# Generic plug-in Makefile for Shotwell standard plugins.
# Requires PLUGIN and SRC_FILES be set to the name of the plugin binary (minus extension) and that 
# the directory is registered in plugins.mk.
# To use, include this file in each plug-in directory's Makefile after setting appropriate variables.
# Also be sure that each plug-in has a dummy_main() function to satisfy valac's linkage.
# NOTE: This file is called from the cwd of each directory, hence the relative paths should be
# read as such.

ifndef VALAC
VALAC := valac
MAKE_FILES := Makefile ../Makefile.plugin.mk ../plugins.mk
HEADER_FILES := ../shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0.vapi ../shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0.h \

include ../plugins.mk

# automatically include shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0's dependencies
# NOTE: This line will generate an error when running "make dist" from the master Makefile.
# It can be safely ignored.
PKGS := $(shell sed ':a;N;$$!ba;s/\n/ /g' ../shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0.deps) $(PKGS)

# automatically include the shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0 package as a local dependency
PKGS := shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0 $(PKGS) $(PLUGIN_PKGS)

# automatically include the Resources.vala common file
SRC_FILES := ../common/Resources.vala $(SRC_FILES)

CFILES := $(notdir $(SRC_FILES:.vala=.c))
OFILES := $(notdir $(SRC_FILES:.vala=.o))

CFLAGS := `pkg-config --print-errors --cflags $(EXT_PKGS) $(PLUGIN_PKGS)` -nostdlib -export-dynamic $(PLUGIN_CFLAGS)
LIBS := `pkg-config --print-errors --libs $(EXT_PKGS) $(PLUGIN_PKGS)`

all: $(PLUGIN).so

	$(VALAC) --target-glib=$(MIN_GLIB_VERSION) -g --enable-checking --fatal-warnings --save-temps --compile --enable-deprecated \
		--vapidir=../ $(foreach pkg,$(PKGS),--pkg=$(pkg)) $(foreach pkg,$(CUSTOM_VAPI_PKGS),--pkg=$(pkg)) \
		-X -I../.. -X -fPIC \
		$(foreach dfn,$(DEFINES),-X $(dfn)) \
		--vapidir=../../vapi \
	@touch .stamp

$(CFILES): .stamp

$(OFILES): %.o: %.c $(CFILES)
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -I../.. $(CFILES)

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -shared $(OFILES) $(LIBS) -o $@

.PHONY: cleantemps
	@rm -f $(notdir $(SRC_FILES:.vala=.c)) $(notdir $(SRC_FILES:.vala=.o))
	@rm -f .stamp

.PHONY: clean
clean: cleantemps
	@rm -f $(PLUGIN).so $(OFILES) $(CFILES)

.PHONY: distclean
distclean: clean

.PHONY: listfiles
	@printf "plugins/$(PLUGIN)/Makefile $(foreach file,$(SRC_FILES),plugins/$(PLUGIN)/$(file)) "
	@printf "$(foreach rc,$(RC_FILES),plugins/$(PLUGIN)/$(rc)) "