/* Copyright 2009-2015 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class PixbufCache : Object { public delegate bool CacheFilter(Photo photo); public enum PhotoType { BASELINE, MASTER } public class PixbufCacheBatch : Gee.TreeMultiMap<BackgroundJob.JobPriority, Photo> { public PixbufCacheBatch() { base (BackgroundJob.JobPriority.compare_func); } } private abstract class FetchJob : BackgroundJob { public BackgroundJob.JobPriority priority; public Photo photo; public Scaling scaling; public Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = null; public Error err = null; public FetchJob(PixbufCache owner, BackgroundJob.JobPriority priority, Photo photo, Scaling scaling, CompletionCallback callback) { base(owner, callback, new Cancellable(), null, new Semaphore()); this.priority = priority; this.photo = photo; this.scaling = scaling; } public override BackgroundJob.JobPriority get_priority() { return priority; } } private class BaselineFetchJob : FetchJob { public BaselineFetchJob(PixbufCache owner, BackgroundJob.JobPriority priority, Photo photo, Scaling scaling, CompletionCallback callback) { base(owner, priority, photo, scaling, callback); } public override void execute() { try { pixbuf = photo.get_pixbuf(scaling); } catch (Error err) { this.err = err; } } } private class MasterFetchJob : FetchJob { public MasterFetchJob(PixbufCache owner, BackgroundJob.JobPriority priority, Photo photo, Scaling scaling, CompletionCallback callback) { base(owner, priority, photo, scaling, callback); } public override void execute() { try { pixbuf = photo.get_master_pixbuf(scaling); } catch (Error err) { this.err = err; } } } private static Workers background_workers = null; private SourceCollection sources; private PhotoType type; private int max_count; private Scaling scaling; private unowned CacheFilter? filter; private Gee.HashMap<Photo, Gdk.Pixbuf> cache = new Gee.HashMap<Photo, Gdk.Pixbuf>(); private Gee.ArrayList<Photo> lru = new Gee.ArrayList<Photo>(); private Gee.HashMap<Photo, FetchJob> in_progress = new Gee.HashMap<Photo, FetchJob>(); public signal void fetched(Photo photo, Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf, Error? err); public PixbufCache(SourceCollection sources, PhotoType type, Scaling scaling, int max_count, CacheFilter? filter = null) { this.sources = sources; this.type = type; this.scaling = scaling; this.max_count = max_count; this.filter = filter; assert(max_count > 0); if (background_workers == null) background_workers = new Workers(Workers.thread_per_cpu_minus_one(), false); // monitor changes in the photos to discard from cache ... only interested in changes if // not master files if (type != PhotoType.MASTER) sources.items_altered.connect(on_sources_altered); sources.items_removed.connect(on_sources_removed); } ~PixbufCache() { #if TRACE_PIXBUF_CACHE debug("Freeing %d pixbufs and cancelling %d jobs", cache.size, in_progress.size); #endif if (type != PhotoType.MASTER) sources.items_altered.disconnect(on_sources_altered); sources.items_removed.disconnect(on_sources_removed); foreach (FetchJob job in in_progress.values) job.cancel(); } public Scaling get_scaling() { return scaling; } // This call never blocks. Returns null if the pixbuf is not present. public Gdk.Pixbuf? get_ready_pixbuf(Photo photo) { return get_cached(photo); } // This call can potentially block if the pixbuf is not in the cache. Once loaded, it will // be cached. No signal is fired. public Gdk.Pixbuf? fetch(Photo photo) throws Error { if (!photo.get_actual_file().query_exists(null)) decache(photo); Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = get_cached(photo); if (pixbuf != null) { #if TRACE_PIXBUF_CACHE debug("Fetched in-memory pixbuf for %s @ %s", photo.to_string(), scaling.to_string()); #endif return pixbuf; } FetchJob? job = in_progress.get(photo); if (job != null) { job.wait_for_completion(); if (job.err != null) throw job.err; return job.pixbuf; } #if TRACE_PIXBUF_CACHE debug("Forced to make a blocking fetch of %s @ %s", photo.to_string(), scaling.to_string()); #endif pixbuf = photo.get_pixbuf(scaling); encache(photo, pixbuf); return pixbuf; } // This can be used to clear specific pixbufs from the cache, allowing finer control over what // pixbufs remain and avoid being dropped when other fetches follow. It implicitly cancels // any outstanding prefetches for the photo. public void drop(Photo photo) { cancel_prefetch(photo); decache(photo); } // This call signals the cache to pre-load the pixbuf for the photo. When loaded the fetched // signal is fired. public void prefetch(Photo photo, BackgroundJob.JobPriority priority = BackgroundJob.JobPriority.NORMAL, bool force = false) { if (!photo.get_actual_file().query_exists(null)) decache(photo); if (!force && cache.has_key(photo)) { prioritize(photo); return; } if (in_progress.has_key(photo)) return; if (filter != null && !filter(photo)) return; FetchJob job = null; switch (type) { case PhotoType.BASELINE: job = new BaselineFetchJob(this, priority, photo, scaling, on_fetched); break; case PhotoType.MASTER: job = new MasterFetchJob(this, priority, photo, scaling, on_fetched); break; default: error("Unknown photo type: %d", (int) type); } in_progress.set(photo, job); background_workers.enqueue(job); } // This call signals the cache to pre-load the pixbufs for all supplied photos. Each fires // the fetch signal as they arrive. public void prefetch_many(Gee.Collection<Photo> photos, BackgroundJob.JobPriority priority = BackgroundJob.JobPriority.NORMAL, bool force = false) { foreach (Photo photo in photos) prefetch(photo, priority, force); } // Like prefetch_many, but allows for priorities to be set for each photo public void prefetch_batch(PixbufCacheBatch batch, bool force = false) { foreach (BackgroundJob.JobPriority priority in batch.get_keys()) { foreach (Photo photo in batch.get(priority)) prefetch(photo, priority, force); } } public bool cancel_prefetch(Photo photo) { FetchJob job = in_progress.get(photo); if (job == null) return false; // remove here because if fully cancelled the callback is never called bool removed = in_progress.unset(photo); assert(removed); job.cancel(); #if TRACE_PIXBUF_CACHE debug("Cancelled prefetch of %s @ %s", photo.to_string(), scaling.to_string()); #endif return true; } public void cancel_all() { #if TRACE_PIXBUF_CACHE debug("Cancelling prefetch of %d photos at %s", in_progress.values.size, scaling.to_string()); #endif foreach (FetchJob job in in_progress.values) job.cancel(); in_progress.clear(); } private void on_fetched(BackgroundJob j) { FetchJob job = (FetchJob) j; // remove Cancellable from in_progress list, but don't assert on it because it's possible // the cancel was called after the task completed in_progress.unset(job.photo); if (job.err != null) { assert(job.pixbuf == null); critical("Unable to readahead %s: %s", job.photo.to_string(), job.err.message); fetched(job.photo, null, job.err); return; } #if TRACE_PIXBUF_CACHE debug("%s %s fetched into pixbuf cache", type.to_string(), job.photo.to_string()); #endif encache(job.photo, job.pixbuf); // fire signal fetched(job.photo, job.pixbuf, null); } private void on_sources_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> map) { foreach (DataObject object in map.keys) { if (!map.get(object).has_subject("image")) continue; Photo photo = (Photo) object; if (in_progress.has_key(photo)) { // Load is in progress, must cancel, but consider in-cache (since it was decached // before being put into progress) in_progress.get(photo).cancel(); in_progress.unset(photo); } else if (!cache.has_key(photo)) { continue; } decache(photo); #if TRACE_PIXBUF_CACHE debug("Re-fetching altered pixbuf from cache: %s @ %s", photo.to_string(), scaling.to_string()); #endif prefetch(photo, BackgroundJob.JobPriority.HIGH); } } private void on_sources_removed(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> removed) { foreach (DataObject object in removed) { Photo photo = object as Photo; assert(photo != null); decache(photo); } } private Gdk.Pixbuf? get_cached(Photo photo) { Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = cache.get(photo); if (pixbuf != null) prioritize(photo); return pixbuf; } // Moves the photo up in the cache LRU. Assumes photo is actually in cache. private void prioritize(Photo photo) { int index = lru.index_of(photo); assert(index >= 0); if (index > 0) { lru.remove_at(index); lru.insert(0, photo); } } private void encache(Photo photo, Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) { // if already in cache, remove (means it was re-fetched, probably due to modification) decache(photo); cache.set(photo, pixbuf); lru.insert(0, photo); while (lru.size > max_count) { Photo cached_photo = lru.remove_at(lru.size - 1); assert(cached_photo != null); bool removed = cache.unset(cached_photo); assert(removed); } assert(lru.size == cache.size); } private void decache(Photo photo) { if (!cache.unset(photo)) { assert(!lru.contains(photo)); return; } bool removed = lru.remove(photo); assert(removed); } }