path: root/src/CollectionPage.vala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/CollectionPage.vala')
1 files changed, 769 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/CollectionPage.vala b/src/CollectionPage.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22dcdee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CollectionPage.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
+ * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public class CollectionViewManager : ViewManager {
+ private CollectionPage page;
+ public CollectionViewManager(CollectionPage page) {
+ = page;
+ }
+ public override DataView create_view(DataSource source) {
+ return page.create_thumbnail(source);
+ }
+public abstract class CollectionPage : MediaPage {
+ private const double DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_TRANSITION_SEC = 2.0;
+ protected class CollectionSearchViewFilter : DefaultSearchViewFilter {
+ public override uint get_criteria() {
+ return SearchFilterCriteria.TEXT | SearchFilterCriteria.FLAG |
+ SearchFilterCriteria.MEDIA | SearchFilterCriteria.RATING;
+ }
+ }
+ private ExporterUI exporter = null;
+ private CollectionSearchViewFilter search_filter = new CollectionSearchViewFilter();
+ public CollectionPage(string page_name) {
+ base (page_name);
+ get_view().items_altered.connect(on_photos_altered);
+ init_item_context_menu("/CollectionContextMenu");
+ init_toolbar("/CollectionToolbar");
+ show_all();
+ // watch for updates to the external app settings
+ Config.Facade.get_instance().external_app_changed.connect(on_external_app_changed);
+ }
+ public override Gtk.Toolbar get_toolbar() {
+ if (toolbar == null) {
+ base.get_toolbar();
+ // separator to force slider to right side of toolbar
+ Gtk.SeparatorToolItem separator = new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem();
+ separator.set_expand(true);
+ separator.set_draw(false);
+ get_toolbar().insert(separator, -1);
+ Gtk.SeparatorToolItem drawn_separator = new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem();
+ drawn_separator.set_expand(false);
+ drawn_separator.set_draw(true);
+ get_toolbar().insert(drawn_separator, -1);
+ // zoom slider assembly
+ MediaPage.ZoomSliderAssembly zoom_slider_assembly = create_zoom_slider_assembly();
+ connect_slider(zoom_slider_assembly);
+ get_toolbar().insert(zoom_slider_assembly, -1);
+ }
+ return toolbar;
+ }
+ private static InjectionGroup create_file_menu_injectables() {
+ InjectionGroup group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/FileMenu/FileExtrasPlaceholder");
+ group.add_menu_item("Print");
+ group.add_separator();
+ group.add_menu_item("Publish");
+ group.add_menu_item("SendTo");
+ group.add_menu_item("SetBackground");
+ return group;
+ }
+ private static InjectionGroup create_edit_menu_injectables() {
+ InjectionGroup group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/EditMenu/EditExtrasPlaceholder");
+ group.add_menu_item("Duplicate");
+ return group;
+ }
+ private static InjectionGroup create_view_menu_fullscreen_injectables() {
+ InjectionGroup group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/ViewMenu/ViewExtrasFullscreenSlideshowPlaceholder");
+ group.add_menu_item("Fullscreen", "CommonFullscreen");
+ group.add_separator();
+ group.add_menu_item("Slideshow");
+ return group;
+ }
+ private static InjectionGroup create_photos_menu_edits_injectables() {
+ InjectionGroup group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/PhotosMenu/PhotosExtrasEditsPlaceholder");
+ group.add_menu_item("RotateClockwise");
+ group.add_menu_item("RotateCounterclockwise");
+ group.add_menu_item("FlipHorizontally");
+ group.add_menu_item("FlipVertically");
+ group.add_separator();
+ group.add_menu_item("Enhance");
+ group.add_menu_item("Revert");
+ group.add_separator();
+ group.add_menu_item("CopyColorAdjustments");
+ group.add_menu_item("PasteColorAdjustments");
+ return group;
+ }
+ private static InjectionGroup create_photos_menu_date_injectables() {
+ InjectionGroup group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/PhotosMenu/PhotosExtrasDateTimePlaceholder");
+ group.add_menu_item("AdjustDateTime");
+ return group;
+ }
+ private static InjectionGroup create_photos_menu_externals_injectables() {
+ InjectionGroup group = new InjectionGroup("/MenuBar/PhotosMenu/PhotosExtrasExternalsPlaceholder");
+ group.add_menu_item("ExternalEdit");
+ group.add_menu_item("ExternalEditRAW");
+ group.add_menu_item("PlayVideo");
+ return group;
+ }
+ protected override void init_collect_ui_filenames(Gee.List<string> ui_filenames) {
+ base.init_collect_ui_filenames(ui_filenames);
+ ui_filenames.add("collection.ui");
+ }
+ protected override Gtk.ActionEntry[] init_collect_action_entries() {
+ Gtk.ActionEntry[] actions = base.init_collect_action_entries();
+ Gtk.ActionEntry print = { "Print", Gtk.Stock.PRINT, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>P",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_print };
+ print.label = Resources.PRINT_MENU;
+ actions += print;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry publish = { "Publish", Resources.PUBLISH, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl><Shift>P",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_publish };
+ publish.label = Resources.PUBLISH_MENU;
+ publish.tooltip = Resources.PUBLISH_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += publish;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rotate_right = { "RotateClockwise", Resources.CLOCKWISE,
+ TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>R", TRANSLATABLE, on_rotate_clockwise };
+ rotate_right.label = Resources.ROTATE_CW_MENU;
+ rotate_right.tooltip = Resources.ROTATE_CW_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += rotate_right;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry rotate_left = { "RotateCounterclockwise", Resources.COUNTERCLOCKWISE,
+ TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl><Shift>R", TRANSLATABLE, on_rotate_counterclockwise };
+ rotate_left.label = Resources.ROTATE_CCW_MENU;
+ rotate_left.tooltip = Resources.ROTATE_CCW_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += rotate_left;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry hflip = { "FlipHorizontally", Resources.HFLIP, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_flip_horizontally };
+ hflip.label = Resources.HFLIP_MENU;
+ actions += hflip;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry vflip = { "FlipVertically", Resources.VFLIP, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_flip_vertically };
+ vflip.label = Resources.VFLIP_MENU;
+ actions += vflip;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry enhance = { "Enhance", Resources.ENHANCE, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>E",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_enhance };
+ enhance.label = Resources.ENHANCE_MENU;
+ enhance.tooltip = Resources.ENHANCE_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += enhance;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry copy_adjustments = { "CopyColorAdjustments", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl><Shift>C", TRANSLATABLE, on_copy_adjustments};
+ copy_adjustments.label = Resources.COPY_ADJUSTMENTS_MENU;
+ copy_adjustments.tooltip = Resources.COPY_ADJUSTMENTS_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += copy_adjustments;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry paste_adjustments = { "PasteColorAdjustments", null, TRANSLATABLE,
+ "<Ctrl><Shift>V", TRANSLATABLE, on_paste_adjustments};
+ paste_adjustments.label = Resources.PASTE_ADJUSTMENTS_MENU;
+ paste_adjustments.tooltip = Resources.PASTE_ADJUSTMENTS_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += paste_adjustments;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry revert = { "Revert", Gtk.Stock.REVERT_TO_SAVED, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_revert };
+ revert.label = Resources.REVERT_MENU;
+ actions += revert;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry set_background = { "SetBackground", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>B",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_set_background };
+ set_background.label = Resources.SET_BACKGROUND_MENU;
+ set_background.tooltip = Resources.SET_BACKGROUND_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += set_background;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry duplicate = { "Duplicate", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>D", TRANSLATABLE,
+ on_duplicate_photo };
+ duplicate.label = Resources.DUPLICATE_PHOTO_MENU;
+ duplicate.tooltip = Resources.DUPLICATE_PHOTO_TOOLTIP;
+ actions += duplicate;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry adjust_date_time = { "AdjustDateTime", null, TRANSLATABLE, null,
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_adjust_date_time };
+ adjust_date_time.label = Resources.ADJUST_DATE_TIME_MENU;
+ actions += adjust_date_time;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry external_edit = { "ExternalEdit", Gtk.Stock.EDIT, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>Return",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_external_edit };
+ external_edit.label = Resources.EXTERNAL_EDIT_MENU;
+ actions += external_edit;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry edit_raw = { "ExternalEditRAW", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl><Shift>Return",
+ TRANSLATABLE, on_external_edit_raw };
+ edit_raw.label = Resources.EXTERNAL_EDIT_RAW_MENU;
+ actions += edit_raw;
+ Gtk.ActionEntry slideshow = { "Slideshow", null, TRANSLATABLE, "F5", TRANSLATABLE,
+ on_slideshow };
+ slideshow.label = _("S_lideshow");
+ slideshow.tooltip = _("Play a slideshow");
+ actions += slideshow;
+ return actions;
+ }
+ protected override InjectionGroup[] init_collect_injection_groups() {
+ InjectionGroup[] groups = base.init_collect_injection_groups();
+ groups += create_file_menu_injectables();
+ groups += create_edit_menu_injectables();
+ groups += create_view_menu_fullscreen_injectables();
+ groups += create_photos_menu_edits_injectables();
+ groups += create_photos_menu_date_injectables();
+ groups += create_photos_menu_externals_injectables();
+ return groups;
+ }
+ private bool selection_has_video() {
+ return MediaSourceCollection.has_video((Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) get_view().get_selected_sources());
+ }
+ private bool page_has_photo() {
+ return MediaSourceCollection.has_photo((Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) get_view().get_sources());
+ }
+ private bool selection_has_photo() {
+ return MediaSourceCollection.has_photo((Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) get_view().get_selected_sources());
+ }
+ protected override void init_actions(int selected_count, int count) {
+ base.init_actions(selected_count, count);
+ set_action_short_label("RotateClockwise", Resources.ROTATE_CW_LABEL);
+ set_action_short_label("RotateCounterclockwise", Resources.ROTATE_CCW_LABEL);
+ set_action_short_label("Publish", Resources.PUBLISH_LABEL);
+ set_action_important("RotateClockwise", true);
+ set_action_important("RotateCounterclockwise", true);
+ set_action_important("Enhance", true);
+ set_action_important("Publish", true);
+ }
+ protected override void update_actions(int selected_count, int count) {
+ base.update_actions(selected_count, count);
+ bool one_selected = selected_count == 1;
+ bool has_selected = selected_count > 0;
+ bool primary_is_video = false;
+ if (has_selected)
+ if (get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source() is Video)
+ primary_is_video = true;
+ bool selection_has_videos = selection_has_video();
+ bool page_has_photos = page_has_photo();
+ // don't allow duplication of the selection if it contains a video -- videos are huge and
+ // and they're not editable anyway, so there seems to be no use case for duplicating them
+ set_action_sensitive("Duplicate", has_selected && (!selection_has_videos));
+ set_action_visible("ExternalEdit", (!primary_is_video));
+ set_action_sensitive("ExternalEdit",
+ one_selected && !is_string_empty(Config.Facade.get_instance().get_external_photo_app()));
+ set_action_visible("ExternalEditRAW",
+ one_selected && (!primary_is_video)
+ && ((Photo) get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source()).get_master_file_format() ==
+ PhotoFileFormat.RAW
+ && !is_string_empty(Config.Facade.get_instance().get_external_raw_app()));
+ set_action_sensitive("Revert", (!selection_has_videos) && can_revert_selected());
+ set_action_sensitive("Enhance", (!selection_has_videos) && has_selected);
+ set_action_sensitive("CopyColorAdjustments", (!selection_has_videos) && one_selected &&
+ ((Photo) get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source()).has_color_adjustments());
+ set_action_sensitive("PasteColorAdjustments", (!selection_has_videos) && has_selected &&
+ PixelTransformationBundle.has_copied_color_adjustments());
+ set_action_sensitive("RotateClockwise", (!selection_has_videos) && has_selected);
+ set_action_sensitive("RotateCounterclockwise", (!selection_has_videos) && has_selected);
+ set_action_sensitive("FlipHorizontally", (!selection_has_videos) && has_selected);
+ set_action_sensitive("FlipVertically", (!selection_has_videos) && has_selected);
+ // Allow changing of exposure time, even if there's a video in the current
+ // selection.
+ set_action_sensitive("AdjustDateTime", has_selected);
+ set_action_sensitive("NewEvent", has_selected);
+ set_action_sensitive("AddTags", has_selected);
+ set_action_sensitive("ModifyTags", one_selected);
+ set_action_sensitive("Slideshow", page_has_photos && (!primary_is_video));
+ set_action_sensitive("Print", (!selection_has_videos) && has_selected);
+ set_action_sensitive("Publish", has_selected);
+ set_action_sensitive("SetBackground", (!selection_has_videos) && has_selected );
+ if (has_selected) {
+ Gtk.Action? set_background = get_action("SetBackground");
+ if (set_background != null) {
+ set_background.label = one_selected
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_photos_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> altered) {
+ // only check for revert if the media object is a photo and its image has changed in some
+ // way and it's in the selection
+ foreach (DataObject object in altered.keys) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ if (!view.is_selected() || !altered.get(view).has_subject("image"))
+ continue;
+ LibraryPhoto? photo = view.get_source() as LibraryPhoto;
+ if (photo == null)
+ continue;
+ // since the photo can be altered externally to Shotwell now, need to make the revert
+ // command available appropriately, even if the selection doesn't change
+ set_action_sensitive("Revert", can_revert_selected());
+ set_action_sensitive("CopyColorAdjustments", photo.has_color_adjustments());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_print() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() > 0) {
+ PrintManager.get_instance().spool_photo(
+ (Gee.Collection<Photo>) get_view().get_selected_sources_of_type(typeof(Photo)));
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_external_app_changed() {
+ int selected_count = get_view().get_selected_count();
+ set_action_sensitive("ExternalEdit", selected_count == 1 && Config.Facade.get_instance().get_external_photo_app() != "");
+ }
+ // see #2020
+ // double clcik = switch to photo page
+ // Super + double click = open in external editor
+ // Enter = switch to PhotoPage
+ // Ctrl + Enter = open in external editor (handled with accelerators)
+ // Shift + Ctrl + Enter = open in external RAW editor (handled with accelerators)
+ protected override void on_item_activated(CheckerboardItem item, CheckerboardPage.Activator
+ activator, CheckerboardPage.KeyboardModifiers modifiers) {
+ Thumbnail thumbnail = (Thumbnail) item;
+ // none of the fancy Super, Ctrl, Shift, etc., keyboard accelerators apply to videos,
+ // since they can't be RAW files or be opened in an external editor, etc., so if this is
+ // a video, just play it and do a short-circuit return
+ if (thumbnail.get_media_source() is Video) {
+ on_play_video();
+ return;
+ }
+ LibraryPhoto? photo = thumbnail.get_media_source() as LibraryPhoto;
+ if (photo == null)
+ return;
+ // switch to full-page view or open in external editor
+ debug("activating %s", photo.to_string());
+ if (activator == CheckerboardPage.Activator.MOUSE) {
+ if (modifiers.super_pressed)
+ on_external_edit();
+ else
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_photo_page(this, photo);
+ } else if (activator == CheckerboardPage.Activator.KEYBOARD) {
+ if (!modifiers.shift_pressed && !modifiers.ctrl_pressed)
+ LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_photo_page(this, photo);
+ }
+ }
+ protected override bool on_app_key_pressed(Gdk.EventKey event) {
+ bool handled = true;
+ switch (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)) {
+ case "Page_Up":
+ case "KP_Page_Up":
+ case "Page_Down":
+ case "KP_Page_Down":
+ case "Home":
+ case "KP_Home":
+ case "End":
+ case "KP_End":
+ key_press_event(event);
+ break;
+ case "bracketright":
+ activate_action("RotateClockwise");
+ break;
+ case "bracketleft":
+ activate_action("RotateCounterclockwise");
+ break;
+ default:
+ handled = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return handled ? true : base.on_app_key_pressed(event);
+ }
+ protected override void on_export() {
+ if (exporter != null)
+ return;
+ Gee.Collection<MediaSource> export_list =
+ (Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) get_view().get_selected_sources();
+ if (export_list.size == 0)
+ return;
+ bool has_some_photos = selection_has_photo();
+ bool has_some_videos = selection_has_video();
+ assert(has_some_photos || has_some_videos);
+ // if we don't have any photos, then everything is a video, so skip displaying the Export
+ // dialog and go right to the video export operation
+ if (!has_some_photos) {
+ exporter = Video.export_many((Gee.Collection<Video>) export_list, on_export_completed);
+ return;
+ }
+ string title = null;
+ if (has_some_videos)
+ title = (export_list.size == 1) ? _("Export Photo/Video") : _("Export Photos/Videos");
+ else
+ title = (export_list.size == 1) ? _("Export Photo") : _("Export Photos");
+ ExportDialog export_dialog = new ExportDialog(title);
+ // Setting up the parameters object requires a bit of thinking about what the user wants.
+ // If the selection contains only photos, then we do what we've done in previous versions
+ // of Shotwell -- we use whatever settings the user selected on his last export operation
+ // (the thinking here being that if you've been exporting small PNGs for your blog
+ // for the last n export operations, then it's likely that for your (n + 1)-th export
+ // operation you'll also be exporting a small PNG for your blog). However, if the selection
+ // contains any videos, then we set the parameters to the "Current" operating mode, since
+ // videos can't be saved as PNGs (or any other specific photo format).
+ ExportFormatParameters export_params = (has_some_videos) ? ExportFormatParameters.current() :
+ ExportFormatParameters.last();
+ int scale;
+ ScaleConstraint constraint;
+ if (!export_dialog.execute(out scale, out constraint, ref export_params))
+ return;
+ Scaling scaling = Scaling.for_constraint(constraint, scale, false);
+ // handle the single-photo case, which is treated like a Save As file operation
+ if (export_list.size == 1) {
+ LibraryPhoto photo = null;
+ foreach (LibraryPhoto p in (Gee.Collection<LibraryPhoto>) export_list) {
+ photo = p;
+ break;
+ }
+ File save_as =
+ ExportUI.choose_file(photo.get_export_basename_for_parameters(export_params));
+ if (save_as == null)
+ return;
+ try {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ photo.export(save_as, scaling, export_params.quality,
+ photo.get_export_format_for_parameters(export_params), export_params.mode ==
+ ExportFormatMode.UNMODIFIED, export_params.export_metadata);
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ export_error_dialog(save_as, false);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // multiple photos or videos
+ File export_dir = ExportUI.choose_dir(title);
+ if (export_dir == null)
+ return;
+ exporter = new ExporterUI(new Exporter(export_list, export_dir, scaling, export_params));
+ exporter.export(on_export_completed);
+ }
+ private void on_export_completed() {
+ exporter = null;
+ }
+ private bool can_revert_selected() {
+ foreach (DataSource source in get_view().get_selected_sources()) {
+ LibraryPhoto? photo = source as LibraryPhoto;
+ if (photo != null && (photo.has_transformations() || photo.has_editable()))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private bool can_revert_editable_selected() {
+ foreach (DataSource source in get_view().get_selected_sources()) {
+ LibraryPhoto? photo = source as LibraryPhoto;
+ if (photo != null && photo.has_editable())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void on_rotate_clockwise() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ RotateMultipleCommand command = new RotateMultipleCommand(get_view().get_selected(),
+ _("Rotating"), _("Undoing Rotate"));
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ private void on_publish() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() > 0)
+ PublishingUI.PublishingDialog.go(
+ (Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) get_view().get_selected_sources());
+ }
+ private void on_rotate_counterclockwise() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ RotateMultipleCommand command = new RotateMultipleCommand(get_view().get_selected(),
+ _("Rotating"), _("Undoing Rotate"));
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ private void on_flip_horizontally() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ RotateMultipleCommand command = new RotateMultipleCommand(get_view().get_selected(),
+ Rotation.MIRROR, Resources.HFLIP_LABEL, "", _("Flipping Horizontally"),
+ _("Undoing Flip Horizontally"));
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ private void on_flip_vertically() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ RotateMultipleCommand command = new RotateMultipleCommand(get_view().get_selected(),
+ Rotation.UPSIDE_DOWN, Resources.VFLIP_LABEL, "", _("Flipping Vertically"),
+ _("Undoing Flip Vertically"));
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ private void on_revert() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ if (can_revert_editable_selected()) {
+ if (!revert_editable_dialog(AppWindow.get_instance(),
+ (Gee.Collection<Photo>) get_view().get_selected_sources())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (DataObject object in get_view().get_selected_sources())
+ ((Photo) object).revert_to_master();
+ }
+ RevertMultipleCommand command = new RevertMultipleCommand(get_view().get_selected());
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ public void on_copy_adjustments() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() != 1)
+ return;
+ Photo photo = (Photo) get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source();
+ PixelTransformationBundle.set_copied_color_adjustments(photo.get_color_adjustments());
+ set_action_sensitive("PasteColorAdjustments", true);
+ }
+ public void on_paste_adjustments() {
+ PixelTransformationBundle? copied_adjustments = PixelTransformationBundle.get_copied_color_adjustments();
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0 || copied_adjustments == null)
+ return;
+ AdjustColorsMultipleCommand command = new AdjustColorsMultipleCommand(get_view().get_selected(),
+ copied_adjustments, Resources.PASTE_ADJUSTMENTS_LABEL, Resources.PASTE_ADJUSTMENTS_TOOLTIP);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ private void on_enhance() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ EnhanceMultipleCommand command = new EnhanceMultipleCommand(get_view().get_selected());
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ private void on_duplicate_photo() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ DuplicateMultiplePhotosCommand command = new DuplicateMultiplePhotosCommand(
+ get_view().get_selected());
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ private void on_adjust_date_time() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ bool selected_has_videos = false;
+ bool only_videos_selected = true;
+ foreach (DataView dv in get_view().get_selected()) {
+ if (dv.get_source() is Video)
+ selected_has_videos = true;
+ else
+ only_videos_selected = false;
+ }
+ Dateable photo_source = (Dateable) get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source();
+ AdjustDateTimeDialog dialog = new AdjustDateTimeDialog(photo_source,
+ get_view().get_selected_count(), true, selected_has_videos, only_videos_selected);
+ int64 time_shift;
+ bool keep_relativity, modify_originals;
+ if (dialog.execute(out time_shift, out keep_relativity, out modify_originals)) {
+ AdjustDateTimePhotosCommand command = new AdjustDateTimePhotosCommand(
+ get_view().get_selected(), time_shift, keep_relativity, modify_originals);
+ get_command_manager().execute(command);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_external_edit() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() != 1)
+ return;
+ Photo photo = (Photo) get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source();
+ try {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ photo.open_with_external_editor();
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ open_external_editor_error_dialog(err, photo);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_external_edit_raw() {
+ if (get_view().get_selected_count() != 1)
+ return;
+ Photo photo = (Photo) get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source();
+ if (photo.get_master_file_format() != PhotoFileFormat.RAW)
+ return;
+ try {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ photo.open_with_raw_external_editor();
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ AppWindow.error_message(Resources.launch_editor_failed(err));
+ }
+ }
+ public void on_set_background() {
+ Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto> photos = new Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto>();
+ MediaSourceCollection.filter_media((Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) get_view().get_selected_sources(),
+ photos, null);
+ bool desktop, screensaver;
+ if (photos.size == 1) {
+ SetBackgroundPhotoDialog dialog = new SetBackgroundPhotoDialog();
+ if (dialog.execute(out desktop, out screensaver)) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ DesktopIntegration.set_background(photos[0], desktop, screensaver);
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ }
+ } else if (photos.size > 1) {
+ SetBackgroundSlideshowDialog dialog = new SetBackgroundSlideshowDialog();
+ int delay;
+ if (dialog.execute(out delay, out desktop, out screensaver)) {
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor();
+ DesktopIntegration.set_background_slideshow(photos, delay,
+ DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_TRANSITION_SEC, desktop, screensaver);
+ AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_slideshow() {
+ if (get_view().get_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ // use first selected photo, else use first photo
+ Gee.List<DataSource>? sources = (get_view().get_selected_count() > 0)
+ ? get_view().get_selected_sources_of_type(typeof(LibraryPhoto))
+ : get_view().get_sources_of_type(typeof(LibraryPhoto));
+ if (sources == null || sources.size == 0)
+ return;
+ Thumbnail? thumbnail = (Thumbnail?) get_view().get_view_for_source(sources[0]);
+ if (thumbnail == null)
+ return;
+ LibraryPhoto? photo = thumbnail.get_media_source() as LibraryPhoto;
+ if (photo == null)
+ return;
+ AppWindow.get_instance().go_fullscreen(new SlideshowPage(, get_view(),
+ photo));
+ }
+ protected override bool on_ctrl_pressed(Gdk.EventKey? event) {
+ Gtk.ToolButton? rotate_button = ui.get_widget("/CollectionToolbar/ToolRotate")
+ as Gtk.ToolButton;
+ if (rotate_button != null)
+ rotate_button.set_related_action(get_action("RotateCounterclockwise"));
+ return base.on_ctrl_pressed(event);
+ }
+ protected override bool on_ctrl_released(Gdk.EventKey? event) {
+ Gtk.ToolButton? rotate_button = ui.get_widget("/CollectionToolbar/ToolRotate")
+ as Gtk.ToolButton;
+ if (rotate_button != null)
+ rotate_button.set_related_action(get_action("RotateClockwise"));
+ return base.on_ctrl_released(event);
+ }
+ public override SearchViewFilter get_search_view_filter() {
+ return search_filter;
+ }