/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
 * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * (version 2.1 or later).  See the COPYING file in this distribution.

public abstract class MediaMetadata {
    public abstract void read_from_file(File file) throws Error;
    public abstract MetadataDateTime? get_creation_date_time();
    public abstract string? get_title();

    public abstract string? get_comment();

public struct MetadataRational {
    public int numerator;
    public int denominator;
    public MetadataRational(int numerator, int denominator) {
        this.numerator = numerator;
        this.denominator = denominator;
    private bool is_component_valid(int component) {
        return (component >= 0) && (component <= 1000000);
    public bool is_valid() {
        return (is_component_valid(numerator) && is_component_valid(denominator));
    public string to_string() {
        return (is_valid()) ? ("%d/%d".printf(numerator, denominator)) : "";

public errordomain MetadataDateTimeError {

public class MetadataDateTime {
    private time_t timestamp;
    public MetadataDateTime(time_t timestamp) {
        this.timestamp = timestamp;
    public MetadataDateTime.from_exif(string label) throws MetadataDateTimeError {
        if (!from_exif_date_time(label, out timestamp))
            throw new MetadataDateTimeError.INVALID_FORMAT("%s is not EXIF format date/time", label);
    public MetadataDateTime.from_iptc(string date, string time) throws MetadataDateTimeError {
        // TODO: Support IPTC date/time format
        throw new MetadataDateTimeError.UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT("IPTC date/time format not currently supported");
    public MetadataDateTime.from_xmp(string label) throws MetadataDateTimeError {
        TimeVal time_val = TimeVal();
        if (!time_val.from_iso8601(label))
            throw new MetadataDateTimeError.INVALID_FORMAT("%s is not XMP format date/time", label);
        timestamp = time_val.tv_sec;
    public time_t get_timestamp() {
        return timestamp;
    public string get_exif_label() {
        return to_exif_date_time(timestamp);
    // TODO: get_iptc_date() and get_iptc_time()
    public string get_xmp_label() {
        TimeVal time_val = TimeVal();
        time_val.tv_sec = timestamp;
        time_val.tv_usec = 0;
        return time_val.to_iso8601();
    public static bool from_exif_date_time(string date_time, out time_t timestamp) {
        timestamp = 0;
        Time tm = Time();
        // Check standard EXIF format 
        if (date_time.scanf("%d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d", 
                            &tm.year, &tm.month, &tm.day, &tm.hour, &tm.minute, &tm.second) != 6) {
            // Fallback in a more generic format
            string tmp = date_time.dup();
            tmp.canon("0123456789", ' ');
            if (tmp.scanf("%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d", 
                          &tm.year, &tm.month, &tm.day, &tm.hour, &tm.minute,&tm.second) != 6)
                return false;
        // watch for bogosity
        if (tm.year <= 1900 || tm.month <= 0 || tm.day < 0 || tm.hour < 0 || tm.minute < 0 || tm.second < 0)
            return false;
        tm.year -= 1900;
        tm.isdst = -1;
        timestamp = tm.mktime();
        return true;
    public static string to_exif_date_time(time_t timestamp) {
        return Time.local(timestamp).format("%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S");
    public string to_string() {
        return to_exif_date_time(timestamp);