path: root/src/LibraryMonitor.vala
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authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-07-23 09:06:59 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2014-07-23 09:06:59 +0200
commit4ea2cc3bd4a7d9b1c54a9d33e6a1cf82e7c8c21d (patch)
treed2e54377d14d604356c86862a326f64ae64dadd6 /src/LibraryMonitor.vala
Imported Upstream version 0.18.1upstream/0.18.1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/LibraryMonitor.vala')
1 files changed, 1013 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/LibraryMonitor.vala b/src/LibraryMonitor.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..363213b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LibraryMonitor.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
+ * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// LibraryMonitor uses DirectoryMonitor to track assets in the user's library directory and make
+// sure they're reflected in the application.
+// NOTE: There appears to be a bug where prior versions of Shotwell (<= 0.6.x) were not
+// properly loading the file modification timestamp during import. This was no issue
+// before but becomes imperative now with file monitoring. A "proper" algorithm is
+// to reimport an entire photo if the modification time in the database is different
+// than the file's, but that's Real Bad when the user first turns on monitoring, as it
+// will cause a lot of reimports (think of a 10,000 photo database) and will blow away
+// ALL transformations, as they are now suspect.
+// So: If the modification time is zero and filesize is the same, simply update the
+// timestamp in the database and move on.
+// TODO: Although it seems highly unlikely that a file's timestamp could change but the file size
+// has not and the file really be "changed", it *is* possible, even in the case of complex little
+// animals like photo files. We could be more liberal and treat this case as a metadata-changed
+// situation (since that's a likely case).
+public class LibraryMonitorPool {
+ private static LibraryMonitorPool? instance = null;
+ private LibraryMonitor? monitor = null;
+ private uint timer_id = 0;
+ public signal void monitor_installed(LibraryMonitor monitor);
+ public signal void monitor_destroyed(LibraryMonitor monitor);
+ private LibraryMonitorPool() {
+ }
+ public static void init() {
+ }
+ public static void terminate() {
+ if (instance != null)
+ instance.close();
+ instance = null;
+ }
+ public static LibraryMonitorPool get_instance() {
+ if (instance == null)
+ instance = new LibraryMonitorPool();
+ return instance;
+ }
+ public LibraryMonitor? get_monitor() {
+ return monitor;
+ }
+ // This closes and destroys the old monitor, if any, and replaces it with the new one.
+ public void replace(LibraryMonitor replacement, int start_msec_delay = 0) {
+ close();
+ monitor = replacement;
+ if (start_msec_delay > 0 && timer_id == 0)
+ timer_id = Timeout.add(start_msec_delay, on_start_monitor);
+ monitor_installed(monitor);
+ }
+ private void close() {
+ if (monitor == null)
+ return;
+ monitor.close();
+ LibraryMonitor closed = monitor;
+ monitor = null;
+ monitor_destroyed(closed);
+ }
+ private bool on_start_monitor() {
+ // can set to zero because this function always returns false
+ timer_id = 0;
+ if (monitor == null)
+ return false;
+ monitor.start_discovery();
+ return false;
+ }
+public class LibraryMonitor : DirectoryMonitor {
+ private const int FLUSH_IMPORT_QUEUE_SEC = 3;
+ private const int IMPORT_ROLL_QUIET_SEC = 5 * 60;
+ private const int MIN_BLACKLIST_DURATION_MSEC = 5 * 1000;
+ private const int MAX_VERIFY_EXISTING_MEDIA_JOBS = 5;
+ private class FindMoveJob : BackgroundJob {
+ public File file;
+ public Gee.Collection<Monitorable> candidates;
+ public Monitorable? match = null;
+ public Gee.ArrayList<Monitorable>? losers = null;
+ public Error? err = null;
+ public FindMoveJob(LibraryMonitor owner, File file, Gee.Collection<Monitorable> candidates) {
+ base (owner, owner.on_find_move_completed, owner.cancellable, owner.on_find_move_cancelled);
+ this.file = file;
+ this.candidates = candidates;
+ set_completion_priority(Priority.LOW);
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ // weed out any candidates that already have a backing master
+ Gee.Iterator<Monitorable> iter = candidates.iterator();
+ while ( {
+ if (iter.get().get_master_file().query_exists())
+ iter.remove();
+ }
+ // if no more, done
+ if (candidates.size == 0)
+ return;
+ string? md5 = null;
+ try {
+ md5 = md5_file(file);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ this.err = err;
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (Monitorable candidate in candidates) {
+ if (candidate.get_master_md5() != md5)
+ continue;
+ if (match != null) {
+ warning("Found more than one media match for %s: %s and %s", file.get_path(),
+ match.to_string(), candidate.to_string());
+ if (losers == null)
+ losers = new Gee.ArrayList<Monitorable>();
+ losers.add(candidate);
+ continue;
+ }
+ match = candidate;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private class RuntimeFindMoveJob : BackgroundJob {
+ public File file;
+ public Gee.Collection<Monitorable> candidates;
+ public Monitorable? match = null;
+ public Error? err = null;
+ public RuntimeFindMoveJob(LibraryMonitor owner, File file, Gee.Collection<Monitorable> candidates) {
+ base (owner, owner.on_runtime_find_move_completed, owner.cancellable);
+ this.file = file;
+ this.candidates = candidates;
+ set_completion_priority(Priority.LOW);
+ }
+ public override void execute() {
+ string? md5 = null;
+ try {
+ md5 = md5_file(file);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ this.err = err;
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (Monitorable candidate in candidates) {
+ if (candidate.get_master_md5() == md5) {
+ match = candidate;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private class VerifyJob {
+ public Monitorable monitorable;
+ public MediaMonitor monitor;
+ public VerifyJob(Monitorable monitorable, MediaMonitor monitor) {
+ this.monitorable = monitorable;
+ this.monitor = monitor;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Gee.HashSet<File> blacklist = new Gee.HashSet<File>(file_hash, file_equal);
+ private static HashTimedQueue<File> to_unblacklist = new HashTimedQueue<File>(
+ MIN_BLACKLIST_DURATION_MSEC, on_unblacklist_file, file_hash, file_equal, Priority.LOW);
+ private Workers workers = new Workers(Workers.thread_per_cpu_minus_one(), false);
+ private Cancellable cancellable = new Cancellable();
+ private bool auto_import = false;
+ private Gee.HashSet<File> unknown_files = null;
+ private Gee.List<MediaMonitor> monitors = new Gee.ArrayList<MediaMonitor>();
+ private Gee.HashMap<MediaMonitor, Gee.Set<Monitorable>> discovered = null;
+ private Gee.HashSet<File> import_queue = new Gee.HashSet<File>(file_hash, file_equal);
+ private Gee.HashSet<File> pending_imports = new Gee.HashSet<File>(file_hash, file_equal);
+ private Gee.ArrayList<BatchImport> batch_import_queue = new Gee.ArrayList<BatchImport>();
+ private BatchImportRoll current_import_roll = null;
+ private time_t last_import_roll_use = 0;
+ private BatchImport current_batch_import = null;
+ private int checksums_completed = 0;
+ private int checksums_total = 0;
+ private uint import_queue_timer_id = 0;
+ private Gee.Queue<VerifyJob> verify_queue = new Gee.LinkedList<VerifyJob>();
+ private int outstanding_verify_jobs = 0;
+ private int completed_monitorable_verifies = 0;
+ private int total_monitorable_verifies = 0;
+ public signal void auto_update_progress(int completed_files, int total_files);
+ public signal void auto_import_preparing();
+ public signal void auto_import_progress(uint64 completed_bytes, uint64 total_bytes);
+ public LibraryMonitor(File root, bool recurse, bool monitoring) {
+ base (root, recurse, monitoring);
+ // synchronize with configuration system
+ auto_import = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_auto_import_from_library();
+ Config.Facade.get_instance().auto_import_from_library_changed.connect(on_config_changed);
+ import_queue_timer_id = Timeout.add_seconds(FLUSH_IMPORT_QUEUE_SEC, on_flush_import_queue);
+ }
+ ~LibraryMonitor() {
+ Config.Facade.get_instance().auto_import_from_library_changed.disconnect(on_config_changed);
+ }
+ public override void close() {
+ cancellable.cancel();
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors)
+ monitor.close();
+ if (import_queue_timer_id != 0) {
+ Source.remove(import_queue_timer_id);
+ import_queue_timer_id = 0;
+ }
+ base.close();
+ }
+ private void add_to_discovered_list(MediaMonitor monitor, Monitorable monitorable) {
+ if (!discovered.has_key(monitor))
+ discovered.set(monitor, new Gee.HashSet<Monitorable>());
+ discovered.get(monitor).add(monitorable);
+ }
+ private MediaMonitor get_monitor_for_monitorable(Monitorable monitorable) {
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ if (monitor.get_media_source_collection().holds_type_of_source(monitorable))
+ return monitor;
+ }
+ error("Unable to locate MediaMonitor for %s", monitorable.to_string());
+ }
+ public override void discovery_started() {
+ foreach (MediaSourceCollection collection in MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().get_all())
+ monitors.add(collection.create_media_monitor(workers, cancellable));
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors)
+ monitor.notify_discovery_started();
+ discovered = new Gee.HashMap<MediaMonitor, Gee.Set<Monitorable>>();
+ unknown_files = new Gee.HashSet<File>(file_hash, file_equal);
+ base.discovery_started();
+ }
+ public override void file_discovered(File file, FileInfo info) {
+ Monitorable? representation = null;
+ MediaMonitor representing = null;
+ bool ignore = false;
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile result = monitor.notify_file_discovered(file, info,
+ out representation);
+ if (result == MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile.REPRESENTED) {
+ representing = monitor;
+ break;
+ } else if (result == MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile.IGNORE) {
+ // known but not to be worried about (for purposes of discovery)
+ ignore = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (representing != null) {
+ assert(representation != null && !ignore);
+ add_to_discovered_list(representing, representation);
+ } else if (!ignore && ! && is_supported_filetype(file)) {
+ unknown_files.add(file);
+ }
+ base.file_discovered(file, info);
+ }
+ public override void discovery_completed() {
+ async_discovery_completed.begin();
+ }
+ private async void async_discovery_completed() {
+ // before marking anything online/offline, reimporting changed files, or auto-importing new
+ // files, want to see if the unknown files are actually renamed files. Do this by examining
+ // their FileInfo and calculating their MD5 in the background ... when all this is sorted
+ // out, then go on and finish the other tasks
+ if (unknown_files.size == 0) {
+ discovery_stage_completed();
+ return;
+ }
+ Gee.ArrayList<Monitorable> all_candidates = new Gee.ArrayList<Monitorable>();
+ Gee.ArrayList<File> adopted = new Gee.ArrayList<File>(file_equal);
+ foreach (File file in unknown_files) {
+ FileInfo? info = get_file_info(file);
+ if (info == null)
+ continue;
+ // clear before using (reused as accumulator)
+ all_candidates.clear();
+ Gee.Collection<Monitorable>? candidates = null;
+ bool associated = false;
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile result;
+ candidates = monitor.candidates_for_unknown_file(file, info, out result);
+ if (result == MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile.REPRESENTED
+ || result == MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile.IGNORE) {
+ associated = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (candidates != null) {
+ all_candidates.add_all(candidates);
+ }
+ }
+ if (associated) {
+ adopted.add(file);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // verify the matches with an MD5 comparison
+ if (all_candidates.size > 0) {
+ // copy for background thread
+ Gee.ArrayList<Monitorable> job_candidates = all_candidates;
+ all_candidates = new Gee.ArrayList<Monitorable>();
+ checksums_total++;
+ workers.enqueue(new FindMoveJob(this, file, job_candidates));
+ }
+ Idle.add(async_discovery_completed.callback);
+ yield;
+ }
+ // remove all adopted files from the unknown list
+ unknown_files.remove_all(adopted);
+ checksums_completed = 0;
+ if (checksums_total == 0) {
+ discovery_stage_completed();
+ } else {
+ mdbg("%d checksum jobs initiated to verify unknown photo files".printf(checksums_total));
+ auto_update_progress(checksums_completed, checksums_total);
+ }
+ }
+ private void report_checksum_job_completed() {
+ assert(checksums_completed < checksums_total);
+ checksums_completed++;
+ auto_update_progress(checksums_completed, checksums_total);
+ if (checksums_completed == checksums_total)
+ discovery_stage_completed();
+ }
+ private void on_find_move_completed(BackgroundJob j) {
+ FindMoveJob job = (FindMoveJob) j;
+ // if match was found, give file to the media and removed from both the unknown list and
+ // add to the discovered list ... do NOT mark losers as offline as other jobs may discover
+ // files that belong to them; discovery_stage_completed() will work this out in the end
+ if (job.match != null) {
+ mdbg("Found moved master file: %s matches %s".printf(job.file.get_path(),
+ job.match.to_string()));
+ MediaMonitor monitor = get_monitor_for_monitorable(job.match);
+ monitor.update_master_file(job.match, job.file);
+ unknown_files.remove(job.file);
+ add_to_discovered_list(monitor, job.match);
+ }
+ if (job.err != null)
+ warning("Unable to checksum unknown media file %s: %s", job.file.get_path(), job.err.message);
+ report_checksum_job_completed();
+ }
+ private void on_find_move_cancelled(BackgroundJob j) {
+ report_checksum_job_completed();
+ }
+ private void discovery_stage_completed() {
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ Gee.Set<Monitorable>? monitorables = discovered.get(monitor);
+ if (monitorables != null) {
+ foreach (Monitorable monitorable in monitorables)
+ enqueue_verify_monitorable(monitorable, monitor);
+ }
+ foreach (DataObject object in monitor.get_media_source_collection().get_all()) {
+ Monitorable monitorable = (Monitorable) object;
+ if (monitorables != null && monitorables.contains(monitorable))
+ continue;
+ enqueue_verify_monitorable(monitorable, monitor);
+ }
+ foreach (DataSource source in
+ monitor.get_media_source_collection().get_offline_bin().get_all()) {
+ Monitorable monitorable = (Monitorable) source;
+ if (monitorables != null && monitorables.contains(monitorable))
+ continue;
+ enqueue_verify_monitorable(monitorable, monitor);
+ }
+ }
+ // enqueue all remaining unknown photo files for import
+ if (auto_import)
+ enqueue_import_many(unknown_files);
+ // release refs
+ discovered = null;
+ unknown_files = null;
+ // Now that the discovery is completed, launch a scan of the tombstoned files and see if
+ // they can be resurrected
+, cancellable);
+ // Only report discovery completed here, after all the other background work is done
+ base.discovery_completed();
+ }
+ private void enqueue_verify_monitorable(Monitorable monitorable, MediaMonitor monitor) {
+ bool offered = verify_queue.offer(new VerifyJob(monitorable, monitor));
+ assert(offered);
+ execute_next_verify_job();
+ }
+ private void execute_next_verify_job() {
+ if (outstanding_verify_jobs >= MAX_VERIFY_EXISTING_MEDIA_JOBS || verify_queue.size == 0)
+ return;
+ VerifyJob? job = verify_queue.poll();
+ assert(job != null);
+ outstanding_verify_jobs++;
+ verify_monitorable.begin(job.monitorable, job.monitor);
+ }
+ private async void verify_monitorable(Monitorable monitorable, MediaMonitor monitor) {
+ File[] files = new File[1];
+ files[0] = monitor.get_master_file(monitorable);
+ File[]? aux_files = monitor.get_auxilliary_backing_files(monitorable);
+ if (aux_files != null) {
+ foreach (File aux_file in aux_files)
+ files += aux_file;
+ }
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < files.length; ctr++) {
+ File file = files[ctr];
+ FileInfo? info = get_file_info(file);
+ if (info == null) {
+ try {
+ info = yield file.query_info_async(SUPPLIED_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_INFO_FLAGS,
+ DEFAULT_PRIORITY, cancellable);
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ // ignore, this happens when file is not found
+ }
+ }
+ // if master file, control online/offline state
+ if (ctr == 0) {
+ if (info != null && monitor.is_offline(monitorable))
+ monitor.update_online(monitorable);
+ else if (info == null && !monitor.is_offline(monitorable))
+ monitor.update_offline(monitorable);
+ }
+ monitor.update_backing_file_info(monitorable, file, info);
+ }
+ completed_monitorable_verifies++;
+ auto_update_progress(completed_monitorable_verifies, total_monitorable_verifies);
+ Idle.add(verify_monitorable.callback, DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
+ yield;
+ // finished, move on to the next job in the queue
+ assert(outstanding_verify_jobs > 0);
+ outstanding_verify_jobs--;
+ execute_next_verify_job();
+ }
+ private void on_config_changed() {
+ bool value = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_auto_import_from_library();
+ if (auto_import == value)
+ return;
+ auto_import = value;
+ if (auto_import) {
+ if (!CommandlineOptions.no_runtime_monitoring)
+ import_unrepresented_files();
+ } else {
+ cancel_batch_imports();
+ }
+ }
+ private void enqueue_import(File file) {
+ if (!pending_imports.contains(file) && is_supported_filetype(file) && !is_blacklisted(file))
+ import_queue.add(file);
+ }
+ private void enqueue_import_many(Gee.Collection<File> files) {
+ foreach (File file in files)
+ enqueue_import(file);
+ }
+ private void remove_queued_import(File file) {
+ import_queue.remove(file);
+ }
+ private bool on_flush_import_queue() {
+ if (cancellable.is_cancelled())
+ return false;
+ if (import_queue.size == 0)
+ return true;
+ // if currently importing, wait for it to finish before starting next one; this maximizes
+ // the number of items submitted each time
+ if (current_batch_import != null)
+ return true;
+ mdbg("Auto-importing %d files".printf(import_queue.size));
+ // If no import roll, or it's been over IMPORT_ROLL_QUIET_SEC since using the last one,
+ // create a new one. This allows for multiple files to come in back-to-back and be
+ // imported on the same roll.
+ time_t now = (time_t) now_sec();
+ if (current_import_roll == null || (now - last_import_roll_use) >= IMPORT_ROLL_QUIET_SEC)
+ current_import_roll = new BatchImportRoll();
+ last_import_roll_use = now;
+ Gee.ArrayList<BatchImportJob> jobs = new Gee.ArrayList<BatchImportJob>();
+ foreach (File file in import_queue) {
+ if (is_blacklisted(file))
+ continue;
+ jobs.add(new FileImportJob(file, false));
+ pending_imports.add(file);
+ }
+ import_queue.clear();
+ BatchImport importer = new BatchImport(jobs, "LibraryMonitor autoimport",
+ null, null, null, null, current_import_roll);
+ importer.set_untrash_duplicates(false);
+ importer.set_mark_duplicates_online(false);
+ batch_import_queue.add(importer);
+ schedule_next_batch_import();
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void schedule_next_batch_import() {
+ if (current_batch_import != null || batch_import_queue.size == 0)
+ return;
+ current_batch_import = batch_import_queue[0];
+ current_batch_import.preparing.connect(on_import_preparing);
+ current_batch_import.progress.connect(on_import_progress);
+ current_batch_import.import_complete.connect(on_import_complete);
+ current_batch_import.schedule();
+ }
+ private void discard_current_batch_import() {
+ assert(current_batch_import != null);
+ bool removed = batch_import_queue.remove(current_batch_import);
+ assert(removed);
+ current_batch_import.preparing.disconnect(on_import_preparing);
+ current_batch_import.progress.disconnect(on_import_progress);
+ current_batch_import.import_complete.disconnect(on_import_complete);
+ current_batch_import = null;
+ // a "proper" way to do this would be a complex data structure that stores the association
+ // of every file to its BatchImport and removes it from the pending_imports Set when
+ // the BatchImport completes, cancelled or not (the removal using manifest.all in
+ // on_import_completed doesn't catch files not imported due to cancellation) ... but, since
+ // individual BatchImports can't be cancelled, only all of them, this works
+ if (batch_import_queue.size == 0)
+ pending_imports.clear();
+ }
+ private void cancel_batch_imports() {
+ // clear everything queued up (that is not the current batch import)
+ int ctr = 0;
+ while (ctr < batch_import_queue.size) {
+ if (batch_import_queue[ctr] == current_batch_import) {
+ ctr++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ batch_import_queue.remove(batch_import_queue[ctr]);
+ }
+ // cancel the current import and remove it when the completion is called
+ if (current_batch_import != null)
+ current_batch_import.user_halt();
+ // remove all pending so if a new import comes in, it won't be skipped
+ pending_imports.clear();
+ }
+ private void on_import_preparing() {
+ auto_import_preparing();
+ }
+ private void on_import_progress(uint64 completed_bytes, uint64 total_bytes) {
+ auto_import_progress(completed_bytes, total_bytes);
+ }
+ private void on_import_complete(BatchImport batch_import, ImportManifest manifest,
+ BatchImportRoll import_roll) {
+ assert(batch_import == current_batch_import);
+ mdbg("auto-import batch completed %d".printf(manifest.all.size));
+ auto_import_progress(0, 0);
+ foreach (BatchImportResult result in manifest.all) {
+ // don't verify the pending_imports file is removed, it can be removed if the import
+ // was cancelled
+ if (result.file != null)
+ pending_imports.remove(result.file);
+ }
+ if (manifest.already_imported.size > 0) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<TombstonedFile> to_tombstone = new Gee.ArrayList<TombstonedFile>();
+ foreach (BatchImportResult result in manifest.already_imported) {
+ FileInfo? info = get_file_info(result.file);
+ if (info == null) {
+ warning("Unable to get info for duplicate file %s", result.file.get_path());
+ continue;
+ }
+ to_tombstone.add(new TombstonedFile(result.file, info.get_size(), null));
+ }
+ try {
+ Tombstone.entomb_many_files(to_tombstone, Tombstone.Reason.AUTO_DETECTED_DUPLICATE);
+ } catch (DatabaseError err) {
+ AppWindow.database_error(err);
+ }
+ }
+ mdbg("%d files remain pending for auto-import".printf(pending_imports.size));
+ discard_current_batch_import();
+ schedule_next_batch_import();
+ }
+ //
+ // Real-time monitoring & auto-import
+ //
+ // USE WITH CARE. Because changes to the photo's state will not be updated as its backing
+ // file(s) change, it's possible for the library to diverge with what's on disk while the
+ // media source is blacklisted. If the media source is removed from the blacklist and
+ // unexpected state changes occur (such as file-altered being detected but not the file-create),
+ // the change will either be dropped on the floor or the state of the library will be
+ // indeterminate.
+ //
+ // Use of this method should be avoided at all costs (otherwise the point of the real-time
+ // monitor is negated).
+ public static void blacklist_file(File file, string reason) {
+ mdbg("[%s] Blacklisting %s".printf(reason, file.get_path()));
+ lock (blacklist) {
+ blacklist.add(file);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void unblacklist_file(File file) {
+ // don't want to immediately remove the blacklisted file because the monitoring events
+ // can come in much later
+ lock (blacklist) {
+ if (blacklist.contains(file) && !to_unblacklist.contains(file))
+ to_unblacklist.enqueue(file);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void on_unblacklist_file(File file) {
+ bool removed;
+ lock (blacklist) {
+ removed = blacklist.remove(file);
+ }
+ if (removed)
+ mdbg("Blacklist for %s removed".printf(file.get_path()));
+ else
+ warning("File %s was not blacklisted but unblacklisted", file.get_path());
+ }
+ public static bool is_blacklisted(File file) {
+ lock (blacklist) {
+ return blacklist.contains(file);
+ }
+ }
+ private bool is_supported_filetype(File file) {
+ return MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().get_collection_for_file(file) != null;
+ }
+ // NOTE: This only works when runtime monitoring is enabled. Otherwise, DirectoryMonitor will
+ // not be tracking files.
+ private void import_unrepresented_files() {
+ if (!auto_import)
+ return;
+ Gee.ArrayList<File> to_import = null;
+ foreach (File file in get_files()) {
+ FileInfo? info = get_file_info(file);
+ if (info == null || info.get_file_type() != FileType.REGULAR)
+ continue;
+ if (pending_imports.contains(file))
+ continue;
+ if (
+ continue;
+ bool represented = false;
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ if (monitor.is_file_represented(file)) {
+ represented = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (represented)
+ continue;
+ if (!is_supported_filetype(file))
+ continue;
+ if (to_import == null)
+ to_import = new Gee.ArrayList<File>(file_equal);
+ to_import.add(file);
+ }
+ if (to_import != null)
+ enqueue_import_many(to_import);
+ }
+ // It's possible for the monitor to miss a file create but report other activities, which we
+ // can use to pick up new files
+ private void runtime_unknown_file_discovered(File file) {
+ if (auto_import && is_supported_filetype(file) && ! {
+ mdbg("Unknown file %s discovered, enqueuing for import".printf(file.get_path()));
+ enqueue_import(file);
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void notify_file_created(File file, FileInfo info) {
+ if (is_blacklisted(file)) {
+ base.notify_file_created(file, info);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool known = false;
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ if (monitor.notify_file_created(file, info)) {
+ known = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!known) {
+ // attempt to match the new file with a Monitorable that is offline
+ Gee.HashSet<Monitorable> all_candidates = null;
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile result;
+ Gee.Collection<Monitorable>? candidates = monitor.candidates_for_unknown_file(file,
+ info, out result);
+ if (result == MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile.REPRESENTED ||
+ result == MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile.IGNORE) {
+ mdbg("%s %s created file %s".printf(monitor.to_string(), result.to_string(),
+ file.get_path()));
+ known = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (candidates != null && candidates.size > 0) {
+ mdbg("%s suggests %d candidates for created file %s".printf(monitor.to_string(),
+ candidates.size, file.get_path()));
+ if (all_candidates == null)
+ all_candidates = new Gee.HashSet<Monitorable>();
+ foreach (Monitorable candidate in candidates) {
+ if (monitor.is_offline(candidate))
+ all_candidates.add(candidate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!known && all_candidates != null && all_candidates.size > 0) {
+ mdbg("%d candidates for created file %s being checksummed".printf(all_candidates.size,
+ file.get_path()));
+ workers.enqueue(new RuntimeFindMoveJob(this, file, all_candidates));
+ // mark as known to avoid adding file for possible import
+ known = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!known)
+ runtime_unknown_file_discovered(file);
+ base.notify_file_created(file, info);
+ }
+ private void on_runtime_find_move_completed(BackgroundJob j) {
+ RuntimeFindMoveJob job = (RuntimeFindMoveJob) j;
+ if (job.err != null) {
+ critical("Error attempting to find a match at runtime for %s: %s", job.file.get_path(),
+ job.err.message);
+ }
+ if (job.match != null) {
+ MediaMonitor monitor = get_monitor_for_monitorable(job.match);
+ monitor.update_master_file(job.match, job.file);
+ monitor.update_online(job.match);
+ } else {
+ // no match found, mark file for possible import
+ runtime_unknown_file_discovered(job.file);
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void notify_file_moved(File old_file, File new_file, FileInfo new_info) {
+ if (is_blacklisted(old_file) || is_blacklisted(new_file)) {
+ base.notify_file_moved(old_file, new_file, new_info);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool known = false;
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ if (monitor.notify_file_moved(old_file, new_file, new_info)) {
+ known = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!known)
+ runtime_unknown_file_discovered(new_file);
+ base.notify_file_moved(old_file, new_file, new_info);
+ }
+ protected override void notify_file_altered(File file) {
+ if (is_blacklisted(file)) {
+ base.notify_file_altered(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool known = false;
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ if (monitor.notify_file_altered(file)) {
+ known = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!known)
+ runtime_unknown_file_discovered(file);
+ base.notify_file_altered(file);
+ }
+ protected override void notify_file_attributes_altered(File file) {
+ if (is_blacklisted(file)) {
+ base.notify_file_attributes_altered(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool known = false;
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ if (monitor.notify_file_attributes_altered(file)) {
+ known = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!known)
+ runtime_unknown_file_discovered(file);
+ base.notify_file_attributes_altered(file);
+ }
+ protected override void notify_file_alteration_completed(File file, FileInfo info) {
+ if (is_blacklisted(file)) {
+ base.notify_file_alteration_completed(file, info);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool known = false;
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ if (monitor.notify_file_alteration_completed(file, info)) {
+ known = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!known)
+ runtime_unknown_file_discovered(file);
+ base.notify_file_alteration_completed(file, info);
+ }
+ protected override void notify_file_deleted(File file) {
+ if (is_blacklisted(file)) {
+ base.notify_file_deleted(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool known = false;
+ foreach (MediaMonitor monitor in monitors) {
+ if (monitor.notify_file_deleted(file)) {
+ known = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!known) {
+ // ressurrect tombstone if deleted
+ Tombstone? tombstone =;
+ if (tombstone != null) {
+ debug("Resurrecting tombstoned file %s", file.get_path());
+ }
+ // remove from import queue
+ remove_queued_import(file);
+ }
+ base.notify_file_deleted(file);
+ }