/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class CheckerboardLayout : Gtk.DrawingArea { public const int TOP_PADDING = 16; public const int BOTTOM_PADDING = 16; public const int ROW_GUTTER_PADDING = 24; // the following are minimums, as the pads and gutters expand to fill up the window width public const int COLUMN_GUTTER_PADDING = 24; // For a 40% alpha channel private const double SELECTION_ALPHA = 0.40; // The number of pixels that the scrollbars of Gtk.ScrolledWindows allocate for themselves // before their final size is computed. This must be taken into account when computing // the width of this widget. This value was 0 in Gtk+ 2.x but is 1 in Gtk+ 3.x. See // ticket #3870 (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=717754) for more information private const int SCROLLBAR_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH = 1; private class LayoutRow { public int y; public int height; public CheckerboardItem[] items; public LayoutRow(int y, int height, int num_in_row) { this.y = y; this.height = height; this.items = new CheckerboardItem[num_in_row]; } } private ViewCollection view; private string page_name = ""; private LayoutRow[] item_rows = null; private Gee.HashSet<CheckerboardItem> exposed_items = new Gee.HashSet<CheckerboardItem>(); private Gtk.Adjustment hadjustment = null; private Gtk.Adjustment vadjustment = null; private Gdk.RGBA selected_color; private Gdk.RGBA unselected_color; private Gdk.RGBA focus_color; private Gdk.RGBA border_color; private Gdk.RGBA bg_color; private Gdk.Rectangle visible_page = Gdk.Rectangle(); private int last_width = 0; private int columns = 0; private int rows = 0; private Gdk.Point drag_origin = Gdk.Point(); private Gdk.Point drag_endpoint = Gdk.Point(); private Gdk.Rectangle selection_band = Gdk.Rectangle(); private int scale = 0; private bool flow_scheduled = false; private bool exposure_dirty = true; private CheckerboardItem? anchor = null; private CheckerboardItem? cursor = null; private bool in_center_on_anchor = false; private bool size_allocate_due_to_reflow = false; private bool is_in_view = false; private bool reflow_needed = false; public CheckerboardLayout(ViewCollection view) { this.get_style_context().add_class("content-view"); this.view = view; clear_drag_select(); // subscribe to the new collection view.contents_altered.connect(on_contents_altered); view.items_altered.connect(on_items_altered); view.items_state_changed.connect(on_items_state_changed); view.items_visibility_changed.connect(on_items_visibility_changed); view.ordering_changed.connect(on_ordering_changed); view.views_altered.connect(on_views_altered); view.geometries_altered.connect(on_geometries_altered); view.items_selected.connect(on_items_selection_changed); view.items_unselected.connect(on_items_selection_changed); Config.Facade.get_instance().colors_changed.connect(on_colors_changed); // CheckerboardItems offer tooltips has_tooltip = true; } ~CheckerboardLayout() { #if TRACE_DTORS debug("DTOR: CheckerboardLayout for %s", view.to_string()); #endif view.contents_altered.disconnect(on_contents_altered); view.items_altered.disconnect(on_items_altered); view.items_state_changed.disconnect(on_items_state_changed); view.items_visibility_changed.disconnect(on_items_visibility_changed); view.ordering_changed.disconnect(on_ordering_changed); view.views_altered.disconnect(on_views_altered); view.geometries_altered.disconnect(on_geometries_altered); view.items_selected.disconnect(on_items_selection_changed); view.items_unselected.disconnect(on_items_selection_changed); if (hadjustment != null) hadjustment.value_changed.disconnect(on_viewport_shifted); if (vadjustment != null) vadjustment.value_changed.disconnect(on_viewport_shifted); if (parent != null) parent.size_allocate.disconnect(on_viewport_resized); Config.Facade.get_instance().colors_changed.disconnect(on_colors_changed); } public void set_adjustments(Gtk.Adjustment hadjustment, Gtk.Adjustment vadjustment) { this.hadjustment = hadjustment; this.vadjustment = vadjustment; // monitor adjustment changes to report when the visible page shifts hadjustment.value_changed.connect(on_viewport_shifted); vadjustment.value_changed.connect(on_viewport_shifted); // monitor parent's size changes for a similar reason parent.size_allocate.connect(on_viewport_resized); } // This method allows for some optimizations to occur in reflow() by using the known max. // width of all items in the layout. public void set_scale(int scale) { this.scale = scale; } public int get_scale() { return scale; } public void set_name(string name) { page_name = name; } private void on_viewport_resized() { Gtk.Requisition req; get_preferred_size(null, out req); Gtk.Allocation parent_allocation; parent.get_allocation(out parent_allocation); // set the layout's new size to be the same as the parent's width but maintain // it's own height #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("on_viewport_resized: due_to_reflow=%s set_size_request %dx%d", size_allocate_due_to_reflow.to_string(), parent_allocation.width, req.height); #endif // But if the current height is 0, don't request a size yet. Delay // it to do_reflow (bgo#766864) if (req.height != 0) { set_size_request(parent_allocation.width - SCROLLBAR_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH, req.height); } // possible for this widget's size_allocate not to be called, so need to update the page // rect here viewport_resized(); if (!size_allocate_due_to_reflow) clear_anchor(); else size_allocate_due_to_reflow = false; } private void on_viewport_shifted() { update_visible_page(); need_exposure("on_viewport_shift"); clear_anchor(); } private void on_items_selection_changed() { clear_anchor(); } private void clear_anchor() { if (in_center_on_anchor) return; anchor = null; } private void update_anchor() { assert(!in_center_on_anchor); Gee.List<CheckerboardItem> items_on_page = intersection(visible_page); if (items_on_page.size == 0) { anchor = null; return; } foreach (CheckerboardItem item in items_on_page) { if (item.is_selected()) { anchor = item; return; } } if (vadjustment.get_value() == 0) { anchor = null; return; } // this could be improved to always find the visual center...in the case where only // a few photos are in the last visible row, this can choose a photo near the right anchor = items_on_page.get((int) items_on_page.size / 2); } private void center_on_anchor(double upper) { if (anchor == null) return; in_center_on_anchor = true; double anchor_pos = anchor.allocation.y + (anchor.allocation.height / 2) - (vadjustment.get_page_size() / 2); vadjustment.set_value(anchor_pos.clamp(vadjustment.get_lower(), vadjustment.get_upper() - vadjustment.get_page_size())); in_center_on_anchor = false; } public void set_cursor(CheckerboardItem item) { Gee.HashSet<DataView> collection = new Gee.HashSet<DataView>(); if (cursor != null) { cursor.set_is_cursor(false); // Bug #732334, the cursor DataView might have disappeared when user drags a full screen Photo to another event if (view.contains(cursor)) { collection.add(cursor); } } item.set_is_cursor(true); cursor = item; collection.add(item); on_items_state_changed(collection); } public CheckerboardItem get_cursor() { return cursor; } private void on_contents_altered(Gee.Iterable<DataObject>? added, Gee.Iterable<DataObject>? removed) { if (removed != null) { foreach (DataObject object in removed) exposed_items.remove((CheckerboardItem) object); } // release spatial data structure ... contents_altered means a reflow is required, and since // items may be removed, this ensures we're not holding the ref on a removed view item_rows = null; need_reflow("on_contents_altered"); } private void on_items_altered() { need_reflow("on_items_altered"); } private void on_items_state_changed(Gee.Iterable<DataView> changed) { items_dirty("on_items_state_changed", changed); } private void on_items_visibility_changed(Gee.Iterable<DataView> changed) { need_reflow("on_items_visibility_changed"); } private void on_ordering_changed() { need_reflow("on_ordering_changed"); } private void on_views_altered(Gee.Collection<DataView> altered) { items_dirty("on_views_altered", altered); } private void on_geometries_altered() { need_reflow("on_geometries_altered"); } private void need_reflow(string caller) { if (flow_scheduled) return; if (!is_in_view) { reflow_needed = true; return; } #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("need_reflow %s: %s", page_name, caller); #endif flow_scheduled = true; Idle.add_full(Priority.HIGH, do_reflow); } private bool do_reflow() { reflow("do_reflow"); need_exposure("do_reflow"); flow_scheduled = false; return false; } private void need_exposure(string caller) { #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("need_exposure %s: %s", page_name, caller); #endif exposure_dirty = true; queue_draw(); } private void update_visible_page() { if (hadjustment != null && vadjustment != null) visible_page = get_adjustment_page(hadjustment, vadjustment); } public void set_in_view(bool in_view) { is_in_view = in_view; if (in_view) { if (reflow_needed) need_reflow("set_in_view (true)"); else need_exposure("set_in_view (true)"); } else unexpose_items("set_in_view (false)"); } public CheckerboardItem? get_item_at_pixel(double xd, double yd) { if (item_rows == null) return null; int x = (int) xd; int y = (int) yd; // binary search the rows for the one in range of the pixel LayoutRow in_range = null; int min = 0; int max = item_rows.length; for(;;) { int mid = min + ((max - min) / 2); LayoutRow row = item_rows[mid]; if (row == null || y < row.y) { // undershot // row == null happens when there is an exact number of elements to fill the last row max = mid - 1; } else if (y > (row.y + row.height)) { // undershot min = mid + 1; } else { // bingo in_range = row; break; } if (min > max) break; } if (in_range == null) return null; // look for item in row's column in range of the pixel foreach (CheckerboardItem item in in_range.items) { // this happens on an incompletely filled-in row (usually the last one with empty // space remaining) if (item == null) continue; if (x < item.allocation.x) { // overshot ... this happens because there's gaps in the columns break; } // need to verify actually over item's full dimensions, since they vary in size inside // a row if (x <= (item.allocation.x + item.allocation.width) && y >= item.allocation.y && y <= (item.allocation.y + item.allocation.height)) return item; } return null; } public static int get_tag_index_at_pos(string tag_list, int pos) { int sep_len = Tag.TAG_LIST_SEPARATOR_STRING.length; assert (sep_len > 0); int len = tag_list.length; if (pos < 0 || pos >= len) return -1; // check if we're hovering on a separator for (int i = 0; i < sep_len; ++i) { if (tag_list[pos] == Tag.TAG_LIST_SEPARATOR_STRING[i] && pos >= i) { if (tag_list.substring(pos - i, sep_len) == Tag.TAG_LIST_SEPARATOR_STRING) return -1; } } // Determine the tag index by counting the number of separators before // the requested position. This only works if the separator string // contains the delimiter used to delimit tags (i.e. the comma `,'.) int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pos; ++i) { if (tag_list[i] == Tag.TAG_LIST_SEPARATOR_STRING[0] && i + sep_len <= len && tag_list.substring(i, sep_len) == Tag.TAG_LIST_SEPARATOR_STRING) { ++index; i += sep_len - 1; } } return index; } private int internal_handle_tag_mouse_event(CheckerboardItem item, int x, int y) { Pango.Layout? layout = item.get_tag_list_layout(); if (layout == null) return -1; item.translate_coordinates(ref x, ref y); Gdk.Rectangle rect = item.get_subtitle_allocation(); int index, trailing; int px = (x - rect.x) * Pango.SCALE; int py = (y - rect.y) * Pango.SCALE; if (layout.xy_to_index(px, py, out index, out trailing)) return get_tag_index_at_pos(layout.get_text(), index); return -1; } public bool handle_mouse_motion(CheckerboardItem item, int x, int y, Gdk.ModifierType mask) { int dx = x - item.allocation.x; int dy = y - item.allocation.y; item.handle_mouse_motion(dx, dy, item.allocation.height, item.allocation.width); if (!item.has_tags || is_drag_select_active()) return false; int tag_index = internal_handle_tag_mouse_event(item, x, y); item.highlight_user_visible_tag(tag_index); return (tag_index >= 0); } public bool handle_left_click(CheckerboardItem item, double xd, double yd, Gdk.ModifierType mask) { int tag_index = internal_handle_tag_mouse_event(item, (int)Math.round(xd), (int)Math.round(yd)); if (tag_index >= 0) { Tag tag = item.get_user_visible_tag(tag_index); LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_tag(tag); return true; } return false; } public Gee.List<CheckerboardItem> get_visible_items() { return intersection(visible_page); } public Gee.List<CheckerboardItem> intersection(Gdk.Rectangle area) { Gee.ArrayList<CheckerboardItem> intersects = new Gee.ArrayList<CheckerboardItem>(); Gtk.Allocation allocation; get_allocation(out allocation); Gdk.Rectangle bitbucket = Gdk.Rectangle(); foreach (LayoutRow row in item_rows) { if (row == null) continue; if ((area.y + area.height) < row.y) { // overshoot break; } if ((row.y + row.height) < area.y) { // haven't reached it yet continue; } // see if the row intersects the area Gdk.Rectangle row_rect = Gdk.Rectangle(); row_rect.x = 0; row_rect.y = row.y; row_rect.width = allocation.width; row_rect.height = row.height; if (area.intersect(row_rect, out bitbucket)) { // see what elements, if any, intersect the area foreach (CheckerboardItem item in row.items) { if (item == null) continue; if (area.intersect(item.allocation, out bitbucket)) intersects.add(item); } } } return intersects; } public CheckerboardItem? get_item_relative_to(CheckerboardItem item, CompassPoint point) { if (view.get_count() == 0) return null; assert(columns > 0); assert(rows > 0); int col = item.get_column(); int row = item.get_row(); if (col < 0 || row < 0) { critical("Attempting to locate item not placed in layout: %s", item.get_title()); return null; } switch (point) { case CompassPoint.NORTH: if (--row < 0) row = 0; break; case CompassPoint.SOUTH: if (++row >= rows) row = rows - 1; break; case CompassPoint.EAST: if (++col >= columns) { if(++row >= rows) { row = rows - 1; col = columns - 1; } else { col = 0; } } break; case CompassPoint.WEST: if (--col < 0) { if (--row < 0) { row = 0; col = 0; } else { col = columns - 1; } } break; default: error("Bad compass point %d", (int) point); } CheckerboardItem? new_item = get_item_at_coordinate(col, row); if (new_item == null && point == CompassPoint.SOUTH) { // nothing directly below, get last item on next row new_item = (CheckerboardItem?) view.get_last(); if (new_item.get_row() <= item.get_row()) new_item = null; } return (new_item != null) ? new_item : item; } public CheckerboardItem? get_item_at_coordinate(int col, int row) { if (row >= item_rows.length) return null; LayoutRow item_row = item_rows[row]; if (item_row == null) return null; if (col >= item_row.items.length) return null; return item_row.items[col]; } public void set_drag_select_origin(int x, int y) { clear_drag_select(); Gtk.Allocation allocation; get_allocation(out allocation); drag_origin.x = x.clamp(0, allocation.width); drag_origin.y = y.clamp(0, allocation.height); } public void set_drag_select_endpoint(int x, int y) { Gtk.Allocation allocation; get_allocation(out allocation); drag_endpoint.x = x.clamp(0, allocation.width); drag_endpoint.y = y.clamp(0, allocation.height); // drag_origin and drag_endpoint are maintained only to generate selection_band; all reporting // and drawing functions refer to it, not drag_origin and drag_endpoint Gdk.Rectangle old_selection_band = selection_band; selection_band = Box.from_points(drag_origin, drag_endpoint).get_rectangle(); // force repaint of the union of the old and new, which covers the band reducing in size if (get_window() != null) { Gdk.Rectangle union; selection_band.union(old_selection_band, out union); queue_draw_area(union.x, union.y, union.width, union.height); } } public Gee.List<CheckerboardItem>? items_in_selection_band() { if (!Dimensions.for_rectangle(selection_band).has_area()) return null; return intersection(selection_band); } public bool is_drag_select_active() { return drag_origin.x >= 0 && drag_origin.y >= 0; } public void clear_drag_select() { selection_band = Gdk.Rectangle(); drag_origin.x = -1; drag_origin.y = -1; drag_endpoint.x = -1; drag_endpoint.y = -1; // force a total repaint to clear the selection band queue_draw(); } private void viewport_resized() { // update visible page rect update_visible_page(); // only reflow() if the width has changed if (visible_page.width != last_width) { int old_width = last_width; last_width = visible_page.width; need_reflow("viewport_resized (%d -> %d)".printf(old_width, visible_page.width)); } else { // don't need to reflow but exposure may have changed need_exposure("viewport_resized (same width=%d)".printf(last_width)); } } private void expose_items(string caller) { // create a new hash set of exposed items that represents an intersection of the old set // and the new Gee.HashSet<CheckerboardItem> new_exposed_items = new Gee.HashSet<CheckerboardItem>(); view.freeze_notifications(); Gee.List<CheckerboardItem> items = get_visible_items(); foreach (CheckerboardItem item in items) { new_exposed_items.add(item); // if not in the old list, then need to expose if (!exposed_items.remove(item)) item.exposed(); } // everything remaining in the old exposed list is now unexposed foreach (CheckerboardItem item in exposed_items) item.unexposed(); // swap out lists exposed_items = new_exposed_items; exposure_dirty = false; #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("expose_items %s: exposed %d items, thawing", page_name, exposed_items.size); #endif view.thaw_notifications(); #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("expose_items %s: thaw finished", page_name); #endif } private void unexpose_items(string caller) { view.freeze_notifications(); foreach (CheckerboardItem item in exposed_items) item.unexposed(); exposed_items.clear(); exposure_dirty = false; #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("unexpose_items %s: thawing", page_name); #endif view.thaw_notifications(); #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("unexpose_items %s: thawed", page_name); #endif } private void reflow(string caller) { reflow_needed = false; Gtk.Allocation allocation; get_allocation(out allocation); int visible_width = (visible_page.width > 0) ? visible_page.width : allocation.width; #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("reflow: Using visible page width of %d (allocated: %d)", visible_width, allocation.width); #endif // don't bother until layout is of some appreciable size (even this is too low) if (visible_width <= 1) return; int total_items = view.get_count(); // need to set_size in case all items were removed and the viewport size has changed if (total_items == 0) { set_size_request(visible_width, 0); item_rows = new LayoutRow[0]; return; } #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("reflow %s: %s (%d items)", page_name, caller, total_items); #endif // look for anchor if there is none currently if (anchor == null || !anchor.is_visible()) update_anchor(); // clear the rows data structure, as the reflow will completely rearrange it item_rows = null; // Step 1: Determine the widest row in the layout, and from it the number of columns. // If owner supplies an image scaling for all items in the layout, then this can be // calculated quickly. int max_cols = 0; if (scale > 0) { // calculate interior width int remaining_width = visible_width - (COLUMN_GUTTER_PADDING * 2); int max_item_width = CheckerboardItem.get_max_width(scale); max_cols = remaining_width / max_item_width; if (max_cols <= 0) max_cols = 1; // if too large with gutters, decrease until columns fit while (max_cols > 1 && ((max_cols * max_item_width) + ((max_cols - 1) * COLUMN_GUTTER_PADDING) > remaining_width)) { #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("reflow %s: scaled cols estimate: reducing max_cols from %d to %d", page_name, max_cols, max_cols - 1); #endif max_cols--; } // special case: if fewer items than columns, they are the columns if (total_items < max_cols) max_cols = total_items; #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("reflow %s: scaled cols estimate: max_cols=%d remaining_width=%d max_item_width=%d", page_name, max_cols, remaining_width, max_item_width); #endif } else { int x = COLUMN_GUTTER_PADDING; int col = 0; int row_width = 0; int widest_row = 0; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < total_items; ctr++) { CheckerboardItem item = (CheckerboardItem) view.get_at(ctr); Dimensions req = item.requisition; // the items must be requisitioned for this code to work assert(req.has_area()); // carriage return (i.e. this item will overflow the view) if ((x + req.width + COLUMN_GUTTER_PADDING) > visible_width) { if (row_width > widest_row) { widest_row = row_width; max_cols = col; } col = 0; x = COLUMN_GUTTER_PADDING; row_width = 0; } x += req.width + COLUMN_GUTTER_PADDING; row_width += req.width; col++; } // account for dangling last row if (row_width > widest_row) max_cols = col; #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("reflow %s: manual cols estimate: max_cols=%d widest_row=%d", page_name, max_cols, widest_row); #endif } assert(max_cols > 0); int max_rows = (total_items / max_cols) + 1; // Step 2: Now that the number of columns is known, find the maximum height for each row // and the maximum width for each column int row = 0; int tallest = 0; int widest = 0; int row_alignment_point = 0; int total_width = 0; int col = 0; int[] column_widths = new int[max_cols]; int[] row_heights = new int[max_rows]; int[] alignment_points = new int[max_rows]; int gutter = 0; for (;;) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < total_items; ctr++ ) { CheckerboardItem item = (CheckerboardItem) view.get_at(ctr); Dimensions req = item.requisition; int alignment_point = item.get_alignment_point(); // alignment point better be sane assert(alignment_point < req.height); if (req.height > tallest) tallest = req.height; if (req.width > widest) widest = req.width; if (alignment_point > row_alignment_point) row_alignment_point = alignment_point; // store largest thumb size of each column as well as track the total width of the // layout (which is the sum of the width of each column) if (column_widths[col] < req.width) { total_width -= column_widths[col]; column_widths[col] = req.width; total_width += req.width; } if (++col >= max_cols) { alignment_points[row] = row_alignment_point; row_heights[row++] = tallest; col = 0; row_alignment_point = 0; tallest = 0; } } // account for final dangling row if (col != 0) { alignment_points[row] = row_alignment_point; row_heights[row] = tallest; } // Step 3: Calculate the gutter between the items as being equidistant of the // remaining space (adding one gutter to account for the right-hand one) gutter = (visible_width - total_width) / (max_cols + 1); // if only one column, gutter size could be less than minimums if (max_cols == 1) break; // have to reassemble if the gutter is too small ... this happens because Step One // takes a guess at the best column count, but when the max. widths of the columns are // added up, they could overflow if (gutter < COLUMN_GUTTER_PADDING) { max_cols--; max_rows = (total_items / max_cols) + 1; #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("reflow %s: readjusting columns: alloc.width=%d total_width=%d widest=%d gutter=%d max_cols now=%d", page_name, visible_width, total_width, widest, gutter, max_cols); #endif col = 0; row = 0; tallest = 0; widest = 0; total_width = 0; row_alignment_point = 0; column_widths = new int[max_cols]; row_heights = new int[max_rows]; alignment_points = new int[max_rows]; } else { break; } } #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("reflow %s: width:%d total_width:%d max_cols:%d gutter:%d", page_name, visible_width, total_width, max_cols, gutter); #endif // Step 4: Recalculate the height of each row according to the row's alignment point (which // may cause shorter items to extend below the bottom of the tallest one, extending the // height of the row) col = 0; row = 0; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < total_items; ctr++) { CheckerboardItem item = (CheckerboardItem) view.get_at(ctr); Dimensions req = item.requisition; // this determines how much padding the item requires to be bottom-alignment along the // alignment point; add to the height and you have the item's "true" height on the // laid-down row int true_height = req.height + (alignment_points[row] - item.get_alignment_point()); assert(true_height >= req.height); // add that to its height to determine it's actual height on the laid-down row if (true_height > row_heights[row]) { #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("reflow %s: Adjusting height of row %d from %d to %d", page_name, row, row_heights[row], true_height); #endif row_heights[row] = true_height; } // carriage return if (++col >= max_cols) { col = 0; row++; } } // for the spatial structure item_rows = new LayoutRow[max_rows]; // Step 5: Lay out the items in the space using all the information gathered int x = gutter; int y = TOP_PADDING; col = 0; row = 0; LayoutRow current_row = null; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < total_items; ctr++) { CheckerboardItem item = (CheckerboardItem) view.get_at(ctr); Dimensions req = item.requisition; // this centers the item in the column int xpadding = (column_widths[col] - req.width) / 2; assert(xpadding >= 0); // this bottom-aligns the item along the discovered alignment point int ypadding = alignment_points[row] - item.get_alignment_point(); assert(ypadding >= 0); // save pixel and grid coordinates item.allocation.x = x + xpadding; item.allocation.y = y + ypadding; item.allocation.width = req.width; item.allocation.height = req.height; item.set_grid_coordinates(col, row); // add to current row in spatial data structure if (current_row == null) current_row = new LayoutRow(y, row_heights[row], max_cols); current_row.items[col] = item; x += column_widths[col] + gutter; // carriage return if (++col >= max_cols) { assert(current_row != null); item_rows[row] = current_row; current_row = null; x = gutter; y += row_heights[row] + ROW_GUTTER_PADDING; col = 0; row++; } } // add last row to spatial data structure if (current_row != null) item_rows[row] = current_row; // save dimensions of checkerboard columns = max_cols; rows = row + 1; assert(rows == max_rows); // Step 6: Define the total size of the page as the size of the visible width (to avoid // the horizontal scrollbar from appearing) and the height of all the items plus padding int total_height = y + row_heights[row] + BOTTOM_PADDING; if (visible_width != allocation.width || total_height != allocation.height) { #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("reflow %s: Changing layout dimensions from %dx%d to %dx%d", page_name, allocation.width, allocation.height, visible_width, total_height); #endif set_size_request(visible_width, total_height); size_allocate_due_to_reflow = true; // when height changes, center on the anchor to minimize amount of visual change center_on_anchor(total_height); } } private void items_dirty(string reason, Gee.Iterable<DataView> items) { Gdk.Rectangle dirty = Gdk.Rectangle(); foreach (DataView data_view in items) { CheckerboardItem item = (CheckerboardItem) data_view; if (!item.is_visible()) continue; assert(view.contains(item)); // if not allocated, need to reflow the entire layout; don't bother queueing a draw // for any of these, reflow will handle that if (item.allocation.width <= 0 || item.allocation.height <= 0) { need_reflow("items_dirty: %s".printf(reason)); return; } // only mark area as dirty if visible in viewport Gdk.Rectangle intersection = Gdk.Rectangle(); if (!visible_page.intersect(item.allocation, out intersection)) continue; // grow the dirty area if (dirty.width == 0 || dirty.height == 0) dirty = intersection; else dirty.union(intersection, out dirty); } if (dirty.width > 0 && dirty.height > 0) { #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("items_dirty %s (%s): Queuing draw of dirty area %s on visible_page %s", page_name, reason, rectangle_to_string(dirty), rectangle_to_string(visible_page)); #endif queue_draw_area(dirty.x, dirty.y, dirty.width, dirty.height); } } public override void map() { base.map(); set_colors(); } private void set_colors(bool in_focus = true) { // set up selected/unselected colors var ctx = get_style_context(); ctx.save(); ctx.add_class("view"); var val = ctx.get_property("border-color", Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL); border_color = *(Gdk.RGBA*)val.get_boxed(); val = ctx.get_property("border-color", Gtk.StateFlags.FOCUSED); focus_color = *(Gdk.RGBA*)val.get_boxed(); // Checked in GtkIconView - The selection is drawn using render_background val = ctx.get_property("background-color", Gtk.StateFlags.FOCUSED | Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED); selected_color = *(Gdk.RGBA*)val.get_boxed(); val = ctx.get_property("color", Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL); unselected_color = *(Gdk.RGBA*)val.get_boxed(); ctx.restore(); } public override void size_allocate(Gtk.Allocation allocation) { base.size_allocate(allocation); viewport_resized(); } public override bool draw(Cairo.Context ctx) { // Note: It's possible for draw to be called when in_view is false; this happens // when pages are switched prior to switched_to() being called, and some of the other // controls allow for events to be processed while they are orienting themselves. Since // we want switched_to() to be the final call in the process (indicating that the page is // now in place and should do its thing to update itself), have to be be prepared for // GTK/GDK calls between the widgets being actually present on the screen and "switched to" Gtk.Allocation allocation; get_allocation(out allocation); get_style_context().render_background (ctx, 0, 0, allocation.width, allocation.height); #if TRACE_REFLOW debug("draw %s: %s", page_name, rectangle_to_string(visible_page)); #endif if (exposure_dirty) expose_items("draw"); // have all items in the exposed area paint themselves foreach (CheckerboardItem item in intersection(visible_page)) { item.paint(get_style_context(), ctx, bg_color, item.is_selected() ? selected_color : unselected_color, border_color, focus_color); } bool result = (base.draw != null) ? base.draw(ctx) : true; // draw the selection band last, so it appears floating over everything else draw_selection_band(ctx); return result; } private void draw_selection_band(Cairo.Context ctx) { // no selection band, nothing to draw if (selection_band.width <= 1 || selection_band.height <= 1) return; // This requires adjustments if (hadjustment == null || vadjustment == null) return; // find the visible intersection of the viewport and the selection band Gdk.Rectangle visible_page = get_adjustment_page(hadjustment, vadjustment); Gdk.Rectangle visible_band = Gdk.Rectangle(); visible_page.intersect(selection_band, out visible_band); get_style_context().save(); get_style_context().add_class(Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_RUBBERBAND); // pixelate selection rectangle interior if (visible_band.width > 1 && visible_band.height > 1) { get_style_context().render_background(ctx, visible_band.x, visible_band.y, visible_band.width, visible_band.height); } // border get_style_context().render_frame(ctx, visible_band.x, visible_band.y, visible_band.width, visible_band.height); get_style_context().restore(); } public override bool query_tooltip(int x, int y, bool keyboard_mode, Gtk.Tooltip tooltip) { CheckerboardItem? item = get_item_at_pixel(x, y); // Note: X & Y allocations are relative to parents, so we need to query the item's tooltip // relative to its INTERNAL coordinates, otherwise tooltips don't work if (item != null) { item.translate_coordinates(ref x, ref y); return item.query_tooltip(x, y, tooltip); } else { return false; } } private void on_colors_changed() { invalidate_transparent_background(); queue_draw(); } public override bool focus_in_event(Gdk.EventFocus event) { set_colors(true); items_dirty("focus_in_event", view.get_selected()); return base.focus_in_event(event); } public override bool focus_out_event(Gdk.EventFocus event) { set_colors(false); items_dirty("focus_out_event", view.get_selected()); return base.focus_out_event(event); } }