
msgid "Show title"
msgstr "Seall an tiotal"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:194
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:206
msgid "Whether to show the title of a photo during the slideshow"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:201
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:213
msgid "maximize library window"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:202
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:214
msgid "True if library application is maximized, false otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:207
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:219
msgid "width of library window"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:208
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:220
msgid "The last recorded width of the library application window."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:213
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:225
msgid "height of library window"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:214
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:226
msgid "The last recorded height of the library application window."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:219
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:231
msgid "maximize direct-edit window"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:220
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:232
msgid "True if direct-edit application is maximized, false otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:225
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:237
msgid "width of direct-edit window"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:226
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:238
msgid "The last recorded width of the direct-edit application window."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:231
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:243
msgid "height of direct-edit window"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:232
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:244
msgid "The last recorded height of the direct-edit application window."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:237
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:249
msgid "sidebar divider position"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:238
-msgid ""
-"The last recorded position of the divider between the sidebar and view in "
-"library application window."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:250
+msgid "The last recorded position of the divider between the sidebar and view in library application window."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:245
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:257
msgid "import directory"
msgstr "ion-phortaich pasgan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:246
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:258
msgid "Directory in which imported photo files are placed."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:251
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:263
msgid "watch library directory for new files"
msgstr "cum sùil air pasgan na leabhar-lainn airson faidhlichean ùra"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:252
-msgid ""
-"If true, files added to the library directory are automatically imported."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:264
+msgid "If true, files added to the library directory are automatically imported."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:257
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:269
msgid "write metadata to master files"
msgstr "sgrìobh am meata-dàta dha na faidhlichean-maighstir"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:258
-msgid ""
-"If true, changes to metadata (tags, titles, etc.) are written to the master "
-"photo file."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:270
+msgid "If true, changes to metadata (tags, titles, etc.) are written to the master photo file."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:263
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:275
msgid "use lowercase filenames"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:264
-msgid ""
-"If true, Shotwell will convert all filenames to lowercase when importing "
-"photo files"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:276
+msgid "If true, Shotwell will convert all filenames to lowercase when importing photo files"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:269
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:281
msgid "directory pattern"
msgstr "pàtran nam pasgan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:270
-msgid ""
-"A string encoding a naming pattern that will be used to name photo "
-"directories on import."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:282
+msgid "A string encoding a naming pattern that will be used to name photo directories on import."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:275
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:287
msgid "directory pattern custom"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:276
-msgid ""
-"A string encoding a custom naming pattern that will be used to name photo "
-"directories on import."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:288
+msgid "A string encoding a custom naming pattern that will be used to name photo directories on import."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:281
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:293
msgid "RAW developer default"
msgstr "Bun-roghainn an leasaicheir RAW"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:282
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:294
msgid "Default option for which RAW developer Shotwell will use."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:289
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:301
msgid "Most-recently-used crop aspect ratio menu choice."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:290
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:302
msgid "A numeric code representing the last crop menu choice the user made."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:294
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:306
msgid "Most-recently-used crop custom aspect ratio’s numerator."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:295
-msgid ""
-"A nonzero, positive integer representing the width part of the last custom "
-"crop ratio the user entered."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:307
+msgid "A nonzero, positive integer representing the width part of the last custom crop ratio the user entered."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:299
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:311
msgid "Most-recently-used crop custom aspect ratio’s denominator."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:300
-msgid ""
-"A nonzero, positive integer representing the height part of the last custom "
-"crop ratio the user entered."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:312
+msgid "A nonzero, positive integer representing the height part of the last custom crop ratio the user entered."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:307
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:319
msgid "external photo editor"
msgstr "deasaiche dhealbhan air an taobh a-muigh"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:308
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:320
msgid "External application used to edit photos."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:313
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:325
msgid "external raw editor"
msgstr "deasaiche raw air an taobh a-muigh"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:314
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:326
msgid "External application used to edit RAW photos."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:352
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:353
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:364 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:365
msgid "Setting in export dialog: how to trim images"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:358
-#| msgid "Export metadata"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:370
msgid "export metadata"
msgstr "às-phortaich am meata-dàta"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:359
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:371
msgid "Setting in export dialog: option to export metadata"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:364
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:376
msgid "format setting, special value"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:365
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:377
msgid "Setting in export dialog: format setting, special value"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:370
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:382
msgid "format setting, type value"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:371
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:383
msgid "Setting in export dialog: format setting, type value"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:376
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:388
msgid "JPEG quality option"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:377
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:389
msgid "Setting in export dialog: jpeg quality option"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:382
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:394
msgid "maximal size of image"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:383
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:395
msgid "Setting in export dialog: maximal size of image"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:390
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:402
msgid "last used publishing service"
msgstr "an t-seirbheis foillseachaidh mu dheireadh"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:391
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:397
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the last service to which photos were published"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:403 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:409
+msgid "A numeric code representing the last service to which photos were published"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:396
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:408
msgid "default publishing service"
msgstr "an t-seirbheis foillseachaidh thùsail"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:410
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:422
msgid "access token"
msgstr "tòcan inntrigidh"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:411
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:423
msgid "Facebook OAuth token for the currently logged in session, if any"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:416
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:428
msgid "user i.d."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:417
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:429
msgid "Facebook user i.d. for the currently logged in user, if any"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:422
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:434
msgid "user name"
msgstr "ainm-cleachdaiche"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:423
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:435
msgid "The name of the currently logged in Facebook user, if any"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:428
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:460
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:440 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:472
msgid "default size code"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:429
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the default size for photos published to Facebook"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:441
+msgid "A numeric code representing the default size for photos published to Facebook"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:435
-msgid ""
-"Whether images being uploaded to Facebook should have their metadata removed "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:447
+msgid "Whether images being uploaded to Facebook should have their metadata removed first"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:442
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:454
msgid "OAuth Access Phase Token"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:443
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:455
msgid "The authorization token for the currently logged in Flickr user, if any"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:448
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:460
msgid "OAuth Access Phase Token Secret"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:449
-msgid ""
-"The cryptographic secret used to sign requests against the authorization "
-"token for the currently logged in Flickr user, if any"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:461
+msgid "The cryptographic secret used to sign requests against the authorization token for the currently logged in Flickr user, if any"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:455
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:467
msgid "The user name of the currently logged in Flickr user, if any"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:461
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the default size for photos published to Flickr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:473
+msgid "A numeric code representing the default size for photos published to Flickr"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:466
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:478
msgid "default visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:467
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the default visibility for photos published to "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:479
+msgid "A numeric code representing the default visibility for photos published to Flickr"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:473
-msgid ""
-"Whether images being uploaded to Flickr should have their metadata removed "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:485
+msgid "Whether images being uploaded to Flickr should have their metadata removed first"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:480
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:612
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:492 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:624
msgid "refresh token"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:481
-msgid ""
-"The OAuth token used to refresh the Picasa Web Albums session for the "
-"currently logged in user, if any."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:493
+msgid "The OAuth token used to refresh the Google Photos session for the currently logged in user, if any."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:487
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the default size for photos uploaded to Picasa "
-"Web Albums"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:499
+msgid "A numeric code representing the default size for photos uploaded to Google Photos Albums"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:492
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:586
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:504 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:598
msgid "last album"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:493
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:587
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:505 misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:599
msgid "The name of the last album the user published photos to, if any"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:499
-msgid ""
-"Whether images being uploaded to Picasa should have their metadata removed "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:511
+msgid "Whether images being uploaded to Google Photos should have their metadata removed first"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:506
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:518
msgid "Piwigo URL"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:507
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:519
msgid "URL of the Piwigo server."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:513
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:525
msgid "Piwigo username, if logged in."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:518
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:530
msgid "password"
msgstr "facal-faire"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:519
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:531
msgid "Piwigo password, if logged in."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:524
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:536
msgid "remember password"
msgstr "cuimhnich am facal-faire"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:525
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:537
msgid "If true, remember the Piwigo password."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:531
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:543
msgid "The last selected Piwigo category."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:536
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:548
msgid "last permission level"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:537
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:549
msgid "The last chosen Piwigo permission level."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:543
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the last photo size preset used when publishing "
-"to Piwigo."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:555
+msgid "A numeric code representing the last photo size preset used when publishing to Piwigo."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:549
-msgid ""
-"Whether images being uploaded to Piwigo should have their metadata removed "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:561
+msgid "Whether images being uploaded to Piwigo should have their metadata removed first"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:554
-msgid ""
-"if title is set and comment unset, use title as comment for uploads to Piwigo"
-msgstr ""
-"ma chaidh tiotal a shuidheachadh agus beachd a dhì-shuidheachadh, cleachd an "
-"tiotal mar bheachd le luchdaidhean suas gu Piwigo"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:566
+msgid "if title is set and comment unset, use title as comment for uploads to Piwigo"
+msgstr "ma chaidh tiotal a shuidheachadh agus beachd a dhì-shuidheachadh, cleachd an tiotal mar bheachd le luchdaidhean suas gu Piwigo"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:555
-msgid ""
-"Whether images being uploaded to Piwigo should have their comment set from "
-"the title if title is set and comment unset"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:567
+msgid "Whether images being uploaded to Piwigo should have their comment set from the title if title is set and comment unset"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:560
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:572
msgid "do not upload tags when uploading to Piwigo"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:561
-msgid ""
-"Whether images being uploaded to Piwigo should have their tags removed on "
-"upload, such that these tags will not appear on the remote Piwigo server."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:573
+msgid "Whether images being uploaded to Piwigo should have their tags removed on upload, such that these tags will not appear on the remote Piwigo server."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:569
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:581
msgid "Gallery3 username"
msgstr "Ainm-cleachdaiche Gallery3"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:574
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:586
msgid "API key"
msgstr "Iuchair API"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:575
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:587
msgid "Gallery3 API key"
msgstr "Iuchair API Gallery3"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:580
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:592
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:581
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:593
msgid "Gallery3 site URL"
msgstr "URL làrach Gallery3"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:593
-msgid ""
-"Indicates whether images being uploaded to Gallery3 should have their "
-"metadata removed first"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:605
+msgid "Indicates whether images being uploaded to Gallery3 should have their metadata removed first"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:598
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:610
msgid "scaling constraint of uploaded picture"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:599
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:611
msgid "The scaling constraint ID of the picture to be uploaded"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:604
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:616
msgid "pixels of the major axis uploaded picture"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:605
-msgid ""
-"The pixels of the major axis of the picture to be uploaded; used only if "
-"scaling-constraint-id is an appropriate value"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:617
+msgid "The pixels of the major axis of the picture to be uploaded; used only if scaling-constraint-id is an appropriate value"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:613
-msgid ""
-"The OAuth token used to refresh the YouTube session for the currently logged "
-"in user, if any."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:625
+msgid "The OAuth token used to refresh the YouTube session for the currently logged in user, if any."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:620
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:632
msgid "last used import service"
msgstr "an t-seirbheis ion-phortaidh mu dheireadh"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:621
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the last service from which photos were imported"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:633
+msgid "A numeric code representing the last service from which photos were imported"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:628
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:640
msgid "interpreter state cookie"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:629
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code that captures the state of the GStreamer plug-in environment"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:641
+msgid "A numeric code that captures the state of the GStreamer plug-in environment"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:636
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:648
msgid "content layout mode"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:637
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code that describes how photos are laid out on the page during "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:649
+msgid "A numeric code that describes how photos are laid out on the page during printing"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:642
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:654
msgid "content ppi"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:643
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:655
msgid "The number of pixels per inch (ppi) sent to the printer during printing"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:648
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:660
msgid "content width"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:649
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:661
msgid "The width of the printed emulsion on the page when printing"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:654
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:666
msgid "content height"
msgstr "àirde na susbainte"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:655
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:667
msgid "The height of the printed emulsion on the page when printing"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:660
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:672
msgid "content units"
msgstr "aonad na susbainte"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:661
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing unit of measure (inches or centimeters) used "
-"when printing"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:673
+msgid "A numeric code representing unit of measure (inches or centimeters) used when printing"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:666
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:678
msgid "images per page code"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:667
-msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the currently selected images per page mode used "
-"when printing"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:679
+msgid "A numeric code representing the currently selected images per page mode used when printing"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:672
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:684
msgid "size selection"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:673
-msgid ""
-"The index of the current print size in a pre-defined list of standard sizes"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:685
+msgid "The index of the current print size in a pre-defined list of standard sizes"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:678
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:690
msgid "match aspect ratio"
msgstr "maidsich co-mheas an deilbh"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:679
-msgid ""
-"Determines whether custom print sizes must match the aspect ratio of the "
-"original photo"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:691
+msgid "Determines whether custom print sizes must match the aspect ratio of the original photo"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:684
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:696
msgid "print titles"
msgstr "clò-bhuail tiotalan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:685
-msgid ""
-"True if the title of a photo should be printed when the photo is printed, "
-"false otherwise."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:697
+msgid "True if the title of a photo should be printed when the photo is printed, false otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:690
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:702
msgid "titles font"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:691
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:703
msgid "The name of the font to use for photo titles when they are printed."
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:702
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:714
msgid "enable facebook publishing plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:703
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:715
msgid "True if the Facebook publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:708
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:720
msgid "enable flickr publishing plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:709
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:721
msgid "True if the Flickr publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:714
-msgid "enable picasa publishing plugin"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:726
+msgid "enable Google Photos publishing plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:715
-msgid ""
-"True if the Picasa Web Albums publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:727
+msgid "True if the Google Photos publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:720
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:732
msgid "enable youtube publishing plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:721
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:733
msgid "True if the YouTube publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:726
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:738
msgid "enable piwigo publishing plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:727
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:739
msgid "True if the Piwigo publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:732
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:744
msgid "enable yandex publishing plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:733
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:745
msgid "True if the Yandex.Fotki publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:738
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:750
msgid "enable tumblr publishing plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:739
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:751
msgid "True if the Tumblr publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:744
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:756
msgid "enable rajce publishing plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:745
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:757
msgid "True if the Rajce publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:750
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:762
msgid "enable gallery3 publishing plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:751
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:763
msgid "True if the Gallery3 publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:756
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:768
msgid "enable F-Spot import plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:757
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:769
msgid "True if the F-Spot import plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:762
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:774
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgid "enable slideshow crumble transition"
msgstr "Prìomh tar-mhùthaidhean airson taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:763
-msgid ""
-"True if the Crumble slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:775
+msgid "True if the Crumble slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:768
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:780
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgid "enable slideshow fade transition"
msgstr "Prìomh tar-mhùthaidhean airson taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:769
-msgid ""
-"True if the Fade slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:781
+msgid "True if the Fade slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:774
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:786
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgid "enable slideshow slide transition"
msgstr "Prìomh tar-mhùthaidhean airson taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:775
-msgid ""
-"True if the Slide slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:787
+msgid "True if the Slide slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:780
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:792
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgid "enable slideshow clock transition"
msgstr "Prìomh tar-mhùthaidhean airson taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:781
-msgid ""
-"True if the Clock slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:793
+msgid "True if the Clock slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:786
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:798
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgid "enable slideshow circle transition"
msgstr "Prìomh tar-mhùthaidhean airson taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:787
-msgid ""
-"True if the Circle slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:799
+msgid "True if the Circle slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:792
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:804
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgid "enable slideshow circles transition"
msgstr "Prìomh tar-mhùthaidhean airson taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:793
-msgid ""
-"True if the Circles slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:805
+msgid "True if the Circles slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:798
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:810
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgid "enable slideshow blinds transition"
msgstr "Prìomh tar-mhùthaidhean airson taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:799
-msgid ""
-"True if the Blinds slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:811
+msgid "True if the Blinds slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:804
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:816
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgid "enable slideshow squares transition"
msgstr "Prìomh tar-mhùthaidhean airson taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:805
-msgid ""
-"True if the Squares slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:817
+msgid "True if the Squares slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:810
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:822
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgid "enable slideshow stripes transition"
msgstr "Prìomh tar-mhùthaidhean airson taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:811
-msgid ""
-"True if the Stripes slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:823
+msgid "True if the Stripes slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:816
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:828
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgid "enable slideshow chess transition"
msgstr "Prìomh tar-mhùthaidhean airson taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
-#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:817
-msgid ""
-"True if the Chess-Board slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:829
+msgid "True if the Chess-Board slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FacebookPublishingAuthenticator.vala:166
-#| msgid ""
-#| "You are not currently logged into Facebook.\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "If you don't yet have a Facebook account, you can create one during the "
-#| "login process. During login, Shotwell Connect may ask you for permission "
-#| "to upload photos and publish to your feed. These permissions are required "
-#| "for Shotwell Connect to function."
msgid ""
"You are not currently logged into Facebook.\n"
-"If you don’t yet have a Facebook account, you can create one during the "
-"login process. During login, Shotwell Connect may ask you for permission to "
-"upload photos and publish to your feed. These permissions are required for "
-"Shotwell Connect to function."
+"If you don’t yet have a Facebook account, you can create one during the login process. During login, Shotwell Connect may ask you for permission to upload photos and publish to your feed. These permissions are required for Shotwell Connect to function."
msgstr ""
"Cha do rinn thu clàradh a-steach air Facebook.\n"
-"Mur eil cunntas Facebook agad, bidh cothrom agad fear a chruthachadh rè a’ "
-"chlàraidh a-steach. Dh’fhaoidte gun iarr Ceangal Shotwell cead ort dealbhan "
-"a luchdadh suas agus foillseachadh a dhèanamh gun inbhir agad. Feumaidh "
-"Ceangal Shotwell an cead seo mus obraich e."
+"Mur eil cunntas Facebook agad, bidh cothrom agad fear a chruthachadh rè a’ chlàraidh a-steach. Dh’fhaoidte gun iarr Ceangal Shotwell cead ort dealbhan a luchdadh suas agus foillseachadh a dhèanamh gun inbhir agad. Feumaidh Ceangal Shotwell an cead seo mus obraich e."
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FacebookPublishingAuthenticator.vala:168
msgid ""
-"You have already logged in and out of Facebook during this Shotwell "
-"To continue publishing to Facebook, quit and restart Shotwell, then try "
-"publishing again."
+"You have already logged in and out of Facebook during this Shotwell session.\n"
+"To continue publishing to Facebook, quit and restart Shotwell, then try publishing again."
msgstr ""
-"Rinn thu clàradh a-steach is a-mach air Facebook san t-seisean Shotwell seo "
-"mu thràth.\n"
-"Ma tha thu airson leantainn air foillseachadh air Facebook, fàg an-seo, ath-"
-"thòisich Shotwell is feuch ri fhoillseachadh às ùr."
+"Rinn thu clàradh a-steach is a-mach air Facebook san t-seisean Shotwell seo mu thràth.\n"
+"Ma tha thu airson leantainn air foillseachadh air Facebook, fàg an-seo, ath-thòisich Shotwell is feuch ri fhoillseachadh às ùr."
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/flickr_pin_entry_pane.ui:17
-msgid ""
-"Enter the confirmation number which appears after you log into Flickr in "
-"your Web browser."
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir a-steach an àireamh-dhearbhaidh a nochdas an dèidh dhut clàradh a-"
-"steach dhan Flickr sa bhrabhsair-lìn agad."
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/flickr_pin_entry_pane.ui:37
-msgid "Authorization _Number:"
-msgstr "_Àireamh ùghdarrais:"
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/flickr_pin_entry_pane.ui:70
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:128
-msgid "Con_tinue"
-msgstr "Lean air adhar_t"
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:187
-#| msgid ""
-#| "You are not currently logged into Flickr.\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "Click Login to log into Flickr in your Web browser. You will have to "
-#| "authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Flickr account."
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:17
msgid ""
"You are not currently logged into Flickr.\n"
-"Click Log in to log into Flickr in your Web browser. You will have to "
-"authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Flickr account."
+"Click Log in to log into Flickr in your Web browser. You will have to authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Flickr account."
msgstr ""
"Cha do rinn thu clàradh a-steach air Flickr.\n"
-"Clàraich a-steach air Flickr sa bhrabhsair-lìn agad. Bidh agad ri cead a "
-"thoirt dha Ceangal Shotwell gus ceangal a dhèanamh ris a’ chunntas Flickr "
+"Clàraich a-steach air Flickr sa bhrabhsair-lìn agad. Bidh agad ri cead a thoirt dha Ceangal Shotwell gus ceangal a dhèanamh ris a’ chunntas Flickr agad."
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:364
-#| msgid "Preparing for login..."
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:138
msgid "Preparing for login…"
msgstr "Ag ullachadh gus do chlàradh a-steach…"
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:468
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:341
-#| msgid ""
-#| "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Flickr can't "
-#| "continue."
-msgid ""
-"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Flickr can’t "
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:211
+msgid "Flickr authorization failed"
msgstr ""
-"Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. "
-"Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh air Flickr dhut."
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:481
-#| msgid "Verifying authorization..."
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:218
msgid "Verifying authorization…"
msgstr "A’ dearbhadh an ùghdarrais…"
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/GoogleAuthenticator.vala:118
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/GoogleAuthenticator.vala:144
msgid ""
-"You have already logged in and out of a Google service during this Shotwell "
+"You have already logged in and out of a Google service during this Shotwell session.\n"
-"To continue publishing to Google services, quit and restart Shotwell, then "
-"try publishing again."
+"To continue publishing to Google services, quit and restart Shotwell, then try publishing again."
msgstr ""
-"Chlàraich thu a-steach is a-mach à seirbheis Google rè an t-seisein Shotwell "
-"seo mu thràth.\n"
+"Chlàraich thu a-steach is a-mach à seirbheis Google rè an t-seisein Shotwell seo mu thràth.\n"
-"Airson leantainn air adhart leis an obair-fhoillseachaidh air seirbheisean "
-"Google, fàg Shotwell, ath-thòisich e is feuch ris a-rithist."
+"Airson leantainn air adhart leis an obair-fhoillseachaidh air seirbheisean Google, fàg Shotwell, ath-thòisich e is feuch ris a-rithist."
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:31
-#| msgid ""
-#| "You are not currently logged into Picasa Web Albums.\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "Click Login to log into Picasa Web Albums in your Web browser. You will "
-#| "have to authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Picasa Web Albums "
-#| "account."
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:32
msgid ""
-"You are not currently logged into Picasa Web Albums.\n"
+"You are not currently logged into YouTube.\n"
-"Click Log in to log into Picasa Web Albums in your Web browser. You will "
-"have to authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Picasa Web Albums account."
-msgstr ""
-"Cha do rinn thu clàradh a-steach air Picasa Web Albums.\n"
+"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your browser to log into the YouTube site at least once.\n"
+"Shotwell uses the YouTube API services <a href=\"\"></a> for accessing your YouTube channel and upload the videos. By using Shotwell to access YouTube, you agree to be bound to the YouTube Terms of Service as available at <a href=\"https://www."
-"Briog air “Clàraich a-steach” gus sin a dhèanamh sa bhrabhsair-lìn agad. "
-"Bidh agad ri cead a thoirt dha Ceangal Shotwell gus ceangal a dhèanamh ris "
-"a’ chunntas agad air Picasa Web Albums."
+"Shotwell's privacy policy regarding the use of data related to your Google account in general and YouTube in particular can be found in our <a href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">online services privacy policy</a>\n"
+"For Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <a href=\"\"></a>"
+msgstr ""
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:34
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:36
msgid ""
-"You are not currently logged into YouTube.\n"
+"You are not currently logged into Google Photos.\n"
-"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use "
-"with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your browser "
-"to log into the YouTube site at least once."
-msgstr ""
-"Cha do rinn thu clàradh a-steach air YouTube.\n"
+"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use with Google Photos. Shotwell uses the Google Photos API services <a href=\"\"></a> for all interaction with your Google Photos data.You will have to grant access Shotwell to "
+"your Google Photos library.\n"
-"Feumaidh cunntas Google a bhith agad ro làimh ’s e air a shuidheachadh "
-"airson ’s gun gabh a chleachdadh airson YouTube mus urrainn dhut leantainn "
-"air adhart. ’S urrainn dhut, mar is trice, sin a chur air dòigh ma "
-"chlàraicheas tu a-steach air YouTube sa bhrabhsair-lìn agad co-dhiù aon "
+"Shotwell's privacy policy regarding the use of data related to your Google account in general and Google Photos in particular can be found in our <a href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">online services privacy policy</a>For Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <a href=\""
+msgstr ""
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:42 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:42 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:892
+msgid "_Email address"
+msgstr "Seòladh _puist-d"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:82 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:82 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:893 plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:119
+msgid "_Password"
+msgstr "_Facal-faire"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:104 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:120 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:895 plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:154
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Clàraich a-steach"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:25
+msgid "Enter the username and password associated with your Tumblr account."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agus am facal-faire a tha co-cheangailte ris a’ chunntas Tumblr agad."
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:26 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1088
+msgid "Username and/or password invalid. Please try again"
+msgstr "Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agus/no am facal-faire cearr. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:53 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1124
+msgid "Invalid User Name or Password"
+msgstr "Ainm-cleachdaiche no facal-faire cearr"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:72 plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:498
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load UI: %s"
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an eadar-aghaidh a luchdadh: %s"
#: plugins/common/Resources.vala:12
msgid "Visit the Shotwell home page"
@@ -1399,153 +1232,43 @@ msgstr ""
" alasdair caimbeul"
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:202
-msgid ""
-"⚫ This website presented identification that belongs to a different website."
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:220
+msgid "⚫ This website presented identification that belongs to a different website."
msgstr ""
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:207
-msgid ""
-"⚫ This website’s identification is too old to trust. Check the date on your "
-"computer’s calendar."
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:225
+msgid "⚫ This website’s identification is too old to trust. Check the date on your computer’s calendar."
msgstr ""
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:212
-msgid ""
-"⚫ This website’s identification was not issued by a trusted organization."
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:230
+msgid "⚫ This website’s identification was not issued by a trusted organization."
msgstr ""
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:217
-msgid ""
-"⚫ This website’s identification could not be processed. It may be corrupted."
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:235
+msgid "⚫ This website’s identification could not be processed. It may be corrupted."
msgstr ""
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:222
-msgid ""
-"⚫ This website’s identification has been revoked by the trusted organization "
-"that issued it."
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:240
+msgid "⚫ This website’s identification has been revoked by the trusted organization that issued it."
msgstr ""
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:227
-msgid ""
-"⚫ This website’s identification cannot be trusted because it uses very weak "
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:245
+msgid "⚫ This website’s identification cannot be trusted because it uses very weak encryption."
msgstr ""
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:232
-msgid ""
-"⚫ This website’s identification is only valid for future dates. Check the "
-"date on your computer’s calendar."
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:250
+msgid "⚫ This website’s identification is only valid for future dates. Check the date on your computer’s calendar."
msgstr ""
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:509
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:959
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:539 plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:623
msgid "A temporary file needed for publishing is unavailable"
-msgstr ""
-"Tha feum air faidhle sealach mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach chan eil "
-"e ri làimh"
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:36
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:33
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:33
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:33
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:33
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:33 src/Resources.vala:27
-msgid "Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc."
-msgstr ""
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:58
-msgid ""
-"Welcome to the F-Spot library import service.\n"
-"Please select a library to import, either by selecting one of the existing "
-"libraries found by Shotwell or by selecting an alternative F-Spot database "
-msgstr ""
-"Fàilte do sheirbheis ion-phortadh leabhar-lannan F-Spot.\n"
-"Tagh leabhar-lann a bu mhath leat ion-phortadh ’s tu a’ taghadh leabharlann "
-"a lorg Shotwell no a’ taghadh faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot eile."
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:60
-msgid ""
-"Welcome to the F-Spot library import service.\n"
-"Please select an F-Spot database file."
-msgstr ""
-"Fàilte do sheirbheis ion-phortadh leabhar-lannan F-Spot.\n"
-"Tagh faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot."
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:62
-msgid "Manually select an F-Spot database file to import:"
-msgstr "Tagh faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot de làimh gus ion-phortadh:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:64
-msgid ""
-"Cannot open the selected F-Spot database file: the file does not exist or is "
-"not an F-Spot database"
-msgstr ""
-"Cha ghabh am faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot a thagh thu fhosgladh: chan eil am "
-"faidhle ann no chan e stòr-dàta F-Spot tha ann"
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:66
-msgid ""
-"Cannot open the selected F-Spot database file: this version of the F-Spot "
-"database is not supported by Shotwell"
-msgstr ""
-"Cha ghabh am faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot a thagh thu fhosgladh: chan eil "
-"Shotwell a’ cur taic dhan tionndadh seo de stòr-dàta F-Spot"
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:68
-msgid ""
-"Cannot read the selected F-Spot database file: error while reading tags table"
-msgstr ""
-"Cha ghabh am faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot a thagh thu a leughadh: thachair "
-"mearachd fhad ’s a bha sinn a’ leughadh clàr nan tagaichean"
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:70
-msgid ""
-"Cannot read the selected F-Spot database file: error while reading photos "
-msgstr ""
-"Cha ghabh am faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot a thagh thu a leughadh: thachair "
-"mearachd fhad ’s a bha sinn a’ leughadh clàr nan dealbhan"
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:72
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell has found %d photos in the F-Spot library and is currently "
-"importing them. Duplicates will be automatically detected and removed.\n"
-"You can close this dialog and start using Shotwell while the import is "
-"taking place in the background."
-msgstr ""
-"Lorg Shotwell %d dealbh(an) san leabhar-lann F-Spot agus tha e ’gan ion-"
-"phortadh. Mothaichidh sinn do dhealbhan a tha ann iomadh turas gu fèin-"
-"obrachail is bheir sinn air falbh iad.\n"
-"’S urrainn dhut an còmhradh seo a dhùnadh agus tòiseachadh air Shotwell a "
-"chleachdadh fhad ’s a tha sinne ’ga ion-phortadh fhathast sa chùlaibh."
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:86
-#, c-format
-msgid "F-Spot library: %s"
-msgstr "Leabhar-lann F-Spot: %s"
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:424
-msgid "Preparing to import"
-msgstr "Ag ullachadh airson ion-phortadh"
-#: plugins/shotwell-data-imports/shotwell-data-imports.vala:22
-msgid "Core Data Import Services"
-msgstr "Seirbheisean ion-phortadh prìomh-dhàta"
+msgstr "Tha feum air faidhle sealach mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach chan eil e ri làimh"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_authentication_pane.ui:28
msgid "_Gallery3 URL:"
@@ -1563,9 +1286,7 @@ msgstr "_Facal-faire:"
msgid "Go _Back"
msgstr "Ai_r ais"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_authentication_pane.ui:125
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:1105
-#| msgid "_Login"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_authentication_pane.ui:125 ui/shotwell.ui:76
msgid "_Log in"
msgstr "C_làraich a-steach"
@@ -1587,9 +1308,7 @@ msgstr "Alba_m ùr"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:86
msgid "_Remove location, tag and camera-identifying data before uploading"
-msgstr ""
-"Thoi_r air falbh an t-ionad, an taga agus fiosrachadh a dh’aithnicheadh an "
-"camara mus luchdaich thu seo suas"
+msgstr "Thoi_r air falbh an t-ionad, an taga agus fiosrachadh a dh’aithnicheadh an camara mus luchdaich thu seo suas"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:108
msgid "Scaling constraint:"
@@ -1599,40 +1318,23 @@ msgstr "Bacadh sgèilidh:"
msgid "pixels"
msgstr "piogsail"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:158
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:880
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1306
-#: src/Dimensions.vala:17
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:158 plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:687 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1313 src/Dimensions.vala:17
msgid "Original size"
msgstr "Meud tùsail"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:159
-#: src/Dimensions.vala:20
-msgid "Width or height"
-msgstr "Leud no àirde"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:203
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:39
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1019
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:105
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:145
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:177
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:125
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/picasa_publishing_options_pane.ui:142
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:99
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:159 src/Dimensions.vala:20
+msgid "Longest edge"
+msgstr ""
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:203 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:39 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1019 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:145
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:177 plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:125 plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:181 plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:105
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:85
msgid "_Logout"
msgstr "_Clàraich a-mach"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:216
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:220
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1018
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:121
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:159
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:192
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:141
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/picasa_publishing_options_pane.ui:156
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:115
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:82 src/PhotoPage.vala:2469
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:216 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:220 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1018 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:159
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:192 plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:141 plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:195 plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:121
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:100 src/CollectionPage.vala:82 src/PhotoPage.vala:2492
msgid "_Publish"
msgstr "_Foillsich"
@@ -1644,13 +1346,11 @@ msgstr "Mòideal foillseachaidh Gallery3"
msgid ""
"You are not currently logged into your Gallery.\n"
-"You must have already signed up for a Gallery3 account to complete the login "
+"You must have already signed up for a Gallery3 account to complete the login process."
msgstr ""
"Cha do rinn thu clàradh a-steach air a’ ghailearaidh agad.\n"
-"Feumaidh cunntas Gallery3 a bhith agad ro làimh ach an urrainn dhut an "
-"clàradh a-steach a choileanadh."
+"Feumaidh cunntas Gallery3 a bhith agad ro làimh ach an urrainn dhut an clàradh a-steach a choileanadh."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:117
msgid "Shotwell default directory"
@@ -1658,21 +1358,14 @@ msgstr "Pasgan tùsail Shotwell"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:801
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "The file \"%s\" may not be supported by or may be too large for this "
-#| "instance of Gallery3."
msgid ""
-"The file “%s” may not be supported by or may be too large for this instance "
-"of Gallery3."
+"The file “%s” may not be supported by or may be too large for this instance of Gallery3."
msgstr ""
-"Cha chuirear taic ris an fhaidhle “%s” no tha e ro mhòr airson an ionstans "
-"seo de Gallery3."
+"Cha chuirear taic ris an fhaidhle “%s” no tha e ro mhòr airson an ionstans seo de Gallery3."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:802
msgid ""
@@ -1680,21 +1373,12 @@ msgid ""
"Note that Gallery3 only supports the video types that Flowplayer does."
msgstr ""
-"Thoir an aire nach cuir Gallery3 taic ach ris na seòrsaichean video ris a "
-"chuireas Flowplayer taic."
+"Thoir an aire nach cuir Gallery3 taic ach ris na seòrsaichean video ris a chuireas Flowplayer taic."
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1021
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1773
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1021 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1773
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to %s can't "
-#| "continue."
-msgid ""
-"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to %s can’t "
-msgstr ""
-"Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. "
-"Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh air %s dhut."
+msgid "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to %s can’t continue."
+msgstr "Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh air %s dhut."
#. populate any widgets whose contents are
#. programmatically-generated
@@ -1704,32 +1388,16 @@ msgid "Publishing to %s as %s."
msgstr "’Ga fhoillseachadh gu %s mar %s."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1817
-msgid ""
-"Enter the URL for your Gallery3 site and the username and password (or API "
-"key) for your Gallery3 account."
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir a-steach an URL airson an làrach Gallery3 agad ’s an t-ainm-"
-"cleachdaiche ’s am facal-faire (no iuchair API) airson a’ chunntais Gallery3 "
+msgid "Enter the URL for your Gallery3 site and the username and password (or API key) for your Gallery3 account."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach an URL airson an làrach Gallery3 agad ’s an t-ainm-cleachdaiche ’s am facal-faire (no iuchair API) airson a’ chunntais Gallery3 agad."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1818
-msgid ""
-"The username and password or API key were incorrect. To try again, re-enter "
-"your username and password below."
-msgstr ""
-"Cha robh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche ’s facal-faire no an iuchair API mar bu "
-"chòir. Cuir a-steach d’ ainm-cleachdaiche ’s facal-faire gu h-ìosal gus "
-"feuchainn ris a-rithist."
+msgid "The username and password or API key were incorrect. To try again, re-enter your username and password below."
+msgstr "Cha robh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche ’s facal-faire no an iuchair API mar bu chòir. Cuir a-steach d’ ainm-cleachdaiche ’s facal-faire gu h-ìosal gus feuchainn ris a-rithist."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1819
-msgid ""
-"The URL entered does not appear to be the main directory of a Gallery3 "
-"instance. Please make sure you typed it correctly and it does not have any "
-"trailing components (e.g., index.php)."
-msgstr ""
-"Chan e am prìomh phasgan aig an ionstans de Gallery3 agad a tha san URL a "
-"chuir thu a-steach a-rèir coltais. Dèan cinnteach gun do sgrìobh thu gu "
-"ceart e ’s nach eil co-phàirtean aig an deireadh (m.e. index.php)."
+msgid "The URL entered does not appear to be the main directory of a Gallery3 instance. Please make sure you typed it correctly and it does not have any trailing components (e.g., index.php)."
+msgstr "Chan e am prìomh phasgan aig an ionstans de Gallery3 agad a tha san URL a chuir thu a-steach a-rèir coltais. Dèan cinnteach gun do sgrìobh thu gu ceart e ’s nach eil co-phàirtean aig an deireadh (m.e. index.php)."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1872
msgid "Unrecognized User"
@@ -1739,73 +1407,41 @@ msgstr "Cleachdaiche nach aithne dhuinn"
msgid " Site Not Found"
msgstr " Cha deach an làrach a lorg"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:42
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:892
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:42
-msgid "_Email address"
-msgstr "Seòladh _puist-d"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:82
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:893
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:82
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:119
-msgid "_Password"
-msgstr "_Facal-faire"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:100
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:894
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:100 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:894
msgid "_Remember"
msgstr "_Cuimhnich"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:120
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:895
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:104
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:154
-#| msgid "Logging in..."
-msgid "Log in"
-msgstr "Clàraich a-steach"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:104
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1015
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:104 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1015
msgid "An _existing album:"
msgstr "Albam a tha _ann:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:123
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1016
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:123 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1016
msgid "A _new album named:"
msgstr "Albam _ùr air a bhios:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:141
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1006
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:141 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1006
msgid "_Hide album"
msgstr "Falaic_h an t-albam"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:156
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1017
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:156 plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1017
msgid "Open target _album in browser"
msgstr "Fosgal an t-_albam-uidhe sa bhrabhsair"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:40
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2013"
msgid "Copyright © 2013"
msgstr "Còir-lethbhreac © 2013"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:744
msgid "An error message occurred when publishing to Rajce. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn a’ foillsicheadh air Rajce. Nach fheuch "
-"thu ris a-rithist?"
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn a’ foillsicheadh air Rajce. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:833
msgid "Enter email and password associated with your Rajce account."
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir a-steach an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agus am facal-faire a tha co-"
-"cheangailte ris a’ chunntas Rajce agad."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agus am facal-faire a tha co-cheangailte ris a’ chunntas Rajce agad."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:834
msgid "Invalid email and/or password. Please try again"
-msgstr ""
-"Tha am post-d agus/no am facal-faire cearr. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?"
+msgstr "Tha am post-d agus/no am facal-faire cearr. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:865
msgid "Invalid User Email or Password"
@@ -1816,97 +1452,14 @@ msgstr "Post-d a’ chleachdaiche no facal-faire cearr"
msgid "You are logged into Rajce as %s."
msgstr "Chlàraich thu a-steach air Rajce mar %s."
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1014
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:571
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1014 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:69 plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:20
msgid "Photos will appear in:"
msgstr "Nochdaidh na dealbhan ann an:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/shotwell-publishing-extras.vala:31
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/shotwell-publishing-extras.vala:27
msgid "Shotwell Extra Publishing Services"
msgstr "Seirbheisean foillseachaidh Shotwell a bharrachd"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:44
-msgid "Blogs:"
-msgstr "Blogaichean:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:59
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:61
-msgid "Photo _size:"
-msgstr "_Meud an deilbh:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:36
-msgid "Copyright 2012 BJA Electronics"
-msgstr "Còir-lethbhreac 2012 BJA Electronics"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:105
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:876
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1302
-#| msgid "500 x 375 pixels"
-msgid "500 × 375 pixels"
-msgstr "500 × 375 piogsail"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:106
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:877
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1303
-#| msgid "1024 x 768 pixels"
-msgid "1024 × 768 pixels"
-msgstr "1024 × 768 piogsail"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:107
-#| msgid "1280 x 853 pixels"
-msgid "1280 × 853 pixels"
-msgstr "1280 × 853 piogsail"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:311
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:321
-#, c-format
-#| msgid "“%s” isn't a valid response to an OAuth authentication request"
-msgid "“%s” isn’t a valid response to an OAuth authentication request"
-msgstr "Chan e freagairt cheart air iarratas dearbhaidh OAuth a tha ann “%s”"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:559
-#| msgid ""
-#| "TumblrPublisher: start( ): can't start; this publisher is not restartable."
-msgid ""
-"TumblrPublisher: start( ): can’t start; this publisher is not restartable."
-msgstr ""
-"TumblrPublisher: start( ): Chan urrainn dha tòiseachadh; cha ghabh am "
-"foillsichear seo a thòiseachadh às ùr."
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:587
-msgid "Enter the username and password associated with your Tumblr account."
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir a-steach an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agus am facal-faire a tha co-"
-"cheangailte ris a’ chunntas Tumblr agad."
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:588
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1081
-msgid "Username and/or password invalid. Please try again"
-msgstr ""
-"Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agus/no am facal-faire cearr. Nach fheuch thu ris "
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:615
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1117
-msgid "Invalid User Name or Password"
-msgstr "Ainm-cleachdaiche no facal-faire cearr"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:635
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:753
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not load UI: %s"
-msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an eadar-aghaidh a luchdadh: %s"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:735
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"You are logged into Tumblr as %s.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Chlàraich thu a-steach air Tumblr mar %s.\n"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala:22
msgid "Copyright 2010+ Evgeniy Polyakov <>"
msgstr "Còir-lethbhreac 2010+ Evgeniy Polyakov <>"
@@ -1923,13 +1476,11 @@ msgstr "Cha do chlàraich thu a-steach air Yandex.Fotki."
msgid "Public"
msgstr "Poblach"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:15
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:888
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:15 plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:888
msgid "Friends"
msgstr "Caraidean"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:18
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:378
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:18 plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:378
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Prìobhaideach"
@@ -1957,8 +1508,7 @@ msgstr "Foillsich gu albam a tha _ann:"
msgid "Create a _new album named:"
msgstr "Cruthaich albam _ùr air a bhios:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:100
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:725
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:100 plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:725
msgid "Upload _size:"
msgstr "_Meud an luchdaidh suas:"
@@ -1966,19 +1516,15 @@ msgstr "_Meud an luchdaidh suas:"
msgid "Videos and new photo albums _visible to:"
msgstr "Cò chì albaman videothan agus dealbhan ùra:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:155
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:92
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/picasa_publishing_options_pane.ui:59
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:203
-msgid ""
-"_Remove location, camera, and other identifying information before uploading"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:155 plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:92 plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:75 plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:203
+msgid "_Remove location, camera, and other identifying information before uploading"
+msgstr "Thoi_r air falbh fiosrachadh an ionaid ’s a’ chamara agus fiosrachadh aithneachaidh eile mus luchdaich thu seo suas"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:33 plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:33 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:33 plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:33 src/Resources.vala:27
+msgid "Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc."
msgstr ""
-"Thoi_r air falbh fiosrachadh an ionaid ’s a’ chamara agus fiosrachadh "
-"aithneachaidh eile mus luchdaich thu seo suas"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:61
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:58
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1188
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:61 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublisher.vala:9 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1195
msgid "Shotwell Connect"
msgstr "Ceangal Shotwell"
@@ -1991,20 +1537,12 @@ msgid "Large (2048 pixels)"
msgstr "Mòr (2048 piogsail)"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:314
-#| msgid "Creating album..."
msgid "Creating album…"
msgstr "A’ cruthachadh an albaim…"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:340
-#| msgid ""
-#| "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Facebook "
-#| "can't continue."
-msgid ""
-"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Facebook can’t "
-msgstr ""
-"Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. "
-"Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh air Facebook dhut."
+msgid "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Facebook can’t continue."
+msgstr "Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh air Facebook dhut."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:723
#, c-format
@@ -2019,18 +1557,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Where would you like to publish the selected photos?"
msgstr "Càit a bheil thu airson na dealbhan a thagh thu fhoillseachadh?"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:887
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:858
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:887 plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:665
msgid "Just me"
msgstr "Mi fhìn a-mhàin"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:889
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:854
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1290
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:889 plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:661 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1297
msgid "Everyone"
msgstr "A h-uile duine"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:800
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:61 plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:59
+msgid "Photo _size:"
+msgstr "_Meud an deilbh:"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:340
+msgid "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Flickr can’t continue."
+msgstr "Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh air Flickr dhut."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:607
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are logged into Flickr as %s.\n"
@@ -2039,122 +1582,122 @@ msgstr ""
"Chlàraich thu a-steach air Flickr mar %s.\n"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:802
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:609
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Your free Flickr account limits how much data you can upload per month.\n"
-#| "This month you have %d megabyte remaining in your upload quota."
-#| msgid_plural ""
-#| "Your free Flickr account limits how much data you can upload per month.\n"
-#| "This month you have %d megabytes remaining in your upload quota."
msgid ""
"Your free Flickr account limits how much data you can upload per month.\n"
"This month you have %s remaining in your upload quota."
msgstr ""
-"Tha cunntas saor agad air Flickr agus tha sin a’ cuingeachadh uiread a dhàta "
-"as urrainn dhut luchdadh suas gach mìos.\n"
+"Tha cunntas saor agad air Flickr agus tha sin a’ cuingeachadh uiread a dhàta as urrainn dhut luchdadh suas gach mìos.\n"
"Tha %s dheth air fhàgail agad am mìos-sa."
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:804
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:611
msgid "Your Flickr Pro account entitles you to unlimited uploads."
-msgstr ""
-"Tha cunntas Flickr Pro agad agus is urrainn dhut na lùigeas tu a dhàta a "
-"luchdadh suas gach mìos."
+msgstr "Tha cunntas Flickr Pro agad agus is urrainn dhut na lùigeas tu a dhàta a luchdadh suas gach mìos."
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:809
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:616
msgid "Photos _visible to:"
msgstr "Chì na _daoine a leanas na dealbhan:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:811
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:618
msgid "Videos _visible to:"
msgstr "Chì na _daoine a leanas na videothan:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:814
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:621
msgid "Photos and videos _visible to:"
msgstr "Chì na _daoine a leanas na dealbhan ’s na videothan:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:855
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:662
msgid "Friends & family only"
msgstr "Mo theaghlach ⁊ mo charaidean a-mhàin"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:856
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:663
msgid "Family only"
msgstr "Mo theaghlach a-mhàin"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:857
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:664
msgid "Friends only"
msgstr "Mo charaidean a-mhàin"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:878
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1304
-#| msgid "2048 x 1536 pixels"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:683 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1309 plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:103
+msgid "500 × 375 pixels"
+msgstr "500 × 375 piogsail"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:684 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1310 plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:104
+msgid "1024 × 768 pixels"
+msgstr "1024 × 768 piogsail"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:685 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1311
msgid "2048 × 1536 pixels"
msgstr "2048 × 1536 piogsail"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:879
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1305
-#| msgid "4096 x 3072 pixels"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:686 plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1312
msgid "4096 × 3072 pixels"
msgstr "4096 × 3072 piogsail"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/picasa_publishing_options_pane.ui:93
-msgid "Photo _size preset:"
-msgstr "Ro-shocraich _meud nan dealbh:"
-#. Add album that will push to the default feed for all the new users
-#. Activate last known album id. If none was chosen, either use the old default (Shotwell connect)
-#. or the new "Default album" album for Google Photos
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:96
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:630
-msgid "Default album"
-msgstr "An t-albam tùsail"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:291
-#| msgid ""
-#| "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Picasa can't "
-#| "continue."
-msgid ""
-"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Picasa can’t "
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:66
+msgid "Shotwell can only publish into albums that it created by itself, so this list might be empty despite the fact that you already have albums in your Google Photos account"
msgstr ""
-"Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. "
-"Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh air Picasa dhut."
-#. populate any widgets whose contents are programmatically-generated.
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:560
-#, c-format
-msgid "You are logged into Picasa Web Albums as %s."
-msgstr "Chlàraich thu a-steach air Picasa Web Albums mar %s."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Photo _size preset:"
+msgid "Photo _size preset"
+msgstr "Ro-shocraich _meud nan dealbh:"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:566
-msgid "Videos will appear in:"
-msgstr "Nochdaidh na videothan ann an:"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:117
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "An _existing album"
+msgid "An existing album"
+msgstr "Albam a tha _ann"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:132
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "A _new album named"
+msgid "A new album named"
+msgstr "Albam _ùr air a bhios"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:610
-#| msgid "Small (640 x 480 pixels)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:17
msgid "Small (640 × 480 pixels)"
msgstr "Beag (640 × 480 piogsail)"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:611
-#| msgid "Medium (1024 x 768 pixels)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:18
msgid "Medium (1024 × 768 pixels)"
msgstr "Meadhanach (1024 × 768 piogsail)"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:612
-#| msgid "Recommended (1600 x 1200 pixels)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:19
msgid "Recommended (1600 × 1200 pixels)"
msgstr "Na mholamaid (1600 × 1200 piogsail)"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:613
-#| msgid "Google+ (2048 x 1536 pixels)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:20
msgid "Google+ (2048 × 1536 pixels)"
msgstr "Google+ (2048 × 1536 piogsail)"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:614
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:757
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:21 src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:735
msgid "Original Size"
msgstr "Am meud tùsail"
+#. populate any widgets whose contents are programmatically-generated.
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:59
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "You are logged into YouTube as %s."
+msgid "You are logged into Google Photos as %s."
+msgstr "Chlàraich thu a-steach air YouTube mar %s."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:64
+msgid "Videos will appear in:"
+msgstr "Nochdaidh na videothan ann an:"
+#. Activate last known album id. If none was chosen, either use the old default (Shotwell connect)
+#. or the new "Default album" album for Google Photos
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:105
+msgid "Default album"
+msgstr "An t-albam tùsail"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosService.vala:36
+msgid "Copyright 2019 Jens Georg <>"
+msgstr ""
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:44
msgid "_URL of your Piwigo photo library"
msgstr "_URL na leabhar-lainn dealbhan Piwigo agad"
@@ -2164,45 +1707,36 @@ msgid "User _name"
msgstr "_Ainm-cleachdaiche"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:133
-#| msgid "_Remember Password"
msgid "Remember Password"
msgstr "Cuimhnich am facal-faire"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:36
-#| msgid "An _existing category:"
msgid "An _existing category"
msgstr "Roinn-seòrsa a tha _ann"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:110
-#| msgid "A _new album named:"
msgid "A _new album named"
msgstr "Albam _ùr air a bhios"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:142
-#| msgid "within category:"
msgid "within category"
msgstr "san roinn-seòrsa"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:155
-#| msgid "Album comment:"
msgid "Album comment"
msgstr "Beachd mun albam"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:167
-#| msgid "Photos will be _visible by:"
msgid "Photos will be _visible by"
msgstr "Chì na daoine a leanas na _dealbhan:"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:181
-#| msgid "Photo size:"
msgid "Photo size"
msgstr "Meud an deilbh"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:219
msgid "_If a title is set and comment unset, use title as comment"
-msgstr ""
-"Ma thè_id tiotal a shuidheachadh agus beachd a dhì-shuidheachadh, cleachd an "
-"tiotal mar bheachd"
+msgstr "Ma thè_id tiotal a shuidheachadh agus beachd a dhì-shuidheachadh, cleachd an tiotal mar bheachd"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:235
msgid "_Do no upload tags"
@@ -2212,76 +1746,59 @@ msgstr "Na luch_daich suas na tagaichean"
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Clàraich a-mach"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:268
-#: src/Resources.vala:296 ui/collection.ui:192
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:268 src/Resources.vala:265 ui/collection.ui:192
msgid "Publish"
msgstr "Foillsich"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:773
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Creating album %s..."
msgid "Creating album %s…"
msgstr "A’ cruthachadh an albaim %s…"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:946
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:949
msgid "An error message occurred when publishing to Piwigo. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn a’ foillsicheadh air Piwigo. Nach fheuch "
-"thu ris a-rithist?"
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn a’ foillsicheadh air Piwigo. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?"
#. %s is the host name that we tried to connect to
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1030
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1033
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This does not look like the real <b>%s</b>. Attackers might be trying to "
-"steal or alter information going to or from this site (for example, private "
-"messages, credit card information, or passwords)."
+msgid "This does not look like the real <b>%s</b>. Attackers might be trying to steal or alter information going to or from this site (for example, private messages, credit card information, or passwords)."
msgstr ""
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1048
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1052
#, c-format
msgid "Certificate of %s"
msgstr ""
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1051
-#: src/Resources.vala:167
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1055 src/Resources.vala:136 ui/multitextentrydialog.ui:40 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:52
msgid "_OK"
msgstr ""
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1079
-msgid ""
-"Enter the URL of your Piwigo photo library as well as the username and "
-"password associated with your Piwigo account for that library."
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir a-steach URL leabhar-lann na dealbhan agad air Piwigo agus an t-ainm-"
-"cleachdaiche ’s am facal-faire agad airson a’ cunntais Piwigo agad a tha co-"
-"cheangailte ris an leabharlann sin."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1086
+msgid "Enter the URL of your Piwigo photo library as well as the username and password associated with your Piwigo account for that library."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach URL leabhar-lann na dealbhan agad air Piwigo agus an t-ainm-cleachdaiche ’s am facal-faire agad airson a’ cunntais Piwigo agad a tha co-cheangailte ris an leabharlann sin."
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1080
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell cannot contact your Piwigo photo library. Please verify the URL you "
-msgstr ""
-"Chan urrainn dha Shotwell conaltradh a dhèanamh ri leabhar-lann nan dealbhan "
-"agad air Piwigo. Thoir sùil air an URL a chuir thu a-steach"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1087
+msgid "Shotwell cannot contact your Piwigo photo library. Please verify the URL you entered"
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dha Shotwell conaltradh a dhèanamh ri leabhar-lann nan dealbhan agad air Piwigo. Thoir sùil air an URL a chuir thu a-steach"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1112
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1119
msgid "Invalid URL"
msgstr "URL mì-dhligheach"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1291
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1298
msgid "Admins, Family, Friends, Contacts"
msgstr "Rianairean, mo theaghlach, mo charaidean is an luchd-aithne agam"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1292
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1299
msgid "Admins, Family, Friends"
msgstr "Rianairean, mo theaghlach is mo charaidean"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1293
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1300
msgid "Admins, Family"
msgstr "Rianairean ’s mo theaghlach"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1294
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1301
msgid "Admins"
msgstr "Rianairean"
@@ -2297,24 +1814,42 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "I understand, please _proceed."
msgstr ""
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/shotwell-publishing.vala:55
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/shotwell-publishing.vala:59
msgid "Core Publishing Services"
msgstr "Prìomh-sheirbheisean foillseachaidh"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:55
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:44
+msgid "Blogs:"
+msgstr "Blogaichean:"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:35
+msgid "Copyright 2012 BJA Electronics"
+msgstr "Còir-lethbhreac 2012 BJA Electronics"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:105
+msgid "1280 × 853 pixels"
+msgstr "1280 × 853 piogsail"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:407
+msgid "TumblrPublisher: start( ): can’t start; this publisher is not restartable."
+msgstr "TumblrPublisher: start( ): Chan urrainn dha tòiseachadh; cha ghabh am foillsichear seo a thòiseachadh às ùr."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:480
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are logged into Tumblr as %s.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Chlàraich thu a-steach air Tumblr mar %s.\n"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:41
msgid "Video privacy _setting:"
msgstr "Roghainnean _prìobhaideachd video:"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:236
-#| msgid ""
-#| "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Youtube "
-#| "can't continue."
-msgid ""
-"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to YouTube can’t "
-msgstr ""
-"Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. "
-"Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh air YouTube dhut."
+msgid "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to YouTube can’t continue."
+msgstr "Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh air YouTube dhut."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:344
#, c-format
@@ -2362,12 +1897,8 @@ msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
msgstr "Prìomh thar-mhùthaidhean nan taisbeanaidhean-shleamhnagan"
#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/shotwell-transitions.vala:76
-msgid ""
-"Copyright 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy "
-msgstr ""
-"Còir-lethbhreac 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Còir-lethbhreac 2016 Software Freedom "
-"Conservancy Inc."
+msgid "Copyright 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc."
+msgstr "Còir-lethbhreac 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Còir-lethbhreac 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc."
#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/SlideEffect.vala:20
msgid "Slide"
@@ -2429,39 +1960,22 @@ msgstr "Prìnich am bàr-inneal fosgailte"
msgid "Leave fullscreen"
msgstr "Fàg an làn-sgrìn"
-#: src/AppWindow.vala:531 src/AppWindow.vala:552 src/AppWindow.vala:569
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:301
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:419 src/Dialogs.vala:20
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:28 src/Dialogs.vala:1420 src/Dialogs.vala:1443
-#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:301 src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:525
-#: src/Resources.vala:158
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:532 src/AppWindow.vala:553 src/AppWindow.vala:570 src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:302 src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:420 src/Dialogs.vala:20 src/Dialogs.vala:28 src/Dialogs.vala:58 src/Dialogs.vala:766 src/Dialogs.vala:789 src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:305
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:529 src/Resources.vala:127 ui/multitextentrydialog.ui:25 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:38 ui/textentrydialog.ui:19
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "_Sguir dheth"
-#: src/AppWindow.vala:579
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:580
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "A fatal error occurred when accessing Shotwell's library. Shotwell "
-#| "cannot continue.\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "%s"
msgid ""
-"A fatal error occurred when accessing Shotwell’s library. Shotwell cannot "
+"A fatal error occurred when accessing Shotwell’s library. Shotwell cannot continue.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Thachair mearachd mharbhtach nuair a bha sinn ag inntrigeadh leabhar-lann "
-"Shotwell. Chan urrainn dha Shotwell leantainn air adhart.\n"
+"Thachair mearachd mharbhtach nuair a bha sinn ag inntrigeadh leabhar-lann Shotwell. Chan urrainn dha Shotwell leantainn air adhart.\n"
-#. translators: %s will be replaced by application version
-#: src/AppWindow.vala:596
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s – “Aachen”"
-msgstr "%s – “Aachen”"
#: src/AppWindow.vala:601
msgid "Visit the Shotwell web site"
msgstr "Tadhail air làrach-lìn Shotwell"
@@ -2542,95 +2056,80 @@ msgstr "Tha faidhle an deilbh coirbte"
msgid "Imported failed (%d)"
msgstr "Dh’fhàillig ion-phortadh (%d)"
-#: src/camera/Branch.vala:85
+#: src/camera/CameraBranch.vala:85
msgid "Cameras"
msgstr "Camarathan"
-#: src/camera/Branch.vala:99 src/camera/ImportPage.vala:718
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:734 src/photos/RawSupport.vala:316
-#: ui/collection.ui:90 ui/event.ui:361 ui/event.ui:529 ui/media.ui:361
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:351 ui/tags.ui:361
+#: src/camera/CameraBranch.vala:85
+msgid "List of all discovered camera devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/camera/CameraBranch.vala:99 src/camera/ImportPage.vala:711 src/camera/ImportPage.vala:727 src/photos/RawSupport.vala:311 ui/collection.ui:90 ui/event.ui:361 ui/event.ui:529 ui/faces.ui:361 ui/media.ui:361 ui/photo_context.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:352 ui/tags.ui:361
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Camara"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:311 src/Properties.vala:230
+#. Translators: First %s is the name of camera as gotten from GPhoto, second is the GVolume name, e.g. Mass storage camera (510MB volume)
+#: src/camera/CameraTable.vala:256
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "%s (%d%%)"
+msgid "%s (%s)"
+msgstr "%s (%d%%)"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:307 src/Properties.vala:234
msgid "RAW+JPEG"
msgstr "RAW+JPEG"
#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:466
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Unable to unmount camera. Try unmounting the camera from the file "
-#| "manager."
-msgid ""
-"Unable to unmount camera. Try unmounting the camera from the file manager."
-msgstr ""
-"Cha ghabh an camara a dhì-mhunntachadh. Feuch is dì-mhunntaich an camara o "
-"mhanaidsear nam faidhlichean."
+msgid "Unable to unmount camera. Try unmounting the camera from the file manager."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh an camara a dhì-mhunntachadh. Feuch is dì-mhunntaich an camara o mhanaidsear nam faidhlichean."
#. hide duplicates checkbox
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:783
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:776
msgid "Hide photos already imported"
msgstr "Falaich dealbhan a chaidh ion-phortadh mar-thà"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:784
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:777
msgid "Only display photos that have not been imported"
msgstr "Na seall ach dealbhan nach deach ion-phortadh fhathast"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:823 ui/import.ui:13 ui/import.ui:210
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:816 ui/import.ui:13 ui/import.ui:210
msgid "Import _Selected"
msgstr "Ion-phortaich na _thagh thu"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:833 ui/import.ui:17 ui/import.ui:214
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:826 ui/import.ui:17 ui/import.ui:214
msgid "Import _All"
msgstr "Ion-phortaich na _h-uile"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:857
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:850
msgid "The camera seems to be empty. No photos/videos found to import"
msgstr ""
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:861
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:854
msgid "No new photos/videos found on camera"
msgstr "Cha deach dealbhan/videothan ùra a lorg air a’ chamara"
#. it's mounted, offer to unmount for the user
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1021
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Shotwell needs to unmount the camera from the filesystem in order to "
-#| "access it. Continue?"
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell needs to unmount the camera from the filesystem in order to access "
-"it. Continue?"
-msgstr ""
-"Feumaidh Shotwell an camara a dhì-mhunntachadh o shiostam nam faidhlichean "
-"mus gabh e cothrom air. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1025
+msgid "Shotwell needs to unmount the camera from the filesystem in order to access it. Continue?"
+msgstr "Feumaidh Shotwell an camara a dhì-mhunntachadh o shiostam nam faidhlichean mus gabh e cothrom air. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1027
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1031
msgid "_Unmount"
msgstr "_Dì-mhunntaich"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1032
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1036
msgid "Please unmount the camera."
msgstr "Dì-mhunntaich an camara."
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1037
-#| msgid ""
-#| "The camera is locked by another application. Shotwell can only access "
-#| "the camera when it's unlocked. Please close any other application using "
-#| "the camera and try again."
-msgid ""
-"The camera is locked by another application. Shotwell can only access the "
-"camera when it’s unlocked. Please close any other application using the "
-"camera and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Chaidh an camara a ghlasadh le aplacaid eile. Chan fhaigh Shotwell cothrom "
-"air a’ chamara ach mur eil glas ris. Dùin aplacaid sam bith eile a tha a’ "
-"cleachdadh a’ chamara agus feuch ris a-rithist."
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1041
+msgid "The camera is locked by another application. Shotwell can only access the camera when it’s unlocked. Please close any other application using the camera and try again."
+msgstr "Chaidh an camara a ghlasadh le aplacaid eile. Chan fhaigh Shotwell cothrom air a’ chamara ach mur eil glas ris. Dùin aplacaid sam bith eile a tha a’ cleachdadh a’ chamara agus feuch ris a-rithist."
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1047
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1051
msgid "Please close any other application using the camera."
msgstr "Dùin aplacaid sam bith eile a tha a’ cleachdadh a’ chamara."
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1052
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1056
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to fetch previews from the camera:\n"
@@ -2639,31 +2138,35 @@ msgstr ""
"Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn ro-shealladh fhaighinn on chamara:\n"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1069
-#| msgid "Unmounting..."
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1073
msgid "Unmounting…"
msgstr "’Ga dhì-mhunntachadh…"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1160
-#| msgid "Starting import, please wait..."
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1166
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Starting import, please wait…"
+msgid "Connecting to camera, please wait…"
+msgstr "A’ tòiseachadh air ion-phortadh, fuirich ort…"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1198
msgid "Starting import, please wait…"
msgstr "A’ tòiseachadh air ion-phortadh, fuirich ort…"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1177
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1204
msgid "Fetching photo information"
msgstr "A’ faighinn fiosrachadh an deilbh"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1535
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1563
#, c-format
msgid "Fetching preview for %s"
msgstr "A’ faighinn ro-shealladh air %s"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1651
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1671
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to lock camera: %s"
msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn an camara a ghlasadh: %s"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1736
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1756
#, c-format
msgid "Delete this photo from camera?"
msgid_plural "Delete these %d photos from camera?"
@@ -2672,7 +2175,7 @@ msgstr[1] "A bheil thu airson an %d dhealbh seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
msgstr[2] "A bheil thu airson na %d dealbhan seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
msgstr[3] "A bheil thu airson na %d dealbh seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1739
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1759
#, c-format
msgid "Delete this video from camera?"
msgid_plural "Delete these %d videos from camera?"
@@ -2681,17 +2184,16 @@ msgstr[1] "A bheil thu airson an %d video seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
msgstr[2] "A bheil thu airson na %d videothan seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
msgstr[3] "A bheil thu airson na %d video seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1742
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1762
#, c-format
msgid "Delete this photo/video from camera?"
msgid_plural "Delete these %d photos/videos from camera?"
msgstr[0] "A bheil thu airson an %d dealbh/video seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
msgstr[1] "A bheil thu airson an %d dhealbh/video seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"A bheil thu airson na %d dealbhan/videothan seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
+msgstr[2] "A bheil thu airson na %d dealbhan/videothan seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
msgstr[3] "A bheil thu airson na %d dealbh/video seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1745
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1765
#, c-format
msgid "Delete these files from camera?"
msgid_plural "Delete these %d files from camera?"
@@ -2700,54 +2202,40 @@ msgstr[1] "A bheil thu airson an %d fhaidhle seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
msgstr[2] "A bheil thu airson na %d faidhlichean seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
msgstr[3] "A bheil thu airson na %d faidhle seo a sguabadh às a’ chamara?"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1753 src/Dialogs.vala:1387
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1773 src/Dialogs.vala:733
msgid "_Keep"
msgstr "_Cum iad"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1772
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1792
msgid "Removing photos/videos from camera"
msgstr "A’ toirt air falbh nan dealbhan/videothan on chamara"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1776
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1796
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to delete %d photo/video from the camera due to errors."
msgid_plural "Unable to delete %d photos/videos from the camera due to errors."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Tha %d dealbh/video air a’ chamara nach urrainn dhuinn sguabadh às ri linn "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Tha %d dhealbh/video air a’ chamara nach urrainn dhuinn sguabadh às ri linn "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Tha %d dealbhan/videothan air a’ chamara nach urrainn dhuinn sguabadh às ri "
-"linn mhearachdan."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Tha %d dealbh/video air a’ chamara nach urrainn dhuinn sguabadh às ri linn "
+msgstr[0] "Tha %d dealbh/video air a’ chamara nach urrainn dhuinn sguabadh às ri linn mhearachdan."
+msgstr[1] "Tha %d dhealbh/video air a’ chamara nach urrainn dhuinn sguabadh às ri linn mhearachdan."
+msgstr[2] "Tha %d dealbhan/videothan air a’ chamara nach urrainn dhuinn sguabadh às ri linn mhearachdan."
+msgstr[3] "Tha %d dealbh/video air a’ chamara nach urrainn dhuinn sguabadh às ri linn mhearachdan."
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:80 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:85
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:2464 src/Resources.vala:171
-#| msgid "_Print..."
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:80 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:85 src/PhotoPage.vala:2487 src/Resources.vala:140
msgid "_Print"
-msgstr "Clò-_bhuail…"
+msgstr "Clò-_bhuail"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:83 src/Resources.vala:324 ui/collection.ui:128
-#: ui/direct_context.ui:25 ui/direct.ui:23 ui/event.ui:567 ui/photo.ui:28
-#| msgid "Send To"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:83 src/Resources.vala:293 ui/collection.ui:128 ui/direct_context.ui:23 ui/direct.ui:23 ui/event.ui:567 ui/photo.ui:28
msgid "Send _To…"
msgstr "Cuir _gu…"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:84 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:90
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:2474 src/Resources.vala:221
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:84 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:90 src/PhotoPage.vala:2497 src/Resources.vala:190
msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
msgstr "Suidhich mar chùlaibh an _deasga"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:92 src/Resources.vala:287
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:92 src/Resources.vala:256
msgid "_Duplicate"
msgstr "_Dùblaich"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:100
-#| msgid "Fulls_creen"
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Làn-sgrìn"
@@ -2755,102 +2243,95 @@ msgstr "Làn-sgrìn"
msgid "S_lideshow"
msgstr "T_aisbeanadh-shleamhnagan"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:110 src/Resources.vala:140 ui/direct.ui:111
-#: ui/photo.ui:200
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:110 src/Resources.vala:109 ui/direct.ui:111 ui/photo.ui:200
msgid "Rotate _Right"
msgstr "Cuairtich gu _deiseil"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:113 src/Resources.vala:145 ui/direct.ui:116
-#: ui/photo.ui:205
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:113 src/Resources.vala:114 ui/direct.ui:116 ui/photo.ui:205
msgid "Rotate _Left"
msgstr "Cuairtich gu _tuathail"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:116 src/Resources.vala:150 ui/direct.ui:121
-#: ui/photo.ui:210
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:116 src/Resources.vala:119 ui/direct.ui:121 ui/photo.ui:210
msgid "Flip Hori_zontally"
msgstr "Thoir flip air a’ chòmh_nard"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:117 src/Resources.vala:153 ui/direct.ui:125
-#: ui/photo.ui:214
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:117 src/Resources.vala:122 ui/direct.ui:125 ui/photo.ui:214
msgid "Flip Verti_cally"
msgstr "Thoir flip gu _h-inghearach"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:119 src/Resources.vala:187 ui/collection.ui:8
-#: ui/direct_context.ui:9 ui/direct.ui:134 ui/event.ui:447
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:6 ui/photo.ui:223
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:119 src/Resources.vala:156 ui/collection.ui:8 ui/direct_context.ui:7 ui/direct.ui:134 ui/event.ui:447 ui/photo_context.ui:6 ui/photo.ui:223
msgid "_Enhance"
msgstr "_Leasaich"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:120 src/Resources.vala:215 ui/collection.ui:13
-#: ui/direct_context.ui:14 ui/direct.ui:161 ui/event.ui:452
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:11 ui/photo.ui:250
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:120 src/Resources.vala:184 ui/collection.ui:13 ui/direct_context.ui:12 ui/direct.ui:161 ui/event.ui:452 ui/photo_context.ui:11 ui/photo.ui:250
msgid "Re_vert to Original"
msgstr "Ti_ll an tionndadh tùsail"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:122 src/Resources.vala:191 ui/photo.ui:256
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:122 src/Resources.vala:160 ui/photo.ui:256
msgid "_Copy Color Adjustments"
msgstr "Dèan lethbhrea_c de dh’atharraichean nan dathan"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:125 src/Resources.vala:195 ui/photo.ui:261
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:125 src/Resources.vala:164 ui/photo.ui:261
msgid "_Paste Color Adjustments"
msgstr "Cuir ann atharraichean nan _dathan"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:135
-#| msgid "Adjust Date and Time"
msgid "Adjust Date and Time…"
msgstr "Cuir air gleus an ceann-là agus an t-àm…"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:143 src/Resources.vala:320
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:143 src/Resources.vala:289 ui/collection.ui:108 ui/event.ui:547 ui/photo_context.ui:115 ui/photo.ui:361
msgid "Open With E_xternal Editor"
msgstr "Fosgail le deasaiche air an ta_obh a-muigh"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:146 src/Resources.vala:322 ui/collection.ui:113
-#: ui/event.ui:552 ui/photo_context.ui:120 ui/photo.ui:365
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:146 src/Resources.vala:291 ui/collection.ui:113 ui/event.ui:552 ui/photo_context.ui:120 ui/photo.ui:366
msgid "Open With RA_W Editor"
msgstr "Fosgail le deasaiche RA_W"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:149 src/Resources.vala:168
-#| msgid "Play"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:149 src/Resources.vala:137
msgid "_Play"
msgstr "_Cluich"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:415
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:410
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Export Photo/Video"
msgid "Export Photo/Video"
-msgstr "Às-phortaich an dealbh/video"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:415
-msgid "Export Photos/Videos"
-msgstr "Às-phortaich dealbhan/videothan"
+msgid_plural "Export Photos/Videos"
+msgstr[0] "Às-phortaich an dealbh/video"
+msgstr[1] "Às-phortaich an dealbh/video"
+msgstr[2] "Às-phortaich an dealbh/video"
+msgstr[3] "Às-phortaich an dealbh/video"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:417 src/Dialogs.vala:59 src/PhotoPage.vala:2998
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:412 src/Dialogs.vala:74 src/PhotoPage.vala:3021
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Export Photo"
msgid "Export Photo"
-msgstr "Às-phortaich an dealbh"
+msgid_plural "Export Photos"
+msgstr[0] "Às-phortaich an dealbh"
+msgstr[1] "Às-phortaich an dealbh"
+msgstr[2] "Às-phortaich an dealbh"
+msgstr[3] "Às-phortaich an dealbh"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:417 src/Dialogs.vala:84
-msgid "Export Photos"
-msgstr "Às-phortaich dealbhan"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:504 src/CollectionPage.vala:520
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:499 src/CollectionPage.vala:515
msgid "Rotating"
msgstr "’Ga cuairteachadh"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:504 src/CollectionPage.vala:520
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:499 src/CollectionPage.vala:515
msgid "Undoing Rotate"
msgstr "A’ neo-dhèanamh a’ chuairteachaidh"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:529
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:524
msgid "Flipping Horizontally"
msgstr "’Ga fhlipeadh air a’ chòmhnard"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:530
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:525
msgid "Undoing Flip Horizontally"
msgstr "A’ neo-dhèanamh flipeadh air a’ chòmhnard"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:539
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:534
msgid "Flipping Vertically"
msgstr "’Ga fhlipeadh gu h-inghearach"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:540
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:535
msgid "Undoing Flip Vertically"
msgstr "A’ neo-dhèanamh flipeadh inghearach"
@@ -2878,229 +2359,202 @@ msgstr "A’ cur an sàs atharraichean nan dathan"
msgid "Undoing Color Transformations"
msgstr "A’ neo-dhèanamh atharraichean nan dathan"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1007
+#: src/Commands.vala:1006
msgid "Creating New Event"
msgstr "A’ cruthachadh tachartas ùr"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1008
+#: src/Commands.vala:1007
msgid "Removing Event"
msgstr "A’ toirt air falbh an tachartais"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1017
+#: src/Commands.vala:1016
msgid "Moving Photos to New Event"
msgstr "A’ gluasad nan dealbhan gun tachartas ùr"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1018
+#: src/Commands.vala:1017
msgid "Setting Photos to Previous Event"
msgstr "A’ suidheachadh nan dealbhan gun tachartas roimhe"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1075
+#: src/Commands.vala:1074
msgid "Merging"
msgstr "’Gan co-aonadh"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1076
+#: src/Commands.vala:1075
msgid "Unmerging"
msgstr "A’ neo-dhèanamh an co-aonadh"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1085
+#: src/Commands.vala:1084
msgid "Duplicating photos"
msgstr "A’ dùblachadh nan dealbhan"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1085
+#: src/Commands.vala:1084
msgid "Removing duplicated photos"
msgstr "A’ toirt air falbh nan dealbhan dùblaichte"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1108
+#: src/Commands.vala:1107
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to duplicate one photo due to a file error"
msgid_plural "Unable to duplicate %d photos due to file errors"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Tha %d dealbh ann nach urrainn dhuinn dùblachadh ri linn mearachd faidhle"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Tha %d dhealbh ann nach urrainn dhuinn dùblachadh ri linn mhearachdan faidhle"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Tha %d dealbhan ann nach urrainn dhuinn dùblachadh ri linn mhearachdan "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Tha %d dealbh ann nach urrainn dhuinn dùblachadh ri linn mhearachdan faidhle"
+msgstr[0] "Tha %d dealbh ann nach urrainn dhuinn dùblachadh ri linn mearachd faidhle"
+msgstr[1] "Tha %d dhealbh ann nach urrainn dhuinn dùblachadh ri linn mhearachdan faidhle"
+msgstr[2] "Tha %d dealbhan ann nach urrainn dhuinn dùblachadh ri linn mhearachdan faidhle"
+msgstr[3] "Tha %d dealbh ann nach urrainn dhuinn dùblachadh ri linn mhearachdan faidhle"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1195
+#: src/Commands.vala:1194
msgid "Restoring previous rating"
msgstr "Ag aiseag an rangachadh roimhe"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1205 src/Commands.vala:1206
+#: src/Commands.vala:1204 src/Commands.vala:1205
msgid "Increasing ratings"
msgstr "A’ meudachadh nan rangachaidhean"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1205 src/Commands.vala:1206
+#: src/Commands.vala:1204 src/Commands.vala:1205
msgid "Decreasing ratings"
msgstr "A’ lùghdachadh nan rangachaidhean"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1256
+#: src/Commands.vala:1255
msgid "Setting RAW developer"
msgstr "A’ suidheachadh an leasaicheir RAW"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1256
+#: src/Commands.vala:1255
msgid "Restoring previous RAW developer"
msgstr "Ag aiseag an leasaicheir RAW a bha agad roimhe"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1257
+#: src/Commands.vala:1256
msgid "Set Developer"
msgstr "Suidhich an leasaichear"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1347
+#: src/Commands.vala:1346
msgid "Original photo could not be adjusted."
msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an dealbh tùsail a chur air gleus."
-#: src/Commands.vala:1368
+#: src/Commands.vala:1367
msgid "Adjusting Date and Time"
msgstr "A’ cur air gleus a’ chinn-là agus an ama"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1368
+#: src/Commands.vala:1367
msgid "Undoing Date and Time Adjustment"
msgstr "A’ neo-dhèanamh gleusadh a’ chinn-là agus an ama"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1399
+#: src/Commands.vala:1398
msgid "One original photo could not be adjusted."
msgid_plural "The following original photos could not be adjusted."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Bha %d dealbh ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an tionndadh tùsail aige a chur air "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Bha %d dhealbh ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an tionndadh tùsail aca a chur air "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Bha %d dealbhan ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an tionndadh tùsail aca a chur "
-"air gleus"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Bha %d dealbh ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an tionndadh tùsail aca a chur air "
+msgstr[0] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an tionndadh tùsail aige a chur air gleus."
+msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an tionndadh tùsail aca a chur air gleus."
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an tionndadh tùsail aca a chur air gleus."
+msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an tionndadh tùsail aca a chur air gleus."
-#: src/Commands.vala:1401 src/Commands.vala:1425
+#: src/Commands.vala:1400 src/Commands.vala:1424
msgid "Time Adjustment Error"
msgstr "Mearachd a’ cur air gleus an ama"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1423
+#: src/Commands.vala:1422
msgid "Time adjustments could not be undone on the following photo file."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Time adjustments could not be undone on the following photo files."
+msgid_plural "Time adjustments could not be undone on the following photo files."
msgstr[0] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-àm aige a chur air gleus."
msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-àm aca a chur air gleus."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Bha %d dealbhan ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-àm aca a chur air gleus."
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-àm aca a chur air gleus."
msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-àm aca a chur air gleus."
-#: src/Commands.vala:1637 src/Commands.vala:1660
+#: src/Commands.vala:1636 src/Commands.vala:1659
msgid "Create Tag"
msgstr "Cruthaich taga"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1695
+#: src/Commands.vala:1694
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Move Tag \"%s\""
msgid "Move Tag “%s”"
msgstr "Gluais an taga “%s”"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2347
+#: src/Commands.vala:2346
msgid "Move Photos to Trash"
msgstr "Gluais na dealbhan dhan sgudal"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2347
+#: src/Commands.vala:2346
msgid "Restore Photos from Trash"
msgstr "Aisig na dealbhan on sgudal"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2348
+#: src/Commands.vala:2347
msgid "Move the photos to the Shotwell trash"
msgstr "Gluais na dealbhan do sgudal Shotwell"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2348
+#: src/Commands.vala:2347
msgid "Restore the photos back to the Shotwell library"
msgstr "Aisig na dealbhan do leabhar-lann Shotwell"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2367
+#: src/Commands.vala:2366
msgid "Moving Photos to Trash"
msgstr "A’ gluasad nan dealbhan dhan sgudal"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2367
+#: src/Commands.vala:2366
msgid "Restoring Photos From Trash"
msgstr "Ag aiseag nan dealbhan on sgudal"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2453
+#: src/Commands.vala:2452
msgid "Flag selected photos"
msgstr "Cuir bratach ris na dealbhan a thagh thu"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2454
+#: src/Commands.vala:2453
msgid "Unflag selected photos"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh na brataichean o na dealbhan a thagh thu"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2455
+#: src/Commands.vala:2454
msgid "Flagging selected photos"
msgstr "A’ cur bratach ris na dealbhan a thagh thu"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2456
+#: src/Commands.vala:2455
msgid "Unflagging selected photos"
msgstr "A’ toirt air falbh nam brataichean o na dealbhan a thagh thu"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2463
+#: src/Commands.vala:2462
msgid "Flag"
msgstr "Cuir bratach ris"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2463
+#: src/Commands.vala:2462
msgid "Unflag"
msgstr "Thoir a’ bhratach air falbh"
#. Send an empty job to the queue to mark the end of the import
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:65
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:78
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:65 src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:78
#, c-format
msgid "%s Database"
msgstr "Stòr-dàta %s"
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:148
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:294
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:148 src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:294
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Importing from %s can't continue because an error occurred:"
msgid "Importing from %s can’t continue because an error occurred:"
-msgstr ""
-"Chan urrainn dhuinn leantainn air an ion-phortadh o %s oir thachair "
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn leantainn air an ion-phortadh o %s oir thachair mearachd:"
#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:151
msgid "To try importing from another service, select one from the above menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Ma tha thu airson feuchainn ri ion-phortadh a dhèanamh o sheirbheis eile, "
-"tagh tè sa chlàr-taice gu h-àrd."
+msgstr "Ma tha thu airson feuchainn ri ion-phortadh a dhèanamh o sheirbheis eile, tagh tè sa chlàr-taice gu h-àrd."
#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:10
msgid ""
"You do not have any data imports plugins enabled.\n"
-"In order to use the Import From Application functionality, you need to have "
-"at least one data imports plugin enabled. Plugins can be enabled in the "
-"Preferences dialog."
+"In order to use the Import From Application functionality, you need to have at least one data imports plugin enabled. Plugins can be enabled in the Preferences dialog."
msgstr ""
"Chan eil plugain sam bith an comas leis an urrainn dhut dàta ion-phortadh.\n"
-"Mus urrainn dhut an gleus “Ion-phortaich o aplacaid” a chleachdadh, feumaidh "
-"tu co-dhiù aon phlugan a chur an comas a nì ion-phortadh dàta dhut. ’S "
-"urrainn dhut plugain a chur an comas ann an còmhradh nan roghainnean."
+"Mus urrainn dhut an gleus “Ion-phortaich o aplacaid” a chleachdadh, feumaidh tu co-dhiù aon phlugan a chur an comas a nì ion-phortadh dàta dhut. ’S urrainn dhut plugain a chur an comas ann an còmhradh nan roghainnean."
#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:100
msgid "Database file:"
msgstr "Faidhle stòir-dhàta:"
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:112 src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:775
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:112 src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:785
msgid "_Import"
msgstr "_Ion-phortaich"
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:220
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:219
msgid "Import From Application"
msgstr "Ion-phortaich o aplacaid"
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:221
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:220
msgid "Import media _from:"
msgstr "Ion-phortaich meadhan _o:"
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:414 src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:520
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:415 src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:524
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Dùin"
@@ -3111,9 +2565,7 @@ msgstr "Ion-phortadh dàta"
#: src/db/DatabaseTable.vala:37
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open/create photo database %s: error code %d"
-msgstr ""
-"Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn stòr-dàta nan dealbhan fhosgladh no a chruthachadh %s: "
-"còd mearachd %d"
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn stòr-dàta nan dealbhan fhosgladh no a chruthachadh %s: còd mearachd %d"
#: src/db/DatabaseTable.vala:46
#, c-format
@@ -3165,93 +2617,72 @@ msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn taisbeanadh-shleamhnagan an deasga ullachadh: %s"
#: src/Dialogs.vala:16
#, c-format
-#| msgid "This will remove the tag \"%s\" from one photo. Continue?"
-#| msgid_plural "This will remove the tag \"%s\" from %d photos. Continue?"
msgid "This will remove the tag “%s” from one photo. Continue?"
msgid_plural "This will remove the tag “%s” from %d photos. Continue?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dealbh. A bheil thu airson "
-"leantainn air adhart?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dhealbh. A bheil thu airson "
-"leantainn air adhart?"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dealbhan. A bheil thu airson "
-"leantainn air adhart?"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dealbh. A bheil thu airson "
-"leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[0] "Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dealbh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[1] "Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dhealbh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[2] "Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dealbhan. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[3] "Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dealbh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:20 src/Dialogs.vala:28 src/Dialogs.vala:1388
-#: src/Resources.vala:159 src/Resources.vala:362 src/Resources.vala:415
-#: src/Resources.vala:659 ui/savedsearch.ui:15 ui/tags.ui:460 ui/trash.ui:63
-#: ui/trash.ui:216 ui/trash.ui:258
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:20 src/Dialogs.vala:28 src/Dialogs.vala:58 src/Dialogs.vala:734 src/Resources.vala:128 src/Resources.vala:309 src/Resources.vala:340 src/Resources.vala:393 src/Resources.vala:761 ui/savedsearch.ui:14 ui/tags.ui:460 ui/trash.ui:63 ui/trash.ui:216 ui/trash.ui:258
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Sguab às"
#: src/Dialogs.vala:25
#, c-format
-#| msgid "This will remove the saved search \"%s\". Continue?"
msgid "This will remove the saved search “%s”. Continue?"
-msgstr ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh an lorg “%s” a shàbhail thu roimhe. A bheil thu airson "
-"leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr "Bheir seo air falbh an lorg “%s” a shàbhail thu roimhe. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
#: src/Dialogs.vala:36
-msgid ""
-"Switching developers will undo all changes you have made to this photo in "
-msgid_plural ""
-"Switching developers will undo all changes you have made to these photos in "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Ma thaghas tu leasaichear eile, thèid gach atharrachadh a rinn thu air an "
-"dealbh seo ann an Shotwell a chur gu neoini."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Ma thaghas tu leasaichear eile, thèid gach atharrachadh a rinn thu air na "
-"dealbhan seo ann an Shotwell a chur gu neoini."
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Ma thaghas tu leasaichear eile, thèid gach atharrachadh a rinn thu air na "
-"dealbhan seo ann an Shotwell a chur gu neoini."
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Ma thaghas tu leasaichear eile, thèid gach atharrachadh a rinn thu air na "
-"dealbhan seo ann an Shotwell a chur gu neoini."
+msgid "Switching developers will undo all changes you have made to this photo in Shotwell"
+msgid_plural "Switching developers will undo all changes you have made to these photos in Shotwell"
+msgstr[0] "Ma thaghas tu leasaichear eile, thèid gach atharrachadh a rinn thu air an dealbh seo ann an Shotwell a chur gu neoini"
+msgstr[1] "Ma thaghas tu leasaichear eile, thèid gach atharrachadh a rinn thu air na dealbhan seo ann an Shotwell a chur gu neoini"
+msgstr[2] "Ma thaghas tu leasaichear eile, thèid gach atharrachadh a rinn thu air na dealbhan seo ann an Shotwell a chur gu neoini"
+msgstr[3] "Ma thaghas tu leasaichear eile, thèid gach atharrachadh a rinn thu air na dealbhan seo ann an Shotwell a chur gu neoini"
#: src/Dialogs.vala:40
msgid "_Switch Developer"
msgstr "_Cleachd an leasaichear eile"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:59
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:54
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "This will remove the tag “%s” from one photo. Continue?"
+#| msgid_plural "This will remove the tag “%s” from %d photos. Continue?"
+msgid "This will remove the face “%s” from one photo. Continue?"
+msgid_plural "This will remove the face “%s” from %d photos. Continue?"
+msgstr[0] "Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dealbh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[1] "Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dhealbh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[2] "Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dealbhan. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[3] "Bheir seo air falbh a’ bhratach “%s” o %d dealbh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:74
msgid "Export Video"
msgstr "Às-phortaich a’ video"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:99
+msgid "Export Photos"
+msgstr "Às-phortaich dealbhan"
#. Ticket #3023
#. Attempt to replace the system error with something friendlier
#. if we can't copy an image over for editing in an external tool.
#. Did we fail because we can't write to this directory?
#. Yes - display an alternate error message here.
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:112
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:127
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Shotwell couldn't create a file for editing this photo because you do not "
-#| "have permission to write to %s."
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell couldn’t create a file for editing this photo because you do not "
-"have permission to write to %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Cha b’ urrainn dha Shotwell faidhle a chruthachadh gus an dealbh seo a "
-"dheasachadh air sgàth ’s nach eil cead-sgrìobhaidh agad ann an %s."
+msgid "Shotwell couldn’t create a file for editing this photo because you do not have permission to write to %s."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dha Shotwell faidhle a chruthachadh gus an dealbh seo a dheasachadh air sgàth ’s nach eil cead-sgrìobhaidh agad ann an %s."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:121
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:136
msgid ""
"Unable to export the following photo due to a file error.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Chan urrainn dhuinn an dealbh a leanas às-phortadh air sgàth mearachd "
+"Chan urrainn dhuinn an dealbh a leanas às-phortadh air sgàth mearachd faidhle.\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:127
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:142
msgid ""
@@ -3261,59 +2692,28 @@ msgstr ""
"A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart leis an às-phortadh?"
-#. "Unmodified" and "Current," though they appear in the "Format:" popup menu, really
-#. aren't formats so much as they are operating modes that determine specific formats.
-#. Hereafter we'll refer to these as "special formats."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:144
-msgid "Unmodified"
-msgstr "Gun atharrachadh"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:145
-msgid "Current"
-msgstr "Làithreach"
-#. layout controls
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:221
-msgid "_Format:"
-msgstr "_Fòrmat:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:224
-msgid "_Quality:"
-msgstr "_Càileachd:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:227
-msgid "_Scaling constraint:"
-msgstr "_Bacadh sgèilidh:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:230
-#| msgid " _pixels"
-msgid "_Pixels:"
-msgstr "_Piogsailean:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:234
-#| msgid "Export metadata"
-msgid "Export _metadata:"
-msgstr "Às-phortaich am _meata-dàta:"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:143
+msgid "Con_tinue"
+msgstr "Lean air adhar_t"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:478
-#| msgid "Save Details"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:153
msgid "Save Details…"
msgstr "Sàbhail am mion-fhiosrachadh…"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:479
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:154
msgid "Save Details"
msgstr "Sàbhail am mion-fhiosrachadh"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:494
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:169
#, c-format
msgid "(and %d more)\n"
msgstr "(agus %d a bharrachd)\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:547
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:222
msgid "Import Results Report"
msgstr "An aithris air coileanas an ion-phortaidh"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:551
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:226
#, c-format
msgid "Attempted to import %d file."
msgid_plural "Attempted to import %d files."
@@ -3322,7 +2722,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Dh’fheuch sinn ri %d fhaidhle ion-phortadh."
msgstr[2] "Dh’fheuch sinn ri %d faidhlichean ion-phortadh."
msgstr[3] "Dh’fheuch sinn ri %d faidhle ion-phortadh."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:554
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:229
#, c-format
msgid "Of these, %d file was successfully imported."
msgid_plural "Of these, %d files were successfully imported."
@@ -3334,73 +2734,48 @@ msgstr[3] "Chaidh %d dhiubh seo ion-phortadh gu soirbheachail."
#. Duplicates
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:566
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:241
msgid "Duplicate Photos/Videos Not Imported:"
-msgstr ""
-"Dealbhan/videothan a bha ann iomadh turas is nach deach an ion-phortadh:"
+msgstr "Dealbhan/videothan a bha ann iomadh turas is nach deach an ion-phortadh:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:570
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:245
msgid "duplicates existing media item"
msgstr "a dhùblaicheadh ball a tha ann mu thràth"
#. Files Not Imported Due to Camera Errors
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:581
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:256
msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported Due to Camera Errors:"
-msgstr ""
-"Dealbhan/videothan a bha ann iomadh turas is nach deach an ion-phortadh ri "
-"linn mearachd a’ chamara:"
+msgstr "Dealbhan/videothan a bha ann iomadh turas is nach deach an ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:584 src/Dialogs.vala:599 src/Dialogs.vala:614
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:630 src/Dialogs.vala:645 src/Dialogs.vala:659
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:259 src/Dialogs.vala:274 src/Dialogs.vala:289 src/Dialogs.vala:305 src/Dialogs.vala:320 src/Dialogs.vala:334
msgid "error message:"
msgstr "teachdaireachd na mearachd:"
#. Files Not Imported Because They Weren't Recognized as Photos or Videos
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:595
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Files Not Imported Because They Weren't Recognized as Photos or Videos:"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:270
msgid "Files Not Imported Because They Weren’t Recognized as Photos or Videos:"
-msgstr ""
-"Cha deach na faidhlichean ion-phortadh air sgàth ’s nach deach an "
-"aithneachadh mar dhealbhan no videothan:"
+msgstr "Cha deach na faidhlichean ion-phortadh air sgàth ’s nach deach an aithneachadh mar dhealbhan no videothan:"
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren't in a Format Shotwell Understands
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:610
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren't in a Format Shotwell "
-#| "Understands:"
-msgid ""
-"Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren’t in a Format Shotwell "
-msgstr ""
-"Cha deach na dealbhan/videothan ion-phortadh air sgàth ’s nach eil iad ann "
-"am fòrmat a thuigeas Shotwell:"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:285
+msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren’t in a Format Shotwell Understands:"
+msgstr "Cha deach na dealbhan/videothan ion-phortadh air sgàth ’s nach eil iad ann am fòrmat a thuigeas Shotwell:"
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn't Copy Them into its Library
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:625
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn't Copy Them into its "
-#| "Library:"
-msgid ""
-"Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn’t Copy Them into its "
-msgstr ""
-"Cha deach na dealbhan/videothan ion-phortadh air sgàth ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dha Shotwell lethbhreac dhiubh a chur dhan leabhar-lann aige."
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:300
+msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn’t Copy Them into its Library:"
+msgstr "Seo na dealbhan/videothan nach deach ion-phortadh air sgàth ’s nach b’ urrainn dha Shotwell lethbhreac dhiubh a chur dhan leabhar-lann aige:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:629
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:304
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "couldn't copy %s\n"
-#| "\tto %s"
msgid ""
"couldn’t copy %s\n"
"\tto %s"
@@ -3411,21 +2786,18 @@ msgstr ""
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported Because GDK Pixbuf Library Identified them as Corrupt
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:641
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:316
msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Files Are Corrupt:"
-msgstr ""
-"Cha deach na dealbhan/videothan ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil na "
-"faidhlichean coirbte:"
+msgstr "Cha deach na dealbhan/videothan ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil na faidhlichean coirbte:"
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported for Other Reasons
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:656
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:331
msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported for Other Reasons:"
-msgstr ""
-"Dealbhan/videothan nach deach an ion-phortadh air sgàth adhbharan eile:"
+msgstr "Dealbhan/videothan nach deach an ion-phortadh air sgàth adhbharan eile:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:676
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:351
#, c-format
msgid "1 duplicate photo was not imported:\n"
msgid_plural "%d duplicate photos were not imported:\n"
@@ -3434,7 +2806,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh dùblaichte ann nach deach ion-phortadh:\n"
msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan dùblaichte ann nach deach ion-phortadh:\n"
msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh dùblaichte ann nach deach ion-phortadh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:679
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:354
#, c-format
msgid "1 duplicate video was not imported:\n"
msgid_plural "%d duplicate videos were not imported:\n"
@@ -3443,7 +2815,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Bha %d video dùblaichte ann nach deach ion-phortadh:\n"
msgstr[2] "Bha %d videothan dùblaichte ann nach deach ion-phortadh:\n"
msgstr[3] "Bha %d video dùblaichte ann nach deach ion-phortadh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:682
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:357
#, c-format
msgid "1 duplicate photo/video was not imported:\n"
msgid_plural "%d duplicate photos/videos were not imported:\n"
@@ -3452,141 +2824,79 @@ msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh/video dùblaichte ann nach deach ion-phortadh:\n"
msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan/videothan dùblaichte ann nach deach ion-phortadh:\n"
msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh/video dùblaichte ann nach deach ion-phortadh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:696
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:371
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Bha %d dealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Bha %d dhealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Bha %d dealbhan ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Bha %d dealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:699
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:374
#, c-format
msgid "1 video failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Bha %d videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:702
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:377
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
-msgid_plural ""
-"%d photos/videos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Bha %d dealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Bha %d dhealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Bha %d dealbhan/videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd "
-"faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Bha %d dealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgid_plural "%d photos/videos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Bha %d dealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan/videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:705
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:380
#, c-format
msgid "1 file failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d files failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Bha %d fhaidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Bha %d fhaidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Bha %d faidhlichean ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Bha %d faidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no "
-"mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Bha %d fhaidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Bha %d fhaidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d faidhlichean ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Bha %d faidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd faidhle no mearachd bathair-chruaidh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:719
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:394
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"1 photo failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
-msgid_plural ""
-"%d photos failed to import because the photo library folder was not "
-msgstr[0] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn "
-"sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn "
-"sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:722
+msgid "1 photo failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
+msgid_plural "%d photos failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:397
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"1 video failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
-msgid_plural ""
-"%d videos failed to import because the photo library folder was not "
-msgstr[0] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn "
-"sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[1] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn "
-"sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[2] "Bha %d videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[3] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn "
-"sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:725
+msgid "1 video failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
+msgid_plural "%d videos failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:400
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"1 photo/video failed to import because the photo library folder was not "
-msgid_plural ""
-"%d photos/videos failed to import because the photo library folder was not "
-msgstr[0] "Bha %d dealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan/videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ "
-"urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:728
+msgid "1 photo/video failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
+msgid_plural "%d photos/videos failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Bha %d dealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan/videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:403
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"1 file failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
-msgid_plural ""
-"%d files failed to import because the photo library folder was not "
-msgstr[0] "Bha %d fhaidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[1] "Bha %d fhaidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[2] "Bha %d faidhlichean ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-msgstr[3] "Bha %d faidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn "
-"dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:742
+msgid "1 file failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
+msgid_plural "%d files failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Bha %d fhaidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Bha %d fhaidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d faidhlichean ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Bha %d faidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh a chionn ’s nach b’ urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh ann am pasgan leabhar-lann nan dealbhan:\n"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:417
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
@@ -3595,7 +2905,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ cham
msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:\n"
msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:745
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:420
#, c-format
msgid "1 video failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
@@ -3604,18 +2914,16 @@ msgstr[1] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamar
msgstr[2] "Bha %d videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:\n"
msgstr[3] "Bha %d video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:748
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:423
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgstr[0] "Bha %d dealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:\n"
-msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ "
-msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan/videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ "
+msgstr[1] "Bha %d dhealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Bha %d dealbhan/videothan ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:\n"
msgstr[3] "Bha %d dealbh/video ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:751
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:426
#, c-format
msgid "1 file failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d files failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
@@ -3624,7 +2932,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Bha %d fhaidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ cha
msgstr[2] "Bha %d faidhlichean ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:\n"
msgstr[3] "Bha %d fhaidhle ann nach deach ion-phortadh ri linn mearachd a’ chamara:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:765
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:440
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n"
@@ -3633,7 +2941,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Cha deach %d dhealbh ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad coirbte:
msgstr[2] "Cha deach %d dealbhan ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad coirbte:\n"
msgstr[3] "Cha deach %d dealbh ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad coirbte:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:768
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:443
#, c-format
msgid "1 video failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n"
@@ -3642,17 +2950,16 @@ msgstr[1] "Cha deach %d videothan ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad coirbt
msgstr[2] "Cha deach %d video ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad coirbte:\n"
msgstr[3] "Cha deach %d video ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad coirbte:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:771
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:446
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n"
msgstr[0] "Cha deach %d dealbh/video ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil e coirbte:\n"
msgstr[1] "Cha deach %d dhealbh/video ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad coirbte:\n"
-msgstr[2] "Cha deach %d dealbhan/videothan ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad "
+msgstr[2] "Cha deach %d dealbhan/videothan ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad coirbte:\n"
msgstr[3] "Cha deach %d dealbh/video ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad coirbte:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:774
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:449
#, c-format
msgid "1 file failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d files failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
@@ -3665,19 +2972,18 @@ msgstr[3] "Cha deach %d faidhle ion-phortadh a chionn ’s gu bheil iad coirbte:
#. standard container formats are supported, it's just that the streams in them
#. might or might not be interpretable), so this message does not need to be
#. media specific
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:791
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:466
#, c-format
msgid "1 unsupported photo skipped:\n"
msgid_plural "%d unsupported photos skipped:\n"
msgstr[0] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbh ris nach eil taic:\n"
msgstr[1] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dhealbh ris nach eil taic:\n"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbhan ris nach eil taic:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbhan ris nach eil taic:\n"
msgstr[3] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbh ris nach eil taic:\n"
#. we have no notion of "non-video" video files right now in Shotwell, so this
#. message doesn't need to be media specific
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:806
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:481
#, c-format
msgid "1 non-image file skipped.\n"
msgid_plural "%d non-image files skipped.\n"
@@ -3686,75 +2992,43 @@ msgstr[1] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d fhaidhle nach eil ’nan dealb
msgstr[2] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d faidhlichean nach eil ’nan dealbhan:\n"
msgstr[3] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d faidhle nach eil ’nan dealbhan:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:817
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:492
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos skipped due to user cancel:\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbh oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dhealbh oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbhan oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbh oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
+msgstr[0] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbh oir sguir an cleachdaiche dheth:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dhealbh oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbhan oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbh oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:820
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:495
#, c-format
msgid "1 video skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos skipped due to user cancel:\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d video oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d video oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d videothan oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d video oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
+msgstr[0] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d video oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d video oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d videothan oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d video oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:823
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:498
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos skipped due to user cancel:\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbh/video oir sguir an "
-"cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dhealbh/video oir sguir an "
-"cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbhan/videothan oir sguir an "
-"cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbh/video oir sguir an "
-"cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbh/video oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dhealbh/video oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbhan/videothan oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d dealbh/video oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:826
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:501
#, c-format
msgid "1 file skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d file skipped due to user cancel:\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d fhaidhle oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d fhaidhle oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d faidhlichean oir sguir an "
-"cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d faidhle oir sguir an cleachdaiche "
+msgstr[0] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d fhaidhle oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d fhaidhle oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[2] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d faidhlichean oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
+msgstr[3] "Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air %d faidhle oir sguir an cleachdaiche dhiubh:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:840
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:515
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo successfully imported.\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos successfully imported.\n"
@@ -3763,7 +3037,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Chaidh %d dhealbh ion-phortadh.\n"
msgstr[2] "Chaidh %d dealbhan ion-phortadh.\n"
msgstr[3] "Chaidh %d dealbh ion-phortadh.\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:843
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:518
#, c-format
msgid "1 video successfully imported.\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos successfully imported.\n"
@@ -3772,7 +3046,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Chaidh %d video ion-phortadh.\n"
msgstr[2] "Chaidh %d videothan ion-phortadh.\n"
msgstr[3] "Chaidh %d video ion-phortadh.\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:846
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:521
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video successfully imported.\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos successfully imported.\n"
@@ -3783,78 +3057,46 @@ msgstr[3] "Chaidh %d dealbh/video ion-phortadh.\n"
#. if no media items were imported at all (i.e. an empty directory attempted), need to at least
#. report that nothing was imported
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:862
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:537
msgid "No photos or videos imported.\n"
msgstr "Cha deach dealbh no video sam bith ion-phortadh.\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:869 src/Dialogs.vala:888
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:544 src/Dialogs.vala:563
msgid "Import Complete"
msgstr "Deiseil leis an ion-phortadh"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1160
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d second"
-msgid_plural "%d seconds"
-msgstr[0] "%d diog"
-msgstr[1] "%d dhiog"
-msgstr[2] "%d diogan"
-msgstr[3] "%d diog"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1163
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d minute"
-msgid_plural "%d minutes"
-msgstr[0] "%d mhionaid"
-msgstr[1] "%d mhionaid"
-msgstr[2] "%d mionaidean"
-msgstr[3] "%d mionaid"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1167
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d hour"
-msgid_plural "%d hours"
-msgstr[0] "%d uair a thìde"
-msgstr[1] "%d uair a thìde"
-msgstr[2] "%d uairean a thìde"
-msgstr[3] "%d uair a thìde"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1170
-msgid "1 day"
-msgstr "1 latha"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1317 src/Resources.vala:232
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:663 src/Resources.vala:201
msgid "Rename Event"
msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air an tachartas"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1317
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:663
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Aimn:"
#. Dialog title
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1328
-#| msgid "Edit Title"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:674
msgctxt "Dialog Title"
msgid "Edit Title"
msgstr "Deasaich an tiotal"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1329 src/Properties.vala:343
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:675 src/Properties.vala:347
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Tiotal:"
#. Dialog title
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1345 src/Resources.vala:308
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:691 src/Resources.vala:277
msgid "Edit Event Comment"
msgstr "Deasaich beachd an tachartais"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1346
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:692
msgid "Edit Photo/Video Comment"
msgstr "Deasaich beachd an deilbh/video"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1347 src/Properties.vala:631
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:693 src/Properties.vala:645
msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "Beachd:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1363
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:709
msgid "Remove and _Trash File"
msgid_plural "Remove and _Trash Files"
msgstr[0] "Thoir am _faidhle air falbh ’s cur san sgudal e"
@@ -3862,187 +3104,57 @@ msgstr[1] "Thoir na _faidhlichean air falbh ’s cur san sgudal iad"
msgstr[2] "Thoir na _faidhlichean air falbh ’s cur san sgudal iad"
msgstr[3] "Thoir na _faidhlichean air falbh ’s cur san sgudal iad"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1367
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:713
msgid "_Remove From Library"
msgstr "Thoi_r air falbh on leabhar-lann"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1410
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:756
msgid "Revert External Edit?"
-msgstr ""
-"A bheil thu airson an deasachadh a rinneadh air taobh a-muigh a thilleadh?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson an deasachadh a rinneadh air taobh a-muigh a thilleadh?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1410
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:756
msgid "Revert External Edits?"
-msgstr ""
-"A bheil thu airson na deasachaidhean a rinneadh air an taobh a-muigh a "
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson na deasachaidhean a rinneadh air an taobh a-muigh a thilleadh?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1412
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:758
#, c-format
-#| msgid "This will destroy all changes made to the external file. Continue?"
-#| msgid_plural ""
-#| "This will destroy all changes made to %d external files. Continue?"
msgid "This will destroy all changes made to the external file. Continue?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"This will destroy all changes made to %d external files. Continue?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Cuiridh seo gu neoini gach atharrachadh a rinneadh air an %d fhaidhle air an "
-"taobh a-muigh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Cuiridh seo gu neoini gach atharrachadh a rinneadh air an %d fhaidhle air an "
-"taobh a-muigh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Cuiridh seo gu neoini gach atharrachadh a rinneadh air na %d faidhlichean "
-"air an taobh a-muigh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Cuiridh seo gu neoini gach atharrachadh a rinneadh air na %d faidhle air an "
-"taobh a-muigh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgid_plural "This will destroy all changes made to %d external files. Continue?"
+msgstr[0] "Cuiridh seo gu neoini gach atharrachadh a rinneadh air an %d fhaidhle air an taobh a-muigh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[1] "Cuiridh seo gu neoini gach atharrachadh a rinneadh air an %d fhaidhle air an taobh a-muigh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[2] "Cuiridh seo gu neoini gach atharrachadh a rinneadh air na %d faidhlichean air an taobh a-muigh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[3] "Cuiridh seo gu neoini gach atharrachadh a rinneadh air na %d faidhle air an taobh a-muigh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1416
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:762
msgid "Re_vert External Edit"
msgstr "Till an deasachadh a rinneadh air an taobh a-_muigh"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1416
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:762
msgid "Re_vert External Edits"
msgstr "Till na deasachaidhean a rinneadh air an taobh a-_muigh"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1437
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:783
#, c-format
-#| msgid "This will remove the photo from the library. Continue?"
-#| msgid_plural "This will remove %d photos from the library. Continue?"
msgid "This will remove the photo from the library. Continue?"
msgid_plural "This will remove %d photos from the library. Continue?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh on leabhar-lann. A bheil thu airson leantainn "
-"air adhart?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dhealbh on leabhar-lann. A bheil thu airson leantainn "
-"air adhart?"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbhan on leabhar-lann. A bheil thu airson "
-"leantainn air adhart?"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh on leabhar-lann. A bheil thu airson leantainn "
-"air adhart?"
+msgstr[0] "Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh on leabhar-lann. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[1] "Bheir seo air falbh %d dhealbh on leabhar-lann. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[2] "Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbhan on leabhar-lann. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+msgstr[3] "Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh on leabhar-lann. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1444 src/Resources.vala:174
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:790 src/Resources.vala:143
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Thoir air falbh"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1445
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:791
msgid "Remove Photo From Library"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh an dealbh on leabhar-lann"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1445
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:791
msgid "Remove Photos From Library"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh na dealbhan on leabhar-lann"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1543
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1697
-msgid "AM"
-msgstr "m"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1698
-msgid "PM"
-msgstr "f"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1699
-msgid "24 Hr"
-msgstr "Cleoc nan 24 uairean"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1714
-msgid "_Shift photos/videos by the same amount"
-msgstr "_Gluais na dealbhan/videothan an aon astar"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1719
-msgid "Set _all photos/videos to this time"
-msgstr "Cleachd _an t-àm seo airson gach dealbh/video"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1725
-#| msgid "_Modify original photo file"
-msgid "_Modify original photo file"
-msgid_plural "_Modify original photo files"
-msgstr[0] "_Atharraich faidhle tùsail an deilbh"
-msgstr[1] "_Atharraich faidhlichean tùsail an deilbh"
-msgstr[2] "_Atharraich faidhlichean tùsail an deilbh"
-msgstr[3] "_Atharraich faidhlichean tùsail an deilbh"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1729
-#| msgid "_Modify original file"
-msgid "_Modify original file"
-msgid_plural "_Modify original files"
-msgstr[0] "_Atharraich am faidhle tùsail"
-msgstr[1] "_Atharraich na faidhlichean tùsail"
-msgstr[2] "_Atharraich na faidhlichean tùsail"
-msgstr[3] "_Atharraich na faidhlichean tùsail"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1817
-msgid "Original: "
-msgstr "Am feat tùsail: "
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1818
-msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"
-msgstr "%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1819
-msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
-msgstr "%d/%m/%Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1908
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Exposure time will be shifted forward by\n"
-"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Thèid àm an deisearais a ghluasad air adhart le\n"
-"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s agus %d %s."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1909
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Exposure time will be shifted backward by\n"
-"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Thèid àm an deisearais a ghluasad air ais le\n"
-"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s agus %d %s."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1911
-msgid "day"
-msgid_plural "days"
-msgstr[0] "latha"
-msgstr[1] "latha"
-msgstr[2] "làithean"
-msgstr[3] "latha"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1912
-msgid "hour"
-msgid_plural "hours"
-msgstr[0] "uair"
-msgstr[1] "uairean"
-msgstr[2] "uairean a thìde"
-msgstr[3] "uair a thìde"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1913
-msgid "minute"
-msgid_plural "minutes"
-msgstr[0] "mhionaid"
-msgstr[1] "mhionaid"
-msgstr[2] "mionaidean"
-msgstr[3] "mionaid"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1914
-msgid "second"
-msgid_plural "seconds"
-msgstr[0] "diog"
-msgstr[1] "dhiog"
-msgstr[2] "diogan"
-msgstr[3] "diog"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1958
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:811
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -4069,284 +3181,132 @@ msgstr[3] ""
"Agus %d eile."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:1982 src/Dialogs.vala:2009
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:835 src/Dialogs.vala:862
msgid "Tags (separated by commas):"
msgstr "Tagaichean (air an sgaradh le cromagan):"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2089
-msgid "Welcome!"
-msgstr "Fàilte!"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2096
-msgid "Welcome to Shotwell!"
-msgstr "Fàilte gu Shotwell!"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2101
-msgid "To get started, import photos in any of these ways:"
-msgstr ""
-"Dèan toiseach tòiseachaidh is ion-phortaich dealbhan air gin dhe na dòighean "
-"a leanas:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2121
-#, c-format
-msgid "Choose <span weight=\"bold\">File %s Import From Folder</span>"
-msgstr "Tagh <span weight=\"bold\">Ion-phortadh faidhle %s o phasgan</span>"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2122
-msgid "Drag and drop photos onto the Shotwell window"
-msgstr "Slaod is leig às dealbhan air uinneag Shotwell"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2123
-msgid "Connect a camera to your computer and import"
-msgstr "Ceangail camara ris a’ choimpiutair agad agus dèan ion-phortadh"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2134
-#, c-format
-msgid "_Import photos from your %s folder"
-msgstr "_Ion-phortaich dealbhan on phasgan %s agad"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2141
-msgid "You can also import photos in any of these ways:"
-msgstr ""
-"’S urrainn dhut dealbhan ion-phortadh air gin dhe na dòighean seo leanas "
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2152
-#| msgid "_Don't show this message again"
-msgid "_Don’t show this message again"
-msgstr "_Na seall an teachdaireachd seo a-rithist"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2189
-#, c-format
-msgid "Import photos from your %s library"
-msgstr "Ion-phortaich dealbhan on leabhar-lann %s agad"
-#. We're installed system-wide, so use the system help.
-#. We're being run from the build directory; we'll have to handle clicks to this
-#. link manually ourselves, due to a limitation of help: URIs.
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2335 src/Dialogs.vala:2339
-msgid "(Help)"
-msgstr "(Cobhair)"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2346
-#, c-format
-msgid "Year%sMonth%sDay"
-msgstr "Bliadhna%sMìos%sLatha"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2348
-#, c-format
-msgid "Year%sMonth"
-msgstr "Bliadhna%sMìos"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2350
-#, c-format
-msgid "Year%sMonth-Day"
-msgstr "Bliadhna%sMìos-Latha"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2352
-msgid "Year-Month-Day"
-msgstr "Bliadhna-Mìos-Latha"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2353 src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:782
-msgid "Custom"
-msgstr "Gnàthaichte"
-#. Invalid pattern.
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2590
-msgid "Invalid pattern"
-msgstr "Pàtran mì-dhligheach"
#. This function is used to determine whether or not files should be copied or linked when imported.
#. Returns ACCEPT for copy, REJECT for link, and CANCEL for (drum-roll) cancel.
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2692
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell can copy the photos into your library folder or it can import them "
-"without copying."
-msgstr ""
-"’S urrainn dha Shotwell lethbhreacan dhe na dealbhan a chur do phasgan na "
-"leabhar-lainn agad no an ion-phortadh gun a bhith a’ dèanamh lethbhreacan "
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:921
+msgid "Shotwell can copy the photos into your library folder or it can import them without copying."
+msgstr "’S urrainn dha Shotwell lethbhreacan dhe na dealbhan a chur do phasgan na leabhar-lainn agad no an ion-phortadh gun a bhith a’ dèanamh lethbhreacan dhiubh."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2697
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:926
msgid "Co_py Photos"
msgstr "Dèan le_thbhreacan dhe na dealbhan"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2698
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:927
msgid "_Import in Place"
msgstr "_Ion-phortaich ’na àite"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2699
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:928
msgid "Import to Library"
msgstr "Ion-phortaich dhan leabhar-lann"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2709 src/PhotoPage.vala:2874
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:938 src/PhotoPage.vala:2897
msgid "Remove From Library"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh on leabhar-lann"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2710 src/PhotoPage.vala:2874
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:939 src/PhotoPage.vala:2897
msgid "Removing Photo From Library"
msgstr "A’ toirt air falbh an deilbh on leabhar-lann"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2710
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:939
msgid "Removing Photos From Library"
msgstr "A’ toirt air falbh dealbhan on leabhar-lann"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2724
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:953
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This will remove the photo/video from your Shotwell library. Would you "
-#| "also like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "This action cannot be undone."
-#| msgid_plural ""
-#| "This will remove %d photos/videos from your Shotwell library. Would you "
-#| "also like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "This action cannot be undone."
msgid ""
-"This will remove the photo/video from your Shotwell library. Would you also "
-"like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This will remove the photo/video from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
"This action cannot be undone."
msgid_plural ""
-"This will remove %d photos/videos from your Shotwell library. Would you also "
-"like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This will remove %d photos/videos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
"This action cannot be undone."
msgstr[0] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh/video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil "
-"thu airson a ghluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh/video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson a ghluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
msgstr[1] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dhealbh/video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil "
-"thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d dhealbh/video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
msgstr[2] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbhan/video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil "
-"thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbhan/video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
msgstr[3] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh/video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil "
-"thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh/video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2728
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:957
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This will remove the video from your Shotwell library. Would you also "
-#| "like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "This action cannot be undone."
-#| msgid_plural ""
-#| "This will remove %d videos from your Shotwell library. Would you also "
-#| "like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "This action cannot be undone."
msgid ""
-"This will remove the video from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
-"to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This will remove the video from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
"This action cannot be undone."
msgid_plural ""
-"This will remove %d videos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
-"to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This will remove %d videos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
"This action cannot be undone."
msgstr[0] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu "
-"airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
msgstr[1] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu "
-"airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
msgstr[2] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d videothan o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu "
-"airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d videothan o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
msgstr[3] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu "
-"airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d video o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2732
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:961
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This will remove the photo from your Shotwell library. Would you also "
-#| "like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "This action cannot be undone."
-#| msgid_plural ""
-#| "This will remove %d photos from your Shotwell library. Would you also "
-#| "like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
-#| "\n"
-#| "This action cannot be undone."
msgid ""
-"This will remove the photo from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
-"to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This will remove the photo from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
"This action cannot be undone."
msgid_plural ""
-"This will remove %d photos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
-"to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This will remove %d photos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
"This action cannot be undone."
msgstr[0] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu "
-"airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
msgstr[1] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dhealbh o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu "
-"airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d dhealbh o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
msgstr[2] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbhan o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu "
-"airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbhan o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
msgstr[3] ""
-"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu "
-"airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
+"Bheir seo air falbh %d dealbh o leabhar-lann Shotwell agad. A bheil thu airson an gluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg agad cuideachd?\n"
"Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2764
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:993
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "The photo or video cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete this "
-#| "file?"
-#| msgid_plural ""
-#| "%d photos/videos cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete these "
-#| "files?"
-msgid ""
-"The photo or video cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete this file?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"%d photos/videos cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete these files?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Cha ghabh an %d dealbh no video seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg. A "
-"bheil thu airson a sguabadh às?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Cha ghabh an %d dhealbh no video seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg. A "
-"bheil thu airson an sguabadh às?"
-msgstr[2] ""
-"Cha ghabh na %d dealbhan no videothan seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal air an "
-"deasg. A bheil thu airson an sguabadh às?"
-msgstr[3] ""
-"Cha ghabh na %d dealbh no video seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg. A "
-"bheil thu airson an sguabadh às?"
+msgid "The photo or video cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete this file?"
+msgid_plural "%d photos/videos cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete these files?"
+msgstr[0] "Cha ghabh an %d dealbh no video seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg. A bheil thu airson a sguabadh às?"
+msgstr[1] "Cha ghabh an %d dhealbh no video seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg. A bheil thu airson an sguabadh às?"
+msgstr[2] "Cha ghabh na %d dealbhan no videothan seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg. A bheil thu airson an sguabadh às?"
+msgstr[3] "Cha ghabh na %d dealbh no video seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal air an deasg. A bheil thu airson an sguabadh às?"
#. Alert the user that the files were not removed.
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:2781
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:1010
#, c-format
msgid "The photo or video cannot be deleted."
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos cannot be deleted."
@@ -4393,255 +3353,474 @@ msgstr ""
"Chan urrainn dhuinn an dealbh a chlò-bhualadh\n"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:316 src/Resources.vala:176 ui/direct.ui:8
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:322 src/Resources.vala:145 ui/direct.ui:8 ui/textentrydialog.ui:33
msgid "_Save"
msgstr "_Sàbhail"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:316
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:322
msgid "_Save a Copy"
msgstr "_Sàbhail lethbhreac dheth"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:319
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:325
#, c-format
msgid "Lose changes to %s?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson na dh’atharraich thu air %s a chall?"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:320
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:326
msgid "Close _without Saving"
msgstr "Dùin _gun a shàbhaladh"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:353
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:359
#, c-format
msgid "Error while saving to %s: %s"
msgstr "Thachair mearachd fhad ’s a bha sinn a’ sàbhaladh ann an %s: %s"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:383 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:404
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:389 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:410
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "Sàbhail mar"
#. verify this is a directory
-#: src/DirectoryMonitor.vala:889
+#: src/DirectoryMonitor.vala:891
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to monitor %s: Not a directory (%s)"
msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn sùil a chumail air %s: Chan e pasgan a tha ann(%s)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:666
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:78
+msgid "AM"
+msgstr "m"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:79
+msgid "PM"
+msgstr "f"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:80
+msgid "24 Hr"
+msgstr "Cleoc nan 24 uairean"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:95
+msgid "_Shift photos/videos by the same amount"
+msgstr "_Gluais na dealbhan/videothan an aon astar"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:100
+msgid "Set _all photos/videos to this time"
+msgstr "Cleachd _an t-àm seo airson gach dealbh/video"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:106
+msgid "_Modify original photo file"
+msgid_plural "_Modify original photo files"
+msgstr[0] "_Atharraich faidhle tùsail an deilbh"
+msgstr[1] "_Atharraich faidhlichean tùsail an deilbh"
+msgstr[2] "_Atharraich faidhlichean tùsail an deilbh"
+msgstr[3] "_Atharraich faidhlichean tùsail an deilbh"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:110
+msgid "_Modify original file"
+msgid_plural "_Modify original files"
+msgstr[0] "_Atharraich am faidhle tùsail"
+msgstr[1] "_Atharraich na faidhlichean tùsail"
+msgstr[2] "_Atharraich na faidhlichean tùsail"
+msgstr[3] "_Atharraich na faidhlichean tùsail"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:219
+msgid "Original: "
+msgstr "Am feat tùsail: "
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:220
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:221
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:312
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Exposure time will be shifted forward by\n"
+"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Thèid àm an deisearais a ghluasad air adhart le\n"
+"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s agus %d %s."
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:313
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Exposure time will be shifted backward by\n"
+"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Thèid àm an deisearais a ghluasad air ais le\n"
+"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s agus %d %s."
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:315
+msgid "day"
+msgid_plural "days"
+msgstr[0] "latha"
+msgstr[1] "latha"
+msgstr[2] "làithean"
+msgstr[3] "latha"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:316
+msgid "hour"
+msgid_plural "hours"
+msgstr[0] "uair"
+msgstr[1] "uairean"
+msgstr[2] "uairean a thìde"
+msgstr[3] "uair a thìde"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:317
+msgid "minute"
+msgid_plural "minutes"
+msgstr[0] "mhionaid"
+msgstr[1] "mhionaid"
+msgstr[2] "mionaidean"
+msgstr[3] "mionaid"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:318
+msgid "second"
+msgid_plural "seconds"
+msgstr[0] "diog"
+msgstr[1] "dhiog"
+msgstr[2] "diogan"
+msgstr[3] "diog"
+#. "Unmodified" and "Current," though they appear in the "Format:" popup menu, really
+#. aren't formats so much as they are operating modes that determine specific formats.
+#. Hereafter we'll refer to these as "special formats."
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:15
+msgid "Unmodified"
+msgstr "Gun atharrachadh"
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:16
+msgid "Current"
+msgstr "Làithreach"
+#. layout controls
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:90
+msgid "_Format:"
+msgstr "_Fòrmat:"
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:93
+msgid "_Quality:"
+msgstr "_Càileachd:"
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:96
+msgid "_Scaling constraint:"
+msgstr "_Bacadh sgèilidh:"
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:99
+msgid "_Pixels:"
+msgstr "_Piogsailean:"
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:103
+msgid "Export _metadata:"
+msgstr "Às-phortaich am _meata-dàta:"
+#. We're installed system-wide, so use the system help.
+#. We're being run from the build directory; we'll have to handle clicks to this
+#. link manually ourselves, due to a limitation of help: URIs.
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:108 src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:112
+msgid "(Help)"
+msgstr "(Cobhair)"
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:116
+#, c-format
+msgid "Year%sMonth%sDay"
+msgstr "Bliadhna%sMìos%sLatha"
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:118
+#, c-format
+msgid "Year%sMonth"
+msgstr "Bliadhna%sMìos"
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:120
+#, c-format
+msgid "Year%sMonth-Day"
+msgstr "Bliadhna%sMìos-Latha"
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:122
+msgid "Year-Month-Day"
+msgstr "Bliadhna-Mìos-Latha"
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:123 src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:760
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr "Gnàthaichte"
+#. Invalid pattern.
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:351
+msgid "Invalid pattern"
+msgstr "Pàtran mì-dhligheach"
+#: src/dialogs/ProgressDialog.vala:97
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: src/dialogs/SetBackgroundSlideshow.vala:49
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d second"
+msgid_plural "%d seconds"
+msgstr[0] "%d diog"
+msgstr[1] "%d dhiog"
+msgstr[2] "%d diogan"
+msgstr[3] "%d diog"
+#: src/dialogs/SetBackgroundSlideshow.vala:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d minute"
+msgid_plural "%d minutes"
+msgstr[0] "%d mhionaid"
+msgstr[1] "%d mhionaid"
+msgstr[2] "%d mionaidean"
+msgstr[3] "%d mionaid"
+#: src/dialogs/SetBackgroundSlideshow.vala:56
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d hour"
+msgid_plural "%d hours"
+msgstr[0] "%d uair a thìde"
+msgstr[1] "%d uair a thìde"
+msgstr[2] "%d uairean a thìde"
+msgstr[3] "%d uair a thìde"
+#: src/dialogs/SetBackgroundSlideshow.vala:59
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr "1 latha"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:35
+msgid "Welcome!"
+msgstr "Fàilte!"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:42
+msgid "Welcome to Shotwell!"
+msgstr "Fàilte gu Shotwell!"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:47
+msgid "To get started, import photos in any of these ways:"
+msgstr "Dèan toiseach tòiseachaidh is ion-phortaich dealbhan air gin dhe na dòighean a leanas:"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:67
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose <span weight=\"bold\">File %s Import From Folder</span>"
+msgstr "Tagh <span weight=\"bold\">Ion-phortadh faidhle %s o phasgan</span>"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:68
+msgid "Drag and drop photos onto the Shotwell window"
+msgstr "Slaod is leig às dealbhan air uinneag Shotwell"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:69
+msgid "Connect a camera to your computer and import"
+msgstr "Ceangail camara ris a’ choimpiutair agad agus dèan ion-phortadh"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:80
+#, c-format
+msgid "_Import photos from your %s folder"
+msgstr "_Ion-phortaich dealbhan on phasgan %s agad"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:87
+msgid "You can also import photos in any of these ways:"
+msgstr "’S urrainn dhut dealbhan ion-phortadh air gin dhe na dòighean seo leanas cuideachd:"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:98
+msgid "_Don’t show this message again"
+msgstr "_Na seall an teachdaireachd seo a-rithist"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:135
+#, c-format
+msgid "Import photos from your %s library"
+msgstr "Ion-phortaich dealbhan on leabhar-lann %s agad"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:644
msgid "Return to current photo dimensions"
msgstr "Till do mheudachd an deilbh làithrich"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:669
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:647
msgid "Set the crop for this photo"
msgstr "Suidhich bearradh an deilbh seo"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:681
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:659
msgid "Pivot the crop rectangle between portrait and landscape orientations"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuairtich an ceart-cheàrnach bearraidh eadar comhair portraid is dreach-tìre"
+msgstr "Cuairtich an ceart-cheàrnach bearraidh eadar comhair portraid is dreach-tìre"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:754
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:732
msgid "Unconstrained"
msgstr "Gun chuingeachadh"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:755
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:733
msgid "Square"
msgstr "Ceàrnagach"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:756
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:734
msgid "Screen"
msgstr "Sgrìn"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:758
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:761
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:771
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:781
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:736 src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:739 src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:749 src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:759
msgid "-"
msgstr "-"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:759
-#| msgid "SD Video (4 : 3)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:737
msgid "SD Video (4 ∶ 3)"
msgstr "SD Video (4 ∶ 3)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:760
-#| msgid "HD Video (16 : 9)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:738
msgid "HD Video (16 ∶ 9)"
msgstr "HD Video (16 ∶ 9)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:762 src/Printing.vala:792
-#| msgid "Wallet (2 x 3 in.)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:740 src/Printing.vala:792
msgid "Wallet (2 × 3 in.)"
msgstr "Meud sporain (2 × 3 òirlich)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:763 src/Printing.vala:795
-#| msgid "Notecard (3 x 5 in.)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:741 src/Printing.vala:795
msgid "Notecard (3 × 5 in.)"
msgstr "Cairt-nòta (3 × 5 òirlich)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:764 src/Printing.vala:798
-#| msgid "4 x 6 in."
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:742 src/Printing.vala:798
msgid "4 × 6 in."
-msgstr "4 × 6 òirlich"
+msgstr "4 × 6 òirl."
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:765 src/Printing.vala:801
-#| msgid "5 x 7 in."
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:743 src/Printing.vala:801
msgid "5 × 7 in."
-msgstr "5 × 7 òirlich"
+msgstr "5 × 7 òirl."
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:766 src/Printing.vala:804
-#| msgid "8 x 10 in."
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:744 src/Printing.vala:804
msgid "8 × 10 in."
-msgstr "8 × 10 òirlich"
+msgstr "8 × 10 òirl."
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:767
-#| msgid "Letter (8.5 x 11 in.)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:745
msgid "Letter (8.5 × 11 in.)"
msgstr "Litir (8.5 × 11 òirlich)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:768 src/Printing.vala:807
-#| msgid "11 x 14 in."
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:746 src/Printing.vala:807
msgid "11 × 14 in."
-msgstr "11 × 14 òirlich"
+msgstr "11 × 14 òirl."
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:769
-#| msgid "Tabloid (11 x 17 in.)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:747
msgid "Tabloid (11 × 17 in.)"
msgstr "Tabloid (11 × 17 òirlich)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:770 src/Printing.vala:810
-#| msgid "16 x 20 in."
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:748 src/Printing.vala:810
msgid "16 × 20 in."
-msgstr "16 × 20 òirlich"
+msgstr "16 × 20 òirl."
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:772 src/Printing.vala:816
-#| msgid "Metric Wallet (9 x 13 cm)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:750 src/Printing.vala:816
msgid "Metric Wallet (9 × 13 cm)"
msgstr "Meud sporain (meatrach, 9 × 13 cm)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:773 src/Printing.vala:819
-#| msgid "Postcard (10 x 15 cm)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:751 src/Printing.vala:819
msgid "Postcard (10 × 15 cm)"
msgstr "Cairt-phuist (10 × 15 cm)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:774 src/Printing.vala:822
-#| msgid "13 x 18 cm"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:752 src/Printing.vala:822
msgid "13 × 18 cm"
msgstr "13 × 18 cm"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:775 src/Printing.vala:825
-#| msgid "18 x 24 cm"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:753 src/Printing.vala:825
msgid "18 × 24 cm"
msgstr "18 × 24 cm"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:776
-#| msgid "A4 (210 x 297 mm)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:754
msgid "A4 (210 × 297 mm)"
msgstr "A4 (210 × 297 mm)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:777 src/Printing.vala:828
-#| msgid "20 x 30 cm"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:755 src/Printing.vala:828
msgid "20 × 30 cm"
msgstr "20 × 30 cm"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:778 src/Printing.vala:831
-#| msgid "24 x 40 cm"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:756 src/Printing.vala:831
msgid "24 × 40 cm"
msgstr "24 × 40 cm"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:779 src/Printing.vala:834
-#| msgid "30 x 40 cm"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:757 src/Printing.vala:834
msgid "30 × 40 cm"
msgstr "30 × 40 cm"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:780
-#| msgid "A3 (297 x 420 mm)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:758
msgid "A3 (297 × 420 mm)"
msgstr "A3 (297 × 420 mm)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1880 src/Properties.vala:398
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1858 src/Properties.vala:402
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Meud:"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1895
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1873
msgid "Close the red-eye tool"
msgstr "Dùin inneal nan sùilean dearga"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1898
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1876
msgid "Remove any red-eye effects in the selected region"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh sùil dhearg sam bith san raon a thagh thu"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2238
-#: src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:102
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2216 src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:102
msgid "_Reset"
msgstr "_Ath-shuidhich"
#. fit both on the top line, emit and move on
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2252 src/Properties.vala:439
-#: src/Properties.vala:443 src/Properties.vala:450
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2230 src/Properties.vala:443 src/Properties.vala:447 src/Properties.vala:454
msgid "Exposure:"
msgstr "Deisearas:"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2261
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2239
msgid "Contrast:"
msgstr "Iomsgaradh:"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2270
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2248
msgid "Saturation:"
msgstr "Sàthachd:"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2279
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2257
msgid "Tint:"
msgstr "Tuar:"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2289
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2267
msgid "Temperature:"
msgstr "Teothachd:"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2298
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2276
msgid "Shadows:"
msgstr "Sgàilean:"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2307
+#. FIXME: Hack to make the slider the same length as the other. Find out why it is aligned
+#. Differently (probably because it only has positive values)
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2287
msgid "Highlights:"
msgstr "Soillseachadh:"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2363
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2344
msgid "Reset Colors"
msgstr "Ath-shuidhich na dathan"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2363
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2344
msgid "Reset all color adjustments to original"
msgstr "Ath-shuidhich gach rèiteachadh datha gu roghainn thùsail aige"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2722
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2703
msgid "Temperature"
msgstr "Teothachd"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2734
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2715
msgid "Tint"
msgstr "Tuar"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2746
-#| msgid "Contrast Expansion"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2727
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Iomsgaradh"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2760
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2741
msgid "Saturation"
msgstr "Sàthachd"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2773
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2754
msgid "Exposure"
msgstr "Deisearas"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2786
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2767
msgid "Shadows"
msgstr "Sgàilean"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2799
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2780
msgid "Highlights"
msgstr "Soillseachadh"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2809
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2790
msgid "Contrast Expansion"
msgstr "Leudachadh an iomsgaraidh"
@@ -4649,16 +3828,11 @@ msgstr "Leudachadh an iomsgaraidh"
msgid "Angle:"
msgstr "Ceàrn:"
-#: src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:100 src/Resources.vala:203
-#: ui/direct.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:233
+#: src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:100 src/Resources.vala:172 ui/direct.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:233
msgid "_Straighten"
msgstr "_Dèan dìreach"
-#: src/events/Branch.vala:25
-msgid "Events"
-msgstr "Tachartasan"
-#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:83
+#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:97
#, c-format
msgid "%d Photo/Video"
msgid_plural "%d Photos/Videos"
@@ -4667,7 +3841,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d dhealbh/video"
msgstr[2] "%d dealbhan/videothan"
msgstr[3] "%d dealbh/video"
-#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:85 src/Properties.vala:358
+#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:99 src/Properties.vala:362
#, c-format
msgid "%d Video"
msgid_plural "%d Videos"
@@ -4676,7 +3850,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d video"
msgstr[2] "%d videothan"
msgstr[3] "%d video"
-#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:87 src/Properties.vala:356
+#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:101 src/Properties.vala:360
#, c-format
msgid "%d Photo"
msgid_plural "%d Photos"
@@ -4689,28 +3863,35 @@ msgstr[3] "%d dealbh"
msgid "No Event"
msgstr "Chan eil tachartas ann"
-#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:150
+#: src/events/EventsBranch.vala:25
+msgid "Events"
+msgstr "Tachartasan"
+#: src/events/EventsBranch.vala:25
+msgid "Browse through your events"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:149
msgid "No events"
msgstr "Chan eil tachartas sam bith ann"
-#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:154
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:153
msgid "No events found"
msgstr "Cha deach tachartas sam bith a lorg"
-#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:227
-#| msgid "Events"
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:226
msgid "All Events"
msgstr "A h-uile tachartas"
-#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:241
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:240
msgid "Undated"
msgstr "Gun cheann-là"
-#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:242
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:241
msgid "%Y"
msgstr "%Y"
-#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:243
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:242
msgid "%B"
msgstr "%B"
@@ -4731,11 +3912,8 @@ msgstr "Ag às-phortadh"
#: src/Exporter.vala:317
#, c-format
-#| msgid "File %s already exists. Replace?"
msgid "File %s already exists. Replace?"
-msgstr ""
-"Tha am faidhle %s ann mu thràth. A bheil thu airson am fear ùr a chur ’na "
+msgstr "Tha am faidhle %s ann mu thràth. A bheil thu airson am fear ùr a chur ’na àite?"
#: src/Exporter.vala:319
msgid "_Skip"
@@ -4753,30 +3931,100 @@ msgstr "Cuir an àite n_a h-uile"
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Às-phortaich"
-#: src/folders/Branch.vala:144
+#: src/faces/FacesBranch.vala:89 src/Resources.vala:304 src/Resources.vala:305 ui/faces.ui:403
+msgid "Faces"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:115
+msgid "Detect faces…"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:140
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Set the crop for this photo"
+msgid "Detect faces on this photo"
+msgstr "Suidhich bearradh an deilbh seo"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:142
+msgid "Cancel face detection"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:146
+msgid "Close the Faces tool without saving changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:153 src/faces/FacesTool.vala:185
+msgid "Click and drag to tag a face"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Click to edit face <i>%s</i>"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:189
+msgid "Stop dragging to add your face and name it."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:193
+msgid "Type a name for this face, then press Enter"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:197
+msgid "Move or modify the face shape or name and press Enter"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:201
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Settings"
+msgid "Detecting faces"
+msgstr "Roghainnean"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:212
+msgid "If you don’t set the name of unknown faces they won’t be saved."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:233
+msgid "Save changes and close the Faces tool"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:235
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Lose changes to %s?"
+msgid "No changes to save"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson na dh’atharraich thu air %s a chall?"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:956
+msgid "Error trying to spawn face detection program:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/folders/FoldersBranch.vala:144
msgid "Folders"
msgstr "Pasganan"
-#: src/library/Branch.vala:30 src/library/Branch.vala:130 ui/shotwell.ui:412
-msgid "Library"
-msgstr "Leabhar-lann"
+#: src/folders/FoldersBranch.vala:144
+msgid "Browse the library’s folder structure"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/library/Branch.vala:97 src/SearchFilter.vala:1083
-msgid "Photos"
-msgstr "Dealbhan"
+#: src/import-roll/ImportRollBranch.vala:43
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Import"
+msgid "Imports"
+msgstr "_Ion-phortaich"
+#: src/import-roll/ImportRollBranch.vala:43
+msgid "Browse the library’s import history"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/library/FlaggedPage.vala:8 src/SearchFilter.vala:1102
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1103
+#: src/library/FlaggedPage.vala:8 src/SearchFilter.vala:1124 src/SearchFilter.vala:1125
msgid "Flagged"
msgstr "Le bratach"
#: src/library/ImportQueuePage.vala:8
-#| msgid "Importing"
msgid "Importing…"
msgstr "’Ga ion-phortadh…"
#: src/library/ImportQueuePage.vala:129
-#| msgid "Preparing to import"
msgid "Preparing to import…"
msgstr "Ag ullachadh airson ion-phortadh…"
@@ -4789,64 +4037,74 @@ msgstr "Chaidh %s ion-phortadh"
msgid "Last Import"
msgstr "An t-ion-phortadh mu dheireadh"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:507
+#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:30 src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:127 ui/preferences_dialog.ui:465
+msgid "Library"
+msgstr "Leabhar-lann"
+#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:30
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Organize your photos"
+msgid "Organize and browse your photos"
+msgstr "Cuir rian air na dealbhan agad"
+#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:97 src/SearchFilter.vala:1105
+msgid "Photos"
+msgstr "Dealbhan"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:528
msgid "Import From Folder"
msgstr "Ion-phortaich o phasgan"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:576 ui/trash.ui:288
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:535
+msgid "Recurse Into Subfolders"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:603 ui/trash.ui:288
msgid "Empty Trash"
msgstr "Falamhaich an sgudal"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:576
-#| msgid "Emptying Trash..."
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:603
msgid "Emptying Trash…"
msgstr "A’ falamhachadh an sgudail…"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:772
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:782
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Shotwell is configured to import photos to your home directory.\n"
-"We recommend changing this in <span weight=\"bold\">Edit %s Preferences</"
+"We recommend changing this in <span weight=\"bold\">Edit %s Preferences</span>.\n"
"Do you want to continue importing photos?"
msgstr ""
-"Chaidh Shotwell a rèiteachadh ach an dèan a ion-phortadh nan dealbhan dhan "
-"phasgan dhachaigh agad.\n"
-"Mholamaid gun atharraich thu seo ann an <span weight=\"bold\">Deasaich "
-"roghainnean %s</span>.\n"
+"Chaidh Shotwell a rèiteachadh ach an dèan a ion-phortadh nan dealbhan dhan phasgan dhachaigh agad.\n"
+"Mholamaid gun atharraich thu seo ann an <span weight=\"bold\">Deasaich roghainnean %s</span>.\n"
"A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart le ion-phortachadh nan dealbhan?"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:775 ui/shotwell.ui:142
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:785 ui/preferences_dialog.ui:86
msgid "Library Location"
msgstr "Ionad na leabhar-lainn"
#. TODO: Specify which directory/file.
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:788
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:798
msgid "Photos cannot be imported from this directory."
msgstr "Cha ghabh dealbhan ion-phortadh on phasgan seo."
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1068
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1078
#, c-format
msgid "%s (%d%%)"
msgstr "%s (%d%%)"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1112 src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1123
-#| msgid "Updating library..."
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1122 src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1133
msgid "Updating library…"
msgstr "Ag ùrachadh na leabhar-lainn…"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1129
-#| msgid "Preparing to auto-import photos..."
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1139
msgid "Preparing to auto-import photos…"
msgstr "Ag ullachadh airson ion-phortadh gu fèin-obrach de dhealbhan…"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1134
-#| msgid "Auto-importing photos..."
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1144
msgid "Auto-importing photos…"
msgstr "Ag ion-phortadh nan dealbhan gu fèin-obrachail…"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1142
-#| msgid "Writing metadata to files..."
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1152
msgid "Writing metadata to files…"
msgstr "A’ sgrìobhadh am meata-dàta sna faidhlichean…"
@@ -4855,7 +4113,6 @@ msgid "Missing Files"
msgstr "Faidhlichean a tha a dhìth"
#: src/library/OfflinePage.vala:110
-#| msgid "Deleting..."
msgid "Deleting…"
msgstr "’Ga sguabadh às…"
@@ -4863,126 +4120,86 @@ msgstr "’Ga sguabadh às…"
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "An sgudal"
-#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:108
+#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:106
msgid "Trash is empty"
msgstr "Tha an sgudal falamh"
-#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:112
+#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:110 ui/faces.ui:469
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sguab às"
-#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:113
+#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:111
msgid "Deleting Photos"
msgstr "A’ sguabadh às nan dealbhan"
#: src/main.vala:54
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It "
-#| "appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s "
-#| "(schema %d). Please use the latest version of Shotwell."
-msgid ""
-"Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It "
-"appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s "
-"(schema %d). Please use the latest version of Shotwell."
-msgstr ""
-"Chan eil leabhar-lann nan dealbhan agad co-chòrdail leis an tionndadh seo de "
-"Shotwell. Tha coltas gun deach a chruthachadh le Shotwell %s (sgeama %d). "
-"Seo tionndadh %s (sgeama %d). Nach cleachd thu an tionndadh às ùire de "
+msgid "Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s (schema %d). Please use the latest version of Shotwell."
+msgstr "Chan eil leabhar-lann nan dealbhan agad co-chòrdail leis an tionndadh seo de Shotwell. Tha coltas gun deach a chruthachadh le Shotwell %s (sgeama %d). Seo tionndadh %s (sgeama %d). Nach cleachd thu an tionndadh às ùire de Shotwell?"
#: src/main.vala:59
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Shotwell was unable to upgrade your photo library from version %s (schema "
-#| "%d) to %s (schema %d). For more information please check the Shotwell "
-#| "Wiki at %s"
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell was unable to upgrade your photo library from version %s (schema "
-"%d) to %s (schema %d). For more information please check the Shotwell Wiki "
-"at %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Cha b’ urrainn dha Shotwell leabhar-lann nan dealbhan agad àrdachadh o "
-"thionndadh %s (sgeama %d) gu %s (sgeama %d). Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, "
-"thoir sùil air an uicipeid aig Shotwell aig %s"
+msgid "Shotwell was unable to upgrade your photo library from version %s (schema %d) to %s (schema %d). For more information please check the Shotwell Wiki at %s"
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dha Shotwell leabhar-lann nan dealbhan agad àrdachadh o thionndadh %s (sgeama %d) gu %s (sgeama %d). Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, thoir sùil air an uicipeid aig Shotwell aig %s"
#: src/main.vala:65
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It "
-#| "appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s "
-#| "(schema %d). Please clear your library by deleting %s and re-import your "
-#| "photos."
-msgid ""
-"Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It "
-"appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s "
-"(schema %d). Please clear your library by deleting %s and re-import your "
-msgstr ""
-"Chan eil leabhar-lann nan dealbh agad co-chòrdail leis an tionndadh seo de "
-"Shotwell. Tha coltas gun deach a chruthachadh le Shotwell %s (sgeama %d). "
-"Seo tionndadh %s (sgeama %d). Glan an leabhar-lann agad - sguab às %s agus "
-"ion-phortaich na dealbhan agad às ùr an uairsin."
+msgid "Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s (schema %d). Please clear your library by deleting %s and re-import your photos."
+msgstr "Chan eil leabhar-lann nan dealbh agad co-chòrdail leis an tionndadh seo de Shotwell. Tha coltas gun deach a chruthachadh le Shotwell %s (sgeama %d). Seo tionndadh %s (sgeama %d). Glan an leabhar-lann agad - sguab às %s agus ion-phortaich na dealbhan agad às ùr an uairsin."
#: src/main.vala:71
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Unknown error attempting to verify Shotwell's database: %s"
msgid "Unknown error attempting to verify Shotwell’s database: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Thachair mearachd nach aithne dhuinn nuair a dh’fheuch sinn ri stòr-dàta "
-"Shotwell a dhearbhadh: %s"
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd nach aithne dhuinn nuair a dh’fheuch sinn ri stòr-dàta Shotwell a dhearbhadh: %s"
-#: src/main.vala:104
+#: src/main.vala:108
msgid "Loading Shotwell"
msgstr "A’ luchdadh Shotwell"
-#: src/main.vala:293
-#| msgid "Path to Shotwell's private data"
+#: src/main.vala:320
msgid "Path to Shotwell’s private data"
msgstr "An t-slighe dhan dàta phrìobhaideach aig Shotwell"
-#: src/main.vala:293
+#: src/main.vala:320
msgstr "PASGAN"
-#: src/main.vala:297
+#: src/main.vala:324
msgid "Do not monitor library directory at runtime for changes"
-msgstr ""
-"Na cum sùil air pasgan na leabhar-lainn airson atharraichean aig àm ruith"
+msgstr "Na cum sùil air pasgan na leabhar-lainn airson atharraichean aig àm ruith"
-#: src/main.vala:301
-#| msgid "Don't display startup progress meter"
+#: src/main.vala:328
msgid "Don’t display startup progress meter"
msgstr "Na seall an t-adhartas tòiseachaidh nuair a thòisicheas e"
-#: src/main.vala:305
-#| msgid "Show the application's version"
+#: src/main.vala:332
msgid "Show the application’s version"
msgstr "Seall tionndadh na h-aplacaid"
+#: src/main.vala:336
+msgid "Start the application in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
#. init GTK (valac has already called g_threads_init())
-#: src/main.vala:342
+#: src/main.vala:373
msgid "[FILE]"
msgstr "[FAIDHLE]"
-#: src/main.vala:346
+#: src/main.vala:380
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n"
msgid "Run “%s --help” to see a full list of available command line options.\n"
-msgstr "Cleachd “%s --help” airson liosta shlàn de roghainnean na loidhne-àithne "
-"fhaicinn a tha ri làimh.\n"
+msgstr "Cleachd “%s --help” airson liosta shlàn de roghainnean na loidhne-àithne fhaicinn a tha ri làimh.\n"
#: src/MediaMonitor.vala:400
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to process monitoring updates: %s"
msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn na h-ùrachaidhean marasglaidh a làimhseachadh: %s"
-#: src/MediaPage.vala:158
+#: src/MediaPage.vala:76
msgid "Adjust the size of the thumbnails"
msgstr "Cuir air gleus meud nan dealbhagan"
-#: src/MediaPage.vala:503
+#: src/MediaPage.vala:419
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Shotwell was unable to play the selected video:\n"
@@ -4991,34 +4208,34 @@ msgstr ""
"Cha b’ urrainn dha Shotwell a’ video a thagh thu a chluich:\n"
-#: src/Page.vala:1318
+#: src/Page.vala:1324
msgid "No photos/videos"
msgstr "Chan eil dealbhan/videothan ann"
-#: src/Page.vala:1322
+#: src/Page.vala:1328
msgid "No photos/videos found which match the current filter"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Page.vala:2628
+#: src/Page.vala:2641
msgid "Photos cannot be exported to this directory."
msgstr "Cha ghabh dealbhan às-phortadh dhan phasgan seo."
#. previous button
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:538
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:550
msgid "Previous photo"
msgstr "An dealbh roimhe"
#. next button
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:544
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:556
msgid "Next photo"
msgstr "An ath-dhealbh"
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:1850
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:1862
#, c-format
msgid "Photo source file missing: %s"
msgstr "Tha faidhle bun-tùs an deilbh a dhìth: %s"
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:3018
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:3041
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to export %s: %s"
msgstr "Cha ghabh %s às-phortadh: %s"
@@ -5027,6 +4244,10 @@ msgstr "Cha ghabh %s às-phortadh: %s"
msgid "BMP"
msgstr "BMP"
+#: src/photos/GifSupport.vala:32
+msgid "GIF"
+msgstr ""
#: src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:84
msgid "JPEG"
msgstr "JPEG"
@@ -5063,7 +4284,7 @@ msgstr "RAW"
msgid "TIFF"
msgstr "TIFF"
-#: src/Photo.vala:3755
+#: src/Photo.vala:3767
msgid "modified"
msgstr "air atharrachadh"
@@ -5100,7 +4321,6 @@ msgid "Image Settings"
msgstr "Roghainnean an deilbh"
#: src/Printing.vala:864
-#| msgid "Printing..."
msgid "Printing…"
msgstr "’Ga chlò-bhualadh…"
@@ -5114,19 +4334,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Chan urrainn dhuinn an dealbh a chlò-bhualadh\n"
-#: src/Properties.vala:87
+#: src/Properties.vala:98
msgid "Today"
msgstr "An-diugh"
-#: src/Properties.vala:89
+#: src/Properties.vala:100
msgid "Yesterday"
msgstr "An-dè"
-#: src/Properties.vala:346
+#: src/Properties.vala:350
msgid "Items:"
-msgstr "Nithean"
+msgstr "Nithean:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:349
+#: src/Properties.vala:353
#, c-format
msgid "%d Event"
msgid_plural "%d Events"
@@ -5136,107 +4356,103 @@ msgstr[2] "%d tachartasan"
msgstr[3] "%d tachartas"
#. display only one date if start and end are the same
-#: src/Properties.vala:380
+#: src/Properties.vala:384
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Ceann-là:"
#. display only one time if start and end are the same
-#: src/Properties.vala:384
+#: src/Properties.vala:388
msgid "Time:"
msgstr "Àm:"
#. display time range
#. display date range
-#: src/Properties.vala:387 src/Properties.vala:392
+#: src/Properties.vala:391 src/Properties.vala:396
msgid "From:"
msgstr "O:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:388 src/Properties.vala:393
+#: src/Properties.vala:392 src/Properties.vala:397
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Gu:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:407
+#: src/Properties.vala:411
msgid "Duration:"
msgstr "Faid:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:407
+#: src/Properties.vala:411
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f seconds"
msgstr "%.1f diogan"
-#: src/Properties.vala:411
+#: src/Properties.vala:415
msgid "Developer:"
msgstr "Leasaichear:"
#. nothing special to be done for now for Events
-#: src/Properties.vala:586
+#: src/Properties.vala:593
msgid "Location:"
msgstr "Ionad:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:589
+#: src/Properties.vala:596
msgid "File size:"
msgstr "Meud an fhaidhle:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:593
+#: src/Properties.vala:600
msgid "Current Development:"
msgstr "Obair-leasachaidh làithreach:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:595
+#: src/Properties.vala:602
msgid "Original dimensions:"
msgstr "Am meud tùsail:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:598
+#: src/Properties.vala:605
msgid "Camera make:"
msgstr "Brannd a’ chamara:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:601
+#: src/Properties.vala:608
msgid "Camera model:"
msgstr "Modail a’ chamara:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:604
+#: src/Properties.vala:611
msgid "Flash:"
msgstr "Solas-boillsgidh:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:606
+#: src/Properties.vala:613
msgid "Focal length:"
msgstr "Faid an fhòcais:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:609
+#: src/Properties.vala:616
msgid "Exposure date:"
msgstr "Ceann-là deisearais:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:612
+#: src/Properties.vala:619
msgid "Exposure time:"
-msgstr "Faid an deisearais"
+msgstr "Faid an deisearais:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:615
+#: src/Properties.vala:622
msgid "Exposure bias:"
msgstr "Bias an deisearais:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:617
+#: src/Properties.vala:631
msgid "GPS latitude:"
msgstr "Domhan-leud GPS:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:620
+#: src/Properties.vala:634
msgid "GPS longitude:"
msgstr "Domhan-fhad GPS:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:623
+#: src/Properties.vala:637
msgid "Artist:"
msgstr "Neach-ealain:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:625
+#: src/Properties.vala:639
msgid "Copyright:"
msgstr "Còir-lethbhreac:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:627
+#: src/Properties.vala:641
msgid "Software:"
msgstr "Bathar-bog:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:644
-msgid "Extended Information"
-msgstr "Fiosrachadh leudaichte"
#: src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:11
msgid "Preparing for upload"
msgstr "Ag ullachadh airson luchdadh suas"
@@ -5248,22 +4464,16 @@ msgstr "A’ luchdadh suas %d à %d"
#: src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:81
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Publishing to %s can't continue because an error occurred:"
msgid "Publishing to %s can’t continue because an error occurred:"
-msgstr ""
-"Chan urrainn leantainn air adhart leis an fhoillseachadh air %s oir thachair "
+msgstr "Chan urrainn leantainn air adhart leis an fhoillseachadh air %s oir thachair mearachd:"
#: src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:84
msgid "To try publishing to another service, select one from the above menu."
-msgstr ""
-"A’ feuchainn ri fhoillseachadh air seirbhis eile, tagh aonan sa chlàr-taice "
-"gu h-àrd."
+msgstr "A’ feuchainn ri fhoillseachadh air seirbhis eile, tagh aonan sa chlàr-taice gu h-àrd."
#. Here, we check whether more than one item is being uploaded, and if so, display
#. an alternate message.
#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:104
-#| msgid "The selected video was successfully published."
msgid "The selected video was successfully published."
msgid_plural "The selected videos were successfully published."
msgstr[0] "Chaidh a’ video a thagh thu fhoillseachadh."
@@ -5272,7 +4482,6 @@ msgstr[2] "Chaidh na videothan a thagh thu fhoillseachadh."
msgstr[3] "Chaidh na videothan a thagh thu fhoillseachadh."
#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:109
-#| msgid "The selected photo was successfully published."
msgid "The selected photo was successfully published."
msgid_plural "The selected photos were successfully published."
msgstr[0] "Chaidh an dealbh a thagh thu fhoillseachadh."
@@ -5285,681 +4494,606 @@ msgid "The selected photos/videos were successfully published."
msgstr "Chaidh na dealbhan/videothan a thagh thu fhoillseachadh."
#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:127
-#| msgid "Fetching account information..."
msgid "Fetching account information…"
msgstr "A’ faighinn fiosrachadh a’ chunntais…"
#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:133
-#| msgid "Logging in..."
msgid "Logging in…"
msgstr "’Gad chlàradh a-steach…"
-#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:193
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:197
msgid "Publish Photos"
msgstr "Foillsich na dealbhan"
-#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:194
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:198
msgid "Publish photos _to:"
msgstr "Foillsich na d_ealbhan air:"
-#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:196
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:200
msgid "Publish Videos"
msgstr "Foillsich na videothan"
-#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:197
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:201
msgid "Publish videos _to"
msgstr "Foillsich na videothan _air"
-#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:199
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:203
msgid "Publish Photos and Videos"
msgstr "Foillsich na dealbhan agus videothan"
-#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:200
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:204
msgid "Publish photos and videos _to"
msgstr "Foillsich na dealbhan agus _videothan air"
#. There are no enabled publishing services that accept this media type,
#. warn the user.
-#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:410
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:414
msgid "Unable to publish"
msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh"
-#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:411
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:415
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell cannot publish the selected items because you do not have a "
-"compatible publishing plugin enabled. To correct this, choose <b>Edit %s "
-"Preferences</b> and enable one or more of the publishing plugins on the "
-"<b>Plugins</b> tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Chan urrainn dha Shotwell na nithean a thagh thu fhoillseachadh air sgàth ’s "
-"nach eil plugan foillseachaidh freagarrach an comas agad. Airson seo a chur "
-"ceart, tagh <b>Deasaich roghainnean %s</b> agus cuir an comas co-dhiù aon "
-"phlugan foillseachaidh air an taba <b>Plugain</b>"
+msgid "Shotwell cannot publish the selected items because you do not have a compatible publishing plugin enabled. To correct this, choose <b>Edit %s Preferences</b> and enable one or more of the publishing plugins on the <b>Plugins</b> tab."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dha Shotwell na nithean a thagh thu fhoillseachadh air sgàth ’s nach eil plugan foillseachaidh freagarrach an comas agad. Airson seo a chur ceart, tagh <b>Deasaich roghainnean %s</b> agus cuir an comas co-dhiù aon phlugan foillseachaidh air an taba <b>Plugain</b>."
#: src/publishing/Publishing.vala:16
msgid "Publishing"
msgstr "’Ga fhoillseachadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:141 src/Resources.vala:146 ui/collection.ui:151
+#: src/Resources.vala:110 src/Resources.vala:115 ui/collection.ui:151
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "Cuairtich"
-#: src/Resources.vala:142
+#: src/Resources.vala:111
msgid "Rotate Right"
msgstr "Cuairtich gu deiseil"
-#: src/Resources.vala:143 ui/collection.ui:148
+#: src/Resources.vala:112 ui/collection.ui:148
msgid "Rotate the photos right (press Ctrl to rotate left)"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuairtich na dealbhan gu deiseil (brùth Ctrl gus a chuairteachadh gu "
+msgstr "Cuairtich na dealbhan gu deiseil (brùth Ctrl gus a chuairteachadh gu tuathail)"
-#: src/Resources.vala:147
+#: src/Resources.vala:116
msgid "Rotate Left"
msgstr "Cuairtich gu tuathail"
-#: src/Resources.vala:148
+#: src/Resources.vala:117
msgid "Rotate the photos left"
msgstr "Cuairtich na dealbhan gu tuathail"
-#: src/Resources.vala:151
+#: src/Resources.vala:120
msgid "Flip Horizontally"
msgstr "Thoir flip air a’ chòmhnard"
-#: src/Resources.vala:154
+#: src/Resources.vala:123
msgid "Flip Vertically"
msgstr "Thoir flip gu h-inghearach"
-#: src/Resources.vala:156 ui/direct.ui:191 ui/events_directory.ui:168
-#: ui/event.ui:438 ui/import_queue.ui:83 ui/import.ui:201 ui/media.ui:421
-#: ui/offline.ui:198 ui/photo.ui:404 ui/tags.ui:440 ui/trash.ui:207
+#: src/Resources.vala:125 ui/direct.ui:192 ui/events_directory.ui:168 ui/event.ui:438 ui/faces.ui:448 ui/import_queue.ui:83 ui/import.ui:201 ui/manifest_widget.ui:35 ui/media.ui:421 ui/offline.ui:198 ui/photo.ui:405 ui/tags.ui:440 ui/trash.ui:207
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_Mu dhèidhinn"
-#: src/Resources.vala:157
+#: src/Resources.vala:126
msgid "_Apply"
msgstr "Cuir _an sàs"
-#: src/Resources.vala:160 ui/direct.ui:44 ui/events_directory.ui:32
-#: ui/event.ui:47 ui/import.ui:40 ui/media.ui:47 ui/offline.ui:32
-#: ui/photo.ui:55 ui/tags.ui:47 ui/trash.ui:37
+#: src/Resources.vala:129 ui/direct.ui:44 ui/events_directory.ui:32 ui/event.ui:47 ui/faces.ui:47 ui/import.ui:40 ui/media.ui:47 ui/offline.ui:32 ui/photo.ui:55 ui/tags.ui:47 ui/trash.ui:37
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "D_easaich"
-#: src/Resources.vala:161
-#| msgid "_Format:"
+#: src/Resources.vala:130
msgid "_Forward"
msgstr "Air a_dhart"
-#: src/Resources.vala:162 ui/direct.ui:62 ui/events_directory.ui:125
-#: ui/photo.ui:173
+#: src/Resources.vala:131 ui/direct.ui:62 ui/events_directory.ui:125 ui/photo.ui:173
msgid "Fulls_creen"
msgstr "_Làn-sgrìn"
-#: src/Resources.vala:163 ui/direct.ui:173 ui/direct.ui:176
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:150 ui/events_directory.ui:153 ui/event.ui:420
-#: ui/event.ui:423 ui/import_queue.ui:65 ui/import_queue.ui:68 ui/import.ui:183
-#: ui/import.ui:186 ui/media.ui:403 ui/media.ui:406 ui/offline.ui:180
-#: ui/offline.ui:183 ui/photo.ui:386 ui/photo.ui:389 ui/tags.ui:422
-#: ui/tags.ui:425 ui/trash.ui:189 ui/trash.ui:192
+#: src/Resources.vala:132 ui/direct.ui:174 ui/direct.ui:177 ui/events_directory.ui:150 ui/events_directory.ui:153 ui/event.ui:420 ui/event.ui:423 ui/faces.ui:430 ui/faces.ui:433 ui/import_queue.ui:65 ui/import_queue.ui:68 ui/import.ui:183 ui/import.ui:186 ui/media.ui:403 ui/media.ui:406 ui/offline.ui:180 ui/offline.ui:183
+#: ui/photo.ui:387 ui/photo.ui:390 ui/tags.ui:422 ui/tags.ui:425 ui/trash.ui:189 ui/trash.ui:192
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Cobhair"
-#: src/Resources.vala:164
+#: src/Resources.vala:133
msgid "Leave _Fullscreen"
msgstr "_Fàg an làn-sgrìn"
-#: src/Resources.vala:165 src/Resources.vala:364 ui/tags.ui:450
+#: src/Resources.vala:134 src/Resources.vala:342 ui/tags.ui:450
msgid "_New"
msgstr "Ù_r"
-#: src/Resources.vala:166
-#| msgid "Next"
+#: src/Resources.vala:135
msgid "_Next"
msgstr "Ai_r adhart"
-#: src/Resources.vala:169 src/Resources.vala:318 ui/events_directory.ui:65
-#: ui/event.ui:93 ui/import.ui:68 ui/media.ui:93 ui/offline.ui:72
-#: ui/photo.ui:89 ui/tags.ui:93 ui/trash.ui:81
+#: src/Resources.vala:138 src/Resources.vala:287 ui/events_directory.ui:65 ui/event.ui:93 ui/faces.ui:93 ui/import.ui:68 ui/media.ui:93 ui/offline.ui:72 ui/photo.ui:89 ui/tags.ui:93 ui/trash.ui:81
msgid "_Preferences"
msgstr "_Roghainnean"
-#: src/Resources.vala:170
-#| msgid "_Previous Photo"
+#: src/Resources.vala:139
msgid "_Previous"
msgstr "_Air ais"
-#: src/Resources.vala:172 ui/direct.ui:37 ui/events_directory.ui:25
-#: ui/event.ui:40 ui/import_queue.ui:31 ui/import.ui:33 ui/media.ui:40
-#: ui/offline.ui:25 ui/photo.ui:48 ui/tags.ui:40 ui/trash.ui:30
+#: src/Resources.vala:141 ui/direct.ui:37 ui/events_directory.ui:25 ui/event.ui:40 ui/faces.ui:40 ui/import_queue.ui:31 ui/import.ui:33 ui/media.ui:40 ui/offline.ui:25 ui/photo.ui:48 ui/tags.ui:40 ui/trash.ui:30
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "_Fàg an-seo"
-#: src/Resources.vala:173
+#: src/Resources.vala:142
msgid "_Refresh"
msgstr "_Ath-nuadhaich"
-#: src/Resources.vala:175
-#| msgid "Reverting"
+#: src/Resources.vala:144
msgid "_Revert"
msgstr "_Till"
-#: src/Resources.vala:177
-#| msgid "Save As"
+#: src/Resources.vala:146
msgid "Save _As"
msgstr "Sàbhail _mar"
-#: src/Resources.vala:178
-#| msgid "_Ascending"
+#: src/Resources.vala:147
msgid "Sort _Ascending"
msgstr "Seòrsaich a’ _dìreadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:179
-#| msgid "D_escending"
+#: src/Resources.vala:148
msgid "Sort _Descending"
msgstr "Seòrsaich a’ _teàrnadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:180
+#: src/Resources.vala:149
msgid "_Stop"
msgstr "Cuir _stad air"
-#: src/Resources.vala:181
-#| msgid "_Delete"
+#: src/Resources.vala:150
msgid "_Undelete"
msgstr "_Neo-dhèan an sguabadh às"
-#: src/Resources.vala:182
-#| msgid "Original Size"
+#: src/Resources.vala:151
msgid "_Normal Size"
msgstr "Meud _abhàisteach"
-#: src/Resources.vala:183
+#: src/Resources.vala:152
msgid "Best _Fit"
msgstr "_Meud as fhearr"
-#: src/Resources.vala:184 ui/direct.ui:69 ui/event.ui:260 ui/media.ui:260
-#: ui/photo.ui:144 ui/tags.ui:260
+#: src/Resources.vala:153 ui/direct.ui:69 ui/event.ui:260 ui/faces.ui:260 ui/media.ui:260 ui/photo.ui:144 ui/tags.ui:260
msgid "Zoom _In"
msgstr "Sù_m a-steach"
-#: src/Resources.vala:185 ui/direct.ui:74 ui/event.ui:265 ui/media.ui:265
-#: ui/photo.ui:149 ui/tags.ui:265
+#: src/Resources.vala:154 ui/direct.ui:74 ui/event.ui:265 ui/faces.ui:265 ui/media.ui:265 ui/photo.ui:149 ui/tags.ui:265
msgid "Zoom _Out"
msgstr "Sùm _a-mach"
-#: src/Resources.vala:188 ui/collection.ui:167
+#: src/Resources.vala:157 ui/collection.ui:167
msgid "Enhance"
msgstr "Leasaich"
-#: src/Resources.vala:189 ui/collection.ui:164
-#| msgid "Automatically improve the photo's appearance"
+#: src/Resources.vala:158 ui/collection.ui:164
msgid "Automatically improve the photo’s appearance"
msgstr "Leasaich dreach an deilbh gu fèin-obrachail"
-#: src/Resources.vala:192
+#: src/Resources.vala:161
msgid "Copy Color Adjustments"
msgstr "Dèan lethbhreac de dh’atharraichean nan dathan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:193
+#: src/Resources.vala:162
msgid "Copy the color adjustments applied to the photo"
-msgstr ""
-"Dèan lethbhreac de dh’atharraichean nan dathan a chaidh a chur air an dealbh"
+msgstr "Dèan lethbhreac de dh’atharraichean nan dathan a chaidh a chur air an dealbh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:196
+#: src/Resources.vala:165
msgid "Paste Color Adjustments"
msgstr "Cuir ann atharraichean nan dathan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:197
+#: src/Resources.vala:166
msgid "Apply copied color adjustments to the selected photos"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir ann atharraichean nan dathan a chaidh a chur air na dealbhan a thagh thu"
+msgstr "Cuir ann atharraichean nan dathan a chaidh a chur air na dealbhan a thagh thu"
-#: src/Resources.vala:199 ui/direct.ui:139 ui/photo.ui:228
+#: src/Resources.vala:168 ui/direct.ui:139 ui/photo.ui:228
msgid "_Crop"
msgstr "_Bearr"
-#: src/Resources.vala:200
+#: src/Resources.vala:169
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Bearr"
-#: src/Resources.vala:201
-#| msgid "Crop the photo's size"
+#: src/Resources.vala:170
msgid "Crop the photo’s size"
msgstr "Bearr meud an deilbh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:204
+#: src/Resources.vala:173
msgid "Straighten"
msgstr "Dèan dìreach"
-#: src/Resources.vala:205
+#: src/Resources.vala:174
msgid "Straighten the photo"
msgstr "Dèan dìreach an dealbh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:207 ui/direct.ui:149 ui/photo.ui:238
+#: src/Resources.vala:176 ui/direct.ui:149 ui/photo.ui:238
msgid "_Red-eye"
msgstr "_Sùil dhearg"
-#: src/Resources.vala:208
+#: src/Resources.vala:177
msgid "Red-eye"
msgstr "Sùil dhearg"
-#: src/Resources.vala:209
+#: src/Resources.vala:178
msgid "Reduce or eliminate any red-eye effects in the photo"
msgstr "Lughdaich no thoir air falbh sùil dhearg sam bith anns an dealbh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:211 ui/direct.ui:154 ui/photo.ui:243
+#: src/Resources.vala:180 ui/direct.ui:154 ui/photo.ui:243
msgid "_Adjust"
msgstr "C_uir air gleus"
-#: src/Resources.vala:212
+#: src/Resources.vala:181
msgid "Adjust"
msgstr "Cuir air gleus"
-#: src/Resources.vala:213
-#| msgid "Adjust the photo's color and tone"
+#: src/Resources.vala:182
msgid "Adjust the photo’s color and tone"
msgstr "Cuir air gleus dath agus tòna an deilbh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:216
+#: src/Resources.vala:185
msgid "Revert to Original"
msgstr "Till an tionndadh tùsail"
-#: src/Resources.vala:218
+#: src/Resources.vala:187
msgid "Revert External E_dits"
msgstr "Neo-dhèan d_easachadh a-muigh sam bith"
-#: src/Resources.vala:219
+#: src/Resources.vala:188
msgid "Revert to the master photo"
msgstr "Till maighstir an deilbh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:222
+#: src/Resources.vala:191
msgid "Set selected image to be the new desktop background"
msgstr "Suidhich an dealbh a thagh thu mar chùlaibh an deasga"
-#: src/Resources.vala:223
-#| msgid "Set as Desktop Slideshow"
+#: src/Resources.vala:192
msgid "Set as _Desktop Slideshow…"
msgstr "Suidhich mar thaisbeanadh-shleamhnagan an _deasga…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:225 ui/direct.ui:47 ui/events_directory.ui:35
-#: ui/event.ui:50 ui/import.ui:43 ui/media.ui:50 ui/offline.ui:35
-#: ui/photo.ui:58 ui/tags.ui:50 ui/trash.ui:40
+#: src/Resources.vala:194 ui/direct.ui:47 ui/events_directory.ui:35 ui/event.ui:50 ui/faces.ui:50 ui/import.ui:43 ui/media.ui:50 ui/offline.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:58 ui/tags.ui:50 ui/trash.ui:40
msgid "_Undo"
msgstr "_Neo-dhèan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:226
+#: src/Resources.vala:195
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Neo-dhèan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:228 ui/direct.ui:52 ui/events_directory.ui:40
-#: ui/event.ui:55 ui/import.ui:48 ui/media.ui:55 ui/offline.ui:40
-#: ui/photo.ui:63 ui/tags.ui:55 ui/trash.ui:45
+#: src/Resources.vala:197 ui/direct.ui:52 ui/events_directory.ui:40 ui/event.ui:55 ui/faces.ui:55 ui/import.ui:48 ui/media.ui:55 ui/offline.ui:40 ui/photo.ui:63 ui/tags.ui:55 ui/trash.ui:45
msgid "_Redo"
msgstr "_Ath-dhèan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:229
+#: src/Resources.vala:198
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Ath-dhèan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:231 ui/events_directory.ui:139 ui/events_directory.ui:181
-#: ui/event.ui:393 ui/event.ui:588
-#| msgid "Rename Event"
+#: src/Resources.vala:200 ui/events_directory.ui:139 ui/events_directory.ui:181 ui/event.ui:393 ui/event.ui:588
msgid "Re_name Event…"
msgstr "Thoir ai_nm ùr air an tachartas…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:234 ui/event.ui:373 ui/event.ui:580
+#: src/Resources.vala:203 ui/event.ui:373 ui/event.ui:580
msgid "Make _Key Photo for Event"
msgstr "Cleachd _seo mar phrìomh-dhealbh an tachartais"
-#: src/Resources.vala:235
+#: src/Resources.vala:204
msgid "Make Key Photo for Event"
msgstr "Cleachd seo mar phrìomh-dhealbh an tachartais"
-#: src/Resources.vala:237 ui/event.ui:382 ui/media.ui:376 ui/tags.ui:376
+#: src/Resources.vala:206 ui/event.ui:382 ui/faces.ui:376 ui/media.ui:376 ui/tags.ui:376
msgid "_New Event"
msgstr "Tachartas ù_r"
-#: src/Resources.vala:238
+#: src/Resources.vala:207
msgid "New Event"
msgstr "Tachartas ùr"
-#: src/Resources.vala:240
+#: src/Resources.vala:209
msgid "Move Photos"
msgstr "Gluais na dealbhan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:241
+#: src/Resources.vala:210
msgid "Move photos to an event"
msgstr "Gluais na dealbhan gu tachartas"
-#: src/Resources.vala:243 ui/events_directory.ui:135 ui/events_directory.ui:177
+#: src/Resources.vala:212 ui/events_directory.ui:135 ui/events_directory.ui:177
msgid "_Merge Events"
msgstr "_Co-aonaich na tachartasan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:244
+#: src/Resources.vala:213
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Co-aonaich"
-#: src/Resources.vala:245
+#: src/Resources.vala:214
msgid "Combine events into a single event"
msgstr "Cuir còmhla na tachartasan san aon tachartas"
-#: src/Resources.vala:247 ui/collection.ui:39 ui/event.ui:286 ui/event.ui:478
-#: ui/media.ui:286 ui/photo_context.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:273 ui/tags.ui:286
+#: src/Resources.vala:216 ui/collection.ui:39 ui/event.ui:286 ui/event.ui:478 ui/faces.ui:286 ui/media.ui:286 ui/photo_context.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:273 ui/tags.ui:286
msgid "_Set Rating"
msgstr "_Suidhich rangachadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:248
+#: src/Resources.vala:217
msgid "Set Rating"
msgstr "Suidhich rangachadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:249
+#: src/Resources.vala:218
msgid "Change the rating of your photo"
msgstr "Atharraich rangachadh an deilbh agad"
-#: src/Resources.vala:251 ui/collection.ui:72 ui/event.ui:326 ui/event.ui:511
-#: ui/media.ui:326 ui/photo_context.ui:75 ui/photo.ui:313 ui/tags.ui:326
+#: src/Resources.vala:220 ui/collection.ui:72 ui/event.ui:326 ui/event.ui:511 ui/faces.ui:326 ui/media.ui:326 ui/photo_context.ui:75 ui/photo.ui:313 ui/tags.ui:326
msgid "_Increase"
msgstr "_Cuir am meud"
-#: src/Resources.vala:252
+#: src/Resources.vala:221
msgid "Increase Rating"
msgstr "Cuir am meud an rangachadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:254 ui/collection.ui:76 ui/event.ui:331 ui/event.ui:515
-#: ui/media.ui:331 ui/photo_context.ui:80 ui/photo.ui:318 ui/tags.ui:331
+#: src/Resources.vala:223 ui/collection.ui:76 ui/event.ui:331 ui/event.ui:515 ui/faces.ui:331 ui/media.ui:331 ui/photo_context.ui:80 ui/photo.ui:318 ui/tags.ui:331
msgid "_Decrease"
msgstr "_Lùghdaich"
-#: src/Resources.vala:255
+#: src/Resources.vala:224
msgid "Decrease Rating"
msgstr "Lùghdaich an rangachadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:257 ui/collection.ui:62 ui/event.ui:314 ui/event.ui:501
-#: ui/media.ui:314 ui/photo_context.ui:63 ui/photo.ui:301 ui/tags.ui:314
+#: src/Resources.vala:226 ui/collection.ui:62 ui/event.ui:314 ui/event.ui:501 ui/faces.ui:314 ui/media.ui:314 ui/photo_context.ui:63 ui/photo.ui:301 ui/tags.ui:314
msgid "_Unrated"
msgstr "_Gun rangachadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:258
+#: src/Resources.vala:227
msgid "Unrated"
msgstr "Gun rangachadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:259
+#: src/Resources.vala:228
msgid "Rate Unrated"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh rangachadh sam bith"
-#: src/Resources.vala:260
+#: src/Resources.vala:229
msgid "Setting as unrated"
msgstr "A’ toirt air falbh rangachadh sam bith"
-#: src/Resources.vala:261
+#: src/Resources.vala:230
msgid "Remove any ratings"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh rangachadh sam bith"
-#: src/Resources.vala:263 ui/collection.ui:66 ui/event.ui:319 ui/event.ui:505
-#: ui/media.ui:319 ui/photo_context.ui:68 ui/photo.ui:306 ui/tags.ui:319
+#: src/Resources.vala:232 ui/collection.ui:66 ui/event.ui:319 ui/event.ui:505 ui/faces.ui:319 ui/media.ui:319 ui/photo_context.ui:68 ui/photo.ui:306 ui/tags.ui:319
msgid "_Rejected"
msgstr "Air a _dhiùltadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:264
+#: src/Resources.vala:233
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Air a dhiùltadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:265
+#: src/Resources.vala:234
msgid "Rate Rejected"
msgstr "Thoir rangachadh “Air a dhiùltadh” dha"
-#: src/Resources.vala:266
+#: src/Resources.vala:235
msgid "Setting as rejected"
msgstr "A’ toirt rangachadh “Air a dhiùltadh” dha"
-#: src/Resources.vala:267
+#: src/Resources.vala:236
msgid "Set rating to rejected"
msgstr "Thoir rangachadh “Air a dhiùltadh” dha"
-#: src/Resources.vala:269 ui/event.ui:196 ui/import.ui:156 ui/media.ui:196
-#: ui/offline.ui:153 ui/search_bar.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:196 ui/trash.ui:162
+#: src/Resources.vala:238 ui/event.ui:196 ui/faces.ui:196 ui/import.ui:156 ui/media.ui:196 ui/offline.ui:153 ui/search_bar.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:196 ui/trash.ui:162
msgid "Rejected _Only"
msgstr "Na chaidh a dhiùltadh a-_mhàin"
-#: src/Resources.vala:270
+#: src/Resources.vala:239
msgid "Rejected Only"
msgstr "Na chaidh a dhiùltadh a-mhàin"
-#: src/Resources.vala:271
+#: src/Resources.vala:240
msgid "Show only rejected photos"
msgstr "Na seall ach dealbhan a chaidh a dhiùltadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:273 ui/event.ui:190 ui/import.ui:150 ui/media.ui:190
-#: ui/offline.ui:147 ui/search_bar.ui:12 ui/tags.ui:190 ui/trash.ui:156
+#: src/Resources.vala:242 ui/event.ui:190 ui/faces.ui:190 ui/import.ui:150 ui/media.ui:190 ui/offline.ui:147 ui/search_bar.ui:12 ui/tags.ui:190 ui/trash.ui:156
msgid "All + _Rejected"
msgstr "Na h-uile ⁊ feadhainn air _dhiùltadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:274
-#| msgid "Show all photos, including rejected"
+#: src/Resources.vala:243
msgctxt "Tooltip"
msgid "Show all photos, including rejected"
msgstr "Seall gach dealbh, a’ toirt a-steach feadhainn a chaidh a dhiùltadh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:276 ui/event.ui:184 ui/import.ui:144 ui/media.ui:184
-#: ui/offline.ui:141 ui/search_bar.ui:18 ui/tags.ui:184 ui/trash.ui:150
+#: src/Resources.vala:245 ui/event.ui:184 ui/faces.ui:184 ui/import.ui:144 ui/media.ui:184 ui/offline.ui:141 ui/search_bar.ui:18 ui/tags.ui:184 ui/trash.ui:150
msgid "_All Photos"
msgstr "_Na h-uile dealbh"
#. Button tooltip
-#: src/Resources.vala:278
+#: src/Resources.vala:247
msgid "Show all photos"
msgstr "Seall a h-uile dealbh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:280 ui/event.ui:144 ui/media.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:120
-#: ui/tags.ui:144
+#: src/Resources.vala:249 ui/event.ui:144 ui/faces.ui:144 ui/media.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:120 ui/tags.ui:144
msgid "_Ratings"
msgstr "_Rangachaidhean"
-#: src/Resources.vala:281
-#| msgid "Display each photo's rating"
+#: src/Resources.vala:250
msgid "Display each photo’s rating"
msgstr "Seall an rangachadh aig gach dealbh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:283 ui/event.ui:151 ui/import.ui:111 ui/media.ui:151
-#: ui/offline.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:151 ui/trash.ui:117
+#: src/Resources.vala:252 ui/event.ui:151 ui/faces.ui:151 ui/import.ui:111 ui/media.ui:151 ui/offline.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:151 ui/trash.ui:117
msgid "_Filter Photos"
msgstr "_Criathraich na dealbhan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:284
+#: src/Resources.vala:253
msgid "Filter Photos"
msgstr "Criathraich na dealbhan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:285
+#: src/Resources.vala:254
msgid "Limit the number of photos displayed based on a filter"
msgstr "Cuingich àireamh nan dealbhan a chithear le criathrag"
-#: src/Resources.vala:288
+#: src/Resources.vala:257
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dùblaich"
-#: src/Resources.vala:289
+#: src/Resources.vala:258
msgid "Make a duplicate of the photo"
msgstr "Dùblaich an dealbh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:291 ui/event.ui:17 ui/media.ui:17 ui/photo.ui:17
-#: ui/tags.ui:17
-#| msgid "Export"
+#: src/Resources.vala:260 ui/event.ui:17 ui/faces.ui:17 ui/media.ui:17 ui/photo.ui:17 ui/tags.ui:17
msgid "_Export…"
msgstr "Às-p_hortaich…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:293
-#| msgid "_Print..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:262
msgid "_Print…"
msgstr "_Clò-bhuail…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:295
-#| msgid "Publish"
+#: src/Resources.vala:264
msgid "Pu_blish…"
msgstr "_Foillsich…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:297 ui/collection.ui:189
+#: src/Resources.vala:266 ui/collection.ui:189
msgid "Publish to various websites"
msgstr "Foillsich air iomadh làrach-lìn"
-#: src/Resources.vala:299 ui/collection.ui:98 ui/event.ui:340 ui/event.ui:537
-#: ui/media.ui:340 ui/photo_context.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:327 ui/tags.ui:340
-#| msgid "Edit Title"
+#: src/Resources.vala:268 ui/collection.ui:98 ui/event.ui:340 ui/event.ui:537 ui/faces.ui:340 ui/media.ui:340 ui/photo_context.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:327 ui/tags.ui:340
msgid "Edit _Title…"
msgstr "Deasaich an _tiotal…"
#. Button label
-#: src/Resources.vala:301
-#| msgid "Edit Title"
+#: src/Resources.vala:270
msgctxt "Button Label"
msgid "Edit Title"
msgstr "Deasaich an tiotal"
-#: src/Resources.vala:303 ui/collection.ui:103 ui/events_directory.ui:144
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:186 ui/event.ui:345 ui/event.ui:398 ui/event.ui:542
-#: ui/media.ui:345 ui/photo_context.ui:110 ui/photo.ui:332 ui/tags.ui:345
-#| msgid "Edit Comment"
+#: src/Resources.vala:272 ui/collection.ui:103 ui/events_directory.ui:144 ui/events_directory.ui:186 ui/event.ui:345 ui/event.ui:398 ui/event.ui:542 ui/faces.ui:345 ui/media.ui:345 ui/photo_context.ui:110 ui/photo.ui:332 ui/tags.ui:345
msgid "Edit _Comment…"
msgstr "Deasaich am _beachd…"
#. Button label
-#: src/Resources.vala:305
+#: src/Resources.vala:274
msgid "Edit Comment"
msgstr "Deasaich am beachd"
-#: src/Resources.vala:307 ui/event.ui:592
-#| msgid "Edit Event Comment"
+#: src/Resources.vala:276 ui/event.ui:592
msgid "Edit Event _Comment…"
msgstr "Deasaich _beachd an tachartais…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:310 ui/direct.ui:167 ui/photo.ui:337
-#| msgid "Adjust Date and Time"
+#: src/Resources.vala:279 ui/direct.ui:167 ui/photo.ui:337
msgid "_Adjust Date and Time…"
msgstr "Cuir _air gleus an ceann-là agus an t-àm…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:311
+#: src/Resources.vala:280
msgid "Adjust Date and Time"
msgstr "Cuir air gleus an ceann-là agus an t-àm"
-#: src/Resources.vala:313 ui/collection.ui:19 ui/event.ui:407 ui/event.ui:458
-#: ui/media.ui:390 ui/photo.ui:374 ui/tags.ui:390
-#| msgid "Add Tags"
+#: src/Resources.vala:282 ui/collection.ui:19 ui/event.ui:407 ui/event.ui:458 ui/faces.ui:390 ui/media.ui:390 ui/photo.ui:375 ui/tags.ui:390
msgid "Add _Tags…"
msgstr "Cuir _tagaichean ris…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:314 ui/photo_context.ui:17
-#| msgid "Add Tags"
+#: src/Resources.vala:283 ui/photo_context.ui:17
msgid "_Add Tags…"
msgstr "Cuir t_agaichean ris…"
#. Dialog title
-#: src/Resources.vala:316
-#| msgid "Add Tags"
+#: src/Resources.vala:285
msgctxt "Dialog Title"
msgid "Add Tags"
msgstr "Cuir tagaichean ris"
-#: src/Resources.vala:325 ui/photo_context.ui:135
-#| msgid "Send To"
+#: src/Resources.vala:294 ui/photo_context.ui:135
msgid "Send T_o…"
msgstr "Cuir _gu…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:327
-#| msgid "_Find"
+#: src/Resources.vala:296
msgid "_Find…"
msgstr "_Lorg…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:328 ui/collection.ui:217 ui/offline.ui:239
-#: ui/trash.ui:312
+#: src/Resources.vala:297 ui/collection.ui:217 ui/offline.ui:239 ui/trash.ui:312
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Lorg"
-#: src/Resources.vala:329 ui/collection.ui:214 ui/offline.ui:236
-#: ui/trash.ui:309
+#: src/Resources.vala:298 ui/collection.ui:214 ui/offline.ui:236 ui/trash.ui:309
msgid "Find an image by typing text that appears in its name or tags"
-msgstr ""
-"Lorg dealbh ’s tu a’ cur a-steach teacsa a tha a’ nochdadh ’na ainm no sna "
-"tagaichean aige."
+msgstr "Lorg dealbh ’s tu a’ cur a-steach teacsa a tha a’ nochdadh ’na ainm no sna tagaichean aige"
-#: src/Resources.vala:331
+#: src/Resources.vala:300
msgid "_Flag"
msgstr "Cuir _bratach ris"
-#: src/Resources.vala:333
+#: src/Resources.vala:302
msgid "Un_flag"
msgstr "Thoir a’ bhratach air _falbh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:336
+#: src/Resources.vala:306
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Make a duplicate of the photo"
+msgid "Mark faces of people in the photo"
+msgstr "Dùblaich an dealbh"
+#: src/Resources.vala:307
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Modify Tags"
+msgid "Modify Faces"
+msgstr "Atharraich na tagaichean"
+#: src/Resources.vala:308
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Delete Tag"
+msgid "Delete Face"
+msgstr "Sguab às an taga"
+#: src/Resources.vala:310 src/Resources.vala:352 ui/tags.ui:456
+msgid "_Rename…"
+msgstr "_Thoir ainm ùr air…"
+#: src/Resources.vala:314
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to launch editor: %s"
msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn an deasaiche a chur gu dol: %s"
-#: src/Resources.vala:341
+#: src/Resources.vala:319
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Add Tag \"%s\""
msgid "Add Tag “%s”"
msgstr "Cuir an taga “%s” ris"
#. Used when adding two tags to photo(s)
-#: src/Resources.vala:344
+#: src/Resources.vala:322
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Add Tags \"%s\" and \"%s\""
msgid "Add Tags “%s” and “%s”"
msgstr "Cuir na tagaichean “%s” agus “%s” ris"
#. Undo/Redo command name (in Edit menu)
-#: src/Resources.vala:349
-#| msgid "Add Tags"
+#: src/Resources.vala:327
msgctxt "UndoRedo menu entry"
msgid "Add Tags"
msgstr "Cuir tagaichean ris"
-#: src/Resources.vala:354
+#: src/Resources.vala:332
#, c-format
-#| msgid "_Delete Tag \"%s\""
msgid "_Delete Tag “%s”"
msgstr "_Sguab às an taga “%s”"
-#: src/Resources.vala:358
+#: src/Resources.vala:336
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Delete Tag \"%s\""
msgid "Delete Tag “%s”"
msgstr "Sguab às an taga “%s”"
-#: src/Resources.vala:361
+#: src/Resources.vala:339
msgid "Delete Tag"
msgstr "Sguab às an taga"
-#: src/Resources.vala:367
+#: src/Resources.vala:345
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Re_name Tag \"%s\"..."
msgid "Re_name Tag “%s”…"
msgstr "Thoir ai_nm eile air an taga “%s”…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:371
+#: src/Resources.vala:349
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Rename Tag \"%s\" to \"%s\""
msgid "Rename Tag “%s” to “%s”"
msgstr "Thoir “%2$s” air an taga “%1$s”"
-#: src/Resources.vala:374 ui/tags.ui:456
-#| msgid "_Rename..."
-msgid "_Rename…"
-msgstr "_Thoir ainm ùr air…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:376 ui/collection.ui:24 ui/event.ui:412 ui/event.ui:463
-#: ui/media.ui:395 ui/photo_context.ui:22 ui/photo.ui:379 ui/tags.ui:395
-#| msgid "Modify Tags"
+#: src/Resources.vala:354 ui/collection.ui:24 ui/event.ui:412 ui/event.ui:463 ui/faces.ui:395 ui/media.ui:395 ui/photo_context.ui:22 ui/photo.ui:380 ui/tags.ui:395
msgid "Modif_y Tags…"
msgstr "Atharraich na ta_gaichean…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:377
+#: src/Resources.vala:355
msgid "Modify Tags"
msgstr "Atharraich na tagaichean"
-#: src/Resources.vala:380
+#: src/Resources.vala:358
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Tag Photo as \"%s\""
msgid "Tag Photo as “%s”"
msgid_plural "Tag Photos as “%s”"
msgstr[0] "Cuir an taga “%s” ris an dealbh"
@@ -5967,9 +5101,8 @@ msgstr[1] "Cuir an taga “%s” ris na dealbhan"
msgstr[2] "Cuir an taga “%s” ris na dealbhan"
msgstr[3] "Cuir an taga “%s” ris na dealbhan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:386
+#: src/Resources.vala:364
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Tag the selected photo as \"%s\""
msgid "Tag the selected photo as “%s”"
msgid_plural "Tag the selected photos as “%s”"
msgstr[0] "Cuir an taga “%s” ris an dealbh a thagh thu"
@@ -5977,9 +5110,8 @@ msgstr[1] "Cuir an taga “%s” ris na dealbhan a thagh thu"
msgstr[2] "Cuir an taga “%s” ris na dealbhan a thagh thu"
msgstr[3] "Cuir an taga “%s” ris na dealbhan a thagh thu"
-#: src/Resources.vala:392
+#: src/Resources.vala:370
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Remove Tag \"%s\" From _Photo"
msgid "Remove Tag “%s” From _Photo"
msgid_plural "Remove Tag “%s” From _Photos"
msgstr[0] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” on _dealbh"
@@ -5987,9 +5119,8 @@ msgstr[1] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na _dealbhan"
msgstr[2] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na _dealbhan"
msgstr[3] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na _dealbhan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:398
+#: src/Resources.vala:376
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Remove Tag \"%s\" From Photo"
msgid "Remove Tag “%s” From Photo"
msgid_plural "Remove Tag “%s” From Photos"
msgstr[0] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” on dealbh"
@@ -5997,142 +5128,177 @@ msgstr[1] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na dealbhan"
msgstr[2] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na dealbhan"
msgstr[3] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na dealbhan"
-#: src/Resources.vala:404
+#: src/Resources.vala:382
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Unable to rename tag to \"%s\" because the tag already exists."
msgid "Unable to rename tag to “%s” because the tag already exists."
-msgstr ""
-"Chan urrainn dhuinn “%s” a thoirt air an taga a chionn ’s gu bheil an taga "
-"sin ann mu thràth."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn “%s” a thoirt air an taga a chionn ’s gu bheil an taga sin ann mu thràth."
-#: src/Resources.vala:408
+#: src/Resources.vala:386
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Unable to rename search to \"%s\" because the search already exists."
msgid "Unable to rename search to “%s” because the search already exists."
-msgstr ""
-"Chan urrainn dhuinn “%s” a thoirt air an lorg air sgàth ’s gu bheil a "
-"leithid ann mar-thà."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn “%s” a thoirt air an lorg air sgàth ’s gu bheil a leithid ann mar-thà."
#. Saved search button
-#: src/Resources.vala:411 src/SearchFilter.vala:1124
+#: src/Resources.vala:389 src/SearchFilter.vala:1146
msgid "Saved Search"
msgstr "Lorg a chaidh a shàbhaladh"
-#: src/Resources.vala:413
+#: src/Resources.vala:391
msgid "Delete Search"
msgstr "Sguab às an lorg"
-#: src/Resources.vala:416 ui/savedsearch.ui:11
-#| msgid "_Edit"
+#: src/Resources.vala:394 ui/savedsearch.ui:10
msgid "_Edit…"
msgstr "D_easaich…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:417 ui/savedsearch.ui:7
-#| msgid "Re_name..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:395 ui/savedsearch.ui:6
msgid "Re_name…"
msgstr "Thoir ai_nm ùr air…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:420
+#: src/Resources.vala:398
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Rename Search \"%s\" to \"%s\""
msgid "Rename Search “%s” to “%s”"
msgstr "Thoir “%2$s” air an lorg “%1$s”"
-#: src/Resources.vala:424
+#: src/Resources.vala:402
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Delete Search \"%s\""
msgid "Delete Search “%s”"
msgstr "Sguab às an lorg “%s”"
-#: src/Resources.vala:561
+#: src/Resources.vala:407
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "Unable to rename tag to “%s” because the tag already exists."
+msgid "Unable to rename face to “%s” because the face already exists."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn “%s” a thoirt air an taga a chionn ’s gu bheil an taga sin ann mu thràth."
+#: src/Resources.vala:411
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "Remove Tag “%s” From _Photo"
+#| msgid_plural "Remove Tag “%s” From _Photos"
+msgid "Remove Face “%s” From _Photo"
+msgid_plural "Remove Face “%s” From _Photos"
+msgstr[0] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” on _dealbh"
+msgstr[1] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na _dealbhan"
+msgstr[2] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na _dealbhan"
+msgstr[3] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na _dealbhan"
+#: src/Resources.vala:416
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "Remove Tag “%s” From Photo"
+#| msgid_plural "Remove Tag “%s” From Photos"
+msgid "Remove Face “%s” From Photo"
+msgid_plural "Remove Face “%s” From Photos"
+msgstr[0] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” on dealbh"
+msgstr[1] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na dealbhan"
+msgstr[2] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na dealbhan"
+msgstr[3] "Thoir air falbh an taga “%s” o na dealbhan"
+#: src/Resources.vala:421
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "Re_name Tag “%s”…"
+msgid "Re_name Face “%s”…"
+msgstr "Thoir ai_nm eile air an taga “%s”…"
+#: src/Resources.vala:425
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "Rename Tag “%s” to “%s”"
+msgid "Rename Face “%s” to “%s”"
+msgstr "Thoir “%2$s” air an taga “%1$s”"
+#: src/Resources.vala:429
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "_Delete Tag “%s”"
+msgid "_Delete Face “%s”"
+msgstr "_Sguab às an taga “%s”"
+#: src/Resources.vala:433
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "Delete Tag “%s”"
+msgid "Delete Face “%s”"
+msgstr "Sguab às an taga “%s”"
+#: src/Resources.vala:663
#, c-format
msgid "Rate %s"
msgstr "Thoir an rangachadh %s dha"
-#: src/Resources.vala:562
+#: src/Resources.vala:664
#, c-format
msgid "Set rating to %s"
msgstr "Thoir an rangachadh %s dha"
-#: src/Resources.vala:563
+#: src/Resources.vala:665
#, c-format
msgid "Setting rating to %s"
msgstr "A’ toirt an rangachadh %s dha"
-#: src/Resources.vala:565
+#: src/Resources.vala:667
#, c-format
msgid "Display %s"
msgstr "Seall %s"
-#: src/Resources.vala:566
+#: src/Resources.vala:668
#, c-format
msgid "Only show photos with a rating of %s"
msgstr "Na seall ach dealbhan aig a bheil an rangachadh %s"
-#: src/Resources.vala:567
+#: src/Resources.vala:669
#, c-format
msgid "%s or Better"
msgstr "%s no nas fhearr"
-#: src/Resources.vala:568
+#: src/Resources.vala:670
#, c-format
msgid "Display %s or Better"
msgstr "Seall %s no feadhainn nas fhearr"
-#: src/Resources.vala:569
+#: src/Resources.vala:671
#, c-format
msgid "Only show photos with a rating of %s or better"
-msgstr ""
-"Na seall dealbhan ach feadhainn aig a bheil rangachadh %s no fear nas fhearr"
+msgstr "Na seall dealbhan ach feadhainn aig a bheil rangachadh %s no fear nas fhearr"
-#: src/Resources.vala:660 ui/trash.ui:255
+#: src/Resources.vala:762 ui/trash.ui:255
msgid "Remove the selected photos from the trash"
msgstr "Thoir na dealbhan a thagh thu air falbh on sgudal"
-#: src/Resources.vala:661 ui/offline.ui:221
+#: src/Resources.vala:763 ui/offline.ui:221
msgid "Remove the selected photos from the library"
msgstr "Thoir na dealbhan a thagh thu air falbh on leabhar-lann"
-#: src/Resources.vala:663 ui/trash.ui:68 ui/trash.ui:221 ui/trash.ui:273
+#: src/Resources.vala:765 ui/trash.ui:68 ui/trash.ui:221 ui/trash.ui:273
msgid "_Restore"
msgstr "_Aisig"
-#: src/Resources.vala:664 ui/trash.ui:270
+#: src/Resources.vala:766 ui/trash.ui:270
msgid "Move the selected photos back into the library"
msgstr "Gluais na dealbhan a thagh thu air ais dhan leabhar-lann"
-#: src/Resources.vala:666 ui/collection.ui:123 ui/direct_context.ui:20
-#: ui/direct.ui:30 ui/event.ui:27 ui/event.ui:562 ui/media.ui:27
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:130 ui/photo.ui:35 ui/tags.ui:27 ui/trash.ui:19
-#: ui/trash.ui:227
+#: src/Resources.vala:768 ui/collection.ui:123 ui/direct_context.ui:18 ui/direct.ui:30 ui/event.ui:27 ui/event.ui:562 ui/faces.ui:27 ui/media.ui:27 ui/photo_context.ui:130 ui/photo.ui:35 ui/tags.ui:27 ui/trash.ui:19 ui/trash.ui:227
msgid "Show in File Mana_ger"
msgstr "Seall ann am manai_dsear nam faidhlichean"
-#: src/Resources.vala:667
-#| msgid "Open the selected photo's directory in the file manager"
+#: src/Resources.vala:769
msgid "Open the selected photo’s directory in the file manager"
msgstr "Fosgail pasgan an deilbh a thagh thu ann am manaidsear nam faidhlichean"
-#: src/Resources.vala:670
+#: src/Resources.vala:772
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open in file manager: %s"
msgstr "Cha ghabh fhosgladh manaidsear nam faidhlichean: %s"
-#: src/Resources.vala:673 ui/offline.ui:224
+#: src/Resources.vala:775 ui/event.ui:74 ui/faces.ui:74 ui/media.ui:74 ui/offline.ui:58 ui/offline.ui:207 ui/offline.ui:224 ui/photo.ui:77 ui/tags.ui:74
msgid "R_emove From Library"
msgstr "T_hoir air falbh on leabhar-lann"
-#: src/Resources.vala:675 ui/collection.ui:134 ui/event.ui:79 ui/event.ui:573
-#: ui/media.ui:79 ui/photo_context.ui:141 ui/photo.ui:82 ui/tags.ui:79
+#: src/Resources.vala:777 ui/collection.ui:134 ui/event.ui:79 ui/event.ui:573 ui/faces.ui:79 ui/media.ui:79 ui/photo_context.ui:141 ui/photo.ui:82 ui/tags.ui:79
msgid "_Move to Trash"
msgstr "_Gluais dhan sgudal"
-#: src/Resources.vala:677 ui/events_directory.ui:58 ui/event.ui:86
-#: ui/import.ui:61 ui/media.ui:86 ui/offline.ui:65 ui/tags.ui:86 ui/trash.ui:74
+#: src/Resources.vala:779 ui/events_directory.ui:58 ui/event.ui:86 ui/faces.ui:86 ui/import.ui:61 ui/media.ui:86 ui/offline.ui:65 ui/tags.ui:86 ui/trash.ui:74
msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Tagh n_a h-uile"
-#: src/Resources.vala:678
+#: src/Resources.vala:780
msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Tagh a h-uile nì"
@@ -6145,15 +5311,14 @@ msgstr "Tagh a h-uile nì"
#. / See
#. / Locale-specific calendar date format, i.e. "Tue Mar 08, 2006"
#. / See
-#: src/Resources.vala:739
+#: src/Resources.vala:841
msgid "%a %b %d, %Y"
msgstr "%a %d %b %Y"
#. / Locale-specific starting date format for multi-date strings,
#. / i.e. the "Tue Mar 08" in "Tue Mar 08 - 10, 2006"
#. / See
-#: src/Resources.vala:744
-#| msgid "%a %b %d"
+#: src/Resources.vala:846
msgctxt "MultidayFormat"
msgid "%a %b %d"
msgstr "%a %d %b"
@@ -6161,8 +5326,7 @@ msgstr "%a %d %b"
#. / Locale-specific ending date format for multi-date strings,
#. / i.e. the "10, 2006" in "Tue Mar 08 - 10, 2006"
#. / See
-#: src/Resources.vala:749
-#| msgid "%d, %Y"
+#: src/Resources.vala:851
msgctxt "MultidayFormat"
msgid "%d, %Y"
msgstr "%d, %Y"
@@ -6170,8 +5334,7 @@ msgstr "%d, %Y"
#. / Locale-specific calendar date format for multi-month strings,
#. / i.e. the "Tue Mar 08" in "Tue Mar 08 to Mon Apr 06, 2006"
#. / See
-#: src/Resources.vala:754
-#| msgid "%a %b %d"
+#: src/Resources.vala:856
msgctxt "MultimonthFormat"
msgid "%a %b %d"
msgstr "%a %d %b"
@@ -6179,229 +5342,204 @@ msgstr "%a %d %b"
#. / Locale-specific calendar date format for multi-month strings,
#. / i.e. the "Mon Apr 06, 2006" in "Tue Mar 08 to Mon Apr 06, 2006"
#. / See
-#: src/Resources.vala:759
-#| msgid "%a %b %d, %Y"
+#: src/Resources.vala:861
msgctxt "MultimonthFormat"
msgid "%a %b %d, %Y"
msgstr "%a %d %b %Y"
-#: src/Screensaver.vala:18 src/SlideshowPage.vala:141
+#: src/Screensaver.vala:18 src/SlideshowPage.vala:117
msgid "Slideshow"
msgstr "Taisbeanadh-shleamhnagan"
-#: src/searches/Branch.vala:68
-msgid "Saved Searches"
-msgstr "Luirg a shàbhail thu"
#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionText.Context
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:162
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:170
msgid "contains"
msgstr "is na leanas ’na bhroinn"
#. Ordering must correspond with Context
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:163
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:494
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:171 src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:502
msgid "is exactly"
msgstr "a tha gu pongail"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:164
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:172
msgid "starts with"
msgstr "a tha a’ tòiseachadh le"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:165
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:173
msgid "ends with"
msgstr "a tha a’ crìochnachadh le"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:166
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:174
msgid "does not contain"
msgstr "anns nach eil"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:167
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:498
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:175 src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:506
msgid "is not set"
msgstr "nach deach a shuidheachadh"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:168
-#| msgid "is not set"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:176
msgid "is set"
msgstr "a chaidh a shuidheachadh"
#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionMediaType.Context
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:242
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:373
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:438
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:250 src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:381 src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:446
msgid "is"
msgstr "a tha ’na"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:243
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:251
msgid "is not"
msgstr "nach eil ’na"
#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionMediaType.MediaType
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:249
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:257
msgid "any photo"
msgstr "dealbh sam bith"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:250
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:258
msgid "a raw photo"
msgstr "dhealbh amh"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:251
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:259
msgid "a video"
msgstr "video"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:305
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:313
msgid "has"
msgstr "Chaidh"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:306
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:314
msgid "has no"
msgstr "Cha deach"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:311
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:319
msgid "modifications"
msgstr "atharrachadh a dhèanamh air"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:312
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:320
msgid "internal modifications"
msgstr "atharrachadh inntearnail a dhèanamh air"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:313
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:321
msgid "external modifications"
msgstr "atharrachadh on taobh a-muigh a dhèanamh air"
#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionFlagged.State
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:367
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:375
msgid "flagged"
msgstr "a tha bratach ris"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:368
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:376
msgid "not flagged"
msgstr "nach eil bratach ris"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:431
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:439
msgid "and higher"
msgstr "agus nas àirde"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:432
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:440
msgid "only"
msgstr "a-mhàin"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:433
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:441
msgid "and lower"
msgstr "agus nas lugha"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:495
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:503
msgid "is after"
msgstr "a tha àn dèidh"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:496
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:504
msgid "is before"
msgstr "a tha ro"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:497
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:505
msgid "is between"
msgstr "a tha eadar"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:510
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:518
msgid "and"
msgstr "agus"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:691
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Lorg"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:696
-#| msgid "_Cancel"
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Sguir dheth"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:697
-msgid "OK"
-msgstr "Ceart ma-thà"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:716
-msgid "any"
-msgstr "gin sam bith"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:717
-msgid "all"
-msgstr "na h-uile"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:718
-msgid "none"
-msgstr "chan eil gin"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:157
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:169
msgid "Any text"
msgstr "Teacsa sam bith"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:160
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:172
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tiotal"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:163
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:175
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Taga"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:166
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:178
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Beachd"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:169
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:181
msgid "Event name"
msgstr "Ainm an tachartais"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:172
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:184
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Ainm an fhaidhle"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:175
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:187
+msgid "Face"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:190
msgid "Media type"
msgstr "Seòrsa a’ mheadhain"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:178
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:193
msgid "Flag state"
msgstr "Staid na brataich"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:181
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:196
msgid "Photo state"
-msgstr "Staid an deilbh:"
+msgstr "Staid an deilbh"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:184 src/SearchFilter.vala:831
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1114
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:199 src/SearchFilter.vala:853 src/SearchFilter.vala:1136
msgid "Rating"
msgstr "Rangachadh"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:187
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:202
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Ceann-là"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:815
-#| msgid "Rating"
+#: src/searches/SearchesBranch.vala:68
+msgid "Saved Searches"
+msgstr "Luirg a shàbhail thu"
+#: src/searches/SearchesBranch.vala:68
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Organize your photos"
+msgid "Organize your saved searches"
+msgstr "Cuir rian air na dealbhan agad"
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:837
msgid "★+ Rating"
msgstr "Rangachadh ★+"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:818
-#| msgid "Rating"
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:840
msgid "★★+ Rating"
msgstr "Rangachadh ★★+"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:821
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:843
msgid "★★★+ Rating"
msgstr "Rangachadh ★★★+"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:824
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:846
msgid "★★★★+ Rating"
msgstr "Rangachadh ★★★★+"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:828
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:850
msgid "★★★★★+ Rating"
msgstr "Rangachadh ★★★★★+"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1064
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1086
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Error loading UI file %s: %s"
msgid "Error loading search bar UI: %s"
msgstr "Mearachd a’ luchdadh eadar-aghaidh a’ bhàir-luirg: %s"
@@ -6410,72 +5548,71 @@ msgstr "Mearachd a’ luchdadh eadar-aghaidh a’ bhàir-luirg: %s"
#. Prepare the close menu for use, but don't
#. display it yet; we'll connect it to secondary
#. click later on.
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1073
-#| msgid "_Close"
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1095
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Dùin"
#. Type label and toggles
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1079
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1101
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1086
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1108
msgid "Videos"
msgstr "Videothan"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1089
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1111
msgid "RAW Photos"
msgstr "Dealbhan RAW"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1125
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1147
msgid "Use a saved search to filter items in the current view"
msgstr ""
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:49 src/SlideshowPage.vala:183
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Roghainnean"
#. Set up toolbar
#. add toolbar buttons
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:160
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:136
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Air ais"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:162
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:138
msgid "Go to the previous photo"
msgstr "Air ais dhan dealbh roimhe"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:167 src/SlideshowPage.vala:274
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:143 src/SlideshowPage.vala:250
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Cuir ’na stad"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:169 src/SlideshowPage.vala:275
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:145 src/SlideshowPage.vala:251
msgid "Pause the slideshow"
msgstr "Cuir an taisbeanadh-shleamhnagan ’na stad"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:174
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:150
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Air adhart"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:176
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:152
msgid "Go to the next photo"
msgstr "Air adhart dhan ath-dhealbh"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:184
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:159 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:21
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean"
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:160
msgid "Change slideshow settings"
msgstr "Atharraich roghainnean an taisbeanaidh-shleamhnagan"
#. An entire slideshow set might be missing, so check for a loop.
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:238
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:214
msgid "All photo source files are missing."
msgstr "Tha gach tùs-fhaidhl nan dealbhan a dhìth."
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:270
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:246
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Cluich"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:271
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:247
msgid "Continue the slideshow"
msgstr "Lean air an taisbeanadh-shleamhnagan"
@@ -6487,7 +5624,7 @@ msgstr "Tar-mhùthaidhean an taisbeanaidh-shleamhnagan"
msgid "(None)"
msgstr "(Chan eil gin)"
-#: src/slideshow/TransitionEffects.vala:287
+#: src/slideshow/TransitionEffects.vala:287 ui/preferences_dialog.ui:414
msgid "None"
msgstr "Chan eil gin"
@@ -6495,53 +5632,46 @@ msgstr "Chan eil gin"
msgid "Random"
msgstr "Air thuaiream"
-#: src/tags/Branch.vala:131
+#: src/tags/TagsBranch.vala:131
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Tagaichean"
+#: src/tags/TagsBranch.vala:131
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Organize your photos"
+msgid "Organize and browse your photo’s tags"
+msgstr "Cuir rian air na dealbhan agad"
#: src/Tag.vala:830
msgid "untitled"
msgstr "gun tiotal"
#. multiple videos
-#: src/VideoSupport.vala:523
+#: src/VideoSupport.vala:525
msgid "Export Videos"
msgstr "Às-phortaich videothan"
-#: ui/collection.ui:33 ui/event.ui:281 ui/event.ui:472 ui/media.ui:281
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:30 ui/photo.ui:268 ui/tags.ui:281
+#: ui/collection.ui:33 ui/event.ui:281 ui/event.ui:472 ui/faces.ui:281 ui/media.ui:281 ui/photo_context.ui:30 ui/photo.ui:268 ui/tags.ui:281
msgid "Toggle _Flag"
msgstr ""
-#: ui/collection.ui:82 ui/event.ui:353 ui/event.ui:521 ui/media.ui:353
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:88 ui/photo.ui:343 ui/tags.ui:353
+#: ui/collection.ui:82 ui/event.ui:353 ui/event.ui:521 ui/faces.ui:353 ui/media.ui:353 ui/photo_context.ui:88 ui/photo.ui:344 ui/tags.ui:353
msgid "_Developer"
msgstr "_Leasaichear"
-#: ui/collection.ui:108 ui/event.ui:547 ui/photo_context.ui:115 ui/photo.ui:360
-#| msgid "Open With E_xternal Editor"
-msgid "Open with E_xternal Editor"
-msgstr "Fosgail le deasaiche air an ta_obh a-muigh"
-#: ui/collection.ui:119 ui/event.ui:387 ui/event.ui:558 ui/media.ui:381
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:126 ui/tags.ui:381
+#: ui/collection.ui:119 ui/event.ui:387 ui/event.ui:558 ui/faces.ui:381 ui/media.ui:381 ui/photo_context.ui:126 ui/tags.ui:381
msgid "View Eve_nt for Photo"
msgstr "Seall an tac_hartas aig an dealbh"
-#: ui/direct.ui:5 ui/events_directory.ui:5 ui/event.ui:5 ui/import_queue.ui:5
-#: ui/import.ui:5 ui/media.ui:5 ui/offline.ui:5 ui/photo.ui:5 ui/tags.ui:5
-#: ui/trash.ui:5
+#: ui/direct.ui:5 ui/events_directory.ui:5 ui/event.ui:5 ui/faces.ui:5 ui/import_queue.ui:5 ui/import.ui:5 ui/media.ui:5 ui/offline.ui:5 ui/photo.ui:5 ui/tags.ui:5 ui/trash.ui:5
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Faidhle"
#: ui/direct.ui:13
-#| msgid "Save As"
msgid "Save _As…"
msgstr "Sàbhail m_ar…"
-#: ui/direct.ui:59 ui/events_directory.ui:71 ui/event.ui:99
-#: ui/import_queue.ui:38 ui/import.ui:74 ui/media.ui:99 ui/offline.ui:78
-#: ui/photo.ui:95 ui/tags.ui:99 ui/trash.ui:87
+#: ui/direct.ui:59 ui/events_directory.ui:71 ui/event.ui:99 ui/faces.ui:99 ui/import_queue.ui:38 ui/import.ui:74 ui/media.ui:99 ui/offline.ui:78 ui/photo.ui:95 ui/tags.ui:99 ui/trash.ui:87
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Sealladh"
@@ -6573,212 +5703,307 @@ msgstr "_An ath-dhealbh"
msgid "T_ools"
msgstr "I_nnealan"
-#: ui/direct.ui:181 ui/events_directory.ui:158 ui/event.ui:428
-#: ui/import_queue.ui:73 ui/import.ui:191 ui/media.ui:411 ui/offline.ui:188
-#: ui/photo.ui:394 ui/tags.ui:430 ui/trash.ui:197
+#: ui/direct.ui:182 ui/events_directory.ui:158 ui/event.ui:428 ui/faces.ui:438 ui/import_queue.ui:73 ui/import.ui:191 ui/media.ui:411 ui/offline.ui:188 ui/photo.ui:395 ui/tags.ui:430 ui/trash.ui:197
msgid "_Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "_Ceistean àbhaisteach"
-#: ui/direct.ui:185 ui/events_directory.ui:162 ui/event.ui:432
-#: ui/import_queue.ui:77 ui/import.ui:195 ui/media.ui:415 ui/offline.ui:192
-#: ui/photo.ui:398 ui/tags.ui:434 ui/trash.ui:201
-#| msgid "_Report a Problem..."
+#: ui/direct.ui:186 ui/events_directory.ui:162 ui/event.ui:432 ui/faces.ui:442 ui/import_queue.ui:77 ui/import.ui:195 ui/media.ui:415 ui/offline.ui:192 ui/photo.ui:399 ui/tags.ui:434 ui/trash.ui:201
msgid "_Report a Problem…"
msgstr "Dèan aith_ris air duilgheadas…"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:8 ui/event.ui:8 ui/import_queue.ui:14 ui/import.ui:8
-#: ui/media.ui:8 ui/offline.ui:8 ui/photo.ui:8 ui/tags.ui:8 ui/trash.ui:8
-#| msgid "Import From Folder"
-msgid "_Import from Folder…"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:8 ui/event.ui:8 ui/faces.ui:8 ui/import_queue.ui:14 ui/import.ui:8 ui/media.ui:8 ui/offline.ui:8 ui/photo.ui:8 ui/tags.ui:8 ui/trash.ui:8
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Import from Folder…"
+msgid "_Import From Folder…"
msgstr "_Ion-phortaich o phasgan…"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:13 ui/event.ui:13 ui/import_queue.ui:19
-#: ui/import.ui:21 ui/media.ui:13 ui/offline.ui:13 ui/photo.ui:13 ui/tags.ui:13
-#: ui/trash.ui:13
-#| msgid "Import From Application"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:13 ui/event.ui:13 ui/faces.ui:13 ui/import_queue.ui:19 ui/import.ui:21 ui/media.ui:13 ui/offline.ui:13 ui/photo.ui:13 ui/tags.ui:13 ui/trash.ui:13
msgid "Import From _Application…"
msgstr "_Ion-phortaich o aplacaid…"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:19 ui/event.ui:34 ui/import_queue.ui:25
-#: ui/import.ui:27 ui/media.ui:34 ui/offline.ui:19 ui/photo.ui:42 ui/tags.ui:34
-#: ui/trash.ui:24 ui/trash.ui:234 ui/trash.ui:242
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:19 ui/event.ui:34 ui/faces.ui:34 ui/import_queue.ui:25 ui/import.ui:27 ui/media.ui:34 ui/offline.ui:19 ui/photo.ui:42 ui/tags.ui:34 ui/trash.ui:24 ui/trash.ui:234 ui/trash.ui:242
msgid "Empty T_rash"
msgstr "Falamhaich an s_gudal"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:47 ui/event.ui:62 ui/import.ui:55 ui/media.ui:62
-#: ui/offline.ui:47 ui/tags.ui:62 ui/trash.ui:52
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:47 ui/event.ui:62 ui/faces.ui:62 ui/import.ui:55 ui/media.ui:62 ui/offline.ui:47 ui/tags.ui:62 ui/trash.ui:52
msgid "_Find"
msgstr "_Lorg"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:51 ui/event.ui:66 ui/media.ui:66 ui/offline.ui:51
-#: ui/photo.ui:70 ui/search_sidebar_context.ui:6
-#: ui/sidebar_default_context.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:66 ui/trash.ui:56
-#| msgid "Ne_w Saved Search..."
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:51 ui/event.ui:66 ui/faces.ui:66 ui/media.ui:66 ui/offline.ui:51 ui/photo.ui:70 ui/search_sidebar_context.ui:6 ui/sidebar_default_context.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:66 ui/trash.ui:56
msgid "Ne_w Saved Search…"
msgstr "Lorg ù_r a chaidh a shàbhaladh…"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:74 ui/event.ui:102 ui/import_queue.ui:41
-#: ui/import.ui:77 ui/media.ui:102 ui/offline.ui:81 ui/photo.ui:98
-#: ui/tags.ui:102 ui/trash.ui:90
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:74 ui/event.ui:102 ui/faces.ui:102 ui/import_queue.ui:41 ui/import.ui:77 ui/media.ui:102 ui/offline.ui:81 ui/photo.ui:98 ui/tags.ui:102 ui/trash.ui:90
msgid "_Basic Information"
msgstr "_Fiosrachadh bunasach"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:79 ui/event.ui:107 ui/import.ui:82 ui/media.ui:107
-#: ui/offline.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:103 ui/tags.ui:107 ui/trash.ui:95
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:79 ui/event.ui:107 ui/faces.ui:107 ui/import.ui:82 ui/media.ui:107 ui/offline.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:103 ui/tags.ui:107 ui/trash.ui:95
msgid "E_xtended Information"
msgstr "F_iosrachdadh leudaichte"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:84 ui/event.ui:112 ui/import.ui:87 ui/media.ui:112
-#: ui/offline.ui:91 ui/tags.ui:112 ui/trash.ui:100
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:84 ui/event.ui:112 ui/faces.ui:112 ui/import.ui:87 ui/media.ui:112 ui/offline.ui:91 ui/tags.ui:112 ui/trash.ui:100
msgid "_Search Bar"
msgstr "_Bàr nan lorg"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:89 ui/event.ui:117 ui/import.ui:92 ui/media.ui:117
-#: ui/offline.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:117 ui/trash.ui:105
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:89 ui/event.ui:117 ui/faces.ui:117 ui/import.ui:92 ui/media.ui:117 ui/offline.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:117 ui/trash.ui:105
msgid "S_idebar"
msgstr "Bàr-_taoibh"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:94 ui/event.ui:122 ui/import.ui:97 ui/media.ui:122
-#: ui/offline.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:113 ui/tags.ui:122 ui/trash.ui:110
-#| msgid "Pin Toolbar"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:94 ui/event.ui:122 ui/faces.ui:122 ui/import.ui:97 ui/media.ui:122 ui/offline.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:113 ui/tags.ui:122 ui/trash.ui:110
msgid "T_oolbar"
msgstr "_Bàr-inneal"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:101 ui/event.ui:134 ui/media.ui:134 ui/tags.ui:134
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:101 ui/event.ui:134 ui/faces.ui:134 ui/media.ui:134 ui/tags.ui:134
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "_Beachdan"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:108 ui/event.ui:243 ui/import_queue.ui:48
-#: ui/import.ui:166 ui/media.ui:243 ui/offline.ui:163 ui/photo.ui:127
-#: ui/tags.ui:243 ui/trash.ui:172
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:108 ui/event.ui:243 ui/faces.ui:243 ui/import_queue.ui:48 ui/import.ui:166 ui/media.ui:243 ui/offline.ui:163 ui/photo.ui:127 ui/tags.ui:243 ui/trash.ui:172
msgid "Sort _Events"
msgstr "Seòrsaich na _tachartasan"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:111 ui/event.ui:231 ui/event.ui:246
-#: ui/import_queue.ui:51 ui/import.ui:169 ui/media.ui:231 ui/media.ui:246
-#: ui/offline.ui:166 ui/photo.ui:130 ui/tags.ui:231 ui/tags.ui:246
-#: ui/trash.ui:175
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:111 ui/event.ui:231 ui/event.ui:246 ui/faces.ui:231 ui/faces.ui:246 ui/import_queue.ui:51 ui/import.ui:169 ui/media.ui:231 ui/media.ui:246 ui/offline.ui:166 ui/photo.ui:130 ui/tags.ui:231 ui/tags.ui:246 ui/trash.ui:175
msgid "_Ascending"
msgstr "A’ _dìreadh"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:116 ui/event.ui:236 ui/import_queue.ui:56
-#: ui/media.ui:236 ui/offline.ui:171 ui/tags.ui:236 ui/trash.ui:180
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:116 ui/event.ui:236 ui/faces.ui:236 ui/import_queue.ui:56 ui/media.ui:236 ui/offline.ui:171 ui/tags.ui:236 ui/trash.ui:180
msgid "D_escending"
msgstr "A’ teàrna_dh"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:132 ui/event.ui:379 ui/media.ui:373 ui/tags.ui:373
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:132 ui/event.ui:379 ui/faces.ui:373 ui/media.ui:373 ui/tags.ui:373
msgid "Even_ts"
msgstr "Tach_artasan"
-#: ui/event.ui:74 ui/media.ui:74 ui/offline.ui:58 ui/offline.ui:207
-#: ui/photo.ui:77 ui/tags.ui:74
-#| msgid "R_emove From Library"
-msgid "R_emove from Library"
-msgstr "T_hoir air falbh on leabhar-lann"
-#: ui/event.ui:129 ui/import.ui:104 ui/media.ui:129 ui/tags.ui:129
+#: ui/event.ui:129 ui/faces.ui:129 ui/import.ui:104 ui/media.ui:129 ui/tags.ui:129
msgid "_Titles"
msgstr "_Tiotalan"
-#: ui/event.ui:139 ui/event.ui:404 ui/media.ui:139 ui/media.ui:387
-#: ui/photo.ui:371 ui/tags.ui:139 ui/tags.ui:387
+#: ui/event.ui:139 ui/event.ui:404 ui/faces.ui:139 ui/faces.ui:387 ui/media.ui:139 ui/media.ui:387 ui/photo.ui:372 ui/tags.ui:139 ui/tags.ui:387
msgid "Ta_gs"
msgstr "Ta_gaichean"
-#: ui/event.ui:206 ui/media.ui:206 ui/tags.ui:206
+#: ui/event.ui:206 ui/faces.ui:206 ui/media.ui:206 ui/tags.ui:206
msgid "Sort _Photos"
msgstr "Seòrsaich na _dealbhan"
-#: ui/event.ui:209 ui/media.ui:209 ui/tags.ui:209
+#: ui/event.ui:209 ui/faces.ui:209 ui/media.ui:209 ui/tags.ui:209
msgid "By _Title"
msgstr "A-rèir _tiotail"
-#: ui/event.ui:214 ui/media.ui:214 ui/tags.ui:214
-#| msgid "File name"
+#: ui/event.ui:214 ui/faces.ui:214 ui/media.ui:214 ui/tags.ui:214
msgid "By _Filename"
msgstr "A-rèir ainm an _fhaidhle"
-#: ui/event.ui:219 ui/media.ui:219 ui/tags.ui:219
+#: ui/event.ui:219 ui/faces.ui:219 ui/media.ui:219 ui/tags.ui:219
msgid "By Exposure _Date"
msgstr "A-rèir _ceann-là an deisearais"
-#: ui/event.ui:224 ui/media.ui:224 ui/tags.ui:224
+#: ui/event.ui:224 ui/faces.ui:224 ui/media.ui:224 ui/tags.ui:224
msgid "By _Rating"
msgstr "A-rèir _rangachaidh"
-#: ui/event.ui:251 ui/import.ui:174 ui/media.ui:251 ui/photo.ui:135
-#: ui/tags.ui:251
-#| msgid "D_escending"
+#: ui/event.ui:251 ui/faces.ui:251 ui/import.ui:174 ui/media.ui:251 ui/photo.ui:135 ui/tags.ui:251
msgid "_Descending"
msgstr "A’ teàrna_dh"
-#: ui/event.ui:275 ui/media.ui:275 ui/tags.ui:275
+#: ui/event.ui:275 ui/faces.ui:275 ui/media.ui:275 ui/tags.ui:275
msgid "_Photos"
msgstr "_Dealbhan"
+#: ui/faces.ui:465
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Rename…"
+msgid "Rename…"
+msgstr "_Thoir ainm ùr air…"
#: ui/import_queue.ui:8
msgid "_Stop Import"
msgstr "Thoir _stad air an ion-phortadh"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:19
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:67
+msgid "Display"
+msgstr "Sealladh"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:103
+msgid "_Import photos to:"
+msgstr "_Ion-phortaich dealbhan dha:"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:114
+msgid "_Watch library directory for new files"
+msgstr "_Cum sùil air pasgan na leabhar-lainn airson faidhlichean ùra"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:137
+msgid "Importing"
+msgstr "Ag ion-phortadh"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:154
+msgid "_Directory structure:"
+msgstr "Structar a’ p_hasgain:"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:169
+msgid "Example:"
+msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir:"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:178
+msgid "R_ename imported files to lowercase"
+msgstr "_Sparr litrichean beaga air ainmean fhaidhlichean a thèid ion-phortadh"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:200
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Meata-dàta"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:213
+msgid "Write tags, titles, and other _metadata to photo files"
+msgstr "Sgrìobh tagaichean, tiotalan agus _meata-dàta eile ann am faidhlichean deilbh"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:235
+msgid "RAW Developer"
+msgstr "Leasaichear RAW"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:252
+msgid "De_fault:"
+msgstr "B_un-roghainn:"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:306
+msgid "_Pattern:"
+msgstr "_Pàtran:"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:339
+msgid "When viewing images that are transparent, they will be drawn against this background."
+msgstr ""
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:343
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Background:"
+msgid "Transparent Background:"
+msgstr "Cùlai_bh:"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:357
+msgid "Checkered"
+msgstr ""
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:378
+msgid "Solid color"
+msgstr ""
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:441
+msgid "Use dark theme:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:492
+msgid "E_xternal photo editor:"
+msgstr "Deasaiche dhealbhan air an taobh a-m_uigh:"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:509
+msgid "External _RAW editor:"
+msgstr "Deasaiche _RAW air an taobh a-muigh:"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:570
+msgid "External Editors"
+msgstr "Deasaichean air an taobh a-muigh"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:595
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugain"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:621
+msgid "Shotwell Preferences"
+msgstr "Roghainnean Shotwell"
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:18
msgid "<b>Printed Image Size</b>"
msgstr "<b>Meud an deilbh chlò-bhuailte</b>"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:36
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:38
msgid "Use a _standard size:"
msgstr "Cleachd meud _stannardach:"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:80
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:65
msgid "Use a c_ustom size:"
msgstr "Cleachd meud g_nàthaichte:"
#. Abbrevation for "inch"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:146
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:128
msgid "in."
msgstr "òir."
#. Abbrevation for "centimeters"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:147
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:129
msgid "cm"
msgstr "cm"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:173
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:146
msgid "_Match photo aspect ratio"
msgstr "_Maidsich co-mheas an deilbh"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:197
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:161
msgid "_Autosize:"
msgstr "Meud fèin-_obrachail:"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:237
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:202
msgid "<b>Titles</b>"
msgstr "<b>Tiotalan</b>"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:254
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:219
msgid "Print image _title"
msgstr "Clo-bhuail _tiotal an deilbh"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:297
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:262
msgid "<b>Pixel Resolution</b>"
msgstr "<b>Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh nam piogsailean</b>"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:317
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:282
msgid "_Output photo at:"
msgstr "Dèan de_albh aig:"
-#: ui/printing_widget.ui:351
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:316
msgid "pixels per inch"
msgstr "piogsailean gach òirleach"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:7
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Lorg"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:23
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Sguir dheth"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:36
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "Ceart ma-thà"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:74
+msgid "_Name of search:"
+msgstr "_Ainm an luirg:"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:132
+msgid "_Match"
+msgstr "_Maidsich"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:149
+msgid "any"
+msgstr "gin sam bith"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:150
+msgid "all"
+msgstr "na h-uile"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:151
+msgid "none"
+msgstr "chan eil gin"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:165
+msgid "of the following:"
+msgstr "dhe na leanas:"
#: ui/set_background_dialog.ui:9
msgid "Set as Desktop Background"
msgstr "Suidhich mar chùlaibh an deasga"
-#: ui/set_background_dialog.ui:69 ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:134
+#: ui/set_background_dialog.ui:69 ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:132
msgid "Use for Desktop"
msgstr "Cleachd airson an deasga"
-#: ui/set_background_dialog.ui:86 ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:151
+#: ui/set_background_dialog.ui:86 ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:149
msgid "Use for Lock Screen"
msgstr "Cleachd airson na sgrìn-glasaidh"
@@ -6786,143 +6011,175 @@ msgstr "Cleachd airson na sgrìn-glasaidh"
msgid "Set as Desktop Slideshow"
msgstr "Suidhich mar thaisbeanadh-shleamhnagan an deasga"
-#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:56
+#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:54
msgid "Generate desktop background slideshow"
msgstr "Cruthaich taisbeanadh-shleamhnagan a’ chùlaibh"
-#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:82
+#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:80
msgid "Show each photo for"
msgstr "Seall gach dealbh"
-#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:94
+#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:92
msgid "period of time"
msgstr "fad greiseig"
-#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:116
+#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:114
msgid "How long each photo is shown on the desktop background"
msgstr "Dè cho fad ’s a thèid gach dealbh a shealltainn air cùlaibh an deasga"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:65
-msgid "white"
-msgstr "geal"
+#: ui/sidebar_default_context.ui:11 ui/tag_sidebar_context.ui:6
+msgid "New _Tag…"
+msgstr "_Taga ùr…"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:92
-msgid "black"
-msgstr "dubh"
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:98
+msgid "_Delay:"
+msgstr "_Dàil:"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:123
-msgid "Display"
-msgstr "Sealladh"
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:112
+msgid "_Transition effect:"
+msgstr "Èifeachd an _tar-mhùthaidh:"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:160
-msgid "_Background:"
-msgstr "Cùlai_bh:"
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:126
+msgid "Transition d_elay:"
+msgstr "Dàil an tar-mhùthaidh:"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:175
-msgid "_Import photos to:"
-msgstr "_Ion-phortaich dealbhan dha:"
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:136
+msgid "Show t_itle"
+msgstr "Seall an t_iotal"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:186
-msgid "_Watch library directory for new files"
-msgstr "_Cum sùil air pasgan na leabhar-lainn airson faidhlichean ùra"
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:219 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:230
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "diogan"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:209
-msgid "Importing"
-msgstr "Ag ion-phortadh"
+#: ui/textentrydialog.ui:66
+msgid "label"
+msgstr "leubail"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:226
-msgid "_Directory structure:"
-msgstr "Structar a’ p_hasgain:"
+#: ui/trash.ui:285
+msgid "Delete all photos in the trash"
+msgstr "Sguab às na dealbhan uile a tha san sgudal"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:240
-msgid "Example:"
-msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir:"
+#~ msgid "shotwell"
+#~ msgstr "shotwell"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:249
-msgid "R_ename imported files to lowercase"
-msgstr "_Sparr litrichean beaga air ainmean fhaidhlichean a thèid ion-phortadh"
+#~ msgid "background color"
+#~ msgstr "dath a’ chùlaibh"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:271
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Meata-dàta"
+#~ msgid "Enter the confirmation number which appears after you log into Flickr in your Web browser."
+#~ msgstr "Cuir a-steach an àireamh-dhearbhaidh a nochdas an dèidh dhut clàradh a-steach dhan Flickr sa bhrabhsair-lìn agad."
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:284
-msgid "Write tags, titles, and other _metadata to photo files"
-msgstr ""
-"Sgrìobh tagaichean, tiotalan agus _meata-dàta eile ann am faidhlichean deilbh"
+#~ msgid "Authorization _Number:"
+#~ msgstr "_Àireamh ùghdarrais:"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:306
-msgid "RAW Developer"
-msgstr "Leasaichear RAW"
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "You are not currently logged into Picasa Web Albums.\n"
+#~| "\n"
+#~| "Click Login to log into Picasa Web Albums in your Web browser. You will have to authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Picasa Web Albums account."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are not currently logged into Picasa Web Albums.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click Log in to log into Picasa Web Albums in your Web browser. You will have to authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Picasa Web Albums account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cha do rinn thu clàradh a-steach air Picasa Web Albums.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Briog air “Clàraich a-steach” gus sin a dhèanamh sa bhrabhsair-lìn agad. Bidh agad ri cead a thoirt dha Ceangal Shotwell gus ceangal a dhèanamh ris a’ chunntas agad air Picasa Web Albums."
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:323
-msgid "De_fault:"
-msgstr "B_un-roghainn"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are not currently logged into YouTube.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your browser to log into the YouTube site at least once."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cha do rinn thu clàradh a-steach air YouTube.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Feumaidh cunntas Google a bhith agad ro làimh ’s e air a shuidheachadh airson ’s gun gabh a chleachdadh airson YouTube mus urrainn dhut leantainn air adhart. ’S urrainn dhut, mar is trice, sin a chur air dòigh ma chlàraicheas tu a-steach air YouTube sa bhrabhsair-lìn agad co-dhiù aon turas."
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:377
-msgid "_Pattern:"
-msgstr "_Pàtran:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Welcome to the F-Spot library import service.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please select a library to import, either by selecting one of the existing libraries found by Shotwell or by selecting an alternative F-Spot database file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fàilte do sheirbheis ion-phortadh leabhar-lannan F-Spot.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Tagh leabhar-lann a bu mhath leat ion-phortadh ’s tu a’ taghadh leabharlann a lorg Shotwell no a’ taghadh faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot eile."
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:439
-msgid "E_xternal photo editor:"
-msgstr "Deasaiche dhealbhan air an taobh a-m_uigh:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Welcome to the F-Spot library import service.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please select an F-Spot database file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fàilte do sheirbheis ion-phortadh leabhar-lannan F-Spot.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Tagh faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot."
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:456
-msgid "External _RAW editor:"
-msgstr "Deasaiche _RAW air an taobh a-muigh:"
+#~ msgid "Manually select an F-Spot database file to import:"
+#~ msgstr "Tagh faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot de làimh gus ion-phortadh:"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:517
-msgid "External Editors"
-msgstr "Deasaichean air an taobh a-muigh:"
+#~ msgid "Cannot open the selected F-Spot database file: the file does not exist or is not an F-Spot database"
+#~ msgstr "Cha ghabh am faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot a thagh thu fhosgladh: chan eil am faidhle ann no chan e stòr-dàta F-Spot tha ann"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:542
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Plugain"
+#~ msgid "Cannot open the selected F-Spot database file: this version of the F-Spot database is not supported by Shotwell"
+#~ msgstr "Cha ghabh am faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot a thagh thu fhosgladh: chan eil Shotwell a’ cur taic dhan tionndadh seo de stòr-dàta F-Spot"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:590
-msgid "_Name of search:"
-msgstr "_Ainm an luirg:"
+#~ msgid "Cannot read the selected F-Spot database file: error while reading tags table"
+#~ msgstr "Cha ghabh am faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot a thagh thu a leughadh: thachair mearachd fhad ’s a bha sinn a’ leughadh clàr nan tagaichean"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:644
-msgid "_Match"
-msgstr "_Maidsich"
+#~ msgid "Cannot read the selected F-Spot database file: error while reading photos table"
+#~ msgstr "Cha ghabh am faidhle stòr-dàta F-Spot a thagh thu a leughadh: thachair mearachd fhad ’s a bha sinn a’ leughadh clàr nan dealbhan"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:671
-msgid "of the following:"
-msgstr "dhe na leanas:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Shotwell has found %d photos in the F-Spot library and is currently importing them. Duplicates will be automatically detected and removed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You can close this dialog and start using Shotwell while the import is taking place in the background."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lorg Shotwell %d dealbh(an) san leabhar-lann F-Spot agus tha e ’gan ion-phortadh. Mothaichidh sinn do dhealbhan a tha ann iomadh turas gu fèin-obrachail is bheir sinn air falbh iad.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "’S urrainn dhut an còmhradh seo a dhùnadh agus tòiseachadh air Shotwell a chleachdadh fhad ’s a tha sinne ’ga ion-phortadh fhathast sa chùlaibh."
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:752
-msgid "label"
-msgstr "leubail"
+#~ msgid "F-Spot library: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Leabhar-lann F-Spot: %s"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:903
-msgid "_Delay:"
-msgstr "_Dàil:"
+#~ msgid "Preparing to import"
+#~ msgstr "Ag ullachadh airson ion-phortadh"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:917
-msgid "_Transition effect:"
-msgstr "Èifeachd an _tar-mhùthaidh:"
+#~ msgid "Core Data Import Services"
+#~ msgstr "Seirbheisean ion-phortadh prìomh-dhàta"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:931
-msgid "Transition d_elay:"
-msgstr "Dàil an tar-mhùthaidh:"
+#~ msgid "Width or height"
+#~ msgstr "Leud no àirde"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:941
-msgid "Show t_itle"
-msgstr "Seall an t_iotal"
+#~| msgid "“%s” isn't a valid response to an OAuth authentication request"
+#~ msgid "“%s” isn’t a valid response to an OAuth authentication request"
+#~ msgstr "Chan e freagairt cheart air iarratas dearbhaidh OAuth a tha ann “%s”"
-#: ui/shotwell.ui:1016 ui/shotwell.ui:1027
-msgid "seconds"
-msgstr "diogan"
+#~| msgid "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Picasa can't continue."
+#~ msgid "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Picasa can’t continue."
+#~ msgstr "Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. Chan urrainn dhuinn foillseachadh air Picasa dhut."
-#: ui/sidebar_default_context.ui:11 ui/tag_sidebar_context.ui:6
-#| msgid "New _Tag..."
-msgid "New _Tag…"
-msgstr "_Taga ùr…"
+#~ msgid "You are logged into Picasa Web Albums as %s."
+#~ msgstr "Chlàraich thu a-steach air Picasa Web Albums mar %s."
-#: ui/trash.ui:285
-msgid "Delete all photos in the trash"
-msgstr "Sguab às na dealbhan uile a tha san sgudal"
+#~ msgid "%s – “Aachen”"
+#~ msgstr "%s – “Aachen”"
+#~ msgid "Export Photos/Videos"
+#~ msgstr "Às-phortaich dealbhan/videothan"
+#~ msgid "Extended Information"
+#~ msgstr "Fiosrachadh leudaichte"
+#~| msgid "Open With E_xternal Editor"
+#~ msgid "Open with E_xternal Editor"
+#~ msgstr "Fosgail le deasaiche air an ta_obh a-muigh"
+#~| msgid "R_emove From Library"
+#~ msgid "R_emove from Library"
+#~ msgstr "T_hoir air falbh on leabhar-lann"
+#~ msgid "white"
+#~ msgstr "geal"
+#~ msgid "black"
+#~ msgstr "dubh"
#~ msgid "Login"
#~ msgstr "Clàraich a-steach"
@@ -6931,15 +6188,11 @@ msgstr "Sguab às na dealbhan uile a tha san sgudal"
#~ msgstr "A' cur fo dheuchainn a' cheangail ri Facebook..."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You have already logged in and out of Flickr during this Shotwell "
-#~ "session.\n"
-#~ "To continue publishing to Flickr, quit and restart Shotwell, then try "
-#~ "publishing again."
+#~ "You have already logged in and out of Flickr during this Shotwell session.\n"
+#~ "To continue publishing to Flickr, quit and restart Shotwell, then try publishing again."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Rinn thu clàradh a-steach is a-mach air Flickr san t-seisean Shotwell seo "
-#~ "mu thràth.\n"
-#~ "Ma tha thu airson leantainn air foillseachadh air Flickr, fàg an-seo, ath-"
-#~ "thòisich Shotwell is feuch ri fhoillseachadh às ùr."
+#~ "Rinn thu clàradh a-steach is a-mach air Flickr san t-seisean Shotwell seo mu thràth.\n"
+#~ "Ma tha thu airson leantainn air foillseachadh air Flickr, fàg an-seo, ath-thòisich Shotwell is feuch ri fhoillseachadh às ùr."
#~ msgid "Videos will appear in '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nochdaidh na videothan ann an \"%s\""
@@ -6978,9 +6231,7 @@ msgstr "Sguab às na dealbhan uile a tha san sgudal"
#~ msgstr "Sàbhail an dealbh fo ainm eile"
#~ msgid "Print the photo to a printer connected to your computer"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Clò-bhuail an dealbh air clò-bhualadair a tha ceangailte ris a' "
-#~ "choimpiutair agad"
+#~ msgstr "Clò-bhuail an dealbh air clò-bhualadair a tha ceangailte ris a' choimpiutair agad"
#~ msgid "Previous Photo"
#~ msgstr "An dealbh roimhe"
@@ -7060,8 +6311,7 @@ msgstr "Sguab às na dealbhan uile a tha san sgudal"
#~ msgstr "_Cluich a' video"
#~ msgid "Open the selected videos in the system video player"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Fosgail na videothan a thagh thu ann an cluicheadair video an t-siostaim"
+#~ msgstr "Fosgail na videothan a thagh thu ann an cluicheadair video an t-siostaim"
#~ msgid "Display the comment of each photo"
#~ msgstr "Seall na beachdan aig gach dealbh"
@@ -7152,25 +6402,17 @@ msgstr "Sguab às na dealbhan uile a tha san sgudal"
#~ msgid "RAW photos"
#~ msgstr "Dealbhan RAW"
-#~ msgid "Shotwell Preferences"
-#~ msgstr "Roghainnean Shotwell"
#~ msgid "Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation"
#~ msgstr "Còir-lethbhreac 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation"
#~ msgid "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. "
-#~ "A' foillseachadh gu "
+#~ msgstr "Tha feum air faidhle mus gabh foillseachadh a dhèanamh ach tha e a dhìth. A' foillseachadh gu "
#~ msgid "Intro message replaced at runtime"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Teachdaireachd tòiseachaidh 'ga chur an àite nuair a bhios e a' ruith"
+#~ msgstr "Teachdaireachd tòiseachaidh 'ga chur an àite nuair a bhios e a' ruith"
#~ msgid "'Publishing to $url as $username' (populated in application code)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "\"'Ga fhoillseachadh gu $url mar $username\" ('ga lìonadh ann an còd na h-"
-#~ "aplacaid)"
+#~ msgstr "\"'Ga fhoillseachadh gu $url mar $username\" ('ga lìonadh ann an còd na h-aplacaid)"
#~ msgid "you are logged in rajce as $name"
#~ msgstr "Chlàraich thu a-steach air rajce mar $name"
@@ -7209,21 +6451,16 @@ msgstr "Sguab às na dealbhan uile a tha san sgudal"
#~ msgstr "Còir-lethbhreac 2009-2013 Fonndas Yorba"
#~ msgid "Shotwell is configured to import photos to your home directory.\n"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ion-phortaichidh Shotwell dealbhan dhan phasgan-dachaigh agad a-rèir mar "
-#~ "a chaidh a rèiteachadh.\n"
+#~ msgstr "Ion-phortaichidh Shotwell dealbhan dhan phasgan-dachaigh agad a-rèir mar a chaidh a rèiteachadh.\n"
#~ msgid "Copyright 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Copyright 2011-2013 Yorba Foundation"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Còir-lethbhreac 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Còir-lethbhreac 2011-2013 Fonndas "
-#~ "Yorba"
+#~ msgstr "Còir-lethbhreac 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Còir-lethbhreac 2011-2013 Fonndas Yorba"
#~ msgid ""
#~ " (text depends on fb username and is modified in the app - \n"
#~ "anything put into this field won't display)"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ " (tha an teacsa a' crochadh air ainm-cleachdaiche FB agus thèid "
-#~ "atharrachadh san aplacaid - \n"
+#~ " (tha an teacsa a' crochadh air ainm-cleachdaiche FB agus thèid atharrachadh san aplacaid - \n"
#~ "cha dèid dad a chuireas tu san raon seo a thaisbeanadh)"
#~ msgid "_visibility label (populated in the code)"
diff --git a/po/oc.po b/po/oc.po
index 32df4d4..2a4a43a 100644
--- a/po/oc.po
+++ b/po/oc.po
@@ -6,25 +6,1441 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: shotwell master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-15 08:54+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-18 19:06+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Cédric Valmary ( <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-28 09:45+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-21 19:27+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Quentin PAGÈS\n"
"Language-Team: Tot En Òc\n"
"Language: oc\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.4\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2016-04-18 17:00+0000\n"
-#: ../plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:424
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:968
-msgid "A temporary file needed for publishing is unavailable"
-msgstr "Un fichièr temporari necessari a la publicacion es pas disponible"
+#: misc/ misc/
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:115
+#: src/photos/RawSupport.vala:308 ui/collection.ui:85 ui/event.ui:356
+#: ui/event.ui:524 ui/faces.ui:356 ui/media.ui:356 ui/photo_context.ui:91
+#: ui/photo.ui:347 ui/tags.ui:356
+msgid "Shotwell"
+msgstr "Shotwell"
+#: misc/
+msgid "Popular photo manager"
+msgstr "Un gestionari de fòtos popular"
+#: misc/
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell is an easy-to-use, fast photo organizer designed for the GNOME "
+"desktop. It allows you to import photos from your camera or disk, organize "
+"them by date and subject matter, even ratings. It also offers basic photo "
+"editing, like crop, red-eye correction, color adjustments, and straighten. "
+"Shotwell’s non-destructive photo editor does not alter your master photos, "
+"making it easy to experiment and correct errors."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell es un organizador de fòtos de bon utilizar e rapid, concebut pour "
+"lo bureau GNOME. Permet d’importar de fòtos a partir d’aparelhs de fòto o de "
+"disques, de las organizar per data e per tèma, e quitament per notacion. "
+"Ofrís tanben de foncionalitats d’edicion basicas talas coma lo retalhatge, "
+"la correccion dels uèlhs roges, l’ajustament de las colors e lo "
+"requilhament. L’editor d’imatge non destructiu de Shotwell tòca pas a las "
+"fòtos originalas, aquò facilita los ensages e la correccion d’errors."
+#: misc/
+msgid ""
+"When ready, Shotwell can upload your photos to various web sites, such as "
+"Facebook, Flickr, Google Photos, and more."
+msgstr ""
+#: misc/
+msgid "Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and a variety of RAW file formats."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell pren en carga los formats JPEG, PNG, TIFF emai una granda varietat "
+"de formats de fichièr RAW."
+#: misc/
+msgid "The Shotwell developers"
+msgstr "Los desvolopaires de Shotwell"
+#: misc/ src/Resources.vala:17
+msgid "Photo Manager"
+msgstr "Gestionari de fòtos"
+#: misc/
+msgid "Organize your photos"
+msgstr "Organizatz vòstras fòtos"
+#. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localize the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
+#: misc/
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"album;aparelh de fòto;aparelhs fòto;rogner;editar;melhorar;exportacion;"
+#: misc/
+msgid "Shotwell Viewer"
+msgstr "Visionador de fòtos"
+#: misc/ src/Resources.vala:18
+msgid "Photo Viewer"
+msgstr "Visionador de fòtos"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:6
+msgid "authentication token"
+msgstr "geton d’autentificacion"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:7
+msgid "Yandex-Fotki authentication token, if logged in."
+msgstr "Geton d’autentificacion Yandex-Fotki, se connectat."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:14
+msgid "Token"
+msgstr "Geton"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:15
+msgid "The token to access tumblr"
+msgstr "Lo geton per accedir a tumblr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:20
+msgid "Secret token"
+msgstr "Geton secret"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:21
+msgid "The secret token to sign oauth requests"
+msgstr "Lo geton secret per signar las requèstas Oauth"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:26
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:498
+msgid "default size"
+msgstr "talha per defaut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:27
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing the default size for photos uploaded to Tumblr"
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa la talha per defaut per las fòtos mandadas "
+"cap a Tumblr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:32
+msgid "default blog"
+msgstr "blog per defaut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:33
+msgid "The name of the default blog of the user, if any"
+msgstr "Lo nom del blog per defaut de l’utilizaire, se fa mestièr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:40
+msgid "Rajce URL"
+msgstr "URL de Racje"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:41
+msgid "URL of the Rajce server."
+msgstr "URL del servidor Racje."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:46
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:466
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:524
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:580
+msgid "username"
+msgstr "nom d'utilizaire"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:47
+msgid "Rajce username, if logged in."
+msgstr "Nom d’utilizaire Racje, se connectat."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:52
+msgid "token"
+msgstr "geton"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:53
+msgid "user token, if remembered."
+msgstr "geton utilizaire, se se'n cal remembrar."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:58
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:542
+msgid "last category"
+msgstr "darrièra categoria"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:59
+msgid "The last selected Rajce category."
+msgstr "La darrièra categoria Racje seleccionada."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:64
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:554
+msgid "last photo size"
+msgstr "darrièra talha de fòto"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:65
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing the last photo size preset used when publishing "
+"to Rajce."
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric representant la darrièra talha predefinida de fòto al moment "
+"de la publicacion cap a Rajce."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:70
+msgid "remember"
+msgstr "se remembrar"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:71
+msgid "If true, remember last login."
+msgstr "Se verai, se remembrar de la darrièra connexion."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:76
+msgid "hide album"
+msgstr "amagar l’album"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:77
+msgid "If true, hide the newly created Rajce album."
+msgstr "Se verai, amagar l’album Racje novèlament creat."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:82
+msgid "open album in web browser"
+msgstr "dobrir l’album dins lo navigador Web"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:83
+msgid ""
+"If true, open target album in the web browser just after uploading photos"
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, dobrir l’album cibla dins lo navigador Web juste aprèp lo mandadís "
+"de las fòtos"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:88
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:446
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:484
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:510
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:560
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:604
+msgid "remove sensitive info from uploads"
+msgstr "levar las informacions sensiblas dins los mandadisses"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell-extras.gschema.xml:89
+msgid ""
+"Whether images being uploaded to Rajce should have their metadata removed "
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se los imatges mandats cap a Racje devon èsser prealablament privats "
+"de lors metadonadas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:23
+msgid "display basic properties"
+msgstr "afichar las proprietats de basa"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:24
+msgid "True if the basic properties pane is to be displayed, false otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, lo panèl de las proprietats de basa es afichat, siquenon non."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:29
+msgid "display extended properties"
+msgstr "afichar las proprietats espandidas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:30
+msgid ""
+"True if the extended properties window is to be displayed, false otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, la fenèstra de las proprietats espandidas es afichada, siquenon "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:35
+msgid "display sidebar"
+msgstr "afichar lo panèl lateral"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:36
+msgid "True if the sidebar is to be displayed, false otherwise."
+msgstr "Se verai, lo panèl lateral es afichat, siquenon non."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:41
+msgid "display toolbar"
+msgstr "afichar la barra d’aisinas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:42
+msgid "True if the bottom toolbar is to be displayed, false otherwise."
+msgstr "Se verai, la barra d’aisinas inferiora es afichada, siquenon non."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:47
+msgid "display search bar"
+msgstr "afichar la barra de recèrca"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:48
+msgid "True if the Search/Filter Toolbar is to be displayed, false otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, la barra d’aisinas recercar/filtrar es afichada, autrament non."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:53
+msgid "display photo titles"
+msgstr "afichar los títols de las fòtos"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:54
+msgid ""
+"True if photo titles are to be displayed beneath thumbnails in collection "
+"views, false otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, les títols des photos son afichats jos las vinhetas dins les vues "
+"per collection."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:59
+msgid "display photo comments"
+msgstr "afichar los comentaris de las fòtos"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"True if photo comments are to be displayed beneath thumbnails in collection "
+"views, false otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, los comentaris de las fòtos son afichats jos las vinhetas dins las "
+"vistas per colleccion."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:65
+msgid "display event comments"
+msgstr "afichar los comentaris dels eveniments"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"True if event comments are to be displayed beneath thumbnails in event "
+"views, false otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, los comentaris dels eveniments son afichats jos las vinhetas dins "
+"las vistas per eveniment."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:71
+msgid "display photo tags"
+msgstr "afichar las etiquetas de las fòtos"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:72
+msgid ""
+"True if photo tags are to be listed beneath thumbnails in collection views, "
+"false otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, las etiquetas de las fòtos son afichats jos las vinhetas dins las "
+"vistas per colleccion."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:77
+msgid "display photo ratings"
+msgstr "afichar las nòtas de las fòtos"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"True if a photo’s rating should be displayed as overlaid trinket, false "
+msgstr "Se verai, las nòtas de las fòtos son afichadas en surimpression."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:83
+msgid "rating filter level"
+msgstr "nivèl de filtratge de las nòtas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:84
+msgid ""
+"Determines how to filter photos based on their ratings. 1: Rejected or "
+"better, 2: Unrated or better, 3: One or better, 4: Two or better, 5: Three "
+"or better, 6: Four or better, 7: Five or better."
+msgstr ""
+"Determina lo filtratge de las fòtos en foncion de lor notacion. 1 : regetada "
+"o melhor, 2 : pas notada o melhor, 3 : un o melhor, 4 : dos o melhor, 5 : "
+"tres o melhor, 6 : quatre o melhor, 7 : cinc o melhor."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:89
+msgid "sort events ascending"
+msgstr "triar los eveniments per òrdre creissent"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:90
+msgid "True if events should be sorted ascending, false if descending."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, los eveniments son triats per òrdre creissent, autrament "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:95
+msgid "sort library photos ascending"
+msgstr "triar las fòtos de la bibliotèca per òrdre creissent"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:96
+msgid "True if library photos should be sorted ascending, false if descending."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, las fòtos de la bibliotèca son triadas per òrdre creissent, sinon "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:101
+msgid "sort library photos criteria"
+msgstr "critèris de triada de las fòtos de la bibliotèca"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:102
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code that specifies the sort criteria for photos in library views."
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric indicant los critèris de triada de las fòtos dins las vistas "
+"de la bibliotèca."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:107
+msgid "sort event photos ascending"
+msgstr "triar las fòtos dels eveniments per òrdre creissent"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:108
+msgid "True if event photos should be sorted ascending, false if descending."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, las fòtos dels eveniments son triadas per òrdre creissent, "
+"siquenon descreissent."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:113
+msgid "sort event photos criteria"
+msgstr "critèris de triada de las fòtos dels eveniments"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:114
+msgid "Specifies the sort criteria for event photos."
+msgstr "Indique los critèris de triada de las fòtos dels eveniments."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:119
+msgid "use 24 hour time"
+msgstr "utilizar lo format 24 oras"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:120
+msgid ""
+"True if should display times with a 24 hour clock, false if times should use "
+"AM/PM notation."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, las oras son afichadas dins un format 24 oras, siquenon utilizan "
+"la notacion am/pm sus 12 oras."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:125
+msgid "keep relative time between photos"
+msgstr "conservar lo temps relatiu entre las fòtos"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:126
+msgid ""
+"True if when adjusting time/date of photos, relative time should be "
+"maintained. False if all photos should be set to the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, lo temps relatiu es mantengut al moment de l’ajustament de l’ora e "
+"de la data de las fòtos. Siquenon, totas las fòtos recebon la meteissa date/"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:131
+msgid "modify original photo files"
+msgstr "modifier las fòtos d’origine"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:132
+msgid ""
+"True if when adjusting time/date of photos, the original files should be "
+"modified as well. False if changes are made only in the database."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, los fichièrs originals son tanben modificats al moment de "
+"l’ajustament de l’ora e de la data de las fòtos. Autrament, las "
+"modificacions son pas faitas que dins la basa de donadas."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:137
+msgid "show welcome dialog on startup"
+msgstr "afichar la bóstia de dialòg de benvenguda a l'aviada"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:138
+msgid ""
+"True if, when on startup, a welcome dialog should be shown. False if it "
+"should not be shown."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, una bóstia de dialòg de benvenguda apareis al moment de l'aviada. "
+"Siquenon, apareis pas."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:143
+msgid "sidebar position"
+msgstr "posicion de la barra laterala"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:144
+msgid "The width, in pixels, of the sidebar"
+msgstr "La largor de la barra laterala en pixèls"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:149
+msgid "photo thumbnail scale"
+msgstr "escala de vinheta de las fòtos"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:150
+msgid "The scale of photo thumbnails, ranging from 72 to 360."
+msgstr "L’escala des vinhetas de fòtos, de 72 a 360."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:155
+msgid "pin toolbar state"
+msgstr "estat immobilizat de la barra d’aisinas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:156
+msgid "Pin toolbar in fullscreen, or not."
+msgstr "Indica se la barra d’aisinas es immobilizada en mòde ecran complet."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:161
+msgid "prefer GTK+’s dark theme"
+msgstr "privilegiar lo tèma escur de GTK+"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:162
+msgid "Whether to use the dark theme of GTK+ for Shotwell or not."
+msgstr "Indica se cal utilizar lo tèma escur de GTK+ per Shotwell."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:167
+msgid "background for transparent images"
+msgstr "rèireplan pels imatges transparents"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:168
+msgid "The background to use for transparent images."
+msgstr "Lo rèireplan d'utilizar pels imatges transparents."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:173
+msgid "color for solid transparency background"
+msgstr "color pel rèireplan de transparéncia unit"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:174
+msgid "Color to use if background for transparent images is set to solid color"
+msgstr ""
+"Color d'utilizar se lo rèireplan dels imatges transparents es definit a una "
+"color unida"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:179
+msgid "Selection state of “hide photos” option"
+msgstr "Estat de seleccion de l’opcion « amagar las fòtos »"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:180
+msgid ""
+"Last used selection state of the “hide photos already imported” option in "
+"the import page."
+msgstr ""
+"Darrièr estat de seleccion de l’opcion « amagar las fòtos ja importadas » "
+"sus la pagina d’importacion."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:187
+msgid "delay"
+msgstr "relambi"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:188
+msgid "Delay (in seconds) between photos in the slideshow."
+msgstr "Relambi (en segondas) entre las fòtos en mòde diaporama."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:193
+msgid "transition delay"
+msgstr "relambi de transicion"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:194
+msgid ""
+"The time (in seconds) that a transition runs between photos in a slideshow"
+msgstr ""
+"Temps (en segondas) que dura la transicion entre las fòtos en mòde diaporama"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:199
+msgid "transition effect id"
+msgstr "id d’effet de transicion"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:200
+msgid ""
+"The name of the transition effect that will be used between photos when "
+"running a slideshow"
+msgstr ""
+"Lo nom de l’efièit de transicion utilizat entre las fòtos al moment del "
+"foncionament en mòde diaporama"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:205
+msgid "Show title"
+msgstr "Afichar lo títol"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:206
+msgid "Whether to show the title of a photo during the slideshow"
+msgstr "Indica se lo títol de las fòtos es afichat en mòde diaporama"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:213
+msgid "maximize library window"
+msgstr "fenèstra de bibliotèca maximizada"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:214
+msgid "True if library application is maximized, false otherwise."
+msgstr "Se verai, la fenèstra de la bibliotèca es maximizada."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:219
+msgid "width of library window"
+msgstr "largor de la fenèstra de bibliotèca"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:220
+msgid "The last recorded width of the library application window."
+msgstr "Darrièra largor memorizada de la fenèstra de l’aplicacion bibliotèca."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:225
+msgid "height of library window"
+msgstr "nautor de la fenèstra de bibliotèca"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:226
+msgid "The last recorded height of the library application window."
+msgstr "Darrièra nautor memorizada de la fenèstra de l’aplicacion bibliotèca."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:231
+msgid "maximize direct-edit window"
+msgstr "maximizar la fenèstra edicion dirècta"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:232
+msgid "True if direct-edit application is maximized, false otherwise."
+msgstr "Se verai, l’aplicacion d’edicion dirècta es maximizada."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:237
+msgid "width of direct-edit window"
+msgstr "largor de la fenèstra edicion dirècta"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:238
+msgid "The last recorded width of the direct-edit application window."
+msgstr ""
+"Darrièra largor enregistrada per la fenèstra d’aplicacion d’edicion dirècta."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:243
+msgid "height of direct-edit window"
+msgstr "nautor de la fenèstra edicion dirècta"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:244
+msgid "The last recorded height of the direct-edit application window."
+msgstr ""
+"Darrièra nautor enregistrada per la fenèstra d’aplicacion d’edicion dirècta."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:249
+msgid "sidebar divider position"
+msgstr "posicion de la division de barra laterala"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:250
+msgid ""
+"The last recorded position of the divider between the sidebar and view in "
+"library application window."
+msgstr ""
+"Darrièra posicion enregistrada de la division entre la barra laterala e la "
+"zòna d’afichatge dins la fenèstra d’aplicacion fototèca."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:257
+msgid "import directory"
+msgstr "repertòri d’importacion"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:258
+msgid "Directory in which imported photo files are placed."
+msgstr "Repertòri dins lo qual son plaçadas las fòtos importadas."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:263
+msgid "watch library directory for new files"
+msgstr "detectar los novèls fichièrs dins lo dorsièr de la fototèca"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:264
+msgid ""
+"If true, files added to the library directory are automatically imported."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, los fichièrs aponduts dins lo dorsièr de la fototèca son "
+"automaticament importats."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:269
+msgid "write metadata to master files"
+msgstr "escriure las metadonadas dins los fichièrs principals"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:270
+msgid ""
+"If true, changes to metadata (tags, titles, etc.) are written to the master "
+"photo file."
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, las modificacions de metadonadas (etiquetas, títols, etc.) son "
+"escritas dins lo fichièr fòto principal."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:275
+msgid "use lowercase filenames"
+msgstr "utilizar de noms de fichièrs en minusculas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:276
+msgid ""
+"If true, Shotwell will convert all filenames to lowercase when importing "
+"photo files"
+msgstr ""
+"Se verai, Shotwell convertís totes los noms de fichièrs en minusculas al "
+"moment de l’importacion de fichièrs fòtos"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:281
+msgid "directory pattern"
+msgstr "motiu de repertòri"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:282
+msgid ""
+"A string encoding a naming pattern that will be used to name photo "
+"directories on import."
+msgstr ""
+"Una cadena que conten un motiu de nomenatge que serà utilizat per nomenar "
+"los repertòris de fòtos al moment de las importacions."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:287
+msgid "directory pattern custom"
+msgstr "motiu de repertòri personalizat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:288
+msgid ""
+"A string encoding a custom naming pattern that will be used to name photo "
+"directories on import."
+msgstr ""
+"Una cadena que conten un motiu de nomenatge personalizat que serà utilizat "
+"per nomenar los repertòris de fòtos al moment de las importacions."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:293
+msgid "RAW developer default"
+msgstr "revelator RAW per defaut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:294
+msgid "Default option for which RAW developer Shotwell will use."
+msgstr "Opcion per defaut qu'indican quin revelator RAW Shotwell va utilizar."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:301
+msgid "Most-recently-used crop aspect ratio menu choice."
+msgstr ""
+"Darrièra causida de menú utilizat que concernís las proporcions al moment "
+"del retalhatge."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:302
+msgid "A numeric code representing the last crop menu choice the user made."
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa la darrièra causida de menú de retalhatge per "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:306
+msgid "Most-recently-used crop custom aspect ratio’s numerator."
+msgstr ""
+"Darrièra causida personalizada de numerator de proporcions al moment del "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:307
+msgid ""
+"A nonzero, positive integer representing the width part of the last custom "
+"crop ratio the user entered."
+msgstr ""
+"Un entièr positiu mai grand que zèro que representa la largor de las "
+"proporcions de retalhatge que l’utilizaire a picat en darrièr."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:311
+msgid "Most-recently-used crop custom aspect ratio’s denominator."
+msgstr ""
+"Darrièra causida personalizada de denominator de proporcions al moment del "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:312
+msgid ""
+"A nonzero, positive integer representing the height part of the last custom "
+"crop ratio the user entered."
+msgstr ""
+"Un entièr positiu mai grand que zèro que representa la nautor de las "
+"proporcions de retalhatge que l’utilizaire a picat en darrièr."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:319
+msgid "external photo editor"
+msgstr "editor de fòto extèrne"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:320
+msgid "External application used to edit photos."
+msgstr "Aplicacion extèrna per modificar las fòtos."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:325
+msgid "external raw editor"
+msgstr "editor raw extèrne"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:326
+msgid "External application used to edit RAW photos."
+msgstr "Aplicacion extèrna per l’edicion de las fòtos RAW."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:364
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:365
+msgid "Setting in export dialog: how to trim images"
+msgstr ""
+"Paramètre de la bóstia de dialòg d’exportacion : cossí retalhar los imatges"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:370
+msgid "export metadata"
+msgstr "exportar las metadonadas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:371
+msgid "Setting in export dialog: option to export metadata"
+msgstr ""
+"Paramètre de la bóstia de dialòg d’exportacion : opcion per exportar las "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:376
+msgid "format setting, special value"
+msgstr "paramètre de format, valor especiala"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:377
+msgid "Setting in export dialog: format setting, special value"
+msgstr ""
+"Paramètre de la bóstia de dialòg d’exportacion : paramètre de format, valor "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:382
+msgid "format setting, type value"
+msgstr "paramètre de format, valor de tipe"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:383
+msgid "Setting in export dialog: format setting, type value"
+msgstr ""
+"Paramètre de la bóstia de dialòg d’exportacion : paramètre de format, valor "
+"de tipe"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:388
+msgid "JPEG quality option"
+msgstr "opcion de qualitat JPEG"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:389
+msgid "Setting in export dialog: jpeg quality option"
+msgstr ""
+"Paramètre de la bóstia de dialòg d’exportacion : opcion de qualitat JPEG"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:394
+msgid "maximal size of image"
+msgstr "talha d’imatge maximala"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:395
+msgid "Setting in export dialog: maximal size of image"
+msgstr ""
+"Paramètre de la bóstia de dialòg d’exportacion : talha d’imatge maximala"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:402
+msgid "last used publishing service"
+msgstr "darrièr servici de publicacion utilizat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:403
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:409
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing the last service to which photos were published"
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa lo darrièr servici sul qual de fòtos son "
+"estadas publicadas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:408
+msgid "default publishing service"
+msgstr "servici de publicacion per defaut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:422
+msgid "access token"
+msgstr "geton d’accès"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:423
+msgid "Facebook OAuth token for the currently logged in session, if any"
+msgstr ""
+"Geton OAuth Facebook per la session actualament connectada, se fa mestièr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:428
+msgid "user i.d."
+msgstr "identificant utilizaire"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:429
+msgid "Facebook user i.d. for the currently logged in user, if any"
+msgstr ""
+"Identificant utilizaire Facebook per l’utilizaire actualament connectat, se "
+"fa mestièr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:434
+msgid "user name"
+msgstr "nom d'utilizaire"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:435
+msgid "The name of the currently logged in Facebook user, if any"
+msgstr "Lo nom de l’utilizaire Facebook actualament connectat, se fa mestièr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:440
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:472
+msgid "default size code"
+msgstr "còdi de talha per defaut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:441
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing the default size for photos published to Facebook"
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa la talha per defaut de las fòtos publicadas "
+"sus Facebook"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:447
+msgid ""
+"Whether images being uploaded to Facebook should have their metadata removed "
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se los imatges mandats cap a Facebook devon èsser prealablament "
+"privats de lors metadonadas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:454
+msgid "OAuth Access Phase Token"
+msgstr "Geton de fasa d’accès OAuth"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:455
+msgid "The authorization token for the currently logged in Flickr user, if any"
+msgstr ""
+"Lo geton d’autorizacion de l’utilizaire Flickr actualament connectat, se fa "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:460
+msgid "OAuth Access Phase Token Secret"
+msgstr "Element secret del geton de fasa d’accès OAuth"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:461
+msgid ""
+"The cryptographic secret used to sign requests against the authorization "
+"token for the currently logged in Flickr user, if any"
+msgstr ""
+"Lo secret criptografic utilizat per signar las requèstas del geton "
+"d’autorizacion per l’utilizaire Flickr actualament connectat, se fa mestièr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:467
+msgid "The user name of the currently logged in Flickr user, if any"
+msgstr ""
+"Lo nom d’utilizaire de l’utilizaire Flickr actualament connectat, se fa "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:473
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing the default size for photos published to Flickr"
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa la talha per defaut de las fòtos publicadas "
+"sus Flickr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:478
+msgid "default visibility"
+msgstr "visibilitat per defaut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:479
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing the default visibility for photos published to "
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa la visibilitat per defaut de las fòtos "
+"publicadas sus Flickr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:485
+msgid ""
+"Whether images being uploaded to Flickr should have their metadata removed "
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se los imatges mandats cap a Flickr devon èsser prealablament privats "
+"de lors metadonadas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:492
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:624
+msgid "refresh token"
+msgstr "geton d’actualizacion"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:493
+msgid ""
+"The OAuth token used to refresh the Google Photos session for the currently "
+"logged in user, if any."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo geton OAuth utilizat per actualizar la session YouTube per l’utilizaire "
+"actualament connectat, se fa mestièr."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:499
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing the default size for photos uploaded to Google "
+"Photos Albums"
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa la talha per defaut per las fòtos mandadas "
+"cap a Tumblr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:504
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:598
+msgid "last album"
+msgstr "darrièr album"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:505
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:599
+msgid "The name of the last album the user published photos to, if any"
+msgstr ""
+"Lo nom del darrièr album dins lo qual l’utilizaire a publicat de fòtos, se "
+"fa mestièr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:511
+msgid ""
+"Whether images being uploaded to Google Photos should have their metadata "
+"removed first"
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se los imatges mandats cap a Racje devon èsser prealablament privats "
+"de lors metadonadas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:518
+msgid "Piwigo URL"
+msgstr "URL Piwigo"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:519
+msgid "URL of the Piwigo server."
+msgstr "URL del servidor Piwigo."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:525
+msgid "Piwigo username, if logged in."
+msgstr "Nom d’utilizaire Piwigo, se connectat."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:530
+msgid "password"
+msgstr "senhal"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:531
+msgid "Piwigo password, if logged in."
+msgstr "Senhal Piwigo, se connectat."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:536
+msgid "remember password"
+msgstr "se remembrar del senhal"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:537
+msgid "If true, remember the Piwigo password."
+msgstr "Se verai, se remembrar del senhal Piwigo."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:543
+msgid "The last selected Piwigo category."
+msgstr "La darrièra categoria Piwigo seleccionada."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:548
+msgid "last permission level"
+msgstr "darrièr nivèl de permission"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:549
+msgid "The last chosen Piwigo permission level."
+msgstr "Lo darrièr nivèl de permission Piwigo causit."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:555
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing the last photo size preset used when publishing "
+"to Piwigo."
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa la darrièra talha predefinida de fòto al "
+"moment de la publicacion cap a Piwigo."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:561
+msgid ""
+"Whether images being uploaded to Piwigo should have their metadata removed "
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se los imatges mandats cap a Piwigo devon èsser prealablament privats "
+"de lors metadonadas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:566
+msgid ""
+"if title is set and comment unset, use title as comment for uploads to Piwigo"
+msgstr ""
+"se un títol es definit e qu’i a pas de comentari, utilizar lo títol coma "
+"comentari pels mandadisses cap a Piwigo"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:567
+msgid ""
+"Whether images being uploaded to Piwigo should have their comment set from "
+"the title if title is set and comment unset"
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se lo comentari dels imatges mandats a Piwigo deu èsser deduit del "
+"títol quand lo títol es definit mentre que lo comentari l’es pas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:572
+msgid "do not upload tags when uploading to Piwigo"
+msgstr "mandar pas las etiquetas al moment dels mandadisses cap a Piwigo"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:573
+msgid ""
+"Whether images being uploaded to Piwigo should have their tags removed on "
+"upload, such that these tags will not appear on the remote Piwigo server."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se las etiquetas dels imatges son levats abans de los mandar cap a "
+"Piwigo per qu'aquelas etiquetas figuren pas sul servidor Piwigo distant."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:581
+msgid "Gallery3 username"
+msgstr "Nom d’utilizaire Gallery3"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:586
+msgid "API key"
+msgstr "clau d’API"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:587
+msgid "Gallery3 API key"
+msgstr "Clau d’API de Gallery3"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:592
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "URL"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:593
+msgid "Gallery3 site URL"
+msgstr "URL del site Gallery3"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:605
+msgid ""
+"Indicates whether images being uploaded to Gallery3 should have their "
+"metadata removed first"
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se los imatges mandats cap a Gallery3 devon èsser prealablament "
+"privats de lors metadonadas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:610
+msgid "scaling constraint of uploaded picture"
+msgstr "constrenta de mesa a l’escala dels imatges mandats"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:611
+msgid "The scaling constraint ID of the picture to be uploaded"
+msgstr "L’identificant de constrenta d’escala de l’imatge de mandar"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:616
+msgid "pixels of the major axis uploaded picture"
+msgstr "pixèls de l’axe principal dels imatges mandats"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:617
+msgid ""
+"The pixels of the major axis of the picture to be uploaded; used only if "
+"scaling-constraint-id is an appropriate value"
+msgstr ""
+"Los pixèls de l’axe principal dels imatges de mandar ; utilizat solament "
+"quand scaling-constraint-id conten una valor apropriada"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:625
+msgid ""
+"The OAuth token used to refresh the YouTube session for the currently logged "
+"in user, if any."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo geton OAuth utilizat per actualizar la session YouTube per l’utilizaire "
+"actualament connectat, se fa mestièr."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:632
+msgid "last used import service"
+msgstr "darrièr servici d’importacion utilizat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:633
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing the last service from which photos were imported"
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa lo darrièr service a partir del qual de fòtos "
+"son estadas importadas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:640
+msgid "interpreter state cookie"
+msgstr "cookie d’estat d’interpretador"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:641
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code that captures the state of the GStreamer plug-in environment"
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que captura l’estat de l’environament dels empeutons de "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:648
+msgid "content layout mode"
+msgstr "mòde de disposicion de contengut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:649
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code that describes how photos are laid out on the page during "
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que descriu la disposicion de las fòtos sus una pagina al "
+"moment de l’impression"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:654
+msgid "content ppi"
+msgstr "ppp de contengut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:655
+msgid "The number of pixels per inch (ppi) sent to the printer during printing"
+msgstr ""
+"Nombre de pixèls per poce (ppp) mandat a l’imprimenta pendent l’impression"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:660
+msgid "content width"
+msgstr "largor de contengut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:661
+msgid "The width of the printed emulsion on the page when printing"
+msgstr "La largor de l’emulsion imprimida sus la pagina pendent l’impression"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:666
+msgid "content height"
+msgstr "nautor de contengut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:667
+msgid "The height of the printed emulsion on the page when printing"
+msgstr "La nautor de l’emulsion imprimida sus la pagina pendent l’impression"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:672
+msgid "content units"
+msgstr "unitats de contengut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:673
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing unit of measure (inches or centimeters) used "
+"when printing"
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa l’unitat de mesura (poces o centimètres) "
+"utilizada al moment de l’impression"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:678
+msgid "images per page code"
+msgstr "imatges per pagina"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:679
+msgid ""
+"A numeric code representing the currently selected images per page mode used "
+"when printing"
+msgstr ""
+"Un còdi numeric que representa lo mòde d’imatges per pagina actualament "
+"seleccionat utilizat per l’impression"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:684
+msgid "size selection"
+msgstr "seleccion de talha"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:685
+msgid ""
+"The index of the current print size in a pre-defined list of standard sizes"
+msgstr ""
+"L’indici de la talha d’impression actuala dins una lista predefinida de "
+"talhas estandardas"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:690
+msgid "match aspect ratio"
+msgstr "conservar las proporcions"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:691
+msgid ""
+"Determines whether custom print sizes must match the aspect ratio of the "
+"original photo"
+msgstr ""
+"Determina se les talhas d’impression personalizadas devon correspondre a las "
+"proporcions de la fòto d’origina"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:696
+msgid "print titles"
+msgstr "imprimir los títols"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:697
+msgid ""
+"True if the title of a photo should be printed when the photo is printed, "
+"false otherwise."
+msgstr "Se verai, lo títol de las fòtos es imprimit al moment de l’impression."
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:702
+msgid "titles font"
+msgstr "poliça dels títols"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:703
+msgid "The name of the font to use for photo titles when they are printed."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo nom de la poliça d'utilizar pels títols de las fòtos al moment de lor "
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:714
+msgid "enable facebook publishing plugin"
+msgstr "activar l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Facebook"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:715
+msgid "True if the Facebook publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Facebook es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:720
+msgid "enable flickr publishing plugin"
+msgstr "activar l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Flickr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:721
+msgid "True if the Flickr publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Flickr es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:726
+msgid "enable Google Photos publishing plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:727
+msgid "True if the Google Photos publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:732
+msgid "enable youtube publishing plugin"
+msgstr "activar l'empeuton de publicacion cap a YouTube"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:733
+msgid "True if the YouTube publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de publicacion cap a YouTube es activat"
-#: ../plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:1152
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:738
+msgid "enable piwigo publishing plugin"
+msgstr "activar l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Piwigo"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:739
+msgid "True if the Piwigo publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Piwigo es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:744
+msgid "enable yandex publishing plugin"
+msgstr "activar l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Yandex"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:745
+msgid "True if the Yandex.Fotki publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Yandex.Fotki es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:750
+msgid "enable tumblr publishing plugin"
+msgstr "activar l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Tumblr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:751
+msgid "True if the Tumblr publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Tumblr es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:756
+msgid "enable rajce publishing plugin"
+msgstr "activar l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Racje"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:757
+msgid "True if the Rajce publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Racje es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:762
+msgid "enable gallery3 publishing plugin"
+msgstr "activar l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Gallery3"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:763
+msgid "True if the Gallery3 publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de publicacion cap a Gallery3 es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:768
+msgid "enable F-Spot import plugin"
+msgstr "activar l'empeuton d’importacion F-Spot"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:769
+msgid "True if the F-Spot import plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton d’importacion F-Spot es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:774
+msgid "enable slideshow crumble transition"
+msgstr "activar la transicion de diaporama Dissolution"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:775
+msgid ""
+"True if the Crumble slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de transicion de diaporama Dissolution es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:780
+msgid "enable slideshow fade transition"
+msgstr "activar la transicion de diaporama Fondut"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:781
+msgid ""
+"True if the Fade slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de transicion de diaporama Fondut es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:786
+msgid "enable slideshow slide transition"
+msgstr "activar la transicion de diaporama Lisament"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:787
+msgid ""
+"True if the Slide slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de transicion de diaporama Lisament es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:792
+msgid "enable slideshow clock transition"
+msgstr "activar la transicion de diaporama Relòtge"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:793
+msgid ""
+"True if the Clock slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de transicion de diaporama Relòtge es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:798
+msgid "enable slideshow circle transition"
+msgstr "activar la transicion de diaporama Cercle"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:799
+msgid ""
+"True if the Circle slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de transicion de diaporama Cercle es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:804
+msgid "enable slideshow circles transition"
+msgstr "activar la transicion de diaporama Cercle"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:805
+msgid ""
+"True if the Circles slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de transicion de diaporama Cercles es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:810
+msgid "enable slideshow blinds transition"
+msgstr "activar la transicion de diaporama Stores"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:811
+msgid ""
+"True if the Blinds slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de transicion de diaporama Stores es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:816
+msgid "enable slideshow squares transition"
+msgstr "activar la transicion de diaporama Carrats"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:817
+msgid ""
+"True if the Squares slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de transicion de diaporama Carrats es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:822
+msgid "enable slideshow stripes transition"
+msgstr "activar la transicion de diaporama Raiaduras"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:823
+msgid ""
+"True if the Stripes slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de transicion de diaporama Raiaduras es activat"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:828
+msgid "enable slideshow chess transition"
+msgstr "activar la transicion de diaporama Damièr"
+#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:829
+msgid ""
+"True if the Chess-Board slideshow transition plugin is enabled, false "
+msgstr "Se verai, l'empeuton de transicion de diaporama Damièr es activat"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FacebookPublishingAuthenticator.vala:166
+msgid ""
+"You are not currently logged into Facebook.\n"
+"If you don’t yet have a Facebook account, you can create one during the "
+"login process. During login, Shotwell Connect may ask you for permission to "
+"upload photos and publish to your feed. These permissions are required for "
+"Shotwell Connect to function."
+msgstr ""
+"Actualament, sètz pas connectat sus Facebook.\n"
+"Se avètz pas encara de compte Facebook, ne podèt crear un pendent lo "
+"processus de connexion. Al moment de la connexion, Shotwell Connect poiriá "
+"vos demandar la permission de mandar de fòtos e de las publicar sus vòstre "
+"flux de difusion. Aquelas permissions son necessàrias per que Shotwell "
+"Connect foncione corrèctament."
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FacebookPublishingAuthenticator.vala:168
+msgid ""
+"You have already logged in and out of Facebook during this Shotwell "
+"To continue publishing to Facebook, quit and restart Shotwell, then try "
+"publishing again."
+msgstr ""
+"Vos sètz ja connectat e desconnectat de Facebook pendent aquesta session de "
+"Per contunhar de publicar sus Facebook, quitatz e reaviatz Shotwell, puèi "
+"ensajatz de publicar tornarmai."
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:17
+msgid ""
+"You are not currently logged into Flickr.\n"
+"Click Log in to log into Flickr in your Web browser. You will have to "
+"authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Flickr account."
+msgstr ""
+"Actualament, sètz pas connectat a Flickr.\n"
+"Clicatz sus « Se connectar » per aviar la connexion dins vòstre navigador "
+"Web. Vos caldrà autorizar Shotwell Connect a se ligar a vòstre compte Flickr."
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:138
+msgid "Preparing for login…"
+msgstr "Preparacion de la connexion…"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:211
+msgid "Flickr authorization failed"
+msgstr "L’autorizacion de Flickr a fracassat"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:218
+msgid "Verifying authorization…"
+msgstr "Verificacion de l’autorizacion…"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/GoogleAuthenticator.vala:144
msgid ""
"You have already logged in and out of a Google service during this Shotwell "
@@ -38,11 +1454,92 @@ msgstr ""
"Per contunhar de publicar suls servicis de Google, quitatz e reaviatz "
"Shotwell, puèi ensajatz de publicar tornarmai."
-#: ../plugins/common/Resources.vala:9 ../src/AppWindow.vala:688
-msgid "Visit the Yorba web site"
-msgstr "Visitatz lo site Web de Yorba"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:32
+msgid ""
+"You are not currently logged into YouTube.\n"
+"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use "
+"with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your browser "
+"to log into the YouTube site at least once.\n"
+"Shotwell uses the YouTube API services <a href=\""
+"com/youtube\"></a> for accessing your "
+"YouTube channel and upload the videos. By using Shotwell to access YouTube, "
+"you agree to be bound to the YouTube Terms of Service as available at <a "
+"Shotwell's privacy policy regarding the use of data related to your Google "
+"account in general and YouTube in particular can be found in our <a href="
+"\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">online services privacy policy</a>\n"
+"For Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <a href=\"https://policies."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../plugins/common/Resources.vala:28 ../src/AppWindow.vala:691
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:36
+msgid ""
+"You are not currently logged into Google Photos.\n"
+"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use "
+"with Google Photos. Shotwell uses the Google Photos API services <a href="
+"photos/</a> for all interaction with your Google Photos data.You will have "
+"to grant access Shotwell to your Google Photos library.\n"
+"Shotwell's privacy policy regarding the use of data related to your Google "
+"account in general and Google Photos in particular can be found in our <a "
+"href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">online services privacy policy</a>For "
+"Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <a href=\"https://policies."
+msgstr ""
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:42
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:42
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:892
+msgid "_Email address"
+msgstr "Adreça de corri_èl"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:82
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:82
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:893
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:119
+msgid "_Password"
+msgstr "_Senhal"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:104
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:120
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:895
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:154
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Se connectar"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:25
+msgid "Enter the username and password associated with your Tumblr account."
+msgstr ""
+"Entratz lo nom d'utilizaire e lo senhal associats de vòstre compte Tumblr."
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:26
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1088
+msgid "Username and/or password invalid. Please try again"
+msgstr "Nom d'utilizaire o senhal invalid. Ensajatz encara un còp"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:53
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1124
+msgid "Invalid User Name or Password"
+msgstr "Lo nom d'utilizaire o lo senhal es invalid"
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:72
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:498
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load UI: %s"
+msgstr "Impossible de cargar l'interfàcia d'utilizaire : %s"
+#: plugins/common/Resources.vala:12
+msgid "Visit the Shotwell home page"
+msgstr "Visitar la pagina del projet Shotwell"
+#: plugins/common/Resources.vala:31 src/AppWindow.vala:605
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Launchpad Contributions:\n"
@@ -50,303 +1547,415 @@ msgstr ""
" Cédric Valmary\n"
" Yannig MARCHEGAY (Kokoyaya)"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:34
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:30
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:32
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:30
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:32
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:32
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:27
-msgid "Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation"
-msgstr "Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation"
+#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:220
+msgid ""
+"⚫ This website presented identification that belongs to a different website."
+msgstr ""
+"⚫ Aqueste site Web a presentat una identification qu'aparten a un autre site."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:56
+#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:225
msgid ""
-"Welcome to the F-Spot library import service.\n"
-"Please select a library to import, either by selecting one of the existing "
-"libraries found by Shotwell or by selecting an alternative F-Spot database "
+"⚫ This website’s identification is too old to trust. Check the date on your "
+"computer’s calendar."
msgstr ""
-"Benvengut dins lo servici d'impòrt de fototècas F-Spot.\n"
-"Seleccionatz una fototèca d'importar, siá en ne seleccionant una demest las "
-"que son trobadas per Shotwell, siá en seleccionant un autre fichièr de banca "
-"de donadas F-Spot."
+"⚫ L’identificacion d'aqueste site Web es tròp anciana. Verificatz la data "
+"sus l’agenda de vòstre ordenador."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:58
+#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:230
msgid ""
-"Welcome to the F-Spot library import service.\n"
-"Please select an F-Spot database file."
+"⚫ This website’s identification was not issued by a trusted organization."
msgstr ""
-"Benvengut dins lo servici d'impòrt de fototècas F-Spot.\n"
-"Seleccionatz un fichièr de banca de donadas F-Spot."
+"⚫ L’identificacion d'aqueste site Web es pas estada emesa per una "
+"organizacion certificada."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:60
-msgid "Manually select an F-Spot database file to import:"
+#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:235
+msgid ""
+"⚫ This website’s identification could not be processed. It may be corrupted."
msgstr ""
-"Seleccionatz manualament un fichièr de banca de donadas F-Spot d'importar :"
+"⚫ L’identificacion d'aqueste site Web a pas pogut èsser examinada. Poiriá "
+"èsser damatjada."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:62
+#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:240
msgid ""
-"Cannot open the selected F-Spot database file: the file does not exist or is "
-"not an F-Spot database"
+"⚫ This website’s identification has been revoked by the trusted organization "
+"that issued it."
msgstr ""
-"Impossible de dobrir lo fichièr de banca de donadas F-Spot seleccionat : lo "
-"fichièr existís pas o es pas una banca de donadas F-Spot"
+"⚫ L’identificacion d'aqueste site Web es estada revocada per l’organizacion "
+"certificada que l’a emesa."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:64
+#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:245
msgid ""
-"Cannot open the selected F-Spot database file: this version of the F-Spot "
-"database is not supported by Shotwell"
+"⚫ This website’s identification cannot be trusted because it uses very weak "
msgstr ""
-"Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de base de données F-Spot sélectionné : cette "
-"version de base de données F-Spot n'est pas prise en charge par Shotwell"
+"⚫ L’identificacion d'aqueste site Web es pas fisabla perque utiliza un "
+"chiframent fòrça feble."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:66
+#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:250
msgid ""
-"Cannot read the selected F-Spot database file: error while reading tags table"
+"⚫ This website’s identification is only valid for future dates. Check the "
+"date on your computer’s calendar."
+msgstr ""
+"⚫ L’identificacion d'aqueste site Web es pas valida que pel futur. "
+"Verificatz la data sus l’agenda de vòstre ordenador."
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:539
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:623
+msgid "A temporary file needed for publishing is unavailable"
+msgstr "Un fichièr temporari necessari a la publicacion es pas disponible"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_authentication_pane.ui:28
+msgid "_Gallery3 URL:"
+msgstr "URL de _Gallery3 :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_authentication_pane.ui:55
+msgid "_User name:"
+msgstr "Nom d'_utilizaire :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_authentication_pane.ui:68
+msgid "_Password:"
+msgstr "_Senhal :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_authentication_pane.ui:108
+msgid "Go _Back"
+msgstr "_Retorn"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_authentication_pane.ui:125
+#: ui/shotwell.ui:76
+msgid "_Log in"
+msgstr "_Se connectar"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_authentication_pane.ui:154
+msgid "API _Key:"
+msgstr "_Clau API :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_authentication_pane.ui:180
+msgid "or"
+msgstr "o"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:34
+msgid "An _existing album"
+msgstr "Un album _existent"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:60
+msgid "A _new album"
+msgstr "Un album _novèl"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:86
+msgid "_Remove location, tag and camera-identifying data before uploading"
msgstr ""
-"Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de base de données F-Spot sélectionné : "
-"erreur lors de la lecture de la table des étiquettes"
+"_Suprimir l’emplaçament, las etiquetas e autras informacions que permeton "
+"d’identificar l’aparelh abans de mandar las fòtos"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:108
+msgid "Scaling constraint:"
+msgstr "Constrenta d’escala :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:124
+msgid "pixels"
+msgstr "pixèls"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:158
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:687
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1313
+#: src/Dimensions.vala:17
+msgid "Original size"
+msgstr "Talha originala"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:159
+#: src/Dimensions.vala:20
+msgid "Longest edge"
+msgstr "Bòrd lo mai long"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:203
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:39
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1019
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:145
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:177
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:125
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:181
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:105
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:85
+msgid "_Logout"
+msgstr "_Desconnexion"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:216
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:220
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1018
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:159
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:192
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:141
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:195
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:121
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:100
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:82 src/PhotoPage.vala:2492
+msgid "_Publish"
+msgstr "_Publicar"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:41
+msgid "Gallery3 publishing module"
+msgstr "Modul de publicacion Gallery3"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:68
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:114
msgid ""
-"Cannot read the selected F-Spot database file: error while reading photos "
+"You are not currently logged into your Gallery.\n"
+"You must have already signed up for a Gallery3 account to complete the login "
msgstr ""
-"Impossible de dobrir lo fichièr de banca de donadas F-Spot seleccionat : "
-"error al moment de la lectura de la taula de las fòtos"
+"Actualament, sètz pas connectat a vòstra Gallery.\n"
+"Vos cal ja aver un compte Gallery3 per contunhar la procedura de connexion."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:117
+msgid "Shotwell default directory"
+msgstr "Repertòri per defaut de Shotwell"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:70
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:801
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Shotwell has found %d photos in the F-Spot library and is currently "
-"importing them. Duplicates will be automatically detected and removed.\n"
-"You can close this dialog and start using Shotwell while the import is "
-"taking place in the background."
+"The file “%s” may not be supported by or may be too large for this instance "
+"of Gallery3."
+msgstr ""
+"Benlèu que lo fichièr « %s » es pas pres en carga o tròp gròs per aquesta "
+"instància de Gallery3."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:802
+msgid ""
+"Note that Gallery3 only supports the video types that Flowplayer does."
msgstr ""
-"Shotwell a trobat %d fòtos dins la fototèca F-Spot e es a las importar. Los "
-"doblons seràn automaticament detectats e suprimits.\n"
-"Podètz tampar aquesta fenèstra e començar d'utilizar Shotwell pendent que "
-"l'impòrt se contunha en prètzfach de fons."
+"Notatz que Gallery3 pren en carga que los formats vidèos que Flowplayer pren "
+"en carga."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:84
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1021
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1773
#, c-format
-msgid "F-Spot library: %s"
-msgstr "Fototèca F-Spot : %s"
+msgid ""
+"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to %s can’t "
+msgstr ""
+"Un fichièr requesit per la publicacion es indisponible. Impossible de "
+"contunhar la publicacion cap a %s."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/FSpotImporter.vala:416
-msgid "Preparing to import"
-msgstr "Preparacion de l'importacion"
+#. populate any widgets whose contents are
+#. programmatically-generated
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1550
+#, c-format
+msgid "Publishing to %s as %s."
+msgstr "Publicar sus %s en tant que %s."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-data-imports/shotwell-data-imports.vala:22
-msgid "Core Data Import Services"
-msgstr "Servicis de basa d'importacion de donadas"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1817
+msgid ""
+"Enter the URL for your Gallery3 site and the username and password (or API "
+"key) for your Gallery3 account."
+msgstr ""
+"Entratz l’URL per vòstre site Gallery3 e los identificants (o la clau API) "
+"per vòstre compte Gallery3."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:35
-msgid "Copyright 2012 BJA Electronics"
-msgstr "Copyright 2012 BJA Electronics"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1818
+msgid ""
+"The username and password or API key were incorrect. To try again, re-enter "
+"your username and password below."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo nom d’utilizaire, lo senhal o vòstra clau API es incorrècte. Per "
+"reensajar, entratz tornamai vòtre senhal e nom d’utilizaire çaijós."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:104
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:907
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1246
-msgid "500 x 375 pixels"
-msgstr "500 x 375 pixèls"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1819
+msgid ""
+"The URL entered does not appear to be the main directory of a Gallery3 "
+"instance. Please make sure you typed it correctly and it does not have any "
+"trailing components (e.g., index.php)."
+msgstr ""
+"Sembla que l’URL picada es pas lo repertòri principal d’una instància "
+"Gallery3. Asseguratz-vos que l'avètz completada corrèctament e qu'a pas "
+"d’autres components (ex : index.php)."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:105
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:908
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1247
-msgid "1024 x 768 pixels"
-msgstr "1024 x 768 pixèls"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1872
+msgid "Unrecognized User"
+msgstr "Utilizaire pas reconegut"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:106
-msgid "1280 x 853 pixels"
-msgstr "1280 x 853 pixèls"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:1877
+msgid " Site Not Found"
+msgstr " Site pas trobat"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:310
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:320
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' isn't a valid response to an OAuth authentication request"
-msgstr ""
-"« %s » es pas una responsa valida a una requèsta d'autentificacion OAuth"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:100
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:894
+msgid "_Remember"
+msgstr "_Se remembrar de ieu"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:558
-msgid ""
-"TumblrPublisher: start( ): can't start; this publisher is not restartable."
-msgstr ""
-"TumblrPublisher: start( ): pòt pas aviar ; aqueste editor se pòt pas reaviar."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:104
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1015
+msgid "An _existing album:"
+msgstr "Un album e_xistent :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:586
-msgid "Enter the username and password associated with your Tumblr account."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:123
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1016
+msgid "A _new album named:"
+msgstr "Un album _novèl nomenat :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:141
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1006
+msgid "_Hide album"
+msgstr "Ama_gar l’album"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_publishing_options_pane.ui:156
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1017
+msgid "Open target _album in browser"
+msgstr "Dobertura de l’_album cibla dins lo navigador"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:40
+msgid "Copyright © 2013"
+msgstr "Copyright © 2013"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:744
+msgid "An error message occurred when publishing to Rajce. Please try again."
msgstr ""
-"Entratz lo nom d'utilizaire e lo senhal associats de vòstre compte Tumblr."
+"Un messatge d’error es aparegut al moment de la publicacion sus Rajce. "
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:587
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1000
-msgid "Username and/or password invalid. Please try again"
-msgstr "Nom d'utilizaire o senhal invalid. Ensajatz encara un còp"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:833
+msgid "Enter email and password associated with your Rajce account."
+msgstr "Picatz lo nom d’utilizaire e lo senhal de vòstre compte Racje."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:617
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1037
-msgid "Invalid User Name or Password"
-msgstr "Lo nom d'utilizaire o lo senhal es invalid."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:834
+msgid "Invalid email and/or password. Please try again"
+msgstr "Adreça de corrièl e/o senhal invalid. Reensajatz."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:636
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:757
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not load UI: %s"
-msgstr "Impossible de cargar l'interfàcia d'utilizaire : %s"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:865
+msgid "Invalid User Email or Password"
+msgstr "L’adreça de corrièl de l’utilizaire o lo senhal es pas valid"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/TumblrPublishing.vala:739
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1013
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"You are logged into Tumblr as %s.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Sètz connectat a Tumblr coma %s.\n"
+msgid "You are logged into Rajce as %s."
+msgstr "Sètz connectat sus Rajce en tant que %s."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1014
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:69
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:20
+msgid "Photos will appear in:"
+msgstr "Las fòtos apareisseràn dins :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala:22
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/shotwell-publishing-extras.vala:27
+msgid "Shotwell Extra Publishing Services"
+msgstr "Servicis de publicacion suplementaris de Shotwell"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala:22
msgid "Copyright 2010+ Evgeniy Polyakov <>"
msgstr "Copyright 2010+ Evgeniy Polyakov <>"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala:25
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala:25
msgid "Visit the Yandex.Fotki web site"
msgstr "Visitatz lo site Web Yandex.Fotki"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala:632
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala:609
msgid "You are not currently logged into Yandex.Fotki."
msgstr "Actualament, sètz pas connectat a Yandex.Fotki."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/shotwell-publishing-extras.vala:18
-msgid "Shotwell Extra Publishing Services"
-msgstr "Servicis de publicacion suplementaris de Shotwell"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "label"
-msgstr "etiqueta"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-msgid "_Email address"
-msgstr "Adreça de corri_èl"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "_Password"
-msgstr "_Senhal"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Connexion"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-msgid "Blogs:"
-msgstr "Blogs :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Photo _size:"
-msgstr "_Talha de la fòto :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:12
+msgid "Public"
+msgstr "Public"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "_Logout"
-msgstr "_Desconnexion"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:15
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:888
+msgid "Friends"
+msgstr "Amics"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "_Publish"
-msgstr "_Publicar"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:18
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:378
+msgid "Private"
+msgstr "Privadas"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:47
msgid "_Albums (or write new):"
msgstr "_Albums (o crear un novèl) :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:85
msgid "Access _type:"
msgstr "_Tipe d'accès :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:106
msgid "Disable _comments"
msgstr "Desactivar los _comentaris"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:123
msgid "_Forbid downloading original photo"
msgstr "_Interdire lo telecargament de la fòto originala"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-msgid "Public"
-msgstr "Public"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:42
+msgid "Publish to an e_xisting album:"
+msgstr "Publicar cap a un album e_xistent :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:803
-msgid "Friends"
-msgstr "Amics"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:58
+msgid "Create a _new album named:"
+msgstr "Crear un album _novèl sonat :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:497
-msgid "Private"
-msgstr "Privadas"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:100
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:725
+msgid "Upload _size:"
+msgstr "_Talha de mandadís :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:56
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:55
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1127
-msgid "Shotwell Connect"
-msgstr "Shotwell Connect"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:125
+msgid "Videos and new photo albums _visible to:"
+msgstr "Vidèos e novèls albums fòtos _visibles per :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:58
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:155
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:92
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:75
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:203
msgid ""
-"You are not currently logged into Facebook.\n"
-"If you don't yet have a Facebook account, you can create one during the "
-"login process. During login, Shotwell Connect may ask you for permission to "
-"upload photos and publish to your feed. These permissions are required for "
-"Shotwell Connect to function."
+"_Remove location, camera, and other identifying information before uploading"
msgstr ""
-"Actualament sètz pas connectat sus Facebook.\n"
-"S'avètz pas encara de compte Facebook, ne podètz crear un pendent lo "
-"processus de connexion. Al moment de la connexion, Shotwell Connect vos "
-"poiriá demandar la permission de mandar de fòtos e de las publicar sus "
-"vòstre flux de difusion. Aquestas permissions son necessàrias per que "
-"Shotwell Connect foncione corrèctament."
+"Suprimir l'emplaçament, lo tipe d'aparelh fòto e tanben las autras "
+"informacions d’identificacion abans lo mandadís"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:79
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:33
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:33
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:33
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:33 src/Resources.vala:27
+msgid "Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc."
+msgstr "Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:61
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublisher.vala:9
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1195
+msgid "Shotwell Connect"
+msgstr "Shotwell Connect"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:81
msgid "Standard (720 pixels)"
msgstr "Estandard (720 pixèls)"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:82
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:84
msgid "Large (2048 pixels)"
msgstr "Grand (2048 pixèls)"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:299
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:347
-msgid "Creating album..."
-msgstr "Creacion d'un album..."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:314
+msgid "Creating album…"
+msgstr "Creacion d’un album…"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:326
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:340
msgid ""
-"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Facebook can't "
+"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Facebook can’t "
msgstr ""
-"Un fichièr necessari a la publicacion es indisponible. La publicacion sus "
-"Facebook pòt pas contunhar."
+"Un fichièr requesit per la publicacion es indisponible. Impossible de "
+"contunhar la publicacion cap a Facebook."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:648
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:723
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are logged into Facebook as %s.\n"
@@ -355,59 +1964,35 @@ msgstr ""
"Sètz connectat sus Facebook en tant que %s.\n"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:649
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:724
msgid "Where would you like to publish the selected photos?"
msgstr "Ont volètz publicar las fòtos seleccionadas ?"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:650
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Upload _size:"
-msgstr "_Talha de mandadís :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:802
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:889
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:887
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:665
msgid "Just me"
msgstr "Pas que ieu"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:804
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:885
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1234
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:889
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:661
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1297
msgid "Everyone"
msgstr "Tot lo monde"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:57
-msgid ""
-"You are not currently logged into Flickr.\n"
-"Click Login to log into Flickr in your Web browser. You will have to "
-"authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Flickr account."
-msgstr ""
-"Actualament, sètz pas connectat a Flickr.\n"
-"Clicatz sus « Se connectar » per aviar la connexion dins vòstre navigador "
-"Web. Vos caldriá autorizar Shotwell Connect a se ligar a vòstre compte "
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:59
-msgid ""
-"You have already logged in and out of Flickr during this Shotwell session.\n"
-"To continue publishing to Flickr, quit and restart Shotwell, then try "
-"publishing again."
-msgstr ""
-"Sètz ja connectat e desconnectat de Flickr pendent aquesta sesilha de "
-"Per contunhar de publicar sus Flickr, quitatz e reaviatz Shotwell, puèi "
-"ensajatz de publicar tornarmai."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:61
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:59
+msgid "Photo _size:"
+msgstr "_Talha de la fòto :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:325
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:340
msgid ""
-"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Flickr can't "
+"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Flickr can’t "
msgstr ""
-"Un fichièr necessari a la publicacion es indisponible. La publicacion sus "
-"Flickr pòt pas contunhar."
+"Un fichièr requesit per la publicacion es indisponible. Impossible de "
+"contunhar la publicacion cap a Flickr."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:836
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:607
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are logged into Flickr as %s.\n"
@@ -416,131 +2001,218 @@ msgstr ""
"Sètz connectat sus Flickr en tant que %s.\n"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:838
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:609
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your free Flickr account limits how much data you can upload per month.\n"
-"This month, you have %d megabytes remaining in your upload quota."
+"This month you have %s remaining in your upload quota."
msgstr ""
"Vòstre compte Flickr gratuit limita la quantitat de donadas que podètz "
-"mandar cada mes.\n"
-"Aqueste mes, podètz encara mandar %d megaoctets abans d'aténher vòstre quota."
+"mandar per mes.\n"
+"Aqueste mes, podètz encara mandar %s abans d’aténher vòstre quota."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:840
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:611
msgid "Your Flickr Pro account entitles you to unlimited uploads."
msgstr ""
"Vòstre compte Fickr Pro vos balha drech de mandar autant de fòtos coma "
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:845
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:616
msgid "Photos _visible to:"
msgstr "Fòtos _visiblas per :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:847
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:618
msgid "Videos _visible to:"
msgstr "Vidèos _visiblas per :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:850
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:621
msgid "Photos and videos _visible to:"
msgstr "Fòtos e vidèos _visiblas per :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:886
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:662
msgid "Friends & family only"
msgstr "Pas que los amics e la familha"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:887
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:663
msgid "Family only"
msgstr "Familha unicament"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:888
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:664
msgid "Friends only"
msgstr "Amics unicament"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:909
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1248
-msgid "2048 x 1536 pixels"
-msgstr "2048 x 1536 pixèls"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:683
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1309
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:103
+msgid "500 × 375 pixels"
+msgstr "500 × 375 pixèls"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:910
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1249
-msgid "4096 x 3072 pixels"
-msgstr "4096 x 3072 pixèls"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:684
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1310
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:104
+msgid "1024 × 768 pixels"
+msgstr "1024 x 768 pixèls"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:911
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1250
-#: ../src/Dimensions.vala:17
-msgid "Original size"
-msgstr "Talha originala"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:685
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1311
+msgid "2048 × 1536 pixels"
+msgstr "2048 × 1536 pixèls"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:54
-msgid ""
-"You are not currently logged into Picasa Web Albums.\n"
-"Click Login to log into Picasa Web Albums in your Web browser. You will have "
-"to authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Picasa Web Albums account."
-msgstr ""
-"Actualament sètz pas autentificat alprèp de Picasa Albums Web.\n"
-"Clicatz sus « Connexion » per vos connectar a Picasa Albums Web dins vòstre "
-"navigador Internet. Vos caldrà autorizar Shotwell Connect a utilizar vòstre "
-"compte Picasa Albums Web."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:686
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1312
+msgid "4096 × 3072 pixels"
+msgstr "4096 × 3072 pixèls"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:330
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:66
msgid ""
-"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Picasa can't "
+"Shotwell can only publish into albums that it created by itself, so this "
+"list might be empty despite the fact that you already have albums in your "
+"Google Photos account"
msgstr ""
-"Un fichièr necessari a la publicacion es indisponible. La publicacion sus "
-"Picasa pòt pas contunhar."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:96
+msgid "Photo _size preset"
+msgstr "_Talha preestablida de las fòtos"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:117
+msgid "An existing album"
+msgstr "Un album existent"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:132
+msgid "A new album named"
+msgstr "Un album novèl nomenat"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:17
+msgid "Small (640 × 480 pixels)"
+msgstr "Petit (640 × 480 pixèls)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:18
+msgid "Medium (1024 × 768 pixels)"
+msgstr "Mejan (1024 × 768 pixèls)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:19
+msgid "Recommended (1600 × 1200 pixels)"
+msgstr "Recomandat (1600 × 1200 pixèls)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:20
+msgid "Google+ (2048 × 1536 pixels)"
+msgstr "Google+ (2048 × 1536 pixèls)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:21
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:735
+msgid "Original Size"
+msgstr "Talha d'origina"
#. populate any widgets whose contents are programmatically-generated.
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:615
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:59
#, c-format
-msgid "You are logged into Picasa Web Albums as %s."
-msgstr "Sètz connectat sus Picasa Web Albums en tant que %s."
+msgid "You are logged into Google Photos as %s."
+msgstr "Sètz connectat a Google Photos coma %s."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:621
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:64
msgid "Videos will appear in:"
msgstr "Las vidèos apareisseràn dins :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:626
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Photos will appear in:"
-msgstr "Las fòtos apareisseràn dins :"
+#. Activate last known album id. If none was chosen, either use the old default (Shotwell connect)
+#. or the new "Default album" album for Google Photos
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:105
+msgid "Default album"
+msgstr "Album per defaut"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:697
-msgid "Small (640 x 480 pixels)"
-msgstr "Pichon (640 x 480 pixèls)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosService.vala:36
+msgid "Copyright 2019 Jens Georg <>"
+msgstr "Copyright 2019 Jens Georg <>"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:698
-msgid "Medium (1024 x 768 pixels)"
-msgstr "Mejan (1024x 768 pixèls)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:44
+msgid "_URL of your Piwigo photo library"
+msgstr "_URL de vòstra galariá Piwigo"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:699
-msgid "Recommended (1600 x 1200 pixels)"
-msgstr "Recomandat (1600 x 1200 pixèls)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:94
+msgid "User _name"
+msgstr "_Identificant"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:700
-msgid "Google+ (2048 x 1536 pixels)"
-msgstr "Google+ (2048 x 1536 pixèls)"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:133
+msgid "Remember Password"
+msgstr "Se remembrar del senhal"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:701
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:756
-msgid "Original Size"
-msgstr "Talha d'origina"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:36
+msgid "An _existing category"
+msgstr "Una categoria _existenta"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:110
+msgid "A _new album named"
+msgstr "Un album _novèl nomenat"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:142
+msgid "within category"
+msgstr "dins la categoria"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:155
+msgid "Album comment"
+msgstr "Comentari d’album"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:167
+msgid "Photos will be _visible by"
+msgstr "Las fòtos seràn _visiblas per"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:181
+msgid "Photo size"
+msgstr "Talha de la fòto"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:746
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:219
+msgid "_If a title is set and comment unset, use title as comment"
+msgstr ""
+"_Se un títol es entrat e pas lo comentari, utiliza lo títol coma comentari"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:235
+msgid "_Do no upload tags"
+msgstr "_Telecargar pas las balisas"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:255
+msgid "Logout"
+msgstr "Desconnexion"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:268
+#: src/Resources.vala:265 ui/collection.ui:192
+msgid "Publish"
+msgstr "Publicar"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:773
#, c-format
-msgid "Creating album %s..."
-msgstr "Creacion de l'album %s..."
+msgid "Creating album %s…"
+msgstr "Album %s en cors de creacion…"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:917
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:949
msgid "An error message occurred when publishing to Piwigo. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Un messatge d'error es aparegut al moment de la publicacion sus Piwigo. "
"Tornatz ensajar."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:998
+#. %s is the host name that we tried to connect to
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1033
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"This does not look like the real <b>%s</b>. Attackers might be trying to "
+"steal or alter information going to or from this site (for example, private "
+"messages, credit card information, or passwords)."
+msgstr ""
+"Sembla qu'aquò es pas lo vertadièr <b>%s</b>. Se poiriá que d' atacants "
+"ensagen de panar o de modificar d'informacions cap a o en provenéncia "
+"d'aqueste site (per exemple, de messatges privats, d'informacions de carta "
+"de crèdit o de senhals)."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1052
+#, c-format
+msgid "Certificate of %s"
+msgstr "Certificat de %s"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1055
+#: src/Resources.vala:136 ui/multitextentrydialog.ui:40
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:52
+msgid "_OK"
+msgstr "_D'acòrdi"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1086
msgid ""
"Enter the URL of your Piwigo photo library as well as the username and "
"password associated with your Piwigo account for that library."
@@ -548,570 +2220,707 @@ msgstr ""
"Picatz l'URL de vòstra fototèca Piwigo amai vòstres identificant e senhal "
"associats a vòstre compte Piwigo per aquesta fototèca."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:999
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1087
msgid ""
"Shotwell cannot contact your Piwigo photo library. Please verify the URL you "
msgstr ""
"Shotwell pòt pas contactar vòstra fototèca Piwigo. Verificatz l'URL qu'avètz "
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1032
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1119
msgid "Invalid URL"
msgstr "URL invalida"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1235
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1298
msgid "Admins, Family, Friends, Contacts"
msgstr "Administrators, Familha, Amics, Contactes"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1236
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1299
msgid "Admins, Family, Friends"
msgstr "Administrators, amics, familha"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1237
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1300
msgid "Admins, Family"
msgstr "Administrators, familha"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1238
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1301
msgid "Admins"
msgstr "Administrators"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:57
-msgid ""
-"You are not currently logged into YouTube.\n"
-"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use "
-"with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your browser "
-"to log into the YouTube site at least once."
-msgstr ""
-"Actualament, sètz pas connectat a YouTube.\n"
-"Vos cal ja aver un compte Google que l'accès a YouTube n'es estat activat "
-"per contunhar. Podètz activar la màger part dels comptes en vos connectant "
-"al mens un còp al site de YouTube amb l'ajuda d'un navigador."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:362
-msgid ""
-"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Youtube can't "
-msgstr ""
-"Un fichièr necessari a la publicacion es indisponible. La publicacion sus "
-"Youtube pòt pas contunhar."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_ssl_failure_pane.ui:21
+msgid "This connection is not secure"
+msgstr "Aquesta connexion es pas segura"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:461
-#, c-format
-msgid "You are logged into YouTube as %s."
-msgstr "Sètz connectat a YouTube en tant que %s."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_ssl_failure_pane.ui:75
+msgid "Show the certificate…"
+msgstr "Afichar lo certificat…"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:463
-#, c-format
-msgid "Videos will appear in '%s'"
-msgstr "Las vidèos apareisseràn dins « %s »"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_ssl_failure_pane.ui:88
+msgid "I understand, please _proceed."
+msgstr "Compreni e vòli _contunhar."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:495
-msgid "Public listed"
-msgstr "Publicas"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:496
-msgid "Public unlisted"
-msgstr "Pas repertoriadas"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/shotwell-publishing.vala:59
+msgid "Core Publishing Services"
+msgstr "Servicis de publicacion principals"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Publish to an e_xisting album:"
-msgstr "Publicar cap a un album e_xistent :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:44
+msgid "Blogs:"
+msgstr "Blogs :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Create a _new album named:"
-msgstr "Crear un album _novèl sonat :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:35
+msgid "Copyright 2012 BJA Electronics"
+msgstr "Copyright 2012 BJA Electronics"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Videos and new photo albums _visible to:"
-msgstr "Vidèos e novèls albums fòtos _visibles per :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:105
+msgid "1280 × 853 pixels"
+msgstr "1280 × 853 pixèls"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:407
msgid ""
-"_Remove location, camera, and other identifying information before uploading"
+"TumblrPublisher: start( ): can’t start; this publisher is not restartable."
msgstr ""
-"Suprimir l'emplaçament, lo tipe d'aparelh fòto e tanben las autras "
-"informacions d’identificacion abans lo mandadís"
+"TumblrPublisher: start( ): impossible d'aviar ; aquesta publicacion es pas "
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:480
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Enter the confirmation number which appears after you log into Flickr in "
-"your Web browser."
+"You are logged into Tumblr as %s.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Picatz lo numèro de confirmacion qu'apareis dins vòstre navigador Web aprèp "
-"vòstra connexion."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Authorization _Number:"
-msgstr "_Numèro d'autorizacion :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:131
-msgid "Con_tinue"
-msgstr "Con_tunhar"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "An _existing album:"
-msgstr "Un album e_xistent :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "A _new album named:"
-msgstr "Un album _novèl nomenat :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "L_ist album in public gallery"
-msgstr "Far la l_ista de l'album dins la galariá publica"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Photo _size preset:"
-msgstr "_Talha preestablida de las fòtos :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "_URL of your Piwigo photo library"
-msgstr "_URL de vòstra galariá Piwigo"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "User _name"
-msgstr "_Identificant"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "_Remember Password"
-msgstr "_Se remembrar de mon senhal"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "An _existing category:"
-msgstr "Una categoria e_xistenta :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Photos will be _visible by:"
-msgstr "Las fòtos seràn _visiblas dins :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Photo size:"
-msgstr "Talha de la fòto :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "within category:"
-msgstr "demest la categoria :"
+"Sètz connectat a Tumblr coma %s.\n"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Album comment:"
-msgstr "Comentari de l'album :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:41
+msgid "Video privacy _setting:"
+msgstr "Paramètre de confidencialitat de las vidèos :"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "_If a title is set and comment unset, use title as comment"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:236
+msgid ""
+"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to YouTube can’t "
msgstr ""
-"_Se un títol es entrat e pas lo comentari, utiliza lo títol coma comentari"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "_Do no upload tags"
-msgstr "_Telecargar pas las balisas"
+"Un fichièr requesit per la publicacion es indisponible. Impossible de "
+"contunhar la publicacion cap a Youtube."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Logout"
-msgstr "Desconnexion"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:270
-msgid "Publish"
-msgstr "Publicar"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:344
+#, c-format
+msgid "You are logged into YouTube as %s."
+msgstr "Sètz connectat a YouTube en tant que %s."
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/shotwell-publishing.vala:26
-msgid "Core Publishing Services"
-msgstr "Servicis de publicacion principals"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:376
+msgid "Public listed"
+msgstr "Publicas"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-publishing/
-msgid "Video privacy _setting:"
-msgstr "Paramètre de confidencialitat de las vidèos :"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:377
+msgid "Public unlisted"
+msgstr "Pas repertoriadas"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/BlindsEffect.vala:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/BlindsEffect.vala:20
msgid "Blinds"
msgstr "Estòrs"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/ChessEffect.vala:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/ChessEffect.vala:20
msgid "Chess"
msgstr "Damièr"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/CircleEffect.vala:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/CircleEffect.vala:20
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Cercle"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/CirclesEffect.vala:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/CirclesEffect.vala:20
msgid "Circles"
msgstr "Cercles"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/ClockEffect.vala:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/ClockEffect.vala:20
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Relòtge"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/CrumbleEffect.vala:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/CrumbleEffect.vala:20
msgid "Crumble"
msgstr "Dissolucion"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/FadeEffect.vala:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/FadeEffect.vala:20
msgid "Fade"
msgstr "Fondut"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/SlideEffect.vala:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/shotwell-transitions.vala:28
+msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
+msgstr "Transicions de diaporama principalas"
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/shotwell-transitions.vala:76
+msgid ""
+"Copyright 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy "
+msgstr ""
+"Copyright 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy "
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/SlideEffect.vala:20
msgid "Slide"
msgstr "Lisament"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/SquaresEffect.vala:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/SquaresEffect.vala:20
msgid "Squares"
msgstr "Carrats"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/StripesEffect.vala:20
+#: plugins/shotwell-transitions/StripesEffect.vala:20
msgid "Stripes"
msgstr "Bendas"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/shotwell-transitions.vala:28
-msgid "Core Slideshow Transitions"
-msgstr "Transicions de diaporama principalas"
-#: ../plugins/shotwell-transitions/shotwell-transitions.vala:75
-msgid "Copyright 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation"
-msgstr "Copyright 2010 Maxim Kartashev, Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation"
-#: ../misc/
-msgid "Publish your pictures to Picasa"
-msgstr "Publicar vòstras fòtos sus Picasa"
-#: ../misc/
-msgid "Publish your pictures to Facebook"
-msgstr "Publicar vòstras fòtos sus Facebook"
-#: ../misc/
-msgid "Publish your pictures to Flickr"
-msgstr "Publicar vòstras fòtos sus Flickr"
-#: ../src/AppDirs.vala:48 ../src/AppDirs.vala:99
+#: src/AppDirs.vala:64 src/AppDirs.vala:115
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create cache directory %s: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de crear lo repertòri escondedor %s : %s"
-#: ../src/AppDirs.vala:58 ../src/AppDirs.vala:88
+#: src/AppDirs.vala:74 src/AppDirs.vala:104
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create data directory %s: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de crear lo dorsièr de donadas %s : %s"
#. If XDG yarfed, use ~/Pictures
-#: ../src/AppDirs.vala:152
+#: src/AppDirs.vala:168
msgid "Pictures"
msgstr "Fòtos"
-#: ../src/AppDirs.vala:190
+#: src/AppDirs.vala:206
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create temporary directory %s: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de crear lo dorsièr temporari %s : %s"
-#: ../src/AppDirs.vala:207 ../src/AppDirs.vala:223
+#: src/AppDirs.vala:223 src/AppDirs.vala:254
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create data subdirectory %s: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de crear lo sosdorsièr de donadas %s : %s"
-#. restore pin state
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:52
+#: src/AppDirs.vala:236
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not make directory %s writable"
+msgstr "Impossible de rendre lo dorsièr %s accessible en escritura"
+#: src/AppDirs.vala:239
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not make directory %s writable: %s"
+msgstr "Impossible de rendre lo dorsièr %s accessible en escritura : %s"
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:47
msgid "Pin Toolbar"
msgstr "Fixar la barra d'aisinas"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:53
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:48
msgid "Pin the toolbar open"
msgstr "Fixar la barra d'aisinas visibla"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:57 ../src/AppWindow.vala:135
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:53
msgid "Leave fullscreen"
msgstr "Quitar l'ecran complet"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:134
-msgid "Leave _Fullscreen"
-msgstr "Quitar lo mòde _ecran complet"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:496
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "_Quitar"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:501
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "_A prepaus"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:506
-msgid "Fulls_creen"
-msgstr "Ecran com_plet"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:511
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "_Ensenhador"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:516
-msgid "_Frequently Asked Questions"
-msgstr "_Fèira de las questions"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:521
-msgid "_Report a Problem..."
-msgstr "_Senhalar un bug..."
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:620 ../src/AppWindow.vala:641
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:658 ../src/Dialogs.vala:20 ../src/Dialogs.vala:28
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1361 ../src/Dialogs.vala:1384
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:399
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:561
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:532 src/AppWindow.vala:553 src/AppWindow.vala:570
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:302
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:420 src/Dialogs.vala:20
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:28 src/Dialogs.vala:58 src/Dialogs.vala:766
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:789 src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:305
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:529 src/Resources.vala:127
+#: ui/multitextentrydialog.ui:25 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:38
+#: ui/textentrydialog.ui:19
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "_Anullar"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:668
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:580
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"A fatal error occurred when accessing Shotwell's library. Shotwell cannot "
+"A fatal error occurred when accessing Shotwell’s library. Shotwell cannot "
msgstr ""
-"Una error fatala s'es producha al moment de l'accès a la fototèca de "
+"Una error fatala s'es produita al moment de l’accès a la fototèca de "
"Shotwell. Shotwell pòt pas contunhar.\n"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:700
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:601
+msgid "Visit the Shotwell web site"
+msgstr "Visitar lo site Web del projècte Shotwell"
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:614
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to display help: %s"
msgstr "Impossible d'afichar l'ajuda : %s"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:708
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:622
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to navigate to bug database: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de navigar dins la banca dels bugs : %s"
-#: ../src/AppWindow.vala:716
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:630
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to display FAQ: %s"
msgstr "Impossible d'afichar la FAQ : %s"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:26
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:26
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Succès"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:29
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:29
msgid "File error"
msgstr "Error de fichièr"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:32
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:32
msgid "Unable to decode file"
msgstr "Impossible de desencodar lo fichièr"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:35
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:35
msgid "Database error"
msgstr "Error de la banca de donadas"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:38
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:38
msgid "User aborted import"
msgstr "L'utilizaire a interromput l'importacion"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:41
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:41
msgid "Not a file"
msgstr "Es pas un fichièr"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:44
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:44
msgid "File already exists in database"
msgstr "Lo fichièr existís ja dins la banca de donadas"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:47
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:47
msgid "Unsupported file format"
msgstr "Format de fichièr pas pres en carga"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:50
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:50
msgid "Not an image file"
msgstr "Es pas un fichièr imatge"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:53
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:53
msgid "Disk failure"
msgstr "Defalhença del disc"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:56
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:56
msgid "Disk full"
msgstr "Disc plen"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:59
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:59
msgid "Camera error"
msgstr "Error de l'aparelh de fòto"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:62
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:62
msgid "File write error"
msgstr "Error d'escritura de fichièr"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:65
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:65
msgid "Corrupt image file"
msgstr "Fichièr imatge corromput"
-#: ../src/BatchImport.vala:68
+#: src/BatchImport.vala:68
#, c-format
msgid "Imported failed (%d)"
msgstr "Fracàs de l'importacion (%d)"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:230 ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2627
+#: src/camera/CameraBranch.vala:85
+msgid "Cameras"
+msgstr "Aparelhs de fòto"
+#: src/camera/CameraBranch.vala:85
+msgid "List of all discovered camera devices"
+msgstr "Lista de totes los aparelhs de fòtos trobats"
+#: src/camera/CameraBranch.vala:99 src/camera/ImportPage.vala:711
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:727 src/photos/RawSupport.vala:311
+#: ui/collection.ui:90 ui/event.ui:361 ui/event.ui:529 ui/faces.ui:361
+#: ui/media.ui:361 ui/photo_context.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:352 ui/tags.ui:361
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Aparelh de fòto"
+#. Translators: First %s is the name of camera as gotten from GPhoto, second is the GVolume name, e.g. Mass storage camera (510MB volume)
+#: src/camera/CameraTable.vala:256
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (%s)"
+msgstr "%s (%s)"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:307 src/Properties.vala:234
+msgid "RAW+JPEG"
+msgstr "RAW+JPEG"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:466
+msgid ""
+"Unable to unmount camera. Try unmounting the camera from the file manager."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de desmontar l’aparelh de fòto. Ensajatz de desmontar l’aparelh "
+"fòto a partir del gestionari de fichièrs."
+#. hide duplicates checkbox
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:776
+msgid "Hide photos already imported"
+msgstr "Amagar las fòtos ja importadas"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:777
+msgid "Only display photos that have not been imported"
+msgstr "Far veire solament las fòtos que son pas estadas importadas"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:816 ui/import.ui:13 ui/import.ui:210
+msgid "Import _Selected"
+msgstr "Importar la _seleccion"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:826 ui/import.ui:17 ui/import.ui:214
+msgid "Import _All"
+msgstr "Importar _tot"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:850
+msgid "The camera seems to be empty. No photos/videos found to import"
+msgstr ""
+"Sembla que l’aparelh de fòto es void. Cap de fòto o vidèo pas trobada per "
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:854
+msgid "No new photos/videos found on camera"
+msgstr "Cap de fòto o vidèo pas trobada sus l’aparelh"
+#. it's mounted, offer to unmount for the user
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1025
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell needs to unmount the camera from the filesystem in order to access "
+"it. Continue?"
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell deu desmontar l’aparelh de fòto del sistèma de fichièrs per i poder "
+"accedir. Contunhar ?"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1031
+msgid "_Unmount"
+msgstr "_Desmontar"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1036
+msgid "Please unmount the camera."
+msgstr "Demontatz l'aparelh de fòto."
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1041
+msgid ""
+"The camera is locked by another application. Shotwell can only access the "
+"camera when it’s unlocked. Please close any other application using the "
+"camera and try again."
+msgstr ""
+"L’aparelh de fòto es verrolhat per una autra aplicacion. Shotwell pòt pas "
+"accedir a l’aparelh de fòto que quand es desverrolhat. Tampatz tota autra "
+"aplicacion qu'utiliza l’aparelh de fòto puèi reensajatz."
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1051
+msgid "Please close any other application using the camera."
+msgstr "Tampatz totas las autras aplicacions qu'utilizan l'aparelh fòto."
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1056
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to fetch previews from the camera:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de recuperar los apercebuts dempuèi l'aparelh fòto :\n"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1073
+msgid "Unmounting…"
+msgstr "Desmontatge…"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1166
+msgid "Connecting to camera, please wait…"
+msgstr "Connexion a l’aparelh de fòto, esperatz…"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1198
+msgid "Starting import, please wait…"
+msgstr "Aviada de l’importacion, pacientatz…"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1204
+msgid "Fetching photo information"
+msgstr "Recuperacion de las informacions sus las fòtos"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1563
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fetching preview for %s"
+msgstr "Recuperacion de l'apercebut de %s"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1671
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to lock camera: %s"
+msgstr "Impossible de verrolhar l'aparelh de fòto : %s"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1756
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delete this photo from camera?"
+msgid_plural "Delete these %d photos from camera?"
+msgstr[0] "Suprimir aquesta fòto de l'aparelh fòto ?"
+msgstr[1] "Suprimir aquestas %d fòtos de l'aparelh fòto ?"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1759
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delete this video from camera?"
+msgid_plural "Delete these %d videos from camera?"
+msgstr[0] "Suprimir aquesta vidèo de l'aparelh fòto ?"
+msgstr[1] "Suprimir aquestas %d vidèos de l'aparelh fòto ?"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1762
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delete this photo/video from camera?"
+msgid_plural "Delete these %d photos/videos from camera?"
+msgstr[0] "Suprimir aquesta fòto/vidèo de l'aparelh de fòto ?"
+msgstr[1] "Suprimir aquestas %d fòtos/vidèos de l'aparelh de fòto ?"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1765
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delete these files from camera?"
+msgid_plural "Delete these %d files from camera?"
+msgstr[0] "Suprimir aquestes fichièrs de l'aparelh ?"
+msgstr[1] "Suprimir aquestes %d fichièrs de l'aparelh ?"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1773 src/Dialogs.vala:733
+msgid "_Keep"
+msgstr "_Gardar"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1792
+msgid "Removing photos/videos from camera"
+msgstr "Supression de las fòtos/vidèos de l'aparelh de fòto"
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1796
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to delete %d photo/video from the camera due to errors."
+msgid_plural "Unable to delete %d photos/videos from the camera due to errors."
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Impossible de suprimir %d fòto/vidèo de l'aparelh fòto a causa d'errors."
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Impossible de suprimir %d fòtos/vidèos de l'aparelh fòto a causa d'errors."
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:80 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:85
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:2487 src/Resources.vala:140
+msgid "_Print"
+msgstr "_Imprimir"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:83 src/Resources.vala:293 ui/collection.ui:128
+#: ui/direct_context.ui:23 ui/direct.ui:23 ui/event.ui:567 ui/photo.ui:28
+msgid "Send _To…"
+msgstr "Man_dar a…"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:84 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:90
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:2497 src/Resources.vala:190
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Definir coma rèireplan del _burèu"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:92 src/Resources.vala:256
+msgid "_Duplicate"
+msgstr "_Duplicar"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:100
+msgid "Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Ecran complet"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:102 ui/photo.ui:180
msgid "S_lideshow"
msgstr "Diapora_ma"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:231 ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2628
-msgid "Play a slideshow"
-msgstr "Avia un diaporama"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:110 src/Resources.vala:109 ui/direct.ui:111
+#: ui/photo.ui:200
+msgid "Rotate _Right"
+msgstr "Pivotar cap a _drecha"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:456
-msgid "Export Photo/Video"
-msgstr "Exportar la fòto/vidèo"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:113 src/Resources.vala:114 ui/direct.ui:116
+#: ui/photo.ui:205
+msgid "Rotate _Left"
+msgstr "Pivotar cap a es_quèrra"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:456
-msgid "Export Photos/Videos"
-msgstr "Exportar las fòtos/vidèos"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:116 src/Resources.vala:119 ui/direct.ui:121
+#: ui/photo.ui:210
+msgid "Flip Hori_zontally"
+msgstr "Miralh _orizontal"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:458 ../src/Dialogs.vala:58
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:3200
-msgid "Export Photo"
-msgstr "Exportar la fòto"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:117 src/Resources.vala:122 ui/direct.ui:125
+#: ui/photo.ui:214
+msgid "Flip Verti_cally"
+msgstr "Miralh _vertical"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:458 ../src/Dialogs.vala:87
-msgid "Export Photos"
-msgstr "Exportar las fòtos"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:119 src/Resources.vala:156 ui/collection.ui:8
+#: ui/direct_context.ui:7 ui/direct.ui:134 ui/event.ui:447
+#: ui/photo_context.ui:6 ui/photo.ui:223
+msgid "_Enhance"
+msgstr "_Melhorar"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:120 src/Resources.vala:184 ui/collection.ui:13
+#: ui/direct_context.ui:12 ui/direct.ui:161 ui/event.ui:452
+#: ui/photo_context.ui:11 ui/photo.ui:250
+msgid "Re_vert to Original"
+msgstr "Tornar a l'ori_ginal"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:545 ../src/CollectionPage.vala:561
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:122 src/Resources.vala:160 ui/photo.ui:256
+msgid "_Copy Color Adjustments"
+msgstr "_Copiar los reglatges de color"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:125 src/Resources.vala:164 ui/photo.ui:261
+msgid "_Paste Color Adjustments"
+msgstr "_Pegar los reglatges de color"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:135
+msgid "Adjust Date and Time…"
+msgstr "Ajustar la data e l’ora…"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:143 src/Resources.vala:289 ui/collection.ui:108
+#: ui/event.ui:547 ui/photo_context.ui:115 ui/photo.ui:361
+msgid "Open With E_xternal Editor"
+msgstr "Dobrir amb un editor e_xtèrne"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:146 src/Resources.vala:291 ui/collection.ui:113
+#: ui/event.ui:552 ui/photo_context.ui:120 ui/photo.ui:366
+msgid "Open With RA_W Editor"
+msgstr "Dobrir amb l'editor RA_W"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:149 src/Resources.vala:137
+msgid "_Play"
+msgstr "_Legir"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:410
+msgid "Export Photo/Video"
+msgid_plural "Export Photos/Videos"
+msgstr[0] "Exportar la fòto/vidèo"
+msgstr[1] "Exportar la fòto/vidèo"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:412 src/Dialogs.vala:74 src/PhotoPage.vala:3021
+msgid "Export Photo"
+msgid_plural "Export Photos"
+msgstr[0] "Exportar la fòto"
+msgstr[1] "Exportar la fòto"
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:499 src/CollectionPage.vala:515
msgid "Rotating"
msgstr "Rotacion"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:545 ../src/CollectionPage.vala:561
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:499 src/CollectionPage.vala:515
msgid "Undoing Rotate"
msgstr "Anullar la rotacion"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:570
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:524
msgid "Flipping Horizontally"
msgstr "Miralh orizontal"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:571
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:525
msgid "Undoing Flip Horizontally"
msgstr "Anullar lo miralh orizontal"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:580
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:534
msgid "Flipping Vertically"
msgstr "Miralh vertical"
-#: ../src/CollectionPage.vala:581
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:535
msgid "Undoing Flip Vertically"
msgstr "Anullar lo miralh vertical"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:733
+#: src/Commands.vala:737
msgid "Reverting"
msgstr "Restabliment"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:733
+#: src/Commands.vala:737
msgid "Undoing Revert"
msgstr "Anullar lo restabliment"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:777
+#: src/Commands.vala:781
msgid "Enhancing"
msgstr "Melhorament"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:777
+#: src/Commands.vala:781
msgid "Undoing Enhance"
msgstr "Anullar lo melhorament"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:845
+#: src/Commands.vala:857
msgid "Applying Color Transformations"
msgstr "Aplicacion de las transformacions de color"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:845
+#: src/Commands.vala:857
msgid "Undoing Color Transformations"
msgstr "Anullacion de las transformacions de color"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:995
+#: src/Commands.vala:1006
msgid "Creating New Event"
msgstr "Creacion d'un eveniment novèl"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:996
+#: src/Commands.vala:1007
msgid "Removing Event"
msgstr "Suprimir l'eveniment"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1005
+#: src/Commands.vala:1016
msgid "Moving Photos to New Event"
msgstr "Desplaçar las fòtos cap a l'eveniment novèl"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1006
+#: src/Commands.vala:1017
msgid "Setting Photos to Previous Event"
msgstr "Desplaçar las fòtos cap a l'eveniment precedent"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1063
+#: src/Commands.vala:1074
msgid "Merging"
msgstr "Fusion en cors"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1064
+#: src/Commands.vala:1075
msgid "Unmerging"
msgstr "Anullar la fusion"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1073
+#: src/Commands.vala:1084
msgid "Duplicating photos"
msgstr "Duplicacion de fòtos"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1073
+#: src/Commands.vala:1084
msgid "Removing duplicated photos"
msgstr "Supression de las fòtos duplicadas"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1096
+#: src/Commands.vala:1107
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to duplicate one photo due to a file error"
msgid_plural "Unable to duplicate %d photos due to file errors"
msgstr[0] "Impossible de duplicar una fòto a causa d'una error de fichièr"
msgstr[1] "Impossible de duplicar %d fòtos a causa d'errors de fichièr"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1183
+#: src/Commands.vala:1194
msgid "Restoring previous rating"
msgstr "Restablir la nòta precedenta"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1193 ../src/Commands.vala:1194
+#: src/Commands.vala:1204 src/Commands.vala:1205
msgid "Increasing ratings"
msgstr "Melhorament de las nòtas"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1193 ../src/Commands.vala:1194
+#: src/Commands.vala:1204 src/Commands.vala:1205
msgid "Decreasing ratings"
msgstr "Demesiment de las nòtas"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1244
+#: src/Commands.vala:1255
msgid "Setting RAW developer"
msgstr "Configurar lo revelador RAW"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1244
+#: src/Commands.vala:1255
msgid "Restoring previous RAW developer"
msgstr "Restablir lo revelador RAW precedent"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1245
+#: src/Commands.vala:1256
msgid "Set Developer"
msgstr "Definir lo desvolopaire"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1335
+#: src/Commands.vala:1346
msgid "Original photo could not be adjusted."
msgstr "La fòto originala a pas pogut èsser ajustada."
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1356
+#: src/Commands.vala:1367
msgid "Adjusting Date and Time"
msgstr "Ajustament de la data e de l'ora"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1356
+#: src/Commands.vala:1367
msgid "Undoing Date and Time Adjustment"
msgstr "Anullar l'ajustament de la data e de l'ora"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1387
+#: src/Commands.vala:1398
msgid "One original photo could not be adjusted."
msgid_plural "The following original photos could not be adjusted."
msgstr[0] "Una fòto originala a pas pogut èsser ajustada."
msgstr[1] "Las fòtos originalas seguentas an pas pogut èsser ajustadas."
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1389 ../src/Commands.vala:1413
+#: src/Commands.vala:1400 src/Commands.vala:1424
msgid "Time Adjustment Error"
msgstr "Error de l'ajustament de la data"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1411
+#: src/Commands.vala:1422
msgid "Time adjustments could not be undone on the following photo file."
msgid_plural ""
"Time adjustments could not be undone on the following photo files."
@@ -1121,101 +2930,198 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"L'ajustament de l'ora a pas pogut èsser anullat suls fichièrs de fòto "
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1625 ../src/Commands.vala:1648
+#: src/Commands.vala:1636 src/Commands.vala:1659
msgid "Create Tag"
msgstr "Crear una etiqueta"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:1683
+#: src/Commands.vala:1694
#, c-format
-msgid "Move Tag \"%s\""
-msgstr "Desplaçar l'etiqueta « %s »"
+msgid "Move Tag “%s”"
+msgstr "Desplaçar l’etiqueta « %s »"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2335
+#: src/Commands.vala:2346
msgid "Move Photos to Trash"
msgstr "Metre las fòtos dins l'escobilhièr"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2335
+#: src/Commands.vala:2346
msgid "Restore Photos from Trash"
msgstr "Restablir las fòtos de l'escobilhièr"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2336
+#: src/Commands.vala:2347
msgid "Move the photos to the Shotwell trash"
msgstr "Desplaçar las fòtos dins l'escobilhièr de Shotwell"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2336
+#: src/Commands.vala:2347
msgid "Restore the photos back to the Shotwell library"
msgstr "Restablir las fòtos dins la fototèca de Shotwell"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2355
+#: src/Commands.vala:2366
msgid "Moving Photos to Trash"
msgstr "Desplaçament de las fòtos dins l'escobilhièr"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2355
+#: src/Commands.vala:2366
msgid "Restoring Photos From Trash"
msgstr "Restabliment de las fòtos de l'escobilhièr"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2441
+#: src/Commands.vala:2452
msgid "Flag selected photos"
msgstr "Marcar las fòtos seleccionadas"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2442
+#: src/Commands.vala:2453
msgid "Unflag selected photos"
msgstr "Levar la marca de las fòtos seleccionadas"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2443
+#: src/Commands.vala:2454
msgid "Flagging selected photos"
msgstr "Marcatge de las fòtos seleccionadas"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2444
+#: src/Commands.vala:2455
msgid "Unflagging selected photos"
msgstr "Suprimir lo marcatge de las fòtos seleccionadas"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2451
+#: src/Commands.vala:2462
msgid "Flag"
msgstr "Marcar"
-#: ../src/Commands.vala:2451
+#: src/Commands.vala:2462
msgid "Unflag"
msgstr "Levar la marca"
-#: ../src/DesktopIntegration.vala:118
+#. Send an empty job to the queue to mark the end of the import
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:65
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:78
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Database"
+msgstr "Banca de donadas %s"
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:148
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:294
+#, c-format
+msgid "Importing from %s can’t continue because an error occurred:"
+msgstr ""
+"L’importacion a partir de %s pòt pas contunhar perque una error s'es "
+"produita :"
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:151
+msgid "To try importing from another service, select one from the above menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Per temptar d'importar a partir d'un autre servici, fasètz vòstra causida "
+"dins lo menú çaisús."
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:10
+msgid ""
+"You do not have any data imports plugins enabled.\n"
+"In order to use the Import From Application functionality, you need to have "
+"at least one data imports plugin enabled. Plugins can be enabled in the "
+"Preferences dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Cap d'empeuton d'importacion de donadas es pas activat.\n"
+"Per poder utilizar l'importacion a partir d'una aplicacion, al mens un "
+"empeuton deu èsser disponible. Pòdon èsser activats dins la fenèstra de las "
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:100
+msgid "Database file:"
+msgstr "Fichièr de banca de donadas :"
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:112 src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:785
+msgid "_Import"
+msgstr "_Importar"
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:219
+msgid "Import From Application"
+msgstr "Importar a partir d'una aplicacion"
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:220
+msgid "Import media _from:"
+msgstr "Importar de contengut a _partir de :"
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:415 src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:524
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Tampar"
+#: src/data_imports/DataImports.vala:22
+msgid "Data Imports"
+msgstr "Importacions de donadas"
+#: src/db/DatabaseTable.vala:37
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to open/create photo database %s: error code %d"
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de dobrir o crear la banca de donadas de fòtos %s : còde d'error "
+#: src/db/DatabaseTable.vala:46
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to write to photo database file:\n"
+" %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible d'escriure dins lo fichièr de banca de donadas de fòtos :\n"
+" %s"
+#: src/db/DatabaseTable.vala:48
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error accessing database file:\n"
+" %s\n"
+"Error was: \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Error d'accès al fichièr de banca de donadas :\n"
+" %s\n"
+"L'error es : \n"
+#: src/db/DatabaseTable.vala:92
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to restore photo database %s"
+msgstr "Impossible de restablir la basa de donadas de fòtos %s"
+#: src/DesktopIntegration.vala:121
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to launch Nautilus Send-To: %s"
msgstr "Impossible d'aviar Nautilus Send-To : %s"
-#: ../src/DesktopIntegration.vala:126
+#: src/DesktopIntegration.vala:129
msgid "Send To"
msgstr "Mandar a"
-#: ../src/DesktopIntegration.vala:171
+#: src/DesktopIntegration.vala:174
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to export background to %s: %s"
msgstr "Impossible d'exportar lo fons d'ecran cap a %s : %s"
-#: ../src/DesktopIntegration.vala:299
+#: src/DesktopIntegration.vala:311
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to prepare desktop slideshow: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de preparar lo diaporama d'ecran : %s"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:16
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:16
#, c-format
-msgid "This will remove the tag \"%s\" from one photo. Continue?"
-msgid_plural "This will remove the tag \"%s\" from %d photos. Continue?"
-msgstr[0] "Aquò levarà l'etiqueta « %s » d'una fòto. Contunhar ?"
-msgstr[1] "Aquò levarà l'etiqueta « %s » de %d fòtos. Contunhar ?"
+msgid "This will remove the tag “%s” from one photo. Continue?"
+msgid_plural "This will remove the tag “%s” from %d photos. Continue?"
+msgstr[0] "Aquò levarà l’etiqueta « %s » d’una photo. Contunhar ?"
+msgstr[1] "Aquò levarà l'etiqueta « %s » de %d fòtos. Contunhar ?"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:20 ../src/Dialogs.vala:28 ../src/Dialogs.vala:1329
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:330 ../src/Resources.vala:378
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:643
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:20 src/Dialogs.vala:28 src/Dialogs.vala:58
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:734 src/Resources.vala:128 src/Resources.vala:309
+#: src/Resources.vala:340 src/Resources.vala:393 src/Resources.vala:761
+#: ui/savedsearch.ui:14 ui/tags.ui:460 ui/trash.ui:63 ui/trash.ui:216
+#: ui/trash.ui:258
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Suprimir"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:25
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:25
#, c-format
-msgid "This will remove the saved search \"%s\". Continue?"
-msgstr "Aquò suprimirà la recèrca enregistrada « %s ». Contunhar ?"
+msgid "This will remove the saved search “%s”. Continue?"
+msgstr "Aquò levarà la recèrca enregistrada « %s ». Contunhar ?"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:35
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:36
msgid ""
"Switching developers will undo all changes you have made to this photo in "
@@ -1229,29 +3135,40 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"Cambiar de revelador vos farà pèrdre totas las modificacions aportadas a "
"aquestas fòtos dins Shotwell"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:39
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:40
msgid "_Switch Developer"
msgstr "_Cambiar de revelador"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:58
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:54
+#, c-format
+msgid "This will remove the face “%s” from one photo. Continue?"
+msgid_plural "This will remove the face “%s” from %d photos. Continue?"
+msgstr[0] "Aquò levarà lo cara « %s » d’una photo. Contunhar ?"
+msgstr[1] "Aquò levarà l'etiqueta « %s » de %d fòtos. Contunhar ?"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:74
msgid "Export Video"
msgstr "Exportar la vidèo"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:99
+msgid "Export Photos"
+msgstr "Exportar las fòtos"
#. Ticket #3023
#. Attempt to replace the system error with something friendlier
#. if we can't copy an image over for editing in an external tool.
#. Did we fail because we can't write to this directory?
#. Yes - display an alternate error message here.
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:115
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:127
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Shotwell couldn't create a file for editing this photo because you do not "
+"Shotwell couldn’t create a file for editing this photo because you do not "
"have permission to write to %s."
msgstr ""
-"Shotwell a pas pogut crear cap de fichier per modificar aquesta fòto perque "
-"avètz pas las permissions d'escritura dins %s."
+"Shotwell a pas pogut crear un fichièr per modificar aquesta fòto perque "
+"avètz pas las permissions d’escritura dins %s."
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:124
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:136
msgid ""
"Unable to export the following photo due to a file error.\n"
@@ -1259,7 +3176,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Impossible d'exportar la fòto seguenta a causa d'una error de fichièr.\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:130
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:142
msgid ""
@@ -1269,63 +3186,35 @@ msgstr ""
"Volètz contunhar l'exportacion ?"
-#. "Unmodified" and "Current," though they appear in the "Format:" popup menu, really
-#. aren't formats so much as they are operating modes that determine specific formats.
-#. Hereafter we'll refer to these as "special formats."
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:147
-msgid "Unmodified"
-msgstr "Pas modificat"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:148
-msgid "Current"
-msgstr "Actual"
-#. layout controls
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:212
-msgid "_Format:"
-msgstr "_Format :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:215
-msgid "_Quality:"
-msgstr "_Qualitat :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:218
-msgid "_Scaling constraint:"
-msgstr "_Contrencha d'escala :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:221
-msgid " _pixels"
-msgstr " _pixèls"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:229
-msgid "Export metadata"
-msgstr "Exportar las metadonadas"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:143
+msgid "Con_tinue"
+msgstr "Con_tunhar"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:465
-msgid "Save Details..."
-msgstr "Salvar los detalhs..."
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:153
+msgid "Save Details…"
+msgstr "Enregistrar los detalhs…"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:466
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:154
msgid "Save Details"
msgstr "Enregistrar los detalhs"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:481
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:169
#, c-format
msgid "(and %d more)\n"
msgstr "(e %d mai)\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:534
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:222
msgid "Import Results Report"
msgstr "Importar los resultats del rapòrt"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:538
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:226
#, c-format
msgid "Attempted to import %d file."
msgid_plural "Attempted to import %d files."
msgstr[0] "Temptativa d'impòrt de %d fichièr."
msgstr[1] "Temptativa d'impòrt de %d fichièrs."
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:541
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:229
#, c-format
msgid "Of these, %d file was successfully imported."
msgid_plural "Of these, %d files were successfully imported."
@@ -1336,102 +3225,104 @@ msgstr[1] ""
#. Duplicates
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:553
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:241
msgid "Duplicate Photos/Videos Not Imported:"
-msgstr "Duplicar las fòtos/vidèos pas importadas :"
+msgstr "Duplicar las fòtos/vidèos pas importadas :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:557
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:245
msgid "duplicates existing media item"
-msgstr "Duplica los elements existents"
+msgstr "duplica los elements existents"
#. Files Not Imported Due to Camera Errors
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:568
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:256
msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported Due to Camera Errors:"
msgstr ""
"L'importacion de fòtos/vidèos a fracassat a causa d'una error de l'aparelh "
"de fòto :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:571 ../src/Dialogs.vala:586 ../src/Dialogs.vala:601
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:617 ../src/Dialogs.vala:632 ../src/Dialogs.vala:646
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:259 src/Dialogs.vala:274 src/Dialogs.vala:289
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:305 src/Dialogs.vala:320 src/Dialogs.vala:334
msgid "error message:"
-msgstr "Messatge d'error :"
+msgstr "messatge d'error :"
#. Files Not Imported Because They Weren't Recognized as Photos or Videos
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:582
-msgid "Files Not Imported Because They Weren't Recognized as Photos or Videos:"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:270
+msgid "Files Not Imported Because They Weren’t Recognized as Photos or Videos:"
msgstr ""
-"L'importacion dels fichièrs a fracassat perque èran pas reconeguts en tant "
-"que fòtos o vidèos :"
+"Fichièrs non importats perque son pas estats reconeguts en tant que fòtos o "
+"vidèos :"
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren't in a Format Shotwell Understands
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:597
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:285
msgid ""
-"Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren't in a Format Shotwell "
+"Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren’t in a Format Shotwell "
msgstr ""
-"Fòtos/Vidèos pas importadas perque son pas dins un format comprés per "
+"Fòtos/vidèos non importadas perque èran pas dins un format reconegut per "
"Shotwell :"
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn't Copy Them into its Library
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:612
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:300
msgid ""
-"Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn't Copy Them into its "
+"Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn’t Copy Them into its "
msgstr ""
-"Fòtos/Vidèos pas importadas perque Shotwell los a pas pogut copiar dins sa "
-"fototèca :"
+"Fòtos/vidèos non importadas perque Shotwell a pas pogut las copiar dins sa "
+"bibliotèca :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:616
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:304
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"couldn't copy %s\n"
+"couldn’t copy %s\n"
"\tto %s"
-msgstr "pòt pas copiar %s⏎ » cap a %s"
+msgstr ""
+"impossible de copiar %s\n"
+"\tvers %s"
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported Because GDK Pixbuf Library Identified them as Corrupt
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:628
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:316
msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Files Are Corrupt:"
msgstr "Fòtos/vidèos pas importadas perque los fichièrs son corromputs :"
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported for Other Reasons
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:643
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:331
msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported for Other Reasons:"
-msgstr "L'importacion de las fòtos/vidèos a fracassat per d'autras rasons :"
+msgstr "L'importacion de las fòtos/vidèos a fracassat per d'autras rasons :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:663
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:351
#, c-format
msgid "1 duplicate photo was not imported:\n"
msgid_plural "%d duplicate photos were not imported:\n"
msgstr[0] "1 fòto duplicada pas importada :\n"
msgstr[1] "%d fòtos duplicadas pas importadas :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:666
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:354
#, c-format
msgid "1 duplicate video was not imported:\n"
msgid_plural "%d duplicate videos were not imported:\n"
msgstr[0] "1 vidèo duplicada pas importada :\n"
msgstr[1] "%d vidèos duplicadas pas importadas :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:669
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:357
#, c-format
msgid "1 duplicate photo/video was not imported:\n"
msgid_plural "%d duplicate photos/videos were not imported:\n"
msgstr[0] "1 fòto/vidèo duplicada pas importada :\n"
msgstr[1] "%d fòtos/vidèos duplicadas pas importadas :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:683
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:371
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
@@ -1442,7 +3333,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"L'importacion de %d fòtos a fracassat a causa d'una error de fichièr o "
"materiala :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:686
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:374
#, c-format
msgid "1 video failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
@@ -1453,7 +3344,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"L'importacion de %d vidèos a fracassat a causa d'una error de fichièr o "
"materiala :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:689
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:377
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural ""
@@ -1465,7 +3356,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"L'importacion de %d fòtos/vidèos a fracassat a causa d'una error de fichièr "
"o materiala :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:692
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:380
#, c-format
msgid "1 file failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d files failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
@@ -1476,7 +3367,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"%d fichièrs an pas pogut èsser importats a causa d'una error de fichièr o "
"materiala :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:706
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:394
#, c-format
msgid ""
"1 photo failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
@@ -1490,7 +3381,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"%d fòtos an pas pogut èsser importadas a causa d'una error de fichièr o "
"materiala :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:709
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:397
#, c-format
msgid ""
"1 video failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
@@ -1504,7 +3395,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"%d vidèos an pas pogut èsser importadas a causa d'una error de fichièr o "
"materiala :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:712
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:400
#, c-format
msgid ""
"1 photo/video failed to import because the photo library folder was not "
@@ -1519,7 +3410,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"%d fòtos/vidèos an pas pogut èsser importadas a causa d'una error de fichièr "
"o materiala :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:715
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:403
#, c-format
msgid ""
"1 file failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
@@ -1533,40 +3424,40 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"%d fichièrs an pas pogut èsser importats perque lo dorsièr de la fototèca es "
"pas accessible en escritura :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:729
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:417
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgstr[0] ""
"L'importacion d'una fòto a fracassat a causa d'una error de l'aparelh de "
-"fòto :\n"
+"fòto :\n"
msgstr[1] ""
"L'importacion de %d fòtos a fracassat a causa d'una error de l'aparelh de "
-"fòto :\n"
+"fòto :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:732
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:420
#, c-format
msgid "1 video failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgstr[0] ""
"L'importacion d'una vidèo a fracassat a causa d'una error de l'aparelh de "
-"fòto :\n"
+"fòto :\n"
msgstr[1] ""
"L'importacion de %d vidèos a fracassat a causa d'una error de l'aparelh de "
-"fòto :\n"
+"fòto :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:735
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:423
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgstr[0] ""
"L'importacion d'una fòto/vidèo a fracassat a causa d'una error de l'aparelh "
-"de fòto :\n"
+"de fòto :\n"
msgstr[1] ""
"L'importacion de %d fòtos/vidèos a fracassat a causa d'una error de "
-"l'aparelh de fòto :\n"
+"l'aparelh de fòto :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:738
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:426
#, c-format
msgid "1 file failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d files failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
@@ -1575,21 +3466,21 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
"%d fichièrs an pas pogut èsser importats a causa d'una error d'aparelh :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:752
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:440
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n"
msgstr[0] "1 fòto a pas pogut èsser importada perque èra corrompuda :\n"
msgstr[1] "%d fòtos an pas pogut èsser importadas perque èran corrompudas :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:755
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:443
#, c-format
msgid "1 video failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n"
msgstr[0] "1 vidèo a pas pogut èsser importada perque èra corrompuda :\n"
msgstr[1] "%d vidèos an pas pogut èsser importadas perque èran corrompudas :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:758
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:446
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n"
@@ -1597,7 +3488,7 @@ msgstr[0] "1 fòto/vidèo a pas pogut èsser importada perque èra corrompuda :
msgstr[1] ""
"%d fòtos/vidèos an pas pogut èsser importadas perque èran corrompudas :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:761
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:449
#, c-format
msgid "1 file failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d files failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
@@ -1608,7 +3499,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d fichièrs an pas pogut èsser importats perque èran corromputs :
#. standard container formats are supported, it's just that the streams in them
#. might or might not be interpretable), so this message does not need to be
#. media specific
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:778
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:466
#, c-format
msgid "1 unsupported photo skipped:\n"
msgid_plural "%d unsupported photos skipped:\n"
@@ -1617,28 +3508,28 @@ msgstr[1] "%d fòtos pas presas en carga son estadas omesas :\n"
#. we have no notion of "non-video" video files right now in Shotwell, so this
#. message doesn't need to be media specific
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:793
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:481
#, c-format
msgid "1 non-image file skipped.\n"
msgid_plural "%d non-image files skipped.\n"
msgstr[0] "1 fichièr non-imatge omés.\n"
msgstr[1] "%d fichièrs non-imatge omeses.\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:804
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:492
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgstr[0] "L'anullacion de l'utilizaire a provocat l'omission d'una fòto :\n"
msgstr[1] "L'anullacion de l'utilizaire a provocat l'omission de %d fòtos :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:807
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:495
#, c-format
msgid "1 video skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgstr[0] "L'anullacion de l'utilizaire a provocat l'omission d'una vidèo :\n"
msgstr[1] "L'anullacion de l'utilizaire a provocat l'omission de %d vidèos :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:810
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:498
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos skipped due to user cancel:\n"
@@ -1647,28 +3538,28 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
"L'anullacion de l'utilizaire a provocat l'omission de %d fòtos/vidèos :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:813
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:501
#, c-format
msgid "1 file skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d file skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgstr[0] "1 fichièr omés per anullacion de l'utilizaire :\n"
msgstr[1] "%d fichièrs omeses per anullacion de l'utilizaire :\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:827
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:515
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo successfully imported.\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos successfully imported.\n"
msgstr[0] "Una fòto importada amb succès.\n"
msgstr[1] "%d fòtos importadas amb succès.\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:830
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:518
#, c-format
msgid "1 video successfully imported.\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos successfully imported.\n"
msgstr[0] "Una vidèo importada amb succès.\n"
msgstr[1] "%d vidèos importadas amb succès.\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:833
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:521
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video successfully imported.\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos successfully imported.\n"
@@ -1677,182 +3568,358 @@ msgstr[1] "%d fòtos/vidèos importadas amb succès.\n"
#. if no media items were imported at all (i.e. an empty directory attempted), need to at least
#. report that nothing was imported
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:849
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:537
msgid "No photos or videos imported.\n"
msgstr "Cap de fòto o de vidèo pas importada.\n"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:856 ../src/Dialogs.vala:875
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:544 src/Dialogs.vala:563
msgid "Import Complete"
msgstr "Importacion acabada"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1103
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d second"
-msgid_plural "%d seconds"
-msgstr[0] "%d segonda"
-msgstr[1] "%d segondas"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1106
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d minute"
-msgid_plural "%d minutes"
-msgstr[0] "%d minuta"
-msgstr[1] "%d minutas"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1110
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d hour"
-msgid_plural "%d hours"
-msgstr[0] "%d ora"
-msgstr[1] "%d oras"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1113
-msgid "1 day"
-msgstr "1 jorn"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1263 ../src/Resources.vala:205
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:663 src/Resources.vala:201
msgid "Rename Event"
msgstr "Tornar nomenar l'eveniment"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1263
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:663
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nom :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1273 ../src/Resources.vala:274
+#. Dialog title
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:674
+msgctxt "Dialog Title"
msgid "Edit Title"
-msgstr "Modificar lo nom"
+msgstr "Modificar lo títol"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1273 ../src/Properties.vala:340
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:675 src/Properties.vala:347
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Títol :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1287 ../src/Resources.vala:280
+#. Dialog title
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:691 src/Resources.vala:277
msgid "Edit Event Comment"
msgstr "Modificar lo comentari de l'eveniment"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1287
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:692
msgid "Edit Photo/Video Comment"
msgstr "Modificar lo comentari de la fòto/vidèo"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1288 ../src/Properties.vala:630
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:693 src/Properties.vala:645
msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "Comentari :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1304
-msgid "_Trash File"
-msgid_plural "_Trash Files"
-msgstr[0] "Botar lo fichièr dins l'_escobilhièr"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:709
+msgid "Remove and _Trash File"
+msgid_plural "Remove and _Trash Files"
+msgstr[0] "Suprimir e me_tre lo fichièr a l'escobilhièr"
msgstr[1] "Botar los fichièrs dins l'_escobilhièr"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1308
-msgid "Only _Remove"
-msgstr "Solament _suprimir"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1328 ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1739
-msgid "_Keep"
-msgstr "_Gardar"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:713
+msgid "_Remove From Library"
+msgstr "Supp_rimer de la fototèca"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1351
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:756
msgid "Revert External Edit?"
msgstr "Anullar l'edicion extèrna ?"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1351
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:756
msgid "Revert External Edits?"
msgstr "Anullar las edicions extèrnas ?"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1353
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:758
#, c-format
-msgid "This will destroy all changes made to the external file. Continue?"
+msgid "This will destroy all changes made to the external file. Continue?"
msgid_plural ""
-"This will destroy all changes made to %d external files. Continue?"
+"This will destroy all changes made to %d external files. Continue?"
msgstr[0] ""
-"Aquò destruirà totes los cambiaments efectuats al fichièr extèrne. "
-"Contunhar ?"
+"Aquò destruirà totes los cambiaments aplicats al fichièr extèrne. Contunhar ?"
msgstr[1] ""
"Aquò destruirà totes los cambiaments efectuats als %d fichièrs extèrnes. "
-"Contunhar ?"
+"Contunhar ?"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1357
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:762
msgid "Re_vert External Edit"
msgstr "A_nullar l'edicion extèrna"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1357
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:762
msgid "Re_vert External Edits"
msgstr "A_nullar las edicions extèrnas"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1378
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:783
#, c-format
-msgid "This will remove the photo from the library. Continue?"
-msgid_plural "This will remove %d photos from the library. Continue?"
-msgstr[0] "Aquò levarà la fòto de la fototèca. Contunhar ?"
-msgstr[1] "Aquò levarà %d fòtos de la fototèca. Contunhar ?"
+msgid "This will remove the photo from the library. Continue?"
+msgid_plural "This will remove %d photos from the library. Continue?"
+msgstr[0] "Aquò levarà la fòto de la fototèca. Contunhar ?"
+msgstr[1] "Aquò levarà %d fòtos de la fototèca. Contunhar ?"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1385
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:790 src/Resources.vala:143
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Suprimir"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1386
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:791
msgid "Remove Photo From Library"
msgstr "Levar la fòto de la fototèca"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1386
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:791
msgid "Remove Photos From Library"
msgstr "Levar las fòtos de la fototèca"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1479
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:811
#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d %%"
+msgid ""
+"And %d other."
+msgid_plural ""
+"And %d others."
+msgstr[0] ""
+"E %d mai."
+msgstr[1] ""
+"E %d mai."
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:835 src/Dialogs.vala:862
+msgid "Tags (separated by commas):"
+msgstr "Etiquetas (separadas per de virgulas) :"
+#. This function is used to determine whether or not files should be copied or linked when imported.
+#. Returns ACCEPT for copy, REJECT for link, and CANCEL for (drum-roll) cancel.
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:921
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell can copy the photos into your library folder or it can import them "
+"without copying."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell pòt copiar las fòtos dins vòstra fototèca o las pòt importar sens "
+"las copiar."
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:926
+msgid "Co_py Photos"
+msgstr "Co_piar las fòtos"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:927
+msgid "_Import in Place"
+msgstr "Importar _sens copiar"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:928
+msgid "Import to Library"
+msgstr "Importar dins la fototèca"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1626
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:938 src/PhotoPage.vala:2897
+msgid "Remove From Library"
+msgstr "Suprimir de la fototèca"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:939 src/PhotoPage.vala:2897
+msgid "Removing Photo From Library"
+msgstr "Supression de la fòto de la fototèca"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:939
+msgid "Removing Photos From Library"
+msgstr "Supression de las fòtos de la fototèca"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:953
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"This will remove the photo/video from your Shotwell library. Would you also "
+"like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This action cannot be undone."
+msgid_plural ""
+"This will remove %d photos/videos from your Shotwell library. Would you also "
+"like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This action cannot be undone."
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Aquò levarà la fòto/vidèo de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben "
+"desplaçar lo fichièr dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
+"Aquesta accion es pas reversibla."
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Aquò suprimirà %d fòtos/vidèos de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben "
+"desplaçar los fichièrs dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
+"Aquesta accion pòt pas èsser anullada."
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:957
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"This will remove the video from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
+"to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This action cannot be undone."
+msgid_plural ""
+"This will remove %d videos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
+"to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This action cannot be undone."
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Aquò levarà la vidèo de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben desplaçar lo "
+"fichièr dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
+"Aquesta accion es pas reversibla."
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Aquò suprimirà %d vidèos de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben "
+"desplaçar los fichièrs dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
+"Aquesta accion pòt pas èsser anullada."
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:961
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"This will remove the photo from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
+"to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This action cannot be undone."
+msgid_plural ""
+"This will remove %d photos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
+"to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
+"This action cannot be undone."
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Aquò levarà la fòto de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben desplaçar lo "
+"fichièr dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
+"Aquesta accion es pas reversibla."
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Aquò suprimirà %d fótos de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben desplaçar "
+"los fichièrs dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
+"Aquesta accion pòt pas èsser anullada."
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:993
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The photo or video cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete this file?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"%d photos/videos cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete these files?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"La fòto o la vidèo pòt pas èsser mesa a l'escobilhièr. Cal suprimir le "
+"fichièr ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"%d fòtos o vidèos pòdon pas èsser mesas a l'escobilhièr. Cal suprimir los "
+"fichièrs ?"
+#. Alert the user that the files were not removed.
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:1010
+#, c-format
+msgid "The photo or video cannot be deleted."
+msgid_plural "%d photos/videos cannot be deleted."
+msgstr[0] "La fòto o la vidèo pòt pas èsser suprimida."
+msgstr[1] "%d fòtos o vidèos pòdon pas èsser suprimidas."
+#: src/Dimensions.vala:23
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Largor"
+#: src/Dimensions.vala:26
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Nautor"
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:99
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s does not exist."
+msgstr "%s existís pas."
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:101
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s is not a file."
+msgstr "%s es pas un fichièr."
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:103
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"%s does not support the file format of\n"
+msgstr ""
+"%s pren pas en carga lo format del fichièr\n"
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:120
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable open photo %s. Sorry."
+msgstr "Impossible de dobrir la fòto %s. O planhèm."
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:322 src/Resources.vala:145 ui/direct.ui:8
+#: ui/textentrydialog.ui:33
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Enregistrar"
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:322
+msgid "_Save a Copy"
+msgstr "_Enregistrar una còpia"
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:325
+#, c-format
+msgid "Lose changes to %s?"
+msgstr "Pèrdre las modificacions aplicadas a %s ?"
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:326
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Tampar _sens enregistrar"
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:359
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error while saving to %s: %s"
+msgstr "Error al moment de l'enregistrament de %s : %s"
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:389 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:410
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Enregistrar jos"
+#. verify this is a directory
+#: src/DirectoryMonitor.vala:891
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to monitor %s: Not a directory (%s)"
+msgstr "Impossible de susvelhar %s : es pas un dorsièr (%s)"
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:78
msgid "AM"
msgstr "Matin"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1627
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:79
msgid "PM"
msgstr "Aprèp-dinnar"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1628
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:80
msgid "24 Hr"
msgstr "24 Hr"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1643
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:95
msgid "_Shift photos/videos by the same amount"
msgstr "_Decalar las fòtos/vidèos de la meteissa durada"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1648
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:100
msgid "Set _all photos/videos to this time"
msgstr "De_finir aquesta data per totas las fòtos/vidèos"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1655
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:106
msgid "_Modify original photo file"
-msgstr "_Modificar lo fichièr fòto original"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1655
-msgid "_Modify original photo files"
-msgstr "_Modificar los fichièrs fòto originals"
+msgid_plural "_Modify original photo files"
+msgstr[0] "_Modificar la fòto d’origina"
+msgstr[1] "_Modificar lo fichièr fòto original"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1658
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:110
msgid "_Modify original file"
-msgstr "_Modificar lo fichièr original"
+msgid_plural "_Modify original files"
+msgstr[0] "_Modificar lo fichièr original"
+msgstr[1] "_Modificar lo fichièr original"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1658
-msgid "_Modify original files"
-msgstr "_Modificar los fichièrs originals"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1744
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:219
msgid "Original: "
msgstr "Original : "
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1745
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:220
msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"
msgstr "%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1746
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:221
msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
msgstr "%d/%m/%Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1835
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:312
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Exposure time will be shifted forward by\n"
@@ -1861,7 +3928,7 @@ msgstr ""
"La data de la presa de vista serà avançada de\n"
"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s e %d %s."
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1836
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:313
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Exposure time will be shifted backward by\n"
@@ -1870,429 +3937,765 @@ msgstr ""
"La data de presa de vista serà recuolada de\n"
"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s e %d %s."
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1838
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:315
msgid "day"
msgid_plural "days"
msgstr[0] "jorn"
msgstr[1] "jorns"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1839
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:316
msgid "hour"
msgid_plural "hours"
msgstr[0] "ora"
msgstr[1] "oras"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1840
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:317
msgid "minute"
msgid_plural "minutes"
msgstr[0] "minuta"
msgstr[1] "minutas"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1841
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:318
msgid "second"
msgid_plural "seconds"
msgstr[0] "segonda"
msgstr[1] "segondas"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1885
+#. "Unmodified" and "Current," though they appear in the "Format:" popup menu, really
+#. aren't formats so much as they are operating modes that determine specific formats.
+#. Hereafter we'll refer to these as "special formats."
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:15
+msgid "Unmodified"
+msgstr "Pas modificat"
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:16
+msgid "Current"
+msgstr "Actual"
+#. layout controls
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:90
+msgid "_Format:"
+msgstr "_Format :"
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:93
+msgid "_Quality:"
+msgstr "_Qualitat :"
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:96
+msgid "_Scaling constraint:"
+msgstr "_Contrencha d'escala :"
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:99
+msgid "_Pixels:"
+msgstr "_Pixèls :"
+#: src/dialogs/ExportDialog.vala:103
+msgid "Export _metadata:"
+msgstr "Exportar las _metadonadas :"
+#. We're installed system-wide, so use the system help.
+#. We're being run from the build directory; we'll have to handle clicks to this
+#. link manually ourselves, due to a limitation of help: URIs.
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:108 src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:112
+msgid "(Help)"
+msgstr "(ajuda)"
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:116
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"And %d other."
-msgid_plural ""
-"And %d others."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"E %d mai."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"E %d mai."
+msgid "Year%sMonth%sDay"
+msgstr "Annada%sMes%sJorn"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:1907 ../src/Dialogs.vala:1934
-msgid "Tags (separated by commas):"
-msgstr "Etiquetas (separadas per de virgulas) :"
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:118
+#, c-format
+msgid "Year%sMonth"
+msgstr "Annada%sMes"
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:120
+#, c-format
+msgid "Year%sMonth-Day"
+msgstr "Annada%sMes-Jorn"
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:122
+msgid "Year-Month-Day"
+msgstr "Annada-Mes-Jorn"
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:123 src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:760
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr "Personalizat"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2014
+#. Invalid pattern.
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:351
+msgid "Invalid pattern"
+msgstr "Modèl pas valable"
+#: src/dialogs/ProgressDialog.vala:97
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d %%"
+#: src/dialogs/SetBackgroundSlideshow.vala:49
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d second"
+msgid_plural "%d seconds"
+msgstr[0] "%d segonda"
+msgstr[1] "%d segondas"
+#: src/dialogs/SetBackgroundSlideshow.vala:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d minute"
+msgid_plural "%d minutes"
+msgstr[0] "%d minuta"
+msgstr[1] "%d minutas"
+#: src/dialogs/SetBackgroundSlideshow.vala:56
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d hour"
+msgid_plural "%d hours"
+msgstr[0] "%d ora"
+msgstr[1] "%d oras"
+#: src/dialogs/SetBackgroundSlideshow.vala:59
+msgid "1 day"
+msgstr "1 jorn"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:35
msgid "Welcome!"
msgstr "Benvenguda !"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2021
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:42
msgid "Welcome to Shotwell!"
msgstr "Benvenguda sus Shotwell"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2025
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:47
msgid "To get started, import photos in any of these ways:"
msgstr "Per començar, importatz de fòtos d'una de las manièras seguentas :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2044
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:67
#, c-format
msgid "Choose <span weight=\"bold\">File %s Import From Folder</span>"
msgstr ""
"Causissètz <span weight=\"bold\">Fichièr %s Importar dempuèi un dorsièr</"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2045
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:68
msgid "Drag and drop photos onto the Shotwell window"
msgstr "Fasètz lisar de fòtos dins la fenèstra de Shotwell"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2046
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:69
msgid "Connect a camera to your computer and import"
msgstr "Connectatz un aparelh de fòto a vòstre ordenador e importatz de fòtos"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2056
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:80
#, c-format
msgid "_Import photos from your %s folder"
msgstr "_Importar de fotografias del repertòri %s"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2063
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:87
msgid "You can also import photos in any of these ways:"
msgstr "Tanben podètz importar de fòtos amb los metòdes seguentas :"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2073
-msgid "_Don't show this message again"
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:98
+msgid "_Don’t show this message again"
msgstr "Afichar _pas mai lo messatge"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2108
+#: src/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.vala:135
#, c-format
msgid "Import photos from your %s library"
msgstr "Importar de fòtos de la bibliotèca %s"
-#. We're installed system-wide, so use the system help.
-#. We're being run from the build directory; we'll have to handle clicks to this
-#. link manually ourselves, due to a limitation ghelp: URIs.
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2252 ../src/Dialogs.vala:2256
-msgid "(Help)"
-msgstr "(ajuda)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:644
+msgid "Return to current photo dimensions"
+msgstr "Tornar a las dimensions actualas de la fòto"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2265
-#, c-format
-msgid "Year%sMonth%sDay"
-msgstr "Annada%sMes%sJorn"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:647
+msgid "Set the crop for this photo"
+msgstr "Efectuar l'accion de retalhatge"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Year%sMonth"
-msgstr "Annada%sMes"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:659
+msgid "Pivot the crop rectangle between portrait and landscape orientations"
+msgstr ""
+"Pivotar lo rectangle de rosegatge entre las orientacions retrach e païsatge"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Year%sMonth-Day"
-msgstr "Annada%sMes-Jorn"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:732
+msgid "Unconstrained"
+msgstr "Sens contrencha"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2271
-msgid "Year-Month-Day"
-msgstr "Annada-Mes-Jorn"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:733
+msgid "Square"
+msgstr "Carrat"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2272 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:781
-msgid "Custom"
-msgstr "Personalizat"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:734
+msgid "Screen"
+msgstr "Ecran"
-#. Invalid pattern.
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2509
-msgid "Invalid pattern"
-msgstr "Modèl pas valable"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:736
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:739
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:749
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:759
+msgid "-"
+msgstr "-"
-#. This function is used to determine whether or not files should be copied or linked when imported.
-#. Returns ACCEPT for copy, REJECT for link, and CANCEL for (drum-roll) cancel.
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2612
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell can copy the photos into your library folder or it can import them "
-"without copying."
-msgstr ""
-"Shotwell pòt copiar las fòtos dins vòstra fototèca o las pòt importar sens "
-"las copiar."
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:737
+msgid "SD Video (4 ∶ 3)"
+msgstr "Vidèo SD (4 : 3)"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2617
-msgid "Co_py Photos"
-msgstr "Co_piar las fòtos"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:738
+msgid "HD Video (16 ∶ 9)"
+msgstr "Vidèo HD (16 : 9)"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2618
-msgid "_Import in Place"
-msgstr "Importar _sens copiar"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:740 src/Printing.vala:792
+msgid "Wallet (2 × 3 in.)"
+msgstr "Portefeuille (2 × 3 po.)"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2619
-msgid "Import to Library"
-msgstr "Importar dins la fototèca"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:741 src/Printing.vala:795
+msgid "Notecard (3 × 5 in.)"
+msgstr "Notecard (3 × 5 po.)"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2629 ../src/PhotoPage.vala:3079
-msgid "Remove From Library"
-msgstr "Suprimir de la fototèca"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:742 src/Printing.vala:798
+msgid "4 × 6 in."
+msgstr "4 × 6 in."
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2630 ../src/PhotoPage.vala:3079
-msgid "Removing Photo From Library"
-msgstr "Supression de la fòto de la fototèca"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:743 src/Printing.vala:801
+msgid "5 × 7 in."
+msgstr "5 × 7 in."
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2630
-msgid "Removing Photos From Library"
-msgstr "Supression de las fòtos de la fototèca"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:744 src/Printing.vala:804
+msgid "8 × 10 in."
+msgstr "8 × 10 in."
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2644
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will remove the photo/video from your Shotwell library. Would you also "
-"like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
-"This action cannot be undone."
-msgid_plural ""
-"This will remove %d photos/videos from your Shotwell library. Would you "
-"also like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
-"This action cannot be undone."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Aquò suprimirà la fòto/vidèo de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben "
-"desplaçar lo fichièr dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
-"Aquesta accion pòt pas èsser anullada."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Aquò suprimirà %d fòtos/vidèos de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben "
-"desplaçar los fichièrs dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
-"Aquesta accion pòt pas èsser anullada."
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:745
+msgid "Letter (8.5 × 11 in.)"
+msgstr "Format Letra (8.5 × 11 poces)"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2648
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will remove the video from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
-"to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
-"This action cannot be undone."
-msgid_plural ""
-"This will remove %d videos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
-"to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
-"This action cannot be undone."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Aquò suprimirà la vidèo de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben desplaçar "
-"lo fichièr dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
-"Aquesta accion pòt pas èsser anullada."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Aquò suprimirà %d vidèos de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben "
-"desplaçar los fichièrs dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
-"Aquesta accion pòt pas èsser anullada."
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:746 src/Printing.vala:807
+msgid "11 × 14 in."
+msgstr "11 × 14 in."
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:747
+msgid "Tabloid (11 × 17 in.)"
+msgstr "Format Tabloïd (11 × 17 poces)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:748 src/Printing.vala:810
+msgid "16 × 20 in."
+msgstr "16 × 20 in."
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:750 src/Printing.vala:816
+msgid "Metric Wallet (9 × 13 cm)"
+msgstr "Portafuèlhas metric (9 × 13 cm)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:751 src/Printing.vala:819
+msgid "Postcard (10 × 15 cm)"
+msgstr "Carta postala (10 × 15 cm)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:752 src/Printing.vala:822
+msgid "13 × 18 cm"
+msgstr "13 × 18 cm"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:753 src/Printing.vala:825
+msgid "18 × 24 cm"
+msgstr "18 × 24 cm"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:754
+msgid "A4 (210 × 297 mm)"
+msgstr "A4 (210 × 297 mm)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:755 src/Printing.vala:828
+msgid "20 × 30 cm"
+msgstr "20 × 30 cm"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:756 src/Printing.vala:831
+msgid "24 × 40 cm"
+msgstr "24 × 40 cm"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:757 src/Printing.vala:834
+msgid "30 × 40 cm"
+msgstr "30 × 40 cm"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:758
+msgid "A3 (297 × 420 mm)"
+msgstr "A3 (297 × 420 mm)"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1858 src/Properties.vala:402
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "Talha :"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1873
+msgid "Close the red-eye tool"
+msgstr "Tampar l'aisina uèlhs roges"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1876
+msgid "Remove any red-eye effects in the selected region"
+msgstr "Suprimir o reduire l'efièch uèlhs roges dins la zòna de seleccion"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2216
+#: src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:102
+msgid "_Reset"
+msgstr "_Reïnicializar"
+#. fit both on the top line, emit and move on
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2230 src/Properties.vala:443
+#: src/Properties.vala:447 src/Properties.vala:454
+msgid "Exposure:"
+msgstr "Exposicion :"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2239
+msgid "Contrast:"
+msgstr "Contraste :"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2248
+msgid "Saturation:"
+msgstr "Saturacion :"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2257
+msgid "Tint:"
+msgstr "Tencha :"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2267
+msgid "Temperature:"
+msgstr "Temperatura :"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2276
+msgid "Shadows:"
+msgstr "Ombras :"
+#. FIXME: Hack to make the slider the same length as the other. Find out why it is aligned
+#. Differently (probably because it only has positive values)
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2287
+msgid "Highlights:"
+msgstr "Tons clars :"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2344
+msgid "Reset Colors"
+msgstr "Reïnicializar las colors"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2344
+msgid "Reset all color adjustments to original"
+msgstr "Reïnicializa totes los ajustaments colorimetrics a l'original"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2703
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2715
+msgid "Tint"
+msgstr "Tencha"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2727
+msgid "Contrast"
+msgstr "Contraste"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2741
+msgid "Saturation"
+msgstr "Saturacion"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2754
+msgid "Exposure"
+msgstr "Exposicion"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2767
+msgid "Shadows"
+msgstr "Ombras"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2652
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2780
+msgid "Highlights"
+msgstr "Tons clars"
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2790
+msgid "Contrast Expansion"
+msgstr "Espandiment del contraste"
+#: src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:99
+msgid "Angle:"
+msgstr "Angle :"
+#: src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:100 src/Resources.vala:172
+#: ui/direct.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:233
+msgid "_Straighten"
+msgstr "Re_quilhar"
+#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:97
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will remove the photo from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
-"to move the file to your desktop trash?\n"
-"This action cannot be undone."
-msgid_plural ""
-"This will remove %d photos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
-"to move the files to your desktop trash?\n"
-"This action cannot be undone."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Aquò suprimirà la fòto de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben desplaçar "
-"lo fichièr dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
-"Aquesta accion pòt pas èsser anullada."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Aquò suprimirà %d fótos de vòstra fototèca Shotwell. Volètz tanben desplaçar "
-"los fichièrs dins l'escobilhièr de vòstre ordenador ?\n"
-"Aquesta accion pòt pas èsser anullada."
+msgid "%d Photo/Video"
+msgid_plural "%d Photos/Videos"
+msgstr[0] "%d Fòto/Vidèo"
+msgstr[1] "%d Fòtos/Vidèos"
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2684
+#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:99 src/Properties.vala:362
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The photo or video cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete this file?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"%d photos/videos cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete these files?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"La fòto o la vidèo pòt pas èsser mesa a l'escobilhièr. Cal suprimir lo "
-"fichièr ?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"%d fòtos o vidèos pòdon pas èsser mesas a l'escobilhièr. Cal suprimir los "
-"fichièrs ?"
+msgid "%d Video"
+msgid_plural "%d Videos"
+msgstr[0] "%d vidèo"
+msgstr[1] "%d vidèos"
-#. Alert the user that the files were not removed.
-#: ../src/Dialogs.vala:2701
+#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:101 src/Properties.vala:360
#, c-format
-msgid "The photo or video cannot be deleted."
-msgid_plural "%d photos/videos cannot be deleted."
-msgstr[0] "La fòto o la vidèo pòt pas èsser suprimida."
-msgstr[1] "%d fòtos o vidèos pòdon pas èsser suprimidas."
+msgid "%d Photo"
+msgid_plural "%d Photos"
+msgstr[0] "%d fòto"
+msgstr[1] "%d fòtos"
-#: ../src/Dimensions.vala:20
-msgid "Width or height"
-msgstr "Largor o nautor"
+#: src/events/EventPage.vala:128
+msgid "No Event"
+msgstr "Pas cap d'eveniment"
-#: ../src/Dimensions.vala:23
-msgid "Width"
-msgstr "Largor"
+#: src/events/EventsBranch.vala:25
+msgid "Events"
+msgstr "Eveniments"
-#: ../src/Dimensions.vala:26
-msgid "Height"
-msgstr "Nautor"
+#: src/events/EventsBranch.vala:25
+msgid "Browse through your events"
+msgstr "Navigatz demest los eveniments"
-#. verify this is a directory
-#: ../src/DirectoryMonitor.vala:889
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to monitor %s: Not a directory (%s)"
-msgstr "Impossible de susvelhar %s : es pas un dorsièr (%s)"
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:149
+msgid "No events"
+msgstr "Pas cap d'eveniment"
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:153
+msgid "No events found"
+msgstr "Cap d'eveniment pas trobat"
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:226
+msgid "All Events"
+msgstr "Totes los eveniments"
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:240
+msgid "Undated"
+msgstr "Pas datada"
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:241
+msgid "%Y"
+msgstr "%Y"
+#: src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:242
+msgid "%B"
+msgstr "%B"
#. if no name, pretty up the start time
-#: ../src/Event.vala:753
+#: src/Event.vala:753
#, c-format
msgid "Event %s"
msgstr "Eveniment %s"
-#: ../src/Exporter.vala:232
+#: src/Exporter.vala:232
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to generate a temporary file for %s: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de crear un fichièr temporari per %s : %s"
-#: ../src/Exporter.vala:299
+#: src/Exporter.vala:299
msgid "Exporting"
msgstr "Exportacion"
-#: ../src/Exporter.vala:317
+#: src/Exporter.vala:317
#, c-format
-msgid "File %s already exists. Replace?"
-msgstr "Lo fichièr %s existís ja. Remplaçar ?"
+msgid "File %s already exists. Replace?"
+msgstr "Lo fichièr %s existís ja. Lo cal remplaçar ?"
-#: ../src/Exporter.vala:319
+#: src/Exporter.vala:319
msgid "_Skip"
msgstr "_Ignorar"
-#: ../src/Exporter.vala:319
+#: src/Exporter.vala:319
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Remplaçar"
-#: ../src/Exporter.vala:319
+#: src/Exporter.vala:319
msgid "Replace _All"
msgstr "Remplaçar _tot"
-#: ../src/Exporter.vala:319
+#: src/Exporter.vala:319
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportar"
-#: ../src/MediaMonitor.vala:400
+#: src/faces/FacesBranch.vala:89 src/Resources.vala:304 src/Resources.vala:305
+#: ui/faces.ui:403
+msgid "Faces"
+msgstr "Caras"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:115
+msgid "Detect faces…"
+msgstr "Detectar las caras…"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:140
+msgid "Detect faces on this photo"
+msgstr "Detectar las caras sus aquesta fòto"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:142
+msgid "Cancel face detection"
+msgstr "Anullar la deteccion de cara"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:146
+msgid "Close the Faces tool without saving changes"
+msgstr "Tampar l'aisina caras sens enregistrar las modificacions"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:153 src/faces/FacesTool.vala:185
+msgid "Click and drag to tag a face"
+msgstr "Clicar e lisar per etiquetar un cara"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:180
#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to process monitoring updates: %s"
-msgstr "Impossible de verificar las mesas a jorn : %s"
+msgid "Click to edit face <i>%s</i>"
+msgstr "Clicar per modificar la cara <i>%s</i>"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:143
-msgid "Adjust the size of the thumbnails"
-msgstr "Agrandir o reduire las miniaturas"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:189
+msgid "Stop dragging to add your face and name it."
+msgstr "Arrestar de lisar per apondre vòstre cara e lo nomenar."
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:325 ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2583
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:174
-msgid "Zoom _In"
-msgstr "Zoom a_vant"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:193
+msgid "Type a name for this face, then press Enter"
+msgstr "Picar un nom per aqueste cara, puèi quichar sus Entrada"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:326
-msgid "Increase the magnification of the thumbnails"
-msgstr "Agrandís las miniaturas"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:197
+msgid "Move or modify the face shape or name and press Enter"
+msgstr "Desplaçar o modificar la forma del cara o nomenar e picar Entrada"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:331 ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2589
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:180
-msgid "Zoom _Out"
-msgstr "Zoo_m arrièr"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:201
+msgid "Detecting faces"
+msgstr "Deteccion de caras"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:332
-msgid "Decrease the magnification of the thumbnails"
-msgstr "Redusís las miniaturas"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:212
+msgid "If you don’t set the name of unknown faces they won’t be saved."
+msgstr "Se donatz pas de nom a las caras desconegudas, seràn pas enregistrats."
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:399
-msgid "Sort _Photos"
-msgstr "Triar las _fòtos"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:233
+msgid "Save changes and close the Faces tool"
+msgstr "Enregistrar las modificacions e tampar l'aisina caras"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:408
-msgid "_Play Video"
-msgstr "_Legir la vidèo"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:235
+msgid "No changes to save"
+msgstr "Pas cap de modificacion d'enregistrar"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:409
-msgid "Open the selected videos in the system video player"
-msgstr "Dobrís las vidèos seleccionadas dins lo lector vidèo del sistèma"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:956
+msgid "Error trying to spawn face detection program:\n"
+msgstr "Error al moment de l'aviada del programa de deteccion de caras :\n"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:413 ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2632
-msgid "_Developer"
-msgstr "_Desvolopaire"
+#: src/folders/FoldersBranch.vala:144
+msgid "Folders"
+msgstr "Dorsièrs"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:420 ../src/photos/RawSupport.vala:297
-msgid "Shotwell"
-msgstr "Shotwell"
+#: src/folders/FoldersBranch.vala:144
+msgid "Browse the library’s folder structure"
+msgstr "Navigatz dins l’arborescéncia dels dorsièrs de la fototèca"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:425 ../src/camera/Branch.vala:101
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:711 ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:727
-#: ../src/photos/RawSupport.vala:300
-msgid "Camera"
-msgstr "Aparelh de fòto"
+#: src/import-roll/ImportRollBranch.vala:43
+msgid "Imports"
+msgstr "Importacions"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:436 ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:872
-msgid "_Titles"
-msgstr "_Títols"
+#: src/import-roll/ImportRollBranch.vala:43
+msgid "Browse the library’s import history"
+msgstr "Navigatz dins l’istoric d’importacion de la fototèca"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:437 ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:873
-msgid "Display the title of each photo"
-msgstr "Aficha lo nom de cada fòto"
+#: src/library/FlaggedPage.vala:8 src/SearchFilter.vala:1124
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1125
+msgid "Flagged"
+msgstr "Marcadas"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:442 ../src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:130
-msgid "_Comments"
-msgstr "_Comentaris"
+#: src/library/ImportQueuePage.vala:8
+msgid "Importing…"
+msgstr "Importacion…"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:443
-msgid "Display the comment of each photo"
-msgstr "Afichar lo comentari de cada fòto"
+#: src/library/ImportQueuePage.vala:129
+msgid "Preparing to import…"
+msgstr "Importacion en preparacion…"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:454 ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:376
-msgid "Ta_gs"
-msgstr "E_tiquetas"
+#: src/library/ImportQueuePage.vala:156
+#, c-format
+msgid "Imported %s"
+msgstr "%s importat"
+#: src/library/LastImportPage.vala:8
+msgid "Last Import"
+msgstr "Darrièra importacion"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:455
-msgid "Display each photo's tags"
-msgstr "Aficha las etiquetas de cada fòto"
+#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:30 src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:127
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:465
+msgid "Library"
+msgstr "Bibliotèca"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:471
-msgid "By _Title"
-msgstr "Per _nom"
+#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:30
+msgid "Organize and browse your photos"
+msgstr "Organizatz e navigatz demest vòstras fòtos"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:472
-msgid "Sort photos by title"
-msgstr "Tria las fòtos per nom"
+#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:97 src/SearchFilter.vala:1105
+msgid "Photos"
+msgstr "Fòtos"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:477
-msgid "By Exposure _Date"
-msgstr "Per _data"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:528
+msgid "Import From Folder"
+msgstr "Importacion d'un dorsièr"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:478
-msgid "Sort photos by exposure date"
-msgstr "Tria las fòtos per data de presa de vista"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:535
+msgid "Recurse Into Subfolders"
+msgstr "Inclure los sosdorsièrs"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:483
-msgid "By _Rating"
-msgstr "Per _nòta"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:603 ui/trash.ui:288
+msgid "Empty Trash"
+msgstr "Voidar l'escobilhièr"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:484
-msgid "Sort photos by rating"
-msgstr "Tria las fòtos per vòte"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:603
+msgid "Emptying Trash…"
+msgstr "Supression del contengut de l'escobilhièr…"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:494 ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:422
-msgid "_Ascending"
-msgstr "_Creissent"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:782
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell is configured to import photos to your home directory.\n"
+"We recommend changing this in <span weight=\"bold\">Edit %s Preferences</"
+"Do you want to continue importing photos?"
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell es configurat per importar de fòtos cap a vòstre repertòri "
+"Vos recomandam de modificar aquò dins <span weight=\"bold\">Edicion %s "
+"Volètz contunhar l'importacion de las fòtos ?"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:495 ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:423
-msgid "Sort photos in an ascending order"
-msgstr "Tria las fòtos per òrdre creissent"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:785 ui/preferences_dialog.ui:86
+msgid "Library Location"
+msgstr "Emplaçament de la bibliotèca"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:500 ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:429
-msgid "D_escending"
-msgstr "D_escreissent"
+#. TODO: Specify which directory/file.
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:798
+msgid "Photos cannot be imported from this directory."
+msgstr "Las fòtos pòdon pas èsser importadas dempuèi aqueste dorsièr."
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1078
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (%d%%)"
+msgstr "%s (%d %%)"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1122 src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1133
+msgid "Updating library…"
+msgstr "Mesa a jorn de la fototèca…"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1139
+msgid "Preparing to auto-import photos…"
+msgstr "Preparacion de l’importacion automatica de fòtos…"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1144
+msgid "Auto-importing photos…"
+msgstr "Importacion automatica de fòtos…"
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1152
+msgid "Writing metadata to files…"
+msgstr "Escritura de las metadonadas dins los fichièrs…"
+#: src/library/OfflinePage.vala:8
+msgid "Missing Files"
+msgstr "Fichièrs mancants"
+#: src/library/OfflinePage.vala:110
+msgid "Deleting…"
+msgstr "Supression…"
+#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:8
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Escobilhièr"
+#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:106
+msgid "Trash is empty"
+msgstr "L'escobilhièr es void"
+#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:110 ui/faces.ui:469
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Suprimir"
+#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:111
+msgid "Deleting Photos"
+msgstr "Supression de fòtos"
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:501 ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:430
-msgid "Sort photos in a descending order"
-msgstr "Tria las fòtos per òrdre descreissent"
+#: src/main.vala:54
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It "
+"appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s "
+"(schema %d). Please use the latest version of Shotwell."
+msgstr ""
+"Vòstra fototèca es pas compatibla amb aquesta version de Shotwell. Sembla "
+"qu’es estada creada per Shotwell %s (esquèma %d). Aquesta version es la %s "
+"(esquèma %d). Utilizatz la darrièra version de Shotwell."
-#: ../src/MediaPage.vala:702
+#: src/main.vala:59
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell was unable to upgrade your photo library from version %s (schema "
+"%d) to %s (schema %d). For more information please check the Shotwell Wiki "
+"at %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell es dins l’impossibilitat de metre a nivèl vòstra fototèca de la "
+"version %s (esquèma %d) a la version %s (esquèma %d). Per mai "
+"d’informacions, consultatz lo wiki de Shotwell sus %s"
+#: src/main.vala:65
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It "
+"appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s "
+"(schema %d). Please clear your library by deleting %s and re-import your "
+msgstr ""
+"Vòstra fototèca es pas compatibla amb aquesta version de Shotwell. Sembla "
+"qu’es estada creada per Shotwell %s (esquèma %d). Aquesta version es la %s "
+"(esquèma %d). Escafatz vòstra fototèca en supriment %s puèi reïmportatz "
+"vòstras fòtos."
+#: src/main.vala:71
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown error attempting to verify Shotwell’s database: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Error desconeguda al moment de la temptativa de verificacion de la basa de "
+"donadas de Shotwell : %s"
+#: src/main.vala:108
+msgid "Loading Shotwell"
+msgstr "Cargament de Shotwell"
+#: src/main.vala:320
+msgid "Path to Shotwell’s private data"
+msgstr "Camin cap a las donadas privadas de Shotwell"
+#: src/main.vala:320
+msgid "DIRECTORY"
+msgstr "DORSIÈR"
+#: src/main.vala:324
+msgid "Do not monitor library directory at runtime for changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Susvelhar pas las modificacions dins lo repertòri de la fototèca a l'aviada"
+#: src/main.vala:328
+msgid "Don’t display startup progress meter"
+msgstr "Afichar pas l’indicator de progression de l'aviada"
+#: src/main.vala:332
+msgid "Show the application’s version"
+msgstr "Afichar la version de l'aplicacion"
+#: src/main.vala:336
+msgid "Start the application in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Aviar l’aplicacion en ecran complet"
+#. init GTK (valac has already called g_threads_init())
+#: src/main.vala:373
+msgid "[FILE]"
+msgstr "[FICHIÈR]"
+#: src/main.vala:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run “%s --help” to see a full list of available command line options.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Executatz « %s --help » per veire la lista completa de las opcions "
+"disponiblas en linha de comanda.\n"
+#: src/MediaMonitor.vala:400
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to process monitoring updates: %s"
+msgstr "Impossible de verificar las mesas a jorn : %s"
+#: src/MediaPage.vala:76
+msgid "Adjust the size of the thumbnails"
+msgstr "Agrandir o reduire las miniaturas"
+#: src/MediaPage.vala:419
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Shotwell was unable to play the selected video:\n"
@@ -2301,204 +4704,123 @@ msgstr ""
"Shotwell a pas pogut legir la vidèo seleccionada :\n"
-#: ../src/Page.vala:1268
+#: src/Page.vala:1324
msgid "No photos/videos"
msgstr "Pas de fòto/vidèo"
-#: ../src/Page.vala:1272
-msgid "No photos/videos found"
-msgstr "Cap de fòto/vidèo pas trobada"
+#: src/Page.vala:1328
+msgid "No photos/videos found which match the current filter"
+msgstr "Cap de fòto o vidèo correspond pas al filtre actual"
-#: ../src/Page.vala:2569
+#: src/Page.vala:2641
msgid "Photos cannot be exported to this directory."
msgstr "Las fòtos pòdon pas èsser exportadas dins aquel dorsièr."
-#: ../src/Photo.vala:3656
-msgid "modified"
-msgstr "modificat"
#. previous button
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:532
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:550
msgid "Previous photo"
msgstr "Fòto precedenta"
#. next button
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:537
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:556
msgid "Next photo"
msgstr "Fòto seguenta"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:1844
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:1862
#, c-format
msgid "Photo source file missing: %s"
msgstr "Fichièr font de la fòto mancant : %s"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2404 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:165
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:360
-msgid "_View"
-msgstr "_Afichatge"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2408 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:81
-msgid "T_ools"
-msgstr "_Aisinas"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2413 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:86
-msgid "_Previous Photo"
-msgstr "Fòto _precedenta"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2414 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:87
-msgid "Previous Photo"
-msgstr "Fòto precedenta"
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:3041
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to export %s: %s"
+msgstr "Impossible d'exportar %s : %s"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2419 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:92
-msgid "_Next Photo"
-msgstr "Fòto _seguenta"
+#: src/photos/BmpSupport.vala:32
+msgid "BMP"
+msgstr "BMP"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2420 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:93
-msgid "Next Photo"
-msgstr "Fòto seguenta"
+#: src/photos/GifSupport.vala:32
+msgid "GIF"
+msgstr "GIF"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2584 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:175
-msgid "Increase the magnification of the photo"
-msgstr "Aumentar l'agrandiment de la fòto"
+#: src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:84
+msgid "JPEG"
+msgstr "JPEG"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2590 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:181
-msgid "Decrease the magnification of the photo"
-msgstr "Reduire l'agrandiment de la fòto"
+#: src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:185
+#, c-format
+msgid "Low (%d%%)"
+msgstr "Feble (%d%%)"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2595 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:186
-msgid "Fit to _Page"
-msgstr "Adaptar a la _pagina"
+#: src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:188
+#, c-format
+msgid "Medium (%d%%)"
+msgstr "Mejan (%d%%)"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2596 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:187
-msgid "Zoom the photo to fit on the screen"
-msgstr "Zoom per adaptar la fòto a l'ecran"
+#: src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:191
+#, c-format
+msgid "High (%d%%)"
+msgstr "Fòrt (%d%%)"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2602 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:193
-#, no-c-format
-msgid "Zoom _100%"
-msgstr "Zoom _100 %"
+#: src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:194
+#, c-format
+msgid "Maximum (%d%%)"
+msgstr "Maximum (%d%%)"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2604 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:195
-#, no-c-format
-msgid "Zoom the photo to 100% magnification"
-msgstr "Talha vertadièra de la fòto (100 %)"
+#: src/photos/PngSupport.vala:30
+msgid "PNG"
+msgstr "PNG"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2610 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:201
-#, no-c-format
-msgid "Zoom _200%"
-msgstr "Zoom _200 %"
+#: src/photos/RawSupport.vala:134
+msgid "RAW"
+msgstr "RAW"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:2612 ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:203
-#, no-c-format
-msgid "Zoom the photo to 200% magnification"
-msgstr "Doble la talha vertadièra de la fòto (200 %)"
+#: src/photos/TiffSupport.vala:86
+msgid "TIFF"
+msgstr "TIFF"
-#: ../src/PhotoPage.vala:3220
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to export %s: %s"
-msgstr "Impossible d'exportar %s : %s"
+#: src/Photo.vala:3767
+msgid "modified"
+msgstr "modificat"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:255
+#: src/Printing.vala:255
msgid "Fill the entire page"
msgstr "Emplenar la pagina entièra"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:256
+#: src/Printing.vala:256
msgid "2 images per page"
msgstr "2 imatges per pagina"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:257
+#: src/Printing.vala:257
msgid "4 images per page"
msgstr "4 imatges per pagina"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:258
+#: src/Printing.vala:258
msgid "6 images per page"
msgstr "6 imatges per pagina"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:259
+#: src/Printing.vala:259
msgid "8 images per page"
msgstr "8 imatges per pagina"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:260
+#: src/Printing.vala:260
msgid "16 images per page"
msgstr "16 imatges per pagina"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:261
+#: src/Printing.vala:261
msgid "32 images per page"
msgstr "32 imatges per pagina"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:348
-msgid "in."
-msgstr "po"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:349
-msgid "cm"
-msgstr "cm"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:817 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:761
-msgid "Wallet (2 x 3 in.)"
-msgstr "Pòrtafuèlhs (2 x 3 in.)"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:820 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:762
-msgid "Notecard (3 x 5 in.)"
-msgstr "Notecard (3 x 5 in.)"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:823 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:763
-msgid "4 x 6 in."
-msgstr "4 x 6 in."
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:826 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:764
-msgid "5 x 7 in."
-msgstr "5 x 7 in."
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:829 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:765
-msgid "8 x 10 in."
-msgstr "8 x 10 in."
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:832 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:767
-msgid "11 x 14 in."
-msgstr "11 x 14 in."
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:835 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:769
-msgid "16 x 20 in."
-msgstr "16 x 20 in."
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:841 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:771
-msgid "Metric Wallet (9 x 13 cm)"
-msgstr "Pòrtafuèlh metric (9 x 13 cm)"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:844 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:772
-msgid "Postcard (10 x 15 cm)"
-msgstr "Carta postala (10 x 15 cm)"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:847 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:773
-msgid "13 x 18 cm"
-msgstr "13 x 18 cm"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:850 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:774
-msgid "18 x 24 cm"
-msgstr "18 x 24 cm"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:853 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:776
-msgid "20 x 30 cm"
-msgstr "20 x 30 cm"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:856 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:777
-msgid "24 x 40 cm"
-msgstr "24 x 40 cm"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:859 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:778
-msgid "30 x 40 cm"
-msgstr "30 x 40 cm"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:875
+#: src/Printing.vala:851
msgid "Image Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de l'imatge"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:888
-msgid "Printing..."
-msgstr "Impression..."
+#: src/Printing.vala:864
+msgid "Printing…"
+msgstr "Impression…"
-#: ../src/Printing.vala:908 ../src/Printing.vala:1111
+#: src/Printing.vala:884 src/Printing.vala:1087
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to print photo:\n"
@@ -2509,816 +4831,1017 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:84
+#: src/Properties.vala:98
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Uèi"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:86
+#: src/Properties.vala:100
msgid "Yesterday"
msgstr "Ièr"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:227 ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:312
-msgid "RAW+JPEG"
-msgstr "RAW+JPEG"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:343
+#: src/Properties.vala:350
msgid "Items:"
msgstr "Elements :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:346
+#: src/Properties.vala:353
#, c-format
msgid "%d Event"
msgid_plural "%d Events"
msgstr[0] "%d eveniment"
msgstr[1] "%d eveniments"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:353 ../src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:87
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d Photo"
-msgid_plural "%d Photos"
-msgstr[0] "%d fòto"
-msgstr[1] "%d fòtos"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:355 ../src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:85
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d Video"
-msgid_plural "%d Videos"
-msgstr[0] "%d vidèo"
-msgstr[1] "%d vidèos"
#. display only one date if start and end are the same
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:377
+#: src/Properties.vala:384
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Data :"
#. display only one time if start and end are the same
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:381
+#: src/Properties.vala:388
msgid "Time:"
msgstr "Ora :"
#. display time range
#. display date range
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:384 ../src/Properties.vala:389
+#: src/Properties.vala:391 src/Properties.vala:396
msgid "From:"
msgstr "De :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:385 ../src/Properties.vala:390
+#: src/Properties.vala:392 src/Properties.vala:397
msgid "To:"
msgstr "A :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:395 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1861
-msgid "Size:"
-msgstr "Talha :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:404
+#: src/Properties.vala:411
msgid "Duration:"
msgstr "Durada :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:404
+#: src/Properties.vala:411
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f seconds"
msgstr "%.1f segondas"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:408
+#: src/Properties.vala:415
msgid "Developer:"
msgstr "Desvolopaire :"
-#. fit both on the top line, emit and move on
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:436 ../src/Properties.vala:440
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:447 ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2229
-msgid "Exposure:"
-msgstr "Exposicion :"
#. nothing special to be done for now for Events
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:585
+#: src/Properties.vala:593
msgid "Location:"
msgstr "Emplaçament :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:588
+#: src/Properties.vala:596
msgid "File size:"
msgstr "Talha del fichièr :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:592
+#: src/Properties.vala:600
msgid "Current Development:"
msgstr "Desvolopament en cors :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:594
+#: src/Properties.vala:602
msgid "Original dimensions:"
msgstr "Dimensions originalas :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:597
+#: src/Properties.vala:605
msgid "Camera make:"
msgstr "Fabricant de l'aparelh de fòto :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:600
+#: src/Properties.vala:608
msgid "Camera model:"
msgstr "Modèl de l'aparelh fòto :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:603
+#: src/Properties.vala:611
msgid "Flash:"
msgstr "Flash :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:605
+#: src/Properties.vala:613
msgid "Focal length:"
msgstr "Distància focala :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:608
+#: src/Properties.vala:616
msgid "Exposure date:"
msgstr "Data d'exposicion :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:611
+#: src/Properties.vala:619
msgid "Exposure time:"
msgstr "Ora d'exposicion :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:614
+#: src/Properties.vala:622
msgid "Exposure bias:"
msgstr "Correccion de l'exposicion :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:616
+#: src/Properties.vala:631
msgid "GPS latitude:"
msgstr "Latitud GPS :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:619
+#: src/Properties.vala:634
msgid "GPS longitude:"
msgstr "Longitud GPS :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:622
+#: src/Properties.vala:637
msgid "Artist:"
msgstr "Artista :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:624
+#: src/Properties.vala:639
msgid "Copyright:"
msgstr "Dreches d'autor :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:626
+#: src/Properties.vala:641
msgid "Software:"
msgstr "Logicial :"
-#: ../src/Properties.vala:639
-msgid "Extended Information"
-msgstr "Informacions espandidas"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:11
+msgid "Preparing for upload"
+msgstr "Preparacion del mandadís"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:17
-msgid "Photo Manager"
-msgstr "Gestionari de fòtos"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:12
+#, c-format
+msgid "Uploading %d of %d"
+msgstr "Mandadís de l'element %d sus %d"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:18
-msgid "Photo Viewer"
-msgstr "Visionador de fòtos"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:81
+#, c-format
+msgid "Publishing to %s can’t continue because an error occurred:"
+msgstr ""
+"La publicacion cap a %s ne peut pas contunhar perque una error es survenue :"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:144
-msgid "Rotate _Right"
-msgstr "Pivotar cap a _drecha"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:84
+msgid "To try publishing to another service, select one from the above menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Per ensajar de publicar sus un autre servici, seleccionatz-ne un dempuèi lo "
+"menú çaisús."
+#. Here, we check whether more than one item is being uploaded, and if so, display
+#. an alternate message.
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:104
+msgid "The selected video was successfully published."
+msgid_plural "The selected videos were successfully published."
+msgstr[0] "La vidèo seleccionada es estada publicada amb succès."
+msgstr[1] "La vidèo seleccionada es estada publicada amb succès."
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:109
+msgid "The selected photo was successfully published."
+msgid_plural "The selected photos were successfully published."
+msgstr[0] "La fòto seleccionada es estada publicada amb succès."
+msgstr[1] "La fòto seleccionada es estada publicada amb succès."
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:115
+msgid "The selected photos/videos were successfully published."
+msgstr "Las fòtos/vidèos seleccionadas son estadas publicadas amb succès."
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:127
+msgid "Fetching account information…"
+msgstr "Recuperacion de las informacions sul compte…"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:133
+msgid "Logging in…"
+msgstr "Connexion en cors…"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:197
+msgid "Publish Photos"
+msgstr "Publicar las fòtos"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:198
+msgid "Publish photos _to:"
+msgstr "Publicar las fòtos _sus :"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:200
+msgid "Publish Videos"
+msgstr "Publicar las vidèos"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:201
+msgid "Publish videos _to"
+msgstr "Publicar las vidèos _sus"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:203
+msgid "Publish Photos and Videos"
+msgstr "Publicar de fòtos e de vidèos"
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:204
+msgid "Publish photos and videos _to"
+msgstr "Publicar las fòtos e las vidèos _sus"
+#. There are no enabled publishing services that accept this media type,
+#. warn the user.
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:414
+msgid "Unable to publish"
+msgstr "Impossible de publicar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:145 ../src/Resources.vala:150
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:415
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Shotwell cannot publish the selected items because you do not have a "
+"compatible publishing plugin enabled. To correct this, choose <b>Edit %s "
+"Preferences</b> and enable one or more of the publishing plugins on the "
+"<b>Plugins</b> tab."
+msgstr ""
+"Shotwell pòt pas publicar los elements seleccionats perque cap d'empeuton de "
+"publicacion compatible es pas activat. Per corregir aquò, causissètz "
+"<b>Edicion %s Preferéncias</b> e activatz un o mantun empeuton de "
+"publicacion dins l'onglet <b>Empeutons</b>."
+#: src/publishing/Publishing.vala:16
+msgid "Publishing"
+msgstr "Publicacion"
+#: src/Resources.vala:110 src/Resources.vala:115 ui/collection.ui:151
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "Pivotar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:146
+#: src/Resources.vala:111
msgid "Rotate Right"
msgstr "Pivotar cap a drecha"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:147
+#: src/Resources.vala:112 ui/collection.ui:148
msgid "Rotate the photos right (press Ctrl to rotate left)"
msgstr ""
"Pivòta las fòtos cap a drecha (quichatz sus Ctrl per pivotar cap a esquèrra)"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:149
-msgid "Rotate _Left"
-msgstr "Pivotar cap a es_quèrra"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:151
+#: src/Resources.vala:116
msgid "Rotate Left"
msgstr "Pivotar cap a esquèrra"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:152
+#: src/Resources.vala:117
msgid "Rotate the photos left"
msgstr "Pivòta las fòtos cap a esquèrra"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:154
-msgid "Flip Hori_zontally"
-msgstr "Miralh _orizontal"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:155
+#: src/Resources.vala:120
msgid "Flip Horizontally"
msgstr "Virar orizontalament"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:157
-msgid "Flip Verti_cally"
-msgstr "Miralh _vertical"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:158
+#: src/Resources.vala:123
msgid "Flip Vertically"
msgstr "Virar verticalament"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:160
-msgid "_Enhance"
-msgstr "_Melhorar"
+#: src/Resources.vala:125 ui/direct.ui:192 ui/events_directory.ui:168
+#: ui/event.ui:438 ui/faces.ui:448 ui/import_queue.ui:83 ui/import.ui:201
+#: ui/manifest_widget.ui:35 ui/media.ui:421 ui/offline.ui:198 ui/photo.ui:405
+#: ui/tags.ui:440 ui/trash.ui:207
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_A prepaus"
+#: src/Resources.vala:126
+msgid "_Apply"
+msgstr "_Aplicar"
+#: src/Resources.vala:129 ui/direct.ui:44 ui/events_directory.ui:32
+#: ui/event.ui:47 ui/faces.ui:47 ui/import.ui:40 ui/media.ui:47
+#: ui/offline.ui:32 ui/photo.ui:55 ui/tags.ui:47 ui/trash.ui:37
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edicion"
+#: src/Resources.vala:130
+msgid "_Forward"
+msgstr "_Far seguir"
+#: src/Resources.vala:131 ui/direct.ui:62 ui/events_directory.ui:125
+#: ui/photo.ui:173
+msgid "Fulls_creen"
+msgstr "Ecran com_plet"
+#: src/Resources.vala:132 ui/direct.ui:174 ui/direct.ui:177
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:150 ui/events_directory.ui:153 ui/event.ui:420
+#: ui/event.ui:423 ui/faces.ui:430 ui/faces.ui:433 ui/import_queue.ui:65
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:68 ui/import.ui:183 ui/import.ui:186 ui/media.ui:403
+#: ui/media.ui:406 ui/offline.ui:180 ui/offline.ui:183 ui/photo.ui:387
+#: ui/photo.ui:390 ui/tags.ui:422 ui/tags.ui:425 ui/trash.ui:189
+#: ui/trash.ui:192
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ajuda"
+#: src/Resources.vala:133
+msgid "Leave _Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Quitar lo mòde _ecran complet"
+#: src/Resources.vala:134 src/Resources.vala:342 ui/tags.ui:450
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Novèl"
+#: src/Resources.vala:135
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Seguenta"
+#: src/Resources.vala:138 src/Resources.vala:287 ui/events_directory.ui:65
+#: ui/event.ui:93 ui/faces.ui:93 ui/import.ui:68 ui/media.ui:93
+#: ui/offline.ui:72 ui/photo.ui:89 ui/tags.ui:93 ui/trash.ui:81
+msgid "_Preferences"
+msgstr "_Preferéncias"
+#: src/Resources.vala:139
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Precedenta"
+#: src/Resources.vala:141 ui/direct.ui:37 ui/events_directory.ui:25
+#: ui/event.ui:40 ui/faces.ui:40 ui/import_queue.ui:31 ui/import.ui:33
+#: ui/media.ui:40 ui/offline.ui:25 ui/photo.ui:48 ui/tags.ui:40 ui/trash.ui:30
+msgid "_Quit"
+msgstr "_Quitar"
+#: src/Resources.vala:142
+msgid "_Refresh"
+msgstr "_Refrescar"
+#: src/Resources.vala:144
+msgid "_Revert"
+msgstr "_Restablir"
+#: src/Resources.vala:146
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Enregistrar _jos"
+#: src/Resources.vala:147
+msgid "Sort _Ascending"
+msgstr "Triar dins l’òrdre creiss_ent"
+#: src/Resources.vala:148
+msgid "Sort _Descending"
+msgstr "Triar dins l’òrdre _descreissent"
+#: src/Resources.vala:149
+msgid "_Stop"
+msgstr "_Arrestar"
+#: src/Resources.vala:150
+msgid "_Undelete"
+msgstr "_Recuperar"
+#: src/Resources.vala:151
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Talha _normala"
+#: src/Resources.vala:152
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Talha _ideala"
+#: src/Resources.vala:153 ui/direct.ui:69 ui/event.ui:260 ui/faces.ui:260
+#: ui/media.ui:260 ui/photo.ui:144 ui/tags.ui:260
+msgid "Zoom _In"
+msgstr "Zoom a_vant"
+#: src/Resources.vala:154 ui/direct.ui:74 ui/event.ui:265 ui/faces.ui:265
+#: ui/media.ui:265 ui/photo.ui:149 ui/tags.ui:265
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoo_m arrièr"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:161
+#: src/Resources.vala:157 ui/collection.ui:167
msgid "Enhance"
msgstr "Melhorar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:162
-msgid "Automatically improve the photo's appearance"
-msgstr "Aumenta la qualitat de la fòto automaticament"
+#: src/Resources.vala:158 ui/collection.ui:164
+msgid "Automatically improve the photo’s appearance"
+msgstr "Renauça automaticament la qualitat de la fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:164
-msgid "_Copy Color Adjustments"
-msgstr "_Copiar los reglatges de color"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:165
+#: src/Resources.vala:161
msgid "Copy Color Adjustments"
msgstr "Copiar los reglatges de color"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:166
+#: src/Resources.vala:162
msgid "Copy the color adjustments applied to the photo"
msgstr "Copiar los reglatges de color aplicats a la fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:168
-msgid "_Paste Color Adjustments"
-msgstr "_Pegar los reglatges de color"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:169
+#: src/Resources.vala:165
msgid "Paste Color Adjustments"
msgstr "Pegar los reglatges de color"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:170
+#: src/Resources.vala:166
msgid "Apply copied color adjustments to the selected photos"
msgstr "Aplicar los reglatges de color copiats sus las fòtos seleccionadas"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:172
+#: src/Resources.vala:168 ui/direct.ui:139 ui/photo.ui:228
msgid "_Crop"
msgstr "Retal_hatge"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:173
+#: src/Resources.vala:169
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Retalhar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:174
-msgid "Crop the photo's size"
+#: src/Resources.vala:170
+msgid "Crop the photo’s size"
msgstr "Efectua un retalhatge de la fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:176 ../src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:100
-msgid "_Straighten"
-msgstr "Re_quilhar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:177
+#: src/Resources.vala:173
msgid "Straighten"
msgstr "Requilhament"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:178
+#: src/Resources.vala:174
msgid "Straighten the photo"
msgstr "Requilhar la fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:180
+#: src/Resources.vala:176 ui/direct.ui:149 ui/photo.ui:238
msgid "_Red-eye"
msgstr "_Uèlhs roges"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:181
+#: src/Resources.vala:177
msgid "Red-eye"
msgstr "Uèlhs roges"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:182
+#: src/Resources.vala:178
msgid "Reduce or eliminate any red-eye effects in the photo"
msgstr "Suprimir o reduire l'efièch uèlhs roges"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:184
+#: src/Resources.vala:180 ui/direct.ui:154 ui/photo.ui:243
msgid "_Adjust"
msgstr "_Ajustar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:185
+#: src/Resources.vala:181
msgid "Adjust"
msgstr "Ajustar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:186
-msgid "Adjust the photo's color and tone"
+#: src/Resources.vala:182
+msgid "Adjust the photo’s color and tone"
msgstr "Ajusta las colors e las tonalitats de la fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:188
-msgid "Re_vert to Original"
-msgstr "Tornar a l'ori_ginal"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:189
+#: src/Resources.vala:185
msgid "Revert to Original"
msgstr "Tornar a l'original"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:191
+#: src/Resources.vala:187
msgid "Revert External E_dits"
msgstr "Anullar las e_dicions extèrnas"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:192
+#: src/Resources.vala:188
msgid "Revert to the master photo"
msgstr "Tòrna a la fòto originala"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:194
-msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
-msgstr "Definir coma rèireplan del _burèu"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:195
+#: src/Resources.vala:191
msgid "Set selected image to be the new desktop background"
msgstr "Definís l'imatge seleccionat coma lo novèl fons d'ecran"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:196
-msgid "Set as _Desktop Slideshow..."
-msgstr "Definir coma _diaporama d'ecran..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:192
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Slideshow…"
+msgstr "Definir coma _diaporama d’ecran…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:198
+#: src/Resources.vala:194 ui/direct.ui:47 ui/events_directory.ui:35
+#: ui/event.ui:50 ui/faces.ui:50 ui/import.ui:43 ui/media.ui:50
+#: ui/offline.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:58 ui/tags.ui:50 ui/trash.ui:40
msgid "_Undo"
msgstr "_Anullar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:199
+#: src/Resources.vala:195
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Anullar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:201
+#: src/Resources.vala:197 ui/direct.ui:52 ui/events_directory.ui:40
+#: ui/event.ui:55 ui/faces.ui:55 ui/import.ui:48 ui/media.ui:55
+#: ui/offline.ui:40 ui/photo.ui:63 ui/tags.ui:55 ui/trash.ui:45
msgid "_Redo"
msgstr "_Restablir"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:202
+#: src/Resources.vala:198
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Restablir"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:204
-msgid "Re_name Event..."
-msgstr "Tornar _nomenar l'evenement..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:200 ui/events_directory.ui:139 ui/events_directory.ui:181
+#: ui/event.ui:393 ui/event.ui:588
+msgid "Re_name Event…"
+msgstr "Re_nomenar l’eveniment…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:207
+#: src/Resources.vala:203 ui/event.ui:373 ui/event.ui:580
msgid "Make _Key Photo for Event"
msgstr "Far de la fòto una fòto _clau de l'eveniment"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:208
+#: src/Resources.vala:204
msgid "Make Key Photo for Event"
msgstr "Far de la fòto una fòto clau de l'eveniment"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:210
+#: src/Resources.vala:206 ui/event.ui:382 ui/faces.ui:376 ui/media.ui:376
+#: ui/tags.ui:376
msgid "_New Event"
msgstr "Eveniment _novèl"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:211
+#: src/Resources.vala:207
msgid "New Event"
msgstr "Eveniment novèl"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:213
+#: src/Resources.vala:209
msgid "Move Photos"
msgstr "Desplaçar las fòtos"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:214
+#: src/Resources.vala:210
msgid "Move photos to an event"
msgstr "Desplaça las fòtos cap a un eveniment"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:216
+#: src/Resources.vala:212 ui/events_directory.ui:135 ui/events_directory.ui:177
msgid "_Merge Events"
msgstr "_Fusionar los eveniments"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:217
+#: src/Resources.vala:213
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Fusionar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:218
+#: src/Resources.vala:214
msgid "Combine events into a single event"
msgstr "Combina mantun eveniments en un sol"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:220
+#: src/Resources.vala:216 ui/collection.ui:39 ui/event.ui:286 ui/event.ui:478
+#: ui/faces.ui:286 ui/media.ui:286 ui/photo_context.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:273
+#: ui/tags.ui:286
msgid "_Set Rating"
msgstr "Nota_r"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:221
+#: src/Resources.vala:217
msgid "Set Rating"
msgstr "Atribuir una nòta"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:222
+#: src/Resources.vala:218
msgid "Change the rating of your photo"
msgstr "Cambiar la nòte d'aquesta fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:224
+#: src/Resources.vala:220 ui/collection.ui:72 ui/event.ui:326 ui/event.ui:511
+#: ui/faces.ui:326 ui/media.ui:326 ui/photo_context.ui:75 ui/photo.ui:313
+#: ui/tags.ui:326
msgid "_Increase"
msgstr "_Aumentar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:225
+#: src/Resources.vala:221
msgid "Increase Rating"
msgstr "Melhorar la nòta"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:227
+#: src/Resources.vala:223 ui/collection.ui:76 ui/event.ui:331 ui/event.ui:515
+#: ui/faces.ui:331 ui/media.ui:331 ui/photo_context.ui:80 ui/photo.ui:318
+#: ui/tags.ui:331
msgid "_Decrease"
msgstr "A_baissar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:228
+#: src/Resources.vala:224
msgid "Decrease Rating"
msgstr "Abaissar la nòta"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:230
+#: src/Resources.vala:226 ui/collection.ui:62 ui/event.ui:314 ui/event.ui:501
+#: ui/faces.ui:314 ui/media.ui:314 ui/photo_context.ui:63 ui/photo.ui:301
+#: ui/tags.ui:314
msgid "_Unrated"
msgstr "_Sens nòta"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:231
+#: src/Resources.vala:227
msgid "Unrated"
msgstr "Pas notat"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:232
+#: src/Resources.vala:228
msgid "Rate Unrated"
msgstr "Levar la nòta"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:233
+#: src/Resources.vala:229
msgid "Setting as unrated"
msgstr "Suprimir la nòta"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:234
+#: src/Resources.vala:230
msgid "Remove any ratings"
msgstr "Suprimir totas las nòtas"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:236
+#: src/Resources.vala:232 ui/collection.ui:66 ui/event.ui:319 ui/event.ui:505
+#: ui/faces.ui:319 ui/media.ui:319 ui/photo_context.ui:68 ui/photo.ui:306
+#: ui/tags.ui:319
msgid "_Rejected"
msgstr "Re_getar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:237
+#: src/Resources.vala:233
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Refusat"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:238
+#: src/Resources.vala:234
msgid "Rate Rejected"
msgstr "Notar per regetar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:239
+#: src/Resources.vala:235
msgid "Setting as rejected"
msgstr "Notar per regetar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:240
+#: src/Resources.vala:236
msgid "Set rating to rejected"
msgstr "Notar per regetar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:242
+#: src/Resources.vala:238 ui/event.ui:196 ui/faces.ui:196 ui/import.ui:156
+#: ui/media.ui:196 ui/offline.ui:153 ui/search_bar.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:196
+#: ui/trash.ui:162
msgid "Rejected _Only"
msgstr "Regetadas _unicament"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:243
+#: src/Resources.vala:239
msgid "Rejected Only"
msgstr "Regetadas unicament"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:244
+#: src/Resources.vala:240
msgid "Show only rejected photos"
msgstr "Afichar solament las fòtos regetadas"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:246
+#: src/Resources.vala:242 ui/event.ui:190 ui/faces.ui:190 ui/import.ui:150
+#: ui/media.ui:190 ui/offline.ui:147 ui/search_bar.ui:12 ui/tags.ui:190
+#: ui/trash.ui:156
msgid "All + _Rejected"
msgstr "Totas + re_getadas"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:247 ../src/Resources.vala:248
+#: src/Resources.vala:243
+msgctxt "Tooltip"
msgid "Show all photos, including rejected"
msgstr "Afichar totas las fòtos, amai las que son regetadas"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:250
+#: src/Resources.vala:245 ui/event.ui:184 ui/faces.ui:184 ui/import.ui:144
+#: ui/media.ui:184 ui/offline.ui:141 ui/search_bar.ui:18 ui/tags.ui:184
+#: ui/trash.ui:150
msgid "_All Photos"
msgstr "_Totas las fòtos"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:251 ../src/Resources.vala:252
+#. Button tooltip
+#: src/Resources.vala:247
msgid "Show all photos"
msgstr "Afichar totas las fòtos"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:254
+#: src/Resources.vala:249 ui/event.ui:144 ui/faces.ui:144 ui/media.ui:144
+#: ui/photo.ui:120 ui/tags.ui:144
msgid "_Ratings"
msgstr "_Nòtas"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:255
-msgid "Display each photo's rating"
+#: src/Resources.vala:250
+msgid "Display each photo’s rating"
msgstr "Aficha la nòta de cada fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:257
+#: src/Resources.vala:252 ui/event.ui:151 ui/faces.ui:151 ui/import.ui:111
+#: ui/media.ui:151 ui/offline.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:151 ui/trash.ui:117
msgid "_Filter Photos"
msgstr "_Filtrar las fòtos"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:258
+#: src/Resources.vala:253
msgid "Filter Photos"
msgstr "Filtrar las fòtos"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:259
+#: src/Resources.vala:254
msgid "Limit the number of photos displayed based on a filter"
msgstr "Limitar lo nombre de las fòtos afichadas en utilizant un filtre"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:261
-msgid "_Duplicate"
-msgstr "_Duplicar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:262
+#: src/Resources.vala:257
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:263
+#: src/Resources.vala:258
msgid "Make a duplicate of the photo"
msgstr "Crèa un duplicata de la fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:265
-msgid "_Export..."
-msgstr "_Exportar..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:260 ui/event.ui:17 ui/faces.ui:17 ui/media.ui:17
+#: ui/photo.ui:17 ui/tags.ui:17
+msgid "_Export…"
+msgstr "_Exportar…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:267
-msgid "_Print..."
-msgstr "Estam_par..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:262
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Imprimir…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:269
-msgid "Pu_blish..."
-msgstr "Pu_blicar..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:264
+msgid "Pu_blish…"
+msgstr "Pu_blicar…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:271
+#: src/Resources.vala:266 ui/collection.ui:189
msgid "Publish to various websites"
msgstr "Publica sus mantun site Web"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:273
-msgid "Edit _Title..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:268 ui/collection.ui:98 ui/event.ui:340 ui/event.ui:537
+#: ui/faces.ui:340 ui/media.ui:340 ui/photo_context.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:327
+#: ui/tags.ui:340
+msgid "Edit _Title…"
msgstr "Modificar lo _títol…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:276
-msgid "Edit _Comment..."
-msgstr "Modificar lo _Comentari..."
+#. Button label
+#: src/Resources.vala:270
+msgctxt "Button Label"
+msgid "Edit Title"
+msgstr "Modificar lo títol"
+#: src/Resources.vala:272 ui/collection.ui:103 ui/events_directory.ui:144
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:186 ui/event.ui:345 ui/event.ui:398 ui/event.ui:542
+#: ui/faces.ui:345 ui/media.ui:345 ui/photo_context.ui:110 ui/photo.ui:332
+#: ui/tags.ui:345
+msgid "Edit _Comment…"
+msgstr "Modificar lo _comentari…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:277
+#. Button label
+#: src/Resources.vala:274
msgid "Edit Comment"
msgstr "Modificar lo Comentari"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:279
-msgid "Edit Event _Comment..."
-msgstr "Modificar lo _comentari de l'eveniment..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:276 ui/event.ui:592
+msgid "Edit Event _Comment…"
+msgstr "Modificar lo _comentari de l’eveniment…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:282
-msgid "_Adjust Date and Time..."
-msgstr "Aj_ustar la data e l'ora..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:279 ui/direct.ui:167 ui/photo.ui:337
+msgid "_Adjust Date and Time…"
+msgstr "_Ajustar la data e l’ora…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:283
+#: src/Resources.vala:280
msgid "Adjust Date and Time"
msgstr "Reglar la data e l'ora"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:285
-msgid "Add _Tags..."
-msgstr "Apondre d'e_tiquetas..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:282 ui/collection.ui:19 ui/event.ui:407 ui/event.ui:458
+#: ui/faces.ui:390 ui/media.ui:390 ui/photo.ui:375 ui/tags.ui:390
+msgid "Add _Tags…"
+msgstr "Apondre d'e_tiquetas…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:286
-msgid "_Add Tags..."
-msgstr "_Apondre de libellats..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:283 ui/photo_context.ui:17
+msgid "_Add Tags…"
+msgstr "_Apondre d'etiquetas…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:287 ../src/Resources.vala:318
+#. Dialog title
+#: src/Resources.vala:285
+msgctxt "Dialog Title"
msgid "Add Tags"
msgstr "Apondre d'etiquetas"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:289
-msgid "_Preferences"
-msgstr "_Preferéncias"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:291
-msgid "Open With E_xternal Editor"
-msgstr "Dobrir amb un editor e_xtèrne"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:293
-msgid "Open With RA_W Editor"
-msgstr "Dobrir amb l'editor RA_W"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:295
-msgid "Send _To..."
-msgstr "Mandar _cap a..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:294 ui/photo_context.ui:135
+msgid "Send T_o…"
+msgstr "Man_dar cap a…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:296
-msgid "Send T_o..."
-msgstr "Man_dar a..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:296
+msgid "_Find…"
+msgstr "_Recercar…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:298
-msgid "_Find..."
-msgstr "_Recercar..."
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:299
+#: src/Resources.vala:297 ui/collection.ui:217 ui/offline.ui:239
+#: ui/trash.ui:312
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Recercar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:300
+#: src/Resources.vala:298 ui/collection.ui:214 ui/offline.ui:236
+#: ui/trash.ui:309
msgid "Find an image by typing text that appears in its name or tags"
msgstr ""
"Recercar un imatge en picant de tèxte que se tròba dins son nom o sas "
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:302
+#: src/Resources.vala:300
msgid "_Flag"
msgstr "_Marcar"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:304
+#: src/Resources.vala:302
msgid "Un_flag"
msgstr "L_evar la marca"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:307
+#: src/Resources.vala:306
+msgid "Mark faces of people in the photo"
+msgstr "Marca las caras dins la fòto"
+#: src/Resources.vala:307
+msgid "Modify Faces"
+msgstr "Modificar las caras"
+#: src/Resources.vala:308
+msgid "Delete Face"
+msgstr "Suprimir una cara"
+#: src/Resources.vala:310 src/Resources.vala:352 ui/tags.ui:456
+msgid "_Rename…"
+msgstr "_Renommar…"
+#: src/Resources.vala:314
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to launch editor: %s"
msgstr "Impossible d'aviar l'editor : %s"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:312
+#: src/Resources.vala:319
#, c-format
-msgid "Add Tag \"%s\""
+msgid "Add Tag “%s”"
msgstr "Apondre l'etiqueta « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:314
+#. Used when adding two tags to photo(s)
+#: src/Resources.vala:322
#, c-format
-msgid "Add Tags \"%s\" and \"%s\""
+msgid "Add Tags “%s” and “%s”"
msgstr "Apondre las etiquetas « %s » e « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:322
+#. Undo/Redo command name (in Edit menu)
+#: src/Resources.vala:327
+msgctxt "UndoRedo menu entry"
+msgid "Add Tags"
+msgstr "Apondre d'etiquetas"
+#: src/Resources.vala:332
#, c-format
-msgid "_Delete Tag \"%s\""
-msgstr "_Suprimir l'etiqueta « %s »"
+msgid "_Delete Tag “%s”"
+msgstr "_Suprimir l’etiqueta « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:326
+#: src/Resources.vala:336
#, c-format
-msgid "Delete Tag \"%s\""
-msgstr "Suprimir l'etiqueta « %s »"
+msgid "Delete Tag “%s”"
+msgstr "Suprimir l’etiqueta « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:329
+#: src/Resources.vala:339
msgid "Delete Tag"
msgstr "Suprimir l'etiqueta"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:332
-msgid "_New"
-msgstr "_Novèl"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:335
+#: src/Resources.vala:345
#, c-format
-msgid "Re_name Tag \"%s\"..."
-msgstr "Tornar _nomenar l'etiqueta « %s »..."
+msgid "Re_name Tag “%s”…"
+msgstr "Re_nomenar l’etiqueta « %s »…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:339
+#: src/Resources.vala:349
#, c-format
-msgid "Rename Tag \"%s\" to \"%s\""
-msgstr "Tornar _nomenar l'etiqueta « %s » en « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:342
-msgid "_Rename..."
-msgstr "To_rnar nomenar..."
+msgid "Rename Tag “%s” to “%s”"
+msgstr "Renomenar l’etiqueta « %s » en « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:344
-msgid "Modif_y Tags..."
-msgstr "Modifica_r las etiquetas..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:354 ui/collection.ui:24 ui/event.ui:412 ui/event.ui:463
+#: ui/faces.ui:395 ui/media.ui:395 ui/photo_context.ui:22 ui/photo.ui:380
+#: ui/tags.ui:395
+msgid "Modif_y Tags…"
+msgstr "Mod_ifier las etiquetas…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:345
+#: src/Resources.vala:355
msgid "Modify Tags"
-msgstr "Modificar las etiquetas..."
+msgstr "Modificar las etiquetas"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:348
+#: src/Resources.vala:358
#, c-format
-msgid "Tag Photo as \"%s\""
-msgstr "Atribuir l'etiqueta « %s » a aquesta fòto"
+msgid "Tag Photo as “%s”"
+msgid_plural "Tag Photos as “%s”"
+msgstr[0] "Etiquetar la fòto amb « %s »"
+msgstr[1] "Atribuir l'etiqueta « %s » a aquesta fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:348
+#: src/Resources.vala:364
#, c-format
-msgid "Tag Photos as \"%s\""
-msgstr "Etiquetar las fòtos amb « %s »"
+msgid "Tag the selected photo as “%s”"
+msgid_plural "Tag the selected photos as “%s”"
+msgstr[0] "Etiquetar la fòto seleccionada amb « %s »"
+msgstr[1] "Atribuir l'etiqueta « %s » a la fòto seleccionada"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:352
+#: src/Resources.vala:370
#, c-format
-msgid "Tag the selected photo as \"%s\""
-msgstr "Atribuir l'etiqueta « %s » a la fòto seleccionada"
+msgid "Remove Tag “%s” From _Photo"
+msgid_plural "Remove Tag “%s” From _Photos"
+msgstr[0] "Levar l’etiqueta « %s » de la _fòto"
+msgstr[1] "Levar l'etiqueta « %s » de la _fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:353
+#: src/Resources.vala:376
#, c-format
-msgid "Tag the selected photos as \"%s\""
-msgstr "Etiquetar las fòtos seleccionadas amb « %s »"
+msgid "Remove Tag “%s” From Photo"
+msgid_plural "Remove Tag “%s” From Photos"
+msgstr[0] "Levar l’etiqueta « %s » de la fòto"
+msgstr[1] "Levar l'etiqueta « %s » de la fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:357
+#: src/Resources.vala:382
#, c-format
-msgid "Remove Tag \"%s\" From _Photo"
-msgstr "Levar l'etiqueta « %s » de la _fòto"
+msgid "Unable to rename tag to “%s” because the tag already exists."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de renomenar l’etiqueta en « %s » perque aqueste nom existís ja."
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:358
+#: src/Resources.vala:386
#, c-format
-msgid "Remove Tag \"%s\" From _Photos"
-msgstr "Levar l'etiqueta « %s » de las _fòtos"
+msgid "Unable to rename search to “%s” because the search already exists."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de renomenar la recèrca en « %s » perque aqueste nom existís ja."
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:362
-#, c-format
-msgid "Remove Tag \"%s\" From Photo"
-msgstr "Levar l'etiqueta « %s » de la fòto"
+#. Saved search button
+#: src/Resources.vala:389 src/SearchFilter.vala:1146
+msgid "Saved Search"
+msgstr "Recèrca enregistrada"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:363
+#: src/Resources.vala:391
+msgid "Delete Search"
+msgstr "Suprimir la recèrca"
+#: src/Resources.vala:394 ui/savedsearch.ui:10
+msgid "_Edit…"
+msgstr "_Edicion…"
+#: src/Resources.vala:395 ui/savedsearch.ui:6
+msgid "Re_name…"
+msgstr "Re_nomenar…"
+#: src/Resources.vala:398
#, c-format
-msgid "Remove Tag \"%s\" From Photos"
-msgstr "Levar l'etiqueta « %s » de las fòtos"
+msgid "Rename Search “%s” to “%s”"
+msgstr "Renomenar la recèrca « %s » en « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:367
+#: src/Resources.vala:402
#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to rename tag to \"%s\" because the tag already exists."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible de tornar nomenar l'etiqueta en « %s » perque aqueste nom existís "
+msgid "Delete Search “%s”"
+msgstr "Suprimir la recèrca « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:371
+#: src/Resources.vala:407
#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to rename search to \"%s\" because the search already exists."
+msgid "Unable to rename face to “%s” because the face already exists."
msgstr ""
-"Impossible de tornar nomenar la recèrca en « %s » perque aqueste nom existís "
+"Impossible de renomenar lo cara en « %s » perque aqueste nom existís ja."
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:374
-msgid "Saved Search"
-msgstr "Recèrca enregistrada"
+#: src/Resources.vala:411
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove Face “%s” From _Photo"
+msgid_plural "Remove Face “%s” From _Photos"
+msgstr[0] "Levar lo cara « %s » de la _fòto"
+msgstr[1] "Levar l'etiqueta « %s » de la _fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:376
-msgid "Delete Search"
-msgstr "Suprimir la recèrca"
+#: src/Resources.vala:416
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove Face “%s” From Photo"
+msgid_plural "Remove Face “%s” From Photos"
+msgstr[0] "Levar lo cara « %s » de la fòto"
+msgstr[1] "Levar l'etiqueta « %s » de la fòto"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:379
-msgid "_Edit..."
-msgstr "_Modificar..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:421
+#, c-format
+msgid "Re_name Face “%s”…"
+msgstr "Re_nomenar la cara « %s »…"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:380
-msgid "Re_name..."
-msgstr "Tornar _nomenar..."
+#: src/Resources.vala:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "Rename Face “%s” to “%s”"
+msgstr "Renomenar lo cara « %s » en « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:383
+#: src/Resources.vala:429
#, c-format
-msgid "Rename Search \"%s\" to \"%s\""
-msgstr "Tornar nomenar la recèrca « %s » en « %s »"
+msgid "_Delete Face “%s”"
+msgstr "_Suprimir lo cara « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:387
+#: src/Resources.vala:433
#, c-format
-msgid "Delete Search \"%s\""
-msgstr "Suprimir la recèrca « %s »"
+msgid "Delete Face “%s”"
+msgstr "Suprimir lo cara « %s »"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:545
+#: src/Resources.vala:663
#, c-format
msgid "Rate %s"
msgstr "Notar %s"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:546
+#: src/Resources.vala:664
#, c-format
msgid "Set rating to %s"
msgstr "Balhar una nòta a %s"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:547
+#: src/Resources.vala:665
#, c-format
msgid "Setting rating to %s"
msgstr "Atribucion de nòta a %s"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:549
+#: src/Resources.vala:667
#, c-format
msgid "Display %s"
msgstr "Afichar %s"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:550
+#: src/Resources.vala:668
#, c-format
msgid "Only show photos with a rating of %s"
msgstr "Far veire sonque las fòtos amb una nòta de %s"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:551
+#: src/Resources.vala:669
#, c-format
msgid "%s or Better"
msgstr "%s o mai"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:552
+#: src/Resources.vala:670
#, c-format
msgid "Display %s or Better"
msgstr "Afichar %s o mai"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:553
+#: src/Resources.vala:671
#, c-format
msgid "Only show photos with a rating of %s or better"
msgstr "Afichar pas que las fòtos amb una nòta de %s o mai"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:644
+#: src/Resources.vala:762 ui/trash.ui:255
msgid "Remove the selected photos from the trash"
msgstr "Suprimir las fòtos seleccionadas de l'escobilhièr"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:645
+#: src/Resources.vala:763 ui/offline.ui:221
msgid "Remove the selected photos from the library"
msgstr "Suprimir las fòtos seleccionadas de la fototèca"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:647
+#: src/Resources.vala:765 ui/trash.ui:68 ui/trash.ui:221 ui/trash.ui:273
msgid "_Restore"
msgstr "_Restablir"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:648
+#: src/Resources.vala:766 ui/trash.ui:270
msgid "Move the selected photos back into the library"
msgstr "Restablir las fòtos dins la fototèca"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:650
+#: src/Resources.vala:768 ui/collection.ui:123 ui/direct_context.ui:18
+#: ui/direct.ui:30 ui/event.ui:27 ui/event.ui:562 ui/faces.ui:27 ui/media.ui:27
+#: ui/photo_context.ui:130 ui/photo.ui:35 ui/tags.ui:27 ui/trash.ui:19
+#: ui/trash.ui:227
msgid "Show in File Mana_ger"
msgstr "Dobrir dins lo _gestionari de fichièrs"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:651
-msgid "Open the selected photo's directory in the file manager"
+#: src/Resources.vala:769
+msgid "Open the selected photo’s directory in the file manager"
msgstr ""
"Dobrís lo dorsièr de las fòtos seleccionadas dins lo gestionari de fichièrs"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:654
+#: src/Resources.vala:772
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open in file manager: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de dobrir dins lo gestionari de fichièrs : %s"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:657
+#: src/Resources.vala:775 ui/event.ui:74 ui/faces.ui:74 ui/media.ui:74
+#: ui/offline.ui:58 ui/offline.ui:207 ui/offline.ui:224 ui/photo.ui:77
+#: ui/tags.ui:74
msgid "R_emove From Library"
msgstr "Su_primir de la fototèca"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:659
+#: src/Resources.vala:777 ui/collection.ui:134 ui/event.ui:79 ui/event.ui:573
+#: ui/faces.ui:79 ui/media.ui:79 ui/photo_context.ui:141 ui/photo.ui:82
+#: ui/tags.ui:79
msgid "_Move to Trash"
msgstr "_Metre dins l'escobilhièr"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:661
+#: src/Resources.vala:779 ui/events_directory.ui:58 ui/event.ui:86
+#: ui/faces.ui:86 ui/import.ui:61 ui/media.ui:86 ui/offline.ui:65 ui/tags.ui:86
+#: ui/trash.ui:74
msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Seleccionar _tot"
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:662
+#: src/Resources.vala:780
msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Seleccionar totes los elements"
@@ -3326,1401 +5849,1118 @@ msgstr "Seleccionar totes los elements"
#. / Locale-specific time format for 12-hour time, i.e. 8:31 PM
#. / Precede modifier with a dash ("-") to pad with spaces, otherwise will pad with zeroes
#. / See
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:743
-msgid "%-I:%M %p"
-msgstr "%-I:%M %p"
#. / Locale-specific time format for 12-hour time with seconds, i.e. 8:31:42 PM
#. / Precede modifier with a dash ("-") to pad with spaces, otherwise will pad with zeroes
#. / See
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:748
-msgid "%-I:%M:%S %p"
-msgstr "%-I:%M:%S %p"
#. / Locale-specific calendar date format, i.e. "Tue Mar 08, 2006"
#. / See
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:752
+#: src/Resources.vala:841
msgid "%a %b %d, %Y"
-msgstr "%a %d %b %Y"
+msgstr "%a %d %B de %Y"
#. / Locale-specific starting date format for multi-date strings,
#. / i.e. the "Tue Mar 08" in "Tue Mar 08 - 10, 2006"
#. / See
-#. / Locale-specific calendar date format for multi-month strings,
-#. / i.e. the "Tue Mar 08" in "Tue Mar 08 to Mon Apr 06, 2006"
-#. / See
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:757 ../src/Resources.vala:767
+#: src/Resources.vala:846
+msgctxt "MultidayFormat"
msgid "%a %b %d"
-msgstr "%a %d"
+msgstr "%a %d %B"
#. / Locale-specific ending date format for multi-date strings,
#. / i.e. the "10, 2006" in "Tue Mar 08 - 10, 2006"
#. / See
-#: ../src/Resources.vala:762
+#: src/Resources.vala:851
+msgctxt "MultidayFormat"
msgid "%d, %Y"
msgstr "%d %b %Y"
-#: ../src/Screensaver.vala:18 ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:141
-msgid "Slideshow"
-msgstr "Diaporama"
-#. Flagged label and toggle
-#: ../src/SearchFilter.vala:587 ../src/SearchFilter.vala:588
-#: ../src/SearchFilter.vala:990 ../src/library/FlaggedPage.vala:8
-msgid "Flagged"
-msgstr "Marcadas"
-#: ../src/SearchFilter.vala:593 ../src/SearchFilter.vala:594
-msgid "Photos"
-msgstr "Fòtos"
-#: ../src/SearchFilter.vala:599 ../src/SearchFilter.vala:600
-msgid "Videos"
-msgstr "Vidèos"
-#: ../src/SearchFilter.vala:605
-msgid "RAW Photos"
-msgstr "Fòtos RAW"
-#: ../src/SearchFilter.vala:606
-msgid "RAW photos"
-msgstr "fòtos RAW"
-#: ../src/SearchFilter.vala:952
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error loading UI file %s: %s"
-msgstr "Error de cargament del fichièr d'interfàcia %s : %s"
-#. Type label and toggles
-#: ../src/SearchFilter.vala:969
-msgid "Type"
-msgstr "Tipe"
-#. Rating label and button
-#: ../src/SearchFilter.vala:1003 ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:184
-msgid "Rating"
-msgstr "Nòta"
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:49 ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:182
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Paramètres"
-#. Set up toolbar
-#. add toolbar buttons
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:161
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Precedenta"
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:162
-msgid "Go to the previous photo"
-msgstr "Tòrna a la fòto precedenta"
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:168 ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:273
-msgid "Pause"
-msgstr "Pausa"
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:169 ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:274
-msgid "Pause the slideshow"
-msgstr "Metre lo diaporama en pausa"
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:175
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Seguenta"
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:176
-msgid "Go to the next photo"
-msgstr "Passa a la fòto seguenta"
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:183
-msgid "Change slideshow settings"
-msgstr "Configurar lo diaporama"
-#. An entire slideshow set might be missing, so check for a loop.
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:237
-msgid "All photo source files are missing."
-msgstr "Totes los fichièrs fonts de los fòtos son mancants."
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:269
-msgid "Play"
-msgstr "Aviar"
-#: ../src/SlideshowPage.vala:270
-msgid "Continue the slideshow"
-msgstr "Contunhar lo diaporama"
-#: ../src/Tag.vala:817
-msgid "untitled"
-msgstr "sens títol"
-#. multiple videos
-#: ../src/VideoSupport.vala:486
-msgid "Export Videos"
-msgstr "Exportar las vidèos"
-#: ../src/camera/Branch.vala:87
-msgid "Cameras"
-msgstr "Aparelhs de fòto"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:459
-msgid ""
-"Unable to unmount camera. Try unmounting the camera from the file manager."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible de demontar l'aparelh fòto. Ensajatz de demonter l'aparelh fòto a "
-"partir del gestionari de fichièrs."
-#. hide duplicates checkbox
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:776
-msgid "Hide photos already imported"
-msgstr "Amagar las fòtos ja importadas"
+#. / Locale-specific calendar date format for multi-month strings,
+#. / i.e. the "Tue Mar 08" in "Tue Mar 08 to Mon Apr 06, 2006"
+#. / See
+#: src/Resources.vala:856
+msgctxt "MultimonthFormat"
+msgid "%a %b %d"
+msgstr "%a %d %B"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:777
-msgid "Only display photos that have not been imported"
-msgstr "Far veire solament las fòtos que son pas estadas importadas"
+#. / Locale-specific calendar date format for multi-month strings,
+#. / i.e. the "Mon Apr 06, 2006" in "Tue Mar 08 to Mon Apr 06, 2006"
+#. / See
+#: src/Resources.vala:861
+msgctxt "MultimonthFormat"
+msgid "%a %b %d, %Y"
+msgstr "%a %d %b %Y"
-#. Ticket #3304 - Import page shouldn't display confusing message
-#. prior to import.
-#. TODO: replace this with approved text for "talking to camera,
-#. please wait" once new strings are being accepted.
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:845
-msgid "Starting import, please wait..."
-msgstr "Aviada de l'importacion, pacientatz…"
+#: src/Screensaver.vala:18 src/SlideshowPage.vala:117
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diaporama"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:884
-msgid "Import _Selected"
-msgstr "Importar la _seleccion"
+#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionText.Context
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:170
+msgid "contains"
+msgstr "conten"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:885
-msgid "Import the selected photos into your library"
-msgstr "Importar las fòtos seleccionadas dins la fototèca"
+#. Ordering must correspond with Context
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:171
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:502
+msgid "is exactly"
+msgstr "val exactament"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:890
-msgid "Import _All"
-msgstr "Importar _tot"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:172
+msgid "starts with"
+msgstr "comença per"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:891
-msgid "Import all the photos into your library"
-msgstr "Importar totas las fòtos dins la fototèca"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:173
+msgid "ends with"
+msgstr "finís per"
-#. it's mounted, offer to unmount for the user
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1012
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell needs to unmount the camera from the filesystem in order to access "
-"it. Continue?"
-msgstr ""
-"Shotweel deu demontar l'aparelh de fòto del sistèma de fichièrs per i poder. "
-"Contunhar ?"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:174
+msgid "does not contain"
+msgstr "conten pas"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1018
-msgid "_Unmount"
-msgstr "_Desmontar"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:175
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:506
+msgid "is not set"
+msgstr "es pas definit"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1023
-msgid "Please unmount the camera."
-msgstr "Demontatz l'aparelh de fòto."
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:176
+msgid "is set"
+msgstr "es causit"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1028
-msgid ""
-"The camera is locked by another application. Shotwell can only access the "
-"camera when it's unlocked. Please close any other application using the "
-"camera and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"L'aparelh fòto es verrolhat per una autra aplicacion. Shotwell pòt accedir a "
-"l'aparelh fòto sonque quand es desverrolhat. Tampatz totas las autras "
-"aplicacions qu'utilizan l'aparelh fòto puèi tornatz ensajar."
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1038
-msgid "Please close any other application using the camera."
-msgstr "Tampatz totas las autras aplicacions qu'utilizan l'aparelh fòto."
+#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionMediaType.Context
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:250
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:381
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:446
+msgid "is"
+msgstr "es"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1043
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to fetch previews from the camera:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible de recuperar los apercebuts dempuèi l'aparelh fòto :\n"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:251
+msgid "is not"
+msgstr "es pas"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1060
-msgid "Unmounting..."
-msgstr "Desmontatge..."
+#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionMediaType.MediaType
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:257
+msgid "any photo"
+msgstr "tota fòto"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1166
-msgid "Fetching photo information"
-msgstr "Recuperacion de las informacions sus las fòtos"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:258
+msgid "a raw photo"
+msgstr "una fòto bruta"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1521
-#, c-format
-msgid "Fetching preview for %s"
-msgstr "Recuperacion de l'apercebut de %s"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:259
+msgid "a video"
+msgstr "una vidèo"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1637
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to lock camera: %s"
-msgstr "Impossible de verrolhar l'aparelh de fòto : %s"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:313
+msgid "has"
+msgstr "a"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1722
-#, c-format
-msgid "Delete this photo from camera?"
-msgid_plural "Delete these %d photos from camera?"
-msgstr[0] "Suprimir aquesta fòto de l'aparelh fòto ?"
-msgstr[1] "Suprimir aquestas %d fòtos de l'aparelh fòto ?"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:314
+msgid "has no"
+msgstr "a pas"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1725
-#, c-format
-msgid "Delete this video from camera?"
-msgid_plural "Delete these %d videos from camera?"
-msgstr[0] "Suprimir aquesta vidèo de l'aparelh fòto ?"
-msgstr[1] "Suprimir aquestas %d vidèos de l'aparelh fòto ?"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:319
+msgid "modifications"
+msgstr "modificacions"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1728
-#, c-format
-msgid "Delete this photo/video from camera?"
-msgid_plural "Delete these %d photos/videos from camera?"
-msgstr[0] "Suprimir aquesta fòto/vidèo de l'aparelh de fòto ?"
-msgstr[1] "Suprimir aquestas %d fòtos/vidèos de l'aparelh de fòto ?"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:320
+msgid "internal modifications"
+msgstr "modificacions intèrnas"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1731
-#, c-format
-msgid "Delete these files from camera?"
-msgid_plural "Delete these %d files from camera?"
-msgstr[0] "Suprimir aquestes fichièrs de l'aparelh ?"
-msgstr[1] "Suprimir aquestes %d fichièrs de l'aparelh ?"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:321
+msgid "external modifications"
+msgstr "modificacions extèrnas"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1758
-msgid "Removing photos/videos from camera"
-msgstr "Supression de las fòtos/vidèos de l'aparelh de fòto"
+#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionFlagged.State
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:375
+msgid "flagged"
+msgstr "marcada"
-#: ../src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1762
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to delete %d photo/video from the camera due to errors."
-msgid_plural "Unable to delete %d photos/videos from the camera due to errors."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Impossible de suprimir %d fòto/vidèo de l'aparelh fòto a causa d'errors."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Impossible de suprimir %d fòtos/vidèos de l'aparelh fòto a causa d'errors."
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:376
+msgid "not flagged"
+msgstr "pas marcada"
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImports.vala:22
-msgid "Data Imports"
-msgstr "Importacions de donadas"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:439
+msgid "and higher"
+msgstr "e mai"
-#. Send an empty job to the queue to mark the end of the import
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:65
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:78
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Database"
-msgstr "Banca de donadas %s"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:440
+msgid "only"
+msgstr "solament"
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:148
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:294
-#, c-format
-msgid "Importing from %s can't continue because an error occurred:"
-msgstr ""
-"L'importacion a partir de %s pòt pas contunhar perque una error s'es "
-"producha :"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:441
+msgid "and lower"
+msgstr "e mens"
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsPluginHost.vala:151
-msgid "To try importing from another service, select one from the above menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Per temptar d'importar a partir d'un autre servici, fasètz vòstra causida "
-"dins lo menú çaisús."
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:503
+msgid "is after"
+msgstr "es aprèp"
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:10
-msgid ""
-"You do not have any data imports plugins enabled.\n"
-"In order to use the Import From Application functionality, you need to have "
-"at least one data imports plugin enabled. Plugins can be enabled in the "
-"Preferences dialog."
-msgstr ""
-"Cap d'empeuton d'importacion de donadas es pas activat.\n"
-"Per poder utilizar l'importacion a partir d'una aplicacion, al mens un "
-"empeuton deu èsser disponible. Pòdon èsser activats dins la fenèstra de las "
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:504
+msgid "is before"
+msgstr "es abans"
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:100
-msgid "Database file:"
-msgstr "Fichièr de banca de donadas :"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:505
+msgid "is between"
+msgstr "es entre"
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:112
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:899
-msgid "_Import"
-msgstr "_Importar"
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:518
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "e"
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:216
-msgid "Import From Application"
-msgstr "Importar a partir d'una aplicacion"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:169
+msgid "Any text"
+msgstr "Un tèxte quin que siá"
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:217
-msgid "Import media _from:"
-msgstr "Importar de contengut a _partir de :"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:172
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Títol"
-#: ../src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:394
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:556
-msgid "_Close"
-msgstr "_Tampar"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:175
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiquetar"
-#: ../src/db/DatabaseTable.vala:37
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to open/create photo database %s: error code %d"
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible de dobrir o crear la banca de donadas de fòtos %s : còde d'error "
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:178
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Comentari"
-#: ../src/db/DatabaseTable.vala:46
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to write to photo database file:\n"
-" %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible d'escriure dins lo fichièr de banca de donadas de fòtos :\n"
-" %s"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:181
+msgid "Event name"
+msgstr "Nom de l'eveniment"
-#: ../src/db/DatabaseTable.vala:48
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Error accessing database file:\n"
-" %s\n"
-"Error was: \n"
-msgstr ""
-"Error d'accès al fichièr de banca de donadas :\n"
-" %s\n"
-"L'error es : \n"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:184
+msgid "File name"
+msgstr "Nom del fichièr"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:46 ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:352
-msgid "_File"
-msgstr "_Fichièr"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:187
+msgid "Face"
+msgstr "Cara"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:51
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:417
-msgid "_Save"
-msgstr "_Enregistrar"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:190
+msgid "Media type"
+msgstr "Tipe de mèdia"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:52
-msgid "Save photo"
-msgstr "Enregistra la fòto"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:193
+msgid "Flag state"
+msgstr "Estat marcat"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:57
-msgid "Save _As..."
-msgstr "Enregistrar _jos..."
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:196
+msgid "Photo state"
+msgstr "Estatut de la fòto"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:58
-msgid "Save photo with a different name"
-msgstr "Enregistra la fòto amb un autre nom"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:199 src/SearchFilter.vala:853
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1136
+msgid "Rating"
+msgstr "Nòta"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:69
-msgid "Print the photo to a printer connected to your computer"
-msgstr "Imprimís la fòto sus una imprimenta connectada a vòstre ordenador"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:202
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Data"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:73 ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:356
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "_Edicion"
+#: src/searches/SearchesBranch.vala:68
+msgid "Saved Searches"
+msgstr "Recèrcas enregistradas"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:77 ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:364
-msgid "_Photo"
-msgstr "_Fòto"
+#: src/searches/SearchesBranch.vala:68
+msgid "Organize your saved searches"
+msgstr "Organizatz vòstras recèrcas enregistradas"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:169
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:380
-msgid "_Help"
-msgstr "_Ajuda"
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:837
+msgid "★+ Rating"
+msgstr "Valoracion ★+"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:227
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s does not exist."
-msgstr "%s existís pas."
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:840
+msgid "★★+ Rating"
+msgstr "Valoracion ★★+"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:229
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s is not a file."
-msgstr "%s es pas un fichièr."
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:843
+msgid "★★★+ Rating"
+msgstr "Valoracion ★★★+"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:231
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"%s does not support the file format of\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s pren pas en carga lo format del fichièr\n"
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:846
+msgid "★★★★+ Rating"
+msgstr "Valoracion ★★★★+"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:417
-msgid "_Save a Copy"
-msgstr "_Enregistrar una còpia"
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:850
+msgid "★★★★★+ Rating"
+msgstr "Valoracion ★★★★★+"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:420
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1086
#, c-format
-msgid "Lose changes to %s?"
-msgstr "Pèrdre las modificacions aplicadas a %s ?"
+msgid "Error loading search bar UI: %s"
+msgstr "Error de cargament de l’interfàcia de la barra de recèrca : %s"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:421
-msgid "Close _without Saving"
-msgstr "Tampar _sens enregistrar"
+#. Ticket #3260 - Add a 'close' context menu to
+#. the searchbar.
+#. Prepare the close menu for use, but don't
+#. display it yet; we'll connect it to secondary
+#. click later on.
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1095
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Barrar"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:454
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error while saving to %s: %s"
-msgstr "Error al moment de l'enregistrament de %s : %s"
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:482
-#: ../src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:503
-msgid "Save As"
-msgstr "Enregistrar jos"
+#. Type label and toggles
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1101
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Tipe"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:665
-msgid "Return to current photo dimensions"
-msgstr "Tornar a las dimensions actualas de la fòto"
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1108
+msgid "Videos"
+msgstr "Vidèos"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:668
-msgid "Set the crop for this photo"
-msgstr "Efectuar l'accion de retalhatge"
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1111
+msgid "RAW Photos"
+msgstr "Fòtos RAW"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:680
-msgid "Pivot the crop rectangle between portrait and landscape orientations"
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1147
+msgid "Use a saved search to filter items in the current view"
msgstr ""
-"Pivotar lo rectangle de rosegatge entre las orientacions retrach e païsatge"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:753
-msgid "Unconstrained"
-msgstr "Sens contrencha"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:754
-msgid "Square"
-msgstr "Carrat"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:755
-msgid "Screen"
-msgstr "Ecran"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:757
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:760
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:770
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:780
-msgid "-"
-msgstr "-"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:758
-msgid "SD Video (4 : 3)"
-msgstr "Vidèo SD (4 : 3)"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:759
-msgid "HD Video (16 : 9)"
-msgstr "Vidèo HD (16 : 9)"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:766
-msgid "Letter (8.5 x 11 in.)"
-msgstr "Letra (215.9 × 279.4 mm)"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:768
-msgid "Tabloid (11 x 17 in.)"
-msgstr "Tabloïd (279.4 × 431.8 mm)"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:775
-msgid "A4 (210 x 297 mm)"
-msgstr "A4 (210 x 297 mm)"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:779
-msgid "A3 (297 x 420 mm)"
-msgstr "A3 (297 x 420 mm)"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1876
-msgid "Close the red-eye tool"
-msgstr "Tampar l'aisina uèlhs roges"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1879
-msgid "Remove any red-eye effects in the selected region"
-msgstr "Suprimir o reduire l'efièch uèlhs roges dins la zòna de seleccion"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2215
-#: ../src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:102
-msgid "_Reset"
-msgstr "_Reïnicializar"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2237
-msgid "Saturation:"
-msgstr "Saturacion :"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2245
-msgid "Tint:"
-msgstr "Tencha :"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2254
-msgid "Temperature:"
-msgstr "Temperatura :"
+"Utilizatz una recèrca enregistrada per filtrar los elements de l’afichatge "
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2262
-msgid "Shadows:"
-msgstr "Ombras :"
+#. Set up toolbar
+#. add toolbar buttons
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:136
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Precedenta"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2270
-msgid "Highlights:"
-msgstr "Tons clars :"
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:138
+msgid "Go to the previous photo"
+msgstr "Tòrna a la fòto precedenta"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2324
-msgid "Reset Colors"
-msgstr "Reïnicializar las colors"
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:143 src/SlideshowPage.vala:250
+msgid "Pause"
+msgstr "Pausa"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2324
-msgid "Reset all color adjustments to original"
-msgstr "Reïnicializa totes los ajustaments colorimetrics a l'original"
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:145 src/SlideshowPage.vala:251
+msgid "Pause the slideshow"
+msgstr "Metre lo diaporama en pausa"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2676
-msgid "Temperature"
-msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:150
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Seguenta"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2689
-msgid "Tint"
-msgstr "Tencha"
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:152
+msgid "Go to the next photo"
+msgstr "Passa a la fòto seguenta"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2702
-msgid "Saturation"
-msgstr "Saturacion"
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:159 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:21
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2715
-msgid "Exposure"
-msgstr "Exposicion"
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:160
+msgid "Change slideshow settings"
+msgstr "Configurar lo diaporama"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2728
-msgid "Shadows"
-msgstr "Ombras"
+#. An entire slideshow set might be missing, so check for a loop.
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:214
+msgid "All photo source files are missing."
+msgstr "Totes los fichièrs fonts de los fòtos son mancants."
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2741
-msgid "Highlights"
-msgstr "Tons clars"
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:246
+msgid "Play"
+msgstr "Aviar"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2751
-msgid "Contrast Expansion"
-msgstr "Espandiment del contraste"
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:247
+msgid "Continue the slideshow"
+msgstr "Contunhar lo diaporama"
-#: ../src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:99
-msgid "Angle:"
-msgstr "Angle :"
+#: src/slideshow/Slideshow.vala:22
+msgid "Slideshow Transitions"
+msgstr "Transicions de diaporama"
-#: ../src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:83
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d Photo/Video"
-msgid_plural "%d Photos/Videos"
-msgstr[0] "%d Fòto/Vidèo"
-msgstr[1] "%d Fòtos/Vidèos"
+#: src/slideshow/TransitionEffects.vala:98
+msgid "(None)"
+msgstr "(pas cap)"
-#: ../src/events/EventPage.vala:129
-msgid "No Event"
-msgstr "Pas cap d'eveniment"
+#: src/slideshow/TransitionEffects.vala:287 ui/preferences_dialog.ui:414
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Pas cap"
-#: ../src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:131
-msgid "Display the comment of each event"
-msgstr "Afichar lo comentari de cada eveniment"
+#: src/slideshow/TransitionEffects.vala:339
+msgid "Random"
+msgstr "Aleatòri"
-#: ../src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:155
-msgid "No events"
-msgstr "Pas cap d'eveniment"
+#: src/tags/TagsBranch.vala:131
+msgid "Tags"
+msgstr "Etiquetas"
-#: ../src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:159
-msgid "No events found"
-msgstr "Cap d'eveniment pas trobat"
+#: src/tags/TagsBranch.vala:131
+msgid "Organize and browse your photo’s tags"
+msgstr "Organizatz e percorrètz vòstras etiquetas de fòtos"
-#: ../src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:230
-msgid "Events"
-msgstr "Eveniments"
+#: src/Tag.vala:830
+msgid "untitled"
+msgstr "sens títol"
-#: ../src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:244
-msgid "Undated"
-msgstr "Pas datada"
+#. multiple videos
+#: src/VideoSupport.vala:525
+msgid "Export Videos"
+msgstr "Exportar las vidèos"
-#: ../src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:245
-msgid "%Y"
-msgstr "%Y"
+#: ui/collection.ui:33 ui/event.ui:281 ui/event.ui:472 ui/faces.ui:281
+#: ui/media.ui:281 ui/photo_context.ui:30 ui/photo.ui:268 ui/tags.ui:281
+msgid "Toggle _Flag"
+msgstr "Apondre/levar la _marca"
-#: ../src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala:246
-msgid "%B"
-msgstr "%B"
+#: ui/collection.ui:82 ui/event.ui:353 ui/event.ui:521 ui/faces.ui:353
+#: ui/media.ui:353 ui/photo_context.ui:88 ui/photo.ui:344 ui/tags.ui:353
+msgid "_Developer"
+msgstr "_Desvolopaire"
-#: ../src/folders/Branch.vala:141
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Dorsièrs"
+#: ui/collection.ui:119 ui/event.ui:387 ui/event.ui:558 ui/faces.ui:381
+#: ui/media.ui:381 ui/photo_context.ui:126 ui/tags.ui:381
+msgid "View Eve_nt for Photo"
+msgstr "Afichar l'e_veniment de la fòto"
-#: ../src/library/Branch.vala:37 ../ui/
-msgid "Library"
-msgstr "Bibliotèca"
+#: ui/direct.ui:5 ui/events_directory.ui:5 ui/event.ui:5 ui/faces.ui:5
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:5 ui/import.ui:5 ui/media.ui:5 ui/offline.ui:5
+#: ui/photo.ui:5 ui/tags.ui:5 ui/trash.ui:5
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fichièr"
-#: ../src/library/ImportQueuePage.vala:8
-msgid "Importing..."
-msgstr "Importacion en cors..."
+#: ui/direct.ui:13
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Enregistrar _jos…"
-#: ../src/library/ImportQueuePage.vala:66
-msgid "_Stop Import"
-msgstr "_Arrestar l'importacion"
+#: ui/direct.ui:59 ui/events_directory.ui:71 ui/event.ui:99 ui/faces.ui:99
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:38 ui/import.ui:74 ui/media.ui:99 ui/offline.ui:78
+#: ui/photo.ui:95 ui/tags.ui:99 ui/trash.ui:87
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Afichatge"
-#: ../src/library/ImportQueuePage.vala:67
-msgid "Stop importing photos"
-msgstr "Arrèsta l'importacion de las fòtos"
+#: ui/direct.ui:81 ui/photo.ui:156
+msgid "Fit to _Page"
+msgstr "Adaptar a la _pagina"
-#: ../src/library/ImportQueuePage.vala:123
-msgid "Preparing to import..."
-msgstr "Preparacion de l'importacion..."
+#: ui/direct.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:161
+msgid "Zoom _100%"
+msgstr "Zoom _100 %"
-#: ../src/library/ImportQueuePage.vala:150
-#, c-format
-msgid "Imported %s"
-msgstr "%s importat"
+#: ui/direct.ui:91 ui/photo.ui:166
+msgid "Zoom _200%"
+msgstr "Zoom _200 %"
-#: ../src/library/LastImportPage.vala:8
-msgid "Last Import"
-msgstr "Darrièra importacion"
+#: ui/direct.ui:98 ui/photo.ui:187
+msgid "_Photo"
+msgstr "_Fòto"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:301
-msgid "_Import From Folder..."
-msgstr "Importar un _dorsièr..."
+#: ui/direct.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:190
+msgid "_Previous Photo"
+msgstr "Fòto _precedenta"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:302
-msgid "Import photos from disk to library"
-msgstr "Impòrta de fòtos d'un disc cap a la fototèca"
+#: ui/direct.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:194
+msgid "_Next Photo"
+msgstr "Fòto _seguenta"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:309
-msgid "Import From _Application..."
-msgstr "Importar a partir d'una _aplicacion"
+#: ui/direct.ui:131 ui/photo.ui:220
+msgid "T_ools"
+msgstr "_Aisinas"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:313
-msgid "Sort _Events"
-msgstr "Triar los even_iments"
+#: ui/direct.ui:182 ui/events_directory.ui:158 ui/event.ui:428 ui/faces.ui:438
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:73 ui/import.ui:191 ui/media.ui:411 ui/offline.ui:188
+#: ui/photo.ui:395 ui/tags.ui:430 ui/trash.ui:197
+msgid "_Frequently Asked Questions"
+msgstr "_Fèira de las questions"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:323
+#: ui/direct.ui:186 ui/events_directory.ui:162 ui/event.ui:432 ui/faces.ui:442
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:77 ui/import.ui:195 ui/media.ui:415 ui/offline.ui:192
+#: ui/photo.ui:399 ui/tags.ui:434 ui/trash.ui:201
+msgid "_Report a Problem…"
+msgstr "_Senhalar un problèma…"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:8 ui/event.ui:8 ui/faces.ui:8 ui/import_queue.ui:14
+#: ui/import.ui:8 ui/media.ui:8 ui/offline.ui:8 ui/photo.ui:8 ui/tags.ui:8
+#: ui/trash.ui:8
+msgid "_Import From Folder…"
+msgstr "_Importar dempuèi un dorsièr…"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:13 ui/event.ui:13 ui/faces.ui:13
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:19 ui/import.ui:21 ui/media.ui:13 ui/offline.ui:13
+#: ui/photo.ui:13 ui/tags.ui:13 ui/trash.ui:13
+msgid "Import From _Application…"
+msgstr "Importar a partir d’una _aplicacion…"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:19 ui/event.ui:34 ui/faces.ui:34
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:25 ui/import.ui:27 ui/media.ui:34 ui/offline.ui:19
+#: ui/photo.ui:42 ui/tags.ui:34 ui/trash.ui:24 ui/trash.ui:234 ui/trash.ui:242
msgid "Empty T_rash"
msgstr "Voidar l'escobilhiè_r"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:324
-msgid "Delete all photos in the trash"
-msgstr "Suprimir totas las fòtos de l'escobilhièr"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:329
-msgid "View Eve_nt for Photo"
-msgstr "Afichar l'e_veniment de la fòto"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:334
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:47 ui/event.ui:62 ui/faces.ui:62 ui/import.ui:55
+#: ui/media.ui:62 ui/offline.ui:47 ui/tags.ui:62 ui/trash.ui:52
msgid "_Find"
msgstr "_Recercar"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:335
-msgid "Find photos and videos by search criteria"
-msgstr "Recercar de fòtos e de vidèos per critèris de recèrca"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:346 ../src/searches/Branch.vala:77
-#: ../src/sidebar/Tree.vala:195
-msgid "Ne_w Saved Search..."
-msgstr "No_vèla recèrca..."
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:368
-msgid "_Photos"
-msgstr "_Fòtos"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:51 ui/event.ui:66 ui/faces.ui:66 ui/media.ui:66
+#: ui/offline.ui:51 ui/photo.ui:70 ui/search_sidebar_context.ui:6
+#: ui/sidebar_default_context.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:66 ui/trash.ui:56
+msgid "Ne_w Saved Search…"
+msgstr "No_vèla recèrca enregistrada…"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:372
-msgid "Even_ts"
-msgstr "Evenimen_ts"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:391
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:74 ui/event.ui:102 ui/faces.ui:102
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:41 ui/import.ui:77 ui/media.ui:102 ui/offline.ui:81
+#: ui/photo.ui:98 ui/tags.ui:102 ui/trash.ui:90
msgid "_Basic Information"
msgstr "Informacions _basicas"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:392
-msgid "Display basic information for the selection"
-msgstr "Aficha las informacions basicas per la seleccion"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:397
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:79 ui/event.ui:107 ui/faces.ui:107 ui/import.ui:82
+#: ui/media.ui:107 ui/offline.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:103 ui/tags.ui:107
+#: ui/trash.ui:95
msgid "E_xtended Information"
msgstr "Informacions espand_idas"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:398
-msgid "Display extended information for the selection"
-msgstr "Afichar las informacions espandidas per la seleccion"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:403
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:84 ui/event.ui:112 ui/faces.ui:112 ui/import.ui:87
+#: ui/media.ui:112 ui/offline.ui:91 ui/tags.ui:112 ui/trash.ui:100
msgid "_Search Bar"
msgstr "Barra de _recèrca"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:404
-msgid "Display the search bar"
-msgstr "Aficha la barra de recèrca"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:409
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:89 ui/event.ui:117 ui/faces.ui:117 ui/import.ui:92
+#: ui/media.ui:117 ui/offline.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:117
+#: ui/trash.ui:105
msgid "S_idebar"
msgstr "_Panèl lateral"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:410
-msgid "Display the sidebar"
-msgstr "Afichar lo panèl lateral"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:94 ui/event.ui:122 ui/faces.ui:122 ui/import.ui:97
+#: ui/media.ui:122 ui/offline.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:113 ui/tags.ui:122
+#: ui/trash.ui:110
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Barra d’_aisinas"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:668
-msgid "Import From Folder"
-msgstr "Importacion d'un dorsièr"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:101 ui/event.ui:134 ui/faces.ui:134 ui/media.ui:134
+#: ui/tags.ui:134
+msgid "_Comments"
+msgstr "_Comentaris"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:737
-msgid "Empty Trash"
-msgstr "Voidar l'escobilhièr"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:108 ui/event.ui:243 ui/faces.ui:243
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:48 ui/import.ui:166 ui/media.ui:243 ui/offline.ui:163
+#: ui/photo.ui:127 ui/tags.ui:243 ui/trash.ui:172
+msgid "Sort _Events"
+msgstr "Triar los even_iments"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:737
-msgid "Emptying Trash..."
-msgstr "Supression del contengut de l'escobilhièr..."
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:111 ui/event.ui:231 ui/event.ui:246 ui/faces.ui:231
+#: ui/faces.ui:246 ui/import_queue.ui:51 ui/import.ui:169 ui/media.ui:231
+#: ui/media.ui:246 ui/offline.ui:166 ui/photo.ui:130 ui/tags.ui:231
+#: ui/tags.ui:246 ui/trash.ui:175
+msgid "_Ascending"
+msgstr "_Creissent"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:896
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell is configured to import photos to your home directory.\n"
-"We recommend changing this in <span weight=\"bold\">Edit %s Preferences</"
-"Do you want to continue importing photos?"
-msgstr ""
-"Shotwell es configurat per importar de fòtos cap a vòstre repertòri "
-"Vos recomandam de modificar aquò dins <span weight=\"bold\">Edicion %s "
-"Volètz contunhar l'importacion de las fòtos ?"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:116 ui/event.ui:236 ui/faces.ui:236
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:56 ui/media.ui:236 ui/offline.ui:171 ui/tags.ui:236
+#: ui/trash.ui:180
+msgid "D_escending"
+msgstr "D_escreissent"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:899 ../ui/
-msgid "Library Location"
-msgstr "Emplaçament de la bibliotèca"
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:132 ui/event.ui:379 ui/faces.ui:373 ui/media.ui:373
+#: ui/tags.ui:373
+msgid "Even_ts"
+msgstr "Evenimen_ts"
-#. TODO: Specify which directory/file.
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:912
-msgid "Photos cannot be imported from this directory."
-msgstr "Las fòtos pòdon pas èsser importadas dempuèi aqueste dorsièr."
+#: ui/event.ui:129 ui/faces.ui:129 ui/import.ui:104 ui/media.ui:129
+#: ui/tags.ui:129
+msgid "_Titles"
+msgstr "_Títols"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1200
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s (%d%%)"
-msgstr "%s (%d %%)"
+#: ui/event.ui:139 ui/event.ui:404 ui/faces.ui:139 ui/faces.ui:387
+#: ui/media.ui:139 ui/media.ui:387 ui/photo.ui:372 ui/tags.ui:139
+#: ui/tags.ui:387
+msgid "Ta_gs"
+msgstr "E_tiquetas"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1244
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1255
-msgid "Updating library..."
-msgstr "Mesa a jorn de la fototèca..."
+#: ui/event.ui:206 ui/faces.ui:206 ui/media.ui:206 ui/tags.ui:206
+msgid "Sort _Photos"
+msgstr "Triar las _fòtos"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1261
-msgid "Preparing to auto-import photos..."
-msgstr "Preparacion de l'importacion automatica de fòtos..."
+#: ui/event.ui:209 ui/faces.ui:209 ui/media.ui:209 ui/tags.ui:209
+msgid "By _Title"
+msgstr "Per _nom"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1266
-msgid "Auto-importing photos..."
-msgstr "Importacion automatica de fòtos..."
+#: ui/event.ui:214 ui/faces.ui:214 ui/media.ui:214 ui/tags.ui:214
+msgid "By _Filename"
+msgstr "Per _nom de fichièr"
-#: ../src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1274
-msgid "Writing metadata to files..."
-msgstr "Escritura de las metadonadas dins los fichièrs..."
+#: ui/event.ui:219 ui/faces.ui:219 ui/media.ui:219 ui/tags.ui:219
+msgid "By Exposure _Date"
+msgstr "Per _data"
-#: ../src/library/OfflinePage.vala:8
-msgid "Missing Files"
-msgstr "Fichièrs mancants"
+#: ui/event.ui:224 ui/faces.ui:224 ui/media.ui:224 ui/tags.ui:224
+msgid "By _Rating"
+msgstr "Per _nòta"
-#: ../src/library/OfflinePage.vala:106
-msgid "Deleting..."
-msgstr "Supression..."
+#: ui/event.ui:251 ui/faces.ui:251 ui/import.ui:174 ui/media.ui:251
+#: ui/photo.ui:135 ui/tags.ui:251
+msgid "_Descending"
+msgstr "Òrdre _descreissent"
-#: ../src/library/TrashPage.vala:8
-msgid "Trash"
-msgstr "Escobilhièr"
+#: ui/event.ui:275 ui/faces.ui:275 ui/media.ui:275 ui/tags.ui:275
+msgid "_Photos"
+msgstr "_Fòtos"
-#: ../src/library/TrashPage.vala:108
-msgid "Trash is empty"
-msgstr "L'escobilhièr es void"
+#: ui/faces.ui:465
+msgid "Rename…"
+msgstr "Renommar…"
-#: ../src/library/TrashPage.vala:112
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Suprimir"
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:8
+msgid "_Stop Import"
+msgstr "_Arrestar l'importacion"
-#: ../src/library/TrashPage.vala:113
-msgid "Deleting Photos"
-msgstr "Supression de fòtos"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:67
+msgid "Display"
+msgstr "Afichatge"
-#: ../src/main.vala:54
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It "
-"appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s "
-"(schema %d). Please use the latest version of Shotwell."
-msgstr ""
-"Vòstra fototèca es pas compatibla amb aquesta version de Shotwell. Sembla "
-"qu'es estada creada per Shotwell %s (esquèma %d). Aquesta version es la %s "
-"(esquèma %d). Utilizatz la darrièra version de Shotwell."
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:103
+msgid "_Import photos to:"
+msgstr "_Importar las fòtos dins :"
-#: ../src/main.vala:59
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell was unable to upgrade your photo library from version %s (schema "
-"%d) to %s (schema %d). For more information please check the Shotwell Wiki "
-"at %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Shotwell es dins l'impossibilitat de metre a nivèl vòstra fototèca de la "
-"version %s (esquèma %d) a la version %s (esquèma %d). Per mai d'entresenhas, "
-"consultatz lo wiki de Shotwell sus %s"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:114
+msgid "_Watch library directory for new files"
+msgstr "_Detectar los novèls fichièrs dins lo dorsièr de la fototèca"
-#: ../src/main.vala:65
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It "
-"appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s "
-"(schema %d). Please clear your library by deleting %s and re-import your "
-msgstr ""
-"Vòstra fototèca es pas compatibla amb aquesta version de Shotwell. Sembla "
-"qu'es estada creada per Shotwell %s (esquèma %d). Aquesta version es la %s "
-"(esquèma %d). Escafatz vòstra fototèca en suprimissent %s puèi reïmportatz "
-"vòstras fòtos."
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:137
+msgid "Importing"
+msgstr "Importacion"
-#: ../src/main.vala:71
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error attempting to verify Shotwell's database: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Error desconeguda al moment de la temptativa de verificacion de la banca de "
-"donadas de Shotwell : %s"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:154
+msgid "_Directory structure:"
+msgstr "Estructura de _dorsièr :"
-#: ../src/main.vala:104
-msgid "Loading Shotwell"
-msgstr "Cargament de Shotwell"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:169
+msgid "Example:"
+msgstr "Exemple :"
-#: ../src/main.vala:294
-msgid "Path to Shotwell's private data"
-msgstr "Camin cap a las donadas privadas de Shotwell"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:178
+msgid "R_ename imported files to lowercase"
+msgstr "Tornat nom_enar los fichièrs importats en minusculas"
-#: ../src/main.vala:294
-msgid "DIRECTORY"
-msgstr "DORSIÈR"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:200
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadonadas"
-#: ../src/main.vala:298
-msgid "Do not monitor library directory at runtime for changes"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:213
+msgid "Write tags, titles, and other _metadata to photo files"
msgstr ""
-"Susvelhar pas las modificacions dins lo repertòri de la fototèca a l'aviada"
+"Escriure las etiquetas, los noms e las autras _metadonadas dins los fichièrs "
+"de las fòtos"
-#: ../src/main.vala:302
-msgid "Don't display startup progress meter"
-msgstr "Afichar pas l'indicador de progression de l'aviada"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:235
+msgid "RAW Developer"
+msgstr "Revelador RAW"
-#: ../src/main.vala:306
-msgid "Show the application's version"
-msgstr "Afichar la version de l'aplicacion"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:252
+msgid "De_fault:"
+msgstr "De_faut :"
-#. init GTK (valac has already called g_threads_init())
-#: ../src/main.vala:338
-msgid "[FILE]"
-msgstr "[FICHIÈR]"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:306
+msgid "_Pattern:"
+msgstr "_Modèl :"
-#: ../src/main.vala:342
-#, c-format
-msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:339
+msgid ""
+"When viewing images that are transparent, they will be drawn against this "
msgstr ""
-"Aviar « %s --help » per afichar la lista de las opcions de la linha de "
-#: ../src/photos/BmpSupport.vala:32
-msgid "BMP"
-msgstr "BMP"
-#: ../src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:84
-msgid "JPEG"
-msgstr "JPEG"
-#: ../src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:182
-#, c-format
-msgid "Low (%d%%)"
-msgstr "Feble (%d%%)"
+"Al moment de l’afichatge d’imatges transparents, es aqueste rèireplan que "
+"serà visible."
-#: ../src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:185
-#, c-format
-msgid "Medium (%d%%)"
-msgstr "Mejan (%d%%)"
-#: ../src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:188
-#, c-format
-msgid "High (%d%%)"
-msgstr "Fòrt (%d%%)"
-#: ../src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:191
-#, c-format
-msgid "Maximum (%d%%)"
-msgstr "Maximum (%d%%)"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:343
+msgid "Transparent Background:"
+msgstr "Rèireplan transparent :"
-#: ../src/photos/PngSupport.vala:30
-msgid "PNG"
-msgstr "PNG"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:357
+msgid "Checkered"
+msgstr "Damièr"
-#: ../src/photos/RawSupport.vala:134
-msgid "RAW"
-msgstr "RAW"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:378
+msgid "Solid color"
+msgstr "Color unida"
-#: ../src/photos/TiffSupport.vala:86
-msgid "TIFF"
-msgstr "TIFF"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:441
+msgid "Use dark theme:"
+msgstr "Utilizar un tèma escur :"
-#: ../src/publishing/Publishing.vala:16
-msgid "Publishing"
-msgstr "Publicacion"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:492
+msgid "E_xternal photo editor:"
+msgstr "Editor d'imatge extèrne :"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:11
-msgid "Preparing for upload"
-msgstr "Preparacion del mandadís"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:509
+msgid "External _RAW editor:"
+msgstr "Editor _RAW extèrne :"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:12
-#, c-format
-msgid "Uploading %d of %d"
-msgstr "Mandadís de l'element %d sus %d"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:570
+msgid "External Editors"
+msgstr "Editors extèrnes"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:82
-#, c-format
-msgid "Publishing to %s can't continue because an error occurred:"
-msgstr ""
-"La publicacion cap a %s pòt pas contunhar perque una error s'es producha :"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:595
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Empeutons"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:85
-msgid "To try publishing to another service, select one from the above menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Per ensajar de publicar sus un autre servici, seleccionatz-ne un dempuèi lo "
-"menú çaisús."
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:621
+msgid "Shotwell Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferéncias de Shotwell"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:105
-msgid "The selected photos/videos were successfully published."
-msgstr "Las fòtos/vidèos seleccionadas son estadas publicadas amb succès."
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:18
+msgid "<b>Printed Image Size</b>"
+msgstr "Talha de l'imatge imprimit"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:107
-msgid "The selected videos were successfully published."
-msgstr "Las vidèos seleccionadas son estadas publicadas amb succès."
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:38
+msgid "Use a _standard size:"
+msgstr "Utilizar una talha e_standarda :"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:109
-msgid "The selected photos were successfully published."
-msgstr "Las fòtos seleccionadas son estadas publicadas amb succès."
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:65
+msgid "Use a c_ustom size:"
+msgstr "Utilizar una talha _personalizada :"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:112
-msgid "The selected video was successfully published."
-msgstr "La vidèo seleccionada es estada publicada amb succès."
+#. Abbrevation for "inch"
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:128
+msgid "in."
+msgstr "in."
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:114
-msgid "The selected photo was successfully published."
-msgstr "La fòto seleccionada es estada publicada amb succès."
+#. Abbrevation for "centimeters"
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:129
+msgid "cm"
+msgstr "cm"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:122
-msgid "Fetching account information..."
-msgstr "Recuperacion de las informacions sul compte..."
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:146
+msgid "_Match photo aspect ratio"
+msgstr "_Conservar las proporcions de la fòto"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:128
-msgid "Logging in..."
-msgstr "Connexion en cors…"
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:161
+msgid "_Autosize:"
+msgstr "Talha _automatica :"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:191
-msgid "Publish Photos"
-msgstr "Publicar las fòtos"
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:202
+msgid "<b>Titles</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Títols</b>"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:192
-msgid "Publish photos _to:"
-msgstr "Publicar las fòtos _sus :"
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:219
+msgid "Print image _title"
+msgstr "Imprimir lo _títol de l'imatge"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:194
-msgid "Publish Videos"
-msgstr "Publicar las vidèos"
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:262
+msgid "<b>Pixel Resolution</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Resolucion en pixèls</b>"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:195
-msgid "Publish videos _to"
-msgstr "Publicar las vidèos _sus"
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:282
+msgid "_Output photo at:"
+msgstr "_Imprimir la fòto a :"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:197
-msgid "Publish Photos and Videos"
-msgstr "Publicar de fòtos e de vidèos"
+#: ui/printing_widget.ui:316
+msgid "pixels per inch"
+msgstr "pixèls per poce"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:198
-msgid "Publish photos and videos _to"
-msgstr "Publicar las fòtos e las vidèos _sus"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:7
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Recercar"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:275
-msgid "Add more accounts..."
-msgstr "Apondre mai de comptes..."
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:23
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Anullada"
-#. There are no enabled publishing services that accept this media type,
-#. warn the user.
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:435
-msgid "Unable to publish"
-msgstr "Impossible de publicar"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:36
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "OK"
-#: ../src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:436
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Shotwell cannot publish the selected items because you do not have a "
-"compatible publishing plugin enabled. To correct this, choose <b>Edit %s "
-"Preferences</b> and enable one or more of the publishing plugins on the "
-"<b>Plugins</b> tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Shotwell pòt pas publicar los elements seleccionats perque cap d'empeuton de "
-"publicacion compatible es pas activat. Per corregir aquò, causissètz "
-"<b>Edicion %s Preferéncias</b> e activatz un o mantun empeuton de "
-"publicacion dins l'onglet <b>Empeutons</b>."
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:74
+msgid "_Name of search:"
+msgstr "_Nom de la recèrca :"
-#: ../src/searches/Branch.vala:68
-msgid "Saved Searches"
-msgstr "Recèrcas enregistradas"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:132
+msgid "_Match"
+msgstr "_Correspondéncia"
-#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionText.Context
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:169
-msgid "contains"
-msgstr "conten"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:149
+msgid "any"
+msgstr "totas"
-#. Ordering must correspond with Context
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:170
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:497
-msgid "is exactly"
-msgstr "val exactament"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:150
+msgid "all"
+msgstr "totes"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:171
-msgid "starts with"
-msgstr "comença per"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:151
+msgid "none"
+msgstr "pas cap"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:172
-msgid "ends with"
-msgstr "finís per"
+#: ui/saved_search_dialog.ui:165
+msgid "of the following:"
+msgstr "demest las seguentas :"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:173
-msgid "does not contain"
-msgstr "conten pas"
+#: ui/set_background_dialog.ui:9
+msgid "Set as Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Definir coma fons d’ecran"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:174
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:501
-msgid "is not set"
-msgstr "es pas definit"
+#: ui/set_background_dialog.ui:69 ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:132
+msgid "Use for Desktop"
+msgstr "Utilizar pel burèu"
-#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionMediaType.Context
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:245
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:376
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:441
-msgid "is"
-msgstr "es"
+#: ui/set_background_dialog.ui:86 ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:149
+msgid "Use for Lock Screen"
+msgstr "Utilizar per l’ecran de verrolhatge"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:246
-msgid "is not"
-msgstr "es pas"
+#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:16
+msgid "Set as Desktop Slideshow"
+msgstr "Definir coma diaporama d'ecran"
-#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionMediaType.MediaType
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:252
-msgid "any photo"
-msgstr "tota fòto"
+#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:54
+msgid "Generate desktop background slideshow"
+msgstr "Generar un diaporama de fons d'ecran"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:253
-msgid "a raw photo"
-msgstr "una fòto bruta"
+#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:80
+msgid "Show each photo for"
+msgstr "Afichar cada fòtos pendent"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:254
-msgid "a video"
-msgstr "una vidèo"
+#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:92
+msgid "period of time"
+msgstr "interval temporal"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:308
-msgid "has"
-msgstr "a"
+#: ui/set_background_slideshow_dialog.ui:114
+msgid "How long each photo is shown on the desktop background"
+msgstr "Durada d'afichatge de las fòtos en fons d'ecran"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:309
-msgid "has no"
-msgstr "a pas"
+#: ui/sidebar_default_context.ui:11 ui/tag_sidebar_context.ui:6
+msgid "New _Tag…"
+msgstr "Novèla e_tiqueta…"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:314
-msgid "modifications"
-msgstr "modificacions"
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:98
+msgid "_Delay:"
+msgstr "Relam_bi :"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:315
-msgid "internal modifications"
-msgstr "modificacions intèrnas"
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:112
+msgid "_Transition effect:"
+msgstr "Efièch de _transicion :"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:316
-msgid "external modifications"
-msgstr "modificacions extèrnas"
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:126
+msgid "Transition d_elay:"
+msgstr "Relamb_i de transicion :"
-#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionFlagged.State
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:370
-msgid "flagged"
-msgstr "marcada"
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:136
+msgid "Show t_itle"
+msgstr "Afichar lo t_ítol"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:371
-msgid "not flagged"
-msgstr "pas marcada"
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:219 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:230
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segondas"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:434
-msgid "and higher"
-msgstr "e mai"
+#: ui/textentrydialog.ui:66
+msgid "label"
+msgstr "etiqueta"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:435
-msgid "only"
-msgstr "solament"
+#: ui/trash.ui:285
+msgid "Delete all photos in the trash"
+msgstr "Suprimir totas las fòtos de l'escobilhièr"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:436
-msgid "and lower"
-msgstr "e mens"
+#~ msgid "Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation"
+#~ msgstr "Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Welcome to the F-Spot library import service.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please select a library to import, either by selecting one of the "
+#~ "existing libraries found by Shotwell or by selecting an alternative F-"
+#~ "Spot database file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Benvengut dins lo servici d'impòrt de fototècas F-Spot.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Seleccionatz una fototèca d'importar, siá en ne seleccionant una demest "
+#~ "las que son trobadas per Shotwell, siá en seleccionant un autre fichièr "
+#~ "de banca de donadas F-Spot."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Welcome to the F-Spot library import service.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please select an F-Spot database file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Benvengut dins lo servici d'impòrt de fototècas F-Spot.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Seleccionatz un fichièr de banca de donadas F-Spot."
+#~ msgid "Manually select an F-Spot database file to import:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Seleccionatz manualament un fichièr de banca de donadas F-Spot "
+#~ "d'importar :"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Cannot open the selected F-Spot database file: the file does not exist or "
+#~ "is not an F-Spot database"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Impossible de dobrir lo fichièr de banca de donadas F-Spot seleccionat : "
+#~ "lo fichièr existís pas o es pas una banca de donadas F-Spot"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Cannot open the selected F-Spot database file: this version of the F-Spot "
+#~ "database is not supported by Shotwell"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de base de données F-Spot sélectionné : "
+#~ "cette version de base de données F-Spot n'est pas prise en charge par "
+#~ "Shotwell"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Cannot read the selected F-Spot database file: error while reading tags "
+#~ "table"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de base de données F-Spot sélectionné : "
+#~ "erreur lors de la lecture de la table des étiquettes"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Cannot read the selected F-Spot database file: error while reading photos "
+#~ "table"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Impossible de dobrir lo fichièr de banca de donadas F-Spot seleccionat : "
+#~ "error al moment de la lectura de la taula de las fòtos"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Shotwell has found %d photos in the F-Spot library and is currently "
+#~ "importing them. Duplicates will be automatically detected and removed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You can close this dialog and start using Shotwell while the import is "
+#~ "taking place in the background."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Shotwell a trobat %d fòtos dins la fototèca F-Spot e es a las importar. "
+#~ "Los doblons seràn automaticament detectats e suprimits.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Podètz tampar aquesta fenèstra e començar d'utilizar Shotwell pendent que "
+#~ "l'impòrt se contunha en prètzfach de fons."
+#~ msgid "F-Spot library: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Fototèca F-Spot : %s"
+#~ msgid "'%s' isn't a valid response to an OAuth authentication request"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "« %s » es pas una responsa valida a una requèsta d'autentificacion OAuth"
+#~ msgid "Login"
+#~ msgstr "Connexion"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are not currently logged into Picasa Web Albums.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click Login to log into Picasa Web Albums in your Web browser. You will "
+#~ "have to authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Picasa Web Albums "
+#~ "account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Actualament sètz pas autentificat alprèp de Picasa Albums Web.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Clicatz sus « Connexion » per vos connectar a Picasa Albums Web dins "
+#~ "vòstre navigador Internet. Vos caldrà autorizar Shotwell Connect a "
+#~ "utilizar vòstre compte Picasa Albums Web."
+#~ msgid "You are logged into Picasa Web Albums as %s."
+#~ msgstr "Sètz connectat sus Picasa Web Albums en tant que %s."
+#~ msgid "Videos will appear in '%s'"
+#~ msgstr "Las vidèos apareisseràn dins « %s »"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Enter the confirmation number which appears after you log into Flickr in "
+#~ "your Web browser."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Picatz lo numèro de confirmacion qu'apareis dins vòstre navigador Web "
+#~ "aprèp vòstra connexion."
+#~ msgid "Authorization _Number:"
+#~ msgstr "_Numèro d'autorizacion :"
+#~ msgid "L_ist album in public gallery"
+#~ msgstr "Far la l_ista de l'album dins la galariá publica"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:498
-msgid "is after"
-msgstr "es aprèp"
+#~ msgid "Publish your pictures to Picasa"
+#~ msgstr "Publicar vòstras fòtos sus Picasa"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:499
-msgid "is before"
-msgstr "es abans"
+#~ msgid "Publish your pictures to Facebook"
+#~ msgstr "Publicar vòstras fòtos sus Facebook"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:500
-msgid "is between"
-msgstr "es entre"
+#~ msgid "Publish your pictures to Flickr"
+#~ msgstr "Publicar vòstras fòtos sus Flickr"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:513
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "e"
+#~ msgid "Play a slideshow"
+#~ msgstr "Avia un diaporama"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:720
-msgid "any"
-msgstr "totas"
+#~ msgid "Export Photos/Videos"
+#~ msgstr "Exportar las fòtos/vidèos"
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:721
-msgid "all"
-msgstr "totes"
+#~ msgid "Save Details..."
+#~ msgstr "Salvar los detalhs..."
-#: ../src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:722
-msgid "none"
-msgstr "pas cap"
+#~ msgid "Only _Remove"
+#~ msgstr "Solament _suprimir"
-#: ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:157
-msgid "Any text"
-msgstr "Un tèxte quin que siá"
+#~ msgid "_Modify original files"
+#~ msgstr "_Modificar los fichièrs originals"
-#: ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:160
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Títol"
+#~ msgid "Width or height"
+#~ msgstr "Largor o nautor"
-#: ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:163
-msgid "Tag"
-msgstr "Etiquetar"
+#~ msgid "Increase the magnification of the thumbnails"
+#~ msgstr "Agrandís las miniaturas"
-#: ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:166
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Comentari"
+#~ msgid "Decrease the magnification of the thumbnails"
+#~ msgstr "Redusís las miniaturas"
-#: ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:169
-msgid "Event name"
-msgstr "Nom de l'eveniment"
+#~ msgid "_Play Video"
+#~ msgstr "_Legir la vidèo"
-#: ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:172
-msgid "File name"
-msgstr "Nom del fichièr"
+#~ msgid "Open the selected videos in the system video player"
+#~ msgstr "Dobrís las vidèos seleccionadas dins lo lector vidèo del sistèma"
-#: ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:175
-msgid "Media type"
-msgstr "Tipe de mèdia"
+#~ msgid "Display the title of each photo"
+#~ msgstr "Aficha lo nom de cada fòto"
-#: ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:178
-msgid "Flag state"
-msgstr "Estat marcat"
+#~ msgid "Display the comment of each photo"
+#~ msgstr "Afichar lo comentari de cada fòto"
-#: ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:181
-msgid "Photo state"
-msgstr "Estatut de la fòto"
+#~ msgid "Sort photos by exposure date"
+#~ msgstr "Tria las fòtos per data de presa de vista"
-#: ../src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:187
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Data"
+#~ msgid "Sort photos by rating"
+#~ msgstr "Tria las fòtos per vòte"
-#: ../src/sidebar/Tree.vala:199
-msgid "New _Tag..."
-msgstr "E_tiqueta novèla…"
+#~ msgid "Sort photos in a descending order"
+#~ msgstr "Tria las fòtos per òrdre descreissent"
-#: ../src/slideshow/Slideshow.vala:22
-msgid "Slideshow Transitions"
-msgstr "Transicions de diaporama"
+#~ msgid "Previous Photo"
+#~ msgstr "Fòto precedenta"
-#: ../src/slideshow/TransitionEffects.vala:98
-msgid "(None)"
-msgstr "(pas cap)"
+#~ msgid "Next Photo"
+#~ msgstr "Fòto seguenta"
-#: ../src/slideshow/TransitionEffects.vala:287
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Pas cap"
+#~ msgid "Increase the magnification of the photo"
+#~ msgstr "Aumentar l'agrandiment de la fòto"
-#: ../src/slideshow/TransitionEffects.vala:339
-msgid "Random"
-msgstr "Aleatòri"
+#~ msgid "Decrease the magnification of the photo"
+#~ msgstr "Reduire l'agrandiment de la fòto"
-#: ../src/tags/Branch.vala:127
-msgid "Tags"
-msgstr "Etiquetas"
+#~ msgid "Zoom the photo to fit on the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Zoom per adaptar la fòto a l'ecran"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Set as Desktop Slideshow"
-msgstr "Definir coma diaporama d'ecran"
+#~ msgid "Zoom the photo to 100% magnification"
+#~ msgstr "Talha vertadièra de la fòto (100 %)"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Generate desktop background slideshow"
-msgstr "Generar un diaporama de fons d'ecran"
+#~ msgid "Zoom the photo to 200% magnification"
+#~ msgstr "Doble la talha vertadièra de la fòto (200 %)"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Show each photo for"
-msgstr "Afichar cada fòtos pendent"
+#~ msgid "Extended Information"
+#~ msgstr "Informacions espandidas"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "period of time"
-msgstr "interval temporal"
+#~ msgid "Set as _Desktop Slideshow..."
+#~ msgstr "Definir coma _diaporama d'ecran..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "How long each photo is shown on the desktop background"
-msgstr "Durada d'afichatge de las fòtos en fons d'ecran"
+#~ msgid "Re_name Event..."
+#~ msgstr "Tornar _nomenar l'evenement..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Recercar"
+#~ msgid "_Export..."
+#~ msgstr "_Exportar..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Name of search:"
-msgstr "_Nom de la recèrca :"
+#~ msgid "Pu_blish..."
+#~ msgstr "Pu_blicar..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Match"
-msgstr "_Correspondéncia"
+#~ msgid "Edit _Title..."
+#~ msgstr "Modificar lo _títol…"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "of the following:"
-msgstr "demest las seguentas :"
+#~ msgid "Edit _Comment..."
+#~ msgstr "Modificar lo _Comentari..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "<b>Printed Image Size</b>"
-msgstr "Talha de l'imatge imprimit"
+#~ msgid "Edit Event _Comment..."
+#~ msgstr "Modificar lo _comentari de l'eveniment..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Use a _standard size:"
-msgstr "Utilizar una talha e_standarda :"
+#~ msgid "_Adjust Date and Time..."
+#~ msgstr "Aj_ustar la data e l'ora..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Use a c_ustom size:"
-msgstr "Utilizar una talha _personalizada :"
+#~ msgid "Add _Tags..."
+#~ msgstr "Apondre d'e_tiquetas..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Match photo aspect ratio"
-msgstr "_Conservar las proporcions de la fòto"
+#~ msgid "_Add Tags..."
+#~ msgstr "_Apondre de libellats..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Autosize:"
-msgstr "Talha _automatica :"
+#~ msgid "Send _To..."
+#~ msgstr "Mandar _cap a..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "<b>Titles</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Títols</b>"
+#~ msgid "Send T_o..."
+#~ msgstr "Man_dar a..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Print image _title"
-msgstr "Imprimir lo _títol de l'imatge"
+#~ msgid "_Find..."
+#~ msgstr "_Recercar..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "<b>Pixel Resolution</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Resolucion en pixèls</b>"
+#~ msgid "Modif_y Tags..."
+#~ msgstr "Modifica_r las etiquetas..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Output photo at:"
-msgstr "_Imprimir la fòto a :"
+#~ msgid "Tag Photos as \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Etiquetar las fòtos amb « %s »"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "pixels per inch"
-msgstr "pixèls per poce"
+#~ msgid "Tag the selected photos as \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Etiquetar las fòtos seleccionadas amb « %s »"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Shotwell Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferéncias de Shotwell"
+#~ msgid "Remove Tag \"%s\" From _Photos"
+#~ msgstr "Levar l'etiqueta « %s » de las _fòtos"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "white"
-msgstr "blanc"
+#~ msgid "Remove Tag \"%s\" From Photos"
+#~ msgstr "Levar l'etiqueta « %s » de las fòtos"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "black"
-msgstr "negre"
+#~ msgid "_Edit..."
+#~ msgstr "_Modificar..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Watch library directory for new files"
-msgstr "_Detectar los novèls fichièrs dins lo dorsièr de la fototèca"
+#~ msgid "%-I:%M %p"
+#~ msgstr "%-I:%M %p"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadonadas"
+#~ msgid "%-I:%M:%S %p"
+#~ msgstr "%-I:%M:%S %p"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Write tags, titles, and other _metadata to photo files"
-msgstr ""
-"Escriure las etiquetas, los noms e las autras _metadonadas dins los fichièrs "
-"de las fòtos"
+#~ msgid "RAW photos"
+#~ msgstr "fòtos RAW"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Display"
-msgstr "Afichatge"
+#~ msgid "Import the selected photos into your library"
+#~ msgstr "Importar las fòtos seleccionadas dins la fototèca"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Import photos to:"
-msgstr "_Importar las fòtos dins :"
+#~ msgid "Import all the photos into your library"
+#~ msgstr "Importar totas las fòtos dins la fototèca"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Background:"
-msgstr "_Rèireplan :"
+#~ msgid "Save photo"
+#~ msgstr "Enregistra la fòto"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Importing"
-msgstr "Importacion"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Enregistrar _jos..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Directory structure:"
-msgstr "Estructura de _dorsièr :"
+#~ msgid "Save photo with a different name"
+#~ msgstr "Enregistra la fòto amb un autre nom"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Pattern:"
-msgstr "_Modèl :"
+#~ msgid "Print the photo to a printer connected to your computer"
+#~ msgstr "Imprimís la fòto sus una imprimenta connectada a vòstre ordenador"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Example:"
-msgstr "Exemple :"
+#~ msgid "Display the comment of each event"
+#~ msgstr "Afichar lo comentari de cada eveniment"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "R_ename imported files to lowercase"
-msgstr "Tornat nom_enar los fichièrs importats en minusculas"
+#~ msgid "Importing..."
+#~ msgstr "Importacion en cors..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "RAW Developer"
-msgstr "Revelador RAW"
+#~ msgid "Stop importing photos"
+#~ msgstr "Arrèsta l'importacion de las fòtos"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "De_fault:"
-msgstr "De_faut :"
+#~ msgid "Preparing to import..."
+#~ msgstr "Preparacion de l'importacion..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "E_xternal photo editor:"
-msgstr "Editor d'imatge extèrne :"
+#~ msgid "_Import From Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "Importar un _dorsièr..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "External _RAW editor:"
-msgstr "Editor _RAW extèrne :"
+#~ msgid "Import photos from disk to library"
+#~ msgstr "Impòrta de fòtos d'un disc cap a la fototèca"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "External Editors"
-msgstr "Editors extèrnes"
+#~ msgid "Import From _Application..."
+#~ msgstr "Importar a partir d'una _aplicacion"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Empeutons"
+#~ msgid "Find photos and videos by search criteria"
+#~ msgstr "Recercar de fòtos e de vidèos per critèris de recèrca"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Delay:"
-msgstr "Relam_bi :"
+#~ msgid "Display basic information for the selection"
+#~ msgstr "Aficha las informacions basicas per la seleccion"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Transition effect:"
-msgstr "Efièch de _transicion :"
+#~ msgid "The selected videos were successfully published."
+#~ msgstr "Las vidèos seleccionadas son estadas publicadas amb succès."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Transition d_elay:"
-msgstr "Relamb_i de transicion :"
+#~ msgid "The selected photos were successfully published."
+#~ msgstr "Las fòtos seleccionadas son estadas publicadas amb succès."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "Show t_itle"
-msgstr "Afichar lo t_ítol"
+#~ msgid "Add more accounts..."
+#~ msgstr "Apondre mai de comptes..."
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "seconds"
-msgstr "segondas"
+#~ msgid "white"
+#~ msgstr "blanc"
-#: ../ui/
-msgid "_Login"
-msgstr "_Identificant de connexion"
+#~ msgid "black"
+#~ msgstr "negre"
diff --git a/po/sr.po b/po/sr.po
index dc6add5..4d5676a 100644
--- a/po/sr.po
+++ b/po/sr.po
@@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
# Serbian translation of shotwell.
-# Courtesy of team ( -- 2011—2018.
+# Courtesy of team ( -- 2011—2021.
# Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
# Mitko Krstev <>, 2011.
# Nikola Radovanović <>, 2011—2013.
-# Мирослав Николић <>, 2014—2018.
+# Мирослав Николић <>, 2014—2021.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: shotwell-0.15\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 19:38+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-21 07:54+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-28 09:45+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-15 07:51+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Мирослав Николић <>\n"
"Language-Team: српски <>\n"
"Language: sr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : "
-"n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n"
+"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
#: misc/ misc/
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/GalleryConnector.vala:115
#: src/photos/RawSupport.vala:308 ui/collection.ui:85 ui/event.ui:356
-#: ui/event.ui:524 ui/media.ui:356 ui/photo_context.ui:91 ui/photo.ui:347
-#: ui/tags.ui:356
+#: ui/event.ui:524 ui/faces.ui:356 ui/media.ui:356 ui/photo_context.ui:91
+#: ui/photo.ui:347 ui/tags.ui:356
msgid "Shotwell"
msgstr "Фото-бунар"
@@ -51,18 +50,21 @@ msgstr ""
"исправљање грешака."
#: misc/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "When ready, Shotwell can upload your photos to various web sites, such as "
+#| "Facebook, Flickr, Picasa (Google Plus), and more."
msgid ""
"When ready, Shotwell can upload your photos to various web sites, such as "
-"Facebook, Flickr, Picasa (Google Plus), and more."
+"Facebook, Flickr, Google Photos, and more."
msgstr ""
"Када сте спремни, Фото-бунар може да отпреми ваше фотографије на разне веб "
-"сајтове, као што је Фејсбук, Фликр, Пикаса (Гугл плус), и многе друге."
+"сајтове, као што је Фејсбук, Фликр, Гугл Фотографије и многе друге."
#: misc/
msgid "Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and a variety of RAW file formats."
msgstr "Фото-бунар подржава ЈПЕГ, ПНГ, ТИФФ и разне сирове записе датотека."
-#: misc/
+#: misc/
msgid "The Shotwell developers"
msgstr "Програмери Фото-бунара"
@@ -85,11 +87,6 @@ msgstr ""
-#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)!
-#: misc/ misc/
-msgid "shotwell"
-msgstr "shotwell"
#: misc/
msgid "Shotwell Viewer"
msgstr "Фото-бунар прегледач фотографија"
@@ -477,12 +474,12 @@ msgid "Pin toolbar in fullscreen, or not."
msgstr "Прибада траку алата у пуном екрану, или не."
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:161
-msgid "background color"
-msgstr "боја позадине"
+msgid "prefer GTK+’s dark theme"
+msgstr "даје предност Гтк*+ тамној теми"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:162
-msgid "A grayscale color for use as the background color."
-msgstr "Боја нијансе сиве за употребу као боја позадине."
+msgid "Whether to use the dark theme of GTK+ for Shotwell or not."
+msgstr "Да ли ће да користи тамну тему за Гтк+ за Фото-бунар или не."
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:167
msgid "background for transparent images"
@@ -901,20 +898,26 @@ msgid "refresh token"
msgstr "симбол освежавања"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:493
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The OAuth token used to refresh the YouTube session for the currently "
+#| "logged in user, if any."
msgid ""
-"The OAuth token used to refresh the Picasa Web Albums session for the "
-"currently logged in user, if any."
+"The OAuth token used to refresh the Google Photos session for the currently "
+"logged in user, if any."
msgstr ""
-"Симбол отвореног потврђивања који се користи за освежавање сесије Пикаса веб "
-"албума за тренутно пријављеног корисника, ако постоји."
+"Симбол отвореног потврђивања који се користи за освежавање сесије Гугл "
+"Фотографија за тренутно пријављеног корисника, ако постоји."
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:499
+#| msgid ""
+#| "A numeric code representing the default size for photos uploaded to "
+#| "Picasa Web Albums"
msgid ""
-"A numeric code representing the default size for photos uploaded to Picasa "
-"Web Albums"
+"A numeric code representing the default size for photos uploaded to Google "
+"Photos Albums"
msgstr ""
"Бројчани код који представља основну величину за фотографије отпремљене на "
-"Пикаса веб албуме"
+"албуме Гугл Фотографија"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:504
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:598
@@ -928,10 +931,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Назив последњег албума на који је корисник објавио фотографије, ако постоји"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:511
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether images being uploaded to Facebook should have their metadata "
+#| "removed first"
msgid ""
-"Whether images being uploaded to Picasa should have their metadata removed "
-msgstr "Да ли ће са слика отпремљених на Пикасу бити прво уклоњени метаподаци"
+"Whether images being uploaded to Google Photos should have their metadata "
+"removed first"
+msgstr ""
+"Да ли ће са слика отпремљених на Гугл Фотографије бити прво уклоњени "
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:518
msgid "Piwigo URL"
@@ -1215,15 +1223,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:726
-msgid "enable picasa publishing plugin"
-msgstr "укључује прикључак објављивања на пикасу"
+#| msgid "enable facebook publishing plugin"
+msgid "enable Google Photos publishing plugin"
+msgstr "укључује прикључак објављивања на Гугл Фотографије"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:727
-msgid ""
-"True if the Picasa Web Albums publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+#| msgid "True if the Gallery3 publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
+msgid "True if the Google Photos publishing plugin is enabled, false otherwise"
msgstr ""
-"Изабрано ако је укључен прикључак за објављивање на Пикасу, у супротном "
+"Изабрано ако је укључен прикључак за објављивање на Гугл Фотографијама, у "
+"супротном поништено"
#: misc/org.yorba.shotwell.gschema.xml:732
msgid "enable youtube publishing plugin"
@@ -1444,19 +1453,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Пријавите се на Фликр у вашем интернет прегледнику. Мораћете да овластите "
"Повезивање Фото-бунара да направи везу до вашег налога Фликра."
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:124
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:138
msgid "Preparing for login…"
msgstr "Припремам се за пријављивање…"
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:193
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:211
msgid "Flickr authorization failed"
msgstr "Није успело овлашћење Фликра"
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:200
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/FlickrPublishingAuthenticator.vala:218
msgid "Verifying authorization…"
msgstr "Проверавам овлашћење…"
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/GoogleAuthenticator.vala:118
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/GoogleAuthenticator.vala:144
msgid ""
"You have already logged in and out of a Google service during this Shotwell "
@@ -1472,30 +1481,78 @@ msgstr ""
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:32
msgid ""
-"You are not currently logged into Picasa Web Albums.\n"
+"You are not currently logged into YouTube.\n"
-"Click Log in to log into Picasa Web Albums in your Web browser. You will "
-"have to authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Picasa Web Albums account."
+"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use "
+"with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your browser "
+"to log into the YouTube site at least once.\n"
+"Shotwell uses the YouTube API services <a href=\""
+"com/youtube\"></a> for accessing your "
+"YouTube channel and upload the videos. By using Shotwell to access YouTube, "
+"you agree to be bound to the YouTube Terms of Service as available at <a "
+"Shotwell's privacy policy regarding the use of data related to your Google "
+"account in general and YouTube in particular can be found in our <a href="
+"\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">online services privacy policy</a>\n"
+"For Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <a href=\"https://policies."
msgstr ""
-"Тренутно нисте пријављени на Веб албуме Пикасе.\n"
+"Тренутно нисте пријављени на Јутјуб.\n"
+"Треба да сте већ претплаћени за Гугл налог и да сте га подесили за коришћење "
+"са Јутјубом да бисте наставили. Можете да поставите већину налога користећи "
+"ваш веб прегледник да се пријавите на Јутјуб сајт барем једном.\n"
+"Фото-бунар користи Јутјуб АПИ услуге <a href=\""
+"youtube\"></a> за приступ вашем Јутјуб "
+"каналу и отпремање видео снимака. Коришћењем Фото-бунара за приступ Јутјубу, "
+"слажете се да будете везани за услове услуга Јутјуба како су доступни на <a "
-"Пријавите се на Веб албуме Пикасе у вашем интернет прегледнику. Мораћете да "
-"овластите Повезивање Фото-бунара да направи везу до вашег налога Веб албума "
+"Политику приватности Фото-бунара која се односи на коришћење података који "
+"су повезани са вашим Гугл налогом уопште и Јутјубом понаособ можете наћи у "
+"нашој <a href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">политици приватности услуга "
+"на мрежи</a>\n"
+"За Гуглову властиту политику приватности, погледајте <a href=\""
-#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:35
+#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/ShotwellAuthenticatorFactory.vala:36
msgid ""
-"You are not currently logged into YouTube.\n"
+"You are not currently logged into Google Photos.\n"
"You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for use "
-"with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your browser "
-"to log into the YouTube site at least once."
+"with Google Photos. Shotwell uses the Google Photos API services <a href="
+"photos/</a> for all interaction with your Google Photos data.You will have "
+"to grant access Shotwell to your Google Photos library.\n"
+"Shotwell's privacy policy regarding the use of data related to your Google "
+"account in general and Google Photos in particular can be found in our <a "
+"href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">online services privacy policy</a>For "
+"Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <a href=\"https://policies."
msgstr ""
-"Тренутно нисте пријављени на Јутуб.\n"
+"Тренутно нисте пријављени на Гугл Фотографије.\n"
+"Треба да сте већ претплаћени за Гугл налог и да сте га подесили за коришћење "
+"са Гугл Фотографијама. Фото-бунар користи АПИ услуге Гугл Фотографија <a "
+"> за деловање са вашим подацима Гугл "
+"Фотографија. Морате допустити Фото-бунару да приступа вашој збирци Гугл "
-"Да наставите морате да поседујете Гуглов налог који сте подесили за "
-"коришћење са Јутубом. Можете да подесите већину налога користећи ваш "
-"прегледник да се пријавите на сајт Јутуба барем једном."
+"Политику приватности Фото-бунара која се односи на коришћење података који "
+"су повезани са вашим Гугл налогом уопште и Гугл Фотографијама понаособ "
+"можете наћи у нашој <a href=\"help:shotwell/privacy-policy\">политици "
+"приватности услуга на мрежи</a>За Гуглову властиту политику приватности, "
+"погледајте <a href=\"\""
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/tumblr_authentication_pane.ui:42
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/rajce_authentication_pane.ui:42
@@ -1522,12 +1579,12 @@ msgid "Enter the username and password associated with your Tumblr account."
msgstr "Унесите корисничко име и лозинку придружену вашем налогу Тумблр-а."
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:26
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1081
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1088
msgid "Username and/or password invalid. Please try again"
msgstr "Корисничко име и/или лозинка нису исправни. Покушајте поново"
#: plugins/authenticator/shotwell/TumblrAuthenticator.vala:53
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1117
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1124
msgid "Invalid User Name or Password"
msgstr "Неисправно корисничко име или лозинка"
@@ -1541,7 +1598,7 @@ msgstr "Не могу да учитам корисничко сучеље: %s"
msgid "Visit the Shotwell home page"
msgstr "Посетите веб страницу Фото-бунара"
-#: plugins/common/Resources.vala:31 src/AppWindow.vala:611
+#: plugins/common/Resources.vala:31 src/AppWindow.vala:605
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Никола Радовановић <>\n"
@@ -1550,14 +1607,14 @@ msgstr ""
" — превод на српски језик"
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:217
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:220
msgid ""
"⚫ This website presented identification that belongs to a different website."
msgstr ""
"⚫ Овај веб сајт је представио распознавање које припада другом веб сајту."
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:222
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:225
msgid ""
"⚫ This website’s identification is too old to trust. Check the date on your "
"computer’s calendar."
@@ -1566,20 +1623,20 @@ msgstr ""
"календару вашег рачунара."
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:227
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:230
msgid ""
"⚫ This website’s identification was not issued by a trusted organization."
msgstr ""
"⚫ Распознавање овог веб сајта није издато од стране поверљиве организације."
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:232
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:235
msgid ""
"⚫ This website’s identification could not be processed. It may be corrupted."
msgstr "⚫ Распознавање овог веб сајта се не може обрадити. Можда је оштећено."
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:237
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:240
msgid ""
"⚫ This website’s identification has been revoked by the trusted organization "
"that issued it."
@@ -1588,7 +1645,7 @@ msgstr ""
"која га је издала."
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:242
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:245
msgid ""
"⚫ This website’s identification cannot be trusted because it uses very weak "
@@ -1597,7 +1654,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate.
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:247
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:250
msgid ""
"⚫ This website’s identification is only valid for future dates. Check the "
"date on your computer’s calendar."
@@ -1605,7 +1662,7 @@ msgstr ""
"⚫ Распознавање овог веб сајта је важеће само за будуће датуме. Проверите "
"датум на календару вашег рачунара."
-#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:524
+#: plugins/common/RESTSupport.vala:539
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:623
msgid "A temporary file needed for publishing is unavailable"
msgstr "Привремена датотека неопходна за објављивање није доступна"
@@ -1662,7 +1719,7 @@ msgstr "тачкица"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/gallery3_publishing_options_pane.ui:158
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:687
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1306
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1313
#: src/Dimensions.vala:17
msgid "Original size"
msgstr "Изворна величина"
@@ -1678,9 +1735,9 @@ msgstr "Дужа ивица"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:145
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:177
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:125
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/picasa_publishing_options_pane.ui:142
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:181
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:105
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:99
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:85
msgid "_Logout"
msgstr "_Одјави ме"
@@ -1690,10 +1747,10 @@ msgstr "_Одјави ме"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/yandex_publish_model.ui:159
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:192
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:141
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/picasa_publishing_options_pane.ui:156
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:195
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/tumblr_publishing_options_pane.ui:121
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:115
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:82 src/PhotoPage.vala:2469
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:100
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:82 src/PhotoPage.vala:2492
msgid "_Publish"
msgstr "_Објави"
@@ -1840,7 +1897,7 @@ msgid "You are logged into Rajce as %s."
msgstr "Пријављени сте на Рајс као %s."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/RajcePublishing.vala:1014
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:571
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:69
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:20
msgid "Photos will appear in:"
msgstr "Фотографије ће се појавити у:"
@@ -1910,7 +1967,7 @@ msgstr "Видео снимке и нове албуме фотографија
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/facebook_publishing_options_pane.ui:155
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/flickr_publishing_options_pane.ui:92
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/picasa_publishing_options_pane.ui:59
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:75
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:203
msgid ""
"_Remove location, camera, and other identifying information before uploading"
@@ -1918,15 +1975,14 @@ msgstr "_Уклони место, фото-апарат, и друге пода�
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:33
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:33
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:33
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:33
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/YouTubePublishing.vala:33 src/Resources.vala:27
msgid "Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc."
msgstr "Ауторска права 2016 Друштво за Очување Слободе Софтвера"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:61
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:58
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1188
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublisher.vala:9
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1195
msgid "Shotwell Connect"
msgstr "Повезивање Фото-бунара"
@@ -1970,7 +2026,7 @@ msgstr "Само мени"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FacebookPublishing.vala:889
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:661
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1290
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1297
msgid "Everyone"
msgstr "Свима"
@@ -2035,78 +2091,94 @@ msgid "Friends only"
msgstr "Само пријатељи"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:683
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1302
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1309
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:103
msgid "500 × 375 pixels"
msgstr "500 × 375 пиксела"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:684
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1303
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1310
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/TumblrPublishing.vala:104
msgid "1024 × 768 pixels"
msgstr "1024 × 768 пиксела"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:685
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1304
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1311
msgid "2048 × 1536 pixels"
msgstr "2048 × 1536 пиксела"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/FlickrPublishing.vala:686
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1305
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1312
msgid "4096 × 3072 pixels"
msgstr "4096 × 3072 пиксела"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/picasa_publishing_options_pane.ui:93
-msgid "Photo _size preset:"
-msgstr "_Величина фотографије:"
-#. Add album that will push to the default feed for all the new users
-#. Activate last known album id. If none was chosen, either use the old default (Shotwell connect)
-#. or the new "Default album" album for Google Photos
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:96
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:630
-msgid "Default album"
-msgstr "Основни албум"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:291
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:66
msgid ""
-"A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Picasa can’t "
+"Shotwell can only publish into albums that it created by itself, so this "
+"list might be empty despite the fact that you already have albums in your "
+"Google Photos account"
msgstr ""
-"Датотека за објављивање није доступна. Објављивање на Пикасу не може да се "
+"Фото-бунар може објављивати само у албумима које је сам створио, тако да "
+"овај списак може бити празан упркос чињеници да већ имате албуме на вашем "
+"налогу Гугл Фотографија"
-#. populate any widgets whose contents are programmatically-generated.
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:560
-#, c-format
-msgid "You are logged into Picasa Web Albums as %s."
-msgstr "Пријављени сте на веб албуме Пикасе као %s."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:96
+#| msgid "Photo _size preset:"
+msgid "Photo _size preset"
+msgstr "Претподешавање _величине фотографије"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:566
-msgid "Videos will appear in:"
-msgstr "Видео снимци ће се појавити у:"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:117
+#| msgid "An _existing album"
+msgid "An existing album"
+msgstr "Постојећи албум"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:610
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/google_photos_publishing_options_pane.ui:132
+#| msgid "A _new album named"
+msgid "A new album named"
+msgstr "Нови албум под називом"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:17
msgid "Small (640 × 480 pixels)"
msgstr "Мала (640 × 480 пиксела)"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:611
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:18
msgid "Medium (1024 × 768 pixels)"
msgstr "Средња (1024 × 768 пиксела)"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:612
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:19
msgid "Recommended (1600 × 1200 pixels)"
msgstr "Препоручено (1600 × 1200 пиксела)"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:613
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:20
msgid "Google+ (2048 × 1536 pixels)"
msgstr "Гугл+ (2048 × 1536 пиксела)"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PicasaPublishing.vala:614
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:21
#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:735
msgid "Original Size"
msgstr "Изворна величина"
+#. populate any widgets whose contents are programmatically-generated.
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:59
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "You are logged into YouTube as %s."
+msgid "You are logged into Google Photos as %s."
+msgstr "Пријавили сте се на Гугл Фотографије као %s."
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:64
+msgid "Videos will appear in:"
+msgstr "Видео снимци ће се појавити у:"
+#. Activate last known album id. If none was chosen, either use the old default (Shotwell connect)
+#. or the new "Default album" album for Google Photos
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosPublishingPane.vala:105
+msgid "Default album"
+msgstr "Основни албум"
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PhotosService.vala:36
+msgid "Copyright 2019 Jens Georg <>"
+msgstr "Ауторска права 2019 Jens Georg <>"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_authentication_pane.ui:44
msgid "_URL of your Piwigo photo library"
msgstr "_Адреса ваше фототеке Пивигоа"
@@ -2156,7 +2228,7 @@ msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Одјави ме"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui:268
-#: src/Resources.vala:296 ui/collection.ui:192
+#: src/Resources.vala:265 ui/collection.ui:192
msgid "Publish"
msgstr "Објави"
@@ -2165,12 +2237,12 @@ msgstr "Објави"
msgid "Creating album %s…"
msgstr "Правим албум „%s“…"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:946
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:949
msgid "An error message occurred when publishing to Piwigo. Please try again."
msgstr "Дошли је до грешке приликом објављивања на Пивигоу. Покушајте поново."
#. %s is the host name that we tried to connect to
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1030
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1033
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This does not look like the real <b>%s</b>. Attackers might be trying to "
@@ -2181,18 +2253,18 @@ msgstr ""
"украду или да измене податке који иду ка или од овог сајта (на пример, личне "
"поруке, податке о кредитним картицама, или лозинке)."
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1048
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1052
#, c-format
msgid "Certificate of %s"
msgstr "Уверење „%sд"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1051
-#: src/Resources.vala:167 ui/multitextentrydialog.ui:40
-#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:49
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1055
+#: src/Resources.vala:136 ui/multitextentrydialog.ui:40
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:52
msgid "_OK"
msgstr "У _реду"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1079
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1086
msgid ""
"Enter the URL of your Piwigo photo library as well as the username and "
"password associated with your Piwigo account for that library."
@@ -2200,7 +2272,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Унесите адресу ваше фототеке Пивигоа као и корисничко име и лозинку "
"придружене вешем налогу Пивигоа за ту фототеку."
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1080
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1087
msgid ""
"Shotwell cannot contact your Piwigo photo library. Please verify the URL you "
@@ -2208,23 +2280,23 @@ msgstr ""
"Фото-бунар не може да ступи у везу са вашом фототеком Пивигоа. Проверите "
"адресу коју сте унели"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1112
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1119
msgid "Invalid URL"
msgstr "Неисправна адреса"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1291
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1298
msgid "Admins, Family, Friends, Contacts"
msgstr "Администратори, Породица, Пријатељи, Контакти"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1292
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1299
msgid "Admins, Family, Friends"
msgstr "Администратори, Породица, Пријатељи"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1293
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1300
msgid "Admins, Family"
msgstr "Администратори, Породица"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1294
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala:1301
msgid "Admins"
msgstr "Администратори"
@@ -2238,7 +2310,7 @@ msgstr "Прикажи уверење…"
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/piwigo_ssl_failure_pane.ui:88
msgid "I understand, please _proceed."
-msgstr "Разумем, _настави"
+msgstr "Разумем, _настави."
#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/shotwell-publishing.vala:59
msgid "Core Publishing Services"
@@ -2272,7 +2344,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Пријављени сте на Тумблр као %s.\n"
-#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:55
+#: plugins/shotwell-publishing/youtube_publishing_options_pane.ui:41
msgid "Video privacy _setting:"
msgstr "Подешавање _приватности снимка:"
@@ -2396,17 +2468,18 @@ msgstr "Прибодите отворену траку лата"
msgid "Leave fullscreen"
msgstr "Напустите приказ преко целог екрана"
-#: src/AppWindow.vala:538 src/AppWindow.vala:559 src/AppWindow.vala:576
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:532 src/AppWindow.vala:553 src/AppWindow.vala:570
#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:302
#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:420 src/Dialogs.vala:20
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:28 src/Dialogs.vala:753 src/Dialogs.vala:776
-#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:305 src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:529
-#: src/Resources.vala:158 ui/multitextentrydialog.ui:25
-#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:35 ui/textentrydialog.ui:19
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:28 src/Dialogs.vala:58 src/Dialogs.vala:766
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:789 src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:305
+#: src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:529 src/Resources.vala:127
+#: ui/multitextentrydialog.ui:25 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:38
+#: ui/textentrydialog.ui:19
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "_Откажи"
-#: src/AppWindow.vala:586
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:580
#, c-format
msgid ""
"A fatal error occurred when accessing Shotwell’s library. Shotwell cannot "
@@ -2419,21 +2492,21 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/AppWindow.vala:607
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:601
msgid "Visit the Shotwell web site"
msgstr "Посетите веб страницу Фото-бунара"
-#: src/AppWindow.vala:620
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:614
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to display help: %s"
msgstr "Не могу да прикажем помоћ: %s"
-#: src/AppWindow.vala:628
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:622
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to navigate to bug database: %s"
msgstr "Не могу да приступим бази података грешака: %s"
-#: src/AppWindow.vala:636
+#: src/AppWindow.vala:630
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to display FAQ: %s"
msgstr "Не могу да прикажем ЧПП: %s"
@@ -2509,19 +2582,18 @@ msgstr "Списак свих откривених фото-апарата"
#: src/camera/CameraBranch.vala:99 src/camera/ImportPage.vala:711
#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:727 src/photos/RawSupport.vala:311
-#: ui/collection.ui:90 ui/event.ui:361 ui/event.ui:529 ui/media.ui:361
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:352 ui/tags.ui:361
+#: ui/collection.ui:90 ui/event.ui:361 ui/event.ui:529 ui/faces.ui:361
+#: ui/media.ui:361 ui/photo_context.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:352 ui/tags.ui:361
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Фото-апарат"
#. Translators: First %s is the name of camera as gotten from GPhoto, second is the GVolume name, e.g. Mass storage camera (510MB volume)
-#: src/camera/CameraTable.vala:351
+#: src/camera/CameraTable.vala:256
#, c-format
-#| msgid "%s (%d%%)"
msgid "%s (%s)"
msgstr "%s (%s)"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:311 src/Properties.vala:230
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:307 src/Properties.vala:234
msgid "RAW+JPEG"
msgstr "RAW+JPEG"
@@ -2659,7 +2731,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Да обришем ове %d датотеке са фото-апар
msgstr[2] "Да обришем ових %d датотека са фото-апарата?"
msgstr[3] "Да обришем ову %d датотеку са фото-апарата?"
-#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1773 src/Dialogs.vala:720
+#: src/camera/ImportPage.vala:1773 src/Dialogs.vala:733
msgid "_Keep"
msgstr "_Задржи"
@@ -2681,21 +2753,21 @@ msgstr[3] ""
"Не могу да обришем %d фотографију/снимак са фото-апарата, услед грешке."
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:80 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:85
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:2464 src/Resources.vala:171
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:2487 src/Resources.vala:140
msgid "_Print"
msgstr "_Штампај"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:83 src/Resources.vala:324 ui/collection.ui:128
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:83 src/Resources.vala:293 ui/collection.ui:128
#: ui/direct_context.ui:23 ui/direct.ui:23 ui/event.ui:567 ui/photo.ui:28
msgid "Send _To…"
msgstr "Пошаљи _у…"
#: src/CollectionPage.vala:84 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:90
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:2474 src/Resources.vala:221
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:2497 src/Resources.vala:190
msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
msgstr "Постави за _позадину"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:92 src/Resources.vala:287
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:92 src/Resources.vala:256
msgid "_Duplicate"
msgstr "_Удвостручи"
@@ -2707,43 +2779,43 @@ msgstr "Преко целог екрана"
msgid "S_lideshow"
msgstr "_Покретни приказ"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:110 src/Resources.vala:140 ui/direct.ui:111
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:110 src/Resources.vala:109 ui/direct.ui:111
#: ui/photo.ui:200
msgid "Rotate _Right"
msgstr "Окрени на _десно"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:113 src/Resources.vala:145 ui/direct.ui:116
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:113 src/Resources.vala:114 ui/direct.ui:116
#: ui/photo.ui:205
msgid "Rotate _Left"
msgstr "Окрени на _лево"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:116 src/Resources.vala:150 ui/direct.ui:121
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:116 src/Resources.vala:119 ui/direct.ui:121
#: ui/photo.ui:210
msgid "Flip Hori_zontally"
msgstr "Изврни _водоравно"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:117 src/Resources.vala:153 ui/direct.ui:125
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:117 src/Resources.vala:122 ui/direct.ui:125
#: ui/photo.ui:214
msgid "Flip Verti_cally"
msgstr "Изврни _усправно"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:119 src/Resources.vala:187 ui/collection.ui:8
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:119 src/Resources.vala:156 ui/collection.ui:8
#: ui/direct_context.ui:7 ui/direct.ui:134 ui/event.ui:447
#: ui/photo_context.ui:6 ui/photo.ui:223
msgid "_Enhance"
msgstr "_Побољшај"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:120 src/Resources.vala:215 ui/collection.ui:13
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:120 src/Resources.vala:184 ui/collection.ui:13
#: ui/direct_context.ui:12 ui/direct.ui:161 ui/event.ui:452
#: ui/photo_context.ui:11 ui/photo.ui:250
msgid "Re_vert to Original"
msgstr "_Врати на изворно"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:122 src/Resources.vala:191 ui/photo.ui:256
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:122 src/Resources.vala:160 ui/photo.ui:256
msgid "_Copy Color Adjustments"
msgstr "_Умножи дотеривања боје"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:125 src/Resources.vala:195 ui/photo.ui:261
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:125 src/Resources.vala:164 ui/photo.ui:261
msgid "_Paste Color Adjustments"
msgstr "_Убаци дотеривања боје"
@@ -2751,17 +2823,17 @@ msgstr "_Убаци дотеривања боје"
msgid "Adjust Date and Time…"
msgstr "Подесите датум и време…"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:143 src/Resources.vala:320 ui/collection.ui:108
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:143 src/Resources.vala:289 ui/collection.ui:108
#: ui/event.ui:547 ui/photo_context.ui:115 ui/photo.ui:361
msgid "Open With E_xternal Editor"
msgstr "_Отвори спољним уређивачем"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:146 src/Resources.vala:322 ui/collection.ui:113
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:146 src/Resources.vala:291 ui/collection.ui:113
#: ui/event.ui:552 ui/photo_context.ui:120 ui/photo.ui:366
msgid "Open With RA_W Editor"
msgstr "Отвори уређивачем _сирових"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:149 src/Resources.vala:168
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:149 src/Resources.vala:137
msgid "_Play"
msgstr "Пу_сти"
@@ -2773,7 +2845,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Извезите фотографије/снимке"
msgstr[2] "Извезите фотографије/снимке"
msgstr[3] "Извезите фотографију/снимак"
-#: src/CollectionPage.vala:412 src/Dialogs.vala:59 src/PhotoPage.vala:2998
+#: src/CollectionPage.vala:412 src/Dialogs.vala:74 src/PhotoPage.vala:3021
msgid "Export Photo"
msgid_plural "Export Photos"
msgstr[0] "Извезите фотографију"
@@ -2829,39 +2901,39 @@ msgstr "Примењујем преображавање боја"
msgid "Undoing Color Transformations"
msgstr "Поништавам преображавање боја"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1007
+#: src/Commands.vala:1006
msgid "Creating New Event"
msgstr "Правим нови догађај"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1008
+#: src/Commands.vala:1007
msgid "Removing Event"
msgstr "Уклањам догађај"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1017
+#: src/Commands.vala:1016
msgid "Moving Photos to New Event"
msgstr "Премештам фотографије у нови догађај"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1018
+#: src/Commands.vala:1017
msgid "Setting Photos to Previous Event"
msgstr "Подешавам фотографије на претходни догађај"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1075
+#: src/Commands.vala:1074
msgid "Merging"
msgstr "Спајам"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1076
+#: src/Commands.vala:1075
msgid "Unmerging"
msgstr "Раздвајам"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1085
+#: src/Commands.vala:1084
msgid "Duplicating photos"
msgstr "Умножавам фотографије"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1085
+#: src/Commands.vala:1084
msgid "Removing duplicated photos"
msgstr "Уклањам удвостручене фотографије"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1108
+#: src/Commands.vala:1107
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to duplicate one photo due to a file error"
msgid_plural "Unable to duplicate %d photos due to file errors"
@@ -2870,43 +2942,43 @@ msgstr[1] "Не могу да удвостручим %d фотографије �
msgstr[2] "Не могу да удвостручим %d фотографија због грешака у датотеци"
msgstr[3] "Не могу да удвостручим %d фотографију због грешке у датотеци"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1195
+#: src/Commands.vala:1194
msgid "Restoring previous rating"
msgstr "Враћам на претходну оцену"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1205 src/Commands.vala:1206
+#: src/Commands.vala:1204 src/Commands.vala:1205
msgid "Increasing ratings"
msgstr "Повећавам оцену"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1205 src/Commands.vala:1206
+#: src/Commands.vala:1204 src/Commands.vala:1205
msgid "Decreasing ratings"
msgstr "Смањујем оцену"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1256
+#: src/Commands.vala:1255
msgid "Setting RAW developer"
msgstr "Постављам сировог развијача"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1256
+#: src/Commands.vala:1255
msgid "Restoring previous RAW developer"
msgstr "Враћам претходног сировог развијача"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1257
+#: src/Commands.vala:1256
msgid "Set Developer"
msgstr "Постављам програмера"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1347
+#: src/Commands.vala:1346
msgid "Original photo could not be adjusted."
msgstr "Не могу да дотерам изворну фотографију."
-#: src/Commands.vala:1368
+#: src/Commands.vala:1367
msgid "Adjusting Date and Time"
msgstr "Дотерујем датум и време"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1368
+#: src/Commands.vala:1367
msgid "Undoing Date and Time Adjustment"
msgstr "Поништавам дотеривање датума и времена"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1399
+#: src/Commands.vala:1398
msgid "One original photo could not be adjusted."
msgid_plural "The following original photos could not be adjusted."
msgstr[0] "Не могу да дотерам изворну фотографију."
@@ -2914,11 +2986,11 @@ msgstr[1] "Не могу да дотерам изворне фотографиј
msgstr[2] "Не могу да дотерам изворне фотографије."
msgstr[3] "Не могу да дотерам изворну фотографију."
-#: src/Commands.vala:1401 src/Commands.vala:1425
+#: src/Commands.vala:1400 src/Commands.vala:1424
msgid "Time Adjustment Error"
msgstr "Грешка дотеривања времена"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1423
+#: src/Commands.vala:1422
msgid "Time adjustments could not be undone on the following photo file."
msgid_plural ""
"Time adjustments could not be undone on the following photo files."
@@ -2931,60 +3003,60 @@ msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
"Дотеривања времена не могу бити поништена на следећој датотеци фотографије."
-#: src/Commands.vala:1637 src/Commands.vala:1660
+#: src/Commands.vala:1636 src/Commands.vala:1659
msgid "Create Tag"
msgstr "Направи ознаку"
-#: src/Commands.vala:1695
+#: src/Commands.vala:1694
#, c-format
msgid "Move Tag “%s”"
msgstr "Премести ознаку „%s“"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2347
+#: src/Commands.vala:2346
msgid "Move Photos to Trash"
msgstr "Преместите фотографије у корпу"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2347
+#: src/Commands.vala:2346
msgid "Restore Photos from Trash"
msgstr "Повратите фотографије из корпе"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2348
+#: src/Commands.vala:2347
msgid "Move the photos to the Shotwell trash"
msgstr "Преместите фотографије у корпу Фото-бунара"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2348
+#: src/Commands.vala:2347
msgid "Restore the photos back to the Shotwell library"
msgstr "Вратите фотографије у фототеку Фото-бунара"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2367
+#: src/Commands.vala:2366
msgid "Moving Photos to Trash"
msgstr "Премештам фотографије у корпу"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2367
+#: src/Commands.vala:2366
msgid "Restoring Photos From Trash"
msgstr "Враћам фотографије из корпе"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2453
+#: src/Commands.vala:2452
msgid "Flag selected photos"
msgstr "Обележи изабране фотографије"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2454
+#: src/Commands.vala:2453
msgid "Unflag selected photos"
msgstr "Одбележи изабране фотографије"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2455
+#: src/Commands.vala:2454
msgid "Flagging selected photos"
msgstr "Обележавам изабране фотографије"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2456
+#: src/Commands.vala:2455
msgid "Unflagging selected photos"
msgstr "Одбележавам изабране фотографије"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2463
+#: src/Commands.vala:2462
msgid "Flag"
msgstr "Обележи"
-#: src/Commands.vala:2463
+#: src/Commands.vala:2462
msgid "Unflag"
msgstr "Скини обележје"
@@ -3023,7 +3095,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Database file:"
msgstr "Датотека збирке:"
-#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:112 src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:782
+#: src/data_imports/DataImportsUI.vala:112 src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:785
msgid "_Import"
msgstr "_Увези"
@@ -3104,12 +3176,13 @@ msgid_plural "This will remove the tag “%s” from %d photos. Continue?"
msgstr[0] "Ово ће уклонити ознаку „%s“ из %d фотографије. Да наставим?"
msgstr[1] "Ово ће уклонити ознаку „%s“ из %d фотографије. Да наставим?"
msgstr[2] "Ово ће уклонити ознаку „%s“ из %d фотографија. Да наставим?"
-msgstr[3] " "
+msgstr[3] "Ово ће уклонити ознаку „%s“ из %d фотографије. Да наставим?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:20 src/Dialogs.vala:28 src/Dialogs.vala:721
-#: src/Resources.vala:159 src/Resources.vala:362 src/Resources.vala:415
-#: src/Resources.vala:659 ui/savedsearch.ui:14 ui/tags.ui:460 ui/trash.ui:63
-#: ui/trash.ui:216 ui/trash.ui:258
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:20 src/Dialogs.vala:28 src/Dialogs.vala:58
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:734 src/Resources.vala:128 src/Resources.vala:309
+#: src/Resources.vala:340 src/Resources.vala:393 src/Resources.vala:761
+#: ui/savedsearch.ui:14 ui/tags.ui:460 ui/trash.ui:63 ui/trash.ui:216
+#: ui/trash.ui:258
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Избриши"
@@ -3142,11 +3215,22 @@ msgstr[3] ""
msgid "_Switch Developer"
msgstr "_Промени развијача"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:59
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:54
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "This will remove the tag “%s” from one photo. Continue?"
+#| msgid_plural "This will remove the tag “%s” from %d photos. Continue?"
+msgid "This will remove the face “%s” from one photo. Continue?"
+msgid_plural "This will remove the face “%s” from %d photos. Continue?"
+msgstr[0] "Ово ће уклонити лице „%s“ из %d фотографије. Да наставим?"
+msgstr[1] "Ово ће уклонити лице „%s“ из %d фотографије. Да наставим?"
+msgstr[2] "Ово ће уклонити лице „%s“ из %d фотографија. Да наставим?"
+msgstr[3] "Ово ће уклонити лице „%s“ из %d фотографије. Да наставим?"
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:74
msgid "Export Video"
msgstr "Извези снимак"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:84
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:99
msgid "Export Photos"
msgstr "Извезите фотографије"
@@ -3155,7 +3239,7 @@ msgstr "Извезите фотографије"
#. if we can't copy an image over for editing in an external tool.
#. Did we fail because we can't write to this directory?
#. Yes - display an alternate error message here.
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:112
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:127
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Shotwell couldn’t create a file for editing this photo because you do not "
@@ -3164,7 +3248,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Фото-бунар не може да направи датотеку за уређивање ове фотографије јер "
"немате неопходне дозволе за писање у „%s“."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:121
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:136
msgid ""
"Unable to export the following photo due to a file error.\n"
@@ -3172,7 +3256,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Не могу да извезем следећу фотографију због грешке у датотеци.\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:127
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:142
msgid ""
@@ -3182,28 +3266,28 @@ msgstr ""
"Да ли желите да наставите извоз?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:128
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:143
msgid "Con_tinue"
msgstr "_Настави"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:139
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:153
msgid "Save Details…"
msgstr "Сачувај појединости…"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:140
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:154
msgid "Save Details"
msgstr "Сачувај појединости"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:155
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:169
#, c-format
msgid "(and %d more)\n"
msgstr "(и још %d)\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:208
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:222
msgid "Import Results Report"
msgstr "Извештај резултата увоза"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:212
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:226
#, c-format
msgid "Attempted to import %d file."
msgid_plural "Attempted to import %d files."
@@ -3212,7 +3296,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Покушах да увезем %d датотеке."
msgstr[2] "Покушах да увезем %d датотека."
msgstr[3] "Покушах да увезем %d датотеку."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:215
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:229
#, c-format
msgid "Of these, %d file was successfully imported."
msgid_plural "Of these, %d files were successfully imported."
@@ -3224,37 +3308,37 @@ msgstr[3] "Од ових, %d датотека је успешно увезена
#. Duplicates
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:227
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:241
msgid "Duplicate Photos/Videos Not Imported:"
msgstr "Удвостручене фотографије/снимци нису увезени:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:231
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:245
msgid "duplicates existing media item"
msgstr "удвостручава постојећу ставку медијума"
#. Files Not Imported Due to Camera Errors
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:242
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:256
msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported Due to Camera Errors:"
msgstr "Фотографије/снимци нису увезени због грешке фото-апарата:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:245 src/Dialogs.vala:260 src/Dialogs.vala:275
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:291 src/Dialogs.vala:306 src/Dialogs.vala:320
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:259 src/Dialogs.vala:274 src/Dialogs.vala:289
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:305 src/Dialogs.vala:320 src/Dialogs.vala:334
msgid "error message:"
msgstr "порука грешке:"
#. Files Not Imported Because They Weren't Recognized as Photos or Videos
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:256
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:270
msgid "Files Not Imported Because They Weren’t Recognized as Photos or Videos:"
msgstr "Датотеке нису увезене јер нису препознате као фотографије или снимци:"
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren't in a Format Shotwell Understands
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:271
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:285
msgid ""
"Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren’t in a Format Shotwell "
@@ -3265,7 +3349,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn't Copy Them into its Library
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:286
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:300
msgid ""
"Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn’t Copy Them into its "
@@ -3273,7 +3357,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Фотографије/снимци нису увезени јер Фото-бунар не може да их умножи у својој "
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:290
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:304
#, c-format
msgid ""
"couldn’t copy %s\n"
@@ -3285,18 +3369,18 @@ msgstr ""
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported Because GDK Pixbuf Library Identified them as Corrupt
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:302
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:316
msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Files Are Corrupt:"
msgstr "Фотографије/снимци нису увезени јер су датотеке оштећене:"
#. Photos/Videos Not Imported for Other Reasons
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:317
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:331
msgid "Photos/Videos Not Imported for Other Reasons:"
msgstr "Фотографије/снимци нису увезени из других разлога:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:337
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:351
#, c-format
msgid "1 duplicate photo was not imported:\n"
msgid_plural "%d duplicate photos were not imported:\n"
@@ -3305,7 +3389,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d удвостручене фотографије нису увез�
msgstr[2] "%d удвостручених фотографија није увезено:\n"
msgstr[3] "%d удвостручена фотографија није увезена:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:340
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:354
#, c-format
msgid "1 duplicate video was not imported:\n"
msgid_plural "%d duplicate videos were not imported:\n"
@@ -3314,7 +3398,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d удвостручена снимка нису увезена:\n"
msgstr[2] "%d удвостручених снимака није увезено:\n"
msgstr[3] "%d удвостручени снимак није увезен:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:343
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:357
#, c-format
msgid "1 duplicate photo/video was not imported:\n"
msgid_plural "%d duplicate photos/videos were not imported:\n"
@@ -3323,22 +3407,22 @@ msgstr[1] "%d удвостручене фотографије/снимка ни�
msgstr[2] "%d удвостручених фотографија/снимака није увезено:\n"
msgstr[3] "%d удвостручена фотографија/снимак није увезенa:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:357
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:371
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgstr[0] ""
"Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографију због грешке у датотеци или на уређају:\n"
msgstr[1] ""
-"Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографије због грешке у датотекама или на "
+"Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографије због грешке у датотекама или на уређају:"
msgstr[2] ""
-"Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографија због грешке у датотекама или на "
+"Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографија због грешке у датотекама или на уређају:"
msgstr[3] ""
"Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографију због грешке у датотеци или на уређају:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:360
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:374
#, c-format
msgid "1 video failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
@@ -3351,7 +3435,7 @@ msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
"Нисам успео да увезем %d снимак због грешке у датотеци или на уређају:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:363
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:377
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural ""
@@ -3369,7 +3453,7 @@ msgstr[3] ""
"Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографију/снимак због грешке у датотеци или на "
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:366
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:380
#, c-format
msgid "1 file failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d files failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n"
@@ -3382,7 +3466,7 @@ msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
"Нисам успео да увезем %d датотеку због грешке у датотеци или на уређају:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:380
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:394
#, c-format
msgid ""
"1 photo failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
@@ -3398,7 +3482,7 @@ msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
"Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографију јер фасцикла фототеке није уписива:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:383
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:397
#, c-format
msgid ""
"1 video failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
@@ -3414,7 +3498,7 @@ msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
"Нисам успео да увезем %d снимак јер фасцикла фототеке није уписива:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:386
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:400
#, c-format
msgid ""
"1 photo/video failed to import because the photo library folder was not "
@@ -3435,7 +3519,7 @@ msgstr[3] ""
"Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографију/снимак јер фасцикла фототеке није "
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:389
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:403
#, c-format
msgid ""
"1 file failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n"
@@ -3451,7 +3535,7 @@ msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
"Нисам успео да увезем %d датотеку јер фасцикла фототеке није уписива:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:403
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:417
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
@@ -3460,7 +3544,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографије з�
msgstr[2] "Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографија због грешке на фото-апарату:\n"
msgstr[3] "Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографију због грешке на фото-апарату:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:406
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:420
#, c-format
msgid "1 video failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
@@ -3469,7 +3553,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Нисам успео да увезем %d снимка због гр
msgstr[2] "Нисам успео да увезем %d снимака због грешке на фото-апарату:\n"
msgstr[3] "Нисам успео да увезем %d снимак због грешке на фото-апарату:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:409
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:423
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
@@ -3482,7 +3566,7 @@ msgstr[2] ""
msgstr[3] ""
"Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографију/снимак због грешке на фото-апарату:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:412
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:426
#, c-format
msgid "1 file failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
msgid_plural "%d files failed to import due to a camera error:\n"
@@ -3491,7 +3575,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Нисам успео да увезем %d датотеке због
msgstr[2] "Нисам успео да увезем %d датотека због грешке на фото-апарату:\n"
msgstr[3] "Нисам успео да увезем %d датотеку због грешке на фото-апарату:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:426
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:440
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n"
@@ -3500,7 +3584,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографије ј�
msgstr[2] "Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографија јер су оштећене:\n"
msgstr[3] "Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографију јер је оштећена:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:429
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:443
#, c-format
msgid "1 video failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n"
@@ -3509,7 +3593,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Нисам успео да увезем %d снимка јер су �
msgstr[2] "Нисам успео да увезем %d снимка јер су оштећени:\n"
msgstr[3] "Нисам успео да увезем %d снимак јер је оштећен:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:432
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:446
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n"
@@ -3518,7 +3602,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографије/с�
msgstr[2] "Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографија/снимака јер су оштећене:\n"
msgstr[3] "Нисам успео да увезем %d фотографију/снимак јер је оштећена:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:435
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:449
#, c-format
msgid "1 file failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
msgid_plural "%d files failed to import because it was corrupt:\n"
@@ -3531,7 +3615,7 @@ msgstr[3] "Нисам успео да увезем %d датотеку јер ј
#. standard container formats are supported, it's just that the streams in them
#. might or might not be interpretable), so this message does not need to be
#. media specific
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:452
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:466
#, c-format
msgid "1 unsupported photo skipped:\n"
msgid_plural "%d unsupported photos skipped:\n"
@@ -3542,7 +3626,7 @@ msgstr[3] "Прескочио сам %d неподржану фотографи�
#. we have no notion of "non-video" video files right now in Shotwell, so this
#. message doesn't need to be media specific
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:467
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:481
#, c-format
msgid "1 non-image file skipped.\n"
msgid_plural "%d non-image files skipped.\n"
@@ -3551,7 +3635,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Прескочио сам %d датотеке које нису фо�
msgstr[2] "Прескочио сам %d датотека које нису фотографије.\n"
msgstr[3] "Прескочио сам %d датотеку која није фотографија.\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:478
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:492
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos skipped due to user cancel:\n"
@@ -3560,7 +3644,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Прескочио сам %d фотографије јер је ко�
msgstr[2] "Прескочио сам %d фотографија јер је корисник отказао:\n"
msgstr[3] "Прескочио сам %d фотографију јер је корисник отказао:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:481
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:495
#, c-format
msgid "1 video skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos skipped due to user cancel:\n"
@@ -3569,7 +3653,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Прескочио сам %d снимка јер је корисни�
msgstr[2] "Прескочио сам %d снимака јер је корисник отказао:\n"
msgstr[3] "Прескочио сам %d снимак јер је корисник отказао:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:484
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:498
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos skipped due to user cancel:\n"
@@ -3578,7 +3662,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Прескочио сам %d фотографије/снимка је
msgstr[2] "Прескочио сам %d фотографија/снимака јер је корисник отказао:\n"
msgstr[3] "Прескочио сам %d фотографију/снимак јер је корисник отказао:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:487
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:501
#, c-format
msgid "1 file skipped due to user cancel:\n"
msgid_plural "%d file skipped due to user cancel:\n"
@@ -3587,7 +3671,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Прескочио сам %d датотеке јер је корис�
msgstr[2] "Прескочио сам %d датотека јер је корисник отказао:\n"
msgstr[3] "Прескочио сам %d датотеку јер је корисник отказао:\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:501
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:515
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo successfully imported.\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos successfully imported.\n"
@@ -3596,7 +3680,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Успешно сам увезао %d фотографије.\n"
msgstr[2] "Успешно сам увезао %d фотографија.\n"
msgstr[3] "Успешно сам увезао %d фотографију.\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:504
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:518
#, c-format
msgid "1 video successfully imported.\n"
msgid_plural "%d videos successfully imported.\n"
@@ -3605,7 +3689,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Успешно сам увезао %d снимка.\n"
msgstr[2] "Успешно сам увезао %d снимака.\n"
msgstr[3] "Успешно сам увезао %d снимак.\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:507
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:521
#, c-format
msgid "1 photo/video successfully imported.\n"
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos successfully imported.\n"
@@ -3616,46 +3700,46 @@ msgstr[3] "Успешно сам увезао %d фотографију/сним
#. if no media items were imported at all (i.e. an empty directory attempted), need to at least
#. report that nothing was imported
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:523
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:537
msgid "No photos or videos imported.\n"
msgstr "Није увезена ниједна фотографија ни снимак.\n"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:530 src/Dialogs.vala:549
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:544 src/Dialogs.vala:563
msgid "Import Complete"
msgstr "Увоз је завршен"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:650 src/Resources.vala:232
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:663 src/Resources.vala:201
msgid "Rename Event"
msgstr "Преименујте догађај"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:650
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:663
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Назив:"
#. Dialog title
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:661
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:674
msgctxt "Dialog Title"
msgid "Edit Title"
msgstr "Уредите наслов"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:662 src/Properties.vala:343
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:675 src/Properties.vala:347
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Наслов:"
#. Dialog title
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:678 src/Resources.vala:308
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:691 src/Resources.vala:277
msgid "Edit Event Comment"
msgstr "Уредите напомену догађаја"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:679
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:692
msgid "Edit Photo/Video Comment"
msgstr "Уредите напомену фотографије/снимка"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:680 src/Properties.vala:631
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:693 src/Properties.vala:645
msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "Напомена:"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:696
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:709
msgid "Remove and _Trash File"
msgid_plural "Remove and _Trash Files"
msgstr[0] "Уклони и _oбриши фотографију"
@@ -3663,19 +3747,19 @@ msgstr[1] "Уклони и _oбриши фотографије"
msgstr[2] "Уклони и _oбриши фотографије"
msgstr[3] "Уклони и _oбриши фотографију"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:700
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:713
msgid "_Remove From Library"
msgstr "_Уклони из фототеке"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:743
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:756
msgid "Revert External Edit?"
msgstr "Да ли да вратим спољну измену?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:743
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:756
msgid "Revert External Edits?"
msgstr "Да ли да вратим спољне измене?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:745
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:758
#, c-format
msgid "This will destroy all changes made to the external file. Continue?"
msgid_plural ""
@@ -3686,38 +3770,38 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"Ова радња ће уништити све измене на %d спољне датотеке. Да наставим?"
msgstr[2] ""
"Ова радња ће уништити све измене на %d спољних датотека. Да наставим?"
-msgstr[3] " "
+msgstr[3] "Ова радња ће уништити све измене на %d спољној датотеци. Да наставим?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:749
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:762
msgid "Re_vert External Edit"
msgstr "_Врати спољну измену"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:749
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:762
msgid "Re_vert External Edits"
msgstr "_Врати спољне измене"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:770
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:783
#, c-format
msgid "This will remove the photo from the library. Continue?"
msgid_plural "This will remove %d photos from the library. Continue?"
msgstr[0] "Ово ће уклонити %d фотографију из фототеке. Да наставим?"
msgstr[1] "Ово ће уклонити %d фотографије из фототеке. Да наставим?"
msgstr[2] "Ово ће уклонити %d фотографија из фототеке. Да наставим?"
-msgstr[3] " "
+msgstr[3] "Ово ће уклонити %d фотографију из фототеке. Да наставим?"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:777 src/Resources.vala:174
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:790 src/Resources.vala:143
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Уклони"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:778
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:791
msgid "Remove Photo From Library"
msgstr "Уклоните фотографију из фототеке"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:778
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:791
msgid "Remove Photos From Library"
msgstr "Уклоните фотографије из фототеке"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:798
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:811
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -3744,13 +3828,13 @@ msgstr[3] ""
"И %d друга."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:822 src/Dialogs.vala:849
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:835 src/Dialogs.vala:862
msgid "Tags (separated by commas):"
msgstr "Ознаке (раздвојене запетом):"
#. This function is used to determine whether or not files should be copied or linked when imported.
#. Returns ACCEPT for copy, REJECT for link, and CANCEL for (drum-roll) cancel.
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:908
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:921
msgid ""
"Shotwell can copy the photos into your library folder or it can import them "
"without copying."
@@ -3758,31 +3842,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Фото-бунар може да умножи фотографије у фасциклу фототеке или да их увезе "
"без умножавања."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:913
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:926
msgid "Co_py Photos"
msgstr "_Умножи фотографије"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:914
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:927
msgid "_Import in Place"
msgstr "Увези _на месту"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:915
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:928
msgid "Import to Library"
msgstr "Увезите у фототеку"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:925 src/PhotoPage.vala:2874
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:938 src/PhotoPage.vala:2897
msgid "Remove From Library"
msgstr "Уклоните из фототеке"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:926 src/PhotoPage.vala:2874
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:939 src/PhotoPage.vala:2897
msgid "Removing Photo From Library"
msgstr "Уклањам фотографију из фототеке"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:926
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:939
msgid "Removing Photos From Library"
msgstr "Уклањам фотографије из фототеке"
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:940
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:953
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This will remove the photo/video from your Shotwell library. Would you also "
@@ -3809,9 +3893,13 @@ msgstr[2] ""
"бисте такође желели да преместите датотеке у корпу ваше радне површи?\n"
"Ова радња не може бити поништена."
-msgstr[3] " "
+msgstr[3] ""
+"Ово ће уклонити %d фотографије/снимка из ваше фототеке Фото-бунара. Да ли "
+"бисте такође желели да преместите датотеке у корпу ваше радне површи?\n"
+"Ова радња не може бити поништена."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:944
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:957
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This will remove the video from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
@@ -3838,9 +3926,13 @@ msgstr[2] ""
"желели да преместите датотеке у корпу ваше радне површи?\n"
"Ова радња не може бити поништена."
-msgstr[3] " "
+msgstr[3] ""
+"Ово ће уклонити %d снимка из ваше фототеке Фото-бунара. Да ли бисте такође "
+"желели да преместите датотеке у корпу ваше радне површи?\n"
+"Ова радња не може бити поништена."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:948
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:961
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This will remove the photo from your Shotwell library. Would you also like "
@@ -3867,9 +3959,13 @@ msgstr[2] ""
"такође желели да преместите датотеке у корпу ваше радне површи?\n"
"Ова радња не може бити поништена."
-msgstr[3] " "
+msgstr[3] ""
+"Ово ће уклонити %d фотографије из ваше фототеке Фото-бунара. Да ли бисте "
+"такође желели да преместите датотеке у корпу ваше радне површи?\n"
+"Ова радња не може бити поништена."
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:980
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:993
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The photo or video cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete this file?"
@@ -3881,10 +3977,11 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"Не могу да преместим у смеће %d фотографије/снимка. Да ли да уклоним?"
msgstr[2] ""
"Не могу да преместим у смеће %d фотографија/снимака. Да ли да уклоним?"
-msgstr[3] " "
+msgstr[3] ""
+"Не могу да преместим у смеће %d фотографију/снимак. Да ли да уклоним?"
#. Alert the user that the files were not removed.
-#: src/Dialogs.vala:997
+#: src/Dialogs.vala:1010
#, c-format
msgid "The photo or video cannot be deleted."
msgid_plural "%d photos/videos cannot be deleted."
@@ -3925,30 +4022,30 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable open photo %s. Sorry."
msgstr "Не могу да отворим фотографију „%s“. Извините."
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:316 src/Resources.vala:176 ui/direct.ui:8
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:322 src/Resources.vala:145 ui/direct.ui:8
#: ui/textentrydialog.ui:33
msgid "_Save"
msgstr "_Сачувај"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:316
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:322
msgid "_Save a Copy"
msgstr "_Сачувај примерак"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:319
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:325
#, c-format
msgid "Lose changes to %s?"
msgstr "Да заборавим измене над „%s“?"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:320
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:326
msgid "Close _without Saving"
msgstr "Затвори _без чувања"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:353
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:359
#, c-format
msgid "Error while saving to %s: %s"
msgstr "Грешка приликом чувања у „%s“: %s"
-#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:383 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:404
+#: src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:389 src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:410
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "Сачувајте као"
@@ -3994,19 +4091,19 @@ msgstr[1] "_Измени изворне датотеке"
msgstr[2] "_Измени изворне датотеке"
msgstr[3] "_Измени изворну датотеку"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:213
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:219
msgid "Original: "
msgstr "Изворно: "
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:214
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:220
msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"
msgstr "%d.%m.%Y. %H:%M:%S"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:215
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:221
msgid "%m/%d/%Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
msgstr "%d.%m.%Y. %H:%M:%S"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:306
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:312
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Exposure time will be shifted forward by\n"
@@ -4015,7 +4112,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Време излагања ће бити померено унапред за\n"
"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, и %d %s."
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:307
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:313
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Exposure time will be shifted backward by\n"
@@ -4024,7 +4121,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Вреем излагања ће бити померено уназад за\n"
"%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, и %d %s."
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:309
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:315
msgid "day"
msgid_plural "days"
msgstr[0] "дан"
@@ -4032,7 +4129,7 @@ msgstr[1] "дана"
msgstr[2] "дана"
msgstr[3] "дан"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:310
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:316
msgid "hour"
msgid_plural "hours"
msgstr[0] "сат"
@@ -4040,7 +4137,7 @@ msgstr[1] "сата"
msgstr[2] "сати"
msgstr[3] "сат"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:311
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:317
msgid "minute"
msgid_plural "minutes"
msgstr[0] "минут"
@@ -4048,7 +4145,7 @@ msgstr[1] "минута"
msgstr[2] "минута"
msgstr[3] "минут"
-#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:312
+#: src/dialogs/AdjustDateTimeDialog.vala:318
msgid "second"
msgid_plural "seconds"
msgstr[0] "секунду"
@@ -4091,35 +4188,35 @@ msgstr "Извези _метаподатке:"
#. We're installed system-wide, so use the system help.
#. We're being run from the build directory; we'll have to handle clicks to this
#. link manually ourselves, due to a limitation of help: URIs.
-#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:115 src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:119
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:108 src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:112
msgid "(Help)"
msgstr "(Помоћ)"
-#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:123
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:116
#, c-format
msgid "Year%sMonth%sDay"
msgstr "Година%sмесец%sдан"
-#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:125
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:118
#, c-format
msgid "Year%sMonth"
msgstr "Година%sмесец"
-#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:127
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:120
#, c-format
msgid "Year%sMonth-Day"
msgstr "Година%sмесец-дан"
-#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:129
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:122
msgid "Year-Month-Day"
msgstr "Година-месец-дан"
-#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:130 src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:760
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:123 src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:760
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Произвољно"
#. Invalid pattern.
-#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:369
+#: src/dialogs/Preferences.vala:351
msgid "Invalid pattern"
msgstr "Неисправан образац"
@@ -4313,7 +4410,7 @@ msgstr "30 × 40 cm"
msgid "A3 (297 × 420 mm)"
msgstr "A3 (297 × 420 mm)"
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1858 src/Properties.vala:398
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:1858 src/Properties.vala:402
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Величина:"
@@ -4331,8 +4428,8 @@ msgid "_Reset"
msgstr "_Поново постави"
#. fit both on the top line, emit and move on
-#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2230 src/Properties.vala:439
-#: src/Properties.vala:443 src/Properties.vala:450
+#: src/editing_tools/EditingTools.vala:2230 src/Properties.vala:443
+#: src/Properties.vala:447 src/Properties.vala:454
msgid "Exposure:"
msgstr "Излагање:"
@@ -4406,7 +4503,7 @@ msgstr "Повећање контраста"
msgid "Angle:"
msgstr "Угао:"
-#: src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:100 src/Resources.vala:203
+#: src/editing_tools/StraightenTool.vala:100 src/Resources.vala:172
#: ui/direct.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:233
msgid "_Straighten"
msgstr "_Исправи"
@@ -4420,7 +4517,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d фотографије/снимка"
msgstr[2] "%d фотографија/снимака"
msgstr[3] "%d фотографија/снимак"
-#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:99 src/Properties.vala:358
+#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:99 src/Properties.vala:362
#, c-format
msgid "%d Video"
msgid_plural "%d Videos"
@@ -4429,7 +4526,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d снимка"
msgstr[2] "%d снимака"
msgstr[3] "%d снимак"
-#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:101 src/Properties.vala:356
+#: src/events/EventDirectoryItem.vala:101 src/Properties.vala:360
#, c-format
msgid "%d Photo"
msgid_plural "%d Photos"
@@ -4510,6 +4607,71 @@ msgstr "Замени _све"
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Извези"
+#: src/faces/FacesBranch.vala:89 src/Resources.vala:304 src/Resources.vala:305
+#: ui/faces.ui:403
+msgid "Faces"
+msgstr "Лица"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:115
+msgid "Detect faces…"
+msgstr "Откриј лица…"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:140
+#| msgid "Set the crop for this photo"
+msgid "Detect faces on this photo"
+msgstr "Откриј лица на овој фотографији"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:142
+msgid "Cancel face detection"
+msgstr "Откажи откривање лица"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:146
+msgid "Close the Faces tool without saving changes"
+msgstr "Затвори алат Лица без чувања измена"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:153 src/faces/FacesTool.vala:185
+msgid "Click and drag to tag a face"
+msgstr "Клик и превлачење за означавање лица"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Click to edit face <i>%s</i>"
+msgstr "Кликните да уредите лице <i>%s</i>"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:189
+msgid "Stop dragging to add your face and name it."
+msgstr "Зауставите превлачење да додате ваше лице и да га именујете."
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:193
+msgid "Type a name for this face, then press Enter"
+msgstr "Упишите име за ово лице, затим притисните „Унеси“"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:197
+msgid "Move or modify the face shape or name and press Enter"
+msgstr "Преместите или измените облик лица или име и притисните „Унеси“"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:201
+#| msgid "Settings"
+msgid "Detecting faces"
+msgstr "Откривање лица"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:212
+msgid "If you don’t set the name of unknown faces they won’t be saved."
+msgstr "Ако не поставите име непознатих лица неће бити сачувана."
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:233
+msgid "Save changes and close the Faces tool"
+msgstr "Сачувајте измене и затворите алат Лица"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:235
+#| msgid "Lose changes to %s?"
+msgid "No changes to save"
+msgstr "Нема измена за чување"
+#: src/faces/FacesTool.vala:956
+msgid "Error trying to spawn face detection program:\n"
+msgstr "Грешка при покушају покретања програма за откривање лица:\n"
#: src/folders/FoldersBranch.vala:144
msgid "Folders"
msgstr "Фасцикле"
@@ -4518,8 +4680,18 @@ msgstr "Фасцикле"
msgid "Browse the library’s folder structure"
msgstr "Разгледајте структуру фасцикле библиотеке"
-#: src/library/FlaggedPage.vala:8 src/SearchFilter.vala:1098
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1099
+#: src/import-roll/ImportRollBranch.vala:43
+#| msgid "_Import"
+msgid "Imports"
+msgstr "Увози"
+#: src/import-roll/ImportRollBranch.vala:43
+#| msgid "Browse the library’s folder structure"
+msgid "Browse the library’s import history"
+msgstr "Разгледајте историјат увоза библиотеке"
+#: src/library/FlaggedPage.vala:8 src/SearchFilter.vala:1124
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1125
msgid "Flagged"
msgstr "Обележенe"
@@ -4540,37 +4712,36 @@ msgstr "Увезао сам „%s“"
msgid "Last Import"
msgstr "Последњи увоз"
-#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:30 src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:130
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:512
+#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:30 src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:127
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:465
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Фототека"
#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:30
-#| msgid "Organize your photos"
msgid "Organize and browse your photos"
msgstr "Средите и разгледајте ваше фотографије"
-#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:97 src/SearchFilter.vala:1079
+#: src/library/LibraryBranch.vala:97 src/SearchFilter.vala:1105
msgid "Photos"
msgstr "Фотографије"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:508
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:528
msgid "Import From Folder"
msgstr "Увезите из фасцикле"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:515
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:535
msgid "Recurse Into Subfolders"
msgstr "Дубачи по подфасциклама"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:583 ui/trash.ui:288
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:603 ui/trash.ui:288
msgid "Empty Trash"
msgstr "Испразни корпу"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:583
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:603
msgid "Emptying Trash…"
msgstr "Празним корпу…"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:779
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:782
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Shotwell is configured to import photos to your home directory.\n"
@@ -4583,33 +4754,33 @@ msgstr ""
"%s Поставке</span>.\n"
"Да ли желите да наставите увоз фотографија?"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:782 ui/preferences_dialog.ui:142
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:785 ui/preferences_dialog.ui:86
msgid "Library Location"
msgstr "Место фототеке"
#. TODO: Specify which directory/file.
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:795
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:798
msgid "Photos cannot be imported from this directory."
msgstr "Не могу да увезем фотографије из овог директоријума."
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1075
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1078
#, c-format
msgid "%s (%d%%)"
msgstr "%s (%d%%)"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1119 src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1130
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1122 src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1133
msgid "Updating library…"
msgstr "Освежавам фототеку…"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1136
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1139
msgid "Preparing to auto-import photos…"
msgstr "Припремам фотографије за самостални увоз…"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1141
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1144
msgid "Auto-importing photos…"
msgstr "Самостално увозим фотографије…"
-#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1149
+#: src/library/LibraryWindow.vala:1152
msgid "Writing metadata to files…"
msgstr "Уписујем метаподатке у датотеке…"
@@ -4629,7 +4800,7 @@ msgstr "Корпа"
msgid "Trash is empty"
msgstr "Корпа је празна"
-#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:110
+#: src/library/TrashPage.vala:110 ui/faces.ui:469
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Обришите"
@@ -4676,40 +4847,40 @@ msgid "Unknown error attempting to verify Shotwell’s database: %s"
msgstr ""
"Догодила се непозната грешка приликом покушаја провере збирке Фото-бунара: %s"
-#: src/main.vala:104
+#: src/main.vala:108
msgid "Loading Shotwell"
msgstr "Учитавам Фото-бунар"
-#: src/main.vala:303
+#: src/main.vala:320
msgid "Path to Shotwell’s private data"
msgstr "Путања до личних података Фото-бунара"
-#: src/main.vala:303
+#: src/main.vala:320
-#: src/main.vala:307
+#: src/main.vala:324
msgid "Do not monitor library directory at runtime for changes"
msgstr "Не прати директоријум фототеке за изменама у време покретања"
-#: src/main.vala:311
+#: src/main.vala:328
msgid "Don’t display startup progress meter"
msgstr "Не приказује мерач напредовања покретања"
-#: src/main.vala:315
+#: src/main.vala:332
msgid "Show the application’s version"
msgstr "Приказује издање програма"
-#: src/main.vala:319
+#: src/main.vala:336
msgid "Start the application in fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Покреће програм у режиму преко целог екрана"
#. init GTK (valac has already called g_threads_init())
-#: src/main.vala:356
+#: src/main.vala:373
msgid "[FILE]"
msgstr "[ДАТОТЕКА]"
-#: src/main.vala:360
+#: src/main.vala:380
#, c-format
msgid "Run “%s --help” to see a full list of available command line options.\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -4721,11 +4892,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to process monitoring updates: %s"
msgstr "Не могу да обрадим освежења праћења: %s"
-#: src/MediaPage.vala:158
+#: src/MediaPage.vala:76
msgid "Adjust the size of the thumbnails"
msgstr "Измените величину минијатура"
-#: src/MediaPage.vala:502
+#: src/MediaPage.vala:419
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Shotwell was unable to play the selected video:\n"
@@ -4734,34 +4905,34 @@ msgstr ""
"Фото-бунар није успео да пусти изабрани снимак:\n"
-#: src/Page.vala:1327
+#: src/Page.vala:1324
msgid "No photos/videos"
msgstr "Нема фотографија/снимака"
-#: src/Page.vala:1331
+#: src/Page.vala:1328
msgid "No photos/videos found which match the current filter"
msgstr "Нисам пронашао фотографије/снимке који одговарају текућем филтеру"
-#: src/Page.vala:2644
+#: src/Page.vala:2641
msgid "Photos cannot be exported to this directory."
msgstr "Не могу да извезем фотографије у овај директоријум."
#. previous button
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:538
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:550
msgid "Previous photo"
msgstr "Претходна фотографија"
#. next button
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:544
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:556
msgid "Next photo"
msgstr "Наредна фотографија"
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:1850
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:1862
#, c-format
msgid "Photo source file missing: %s"
msgstr "Недостаје изворна датотека фотографије: %s"
-#: src/PhotoPage.vala:3018
+#: src/PhotoPage.vala:3041
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to export %s: %s"
msgstr "Не могу да извезем „%s“: %s"
@@ -4770,6 +4941,10 @@ msgstr "Не могу да извезем „%s“: %s"
msgid "BMP"
msgstr "БМП"
+#: src/photos/GifSupport.vala:32
+msgid "GIF"
+msgstr "ГИФ"
#: src/photos/JfifSupport.vala:84
msgid "JPEG"
msgstr "ЈПЕГ"
@@ -4806,7 +4981,7 @@ msgstr "Сирово"
msgid "TIFF"
msgstr "ТИФФ"
-#: src/Photo.vala:3774
+#: src/Photo.vala:3767
msgid "modified"
msgstr "измењено"
@@ -4857,19 +5032,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/Properties.vala:87
+#: src/Properties.vala:98
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Данас"
-#: src/Properties.vala:89
+#: src/Properties.vala:100
msgid "Yesterday"
msgstr "Јуче"
-#: src/Properties.vala:346
+#: src/Properties.vala:350
msgid "Items:"
msgstr "Ставки:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:349
+#: src/Properties.vala:353
#, c-format
msgid "%d Event"
msgid_plural "%d Events"
@@ -4879,107 +5054,103 @@ msgstr[2] "%d догађаја"
msgstr[3] "%d догађај"
#. display only one date if start and end are the same
-#: src/Properties.vala:380
+#: src/Properties.vala:384
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Датум:"
#. display only one time if start and end are the same
-#: src/Properties.vala:384
+#: src/Properties.vala:388
msgid "Time:"
msgstr "Време:"
#. display time range
#. display date range
-#: src/Properties.vala:387 src/Properties.vala:392
+#: src/Properties.vala:391 src/Properties.vala:396
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Од:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:388 src/Properties.vala:393
+#: src/Properties.vala:392 src/Properties.vala:397
msgid "To:"
msgstr "До:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:407
+#: src/Properties.vala:411
msgid "Duration:"
msgstr "Трајање:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:407
+#: src/Properties.vala:411
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f seconds"
msgstr "%.1f секунде"
-#: src/Properties.vala:411
+#: src/Properties.vala:415
msgid "Developer:"
msgstr "Развијач:"
#. nothing special to be done for now for Events
-#: src/Properties.vala:586
+#: src/Properties.vala:593
msgid "Location:"
msgstr "Место:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:589
+#: src/Properties.vala:596
msgid "File size:"
msgstr "Величина датотеке:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:593
+#: src/Properties.vala:600
msgid "Current Development:"
msgstr "Текући развој:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:595
+#: src/Properties.vala:602
msgid "Original dimensions:"
msgstr "Изворне димензије:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:598
+#: src/Properties.vala:605
msgid "Camera make:"
msgstr "Марка фото-апарата:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:601
+#: src/Properties.vala:608
msgid "Camera model:"
msgstr "Модел фото-апарата:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:604
+#: src/Properties.vala:611
msgid "Flash:"
msgstr "Блиц:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:606
+#: src/Properties.vala:613
msgid "Focal length:"
msgstr "Жижна даљина:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:609
+#: src/Properties.vala:616
msgid "Exposure date:"
msgstr "Датум излагања:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:612
+#: src/Properties.vala:619
msgid "Exposure time:"
msgstr "Време излагања:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:615
+#: src/Properties.vala:622
msgid "Exposure bias:"
msgstr "Компензација излагања:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:617
+#: src/Properties.vala:631
msgid "GPS latitude:"
msgstr "Географска ширина:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:620
+#: src/Properties.vala:634
msgid "GPS longitude:"
msgstr "Географска дужина:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:623
+#: src/Properties.vala:637
msgid "Artist:"
msgstr "Фотограф:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:625
+#: src/Properties.vala:639
msgid "Copyright:"
msgstr "Ауторско право:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:627
+#: src/Properties.vala:641
msgid "Software:"
msgstr "Софтвер:"
-#: src/Properties.vala:642
-msgid "Extended Information"
-msgstr "Додатни подаци"
#: src/publishing/PublishingPluginHost.vala:11
msgid "Preparing for upload"
msgstr "Припремам за слање"
@@ -5077,580 +5248,608 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Publishing"
msgstr "Објављивање"
-#: src/Resources.vala:141 src/Resources.vala:146 ui/collection.ui:151
+#: src/Resources.vala:110 src/Resources.vala:115 ui/collection.ui:151
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "Окрените"
-#: src/Resources.vala:142
+#: src/Resources.vala:111
msgid "Rotate Right"
msgstr "Окрените на десно"
-#: src/Resources.vala:143 ui/collection.ui:148
+#: src/Resources.vala:112 ui/collection.ui:148
msgid "Rotate the photos right (press Ctrl to rotate left)"
msgstr "Окрените фотографије на десно (притисните Ктрл да окренете на лево)"
-#: src/Resources.vala:147
+#: src/Resources.vala:116
msgid "Rotate Left"
msgstr "Окрените на лево"
-#: src/Resources.vala:148
+#: src/Resources.vala:117
msgid "Rotate the photos left"
msgstr "Окрените фотографије на лево"
-#: src/Resources.vala:151
+#: src/Resources.vala:120
msgid "Flip Horizontally"
msgstr "Изврните водоравно"
-#: src/Resources.vala:154
+#: src/Resources.vala:123
msgid "Flip Vertically"
msgstr "Изврните усправно"
-#: src/Resources.vala:156 ui/direct.ui:192 ui/events_directory.ui:168
-#: ui/event.ui:438 ui/import_queue.ui:83 ui/import.ui:201
+#: src/Resources.vala:125 ui/direct.ui:192 ui/events_directory.ui:168
+#: ui/event.ui:438 ui/faces.ui:448 ui/import_queue.ui:83 ui/import.ui:201
#: ui/manifest_widget.ui:35 ui/media.ui:421 ui/offline.ui:198 ui/photo.ui:405
#: ui/tags.ui:440 ui/trash.ui:207
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_О програму"
-#: src/Resources.vala:157
+#: src/Resources.vala:126
msgid "_Apply"
msgstr "_Примени"
-#: src/Resources.vala:160 ui/direct.ui:44 ui/events_directory.ui:32
-#: ui/event.ui:47 ui/import.ui:40 ui/media.ui:47 ui/offline.ui:32
-#: ui/photo.ui:55 ui/tags.ui:47 ui/trash.ui:37
+#: src/Resources.vala:129 ui/direct.ui:44 ui/events_directory.ui:32
+#: ui/event.ui:47 ui/faces.ui:47 ui/import.ui:40 ui/media.ui:47
+#: ui/offline.ui:32 ui/photo.ui:55 ui/tags.ui:47 ui/trash.ui:37
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Уређивање"
-#: src/Resources.vala:161
+#: src/Resources.vala:130
msgid "_Forward"
msgstr "Просл_еди"
-#: src/Resources.vala:162 ui/direct.ui:62 ui/events_directory.ui:125
+#: src/Resources.vala:131 ui/direct.ui:62 ui/events_directory.ui:125
#: ui/photo.ui:173
msgid "Fulls_creen"
msgstr "Преко _целог екрана"
-#: src/Resources.vala:163 ui/direct.ui:174 ui/direct.ui:177
+#: src/Resources.vala:132 ui/direct.ui:174 ui/direct.ui:177
#: ui/events_directory.ui:150 ui/events_directory.ui:153 ui/event.ui:420
-#: ui/event.ui:423 ui/import_queue.ui:65 ui/import_queue.ui:68 ui/import.ui:183
-#: ui/import.ui:186 ui/media.ui:403 ui/media.ui:406 ui/offline.ui:180
-#: ui/offline.ui:183 ui/photo.ui:387 ui/photo.ui:390 ui/tags.ui:422
-#: ui/tags.ui:425 ui/trash.ui:189 ui/trash.ui:192
+#: ui/event.ui:423 ui/faces.ui:430 ui/faces.ui:433 ui/import_queue.ui:65
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:68 ui/import.ui:183 ui/import.ui:186 ui/media.ui:403
+#: ui/media.ui:406 ui/offline.ui:180 ui/offline.ui:183 ui/photo.ui:387
+#: ui/photo.ui:390 ui/tags.ui:422 ui/tags.ui:425 ui/trash.ui:189
+#: ui/trash.ui:192
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "По_моћ"
-#: src/Resources.vala:164
+#: src/Resources.vala:133
msgid "Leave _Fullscreen"
msgstr "Напусти приказ преко _целог екрана"
-#: src/Resources.vala:165 src/Resources.vala:364 ui/tags.ui:450
+#: src/Resources.vala:134 src/Resources.vala:342 ui/tags.ui:450
msgid "_New"
msgstr "_Ново"
-#: src/Resources.vala:166
+#: src/Resources.vala:135
msgid "_Next"
msgstr "_Следеће"
-#: src/Resources.vala:169 src/Resources.vala:318 ui/events_directory.ui:65
-#: ui/event.ui:93 ui/import.ui:68 ui/media.ui:93 ui/offline.ui:72
-#: ui/photo.ui:89 ui/tags.ui:93 ui/trash.ui:81
+#: src/Resources.vala:138 src/Resources.vala:287 ui/events_directory.ui:65
+#: ui/event.ui:93 ui/faces.ui:93 ui/import.ui:68 ui/media.ui:93
+#: ui/offline.ui:72 ui/photo.ui:89 ui/tags.ui:93 ui/trash.ui:81
msgid "_Preferences"
msgstr "_Поставке"
-#: src/Resources.vala:170
+#: src/Resources.vala:139
msgid "_Previous"
msgstr "_Претходно"
-#: src/Resources.vala:172 ui/direct.ui:37 ui/events_directory.ui:25
-#: ui/event.ui:40 ui/import_queue.ui:31 ui/import.ui:33 ui/media.ui:40
-#: ui/offline.ui:25 ui/photo.ui:48 ui/tags.ui:40 ui/trash.ui:30
+#: src/Resources.vala:141 ui/direct.ui:37 ui/events_directory.ui:25
+#: ui/event.ui:40 ui/faces.ui:40 ui/import_queue.ui:31 ui/import.ui:33
+#: ui/media.ui:40 ui/offline.ui:25 ui/photo.ui:48 ui/tags.ui:40 ui/trash.ui:30
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "_Изађи"
-#: src/Resources.vala:173
+#: src/Resources.vala:142
msgid "_Refresh"
msgstr "_Освежи"
-#: src/Resources.vala:175
+#: src/Resources.vala:144
msgid "_Revert"
msgstr "_Врати"
-#: src/Resources.vala:177
+#: src/Resources.vala:146
msgid "Save _As"
msgstr "Сачувај _као"
-#: src/Resources.vala:178
+#: src/Resources.vala:147
msgid "Sort _Ascending"
msgstr "Поређај _растућим редом"
-#: src/Resources.vala:179
+#: src/Resources.vala:148
msgid "Sort _Descending"
msgstr "Поређај _опадајућим редом"
-#: src/Resources.vala:180
+#: src/Resources.vala:149
msgid "_Stop"
msgstr "_Заустави"
-#: src/Resources.vala:181
+#: src/Resources.vala:150
msgid "_Undelete"
msgstr "_Поништи брисање"
-#: src/Resources.vala:182
+#: src/Resources.vala:151
msgid "_Normal Size"
msgstr "_Уобичајена величина"
-#: src/Resources.vala:183
+#: src/Resources.vala:152
msgid "Best _Fit"
msgstr "_Најбоље уклапање"
-#: src/Resources.vala:184 ui/direct.ui:69 ui/event.ui:260 ui/media.ui:260
-#: ui/photo.ui:144 ui/tags.ui:260
+#: src/Resources.vala:153 ui/direct.ui:69 ui/event.ui:260 ui/faces.ui:260
+#: ui/media.ui:260 ui/photo.ui:144 ui/tags.ui:260
msgid "Zoom _In"
msgstr "У_већај"
-#: src/Resources.vala:185 ui/direct.ui:74 ui/event.ui:265 ui/media.ui:265
-#: ui/photo.ui:149 ui/tags.ui:265
+#: src/Resources.vala:154 ui/direct.ui:74 ui/event.ui:265 ui/faces.ui:265
+#: ui/media.ui:265 ui/photo.ui:149 ui/tags.ui:265
msgid "Zoom _Out"
msgstr "У_мањи"
-#: src/Resources.vala:188 ui/collection.ui:167
+#: src/Resources.vala:157 ui/collection.ui:167
msgid "Enhance"
msgstr "Побољшајте"
-#: src/Resources.vala:189 ui/collection.ui:164
+#: src/Resources.vala:158 ui/collection.ui:164
msgid "Automatically improve the photo’s appearance"
msgstr "Самостално унапредите изглед фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:192
+#: src/Resources.vala:161
msgid "Copy Color Adjustments"
msgstr "Умножите дотеривања боје"
-#: src/Resources.vala:193
+#: src/Resources.vala:162
msgid "Copy the color adjustments applied to the photo"
msgstr "Умножите дотеривања боје примењена на фотографији"
-#: src/Resources.vala:196
+#: src/Resources.vala:165
msgid "Paste Color Adjustments"
msgstr "Убаците дотеривања боје"
-#: src/Resources.vala:197
+#: src/Resources.vala:166
msgid "Apply copied color adjustments to the selected photos"
msgstr "Примените умножена дотеривања боје на изабраним фотографијама"
-#: src/Resources.vala:199 ui/direct.ui:139 ui/photo.ui:228
+#: src/Resources.vala:168 ui/direct.ui:139 ui/photo.ui:228
msgid "_Crop"
msgstr "_Исеци"
-#: src/Resources.vala:200
+#: src/Resources.vala:169
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Исеците"
-#: src/Resources.vala:201
+#: src/Resources.vala:170
msgid "Crop the photo’s size"
msgstr "Исеците величину фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:204
+#: src/Resources.vala:173
msgid "Straighten"
msgstr "Исправите"
-#: src/Resources.vala:205
+#: src/Resources.vala:174
msgid "Straighten the photo"
msgstr "Исправите фотографију"
-#: src/Resources.vala:207 ui/direct.ui:149 ui/photo.ui:238
+#: src/Resources.vala:176 ui/direct.ui:149 ui/photo.ui:238
msgid "_Red-eye"
msgstr "_Црвене очи"
-#: src/Resources.vala:208
+#: src/Resources.vala:177
msgid "Red-eye"
msgstr "Уклоните црвене очи"
-#: src/Resources.vala:209
+#: src/Resources.vala:178
msgid "Reduce or eliminate any red-eye effects in the photo"
msgstr "Умањите или уклоните дејства црвених очију са фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:211 ui/direct.ui:154 ui/photo.ui:243
+#: src/Resources.vala:180 ui/direct.ui:154 ui/photo.ui:243
msgid "_Adjust"
msgstr "_Дотерај"
-#: src/Resources.vala:212
+#: src/Resources.vala:181
msgid "Adjust"
msgstr "Дотерајте"
-#: src/Resources.vala:213
+#: src/Resources.vala:182
msgid "Adjust the photo’s color and tone"
msgstr "Дотерајте боје и тоналитет фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:216
+#: src/Resources.vala:185
msgid "Revert to Original"
msgstr "Вратите на изворно"
-#: src/Resources.vala:218
+#: src/Resources.vala:187
msgid "Revert External E_dits"
msgstr "Врати спољне _измене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:219
+#: src/Resources.vala:188
msgid "Revert to the master photo"
msgstr "Вратите изворну фотографију"
-#: src/Resources.vala:222
+#: src/Resources.vala:191
msgid "Set selected image to be the new desktop background"
msgstr "Поставите изабрану фотографију за позадину ваше радне површи"
-#: src/Resources.vala:223
+#: src/Resources.vala:192
msgid "Set as _Desktop Slideshow…"
msgstr "Постави као смењиву позадину _радне површи…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:225 ui/direct.ui:47 ui/events_directory.ui:35
-#: ui/event.ui:50 ui/import.ui:43 ui/media.ui:50 ui/offline.ui:35
-#: ui/photo.ui:58 ui/tags.ui:50 ui/trash.ui:40
+#: src/Resources.vala:194 ui/direct.ui:47 ui/events_directory.ui:35
+#: ui/event.ui:50 ui/faces.ui:50 ui/import.ui:43 ui/media.ui:50
+#: ui/offline.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:58 ui/tags.ui:50 ui/trash.ui:40
msgid "_Undo"
msgstr "_Опозови"
-#: src/Resources.vala:226
+#: src/Resources.vala:195
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Опозовите"
-#: src/Resources.vala:228 ui/direct.ui:52 ui/events_directory.ui:40
-#: ui/event.ui:55 ui/import.ui:48 ui/media.ui:55 ui/offline.ui:40
-#: ui/photo.ui:63 ui/tags.ui:55 ui/trash.ui:45
+#: src/Resources.vala:197 ui/direct.ui:52 ui/events_directory.ui:40
+#: ui/event.ui:55 ui/faces.ui:55 ui/import.ui:48 ui/media.ui:55
+#: ui/offline.ui:40 ui/photo.ui:63 ui/tags.ui:55 ui/trash.ui:45
msgid "_Redo"
msgstr "_Понови"
-#: src/Resources.vala:229
+#: src/Resources.vala:198
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Поновите"
-#: src/Resources.vala:231 ui/events_directory.ui:139 ui/events_directory.ui:181
+#: src/Resources.vala:200 ui/events_directory.ui:139 ui/events_directory.ui:181
#: ui/event.ui:393 ui/event.ui:588
msgid "Re_name Event…"
msgstr "_Преименуј догађај…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:234 ui/event.ui:373 ui/event.ui:580
+#: src/Resources.vala:203 ui/event.ui:373 ui/event.ui:580
msgid "Make _Key Photo for Event"
msgstr "Направи _кључну фотографију догађаја"
-#: src/Resources.vala:235
+#: src/Resources.vala:204
msgid "Make Key Photo for Event"
msgstr "Направите кључну фотографију за овај догађај"
-#: src/Resources.vala:237 ui/event.ui:382 ui/media.ui:376 ui/tags.ui:376
+#: src/Resources.vala:206 ui/event.ui:382 ui/faces.ui:376 ui/media.ui:376
+#: ui/tags.ui:376
msgid "_New Event"
msgstr "_Нови догађај"
-#: src/Resources.vala:238
+#: src/Resources.vala:207
msgid "New Event"
msgstr "Нови догађај"
-#: src/Resources.vala:240
+#: src/Resources.vala:209
msgid "Move Photos"
msgstr "Премести фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:241
+#: src/Resources.vala:210
msgid "Move photos to an event"
msgstr "Преместите фотографије у догађај"
-#: src/Resources.vala:243 ui/events_directory.ui:135 ui/events_directory.ui:177
+#: src/Resources.vala:212 ui/events_directory.ui:135 ui/events_directory.ui:177
msgid "_Merge Events"
msgstr "_Спој догађаје"
-#: src/Resources.vala:244
+#: src/Resources.vala:213
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Спојите"
-#: src/Resources.vala:245
+#: src/Resources.vala:214
msgid "Combine events into a single event"
msgstr "Обједините догађаје у један"
-#: src/Resources.vala:247 ui/collection.ui:39 ui/event.ui:286 ui/event.ui:478
-#: ui/media.ui:286 ui/photo_context.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:273 ui/tags.ui:286
+#: src/Resources.vala:216 ui/collection.ui:39 ui/event.ui:286 ui/event.ui:478
+#: ui/faces.ui:286 ui/media.ui:286 ui/photo_context.ui:35 ui/photo.ui:273
+#: ui/tags.ui:286
msgid "_Set Rating"
msgstr "_Оцени"
-#: src/Resources.vala:248
+#: src/Resources.vala:217
msgid "Set Rating"
msgstr "Оцените"
-#: src/Resources.vala:249
+#: src/Resources.vala:218
msgid "Change the rating of your photo"
msgstr "Измените оцену фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:251 ui/collection.ui:72 ui/event.ui:326 ui/event.ui:511
-#: ui/media.ui:326 ui/photo_context.ui:75 ui/photo.ui:313 ui/tags.ui:326
+#: src/Resources.vala:220 ui/collection.ui:72 ui/event.ui:326 ui/event.ui:511
+#: ui/faces.ui:326 ui/media.ui:326 ui/photo_context.ui:75 ui/photo.ui:313
+#: ui/tags.ui:326
msgid "_Increase"
msgstr "_Повећај"
-#: src/Resources.vala:252
+#: src/Resources.vala:221
msgid "Increase Rating"
msgstr "Повећајте оцену"
-#: src/Resources.vala:254 ui/collection.ui:76 ui/event.ui:331 ui/event.ui:515
-#: ui/media.ui:331 ui/photo_context.ui:80 ui/photo.ui:318 ui/tags.ui:331
+#: src/Resources.vala:223 ui/collection.ui:76 ui/event.ui:331 ui/event.ui:515
+#: ui/faces.ui:331 ui/media.ui:331 ui/photo_context.ui:80 ui/photo.ui:318
+#: ui/tags.ui:331
msgid "_Decrease"
msgstr "_Смањи"
-#: src/Resources.vala:255
+#: src/Resources.vala:224
msgid "Decrease Rating"
msgstr "Смањите оцену"
-#: src/Resources.vala:257 ui/collection.ui:62 ui/event.ui:314 ui/event.ui:501
-#: ui/media.ui:314 ui/photo_context.ui:63 ui/photo.ui:301 ui/tags.ui:314
+#: src/Resources.vala:226 ui/collection.ui:62 ui/event.ui:314 ui/event.ui:501
+#: ui/faces.ui:314 ui/media.ui:314 ui/photo_context.ui:63 ui/photo.ui:301
+#: ui/tags.ui:314
msgid "_Unrated"
msgstr "_Без оцене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:258
+#: src/Resources.vala:227
msgid "Unrated"
msgstr "Неоцењене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:259
+#: src/Resources.vala:228
msgid "Rate Unrated"
msgstr "Оцените неоцењене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:260
+#: src/Resources.vala:229
msgid "Setting as unrated"
msgstr "Означите да фотографија није оцењена"
-#: src/Resources.vala:261
+#: src/Resources.vala:230
msgid "Remove any ratings"
msgstr "Уклоните било какве оцене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:263 ui/collection.ui:66 ui/event.ui:319 ui/event.ui:505
-#: ui/media.ui:319 ui/photo_context.ui:68 ui/photo.ui:306 ui/tags.ui:319
+#: src/Resources.vala:232 ui/collection.ui:66 ui/event.ui:319 ui/event.ui:505
+#: ui/faces.ui:319 ui/media.ui:319 ui/photo_context.ui:68 ui/photo.ui:306
+#: ui/tags.ui:319
msgid "_Rejected"
msgstr "_Одбачене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:264
+#: src/Resources.vala:233
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Одбачене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:265
+#: src/Resources.vala:234
msgid "Rate Rejected"
msgstr "Оцените одбачене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:266
+#: src/Resources.vala:235
msgid "Setting as rejected"
msgstr "Означавам да је фотографија одбачена"
-#: src/Resources.vala:267
+#: src/Resources.vala:236
msgid "Set rating to rejected"
msgstr "Означите да је фотографија одбачена"
-#: src/Resources.vala:269 ui/event.ui:196 ui/import.ui:156 ui/media.ui:196
-#: ui/offline.ui:153 ui/search_bar.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:196 ui/trash.ui:162
+#: src/Resources.vala:238 ui/event.ui:196 ui/faces.ui:196 ui/import.ui:156
+#: ui/media.ui:196 ui/offline.ui:153 ui/search_bar.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:196
+#: ui/trash.ui:162
msgid "Rejected _Only"
msgstr "Само _одбачене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:270
+#: src/Resources.vala:239
msgid "Rejected Only"
msgstr "Само одбачене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:271
+#: src/Resources.vala:240
msgid "Show only rejected photos"
msgstr "Прикажите само одбачене фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:273 ui/event.ui:190 ui/import.ui:150 ui/media.ui:190
-#: ui/offline.ui:147 ui/search_bar.ui:12 ui/tags.ui:190 ui/trash.ui:156
+#: src/Resources.vala:242 ui/event.ui:190 ui/faces.ui:190 ui/import.ui:150
+#: ui/media.ui:190 ui/offline.ui:147 ui/search_bar.ui:12 ui/tags.ui:190
+#: ui/trash.ui:156
msgid "All + _Rejected"
msgstr "Све + _одбачене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:274
+#: src/Resources.vala:243
msgctxt "Tooltip"
msgid "Show all photos, including rejected"
msgstr "Прикажите све фотографије, укључујући и одбачене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:276 ui/event.ui:184 ui/import.ui:144 ui/media.ui:184
-#: ui/offline.ui:141 ui/search_bar.ui:18 ui/tags.ui:184 ui/trash.ui:150
+#: src/Resources.vala:245 ui/event.ui:184 ui/faces.ui:184 ui/import.ui:144
+#: ui/media.ui:184 ui/offline.ui:141 ui/search_bar.ui:18 ui/tags.ui:184
+#: ui/trash.ui:150
msgid "_All Photos"
msgstr "_Све фотографије"
#. Button tooltip
-#: src/Resources.vala:278
+#: src/Resources.vala:247
msgid "Show all photos"
msgstr "Прикажите све фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:280 ui/event.ui:144 ui/media.ui:144 ui/photo.ui:120
-#: ui/tags.ui:144
+#: src/Resources.vala:249 ui/event.ui:144 ui/faces.ui:144 ui/media.ui:144
+#: ui/photo.ui:120 ui/tags.ui:144
msgid "_Ratings"
msgstr "_Оцене"
-#: src/Resources.vala:281
+#: src/Resources.vala:250
msgid "Display each photo’s rating"
msgstr "Прикажите оцене свих фотографија"
-#: src/Resources.vala:283 ui/event.ui:151 ui/import.ui:111 ui/media.ui:151
-#: ui/offline.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:151 ui/trash.ui:117
+#: src/Resources.vala:252 ui/event.ui:151 ui/faces.ui:151 ui/import.ui:111
+#: ui/media.ui:151 ui/offline.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:151 ui/trash.ui:117
msgid "_Filter Photos"
msgstr "_Издвој фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:284
+#: src/Resources.vala:253
msgid "Filter Photos"
msgstr "Издвојте фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:285
+#: src/Resources.vala:254
msgid "Limit the number of photos displayed based on a filter"
msgstr "Ограничите број приказаних фотографија на основу пропусника"
-#: src/Resources.vala:288
+#: src/Resources.vala:257
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Удвостручи"
-#: src/Resources.vala:289
+#: src/Resources.vala:258
msgid "Make a duplicate of the photo"
msgstr "Направите умножак фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:291 ui/event.ui:17 ui/media.ui:17 ui/photo.ui:17
-#: ui/tags.ui:17
+#: src/Resources.vala:260 ui/event.ui:17 ui/faces.ui:17 ui/media.ui:17
+#: ui/photo.ui:17 ui/tags.ui:17
msgid "_Export…"
msgstr "_Извези…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:293
+#: src/Resources.vala:262
msgid "_Print…"
msgstr "_Штампај…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:295
+#: src/Resources.vala:264
msgid "Pu_blish…"
msgstr "_Објави…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:297 ui/collection.ui:189
+#: src/Resources.vala:266 ui/collection.ui:189
msgid "Publish to various websites"
msgstr "Објавите изабране фотографије на разним сајтовима"
-#: src/Resources.vala:299 ui/collection.ui:98 ui/event.ui:340 ui/event.ui:537
-#: ui/media.ui:340 ui/photo_context.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:327 ui/tags.ui:340
+#: src/Resources.vala:268 ui/collection.ui:98 ui/event.ui:340 ui/event.ui:537
+#: ui/faces.ui:340 ui/media.ui:340 ui/photo_context.ui:105 ui/photo.ui:327
+#: ui/tags.ui:340
msgid "Edit _Title…"
msgstr "Измени _наслов…"
#. Button label
-#: src/Resources.vala:301
+#: src/Resources.vala:270
msgctxt "Button Label"
msgid "Edit Title"
msgstr "Уреди наслов"
-#: src/Resources.vala:303 ui/collection.ui:103 ui/events_directory.ui:144
+#: src/Resources.vala:272 ui/collection.ui:103 ui/events_directory.ui:144
#: ui/events_directory.ui:186 ui/event.ui:345 ui/event.ui:398 ui/event.ui:542
-#: ui/media.ui:345 ui/photo_context.ui:110 ui/photo.ui:332 ui/tags.ui:345
+#: ui/faces.ui:345 ui/media.ui:345 ui/photo_context.ui:110 ui/photo.ui:332
+#: ui/tags.ui:345
msgid "Edit _Comment…"
msgstr "Измени _напомену…"
#. Button label
-#: src/Resources.vala:305
+#: src/Resources.vala:274
msgid "Edit Comment"
msgstr "Измените напомену"
-#: src/Resources.vala:307 ui/event.ui:592
+#: src/Resources.vala:276 ui/event.ui:592
msgid "Edit Event _Comment…"
msgstr "Измени _напомену догађаја…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:310 ui/direct.ui:167 ui/photo.ui:337
+#: src/Resources.vala:279 ui/direct.ui:167 ui/photo.ui:337
msgid "_Adjust Date and Time…"
msgstr "_Подеси датум и време…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:311
+#: src/Resources.vala:280
msgid "Adjust Date and Time"
msgstr "Подесите датум и време"
-#: src/Resources.vala:313 ui/collection.ui:19 ui/event.ui:407 ui/event.ui:458
-#: ui/media.ui:390 ui/photo.ui:375 ui/tags.ui:390
+#: src/Resources.vala:282 ui/collection.ui:19 ui/event.ui:407 ui/event.ui:458
+#: ui/faces.ui:390 ui/media.ui:390 ui/photo.ui:375 ui/tags.ui:390
msgid "Add _Tags…"
msgstr "Додај _ознаке…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:314 ui/photo_context.ui:17
+#: src/Resources.vala:283 ui/photo_context.ui:17
msgid "_Add Tags…"
msgstr "Додај _ознаке…"
#. Dialog title
-#: src/Resources.vala:316
+#: src/Resources.vala:285
msgctxt "Dialog Title"
msgid "Add Tags"
msgstr "Додајте ознаке"
-#: src/Resources.vala:325 ui/photo_context.ui:135
+#: src/Resources.vala:294 ui/photo_context.ui:135
msgid "Send T_o…"
msgstr "Пошаљи _у…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:327
+#: src/Resources.vala:296
msgid "_Find…"
msgstr "_Нађи…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:328 ui/collection.ui:217 ui/offline.ui:239
+#: src/Resources.vala:297 ui/collection.ui:217 ui/offline.ui:239
#: ui/trash.ui:312
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Пронађите"
-#: src/Resources.vala:329 ui/collection.ui:214 ui/offline.ui:236
+#: src/Resources.vala:298 ui/collection.ui:214 ui/offline.ui:236
#: ui/trash.ui:309
msgid "Find an image by typing text that appears in its name or tags"
msgstr "Пронађите фотографије на основу назива или ознаке"
-#: src/Resources.vala:331
+#: src/Resources.vala:300
msgid "_Flag"
msgstr "_Постави обележје"
-#: src/Resources.vala:333
+#: src/Resources.vala:302
msgid "Un_flag"
msgstr "_Уклони обележје"
-#: src/Resources.vala:336
+#: src/Resources.vala:306
+#| msgid "Make a duplicate of the photo"
+msgid "Mark faces of people in the photo"
+msgstr "Означите лица људи на слици"
+#: src/Resources.vala:307
+#| msgid "Modify Tags"
+msgid "Modify Faces"
+msgstr "Измени лица"
+#: src/Resources.vala:308
+#| msgid "Delete Tag"
+msgid "Delete Face"
+msgstr "Обриши лице"
+#: src/Resources.vala:310 src/Resources.vala:352 ui/tags.ui:456
+msgid "_Rename…"
+msgstr "_Преименуј…"
+#: src/Resources.vala:314
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to launch editor: %s"
msgstr "Не могу да покренем уређивача: %s"
-#: src/Resources.vala:341
+#: src/Resources.vala:319
#, c-format
msgid "Add Tag “%s”"
msgstr "Додај ознаку „%s“"
#. Used when adding two tags to photo(s)
-#: src/Resources.vala:344
+#: src/Resources.vala:322
#, c-format
msgid "Add Tags “%s” and “%s”"
msgstr "Додај ознаку „%s“ и „%s“"
#. Undo/Redo command name (in Edit menu)
-#: src/Resources.vala:349
+#: src/Resources.vala:327
msgctxt "UndoRedo menu entry"
msgid "Add Tags"
msgstr "Додај ознаке"
-#: src/Resources.vala:354
+#: src/Resources.vala:332
#, c-format
msgid "_Delete Tag “%s”"
msgstr "_Обриши ознаку „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:358
+#: src/Resources.vala:336
#, c-format
msgid "Delete Tag “%s”"
msgstr "Обришите ознаку „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:361
+#: src/Resources.vala:339
msgid "Delete Tag"
msgstr "Обришите ознаку"
-#: src/Resources.vala:367
+#: src/Resources.vala:345
#, c-format
msgid "Re_name Tag “%s”…"
msgstr "_Преименуј ознаку „%s“…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:371
+#: src/Resources.vala:349
#, c-format
msgid "Rename Tag “%s” to “%s”"
msgstr "Преименујте ознаку „%s“ у „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:374 ui/tags.ui:456
-msgid "_Rename…"
-msgstr "_Преименуј…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:376 ui/collection.ui:24 ui/event.ui:412 ui/event.ui:463
-#: ui/media.ui:395 ui/photo_context.ui:22 ui/photo.ui:380 ui/tags.ui:395
+#: src/Resources.vala:354 ui/collection.ui:24 ui/event.ui:412 ui/event.ui:463
+#: ui/faces.ui:395 ui/media.ui:395 ui/photo_context.ui:22 ui/photo.ui:380
+#: ui/tags.ui:395
msgid "Modif_y Tags…"
msgstr "Измени _ознаке…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:377
+#: src/Resources.vala:355
msgid "Modify Tags"
msgstr "Измените ознаке"
-#: src/Resources.vala:380
+#: src/Resources.vala:358
#, c-format
msgid "Tag Photo as “%s”"
msgid_plural "Tag Photos as “%s”"
@@ -5659,7 +5858,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Означи фотографије као „%s“"
msgstr[2] "Означи фотографије као „%s“"
msgstr[3] "Означи фотографије као „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:386
+#: src/Resources.vala:364
#, c-format
msgid "Tag the selected photo as “%s”"
msgid_plural "Tag the selected photos as “%s”"
@@ -5668,7 +5867,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Означи изабране фотографије као „%s“"
msgstr[2] "Означи изабране фотографије као „%s“"
msgstr[3] "Означи изабрану фотографију као „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:392
+#: src/Resources.vala:370
#, c-format
msgid "Remove Tag “%s” From _Photo"
msgid_plural "Remove Tag “%s” From _Photos"
@@ -5677,7 +5876,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Уклони ознаку „%s“ са _фотографија"
msgstr[2] "Уклони ознаку „%s“ са _фотографија"
msgstr[3] "Уклони ознаку „%s“ са _фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:398
+#: src/Resources.vala:376
#, c-format
msgid "Remove Tag “%s” From Photo"
msgid_plural "Remove Tag “%s” From Photos"
@@ -5686,131 +5885,186 @@ msgstr[1] "Уклоните ознаку „%s“ са фотографија"
msgstr[2] "Уклоните ознаку „%s“ са фотографија"
msgstr[3] "Уклоните ознаку „%s“ са фотографије"
-#: src/Resources.vala:404
+#: src/Resources.vala:382
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to rename tag to “%s” because the tag already exists."
msgstr "Не могу да преименујем ознаку „%s“ јер већ постоји та ознака."
-#: src/Resources.vala:408
+#: src/Resources.vala:386
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to rename search to “%s” because the search already exists."
msgstr "Не могу да преименујем претрагу „%s“ јер већ постоји та претрага."
#. Saved search button
-#: src/Resources.vala:411 src/SearchFilter.vala:1120
+#: src/Resources.vala:389 src/SearchFilter.vala:1146
msgid "Saved Search"
msgstr "Сачуване претраге"
-#: src/Resources.vala:413
+#: src/Resources.vala:391
msgid "Delete Search"
msgstr "Избриши претрагу"
-#: src/Resources.vala:416 ui/savedsearch.ui:10
+#: src/Resources.vala:394 ui/savedsearch.ui:10
msgid "_Edit…"
msgstr "_Уреди…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:417 ui/savedsearch.ui:6
+#: src/Resources.vala:395 ui/savedsearch.ui:6
msgid "Re_name…"
msgstr "_Преименуј…"
-#: src/Resources.vala:420
+#: src/Resources.vala:398
#, c-format
msgid "Rename Search “%s” to “%s”"
msgstr "Преименуј претрагу „%s“ у „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:424
+#: src/Resources.vala:402
#, c-format
msgid "Delete Search “%s”"
msgstr "Избриши претрагу „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:561
+#: src/Resources.vala:407
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "Unable to rename tag to “%s” because the tag already exists."
+msgid "Unable to rename face to “%s” because the face already exists."
+msgstr "Не могу да преименујем лице у „%s“ јер већ постоји то лице."
+#: src/Resources.vala:411
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "Remove Tag “%s” From _Photo"
+#| msgid_plural "Remove Tag “%s” From _Photos"
+msgid "Remove Face “%s” From _Photo"
+msgid_plural "Remove Face “%s” From _Photos"
+msgstr[0] "Уклони лице „%s“ са _фотографије"
+msgstr[1] "Уклони лице „%s“ са _фотографија"
+msgstr[2] "Уклони лице „%s“ са _фотографија"
+msgstr[3] "Уклони лице „%s“ са _фотографије"
+#: src/Resources.vala:416
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "Remove Tag “%s” From Photo"
+#| msgid_plural "Remove Tag “%s” From Photos"
+msgid "Remove Face “%s” From Photo"
+msgid_plural "Remove Face “%s” From Photos"
+msgstr[0] "Уклоните лице „%s“ са фотографије"
+msgstr[1] "Уклоните лице „%s“ са фотографија"
+msgstr[2] "Уклоните лице „%s“ са фотографија"
+msgstr[3] "Уклоните лице „%s“ са фотографије"
+#: src/Resources.vala:421
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "Re_name Tag “%s”…"
+msgid "Re_name Face “%s”…"
+msgstr "_Преименуј лице „%s“…"
+#: src/Resources.vala:425
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "Rename Tag “%s” to “%s”"
+msgid "Rename Face “%s” to “%s”"
+msgstr "Преименујте лице „%s“ у „%s“"
+#: src/Resources.vala:429
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "_Delete Tag “%s”"
+msgid "_Delete Face “%s”"
+msgstr "_Обриши лице „%s“"
+#: src/Resources.vala:433
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "Delete Tag “%s”"
+msgid "Delete Face “%s”"
+msgstr "Обришите лице „%s“"
+#: src/Resources.vala:663
#, c-format
msgid "Rate %s"
msgstr "Оцени „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:562
+#: src/Resources.vala:664
#, c-format
msgid "Set rating to %s"
msgstr "Поставите оцену на „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:563
+#: src/Resources.vala:665
#, c-format
msgid "Setting rating to %s"
msgstr "Постављам оцену на „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:565
+#: src/Resources.vala:667
#, c-format
msgid "Display %s"
msgstr "Прикажи „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:566
+#: src/Resources.vala:668
#, c-format
msgid "Only show photos with a rating of %s"
msgstr "Прикажите само фотографије са оценом „%s“"
-#: src/Resources.vala:567
+#: src/Resources.vala:669
#, c-format
msgid "%s or Better"
msgstr "%s или боље"
-#: src/Resources.vala:568
+#: src/Resources.vala:670
#, c-format
msgid "Display %s or Better"
msgstr "Прикажи %s или боље"
-#: src/Resources.vala:569
+#: src/Resources.vala:671
#, c-format
msgid "Only show photos with a rating of %s or better"
msgstr "Прикажите само фотографије са оценом %s или бољом"
-#: src/Resources.vala:660 ui/trash.ui:255
+#: src/Resources.vala:762 ui/trash.ui:255
msgid "Remove the selected photos from the trash"
msgstr "Уклоните изабране фотографије из корпе"
-#: src/Resources.vala:661 ui/offline.ui:221
+#: src/Resources.vala:763 ui/offline.ui:221
msgid "Remove the selected photos from the library"
msgstr "Уклоните изабране фотографије из фототеке"
-#: src/Resources.vala:663 ui/trash.ui:68 ui/trash.ui:221 ui/trash.ui:273
+#: src/Resources.vala:765 ui/trash.ui:68 ui/trash.ui:221 ui/trash.ui:273
msgid "_Restore"
msgstr "_Поврати"
-#: src/Resources.vala:664 ui/trash.ui:270
+#: src/Resources.vala:766 ui/trash.ui:270
msgid "Move the selected photos back into the library"
msgstr "Преместите изабране фотографије назад у фототеку"
-#: src/Resources.vala:666 ui/collection.ui:123 ui/direct_context.ui:18
-#: ui/direct.ui:30 ui/event.ui:27 ui/event.ui:562 ui/media.ui:27
+#: src/Resources.vala:768 ui/collection.ui:123 ui/direct_context.ui:18
+#: ui/direct.ui:30 ui/event.ui:27 ui/event.ui:562 ui/faces.ui:27 ui/media.ui:27
#: ui/photo_context.ui:130 ui/photo.ui:35 ui/tags.ui:27 ui/trash.ui:19
#: ui/trash.ui:227
msgid "Show in File Mana_ger"
msgstr "Прикажи у _управнику датотека"
-#: src/Resources.vala:667
+#: src/Resources.vala:769
msgid "Open the selected photo’s directory in the file manager"
msgstr "Отворите директоријум изабраних фотографија у управнику датотека"
-#: src/Resources.vala:670
+#: src/Resources.vala:772
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open in file manager: %s"
msgstr "Не могу да отворим управника датотека: %s"
-#: src/Resources.vala:673 ui/event.ui:74 ui/media.ui:74 ui/offline.ui:58
-#: ui/offline.ui:207 ui/offline.ui:224 ui/photo.ui:77 ui/tags.ui:74
+#: src/Resources.vala:775 ui/event.ui:74 ui/faces.ui:74 ui/media.ui:74
+#: ui/offline.ui:58 ui/offline.ui:207 ui/offline.ui:224 ui/photo.ui:77
+#: ui/tags.ui:74
msgid "R_emove From Library"
msgstr "Уклони из _фототеке"
-#: src/Resources.vala:675 ui/collection.ui:134 ui/event.ui:79 ui/event.ui:573
-#: ui/media.ui:79 ui/photo_context.ui:141 ui/photo.ui:82 ui/tags.ui:79
+#: src/Resources.vala:777 ui/collection.ui:134 ui/event.ui:79 ui/event.ui:573
+#: ui/faces.ui:79 ui/media.ui:79 ui/photo_context.ui:141 ui/photo.ui:82
+#: ui/tags.ui:79
msgid "_Move to Trash"
msgstr "_Премести у корпу"
-#: src/Resources.vala:677 ui/events_directory.ui:58 ui/event.ui:86
-#: ui/import.ui:61 ui/media.ui:86 ui/offline.ui:65 ui/tags.ui:86 ui/trash.ui:74
+#: src/Resources.vala:779 ui/events_directory.ui:58 ui/event.ui:86
+#: ui/faces.ui:86 ui/import.ui:61 ui/media.ui:86 ui/offline.ui:65 ui/tags.ui:86
+#: ui/trash.ui:74
msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Изабери _све"
-#: src/Resources.vala:678
+#: src/Resources.vala:780
msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Изаберите све ставке"
@@ -5823,14 +6077,14 @@ msgstr "Изаберите све ставке"
#. / See
#. / Locale-specific calendar date format, i.e. "Tue Mar 08, 2006"
#. / See
-#: src/Resources.vala:739
+#: src/Resources.vala:841
msgid "%a %b %d, %Y"
msgstr "%A, %d. %B %Y."
#. / Locale-specific starting date format for multi-date strings,
#. / i.e. the "Tue Mar 08" in "Tue Mar 08 - 10, 2006"
#. / See
-#: src/Resources.vala:744
+#: src/Resources.vala:846
msgctxt "MultidayFormat"
msgid "%a %b %d"
msgstr "%A, %d. %B"
@@ -5838,7 +6092,7 @@ msgstr "%A, %d. %B"
#. / Locale-specific ending date format for multi-date strings,
#. / i.e. the "10, 2006" in "Tue Mar 08 - 10, 2006"
#. / See
-#: src/Resources.vala:749
+#: src/Resources.vala:851
msgctxt "MultidayFormat"
msgid "%d, %Y"
msgstr "%d., %Y."
@@ -5846,7 +6100,7 @@ msgstr "%d., %Y."
#. / Locale-specific calendar date format for multi-month strings,
#. / i.e. the "Tue Mar 08" in "Tue Mar 08 to Mon Apr 06, 2006"
#. / See
-#: src/Resources.vala:754
+#: src/Resources.vala:856
msgctxt "MultimonthFormat"
msgid "%a %b %d"
msgstr "%A, %d. %B"
@@ -5854,170 +6108,174 @@ msgstr "%A, %d. %B"
#. / Locale-specific calendar date format for multi-month strings,
#. / i.e. the "Mon Apr 06, 2006" in "Tue Mar 08 to Mon Apr 06, 2006"
#. / See
-#: src/Resources.vala:759
+#: src/Resources.vala:861
msgctxt "MultimonthFormat"
msgid "%a %b %d, %Y"
msgstr "%A, %d. %B %Y."
-#: src/Screensaver.vala:18 src/SlideshowPage.vala:115
+#: src/Screensaver.vala:18 src/SlideshowPage.vala:117
msgid "Slideshow"
msgstr "Покретни приказ"
#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionText.Context
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:167
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:170
msgid "contains"
msgstr "садржи"
#. Ordering must correspond with Context
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:168
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:499
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:171
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:502
msgid "is exactly"
msgstr "је тачно"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:169
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:172
msgid "starts with"
msgstr "почиње на"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:170
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:173
msgid "ends with"
msgstr "завршава се на"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:171
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:174
msgid "does not contain"
msgstr "не садржи"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:172
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:503
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:175
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:506
msgid "is not set"
msgstr "није подешено"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:173
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:176
msgid "is set"
msgstr "подешено"
#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionMediaType.Context
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:247
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:378
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:443
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:250
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:381
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:446
msgid "is"
msgstr "јесте"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:248
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:251
msgid "is not"
msgstr "није"
#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionMediaType.MediaType
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:254
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:257
msgid "any photo"
msgstr "фотографија"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:255
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:258
msgid "a raw photo"
msgstr "сирова фотографија"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:256
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:259
msgid "a video"
msgstr "снимак"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:310
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:313
msgid "has"
msgstr "има"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:311
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:314
msgid "has no"
msgstr "нема"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:316
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:319
msgid "modifications"
msgstr "измене"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:317
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:320
msgid "internal modifications"
msgstr "унутрашње измене"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:318
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:321
msgid "external modifications"
msgstr "спољне измене"
#. Ordering must correspond with SearchConditionFlagged.State
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:372
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:375
msgid "flagged"
msgstr "обележена"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:373
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:376
msgid "not flagged"
msgstr "необележена"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:436
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:439
msgid "and higher"
msgstr "и више"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:437
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:440
msgid "only"
msgstr "само"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:438
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:441
msgid "and lower"
msgstr "и ниже"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:500
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:503
msgid "is after"
msgstr "после"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:501
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:504
msgid "is before"
msgstr "пре"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:502
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:505
msgid "is between"
msgstr "између"
-#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:515
+#: src/searches/SavedSearchDialog.vala:518
msgid "and"
msgstr "и"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:157
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:169
msgid "Any text"
msgstr "Било који текст"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:160
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:172
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Наслов"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:163
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:175
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Ознака"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:166
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:178
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Напомена"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:169
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:181
msgid "Event name"
msgstr "Назив догађаја"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:172
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:184
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Назив датотеке"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:175
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:187
+msgid "Face"
+msgstr "Лице"
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:190
msgid "Media type"
msgstr "Врста медија"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:178
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:193
msgid "Flag state"
msgstr "Врста обележја"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:181
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:196
msgid "Photo state"
msgstr "Стање фотографије"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:184 src/SearchFilter.vala:827
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1110
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:199 src/SearchFilter.vala:853
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1136
msgid "Rating"
msgstr "Оцена"
-#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:187
+#: src/searches/SearchBoolean.vala:202
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Датум"
@@ -6026,31 +6284,30 @@ msgid "Saved Searches"
msgstr "Сачуване претраге"
#: src/searches/SearchesBranch.vala:68
-#| msgid "Organize your photos"
msgid "Organize your saved searches"
msgstr "Организујте ваше сачуване претраге"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:811
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:837
msgid "★+ Rating"
msgstr "★+ оцена"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:814
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:840
msgid "★★+ Rating"
msgstr "★★+ оцена"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:817
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:843
msgid "★★★+ Rating"
msgstr "★★★+ оцена"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:820
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:846
msgid "★★★★+ Rating"
msgstr "★★★★+ оцена"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:824
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:850
msgid "★★★★★+ Rating"
msgstr "★★★★★+ оцена"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1060
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1086
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading search bar UI: %s"
msgstr "Грешка учитавања корисничког сучеља траке претраге: %s"
@@ -6060,71 +6317,71 @@ msgstr "Грешка учитавања корисничког сучеља тр
#. Prepare the close menu for use, but don't
#. display it yet; we'll connect it to secondary
#. click later on.
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1069
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1095
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Затвори"
#. Type label and toggles
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1075
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1101
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Врста"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1082
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1108
msgid "Videos"
msgstr "Снимци"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1085
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1111
msgid "RAW Photos"
msgstr "Сирове фотографије"
-#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1121
+#: src/SearchFilter.vala:1147
msgid "Use a saved search to filter items in the current view"
msgstr "Користите сачувану претрагу да издвојите ставке у текућем прегледу"
#. Set up toolbar
#. add toolbar buttons
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:134
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:136
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Претходна"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:136
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:138
msgid "Go to the previous photo"
msgstr "Идите на претходну фотографију"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:141 src/SlideshowPage.vala:248
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:143 src/SlideshowPage.vala:250
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Застани"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:143 src/SlideshowPage.vala:249
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:145 src/SlideshowPage.vala:251
msgid "Pause the slideshow"
msgstr "Зауставите покретни приказ"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:148
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:150
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Следећа"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:150
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:152
msgid "Go to the next photo"
msgstr "Идите на следећу фотографију"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:157 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:21
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:159 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:21
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Подешавања"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:158
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:160
msgid "Change slideshow settings"
msgstr "Измените подешавања покретног приказа"
#. An entire slideshow set might be missing, so check for a loop.
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:212
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:214
msgid "All photo source files are missing."
msgstr "Недостају изворне датотеке свих фотографија."
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:244
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:246
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Пусти"
-#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:245
+#: src/SlideshowPage.vala:247
msgid "Continue the slideshow"
msgstr "Наставите пуштање покретног приказа"
@@ -6136,7 +6393,7 @@ msgstr "Прелази покретног приказа"
msgid "(None)"
msgstr "(Ниједна)"
-#: src/slideshow/TransitionEffects.vala:287 ui/preferences_dialog.ui:485
+#: src/slideshow/TransitionEffects.vala:287 ui/preferences_dialog.ui:414
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ниједан"
@@ -6149,7 +6406,6 @@ msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Ознаке"
#: src/tags/TagsBranch.vala:131
-#| msgid "Organize your photos"
msgid "Organize and browse your photo’s tags"
msgstr "Средите и разгледајте ознаке ваших фотографија"
@@ -6158,28 +6414,28 @@ msgid "untitled"
msgstr "безимено"
#. multiple videos
-#: src/VideoSupport.vala:521
+#: src/VideoSupport.vala:525
msgid "Export Videos"
msgstr "Извезите снимке"
-#: ui/collection.ui:33 ui/event.ui:281 ui/event.ui:472 ui/media.ui:281
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:30 ui/photo.ui:268 ui/tags.ui:281
+#: ui/collection.ui:33 ui/event.ui:281 ui/event.ui:472 ui/faces.ui:281
+#: ui/media.ui:281 ui/photo_context.ui:30 ui/photo.ui:268 ui/tags.ui:281
msgid "Toggle _Flag"
msgstr "Окини _заставицу"
-#: ui/collection.ui:82 ui/event.ui:353 ui/event.ui:521 ui/media.ui:353
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:88 ui/photo.ui:344 ui/tags.ui:353
+#: ui/collection.ui:82 ui/event.ui:353 ui/event.ui:521 ui/faces.ui:353
+#: ui/media.ui:353 ui/photo_context.ui:88 ui/photo.ui:344 ui/tags.ui:353
msgid "_Developer"
msgstr "_Развијач"
-#: ui/collection.ui:119 ui/event.ui:387 ui/event.ui:558 ui/media.ui:381
-#: ui/photo_context.ui:126 ui/tags.ui:381
+#: ui/collection.ui:119 ui/event.ui:387 ui/event.ui:558 ui/faces.ui:381
+#: ui/media.ui:381 ui/photo_context.ui:126 ui/tags.ui:381
msgid "View Eve_nt for Photo"
msgstr "Прегледај _догађај за фотографију"
-#: ui/direct.ui:5 ui/events_directory.ui:5 ui/event.ui:5 ui/import_queue.ui:5
-#: ui/import.ui:5 ui/media.ui:5 ui/offline.ui:5 ui/photo.ui:5 ui/tags.ui:5
-#: ui/trash.ui:5
+#: ui/direct.ui:5 ui/events_directory.ui:5 ui/event.ui:5 ui/faces.ui:5
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:5 ui/import.ui:5 ui/media.ui:5 ui/offline.ui:5
+#: ui/photo.ui:5 ui/tags.ui:5 ui/trash.ui:5
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Датотека"
@@ -6187,7 +6443,7 @@ msgstr "_Датотека"
msgid "Save _As…"
msgstr "Сачувај _као…"
-#: ui/direct.ui:59 ui/events_directory.ui:71 ui/event.ui:99
+#: ui/direct.ui:59 ui/events_directory.ui:71 ui/event.ui:99 ui/faces.ui:99
#: ui/import_queue.ui:38 ui/import.ui:74 ui/media.ui:99 ui/offline.ui:78
#: ui/photo.ui:95 ui/tags.ui:99 ui/trash.ui:87
msgid "_View"
@@ -6221,229 +6477,241 @@ msgstr "_Следећа фотографија"
msgid "T_ools"
msgstr "_Алати"
-#: ui/direct.ui:182 ui/events_directory.ui:158 ui/event.ui:428
+#: ui/direct.ui:182 ui/events_directory.ui:158 ui/event.ui:428 ui/faces.ui:438
#: ui/import_queue.ui:73 ui/import.ui:191 ui/media.ui:411 ui/offline.ui:188
#: ui/photo.ui:395 ui/tags.ui:430 ui/trash.ui:197
msgid "_Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "_Често постаљана питања"
-#: ui/direct.ui:186 ui/events_directory.ui:162 ui/event.ui:432
+#: ui/direct.ui:186 ui/events_directory.ui:162 ui/event.ui:432 ui/faces.ui:442
#: ui/import_queue.ui:77 ui/import.ui:195 ui/media.ui:415 ui/offline.ui:192
#: ui/photo.ui:399 ui/tags.ui:434 ui/trash.ui:201
msgid "_Report a Problem…"
msgstr "_Пријави проблем…"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:8 ui/event.ui:8 ui/import_queue.ui:14 ui/import.ui:8
-#: ui/media.ui:8 ui/offline.ui:8 ui/photo.ui:8 ui/tags.ui:8 ui/trash.ui:8
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:8 ui/event.ui:8 ui/faces.ui:8 ui/import_queue.ui:14
+#: ui/import.ui:8 ui/media.ui:8 ui/offline.ui:8 ui/photo.ui:8 ui/tags.ui:8
+#: ui/trash.ui:8
msgid "_Import From Folder…"
msgstr "_Увези из фасцикле…"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:13 ui/event.ui:13 ui/import_queue.ui:19
-#: ui/import.ui:21 ui/media.ui:13 ui/offline.ui:13 ui/photo.ui:13 ui/tags.ui:13
-#: ui/trash.ui:13
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:13 ui/event.ui:13 ui/faces.ui:13
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:19 ui/import.ui:21 ui/media.ui:13 ui/offline.ui:13
+#: ui/photo.ui:13 ui/tags.ui:13 ui/trash.ui:13
msgid "Import From _Application…"
msgstr "Увези из _програма…"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:19 ui/event.ui:34 ui/import_queue.ui:25
-#: ui/import.ui:27 ui/media.ui:34 ui/offline.ui:19 ui/photo.ui:42 ui/tags.ui:34
-#: ui/trash.ui:24 ui/trash.ui:234 ui/trash.ui:242
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:19 ui/event.ui:34 ui/faces.ui:34
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:25 ui/import.ui:27 ui/media.ui:34 ui/offline.ui:19
+#: ui/photo.ui:42 ui/tags.ui:34 ui/trash.ui:24 ui/trash.ui:234 ui/trash.ui:242
msgid "Empty T_rash"
msgstr "Испразни _корпу"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:47 ui/event.ui:62 ui/import.ui:55 ui/media.ui:62
-#: ui/offline.ui:47 ui/tags.ui:62 ui/trash.ui:52
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:47 ui/event.ui:62 ui/faces.ui:62 ui/import.ui:55
+#: ui/media.ui:62 ui/offline.ui:47 ui/tags.ui:62 ui/trash.ui:52
msgid "_Find"
msgstr "_Нађи"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:51 ui/event.ui:66 ui/media.ui:66 ui/offline.ui:51
-#: ui/photo.ui:70 ui/search_sidebar_context.ui:6
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:51 ui/event.ui:66 ui/faces.ui:66 ui/media.ui:66
+#: ui/offline.ui:51 ui/photo.ui:70 ui/search_sidebar_context.ui:6
#: ui/sidebar_default_context.ui:6 ui/tags.ui:66 ui/trash.ui:56
msgid "Ne_w Saved Search…"
msgstr "Нова _сачувана претрага…"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:74 ui/event.ui:102 ui/import_queue.ui:41
-#: ui/import.ui:77 ui/media.ui:102 ui/offline.ui:81 ui/photo.ui:98
-#: ui/tags.ui:102 ui/trash.ui:90
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:74 ui/event.ui:102 ui/faces.ui:102
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:41 ui/import.ui:77 ui/media.ui:102 ui/offline.ui:81
+#: ui/photo.ui:98 ui/tags.ui:102 ui/trash.ui:90
msgid "_Basic Information"
msgstr "_Основни подаци"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:79 ui/event.ui:107 ui/import.ui:82 ui/media.ui:107
-#: ui/offline.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:103 ui/tags.ui:107 ui/trash.ui:95
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:79 ui/event.ui:107 ui/faces.ui:107 ui/import.ui:82
+#: ui/media.ui:107 ui/offline.ui:86 ui/photo.ui:103 ui/tags.ui:107
+#: ui/trash.ui:95
msgid "E_xtended Information"
msgstr "_Додатни подаци"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:84 ui/event.ui:112 ui/import.ui:87 ui/media.ui:112
-#: ui/offline.ui:91 ui/tags.ui:112 ui/trash.ui:100
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:84 ui/event.ui:112 ui/faces.ui:112 ui/import.ui:87
+#: ui/media.ui:112 ui/offline.ui:91 ui/tags.ui:112 ui/trash.ui:100
msgid "_Search Bar"
msgstr "_Трака претраге"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:89 ui/event.ui:117 ui/import.ui:92 ui/media.ui:117
-#: ui/offline.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:117 ui/trash.ui:105
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:89 ui/event.ui:117 ui/faces.ui:117 ui/import.ui:92
+#: ui/media.ui:117 ui/offline.ui:96 ui/photo.ui:108 ui/tags.ui:117
+#: ui/trash.ui:105
msgid "S_idebar"
msgstr "_Бочна површ"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:94 ui/event.ui:122 ui/import.ui:97 ui/media.ui:122
-#: ui/offline.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:113 ui/tags.ui:122 ui/trash.ui:110
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:94 ui/event.ui:122 ui/faces.ui:122 ui/import.ui:97
+#: ui/media.ui:122 ui/offline.ui:101 ui/photo.ui:113 ui/tags.ui:122
+#: ui/trash.ui:110
msgid "T_oolbar"
msgstr "_Трака алата"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:101 ui/event.ui:134 ui/media.ui:134 ui/tags.ui:134
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:101 ui/event.ui:134 ui/faces.ui:134 ui/media.ui:134
+#: ui/tags.ui:134
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "_Напомене"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:108 ui/event.ui:243 ui/import_queue.ui:48
-#: ui/import.ui:166 ui/media.ui:243 ui/offline.ui:163 ui/photo.ui:127
-#: ui/tags.ui:243 ui/trash.ui:172
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:108 ui/event.ui:243 ui/faces.ui:243
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:48 ui/import.ui:166 ui/media.ui:243 ui/offline.ui:163
+#: ui/photo.ui:127 ui/tags.ui:243 ui/trash.ui:172
msgid "Sort _Events"
msgstr "Поређај _догађаје"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:111 ui/event.ui:231 ui/event.ui:246
-#: ui/import_queue.ui:51 ui/import.ui:169 ui/media.ui:231 ui/media.ui:246
-#: ui/offline.ui:166 ui/photo.ui:130 ui/tags.ui:231 ui/tags.ui:246
-#: ui/trash.ui:175
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:111 ui/event.ui:231 ui/event.ui:246 ui/faces.ui:231
+#: ui/faces.ui:246 ui/import_queue.ui:51 ui/import.ui:169 ui/media.ui:231
+#: ui/media.ui:246 ui/offline.ui:166 ui/photo.ui:130 ui/tags.ui:231
+#: ui/tags.ui:246 ui/trash.ui:175
msgid "_Ascending"
msgstr "_Растуће"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:116 ui/event.ui:236 ui/import_queue.ui:56
-#: ui/media.ui:236 ui/offline.ui:171 ui/tags.ui:236 ui/trash.ui:180
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:116 ui/event.ui:236 ui/faces.ui:236
+#: ui/import_queue.ui:56 ui/media.ui:236 ui/offline.ui:171 ui/tags.ui:236
+#: ui/trash.ui:180
msgid "D_escending"
msgstr "_Опадајуће"
-#: ui/events_directory.ui:132 ui/event.ui:379 ui/media.ui:373 ui/tags.ui:373
+#: ui/events_directory.ui:132 ui/event.ui:379 ui/faces.ui:373 ui/media.ui:373
+#: ui/tags.ui:373
msgid "Even_ts"
msgstr "_Догађаји"
-#: ui/event.ui:129 ui/import.ui:104 ui/media.ui:129 ui/tags.ui:129
+#: ui/event.ui:129 ui/faces.ui:129 ui/import.ui:104 ui/media.ui:129
+#: ui/tags.ui:129
msgid "_Titles"
msgstr "_Наслови"
-#: ui/event.ui:139 ui/event.ui:404 ui/media.ui:139 ui/media.ui:387
-#: ui/photo.ui:372 ui/tags.ui:139 ui/tags.ui:387
+#: ui/event.ui:139 ui/event.ui:404 ui/faces.ui:139 ui/faces.ui:387
+#: ui/media.ui:139 ui/media.ui:387 ui/photo.ui:372 ui/tags.ui:139
+#: ui/tags.ui:387
msgid "Ta_gs"
msgstr "_Ознаке"
-#: ui/event.ui:206 ui/media.ui:206 ui/tags.ui:206
+#: ui/event.ui:206 ui/faces.ui:206 ui/media.ui:206 ui/tags.ui:206
msgid "Sort _Photos"
msgstr "Поређај _фотографије"
-#: ui/event.ui:209 ui/media.ui:209 ui/tags.ui:209
+#: ui/event.ui:209 ui/faces.ui:209 ui/media.ui:209 ui/tags.ui:209
msgid "By _Title"
msgstr "Према _називу"
-#: ui/event.ui:214 ui/media.ui:214 ui/tags.ui:214
+#: ui/event.ui:214 ui/faces.ui:214 ui/media.ui:214 ui/tags.ui:214
msgid "By _Filename"
msgstr "Према називу _датотеке"
-#: ui/event.ui:219 ui/media.ui:219 ui/tags.ui:219
+#: ui/event.ui:219 ui/faces.ui:219 ui/media.ui:219 ui/tags.ui:219
msgid "By Exposure _Date"
msgstr "Према _датуму излагања"
-#: ui/event.ui:224 ui/media.ui:224 ui/tags.ui:224
+#: ui/event.ui:224 ui/faces.ui:224 ui/media.ui:224 ui/tags.ui:224
msgid "By _Rating"
msgstr "Према _оцени"
-#: ui/event.ui:251 ui/import.ui:174 ui/media.ui:251 ui/photo.ui:135
-#: ui/tags.ui:251
+#: ui/event.ui:251 ui/faces.ui:251 ui/import.ui:174 ui/media.ui:251
+#: ui/photo.ui:135 ui/tags.ui:251
msgid "_Descending"
msgstr "_Опадајуће"
-#: ui/event.ui:275 ui/media.ui:275 ui/tags.ui:275
+#: ui/event.ui:275 ui/faces.ui:275 ui/media.ui:275 ui/tags.ui:275
msgid "_Photos"
msgstr "_Фотографије"
+#: ui/faces.ui:465
+#| msgid "_Rename…"
+msgid "Rename…"
+msgstr "Преименуј…"
#: ui/import_queue.ui:8
msgid "_Stop Import"
msgstr "_Заустави увоз"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:65
-msgid "white"
-msgstr "бела"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:92
-msgid "black"
-msgstr "црна"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:123
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:67
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Приказ"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:160
-msgid "_Background:"
-msgstr "_Позадина:"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:175
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:103
msgid "_Import photos to:"
msgstr "_Увези фотографије у:"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:186
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:114
msgid "_Watch library directory for new files"
msgstr "_Прати приспеће нових датотека у фасцикли фототеке"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:209
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:137
msgid "Importing"
msgstr "Увозим"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:226
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:154
msgid "_Directory structure:"
msgstr "Структура _директоријума:"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:241
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:169
msgid "Example:"
msgstr "Пример:"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:250
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:178
msgid "R_ename imported files to lowercase"
msgstr "_Промени назив увезених датотека на мала слова"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:272
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:200
msgid "Metadata"
msgstr "Метаподаци"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:285
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:213
msgid "Write tags, titles, and other _metadata to photo files"
msgstr "Уписуј ознаке, наслове и остале _метаподатке у датотеке фотографија"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:307
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:235
msgid "RAW Developer"
msgstr "Сирови развијач"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:324
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:252
msgid "De_fault:"
msgstr "_Основно:"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:378
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:306
msgid "_Pattern:"
msgstr "_Шаблон:"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:414
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:339
+msgid ""
+"When viewing images that are transparent, they will be drawn against this "
+msgstr "Када прегледате слике које су прозирне, биће исцртане на овој позадини."
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:343
msgid "Transparent Background:"
msgstr "Провидна позадина:"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:428
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:357
msgid "Checkered"
msgstr "Коцкаста"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:449
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:378
msgid "Solid color"
msgstr "Једнобојна"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:539
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:441
+msgid "Use dark theme:"
+msgstr "Користи тамну тему:"
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:492
msgid "E_xternal photo editor:"
msgstr "_Спољни уређивач фотографија:"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:556
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:509
msgid "External _RAW editor:"
msgstr "Спољни _сирови уређивач:"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:617
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:570
msgid "External Editors"
msgstr "Спољни уређивачи"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:642
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:595
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Прикључци"
-#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:668
+#: ui/preferences_dialog.ui:621
msgid "Shotwell Preferences"
msgstr "Поставке Фото-бунара"
@@ -6570,23 +6838,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "New _Tag…"
msgstr "Нова _ознака…"
-#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:91
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:98
msgid "_Delay:"
msgstr "_Застој:"
-#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:105
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:112
msgid "_Transition effect:"
msgstr "_Дејство прелаза:"
-#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:119
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:126
msgid "Transition d_elay:"
msgstr "_Застој прелаза:"
-#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:129
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:136
msgid "Show t_itle"
msgstr "Прикажи _наслов"
-#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:212 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:223
+#: ui/slideshow_settings.ui:219 ui/slideshow_settings.ui:230
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "секунде"
@@ -6598,6 +6866,86 @@ msgstr "натпис"
msgid "Delete all photos in the trash"
msgstr "Обришите све фотографије из корпе"
+#~ msgid "shotwell"
+#~ msgstr "shotwell"
+#~ msgid "background color"
+#~ msgstr "боја позадине"
+#~ msgid "A grayscale color for use as the background color."
+#~ msgstr "Боја нијансе сиве за употребу као боја позадине."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The OAuth token used to refresh the Picasa Web Albums session for the "
+#~ "currently logged in user, if any."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Симбол отвореног потврђивања који се користи за освежавање сесије Пикаса "
+#~ "веб албума за тренутно пријављеног корисника, ако постоји."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether images being uploaded to Picasa should have their metadata "
+#~ "removed first"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Да ли ће са слика отпремљених на Пикасу бити прво уклоњени метаподаци"
+#~ msgid "enable picasa publishing plugin"
+#~ msgstr "укључује прикључак објављивања на пикасу"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "True if the Picasa Web Albums publishing plugin is enabled, false "
+#~ "otherwise"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Изабрано ако је укључен прикључак за објављивање на Пикасу, у супротном "
+#~ "поништено"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are not currently logged into Picasa Web Albums.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click Log in to log into Picasa Web Albums in your Web browser. You will "
+#~ "have to authorize Shotwell Connect to link to your Picasa Web Albums "
+#~ "account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Тренутно нисте пријављени на Веб албуме Пикасе.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Пријавите се на Веб албуме Пикасе у вашем интернет прегледнику. Мораћете "
+#~ "да овластите Повезивање Фото-бунара да направи везу до вашег налога Веб "
+#~ "албума Пикасе."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are not currently logged into YouTube.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You must have already signed up for a Google account and set it up for "
+#~ "use with YouTube to continue. You can set up most accounts by using your "
+#~ "browser to log into the YouTube site at least once."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Тренутно нисте пријављени на Јутуб.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Да наставите морате да поседујете Гуглов налог који сте подесили за "
+#~ "коришћење са Јутубом. Можете да подесите већину налога користећи ваш "
+#~ "прегледник да се пријавите на сајт Јутуба барем једном."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A file required for publishing is unavailable. Publishing to Picasa can’t "
+#~ "continue."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Датотека за објављивање није доступна. Објављивање на Пикасу не може да "
+#~ "се настави."
+#~ msgid "You are logged into Picasa Web Albums as %s."
+#~ msgstr "Пријављени сте на веб албуме Пикасе као %s."
+#~ msgid "Extended Information"
+#~ msgstr "Додатни подаци"
+#~ msgid "white"
+#~ msgstr "бела"
+#~ msgid "black"
+#~ msgstr "црна"
+#~ msgid "_Background:"
+#~ msgstr "_Позадина:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the confirmation number which appears after you log into Flickr in "
#~ "your Web browser."
diff --git a/src/camera/GPhoto.vala b/src/camera/GPhoto.vala
index 39b2109..9bcb151 100644
--- a/src/camera/GPhoto.vala
+++ b/src/camera/GPhoto.vala
@@ -119,15 +119,11 @@ namespace GPhoto {
// if buffer can be loaded into memory, return a Bytes class with
// CameraFile being the owner of the data. This way, the CameraFile is freed
// when the Bytes are freed
- unowned uint8 *data;
- ulong data_len;
- var res = file.get_data_and_size(out data, out data_len);
+ unowned uint8[] buffer = null;
+ var res = file.get_data(out buffer);
if (res != Result.OK)
return null;
- unowned uint8[] buffer = (uint8[]) data;
- buffer.length = (int) data_len;
return Bytes.new_with_owner<GPhoto.CameraFile>(buffer, file);
@@ -135,9 +131,10 @@ namespace GPhoto {
// filesystem. In these cases shotwell can access the file directly. See:
public PhotoMetadata? get_fallback_metadata(Camera camera, Context context, string folder, string filename) {
- GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation *sifs = null;
+ // Fixme: Why do we need to query get_storageinfo here first?
+ GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation[] sifs = null;
int count = 0;
- camera.get_storageinfo(&sifs, out count, context);
+ camera.get_storageinfo(out sifs, context);
GPhoto.PortInfo port_info;
camera.get_port_info(out port_info);
diff --git a/src/camera/ImportPage.vala b/src/camera/ImportPage.vala
index 3f70f08..1e50777 100644
--- a/src/camera/ImportPage.vala
+++ b/src/camera/ImportPage.vala
@@ -1208,11 +1208,10 @@ public class ImportPage : CheckerboardPage {
Gee.ArrayList<ImportSource> import_list = new Gee.ArrayList<ImportSource>();
- GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation *sifs = null;
- int count = 0;
- refresh_result = camera.get_storageinfo(&sifs, out count, spin_idle_context.context);
+ GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation[] sifs = null;
+ refresh_result = camera.get_storageinfo(out sifs, spin_idle_context.context);
if (refresh_result == GPhoto.Result.OK) {
- for (int fsid = 0; fsid < count; fsid++) {
+ for (int fsid = 0; fsid < sifs.length; fsid++) {
// Check well-known video and image paths first to prevent accidental
// scanning of undesired directories (which can cause user annoyance with
// some smartphones or camera-equipped media players)
@@ -1353,18 +1352,19 @@ public class ImportPage : CheckerboardPage {
// Need to do this because some phones (iPhone, in particular) changes the name of their filesystem
// between each mount
public static string? get_fs_basedir(GPhoto.Camera camera, int fsid) {
- GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation *sifs = null;
- int count = 0;
- GPhoto.Result res = camera.get_storageinfo(&sifs, out count, null_context.context);
+ GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation[] sifs = null;
+ GPhoto.Result res = camera.get_storageinfo(out sifs, null_context.context);
if (res != GPhoto.Result.OK)
return null;
- if (fsid >= count)
+ if (fsid >= sifs.length)
return null;
- GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation *ifs = sifs + fsid;
- return (ifs->fields & GPhoto.CameraStorageInfoFields.BASE) != 0 ? ifs->basedir : "/";
+ if (GPhoto.CameraStorageInfoFields.BASE in sifs[fsid].fields) {
+ return (string) sifs[fsid].basedir;
+ } else {
+ return "/";
+ }
public static string? get_fulldir(GPhoto.Camera camera, string camera_name, int fsid, string folder) {
@@ -1439,12 +1439,13 @@ public class ImportPage : CheckerboardPage {
} else {
// determine file format from type, and then from file extension
- PhotoFileFormat file_format = PhotoFileFormat.from_gphoto_type(info.file.type);
+ string file_type = (string)info.file.type;
+ PhotoFileFormat file_format = PhotoFileFormat.from_gphoto_type(file_type);
if (file_format == PhotoFileFormat.UNKNOWN) {
file_format = PhotoFileFormat.get_by_basename_extension(filename);
if (file_format == PhotoFileFormat.UNKNOWN) {
message("Skipping %s/%s: Not a supported file extension (%s)", fulldir,
- filename, info.file.type);
+ filename, file_type);
diff --git a/src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala b/src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala
index 8eb2e3f..ad0d4d0 100644
--- a/src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala
+++ b/src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ public class DirectPhotoPage : EditingHostPage {
case "bracketleft":
- activate_action("RotateClockwise");
+ activate_action("RotateCounterclockwise");
diff --git a/src/events/EventPage.vala b/src/events/EventPage.vala
index a482ab8..1375c39 100644
--- a/src/events/EventPage.vala
+++ b/src/events/EventPage.vala
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ public class EventPage : CollectionPage {
private const GLib.ActionEntry[] entries = {
{ "MakePrimary", on_make_primary },
{ "Rename", on_rename },
- { "EditEventComment", on_edit_comment }
+ { "EditComment", on_edit_comment },
+ { "EditEventComment", on_edit_event_comment }
protected override void add_actions(GLib.ActionMap map) {
@@ -96,19 +97,19 @@ public class EventPage : CollectionPage {
- protected override void on_edit_comment() {
- if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0) {
- EditCommentDialog edit_comment_dialog = new EditCommentDialog(page_event.get_comment(),
- true);
- string? new_comment = edit_comment_dialog.execute();
- if (new_comment == null)
- return;
- EditEventCommentCommand command = new EditEventCommentCommand(page_event, new_comment);
- get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ private void on_edit_event_comment() {
+ EditCommentDialog edit_comment_dialog = new EditCommentDialog(page_event.get_comment(),
+ true);
+ string? new_comment = edit_comment_dialog.execute();
+ if (new_comment == null)
- }
+ EditEventCommentCommand command = new EditEventCommentCommand(page_event, new_comment);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ return;
+ }
+ protected override void on_edit_comment() {
diff --git a/src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala b/src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala
index e88b1a7..7ead1a0 100644
--- a/src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala
+++ b/src/events/EventsDirectoryPage.vala
@@ -190,7 +190,8 @@ public abstract class EventsDirectoryPage : CheckerboardPage {
EventDirectoryItem item = (EventDirectoryItem) get_view().get_selected_at(0);
- EditCommentDialog edit_comment_dialog = new EditCommentDialog(item.event.get_comment());
+ EditCommentDialog edit_comment_dialog = new EditCommentDialog(item.event.get_comment(),
+ true);
string? new_comment = edit_comment_dialog.execute();
if (new_comment == null)
diff --git a/src/photos/PhotoMetadata.vala b/src/photos/PhotoMetadata.vala
index fdda0e6..7c100c0 100644
--- a/src/photos/PhotoMetadata.vala
+++ b/src/photos/PhotoMetadata.vala
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ public class PhotoMetadata : MediaMetadata {
exiv2.open_buf(buffer, length);
- exif = Exif.Data.new_from_data(buffer, length);
+ exif = Exif.Data.new_from_data(buffer);
source_name = "<memory buffer %d bytes>".printf(length);
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ public class PhotoMetadata : MediaMetadata {
- exif = Exif.Data.new_from_data(buffer.get_data(), buffer.get_size());
+ exif = Exif.Data.new_from_data(buffer.get_data());
source_name = "<app1 segment %zu bytes>".printf(buffer.get_size());
diff --git a/ui/event.ui b/ui/event.ui
index 771b2a9..9579f96 100644
--- a/ui/event.ui
+++ b/ui/event.ui
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
<attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Edit _Comment…</attribute>
- <attribute name="action">win.EditComment</attribute>
+ <attribute name="action">win.EditEventComment</attribute>
diff --git a/vapi/libexif.vapi b/vapi/libexif.vapi
index 61ab36e..b95dfb0 100644
--- a/vapi/libexif.vapi
+++ b/vapi/libexif.vapi
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace Exif {
[CCode (cname="exif_data_new")]
public Data();
public static Data? new_from_file(string path);
- public static Data? new_from_data(uint8 *data, size_t count);
+ public static Data? new_from_data([CCode (array_length_pos=1.1)]uint8[] data);
public void dump();
public void fix();
public void foreach_content(ForeachContentFunc cb, void *user = null);
diff --git a/vapi/libgphoto2.vapi b/vapi/libgphoto2.vapi
index 22f70ee..34fc1c4 100644
--- a/vapi/libgphoto2.vapi
+++ b/vapi/libgphoto2.vapi
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace GPhoto {
public Result set_port_info(PortInfo info);
public Result get_abilities(out CameraAbilities abilities);
public Result set_abilities(CameraAbilities abilities);
- public Result get_storageinfo(CameraStorageInformation **sifs, out int count, Context context);
+ public Result get_storageinfo([CCode (array_length_pos=1.1)]out CameraStorageInformation[] sifs, Context context);
// Folders
[CCode (cname="gp_camera_folder_list_folders")]
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace GPhoto {
[CCode (cname="gp_camera_folder_delete_all")]
public Result delete_all_files(string folder, Context context);
[CCode (cname="gp_camera_folder_put_file")]
- public Result put_file(string folder, CameraFile file, Context context);
+ public Result put_file(string folder, string filename, CameraFileType type, CameraFile file, Context context);
[CCode (cname="gp_camera_folder_make_dir")]
public Result make_dir(string folder, string name, Context context);
[CCode (cname="gp_camera_folder_remove_dir")]
@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ namespace GPhoto {
public static Result create(out CameraFile file);
[CCode (cname="gp_file_new_from_fd")]
public static Result create_from_fd(out CameraFile file, int fd);
- public Result get_data_and_size(out uint8 *data, out ulong data_len);
+ [CCode (cname="gp_file_get_data_and_size")]
+ public Result get_data([CCode (array_length_pos=1.1, array_length_type="gulong")]out unowned uint8[] data);
public Result save(string filename);
public Result slurp(uint8[] data, out size_t readlen);
@@ -140,7 +141,6 @@ namespace GPhoto {
public enum CameraFileInfoFields {
@@ -159,10 +159,9 @@ namespace GPhoto {
public CameraFileInfoFields fields;
public CameraFileStatus status;
public ulong size;
- public string type;
+ public char type[64];
public uint width;
public uint height;
- public string name;
public CameraFilePermissions permissions;
public time_t mtime;
@@ -176,12 +175,9 @@ namespace GPhoto {
public CameraFileInfoFields fields;
public CameraFileStatus status;
public ulong size;
- public string type;
+ public char type[64];
public uint width;
public uint height;
- public string name;
- public CameraFilePermissions permissions;
- public time_t mtime;
[CCode (
@@ -266,7 +262,7 @@ namespace GPhoto {
public Result append(string name, string value);
public Result reset();
public Result sort();
- public Result find_by_name(out int? index, string name);
+ public Result find_by_name(out int index, string name);
public Result get_name(int index, out unowned string name);
public Result get_value(int index, out unowned string value);
public Result set_name(int index, string name);
@@ -314,9 +310,9 @@ namespace GPhoto {
public struct CameraStorageInformation {
public CameraStorageInfoFields fields;
- public string basedir;
- public string label;
- public string description;
+ public char basedir[256];
+ public char label[256];
+ public char description[256];
public int type;
public int fstype;
public int access;
@@ -485,7 +481,7 @@ namespace GPhoto {
[CCode (
- cprefix="GP_VERSION"
+ cprefix="GP_VERSION_"
public enum VersionVerbosity {
diff --git a/vapi/libraw.vapi b/vapi/libraw.vapi
index b1b5875..146f447 100644
--- a/vapi/libraw.vapi
+++ b/vapi/libraw.vapi
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ public struct Thumbnail {
public uint tlength;
public int tcolors;
[CCode (array_length_cname="tlength")]
- public uint8[] thumb;
+ public unowned uint8[] thumb;
[CCode (cname="enum LibRaw_thumbnail_formats", cprefix="LIBRAW_THUMBNAIL_")]