/* Copyright 2009-2015 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public interface CommandDescription : Object { public abstract string get_name(); public abstract string get_explanation(); } // Command's overrideable action calls are guaranteed to be called in this order: // // * prepare() // * execute() (once and only once) // * prepare() // * undo() // * prepare() // * redo() // * prepare() // * undo() // * prepare() // * redo() ... // // redo()'s default implementation is to call execute, which in many cases is appropriate. public abstract class Command : Object, CommandDescription { private string name; private string explanation; private weak CommandManager manager = null; public Command(string name, string explanation) { this.name = name; this.explanation = explanation; } ~Command() { #if TRACE_DTORS debug("DTOR: Command %s (%s)", name, explanation); #endif } public virtual void prepare() { } public abstract void execute(); public abstract void undo(); public virtual void redo() { execute(); } // Command compression, allowing multiple commands of similar type to be undone/redone at the // same time. If this method returns true, it's assumed the passed Command has been executed. public virtual bool compress(Command command) { return false; } public virtual string get_name() { return name; } public virtual string get_explanation() { return explanation; } public CommandManager? get_command_manager() { return manager; } // This should only be called by CommandManager. public void internal_set_command_manager(CommandManager manager) { assert(this.manager == null); this.manager = manager; } } public class CommandManager { public const int DEFAULT_DEPTH = 20; private int depth; private Gee.ArrayList<Command> undo_stack = new Gee.ArrayList<Command>(); private Gee.ArrayList<Command> redo_stack = new Gee.ArrayList<Command>(); public signal void altered(bool can_undo, bool can_redo); public CommandManager(int depth = DEFAULT_DEPTH) { assert(depth > 0); this.depth = depth; } public void reset() { undo_stack.clear(); redo_stack.clear(); altered(false, false); } public void execute(Command command) { // assign command to this manager command.internal_set_command_manager(this); // clear redo stack; executing a command implies not going to undo an undo redo_stack.clear(); // see if this command can be compressed (merged) with the topmost command Command? top_command = top(undo_stack); if (top_command != null) { if (top_command.compress(command)) return; } // update state before executing command push(undo_stack, command); command.prepare(); command.execute(); // notify after execution altered(can_undo(), can_redo()); } public bool can_undo() { return undo_stack.size > 0; } public CommandDescription? get_undo_description() { return top(undo_stack); } public bool undo() { Command? command = pop(undo_stack); if (command == null) return false; // update state before execution push(redo_stack, command); // undo command with state ready command.prepare(); command.undo(); // report state changed after command has executed altered(can_undo(), can_redo()); return true; } public bool can_redo() { return redo_stack.size > 0; } public CommandDescription? get_redo_description() { return top(redo_stack); } public bool redo() { Command? command = pop(redo_stack); if (command == null) return false; // update state before execution push(undo_stack, command); // redo command with state ready command.prepare(); command.redo(); // report state changed after command has executed altered(can_undo(), can_redo()); return true; } private Command? top(Gee.ArrayList<Command> stack) { return (stack.size > 0) ? stack.get(stack.size - 1) : null; } private void push(Gee.ArrayList<Command> stack, Command command) { stack.add(command); // maintain a max depth while (stack.size >= depth) stack.remove_at(0); } private Command? pop(Gee.ArrayList<Command> stack) { if (stack.size <= 0) return null; Command command = stack.get(stack.size - 1); bool removed = stack.remove(command); assert(removed); return command; } }