# Indonesian translation for shotwell. # Copyright (C) 2020 shotwell's COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the shotwell package. # Andika Triwidada <atriwidada@gnome.org>, 2020. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: shotwell shotwell-0.30\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-03 05:00+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-03 17:04+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Andika Triwidada <andika@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Indonesian <gnome-l10n-id@googlegroups.com>\n" "Language: id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n" #. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2 msgctxt "_" msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "Andika Triwidada <andika@gmail.com>, 2020-2022." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/edit-adjustments.page:7 msgid "Change the exposure, saturation, tint, and shadows of a photo." msgstr "Mengubah eksposur, saturasi, warna, dan bayangan foto." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/edit-adjustments.page:12 msgid "Color adjustments" msgstr "Penyesuaian warna" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-adjustments.page:14 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The <gui>Adjust</gui> button opens a floating window with a histogram and " "sliders to adjust a photo's exposure, saturation, tint, temperature, and " "shadows. The histogram also has sliders to reduce the upper and lower " "intensity thresholds of the photograph, expanding the contrast of the middle " "range." msgstr "" "Tombol <gui>Adjust</gui> membuka jendela mengambang dengan histogram dan " "slider untuk menyesuaikan eksposur, saturasi, warna, temperatur, dan " "bayangan foto. Histogram juga memiliki slider untuk mengurangi ambang batas " "intensitas atas dan bawah foto, memperluas kontras rentang tengah." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-adjustments.page:16 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The <gui>Enhance</gui> button adjusts the histogram and shadows sliders to " "improve the quality of a photo." msgstr "" "Tombol <gui>Tingkatkan</gui> menyesuaikan histogram dan slider bayangan " "untuk meningkatkan kualitas foto." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-adjustments.page:18 msgid "" "When the photo's colors and contrast are to your liking, press <gui>OK</gui> " "to save the changes. <gui>Reset</gui> will return the image to its original " "state. <gui>Cancel</gui> discards all changes you've made." msgstr "" "Saat warna dan kontras foto sesuai dengan keinginan Anda, tekan <gui>OK</" "gui> untuk menyimpan perubahan. <gui>Reset</gui> akan mengembalikan gambar " "ke keadaan semula. <gui>Batalkan</gui> membuang semua perubahan yang Anda " "buat." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/edit-adjustments.page:21 msgid "What do the color adjustments do?" msgstr "Apa yang dilakukan penyesuaian warna?" #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/edit-adjustments.page:24 msgid "Exposure" msgstr "Eksposur" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-adjustments.page:25 msgid "" "Changes the brightness to make it look like the photo was exposed for a " "longer or shorter time. Use this to correct under- or over-exposed photos." msgstr "" "Mengubah kecerahan agar terlihat seperti foto yang terpapar untuk waktu yang " "lebih lama atau lebih singkat. Gunakan ini untuk mengoreksi foto kurang atau " "lebih keterpaparannya." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/edit-adjustments.page:28 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontras" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-adjustments.page:29 msgid "" "Changes the contrast of a photo. Use it to correct flat-looking photos or " "photos where the difference between bright and dark spots seems to big." msgstr "" "Mengubah kontras foto. Gunakan untuk mengoreksi foto atau foto yang terlihat " "datar di mana perbedaan antara bintik terang dan gelap tampak terlalu besar." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/edit-adjustments.page:32 msgid "Saturation" msgstr "Saturasi" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-adjustments.page:33 msgid "" "Changes how vivid colors look. If your photo looks gray and washed out, try " "increasing the saturation. If colors look too bold, try decreasing it." msgstr "" "Perubahan bagaimana warna hidup terlihat. Jika foto Anda terlihat kelabu dan " "suram, coba tingkatkan saturasi. Jika warna terlihat terlalu tebal, cobalah " "menurunkannya." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/edit-adjustments.page:36 #, fuzzy msgid "Tint" msgstr "Tint" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-adjustments.page:37 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This tints the photo with a color. It's useful for correcting photos taken " "with the wrong white balance setting, which typically have an unnatural " "color cast. For example, photos taken outdoors with the white balance set to " "\"Tungsten\" may have a blue cast." msgstr "" "Ini tints foto dengan warna. Ini berguna untuk mengoreksi foto yang diambil " "dengan pengaturan White Balance yang salah, yang biasanya memiliki cast " "warna yang tidak wajar. Misalnya, foto yang diambil di luar ruangan dengan " "White Balance yang ditetapkan ke \"tungsten\" mungkin memiliki cast biru." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/edit-adjustments.page:40 msgid "Temperature" msgstr "Temperatur" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-adjustments.page:41 msgid "" "Changes how \"warm\" or \"cool\" the picture looks. Use this to make cold, " "depressing scenes look more lively, for example." msgstr "" "Mengubah seberapa \"hangat\" atau \"dingin\" gambar terlihat. Gunakan ini " "untuk membuat adegan yang dingin dan menyedihkan terlihat lebih hidup, " "misalnya." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/edit-adjustments.page:44 msgid "Shadows" msgstr "Bayangan" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-adjustments.page:45 msgid "" "This makes shadowy areas appear lighter. Use this to make detail more " "visible if it's obscured by the darkness of a shadow." msgstr "" "Hal ini membuat area gelap tampak lebih ringan. Gunakan ini untuk membuat " "detail lebih terlihat jika dikaburkan oleh kegelapan bayangan." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/edit-adjustments.page:48 msgid "Intensity Threshold (sliders on the histogram)" msgstr "Ambang Batas Intensitas (penggeser pada histogram)" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-adjustments.page:49 msgid "" "These sliders change how light the brightest white is and how dark the " "darkest black is. Use them to change the contrast of the photo. Photos which " "look washed out should particularly benefit from changing these settings." msgstr "" "Penggeser ini mengubah seberapa terang putih yang paling cerah dan seberapa " "kelam hitam yang paling gelap. Gunakan mereka untuk mengubah kontras foto. " "Foto yang terlihat pucat akan sangat diuntungkan dari pengubahan pengaturan " "ini." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/edit-crop.page:7 msgid "Improve the composition of a photo by cutting out parts of it." msgstr "Memperbaiki komposisi foto dengan memotong sebagian darinya." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/edit-crop.page:12 msgid "Cropping" msgstr "Memangkas" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-crop.page:14 msgid "" "To reduce the area of a photo and concentrate the viewer's attention on a " "smaller portion of it, use the Crop tool. The crop tool is only available in " "full-window or fullscreen mode." msgstr "" "Untuk mengurangi area foto dan memusatkan perhatian pemirsa pada porsi yang " "lebih kecil, gunakan alat Pangkas. Alat pangkas hanya tersedia dalam mode " "sepenuh jendela atau sepenuh layar." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-crop.page:19 msgid "" "Double-click on a photo to enter full-window mode, then press the <gui>Crop</" "gui> button on the toolbar." msgstr "" "Klik ganda pada foto untuk masuk ke mode sepenuh jendela, lalu tekan tombol " "<gui>Pangkas</gui> di bilah alat." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-crop.page:22 msgid "" "A white box, the crop rectangle, will appear over the photo. The lighter " "portion of the photo within the crop rectangle represents what the photo " "will look like when you crop it." msgstr "" "Suatu kotak putih, persegi panjang pemangkas, akan muncul di atas foto. " "Bagian yang lebih ringan dari foto dalam persegi panjang pangkas mewakili " "seperti apa foto akan terlihat saat Anda memangkasnya." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-crop.page:25 msgid "" "If you place your cursor in the middle of the box, you can move the box " "around. If you drag the edges of the box, you can adjust its size. As you " "move and adjust the crop box, you'll see four lines appear inside it, like a " "tic-tac-toe grid. These are <em>rule of thirds</em> lines." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menempatkan kursor di tengah kotak, Anda dapat memindahkan kotak " "ke mana pun. Jika Anda menyeret tepi kotak, Anda dapat menyesuaikan " "ukurannya. Saat Anda memindahkan dan menyesuaikan kotak pangkas, Anda akan " "melihat empat garis muncul di dalamnya, seperti kisi tic-tac-toe. Ini adalah " "garis <em>aturan sepertiga</em>." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-crop.page:26 msgid "" "You can also constrain the crop box to one of many common sizes. Choose a " "size from the drop-down list that suits your needs. If you press the flip " "button next to it, the orientation of the constraint will switch (from " "landscape to portrait)." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat membatasi kotak pangkas ke salah satu dari banyak ukuran " "umum. Pilih ukuran dari daftar drop-down yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. " "Jika Anda menekan tombol balik di sebelahnya, orientasi konstrain akan " "beralih (dari lansekap ke potret)." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-crop.page:29 msgid "" "When you're happy with your crop outline, apply it by pressing the " "<gui>Crop</gui> button. Shotwell will display the cropped photo." msgstr "" "Bila Anda puas dengan kerangka pangkas Anda, terapkan itu dengan menekan " "tombol <gui>Pangkas</gui>. Shotwell akan menampilkan foto yang dipangkas." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-crop.page:32 msgid "" "If you change your mind, press the <gui>Crop</gui> button again and fine-" "tune the crop." msgstr "" "Jika Anda berubah pikiran, tekan tombol <gui>Pangkas</gui> lagi dan " "sempurnakan pemangkasan." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-crop.page:33 msgid "" "If you press <gui>Cancel</gui> rather than <gui>Apply</gui>, Shotwell will " "return to the photo's previous crop dimensions." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menekan <gui>Batal</gui> daripada <gui>Terapkan</gui>, Shotwell " "akan kembali ke dimensi pangkas foto sebelumnya." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/edit-crop.page:38 msgid "What is the rule of thirds?" msgstr "Apa itu aturan sepertiga?" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/edit-crop.page:39 msgid "" "The <em>rule of thirds</em> helps you to choose a pleasing composition for a " "photo." msgstr "" "<em>Aturan sepertiga</em> membantu Anda memilih komposisi yang menyenangkan " "untuk foto." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/edit-crop.page:40 msgid "" "Imagine that the scene is divided up into a 3x3 grid by two equally-spaced " "vertical lines and two equally-spaced horizontal lines. According to the " "rule, you're more likely to get a pleasing composition if you align major " "features (like the horizon, or a person's body) with one of the lines. " "Paying attention to the way features flow from one part of the grid to " "another can also help." msgstr "" "Bayangkan bahwa adegan dibagi menjadi kisi 3x3 oleh dua garis vertikal " "dengan ruang sama besar dan dua garis horizontal dengan ruang sama besar. " "Menurut aturan, Anda akan lebih cenderung mendapatkan komposisi yang " "menyenangkan jika Anda menyelaraskan fitur utama (seperti cakrawala, atau " "tubuh seseorang) dengan salah satu garis. Memperhatikan bagaimana fitur " "mengalir dari satu bagian kisi ke yang lain juga dapat membantu." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/edit-crop.page:41 msgid "" "Cropping a photo so that it conforms to the rule of thirds often results in " "a more visually appealing image." msgstr "" "Memangkas foto sehingga sesuai dengan aturan sepertiga sering menghasilkan " "gambar yang lebih menarik secara visual." #. (itstool) path: section/media #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. #: C/edit-crop.page:42 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='figures/crop_thirds.jpg' md5='4cf0a026bb812c7eab0c9db8210a9524'" msgstr "" "external ref='figures/crop_thirds.jpg' md5='4cf0a026bb812c7eab0c9db8210a9524'" #. (itstool) path: media/p #: C/edit-crop.page:43 msgid "" "Cropping a photo, using the \"rule of thirds\" lines to improve the " "composition." msgstr "" "Memangkas foto, menggunakan garis \"aturan sepertiga\" untuk menyempurnakan " "komposisi." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/edit-date-time.page:7 msgid "Change the date and time of photos if those details are incorrect." msgstr "Mengubah tanggal dan waktu foto jika detail tersebut tidak benar." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/edit-date-time.page:12 msgid "Adjust the date and time of photos" msgstr "Menyesuaikan tanggal dan waktu foto" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-date-time.page:14 msgid "" "To adjust the date and time of photos, select the photos you would like to " "adjust, choose <guiseq><gui>Photos</gui><gui>Adjust Date and Time...</gui></" "guiseq> and select a new date and time." msgstr "" "Untuk menyesuaikan tanggal dan waktu foto, pilih foto yang ingin Anda " "sesuaikan, pilih <guiseq><gui>Foto</gui><gui>Sesuaikan Tanggal dan Waktu...</" "gui></guiseq> dan pilih tanggal dan waktu baru." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-date-time.page:16 msgid "" "If you are changing the date and time of multiple photos at once, you can " "choose to shift all the photos by the same amount of time or to set all the " "photos to the same time." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengubah tanggal dan waktu dari beberapa foto sekaligus, Anda " "dapat memilih untuk menggeser semua foto dengan selisih waktu yang sama atau " "untuk mengatur semua foto ke waktu yang sama." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-date-time.page:18 msgid "" "By default, the date and time are only changed inside Shotwell. You can also " "choose to modify the date and time in the original file, but this cannot be " "undone once you exit Shotwell." msgstr "" "Secara baku, tanggal dan waktu hanya diubah di dalam Shotwell. Anda juga " "dapat memilih untuk mengubah tanggal dan waktu di berkas asli, namun ini " "tidak dapat dibatalkan setelah Anda keluar dari Shotwell." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/edit-enhance.page:7 msgid "" "Let Shotwell improve the brightness and contrast of a photo automatically." msgstr "" "Biarkan Shotwell memperbaiki kecerahan dan kontras foto secara otomatis." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/edit-enhance.page:14 #, fuzzy msgid "Auto-enhance" msgstr "Meningkatkan otomatis" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-enhance.page:16 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Clicking on the <gui>Enhance</gui> button is a quick way to automatically " "adjust the brightness and contrast of your photo. It will often give you a " "photo that is correctly exposed. You can also use it as a starting point and " "then improve the adjustments by clicking on the <gui>Adjust</gui> button." msgstr "" "Mengklik pada tombol <gui>Enhance</gui> adalah cara cepat untuk secara " "otomatis menyesuaikan kecerahan dan kontras foto Anda. Ini akan sering " "memberi Anda foto yang benar terkena. Anda juga dapat menggunakannya sebagai " "titik awal dan kemudian meningkatkan penyesuaian dengan mengklik tombol " "<gui>Adjust</gui> ." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/edit-external.page:7 msgid "Use a different program to edit a photo." msgstr "Menggunakan program yang berbeda untuk menyunting foto." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/edit-external.page:12 msgid "Edit photos with an external program" msgstr "Menyunting foto dengan program eksternal" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-external.page:16 msgid "" "You might want to use an external editor to do additional work on a photo. " "If installed, GIMP and UFRaw are the default external editors for photo and " "RAW editing, respectively. If these programs are not installed, you must " "select your preferred editors by choosing <guiseq><gui>Edit</" "gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq> and selecting editors from drop-down " "menus of installed applications." msgstr "" "Anda mungkin ingin menggunakan penyunting eksternal untuk melakukan " "pekerjaan tambahan pada foto. Jika diinstal, GIMP dan UFRaw masing-masing " "adalah penyunting eksternal baku untuk foto dan penyuntingan RAW. Jika " "program ini tidak diinstal, Anda harus memilih penyunting pilihan Anda " "dengan memilih <guiseq><gui>Sunting</gui><gui>Preferensi</gui></guiseq> dan " "memilih penyunting dari menu tarik turun dari aplikasi yang terinstal." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-external.page:24 msgid "" "Once your editors have been set, select a photo and choose " "<guiseq><gui>Photos</gui> <gui>Open With External Editor</gui></guiseq> to " "open the photo with the external editor. Likewise, if the original photo is " "a RAW file, select <guiseq><gui>Photos</gui><gui>Open With RAW Editor</gui></" "guiseq> to edit the RAW file directly with the set RAW editor." msgstr "" "Setelah penyunting ditetapkan, pilih foto dan pilih <guiseq><gui>Fota</gui> " "<gui>Buka Dengan Penyunting Eksternal</gui></guiseq> untuk membuka foto " "dengan penyunting eksternal. Demikian juga, jika foto asli adalah berkas " "RAW, pilih <guiseq><gui>Foto</gui><gui>Buka Dengan Penyunting RAW</gui></" "guiseq> untuk menyunting berkas RAW langsung dengan penyunting RAW yang " "diatur." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-external.page:31 msgid "" "When you complete your edits and save the file, Shotwell will detect the " "changes and update the photo. When external edits have been made, press and " "hold the <key>Shift</key> key in full-window view to show the original photo " "rather than the externally-edited one." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda menyelesaikan penyuntingan dan menyimpan berkas, Shotwell akan " "mendeteksi perubahan dan memperbarui foto. Ketika penyuntingan eksternal " "telah dilakukan, tekan dan tahan tombol <key>Shift</key> dalam tampilan " "jendela penuh untuk menampilkan foto asli daripada yang disunting secara " "eksternal." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-external.page:38 msgid "Reverting to original will erase any external edits." msgstr "Mengembalikan ke yang asli akan menghapus penyuntingan eksternal." #. (itstool) path: note/p #: C/edit-external.page:43 msgid "" "If you externally edit a RAW photo and save the result to another image, " "such as a JPEG or PNG, Shotwell cannot automatically determine that the " "original RAW and the new image should be paired." msgstr "" "Jika Anda secara eksternal menyunting foto RAW dan menyimpan hasilnya ke " "gambar lain, seperti JPEG atau PNG, Shotwell tidak dapat secara otomatis " "menentukan bahwa RAW asli dan gambar baru harus dipasangkan." #. (itstool) path: note/p #: C/edit-external.page:49 msgid "" "If you want to work within the resulting image within Shotwell, you'll need " "to import it yourself." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin bekerja dengan gambar yang dihasilkan di dalam Shotwell, " "Anda harus mengimpornya sendiri." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/edit-nondestructive.page:7 msgid "" "Shotwell is a non-destructive photo editor - it does not modify your " "original photos." msgstr "" "Shotwell adalah penyunting foto non-destruktif - itu tidak memodifikasi foto " "asli Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/edit-nondestructive.page:12 msgid "What happens to the original when I edit a photo?" msgstr "Apa yang terjadi dengan yang asli saat saya menyunting foto?" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-nondestructive.page:14 msgid "" "Shotwell is a non-destructive photo editor. It does not modify your original " "photographs. That is to say, if you crop a photo or adjust its colors, the " "photo file on disc remains untouched. Shotwell stores your edits in a " "database and applies them on the fly as necessary. This means you can undo " "any alterations you make to a photograph." msgstr "" "Shotwell adalah penyunting foto non-destruktif. Ini tidak memodifikasi foto " "asli Anda. Artinya, jika Anda memotong foto atau menyesuaikan warnanya, " "berkas foto pada disk tetap tidak tersentuh. Shotwell menyimpan suntingan " "Anda dalam sebuah basis data dan menerapkannya sambil berjalan jika " "diperlukan. Ini berarti Anda dapat membatalkan setiap perubahan yang Anda " "buat pada foto." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-nondestructive.page:16 C/edit-undo.page:18 msgid "" "If you want to see what a photo looked like before your modifications, press " "the <key>Shift</key> key. The original photo will be displayed as long as " "you hold the key down." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin melihat foto tampak seperti apa sebelum modifikasi Anda, " "tekan tombol <key>Shift</key>. Foto asli akan ditampilkan selama Anda " "menahan tombol." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-nondestructive.page:18 msgid "" "Note that Shotwell can optionally write metadata (such as tags and titles) " "to photo files. For more information, see the section <link xref=\"other-" "files\">Photo files</link>." msgstr "" "Perhatikan bahwa Shotwell dapat secara opsional menulis metadata (seperti " "tag dan judul) ke berkas foto. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat bagian " "<link xref=\"other-files\">Berkas foto</link>." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/edit-redeye.page:7 msgid "" "Correct photos where people have red eyes because of the camera's flash." msgstr "" "Mengoreksi foto di mana orang memiliki mata merah karena lampu kilat kamera." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/edit-redeye.page:12 msgid "Removing red-eye" msgstr "Menghapus mata merah" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-redeye.page:14 msgid "" "Red-eye occurs when the camera's flash reflects off the pupil of someone's " "eye. To eliminate this in a photo, use the Red-eye tool." msgstr "" "Mata merah terjadi apabila lampu kilat kamera memantul dari bola mata " "seseorang. Untuk menghilangkannya di foto, gunakan alat mata merah." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-redeye.page:17 msgid "Click <gui>Red-eye</gui>. A circle will appear on the photo." msgstr "Klik <gui>Mata merah</gui>. Lingkaran akan muncul di foto." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-redeye.page:20 msgid "" "Drag the circle over the affected pupil, adjust its size with the slider " "control, and press <gui>Apply</gui>. The redness will be removed." msgstr "" "Seret lingkaran di atas bola mata yang terpengaruh, sesuaikan ukurannya " "dengan penggeser, dan tekan <gui>Terapkan</gui>. Kemerahan akan dihilangkan." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-redeye.page:23 msgid "" "Repeat this process for all red pupils in your photo. Press <gui>Close</gui> " "when finished." msgstr "" "Ulangi proses ini untuk semua bola mata merah di foto Anda. Tekan " "<gui>Tutup</gui> ketika selesai." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/edit-rotate.page:7 msgid "" "Click the <gui>Rotate</gui> button, or choose one of the commands in the " "<gui>Photo</gui> menu." msgstr "" "Klik tombol <gui>Putar</gui>, atau pilih salah satu perintah di menu " "<gui>Foto</gui>." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/edit-rotate.page:12 msgid "Rotate or flip a photo" msgstr "Memutar atau membalik foto" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-rotate.page:14 msgid "" "You can rotate your photos left and right (clockwise and counterclockwise) " "with the <gui>Rotate</gui> button on the toolbar of most views. You can also " "make a mirror image of any photo." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memutar foto Anda ke kiri dan kanan (searah jarum jam dan " "berlawanan arah jarum jam) dengan tombol <gui>Putar</gui> pada bilah alat " "dalam kebanyakan tampilan. Anda juga dapat membuat gambar cermin dari foto " "apa pun." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-rotate.page:16 msgid "" "To rotate right, click on the <gui>Rotate</gui> button. To rotate left, " "press and hold the <key>Ctrl</key> key and then click the button. Both " "commands are available in the <gui>Photos</gui> menu too. Alternatively, use " "the following keyboard shortcuts:" msgstr "" "Untuk memutar ke kanan, klik pada tombol <gui>Putar</gui>. Untuk memutar ke " "kiri, tekan dan tahan tombol <key>Ctrl</key> dan kemudian klik tombol. Kedua " "perintah tersedia di menu <gui>Foto</gui> juga. Atau, gunakan pintasan papan " "ketik berikut:" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-rotate.page:18 msgid "" "rotate left: <keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key></keyseq> or " "<key>[</key>" msgstr "" "putar kiri: <keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key></keyseq> " "atau <key>[</key>" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-rotate.page:19 msgid "" "rotate right: <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key></keyseq> or <key>]</key>" msgstr "" "putar kanan: <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key> /keyseq> atau <key>]</key>" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-rotate.page:21 msgid "" "To create a mirror image of a photo, use the <gui>Flip Horizontally</gui> " "command in the <gui>Photos</gui> menu. To flip an image vertically, use the " "<gui>Flip Vertically</gui> command in the same menu." msgstr "" "Untuk membuat gambar cermin foto, gunakan perintah <gui>Balik Arah " "Horizontal</gui> di menu <gui>Foto</gui>. Untuk membalik gambar secara " "vertikal, gunakan perintah <gui>Balik Arah Vertikal</gui> pada menu yang " "sama." #. (itstool) path: note/p #: C/edit-rotate.page:24 msgid "" "If you select more than one image, you can rotate all of them at the same " "time." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memilih lebih dari satu gambar, Anda dapat memutar semuanya pada " "waktu yang sama." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/edit-straighten.page:7 msgid "Straighten a photo so that its horizon appears level." msgstr "Luruskan foto sehingga cakrawalanya tampak rata." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/edit-straighten.page:12 msgid "Straighten photos" msgstr "Meluruskan foto" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-straighten.page:14 msgid "" "The straighten tools allows photos to be leveled and straightened. The " "straighten tool is only available in full-window or fullscreen mode." msgstr "" "Alat pelurusan memungkinkan foto diratakan dan diluruskan. Alat pelurusan " "hanya tersedia dalam mode jendela-penuh atau layar-penuh." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-straighten.page:18 msgid "" "Click <gui>Straighten</gui>. The straighten slider will appear. " "Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>A</" "key></keyseq>." msgstr "" "Klik <gui>Luruskan</gui>. Penggeser pelurusan akan muncul. Atau, gunakan " "pintasan papan ketik <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>A</key></keyseq>." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-straighten.page:21 msgid "Drag the slider to achieve the desired degree of straightening." msgstr "Seret penggeser untuk mencapai tingkat pelurusan yang diinginkan." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/edit-straighten.page:24 msgid "Press <gui>Straighten</gui> when finished." msgstr "Tekan <gui>Luruskan</gui> ketika selesai." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/edit-undo.page:7 msgid "Return a photo to its original, unedited form." msgstr "Mengembalikan foto ke bentuk asli yang belum disunting." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/edit-undo.page:14 msgid "Undoing changes" msgstr "Membatalkan perubahan" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-undo.page:16 msgid "" "Because Shotwell is a non-destructive photo editor, you can undo any " "alterations you make to a photograph." msgstr "" "Karena Shotwell adalah penyunting foto non-destruktif, Anda dapat " "mengurungkan perubahan apa pun yang Anda buat pada foto." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/edit-undo.page:20 msgid "" "To completely undo all the changes you've made to a photo, click " "<guiseq><gui>Photos</gui><gui>Revert to Original</gui></guiseq>. The only " "exception is that time and date adjustments will not be reverted." msgstr "" "Untuk sepenuhnya membatalkan semua perubahan yang Anda buat pada foto, klik " "<guiseq><gui>Foto</gui><gui>Pulihkan ke Asli</gui></guiseq>. Satu-satunya " "pengecualian adalah penyesuaian waktu dan tanggal tidak akan dikembalikan." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/formats.page:7 msgid "" "Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP and RAW photo files as well as video " "files." msgstr "" "Shotwell mendukung berkas foto JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, dan RAW maupun berkas " "video." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/formats.page:12 msgid "Supported photo and video formats" msgstr "Format foto dan video yang didukung" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/formats.page:14 msgid "" "Shotwell supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP and <link xref=\"other-raw\">RAW</" "link> photo files. Shotwell does not yet support other graphics format such " "as GIF." msgstr "" "Shotwell mendukung berkas foto JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP dan <link xref=\"other-" "raw\">RAW</link>. Shotwell belum mendukung format grafis lainnya seperti GIF." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/formats.page:16 msgid "" "Shotwell's RAW format support is currently limited. When you view a RAW " "photo, you are actually viewing a JPEG derived from the RAW photo, not the " "RAW image itself. Additionally, the RAW editing pipeline is not fully 16-bit " "- you can only export edited photos as 8-bit files. All supported formats " "can be used for export (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP)." msgstr "" "Dukungan format RAW Shotwell saat ini terbatas. Ketika Anda melihat foto " "RAW, Anda sebenarnya melihat JPEG yang berasal dari foto RAW, bukan gambar " "RAW itu sendiri. Selain itu, pipa penyuntingan RAW tidak sepenuhnya 16-bit - " "Anda hanya dapat mengekspor foto yang disunting sebagai berkas 8-bit. Semua " "format yang didukung dapat digunakan untuk ekspor (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP)." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/formats.page:18 msgid "" "For more information about RAW-format photos in Shotwell, please see the " "<link xref=\"other-raw\">RAW</link> section." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang foto format RAW di Shotwell, silakan " "lihat bagian <link xref=\"other-raw\">RAW</link>." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/formats.page:22 msgid "" "Shotwell also supports video files in any format supported by the GStreamer " "media library on the system where Shotwell is running. This typically " "includes the following formats among others:" msgstr "" "Shotwell juga mendukung berkas video dalam format apa pun yang didukung oleh " "pustaka media GStreamer pada sistem di mana Shotwell berjalan. Ini biasanya " "mencakup format berikut antara lain:" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/formats.page:25 msgid "Container formats: Ogg, QuickTime, MP4, AVI." msgstr "Format kontainer: Ogg, QuickTime, MP4, AVI." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/formats.page:26 msgid "" "Codecs: Theora, Quicktime, MPEG-4, Motion JPEG. <em>Note that some operating " "systems may not include all codecs listed here due to legal or licensing " "restrictions.</em>" msgstr "" "Kodek: Theora, QuickTime, MPEG-4, Motion JPEG. <em>Perhatikan bahwa beberapa " "sistem operasi mungkin tidak menyertakan semua kodek yang tercantum di sini " "karena pembatasan hukum atau lisensi.</em>" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/formats.page:30 msgid "" "Shotwell supports both photos and videos, but for simplicity, this " "documentation uses just the term \"photos\" in most places. Many operations " "in Shotwell apply to both photos and videos, however. In particular, events, " "flagging, rating, tagging, and publishing work both for photos and for " "videos." msgstr "" "Shotwell mendukung foto dan video, tapi untuk kesederhanaan, dokumentasi ini " "hanya menggunakan istilah \"foto\" di sebagian besar tempat. Namun banyak " "operasi di Shotwell berlaku untuk foto dan video. Secara khusus, peristiwa, " "penandaan, pemeringkatan, pemberian tag, dan penerbitan berfungsi baik untuk " "foto maupun video." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/import-camera.page:7 msgid "Copy photos from a digital camera." msgstr "Menyalin foto dari kamera digital." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/import-camera.page:12 msgid "Importing from a camera" msgstr "Mengimpor dari kamera" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/import-camera.page:14 msgid "To import photos from a digital camera:" msgstr "Untuk mengimpor foto dari kamera digital:" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/import-camera.page:18 msgid "" "Connect the camera to your computer and switch it on. Shotwell will detect " "it and list it in the sidebar." msgstr "" "Sambungkan kamera ke komputer dan hidupkan. Shotwell akan mendeteksi dan " "mendaftarkannya di bilah sisi." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/import-camera.page:22 msgid "" "Select the camera in the sidebar. Previews of each photo on the camera will " "be displayed." msgstr "" "Pilih kamera di bilah sisi. Pratinjau dari setiap foto pada kamera akan " "ditampilkan." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/import-camera.page:25 msgid "" "If you like, you can choose a set of specific photos to import. To do this, " "hold down the <key>Ctrl</key> key and click to select individual photos. You " "can hold down <key>Shift</key> and click to select a range of photos too." msgstr "" "Jika Anda suka, Anda dapat memilih satu set foto tertentu untuk diimpor. " "Untuk melakukannya, tahan tombol <key>Ctrl</key> dan klik untuk memilih " "masing-masing foto. Anda dapat menahan <key>Shift</key> dan klik untuk " "memilih suatu rentang foto juga." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/import-camera.page:28 msgid "" "Click either <gui>Import Selected</gui> or <gui>Import All</gui>. The photos " "will be copied from the camera and saved on your computer." msgstr "" "Klik <gui>Impor yang Dipilih</gui> atau <gui>Impor Semua</gui>. Foto akan " "disalin dari kamera dan disimpan pada komputer Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/import-camera.page:32 msgid "" "Once the import is complete, you can open the <gui>Last Import</gui> view " "(in the sidebar) to see all photos that were imported. The Events list (also " "in the sidebar) will also show the new photos, organized by date." msgstr "" "Setelah impor selesai, Anda dapat membuka tampilan <gui>Terakhir Impor</gui> " "(di bilah sisi) untuk melihat semua foto yang diimpor. Daftar Acara (juga di " "bilah sisi) juga akan menampilkan foto baru, diorganisasi berdasarkan " "tanggal." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/import-file.page:7 msgid "Import photos that are already saved on your computer." msgstr "Mengimpor foto yang sudah disimpan di komputer Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/import-file.page:12 msgid "Importing from your hard disk" msgstr "Mengimpor dari hard disk Anda" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/import-file.page:14 msgid "" "To import photo files from your hard disk into Shotwell, just drag them from " "your file browser into the Shotwell window." msgstr "" "Untuk mengimpor berkas foto dari hard disk ke Shotwell, cukup seret mereka " "dari peramban berkas Anda ke jendela Shotwell." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/import-file.page:16 msgid "" "Alternatively, click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Import From Folder...</" "gui></guiseq> and select the folder containing the photos you want to " "import. If you do not want Shotwell to recurse into subfolders while " "importing, you can uncheck the <gui>Recurse Into Subfolders</gui> checkbox " "on the bottom of the file dialog." msgstr "" "Atau, klik <guiseq><gui>Berkas</gui><gui>Impor Dari Folder...</gui></guiseq> " "dan pilih folder yang berisi foto yang ingin Anda impor. Jika Anda tidak " "ingin Shotwell untuk rekursif ke subfolder saat mengimpor, Anda dapat " "menghapus centang pada kotak centang <gui>Rekursif Ke Subfolder</gui> di " "bagian bawah dialog berkas." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/import-file.page:18 msgid "" "Shotwell will ask whether you want to copy the photo files to your library " "folder (usually this is the <file>Pictures</file> folder in your home " "directory) or to import them in place without copying the files." msgstr "" "Shotwell akan menanyakan apakah Anda ingin menyalin berkas foto ke folder " "perpustakaan Anda (biasanya ini adalah folder <file>Gambar</file> di " "direktori rumah Anda) atau untuk mengimpor mereka di tempat tanpa menyalin " "berkas." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/import-file.page:20 msgid "" "If you hold down <key>Ctrl</key> while dragging photos in, Shotwell will " "copy the photos into your library folder without prompting. Similarly, if " "you hold down <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Shift</key></keyseq> while " "dragging photos in, Shotwell will import the photos without copying them." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menahan <key>Ctrl</key> saat menyeret foto, Shotwell akan menyalin " "foto ke folder perpustakaan Anda tanpa meminta persetujuan. Demikian pula, " "jika Anda menahan tombol <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Shift</key></keyseq> " "sambil menyeret foto, Shotwell akan mengimpor foto tanpa menyalinnya." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/import-file.page:22 msgid "" "Once the import is complete, you can select <gui>Last Import</gui> in the " "sidebar to see all photos successfully imported. The Events list will also " "show new entries for the dates corresponding to the imported photos." msgstr "" "Setelah proses impor selesai, Anda dapat memilih <gui>Impor Terakhir</gui> " "di bilah sisi untuk melihat semua foto yang berhasil diimpor. Daftar " "peristiwa juga akan menampilkan entri baru untuk tanggal yang sesuai dengan " "foto yang diimpor." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/import-memorycard.page:7 msgid "Import photos from a digital camera's memory card." msgstr "Mengimpor foto dari kartu memori kamera digital." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/import-memorycard.page:12 msgid "Importing from a memory card" msgstr "Mengimpor dari kartu memori" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/import-memorycard.page:14 msgid "To import photos from a camera memory card:" msgstr "Untuk mengimpor foto dari kartu memori kamera:" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/import-memorycard.page:18 msgid "" "Put the card into your card reader. Make sure the card reader is plugged in " "to the computer and switched on." msgstr "" "Masukkan kartu ke pembaca kartu Anda. Pastikan pembaca kartu dicolokkan ke " "komputer dan dihidupkan." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/import-memorycard.page:21 msgid "The card reader and card should be detected automatically." msgstr "Pembaca kartu dan kartu harus dideteksi secara otomatis." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/import-memorycard.page:24 msgid "" "Follow the instructions for <link xref=\"import-file\">importing photos from " "your hard disk</link>. If you click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Import From " "Folder...</gui></guiseq>, the memory card should be visible as a folder in " "the side bar of the file selection window." msgstr "" "Ikuti petunjuk untuk <link xref=\"import-file\">mengimpor foto dari hard " "disk Anda</link>. Jika Anda mengklik <guiseq><gui>Berkas</gui><gui>Impor " "Dari Folder...</gui></guiseq>, kartu memori harus terlihat sebagai folder di " "bilah sisi jendela pilihan berkas." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/import-memorycard.page:28 msgid "" "Shotwell can import photos from any memory card that is compatible with your " "card reader." msgstr "" "Shotwell dapat mengimpor foto dari kartu memori yang kompatibel dengan " "pembaca kartu Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/import-memorycard.page:30 msgid "" "If the card is not detected automatically, your card reader may not have " "been recognized. Try unplugging it and then plugging it in again. If that " "doesn't work, you should still be able to import photos by <link xref=" "\"import-camera\">connecting your camera directly to the computer</link>, " "though." msgstr "" "Jika kartu tidak terdeteksi secara otomatis, pembaca kartu Anda mungkin " "belum dikenali. Cobalah mencabut dan kemudian mencolokkan lagi. Jika itu " "tidak berhasil, Anda masih harus dapat mengimpor foto dengan <link xref=" "\"import-camera\">menyambungkan kamera langsung ke komputer</link>." #. (itstool) path: info/title #: C/index.page:6 msgctxt "link" msgid "Shotwell" msgstr "Shotwell" #. (itstool) path: credit/name #: C/index.page:8 msgid "Jim Nelson" msgstr "Jim Nelson" #. (itstool) path: credit/name #: C/index.page:10 msgid "Allison Barlow" msgstr "Allison Barlow" #. (itstool) path: credit/name #: C/index.page:12 msgid "Robert Ancell" msgstr "Robert Ancell" #. (itstool) path: credit/name #: C/index.page:14 msgid "Peter Smith" msgstr "Peter Smith" #. (itstool) path: credit/name #: C/index.page:16 msgid "Phil Bull" msgstr "Phil Bull" #. (itstool) path: title/media #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. #: C/index.page:22 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='figures/shotwell_logo.png' " "md5='4b333499555b4e496b1a38f7899067f3'" msgstr "" "external ref='figures/shotwell_logo.png' " "md5='4b333499555b4e496b1a38f7899067f3'" #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/index.page:22 msgid "" "<media type=\"image\" src=\"figures/shotwell_logo.png\"/>Shotwell Photo " "Manager" msgstr "" "<media type=\"image\" src=\"figures/shotwell_logo.png\"/>Manajer Foto " "Shotwell" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/index.page:25 msgid "Importing Photos" msgstr "Mengimpor Foto" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/index.page:29 msgid "Viewing Photos" msgstr "Melihat Foto" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/index.page:33 msgid "Organizing Photos" msgstr "Mengorganisasi Foto" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/index.page:37 msgid "Editing Photos" msgstr "Menyunting Foto" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/index.page:41 msgid "Sharing Photos" msgstr "Berbagi Foto" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/index.page:45 msgid "Other Features" msgstr "Fitur-fitur Lain" #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/organize-event.page:7 msgid "" "Group photos together that were taken at the same time. Learn how to rename, " "merge, and sort events." msgstr "" "Kelompokkan foto bersama yang diambil pada saat yang sama. Pelajari cara " "mengganti nama, menggabungkan, dan mengurutkan peristiwa." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/organize-event.page:12 msgid "Events" msgstr "Acara" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-event.page:14 msgid "" "An event is a group of photos that were taken at approximately the same " "time. When you import photos, Shotwell checks when each photo was taken. It " "then groups the photos into events." msgstr "" "Sebuah acara adalah sekelompok foto yang diambil pada waktu yang kurang " "lebih sama. Ketika Anda mengimpor foto, Shotwell memeriksa kapan setiap foto " "diambil. Kemudian mengelompokkan foto ke dalam acara." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-event.page:16 msgid "" "Choose <gui>Events</gui> from the sidebar to see your photos organized by " "date. If you select a month or year from the sidebar, a list of events will " "be displayed in the main window. Double-click an event to see all the photos " "that were taken around that time." msgstr "" "Pilih <gui>Acara</gui> dari bilah sisi untuk melihat foto Anda yang diatur " "menurut tanggal. Jika Anda memilih bulan atau tahun dari bilah sisi, daftar " "acara akan ditampilkan di jendela utama. Klik ganda acara untuk melihat " "semua foto yang diambil sekitar waktu itu." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-event.page:18 msgid "" "If a photo has no embedded date/time information, then Shotwell can't " "automatically place it in any event. In this case the photo will appear in " "the <gui>No Event</gui> view accessible from the sidebar. You can still move " "the photo to any event you like as described below." msgstr "" "Jika foto tidak memiliki informasi tanggal/waktu yang tertanam, maka " "Shotwell tidak dapat menempatkannya secara otomatis dalam acara apa pun. " "Dalam hal ini, foto akan muncul dalam tampilan <gui>Tidak Ada Acara</gui> " "yang dapat diakses dari bilah sisi. Anda masih dapat memindahkan foto ke " "acara apa pun yang Anda suka seperti yang dijelaskan di bawah ini." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-event.page:25 msgid "Renaming events" msgstr "Mengganti nama acara" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-event.page:27 msgid "" "To give an event a name rather than referring to it by its date, select the " "event, click <guiseq><gui>Events</gui><gui>Rename Event...</gui></guiseq> " "and enter a new name. Another way of renaming an event is to double-click " "its name in the sidebar; type a new name and then press <key>Enter</key>." msgstr "" "Untuk memberikan sebuah nama sebuah acara daripada merujuknya berdasarkan " "tanggalnya, pilih acara, klik <guiseq><gui>Acara</gui><gui>Ubah Nama Acara..." "</gui></guiseq> dan masukkan nama baru. Cara lain untuk mengganti nama acara " "adalah dengan mengklik ganda namanya di bilah sisi; ketik nama baru dan " "kemudian tekan <key>Enter</key>." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-event.page:31 msgid "Moving photos between events" msgstr "Memindahkan foto antar acara" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-event.page:33 msgid "" "Even though photos are initially grouped into events by their date, you can " "move photos between events. To do this, drag any photo to the sidebar and " "drop it on an event." msgstr "" "Meskipun foto awalnya dikelompokkan ke dalam acara berdasarkan tanggal, Anda " "dapat memindahkan foto antar acara. Untuk melakukan ini, seret foto apa pun " "ke bilah sisi dan jatuhkan di suatu acara." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-event.page:37 msgid "Creating and merging events" msgstr "Membuat dan menggabungkan acara" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-event.page:38 msgid "" "To create a new event, select the photos you would like in the new event and " "click <guiseq><gui>Events</gui><gui>New Event</gui></guiseq>." msgstr "" "Untuk membuat acara baru, pilih foto yang Anda inginkan di acara baru dan " "klik <guiseq>Acara<gui></gui><gui>Acara Baru</gui></guiseq>." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-event.page:39 msgid "" "To merge events, select <guiseq><gui>Events</gui></guiseq> from the sidebar, " "then, while holding down <key>Ctrl</key> click on the events you want to " "merge in the main window area. Finally, click <guiseq><gui>Events</" "gui><gui>Merge Events</gui></guiseq>." msgstr "" "Untuk menggabungkan acara, pilih <guiseq><gui>Acara</gui></guiseq> dari " "bilah sisi, kemudian, sambil menekan <key>Ctrl</key> klik pada acara yang " "ingin Anda gabungkan di area jendela utama. Akhirnya, klik " "<guiseq>Acara<gui></gui><gui>Gabung Acara</gui></guiseq>." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-event.page:43 msgid "Sorting events" msgstr "Mengurutkan acara" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-event.page:45 msgid "" "Events are displayed in a tree in the sidebar, organized by the year and " "month of the earliest photo in the event. To change the event sort order, " "click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Sort Events</gui></guiseq> and select " "either ascending or descending." msgstr "" "Acara ditampilkan di pohon di bilah sisi, yang diorganisasi berdasarkan " "tahun dan bulan dari foto awal dalam acara. Untuk mengubah urutan acara, " "klik <guiseq><gui>Tampilan</gui><gui>Urutkan Acara</gui> </guiseq> dan pilih " "baik naik atau turun." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-event.page:51 msgid "Change the photo used to represent each event" msgstr "Mengubah foto yang digunakan untuk mewakili setiap acara" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-event.page:53 msgid "" "If you select the <gui>Events</gui> item in the sidebar, you'll see a single " "photo which represents each event. This is called the key photo." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memilih item <gui>Acara</gui> di bilah sisi, Anda akan melihat " "satu foto yang mewakili setiap acara. Ini disebut foto kunci." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-event.page:55 msgid "" "By default, Shotwell uses the first photo in each event as its key photo. To " "use a different key photo, select the photo and choose <guiseq><gui>Photos</" "gui><gui>Make Key Photo for Event</gui></guiseq>." msgstr "" "Secara baku, Shotwell menggunakan foto pertama di setiap acara sebagai foto " "kuncinya. Untuk menggunakan foto utama yang berbeda, pilih foto tersebut dan " "pilih <guiseq>Foto<gui></gui><gui>Jadikan Foto Utama untuk Acara</gui></" "guiseq>." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/organize-flag.page:7 msgid "Flag photos to mark them as special or to work with them as a set." msgstr "" "Tandai foto untuk menandai mereka sebagai khusus atau untuk bekerja dengan " "mereka sebagai satu set." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/organize-flag.page:12 msgid "Flagging photos" msgstr "Menandai foto" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-flag.page:14 msgid "" "Shotwell lets you <em>flag</em> photos. When a photo is flagged, a small " "flag icon appears in its upper right corner. You can select the " "<gui>Flagged</gui> item in the sidebar to see all photos which have been " "flagged." msgstr "" "Shotwell memungkinkan Anda <em>menandani</em> foto. Ketika foto ditandai, " "ikon bendera kecil muncul di sudut kanan atas. Anda dapat memilih item " "<gui>Bertanda</gui> di bilah sisi untuk melihat semua foto yang telah " "ditandai." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-flag.page:18 msgid "" "Flagging a photo marks it as special. You can interpret this in any way you " "like. For example, you might flag all photos which need visual adjustment, " "or all photos which you want to share with a friend." msgstr "" "Menandai foto membuatnya istimewa. Anda dapat menafsirkan ini dengan cara " "apapun yang Anda suka. Misalnya, Anda dapat menandai semua foto yang " "memerlukan penyesuaian visual, atau semua foto yang ingin Anda bagikan " "dengan teman." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-flag.page:22 msgid "" "Flagging is also useful because you can operate on all flagged photos as a " "set. For example, you can select the <gui>Flagged</gui> view and then upload " "all flagged photos to a publishing service." msgstr "" "Penandaan juga berguna karena Anda dapat beroperasi pada semua foto yang " "ditandai sebagai satu set. Misalnya, Anda dapat memilih tampilan " "<gui>Bertanda</gui> dan kemudian mengunggah semua foto yang ditandai ke " "layanan penerbitan." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-flag.page:27 msgid "To flag or unflag a photo" msgstr "Menandai atau membatalkan tanda foto" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-flag.page:28 msgid "" "To flag or unflag a photo, right-click the photo and choose <gui>Flag</gui> " "or <gui>Unflag</gui> from the context menu. Or use the <keyseq><key>Ctrl</" "key><key>G</key></keyseq> or <key>/</key> shortcut keys." msgstr "" "Untuk menandai atau membatalkan tanda foto, klik kanan foto dan pilih " "<gui>Tandai</gui> atau <gui>Hapus Tanda</gui> dari menu konteks. Atau " "gunakan tombol pintas <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>G</key></keyseq> atau " "<key>/</key>." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/organize-rating.page:7 msgid "" "Give photos a rating between 1 and 5 stars. You can reject bad photos, " "hiding them from view." msgstr "" "Berikan peringkat foto antara 1 hingga 5 bintang. Anda dapat menolak foto " "yang buruk, menyembunyikannya dari tampilan." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/organize-rating.page:12 msgid "Ratings" msgstr "Peringkat" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-rating.page:13 msgid "" "You can assign each photo a rating from 1-5 stars, or may alternatively rate " "it as Rejected, in which case Shotwell will hide the photo by default." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menetapkan ke setiap foto peringkat dari 1-5 bintang, atau dapat " "menilai sebagai Ditolak, dalam hal ini Shotwell akan menyembunyikan foto " "secara baku." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-rating.page:15 msgid "You can rate a photo or a set of photos in any of these ways:" msgstr "" "Anda dapat memeringkat foto atau sekumpulan foto dengan salah satu cara " "berikut:" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-rating.page:18 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the photo(s), then choose a rating from the top-level " "<guiseq><gui>Photos</gui><gui>Set Rating</gui></guiseq> menu." msgstr "" "Pilih foto, lalu pilih peringkat dari menu <guiseq> <gui></" "gui><gui>peringkat</gui> foto</guiseq> tingkat atas." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-rating.page:19 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Right-click on the photo(s), then choose a rating from the Set Rating " "context menu." msgstr "" "Klik kanan pada foto (s), kemudian pilih peringkat dari menu konteks " "tetapkan rating." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-rating.page:20 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the photo(s), then press any of the shortcut keys <key>1</key>, " "<key>2</key>, <key>3</key>, <key>4</key> or <key>5</key> to assign a rating. " "Or press <key>9</key> to mark the photo(s) as rejected or <key>0</key> to " "clear the rating(s)." msgstr "" "Pilih foto, kemudian tekan salah satu tombol pintas <key>1</key>, <key>2</" "key>, <key>3</key>, <key>4</key> atau <key>5</key> untuk menetapkan " "peringkat. Atau tekan <key>9</key> untuk menandai foto sebagai ditolak atau " "<key>0</key> untuk menghapus peringkat (s)." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-rating.page:23 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Normally Shotwell displays all photos except rejected photos. You can set a " "different rating filter using the <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Filter Photos</" "gui></guiseq> menu - for example, you can display only photos rated with 3 " "stars or higher, or you can display all photos including those marked " "rejected. The Shotwell icon on the toolbar displays the current rating " "filter and can also be used to set the filter." msgstr "" "Biasanya Shotwell menampilkan semua foto kecuali foto yang ditolak. Anda " "dapat mengatur filter rating yang berbeda menggunakan menu <guiseq> <gui></" "gui><gui>foto filter</gui> tampilan</guiseq> -misalnya, Anda hanya dapat " "menampilkan foto yang diberi nilai 3 bintang atau lebih tinggi, atau Anda " "dapat menampilkan semua foto termasuk yang ditandai ditolak. Ikon Shotwell " "pada Toolbar Menampilkan filter peringkat saat ini dan juga dapat digunakan " "untuk mengatur filter." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-rating.page:26 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell normally displays each photo's rating in its lower left-hand " "corner. You can turn off the display of ratings using the <guiseq><gui>View</" "gui><gui>Ratings</gui></guiseq> menu item." msgstr "" "Shotwell biasanya menampilkan setiap foto rating di sudut kiri bawah. Anda " "dapat menonaktifkan tampilan peringkat menggunakan item menu <guiseq> <gui></" "gui><gui>rating</gui> tampilan</guiseq> ." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-rating.page:28 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You can increase or decrease a photo's rating using the <guiseq><gui>Set " "Rating</gui><gui>Increase</gui></guiseq> and <guiseq><gui>Set Rating</" "gui><gui>Decrease</gui></guiseq> commands, or the keyboard shortcuts " "<key><</key> and <key>></key>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menambah atau mengurangi peringkat foto menggunakan <guiseq> " "<gui>pengaturan peringkat</gui><gui>yang</gui> ditetapkan</guiseq> dan " "menetapkan perintah <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>penurunan</gui> peringkat</" "guiseq> , atau pintasan keyboard <key><</key> dan <key>></key>." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/organize-remove.page:7 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Remove photos from the library, or delete them from your computer entirely." msgstr "" "Menghapus foto dari Perpustakaan, atau menghapusnya dari komputer Anda " "sepenuhnya." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/organize-remove.page:12 msgid "Removing and deleting photos" msgstr "Membuang dan menghapus foto" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-remove.page:14 msgid "" "You may remove photos from your library and you may additionally delete them " "entirely from your hard disk." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menghapus foto dari pustaka Anda dan Anda dapat juga menghapusnya " "sepenuhnya dari hard disk Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/media #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. #: C/organize-remove.page:15 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='figures/trash_process.png' " "md5='ed596bda34c2f4a79a310fbc8bb51fd2'" msgstr "" "external ref='figures/trash_process.png' " "md5='ed596bda34c2f4a79a310fbc8bb51fd2'" #. (itstool) path: media/p #: C/organize-remove.page:15 msgid "Delete process" msgstr "Proses hapus" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-remove.page:16 msgid "" "This diagram shows how a photo, when deleted, is first put into Shotwell's " "trash. If you delete it from Shotwell's trash, it is put into your " "computer's trash. If you delete it from your computer's trash the photo is " "finally and irretrievably deleted from your computer." msgstr "" "Diagram ini menunjukkan bagaimana foto, ketika dihapus, pertama kali " "dimasukkan ke dalam tong sampah Shotwell. Jika Anda menghapusnya dari tong " "sampah Shotwell, itu dimasukkan ke dalam tong sampah komputer Anda. Jika " "Anda menghapusnya dari tong sampah komputer, foto akan dihapus dan tidak " "dapat diambil lagi dari komputer." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-remove.page:18 msgid "Removing photos from the library" msgstr "Menghapus foto dari pustaka" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-remove.page:19 msgid "" "Select the photos to remove and choose <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Move to " "Trash</gui></guiseq>. (You can also press the <key>Delete</key> key.) The " "photos will be moved from your library to Shotwell's Trash." msgstr "" "Pilih foto untuk dihapus, lalu pilih <guiseq><gui>Sunting</" "gui><gui>Pindahkan ke Tong Sampah</gui></guiseq>. (Anda juga dapat menekan " "tombol <key>Delete</key>.) Foto akan dipindahkan dari pustaka Anda ke Tong " "Sampah Shotwell." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-remove.page:22 msgid "" "If you want to remove photos from Shotwell without having them pass through " "the trash, simply select the photos to be removed and choose " "<guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Remove From Library</gui></guiseq>. The photo " "files will be left in place on disk." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin menghapus foto dari Shotwell tanpa harus melewati tong " "sampah, cukup pilih foto yang akan dihapus dan pilih <guiseq><gui>Sunting</" "gui><gui>Hapus Dari Pustaka</gui></guiseq>. Berkas foto akan dibiarkan di " "tempat pada disk." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-remove.page:26 msgid "Emptying or restoring the trash folder" msgstr "Mengosongkan atau memulihkan folder tong sampah" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-remove.page:27 msgid "" "Select the Trash entry in the Sidebar and Shotwell will display all photos " "that have been marked for removal or deletion. In the Trash view, the " "following commands are available:" msgstr "" "Pilih entri Tong Sampah di bilah sisi dan Shotwell akan menampilkan semua " "foto yang telah ditandai untuk dibuang atau dihapus. Dalam tampilan Tong " "Sampah, perintah berikut tersedia:" #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/organize-remove.page:29 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Hapus" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-remove.page:29 msgid "Delete the selected photos from the trash folder." msgstr "Hapus foto yang dipilih dari folder sampah." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/organize-remove.page:30 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Pulihkan" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-remove.page:30 msgid "Restore the selected photos into Shotwell." msgstr "Memulihkan foto yang dipilih ke Shotwell." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/organize-remove.page:31 msgid "Empty trash" msgstr "Kosongkan tempat sampah" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-remove.page:31 msgid "Delete all photos from the trash folder." msgstr "Menghapus semua foto dari folder sampah." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-remove.page:36 msgid "Deleting or emptying Trash" msgstr "Menghapus atau mengosongkan Sampah" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-remove.page:37 msgid "" "When you delete files from the Trash folder or empty the Trash folder, you " "will be given the following choices:" msgstr "" "Bila Anda menghapus berkas dari folder Tong Sampah atau mengosongkan folder " "Tong Sampah, Anda akan diberi pilihan berikut:" #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/organize-remove.page:39 msgid "Only Remove" msgstr "Hanya Hapus" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-remove.page:39 msgid "" "Remove photos from the library but leave the photos in their location on the " "computer." msgstr "" "Menghapus foto dari pustaka tetapi membiarkan foto di lokasi mereka di " "komputer." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/organize-remove.page:40 msgid "Trash file" msgstr "Sampahkan berkas" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-remove.page:40 msgid "Remove photos from the library and delete them from the computer." msgstr "Menghapus foto dari pustaka dan menghapusnya dari komputer." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/organize-remove.page:41 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Batal" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-remove.page:41 msgid "Do nothing." msgstr "Jangan lakukan apa pun." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/organize-search.page:7 msgid "Find photos and videos in your collection by a variety of criteria." msgstr "Temukan foto dan video dalam koleksi Anda dengan berbagai kriteria." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/organize-search.page:12 msgid "Searching" msgstr "Mencari" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-search.page:14 msgid "" "There are two ways to search in Shotwell: the filter toolbar, and with a " "saved search. The search bar allows you to quickly search the current view " "for certain criteria. Saved Searches feature more complex search criteria " "and persist in the sidebar between sessions." msgstr "" "Ada dua cara untuk mencari di Shotwell: bilah alat filter, dan dengan " "pencarian tersimpan. Bilah pencarian memungkinkan Anda untuk cepat mencari " "tampilan saat ini untuk kriteria tertentu. Pencarian tersimpan menampilkan " "kriteria pencarian yang lebih kompleks dan bertahan di bilah sisi antara " "sesi." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-search.page:21 msgid "Search bar" msgstr "Bilah pencarian" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-search.page:22 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Search Bar</gui></guiseq> checkbox toggles " "the display of the search bar. You can also hit <keyseq><key>Ctrl</" "key><key>F</key></keyseq> or <key>F8</key> to bring up the search bar. From " "this bar, you can find, show and hide photos and videos based on title, tag, " "rating or other options." msgstr "" "The <guiseq> <gui>View</gui><gui>Search Bar</gui> </guiseq> kotak centang " "Matikan Tampilan bilah pencarian. Anda juga dapat menekan <keyseq> " "<key>Ctrl</key><key>F</key> </keyseq> atau <key>F8</key> untuk memunculkan " "bilah pencarian. Dari bilah ini, Anda dapat menemukan, menampilkan, dan " "menyembunyikan foto dan video berdasarkan judul, tag, peringkat, atau opsi " "lainnya." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-search.page:29 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To begin searching, simply enter a search keyword in the text box, or click " "on <gui>Flagged</gui>, <gui>Rating</gui> or <gui>Type</gui>. The text search " "matches your keywords across tag names, photo or video titles and photos' " "original filenames. The <gui>Flagged</gui>, <gui>Rating</gui> and <gui>Type</" "gui> buttons allow you to filter your collection by whether photos are " "flagged, their current number of stars, and whether the items shown are " "images, videos, or raw camera files, respectively." msgstr "" "Untuk mulai mencari, cukup masukkan kata kunci pencarian di kotak teks, atau " "klik pada <gui>ditandai</gui>, <gui>peringkat</gui> atau <gui>jenis</gui>. " "Pencarian teks cocok dengan kata kunci Anda di seluruh nama tag, judul foto " "atau video, dan nama file asli foto. Tombol <gui>bertanda</gui>, " "<gui>rating</gui> , dan <gui>jenis</gui> memungkinkan Anda untuk memfilter " "koleksi menurut Apakah foto ditandai, jumlah bintang mereka saat ini, dan " "apakah item yang ditampilkan adalah gambar, video, atau file kamera mentah, " "masing-masing." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-search.page:38 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Disabling the search bar or exiting Shotwell automatically resets the search " "bar." msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan Bar pencarian atau keluar Shotwell secara otomatis me-reset " "bilah pencarian." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-search.page:44 msgid "Saved search" msgstr "Pencarian tersimpan" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-search.page:45 #, fuzzy msgid "" "A saved search persists across Shotwell sessions, and is updated as photos " "and videos are added and removed from your Shotwell library." msgstr "" "Penelusuran tersimpan tetap ada di seluruh sesi Shotwell, dan diperbarui " "karena foto dan video ditambahkan dan dihapus dari perpustakaan Shotwell " "Anda." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-search.page:50 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Create a new saved search with <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>New Saved " "Search...</gui></guiseq> or by hitting <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>S</key></" "keyseq>. The dialog box allows you to enter a name for the search and select " "whether you want to meet Any, All, or None of the criteria in the following " "rows." msgstr "" "Buat pencarian tersimpan baru dengan <guiseq> <gui>mengedit</" "gui><gui>pencarian tersimpan baru...</gui> </guiseq> atau dengan menekan " "<keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>S</key></keyseq>. Kotak dialog memungkinkan " "Anda untuk memasukkan nama untuk pencarian dan pilih apakah Anda ingin " "bertemu apapun, semua, atau tidak ada kriteria di baris berikut." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-search.page:56 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Each row represents a search criterion. Use the <gui>+</gui> button to add " "more rows, and the <gui>-</gui> button to remove a specific row. The combo " "box on the left of each row selects the type of criteria. Criteria must be " "entered correctly before the <gui>OK</gui> button becomes available." msgstr "" "Setiap baris mewakili kriteria pencarian. Gunakan tombol <gui>+</gui> untuk " "menambahkan lebih banyak baris, dan tombol <gui>-</gui> untuk menghapus " "baris tertentu. Kotak kombo di sebelah kiri setiap baris memilih jenis " "kriteria. Kriteria harus dimasukkan dengan benar sebelum tombol <gui>OK</" "gui> menjadi tersedia." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/organize-tag.page:7 #, fuzzy msgid "Organize photos by labelling them." msgstr "Mengatur foto dengan label mereka." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/organize-tag.page:14 msgid "Tagging photos" msgstr "Menandai foto" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-tag.page:16 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You can assign one or more tags to selected photos. A tag can be one or more " "words that you want to associate with those photos." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menetapkan satu atau beberapa tag ke foto yang dipilih. Tag dapat " "berupa satu atau beberapa kata yang ingin dikaitkan dengan foto tersebut." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-tag.page:22 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To add new tags to photos, select the photos you would like to tag, then do " "any of the following:" msgstr "" "Untuk menambahkan tag baru ke foto, pilih foto yang ingin Anda Tandai, lalu " "lakukan salah satu hal berikut:" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-tag.page:28 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Add Tags...</gui></guiseq>." msgstr "Pilih <guiseq> <gui>tag</gui><gui>Add Tags...</gui></guiseq>." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-tag.page:29 msgid "Type <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>T</key></keyseq>." msgstr "Ketik <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>T</key></keyseq>." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/organize-tag.page:30 #, fuzzy msgid "Drag the selected photos and drop them on the desired tag." msgstr "Seret foto yang dipilih dan jatuhkan pada tag yang diinginkan." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-tag.page:33 #, fuzzy msgid "" "When you use <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>T</key></keyseq> or " "<guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Add Tags...</gui></guiseq> you can type in the " "names of one or more tags, separated by commas. Once you have created a tag, " "you can rename it by selecting that tag in the sidebar and choosing " "<guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Rename Tag \"[name]\"...</gui></guiseq>, by " "rightclicking on it and choose <gui>Rename...</gui> or double-click on the " "tag in the sidebar." msgstr "" "Bila Anda menggunakan <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>T</key> </keyseq> atau " "<guiseq> <gui>tag</gui><gui>menambahkan tag..</gui> </guiseq> . Anda dapat " "mengetikkan nama satu atau lebih tag, dipisahkan dengan koma. Setelah Anda " "membuat tag, Anda dapat mengubah nama itu dengan memilih tag yang di sidebar " "dan memilih tag <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>rename tag \"[nama]\"...</gui></" "guiseq>, oleh rightdiklik dan pilih <gui>rename...</gui> atau klik dua kali " "pada tag di sidebar." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-tag.page:44 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To change which tags are associated with a particular photo, select that " "photo, choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Modify Tags...</gui></guiseq> or " "right-click on a photo and select <gui>Modify Tags...</gui> and edit the " "comma separated list. To remove a tag from one or more photos, first select " "that tag in the sidebar, then select the photos you would like to remove, " "and choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Remove Tag \"[name]\" from Photos</" "gui></guiseq> or right-click on the photos an select <gui>Remove Tag " "\"[name]\" from Photos</gui>." msgstr "" "Untuk mengubah Tag mana yang dikaitkan dengan foto tertentu, pilih foto " "tersebut, pilih <guiseq> <gui>tag</gui><gui>modifikasi tag...</gui> </" "guiseq> atau klik kanan pada foto dan pilih <gui>modifikasi tag...</gui> dan " "Edit Daftar dipisahkan koma. Untuk menghapus tanda dari satu atau beberapa " "foto, pertama-tama pilih Tag tersebut di bar samping, lalu pilih foto yang " "ingin Anda hapus, dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>tag</gui><gui>Hapus tag \"[nama]\" " "dari foto</gui> </guiseq> atau klik kanan pada foto pilih <gui>hapus tanda " "\"[nama]\" dari foto</gui>." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-tag.page:58 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To delete a tag entirely, select that tag in the sidebar and choose " "<guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Delete Tag \"[name]\"</gui></guiseq> or by right-" "click and select <gui>Delete Tag \"[name]\"</gui>." msgstr "" "Untuk menghapus tag seluruhnya, pilih Tag tersebut di bar samping dan pilih " "tag <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>Delete tag \"[nama]\"</gui> </guiseq> atau klik " "kanan dan pilih <gui>Hapus tag \"[nama]\"</gui>." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-tag.page:64 #, fuzzy msgid "" "When you create a tag, it will appear in the sidebar under the <gui>Tags</" "gui> item, which is hidden if there are no tags. Photos can have multiple " "tags attached to them, and when you click on the name of a given tag in the " "sidebar, you will see all the photos associated with that tag." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda membuat sebuah tag, itu akan muncul di sidebar di bawah " "<gui>tag</gui> item, yang tersembunyi jika tidak ada tag. Foto dapat " "memiliki beberapa tag yang melekat pada mereka, dan ketika Anda mengklik " "pada nama tag yang diberikan di sidebar, Anda akan melihat semua foto yang " "terkait dengan tag itu." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/organize-tag.page:73 msgid "Hierarchical Tags" msgstr "Tag Hirarkis" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-tag.page:74 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell supports also hierarchial tags. You can rearrange your tags by drag " "and drop a tag onto another. To create a new subtag right-click on a tag and " "select <gui>New</gui>." msgstr "" "Shotwell juga mendukung Tag hirarkhis. Anda dapat mengatur ulang tag Anda " "dengan drag dan drop tag ke yang lain. Untuk membuat subtag baru klik kanan " "pada tag dan pilih <gui>baru</gui>." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-tag.page:81 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Hierarchial tags can help you to sort your tag list in ways that better " "match how you work or think; for example, you can store location tags like " "\"Mountains\" or \"Beach\" under a parent tag \"Places\", which itself can " "be placed under the tag \"Summer Holidays\"." msgstr "" "Tag hirarkhis dapat membantu Anda untuk mengurutkan daftar tag Anda dengan " "cara yang lebih baik sesuai dengan cara Anda bekerja atau berpikir; " "Misalnya, Anda dapat menyimpan Tag lokasi seperti \"pegunungan\" atau " "\"Pantai\" di bawah tag induk \"Places\", yang sendiri dapat ditempatkan di " "bawah tag \"liburan musim panas\"." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/organize-tag.page:89 #, fuzzy msgid "Note that deleting a parent tag will also delete its child tags." msgstr "Perhatikan bahwa menghapus tag induk juga akan menghapus tag anaknya." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/organize-title.page:7 msgid "Give titles to your photos." msgstr "Memberi judul pada foto Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/organize-title.page:12 msgid "Titles" msgstr "Judul" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-title.page:14 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Titles</gui></guiseq> checkbox toggles the " "display of titles beneath each photo. By default, a photo's title is its " "filename." msgstr "" "<guiseq> <gui>Tampilan</gui><gui>judul</gui> </guiseq> kotak centang Matikan " "tampilan judul di bawah setiap foto. Secara default, judul foto adalah nama " "filenya." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/organize-title.page:17 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To change a photo's title, select the photo and click <guiseq><gui>Photos</" "gui><gui>Edit Title...</gui></guiseq>, or press <key>F2</key>." msgstr "" "Untuk mengubah judul foto, pilih foto dan klik <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>Edit " "judul foto...</gui></guiseq>, atau tekan <key>F2</key>." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/other-files.page:7 msgid "Keep the Shotwell library in sync with photo files on disk." msgstr "Menjaga pustaka Shotwell sinkron dengan berkas foto pada disk." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/other-files.page:12 msgid "Photo files" msgstr "Berkas foto" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/other-files.page:14 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Every photo in the Shotwell library corresponds to a file stored on your " "hard disk. Shotwell has several features which help you keep the Shotwell " "library and files on disk in sync." msgstr "" "Setiap foto di Perpustakaan Shotwell sesuai dengan file yang disimpan pada " "hard disk Anda. Shotwell memiliki beberapa fitur yang membantu Anda menjaga " "Perpustakaan Shotwell dan file pada disk sinkron." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/other-files.page:21 msgid "Using a custom directory pattern" msgstr "Memakai pola direktori ubahan" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:22 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell allows you to specify how it names directories in your library. You " "can do this by changing the <gui>Directory Structure</gui> and <gui>Pattern</" "gui> settings in the <gui>Preferences</gui> dialog. You may use a " "preselected pattern, or choose <gui>Custom</gui> and type in your own." msgstr "" "Shotwell memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan bagaimana nama direktori di " "perpustakaan Anda. Anda dapat melakukannya dengan mengubah <gui>struktur " "direktori</gui> dan pengaturan <gui>pola</gui> dalam dialog <gui>preferensi</" "gui> . Anda dapat menggunakan pola yang dipilih sebelumnya, atau memilih " "<gui>khusus</gui> dan mengetik sendiri." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:29 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The available symbols for the directory pattern begin with a % (percent " "sign). The values these symbols produce are locale-dependent, so what you " "see on your computer may vary from the examples below." msgstr "" "Simbol yang tersedia untuk pola direktori dimulai dengan% (tanda persen). " "Nilai yang dihasilkan simbol ini bergantung pada lokal, jadi apa yang Anda " "lihat di komputer mungkin berbeda dari contoh di bawah ini." #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:38 msgid "<em>Symbol</em>" msgstr "<em>Simbol</em>" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:38 msgid "<em>Meaning</em>" msgstr "<em>Makna</em>" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:38 msgid "<em>Example</em>" msgstr "<em>Contoh</em>" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:43 msgid "%Y" msgstr "%Y" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:43 msgid "Year: full" msgstr "Tahun: penuh" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:43 msgid "2011" msgstr "2011" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:46 msgid "%y" msgstr "%y" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:46 msgid "Year: two digit" msgstr "Tahun: dua digit" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:46 msgid "11" msgstr "11" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:49 msgid "%d" msgstr "%d" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:49 msgid "Day of the month with leading zero" msgstr "Hari dalam sebulan dengan awalan nol" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:49 msgid "03" msgstr "03" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:52 msgid "%A" msgstr "%A" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:52 msgid "Day name: full" msgstr "Nama hari: penuh" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:52 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Rabu" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:55 msgid "%a" msgstr "%a" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:55 msgid "Day name: abbreviated" msgstr "Nama hari: disingkat" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:55 msgid "Wed" msgstr "Rab" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:58 msgid "%m" msgstr "%m" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:58 msgid "Month number with leading zero" msgstr "Nomor bulan dengan awalan nol" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:58 msgid "02" msgstr "02" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:60 msgid "%b" msgstr "%b" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:60 msgid "Month name: abbreviated" msgstr "Nama bulan: disingkat" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:60 msgid "Feb" msgstr "Feb" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:62 msgid "%B" msgstr "%B" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:62 msgid "Month name: full" msgstr "Nama bulan: penuh" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:62 msgid "February" msgstr "Februari" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:63 msgid "%I" msgstr "%I" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:63 msgid "Hour: 12 hour format" msgstr "Jam: format 12 jam" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:63 msgid "05" msgstr "05" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:64 msgid "%H" msgstr "%H" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:64 msgid "Hour: 24 hour format" msgstr "Jam: format 24 jam" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:64 msgid "17" msgstr "17" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:66 msgid "%M" msgstr "%M" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:66 msgid "Minute" msgstr "Menit" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:66 msgid "16" msgstr "16" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:67 msgid "%S" msgstr "%S" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:67 msgid "Second" msgstr "Detik" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:67 msgid "30" msgstr "30" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:68 msgid "%p" msgstr "%p" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:68 msgid "AM or PM" msgstr "AM atau PM" #. (itstool) path: td/p #: C/other-files.page:68 msgid "PM" msgstr "PM" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:72 #, fuzzy msgid "" "There are other symbols available; please check the <link href=\"man:strftime" "\">manual for strftime</link> by running the command <cmd>man strftime</cmd> " "if you need one that isn't listed here." msgstr "" "Ada simbol lain yang tersedia; Silakan periksa <link href=\"man:strftime\"> " "manual untuk strftime dengan menjalankan perintah <cmd>Man strftime</cmd> " "jika Anda memerlukannya yang tidak tercantum di sini." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/other-files.page:79 msgid "Automatically importing photos" msgstr "Mengimpor foto secara otomatis" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:81 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell can automatically import new photos which appear in the library " "directory. (The library directory is usually the <file>Pictures</file> " "directory in your home directory; you can change its location in in the " "<gui>Preferences</gui> window.)" msgstr "" "Shotwell dapat secara otomatis mengimpor foto baru yang muncul di direktori " "Perpustakaan. (Direktori Perpustakaan biasanya direktori <file>gambar</file> " "di direktori Home Anda; Anda dapat mengubah lokasinya di dalam jendela " "<gui>Preferences</gui> .)" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:86 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To enable auto-import, check the box <gui>Watch library directory for new " "files</gui> in the <gui>Preferences</gui> window." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan impor otomatis, centang kotak <gui>Tonton direktori " "perpustakaan untuk file baru</gui> di jendela <gui>preferensi</gui> ." #. (itstool) path: note/p #: C/other-files.page:90 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell can also follow symbolic links inside automatically-imported " "directories." msgstr "" "Shotwell juga dapat mengikuti link simbolik dalam direktori yang diimpor " "secara otomatis." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/other-files.page:95 msgid "Automatically renaming imported photos to lowercase" msgstr "Secara otomatis mengubah nama foto yang diimpor ke huruf kecil" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:97 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell can automatically change the filenames of imported photos to " "lowercase. To enable this, choose <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Preferences</" "gui></guiseq>, and in the <gui>Preferences</gui> window, check the " "<gui>Rename imported files to lowercase</gui> box." msgstr "" "Shotwell dapat secara otomatis mengubah nama file dari foto yang diimpor ke " "huruf kecil. Untuk mengaktifkannya, pilih <guiseq> <gui>Edit</" "gui><gui>preferensi</gui></guiseq>, dan di jendela <gui>preferensi</gui> , " "periksa <gui>Ubah nama file yang diimpor ke kotak huruf kecil</gui> ." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/other-files.page:107 msgid "Writing metadata on the fly" msgstr "Menulis metadata sambil jalan" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:109 #, fuzzy msgid "" "By default, Shotwell does not modify photo files, even when you edit photos " "or change their tags or titles. Shotwell records these changes in its own " "database only." msgstr "" "Secara default, Shotwell tidak mengubah file foto, bahkan ketika Anda " "mengedit foto atau mengubah Tag atau judul mereka. Shotwell mencatat " "perubahan ini dalam database sendiri saja." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:112 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To change this behavior, you can enable the checkbox <gui>Write tags, titles " "and other metadata to photo files</gui> in the <gui>Preferences</gui> " "dialog. When this option is enabled, Shotwell will write the following " "metadata to most photo files whenever you change it in Shotwell:" msgstr "" "Untuk mengubah perilaku ini, Anda dapat mengaktifkan kotak centang " "<gui>tulis tag, judul dan metadata lainnya untuk file foto</gui> dalam " "dialog <gui>preferensi</gui> . Bila opsi ini diaktifkan, Shotwell akan " "menulis metadata berikut untuk sebagian besar file foto setiap kali Anda " "mengubahnya di Shotwell:" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/other-files.page:118 msgid "titles" msgstr "judul" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/other-files.page:119 msgid "tags" msgstr "tag" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/other-files.page:120 msgid "ratings" msgstr "peringkat" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/other-files.page:121 msgid "rotation information" msgstr "informasi rotasi" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/other-files.page:122 msgid "time/date" msgstr "waktu/tanggal" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:125 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell stores this information in photo files in EXIF, IPTC and/or XMP " "format. Note that Shotwell can write only to photo files in JPEG, PNG and " "TIFF format, not to BMP photos, RAW photos or to video files." msgstr "" "Shotwell menyimpan informasi ini dalam file foto dalam EXIF, IPTC dan/atau " "XMP format. Perhatikan bahwa Shotwell dapat menulis hanya untuk file foto " "dalam format JPEG, PNG dan TIFF, tidak untuk foto BMP, foto RAW atau file " "video." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/other-files.page:133 msgid "Runtime monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan runtime" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:135 #, fuzzy msgid "" "While Shotwell is running, it notices changes made to any photo file " "externally. When a photo file changes, Shotwell rereads the file and updates " "your view of the photo and metadata." msgstr "" "Sementara Shotwell berjalan, itu pemberitahuan perubahan yang dibuat untuk " "setiap file foto eksternal. Ketika file foto berubah, Shotwell rereads file " "dan memperbarui tampilan foto dan metadata." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/other-files.page:139 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that Shotwell checks all photo files for changes at startup, but only " "photo files contained in the library directory are monitored in real time " "after startup. We hope to remove this limitation in a further release." msgstr "" "Perhatikan Shotwell memeriksa semua file foto untuk perubahan pada saat " "startup, tetapi hanya file foto yang terkandung dalam direktori Perpustakaan " "dipantau secara real time setelah startup. Kami berharap untuk menghapus " "pembatasan ini dalam rilis lebih lanjut." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/other-missing.page:7 msgid "If Shotwell can't find a photo in your library, it marks it as missing." msgstr "" "Jika Shotwell tidak dapat menemukan foto di pustaka Anda, itu menandainya " "sebagai hilang." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/other-missing.page:12 msgid "Missing photos" msgstr "Foto yang hilang" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/other-missing.page:14 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Each time Shotwell starts up, it scans your photo library to verify that all " "photo files still exist on your hard drive. If Shotwell finds that any photo " "files are missing, it will not display them in the normal Photos, Events and " "Tags views, but will instead show them in a separate Missing Files view " "which will appear in the sidebar." msgstr "" "Setiap kali Shotwell dimulai, scan Perpustakaan foto Anda untuk " "memverifikasi bahwa semua file foto masih ada pada hard drive Anda. Jika " "Shotwell menemukan bahwa setiap file foto yang hilang, itu tidak akan " "menampilkannya dalam foto normal, Events dan tag dilihat, tetapi malah akan " "menampilkannya dalam tampilan file hilang terpisah yang akan muncul di " "sidebar." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/other-missing.page:16 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If you no longer want the missing files to be part of your Shotwell " "collection (perhaps because you deleted them), go to the Missing Files view, " "select the photos and then click <gui>Remove From Library</gui>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak lagi menginginkan file yang hilang menjadi bagian dari " "koleksi Shotwell Anda (mungkin karena Anda menghapusnya), pergi ke tampilan " "file hilang, pilih foto dan kemudian klik <gui>Hapus dari perpustakaan</gui>." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/other-missing.page:18 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If you have photos on a removable disk, such as a CD or USB flash drive, and " "<link xref=\"index#import\">import</link> them into Shotwell <em>without</" "em> copying the photos to your computer, they will show up as missing files " "if you then disconnect the removable disk. See <link xref=\"import-file\"/> " "to learn how to copy files from removable disks onto your computer." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki foto pada removable disk, seperti CD atau USB flash " "drive, dan <link xref=\"index#import\"> impor mereka ke Shotwell <em>tanpa</" "em> menyalin foto ke komputer Anda, mereka akan muncul sebagai file yang " "hilang jika Anda kemudian mencabut removable disk. Lihat <link xref=\"import-" "file\"> untuk mempelajari cara menyalin file dari removable disk ke komputer " "Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/other-missing.page:20 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If any missing photo files become available again, Shotwell will notice this " "the next time it starts. The photos will once again appear in the Photos, " "Events and Tags views." msgstr "" "Jika ada file foto yang hilang menjadi tersedia lagi, Shotwell akan melihat " "ini waktu berikutnya dimulai. Foto akan muncul kembali di tampilan foto, " "peristiwa, dan tag." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/other-multiple.page:7 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You can open Shotwell with a different photo library by using the command " "line." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membuka Shotwell dengan perpustakaan foto yang berbeda dengan " "menggunakan baris perintah." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/other-multiple.page:12 msgid "Multiple libraries" msgstr "Beberapa pustaka" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/other-multiple.page:14 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell normally stores its database and photo thumbnails in the directory " "<file>~/.shotwell</file> . This directory does not hold photos, but the " "database in this directory contains a list of all the photos in the Shotwell " "library." msgstr "" "Shotwell biasanya menyimpan database dan foto thumbnail dalam direktori " "<file>~/.Shotwell</file> . Direktori ini tidak memegang foto, tetapi " "database dalam direktori ini berisi daftar semua foto di Perpustakaan " "Shotwell." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/other-multiple.page:16 #, fuzzy msgid "" "As an advanced feature, it's possible for you to have multiple Shotwell " "libraries, each of which has its own set of photos. Each library needs its " "own database directory. To launch Shotwell with an alternate library, " "specify an alternate database directory on the command line as follows:" msgstr "" "Sebagai fitur lanjutan, Anda dapat memiliki beberapa pustaka Shotwell, " "masing-masing memiliki kumpulan foto tersendiri. Setiap Library membutuhkan " "direktori database-nya sendiri. Untuk meluncurkan Shotwell dengan " "perpustakaan alternatif, menentukan database alternatif direktori pada baris " "perintah sebagai berikut:" #. (itstool) path: page/screen #: C/other-multiple.page:18 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" "shotwell -d [library-directory]\n" msgstr "" "\n" "shotwell -d [direktori-pustaka]\n" #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/other-plugins.page:7 msgid "Extend Shotwell's functionality dynamically." msgstr "Perluas fungsi Shotwell secara dinamis." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/other-plugins.page:12 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Pengaya" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/other-plugins.page:13 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell can be used with <em>plugins</em>, which are companion shared " "libraries that can add support for new publishing destinations or new " "slideshow transitions." msgstr "" "Shotwell dapat digunakan dengan <em>plugin</em>, yang merupakan pendamping " "bersama perpustakaan yang dapat menambahkan dukungan untuk tujuan penerbitan " "baru atau baru slideshow transisi." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/other-plugins.page:18 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To see a list of installed plugins, choose <guiseq><gui>Edit</" "gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq>, and in the <gui>Preferences</gui> " "window, click on the <gui>Plugins</gui> tab. You'll see a list of currently-" "installed plugins, each with a checkbox by it, and you may enable or disable " "each by selecting or deselecting the checkbox by its name." msgstr "" "Untuk melihat daftar plugin yang terinstal, pilih <guiseq> <gui>Edit</" "gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq>, dan di jendela <gui>Preferences</gui> , " "klik pada tab <gui>plugins</gui> . Anda akan melihat daftar plugin yang " "sedang terinstal, masing-masing dengan kotak centang oleh itu, dan Anda " "dapat mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan masing-masing dengan memilih atau " "membatalkan pilihan kotak centang dengan namanya." #. (itstool) path: note/p #: C/other-plugins.page:25 msgid "" "Full documentation on how to develop new plugins is available at <link href=" "\"https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Shotwell/Architecture/WritingPlugins\">https://" "wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Shotwell/Architecture/WritingPlugins</link>" msgstr "" "Dokumentasi lengkap tentang cara mengembangkan pengaya baru tersedia di " "<link href=\"https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Shotwell/Architecture/WritingPlugins" "\">https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Shotwell/Architecture/WritingPlugins</link>" #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/privacy-policy.page:7 msgid "Shotwell's privacy policy for Online Services" msgstr "Kebijakan privasi Shotwell untuk Layanan Online" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/privacy-policy.page:8 msgid "Google" msgstr "Google" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/privacy-policy.page:10 C/privacy-policy.page:42 msgid "Information Shotwell Stores and Transmits About You" msgstr "Informasi yang Disimpan dan Ditransmisikan Shotwell Tentang Anda" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:11 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The Shotwell Connect application and its data store reside locally on your " "personal computer." msgstr "" "Aplikasi Shotwell Connect dan penyimpanan datanya berada secara lokal di " "komputer pribadi Anda." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:12 #, fuzzy msgid "" "During the course of its operation, Shotwell Connect may store an " "authentication token that it receives from YouTube and Google Photos on your " "computer. This authentication token is simply a session-identifying sequence " "of letters and numbers. It contains no password, user name, or other " "personal information." msgstr "" "Selama pengoperasiannya, Shotwell Connect dapat menyimpan token autentikasi " "yang diterimanya dari YouTube dan Google Foto di komputer Anda. Token " "otentikasi ini hanyalah urutan huruf dan angka yang mengidentifikasi sesi. " "Tak memuat sandi, nama pengguna, atau informasi pribadi lainnya." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:13 #, fuzzy msgid "" "At no time does Shotwell Connect transmit any information to the GNOME " "foundation, the Software Freedom Convervancy or any of the developers of the " "Shotwell Connect Application for Google services." msgstr "" "Pada saat yang sama Shotwell Connect mengirimkan informasi apa pun ke " "yayasan GNOME, Software Freedom Convervancy, atau salah satu pengembang " "Aplikasi Shotwell Connect untuk layanan Google." #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:15 #, fuzzy msgid "" "For Google's own privacy policy, please refer to <link href=\"https://" "policies.google.com/privacy\">https://policies.google.com/privacy</link>" msgstr "" "Untuk kebijakan privasi Google sendiri, silakan merujuk ke <link href=" "\"https://policies.google.com/privacy\"> https://policies.google.com/privacy" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/privacy-policy.page:18 msgid "YouTube" msgstr "YouTube" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:19 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell uses the YouTube API services <link href=\"https://developers." "google.com/youtube\">https://developers.google.com/youtube</link> for " "accessing your YouTube channel and upload the videos." msgstr "" "Shotwell menggunakan layanan YouTube API <link href=\"https://developers." "google.com/youtube\"> https://developers.google.com/youtube untuk mengakses " "channel YouTube anda dan mengupload video." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/privacy-policy.page:21 msgid "YouTube terms and permissions" msgstr "Persyaratan dan izin YouTube" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:22 #, fuzzy msgid "" "By using Shotwell to access YouTube, you agree to be bound to the YouTube " "Terms of Service as available at <link href=\"https://www.youtube.com/t/terms" "\">https://www.youtube.com/t/terms</link>" msgstr "" "Dengan menggunakan Shotwell untuk mengakses YouTube, Anda setuju untuk " "terikat dengan Persyaratan Layanan YouTube sebagaimana tersedia <link href=" "\"https://www.youtube.com/t/terms\"> https://www.youtube.com/t/terms" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/privacy-policy.page:25 msgid "Permissions you grant Shotwell for YouTube" msgstr "Izin yang Anda berikan kepada Shotwell untuk YouTube" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:26 #, fuzzy msgid "" "By using Shotwell, you grant the Shotwell Connect application permission to " "publish videos to your YouTube channel. Other than uploading videos, " "Shotwell does not insert, modify or remove any information from your YouTube " "account and channel." msgstr "" "Dengan menggunakan Shotwell, Anda memberikan izin aplikasi Shotwell Connect " "untuk memublikasikan video ke channel YouTube Anda. Selain mengupload video, " "Shotwell tidak menyisipkan, memodifikasi, atau menghapus informasi apa pun " "dari akun dan channel YouTube Anda." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/privacy-policy.page:31 msgid "Google Photos" msgstr "Google Foto" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:32 msgid "" "Shotwell uses the Google Photos API services <link href=\"https://developers." "google.com/photos/\">https://developers.google.com/photos/</link> for all " "interaction with your Google Photos data" msgstr "" "Shotwell menggunakan layanan API Google Foto <link href=\"https://developers." "google.com/photos/\">https://developers.google.com/photos/</link> untuk " "semua interaksi dengan data Google Foto Anda" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/privacy-policy.page:34 msgid "Permissions you Grant Shotwell for Google Photos" msgstr "Izin yang Anda Berikan kepada Shotwell untuk Google Foto" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:35 #, fuzzy msgid "" "By using Shotwell, you grant the Shotwell Connect application to publish " "photos on your Google Photos account. It will download the list of available " "albums to allow you to chose an existing album to upload to, it can create " "albums on your behalf. Other than creating albums and uploading photos, " "Shotwell does no modification whatsoever to the existing data on Google " "Photos" msgstr "" "Dengan menggunakan Shotwell, Anda memberikan aplikasi Shotwell Connect untuk " "memublikasikan foto di akun Google Foto Anda. Ini akan mengunduh daftar " "album yang tersedia untuk memungkinkan Anda memilih album yang ada untuk " "diunggah, itu dapat membuat album atas nama Anda. Selain membuat album dan " "mengunggah foto, Shotwell tidak melakukan modifikasi apa pun pada data yang " "ada di Google Foto" #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/privacy-policy.page:40 msgid "Flickr" msgstr "Flickr" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:43 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The Shotwell Connect application and its data store reside locally on your " "personal computer. During the course of its operation, Shotwell Connect may " "store an authentication token that it receives from Flickr on your computer. " "This authentication token is simply a session-identifying sequence of " "letters and numbers. It contains no password, user name, or other personal " "information. At no time does Shotwell Connect transmit any information to " "the GNOME foundation, the Software Freedom Convervancy or any of the " "developers of the Shotwell Connect Application for Flickr." msgstr "" "Aplikasi Shotwell Connect dan penyimpanan datanya berada secara lokal di " "komputer pribadi Anda. Selama pengoperasiannya, Shotwell Connect dapat " "menyimpan token autentikasi yang diterimanya dari Flickr di komputer Anda. " "Token otentikasi ini hanyalah urutan huruf dan angka yang mengidentifikasi " "sesi. Tak memuat sandi, nama pengguna, atau informasi pribadi lainnya. Pada " "saat yang sama Shotwell Connect mengirimkan informasi apa pun ke yayasan " "GNOME, Software Freedom Convervancy atau salah satu pengembang Aplikasi " "Shotwell Connect untuk Flickr." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/privacy-policy.page:47 msgid "Permissions you grant Shotwell for Flickr" msgstr "Izin yang Anda berikan kepada Shotwell untuk Flickr" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/privacy-policy.page:48 #, fuzzy msgid "" "By using Shotwell, you grant the Shotwell Connect application acces to " "publish photos to your Flickr account. It will download the list of " "available albums to allow you to chose an existing album to upload to. It " "can also create new albums on your behalf. Other than creating albums and " "uploading photos, Shotwell does not modification whatsoever to the existing " "data on your Flickr account." msgstr "" "Dengan menggunakan Shotwell, Anda memberikan aplikasi Shotwell Connect untuk " "mempublikasikan foto ke akun Flickr Anda. Ini akan mengunduh daftar album " "yang tersedia untuk memungkinkan Anda memilih album yang ada untuk diunggah. " "Ini juga dapat membuat album baru atas nama Anda. Selain membuat album dan " "mengunggah foto, Shotwell tidak melakukan modifikasi apa pun ke data yang " "ada di akun Flickr Anda." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/raw.page:7 msgid "More about RAW support in Shotwell." msgstr "Lebih lanjut tentang dukungan RAW di Shotwell." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/raw.page:12 msgid "RAW support in Shotwell" msgstr "Dukungan RAW di Shotwell" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/raw.page:13 msgid "" "Some cameras have the ability to store data directly off the sensor and into " "a file that contains extra color information; this is commonly referred to " "as 'RAW' or 'camera RAW', and Shotwell supports these files as well." msgstr "" "Beberapa kamera memiliki kemampuan untuk menyimpan data secara langsung dari " "sensor dan ke dalam berkas yang berisi informasi warna tambahan; hal ini " "biasanya disebut sebagai 'RAW' atau 'Camera RAW', dan Shotwell juga " "mendukung berkas ini." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/raw.page:18 msgid "" "Since RAW photographs normally cannot be displayed directly, but must be " "first developed - that is, have their extra information interpreted and " "readied for displaying - most cameras will either embed a JPEG inside a RAW-" "format file, or produce a JPEG alongside the RAW file at the time the " "snapshot is taken. The latter is referred to throughout this document as RAW" "+JPEG. If you import a RAW+JPEG pair, Shotwell will keep them paired and " "treat them as one item in your library." msgstr "" "Karena foto RAW biasanya tidak dapat ditampilkan secara langsung, tetapi " "harus terlebih dahulu dikembangkan - yaitu, informasi tambahan mereka " "ditafsirkan dan disiapkan untuk ditampilkan - kebanyakan kamera akan " "menanamkan JPEG dalam berkas format RAW, atau menghasilkan JPEG bersama " "berkas RAW pada saat snapshot diambil. Yang terakhir ini dirujuk ke seluruh " "dokumen ini sebagai RAW+JPEG. Jika Anda mengimpor pasangan RAW+JPEG, " "Shotwell akan membuat mereka berpasangan dan memperlakukannya sebagai satu " "butir di perpustakaan Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/raw.page:27 msgid "" "When you import a RAW file, you can choose to either use the camera's " "internally-developed JPEG or Shotwell's by selecting <guiseq><gui>Photos</" "gui><gui>Developer</gui></guiseq> in the menus." msgstr "" "Ketika mengimpor berkas RAW, Anda dapat memilih untuk menggunakan JPEG yang " "dikembangkan secara internal oleh kamera atau dari Shotwell dengan memilih " "<guiseq><gui>Foto</gui><gui>Pengembang</gui></guiseq> di menu." #. (itstool) path: note/p #: C/raw.page:33 msgid "" "Changing between developers will cause all edits made to a photograph to be " "discarded." msgstr "" "Berubah antara pengembang akan menyebabkan semua suntingan yang dibuat pada " "foto yang akan dibuang." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/raw.page:39 #, fuzzy msgid "" "In order to publish or use a RAW photograph in most other software, it has " "to be exported first. Shotwell can export your RAW photos in JPEG, PNG, TIFF " "or BMP format, and, when publishing, will internally export a JPEG version " "for you and publish that." msgstr "" "Dalam rangka untuk mempublikasikan atau menggunakan RAW foto di sebagian " "besar perangkat lunak lain, itu harus diekspor terlebih dahulu. Shotwell " "dapat mengekspor foto RAW Anda dalam format JPEG, PNG, TIFF atau BMP, dan, " "ketika penerbitan, secara internal akan mengekspor versi JPEG untuk Anda dan " "mempublikasikan itu." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/running.page:7 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Find Shotwell in the Applications menu, or have it start automatically when " "you plug in a camera." msgstr "" "Cari Shotwell di menu aplikasi, atau memilikinya mulai secara otomatis " "ketika Anda pasang di kamera." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/running.page:14 msgid "Running Shotwell" msgstr "Menjalankan Shotwell" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/running.page:16 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Once installed, Shotwell is available in your <gui>Applications</gui> menu " "under <gui>Graphics</gui> or <gui>Photography</gui>." msgstr "" "Setelah terinstal, Shotwell tersedia dalam menu <gui>aplikasi</gui> Anda di " "bawah <gui>grafis</gui> atau <gui>fotografi</gui>." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/running.page:18 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell may also be executed automatically when a camera is plugged in to " "your computer. To check that your system is set up to run Shotwell when a " "camera is detected, go to <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Preferences</gui></" "guiseq> in any Nautilus (file browser) window and choose the <gui>Media</" "gui> tab. You'll see a dropdown box entitled <gui>Photos:</gui> which lets " "you choose Shotwell as your photo handling application." msgstr "" "Shotwell juga dapat dijalankan secara otomatis ketika kamera dicolokkan ke " "komputer Anda. Untuk memeriksa apakah sistem Anda telah diatur untuk " "menjalankan Shotwell ketika kamera terdeteksi, pergi ke <guiseq> <gui>Edit</" "gui><gui>preferensi</gui> </guiseq> dalam setiap Nautilus (file browser) " "jendela dan pilih <gui>media</gui> tab. Anda akan melihat kotak dropdown " "berjudul <gui>foto:</gui> yang memungkinkan Anda memilih Shotwell sebagai " "aplikasi penanganan foto Anda." #. (itstool) path: note/p #: C/running.page:25 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell may also be executed directly from its build directory, although " "this is only recommended for testing out Shotwell or for developers." msgstr "" "Shotwell juga dapat dieksekusi langsung dari direktori build, meskipun ini " "hanya direkomendasikan untuk menguji Shotwell atau untuk pengembang." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/share-background.page:7 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Set your desktop background to a single photo or to a slideshow of photos." msgstr "Setel latar belakang desktop Anda ke satu foto atau ke slideshow foto." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/share-background.page:12 msgid "Set a desktop background or slideshow" msgstr "Mengatur latar belakang desktop atau pertunjukan salindia" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-background.page:14 msgid "" "To set a single photo as your desktop background, select the photo and " "choose <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Set as Desktop Background</gui></guiseq>." msgstr "" "Untuk mengatur satu foto sebagai latar belakang desktop Anda, pilih foto dan " "pilih <guiseq><gui>Berkas</gui><gui>Tetapkan sebagai Latar Belakang Desktop</" "gui></guiseq>." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-background.page:16 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You can also set your background to a slideshow of photos. To do this, " "select the photos for the slideshow and choose <guiseq><gui>File</" "gui><gui>Set as Desktop Slideshow...</gui></guiseq>. Shotwell will prompt " "you for a slideshow delay, which can be any interval up to one day in " "length. The background slideshow will proceed even when Shotwell is not " "running." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat mengatur latar belakang Anda ke slideshow foto. Untuk " "melakukan hal ini, pilih foto untuk slideshow dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>file</" "gui><gui>set sebagai slideshow desktop...</gui></guiseq>. Shotwell akan " "meminta Anda untuk keterlambatan slideshow, yang dapat setiap interval " "hingga satu hari panjangnya. Slideshow latar belakang akan dilanjutkan " "bahkan ketika Shotwell tidak berjalan." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/share-export.page:7 #, fuzzy msgid "Copy photos out of Shotwell so you can put them somewhere else." msgstr "" "Salin foto dari Shotwell sehingga Anda dapat menempatkannya di tempat lain." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/share-export.page:12 msgid "Exporting photos" msgstr "Mengekspor foto" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-export.page:14 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To export photos from Shotwell via drag and drop, drag the photos from " "Shotwell onto a file manager window or your desktop. The new files will be " "full-sized copies of the photos in your library." msgstr "" "Untuk mengekspor foto dari Shotwell melalui drag dan drop, tarik foto dari " "Shotwell ke jendela file Manager atau desktop Anda. File baru akan menjadi " "salinan foto berukuran penuh di perpustakaan Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-export.page:18 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Alternatively, select a set of photos and choose the <guiseq><gui>File</" "gui><gui>Export...</gui></guiseq> command or press <keyseq><key>Shift</" "key><key>Ctrl</key><key>E</key></keyseq>, which exports photos while letting " "you fine-tune the size and dimensions of your photo files. A window will " "appear allowing you to make several choices:" msgstr "" "Alternatifnya, pilih satu set foto dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>file</" "gui><gui>export...</gui> </guiseq> Command atau tekan <keyseq> <key>Shift</" "key><key>Ctrl</key><key>E</key></keyseq>, yang akan mengekspor foto sambil " "membiarkan Anda menyempurnakan ukuran dan dimensi file foto Anda. Sebuah " "jendela akan muncul memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat beberapa pilihan:" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:24 msgid "A format for export." msgstr "Format untuk ekspor." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:27 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Choose <gui>Unmodified</gui> to export photos in their original format " "without any edits made in Shotwell. RAW photos will be exported in their " "original RAW format." msgstr "" "Pilih <gui>tidak dimodifikasi</gui> untuk mengekspor foto dalam format " "aslinya tanpa pengeditan yang dilakukan di Shotwell. Foto RAW akan diekspor " "dalam format RAW aslinya." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:29 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Choose <gui>Current</gui> to export photos including edits made in Shotwell. " "RAW photos will be exported in JPEG format if you have edited them in " "Shotwell, and otherwise in their original RAW format." msgstr "" "Pilih <gui>saat ini</gui> untuk mengekspor foto termasuk pengeditan yang " "dilakukan di Shotwell. Foto RAW akan diekspor dalam format JPEG jika Anda " "telah mengeditnya di Shotwell, dan sebaliknya dalam format RAW aslinya." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:31 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Or you can choose a particular image format (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP) to be " "used for exporting. Any edits made in Shotwell will be included, and " "Shotwell will convert photos to the destination format." msgstr "" "Atau Anda dapat memilih format gambar tertentu (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP) yang " "akan digunakan untuk mengekspor. Pengeditan apa pun yang dilakukan di " "Shotwell akan disertakan, dan Shotwell akan mengonversi foto ke format " "tujuan." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:37 msgid "The image quality for exporting (Low, Medium, High, or Maximum)." msgstr "Kualitas gambar untuk ekspor (Rendah, Sedang, Tinggi, atau Maksimum)." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:38 #, fuzzy msgid "" "A scaling constraint (which means how Shotwell will decide to scale the " "photos down), and the desired pixel size." msgstr "" "Sebuah kendala penskalaan (yang berarti bagaimana Shotwell akan memutuskan " "untuk mengubah skala foto ke bawah), dan ukuran piksel yang diinginkan." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/share-export.page:40 msgid "Original size" msgstr "Ukuran asli" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:40 msgid "Image will be exported without any scaling applied" msgstr "Gambar akan diekspor tanpa menerapkan skala" #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/share-export.page:41 msgid "Longest edge" msgstr "Tepi terpanjang" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:41 msgid "" "Image will be exported by having its longest edge scaled to <gui>Pixels</" "gui> and the other according to the aspect ratio" msgstr "" "Gambar akan diekspor dengan tepi terpanjang diskalakan menjadi <gui>Piksel</" "gui> dan yang lainnya sesuai dengan rasio aspek" #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/share-export.page:42 msgid "Width" msgstr "Lebar" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:42 msgid "" "The image width will have its width scaled to the given pixel size and its " "height according to the aspect ratio. This is equivalent to <gui>Longest " "Edge</gui> for landscape pictures." msgstr "" "Lebar gambar akan memiliki lebar yang disesuaikan dengan ukuran piksel yang " "diberikan dan ketinggiannya sesuai dengan rasio aspek. Ini setara dengan " "<gui>Tepi Terpanjang</gui> untuk gambar lanskap." #. (itstool) path: item/title #: C/share-export.page:43 msgid "Height" msgstr "Tinggi" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:43 msgid "" "The image height will have its height scaled to the given pixel size and its " "width according to the aspect ratio. This is equivalent to <gui>Longest " "Edge</gui> for portrait pictures." msgstr "" "Tinggi gambar akan memiliki tinggi yang ditingkatkan ke ukuran piksel yang " "diberikan dan lebarnya sesuai dengan rasio aspek. Ini setara dengan " "<gui>Tepi Terpanjang</gui> untuk gambar potret." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-export.page:46 msgid "" "The option whether you like to export metadatas such as tags or ratings. " "This can help to save your privacy if you have geolocation tags or tags " "which shouldn't be seen by anyone." msgstr "" "Ospi apakah Anda ingin mengekspor metadata seperti tag atau peringkat. Ini " "dapat membantu untuk menyimpan privasi Anda jika Anda memiliki tag geolokasi " "atau tag yang tidak boleh dilihat oleh siapa pun." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-export.page:49 msgid "" "If selected, Shotwell will write tags, titles, and other metadata to the new " "files." msgstr "" "Jika dipilih, Shotwell akan menulis tag, judul, dan metadata lainnya ke " "berkas baru." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/share-print.page:7 msgid "" "Click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print...</gui></guiseq>. For more printing " "options, select the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab in the <gui>Print</gui> dialog." msgstr "" "Klik <guiseq><gui>Berkas</gui><gui>Cetak...</gui></guiseq>. Untuk opsi " "pencetakan lainnya, pilih tab <gui>Penyiapan Halaman</gui> dalam dialog " "<gui>Cetak</gui>." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/share-print.page:12 msgid "Printing" msgstr "Pencetakan" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-print.page:14 msgid "" "To print a photo, select it and choose <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print...</" "gui></guiseq>." msgstr "" "Untuk mencetak foto, pilih itu dan pilih <guiseq><gui>Berkas</" "gui><gui>Cetak...</gui></guiseq>." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-print.page:16 msgid "" "Shotwell can also print multiple images in one page; to do this, select " "multiple images, choose <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print...</gui></guiseq>, " "and in the <gui>Print</gui> dialog, choose the <gui>Image Settings</gui> " "tab. In <gui>Image Settings</gui>, choose one of the multiple-image-per-page " "options under <gui>Autosize</gui>." msgstr "" "Shotwell juga dapat mencetak beberapa gambar dalam satu halaman; untuk " "melakukannya, pilih beberapa gambar, pilih <guiseq><gui>Berkas</" "gui><gui>Cetak...</gui></guiseq>, dan di dialog <gui>Cetak</gui>, pilih tab " "<gui>Pengaturan Gambar</gui>. Dalam <gui>Pengaturan Gambar</gui>, pilih " "salah satu opsi beberapa gambar per halaman di bawah <gui>Ukuran Otomaris</" "gui>." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-print.page:23 msgid "" "If you would like to set formatting, paper size, and orientation options, " "choose the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab in the <gui>Print</gui> dialog prior to " "printing." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin mengatur format, ukuran kertas, dan pilihan orientasi, pilih " "tab <gui>Penyiapan Halaman</gui> pada dialog <gui>Cetak</gui> sebelum " "mencetak." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/share-send.page:7 msgid "Send photos via email, instant messaging or in other ways." msgstr "Kirim foto melalui surel, pesan instan, atau dengan cara lain." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/share-send.page:12 msgid "Sending photos" msgstr "Mengirim foto" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-send.page:14 msgid "" "Shotwell can send photos using the GNOME desktop's Send To mechanism, which " "lets you send photos via email, instant messaging or in other ways." msgstr "" "Shotwell dapat mengirim foto dengan menggunakan mekanisme desktop GNOME " "Kirim Ke, yang memungkinkan Anda mengirim foto melalui surel, pesan instan, " "atau dengan cara lain." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-send.page:16 msgid "" "To send photos, select them in Shotwell and choose <guiseq><gui>File</" "gui><gui>Send To...</gui></guiseq>, or right-click the photos and choose " "<gui>Send To...</gui> from the context menu. A <gui>Send To</gui> dialog box " "will appear which lets you choose a mechanism for sending the files (such as " "email or instant messaging) and a destination. You can optionally choose to " "send the files in a compressed format." msgstr "" "Untuk mengirim foto, pilih mereka di Shotwell dan pilih <guiseq><gui>Berkas</" "gui><gui>Kirim Ke...</gui></guiseq>, atau klik kanan foto dan pilih " "<gui>Kirim Ke...</gui> dari menu konteks. Kotak dialog <gui>Kirim Ke</gui> " "akan muncul yang memungkinkan Anda memilih mekanisme untuk mengirim berkas " "(seperti surel atau pesan instan) dan tujuan. Anda dapat memilih untuk " "mengirim berkas dalam format terkompresi." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/share-slideshow.page:7 msgid "Watch a slideshow of your photos." msgstr "Menonton pertunjukan salindia foto Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/share-slideshow.page:12 msgid "Slideshows" msgstr "Pertunjukan Salindia" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-slideshow.page:14 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To see a sideshow of any collection in Shotwell, navigate to that collection " "and select <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Slideshow</gui></guiseq> or press " "<key>F5</key>." msgstr "" "Untuk melihat tontonan koleksi apa pun di Shotwell, navigasikan ke koleksi " "tersebut dan pilih <guiseq> <gui>Lihat</gui><gui>tayangan slide</gui> </" "guiseq> atau tekan <key>F5</key>." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-slideshow.page:16 msgid "You can change some settings in a running slideshow:" msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengubah beberapa pengaturan dalam pertunjukan salindia yang " "sedang berjalan:" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-slideshow.page:19 msgid "The duration how long an image should be shown: 1 - 30 seconds" msgstr "Durasi berapa lama gambar akan ditampilkan: 1 - 30 detik" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-slideshow.page:20 msgid "You can select different transition effects." msgstr "Anda dapat memilih efek transisi yang berbeda." #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-slideshow.page:21 msgid "The time for each transition effect: 0.1 - 1.0 seconds" msgstr "Waktu untuk setiap efek transisi: 0,1 - 1,0 detik" #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/share-upload.page:7 msgid "Publish photos to Flickr, Google Photos, or other sites." msgstr "Publikasikan foto ke Flickr, Google Foto, atau situs lainnya." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/share-upload.page:12 msgid "Publishing to the Web" msgstr "Penerbitan ke Web" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-upload.page:14 msgid "" "Through the use of <link xref=\"other-plugins\">plugins</link>, Shotwell can " "publish photos and videos to the following services, each of which requires " "an account:" msgstr "" "Melalui penggunaan <link xref=\"other-plugins\">pengaya</link>, Shotwell " "dapat mempublikasikan foto dan video ke layanan berikut, yang masing-masing " "membutuhkan akun:" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-upload.page:18 msgid "<link href=\"https://facebook.com\">Facebook</link>" msgstr "<link href=\"https://facebook.com\">Facebook</link>" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-upload.page:19 msgid "<link href=\"https://flickr.com\">Flickr</link>" msgstr "<link href=\"https://flickr.com\">Flickr</link>" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-upload.page:20 msgid "<link href=\"https://photos.google.com\">Google Photos</link>" msgstr "<link href=\"https://photos.google.com\">Google Foto</link>" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-upload.page:21 msgid "<link href=\"https://youtube.com\">YouTube</link> (videos only)" msgstr "<link href=\"https://youtube.com\">YouTube</link> (hanya video)" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-upload.page:22 msgid "<link href=\"https://tumblr.com\">Tumblr</link> (videos only)" msgstr "<link href=\"https://tumblr.com\">Tumblr</link> (hanya video)" #. (itstool) path: item/p #: C/share-upload.page:23 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Any site running the <link href=\"http://piwigo.org\">Piwigo</link> photo " "gallery software (photos only)" msgstr "" "Setiap situs yang menjalankan <link href=\"http://piwigo.org\"> piwigo " "Software galeri foto (hanya foto)" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-upload.page:26 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To publish selected photos in a collection, choose <guiseq><gui>Edit</" "gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq> and click on the <gui>Plugins</gui> tab " "to enable the plugin for the service you want to publish to. Next, choose, " "<guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Publish</gui></guiseq>, press the <gui>Publish</" "gui> toolbar button or use <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Shift</key><key>P</" "key></keyseq>. You will see a dialog that lets you select a publishing " "service. You will then need to log in or create an account." msgstr "" "Untuk mempublikasikan foto yang dipilih dalam koleksi, pilih <guiseq> " "<gui>Edit</gui><gui>preferensi</gui> </guiseq> dan klik pada tab " "<gui>plugin</gui> untuk mengaktifkan plugin untuk layanan yang ingin Anda " "publikasikan. Selanjutnya, pilih, <guiseq> <gui></gui><gui>publikasikan</" "gui>file</guiseq>, tekan tombol Toolbar <gui>Publish</gui> atau gunakan " "<keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key><key>Shift</key><key>P</key></keyseq>. Anda akan " "melihat dialog yang memungkinkan Anda memilih layanan penerbitan. Anda akan " "perlu untuk login atau membuat account." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-upload.page:31 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Publishing to Facebook requires you to grant certain permissions to the " "Shotwell Facebook application. You only need to grant these permissions " "once, when you first associate Shotwell with your Facebook account." msgstr "" "Mempublikasikan ke Facebook mengharuskan Anda untuk memberikan izin tertentu " "ke aplikasi Shotwell Facebook. Anda hanya perlu memberikan izin ini sekali, " "saat pertama kali mengaitkan Shotwell dengan akun Facebook Anda." #. (itstool) path: note/p #: C/share-upload.page:34 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You will be only able to publish images with at most the permission you " "granted to the Shotwell Facebook application" msgstr "" "Anda akan hanya dapat mempublikasikan gambar dengan paling izin yang Anda " "diberikan ke aplikasi Shotwell Facebook" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/share-upload.page:36 msgid "" "Similarly, publishing to Flickr, YouTube or Google Photos requires you to " "log in and permit Shotwell Connect to access your account." msgstr "" "Demikian pula, penerbitan ke Flickr, YouTube, atau Google Foto mengharuskan " "Anda untuk log masuk dan mengizinkan Shotwell terhubung untuk mengakses akun " "Anda." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/view-displaying.page:7 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Learn about different ways of viewing your photos: in a grid, filling the " "main window, or filling the whole screen." msgstr "" "Pelajari tentang berbagai cara untuk melihat foto Anda: dalam kotak, mengisi " "jendela utama, atau mengisi seluruh layar." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/view-displaying.page:12 msgid "Photo views" msgstr "Tampilan foto" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-displaying.page:14 #, fuzzy msgid "" "When you select any collection in the sidebar, Shotwell displays all photos " "in the collection in the main window area. At the bottom right is a slider " "which adjusts the viewing size of the thumbnails. You may also adjust the " "thumbnail size using the plus and minus keys (<key>+</key> and <key>-</key>) " "or by pressing <key>Ctrl</key> while moving your mouse scroll wheel." msgstr "" "Saat Anda memilih koleksi apa pun di bar samping, Shotwell menampilkan semua " "foto dalam koleksi di area jendela utama. Di kanan bawah adalah penggeser " "yang menyesuaikan ukuran tampilan thumbnail. Anda juga dapat menyesuaikan " "ukuran thumbnail menggunakan tombol Plus dan minus (<key>+</key> dan <key>-</" "key>) atau dengan menekan <key>Ctrl</key> saat menggerakkan roda mouse " "scroll Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-displaying.page:16 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You can view a photo full-window by double-clicking on it. From there you " "may move to other photos in the collection with the Back and Forward " "buttons. To return to the collection, double-click on the photo or press " "<key>Esc</key>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat foto penuh jendela dengan mengklik dua kali di atasnya. " "Dari sana Anda dapat pindah ke foto lain dalam koleksi dengan tombol kembali " "dan maju. Untuk kembali ke koleksi, klik dua kali pada foto atau tekan " "<key>ESC</key>." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-displaying.page:18 #, fuzzy msgid "" "When viewing a photo in full-window mode, the slider on the toolbar controls " "zoom. You can pan around by grabbing and dragging anywhere on the photo. You " "can also zoom using your scroll wheel or by pressing the following keyboard " "shortcuts: <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>0</keyseq> for the full image, " "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>1</keyseq> for 100% (1 photo pixel = 1 screen pixel), " "and <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>2</keyseq> for 200% (1 photo pixel = 2x2 screen " "pixels)." msgstr "" "Saat melihat foto dalam mode jendela penuh, penggeser pada bilah alat " "mengontrol zoom. Anda dapat menggeser sekitar dengan menggenggam dan " "menyeret di mana saja pada foto. Anda juga dapat memperbesar menggunakan " "roda gulir atau dengan menekan shortcut keyboard berikut: <keyseq> " "<key>Ctrl</key>0</keyseq> untuk gambar penuh, <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</key>1</" "keyseq> untuk 100% (1 pixel foto = 1 piksel layar), dan <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</" "key>2</keyseq> untuk 200% (1 foto pixel = 2x2 piksel layar)." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-displaying.page:20 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shotwell offers a fullscreen mode to display photos. Choose " "<guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Fullscreen</gui></guiseq> or press <key>F11</" "key>. To see the fullscreen toolbar, move your mouse to the bottom of the " "screen. The toolbar offers buttons to move through the collection, to pin " "the toolbar down (so it isn't hidden when you move the mouse away), and to " "leave fullscreen view." msgstr "" "Shotwell menawarkan mode fullscreen untuk menampilkan foto. Pilih <guiseq> " "<gui>Lihat</gui><gui>fullscreen</gui> </guiseq> atau tekan <key>F11</key>. " "Untuk melihat Toolbar fullscreen, gerakkan mouse Anda ke bagian bawah layar. " "Toolbar menawarkan tombol untuk bergerak melalui koleksi, untuk menyematkan " "Toolbar ke bawah (sehingga tidak tersembunyi ketika Anda menggerakkan " "mouse), dan untuk meninggalkan tampilan fullscreen." #. (itstool) path: section/title #: C/view-displaying.page:23 msgid "Viewing videos" msgstr "Melihat video" #. (itstool) path: section/p #: C/view-displaying.page:24 #, fuzzy msgid "" "When you double-click a video, Shotwell will launch an external video player " "to play the video. It's not currently possible to display a video in full-" "window mode in Shotwell or to play the video within Shotwell itself." msgstr "" "Saat Anda mengeklik dua kali video, Shotwell akan meluncurkan pemutar video " "eksternal untuk memutar video. Saat ini tidak mungkin untuk menampilkan " "video dalam mode jendela penuh di Shotwell atau untuk memutar video di dalam " "Shotwell itu sendiri." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/view-information.page:7 #, fuzzy msgid "" "View more detailed information about photos, like the exposure mode used by " "the camera." msgstr "" "Lihat informasi lebih rinci tentang foto, seperti mode eksposur yang " "digunakan oleh kamera." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/view-information.page:12 msgid "Basic and extended information" msgstr "Informasi dasar dan perluasan" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-information.page:14 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The Basic Information pane appears at the bottom of the sidebar, and " "displays a brief summary of the photos you've selected. If no photos are " "selected, it displays a summary of the entire collection. You can toggle the " "display of this pane using the <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Basic " "Information</gui></guiseq> command." msgstr "" "Panel informasi dasar muncul di bagian bawah sidebar, dan menampilkan " "ringkasan singkat tentang foto yang telah Anda pilih. Jika tidak ada foto " "yang dipilih, ini akan menampilkan ringkasan seluruh koleksi. Anda dapat " "mengaktifkan tampilan panel ini menggunakan perintah <guiseq> <gui>Lihat</" "gui><gui>informasi dasar</gui> </guiseq> ." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-information.page:16 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The floating Extended Information window displays more information about the " "selected photo. The <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Extended Information</gui></" "guiseq> command or <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Shift</key><key>X</key></" "keyseq> toggles the display of this window." msgstr "" "Jendela informasi perpanjangan mengambang menampilkan informasi lebih lanjut " "tentang foto yang dipilih. Perintah <guiseq> <gui>tampilan</" "gui><gui>diperpanjang informasi</gui> </guiseq> atau <keyseq> <key>Ctrl</" "key><key>Shift</key><key>X</key> </keyseq> Matikan tampilan jendela ini." #. (itstool) path: info/desc #: C/view-sidebar.page:7 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The sidebar on the left of the window lists various views of your library." msgstr "" "Sidebar di sebelah kiri jendela mencantumkan berbagai tampilan perpustakaan " "Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/title #: C/view-sidebar.page:20 msgid "The sidebar" msgstr "Bilah sisi" #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-sidebar.page:22 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The sidebar on the left side of the Shotwell window lists various views of " "your library. Although you may see the same photo in multiple views, it's " "only stored once on your hard drive." msgstr "" "Sidebar di sisi kiri jendela Shotwell mencantumkan berbagai tampilan " "perpustakaan Anda. Meskipun Anda mungkin melihat foto yang sama dalam " "beberapa tampilan, itu hanya disimpan sekali pada hard drive Anda." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-sidebar.page:24 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The <gui>Last Import</gui> view lists your last imported photos no matter if " "they are imported from F-Spot, your camera, a memory card or the hard disk." msgstr "" "Tampilan <gui>impor terakhir</gui> mencantumkan foto yang terakhir diimpor " "tidak masalah jika diimpor dari F-spot, kamera, kartu memori, atau hard disk." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-sidebar.page:26 #, fuzzy msgid "The <gui>Flagged</gui> lists all photos you had previous flagged." msgstr "" "Daftar <gui>bertanda</gui> semua foto yang Anda telah ditandai sebelumnya." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-sidebar.page:28 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The <gui>Saved Search</gui> allows you to sort your library by many criteria." msgstr "" "<gui>Pencarian disimpan</gui> memungkinkan Anda untuk menyortir perpustakaan " "Anda dengan banyak kriteria." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-sidebar.page:30 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The <gui>Events</gui> folder lists all events in your library. An event is a " "group of photos that were taken at approximately the same time." msgstr "" "Folder <gui>peristiwa</gui> mencantumkan semua peristiwa di perpustakaan " "Anda. Sebuah acara adalah sekelompok foto yang diambil pada waktu yang " "kurang lebih sama." #. (itstool) path: page/p #: C/view-sidebar.page:32 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The <gui>Tags</gui> folder lists all tags you've assigned to photos. Photos " "can have multiple tags attached to them. When you click on the name of a tag " "in the sidebar, you will see all the photos associated with that tag." msgstr "" "Folder <gui>tag</gui> mencantumkan semua tag yang telah ditetapkan ke foto. " "Foto dapat memiliki beberapa tag yang melekat padanya. Ketika Anda mengklik " "pada nama tag di sidebar, Anda akan melihat semua foto yang terkait dengan " "tag tersebut."