/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * Copyright 2019 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org> * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ namespace Publishing.GooglePhotos { public class Service : Object, Spit.Pluggable, Spit.Publishing.Service { private const string ICON_FILENAME = "google-photos.svg"; private static Gdk.Pixbuf[] icon_pixbuf_set = null; static construct { icon_pixbuf_set = Resources.load_from_resource(Resources.RESOURCE_PATH + "/" + ICON_FILENAME); } public Service(GLib.File resource_directory) {} public int get_pluggable_interface(int min_host_interface, int max_host_interface) { return Spit.negotiate_interfaces(min_host_interface, max_host_interface, Spit.Publishing.CURRENT_INTERFACE); } public unowned string get_id() { return "org.gnome.shotwell.publishing.google-photos"; } public unowned string get_pluggable_name() { return "Google Photos"; } public void get_info(ref Spit.PluggableInfo info) { info.authors = "Jens Georg"; info.copyright = _("Copyright 2019 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>"); info.translators = Resources.TRANSLATORS; info.version = _VERSION; info.website_name = Resources.WEBSITE_NAME; info.website_url = Resources.WEBSITE_URL; info.is_license_wordwrapped = false; info.license = Resources.LICENSE; info.icons = icon_pixbuf_set; } public Spit.Publishing.Publisher create_publisher(Spit.Publishing.PluginHost host) { return new Publishing.GooglePhotos.Publisher(this, host); } public Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType get_supported_media() { return (Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.PHOTO | Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.VIDEO); } public void activation(bool enabled) { } } } // namespace GooglePhotos