path: root/src/Dimensions.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Dimensions.vala')
1 files changed, 732 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Dimensions.vala b/src/Dimensions.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f689aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Dimensions.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
+ * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public enum ScaleConstraint {
+ public string? to_string() {
+ switch (this) {
+ case ORIGINAL:
+ return _("Original size");
+ return _("Width or height");
+ case WIDTH:
+ return _("Width");
+ case HEIGHT:
+ return _("Height");
+ // TODO: Translate (not used in UI at this point)
+ return "Fill Viewport";
+ }
+ warn_if_reached();
+ return null;
+ }
+public struct Dimensions {
+ public int width;
+ public int height;
+ public Dimensions(int width = 0, int height = 0) {
+ if ((width < 0) || (height < 0))
+ warning("Tried to construct a Dimensions object with negative width or height - forcing sensible default values.");
+ this.width = width.clamp(0, width);
+ this.height = height.clamp(0, height);
+ }
+ public static Dimensions for_pixbuf(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) {
+ return Dimensions(pixbuf.get_width(), pixbuf.get_height());
+ }
+ public static Dimensions for_allocation(Gtk.Allocation allocation) {
+ return Dimensions(allocation.width, allocation.height);
+ }
+ public static Dimensions for_widget_allocation(Gtk.Widget widget) {
+ Gtk.Allocation allocation;
+ widget.get_allocation(out allocation);
+ return Dimensions(allocation.width, allocation.height);
+ }
+ public static Dimensions for_rectangle(Gdk.Rectangle rect) {
+ return Dimensions(rect.width, rect.height);
+ }
+ public bool has_area() {
+ return (width > 0 && height > 0);
+ }
+ public Dimensions floor(Dimensions min = Dimensions(1, 1)) {
+ return Dimensions((width > min.width) ? width : min.width,
+ (height > min.height) ? height : min.height);
+ }
+ public string to_string() {
+ return "%dx%d".printf(width, height);
+ }
+ public bool equals(Dimensions dim) {
+ return (width == dim.width && height == dim.height);
+ }
+ // sometimes a pixel or two is okay
+ public bool approx_equals(Dimensions dim, int fudge = 1) {
+ return (width - dim.width).abs() <= fudge && (height - dim.height).abs() <= fudge;
+ }
+ public bool approx_scaled(int scale, int fudge = 1) {
+ return (width <= (scale + fudge)) && (height <= (scale + fudge));
+ }
+ public int major_axis() {
+ return int.max(width, height);
+ }
+ public int minor_axis() {
+ return int.min(width, height);
+ }
+ public Dimensions with_min(int min_width, int min_height) {
+ return Dimensions(int.max(width, min_width), int.max(height, min_height));
+ }
+ public Dimensions with_max(int max_width, int max_height) {
+ return Dimensions(int.min(width, max_width), int.min(height, max_height));
+ }
+ public Dimensions get_scaled(int scale, bool scale_up) {
+ assert(scale > 0);
+ // check for existing best-fit
+ if ((width == scale && height < scale) || (height == scale && width < scale))
+ return Dimensions(width, height);
+ // watch for scaling up
+ if (!scale_up && (width < scale && height < scale))
+ return Dimensions(width, height);
+ if ((width - scale) > (height - scale))
+ return get_scaled_by_width(scale);
+ else
+ return get_scaled_by_height(scale);
+ }
+ public void get_scale_ratios(Dimensions scaled, out double width_ratio, out double height_ratio) {
+ width_ratio = (double) scaled.width / (double) width;
+ height_ratio = (double) scaled.height / (double) height;
+ }
+ public double get_aspect_ratio() {
+ return ((double) width) / height;
+ }
+ public Dimensions get_scaled_proportional(Dimensions viewport) {
+ double width_ratio, height_ratio;
+ get_scale_ratios(viewport, out width_ratio, out height_ratio);
+ double scaled_width, scaled_height;
+ if (width_ratio < height_ratio) {
+ scaled_width = viewport.width;
+ scaled_height = (double) height * width_ratio;
+ } else {
+ scaled_width = (double) width * height_ratio;
+ scaled_height = viewport.height;
+ }
+ Dimensions scaled = Dimensions((int) Math.round(scaled_width),
+ (int) Math.round(scaled_height)).floor();
+ assert(scaled.height <= viewport.height);
+ assert(scaled.width <= viewport.width);
+ return scaled;
+ }
+ public Dimensions get_scaled_to_fill_viewport(Dimensions viewport) {
+ double width_ratio, height_ratio;
+ get_scale_ratios(viewport, out width_ratio, out height_ratio);
+ double scaled_width, scaled_height;
+ if (width < viewport.width && height >= viewport.height) {
+ // too narrow
+ scaled_width = viewport.width;
+ scaled_height = (double) height * width_ratio;
+ } else if (width >= viewport.width && height < viewport.height) {
+ // too short
+ scaled_width = (double) width * height_ratio;
+ scaled_height = viewport.height;
+ } else {
+ // both are smaller or larger
+ double ratio = double.max(width_ratio, height_ratio);
+ scaled_width = (double) width * ratio;
+ scaled_height = (double) height * ratio;
+ }
+ return Dimensions((int) Math.round(scaled_width), (int) Math.round(scaled_height)).floor();
+ }
+ public Gdk.Rectangle get_scaled_rectangle(Dimensions scaled, Gdk.Rectangle rect) {
+ double x_scale, y_scale;
+ get_scale_ratios(scaled, out x_scale, out y_scale);
+ Gdk.Rectangle scaled_rect = Gdk.Rectangle();
+ scaled_rect.x = (int) Math.round((double) rect.x * x_scale);
+ scaled_rect.y = (int) Math.round((double) rect.y * y_scale);
+ scaled_rect.width = (int) Math.round((double) rect.width * x_scale);
+ scaled_rect.height = (int) Math.round((double) rect.height * y_scale);
+ if (scaled_rect.width <= 0)
+ scaled_rect.width = 1;
+ if (scaled_rect.height <= 0)
+ scaled_rect.height = 1;
+ return scaled_rect;
+ }
+ // Returns the current dimensions scaled in a similar proportion as the two suppled dimensions
+ public Dimensions get_scaled_similar(Dimensions original, Dimensions scaled) {
+ double x_scale, y_scale;
+ original.get_scale_ratios(scaled, out x_scale, out y_scale);
+ double scale = double.min(x_scale, y_scale);
+ return Dimensions((int) Math.round((double) width * scale),
+ (int) Math.round((double) height * scale)).floor();
+ }
+ public Dimensions get_scaled_by_width(int scale) {
+ assert(scale > 0);
+ double ratio = (double) scale / (double) width;
+ return Dimensions(scale, (int) Math.round((double) height * ratio)).floor();
+ }
+ public Dimensions get_scaled_by_height(int scale) {
+ assert(scale > 0);
+ double ratio = (double) scale / (double) height;
+ return Dimensions((int) Math.round((double) width * ratio), scale).floor();
+ }
+ public Dimensions get_scaled_by_constraint(int scale, ScaleConstraint constraint) {
+ switch (constraint) {
+ case ScaleConstraint.ORIGINAL:
+ return Dimensions(width, height);
+ case ScaleConstraint.DIMENSIONS:
+ return (width >= height) ? get_scaled_by_width(scale) : get_scaled_by_height(scale);
+ case ScaleConstraint.WIDTH:
+ return get_scaled_by_width(scale);
+ case ScaleConstraint.HEIGHT:
+ return get_scaled_by_height(scale);
+ default:
+ error("Bad constraint: %d", (int) constraint);
+ }
+ }
+public struct Scaling {
+ private const int NO_SCALE = 0;
+ public ScaleConstraint constraint;
+ public int scale;
+ public Dimensions viewport;
+ public bool scale_up;
+ private Scaling(ScaleConstraint constraint, int scale, Dimensions viewport, bool scale_up) {
+ this.constraint = constraint;
+ this.scale = scale;
+ this.viewport = viewport;
+ this.scale_up = scale_up;
+ }
+ public static Scaling for_original() {
+ return Scaling(ScaleConstraint.ORIGINAL, NO_SCALE, Dimensions(), false);
+ }
+ public static Scaling for_screen(Gtk.Window window, bool scale_up) {
+ return for_viewport(get_screen_dimensions(window), scale_up);
+ }
+ public static Scaling for_best_fit(int pixels, bool scale_up) {
+ assert(pixels > 0);
+ return Scaling(ScaleConstraint.DIMENSIONS, pixels, Dimensions(), scale_up);
+ }
+ public static Scaling for_viewport(Dimensions viewport, bool scale_up) {
+ assert(viewport.has_area());
+ return Scaling(ScaleConstraint.DIMENSIONS, NO_SCALE, viewport, scale_up);
+ }
+ public static Scaling for_widget(Gtk.Widget widget, bool scale_up) {
+ Dimensions viewport = Dimensions.for_widget_allocation(widget);
+ // Because it seems that Gtk.Application realizes the main window and its
+ // attendant widgets lazily, it's possible to get here with the PhotoPage's
+ // canvas believing it is 1px by 1px, which can lead to a scaling that
+ // gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple can't handle.
+ //
+ // If we get here, and the widget we're being drawn into is 1x1, then, most likely,
+ // it's not fully realized yet (since nothing in Shotwell requires this), so just
+ // ignore it and return something safe instead.
+ if ((viewport.width <= 1) || (viewport.height <= 1))
+ return for_original();
+ return Scaling(ScaleConstraint.DIMENSIONS, NO_SCALE, viewport, scale_up);
+ }
+ public static Scaling to_fill_viewport(Dimensions viewport) {
+ // Please see the comment in Scaling.for_widget as to why this is
+ // required.
+ if ((viewport.width <= 1) || (viewport.height <= 1))
+ return for_original();
+ return Scaling(ScaleConstraint.FILL_VIEWPORT, NO_SCALE, viewport, true);
+ }
+ public static Scaling to_fill_screen(Gtk.Window window) {
+ return to_fill_viewport(get_screen_dimensions(window));
+ }
+ public static Scaling for_constraint(ScaleConstraint constraint, int scale, bool scale_up) {
+ return Scaling(constraint, scale, Dimensions(), scale_up);
+ }
+ private static Dimensions get_screen_dimensions(Gtk.Window window) {
+ Gdk.Screen screen = window.get_screen();
+ return Dimensions(screen.get_width(), screen.get_height());
+ }
+ private int scale_to_pixels() {
+ return (scale >= 0) ? scale : 0;
+ }
+ public bool is_unscaled() {
+ return constraint == ScaleConstraint.ORIGINAL;
+ }
+ public bool is_best_fit(Dimensions original, out int pixels) {
+ pixels = 0;
+ if (scale == NO_SCALE)
+ return false;
+ switch (constraint) {
+ case ScaleConstraint.ORIGINAL:
+ case ScaleConstraint.FILL_VIEWPORT:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ pixels = scale_to_pixels();
+ assert(pixels > 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public bool is_best_fit_dimensions(Dimensions original, out Dimensions scaled) {
+ scaled = Dimensions();
+ if (scale == NO_SCALE)
+ return false;
+ switch (constraint) {
+ case ScaleConstraint.ORIGINAL:
+ case ScaleConstraint.FILL_VIEWPORT:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ int pixels = scale_to_pixels();
+ assert(pixels > 0);
+ scaled = original.get_scaled_by_constraint(pixels, constraint);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public bool is_for_viewport(Dimensions original, out Dimensions scaled) {
+ scaled = Dimensions();
+ if (scale != NO_SCALE)
+ return false;
+ switch (constraint) {
+ case ScaleConstraint.ORIGINAL:
+ case ScaleConstraint.FILL_VIEWPORT:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ assert(viewport.has_area());
+ if (!scale_up && original.width < viewport.width && original.height < viewport.height)
+ scaled = original;
+ else
+ scaled = original.get_scaled_proportional(viewport);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public bool is_fill_viewport(Dimensions original, out Dimensions scaled) {
+ scaled = Dimensions();
+ if (constraint != ScaleConstraint.FILL_VIEWPORT)
+ return false;
+ assert(viewport.has_area());
+ scaled = original.get_scaled_to_fill_viewport(viewport);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public Dimensions get_scaled_dimensions(Dimensions original) {
+ if (is_unscaled())
+ return original;
+ Dimensions scaled;
+ if (is_fill_viewport(original, out scaled))
+ return scaled;
+ if (is_best_fit_dimensions(original, out scaled))
+ return scaled;
+ bool is_viewport = is_for_viewport(original, out scaled);
+ assert(is_viewport);
+ return scaled;
+ }
+ public Gdk.Pixbuf perform_on_pixbuf(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Gdk.InterpType interp, bool scale_up) {
+ if (is_unscaled())
+ return pixbuf;
+ Dimensions pixbuf_dim = Dimensions.for_pixbuf(pixbuf);
+ int pixels;
+ if (is_best_fit(pixbuf_dim, out pixels))
+ return scale_pixbuf(pixbuf, pixels, interp, scale_up);
+ Dimensions scaled;
+ if (is_fill_viewport(pixbuf_dim, out scaled))
+ return resize_pixbuf(pixbuf, scaled, interp);
+ bool is_viewport = is_for_viewport(pixbuf_dim, out scaled);
+ assert(is_viewport);
+ return resize_pixbuf(pixbuf, scaled, interp);
+ }
+ public string to_string() {
+ if (constraint == ScaleConstraint.ORIGINAL)
+ return "scaling: UNSCALED";
+ else if (constraint == ScaleConstraint.FILL_VIEWPORT)
+ return "scaling: fill viewport %s".printf(viewport.to_string());
+ else if (scale != NO_SCALE)
+ return "scaling: best-fit (%s %d pixels %s)".printf(constraint.to_string(),
+ scale_to_pixels(), scale_up ? "scaled up" : "not scaled up");
+ else
+ return "scaling: viewport %s (%s)".printf(viewport.to_string(),
+ scale_up ? "scaled up" : "not scaled up");
+ }
+ public bool equals(Scaling scaling) {
+ return (constraint == scaling.constraint) && (scale == scaling.scale)
+ && viewport.equals(scaling.viewport);
+ }
+public struct ZoomState {
+ public Dimensions content_dimensions;
+ public Dimensions viewport_dimensions;
+ public double zoom_factor;
+ public double interpolation_factor;
+ public double min_factor;
+ public double max_factor;
+ public Gdk.Point viewport_center;
+ public ZoomState(Dimensions content_dimensions, Dimensions viewport_dimensions,
+ double slider_val = 0.0, Gdk.Point? viewport_center = null) {
+ this.content_dimensions = content_dimensions;
+ this.viewport_dimensions = viewport_dimensions;
+ this.interpolation_factor = slider_val;
+ compute_zoom_factors();
+ if ((viewport_center == null) || ((viewport_center.x == 0) && (viewport_center.y == 0)) ||
+ (slider_val == 0.0)) {
+ center_viewport();
+ } else {
+ this.viewport_center = viewport_center;
+ clamp_viewport_center();
+ }
+ }
+ public ZoomState.rescale(ZoomState existing, double new_slider_val) {
+ this.content_dimensions = existing.content_dimensions;
+ this.viewport_dimensions = existing.viewport_dimensions;
+ this.interpolation_factor = new_slider_val;
+ compute_zoom_factors();
+ if (new_slider_val == 0.0) {
+ center_viewport();
+ } else {
+ viewport_center.x = (int) (zoom_factor * (existing.viewport_center.x /
+ existing.zoom_factor));
+ viewport_center.y = (int) (zoom_factor * (existing.viewport_center.y /
+ existing.zoom_factor));
+ clamp_viewport_center();
+ }
+ }
+ public ZoomState.rescale_to_isomorphic(ZoomState existing) {
+ this.content_dimensions = existing.content_dimensions;
+ this.viewport_dimensions = existing.viewport_dimensions;
+ this.interpolation_factor = Math.log(1.0 / existing.min_factor) /
+ (Math.log(existing.max_factor / existing.min_factor));
+ compute_zoom_factors();
+ if (this.interpolation_factor == 0.0) {
+ center_viewport();
+ } else {
+ viewport_center.x = (int) (zoom_factor * (existing.viewport_center.x /
+ existing.zoom_factor));
+ viewport_center.y = (int) (zoom_factor * (existing.viewport_center.y /
+ existing.zoom_factor));
+ clamp_viewport_center();
+ }
+ }
+ public ZoomState.pan(ZoomState existing, Gdk.Point new_viewport_center) {
+ this.content_dimensions = existing.content_dimensions;
+ this.viewport_dimensions = existing.viewport_dimensions;
+ this.interpolation_factor = existing.interpolation_factor;
+ compute_zoom_factors();
+ this.viewport_center = new_viewport_center;
+ clamp_viewport_center();
+ }
+ private void clamp_viewport_center() {
+ int zoomed_width = get_zoomed_width();
+ int zoomed_height = get_zoomed_height();
+ viewport_center.x = viewport_center.x.clamp(viewport_dimensions.width / 2,
+ zoomed_width - (viewport_dimensions.width / 2) - 1);
+ viewport_center.y = viewport_center.y.clamp(viewport_dimensions.height / 2,
+ zoomed_height - (viewport_dimensions.height / 2) - 1);
+ }
+ private void center_viewport() {
+ viewport_center.x = get_zoomed_width() / 2;
+ viewport_center.y = get_zoomed_height() / 2;
+ }
+ private void compute_zoom_factors() {
+ max_factor = 2.0;
+ double viewport_to_content_x;
+ double viewport_to_content_y;
+ content_dimensions.get_scale_ratios(viewport_dimensions, out viewport_to_content_x,
+ out viewport_to_content_y);
+ min_factor = double.min(viewport_to_content_x, viewport_to_content_y);
+ if (min_factor > 1.0)
+ min_factor = 1.0;
+ zoom_factor = min_factor * Math.pow(max_factor / min_factor, interpolation_factor);
+ }
+ public double get_interpolation_factor() {
+ return interpolation_factor;
+ }
+ /* gets the viewing rectangle with respect to the zoomed content */
+ public Gdk.Rectangle get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_content() {
+ int zoomed_width = get_zoomed_width();
+ int zoomed_height = get_zoomed_height();
+ Gdk.Rectangle result = Gdk.Rectangle();
+ if (viewport_dimensions.width < zoomed_width) {
+ result.x = viewport_center.x - (viewport_dimensions.width / 2);
+ } else {
+ result.x = (zoomed_width - viewport_dimensions.width) / 2;
+ }
+ if (result.x < 0)
+ result.x = 0;
+ if (viewport_dimensions.height < zoomed_height) {
+ result.y = viewport_center.y - (viewport_dimensions.height / 2);
+ } else {
+ result.y = (zoomed_height - viewport_dimensions.height) / 2;
+ }
+ if (result.y < 0)
+ result.y = 0;
+ int right = result.x + viewport_dimensions.width;
+ if (right > zoomed_width)
+ right = zoomed_width;
+ result.width = right - result.x;
+ int bottom = result.y + viewport_dimensions.height;
+ if (bottom > zoomed_height)
+ bottom = zoomed_height;
+ result.height = bottom - result.y;
+ result.width = result.width.clamp(1, int.MAX);
+ result.height = result.height.clamp(1, int.MAX);
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* gets the viewing rectangle with respect to the on-screen canvas where zoomed content is
+ drawn */
+ public Gdk.Rectangle get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_screen() {
+ Gdk.Rectangle wrt_content = get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_content();
+ Gdk.Rectangle result = Gdk.Rectangle();
+ result.x = (viewport_dimensions.width / 2) - (wrt_content.width / 2);
+ if (result.x < 0)
+ result.x = 0;
+ result.y = (viewport_dimensions.height / 2) - (wrt_content.height / 2);
+ if (result.y < 0)
+ result.y = 0;
+ result.width = wrt_content.width;
+ result.height = wrt_content.height;
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* gets the projection of the viewing rectangle into the arbitrary pixbuf 'for_pixbuf' */
+ public Gdk.Rectangle get_viewing_rectangle_projection(Gdk.Pixbuf for_pixbuf) {
+ double zoomed_width = get_zoomed_width();
+ double zoomed_height = get_zoomed_height();
+ double horiz_scale = for_pixbuf.width / zoomed_width;
+ double vert_scale = for_pixbuf.height / zoomed_height;
+ double scale = (horiz_scale + vert_scale) / 2.0;
+ Gdk.Rectangle viewing_rectangle = get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_content();
+ Gdk.Rectangle result = Gdk.Rectangle();
+ result.x = (int) (viewing_rectangle.x * scale);
+ result.x = result.x.clamp(0, for_pixbuf.width);
+ result.y = (int) (viewing_rectangle.y * scale);
+ result.y = result.y.clamp(0, for_pixbuf.height);
+ int right = (int) ((viewing_rectangle.x + viewing_rectangle.width) * scale);
+ right = right.clamp(0, for_pixbuf.width);
+ int bottom = (int) ((viewing_rectangle.y + viewing_rectangle.height) * scale);
+ bottom = bottom.clamp(0, for_pixbuf.height);
+ result.width = right - result.x;
+ result.height = bottom - result.y;
+ return result;
+ }
+ public double get_zoom_factor() {
+ return zoom_factor;
+ }
+ public int get_zoomed_width() {
+ return (int) (content_dimensions.width * zoom_factor);
+ }
+ public int get_zoomed_height() {
+ return (int) (content_dimensions.height * zoom_factor);
+ }
+ public Gdk.Point get_viewport_center() {
+ return viewport_center;
+ }
+ public string to_string() {
+ string named_modes = "";
+ if (is_min())
+ named_modes = named_modes + ((named_modes == "") ? "MIN" : ", MIN");
+ if (is_default())
+ named_modes = named_modes + ((named_modes == "") ? "DEFAULT" : ", DEFAULT");
+ if (is_isomorphic())
+ named_modes = named_modes + ((named_modes =="") ? "ISOMORPHIC" : ", ISOMORPHIC");
+ if (is_max())
+ named_modes = named_modes + ((named_modes =="") ? "MAX" : ", MAX");
+ if (named_modes == "")
+ named_modes = "(none)";
+ Gdk.Rectangle viewing_rect = get_viewing_rectangle_wrt_content();
+ return (("ZoomState {\n content dimensions = %d x %d;\n viewport dimensions = " +
+ "%d x %d;\n min factor = %f;\n max factor = %f;\n current factor = %f;" +
+ "\n zoomed width = %d;\n zoomed height = %d;\n named modes = %s;" +
+ "\n viewing rectangle = { x: %d, y: %d, width: %d, height: %d };" +
+ "\n viewport center = (%d, %d);\n}\n").printf(
+ content_dimensions.width, content_dimensions.height, viewport_dimensions.width,
+ viewport_dimensions.height, min_factor, max_factor, zoom_factor, get_zoomed_width(),
+ get_zoomed_height(), named_modes, viewing_rect.x, viewing_rect.y, viewing_rect.width,
+ viewing_rect.height, viewport_center.x, viewport_center.y));
+ }
+ public bool is_min() {
+ return (zoom_factor == min_factor);
+ }
+ public bool is_default() {
+ return is_min();
+ }
+ public bool is_max() {
+ return (zoom_factor == max_factor);
+ }
+ public bool is_isomorphic() {
+ return (zoom_factor == 1.0);
+ }
+ public bool equals(ZoomState other) {
+ if (!content_dimensions.equals(other.content_dimensions))
+ return false;
+ if (!viewport_dimensions.equals(other.viewport_dimensions))
+ return false;
+ if (zoom_factor != other.zoom_factor)
+ return false;
+ if (min_factor != other.min_factor)
+ return false;
+ if (max_factor != other.max_factor)
+ return false;
+ if (viewport_center.x != other.viewport_center.x)
+ return false;
+ if (viewport_center.y != other.viewport_center.y)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }