path: root/plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2023-06-14 20:36:37 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2023-06-14 20:36:37 +0200
commitbb80d3feebdc9acc52e3f4ad24084d8425f043a2 (patch)
tree2084a84c39f159c6aea254775dc0880d52579d45 /plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala
parentb26ff0798252a1a8072dd2c7a67f6205de9fde11 (diff)
parent31804433d72460cbe0a39f9f8ea5e76058d84cda (diff)
Merge branch 'feature/upstream' into develop
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 642 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala b/plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index 04b28d2..0000000
--- a/plugins/shotwell-publishing-extras/YandexPublishing.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2010+ Evgeniy Polyakov <>
- *
- * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
- * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
- */
-public class YandexService : Object, Spit.Pluggable, Spit.Publishing.Service {
- public int get_pluggable_interface(int min_host_interface, int max_host_interface) {
- return Spit.negotiate_interfaces(min_host_interface, max_host_interface, Spit.Publishing.CURRENT_INTERFACE);
- }
- public unowned string get_id() {
- return "";
- }
- public unowned string get_pluggable_name() {
- return "Yandex.Fotki";
- }
- public void get_info(ref Spit.PluggableInfo info) {
- info.authors = "Evgeniy Polyakov <>";
- info.copyright = _("Copyright 2010+ Evgeniy Polyakov <>");
- info.translators = Resources.TRANSLATORS;
- info.version = _VERSION;
- info.website_name = _("Visit the Yandex.Fotki web site");
- info.website_url = "";
- info.is_license_wordwrapped = false;
- info.license = Resources.LICENSE;
- }
- public Spit.Publishing.Publisher create_publisher(Spit.Publishing.PluginHost host) {
- return new Publishing.Yandex.YandexPublisher(this, host);
- }
- public Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType get_supported_media() {
- return (Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.PHOTO);
- }
- public void activation(bool enabled) {
- }
-namespace Publishing.Yandex {
-internal const string SERVICE_NAME = "Yandex.Fotki";
-private const string client_id = "52be4756dee3438792c831a75d7cd360";
-internal class Transaction: Publishing.RESTSupport.Transaction {
- public Transaction.with_url(Session session, string url, Publishing.RESTSupport.HttpMethod method = Publishing.RESTSupport.HttpMethod.GET) {
- base.with_endpoint_url(session, url, method);
- add_headers();
- }
- private void add_headers() {
- if (((Session) get_parent_session()).is_authenticated()) {
- add_header("Authorization", "OAuth %s".printf(((Session) get_parent_session()).get_auth_token()));
- add_header("Connection", "close");
- }
- }
- public Transaction(Session session, Publishing.RESTSupport.HttpMethod method = Publishing.RESTSupport.HttpMethod.GET) {
- base(session, method);
- add_headers();
- }
- public void add_data(string type, string data) {
- set_custom_payload(data, type);
- }
-internal class Session : Publishing.RESTSupport.Session {
- private string? auth_token = null;
- public Session() {
- }
- public override bool is_authenticated() {
- return (auth_token != null);
- }
- public void deauthenticate() {
- auth_token = null;
- }
- public void set_auth_token(string token) {
- this.auth_token = token;
- }
- public string? get_auth_token() {
- return auth_token;
- }
-internal class WebAuthPane : Shotwell.Plugins.Common.WebAuthenticationPane {
- private Regex re;
- public signal void login_succeeded(string success_url);
- public signal void login_failed();
- public WebAuthPane(string login_url) {
- Object (login_uri : login_url,
- preferred_geometry :
- Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions.RESIZABLE);
- }
- public override void constructed () {
- try {
- = new Regex("(.*)#access_token=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)&");
- } catch (RegexError e) {
- assert_not_reached ();
- }
- this.get_view ().decide_policy.connect (on_decide_policy);
- }
- public override void on_page_load () { }
- private bool on_decide_policy (WebKit.PolicyDecision decision,
- WebKit.PolicyDecisionType type) {
- switch (type) {
- case WebKit.PolicyDecisionType.NAVIGATION_ACTION:
- WebKit.NavigationPolicyDecision n_decision = (WebKit.NavigationPolicyDecision) decision;
- WebKit.NavigationAction action = n_decision.navigation_action;
- string uri = action.get_request().uri;
- debug("Navigating to '%s'", uri);
- MatchInfo info = null;
- if (re.match(uri, 0, out info)) {
- string access_token = info.fetch_all()[2];
- debug("Load completed: %s", access_token);
- this.set_cursor (Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR);
- if (access_token != null) {
- login_succeeded(access_token);
- decision.ignore();
- break;
- } else
- login_failed();
- }
- decision.use();
- break;
- case WebKit.PolicyDecisionType.RESPONSE:
- decision.use();
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
-internal class PublishOptions {
- public bool disable_comments = false;
- public bool hide_original = false;
- public string access_type;
- public string destination_album = null;
- public string destination_album_url = null;
-internal class PublishingOptionsPane: Spit.Publishing.DialogPane, GLib.Object {
- private Gtk.Box box;
- private Gtk.Builder builder;
- private Gtk.Button logout_button;
- private Gtk.Button publish_button;
- private Gtk.ComboBoxText album_list;
- private weak PublishOptions options;
- public signal void publish();
- public signal void logout();
- public Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions get_preferred_geometry() {
- return Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions.NONE;
- }
- public void on_pane_installed() {
- }
- public void on_pane_uninstalled() {
- }
- public Gtk.Widget get_widget() {
- return box;
- }
- public PublishingOptionsPane(PublishOptions options, Gee.HashMap<string, string> list,
- Spit.Publishing.PluginHost host) {
- this.options = options;
- box = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);
- try {
- builder = new Gtk.Builder();
- builder.add_from_resource (Resources.RESOURCE_PATH + "/yandex_publish_model.ui");
- builder.connect_signals(null);
- var content = builder.get_object ("content") as Gtk.Widget;
- album_list = builder.get_object ("album_list") as Gtk.ComboBoxText;
- foreach (string key in list.keys)
- album_list.append_text(key);
- album_list.set_active(0);
- publish_button = builder.get_object("publish_button") as Gtk.Button;
- logout_button = builder.get_object("logout_button") as Gtk.Button;
- publish_button.clicked.connect(on_publish_clicked);
- logout_button.clicked.connect(on_logout_clicked);
- content.parent.remove (content);
- box.pack_start (content, true, true, 0);
- } catch (Error e) {
- warning("Could not load UI: %s", e.message);
- }
- }
- private void on_logout_clicked() {
- logout();
- }
- private void on_publish_clicked() {
- options.destination_album = album_list.get_active_text();
- Gtk.CheckButton tmp = builder.get_object("hide_original_check") as Gtk.CheckButton;
- options.hide_original =;
- tmp = builder.get_object("disable_comments_check") as Gtk.CheckButton;
- options.disable_comments =;
- Gtk.ComboBoxText access_type = builder.get_object("access_type_list") as Gtk.ComboBoxText;
- options.access_type = access_type.get_active_text();
- publish();
- }
-private class Uploader: Publishing.RESTSupport.BatchUploader {
- private weak PublishOptions options;
- public Uploader(Session session, PublishOptions options, Spit.Publishing.Publishable[] photos) {
- base(session, photos);
- this.options = options;
- }
- protected override Publishing.RESTSupport.Transaction create_transaction(Spit.Publishing.Publishable publishable) {
- debug("create transaction");
- return new UploadTransaction(((Session) get_session()), options, get_current_publishable());
- }
-private class UploadTransaction: Transaction {
- public UploadTransaction(Session session, PublishOptions options, Spit.Publishing.Publishable photo) {
- base.with_url(session, options.destination_album_url, Publishing.RESTSupport.HttpMethod.POST);
- set_custom_payload("qwe", "image/jpeg", 1);
- debug("Uploading '%s' -> %s : %s", photo.get_publishing_name(), options.destination_album, options.destination_album_url);
- Soup.Multipart message_parts = new Soup.Multipart("multipart/form-data");
- message_parts.append_form_string("title", photo.get_publishing_name());
- message_parts.append_form_string("hide_original", options.hide_original.to_string());
- message_parts.append_form_string("disable_comments", options.disable_comments.to_string());
- message_parts.append_form_string("access", options.access_type.down());
- string photo_data;
- size_t data_length;
- try {
- FileUtils.get_contents(photo.get_serialized_file().get_path(), out photo_data, out data_length);
- } catch (GLib.FileError e) {
- critical("Failed to read data file '%s': %s", photo.get_serialized_file().get_path(), e.message);
- }
- int image_part_num = message_parts.get_length();
- Soup.Buffer bindable_data = new Soup.Buffer(Soup.MemoryUse.COPY,[0:data_length]);
- message_parts.append_form_file("", photo.get_serialized_file().get_path(), "image/jpeg", bindable_data);
- unowned Soup.MessageHeaders image_part_header;
- unowned Soup.Buffer image_part_body;
- message_parts.get_part(image_part_num, out image_part_header, out image_part_body);
- GLib.HashTable<string, string> result = new GLib.HashTable<string, string>(GLib.str_hash, GLib.str_equal);
- result.insert("name", "image");
- result.insert("filename", "unused");
- image_part_header.set_content_disposition("form-data", result);
- Soup.Message outbound_message = Soup.Form.request_new_from_multipart(get_endpoint_url(), message_parts);
- outbound_message.request_headers.append("Authorization", ("OAuth %s").printf(session.get_auth_token()));
- outbound_message.request_headers.append("Connection", "close");
- set_message(outbound_message);
- }
-public class YandexPublisher : Spit.Publishing.Publisher, GLib.Object {
- private weak Spit.Publishing.PluginHost host = null;
- private Spit.Publishing.ProgressCallback progress_reporter = null;
- private weak Spit.Publishing.Service service = null;
- private string service_url = null;
- private Gee.HashMap<string, string> album_list = null;
- private PublishOptions options;
- private bool running = false;
- private WebAuthPane web_auth_pane = null;
- private Session session;
- public YandexPublisher(Spit.Publishing.Service service, Spit.Publishing.PluginHost host) {
- this.service = service;
- = host;
- this.session = new Session();
- this.album_list = new Gee.HashMap<string, string>();
- this.options = new PublishOptions();
- }
- internal string? get_persistent_auth_token() {
- return host.get_config_string("auth_token", null);
- }
- internal void set_persistent_auth_token(string auth_token) {
- host.set_config_string("auth_token", auth_token);
- }
- internal void invalidate_persistent_session() {
- host.unset_config_key("auth_token");
- }
- internal bool is_persistent_session_available() {
- return (get_persistent_auth_token() != null);
- }
- public bool is_running() {
- return running;
- }
- public Spit.Publishing.Service get_service() {
- return service;
- }
- private new string? check_response(Publishing.RESTSupport.XmlDocument doc) {
- return null;
- }
- private void parse_album_entry(Xml.Node *e) throws Spit.Publishing.PublishingError {
- string title = null;
- string link = null;
- for (Xml.Node* c = e->children ; c != null; c = c->next) {
- if (c->name == "title")
- title = c->get_content();
- if ((c->name == "link") && (c->get_prop("rel") == "photos"))
- link = c->get_prop("href");
- if (title != null && link != null) {
- debug("Added album: '%s', link: %s", title, link);
- album_list.set(title, link);
- title = null;
- link = null;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- public void parse_album_creation(string data) throws Spit.Publishing.PublishingError {
- Publishing.RESTSupport.XmlDocument doc = Publishing.RESTSupport.XmlDocument.parse_string(data, check_response);
- Xml.Node *root = doc.get_root_node();
- parse_album_entry(root);
- }
- public void parse_album_list(string data) throws Spit.Publishing.PublishingError {
- Publishing.RESTSupport.XmlDocument doc = Publishing.RESTSupport.XmlDocument.parse_string(data, check_response);
- Xml.Node *root = doc.get_root_node();
- for (Xml.Node *e = root->children ; e != null; e = e->next) {
- if (e->name != "entry")
- continue;
- parse_album_entry(e);
- }
- }
- private void album_creation_error(Publishing.RESTSupport.Transaction t, Spit.Publishing.PublishingError err) {
- t.completed.disconnect(album_creation_complete);
- t.network_error.disconnect(album_creation_error);
- warning("Album creation error: %s", err.message);
- }
- private void album_creation_complete(Publishing.RESTSupport.Transaction t) {
- t.completed.disconnect(album_creation_complete);
- t.network_error.disconnect(album_creation_error);
- try {
- parse_album_creation(t.get_response());
- } catch (Spit.Publishing.PublishingError err) {
- host.post_error(err);
- return;
- }
- if (album_list.get(options.destination_album) != null)
- start_upload();
- else
- host.post_error(new Spit.Publishing.PublishingError.PROTOCOL_ERROR("Server did not create album"));
- }
- private void create_destination_album() {
- string album = options.destination_album;
- string data = "<entry xmlns=\"\" xmlns:f=\"yandex:fotki\"><title>%s</title></entry>".printf(album);
- Transaction t = new Transaction.with_url(session, service_url, Publishing.RESTSupport.HttpMethod.POST);
- t.add_data("application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8; type=entry", data);
- t.completed.connect(album_creation_complete);
- t.network_error.connect(album_creation_error);
- try {
- t.execute();
- } catch (Spit.Publishing.PublishingError err) {
- host.post_error(err);
- }
- }
- private void on_upload_complete(Publishing.RESTSupport.BatchUploader uploader, int num_published) {
- uploader.upload_complete.disconnect(on_upload_complete);
- uploader.upload_error.disconnect(on_upload_error);
- if (num_published == 0)
- host.post_error(new Spit.Publishing.PublishingError.LOCAL_FILE_ERROR(""));
- host.set_service_locked(false);
- host.install_success_pane();
- }
- private void on_upload_error(Publishing.RESTSupport.BatchUploader uploader, Spit.Publishing.PublishingError err) {
- uploader.upload_complete.disconnect(on_upload_complete);
- uploader.upload_error.disconnect(on_upload_error);
- warning("Photo upload error: %s", err.message);
- }
- private void on_upload_status_updated(int file_number, double completed_fraction) {
- debug("EVENT: uploader reports upload %.2f percent complete.", 100.0 * completed_fraction);
- assert(progress_reporter != null);
- progress_reporter(file_number, completed_fraction);
- }
- private void start_upload() {
- host.set_service_locked(true);
- progress_reporter = host.serialize_publishables(0);
- options.destination_album_url = album_list.get(options.destination_album);
- Spit.Publishing.Publishable[] publishables = host.get_publishables();
- Uploader uploader = new Uploader(session, options, publishables);
- uploader.upload_complete.connect(on_upload_complete);
- uploader.upload_error.connect(on_upload_error);
- uploader.upload(on_upload_status_updated);
- }
- private void on_logout() {
- if (!is_running())
- return;
- session.deauthenticate();
- invalidate_persistent_session();
- running = false;
- start();
- }
- private void on_publish() {
- debug("Going to publish to '%s' : %s", options.destination_album, album_list.get(options.destination_album));
- if (album_list.get(options.destination_album) == null)
- create_destination_album();
- else
- start_upload();
- }
- public void service_get_album_list_error(Publishing.RESTSupport.Transaction t, Spit.Publishing.PublishingError err) {
- t.completed.disconnect(service_get_album_list_complete);
- t.network_error.disconnect(service_get_album_list_error);
- invalidate_persistent_session();
- warning("Failed to get album list: %s", err.message);
- }
- public void service_get_album_list_complete(Publishing.RESTSupport.Transaction t) {
- t.completed.disconnect(service_get_album_list_complete);
- t.network_error.disconnect(service_get_album_list_error);
- debug("service_get_album_list_complete: %s", t.get_response());
- try {
- parse_album_list(t.get_response());
- } catch (Spit.Publishing.PublishingError err) {
- host.post_error(err);
- }
- PublishingOptionsPane publishing_options_pane = new PublishingOptionsPane(options, album_list,
- host);
- publishing_options_pane.publish.connect(on_publish);
- publishing_options_pane.logout.connect(on_logout);
- host.install_dialog_pane(publishing_options_pane);
- }
- public void service_get_album_list(string url) {
- service_url = url;
- Transaction t = new Transaction.with_url(session, url);
- t.completed.connect(service_get_album_list_complete);
- t.network_error.connect(service_get_album_list_error);
- try {
- t.execute();
- } catch (Spit.Publishing.PublishingError err) {
- host.post_error(err);
- }
- }
- public void fetch_account_error(Publishing.RESTSupport.Transaction t, Spit.Publishing.PublishingError err) {
- t.completed.disconnect(fetch_account_complete);
- t.network_error.disconnect(fetch_account_error);
- warning("Failed to fetch account info: %s", err.message);
- }
- public void fetch_account_complete(Publishing.RESTSupport.Transaction t) {
- t.completed.disconnect(fetch_account_complete);
- t.network_error.disconnect(fetch_account_error);
- debug("account info: %s", t.get_response());
- try {
- Publishing.RESTSupport.XmlDocument doc = Publishing.RESTSupport.XmlDocument.parse_string(t.get_response(), check_response);
- Xml.Node* root = doc.get_root_node();
- for (Xml.Node* work = root->children ; work != null; work = work->next) {
- if (work->name != "workspace")
- continue;
- for (Xml.Node* c = work->children ; c != null; c = c->next) {
- if (c->name != "collection")
- continue;
- if (c->get_prop("id") == "album-list") {
- string url = c->get_prop("href");
- set_persistent_auth_token(session.get_auth_token());
- service_get_album_list(url);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (Spit.Publishing.PublishingError err) {
- host.post_error(err);
- }
- }
- public void fetch_account_information(string auth_token) {
- session.set_auth_token(auth_token);
- Transaction t = new Transaction.with_url(session, "");
- t.completed.connect(fetch_account_complete);
- t.network_error.connect(fetch_account_error);
- try {
- t.execute();
- } catch (Spit.Publishing.PublishingError err) {
- host.post_error(err);
- }
- }
- private void web_auth_login_succeeded(string access_token) {
- debug("login succeeded with token %s", access_token);
- host.set_service_locked(true);
- host.install_account_fetch_wait_pane();
- fetch_account_information(access_token);
- }
- private void web_auth_login_failed() {
- debug("login failed");
- }
- private void start_web_auth() {
- host.set_service_locked(false);
- web_auth_pane = new WebAuthPane(("").printf(client_id));
- web_auth_pane.login_succeeded.connect(web_auth_login_succeeded);
- web_auth_pane.login_failed.connect(web_auth_login_failed);
- host.install_dialog_pane(web_auth_pane, Spit.Publishing.PluginHost.ButtonMode.CANCEL);
- }
- private void show_welcome_page() {
- host.install_welcome_pane(_("You are not currently logged into Yandex.Fotki."),
- start_web_auth);
- }
- public void start() {
- if (is_running())
- return;
- if (host == null)
- error("YandexPublisher: start( ): can't start; this publisher is not restartable.");
- debug("YandexPublisher: starting interaction.");
- running = true;
- if (is_persistent_session_available()) {
- session.set_auth_token(get_persistent_auth_token());
- fetch_account_information(get_persistent_auth_token());
- } else {
- show_welcome_page();
- }
- }
- public void stop() {
- debug("YandexPublisher: stop( ) invoked.");
- host = null;
- running = false;
- }