path: root/src/core
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/core')
18 files changed, 4796 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/Alteration.vala b/src/core/Alteration.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..865be84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/Alteration.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// Alteration represents a description of what has changed in the DataObject (reported via the
+// "altered" signal). Since the descriptions can vary wildly depending on the semantics of each
+// DataObject, no assumptions or requirements are placed on Alteration other than it must have
+// one or more "subjects", each with a "detail". Subscribers to the "altered" signal can query
+// the Alteration object to determine if the change is important to them.
+// Alteration is an immutable type. This means it's possible to store const Alterations of oft-used
+// values for reuse.
+// Alterations may be compressed, merging their subjects and details into a new aggregated
+// Alteration. Generally this is handled automatically by DataObject and DataCollection, when
+// necessary.
+// NOTE: subjects and details should be ASCII labels (as in, plain-old ASCII, no code pages).
+// They are treated as case-sensitive strings.
+// Recommended subjects include: image, thumbnail, metadata.
+public class Alteration {
+ private string subject = null;
+ private string detail = null;
+ private Gee.MultiMap<string, string> map = null;
+ public Alteration(string subject, string detail) {
+ add_detail(subject, detail);
+ }
+ // Create an Alteration that has more than one subject/detail. list is a comma-delimited
+ // string of colon-separated subject:detail pairs.
+ public Alteration.from_list(string list) requires (list.length > 0) {
+ string[] pairs = list.split(",");
+ assert(pairs.length >= 1);
+ foreach (string pair in pairs) {
+ string[] subject_detail = pair.split(":", 2);
+ assert(subject_detail.length == 2);
+ add_detail(subject_detail[0], subject_detail[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create an Alteration that has more than one subject/detail from an array of comma-delimited
+ // strings of colon-separate subject:detail pairs
+ public Alteration.from_array(string[] array) requires (array.length > 0) {
+ foreach (string pair in array) {
+ string[] subject_detail = pair.split(":", 2);
+ assert(subject_detail.length == 2);
+ add_detail(subject_detail[0], subject_detail[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Used for compression.
+ private Alteration.from_map(Gee.MultiMap<string, string> map) {
+ = map;
+ }
+ private void add_detail(string sub, string det) {
+ // strip leading and trailing whitespace
+ string subject = sub.strip();
+ assert(subject.length > 0);
+ string detail = det.strip();
+ assert(detail.length > 0);
+ // if a simple Alteration, store in singleton refs
+ if (this.subject == null && map == null) {
+ assert(this.detail == null);
+ this.subject = subject;
+ this.detail = detail;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Now a complex Alteration, requiring a Map.
+ if (map == null)
+ map = create_map();
+ // Move singletons into Map
+ if (this.subject != null) {
+ assert(this.detail != null);
+ map.set(this.subject, this.detail);
+ this.subject = null;
+ this.detail = null;
+ }
+ // Store new subject:detail in Map as well
+ map.set(subject, detail);
+ }
+ private Gee.MultiMap<string, string> create_map() {
+ return new Gee.HashMultiMap<string, string>(case_hash, case_equal, case_hash, case_equal);
+ }
+ private static bool case_equal(string? a, string? b) {
+ return equal_values(a, b);
+ }
+ private static uint case_hash(string? a) {
+ return hash_value(a);
+ }
+ private static inline bool equal_values(string str1, string str2) {
+ return str1.ascii_casecmp(str2) == 0;
+ }
+ private static inline uint hash_value(string str) {
+ return str_hash(str);
+ }
+ public bool has_subject(string subject) {
+ if (this.subject != null)
+ return equal_values(this.subject, subject);
+ assert(map != null);
+ Gee.Set<string>? keys = map.get_keys();
+ if (keys != null) {
+ foreach (string key in keys) {
+ if (equal_values(key, subject))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public bool has_detail(string subject, string detail) {
+ if (this.subject != null && this.detail != null)
+ return equal_values(this.subject, subject) && equal_values(this.detail, detail);
+ assert(map != null);
+ Gee.Collection<string>? values = map.get(subject);
+ if (values != null) {
+ foreach (string value in values) {
+ if (equal_values(value, detail))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public Gee.Collection<string>? get_details(string subject) {
+ if (this.subject != null && detail != null && equal_values(this.subject, subject)) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<string> details = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+ details.add(detail);
+ return details;
+ }
+ return (map != null) ? map.get(subject) : null;
+ }
+ public string to_string() {
+ if (subject != null) {
+ assert(detail != null);
+ return "%s:%s".printf(subject, detail);
+ }
+ assert(map != null);
+ string str = "";
+ foreach (string key in map.get_keys()) {
+ foreach (string value in map.get(key)) {
+ if (str.length != 0)
+ str += ", ";
+ str += "%s:%s".printf(key, value);
+ }
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+ // Returns true if this object has any subject:detail matches with the supplied Alteration.
+ public bool contains_any(Alteration other) {
+ // identity
+ if (this == other)
+ return true;
+ // if both singletons, check for singleton match
+ if (subject != null && other.subject != null && detail != null && other.detail != null)
+ return equal_values(subject, other.subject) && equal_values(detail, other.detail);
+ // if one is singleton and the other a multiple, search for singleton in multiple
+ if ((map != null && == null) || (map == null && != null)) {
+ string single_subject = subject != null ? subject : other.subject;
+ string single_detail = detail != null ? detail : other.detail;
+ Gee.MultiMap<string, string> multimap = map != null ? map :;
+ return multimap.contains(single_subject) && map.get(single_subject).contains(single_detail);
+ }
+ // if both multiples, check for any match at all
+ if (map != null && != null) {
+ Gee.Set<string>? keys = map.get_keys();
+ assert(keys != null);
+ Gee.Set<string>? other_keys =;
+ assert(other_keys != null);
+ foreach (string subject in other_keys) {
+ if (!keys.contains(subject))
+ continue;
+ Gee.Collection<string>? details = map.get(subject);
+ Gee.Collection<string>? other_details =;
+ if (details != null && other_details != null) {
+ foreach (string detail in other_details) {
+ if (details.contains(detail))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public bool equals(Alteration other) {
+ // identity
+ if (this == other)
+ return true;
+ // if both singletons, check for singleton match
+ if (subject != null && other.subject != null && detail != null && other.detail != null)
+ return equal_values(subject, other.subject) && equal_values(detail, other.detail);
+ // if both multiples, check for across-the-board matches
+ if (map != null && != null) {
+ // see if both maps contain the same set of keys
+ Gee.Set<string>? keys = map.get_keys();
+ assert(keys != null);
+ Gee.Set<string>? other_keys =;
+ assert(other_keys != null);
+ if (keys.size != other_keys.size)
+ return false;
+ if (!keys.contains_all(other_keys))
+ return false;
+ if (!other_keys.contains_all(keys))
+ return false;
+ foreach (string key in keys) {
+ Gee.Collection<string> values = map.get(key);
+ Gee.Collection<string> other_values =;
+ if (values.size != other_values.size)
+ return false;
+ if (!values.contains_all(other_values))
+ return false;
+ if (!other_values.contains_all(values))
+ return false;
+ }
+ // maps are identical
+ return true;
+ }
+ // one singleton and one multiple, not equal
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static void multimap_add_all(Gee.MultiMap<string, string> dest,
+ Gee.MultiMap<string, string> src) {
+ Gee.Set<string> keys = src.get_keys();
+ foreach (string key in keys) {
+ Gee.Collection<string> values = src.get(key);
+ foreach (string value in values)
+ dest.set(key, value);
+ }
+ }
+ // This merges the Alterations, returning a new Alteration with both represented. If both
+ // Alterations are equal, this will return this object rather than create a new one.
+ public Alteration compress(Alteration other) {
+ if (equals(other))
+ return this;
+ // Build a new Alteration with both represented ... if they're unequal, then the new one
+ // is guaranteed not to be a singleton
+ Gee.MultiMap<string, string> compressed = create_map();
+ if (subject != null && detail != null) {
+ compressed.set(subject, detail);
+ } else {
+ assert(map != null);
+ multimap_add_all(compressed, map);
+ }
+ if (other.subject != null && other.detail != null) {
+ compressed.set(other.subject, other.detail);
+ } else {
+ assert( != null);
+ multimap_add_all(compressed,;
+ }
+ return new Alteration.from_map(compressed);
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/ContainerSourceCollection.vala b/src/core/ContainerSourceCollection.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..655cfa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/ContainerSourceCollection.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// A ContainerSourceCollection is for DataSources which maintain links to one or more other
+// DataSources, assumed to be of a different type. ContainerSourceCollection automates the task
+// of handling unlinking and relinking and maintaining backlinks. Unlinked DataSources are
+// held in a holding tank, until they are either relinked or destroyed.
+// If the ContainerSourceCollection's DataSources are types that "evaporate" (i.e. they disappear
+// when they hold no items), they should use the evaporate() method, which will either destroy
+// the DataSource or hold it in the tank (if backlinks are outstanding).
+public abstract class ContainerSourceCollection : DatabaseSourceCollection {
+ private Gee.HashSet<SourceCollection> attached_collections = new Gee.HashSet<SourceCollection>();
+ private string backlink_name;
+ private Gee.HashSet<ContainerSource> holding_tank = new Gee.HashSet<ContainerSource>();
+ public virtual signal void container_contents_added(ContainerSource container,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource> added, bool relinked) {
+ }
+ public virtual signal void container_contents_removed(ContainerSource container,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource> removed, bool unlinked) {
+ }
+ public virtual signal void container_contents_altered(ContainerSource container,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource>? added, bool relinked, Gee.Collection<DataSource>? removed,
+ bool unlinked) {
+ }
+ public virtual signal void backlink_to_container_removed(ContainerSource container,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ }
+ public ContainerSourceCollection(string backlink_name, string name,
+ GetSourceDatabaseKey source_key_func) {
+ base (name, source_key_func);
+ this.backlink_name = backlink_name;
+ }
+ ~ContainerSourceCollection() {
+ detach_all_collections();
+ }
+ protected override void notify_backlink_removed(SourceBacklink backlink,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ base.notify_backlink_removed(backlink, sources);
+ ContainerSource? container = convert_backlink_to_container(backlink);
+ if (container != null)
+ notify_backlink_to_container_removed(container, sources);
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_container_contents_added(ContainerSource container,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource> added, bool relinked) {
+ // if container is in holding tank, remove it now and relink to collection
+ if (holding_tank.contains(container)) {
+ bool removed = holding_tank.remove(container);
+ assert(removed);
+ relink(container);
+ }
+ container_contents_added(container, added, relinked);
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_container_contents_removed(ContainerSource container,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource> removed, bool unlinked) {
+ container_contents_removed(container, removed, unlinked);
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_container_contents_altered(ContainerSource container,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource>? added, bool relinked, Gee.Collection<DataSource>? removed,
+ bool unlinked) {
+ container_contents_altered(container, added, relinked, removed, unlinked);
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_backlink_to_container_removed(ContainerSource container,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ backlink_to_container_removed(container, sources);
+ }
+ protected abstract Gee.Collection<ContainerSource>? get_containers_holding_source(DataSource source);
+ // Looks in holding_tank as well.
+ protected abstract ContainerSource? convert_backlink_to_container(SourceBacklink backlink);
+ protected void freeze_attached_notifications() {
+ foreach(SourceCollection collection in attached_collections)
+ collection.freeze_notifications();
+ }
+ protected void thaw_attached_notifications() {
+ foreach(SourceCollection collection in attached_collections)
+ collection.thaw_notifications();
+ }
+ public Gee.Collection<ContainerSource> get_holding_tank() {
+ return holding_tank.read_only_view;
+ }
+ public void init_add_unlinked(ContainerSource unlinked) {
+ holding_tank.add(unlinked);
+ }
+ public void init_add_many_unlinked(Gee.Collection<ContainerSource> unlinked) {
+ holding_tank.add_all(unlinked);
+ }
+ public bool relink_from_holding_tank(ContainerSource source) {
+ if (!holding_tank.remove(source))
+ return false;
+ relink(source);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void on_contained_sources_unlinking(Gee.Collection<DataSource> unlinking) {
+ freeze_attached_notifications();
+ Gee.HashMultiMap<ContainerSource, DataSource> map =
+ new Gee.HashMultiMap<ContainerSource, DataSource>();
+ foreach (DataSource source in unlinking) {
+ Gee.Collection<ContainerSource>? containers = get_containers_holding_source(source);
+ if (containers == null || containers.size == 0)
+ continue;
+ foreach (ContainerSource container in containers) {
+ map.set(container, source);
+ source.set_backlink(container.get_backlink());
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (ContainerSource container in map.get_keys())
+ container.break_link_many(map.get(container));
+ thaw_attached_notifications();
+ }
+ private void on_contained_sources_relinked(Gee.Collection<DataSource> relinked) {
+ freeze_attached_notifications();
+ Gee.HashMultiMap<ContainerSource, DataSource> map =
+ new Gee.HashMultiMap<ContainerSource, DataSource>();
+ foreach (DataSource source in relinked) {
+ Gee.List<SourceBacklink>? backlinks = source.get_backlinks(backlink_name);
+ if (backlinks == null || backlinks.size == 0)
+ continue;
+ foreach (SourceBacklink backlink in backlinks) {
+ ContainerSource? container = convert_backlink_to_container(backlink);
+ if (container != null) {
+ map.set(container, source);
+ } else {
+ warning("Unable to relink %s to container backlink %s", source.to_string(),
+ backlink.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (ContainerSource container in map.get_keys())
+ container.establish_link_many(map.get(container));
+ thaw_attached_notifications();
+ }
+ private void on_contained_source_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ Gee.Iterator<ContainerSource> iter = holding_tank.iterator();
+ while ( {
+ ContainerSource container = iter.get();
+ // By design, we no longer discard 'orphan' tags, that is, tags with zero media sources
+ // remaining, since empty tags are explicitly allowed to persist as of the 0.12 dev cycle.
+ if ((!container.has_links()) && !(container is Tag)) {
+ iter.remove();
+ container.destroy_orphan(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void notify_item_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ foreach (SourceCollection collection in attached_collections) {
+ collection.remove_backlink(((ContainerSource) source).get_backlink());
+ }
+ base.notify_item_destroyed(source);
+ }
+ // This method should be called by a ContainerSource when it needs to "evaporate" -- it no
+ // longer holds any source objects and should not be available to the user any longer. If link
+ // state persists for this ContainerSource, it will be held in the holding tank. Otherwise, it's
+ // destroyed.
+ public void evaporate(ContainerSource container) {
+ foreach (SourceCollection collection in attached_collections) {
+ if (collection.has_backlink(container.get_backlink())) {
+ unlink_marked(mark(container));
+ bool added = holding_tank.add(container);
+ assert(added);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ destroy_marked(mark(container), true);
+ }
+ public void attach_collection(SourceCollection collection) {
+ if (attached_collections.contains(collection)) {
+ warning("attempted to multiple-attach '%s' to '%s'", collection.to_string(), to_string());
+ return;
+ }
+ attached_collections.add(collection);
+ collection.items_unlinking.connect(on_contained_sources_unlinking);
+ collection.items_relinked.connect(on_contained_sources_relinked);
+ collection.item_destroyed.connect(on_contained_source_destroyed);
+ collection.unlinked_destroyed.connect(on_contained_source_destroyed);
+ }
+ public void detach_all_collections() {
+ foreach (SourceCollection collection in attached_collections) {
+ collection.items_unlinking.disconnect(on_contained_sources_unlinking);
+ collection.items_relinked.disconnect(on_contained_sources_relinked);
+ collection.item_destroyed.disconnect(on_contained_source_destroyed);
+ collection.unlinked_destroyed.disconnect(on_contained_source_destroyed);
+ }
+ attached_collections.clear();
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/Core.vala b/src/core/Core.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b9958e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/Core.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+/* This file is the master unit file for the Core unit. It should be edited to include
+ * whatever code is deemed necessary.
+ *
+ * The init() and terminate() methods are mandatory.
+ *
+ * If the unit needs to be configured prior to initialization, add the proper parameters to
+ * the preconfigure() method, implement it, and ensure in init() that it's been called.
+ */
+namespace Core {
+// preconfigure may be deleted if not used.
+public void preconfigure() {
+public void init() throws Error {
+public void terminate() {
diff --git a/src/core/DataCollection.vala b/src/core/DataCollection.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..615c6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/DataCollection.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
+ * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public class DataCollection {
+ public const int64 INVALID_OBJECT_ORDINAL = -1;
+ private class MarkerImpl : Object, Marker {
+ public DataCollection owner;
+ public Gee.HashSet<DataObject> marked = new Gee.HashSet<DataObject>();
+ public int freeze_count = 0;
+ public MarkerImpl(DataCollection owner) {
+ this.owner = owner;
+ // if items are removed from main collection, they're removed from the marked list
+ // as well
+ owner.items_removed.connect(on_items_removed);
+ }
+ ~MarkerImpl() {
+ owner.items_removed.disconnect(on_items_removed);
+ }
+ public void mark(DataObject object) {
+ assert(owner.internal_contains(object));
+ marked.add(object);
+ }
+ public void unmark(DataObject object) {
+ assert(owner.internal_contains(object));
+ marked.remove(object);
+ }
+ public bool toggle(DataObject object) {
+ assert(owner.internal_contains(object));
+ if (marked.contains(object)) {
+ marked.remove(object);
+ } else {
+ marked.add(object);
+ }
+ return marked.contains(object);
+ }
+ public void mark_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> list) {
+ foreach (DataObject object in list) {
+ assert(owner.internal_contains(object));
+ marked.add(object);
+ }
+ }
+ public void unmark_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> list) {
+ foreach (DataObject object in list) {
+ assert(owner.internal_contains(object));
+ marked.remove(object);
+ }
+ }
+ public void mark_all() {
+ foreach (DataObject object in owner.get_all())
+ marked.add(object);
+ }
+ public int get_count() {
+ return (marked != null) ? marked.size : freeze_count;
+ }
+ public Gee.Collection<DataObject> get_all() {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataObject> copy = new Gee.ArrayList<DataObject>();
+ copy.add_all(marked);
+ return copy;
+ }
+ private void on_items_removed(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> removed) {
+ foreach (DataObject object in removed)
+ marked.remove(object);
+ }
+ // This method is called by DataCollection when it starts iterating over the marked list ...
+ // the marker at this point stops monitoring the collection, preventing a possible
+ // removal during an iteration, which is bad.
+ public void freeze() {
+ owner.items_removed.disconnect(on_items_removed);
+ }
+ public void finished() {
+ if (marked != null)
+ freeze_count = marked.size;
+ marked = null;
+ }
+ public bool is_valid(DataCollection collection) {
+ return (collection == owner) && (marked != null);
+ }
+ }
+ private string name;
+ private DataSet dataset = new DataSet();
+ private Gee.HashMap<string, Value?> properties = new Gee.HashMap<string, Value?>();
+ private int64 object_ordinal_generator = 0;
+ private int notifies_frozen = 0;
+ private Gee.HashMap<DataObject, Alteration> frozen_items_altered = null;
+ private bool fire_ordering_changed = false;
+ // When this signal has been fired, the added items are part of the collection
+ public virtual signal void items_added(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> added) {
+ }
+ // When this signal is fired, the removed items are no longer part of the collection
+ public virtual signal void items_removed(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> removed) {
+ }
+ // When this signal is fired, the removed items are no longer part of the collection
+ public virtual signal void contents_altered(Gee.Iterable<DataObject>? added,
+ Gee.Iterable<DataObject>? removed) {
+ }
+ // This signal fires whenever any (or multiple) items in the collection signal they've been
+ // altered.
+ public virtual signal void items_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> items) {
+ }
+ // Fired when a new sort comparator is registered or an item has moved in the ordering due to
+ // an alteration.
+ public virtual signal void ordering_changed() {
+ }
+ // Fired when a collection property is set. The old value is passed as well, null if not set
+ // previously.
+ public virtual signal void property_set(string name, Value? old, Value val) {
+ }
+ // Fired when a collection property is cleared.
+ public virtual signal void property_cleared(string name) {
+ }
+ // Fired when "altered" signal (and possibly other related signals, depending on the subclass)
+ // is frozen.
+ public virtual signal void frozen() {
+ }
+ // Fired when "altered" signal (and other related signals, depending on the subclass) is
+ // restored (thawed).
+ public virtual signal void thawed() {
+ }
+ public DataCollection(string name) {
+ = name;
+ }
+ ~DataCollection() {
+ debug("DTOR: DataCollection %s", name);
+ }
+ public virtual string to_string() {
+ return "%s (%d)".printf(name, get_count());
+ }
+ // use notifies to ensure proper chronology of signal handling
+ protected virtual void notify_items_added(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> added) {
+ items_added(added);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_items_removed(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> removed) {
+ items_removed(removed);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_contents_altered(Gee.Iterable<DataObject>? added,
+ Gee.Iterable<DataObject>? removed) {
+ contents_altered(added, removed);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_items_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> items) {
+ items_altered(items);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_ordering_changed() {
+ ordering_changed();
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_property_set(string name, Value? old, Value val) {
+ property_set(name, old, val);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_property_cleared(string name) {
+ property_cleared(name);
+ }
+ // A singleton list is used when a single item has been added/remove/selected/unselected
+ // and needs to be reported via a signal, which uses a list as a parameter ... although this
+ // seems wasteful, can't reuse a single singleton list because it's possible for a method
+ // that needs it to be called from within a signal handler for another method, corrupting the
+ // shared list's contents mid-signal
+ protected static Gee.Collection<DataObject> get_singleton(DataObject object) {
+ return new SingletonCollection<DataObject>(object);
+ }
+ protected static Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> get_alteration_singleton(DataObject object,
+ Alteration alteration) {
+ Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> map = new Gee.HashMap<DataObject, Alteration>();
+ map.set(object, alteration);
+ return map;
+ }
+ public virtual bool valid_type(DataObject object) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public unowned Comparator get_comparator() {
+ return dataset.get_comparator();
+ }
+ public unowned ComparatorPredicate get_comparator_predicate() {
+ return dataset.get_comparator_predicate();
+ }
+ public virtual void set_comparator(Comparator comparator, ComparatorPredicate? predicate) {
+ dataset.set_comparator(comparator, predicate);
+ notify_ordering_changed();
+ }
+ // Return to natural ordering of DataObjects, which is order-added
+ public virtual void reset_comparator() {
+ dataset.reset_comparator();
+ notify_ordering_changed();
+ }
+ public virtual Gee.Collection<DataObject> get_all() {
+ return dataset.get_all();
+ }
+ protected DataSet get_dataset_copy() {
+ return dataset.copy();
+ }
+ public virtual int get_count() {
+ return dataset.get_count();
+ }
+ public virtual DataObject? get_at(int index) {
+ return dataset.get_at(index);
+ }
+ public virtual int index_of(DataObject object) {
+ return dataset.index_of(object);
+ }
+ public virtual bool contains(DataObject object) {
+ return internal_contains(object);
+ }
+ // Because subclasses may filter out objects (by overriding key methods here), need an
+ // internal_contains for consistency checking.
+ private bool internal_contains(DataObject object) {
+ if (!dataset.contains(object))
+ return false;
+ assert(object.get_membership() == this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void internal_add(DataObject object) {
+ assert(valid_type(object));
+ object.internal_set_membership(this, object_ordinal_generator++);
+ bool added = dataset.add(object);
+ assert(added);
+ }
+ private void internal_add_many(Gee.List<DataObject> objects, ProgressMonitor? monitor) {
+ int count = objects.size;
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++) {
+ DataObject object = objects.get(ctr);
+ assert(valid_type(object));
+ object.internal_set_membership(this, object_ordinal_generator++);
+ if (monitor != null)
+ monitor(ctr, count);
+ }
+ bool added = dataset.add_many(objects);
+ assert(added);
+ }
+ private void internal_remove(DataObject object) {
+ bool removed = dataset.remove(object);
+ assert(removed);
+ object.internal_clear_membership();
+ }
+ // Returns false if item is already part of the collection.
+ public virtual bool add(DataObject object) {
+ if (internal_contains(object)) {
+ debug("%s cannot add %s: already present", to_string(), object.to_string());
+ return false;
+ }
+ internal_add(object);
+ // fire signal after added using singleton list
+ Gee.Collection<DataObject> added = get_singleton(object);
+ notify_items_added(added);
+ notify_contents_altered(added, null);
+ // This must be called *after* the DataCollection has signalled.
+ object.notify_membership_changed(this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Returns the items added to the collection.
+ public virtual Gee.Collection<DataObject> add_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> objects,
+ ProgressMonitor? monitor = null) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataObject> added = new Gee.ArrayList<DataObject>();
+ foreach (DataObject object in objects) {
+ if (internal_contains(object)) {
+ debug("%s cannot add %s: already present", to_string(), object.to_string());
+ continue;
+ }
+ added.add(object);
+ }
+ int count = added.size;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return added;
+ internal_add_many(added, monitor);
+ // signal once all have been added
+ notify_items_added(added);
+ notify_contents_altered(added, null);
+ // This must be called *after* the DataCollection signals have fired.
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++)
+ added.get(ctr).notify_membership_changed(this);
+ return added;
+ }
+ // Obtain a marker to build a list of objects to perform an action upon.
+ public Marker start_marking() {
+ return new MarkerImpl(this);
+ }
+ // Obtain a marker with a single item marked. More can be added.
+ public Marker mark(DataObject object) {
+ Marker marker = new MarkerImpl(this);
+ marker.mark(object);
+ return marker;
+ }
+ // Obtain a marker for all items in a collection. More can be added.
+ public Marker mark_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> objects) {
+ Marker marker = new MarkerImpl(this);
+ marker.mark_many(objects);
+ return marker;
+ }
+ // Iterate over all the marked objects performing a user-supplied action on each one. The
+ // marker is invalid after calling this method.
+ public void act_on_marked(Marker m, MarkedAction action, ProgressMonitor? monitor = null,
+ Object? user = null) {
+ MarkerImpl marker = (MarkerImpl) m;
+ assert(marker.is_valid(this));
+ // freeze the marker to prepare it for iteration
+ marker.freeze();
+ uint64 count = 0;
+ uint64 total = marker.marked.size;
+ // iterate, breaking if the callback asks to stop
+ foreach (DataObject object in marker.marked) {
+ // although marker tracks when items are removed, catch it here as well
+ if (!internal_contains(object)) {
+ warning("act_on_marked: marker holding ref to unknown %s", object.to_string());
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!action(object, user))
+ break;
+ if (monitor != null) {
+ if (!monitor(++count, total))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // invalidate the marker
+ marker.finished();
+ }
+ // Remove marked items from collection. This two-step process allows for iterating in a foreach
+ // loop and removing without creating a separate list. The marker is invalid after this call.
+ public virtual void remove_marked(Marker m) {
+ MarkerImpl marker = (MarkerImpl) m;
+ assert(marker.is_valid(this));
+ // freeze the marker before signalling, so it doesn't remove all its items
+ marker.freeze();
+ // remove everything in the marked list
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataObject> skipped = null;
+ foreach (DataObject object in marker.marked) {
+ // although marker should track items already removed, catch it here as well
+ if (!internal_contains(object)) {
+ warning("remove_marked: marker holding ref to unknown %s", object.to_string());
+ if (skipped == null)
+ skipped = new Gee.ArrayList<DataObject>();
+ skipped.add(object);
+ continue;
+ }
+ internal_remove(object);
+ }
+ if (skipped != null)
+ marker.marked.remove_all(skipped);
+ // signal after removing
+ if (marker.marked.size > 0) {
+ notify_items_removed(marker.marked);
+ notify_contents_altered(null, marker.marked);
+ // this must be called after the DataCollection has signalled.
+ foreach (DataObject object in marker.marked)
+ object.notify_membership_changed(null);
+ }
+ // invalidate the marker
+ marker.finished();
+ }
+ public virtual void clear() {
+ if (dataset.get_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ // remove everything in the list, but have to maintain a new list for reporting the signal.
+ // Don't use an iterator, as list is modified in internal_remove().
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataObject> removed = new Gee.ArrayList<DataObject>();
+ do {
+ DataObject? object = dataset.get_at(0);
+ assert(object != null);
+ removed.add(object);
+ internal_remove(object);
+ } while (dataset.get_count() > 0);
+ // report after removal
+ notify_items_removed(removed);
+ notify_contents_altered(null, removed);
+ // This must be called after the DataCollection has signalled.
+ foreach (DataObject object in removed)
+ object.notify_membership_changed(null);
+ }
+ // close() must be called before disposing of the DataCollection, so all signals may be
+ // disconnected and all internal references to the collection can be dropped. In the bare
+ // minimum, all items will be removed from the collection (and the appropriate signals and
+ // notify calls will be made). Subclasses may fire other signals while disposing of their
+ // references. However, if they are entirely synchronized on DataCollection's signals, that
+ // may be enough for them to clean up.
+ public virtual void close() {
+ clear();
+ }
+ // This method is only called by DataObject to report when it has been altered, so observers of
+ // this collection may be notified as well.
+ public void internal_notify_altered(DataObject object, Alteration alteration) {
+ assert(internal_contains(object));
+ bool resort_occurred = dataset.resort_object(object, alteration);
+ if (are_notifications_frozen()) {
+ if (frozen_items_altered == null)
+ frozen_items_altered = new Gee.HashMap<DataObject, Alteration>();
+ // if an alteration for the object is already in place, compress the two and add the
+ // new one, otherwise set the supplied one
+ Alteration? current = frozen_items_altered.get(object);
+ if (current != null)
+ current = current.compress(alteration);
+ else
+ current = alteration;
+ frozen_items_altered.set(object, current);
+ fire_ordering_changed = fire_ordering_changed || resort_occurred;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (resort_occurred)
+ notify_ordering_changed();
+ notify_items_altered(get_alteration_singleton(object, alteration));
+ }
+ public Value? get_property(string name) {
+ return properties.get(name);
+ }
+ public void set_property(string name, Value val, ValueEqualFunc? value_equals = null) {
+ if (value_equals == null) {
+ if (val.holds(typeof(bool)))
+ value_equals = bool_value_equals;
+ else if (val.holds(typeof(int)))
+ value_equals = int_value_equals;
+ else
+ error("value_equals must be specified for this type");
+ }
+ Value? old = properties.get(name);
+ if (old != null) {
+ if (value_equals(old, val))
+ return;
+ }
+ properties.set(name, val);
+ notify_property_set(name, old, val);
+ // notify all items in the collection of the change
+ int count = dataset.get_count();
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++)
+ dataset.get_at(ctr).notify_collection_property_set(name, old, val);
+ }
+ public void clear_property(string name) {
+ if (!properties.unset(name))
+ return;
+ // only notify if the propery was unset (that is, was set to begin with)
+ notify_property_cleared(name);
+ // notify all items
+ int count = dataset.get_count();
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++)
+ dataset.get_at(ctr).notify_collection_property_cleared(name);
+ }
+ // This is only guaranteed to freeze notifications that come in from contained objects and
+ // need to be propagated with collection signals. Thus, the caller can freeze notifications,
+ // make modifications to many or all member objects, then unthaw and have the aggregated signals
+ // fired at once.
+ //
+ // DataObject/DataSource/DataView should also "eat" their signals as well, to prevent observers
+ // from being notified while their collection is frozen, and only fire them when
+ // internal_collection_thawed is called.
+ //
+ // For DataCollection, the signals affected are items_altered and ordering_changed.
+ public void freeze_notifications() {
+ if (notifies_frozen++ == 0)
+ notify_frozen();
+ }
+ public void thaw_notifications() {
+ if (notifies_frozen == 0)
+ return;
+ if (--notifies_frozen == 0)
+ notify_thawed();
+ }
+ public bool are_notifications_frozen() {
+ return notifies_frozen > 0;
+ }
+ // This is called when notifications have frozen. Child collections should halt notifications
+ // until thawed() is called.
+ protected virtual void notify_frozen() {
+ frozen();
+ }
+ // This is called when enough thaw_notifications() calls have been made. Child collections
+ // should issue caught notifications.
+ protected virtual void notify_thawed() {
+ if (frozen_items_altered != null) {
+ // refs are swapped around due to reentrancy
+ Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> copy = frozen_items_altered;
+ frozen_items_altered = null;
+ notify_items_altered(copy);
+ }
+ if (fire_ordering_changed) {
+ fire_ordering_changed = false;
+ notify_ordering_changed();
+ }
+ thawed();
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/DataObject.vala b/src/core/DataObject.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fe133d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/DataObject.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
+ * See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// DataObject
+// Object IDs are incremented for each DataObject, and therefore may be used to compare
+// creation order. This behavior may be relied upon elsewhere. Object IDs may be recycled when
+// DataObjects are reconstituted by a proxy.
+// Ordinal IDs are supplied by DataCollections to record the ordering of the object being added
+// to the collection. This value is primarily only used by DataCollection, but may be used
+// elsewhere to resolve ordering questions (including stabilizing a sort).
+// Have to inherit from Object due to ContainerSource and this bug:
+public abstract class DataObject : Object {
+ public const int64 INVALID_OBJECT_ID = -1;
+ private static int64 object_id_generator = 0;
+ // because calling to_string() in a destructor is dangerous, stash to_string()'s result in
+ // this variable for reporting
+ protected string dbg_to_string = null;
+ private int64 object_id = INVALID_OBJECT_ID;
+ private DataCollection member_of = null;
+ private int64 ordinal = DataCollection.INVALID_OBJECT_ORDINAL;
+ // NOTE: Supplying an object ID should *only* be used when reconstituting the object (generally
+ // only done by DataSources).
+ public DataObject(int64 object_id = INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
+ this.object_id = (object_id == INVALID_OBJECT_ID) ? object_id_generator++ : object_id;
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_altered(Alteration alteration) {
+ if (member_of != null)
+ member_of.internal_notify_altered(this, alteration);
+ }
+ // There is no membership_changed signal as it's expensive (esp. at startup) and not needed
+ // at this time. The notify_membership_changed mechanism is still in place for subclasses.
+ //
+ // This is called after the change has occurred (i.e., after the DataObject has been added
+ // to the DataCollection, or after it has been remove from the same). It is also called after
+ // the DataCollection has reported the change on its own signals, so it and its children can
+ // properly integrate the DataObject into its pools.
+ //
+ // This is only called by DataCollection.
+ public virtual void notify_membership_changed(DataCollection? collection) {
+ }
+ // Generally, this is only called by DataCollection. No signal is bound to this because
+ // it's not needed currently and affects performance.
+ public virtual void notify_collection_property_set(string name, Value? old, Value val) {
+ }
+ // Generally, this is only called by DataCollection. No signal is bound to this because
+ // it's not needed currently and affects performance.
+ public virtual void notify_collection_property_cleared(string name) {
+ }
+ public abstract string get_name();
+ public abstract string to_string();
+ public DataCollection? get_membership() {
+ return member_of;
+ }
+ public bool has_membership() {
+ return member_of != null;
+ }
+ // This method is only called by DataCollection. It's called after the DataObject has been
+ // assigned to a DataCollection.
+ public void internal_set_membership(DataCollection collection, int64 ordinal) {
+ assert(member_of == null);
+ member_of = collection;
+ this.ordinal = ordinal;
+ dbg_to_string = to_string();
+ }
+ // This method is only called by SourceHoldingTank (to give ordinality to its unassociated
+ // members). DataCollections should call internal_set_membership.
+ public void internal_set_ordinal(int64 ordinal) {
+ assert(member_of == null);
+ this.ordinal = ordinal;
+ }
+ // This method is only called by DataCollection. It's called after the DataObject has been
+ // assigned to a DataCollection.
+ public void internal_clear_membership() {
+ member_of = null;
+ ordinal = DataCollection.INVALID_OBJECT_ORDINAL;
+ }
+ // This method is only called by DataCollection, DataSet, and SourceHoldingTank.
+ public inline int64 internal_get_ordinal() {
+ return ordinal;
+ }
+ public inline int64 get_object_id() {
+ return object_id;
+ }
+ public Value? get_collection_property(string name, Value? def = null) {
+ if (member_of == null)
+ return def;
+ Value? result = member_of.get_property(name);
+ return (result != null) ? result : def;
+ }
+ public void set_collection_property(string name, Value val, ValueEqualFunc? value_equals = null) {
+ if (member_of != null)
+ member_of.set_property(name, val, value_equals);
+ }
+ public void clear_collection_property(string name) {
+ if (member_of != null)
+ member_of.clear_property(name);
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/DataSet.vala b/src/core/DataSet.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebb5500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/DataSet.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// DataSet
+// A DataSet is a collection class used for internal implementations of DataCollection
+// and its children. It may be of use to other classes, however.
+// The general purpose of DataSet is to provide low-cost implementations of various collection
+// operations at a cost of internally maintaining its objects in more than one simple collection.
+// contains(), for example, can return a result with hash-table performance while notions of
+// ordering are maintained by a SortedList. The cost is in adding and removing objects (in general,
+// there are others).
+// Because this class has no signalling mechanisms and does not manipulate DataObjects in ways
+// they expect to be manipulated (these features are performed by DataCollection), it's probably
+// best not to use this class. Even in cases of building a list of DataObjects for some quick
+// operation is probably best done by a Gee.ArrayList.
+// ComparatorPredicate is used to determine if a re-sort operation is necessary; it has no
+// effect on adding a DataObject to a DataSet in sorted order.
+public delegate bool ComparatorPredicate(DataObject object, Alteration alteration);
+public class DataSet {
+ private SortedList<DataObject> list = new SortedList<DataObject>();
+ private Gee.HashSet<DataObject> hash_set = new Gee.HashSet<DataObject>();
+ private unowned Comparator user_comparator = null;
+ private unowned ComparatorPredicate? comparator_predicate = null;
+ public DataSet() {
+ reset_comparator();
+ }
+ private int64 order_added_comparator(void *a, void *b) {
+ return ((DataObject *) a)->internal_get_ordinal() - ((DataObject *) b)->internal_get_ordinal();
+ }
+ private bool order_added_predicate(DataObject object, Alteration alteration) {
+ // ordinals don't change (shouldn't change!) while a part of the DataSet
+ return false;
+ }
+ private int64 comparator_wrapper(void *a, void *b) {
+ if (a == b)
+ return 0;
+ // use the order-added comparator if the user's compare returns equal, to stabilize the
+ // sort
+ int64 result = 0;
+ if (user_comparator != null)
+ result = user_comparator(a, b);
+ if (result == 0)
+ result = order_added_comparator(a, b);
+ assert(result != 0);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public bool contains(DataObject object) {
+ return hash_set.contains(object);
+ }
+ public inline int get_count() {
+ return list.get_count();
+ }
+ public void reset_comparator() {
+ user_comparator = null;
+ comparator_predicate = order_added_predicate;
+ list.resort(order_added_comparator);
+ }
+ public unowned Comparator get_comparator() {
+ return user_comparator;
+ }
+ public unowned ComparatorPredicate get_comparator_predicate() {
+ return comparator_predicate;
+ }
+ public void set_comparator(Comparator user_comparator, ComparatorPredicate? comparator_predicate) {
+ this.user_comparator = user_comparator;
+ this.comparator_predicate = comparator_predicate;
+ list.resort(comparator_wrapper);
+ }
+ public Gee.List<DataObject> get_all() {
+ return list.read_only_view_as_list;
+ }
+ public DataSet copy() {
+ DataSet clone = new DataSet();
+ clone.list = list.copy();
+ clone.hash_set.add_all(hash_set);
+ return clone;
+ }
+ public DataObject? get_at(int index) {
+ return list.get_at(index);
+ }
+ public int index_of(DataObject object) {
+ return list.locate(object, false);
+ }
+ // DataObject's ordinal should be set before adding.
+ public bool add(DataObject object) {
+ if (!list.add(object))
+ return false;
+ if (!hash_set.add(object)) {
+ // attempt to back out of previous operation
+ list.remove(object);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // DataObjects' ordinals should be set before adding.
+ public bool add_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> objects) {
+ int count = objects.size;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return true;
+ if (!list.add_all(objects))
+ return false;
+ if (!hash_set.add_all(objects)) {
+ // back out previous operation
+ list.remove_all(objects);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool remove(DataObject object) {
+ bool success = true;
+ if (!list.remove(object))
+ success = false;
+ if (!hash_set.remove(object))
+ success = false;
+ return success;
+ }
+ public bool remove_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> objects) {
+ bool success = true;
+ if (!list.remove_all(objects))
+ success = false;
+ if (!hash_set.remove_all(objects))
+ success = false;
+ return success;
+ }
+ // Returns true if the item has moved.
+ public bool resort_object(DataObject object, Alteration? alteration) {
+ if (comparator_predicate != null && alteration != null
+ && !comparator_predicate(object, alteration)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return list.resort_item(object);
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/DataSource.vala b/src/core/DataSource.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4d2d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/DataSource.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// DataSource
+// A DataSource is an object that is unique throughout the system. DataSources
+// commonly have external and/or persistent representations, hence they have a notion of being
+// destroyed (versus removed or freed). Several DataViews may exist that reference a single
+// DataSource. Note that DataSources MUST be destroyed (rather than simply removed) from their
+// SourceCollection, and that they MUST be destroyed via their SourceCollection (rather than
+// calling DataSource.destroy() directly.)
+// Destroying a DataSource indicates it should remove all secondary and tertiary structures (such
+// as thumbnails) and any records pointing to its backing store. SourceCollection.destroy_marked()
+// has a parameter indicating if the backing should be destroyed as well; that is when
+// internal_delete_backing() is called.
+// There are no provisions (currently) for a DataSource to be removed from its SourceCollection
+// without destroying its backing and/or secondary and tertiary structures. DataSources are intended
+// to go to the grave with their SourceCollection otherwise. If a need arises for a DataSource to
+// be peaceably removed from its SourceCollection, code will need to be written. SourceSnapshots
+// may be one solution to this problem.
+// Some DataSources cannot be reconstituted (for example, if its backing file is deleted). In
+// that case, dehydrate() should return null. When reconstituted, it is the responsibility of the
+// implementation to ensure an exact clone is produced, minus any details that are not relevant or
+// exposed (such as a database ID).
+// If other DataSources refer to this DataSource, their state will *not* be
+// saved/restored. This must be achieved via other means. However, implementations *should*
+// track when changes to external state would break the proxy and call notify_broken();
+public abstract class DataSource : DataObject {
+ protected delegate void ContactSubscriber(DataView view);
+ protected delegate void ContactSubscriberAlteration(DataView view, Alteration alteration);
+ private DataView[] subscribers = new DataView[4];
+ private SourceHoldingTank holding_tank = null;
+ private weak SourceCollection unlinked_from_collection = null;
+ private Gee.HashMap<string, Gee.List<string>> backlinks = null;
+ private bool in_contact = false;
+ private bool marked_for_destroy = false;
+ private bool is_destroyed = false;
+ // This signal is fired after the DataSource has been unlinked from its SourceCollection.
+ public virtual signal void unlinked(SourceCollection sources) {
+ }
+ // This signal is fired after the DataSource has been relinked to a SourceCollection.
+ public virtual signal void relinked(SourceCollection sources) {
+ }
+ // This signal is fired at the end of the destroy() chain. The object's state is either fragile
+ // or unusable. It is up to all observers to drop their references to the DataObject.
+ public virtual signal void destroyed() {
+ }
+ public DataSource(int64 object_id = INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
+ base (object_id);
+ }
+ ~DataSource() {
+ debug("DTOR: DataSource %s", dbg_to_string);
+ }
+ public override void notify_membership_changed(DataCollection? collection) {
+ // DataSources can only be removed once they've been destroyed or unlinked.
+ if (collection == null) {
+ assert(is_destroyed || backlinks != null);
+ } else {
+ assert(!is_destroyed);
+ }
+ // If removed from a collection but have backlinks, then that's an unlink.
+ if (collection == null && backlinks != null)
+ notify_unlinked();
+ base.notify_membership_changed(collection);
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_held_in_tank(SourceHoldingTank? holding_tank) {
+ // this should never be called if part of a collection
+ assert(get_membership() == null);
+ // DataSources can only be held in a tank if not already in one, and must be removed from
+ // one before being put in another
+ if (holding_tank != null) {
+ assert(this.holding_tank == null);
+ } else {
+ assert(this.holding_tank != null);
+ }
+ this.holding_tank = holding_tank;
+ }
+ public override void notify_altered(Alteration alteration) {
+ // re-route this to the SourceHoldingTank if held in one
+ if (holding_tank != null) {
+ holding_tank.internal_notify_altered(this, alteration);
+ } else {
+ contact_subscribers_alteration(alteration);
+ base.notify_altered(alteration);
+ }
+ }
+ // This method is called by SourceCollection. It should not be called otherwise.
+ public virtual void notify_unlinking(SourceCollection collection) {
+ assert(backlinks == null && unlinked_from_collection == null);
+ unlinked_from_collection = collection;
+ backlinks = new Gee.HashMap<string, Gee.List<string>>();
+ }
+ // This method is called by DataSource. It should not be called otherwise.
+ protected virtual void notify_unlinked() {
+ assert(unlinked_from_collection != null && backlinks != null);
+ unlinked(unlinked_from_collection);
+ // give the DataSource a chance to persist the link state, if any
+ if (backlinks.size > 0)
+ commit_backlinks(unlinked_from_collection, dehydrate_backlinks());
+ }
+ // This method is called by SourceCollection. It should not be called otherwise.
+ public virtual void notify_relinking(SourceCollection collection) {
+ assert((backlinks != null) && (unlinked_from_collection == collection));
+ }
+ // This method is called by SourceCollection. It should not be called otherwise.
+ public virtual void notify_relinked() {
+ assert(backlinks != null && unlinked_from_collection != null);
+ SourceCollection relinked_to = unlinked_from_collection;
+ backlinks = null;
+ unlinked_from_collection = null;
+ relinked(relinked_to);
+ // have the DataSource delete any persisted link state
+ commit_backlinks(null, null);
+ }
+ // Each DataSource has a unique typename. All DataSources of the same type should have the
+ // same typename. This method should be thread-safe.
+ //
+ // NOTE: Because this value may be persisted in various ways, it should not be changed once
+ // defined.
+ public abstract string get_typename();
+ // Each DataSource of a particular typename has an instance ID. Many DataSources can have a
+ // typename of "tag" and many DataSources can have an ID of 42, but only one DataSource may
+ // have a typename of "tag" AND an ID of 42. If the DataSource is persisted, this number should
+ // be persisted as well. This method should be thread-safe.
+ public abstract int64 get_instance_id();
+ // This returns a string that can be used to uniquely identify the DataSource throughout the
+ // system. This method should be thread-safe.
+ public virtual string get_source_id() {
+ return ("%s-%016" + int64.FORMAT_MODIFIER + "x").printf(get_typename(), get_instance_id());
+ }
+ public bool has_backlink(SourceBacklink backlink) {
+ if (backlinks == null)
+ return false;
+ Gee.List<string>? values = backlinks.get(;
+ return values != null ? values.contains(backlink.value) : false;
+ }
+ public Gee.List<SourceBacklink>? get_backlinks(string name) {
+ if (backlinks == null)
+ return null;
+ Gee.List<string>? values = backlinks.get(name);
+ if (values == null || values.size == 0)
+ return null;
+ Gee.List<SourceBacklink> backlinks = new Gee.ArrayList<SourceBacklink>();
+ foreach (string value in values)
+ backlinks.add(new SourceBacklink(name, value));
+ return backlinks;
+ }
+ public void set_backlink(SourceBacklink backlink) {
+ // can only be called during an unlink operation
+ assert(backlinks != null);
+ Gee.List<string> values = backlinks.get(;
+ if (values == null) {
+ values = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+ backlinks.set(, values);
+ }
+ values.add(backlink.value);
+ SourceCollection? sources = (SourceCollection?) get_membership();
+ if (sources != null)
+ sources.internal_backlink_set(this, backlink);
+ }
+ public bool remove_backlink(SourceBacklink backlink) {
+ if (backlinks == null)
+ return false;
+ Gee.List<string> values = backlinks.get(;
+ if (values == null)
+ return false;
+ int original_size = values.size;
+ assert(original_size > 0);
+ Gee.Iterator<string> iter = values.iterator();
+ while ( {
+ if (iter.get() == backlink.value)
+ iter.remove();
+ }
+ if (values.size == 0)
+ backlinks.unset(;
+ // Commit here because this can come at any time; setting the backlinks should only
+ // happen during an unlink, which commits at the end of the cycle.
+ commit_backlinks(unlinked_from_collection, dehydrate_backlinks());
+ SourceCollection? sources = (SourceCollection?) get_membership();
+ if (sources != null)
+ sources.internal_backlink_removed(this, backlink);
+ return values.size != original_size;
+ }
+ // Base implementation is to do nothing; if DataSource wishes to persist link state across
+ // application sessions, it should do so when this is called. Do not call this base method
+ // when overriding; it will only issue a warning.
+ //
+ // If dehydrated is null, the persisted link state should be deleted. sources will be null
+ // as well.
+ protected virtual void commit_backlinks(SourceCollection? sources, string? dehydrated) {
+ if (sources != null || dehydrated != null)
+ warning("No implementation to commit link state for %s", to_string());
+ }
+ private string? dehydrate_backlinks() {
+ if (backlinks == null || backlinks.size == 0)
+ return null;
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (string name in backlinks.keys) {
+ Gee.List<string> values = backlinks.get(name);
+ if (values == null || values.size == 0)
+ continue;
+ string value_field = "";
+ foreach (string value in values) {
+ if (!is_string_empty(value))
+ value_field += value + "|";
+ }
+ if (value_field.length > 0)
+ builder.append("%s=%s\n".printf(name, value_field));
+ }
+ return builder.str.length > 0 ? builder.str : null;
+ }
+ // If dehydrated is null, this method will still put the DataSource into an unlinked state,
+ // simply without any backlinks to reestablish.
+ public void rehydrate_backlinks(SourceCollection unlinked_from, string? dehydrated) {
+ unlinked_from_collection = unlinked_from;
+ backlinks = new Gee.HashMap<string, Gee.List<string>>();
+ if (dehydrated == null)
+ return;
+ string[] lines = dehydrated.split("\n");
+ foreach (string line in lines) {
+ if (line.length == 0)
+ continue;
+ string[] tokens = line.split("=", 2);
+ if (tokens.length < 2) {
+ warning("Unable to rehydrate \"%s\" for %s: name and value not present", line,
+ to_string());
+ continue;
+ }
+ string[] decoded_values = tokens[1].split("|");
+ Gee.List<string> values = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+ foreach (string value in decoded_values) {
+ if (value != null && value.length > 0)
+ values.add(value);
+ }
+ if (values.size > 0)
+ backlinks.set(tokens[0], values);
+ }
+ }
+ // If a DataSource cannot produce snapshots, return null.
+ public virtual SourceSnapshot? save_snapshot() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // This method is called by SourceCollection. It should not be called otherwise.
+ public void internal_mark_for_destroy() {
+ marked_for_destroy = true;
+ }
+ // This method is called by SourceCollection. It should not be called otherwise.
+ //
+ // This method deletes whatever backing this DataSource represents. It should either return
+ // false or throw an error if the delete fails.
+ public virtual bool internal_delete_backing() throws Error {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Because of the rules of DataSources, a DataSource is only equal to itself; subclasses
+ // may override this to perform validations and/or assertions
+ public virtual bool equals(DataSource? source) {
+ return (this == source);
+ }
+ // This method is called by SourceCollection. It should not be called otherwise. To destroy
+ // a DataSource, destroy it from its SourceCollection.
+ //
+ // Child classes should call this base class to ensure that the collection this object is
+ // a member of is notified and the signal is properly called. The collection will remove this
+ // object automatically.
+ public virtual void destroy() {
+ assert(marked_for_destroy);
+ // mark as destroyed
+ is_destroyed = true;
+ // unsubscribe all subscribers
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < subscribers.length; ctr++) {
+ if (subscribers[ctr] != null) {
+ DataView view = subscribers[ctr];
+ subscribers[ctr] = null;
+ view.notify_unsubscribed(this);
+ }
+ }
+ // propagate the signal
+ destroyed();
+ }
+ // This method can be used to destroy a DataSource before it's added to a SourceCollection
+ // or has been unlinked from one. It should not be used otherwise. (In particular, don't
+ // automate destroys by removing and then calling this method -- that will happen automatically.)
+ // To destroy a DataSource already integrated into a SourceCollection, call
+ // SourceCollection.destroy_marked(). Returns true if the operation completed successfully,
+ // otherwise it will return false.
+ public bool destroy_orphan(bool delete_backing) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ if (delete_backing) {
+ try {
+ ret = internal_delete_backing();
+ if (!ret)
+ warning("Unable to delete backing for %s", to_string());
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ warning("Unable to delete backing for %s: %s", to_string(), err.message);
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ }
+ internal_mark_for_destroy();
+ destroy();
+ if (unlinked_from_collection != null)
+ unlinked_from_collection.notify_unlinked_destroyed(this);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // DataViews subscribe to the DataSource to inform it of their existence. Not only does this
+ // allow for signal reflection (i.e. DataSource.altered -> DataView.altered) it also makes
+ // them first-in-line for notification of destruction, so they can remove themselves from
+ // their ViewCollections automatically.
+ //
+ // This method is only called by DataView.
+ public void internal_subscribe(DataView view) {
+ assert(!in_contact);
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < subscribers.length; ctr++) {
+ if (subscribers[ctr] == null) {
+ subscribers[ctr] = view;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ subscribers += view;
+ }
+ // This method is only called by DataView. NOTE: This method does NOT call
+ // DataView.notify_unsubscribed(), as it's assumed the DataView itself will do so if appropriate.
+ public void internal_unsubscribe(DataView view) {
+ assert(!in_contact);
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < subscribers.length; ctr++) {
+ if (subscribers[ctr] == view) {
+ subscribers[ctr] = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void contact_subscribers(ContactSubscriber contact_subscriber) {
+ assert(!in_contact);
+ in_contact = true;
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < subscribers.length; ctr++) {
+ if (subscribers[ctr] != null)
+ contact_subscriber(subscribers[ctr]);
+ }
+ in_contact = false;
+ }
+ protected void contact_subscribers_alteration(Alteration alteration) {
+ assert(!in_contact);
+ in_contact = true;
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < subscribers.length; ctr++) {
+ if (subscribers[ctr] != null)
+ subscribers[ctr].notify_altered(alteration);
+ }
+ in_contact = false;
+ }
+public abstract class SourceSnapshot {
+ private bool snapshot_broken = false;
+ // This is signalled when the DataSource, for whatever reason, can no longer be reconstituted
+ // from this Snapshot.
+ public virtual signal void broken() {
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_broken() {
+ snapshot_broken = true;
+ broken();
+ }
+ public bool is_broken() {
+ return snapshot_broken;
+ }
+// Link state name may not contain the equal sign ("="). Link names and values may not contain the
+// pipe-character ("|"). Both will be stripped of leading and trailing whitespace. This may
+// affect retrieval.
+public class SourceBacklink {
+ private string _name;
+ private string _value;
+ public string name {
+ get {
+ return _name;
+ }
+ }
+ public string value {
+ get {
+ return _value;
+ }
+ }
+ // This only applies if the SourceBacklink comes from a DataSource.
+ public string typename {
+ get {
+ return _name;
+ }
+ }
+ // This only applies if the SourceBacklink comes from a DataSource.
+ public int64 instance_id {
+ get {
+ return int64.parse(_value);
+ }
+ }
+ public SourceBacklink(string name, string value) {
+ assert(validate_name_value(name, value));
+ _name = name.strip();
+ _value = value.strip();
+ }
+ public SourceBacklink.from_source(DataSource source) {
+ _name = source.get_typename().strip();
+ _value = source.get_instance_id().to_string().strip();
+ assert(validate_name_value(_name, _value));
+ }
+ private static bool validate_name_value(string name, string value) {
+ return !name.contains("=") && !name.contains("|") && !value.contains("|");
+ }
+ public string to_string() {
+ return "Backlink %s=%s".printf(name, value);
+ }
+ public static uint hash_func(SourceBacklink? backlink) {
+ return str_hash(backlink._name) ^ str_hash(backlink._value);
+ }
+ public static bool equal_func(SourceBacklink? alink, SourceBacklink? blink) {
+ return str_equal(alink._name, blink._name) && str_equal(alink._value, blink._value);
+ }
+// SourceProxy
+// A SourceProxy allows for a DataSource's state to be maintained in memory regardless of
+// whether or not the DataSource has been destroyed. If a user of SourceProxy
+// requests the represented object and it is still in memory, it will be returned. If not, it
+// is reconstituted and the new DataSource is returned.
+// Several SourceProxy can be wrapped around the same DataSource. If the DataSource is
+// destroyed, all Proxys drop their reference. When a Proxy reconstitutes the DataSource, all
+// will be aware of it and re-establish their reference.
+// The snapshot that is maintained is the snapshot in regards to the time of the Proxy's creation.
+// Proxys do not update their snapshot thereafter. If a snapshot reports it is broken, the
+// Proxy will not reconstitute the DataSource and get_source() will return null thereafter.
+// There is no preferential treatment in regards to snapshots of the DataSources. The first
+// Proxy to reconstitute the DataSource wins.
+public abstract class SourceProxy {
+ private int64 object_id;
+ private string source_string;
+ private DataSource source;
+ private SourceSnapshot snapshot;
+ private SourceCollection membership;
+ // This is only signalled by the SourceProxy that reconstituted the DataSource. All
+ // Proxys will signal when this occurs.
+ public virtual signal void reconstituted(DataSource source) {
+ }
+ // This is signalled when the SourceProxy has dropped a destroyed DataSource. Calling
+ // get_source() will force it to be reconstituted.
+ public virtual signal void dehydrated() {
+ }
+ // This is signalled when the held DataSourceSnapshot reports it is broken. The DataSource
+ // will not be reconstituted and get_source() will return null thereafter.
+ public virtual signal void broken() {
+ }
+ public SourceProxy(DataSource source) {
+ object_id = source.get_object_id();
+ source_string = source.to_string();
+ snapshot = source.save_snapshot();
+ assert(snapshot != null);
+ snapshot.broken.connect(on_snapshot_broken);
+ set_source(source);
+ membership = (SourceCollection) source.get_membership();
+ assert(membership != null);
+ membership.items_added.connect(on_source_added);
+ }
+ ~SourceProxy() {
+ drop_source();
+ membership.items_added.disconnect(on_source_added);
+ }
+ public abstract DataSource reconstitute(int64 object_id, SourceSnapshot snapshot);
+ public virtual void notify_reconstituted(DataSource source) {
+ reconstituted(source);
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_dehydrated() {
+ dehydrated();
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_broken() {
+ broken();
+ }
+ private void on_snapshot_broken() {
+ drop_source();
+ notify_broken();
+ }
+ private void set_source(DataSource source) {
+ drop_source();
+ this.source = source;
+ source.destroyed.connect(on_destroyed);
+ }
+ private void drop_source() {
+ if (source == null)
+ return;
+ source.destroyed.disconnect(on_destroyed);
+ source = null;
+ }
+ public DataSource? get_source() {
+ if (snapshot.is_broken())
+ return null;
+ if (source != null)
+ return source;
+ // without the source, need to reconstitute it and re-add to its original SourceCollection
+ // it should also automatically add itself to its original collection (which is trapped
+ // in on_source_added)
+ DataSource new_source = reconstitute(object_id, snapshot);
+ if (source != new_source)
+ source = new_source;
+ if (object_id != source.get_object_id())
+ object_id = new_source.get_object_id();
+ assert(source.get_object_id() == object_id);
+ assert(membership.contains(source));
+ return source;
+ }
+ private void on_destroyed() {
+ assert(source != null);
+ // drop the reference ... will need to reconstitute later if requested
+ drop_source();
+ notify_dehydrated();
+ }
+ private void on_source_added(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> added) {
+ // only interested in new objects when the proxied object has gone away
+ if (source != null)
+ return;
+ foreach (DataObject object in added) {
+ // looking for new objects with original source object's id
+ if (object.get_object_id() != object_id)
+ continue;
+ // this is it; stash for future use
+ set_source((DataSource) object);
+ notify_reconstituted((DataSource) object);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+public interface Proxyable : Object {
+ public abstract SourceProxy get_proxy();
diff --git a/src/core/DataSourceTypes.vala b/src/core/DataSourceTypes.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f23ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/DataSourceTypes.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// Media sources
+public abstract class ThumbnailSource : DataSource {
+ public virtual signal void thumbnail_altered() {
+ }
+ public ThumbnailSource(int64 object_id = INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
+ base (object_id);
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_thumbnail_altered() {
+ // fire signal on self
+ thumbnail_altered();
+ // signal reflection to DataViews
+ contact_subscribers(subscriber_thumbnail_altered);
+ }
+ private void subscriber_thumbnail_altered(DataView view) {
+ ((ThumbnailView) view).notify_thumbnail_altered();
+ }
+ public abstract Gdk.Pixbuf? get_thumbnail(int scale) throws Error;
+ // get_thumbnail( ) may return a cached pixbuf; create_thumbnail( ) is guaranteed to create
+ // a new pixbuf (e.g., by the source loading, decoding, and scaling image data)
+ public abstract Gdk.Pixbuf? create_thumbnail(int scale) throws Error;
+ // A ThumbnailSource may use another ThumbnailSource as its representative. It's up to the
+ // subclass to forward on the appropriate methods to this ThumbnailSource. But, since multiple
+ // ThumbnailSources may be referring to a single ThumbnailSource, this allows for that to be
+ // detected and optimized (in caching).
+ //
+ // Note that it's the responsibility of this ThumbnailSource to fire "thumbnail-altered" if its
+ // representative does the same.
+ //
+ // Default behavior is to return the ID of this.
+ public virtual string get_representative_id() {
+ return get_source_id();
+ }
+ public abstract PhotoFileFormat get_preferred_thumbnail_format();
+public abstract class PhotoSource : MediaSource {
+ public PhotoSource(int64 object_id = INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
+ base (object_id);
+ }
+ public abstract PhotoMetadata? get_metadata();
+ public abstract Gdk.Pixbuf get_pixbuf(Scaling scaling) throws Error;
+public abstract class VideoSource : MediaSource {
+// EventSource
+public abstract class EventSource : ThumbnailSource {
+ public EventSource(int64 object_id = INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
+ base (object_id);
+ }
+ public abstract time_t get_start_time();
+ public abstract time_t get_end_time();
+ public abstract uint64 get_total_filesize();
+ public abstract int get_media_count();
+ public abstract Gee.Collection<MediaSource> get_media();
+ public abstract string? get_comment();
+ public abstract bool set_comment(string? comment);
+// ContainerSource
+public interface ContainerSource : DataSource {
+ public abstract bool has_links();
+ public abstract SourceBacklink get_backlink();
+ public abstract void break_link(DataSource source);
+ public abstract void break_link_many(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources);
+ public abstract void establish_link(DataSource source);
+ public abstract void establish_link_many(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources);
diff --git a/src/core/DataView.vala b/src/core/DataView.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07cd4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/DataView.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public class DataView : DataObject {
+ private DataSource source;
+ private bool selected = false;
+ private bool visible = true;
+ // Indicates that the selection state has changed.
+ public virtual signal void state_changed(bool selected) {
+ }
+ // Indicates the visible state has changed.
+ public virtual signal void visibility_changed(bool visible) {
+ }
+ // Indicates that the display (what is seen by the user) of the DataView has changed.
+ public virtual signal void view_altered() {
+ }
+ // Indicates that the geometry of the DataView has changed (which implies the view has altered,
+ // but only in that the same elements have changed size).
+ public virtual signal void geometry_altered() {
+ }
+ public virtual signal void unsubscribed(DataSource source) {
+ }
+ public DataView(DataSource source) {
+ this.source = source;
+ // subscribe to the DataSource, which sets up signal reflection and gives the DataView
+ // first notification of destruction.
+ source.internal_subscribe(this);
+ }
+ ~DataView() {
+ debug("DTOR: DataView %s", dbg_to_string);
+ source.internal_unsubscribe(this);
+ }
+ public override string get_name() {
+ return "View of %s".printf(source.get_name());
+ }
+ public override string to_string() {
+ return "DataView %s [DataSource %s]".printf(get_name(), source.to_string());
+ }
+ public DataSource get_source() {
+ return source;
+ }
+ public bool is_selected() {
+ return selected;
+ }
+ // This method is only called by ViewCollection.
+ public void internal_set_selected(bool selected) {
+ if (this.selected == selected)
+ return;
+ this.selected = selected;
+ state_changed(selected);
+ }
+ // This method is only called by ViewCollection. Returns the toggled state.
+ public bool internal_toggle() {
+ selected = !selected;
+ state_changed(selected);
+ return selected;
+ }
+ public bool is_visible() {
+ return visible;
+ }
+ // This method is only called by ViewCollection.
+ public void internal_set_visible(bool visible) {
+ if (this.visible == visible)
+ return;
+ this.visible = visible;
+ visibility_changed(visible);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_view_altered() {
+ // impossible when not visible
+ if (!visible)
+ return;
+ ViewCollection vc = get_membership() as ViewCollection;
+ if (vc != null) {
+ if (!vc.are_notifications_frozen())
+ view_altered();
+ // notify ViewCollection in any event
+ vc.internal_notify_view_altered(this);
+ } else {
+ view_altered();
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_geometry_altered() {
+ // impossible when not visible
+ if (!visible)
+ return;
+ ViewCollection vc = get_membership() as ViewCollection;
+ if (vc != null) {
+ if (!vc.are_notifications_frozen())
+ geometry_altered();
+ // notify ViewCollection in any event
+ vc.internal_notify_geometry_altered(this);
+ } else {
+ geometry_altered();
+ }
+ }
+ // This is only called by DataSource
+ public virtual void notify_unsubscribed(DataSource source) {
+ unsubscribed(source);
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/DataViewTypes.vala b/src/core/DataViewTypes.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac7602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/DataViewTypes.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public class ThumbnailView : DataView {
+ public virtual signal void thumbnail_altered() {
+ }
+ public ThumbnailView(ThumbnailSource source) {
+ base(source);
+ }
+ public virtual void notify_thumbnail_altered() {
+ // fire signal on self
+ thumbnail_altered();
+ }
+public class PhotoView : ThumbnailView {
+ public PhotoView(PhotoSource source) {
+ base(source);
+ }
+ public PhotoSource get_photo_source() {
+ return (PhotoSource) get_source();
+ }
+public class VideoView : ThumbnailView {
+ public VideoView(VideoSource source) {
+ base(source);
+ }
+ public VideoSource get_video_source() {
+ return (VideoSource) get_source();
+ }
+public class EventView : ThumbnailView {
+ public EventView(EventSource source) {
+ base(source);
+ }
+ public EventSource get_event_source() {
+ return (EventSource) get_source();
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/DatabaseSourceCollection.vala b/src/core/DatabaseSourceCollection.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c704bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/DatabaseSourceCollection.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public delegate int64 GetSourceDatabaseKey(DataSource source);
+// A DatabaseSourceCollection is a SourceCollection that understands database keys (IDs) and the
+// nature that a row in a database can only be instantiated once in the system, and so it tracks
+// their existence in a map so they can be fetched by their key.
+// TODO: This would be better implemented as an observer class, possibly with an interface to
+// force subclasses to provide a fetch_by_key() method.
+public abstract class DatabaseSourceCollection : SourceCollection {
+ private unowned GetSourceDatabaseKey source_key_func;
+ private Gee.HashMap<int64?, DataSource> map = new Gee.HashMap<int64?, DataSource>(int64_hash,
+ int64_equal);
+ public DatabaseSourceCollection(string name, GetSourceDatabaseKey source_key_func) {
+ base (name);
+ this.source_key_func = source_key_func;
+ }
+ public override void notify_items_added(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> added) {
+ foreach (DataObject object in added) {
+ DataSource source = (DataSource) object;
+ int64 key = source_key_func(source);
+ assert(!map.has_key(key));
+ map.set(key, source);
+ }
+ base.notify_items_added(added);
+ }
+ public override void notify_items_removed(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> removed) {
+ foreach (DataObject object in removed) {
+ int64 key = source_key_func((DataSource) object);
+ bool is_removed = map.unset(key);
+ assert(is_removed);
+ }
+ base.notify_items_removed(removed);
+ }
+ protected DataSource fetch_by_key(int64 key) {
+ return map.get(key);
+ }
+public class DatabaseSourceHoldingTank : SourceHoldingTank {
+ private unowned GetSourceDatabaseKey get_key;
+ private Gee.HashMap<int64?, DataSource> map = new Gee.HashMap<int64?, DataSource>(int64_hash,
+ int64_equal);
+ public DatabaseSourceHoldingTank(SourceCollection sources,
+ SourceHoldingTank.CheckToKeep check_to_keep, GetSourceDatabaseKey get_key) {
+ base (sources, check_to_keep);
+ this.get_key = get_key;
+ }
+ public DataSource? get_by_id(int64 id) {
+ return map.get(id);
+ }
+ protected override void notify_contents_altered(Gee.Collection<DataSource>? added,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource>? removed) {
+ if (added != null) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in added)
+ map.set(get_key(source), source);
+ }
+ if (removed != null) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in removed)
+ map.unset(get_key(source));
+ }
+ base.notify_contents_altered(added, removed);
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/SourceCollection.vala b/src/core/SourceCollection.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..020df0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/SourceCollection.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+public abstract class SourceCollection : DataCollection {
+ private class DestroyCounter : Object {
+ public Marker remove_marker;
+ public Gee.ArrayList<DataSource> notify_list = new Gee.ArrayList<DataSource>();
+ public Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource> not_removed = new Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource>();
+ public DestroyCounter(Marker remove_marker) {
+ this.remove_marker = remove_marker;
+ }
+ }
+ // When this signal is fired, the items are about to be unlinked from the collection. The
+ // appropriate remove signals will follow.
+ public virtual signal void items_unlinking(Gee.Collection<DataSource> unlinking) {
+ }
+ // When this signal is fired, the items are being relinked to the collection. The appropriate
+ // add signals have already been fired.
+ public virtual signal void items_relinked(Gee.Collection<DataSource> relinked) {
+ }
+ // When this signal is fired, the item is still part of the collection but its own destroy()
+ // has already been called.
+ public virtual signal void item_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ }
+ // When this signal is fired, the item is still part of the collection but its own destroy()
+ // has already been called.
+ public virtual signal void items_destroyed(Gee.Collection<DataSource> destroyed) {
+ }
+ // When this signal is fired, the unlinked item has been unlinked from the collection previously
+ // and its destroy() has been called.
+ public virtual signal void unlinked_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ }
+ // When this signal is fired, the backlink to the ContainerSource has already been removed.
+ public virtual signal void backlink_removed(SourceBacklink backlink,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ }
+ private Gee.MultiMap<SourceBacklink, DataSource>? backlinks = null;
+ public SourceCollection(string name) {
+ base (name);
+ }
+ public abstract bool holds_type_of_source(DataSource source);
+ protected virtual void notify_items_unlinking(Gee.Collection<DataSource> unlinking) {
+ items_unlinking(unlinking);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_items_relinked(Gee.Collection<DataSource> relinked) {
+ items_relinked(relinked);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_item_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ item_destroyed(source);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_items_destroyed(Gee.Collection<DataSource> destroyed) {
+ items_destroyed(destroyed);
+ }
+ // This is only called by DataSource.
+ public virtual void notify_unlinked_destroyed(DataSource unlinked) {
+ unlinked_destroyed(unlinked);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_backlink_removed(SourceBacklink backlink,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) {
+ backlink_removed(backlink, sources);
+ }
+ protected override bool valid_type(DataObject object) {
+ return object is DataSource;
+ }
+ // Destroy all marked items and optionally have them delete their backing. Returns the
+ // number of items which failed to delete their backing (if delete_backing is true) or zero.
+ public int destroy_marked(Marker marker, bool delete_backing, ProgressMonitor? monitor = null,
+ Gee.List<MediaSource>? not_removed = null) {
+ DestroyCounter counter = new DestroyCounter(start_marking());
+ if (delete_backing)
+ act_on_marked(marker, destroy_and_delete_source, monitor, counter);
+ else
+ act_on_marked(marker, destroy_source, monitor, counter);
+ // notify of destruction
+ foreach (DataSource source in counter.notify_list)
+ notify_item_destroyed(source);
+ notify_items_destroyed(counter.notify_list);
+ // remove once all destroyed
+ remove_marked(counter.remove_marker);
+ if (null != not_removed) {
+ not_removed.add_all(counter.not_removed);
+ }
+ return counter.not_removed.size;
+ }
+ private bool destroy_and_delete_source(DataObject object, Object? user) {
+ bool success = false;
+ try {
+ success = ((DataSource) object).internal_delete_backing();
+ } catch (Error err) {
+ success = false;
+ }
+ if (!success && object is MediaSource) {
+ ((DestroyCounter) user).not_removed.add((MediaSource) object);
+ }
+ return destroy_source(object, user) && success;
+ }
+ private bool destroy_source(DataObject object, Object? user) {
+ DataSource source = (DataSource) object;
+ source.internal_mark_for_destroy();
+ source.destroy();
+ ((DestroyCounter) user).remove_marker.mark(source);
+ ((DestroyCounter) user).notify_list.add(source);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // This is only called by DataSource.
+ public void internal_backlink_set(DataSource source, SourceBacklink backlink) {
+ if (backlinks == null) {
+ backlinks = new Gee.HashMultiMap<SourceBacklink, DataSource>(SourceBacklink.hash_func,
+ SourceBacklink.equal_func);
+ }
+ backlinks.set(backlink, source);
+ }
+ // This is only called by DataSource.
+ public void internal_backlink_removed(DataSource source, SourceBacklink backlink) {
+ assert(backlinks != null);
+ bool removed = backlinks.remove(backlink, source);
+ assert(removed);
+ }
+ public virtual bool has_backlink(SourceBacklink backlink) {
+ return backlinks != null ? backlinks.contains(backlink) : false;
+ }
+ public Gee.Collection<DataSource>? unlink_marked(Marker marker, ProgressMonitor? monitor = null) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataSource> list = new Gee.ArrayList<DataSource>();
+ act_on_marked(marker, prepare_for_unlink, monitor, list);
+ if (list.size == 0)
+ return null;
+ notify_items_unlinking(list);
+ remove_marked(mark_many(list));
+ return list;
+ }
+ private bool prepare_for_unlink(DataObject object, Object? user) {
+ DataSource source = (DataSource) object;
+ source.notify_unlinking(this);
+ ((Gee.List<DataSource>) user).add(source);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void relink(DataSource source) {
+ source.notify_relinking(this);
+ add(source);
+ notify_items_relinked((Gee.Collection<DataSource>) get_singleton(source));
+ source.notify_relinked();
+ }
+ public void relink_many(Gee.Collection<DataSource> relink) {
+ if (relink.size == 0)
+ return;
+ foreach (DataSource source in relink)
+ source.notify_relinking(this);
+ add_many(relink);
+ notify_items_relinked(relink);
+ foreach (DataSource source in relink)
+ source.notify_relinked();
+ }
+ public virtual void remove_backlink(SourceBacklink backlink) {
+ if (backlinks == null)
+ return;
+ // create copy because the DataSources will be removing the backlinks
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataSource> sources = new Gee.ArrayList<DataSource>();
+ sources.add_all(backlinks.get(backlink));
+ foreach (DataSource source in sources)
+ source.remove_backlink(backlink);
+ notify_backlink_removed(backlink, sources);
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/SourceHoldingTank.vala b/src/core/SourceHoldingTank.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adfec8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/SourceHoldingTank.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// A SourceHoldingTank is similar to the holding tank used by ContainerSourceCollection, but for
+// non-ContainerSources to be held offline from their natural SourceCollection (i.e. PhotoSources
+// being held in a trashcan, for example). It is *not* a DataCollection (important!), but rather
+// a signalled collection that moves DataSources to and from their SourceCollection.
+// DataSources can be shuttled from their SourceCollection to the SourceHoldingTank manually
+// (via unlink_and_hold) or can be automatically moved by installing a HoldingPredicate.
+// Only one HoldingConditional may be installed. Because of assertions in the methods, it's unwise
+// to use more than one method. add() and add_many() should ONLY be used for DataSources not
+// first installed in their SourceCollection (i.e. they're born in the SourceHoldingTank).
+// NOTE: DataSources should never be in more than one SourceHoldingTank. No tests are performed
+// here to verify this. This is why a filter/predicate method (which could automatically move
+// them in as they're altered) is not offered; there's no easy way to keep DataSources from being
+// moved into more than one holding tank, or which should have preference. The CheckToRemove
+// predicate is offered only to know when to release them.
+public class SourceHoldingTank {
+ // Return true if the DataSource should remain in the SourceHoldingTank, false otherwise.
+ public delegate bool CheckToKeep(DataSource source, Alteration alteration);
+ private SourceCollection sources;
+ private unowned CheckToKeep check_to_keep;
+ private DataSet tank = new DataSet();
+ private Gee.HashSet<DataSource> relinks = new Gee.HashSet<DataSource>();
+ private Gee.HashSet<DataSource> unlinking = new Gee.HashSet<DataSource>();
+ private int64 ordinal = 0;
+ public virtual signal void contents_altered(Gee.Collection<DataSource>? added,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource>? removed) {
+ }
+ public SourceHoldingTank(SourceCollection sources, CheckToKeep check_to_keep) {
+ this.sources = sources;
+ this.check_to_keep = check_to_keep;
+ this.sources.item_destroyed.connect(on_source_destroyed);
+ this.sources.thawed.connect(on_source_collection_thawed);
+ }
+ ~SourceHoldingTank() {
+ sources.item_destroyed.disconnect(on_source_destroyed);
+ sources.thawed.disconnect(on_source_collection_thawed);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_contents_altered(Gee.Collection<DataSource>? added,
+ Gee.Collection<DataSource>? removed) {
+ if (added != null) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in added)
+ source.notify_held_in_tank(this);
+ }
+ if (removed != null) {
+ foreach (DataSource source in removed)
+ source.notify_held_in_tank(null);
+ }
+ contents_altered(added, removed);
+ }
+ public int get_count() {
+ return tank.get_count();
+ }
+ public Gee.Collection<DataSource> get_all() {
+ return (Gee.Collection<DataSource>) tank.get_all();
+ }
+ public bool contains(DataSource source) {
+ return tank.contains(source) || unlinking.contains(source);
+ }
+ // Only use for DataSources that have not been installed in their SourceCollection.
+ public void add_many(Gee.Collection<DataSource> many) {
+ if (many.size == 0)
+ return;
+ foreach (DataSource source in many)
+ source.internal_set_ordinal(ordinal++);
+ bool added = tank.add_many(many);
+ assert(added);
+ notify_contents_altered(many, null);
+ }
+ // Do not pass in DataSources which have already been unlinked, including into this holding
+ // tank.
+ public void unlink_and_hold(Gee.Collection<DataSource> unlink) {
+ if (unlink.size == 0)
+ return;
+ // store in the unlinking collection to guard against reentrancy
+ unlinking.add_all(unlink);
+ sources.unlink_marked(sources.mark_many(unlink));
+ foreach (DataSource source in unlink)
+ source.internal_set_ordinal(ordinal++);
+ bool added = tank.add_many(unlink);
+ assert(added);
+ // remove from the unlinking pool, as they're now unlinked
+ unlinking.remove_all(unlink);
+ notify_contents_altered(unlink, null);
+ }
+ public bool has_backlink(SourceBacklink backlink) {
+ int count = tank.get_count();
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++) {
+ if (((DataSource) tank.get_at(ctr)).has_backlink(backlink))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void remove_backlink(SourceBacklink backlink) {
+ int count = tank.get_count();
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++)
+ ((DataSource) tank.get_at(ctr)).remove_backlink(backlink);
+ }
+ public void destroy_orphans(Gee.List<DataSource> destroy, bool delete_backing,
+ ProgressMonitor? monitor = null, Gee.List<DataSource>? not_removed = null) {
+ if (destroy.size == 0)
+ return;
+ bool removed = tank.remove_many(destroy);
+ assert(removed);
+ notify_contents_altered(null, destroy);
+ int count = destroy.size;
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++) {
+ DataSource source = destroy.get(ctr);
+ if (!source.destroy_orphan(delete_backing)) {
+ if (null != not_removed) {
+ not_removed.add(source);
+ }
+ }
+ if (monitor != null)
+ monitor(ctr + 1, count);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_source_destroyed(DataSource source) {
+ if (!tank.contains(source))
+ return;
+ bool removed = tank.remove(source);
+ assert(removed);
+ notify_contents_altered(null, new SingletonCollection<DataSource>(source));
+ }
+ // This is only called by DataSource
+ public void internal_notify_altered(DataSource source, Alteration alteration) {
+ if (!tank.contains(source)) {
+ debug("SourceHoldingTank.internal_notify_altered called for %s not stored in %s",
+ source.to_string(), to_string());
+ return;
+ }
+ // see if it should stay put
+ if (check_to_keep(source, alteration))
+ return;
+ bool removed = tank.remove(source);
+ assert(removed);
+ if (sources.are_notifications_frozen()) {
+ relinks.add(source);
+ return;
+ }
+ notify_contents_altered(null, new SingletonCollection<DataSource>(source));
+ sources.relink(source);
+ }
+ private void on_source_collection_thawed() {
+ if (relinks.size == 0)
+ return;
+ // swap out to protect against reentrancy
+ Gee.HashSet<DataSource> copy = relinks;
+ relinks = new Gee.HashSet<DataSource>();
+ notify_contents_altered(null, copy);
+ sources.relink_many(copy);
+ }
+ public string to_string() {
+ return "SourceHoldingTank @ 0x%p".printf(this);
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/SourceInterfaces.vala b/src/core/SourceInterfaces.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59956d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/SourceInterfaces.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// See the note in MediaInterfaces.vala for some thoughts on the theory of expanding Shotwell's
+// features via interfaces rather than class heirarchies.
+// Indexable DataSources provide raw strings that may be searched against (and, in the future,
+// indexed) for free-text search queries. DataSources implementing Indexable must prepare and
+// store (i.e. cache) these strings using prepare_indexable_string(s), as preparing the strings
+// for each call is expensive.
+// When the indexable string has changed, the object should fire an alteration of
+// "indexable:keywords". The prepare methods will not do this.
+public interface Indexable : DataSource {
+ public abstract unowned string? get_indexable_keywords();
+ public static string? prepare_indexable_string(string? str) {
+ if(is_string_empty(str))
+ return null;
+ return String.remove_diacritics(str.down());
+ }
+ public static string? prepare_indexable_strings(string[]? strs) {
+ if (strs == null || strs.length == 0)
+ return null;
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
+ int ctr = 0;
+ do {
+ if (!is_string_empty(strs[ctr])) {
+ builder.append(strs[ctr].down());
+ if (ctr < strs.length - 1)
+ builder.append_c(' ');
+ }
+ } while (++ctr < strs.length);
+ return !is_string_empty(builder.str) ? builder.str : null;
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/Tracker.vala b/src/core/Tracker.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e72992b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/Tracker.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+namespace Core {
+// A TrackerAccumulator is called by Tracker indicating when a DataObject should be included or
+// unincluded in its accumulated data. All methods return true if their data has changed,
+// indicating that the Tracker's "updated" signal should be fired.
+public interface TrackerAccumulator : Object {
+ public abstract bool include(DataObject object);
+ public abstract bool uninclude(DataObject object);
+ public abstract bool altered(DataObject object, Alteration alteration);
+// A Tracker monitors a DataCollection and reports to an installed TrackerAccumulator when objects
+// are available and unavailable. This simplifies connecting to the DataCollection manually to
+// monitoring availability (or subclassing for similar reasons, which may not always be available).
+public class Tracker {
+ protected delegate bool IncludeUnincludeObject(DataObject object);
+ private DataCollection collection;
+ private Gee.Collection<DataObject>? initial;
+ private TrackerAccumulator? acc = null;
+ public virtual signal void updated() {
+ }
+ public Tracker(DataCollection collection, Gee.Collection<DataObject>? initial = null) {
+ this.collection = collection;
+ this.initial = initial;
+ }
+ ~Tracker() {
+ if (acc != null) {
+ collection.items_added.disconnect(on_items_added);
+ collection.items_removed.disconnect(on_items_removed);
+ collection.items_altered.disconnect(on_items_altered);
+ }
+ }
+ public void start(TrackerAccumulator acc) {
+ // can only be started once
+ assert(this.acc == null);
+ this.acc = acc;
+ collection.items_added.connect(on_items_added);
+ collection.items_removed.connect(on_items_removed);
+ collection.items_altered.connect(on_items_altered);
+ if (initial != null && initial.size > 0)
+ on_items_added(initial);
+ else if (initial == null)
+ on_items_added(collection.get_all());
+ initial = null;
+ }
+ public DataCollection get_collection() {
+ return collection;
+ }
+ private void on_items_added(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> added) {
+ include_uninclude(added, acc.include);
+ }
+ private void on_items_removed(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> removed) {
+ include_uninclude(removed, acc.uninclude);
+ }
+ // Subclasses can use this as a utility method.
+ protected void include_uninclude(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> objects, IncludeUnincludeObject cb) {
+ bool fire_updated = false;
+ foreach (DataObject object in objects)
+ fire_updated = cb(object) || fire_updated;
+ if (fire_updated)
+ updated();
+ }
+ private void on_items_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> map) {
+ bool fire_updated = false;
+ foreach (DataObject object in map.keys)
+ fire_updated = acc.altered(object, map.get(object)) || fire_updated;
+ if (fire_updated)
+ updated();
+ }
+// A ViewTracker is Tracker designed for ViewCollections. It uses an internal mux to route
+// Tracker's calls to three TrackerAccumulators: all (all objects in the ViewCollection), selected
+// (only for selected objects) and visible (only for items not hidden or filtered out).
+public class ViewTracker : Tracker {
+ private class Mux : Object, TrackerAccumulator {
+ public TrackerAccumulator? all;
+ public TrackerAccumulator? visible;
+ public TrackerAccumulator? selected;
+ public Mux(TrackerAccumulator? all, TrackerAccumulator? visible, TrackerAccumulator? selected) {
+ this.all = all;
+ this.visible = visible;
+ this.selected = selected;
+ }
+ public bool include(DataObject object) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ bool fire_updated = false;
+ if (all != null)
+ fire_updated = all.include(view) || fire_updated;
+ if (visible != null && view.is_visible())
+ fire_updated = visible.include(view) || fire_updated;
+ if (selected != null && view.is_selected())
+ fire_updated = selected.include(view) || fire_updated;
+ return fire_updated;
+ }
+ public bool uninclude(DataObject object) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ bool fire_updated = false;
+ if (all != null)
+ fire_updated = all.uninclude(view) || fire_updated;
+ if (visible != null && view.is_visible())
+ fire_updated = visible.uninclude(view) || fire_updated;
+ if (selected != null && view.is_selected())
+ fire_updated = selected.uninclude(view) || fire_updated;
+ return fire_updated;
+ }
+ public bool altered(DataObject object, Alteration alteration) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ bool fire_updated = false;
+ if (all != null)
+ fire_updated = all.altered(view, alteration) || fire_updated;
+ if (visible != null && view.is_visible())
+ fire_updated = visible.altered(view, alteration) || fire_updated;
+ if (selected != null && view.is_selected())
+ fire_updated = selected.altered(view, alteration) || fire_updated;
+ return fire_updated;
+ }
+ }
+ private Mux? mux = null;
+ public ViewTracker(ViewCollection collection) {
+ base (collection, collection.get_all_unfiltered());
+ }
+ ~ViewTracker() {
+ if (mux != null) {
+ ViewCollection? collection = get_collection() as ViewCollection;
+ assert(collection != null);
+ collection.items_shown.disconnect(on_items_shown);
+ collection.items_hidden.disconnect(on_items_hidden);
+ collection.items_selected.disconnect(on_items_selected);
+ collection.items_unselected.disconnect(on_items_unselected);
+ }
+ }
+ public new void start(TrackerAccumulator? all, TrackerAccumulator? visible, TrackerAccumulator? selected) {
+ assert(mux == null);
+ mux = new Mux(all, visible, selected);
+ ViewCollection? collection = get_collection() as ViewCollection;
+ assert(collection != null);
+ collection.items_shown.connect(on_items_shown);
+ collection.items_hidden.connect(on_items_hidden);
+ collection.items_selected.connect(on_items_selected);
+ collection.items_unselected.connect(on_items_unselected);
+ base.start(mux);
+ }
+ private void on_items_shown(Gee.Collection<DataView> shown) {
+ if (mux.visible != null)
+ include_uninclude(shown, mux.visible.include);
+ }
+ private void on_items_hidden(Gee.Collection<DataView> hidden) {
+ if (mux.visible != null)
+ include_uninclude(hidden, mux.visible.uninclude);
+ }
+ private void on_items_selected(Gee.Iterable<DataView> selected) {
+ if (mux.selected != null)
+ include_uninclude(selected, mux.selected.include);
+ }
+ private void on_items_unselected(Gee.Iterable<DataView> unselected) {
+ if (mux.selected != null)
+ include_uninclude(unselected, mux.selected.uninclude);
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/ViewCollection.vala b/src/core/ViewCollection.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a34e23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/ViewCollection.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,1287 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// A ViewCollection holds DataView objects, which are view instances wrapping DataSource objects.
+// Thus, multiple views can exist of a single SourceCollection, each view displaying all or some
+// of that SourceCollection. A view collection also has a notion of order
+// (first/last/next/previous) that can be overridden by child classes. It also understands hidden
+// objects, which are withheld entirely from the collection until they're made visible. Currently
+// the only way to hide objects is with a ViewFilter.
+// A ViewCollection may also be locked. When locked, it will not (a) remove hidden items from the
+// collection and (b) remove DataViews representing unlinked DataSources. This allows for the
+// ViewCollection to be "frozen" while manipulating items within it. When the collection is
+// unlocked, all changes are applied at once.
+// The default implementation provides a browser which orders the view in the order they're
+// stored in DataCollection, which is not specified.
+public class ViewCollection : DataCollection {
+ public class Monitor {
+ }
+ private class MonitorImpl : Monitor {
+ public ViewCollection owner;
+ public SourceCollection sources;
+ public ViewManager manager;
+ public Alteration? prereq;
+ public MonitorImpl(ViewCollection owner, SourceCollection sources, ViewManager manager,
+ Alteration? prereq) {
+ this.owner = owner;
+ this.sources = sources;
+ this.manager = manager;
+ this.prereq = prereq;
+ sources.items_added.connect(owner.on_sources_added);
+ sources.items_removed.connect(owner.on_sources_removed);
+ sources.items_altered.connect(owner.on_sources_altered);
+ }
+ ~MonitorImpl() {
+ sources.items_added.disconnect(owner.on_sources_added);
+ sources.items_removed.disconnect(owner.on_sources_removed);
+ sources.items_altered.disconnect(owner.on_sources_altered);
+ }
+ }
+ private class ToggleLists : Object {
+ public Gee.ArrayList<DataView> selected = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ public Gee.ArrayList<DataView> unselected = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ }
+ private static OpTimer filter_timer = new OpTimer("ViewCollection filter timer");
+ private Gee.HashMultiMap<SourceCollection, MonitorImpl> monitors = new Gee.HashMultiMap<
+ SourceCollection, MonitorImpl>();
+ private ViewCollection mirroring = null;
+ private unowned CreateView mirroring_ctor = null;
+ private unowned CreateViewPredicate should_mirror = null;
+ private Gee.Set<ViewFilter> filters = new Gee.HashSet<ViewFilter>();
+ private DataSet selected = new DataSet();
+ private DataSet visible = null;
+ private Gee.HashSet<DataView> frozen_views_altered = null;
+ private Gee.HashSet<DataView> frozen_geometries_altered = null;
+ // TODO: source-to-view mapping ... for now, only one view is allowed for each source.
+ // This may need to change in the future.
+ private Gee.HashMap<DataSource, DataView> source_map = new Gee.HashMap<DataSource, DataView>();
+ // Signal aggregator.
+ public virtual signal void items_selected(Gee.Iterable<DataView> selected) {
+ }
+ // Signal aggregator.
+ public virtual signal void items_unselected(Gee.Iterable<DataView> unselected) {
+ }
+ // Signal aggregator.
+ public virtual signal void items_state_changed(Gee.Iterable<DataView> changed) {
+ }
+ // This signal is fired when the selection in the view has changed in any capacity. Items
+ // are not reported individually because they may have been removed (and are not reported as
+ // unselected). In other words, although individual DataViews' selection status may not have
+ // changed, what characterizes the total selection of the ViewCollection has changed.
+ public virtual signal void selection_group_altered() {
+ }
+ // Signal aggregator.
+ public virtual signal void items_shown(Gee.Collection<DataView> visible) {
+ }
+ // Signal aggregator.
+ public virtual signal void items_hidden(Gee.Collection<DataView> hidden) {
+ }
+ // Signal aggregator.
+ public virtual signal void items_visibility_changed(Gee.Collection<DataView> changed) {
+ }
+ // Signal aggregator.
+ public virtual signal void item_view_altered(DataView view) {
+ }
+ // Signal aggregator.
+ public virtual signal void item_geometry_altered(DataView view) {
+ }
+ public virtual signal void views_altered(Gee.Collection<DataView> views) {
+ }
+ public virtual signal void geometries_altered(Gee.Collection<DataView> views) {
+ }
+ public virtual signal void view_filter_installed(ViewFilter filer) {
+ }
+ public virtual signal void view_filter_removed(ViewFilter filer) {
+ }
+ public ViewCollection(string name) {
+ base (name);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_items_selected_unselected(Gee.Collection<DataView>? selected,
+ Gee.Collection<DataView>? unselected) {
+ bool has_selected = (selected != null) && (selected.size > 0);
+ bool has_unselected = (unselected != null) && (unselected.size > 0);
+ if (has_selected)
+ items_selected(selected);
+ if (has_unselected)
+ items_unselected(unselected);
+ Gee.Collection<DataView>? sum;
+ if (has_selected && !has_unselected) {
+ sum = selected;
+ } else if (!has_selected && has_unselected) {
+ sum = unselected;
+ } else if (!has_selected && !has_unselected) {
+ sum = null;
+ } else {
+ sum = new Gee.HashSet<DataView>();
+ sum.add_all(selected);
+ sum.add_all(unselected);
+ }
+ if (sum != null) {
+ items_state_changed(sum);
+ notify_selection_group_altered();
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_selection_group_altered() {
+ selection_group_altered();
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_item_view_altered(DataView view) {
+ item_view_altered(view);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_views_altered(Gee.Collection<DataView> views) {
+ views_altered(views);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_item_geometry_altered(DataView view) {
+ item_geometry_altered(view);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_geometries_altered(Gee.Collection<DataView> views) {
+ geometries_altered(views);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_items_shown(Gee.Collection<DataView> shown) {
+ items_shown(shown);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_items_hidden(Gee.Collection<DataView> hidden) {
+ items_hidden(hidden);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_items_visibility_changed(Gee.Collection<DataView> changed) {
+ items_visibility_changed(changed);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_view_filter_installed(ViewFilter filter) {
+ view_filter_installed(filter);
+ }
+ protected virtual void notify_view_filter_removed(ViewFilter filter) {
+ view_filter_removed(filter);
+ }
+ public override void clear() {
+ // cannot clear a ViewCollection if it is monitoring a SourceCollection or mirroring a
+ // ViewCollection
+ if (monitors.size > 0 || mirroring != null) {
+ warning("Cannot clear %s: monitoring or mirroring in effect", to_string());
+ return;
+ }
+ base.clear();
+ }
+ public override void close() {
+ halt_all_monitoring();
+ halt_mirroring();
+ foreach (ViewFilter f in filters)
+ f.refresh.disconnect(on_view_filter_refresh);
+ filters.clear();
+ base.close();
+ }
+ public Monitor monitor_source_collection(SourceCollection sources, ViewManager manager,
+ Alteration? prereq, Gee.Collection<DataSource>? initial = null,
+ ProgressMonitor? progress_monitor = null) {
+ // cannot use source monitoring and mirroring at the same time
+ halt_mirroring();
+ freeze_notifications();
+ // create a monitor, which will hook up all the signals and filter from there
+ MonitorImpl monitor = new MonitorImpl(this, sources, manager, prereq);
+ monitors.set(sources, monitor);
+ if (initial != null && initial.size > 0) {
+ // add from the initial list handed to us, using the ViewManager to add/remove later
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> created_views = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ foreach (DataSource source in initial)
+ created_views.add(manager.create_view(source));
+ add_many(created_views, progress_monitor);
+ } else {
+ // load in all items from the SourceCollection, filtering with the manager
+ add_sources(sources, (Gee.Iterable<DataSource>) sources.get_all(), progress_monitor);
+ }
+ thaw_notifications();
+ return monitor;
+ }
+ public void halt_monitoring(Monitor m) {
+ MonitorImpl monitor = (MonitorImpl) m;
+ bool removed = monitors.remove(monitor.sources, monitor);
+ assert(removed);
+ }
+ public void halt_all_monitoring() {
+ monitors.clear();
+ }
+ public void mirror(ViewCollection to_mirror, CreateView mirroring_ctor,
+ CreateViewPredicate? should_mirror) {
+ halt_mirroring();
+ halt_all_monitoring();
+ clear();
+ mirroring = to_mirror;
+ this.mirroring_ctor = mirroring_ctor;
+ this.should_mirror = should_mirror;
+ set_comparator(to_mirror.get_comparator(), to_mirror.get_comparator_predicate());
+ // load up with current items
+ on_mirror_contents_added(mirroring.get_all());
+ mirroring.items_added.connect(on_mirror_contents_added);
+ mirroring.items_removed.connect(on_mirror_contents_removed);
+ }
+ public void halt_mirroring() {
+ if (mirroring != null) {
+ mirroring.items_added.disconnect(on_mirror_contents_added);
+ mirroring.items_removed.disconnect(on_mirror_contents_removed);
+ }
+ mirroring = null;
+ }
+ public void copy_into(ViewCollection to_copy, CreateView copying_ctor,
+ CreateViewPredicate should_copy) {
+ // Copy into self.
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataObject> copy_view = new Gee.ArrayList<DataObject>();
+ foreach (DataObject object in to_copy.get_all()) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ if (should_copy(view.get_source())) {
+ copy_view.add(copying_ctor(view.get_source()));
+ }
+ }
+ add_many(copy_view);
+ }
+ public bool is_view_filter_installed(ViewFilter f) {
+ return filters.contains(f);
+ }
+ public void install_view_filter(ViewFilter f) {
+ if (is_view_filter_installed(f))
+ return;
+ filters.add(f);
+ f.refresh.connect(on_view_filter_refresh);
+ // filter existing items
+ on_view_filter_refresh();
+ // notify of change after activating filter
+ notify_view_filter_installed(f);
+ }
+ public void remove_view_filter(ViewFilter f) {
+ if (!is_view_filter_installed(f))
+ return;
+ filters.remove(f);
+ f.refresh.disconnect(on_view_filter_refresh);
+ // filter existing items
+ on_view_filter_refresh();
+ // notify of change after activating filter
+ notify_view_filter_removed(f);
+ }
+ private void on_view_filter_refresh() {
+ filter_altered_items((Gee.Collection<DataView>) base.get_all());
+ }
+ // Runs predicate on all filters, returns ANDed result.
+ private bool is_in_filter(DataView view) {
+ foreach (ViewFilter f in filters) {
+ if (!f.predicate(view))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override bool valid_type(DataObject object) {
+ return object is DataView;
+ }
+ private void on_sources_added(DataCollection sources, Gee.Iterable<DataSource> added) {
+ add_sources((SourceCollection) sources, added);
+ }
+ private void add_sources(SourceCollection sources, Gee.Iterable<DataSource> added,
+ ProgressMonitor? progress_monitor = null) {
+ // add only source items which are to be included by the manager ... do this in batches
+ // to take advantage of add_many()
+ DataView created_view = null;
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> created_views = null;
+ foreach (DataSource source in added) {
+ CreateView factory = null;
+ foreach (MonitorImpl monitor in monitors.get(sources)) {
+ if (monitor.manager.include_in_view(source)) {
+ factory = monitor.manager.create_view;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (factory != null) {
+ DataView new_view = factory(source);
+ // this bit of code is designed to avoid creating the ArrayList if only one item
+ // is being added to the ViewCollection
+ if (created_views != null) {
+ created_views.add(new_view);
+ } else if (created_view == null) {
+ created_view = new_view;
+ } else {
+ created_views = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ created_views.add(created_view);
+ created_view = null;
+ created_views.add(new_view);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (created_view != null)
+ add(created_view);
+ else if (created_views != null && created_views.size > 0)
+ add_many(created_views, progress_monitor);
+ }
+ public override bool add(DataObject object) {
+ ((DataView) object).internal_set_visible(true);
+ if (!base.add(object))
+ return false;
+ filter_altered_items((Gee.Collection<DataView>) get_singleton(object));
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override Gee.Collection<DataObject> add_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> objects,
+ ProgressMonitor? monitor = null) {
+ foreach (DataObject object in objects)
+ ((DataView) object).internal_set_visible(true);
+ Gee.Collection<DataObject> return_list = base.add_many(objects, monitor);
+ filter_altered_items((Gee.Collection<DataView>) return_list);
+ return return_list;
+ }
+ private void on_sources_removed(Gee.Iterable<DataSource> removed) {
+ // mark all view items associated with the source to be removed
+ Marker marker = null;
+ foreach (DataSource source in removed) {
+ DataView view = source_map.get(source);
+ // ignore if not represented in this view
+ if (view != null) {
+ if (marker == null)
+ marker = start_marking();
+ marker.mark(view);
+ }
+ }
+ if (marker != null && marker.get_count() != 0)
+ remove_marked(marker);
+ }
+ private void on_sources_altered(DataCollection collection, Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> items) {
+ // let ViewManager decide whether or not to keep, but only add if not already present
+ // and only remove if already present
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> to_add = null;
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> to_remove = null;
+ bool ordering_changed = false;
+ foreach (DataObject object in items.keys) {
+ Alteration alteration = items.get(object);
+ DataSource source = (DataSource) object;
+ MonitorImpl? monitor = null;
+ bool ignored = true;
+ foreach (MonitorImpl monitor_impl in monitors.get((SourceCollection) collection)) {
+ if (monitor_impl.prereq != null && !alteration.contains_any(monitor_impl.prereq))
+ continue;
+ ignored = false;
+ if (monitor_impl.manager.include_in_view(source)) {
+ monitor = monitor_impl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ignored) {
+ assert(monitor == null);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (monitor != null && !has_view_for_source(source)) {
+ if (to_add == null)
+ to_add = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ to_add.add(monitor.manager.create_view(source));
+ } else if (monitor == null && has_view_for_source(source)) {
+ if (to_remove == null)
+ to_remove = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ to_remove.add(get_view_for_source(source));
+ } else if (monitor != null && has_view_for_source(source)) {
+ DataView view = get_view_for_source(source);
+ if (selected.contains(view))
+ selected.resort_object(view, alteration);
+ if (visible != null && is_visible(view)) {
+ if (visible.resort_object(view, alteration))
+ ordering_changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (to_add != null)
+ add_many(to_add);
+ if (to_remove != null)
+ remove_marked(mark_many(to_remove));
+ if (ordering_changed)
+ notify_ordering_changed();
+ }
+ private void on_mirror_contents_added(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> added) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> to_add = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ foreach (DataObject object in added) {
+ DataSource source = ((DataView) object).get_source();
+ if (should_mirror == null || should_mirror(source))
+ to_add.add(mirroring_ctor(source));
+ }
+ if (to_add.size > 0)
+ add_many(to_add);
+ }
+ private void on_mirror_contents_removed(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> removed) {
+ Marker marker = start_marking();
+ foreach (DataObject object in removed) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ DataView? our_view = get_view_for_source(view.get_source());
+ assert(our_view != null);
+ marker.mark(our_view);
+ }
+ remove_marked(marker);
+ }
+ // Keep the source map and state tables synchronized
+ protected override void notify_items_added(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> added) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> added_visible = null;
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> added_selected = null;
+ foreach (DataObject object in added) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ source_map.set(view.get_source(), view);
+ if (view.is_selected() && view.is_visible()) {
+ if (added_selected == null)
+ added_selected = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ added_selected.add(view);
+ }
+ // add to visible list only if there is one
+ if (view.is_visible() && visible != null) {
+ if (added_visible == null)
+ added_visible = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ added_visible.add(view);
+ }
+ }
+ if (added_visible != null) {
+ bool is_added = add_many_visible(added_visible);
+ assert(is_added);
+ }
+ if (added_selected != null) {
+ add_many_selected(added_selected);
+ notify_items_selected_unselected(added_selected, null);
+ }
+ base.notify_items_added(added);
+ }
+ // Keep the source map and state tables synchronized
+ protected override void notify_items_removed(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> removed) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView>? selected_removed = null;
+ foreach (DataObject object in removed) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ // It's possible for execution to get here in direct mode with the source
+ // in question already having been removed from the source map, but the
+ // double removal is unimportant to direct mode, so if this happens, the
+ // remove is skipped the second time (to prevent crashing).
+ if (source_map.has_key(view.get_source())) {
+ bool is_removed = source_map.unset(view.get_source());
+ assert(is_removed);
+ if (view.is_selected()) {
+ // hidden items may be selected, but they won't be in the selected pool
+ assert(selected.contains(view) == view.is_visible());
+ if (view.is_visible()) {
+ if (selected_removed == null)
+ selected_removed = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ selected_removed.add(view);
+ }
+ }
+ if (view.is_visible() && visible != null) {
+ is_removed = visible.remove(view);
+ assert(is_removed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (selected_removed != null) {
+ remove_many_selected(selected_removed);
+ // If a selected item was removed, only fire the selected_removed signal, as the total
+ // selection character of the ViewCollection has changed, but not the individual items'
+ // state.
+ notify_selection_group_altered();
+ }
+ base.notify_items_removed(removed);
+ }
+ private void filter_altered_items(Gee.Collection<DataView> views) {
+ // Can't use the marker system because ViewCollection completely overrides DataCollection
+ // and hidden items cannot be marked.
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> to_show = null;
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> to_hide = null;
+ filter_timer.start();
+ foreach (DataView view in views) {
+ if (is_in_filter(view)) {
+ if (!view.is_visible()) {
+ if (to_show == null)
+ to_show = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ to_show.add(view);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (view.is_visible()) {
+ if (to_hide == null)
+ to_hide = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ to_hide.add(view);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ filter_timer.stop();
+ debug("Filtering for %s: %s", to_string(), filter_timer.to_string());
+ if (to_show != null)
+ show_items(to_show);
+ if (to_hide != null)
+ hide_items(to_hide);
+ }
+ public override void items_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> map) {
+ filter_altered_items(map.keys);
+ base.items_altered(map);
+ }
+ public override void set_comparator(Comparator comparator, ComparatorPredicate? predicate) {
+ selected.set_comparator(comparator, predicate);
+ if (visible != null)
+ visible.set_comparator(comparator, predicate);
+ base.set_comparator(comparator, predicate);
+ }
+ public override void reset_comparator() {
+ selected.reset_comparator();
+ if (visible != null)
+ visible.reset_comparator();
+ base.reset_comparator();
+ }
+ public override Gee.Collection<DataObject> get_all() {
+ return (visible != null) ? visible.get_all() : base.get_all();
+ }
+ public Gee.Collection<DataObject> get_all_unfiltered() {
+ return base.get_all();
+ }
+ public override int get_count() {
+ return (visible != null) ? visible.get_count() : base.get_count();
+ }
+ public int get_unfiltered_count() {
+ return base.get_count();
+ }
+ public override DataObject? get_at(int index) {
+ return (visible != null) ? visible.get_at(index) : base.get_at(index);
+ }
+ public override int index_of(DataObject object) {
+ return (visible != null) ? visible.index_of(object) : base.index_of(object);
+ }
+ public override bool contains(DataObject object) {
+ // use base method first, which can quickly ascertain if the object is *not* a member of
+ // this collection
+ if (!base.contains(object))
+ return false;
+ // even if a member, must be visible to be "contained"
+ return is_visible((DataView) object);
+ }
+ public virtual DataView? get_first() {
+ return (get_count() > 0) ? (DataView?) get_at(0) : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief A helper method for places in the app that need a
+ * non-rejected media source (namely Events, when looking to
+ * automatically choose a thumbnail).
+ *
+ * @note If every view in this collection is rejected, we
+ * return the first view; this is intentional. This prevents
+ * pathological events that have nothing but rejected images
+ * in them from breaking.
+ */
+ public virtual DataView? get_first_unrejected() {
+ // We have no media, unrejected or otherwise...
+ if (get_count() < 1)
+ return null;
+ // Loop through media we do have...
+ DataView dv = get_first();
+ int num_views = get_count();
+ while ((dv != null) && (index_of(dv) < (num_views - 1))) {
+ MediaSource tmp = dv.get_source() as MediaSource;
+ if ((tmp != null) && (tmp.get_rating() != Rating.REJECTED)) {
+ // ...found a good one; return it.
+ return dv;
+ } else {
+ dv = get_next(dv);
+ }
+ }
+ // Got to the end of the collection, none found, need to return
+ // _something_...
+ return get_first();
+ }
+ public virtual DataView? get_last() {
+ return (get_count() > 0) ? (DataView?) get_at(get_count() - 1) : null;
+ }
+ public virtual DataView? get_next(DataView view) {
+ if (get_count() == 0)
+ return null;
+ int index = index_of(view);
+ if (index < 0)
+ return null;
+ index++;
+ if (index >= get_count())
+ index = 0;
+ return (DataView?) get_at(index);
+ }
+ public virtual DataView? get_previous(DataView view) {
+ if (get_count() == 0)
+ return null;
+ int index = index_of(view);
+ if (index < 0)
+ return null;
+ index--;
+ if (index < 0)
+ index = get_count() - 1;
+ return (DataView?) get_at(index);
+ }
+ public bool get_immediate_neighbors(DataSource home, out DataSource? next,
+ out DataSource? prev, string? type_selector = null) {
+ next = null;
+ prev = null;
+ DataView home_view = get_view_for_source(home);
+ if (home_view == null)
+ return false;
+ DataView? next_view = get_next(home_view);
+ while (next_view != home_view) {
+ if ((type_selector == null) || (next_view.get_source().get_typename() == type_selector)) {
+ next = next_view.get_source();
+ break;
+ }
+ next_view = get_next(next_view);
+ }
+ DataView? prev_view = get_previous(home_view);
+ while (prev_view != home_view) {
+ if ((type_selector == null) || (prev_view.get_source().get_typename() == type_selector)) {
+ prev = prev_view.get_source();
+ break;
+ }
+ prev_view = get_previous(prev_view);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // "Extended" as in immediate neighbors and their neighbors
+ public Gee.Set<DataSource> get_extended_neighbors(DataSource home, string? typename = null) {
+ // build set of neighbors
+ Gee.Set<DataSource> neighbors = new Gee.HashSet<DataSource>();
+ // immediate neighbors
+ DataSource next, prev;
+ if (!get_immediate_neighbors(home, out next, out prev, typename))
+ return neighbors;
+ // add next and its distant neighbor
+ if (next != null) {
+ neighbors.add(next);
+ DataSource next_next, next_prev;
+ get_immediate_neighbors(next, out next_next, out next_prev, typename);
+ // only add next-next because next-prev is home
+ if (next_next != null)
+ neighbors.add(next_next);
+ }
+ // add previous and its distant neighbor
+ if (prev != null) {
+ neighbors.add(prev);
+ DataSource next_prev, prev_prev;
+ get_immediate_neighbors(prev, out next_prev, out prev_prev, typename);
+ // only add prev-prev because next-prev is home
+ if (prev_prev != null)
+ neighbors.add(prev_prev);
+ }
+ // finally, in a small collection a neighbor could be home itself, so exclude it
+ neighbors.remove(home);
+ return neighbors;
+ }
+ // Do NOT add hidden items to the selection collection, mark them as selected and they will be
+ // added when/if they are made visible.
+ private void add_many_selected(Gee.Collection<DataView> views) {
+ if (views.size == 0)
+ return;
+ foreach (DataView view in views)
+ assert(view.is_visible());
+ bool added = selected.add_many(views);
+ assert(added);
+ }
+ private void remove_many_selected(Gee.Collection<DataView> views) {
+ if (views.size == 0)
+ return;
+ bool removed = selected.remove_many(views);
+ assert(removed);
+ }
+ // Selects all the marked items. The marker will be invalid after this call.
+ public void select_marked(Marker marker) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> selected = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ act_on_marked(marker, select_item, null, selected);
+ if (selected.size > 0) {
+ add_many_selected(selected);
+ notify_items_selected_unselected(selected, null);
+ }
+ }
+ // Selects all items.
+ public void select_all() {
+ Marker marker = start_marking();
+ marker.mark_all();
+ select_marked(marker);
+ }
+ private bool select_item(DataObject object, Object? user) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ if (view.is_selected()) {
+ if (view.is_visible())
+ assert(selected.contains(view));
+ return true;
+ }
+ view.internal_set_selected(true);
+ // Do NOT add hidden items to the selection collection, merely mark them as selected
+ // and they will be re-added when/if they are made visible
+ if (view.is_visible())
+ ((Gee.ArrayList<DataView>) user).add(view);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Unselects all the marked items. The marker will be invalid after this call.
+ public void unselect_marked(Marker marker) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> unselected = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ act_on_marked(marker, unselect_item, null, unselected);
+ if (unselected.size > 0) {
+ remove_many_selected(unselected);
+ notify_items_selected_unselected(null, unselected);
+ }
+ }
+ // Unselects all items.
+ public void unselect_all() {
+ if (selected.get_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ Marker marker = start_marking();
+ marker.mark_many(get_selected());
+ unselect_marked(marker);
+ }
+ // Unselects all items but the one specified.
+ public void unselect_all_but(DataView exception) {
+ Marker marker = start_marking();
+ foreach (DataObject object in get_all()) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ if (view != exception)
+ marker.mark(view);
+ }
+ unselect_marked(marker);
+ }
+ private bool unselect_item(DataObject object, Object? user) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ if (!view.is_selected()) {
+ assert(!selected.contains(view));
+ return true;
+ }
+ view.internal_set_selected(false);
+ ((Gee.ArrayList<DataView>) user).add(view);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Performs the operations in that order: unselects the marked then selects the marked
+ public void unselect_and_select_marked(Marker unselect, Marker select) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> unselected = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ act_on_marked(unselect, unselect_item, null, unselected);
+ remove_many_selected(unselected);
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> selected = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ act_on_marked(select, select_item, null, selected);
+ add_many_selected(selected);
+ notify_items_selected_unselected(selected, unselected);
+ }
+ // Toggle the selection state of all marked items. The marker will be invalid after this
+ // call.
+ public void toggle_marked(Marker marker) {
+ ToggleLists lists = new ToggleLists();
+ act_on_marked(marker, toggle_item, null, lists);
+ // add and remove selected before firing the signals
+ add_many_selected(lists.selected);
+ remove_many_selected(lists.unselected);
+ notify_items_selected_unselected(lists.selected, lists.unselected);
+ }
+ private bool toggle_item(DataObject object, Object? user) {
+ DataView view = (DataView) object;
+ ToggleLists lists = (ToggleLists) user;
+ // toggle the selection state of the view, adding or removing it from the selected list
+ // to maintain state and adding it to the ToggleLists for the caller to signal with
+ //
+ // See add_many_selected for rules on not adding hidden items to the selection pool
+ if (view.internal_toggle()) {
+ if (view.is_visible())
+ lists.selected.add(view);
+ } else {
+ lists.unselected.add(view);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public int get_selected_count() {
+ return selected.get_count();
+ }
+ public Gee.List<DataView> get_selected() {
+ return (Gee.List<DataView>) selected.get_all();
+ }
+ public DataView? get_selected_at(int index) {
+ return (DataView?) selected.get_at(index);
+ }
+ private bool is_visible(DataView view) {
+ return (visible != null) ? visible.contains(view) : true;
+ }
+ private bool add_many_visible(Gee.Collection<DataView> many) {
+ if (visible == null)
+ return true;
+ if (!visible.add_many(many))
+ return false;
+ // if all are visible, then revert to using base class's set
+ if (visible.get_count() == base.get_count())
+ visible = null;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // This method requires that all items in to_hide are not hidden already.
+ private void hide_items(Gee.List<DataView> to_hide) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> unselected = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ int count = to_hide.size;
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++) {
+ DataView view = to_hide.get(ctr);
+ assert(view.is_visible());
+ if (view.is_selected()) {
+ view.internal_set_selected(false);
+ unselected.add(view);
+ } else {
+ assert(!selected.contains(view));
+ }
+ view.internal_set_visible(false);
+ }
+ if (visible == null) {
+ // make a copy of the full set before removing items
+ visible = get_dataset_copy();
+ }
+ bool removed = visible.remove_many(to_hide);
+ assert(removed);
+ remove_many_selected(unselected);
+ if (unselected.size > 0)
+ notify_items_selected_unselected(null, unselected);
+ if (to_hide.size > 0) {
+ notify_items_hidden(to_hide);
+ notify_items_visibility_changed(to_hide);
+ }
+ }
+ // This method requires that all items in to_show are hidden already.
+ private void show_items(Gee.List<DataView> to_show) {
+ Gee.ArrayList<DataView> added_selected = new Gee.ArrayList<DataView>();
+ int count = to_show.size;
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++) {
+ DataView view = to_show.get(ctr);
+ assert(!view.is_visible());
+ view.internal_set_visible(true);
+ // See note in add_selected for selection handling with hidden/visible items
+ if (view.is_selected()) {
+ assert(!selected.contains(view));
+ added_selected.add(view);
+ }
+ }
+ bool added = add_many_visible(to_show);
+ assert(added);
+ add_many_selected(added_selected);
+ if (to_show.size > 0) {
+ notify_items_shown(to_show);
+ notify_items_visibility_changed(to_show);
+ }
+ }
+ // This currently does not respect filtering.
+ public bool has_view_for_source(DataSource source) {
+ return get_view_for_source(source) != null;
+ }
+ // This currently does not respect filtering.
+ public DataView? get_view_for_source(DataSource source) {
+ return source_map.get(source);
+ }
+ // Respects filtering.
+ public bool has_view_for_source_with_filtered(DataSource source) {
+ return get_view_for_source_filtered(source) != null;
+ }
+ // Respects filtering.
+ public DataView? get_view_for_source_filtered(DataSource source) {
+ DataView? view = source_map.get(source);
+ // Consult with filter to make sure DataView is visible.
+ if (view != null && !is_in_filter(view))
+ return null;
+ return view;
+ }
+ // TODO: This currently does not respect filtering.
+ public Gee.Collection<DataSource> get_sources() {
+ return source_map.keys.read_only_view;
+ }
+ // TODO: This currently does not respect filtering.
+ public bool has_source_of_type(Type t) {
+ assert(t.is_a(typeof(DataSource)));
+ foreach (DataSource source in source_map.keys) {
+ if (source.get_type().is_a(t))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public int get_sources_of_type_count(Type t) {
+ assert(t.is_a(typeof(DataSource)));
+ int count = 0;
+ foreach (DataObject object in get_all()) {
+ if (((DataView) object).get_source().get_type().is_a(t))
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ public Gee.List<DataSource>? get_sources_of_type(Type t) {
+ assert(t.is_a(typeof(DataSource)));
+ Gee.List<DataSource>? sources = null;
+ foreach (DataObject object in get_all()) {
+ DataSource source = ((DataView) object).get_source();
+ if (source.get_type().is_a(t)) {
+ if (sources == null)
+ sources = new Gee.ArrayList<DataSource>();
+ sources.add(source);
+ }
+ }
+ return sources;
+ }
+ public Gee.List<DataSource> get_selected_sources() {
+ Gee.List<DataSource> sources = new Gee.ArrayList<DataSource>();
+ int count = selected.get_count();
+ for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++)
+ sources.add(((DataView) selected.get_at(ctr)).get_source());
+ return sources;
+ }
+ public DataSource? get_selected_source_at(int index) {
+ DataObject? object = selected.get_at(index);
+ return (object != null) ? ((DataView) object).get_source() : null;
+ }
+ public Gee.List<DataSource>? get_selected_sources_of_type(Type t) {
+ Gee.List<DataSource>? sources = null;
+ foreach (DataView view in get_selected()) {
+ DataSource source = view.get_source();
+ if (source.get_type().is_a(t)) {
+ if (sources == null)
+ sources = new Gee.ArrayList<DataSource>();
+ sources.add(source);
+ }
+ }
+ return sources;
+ }
+ // Returns -1 if source is not in the ViewCollection.
+ public int index_of_source(DataSource source) {
+ DataView? view = get_view_for_source(source);
+ return (view != null) ? index_of(view) : -1;
+ }
+ // This is only used by DataView.
+ public void internal_notify_view_altered(DataView view) {
+ if (!are_notifications_frozen()) {
+ notify_item_view_altered(view);
+ notify_views_altered((Gee.Collection<DataView>) get_singleton(view));
+ } else {
+ if (frozen_views_altered == null)
+ frozen_views_altered = new Gee.HashSet<DataView>();
+ frozen_views_altered.add(view);
+ }
+ }
+ // This is only used by DataView.
+ public void internal_notify_geometry_altered(DataView view) {
+ if (!are_notifications_frozen()) {
+ notify_item_geometry_altered(view);
+ notify_geometries_altered((Gee.Collection<DataView>) get_singleton(view));
+ } else {
+ if (frozen_geometries_altered == null)
+ frozen_geometries_altered = new Gee.HashSet<DataView>();
+ frozen_geometries_altered.add(view);
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void notify_thawed() {
+ if (frozen_views_altered != null) {
+ foreach (DataView view in frozen_views_altered)
+ notify_item_view_altered(view);
+ notify_views_altered(frozen_views_altered);
+ frozen_views_altered = null;
+ }
+ if (frozen_geometries_altered != null) {
+ foreach (DataView view in frozen_geometries_altered)
+ notify_item_geometry_altered(view);
+ notify_geometries_altered(frozen_geometries_altered);
+ frozen_geometries_altered = null;
+ }
+ base.notify_thawed();
+ }
+ public bool are_items_filtered_out() {
+ return base.get_count() != get_count();
+ }
+// A ViewManager allows an interface for ViewCollection to monitor a SourceCollection and
+// (selectively) add DataViews automatically.
+public abstract class ViewManager {
+ // This predicate function can be used to filter which DataView objects should be included
+ // in the collection as new source objects appear in the SourceCollection. May be called more
+ // than once for any DataSource object.
+ public virtual bool include_in_view(DataSource source) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If include_in_view returns true, this method will be called to instantiate a DataView object
+ // for the ViewCollection.
+ public abstract DataView create_view(DataSource source);
+// CreateView is a construction delegate used when mirroring or copying a ViewCollection
+// in another ViewCollection.
+public delegate DataView CreateView(DataSource source);
+// CreateViewPredicate is a filter delegate used when copy a ViewCollection in another
+// ViewCollection.
+public delegate bool CreateViewPredicate(DataSource source);
+// A ViewFilter allows for items in a ViewCollection to be shown or hidden depending on the
+// supplied predicate method. For now, only one ViewFilter may be installed, although this may
+// change in the future. The ViewFilter is used whenever an object is added to the collection
+// and when its altered/metadata_altered signals fire.
+public abstract class ViewFilter {
+ // Fire this signal whenever a refresh is needed. The ViewCollection listens
+ // to this signal to know when to reapply the filter.
+ public virtual signal void refresh() {
+ }
+ // Return true if view should be visible, false if it should be hidden.
+ public abstract bool predicate(DataView view);
diff --git a/src/core/mk/ b/src/core/mk/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c35c93a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/mk/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# UNIT_NAME is the Vala namespace. A file named UNIT_NAME.vala must be in this directory with
+# a init() and terminate() function declared in the namespace.
+UNIT_NAME := Core
+# UNIT_DIR should match the subdirectory the files are located in. Generally UNIT_NAME in all
+# lowercase. The name of this file should be
+UNIT_DIR := core
+# All Vala files in the unit should be listed here with no subdirectory prefix.
+# NOTE: Do *not* include the unit's master file, i.e. UNIT_NAME.vala.
+ DataCollection.vala \
+ DataSet.vala \
+ util.vala \
+ SourceCollection.vala \
+ SourceHoldingTank.vala \
+ DatabaseSourceCollection.vala \
+ ContainerSourceCollection.vala \
+ ViewCollection.vala \
+ DataObject.vala \
+ Alteration.vala \
+ DataSource.vala \
+ DataSourceTypes.vala \
+ DataView.vala \
+ DataViewTypes.vala \
+ Tracker.vala \
+ SourceInterfaces.vala
+# Any unit this unit relies upon (and should be initialized before it's initialized) should
+# be listed here using its Vala namespace.
+# NOTE: All units are assumed to rely upon the unit-unit. Do not include that here.
+# List any additional files that are used in the build process as a part of this unit that should
+# be packaged in the tarball. File names should be relative to the unit's home directory.
+# must be called at the end of each file.
diff --git a/src/core/util.vala b/src/core/util.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1846380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/util.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ */
+// SingletonCollection is a read-only collection designed to hold exactly one item in it. This
+// is far more efficient than creating a dummy collection (such as ArrayList) merely to pass around
+// a single item, particularly for signals which require Iterables and Collections.
+// This collection cannot be used to store null.
+public class SingletonCollection<G> : Gee.AbstractCollection<G> {
+ private class SingletonIterator<G> : Object, Gee.Traversable<G>, Gee.Iterator<G> {
+ private SingletonCollection<G> c;
+ private bool done = false;
+ private G? current = null;
+ public SingletonIterator(SingletonCollection<G> c) {
+ this.c = c;
+ }
+ public bool read_only {
+ get { return done; }
+ }
+ public bool valid {
+ get { return done; }
+ }
+ public bool foreach(Gee.ForallFunc<G> f) {
+ return f(c.object);
+ }
+ public new G? get() {
+ return current;
+ }
+ public bool has_next() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public bool next() {
+ if (done)
+ return false;
+ done = true;
+ current = c.object;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void remove() {
+ if (!done) {
+ c.object = null;
+ current = null;
+ }
+ done = true;
+ }
+ }
+ private G? object;
+ public SingletonCollection(G object) {
+ this.object = object;
+ }
+ public override bool read_only {
+ get { return false; }
+ }
+ public override bool add(G object) {
+ warning("Cannot add to SingletonCollection");
+ return false;
+ }
+ public override void clear() {
+ object = null;
+ }
+ public override bool contains(G object) {
+ return this.object == object;
+ }
+ public override Gee.Iterator<G> iterator() {
+ return new SingletonIterator<G>(this);
+ }
+ public override bool remove(G item) {
+ if (item == object) {
+ object = null;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public override int size {
+ get {
+ return (object != null) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+// A Marker is an object for marking (selecting) DataObjects in a DataCollection to then perform
+// an action on all of them. This mechanism allows for performing mass operations in a generic
+// way, as well as dealing with the (perpetual) issue of removing items from a Collection within
+// an iterator.
+public interface Marker : Object {
+ public abstract void mark(DataObject object);
+ public abstract void unmark(DataObject object);
+ public abstract bool toggle(DataObject object);
+ public abstract void mark_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> list);
+ public abstract void unmark_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> list);
+ public abstract void mark_all();
+ // Returns the number of marked items, or the number of items when the marker was frozen
+ // and used.
+ public abstract int get_count();
+ // Returns a copy of the collection of marked items.
+ public abstract Gee.Collection<DataObject> get_all();
+// MarkedAction is a callback to perform an action on the marked DataObject. Return false to
+// end iterating.
+public delegate bool MarkedAction(DataObject object, Object? user);
+// A ProgressMonitor allows for notifications of progress on operations on multiple items (via
+// the marked interfaces). Return false if the operation is cancelled and should end immediately.
+public delegate bool ProgressMonitor(uint64 current, uint64 total, bool do_event_loop = true);
+// UnknownTotalMonitor is useful when an interface cannot report the total count to a ProgressMonitor,
+// only a count, but the total is known by the caller.
+public class UnknownTotalMonitor {
+ private uint64 total;
+ private unowned ProgressMonitor wrapped_monitor;
+ public UnknownTotalMonitor(uint64 total, ProgressMonitor wrapped_monitor) {
+ = total;
+ this.wrapped_monitor = wrapped_monitor;
+ }
+ public bool monitor(uint64 count, uint64 total) {
+ return wrapped_monitor(count,;
+ }
+// AggregateProgressMonitor is useful when several discrete operations are being performed against
+// a single ProgressMonitor.
+public class AggregateProgressMonitor {
+ private uint64 grand_total;
+ private unowned ProgressMonitor wrapped_monitor;
+ private uint64 aggregate_count = 0;
+ private uint64 last_count = uint64.MAX;
+ public AggregateProgressMonitor(uint64 grand_total, ProgressMonitor wrapped_monitor) {
+ this.grand_total = grand_total;
+ this.wrapped_monitor = wrapped_monitor;
+ }
+ public void next_step(string name) {
+ debug("next step: %s (%s/%s)", name, aggregate_count.to_string(), grand_total.to_string());
+ last_count = uint64.MAX;
+ }
+ public bool monitor(uint64 count, uint64 total) {
+ // add the difference from the last, unless a new step has started
+ aggregate_count += (last_count != uint64.MAX) ? (count - last_count) : count;
+ if (aggregate_count > grand_total)
+ aggregate_count = grand_total;
+ // save for next time
+ last_count = count;
+ return wrapped_monitor(aggregate_count, grand_total);
+ }
+// Useful when debugging.
+public bool null_progress_monitor(uint64 count, uint64 total) {
+ return true;
+double degrees_to_radians(double theta) {
+ return (theta * (GLib.Math.PI / 180.0));