/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ // namespace for future migration of AppWindow alert and other question dialogs into single // place: http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/3452 namespace Dialogs { public bool confirm_delete_tag(Tag tag) { int count = tag.get_sources_count(); if (count == 0) return true; string msg = ngettext( "This will remove the tag “%s” from one photo. Continue?", "This will remove the tag “%s” from %d photos. Continue?", count).printf(tag.get_user_visible_name(), count); return AppWindow.negate_affirm_question(msg, _("_Cancel"), _("_Delete"), Resources.DELETE_TAG_TITLE); } public bool confirm_delete_saved_search(SavedSearch search) { string msg = _("This will remove the saved search “%s”. Continue?") .printf(search.get_name()); return AppWindow.negate_affirm_question(msg, _("_Cancel"), _("_Delete"), Resources.DELETE_SAVED_SEARCH_DIALOG_TITLE); } public bool confirm_warn_developer_changed(int number) { Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog.with_markup(AppWindow.get_instance(), Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">%s</span>", ngettext("Switching developers will undo all changes you have made to this photo in Shotwell", "Switching developers will undo all changes you have made to these photos in Shotwell", number)); dialog.add_buttons(Resources.CANCEL_LABEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL); dialog.add_buttons(_("_Switch Developer"), Gtk.ResponseType.YES); int response = dialog.run(); dialog.destroy(); return response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES; } public bool confirm_delete_face(Face face) { int count = face.get_sources_count(); string msg = ngettext( "This will remove the face “%s” from one photo. Continue?", "This will remove the face “%s” from %d photos. Continue?", count).printf(face.get_name(), count); return AppWindow.negate_affirm_question(msg, _("_Cancel"), _("_Delete"), Resources.DELETE_FACE_TITLE); } } namespace ExportUI { private static File current_export_dir = null; public File? choose_file(string current_file_basename) { if (current_export_dir == null) current_export_dir = File.new_for_path(Environment.get_home_dir()); string file_chooser_title = VideoReader.is_supported_video_filename(current_file_basename) ? _("Export Video") : _("Export Photo"); Gtk.FileChooserDialog chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog(file_chooser_title, AppWindow.get_instance(), Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE, Resources.CANCEL_LABEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Resources.SAVE_LABEL, Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT, null); chooser.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(true); chooser.set_current_folder(current_export_dir.get_path()); chooser.set_current_name(current_file_basename); chooser.set_local_only(false); File file = null; if (chooser.run() == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) { file = File.new_for_path(chooser.get_filename()); current_export_dir = file.get_parent(); } chooser.destroy(); return file; } public File? choose_dir(string? user_title = null) { if (current_export_dir == null) current_export_dir = File.new_for_path(Environment.get_home_dir()); if (user_title == null) user_title = _("Export Photos"); Gtk.FileChooserDialog chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog(user_title, AppWindow.get_instance(), Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER, Resources.CANCEL_LABEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Resources.OK_LABEL, Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT, null); chooser.set_current_folder(current_export_dir.get_path()); chooser.set_local_only(false); File dir = null; if (chooser.run() == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) { dir = File.new_for_path(chooser.get_filename()); current_export_dir = dir; } chooser.destroy(); return dir; } } // Ticket #3023 // Attempt to replace the system error with something friendlier // if we can't copy an image over for editing in an external tool. public void open_external_editor_error_dialog(Error err, Photo photo) { // Did we fail because we can't write to this directory? if (err is IOError.PERMISSION_DENIED || err is FileError.PERM) { // Yes - display an alternate error message here. AppWindow.error_message( _("Shotwell couldn’t create a file for editing this photo because you do not have permission to write to %s.").printf(photo.get_master_file().get_parent().get_path())); } else { // No - something else is wrong, display the error message // the system gave us. AppWindow.error_message(Resources.launch_editor_failed(err)); } } public Gtk.ResponseType export_error_dialog(File dest, bool photos_remaining) { string message = _("Unable to export the following photo due to a file error.\n\n") + dest.get_path(); Gtk.ResponseType response = Gtk.ResponseType.NONE; if (photos_remaining) { message += _("\n\nWould you like to continue exporting?"); response = AppWindow.affirm_cancel_question(message, _("Con_tinue")); } else { AppWindow.error_message(message); } return response; } namespace ImportUI { private const int REPORT_FAILURE_COUNT = 4; internal const string SAVE_RESULTS_BUTTON_NAME = _("Save Details…"); internal const string SAVE_RESULTS_FILE_CHOOSER_TITLE = _("Save Details"); internal const int SAVE_RESULTS_RESPONSE_ID = 1024; private string? generate_import_failure_list(Gee.List<BatchImportResult> failed, bool show_dest_id) { if (failed.size == 0) return null; string list = ""; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < REPORT_FAILURE_COUNT && ctr < failed.size; ctr++) { list += "%s\n".printf(show_dest_id ? failed.get(ctr).dest_identifier : failed.get(ctr).src_identifier); } int remaining = failed.size - REPORT_FAILURE_COUNT; if (remaining > 0) list += _("(and %d more)\n").printf(remaining); return list; } public class QuestionParams { public string question; public string yes_button; public string no_button; public QuestionParams(string question, string yes_button, string no_button) { this.question = question; this.yes_button = yes_button; this.no_button = no_button; } } public bool import_has_photos(Gee.Collection<BatchImportResult> import_collection) { foreach (BatchImportResult current_result in import_collection) { if (current_result.file != null && PhotoFileFormat.get_by_file_extension(current_result.file) != PhotoFileFormat.UNKNOWN) { return true; } } return false; } public bool import_has_videos(Gee.Collection<BatchImportResult> import_collection) { foreach (BatchImportResult current_result in import_collection) { if (current_result.file != null && VideoReader.is_supported_video_file(current_result.file)) return true; } return false; } public string get_media_specific_string(Gee.Collection<BatchImportResult> import_collection, string photos_msg, string videos_msg, string both_msg, string neither_msg) { bool has_photos = import_has_photos(import_collection); bool has_videos = import_has_videos(import_collection); if (has_photos && has_videos) return both_msg; else if (has_photos) return photos_msg; else if (has_videos) return videos_msg; else return neither_msg; } public string create_result_report_from_manifest(ImportManifest manifest) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); string header = _("Import Results Report") + " (Shotwell " + Resources.APP_VERSION + " @ " + TimeVal().to_iso8601() + ")\n\n"; builder.append(header); string subhead = (ngettext("Attempted to import %d file.", "Attempted to import %d files.", manifest.all.size)).printf(manifest.all.size); subhead += " "; subhead += (ngettext("Of these, %d file was successfully imported.", "Of these, %d files were successfully imported.", manifest.success.size)).printf( manifest.success.size); subhead += "\n\n"; builder.append(subhead); string current_file_summary = ""; // // Duplicates // if (manifest.already_imported.size > 0) { builder.append(_("Duplicate Photos/Videos Not Imported:") + "\n\n"); foreach (BatchImportResult result in manifest.already_imported) { current_file_summary = result.src_identifier + " " + _("duplicates existing media item") + "\n\t" + result.duplicate_of.get_file().get_path() + "\n\n"; builder.append(current_file_summary); } } // // Files Not Imported Due to Camera Errors // if (manifest.camera_failed.size > 0) { builder.append(_("Photos/Videos Not Imported Due to Camera Errors:") + "\n\n"); foreach (BatchImportResult result in manifest.camera_failed) { current_file_summary = result.src_identifier + "\n\t" + _("error message:") + " " + result.errmsg + "\n\n"; builder.append(current_file_summary); } } // // Files Not Imported Because They Weren't Recognized as Photos or Videos // if (manifest.skipped_files.size > 0) { builder.append(_("Files Not Imported Because They Weren’t Recognized as Photos or Videos:") + "\n\n"); foreach (BatchImportResult result in manifest.skipped_files) { current_file_summary = result.src_identifier + "\n\t" + _("error message:") + " " + result.errmsg + "\n\n"; builder.append(current_file_summary); } } // // Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren't in a Format Shotwell Understands // if (manifest.skipped_photos.size > 0) { builder.append(_("Photos/Videos Not Imported Because They Weren’t in a Format Shotwell Understands:") + "\n\n"); foreach (BatchImportResult result in manifest.skipped_photos) { current_file_summary = result.src_identifier + "\n\t" + _("error message:") + " " + result.errmsg + "\n\n"; builder.append(current_file_summary); } } // // Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn't Copy Them into its Library // if (manifest.write_failed.size > 0) { builder.append(_("Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Shotwell Couldn’t Copy Them into its Library:") + "\n\n"); foreach (BatchImportResult result in manifest.write_failed) { current_file_summary = (_("couldn’t copy %s\n\tto %s")).printf(result.src_identifier, result.dest_identifier) + "\n\t" + _("error message:") + " " + result.errmsg + "\n\n"; builder.append(current_file_summary); } } // // Photos/Videos Not Imported Because GDK Pixbuf Library Identified them as Corrupt // if (manifest.corrupt_files.size > 0) { builder.append(_("Photos/Videos Not Imported Because Files Are Corrupt:") + "\n\n"); foreach (BatchImportResult result in manifest.corrupt_files) { current_file_summary = result.src_identifier + "\n\t" + _("error message:") + " |" + result.errmsg + "|\n\n"; builder.append(current_file_summary); } } // // Photos/Videos Not Imported for Other Reasons // if (manifest.failed.size > 0) { builder.append(_("Photos/Videos Not Imported for Other Reasons:") + "\n\n"); foreach (BatchImportResult result in manifest.failed) { current_file_summary = result.src_identifier + "\n\t" + _("error message:") + " " + result.errmsg + "\n\n"; builder.append(current_file_summary); } } return builder.str; } // Summarizes the contents of an import manifest in an on-screen message window. Returns // true if the user selected the yes action, false otherwise. public bool report_manifest(ImportManifest manifest, bool show_dest_id, QuestionParams? question = null) { string message = ""; if (manifest.already_imported.size > 0) { string photos_message = (ngettext("1 duplicate photo was not imported:\n", "%d duplicate photos were not imported:\n", manifest.already_imported.size)).printf(manifest.already_imported.size); string videos_message = (ngettext("1 duplicate video was not imported:\n", "%d duplicate videos were not imported:\n", manifest.already_imported.size)).printf(manifest.already_imported.size); string both_message = (ngettext("1 duplicate photo/video was not imported:\n", "%d duplicate photos/videos were not imported:\n", manifest.already_imported.size)).printf(manifest.already_imported.size); message += get_media_specific_string(manifest.already_imported, photos_message, videos_message, both_message, both_message); message += generate_import_failure_list(manifest.already_imported, show_dest_id); } if (manifest.failed.size > 0) { if (message.length > 0) message += "\n"; string photos_message = (ngettext("1 photo failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n", "%d photos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n", manifest.failed.size)).printf(manifest.failed.size); string videos_message = (ngettext("1 video failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n", "%d videos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n", manifest.failed.size)).printf(manifest.failed.size); string both_message = (ngettext("1 photo/video failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n", "%d photos/videos failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n", manifest.failed.size)).printf(manifest.failed.size); string neither_message = (ngettext("1 file failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n", "%d files failed to import due to a file or hardware error:\n", manifest.failed.size)).printf(manifest.failed.size); message += get_media_specific_string(manifest.failed, photos_message, videos_message, both_message, neither_message); message += generate_import_failure_list(manifest.failed, show_dest_id); } if (manifest.write_failed.size > 0) { if (message.length > 0) message += "\n"; string photos_message = (ngettext("1 photo failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n", "%d photos failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n", manifest.write_failed.size)).printf(manifest.write_failed.size); string videos_message = (ngettext("1 video failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n", "%d videos failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n", manifest.write_failed.size)).printf(manifest.write_failed.size); string both_message = (ngettext("1 photo/video failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n", "%d photos/videos failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n", manifest.write_failed.size)).printf(manifest.write_failed.size); string neither_message = (ngettext("1 file failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n", "%d files failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:\n", manifest.write_failed.size)).printf(manifest.write_failed.size); message += get_media_specific_string(manifest.write_failed, photos_message, videos_message, both_message, neither_message); message += generate_import_failure_list(manifest.write_failed, show_dest_id); } if (manifest.camera_failed.size > 0) { if (message.length > 0) message += "\n"; string photos_message = (ngettext("1 photo failed to import due to a camera error:\n", "%d photos failed to import due to a camera error:\n", manifest.camera_failed.size)).printf(manifest.camera_failed.size); string videos_message = (ngettext("1 video failed to import due to a camera error:\n", "%d videos failed to import due to a camera error:\n", manifest.camera_failed.size)).printf(manifest.camera_failed.size); string both_message = (ngettext("1 photo/video failed to import due to a camera error:\n", "%d photos/videos failed to import due to a camera error:\n", manifest.camera_failed.size)).printf(manifest.camera_failed.size); string neither_message = (ngettext("1 file failed to import due to a camera error:\n", "%d files failed to import due to a camera error:\n", manifest.camera_failed.size)).printf(manifest.camera_failed.size); message += get_media_specific_string(manifest.camera_failed, photos_message, videos_message, both_message, neither_message); message += generate_import_failure_list(manifest.camera_failed, show_dest_id); } if (manifest.corrupt_files.size > 0) { if (message.length > 0) message += "\n"; string photos_message = (ngettext("1 photo failed to import because it was corrupt:\n", "%d photos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n", manifest.corrupt_files.size)).printf(manifest.corrupt_files.size); string videos_message = (ngettext("1 video failed to import because it was corrupt:\n", "%d videos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n", manifest.corrupt_files.size)).printf(manifest.corrupt_files.size); string both_message = (ngettext("1 photo/video failed to import because it was corrupt:\n", "%d photos/videos failed to import because they were corrupt:\n", manifest.corrupt_files.size)).printf(manifest.corrupt_files.size); string neither_message = (ngettext("1 file failed to import because it was corrupt:\n", "%d files failed to import because it was corrupt:\n", manifest.corrupt_files.size)).printf(manifest.corrupt_files.size); message += get_media_specific_string(manifest.corrupt_files, photos_message, videos_message, both_message, neither_message); message += generate_import_failure_list(manifest.corrupt_files, show_dest_id); } if (manifest.skipped_photos.size > 0) { if (message.length > 0) message += "\n"; // we have no notion of "unsupported" video files right now in Shotwell (all // standard container formats are supported, it's just that the streams in them // might or might not be interpretable), so this message does not need to be // media specific string skipped_photos_message = (ngettext("1 unsupported photo skipped:\n", "%d unsupported photos skipped:\n", manifest.skipped_photos.size)).printf( manifest.skipped_photos.size); message += skipped_photos_message; message += generate_import_failure_list(manifest.skipped_photos, show_dest_id); } if (manifest.skipped_files.size > 0) { if (message.length > 0) message += "\n"; // we have no notion of "non-video" video files right now in Shotwell, so this // message doesn't need to be media specific string skipped_files_message = (ngettext("1 non-image file skipped.\n", "%d non-image files skipped.\n", manifest.skipped_files.size)).printf( manifest.skipped_files.size); message += skipped_files_message; } if (manifest.aborted.size > 0) { if (message.length > 0) message += "\n"; string photos_message = (ngettext("1 photo skipped due to user cancel:\n", "%d photos skipped due to user cancel:\n", manifest.aborted.size)).printf(manifest.aborted.size); string videos_message = (ngettext("1 video skipped due to user cancel:\n", "%d videos skipped due to user cancel:\n", manifest.aborted.size)).printf(manifest.aborted.size); string both_message = (ngettext("1 photo/video skipped due to user cancel:\n", "%d photos/videos skipped due to user cancel:\n", manifest.aborted.size)).printf(manifest.aborted.size); string neither_message = (ngettext("1 file skipped due to user cancel:\n", "%d file skipped due to user cancel:\n", manifest.aborted.size)).printf(manifest.aborted.size); message += get_media_specific_string(manifest.aborted, photos_message, videos_message, both_message, neither_message); message += generate_import_failure_list(manifest.aborted, show_dest_id); } if (manifest.success.size > 0) { if (message.length > 0) message += "\n"; string photos_message = (ngettext("1 photo successfully imported.\n", "%d photos successfully imported.\n", manifest.success.size)).printf(manifest.success.size); string videos_message = (ngettext("1 video successfully imported.\n", "%d videos successfully imported.\n", manifest.success.size)).printf(manifest.success.size); string both_message = (ngettext("1 photo/video successfully imported.\n", "%d photos/videos successfully imported.\n", manifest.success.size)).printf(manifest.success.size); message += get_media_specific_string(manifest.success, photos_message, videos_message, both_message, ""); } int total = manifest.success.size + manifest.failed.size + manifest.camera_failed.size + manifest.skipped_photos.size + manifest.skipped_files.size + manifest.corrupt_files.size + manifest.already_imported.size + manifest.aborted.size + manifest.write_failed.size; assert(total == manifest.all.size); // if no media items were imported at all (i.e. an empty directory attempted), need to at least // report that nothing was imported if (total == 0) message += _("No photos or videos imported.\n"); Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = null; int dialog_response = Gtk.ResponseType.NONE; if (question == null) { dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(AppWindow.get_instance(), Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "%s", message); dialog.title = _("Import Complete"); Gtk.Widget save_results_button = dialog.add_button(ImportUI.SAVE_RESULTS_BUTTON_NAME, ImportUI.SAVE_RESULTS_RESPONSE_ID); save_results_button.set_visible(manifest.success.size < manifest.all.size); Gtk.Widget ok_button = dialog.add_button(Resources.OK_LABEL, Gtk.ResponseType.OK); dialog.set_default(ok_button); Gtk.Window dialog_parent = (Gtk.Window) dialog.get_parent(); dialog_response = dialog.run(); dialog.destroy(); if (dialog_response == ImportUI.SAVE_RESULTS_RESPONSE_ID) save_import_results(dialog_parent, create_result_report_from_manifest(manifest)); } else { message += ("\n" + question.question); dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(AppWindow.get_instance(), Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "%s", message); dialog.title = _("Import Complete"); Gtk.Widget save_results_button = dialog.add_button(ImportUI.SAVE_RESULTS_BUTTON_NAME, ImportUI.SAVE_RESULTS_RESPONSE_ID); save_results_button.set_visible(manifest.success.size < manifest.all.size); Gtk.Widget no_button = dialog.add_button(question.no_button, Gtk.ResponseType.NO); dialog.add_button(question.yes_button, Gtk.ResponseType.YES); dialog.set_default(no_button); dialog_response = dialog.run(); while (dialog_response == ImportUI.SAVE_RESULTS_RESPONSE_ID) { save_import_results(dialog, create_result_report_from_manifest(manifest)); dialog_response = dialog.run(); } dialog.hide(); dialog.destroy(); } return (dialog_response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES); } internal void save_import_results(Gtk.Window? chooser_dialog_parent, string results_log) { Gtk.FileChooserDialog chooser_dialog = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog( ImportUI.SAVE_RESULTS_FILE_CHOOSER_TITLE, chooser_dialog_parent, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE, Resources.CANCEL_LABEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Resources.SAVE_AS_LABEL, Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT, null); chooser_dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(true); chooser_dialog.set_current_folder(Environment.get_home_dir()); chooser_dialog.set_current_name("Shotwell Import Log.txt"); chooser_dialog.set_local_only(false); int dialog_result = chooser_dialog.run(); File? chosen_file = chooser_dialog.get_file(); chooser_dialog.hide(); chooser_dialog.destroy(); if (dialog_result == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT && chosen_file != null) { try { FileOutputStream outstream = chosen_file.replace(null, false, FileCreateFlags.NONE); outstream.write(results_log.data); outstream.close(); } catch (Error err) { critical("couldn't save import results to log file %s: %s", chosen_file.get_path(), err.message); } } } } public abstract class TextEntryDialogMediator { private TextEntryDialog dialog; protected TextEntryDialogMediator(string title, string label, string? initial_text = null, Gee.Collection<string>? completion_list = null, string? completion_delimiter = null) { dialog = new TextEntryDialog(); dialog.setup(on_modify_validate, title, label, initial_text, completion_list, completion_delimiter); } protected virtual bool on_modify_validate(string text) { return true; } protected string? _execute() { return dialog.execute(); } } public abstract class MultiTextEntryDialogMediator { private MultiTextEntryDialog dialog; protected MultiTextEntryDialogMediator(string title, string label, string? initial_text = null) { dialog = new MultiTextEntryDialog(); dialog.setup(on_modify_validate, title, label, initial_text); } protected virtual bool on_modify_validate(string text) { return true; } protected string? _execute() { return dialog.execute(); } } // This method takes primary and secondary texts and returns ready-to-use pango markup // for a HIG-compliant alert dialog. Please see // http://library.gnome.org/devel/hig-book/2.32/windows-alert.html.en for details. public string build_alert_body_text(string? primary_text, string? secondary_text, bool should_escape = true) { if (should_escape) { return "<span weight=\"Bold\" size=\"larger\">%s</span>\n%s".printf( guarded_markup_escape_text(primary_text), guarded_markup_escape_text(secondary_text)); } return "<span weight=\"Bold\" size=\"larger\">%s</span>\n%s".printf( guarded_markup_escape_text(primary_text), secondary_text); } public class EventRenameDialog : TextEntryDialogMediator { public EventRenameDialog(string? event_name) { base (_("Rename Event"), _("Name:"), event_name); } public virtual string? execute() { return Event.prep_event_name(_execute()); } } public class EditTitleDialog : TextEntryDialogMediator { public EditTitleDialog(string? photo_title) { // Dialog title base (C_("Dialog Title", "Edit Title"), _("Title:"), photo_title); } public virtual string? execute() { return MediaSource.prep_title(_execute()); } protected override bool on_modify_validate(string text) { return true; } } public class EditCommentDialog : MultiTextEntryDialogMediator { public EditCommentDialog(string? comment, bool is_event = false) { string title_tmp = (is_event) // Dialog title ? _("Edit Event Comment") : _("Edit Photo/Video Comment"); base(title_tmp, _("Comment:"), comment); } public virtual string? execute() { return MediaSource.prep_comment(_execute()); } protected override bool on_modify_validate(string text) { return true; } } // Returns: Gtk.ResponseType.YES (trash photos), Gtk.ResponseType.NO (only remove photos) and // Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL. public Gtk.ResponseType remove_from_library_dialog(Gtk.Window owner, string title, string user_message, int count) { string trash_action = ngettext("Remove and _Trash File", "Remove and _Trash Files", count); Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(owner, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, Gtk.ButtonsType.CANCEL, "%s", user_message); dialog.add_button(_("_Remove From Library"), Gtk.ResponseType.NO); dialog.add_button(trash_action, Gtk.ResponseType.YES); // This dialog was previously created outright; we now 'hijack' // dialog's old title and use it as the primary text, along with // using the message as the secondary text. dialog.set_markup(build_alert_body_text(title, user_message)); Gtk.ResponseType result = (Gtk.ResponseType) dialog.run(); dialog.destroy(); return result; } // Returns: Gtk.ResponseType.YES (delete photos), Gtk.ResponseType.NO (keep photos) public Gtk.ResponseType remove_from_filesystem_dialog(Gtk.Window owner, string title, string user_message) { Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(owner, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "%s", user_message); dialog.add_button(_("_Keep"), Gtk.ResponseType.NO); dialog.add_button(_("_Delete"), Gtk.ResponseType.YES); dialog.set_default_response( Gtk.ResponseType.NO); dialog.set_markup(build_alert_body_text(title, user_message)); Gtk.ResponseType result = (Gtk.ResponseType) dialog.run(); dialog.destroy(); return result; } public bool revert_editable_dialog(Gtk.Window owner, Gee.Collection<Photo> photos) { int count = 0; foreach (Photo photo in photos) { if (photo.has_editable()) count++; } if (count == 0) return false; string headline = (count == 1) ? _("Revert External Edit?") : _("Revert External Edits?"); string msg = ngettext( "This will destroy all changes made to the external file. Continue?", "This will destroy all changes made to %d external files. Continue?", count).printf(count); string action = (count == 1) ? _("Re_vert External Edit") : _("Re_vert External Edits"); Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(owner, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "%s", msg); dialog.add_button(_("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL); dialog.add_button(action, Gtk.ResponseType.YES); dialog.set_markup(build_alert_body_text(headline, msg)); Gtk.ResponseType result = (Gtk.ResponseType) dialog.run(); dialog.destroy(); return result == Gtk.ResponseType.YES; } public bool remove_offline_dialog(Gtk.Window owner, int count) { if (count == 0) return false; string msg = ngettext( "This will remove the photo from the library. Continue?", "This will remove %d photos from the library. Continue?", count).printf(count); Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(owner, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "%s", msg); dialog.add_button(_("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL); dialog.add_button(_("_Remove"), Gtk.ResponseType.OK); dialog.title = (count == 1) ? _("Remove Photo From Library") : _("Remove Photos From Library"); Gtk.ResponseType result = (Gtk.ResponseType) dialog.run(); dialog.destroy(); return result == Gtk.ResponseType.OK; } public const int MAX_OBJECTS_DISPLAYED = 3; public void multiple_object_error_dialog(Gee.ArrayList<DataObject> objects, string message, string title) { string dialog_message = message + "\n"; //add objects for(int i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS_DISPLAYED && objects.size > i; i++) dialog_message += "\n" + objects.get(i).to_string(); int remainder = objects.size - MAX_OBJECTS_DISPLAYED; if (remainder > 0) { dialog_message += ngettext("\n\nAnd %d other.", "\n\nAnd %d others.", remainder).printf(remainder); } Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(AppWindow.get_instance(), Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, "%s", dialog_message); dialog.title = title; dialog.run(); dialog.destroy(); } public abstract class TagsDialog : TextEntryDialogMediator { protected TagsDialog(string title, string label, string? initial_text = null) { base (title, label, initial_text, HierarchicalTagIndex.get_global_index().get_all_tags(), ","); } } public class AddTagsDialog : TagsDialog { public AddTagsDialog() { var title = GLib.dpgettext2 (null, "Dialog Title", Resources.ADD_TAGS_TITLE); base (title, _("Tags (separated by commas):")); } public string[]? execute() { string? text = _execute(); if (text == null) return null; // only want to return null if the user chose cancel, however, on_modify_validate ensures // that Tag.prep_tag_names won't return a zero-length array (and it never returns null) return Tag.prep_tag_names(text.split(",")); } protected override bool on_modify_validate(string text) { if (text.contains(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) return false; // Can't simply call Tag.prep_tag_names().length because of this bug: // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=602208 string[] names = Tag.prep_tag_names(text.split(",")); return names.length > 0; } } public class ModifyTagsDialog : TagsDialog { public ModifyTagsDialog(MediaSource source) { base (Resources.MODIFY_TAGS_LABEL, _("Tags (separated by commas):"), get_initial_text(source)); } private static string? get_initial_text(MediaSource source) { Gee.Collection<Tag>? source_tags = Tag.global.fetch_for_source(source); if (source_tags == null) return null; Gee.Collection<Tag> terminal_tags = Tag.get_terminal_tags(source_tags); Gee.SortedSet<string> tag_basenames = new Gee.TreeSet<string>(); foreach (Tag tag in terminal_tags) tag_basenames.add(HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_basename(tag.get_path())); string? text = null; foreach (string name in tag_basenames) { if (text == null) text = ""; else text += ", "; text += name; } return text; } public Gee.ArrayList<Tag>? execute() { string? text = _execute(); if (text == null) return null; Gee.ArrayList<Tag> new_tags = new Gee.ArrayList<Tag>(); // return empty list if no tags specified if (is_string_empty(text)) return new_tags; // break up by comma-delimiter, prep for use, and separate into list string[] tag_names = Tag.prep_tag_names(text.split(",")); tag_names = HierarchicalTagIndex.get_global_index().get_paths_for_names_array(tag_names); foreach (string name in tag_names) new_tags.add(Tag.for_path(name)); return new_tags; } protected override bool on_modify_validate(string text) { return (!text.contains(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)); } } // This function is used to determine whether or not files should be copied or linked when imported. // Returns ACCEPT for copy, REJECT for link, and CANCEL for (drum-roll) cancel. public Gtk.ResponseType copy_files_dialog() { string msg = _("Shotwell can copy the photos into your library folder or it can import them without copying."); Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(AppWindow.get_instance(), Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.CANCEL, "%s", msg); dialog.add_button(_("Co_py Photos"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT); dialog.add_button(_("_Import in Place"), Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT); dialog.title = _("Import to Library"); Gtk.ResponseType result = (Gtk.ResponseType) dialog.run(); dialog.destroy(); return result; } public void remove_photos_from_library(Gee.Collection<LibraryPhoto> photos) { remove_from_app(photos, _("Remove From Library"), (photos.size == 1) ? _("Removing Photo From Library") : _("Removing Photos From Library")); } public void remove_from_app(Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources, string dialog_title, string progress_dialog_text) { if (sources.size == 0) return; Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto> photos = new Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto>(); Gee.ArrayList<Video> videos = new Gee.ArrayList<Video>(); MediaSourceCollection.filter_media(sources, photos, videos); string? user_message = null; if ((!photos.is_empty) && (!videos.is_empty)) { user_message = ngettext("This will remove the photo/video from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.", "This will remove %d photos/videos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.", sources.size).printf(sources.size); } else if (!videos.is_empty) { user_message = ngettext("This will remove the video from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.", "This will remove %d videos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.", sources.size).printf(sources.size); } else { user_message = ngettext("This will remove the photo from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the file to your desktop trash?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.", "This will remove %d photos from your Shotwell library. Would you also like to move the files to your desktop trash?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.", sources.size).printf(sources.size); } Gtk.ResponseType result = remove_from_library_dialog(AppWindow.get_instance(), dialog_title, user_message, sources.size); if (result != Gtk.ResponseType.YES && result != Gtk.ResponseType.NO) return; bool delete_backing = (result == Gtk.ResponseType.YES); AppWindow.get_instance().set_busy_cursor(); ProgressDialog progress = null; ProgressMonitor monitor = null; if (sources.size >= 20) { progress = new ProgressDialog(AppWindow.get_instance(), progress_dialog_text); monitor = progress.monitor; } Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto> not_removed_photos = new Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto>(); Gee.ArrayList<Video> not_removed_videos = new Gee.ArrayList<Video>(); // Remove and attempt to trash. LibraryPhoto.global.remove_from_app(photos, delete_backing, monitor, not_removed_photos); Video.global.remove_from_app(videos, delete_backing, monitor, not_removed_videos); // Check for files we couldn't trash. int num_not_removed = not_removed_photos.size + not_removed_videos.size; if (delete_backing && num_not_removed > 0) { string not_deleted_message = ngettext("The photo or video cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete this file?", "%d photos/videos cannot be moved to your desktop trash. Delete these files?", num_not_removed).printf(num_not_removed); Gtk.ResponseType result_delete = remove_from_filesystem_dialog(AppWindow.get_instance(), dialog_title, not_deleted_message); if (Gtk.ResponseType.YES == result_delete) { // Attempt to delete the files. Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto> not_deleted_photos = new Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto>(); Gee.ArrayList<Video> not_deleted_videos = new Gee.ArrayList<Video>(); LibraryPhoto.global.delete_backing_files(not_removed_photos, monitor, not_deleted_photos); Video.global.delete_backing_files(not_removed_videos, monitor, not_deleted_videos); int num_not_deleted = not_deleted_photos.size + not_deleted_videos.size; if (num_not_deleted > 0) { // Alert the user that the files were not removed. string delete_failed_message = ngettext("The photo or video cannot be deleted.", "%d photos/videos cannot be deleted.", num_not_deleted).printf(num_not_deleted); AppWindow.error_message_with_title(dialog_title, delete_failed_message, AppWindow.get_instance()); } } } if (progress != null) progress.close(); AppWindow.get_instance().set_normal_cursor(); }