/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
 * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * (version 2.1 or later).  See the COPYING file in this distribution.

public class MonitorableUpdates {
    public Monitorable monitorable;
    private File? master_file = null;
    private bool master_file_info_altered = false;
    private FileInfo? master_file_info = null;
    private bool master_in_alteration = false;
    private bool online = false;
    private bool offline = false;
    public MonitorableUpdates(Monitorable monitorable) {
        this.monitorable = monitorable;
    public File? get_master_file() {
        return master_file;
    public FileInfo? get_master_file_info() {
        return master_file_info;
    public virtual bool is_in_alteration() {
        return master_in_alteration;
    public bool is_set_offline() {
        return offline;
    public bool is_set_online() {
        return online;
    public virtual void set_master_file(File? file) {
        master_file = file;
        if (file != null)
    public virtual void set_master_file_info_altered(bool altered) {
        master_file_info_altered = altered;
        if (altered)
    public virtual void set_master_file_info(FileInfo? info) {
        master_file_info = info;
        if (master_file_info == null)
    public virtual void set_master_in_alteration(bool in_alteration) {
        master_in_alteration = in_alteration;
    public virtual void set_master_alterations_complete(FileInfo info) {
    public virtual void mark_offline() {
        online = false;
        offline = true;
        master_file_info_altered = false;
        master_file_info = null;
        master_in_alteration = false;
    public virtual void mark_online() {
        online = true;
        offline = false;
    public virtual void reset_online_offline() {
        online = false;
        offline = false;
    public virtual bool is_all_updated() {
        return master_file == null
            && master_file_info_altered == false
            && master_file_info == null
            && master_in_alteration == false
            && online == false
            && offline == false;

public abstract class MediaMonitor : Object {
    public enum DiscoveredFile {
    protected const int MAX_OPERATIONS_PER_CYCLE = 100;
    private const int FLUSH_PENDING_UPDATES_MSEC = 500;
    private MediaSourceCollection sources;
    private Cancellable cancellable;
    private Gee.HashMap<Monitorable, MonitorableUpdates> pending_updates = new Gee.HashMap<Monitorable,
    private uint pending_updates_timer_id = 0;
    public MediaMonitor(MediaSourceCollection sources, Cancellable cancellable) {
        this.sources = sources;
        this.cancellable = cancellable;
        pending_updates_timer_id = Timeout.add(FLUSH_PENDING_UPDATES_MSEC, on_flush_pending_updates,
    ~MediaMonitor() {
    public abstract MediaSourceCollection get_media_source_collection();
    public virtual void close() {
    public virtual string to_string() {
        return "MediaMonitor for %s".printf(get_media_source_collection().to_string());
    protected virtual MonitorableUpdates create_updates(Monitorable monitorable) {
        return new MonitorableUpdates(monitorable);
    protected virtual void on_media_source_destroyed(DataSource source) {
        remove_updates((Monitorable) source);
    // The following are called when the startup scan is initiated.
    public virtual void notify_discovery_started() {
    // Returns the Monitorable represented in some form by the monitors' MediaSourceCollection.
    // If DiscoveredFile.REPRESENTED is returns, monitorable should be set.
    public abstract DiscoveredFile notify_file_discovered(File file, FileInfo info,
        out Monitorable monitorable);
    // Returns REPRESENTED if the file has been *definitively* associated with a Monitorable,
    // in which case the file will no longer be considered unknown.  Returns IGNORE if the file
    // is known in some other case and should not be considered unknown.  Returns UNKNOWN otherwise,
    // with potentially a collection of candidates for the file.  The collection may be zero-length.
    // NOTE: This method may be called after the startup scan as well.
    public abstract Gee.Collection<Monitorable>? candidates_for_unknown_file(File file, FileInfo info,
        out DiscoveredFile result);
    public virtual File[]? get_auxilliary_backing_files(Monitorable monitorable) {
        return null;
    // info is null if the file was not found.  Note that master online/offline state is already
    // set by LibraryMonitor.
    public virtual void update_backing_file_info(Monitorable monitorable, File file, FileInfo? info) {
    // Not that discovery has completed, but the MediaMonitor's role in it has finished.
    public virtual void notify_discovery_completing() {
    // The following are called after the startup scan for runtime monitoring.
    public abstract bool is_file_represented(File file);
    public abstract bool notify_file_created(File file, FileInfo info);
    public abstract bool notify_file_moved(File old_file, File new_file, FileInfo new_file_info);
    public abstract bool notify_file_altered(File file);
    public abstract bool notify_file_attributes_altered(File file);
    public abstract bool notify_file_alteration_completed(File file, FileInfo info);
    public abstract bool notify_file_deleted(File file);
    protected static void mdbg(string msg) {
        debug("%s", msg);
    public bool has_pending_updates() {
        return pending_updates.size > 0;
    public Gee.Collection<Monitorable> get_monitorables() {
        return pending_updates.keys;
    // This will create a MonitorableUpdates and register it with this updater if not already
    // exists.
    public MonitorableUpdates fetch_updates(Monitorable monitorable) {
        MonitorableUpdates? updates = pending_updates.get(monitorable);
        if (updates != null)
            return updates;
        updates = create_updates(monitorable);
        pending_updates.set(monitorable, updates);
        return updates;
    public MonitorableUpdates? get_existing_updates(Monitorable monitorable) {
        return pending_updates.get(monitorable);
    public void remove_updates(Monitorable monitorable) {
    public bool is_online(Monitorable monitorable) {
        MonitorableUpdates? updates = get_existing_updates(monitorable);
        return (updates != null) ? updates.is_set_online() : !monitorable.is_offline();
    public bool is_offline(Monitorable monitorable) {
        MonitorableUpdates? updates = get_existing_updates(monitorable);
        return (updates != null) ? updates.is_set_offline() : monitorable.is_offline();
    public File get_master_file(Monitorable monitorable) {
        MonitorableUpdates? updates = get_existing_updates(monitorable);
        return (updates != null && updates.get_master_file() != null) ? updates.get_master_file()
            : monitorable.get_master_file();
    public void update_master_file(Monitorable monitorable, File file) {
    public void update_master_file_info_altered(Monitorable monitorable) {
    public void update_master_file_in_alteration(Monitorable monitorable, bool in_alteration) {
    public void update_master_file_alterations_completed(Monitorable monitorable, FileInfo info) {
    public void update_online(Monitorable monitorable) {
    public void update_offline(Monitorable monitorable) {
    // Children should call this method before doing their own processing.  Every operation should
    // be recorded by incrementing op_count.  If it is greater than MAX_OPERATIONS_PER_CYCLE,
    // the method should process what has been done and exit to let the operations be handled in
    // the next cycle.
    protected virtual void process_updates(Gee.Collection<MonitorableUpdates> all_updates,
        TransactionController controller, ref int op_count) throws Error {
        Gee.Map<Monitorable, File> set_master_file = null;
        Gee.Map<Monitorable, FileInfo> set_master_file_info = null;
        Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource> to_offline = null;
        Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource> to_online = null;
        foreach (MonitorableUpdates updates in all_updates) {
            if (op_count >= MAX_OPERATIONS_PER_CYCLE)
            if (updates.get_master_file() != null) {
                if (set_master_file == null)
                    set_master_file = new Gee.HashMap<Monitorable, File>();
                set_master_file.set(updates.monitorable, updates.get_master_file());
            if (updates.get_master_file_info() != null) {
                if (set_master_file_info == null)
                    set_master_file_info = new Gee.HashMap<Monitorable, FileInfo>();
                set_master_file_info.set(updates.monitorable, updates.get_master_file_info());
            if (updates.is_set_offline()) {
                if (to_offline == null)
                    to_offline = new Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto>();
            if (updates.is_set_online()) {
                if (to_online == null)
                    to_online = new Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto>();
        if (set_master_file != null) {
            mdbg("Changing master file of %d objects in %s".printf(set_master_file.size, to_string()));
            Monitorable.set_many_master_file(set_master_file, controller);
        if (set_master_file_info != null) {
            mdbg("Updating %d master files timestamps in %s".printf(set_master_file_info.size,
            Monitorable.set_many_master_timestamp(set_master_file_info, controller);
        if (to_offline != null || to_online != null) {
            mdbg("Marking %d online, %d offline in %s".printf(
                (to_online != null) ? to_online.size : 0,
                (to_offline != null) ? to_offline.size : 0,
            Monitorable.mark_many_online_offline(to_online, to_offline, controller);
    private bool on_flush_pending_updates() {
        if (cancellable.is_cancelled())
            return false;
        if (pending_updates.size == 0)
            return true;
        Timer timer = new Timer();
        // build two lists: one, of MonitorableUpdates that are not in_alteration() (which
        // simplifies matters), and two, of completed MonitorableUpdates that should be removed
        // from the list (which would have happened after the last pass)
        Gee.ArrayList<MonitorableUpdates> to_process = null;
        Gee.ArrayList<Monitorable> to_remove = null;
        foreach (MonitorableUpdates updates in pending_updates.values) {
            if (updates.is_in_alteration())
            if (updates.is_all_updated()) {
                if (to_remove == null)
                    to_remove = new Gee.ArrayList<Monitorable>();
            if (to_process == null)
                to_process = new Gee.ArrayList<MonitorableUpdates>();
        int op_count = 0;
        if (to_process != null) {
            TransactionController controller = get_media_source_collection().transaction_controller;
            try {
                process_updates(to_process, controller, ref op_count);
            } catch (Error err) {
                if (err is DatabaseError)
                    AppWindow.database_error((DatabaseError) err);
                    AppWindow.panic(_("Unable to process monitoring updates: %s").printf(err.message));
        if (to_remove != null) {
            foreach (Monitorable monitorable in to_remove)
        double elapsed = timer.elapsed();
        if (elapsed > 0.01 || op_count > 0) {
            mdbg("Total pending queue time for %s: %lf (%d ops)".printf(to_string(), elapsed,
        return true;