/* AppDirs.c generated by valac 0.34.4, the Vala compiler * generated from AppDirs.vala, do not modify */ /* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ #include <glib.h> #include <glib-object.h> #include <gio/gio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <glib/gi18n-lib.h> #include <glib/gstdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <gobject/gvaluecollector.h> #define TYPE_APP_DIRS (app_dirs_get_type ()) #define APP_DIRS(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), TYPE_APP_DIRS, AppDirs)) #define APP_DIRS_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_APP_DIRS, AppDirsClass)) #define IS_APP_DIRS(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), TYPE_APP_DIRS)) #define IS_APP_DIRS_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), TYPE_APP_DIRS)) #define APP_DIRS_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), TYPE_APP_DIRS, AppDirsClass)) typedef struct _AppDirs AppDirs; typedef struct _AppDirsClass AppDirsClass; typedef struct _AppDirsPrivate AppDirsPrivate; #define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL)) #define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL))) #define _g_error_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_error_free (var), NULL))) #define TYPE_CONFIGURATION_FACADE (configuration_facade_get_type ()) #define CONFIGURATION_FACADE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), TYPE_CONFIGURATION_FACADE, ConfigurationFacade)) #define CONFIGURATION_FACADE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_CONFIGURATION_FACADE, ConfigurationFacadeClass)) #define IS_CONFIGURATION_FACADE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), TYPE_CONFIGURATION_FACADE)) #define IS_CONFIGURATION_FACADE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), TYPE_CONFIGURATION_FACADE)) #define CONFIGURATION_FACADE_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), TYPE_CONFIGURATION_FACADE, ConfigurationFacadeClass)) typedef struct _ConfigurationFacade ConfigurationFacade; typedef struct _ConfigurationFacadeClass ConfigurationFacadeClass; #define CONFIG_TYPE_FACADE (config_facade_get_type ()) #define CONFIG_FACADE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), CONFIG_TYPE_FACADE, ConfigFacade)) #define CONFIG_FACADE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), CONFIG_TYPE_FACADE, ConfigFacadeClass)) #define CONFIG_IS_FACADE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), CONFIG_TYPE_FACADE)) #define CONFIG_IS_FACADE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), CONFIG_TYPE_FACADE)) #define CONFIG_FACADE_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), CONFIG_TYPE_FACADE, ConfigFacadeClass)) typedef struct _ConfigFacade ConfigFacade; typedef struct _ConfigFacadeClass ConfigFacadeClass; #define _g_date_time_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_date_time_unref (var), NULL))) typedef struct _ParamSpecAppDirs ParamSpecAppDirs; #define _vala_assert(expr, msg) if G_LIKELY (expr) ; else g_assertion_message_expr (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, msg); #define _vala_return_if_fail(expr, msg) if G_LIKELY (expr) ; else { g_return_if_fail_warning (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_STRFUNC, msg); return; } #define _vala_return_val_if_fail(expr, msg, val) if G_LIKELY (expr) ; else { g_return_if_fail_warning (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_STRFUNC, msg); return val; } #define _vala_warn_if_fail(expr, msg) if G_LIKELY (expr) ; else g_warn_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, msg); struct _AppDirs { GTypeInstance parent_instance; volatile int ref_count; AppDirsPrivate * priv; }; struct _AppDirsClass { GTypeClass parent_class; void (*finalize) (AppDirs *self); }; struct _ParamSpecAppDirs { GParamSpec parent_instance; }; static gpointer app_dirs_parent_class = NULL; static GFile* app_dirs_exec_dir; static GFile* app_dirs_exec_dir = NULL; static GFile* app_dirs_data_dir; static GFile* app_dirs_data_dir = NULL; static GFile* app_dirs_tmp_dir; static GFile* app_dirs_tmp_dir = NULL; static GFile* app_dirs_libexec_dir; static GFile* app_dirs_libexec_dir = NULL; gpointer app_dirs_ref (gpointer instance); void app_dirs_unref (gpointer instance); GParamSpec* param_spec_app_dirs (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags); void value_set_app_dirs (GValue* value, gpointer v_object); void value_take_app_dirs (GValue* value, gpointer v_object); gpointer value_get_app_dirs (const GValue* value); GType app_dirs_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; enum { APP_DIRS_DUMMY_PROPERTY }; #define APP_DIRS_DEFAULT_DATA_DIR "shotwell" void app_dirs_init (const gchar* arg0); void app_dirs_terminate (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_home_dir (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_cache_dir (void); void app_dirs_try_migrate_data (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_user_plugins_dir (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_data_dir (void); void app_window_panic (const gchar* msg); void app_dirs_set_data_dir (const gchar* user_data_dir); gboolean is_string_empty (const gchar* s); gchar* strip_pretty_path (const gchar* path); void app_dirs_verify_data_dir (void); void app_dirs_verify_cache_dir (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_libexec_dir (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_install_dir (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_exec_dir (void); #define RESOURCES_LIBEXECDIR _LIBEXECDIR GFile* get_sys_install_dir (GFile* exec_dir); GFile* app_dirs_get_import_dir (void); GType configuration_facade_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; GType config_facade_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; ConfigFacade* config_facade_get_instance (void); gchar* configuration_facade_get_import_dir (ConfigurationFacade* self); GFile* app_dirs_get_baked_import_dir (time_t tm); gchar* configuration_facade_get_directory_pattern (ConfigurationFacade* self); gchar* configuration_facade_get_directory_pattern_custom (ConfigurationFacade* self); gboolean app_dirs_is_in_import_dir (GFile* file); void app_dirs_set_import_dir (const gchar* path); void configuration_facade_set_import_dir (ConfigurationFacade* self, const gchar* import_dir); GFile* app_dirs_get_temp_dir (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_data_subdir (const gchar* name, const gchar* subname); void app_dirs_ensure_writable (GFile* dir); GFile* app_dirs_get_cache_subdir (const gchar* name, const gchar* subname); GFile* app_dirs_get_lib_dir (void); #define RESOURCES_LIB _LIB GFile* app_dirs_get_system_plugins_dir (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_log_file (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_thumbnailer_bin (void); GFile* app_dirs_get_settings_migrator_bin (void); AppDirs* app_dirs_new (void); AppDirs* app_dirs_construct (GType object_type); static void app_dirs_finalize (AppDirs* obj); void app_dirs_init (const gchar* arg0) { GFile* exec_file = NULL; const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp7_ = NULL; #line 16 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_if_fail (arg0 != NULL); #line 17 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = arg0; #line 17 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = g_find_program_in_path (_tmp0_); #line 17 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = _tmp1_; #line 17 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = realpath (_tmp2_, NULL); #line 17 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = _tmp3_; #line 17 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp4_); #line 17 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = _tmp5_; #line 17 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp4_); #line 17 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp2_); #line 17 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" exec_file = _tmp6_; #line 18 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = g_file_get_parent (exec_file); #line 18 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (app_dirs_exec_dir); #line 18 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_exec_dir = _tmp7_; #line 16 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (exec_file); #line 185 "AppDirs.c" } void app_dirs_terminate (void) { } GFile* app_dirs_get_home_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; #line 27 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = g_get_home_dir (); #line 27 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp0_); #line 27 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp1_; #line 27 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 205 "AppDirs.c" } static gpointer _g_object_ref0 (gpointer self) { #line 33 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return self ? g_object_ref (self) : NULL; #line 212 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_cache_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; #line 31 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = app_dirs_data_dir; #line 31 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp1_ == NULL) { #line 224 "AppDirs.c" const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; #line 32 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = g_get_user_cache_dir (); #line 32 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp2_); #line 32 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = _tmp3_; #line 32 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp4_, APP_DIRS_DEFAULT_DATA_DIR); #line 32 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp0_); #line 32 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = _tmp5_; #line 32 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp4_); #line 243 "AppDirs.c" } else { GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp7_ = NULL; #line 33 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = app_dirs_data_dir; #line 33 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp6_); #line 33 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp0_); #line 33 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = _tmp7_; #line 255 "AppDirs.c" } #line 31 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp0_; #line 31 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 261 "AppDirs.c" } void app_dirs_try_migrate_data (void) { GFile* user_plugin_dir = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* old_dir = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp7_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp8_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp9_ = FALSE; GFile* _tmp10_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp11_ = FALSE; GFile* new_dir = NULL; GFile* _tmp21_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp22_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp23_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp24_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp25_ = FALSE; GFile* _tmp26_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp27_ = FALSE; GFile* cache_dir = NULL; GFile* _tmp30_ = NULL; mode_t mask = {0}; mode_t _tmp31_ = {0}; GFile* _tmp32_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp33_ = FALSE; GFile* _tmp43_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp44_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp45_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp46_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp47_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp48_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp49_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp50_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp51_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp52_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp53_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp54_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp55_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp56_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp57_ = FALSE; GFile* _tmp71_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp72_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp73_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp74_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp75_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp76_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp77_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp78_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp79_ = NULL; mode_t _tmp80_ = {0}; GError * _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 38 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_user_plugins_dir (); #line 38 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" user_plugin_dir = _tmp0_; #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = app_dirs_get_home_dir (); #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = _tmp1_; #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp2_, ".gnome2"); #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = _tmp3_; #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp4_, "shotwell"); #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = _tmp5_; #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp6_, "plugins"); #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = _tmp7_; #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp6_); #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp4_); #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp2_); #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" old_dir = _tmp8_; #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = old_dir; #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp10_, NULL); #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp11_) { #line 354 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp12_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp13_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp14_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp15_ = FALSE; #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp12_ = user_plugin_dir; #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp13_ = g_file_get_parent (_tmp12_); #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp14_ = _tmp13_; #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp15_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp14_, NULL); #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = !_tmp15_; #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp14_); #line 371 "AppDirs.c" } else { #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = FALSE; #line 375 "AppDirs.c" } #line 42 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp9_) { #line 379 "AppDirs.c" { GFile* _tmp16_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp17_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp18_ = NULL; #line 44 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp16_ = user_plugin_dir; #line 44 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp17_ = g_file_get_parent (_tmp16_); #line 44 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp18_ = _tmp17_; #line 44 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_file_make_directory_with_parents (_tmp18_, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 44 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp18_); #line 44 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 396 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch443_g_error; } } goto __finally443; __catch443_g_error: { GError* err = NULL; #line 43 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" err = _inner_error_; #line 43 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 43 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_error_free0 (err); #line 410 "AppDirs.c" } __finally443: #line 43 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 43 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (old_dir); #line 43 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (user_plugin_dir); #line 43 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); #line 43 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); #line 43 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return; #line 425 "AppDirs.c" } } { GFile* _tmp19_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp20_ = NULL; #line 49 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp19_ = old_dir; #line 49 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp20_ = user_plugin_dir; #line 49 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_file_move (_tmp19_, _tmp20_, G_FILE_COPY_NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 49 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 439 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch444_g_error; } } goto __finally444; __catch444_g_error: { GError* err = NULL; #line 48 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" err = _inner_error_; #line 48 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 48 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_error_free0 (err); #line 453 "AppDirs.c" } __finally444: #line 48 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 48 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (old_dir); #line 48 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (user_plugin_dir); #line 48 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); #line 48 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); #line 48 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return; #line 468 "AppDirs.c" } #line 53 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp21_ = app_dirs_get_data_dir (); #line 53 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" new_dir = _tmp21_; #line 54 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp22_ = app_dirs_get_home_dir (); #line 54 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp23_ = _tmp22_; #line 54 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp24_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp23_, ".shotwell"); #line 54 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (old_dir); #line 54 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" old_dir = _tmp24_; #line 54 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp23_); #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp26_ = new_dir; #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp27_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp26_, NULL); #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp27_) { #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp25_ = TRUE; #line 494 "AppDirs.c" } else { GFile* _tmp28_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp29_ = FALSE; #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp28_ = old_dir; #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp29_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp28_, NULL); #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp25_ = !_tmp29_; #line 504 "AppDirs.c" } #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp25_) { #line 56 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (new_dir); #line 56 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (old_dir); #line 56 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (user_plugin_dir); #line 56 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return; #line 516 "AppDirs.c" } #line 58 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp30_ = app_dirs_get_cache_dir (); #line 58 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" cache_dir = _tmp30_; #line 59 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp31_ = umask ((mode_t) 0077); #line 59 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" mask = _tmp31_; #line 60 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp32_ = cache_dir; #line 60 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp33_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp32_, NULL); #line 60 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp33_) { #line 532 "AppDirs.c" { GFile* _tmp34_ = NULL; #line 62 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp34_ = cache_dir; #line 62 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_file_make_directory_with_parents (_tmp34_, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 62 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 541 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch445_g_error; } } goto __finally445; __catch445_g_error: { GError* err = NULL; const gchar* _tmp35_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp36_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp37_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp38_ = NULL; GError* _tmp39_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp40_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp41_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp42_ = NULL; #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" err = _inner_error_; #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp35_ = _ ("Unable to create cache directory %s: %s"); #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp36_ = cache_dir; #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp37_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp36_); #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp38_ = _tmp37_; #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp39_ = err; #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp40_ = _tmp39_->message; #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp41_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp35_, _tmp38_, _tmp40_); #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp42_ = _tmp41_; #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_window_panic (_tmp42_); #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp42_); #line 64 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp38_); #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_error_free0 (err); #line 585 "AppDirs.c" } __finally445: #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (cache_dir); #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (new_dir); #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (old_dir); #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (user_plugin_dir); #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); #line 61 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return; #line 604 "AppDirs.c" } } #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp43_ = old_dir; #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp44_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp43_, "thumbs"); #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp45_ = _tmp44_; #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp46_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp45_); #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp47_ = _tmp46_; #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp48_ = cache_dir; #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp49_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp48_, "thumbs"); #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp50_ = _tmp49_; #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp51_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp50_); #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp52_ = _tmp51_; #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_rename (_tmp47_, _tmp52_); #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp52_); #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp50_); #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp47_); #line 68 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp45_); #line 70 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp53_ = new_dir; #line 70 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp54_ = g_file_get_parent (_tmp53_); #line 70 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp55_ = _tmp54_; #line 70 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp56_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp55_, NULL); #line 70 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp57_ = !_tmp56_; #line 70 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp55_); #line 70 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp57_) { #line 651 "AppDirs.c" { GFile* _tmp58_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp59_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp60_ = NULL; #line 72 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp58_ = new_dir; #line 72 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp59_ = g_file_get_parent (_tmp58_); #line 72 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp60_ = _tmp59_; #line 72 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_file_make_directory_with_parents (_tmp60_, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 72 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp60_); #line 72 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 668 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch446_g_error; } } goto __finally446; __catch446_g_error: { GError* err = NULL; const gchar* _tmp61_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp62_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp63_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp64_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp65_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp66_ = NULL; GError* _tmp67_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp68_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp69_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp70_ = NULL; #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" err = _inner_error_; #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp61_ = _ ("Unable to create data directory %s: %s"); #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp62_ = new_dir; #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp63_ = g_file_get_parent (_tmp62_); #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp64_ = _tmp63_; #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp65_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp64_); #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp66_ = _tmp65_; #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp67_ = err; #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp68_ = _tmp67_->message; #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp69_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp61_, _tmp66_, _tmp68_); #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp70_ = _tmp69_; #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_window_panic (_tmp70_); #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp70_); #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp66_); #line 74 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp64_); #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_error_free0 (err); #line 720 "AppDirs.c" } __finally446: #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (cache_dir); #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (new_dir); #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (old_dir); #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (user_plugin_dir); #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); #line 71 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return; #line 739 "AppDirs.c" } } #line 78 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp71_ = old_dir; #line 78 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp72_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp71_); #line 78 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp73_ = _tmp72_; #line 78 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp74_ = new_dir; #line 78 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp75_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp74_); #line 78 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp76_ = _tmp75_; #line 78 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_rename (_tmp73_, _tmp76_); #line 78 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp76_); #line 78 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp73_); #line 79 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp77_ = new_dir; #line 79 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp78_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp77_); #line 79 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp79_ = _tmp78_; #line 79 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_chmod (_tmp79_, 0700); #line 79 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp79_); #line 81 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp80_ = mask; #line 81 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" umask (_tmp80_); #line 36 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (cache_dir); #line 36 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (new_dir); #line 36 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (old_dir); #line 36 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (user_plugin_dir); #line 782 "AppDirs.c" } void app_dirs_set_data_dir (const gchar* user_data_dir) { const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp1_ = FALSE; GFile* _tmp2_ = NULL; gchar* path = NULL; const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp6_ = FALSE; GFile* _tmp13_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp15_ = NULL; #line 85 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_if_fail (user_data_dir != NULL); #line 85 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = user_data_dir; #line 85 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = is_string_empty (_tmp0_); #line 85 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _vala_return_if_fail (!_tmp1_, "!is_string_empty(user_data_dir)"); #line 86 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = app_dirs_data_dir; #line 86 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _vala_assert (_tmp2_ == NULL, "data_dir == null"); #line 89 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = user_data_dir; #line 89 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = strip_pretty_path (_tmp3_); #line 89 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" path = _tmp4_; #line 90 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = path; #line 90 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = g_path_is_absolute (_tmp5_); #line 90 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp6_) { #line 822 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp7_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp8_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp10_ = NULL; #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = app_dirs_get_home_dir (); #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = _tmp7_; #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = path; #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp8_, _tmp9_); #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (app_dirs_data_dir); #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_data_dir = _tmp10_; #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp8_); #line 841 "AppDirs.c" } else { const gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp12_ = NULL; #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = path; #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp12_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp11_); #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (app_dirs_data_dir); #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_data_dir = _tmp12_; #line 853 "AppDirs.c" } #line 95 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp13_ = app_dirs_data_dir; #line 95 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp14_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp13_); #line 95 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp15_ = _tmp14_; #line 95 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_message ("AppDirs.vala:95: Setting private data directory to %s", _tmp15_); #line 95 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp15_); #line 85 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (path); #line 867 "AppDirs.c" } void app_dirs_verify_data_dir (void) { GFile* data_dir = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GError * _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 99 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_data_dir (); #line 99 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" data_dir = _tmp0_; #line 879 "AppDirs.c" { GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp2_ = FALSE; #line 101 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = data_dir; #line 101 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp1_, NULL); #line 101 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp2_) { #line 889 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; #line 102 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = data_dir; #line 102 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_file_make_directory_with_parents (_tmp3_, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 102 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 897 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch447_g_error; } } } goto __finally447; __catch447_g_error: { GError* err = NULL; const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL; GError* _tmp8_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL; #line 100 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" err = _inner_error_; #line 100 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = _ ("Unable to create data directory %s: %s"); #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = data_dir; #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp5_); #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = _tmp6_; #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = err; #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = _tmp8_->message; #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp4_, _tmp7_, _tmp9_); #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = _tmp10_; #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_window_panic (_tmp11_); #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp11_); #line 104 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp7_); #line 100 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_error_free0 (err); #line 942 "AppDirs.c" } __finally447: #line 100 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 100 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (data_dir); #line 100 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); #line 100 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); #line 100 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return; #line 955 "AppDirs.c" } #line 98 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (data_dir); #line 959 "AppDirs.c" } void app_dirs_verify_cache_dir (void) { GFile* cache_dir = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GError * _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 110 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_cache_dir (); #line 110 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" cache_dir = _tmp0_; #line 971 "AppDirs.c" { GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp2_ = FALSE; #line 112 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = cache_dir; #line 112 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp1_, NULL); #line 112 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp2_) { #line 981 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; #line 113 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = cache_dir; #line 113 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_file_make_directory_with_parents (_tmp3_, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 113 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 989 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch448_g_error; } } } goto __finally448; __catch448_g_error: { GError* err = NULL; const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL; GError* _tmp8_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL; #line 111 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" err = _inner_error_; #line 111 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = _ ("Unable to create cache directory %s: %s"); #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = cache_dir; #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp5_); #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = _tmp6_; #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = err; #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = _tmp8_->message; #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp4_, _tmp7_, _tmp9_); #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = _tmp10_; #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_window_panic (_tmp11_); #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp11_); #line 115 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp7_); #line 111 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_error_free0 (err); #line 1034 "AppDirs.c" } __finally448: #line 111 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 111 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (cache_dir); #line 111 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); #line 111 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); #line 111 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return; #line 1047 "AppDirs.c" } #line 109 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (cache_dir); #line 1051 "AppDirs.c" } /** * @brief Returns the build directory if not installed yet, or a path * to where any helper applets we need will live if installed. */ GFile* app_dirs_get_libexec_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp7_ = NULL; #line 125 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_libexec_dir; #line 125 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp0_ == NULL) { #line 1068 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp2_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp3_ = FALSE; #line 126 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = app_dirs_get_install_dir (); #line 126 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = _tmp1_; #line 126 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = _tmp2_ == NULL; #line 126 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp2_); #line 126 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp3_) { #line 1082 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp4_ = NULL; #line 128 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = app_dirs_get_exec_dir (); #line 128 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (app_dirs_libexec_dir); #line 128 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_libexec_dir = _tmp4_; #line 1090 "AppDirs.c" } else { GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; #line 130 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = g_file_new_for_path (RESOURCES_LIBEXECDIR); #line 130 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (app_dirs_libexec_dir); #line 130 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_libexec_dir = _tmp5_; #line 1099 "AppDirs.c" } } #line 134 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = app_dirs_libexec_dir; #line 134 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp6_); #line 134 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp7_; #line 134 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1110 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_install_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; #line 139 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_exec_dir; #line 139 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = get_sys_install_dir (_tmp0_); #line 139 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp1_; #line 139 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1126 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_data_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = app_dirs_data_dir; #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp1_ == NULL) { #line 1138 "AppDirs.c" const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = g_get_user_data_dir (); #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp2_); #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = _tmp3_; #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp4_, APP_DIRS_DEFAULT_DATA_DIR); #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp0_); #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = _tmp5_; #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp4_); #line 1157 "AppDirs.c" } else { GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp7_ = NULL; #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = app_dirs_data_dir; #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp6_); #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp0_); #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = _tmp7_; #line 1169 "AppDirs.c" } #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp0_; #line 143 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1175 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_import_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; gchar* path = NULL; ConfigFacade* _tmp0_ = NULL; ConfigFacade* _tmp1_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp5_ = FALSE; const gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp20_ = FALSE; GFile* _tmp23_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp24_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp25_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp26_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp27_ = NULL; #line 149 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = config_facade_get_instance (); #line 149 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp0_; #line 149 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = configuration_facade_get_import_dir (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (_tmp1_, TYPE_CONFIGURATION_FACADE, ConfigurationFacade)); #line 149 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = _tmp2_; #line 149 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 149 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" path = _tmp3_; #line 150 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = path; #line 150 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = is_string_empty (_tmp4_); #line 150 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp5_) { #line 1215 "AppDirs.c" const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp9_ = FALSE; const gchar* _tmp15_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp16_ = NULL; #line 152 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = path; #line 152 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = strip_pretty_path (_tmp6_); #line 152 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (path); #line 152 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" path = _tmp7_; #line 155 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = path; #line 155 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = g_path_is_absolute (_tmp8_); #line 155 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp9_) { #line 1236 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp10_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp11_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp13_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp14_ = NULL; #line 156 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = app_dirs_get_home_dir (); #line 156 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = _tmp10_; #line 156 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp12_ = path; #line 156 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp13_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp11_, _tmp12_); #line 156 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp14_ = _tmp13_; #line 156 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp11_); #line 156 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp14_; #line 156 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (path); #line 156 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1260 "AppDirs.c" } #line 159 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp15_ = path; #line 159 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp16_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp15_); #line 159 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp16_; #line 159 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (path); #line 159 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1272 "AppDirs.c" } #line 163 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp17_ = g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_PICTURES); #line 163 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp18_ = g_strdup (_tmp17_); #line 163 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (path); #line 163 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" path = _tmp18_; #line 164 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp19_ = path; #line 164 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp20_ = is_string_empty (_tmp19_); #line 164 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp20_) { #line 1288 "AppDirs.c" const gchar* _tmp21_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp22_ = NULL; #line 165 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp21_ = path; #line 165 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp22_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp21_); #line 165 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp22_; #line 165 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (path); #line 165 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1301 "AppDirs.c" } #line 168 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp23_ = app_dirs_get_home_dir (); #line 168 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp24_ = _tmp23_; #line 168 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp25_ = _ ("Pictures"); #line 168 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp26_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp24_, _tmp25_); #line 168 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp27_ = _tmp26_; #line 168 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp24_); #line 168 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp27_; #line 168 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (path); #line 168 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1321 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_baked_import_dir (time_t tm) { GFile* result = NULL; gchar* pattern = NULL; ConfigFacade* _tmp0_ = NULL; ConfigFacade* _tmp1_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp5_ = FALSE; const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp10_ = FALSE; GDateTime* date = NULL; time_t _tmp12_ = 0; GDateTime* _tmp13_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp14_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp15_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp20_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp21_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp22_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp23_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp24_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp25_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp26_ = NULL; #line 173 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = config_facade_get_instance (); #line 173 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp0_; #line 173 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = configuration_facade_get_directory_pattern (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (_tmp1_, TYPE_CONFIGURATION_FACADE, ConfigurationFacade)); #line 173 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = _tmp2_; #line 173 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 173 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" pattern = _tmp3_; #line 174 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = pattern; #line 174 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = is_string_empty (_tmp4_); #line 174 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp5_) { #line 1370 "AppDirs.c" ConfigFacade* _tmp6_ = NULL; ConfigFacade* _tmp7_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL; #line 175 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = config_facade_get_instance (); #line 175 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = _tmp6_; #line 175 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = configuration_facade_get_directory_pattern_custom (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (_tmp7_, TYPE_CONFIGURATION_FACADE, ConfigurationFacade)); #line 175 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (pattern); #line 175 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" pattern = _tmp8_; #line 175 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp7_); #line 1386 "AppDirs.c" } #line 176 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = pattern; #line 176 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = is_string_empty (_tmp9_); #line 176 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp10_) { #line 1394 "AppDirs.c" gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL; #line 177 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = g_strdup ("%Y" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "%m" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "%d"); #line 177 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (pattern); #line 177 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" pattern = _tmp11_; #line 1402 "AppDirs.c" } #line 179 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp12_ = tm; #line 179 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp13_ = g_date_time_new_from_unix_local ((gint64) _tmp12_); #line 179 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" date = _tmp13_; #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp14_ = app_dirs_get_import_dir (); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp15_ = _tmp14_; #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp16_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp15_); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp17_ = _tmp16_; #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp18_ = g_strconcat (_tmp17_, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, NULL); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp19_ = _tmp18_; #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp20_ = pattern; #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp21_ = g_date_time_format (date, _tmp20_); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp22_ = _tmp21_; #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp23_ = g_strconcat (_tmp19_, _tmp22_, NULL); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp24_ = _tmp23_; #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp25_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp24_); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp26_ = _tmp25_; #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp24_); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp22_); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp19_); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp17_); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp15_); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp26_; #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_date_time_unref0 (date); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (pattern); #line 180 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1454 "AppDirs.c" } gboolean app_dirs_is_in_import_dir (GFile* file) { gboolean result = FALSE; GFile* import_dir = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp1_ = FALSE; GFile* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp4_ = FALSE; #line 184 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_FILE (file), FALSE); #line 185 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_import_dir (); #line 185 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" import_dir = _tmp0_; #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = file; #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = import_dir; #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = g_file_has_prefix (_tmp2_, _tmp3_); #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp4_) { #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = TRUE; #line 1482 "AppDirs.c" } else { GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE; #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = file; #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = import_dir; #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = g_file_equal (_tmp5_, _tmp6_); #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp7_; #line 1495 "AppDirs.c" } #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp1_; #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (import_dir); #line 187 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1503 "AppDirs.c" } void app_dirs_set_import_dir (const gchar* path) { ConfigFacade* _tmp0_ = NULL; ConfigFacade* _tmp1_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; #line 190 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_if_fail (path != NULL); #line 191 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = config_facade_get_instance (); #line 191 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp0_; #line 191 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = path; #line 191 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" configuration_facade_set_import_dir (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (_tmp1_, TYPE_CONFIGURATION_FACADE, ConfigurationFacade), _tmp2_); #line 191 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 1523 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_exec_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; #line 195 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_exec_dir; #line 195 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp0_); #line 195 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp1_; #line 195 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1539 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_temp_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp17_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp18_ = NULL; GError * _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 199 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_tmp_dir; #line 199 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp0_ == NULL) { #line 1553 "AppDirs.c" const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; #line 200 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = g_get_tmp_dir (); #line 200 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = g_strconcat (_tmp1_, "/shotwell-XXXXXX", NULL); #line 200 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = mkdtemp (_tmp2_); #line 200 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = _tmp3_; #line 200 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp4_); #line 200 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (app_dirs_tmp_dir); #line 200 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_tmp_dir = _tmp5_; #line 200 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp4_); #line 1575 "AppDirs.c" { GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE; #line 203 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = app_dirs_tmp_dir; #line 203 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp6_, NULL); #line 203 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp7_) { #line 1585 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp8_ = NULL; #line 204 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = app_dirs_tmp_dir; #line 204 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_file_make_directory_with_parents (_tmp8_, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 204 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 1593 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch449_g_error; } } } goto __finally449; __catch449_g_error: { GError* err = NULL; const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp10_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL; GError* _tmp13_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp15_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL; #line 202 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" err = _inner_error_; #line 202 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = _ ("Unable to create temporary directory %s: %s"); #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = app_dirs_tmp_dir; #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp10_); #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp12_ = _tmp11_; #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp13_ = err; #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp14_ = _tmp13_->message; #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp15_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp9_, _tmp12_, _tmp14_); #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp16_ = _tmp15_; #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_window_panic (_tmp16_); #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp16_); #line 206 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp12_); #line 202 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_error_free0 (err); #line 1638 "AppDirs.c" } __finally449: #line 202 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 202 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); #line 202 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); #line 202 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return NULL; #line 1649 "AppDirs.c" } } #line 211 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp17_ = app_dirs_tmp_dir; #line 211 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp18_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp17_); #line 211 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp18_; #line 211 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1660 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_data_subdir (const gchar* name, const gchar* subname) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* subdir = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp4_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL; GError * _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 214 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL); #line 215 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_data_dir (); #line 215 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp0_; #line 215 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = name; #line 215 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp1_, _tmp2_); #line 215 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = _tmp3_; #line 215 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 215 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" subdir = _tmp4_; #line 216 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = subname; #line 216 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp5_ != NULL) { #line 1694 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp8_ = NULL; #line 217 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = subdir; #line 217 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = subname; #line 217 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp6_, _tmp7_); #line 217 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (subdir); #line 217 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" subdir = _tmp8_; #line 1708 "AppDirs.c" } { GFile* _tmp9_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp10_ = FALSE; #line 220 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = subdir; #line 220 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp9_, NULL); #line 220 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp10_) { #line 1719 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp11_ = NULL; #line 221 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = subdir; #line 221 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_file_make_directory_with_parents (_tmp11_, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 221 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 1727 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch450_g_error; } } } goto __finally450; __catch450_g_error: { GError* err = NULL; const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp13_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp15_ = NULL; GError* _tmp16_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL; #line 219 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" err = _inner_error_; #line 219 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp12_ = _ ("Unable to create data subdirectory %s: %s"); #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp13_ = subdir; #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp14_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp13_); #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp15_ = _tmp14_; #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp16_ = err; #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp17_ = _tmp16_->message; #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp18_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp12_, _tmp15_, _tmp17_); #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp19_ = _tmp18_; #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_window_panic (_tmp19_); #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp19_); #line 223 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp15_); #line 219 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_error_free0 (err); #line 1772 "AppDirs.c" } __finally450: #line 219 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 219 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (subdir); #line 219 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); #line 219 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); #line 219 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return NULL; #line 1785 "AppDirs.c" } #line 227 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = subdir; #line 227 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 1791 "AppDirs.c" } void app_dirs_ensure_writable (GFile* dir) { GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp1_ = FALSE; GError * _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 230 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_if_fail (G_IS_FILE (dir)); #line 231 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = dir; #line 231 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp0_, NULL); #line 231 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp1_) { #line 1807 "AppDirs.c" { GFileInfo* info = NULL; GFile* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFileInfo* _tmp3_ = NULL; guint32 mode = 0U; GFileInfo* _tmp4_ = NULL; guint32 _tmp5_ = 0U; gboolean _tmp6_ = FALSE; GFile* _tmp7_ = NULL; guint32 _tmp8_ = 0U; gboolean _tmp9_ = FALSE; #line 233 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = dir; #line 233 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = g_file_query_info (_tmp2_, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE, G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 233 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" info = _tmp3_; #line 233 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 1827 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch451_g_error; } #line 234 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = info; #line 234 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = g_file_info_get_attribute_uint32 (_tmp4_, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE); #line 234 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" mode = _tmp5_ | 0700; #line 235 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = dir; #line 235 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = mode; #line 235 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = g_file_set_attribute_uint32 (_tmp7_, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE, _tmp8_, G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 235 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = _tmp9_; #line 235 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 235 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (info); #line 1848 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch451_g_error; } #line 235 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp6_) { #line 1853 "AppDirs.c" const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp11_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp15_ = NULL; #line 236 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = _ ("Could not make directory %s writable"); #line 236 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = dir; #line 236 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp12_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp11_); #line 236 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp13_ = _tmp12_; #line 236 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp14_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp10_, _tmp13_); #line 236 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp15_ = _tmp14_; #line 236 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_window_panic (_tmp15_); #line 236 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp15_); #line 236 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp13_); #line 1878 "AppDirs.c" } #line 232 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (info); #line 1882 "AppDirs.c" } goto __finally451; __catch451_g_error: { GError* err = NULL; const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp17_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL; GError* _tmp20_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp21_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp22_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp23_ = NULL; #line 232 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" err = _inner_error_; #line 232 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp16_ = _ ("Could not make directory %s writable: %s"); #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp17_ = dir; #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp18_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp17_); #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp19_ = _tmp18_; #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp20_ = err; #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp21_ = _tmp20_->message; #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp22_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp16_, _tmp19_, _tmp21_); #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp23_ = _tmp22_; #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_window_panic (_tmp23_); #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp23_); #line 239 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp19_); #line 232 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_error_free0 (err); #line 1924 "AppDirs.c" } __finally451: #line 232 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 232 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); #line 232 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); #line 232 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return; #line 1935 "AppDirs.c" } } } GFile* app_dirs_get_cache_subdir (const gchar* name, const gchar* subname) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* subdir = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp21_ = NULL; GError * _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 244 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL); #line 245 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_cache_dir (); #line 245 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp0_; #line 245 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = name; #line 245 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp1_, _tmp2_); #line 245 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = _tmp3_; #line 245 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 245 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" subdir = _tmp4_; #line 246 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = subdir; #line 246 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_ensure_writable (_tmp5_); #line 247 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = subname; #line 247 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp6_ != NULL) { #line 1977 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp7_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp9_ = NULL; #line 248 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = subdir; #line 248 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = subname; #line 248 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp7_, _tmp8_); #line 248 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (subdir); #line 248 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" subdir = _tmp9_; #line 1991 "AppDirs.c" } { GFile* _tmp10_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp11_ = FALSE; #line 251 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = subdir; #line 251 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp10_, NULL); #line 251 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp11_) { #line 2002 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp12_ = NULL; #line 252 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp12_ = subdir; #line 252 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_file_make_directory_with_parents (_tmp12_, NULL, &_inner_error_); #line 252 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 2010 "AppDirs.c" goto __catch452_g_error; } } } goto __finally452; __catch452_g_error: { GError* err = NULL; const gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp14_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp15_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL; GError* _tmp17_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp20_ = NULL; #line 250 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" err = _inner_error_; #line 250 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _inner_error_ = NULL; #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp13_ = _ ("Unable to create data subdirectory %s: %s"); #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp14_ = subdir; #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp15_ = g_file_get_path (_tmp14_); #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp16_ = _tmp15_; #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp17_ = err; #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp18_ = _tmp17_->message; #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp19_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp13_, _tmp16_, _tmp18_); #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp20_ = _tmp19_; #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_window_panic (_tmp20_); #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp20_); #line 254 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp16_); #line 250 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_error_free0 (err); #line 2055 "AppDirs.c" } __finally452: #line 250 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) { #line 250 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (subdir); #line 250 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); #line 250 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); #line 250 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return NULL; #line 2068 "AppDirs.c" } #line 257 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp21_ = subdir; #line 257 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_ensure_writable (_tmp21_); #line 258 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = subdir; #line 258 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 2078 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_lib_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* install_dir = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp2_ = NULL; #line 262 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_install_dir (); #line 262 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" install_dir = _tmp0_; #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = install_dir; #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp2_ != NULL) { #line 2096 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = install_dir; #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp3_, RESOURCES_LIB); #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = _tmp4_; #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp5_, "shotwell"); #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp6_; #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp5_); #line 2115 "AppDirs.c" } else { GFile* _tmp7_ = NULL; #line 265 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = app_dirs_get_exec_dir (); #line 265 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 265 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp7_; #line 2124 "AppDirs.c" } #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp1_; #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (install_dir); #line 264 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 2132 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_system_plugins_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; #line 269 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_lib_dir (); #line 269 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp0_; #line 269 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp1_, "plugins"); #line 269 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = _tmp2_; #line 269 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 269 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp3_; #line 269 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 2156 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_user_plugins_dir (void) { GFile* result = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; #line 273 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_data_dir (); #line 273 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp0_; #line 273 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp1_, "plugins"); #line 273 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = _tmp2_; #line 273 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 273 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp3_; #line 273 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 2180 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_log_file (void) { GFile* result = NULL; const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL; #line 277 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = g_getenv ("SHOTWELL_LOG_FILE"); #line 277 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (_tmp0_ != NULL) { #line 2191 "AppDirs.c" const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL; #line 278 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = g_getenv ("SHOTWELL_LOG_FILE"); #line 278 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (g_strcmp0 (_tmp1_, ":console:") == 0) { #line 279 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = NULL; #line 279 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 2201 "AppDirs.c" } else { const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; #line 281 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = g_getenv ("SHOTWELL_LOG_FILE"); #line 281 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp2_); #line 281 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp3_; #line 281 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 2213 "AppDirs.c" } } else { const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp7_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp8_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp9_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp10_ = NULL; #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = g_get_user_cache_dir (); #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp4_); #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = _tmp5_; #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp6_, "shotwell"); #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = _tmp7_; #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp8_, "shotwell.log"); #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = _tmp9_; #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp8_); #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp6_); #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = _tmp10_; #line 284 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 2245 "AppDirs.c" } } GFile* app_dirs_get_thumbnailer_bin (void) { GFile* result = NULL; #line 290 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" static const char filename[] = "shotwell-video-thumbnailer"; #line 2254 "AppDirs.c" GFile* f = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE; #line 291 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_libexec_dir (); #line 291 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp0_; #line 291 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp1_, "thumbnailer"); #line 291 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = _tmp2_; #line 291 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp3_, filename); #line 291 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = _tmp4_; #line 291 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp3_); #line 291 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 291 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" f = _tmp5_; #line 292 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = f; #line 292 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp6_, NULL); #line 292 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp7_) { #line 2288 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp8_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp9_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp10_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp11_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp12_ = NULL; #line 294 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = app_dirs_get_libexec_dir (); #line 294 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = _tmp8_; #line 294 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp9_, "shotwell"); #line 294 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = _tmp10_; #line 294 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp12_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp11_, filename); #line 294 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (f); #line 294 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" f = _tmp12_; #line 294 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp11_); #line 294 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp9_); #line 2312 "AppDirs.c" } #line 296 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = f; #line 296 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 2318 "AppDirs.c" } GFile* app_dirs_get_settings_migrator_bin (void) { GFile* result = NULL; #line 300 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" static const char filename[] = "shotwell-settings-migrator"; #line 2326 "AppDirs.c" GFile* f = NULL; GFile* _tmp0_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp1_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp2_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp3_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp4_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp5_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp6_ = NULL; gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE; #line 301 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp0_ = app_dirs_get_libexec_dir (); #line 301 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp1_ = _tmp0_; #line 301 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp2_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp1_, "settings-migrator"); #line 301 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp3_ = _tmp2_; #line 301 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp4_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp3_, filename); #line 301 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp5_ = _tmp4_; #line 301 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp3_); #line 301 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_); #line 301 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" f = _tmp5_; #line 302 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp6_ = f; #line 302 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp7_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp6_, NULL); #line 302 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!_tmp7_) { #line 2360 "AppDirs.c" GFile* _tmp8_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp9_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp10_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp11_ = NULL; GFile* _tmp12_ = NULL; #line 304 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp8_ = app_dirs_get_libexec_dir (); #line 304 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp9_ = _tmp8_; #line 304 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp10_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp9_, "shotwell"); #line 304 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp11_ = _tmp10_; #line 304 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _tmp12_ = g_file_get_child (_tmp11_, filename); #line 304 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (f); #line 304 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" f = _tmp12_; #line 304 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp11_); #line 304 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" _g_object_unref0 (_tmp9_); #line 2384 "AppDirs.c" } #line 306 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" result = f; #line 306 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return result; #line 2390 "AppDirs.c" } AppDirs* app_dirs_construct (GType object_type) { AppDirs* self = NULL; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" self = (AppDirs*) g_type_create_instance (object_type); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return self; #line 2400 "AppDirs.c" } AppDirs* app_dirs_new (void) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return app_dirs_construct (TYPE_APP_DIRS); #line 2407 "AppDirs.c" } static void value_app_dirs_init (GValue* value) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; #line 2414 "AppDirs.c" } static void value_app_dirs_free_value (GValue* value) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (value->data[0].v_pointer) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_unref (value->data[0].v_pointer); #line 2423 "AppDirs.c" } } static void value_app_dirs_copy_value (const GValue* src_value, GValue* dest_value) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (src_value->data[0].v_pointer) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = app_dirs_ref (src_value->data[0].v_pointer); #line 2433 "AppDirs.c" } else { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; #line 2437 "AppDirs.c" } } static gpointer value_app_dirs_peek_pointer (const GValue* value) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return value->data[0].v_pointer; #line 2445 "AppDirs.c" } static gchar* value_app_dirs_collect_value (GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (collect_values[0].v_pointer) { #line 2452 "AppDirs.c" AppDirs* object; object = collect_values[0].v_pointer; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (object->parent_instance.g_class == NULL) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return g_strconcat ("invalid unclassed object pointer for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL); #line 2459 "AppDirs.c" } else if (!g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value))) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return g_strconcat ("invalid object type `", g_type_name (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object)), "' for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL); #line 2463 "AppDirs.c" } #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" value->data[0].v_pointer = app_dirs_ref (object); #line 2467 "AppDirs.c" } else { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; #line 2471 "AppDirs.c" } #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return NULL; #line 2475 "AppDirs.c" } static gchar* value_app_dirs_lcopy_value (const GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) { AppDirs** object_p; object_p = collect_values[0].v_pointer; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!object_p) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return g_strdup_printf ("value location for `%s' passed as NULL", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value)); #line 2486 "AppDirs.c" } #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (!value->data[0].v_pointer) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" *object_p = NULL; #line 2492 "AppDirs.c" } else if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" *object_p = value->data[0].v_pointer; #line 2496 "AppDirs.c" } else { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" *object_p = app_dirs_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer); #line 2500 "AppDirs.c" } #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return NULL; #line 2504 "AppDirs.c" } GParamSpec* param_spec_app_dirs (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags) { ParamSpecAppDirs* spec; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (object_type, TYPE_APP_DIRS), NULL); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" spec = g_param_spec_internal (G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT, name, nick, blurb, flags); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" G_PARAM_SPEC (spec)->value_type = object_type; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return G_PARAM_SPEC (spec); #line 2518 "AppDirs.c" } gpointer value_get_app_dirs (const GValue* value) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_val_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, TYPE_APP_DIRS), NULL); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return value->data[0].v_pointer; #line 2527 "AppDirs.c" } void value_set_app_dirs (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) { AppDirs* old; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, TYPE_APP_DIRS)); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" old = value->data[0].v_pointer; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (v_object) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (v_object, TYPE_APP_DIRS)); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value))); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer); #line 2547 "AppDirs.c" } else { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; #line 2551 "AppDirs.c" } #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (old) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_unref (old); #line 2557 "AppDirs.c" } } void value_take_app_dirs (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) { AppDirs* old; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, TYPE_APP_DIRS)); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" old = value->data[0].v_pointer; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (v_object) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (v_object, TYPE_APP_DIRS)); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value))); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object; #line 2576 "AppDirs.c" } else { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; #line 2580 "AppDirs.c" } #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (old) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_unref (old); #line 2586 "AppDirs.c" } } static void app_dirs_class_init (AppDirsClass * klass) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" app_dirs_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" ((AppDirsClass *) klass)->finalize = app_dirs_finalize; #line 2596 "AppDirs.c" } static void app_dirs_instance_init (AppDirs * self) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" self->ref_count = 1; #line 2603 "AppDirs.c" } static void app_dirs_finalize (AppDirs* obj) { AppDirs * self; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" self = G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (obj, TYPE_APP_DIRS, AppDirs); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_signal_handlers_destroy (self); #line 2613 "AppDirs.c" } GType app_dirs_get_type (void) { static volatile gsize app_dirs_type_id__volatile = 0; if (g_once_init_enter (&app_dirs_type_id__volatile)) { static const GTypeValueTable g_define_type_value_table = { value_app_dirs_init, value_app_dirs_free_value, value_app_dirs_copy_value, value_app_dirs_peek_pointer, "p", value_app_dirs_collect_value, "p", value_app_dirs_lcopy_value }; static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (AppDirsClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) app_dirs_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (AppDirs), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) app_dirs_instance_init, &g_define_type_value_table }; static const GTypeFundamentalInfo g_define_type_fundamental_info = { (G_TYPE_FLAG_CLASSED | G_TYPE_FLAG_INSTANTIATABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DERIVABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DEEP_DERIVABLE) }; GType app_dirs_type_id; app_dirs_type_id = g_type_register_fundamental (g_type_fundamental_next (), "AppDirs", &g_define_type_info, &g_define_type_fundamental_info, 0); g_once_init_leave (&app_dirs_type_id__volatile, app_dirs_type_id); } return app_dirs_type_id__volatile; } gpointer app_dirs_ref (gpointer instance) { AppDirs* self; self = instance; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_atomic_int_inc (&self->ref_count); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" return instance; #line 2638 "AppDirs.c" } void app_dirs_unref (gpointer instance) { AppDirs* self; self = instance; #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&self->ref_count)) { #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" APP_DIRS_GET_CLASS (self)->finalize (self); #line 7 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/AppDirs.vala" g_type_free_instance ((GTypeInstance *) self); #line 2651 "AppDirs.c" } }